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Crim. Pro.

Outline – Fall 2008


The Fourth Amendment:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Reasonableness Clause
Warrants Clause

Only Applies to Governmental Action

• The Fourth Amendment only applies to actions by the government. Actions undertaken by private persons acting in the
capacity of an agent of the government are also covered by the Amendment. Whether a private person is deemed an agent of
the government is determined by the degree of government involvement in the situation and the totality of the circumstances.
• The Fourth Amendment is not limited to police activity and covers conduct by other public employees, such as firefighters,
public school teachers, and housing inspectors. Searches by non-police government actors are generally of an administrative,
not investigatory nature, and are controlled by different standards.

Wolf v. Colorado, 338 U.S. 25 (1949)

It was held that, in a prosecution in a state court for a state crime, the Fourteenth Amendment does not forbid the admission of
evidence obtained by an unreasonable search and seizure. The question whether Congress could validly enact legislation permitting
the introduction in Federal courts of evidence seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment was left open.

Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961)

The earlier decision in Wolf v Colorado was overruled, and it was held that, as a matter of due process, evidence obtained by a search
and seizure in violation of the Fourth Amendment is inadmissible in a state court as it is in a federal court.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008

What is a "SEARCH"
Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967)
Harlan, J., also concurred, joining in and elaborating on the opinion of the court.

“trespass” doctrine. Under the trespass doctrine, the Fourth Amendment did not apply in the absence of a physical intrusion - a
trespass - into a “constitutionally protected area,” such as a house.

Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967),

• Noting the advent of modern technology that allowed the government to electronically intercept conversations without
physical intrusion into any enclosure, the Court abandoned the trespass doctrine and announced that the appropriate inquiry for
Fourth Amendment challenges was whether the defendant had a “reasonable expectation of privacy” and whether that privacy
interest is one which society is prepared to recognize.
• what he sought to protect from the public were his conversations, as evidenced in part by shutting the door to the phone
booth. Thus, the government’s electronic surveillance of the defendant’s conversations without a warrant violated the Fourth

United States v. White, 401 U.S. 745 (1996)

The judgment of the court expressed the view that
(1) police eavesdropping on conversations between an accused and an informant by means of a radio transmitter concealed on the
informant's person does not violate the Fourth Amendment any more than does an informant's reporting on or secretly recording
the conversations, neither of which is an unlawful search and seizure;
(2) no different result should obtain by reason of the informant's disappearance and unavailability at trial; and
(3) the Katz decision applies only to electronic surveillances occurring subsequent to its date, December 18, 1967.

“False Friends” Doctrine

• The Fourth Amendment protects private conversations where no party consents to the surveillance and/or recording
but does not protect conversations where one party consents to such activity.
• Under the doctrine of “false friends,” no search occurs if a police informant or undercover agent masquerading as
the defendant’s friend, business associate, or colleague in crime, reports to the government the defendant’s statements
made in the informant’s or agent’s presence.
o United States v. White, 401 U.S. 745 (1971).
• A person is not deemed to have a reasonable expectation of confidentiality from a person with whom he is
• The doctrine also applies where the “false friend” wears a “wire” to record the conversation with the defendant.
Other Forms of Electronic Surveillance:

Pen Registers: Installation and use of a pen register by the telephone company, at the behest of the government, to record the
telephone numbers dialed from a private residence is not a search within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment.
o Smith v. Maryland, 442 U.S. 735 (1979) (concluding that the defendant did not likely have an
expectation of privacy in the numbers he dialed, but even if he did, such expectation was

Smith v. Maryland, 442 U.S. 735 (1979)

It was held that the installation and use of the pen register at the telephone company's central offices did not constitute a "search"
requiring the issuance of a warrant under the Fourth Amendment, made applicable to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment,
where the suspect did not have the necessary "legitimate expectation of privacy" regarding the numbers dialed from his home
telephone in that
(1) in all probability he entertained no actual expectation of privacy, since
(a) it is doubtful that any such expectation is held by telephone users in general who typically know that they must convey
numerical information to the phone company, that the company has facilities for recording this information, and that the
company, in fact, does so for a variety of legitimate business purposes, and
(b) although the fact that the suspect used his home telephone to the exclusion of other telephones may have been calculated
to keep the contents of his conversations private, his conduct could not have been intended to protect dialed numbers
which he voluntarily conveyed to the telephone company, and
(2) even if the suspect had entertained an actual expectation of privacy, such expectation was not one that society is prepared to

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008
recognize as reasonable, the suspect, by voluntarily turning over dialed information to the telephone company, having assumed the
risk that the company would reveal the information to the police, even though telephone companies normally do not record numbers
dialed for local calls.

Electronic Tracking Devices  Surveillance of activities occurring in public falls outside the protections of the Fourth
• Thus, the use of an electronic tracking device attached to a suspect’s vehicle or object carried by the suspect does
not constitute a search to the extent that it provides the police with information that could have otherwise been secured by
visual surveillance from public places. United States v. Knotts, 460 U.S. 276 (1983).
• However, where such device allows the police to monitor activity inside a private place such as a home, a Fourth
Amendment search occurs. United States v. Karo, 468 U.S. 705 (1984).

United States v. Karo, 468 U.S. 705 (1984)

it was held that
(1) the installation of a beeper in a container of chemicals with the consent of the original owner does not constitute a search or
seizure within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment when the container is delivered to a buyer having no knowledge of the
presence of the beeper;
(2) the warrantless monitoring of a beeper in a private residence, a location not open to visual surveillance, violates the Fourth
Amendment rights of those who have a justifiable interest in the privacy of the residence; and
(3) a search warrant to search the defendants' house was valid, even though information that was included in the warrant affidavit
was obtained by the monitoring of a beeper in the house without a warrant and even though that information would be
inadmissible at trial against those with privacy interests in the house, where the warrant affidavit, after striking the facts about
monitoring the beeper while it was in the house, contained sufficient untainted information to furnish probable cause for the
issuance of the search warrant.

Thermal Imagers  The use of a thermal-imaging device aimed at a home from a public area to detect relative amounts of heat
within constitutes a search. Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001) (technology improperly used to confirm federal agent’s
suspicion that defendant was using high-intensity lamps to grow marijuana inside his home). Use of such technology constitutes a
search if it enables the government to gather evidence from a constitutionally protected area to which it would not otherwise have
access without a warrant.

Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001)

It was held that the use of a thermal-imaging device aimed at a private home from a public street to detect relative amounts of heat
within the home constituted a search within the meaning of the Federal Constitution's Fourth Amendment--and use of such
imaging without a warrant was unlawful under the Fourth Amendment--as such a use involved obtaining, by sense-enhancing
technology that was not in general public use, information regarding the interior of the home that could not otherwise have been
obtained without physical intrusion into a constitutionally protected area.
Dissent expressed the view that
(1) since what was involved in the case at hand was nothing more than drawing inferences from "off-the-wall" surveillance, rather
than any "through-the-wall" surveillance, the agent's conduct did not amount to a search and was perfectly reasonable; …

Aerial Surveillance  Aerial surveillance by the government of activities occurring within the curtilage of a house does not
constitute a search if the surveillance:
(1) occurs from public navigable airspace;
(2) is conducted in a physically non-intrusive manner; and
(3) does not reveal intimate activities traditionally connected with the use of a home or curtilage.
o California v. Ciraolo, 476 U.S. 207 (1986) (involving aerial surveillance of defendant’s backyard in which he was growing
 Construction of a fence which blocks observations from ground-level and demonstrates the defendant’s desire to
maintain privacy does not necessarily equate to a reasonable expectation of privacy if there any modes of surveillance
possible under the circumstances, e.g., airplanes and helicopters flying above, observations from taller adjacent buildings, a
utility repair person on a pole overlooking the yard.

Dog Sniffs and Other Tests for Contraband:

• Activity that is aimed at detecting the mere presence of contraband, or identifying a suspicious substance as such, does not
constitute a search. United States v. Place, 462 U.S. 696 (1983) (a dog sniff of luggage, which was located in a public place, does
not constitute a search);

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008
• United States v. Jacobsen, 466 U.S. 109 (1984) (a chemical test that merely discloses whether a particular substance is
cocaine “does not compromise any legitimate interest in privacy,” and is, therefore, not a search).
• However, a test to determine personal use of contraband, such as a urine test to detect drug use, does qualify as a search.

Inspection of Garbage There is no reasonable expectation of privacy in garbage left for collection outside the curtilage of one’s
home. California v. Greenwood, 486 U.S. 35 (1988).

"Open Fields" Doctrine  Entry into and exploration of so-called “open fields” does not constitute a search within the meaning of
the Fourth Amendment. The “open fields doctrine” is based on the theory that people do not have a legitimate expectation of privacy
in activities occurring in open fields, even if the activity could not be observed from the ground except by trespassing in violation of
civil or criminal law.

“Curtilage”  The curtilage of the home, which is the land immediately surrounding and associated with the home, such as a
backyard. However, unoccupied and undeveloped property beyond the curtilage of a home (“open fields”) falls outside of the Fourth
Factors relevant to determining whether land falls within the cartilage are:
(1) the proximity of the land to the home;
(2) whether the area is included within enclosures surrounding the house;
(3) the nature of the use to which the area is put; and
(4) the steps taken by the resident to protect the land in question from observation.
United States v. Dunn, 480 U.S. 294 (1987).

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008

What is a “SEIZURE”
Seizure of Property In contrast to a search, which affects a person’s privacy interest, a seizure of property invades a person’s
possessory interest in that property.

Tangible property is seized in Fourth Amendment terms “when there is some meaningful interference with an individual’s
possessory interests in that property.”

Seizure of Persons A Fourth Amendment seizure of a person occurs when a police officer, by means of physical force or show of
authority, in some way restrains the liberty of a citizen, Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968), or put another way, when “in view of all of
the circumstances surrounding the incident, a reasonable person would have believed that he was not free to leave.” United States v.
Mendenhall, 446 U.S. 544 (1980).

Examples of activities that constitute a seizure of persons include:

• arrests.
• physically restraining or ordering a person to stop in order to frisk or question him on the street.
• taking the person into custody and bringing him to a police station for questioning or fingerprinting.
• ordering a person to pull his automobile off the highway for questioning or to receive a traffic citation.
• stopping a car by means of a roadblock.
However, brief questioning by itself is unlikely to amount to a seizure.
• E.g., Florida v. Bostick, 501 U.S. 429 (1991) (brief questioning during a “bus sweep” not a seizure);
• Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Delgado, 460 U.S. 210 (1984) (brief questioning about citizenship
during a “factory sweep” not a seizure).

Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968)

It was held that the search was a reasonable search under the Fourth Amendment, and that the revolver seized from the defendant was
properly introduced in evidence, where the police officer reasonably concluded in the light of his experience that criminal activity
might be afoot and that the persons with whom he was dealing might be armed and presently dangerous, thereby justifying the
brief seizure.

United States v. Mendenhall, 446 U.S. 544 (1980)

On certiorari, five members of the court agreed that the Fourth Amendment had not been violated by the stop. It was held that
(1) the Fourth Amendment had not been violated when the woman went with the federal agents to the Drug Enforcement
Administration office after being stopped for identification, the District Court having properly found that the woman voluntarily
consented to accompany the federal agents, since the evidence showed, among other things, that
(a) the woman had not been told that she had to go to the office, but had simply been asked if she would accompany the
(b) there had been neither threats nor any show of force,
(c) the woman had been questioned only briefly at the time of the initial stop, and
(d) the woman's plane ticket and driver's license had been returned to her prior to the time she was asked to go to the
office, and
(2) the Fourth Amendment had not been violated when the woman's person was searched, the District Court having properly found
that the woman freely and voluntarily consented to the search, since the evidence showed that the woman, who was at the time 22
years old with an 11th grade education, was capable of knowing consent and had explicitly consented to the search only after
having been expressly told that she was free to decline consent to the search, and the District Court having been entitled to view the
woman's statement to the policewoman regarding the plane which she had to catch as simply an expression of concern that the search
be conducted quickly.
Concurrance the seizure was proper because the officers possessed a reasonable and articulable suspicion of criminal activity when
they stopped the woman and asked her for identification

United States v. Drayton, 536 U.S. 194 (2002)

It was held that
(1) the Fourth Amendment does not prohibit police officers from conducting searches on a bus without advising bus passengers of
their right to decline to cooperate and refuse to submit to searches, provided that a reasonable person would understand, under all
the circumstances, that he or she is free to refuse; and
(2) the two passengers in question had been neither seized nor subjected to an unreasonable search for Fourth Amendment purposes.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008
California v. Hodari D., 499 U.S. 621 (1991)
It was held that even if, as conceded by the state, the officer's pursuit of the accused had not been based on reasonable suspicion, the
cocaine discarded by the accused was not the fruit of a "seizure" of his person within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment,
(1) an arrest--the quintessential seizure of the person under Fourth Amendment jurisprudence--requires either
(a) the application of physical force with lawful authority, or
(b) submission to the assertion of authority;
(2) the accused had not been touched by the officer at the time he discarded the cocaine; and
(3) assuming that the officer's pursuit of the accused constituted a show of authority enjoining the accused to halt, the accused did not
comply with that injunction and therefore was not seized until the officer tackled him.
Dissent expressing the view that under the Fourth Amendment,
(1) a "seizure" occurs whenever an objective evaluation of a police officer's show of force conveys the message that a citizen is not
entirely free to leave--in other words, that his or her liberty is being restrained in a significant way; and
(2) the character of a citizen's response, such as the taking of evasive action, should not govern the constitutionality of the officer's

“Mere Evidence” Rule  Under the “mere evidence” rule, only certain categories of evidence could be seized:
(1) a “fruit” of a crime (e.g., money obtained in a robbery);
(2) an instrumentality of a crime (e.g., the gun used to commit a robbery, or the car used in the get-away); or
(3) contraband (e.g., illegal narcotics).

• So-called “mere evidence,” items that have only evidentiary value in the apprehension or conviction of a person for an
offense, could not be seized.
• The Supreme Court abolished the mere evidence rule in Warden v. Hayden, 387 U.S. 294 (1967).
• Police officers may now seize any evidence that has a connection to the criminal activity under investigation.

Warden v. Hayden, 387 U.S. 294 (1967)

It was held that
(1) neither the entry without warrant to search for the robber, nor the search for him without warrant, was invalid, since under the
circumstances of the case, the exigencies of the situation made that course imperative;
(2) under the Fourth Amendment no distinction exists between merely evidentiary materials, which may not be seized, and those
objects which may validly be seized, including the instrumentalities and fruits of crime, and contraband, the court apparently
overruling its earlier contrary rulings, particularly Gouled v United States; and
(3) the items of clothing were properly admitted in evidence.

Dunaway v. New York, 442 U.S. 200 (1979)

It was held that
(1) the police violated the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Federal Constitution when,
(i) without probable cause to arrest,
(ii) they took the individual into custody,
(iii) transported him to the police station, and
(iv) detained him there for interrogation,
(v) the detention for custodial interrogation intruding so severely on interests protected by the Fourth Amendment as to
trigger the traditional safeguards against illegal arrest, and
(2) the incriminating evidence given to the police during the illegal detention was not admissible at the individual's criminal trial,
since under appropriate Fourth Amendment analysis, which takes into account as factors the
(i) temporal proximity of an illegal arrest and confession,
(ii) the presence of intervening circumstances, and
(iii) the purpose and flagrance of the official misconduct,
(iv) no intervening event broke the connection between the individual's illegal detention and the incriminating statements,
(v) the giving of Miranda warnings not rendering such connection sufficiently attenuated to permit use of the
incriminating evidence at trial.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008

Probable Cause
Scope of “Probable Cause” Requirement
Probable cause is required as the basis for:
(1) arrest and search warrants; and
(2) all arrests (regardless of whether an arrest warrant is required)

• Not all searches and seizures need be founded on probable cause.

Reasonable Suspicion
• A lesser standard – “reasonable suspicion” – may apply where the intrusion is minor, such as a pat-down for weapons.
• Furthermore, where the intrusion on a person’s privacy is especially slight and society’s interest in conducting the search or
seizure is significant, there may be no need for individualized suspicion, such as for society and border checkpoints and certain
administrative searches.

“Probable Cause” Defined  RCRT

(C)autious person with
(T)rustworthy Information

“Probable cause” exists when the facts and circumstances within an officer’s personal knowledge, and about which he has
reasonably trustworthy information, are sufficient to warrant a “person of reasonable caution” to believe that:
(1) in the case of an arrest, an offense has been committed and the person to be arrested committed it.
(2) in the case of a search, an item described with particularity will be found in the place to be searched.

• Probable cause is an objective concept. An officer’s subjective belief, no matter how sincere, does not in itself constitute
probable cause. However, in determining what a “person of reasonable caution” would believe, a court will take into account the
specific experiences and expertise of the officer whose actions are under scrutiny.

Basis for “Probable Cause”

Probable cause may be founded on:
(1) direct information, i.e., information the officer secured by personal observation; and
(2) hearsay information.
• No weight may be given to unsupported conclusory statements in probable cause determinations.

(1) Direct Information  Unless a magistrate has reason to believe that an affiant has committed perjury or recklessly
misstated the truth, the magistrate may consider all direct information provided by the affiant. The affiant’s information is
considered reasonably trustworthy because it is provided under oath
(2) Hearsay (“Informant”) Information  A magistrate may consider hearsay for purposes of determining probable cause, as
long as the information is reasonably trustworthy. The informant’s identity need not be disclosed to the magistrate unless the
magistrate doubts the affiant’s credibility regarding the hearsay.
• The Aguilar-Spinelli test for determining the reliability of informant tips controlled until 1983, when it was replaced
by the Gates “totality-of-the circumstances” test.

Aguilar-Spinelli Test Hearsay information had to satisfy both of the test’s prongs below in order to be deemed sufficiently
trustworthy to be included in the probable cause assessment: Aguilar v. Texas, 378 U.S. 108 (1964); Spinelli v. United States, 393
U.S. 410 (1969).
(1) the basis-of-knowledge prong; and
(2) the veracity prong, of which there are two alternative spurs:
(a) the “credibility-of-the-informant spur” and
(b) the “reliability-of-the-information spur.”

(1) The basis-of-knowledge prong is satisfied if the informant personally observed the reported facts. If the information was
second-hand, the magistrate would need to ascertain the reliability of that source. In some circumstances, the basis-of-knowledge
prong could be satisfied by “self-verifying detail,” where the information provided by the informant was so rich in detail that it
was reasonable to conclude that he had obtained it first hand.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008
(2) To satisfy the veracity prong, evidence was required to demonstrate either
a. that the informant was a credible person (the credibility spur of the veracity prong) or,
b. if that could not be shown, that his information in the specific case was reliable (the relability spur).
• If one of the prongs was not satisfied, the hearsay evidence standing alone was deemed insufficiently trustworthy,
but its trustworthiness could be resuscitated by at least partial corroboration.

Spinelli v. United States, 393 U.S. 410 (1969)

It was held that since the affidavit contained no reason in support of the conclusion that the informant was "reliable," and since
the affidavit did not sufficiently state the underlying circumstances from which the informant had concluded that the defendant was
engaged in bookmaking, probable cause was not shown for the issuance of the search warrant.

“Totality of the Circumstances” Test  In Illinois v. Gates, 462 U.S. 213 (1983), the Court abandoned Aguilar and substituted the
totality-of-the-circumstances test for probable cause determinations, which requires the magistrate to balance
“the relative weights of all the various indicia of reliability (and unreliability) attending an informant’s tip.”

The factors enunciated in Aguilar - basis-of-knowledge and veracity - remain “highly relevant” in determining the value of an
informant’s tip but are no longer treated as separate, independent requirements.

Illinois v. Gates, 462 U.S. 213 (1983)

It was held that
(1) the Supreme Court would not address the issue as to whether the exclusionary rule should be modified where that issue had not
been presented to, or decided by, the state court below and
(2) the rigid "two-pronged test" of Aguilar and Spinelli, supra, for determining probable cause in actions involving informants would
be abandoned and a "totality of the circumstances" approach substituted in its place.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008

“Oath or Affirmation”  The Fourth Amendment provides that warrants may not be issued unless they are “supported by Oath or

• An affidavit supporting a search warrant is presumed valid. However, in limited circumstances, a defendant may challenge a
facially valid warrant, after the search is conducted, on the ground that the warrant would not have been issued but for the falsity
in the affidavit.

Franks v. Delaware, 438 U.S. 154 (1978).

• The granting of a hearing on the veracity of the affidavit requires the defendant to make a “substantial preliminary showing” that:
(1) a false statement was included in the affidavit;
(2) the affiant made the false statement “knowingly and intentionally” or with reckless disregard for the truth; and
(3) the false statement was essential to the magistrate’s finding of probable cause.
o If the allegations are proved at a hearing by a preponderance of the evidence, the warrant is void, and the fruits of the
search must be excluded from the criminal trial.

“Particularity” Requirement  The Fourth Amendment provides that a warrant must describe with particularly “the place to be
searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

(1) “Place to be Searched”

• The place to be searched must be described in the warrant in a manner sufficiently precise that the officer executing the warrant
can identify it with reasonable effort.
For example, if the warrant specifies an address which is in fact a multiple dwelling building, the police must limit their
search to the unit belonging to the person named in the warrant only, which may be ascertained by reasonable effort,
such as by checking names on the mailbox or by asking neighbors.
• A warrant to search an automobile is sufficient if it describes the vehicle in a manner that makes it easily identifiable, such as by
providing the license or vehicle identification number, or by describing its location, if the location is a one-car garage, but not if it
is a two-car garage or public parking lot.

(2)“Persons or Things to be Seized”

• A degree of vagueness in the warrant description may be acceptable when the police have described the item with as much
particularity as can reasonably be expected. Less specificity is required regarding contraband than is required for “papers” and
“effects,” which the First Amendment protects.

Lo-Ji Sales, Inc. v. New York, 442 U.S. 319 (1979)

It was held that
(1) the Fourth Amendment did not permit the search warrant to leave it entirely to the discretion of the officials conducting the
search to determine what items were likely to be obscene and to accomplish their seizure, the Fourth Amendment not countenancing
such an open-ended warrant,
(2) the Town Justice had not manifested the neutrality and detachment demanded of a judicial officer when presented with a warrant
application for a search and seizure, and
(3) the search could not be upheld on the theory that by virtue of the storeowner's display of allegedly obscene items to the general
public in areas of the store open to them, the store owner had no legitimate expectation of privacy against governmental intrusion, the
owner not having consented to the wholesale search and seizure just because it invited the public to enter, and the sweeping search not
being justified as being consented to by the store's clerk, since after the clerk was placed under arrest and was aware of the presumed
authority of the search warrant, his conduct complying with official requests could not be considered freely and voluntarily given, any
"consent" given in the face of "colorably lawful coercion" not validating the illegal acts shown.

Execution of Search Warrants

• Time of Execution  Some jurisdictions, by statute or rule of procedure, require that search warrants be executed within a
specified period of time from the date that the warrant was issued, often within ten days. Some jurisdictions bar night-time
execution of warrants, unless expressly authorized by the magistrate.

• Knock-and-Announce Rule  Generally, the police may not forcibly enter a home to execute a warrant, unless they first
(1) knock at the door (or ring the bell),
(2) identify themselves,
(3) state their purpose for seeking entry,
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(4) request admittance, and
(5) are refused admission. Wilson v. Arkansas, 514 U.S. 927 (1995).

• The knock-and-announce rule may be dispensed with when the police:

(1) have chased the person named in the warrant to his home in hot pursuit;
(2) have reasonable suspicion that evidence may be imminently destroyed; and
(3) have reasonable suspicion that there is a risk of harm to the officers or others.

Richards v. Wisconsin, 520 U.S. 385 (1997)

It was held that
(1) the Fourth Amendment did not permit a blanket exception for felony drug investigations to the "knock-and-announce"
requirement, but
(2) the officers' decision not to knock and announce was reasonable under the circumstances in the case at hand, where the officers
had a reasonable suspicion that the individual might destroy evidence if given further opportunity to do so

Scope of the Search  The police are authorized to search only for items specified in the warrant.
"Plainview Doctrine"_______________________________________________________________________________________
• They may open containers (e.g., drawers, closets, trunks) within the place specified in the warrant if the containers are large
enough to contain the object of the search.
• E.g., the police may open dresser drawers in a search for narcotics but not for a stolen television.
Nevertheless, the police are authorized to seize any item (whether or not it is described in the warrant) if:
(1) they discover the item while searching a place that they have the authority to search;
(2) the item is located in such area; and
(3) they have probable cause to believe the item is subject to seizure.

Search of Persons While Executing a Warrant

Public Places  the police may not extend the search to persons not named in the warrant who happen to be present at the
premises identified in the warrant, unless they have reasonable suspicion that such other persons are armed and dangerous. In that
case, such other persons may be frisked according to Terry v. Ohio.
Ybarra v. Illinois, 444 U.S. 85 (1979) (police officers, with a warrant to search a tavern and a named bartender for heroin,
frisked each tavern customer for weapons, without reason to believe any were armed, and discovered heroin on the person of
one of the customers).
Ybarra  Double Check case law

Detention of Persons During Searches  During the execution of a search warrant for contraband, the police have limited authority
to detain all occupants of the premises to be searched. Michigan v. Summers, 452 U.S. 692 (1981). The Court has not addressed
whether this authority extends to search warrants for evidence other than contraband.

Private Homes  The Supreme Court has not directly addressed the scope of a police officer’s authority to search a person during
execution of a search warrant to search a private residence. A few lower courts permit the police, while executing a search warrant of
a home for narcotics, automatically to frisk occupants for weapons. Other courts require particularized suspicion that the person
frisked is armed and dangerous.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008

“Reasonableness Balancing” Standard

Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968), made constitutionally permissible warrantless searches and seizures in limited circumstances. The
Supreme Court ruled that in determining whether the Warrant and Probable Cause clauses of the Fourth Amendment apply to a given
search and/or seizure, the “central inquiry” is the reasonableness of the government’s activity under the circumstances;
“reasonableness” is assessed by balancing the need to search or seize against the invasion the search or seizure entails. This is
known as the “reasonableness balancing” test.

“Reasonable Suspicion”  Suspicion is “reasonable” if the officer can point to specific and articulable facts that, along with
reasonable inferences from those facts, justify the intrusion.

Reasonable suspicion that a crime has been or is being committed may be based on one or more of the following information:
(1) the police officer’s personal observations.
(2) reliable hearsay.
(3) criminal profiles.
(4) unprovoked flight.
Basis For "Reasonable Suspicion":
(1) Personal Observation  Self Explanatory

(2) Hearsay  Hearsay may support an officer’s reasonable suspicion of criminal activity where:
(1) the tip carries enough indicia of reliability to justify a Terry stop. Adams v. Williams, 407 U.S. 143 (1972). E.g., the
informant identifies himself or has provided reliable information to the police on a prior occasion.
(2) a tip lacking sufficient indicia of reliability is corroborated such that the totality of the circumstances justifies the Terry
stop. Alabama v. White, 496 U.S. 325 (1990). A tip lacks sufficient indicia of reliability where the informant is anonymous
and provides an insufficient basis for his statements from which the police may conclude that the informant is honest or his
information reliable.
o An uncorroborated anonymous tip can never serve as the sole basis for a Terry stop. Florida v. J. L., 529 U.S. 266
(2000) (reasonable suspicion not found where the police received an anonymous tip that a young black male wearing a
plaid shirt standing at a particular bus stop was carrying a gun and where the police observed a person matching the
informant’s description, but noted no suspicious conduct suggesting criminal activity was underfoot).

Alabama v. White, 496 U.S. 325 (1990)

It was held that
(1) under the totality of the circumstances, the anonymous telephone tip, insofar as such tip was
(a) corroborated by independent police work,
(b) exhibited sufficient indicia of reliability to provide reasonable suspicion for the police to make the investigatory stop of
the accused's vehicle, and
(2) therefore, such stop did not violate the Federal Constitution's Fourth Amendment.
<<Dissent argued that a grudge could be basis and/or every citizen could be subject to a search under these circumstances>>

(3) Criminal Profiles  An officer’s observations may properly be supplemented by consideration of the typical modes of behaviors
of certain kinds of criminals.
For example, in drug-trafficking cases, an officer’s suspicions can be buttressed by his awareness that the suspect’s conduct
or appearance conforms to a so-called “drug-courier profile,” which is a set of characteristics purportedly often associated
with drug traffickers, compiled by law enforcement agencies.

(4) Flight in “High-Crime Areas”  Unprovoked flight, when coupled with other factors – such as the presence of the police in a
high-crime area – can constitute reasonable suspicion to justifying a search and/or seizure, at least in the absence of circumstances that
suggest the flight is motivated by a non-criminal purposes. Illinois v. Wardlow, 528 U.S. 119 (2000).

Illinois v. Wardlow, 528 U.S. 119 (2000)

It was held that the police officer did not violate the Fourth Amendment when he stopped the accused, because the officer was
justified in suspecting that the accused was involved in criminal activity and, therefore, in investigating further, as
(1) officers are not required to ignore the relevant characteristics of a location in determining whether the circumstances are
sufficiently suspicious to warrant further investigation,
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(2) headlong flight (the consummate act of evasion) is suggestive of wrongdoing, and
(3) the determination of reasonable suspicion must be based on commonsense judgments and inferences about human behavior

Suspect’s Race or Ethnicity  Terry stops based solely on the race of a suspect are impermissible. However…
(1) race or ethnicity,
(2) when coupled with other factors, may give rise to reasonable suspicion.
For example, courts have sometimes treated “racial incongruity” – the presence of a person of a particular race or
ethnic group in a neighborhood where such group is not ordinarily found – as one legitimate factor in evaluating the
lawfulness of a stop.

Case we discussed that applies….

Whren v. United States, 517 U.S. 806 (1996)

It was held that
(1) the Supreme Court would not replace the normal test under the Federal Constitution's Fourth Amendment--which test was that
the decision to stop an automobile was reasonable where the police had probable cause to believe that a traffic violation had
occurred--with the alternative standard suggested by the accused, which standard would depend on whether a police officer, acting
reasonably, would have made the automobile stop for the reason given; and
(2) thus, in the case at hand, the District Court's probable-cause finding, which the accused accepted, rendered the stop of the accused's
truck reasonable under the Fourth Amendment, the evidence thereby discovered admissible, and the Court of Appeals' upholding of
the accused's convictions correct.

Length of the Detention

o The justifiability of a seizure on less than probable cause is predicated in part on the brevity of the detention, although there is no
bright-line time limitation to a Terry-type seizure.
o Compare United States v. Place, 462 U.S. 696 (1983) (90-minute detention of person suspecting of carrying narcotics in
his luggage in order to subject the luggage to a dog-sniff test was held excessive in length)
o with United States v. Montoya de Hernandez, 473 U.S. 531 (1985) (16-hour detention was upheld where a woman, who
was suspected of having swallowed narcotics-filled balloons in order to smuggle them, refused to undergo an x-ray, and
was thus detained until she had a bowel movement).
o In determining whether a detention was excessive in length, the court may consider whether a less intrusive method was
available and whether the police acted unreasonably in failing to recognize it or to pursue it. United States v. Sharpe, 470 U.S.
675 (1985).

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Weapons Searches
Holding of Terry v. Ohio  pat-down of a suspect that the officer observed apparently “casing” a store. The Court found that the
brief restraint and pat-down did constitute a search and seizure.
• Next applying the reasonableness balancing test, the Court weighed society’s interest of effective crime prevention and detection
– which would be impaired if the police could not confront suspects for investigative purposes on less than probable cause – and
the police’s legitimate immediate interest in ensuring that the suspect is not armed, against the invasion of the suspect’s
personal liberty.
• The Court held that the police conduct was constitutional, stating that when an officer has reason to believe that the suspect is
armed and dangerous, the officer has the constitutional authority to conduct a search for weapons without probable cause or
a warrant.

Weapon Searches of Persons

The purpose of the Terry search is limited to the sole purpose of determining whether the suspect is armed.

While the appropriate manner of the protective search depends on the specific circumstances, generally, the proper technique, as
approved in Terry, is as follows:
(1) If an officer feels no object during a pat-down, or feels an object that does not appear to be a weapon, no further search is
(2) If the initial pat-down – with no further touching – provides the officer with probable cause for believing that an object felt is
contraband or other criminal evidence subject to seizure, he may pull out the object without a warrant, as part of the plain-touch
(3) If the officer feels an object that he reasonably believes is a weapon, the officer may conduct a search by removing the object
from the suspect.
(4) If the object he pulls out is a container, he may feel the container to see if it might contain a weapon inside.
(5) If his suspicions regarding the container are not reasonably dispelled by its size, weight, and feel, the officer may, at a minimum,
retain possession of the container.
(6) If the container could not reasonably contain a weapon, it may not be searched or seized.

Weapons Searches of Automobiles  The police may search the passenger compartment of an automobile, limited to those areas in
which a weapon may be found, if the officer reasonably believes that the suspect is dangerous and may gain immediate control of a
weapon. Michigan v. Long, 463 U.S. 1032 (1983).

Temporary Seizures of Property (Luggage)  Terry principles apply to seizures of property as well as to seizures of persons.
For example, police officers may, without a warrant, temporarily seize luggage on the basis of reasonable suspicion that it
contains narcotics, in order to investigate further, such as to conduct a dog-sniff test of the luggage. United States v. Place,
462 U.S. 696 (1983).

Searches and Seizures of the Body  The taking of a blood, urine or breath sample, or subjecting the suspect to other intrusions of
the body (e.g., an x-ray) may be permissible without a warrant if:
(1) the police are justified in requiring the individual to submit to the test; and
(2) the means and procedures employed are reasonable.
• Schmerber v. California, 384 U.S. 757 (1966) (withdrawing a blood sample from the defendant without a warrant was found
justifiable on the ground that the evidence—the alcohol in the bloodstream—would have been lost if the police had been required
to obtain a warrant).

"Exigent Circumstances"  Exigent circumstances can justify a warrantless entry of a home to make a felony arrest or to conduct
a search related to a serious offense under the following circumstances:
(1) hot pursuit of a fleeing felon;
(2) imminent destruction of evidence;
(3) the need to prevent a felon’s escape; or
(4) risk of harm to the police or others.
• The exigent-circumstances exception does not generally apply to cases involving minor offenses.
o Welsh v. Wisconsin, 466 U.S. 740 (1984) (warrantless entry of the defendant’s home in order to arrest him for drunk
driving was unconstitutional; the Court rejected the state’s argument that the entry was necessary in order to collect a
blood sample for testing before evidence of alcohol consumption was “destroyed”).
 Warrantless entry of a home may also be permitted in order to respond to emergency situations,
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 such as when the police reasonably believe that a person within is in need of immediate aid.
 However, in such circumstances, the police are acting in a care-taker capacity, not an investigative capacity.

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Searches Incident to Arrest

Areas That May be Searched Without a Warrant  Regardless of whether or not an arresting officer suspects weapons, evidence,
or dangerous persons will be discovered, contemporaneous with a custodial arrest, an officer may conduct a warrantless search of:

(1) Arrestee’s Person  The search of an arrestee may include pockets of his clothing, and any containers found therein, as
well as containers immediately associated with him, such as a briefcase or shoulder bag, that are large enough to conceal a
weapon or evidence of a crime.

United States v. Robinson, 414 U.S. 218 (1973)

It was held that
(1) after a police officer lawfully placed a suspect under arrest for the purpose of taking him into custody, even where the arrest was
for a traffic violation, the officer could proceed to fully search the prisoner, and was not limited by standards governing a protective
stop-and-frisk search for weapons incident to only an investigative stop of a person,
(2) the authority to search the person incident to a lawful custodial arrest, while based upon the need to disarm and to discover
evidence, did not depend on what a court might later decide was the possibility in a particular arrest situation that weapons or
evidence would in fact be found upon the person,
(3) in the case of a lawful custodial arrest, a full search of the person was not only an exception to the warrant requirement of the
Fourth Amendment, but was also a "reasonable" search under that Amendment, since the fact of the lawful arrest established the
authority to search, and
(4) the Fourth Amendment was not violated by the search involved in the case at bar, notwithstanding that the officer did not suspect
that the defendant was armed, and notwithstanding that no further evidence of the crime of driving while one's permit was revoked
could have been obtained in the search

(2) Area Within the Arrestee’s Immediate Control

Generally, the "Grabbing Area"  Factors to consider in determining the arrestee’s “grabbing area” are:
1. whether he is hand-cuffed in front or behind his back.
2. his size and dexterity.
3. the size of the space he is in.
4. whether containers within his reach are open or shut, and if shut, whether they are locked.
5. the number of officers relative to suspects.
(3) Arrests Within a Home or Other Structure
• Some courts apply a “one-room” rule allowing a search of the entire room in which the arrest occurred, regardless of
the other circumstances.
• Aside from those areas within a residence to which the “search-incident-to-arrest” exception applies, the police may
not search the entire house without a warrant. Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752 (1969).

Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752 (1969)

In overruling Harris v United States and United States v Rabinowitz, it was held that since the search of the defendant's home went
far beyond his person and the area from within which he might have obtained either a weapon or something that could have been
used as evidence against him, and since there was no constitutional justification, in the absence of a search warrant, for extending
the search beyond that area, the scope of the search was unreasonable under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments, and the
defendant's conviction could not stand.

(4) Arrests on the Road  When an occupant (driver or passenger) of an automobile is arrested, the police may conduct a
warrantless search of the passenger compartment and all containers found therein, whether the containers are open or closed.
New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454 (1981).
• However, the trunk and engine compartment fall outside this rule as they are not within the immediate
“grabbing area” of the arrestee.?????

New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454 (1981)

It was held that
(1) a policeman who has made a lawful custodial arrest of the occupant of an automobile may, as a contemporaneous incident of
that arrest, search the passenger compartment of the automobile and may examine the contents of any containers found within the
passenger compartment, the term "container" denoting any object capable of holding another object and including closed or
opened glove compartments, consoles, or other receptacles, as well as luggage, boxes, bags, clothing, and the like, and
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(2) the search of the jacket was a search incident to a lawful custodial arrest and did not violate the Fourth and Fourteenth
Amendments, it not being questioned that the jacket's owner was the subject of a lawful custodial arrest on a charge of possessing
marijuana, the search following immediately upon that arrest, and the jacket being located inside the passenger compartment of the car
in which the owner had been a passenger just before he was arrested.

Thornton v. United States, 541 U.S. 615 (2004)

It was held that the Belton rule applied even when the officer first made contact with the arrestee after the arrestee had left the
vehicle. So long as an arrestee was the sort of "recent occupant" of a vehicle such as the arrestee in the instant case, officers could
search the vehicle incident to the arrest, as:
(1) In Belton, the court had placed no reliance on the fact that the officer in that case had ordered the occupants out of the vehicle
or initiated contact with them while they remained within the vehicle.
(2) There was no basis to conclude that the span of the area generally within the arrestee's immediate control was to be determined
by whether
(a) the arrestee exited the vehicle at the officer's direction; or
(b) the officer initiated contact with the arrestee while the arrestee remained in the vehicle.
(3) In all relevant aspects, the arrest of a suspect who was next to a vehicle presented identical concerns regarding officer safety
and the destruction of evidence as did the arrest of a suspect who was inside the vehicle.
(4) In some circumstances it might be safer and more effective for officers to conceal their presence from a suspect until the suspect
had left the vehicle.
(5) A rule applying Belton only when an officer initiated contact with a suspect would obfuscate the constitutional limits of a Belton

Immediately Adjoining Spaces  If the arrest occurs in a home, “closets and other spaces immediately adjoining the place of
arrest from which an attack could be immediately launched” may be searched without a warrant. Maryland v. Buie, 494 U.S. 325,
334 (1990). This is known as a “protective search for dangerous persons” or a “protective sweep” of the residence.
"Protective Sweeps" are to be limited to
1. a cursory visual inspection of those places in which a person could be hiding, and
2.1. may last only as long as necessary to dispel the reasonable suspicion of damage, or
2.2. to complete the arrest and depart the premises.

Maryland v. Buie, 494 U.S. 325 (1990)

It was held that
(1) as an incident to the arrest of the accused, the officers could, as a precautionary measure and without a search warrant, probable
cause, or reasonable suspicion, look in closets and other spaces immediately adjoining the place of arrest from which an attack
could be immediately launched; and
(2) beyond that, the Fourth Amendment permits a warrantless protective sweep
(a) in conjunction with an in-home arrest—
(i) extending only to a cursory inspection of those spaces where a person may be found,
(ii) lasting no longer than is necessary to dispel the reasonable suspicion of danger, and
(iii) in any event no longer than it takes to complete the arrest and depart the premises—
(b) when the searching officer possesses a reasonable belief based on specific and articulable facts which, taken together
with the rational inferences from those facts, would warrant a reasonably prudent officer in believing that the area to be swept
harbors an individual posing a danger to those on the arrest scene.
Dissent expressed the view that
(1) there is no justification for permitting arresting officers to presume as a matter of law that they are threatened by ambush from
spaces immediately adjoining the place of arrest, and
(2) in light of the special sanctity of a private residence and the highly intrusive nature of a protective sweep, police officers must
have probable cause to fear that their personal safety is threatened by a hidden confederate of an arrestee before they may sweep
through the entire home

Probable Cause to Seize  A police officer may seize without a warrant any article found during the search upon probable cause
to believe that it is criminal evidence related to the immediate or another crime, even though probable cause is not necessary to
conduct the search.

Full Custodial Arrest  The search-incident-to-lawful-arrest rule applies to arrests in which the officer takes the suspect into full
custody, which includes transporting him to the police station for booking. It does not apply, however, when an officer temporarily
detains a suspect. Knowles v. Iowa, 525 U.S. 113 (1998).

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Arrest Inventories  The police may search an arrestee, as well as his personal effects – including containers, as part of a routine
inventory at a police station, incident to his booking and incarceration. Neither a search warrant nor probable cause is required for
an arrest inventory. Illinois v. Lafayette, 462 U.S. 640 (1983).

EXTENDING THE TERRY DOCTRINE  Immediately Adjoining Spaces

If the arrest occurs in a home, “closets and other spaces immediately adjoining the place of arrest from which an attack could be
immediately launched” may be searched without a warrant. Maryland v. Buie, 494 U.S. 325, 334 (1990). This is known as a
“protective search for dangerous persons” or a “protective sweep” of the residence. Such search is to be limited to a
• cursory visual inspection of those
• places in which a person could be hiding, and may
• last only as long as necessary to dispel the reasonable suspicion of damage, or to
• complete the arrest and depart the premises.
Search Incident to Arrest
Protective Sweep

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Automobile Searches
(1) Searches at the Scene  A police officer may conduct an immediate warrantless search of an automobile that the officer
has probable cause to believe contains contraband, fruits, instrumentalities, or evidence of a crime if:
(1) the officer stops the vehicle traveling on a public road; or
(2) the officer discovers the vehicle parked, but apparently capable of operation, in a non-residential location, such as a
public parking lot or gas station.
E.G., the Mobile Home Case

(2) Searches Away From the Scene  A warrantless search of an automobile that would be valid if it were conducted at the
scene, is also permissible if it takes place shortly thereafter away from the scene, such as if the police impound the vehicle and
subsequently conduct the search. The Supreme Court has authorized delays of a few days, United States v. Johns, 469 U.S. 478
(1985), but found a year-long delay unreasonable, Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 403 U.S. 443 (1971).

(3) Searches of Containers  Containers, even one belonging to a passenger who is not suspected of criminal activity, may be
searched without a warrant during an otherwise lawful automobile search provided the container is large enough to hold the
criminal evidence for which the police are searching.
a. Any container that constitutionally can be searched at the scene may also be seized and searched without a
warrant shortly thereafter, at the police station.

Automobile Inventory Searches  Generally speaking, a routine inventory search of a lawfully impounded car is reasonable under
the Fourth Amendment even though it is conducted without a warrant and in the absence of probable cause to believe that evidence of
a crime will be discovered. Consequently, if police discover criminal evidence during an inventory, they may seize it pursuant to the
plain view doctrine, and introduce it in a criminal prosecution.

(1) “Routine” Nature of the Inventory

a. A warrantless, suspicionless search of a car lawfully in police custody is not justifiable merely because it was
conducted for administrative purposes. The inventory must be a “routine” or “standard” procedure of the department
conducting it.
b. Ideally, the regulations authorizing an inventory should give no significant discretion to the individual officer.
Nevertheless, the Supreme Court has upheld inventories that permit some police discretion if “exercised according to
standard criteria” and grounded on reasons other than suspicion of evidence of a crime. Colorado v. Bertine, 479 U.S.
367 (1987).

(2) Scope of Inventory Search

a. Containers  As part of a valid automobile inventory, the police may open containers found in the car, without a
warrant or probable cause. Whether an officer police may do so in his discretion, see Florida v. Wells, 495 U.S. 1
(1990), or only where routine practice mandates such procedure, see Colorado v. Bertine, 479 U.S. 367 (1987), is
b. Locked Portions of the Automobile  An inventory search of an unlocked glove compartment is permissible
under the Fourth Amendment. South Dakota v. Opperman, 428 U.S. 364 (1976).
i. Unresolved by the Supreme Court is whether a locked glove compartment or automobile trunk may be
searched without a warrant during an inventory search, although many lower courts have authorized such
searches when they are a required part of a routine inventory.
ii. Inspection of Papers  The Supreme Court has not determined whether or to what extent the police may
examine papers and documents found during an otherwise valid inventory, but lower courts have frequently
barred the introduction of evidence secured as the result of the inspection of private papers found during an
inventory search.

Chambers v. Maroney, 399 U.S. 42 (1970)

It was held
(1) expressing the view of seven members of the court, that the warrantless search of the car after it had been taken to the police
station did not violate the petitioner's Fourth Amendment rights, …

California v. Carney, 471 U.S. 386 (1985)

The court held that the warrantless search of the defendant's motor home did not violate the Fourth Amendment. The court pointed out
that while the motor home possessed some attributes of a home, it clearly fell within the vehicle exception to the warrant

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requirement because it was readily mobile and was situated in a way or place which objectively indicated that it was being used for
transportation. The court further pointed out that the search was not unreasonable because the DEA agents had fresh, direct,
uncontradicted evidence that the defendant was distributing a controlled substance from the vehicle and the agents thus had
abundant probable cause to enter and search the vehicle for evidence of a crime notwithstanding its possible use as a dwelling
Dissent expressed the view that warrantless searches of motor homes are only reasonable when the motor home is traveling on the
public streets or highways, or when exigent circumstances otherwise require an immediate search without the expenditures of time
necessary to obtain a warrant.

United States v. Chadwick, 433 U.S. 1 (1977)

It was held that
(1) since those from whom the footlocker had been seized were entitled to the protection of the warrant clause of the Fourth
Amendment before their privacy interests in the contents of the footlocker could be invaded, the search of the footlocker violated
the Fourth Amendment,
(2) although warrantless searches of motor vehicles were authorized in view of the significant differences between motor vehicles and
other property, luggage was not analogous to the search of an automobile so as to justify the search of the footlocker without a
warrant, and
(3) the search of the footlocker could not be justified as having been incident to the defendants' arrests or on the basis of any other
exigency, since the search had been conducted more than an hour after the federal agents had gained exclusive control of the
footlocker and long after the defendants were securely in custody.

California v. Acevedo, 500 U.S. 565 (1991)

It was held that the police may, under the Fourth Amendment, conduct a warrantless search of an automobile and the containers within
it where they have probable cause to believe contraband or evidence is contained, because
(1) Arkansas v Sanders was undermined in United States v Ross, supra;
(2) there is no principled distinction, in terms of either the privacy interest or the exigent circumstances, between a container found
after a general search of an automobile and a container found in an automobile after a limited search for the container, inasmuch
as both are equally easy for the police to store and for the suspect to hide or destroy;
(3) the line between probable cause to search a vehicle and probable cause to search a package in that vehicle is not always clear,
and separate rules that govern the two objects to be searched may enable the police to broaden their power to make warrantless
searches and disserve privacy interests;
(4) to the extent that the rule adopted in Sanders protects privacy, the protection is minimal;
(5) the Sanders rule, because of its conflict with the Carroll-doctrine cases, has confused courts and police officers and impeded
effective law enforcement; and
(6) it is better to adopt one clear-cut rule to govern automobile searches and eliminate the warrant requirement for closed
containers set forth in Sanders

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Plain View and Related Doctrines

“Plain View”  A police officer lawfully present at the scene may seize without a warrant an object of an incriminating nature if it is
in “plain view” of the officer. An article is in plain view if:
(1) the police officer observes the object from a lawful vantage point – i.e., the officer’s presence is not in violation of the Fourth
Amendment. Generally speaking, an officer will be in a lawful vantage point during: the execution of a valid search warrant; an in-
home arrest pursuant to an arrest warrant; a search justified under an exception to the warrant requirement; or an activity that does not
constitute a search and, therefore, falls outside the scope of the Fourth Amendment.
(2) the police officer has a lawful right of physical access to the object – i.e., an officer’s ability to view an object is not necessarily
accompanied by authority to seize it, e.g., an officer may view marijuana growing in a suspect’s backyard from the street but
nevertheless needs a warrant to search the suspect’s property.
(3) its nature as contraband, fruit, instrumentality, or evidence of a crime is immediately apparent upon observation.

Horton v. California, 496 U.S. 128 (1990)

It was held that the seizure of the items not listed in the search warrant was authorized by the "plain view" doctrine, even though
the discovery of the items was not inadvertent, because
(1) the statement in Coolidge that discovery of evidence in plain view must be inadvertent did not command a majority of the court,
was not essential to the judgment of the court in that case, and is thus not a binding precedent;
(2) the conclusion of a plurality of the court in Coolidge that the inadvertence requirement is necessary to avoid a violation of the
express Fourth Amendment requirement that a valid warrant must particularly describe the things to be seized is flawed, inasmuch as
(a) evenhanded law enforcement is best achieved by application of objective standards of conduct, rather than standards
that depend upon the subjective state of mind of a police officer, and the fact that an officer is interested in an item of
evidence and fully expects to find it in the course of a search should not invalidate its seizure if the search is confined in
area and duration by the terms of a warrant or a valid exception to the warrant requirement, and
(b) the suggestion that the inadvertence requirement is necessary to prevent the police from conducting general searches, or
from converting specific warrants into general warrants, is not persuasive because that interest is already served by the
requirements that no warrant issue unless it particularly describes the place to be searched and the persons or things to be
seized, and that a warrantless search be circumscribed by the exigencies which justify its initiation;
(3) the Fourth Amendment prohibition against general searches and general warrants serves primarily as a protection against
unjustified intrusions on privacy, but the seizure of an object in plain view does not involve an intrusion on privacy, and even if the
item is a container, its seizure does not compromise the interest in preserving the privacy of its contents because it may be opened
pursuant to only a search warrant or one of the well-delineated exceptions to the warrant requirement; and
(4) the seized items were discovered during a lawful search, and when they were discovered, it was immediately apparent to the
officer that they constituted incriminating evidence.

Arizona v. Hicks, 480 U.S. 321 (1981)

It was held that
(1) although the mere recording of the serial numbers did not constitute a "seizure," the police officer's actions in moving the
stereo equipment came within the purview of the Fourth Amendment as a "search" independent of the search which was justified
by the exigent circumstances validating the entry of the apartment,
(2) while the officer's search of the stereo equipment was not ipso facto unreasonable because it was unrelated to the justification for
entering the apartment, the search was invalid because the officer had less than probable cause to believe the stereo equipment was
stolen, and
(3) the officer's conduct could not be upheld on the ground that it was merely a "cursory inspection" which could be justified by
reasonable suspicion instead of probable cause.
Dissent expressed the view that reasonable suspicion, not probable cause, was required for a cursory inspection, as opposed to a full-
blown search, of an item in plain view.

Inadvertent Discovery  If an officer anticipates discovery of a particular item, the plain view doctrine does not cure his failure to
obtain a warrant or to include it in a warrant to search for other items. In such cases, the warrantless search and seizure of such object
violates the Fourth Amendment. Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 403 U.S. 443 (1971).

“Plain Touch”  The Supreme Court has recognized a “plain touch” or “plain feel” corollary to the plain view doctrine.
Minnesota v. Dickerson, 508 U.S. 366 (1993). Under this doctrine, the police may seize contraband detected solely through
an officer’s sense of touch if, comparable to plain view, the officer had a right to touch the object in question, and upon doing
so, its identity as contraband was immediately apparent.
However, if further probing is necessary to identify the nature of the object, the search falls outside the plain touch
doctrine, and a warrant is necessary to continue the search.

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Consent Searches
Validly Obtained Consent  A validly obtained consent justifies an officer in conducting a warrantless search, with or without
probable cause. If the officer discovers evidence during a valid consent search, he may seize it without a warrant pursuant to the
"plain-view doctrine".

Consent is valid if it is:

(1) given voluntarily – The “voluntariness” of consent is determined from the totality of the circumstances. Consent that is the result
of express or implied duress or coercion is involuntary. The prosecutor bears the burden of demonstrating by a preponderance of the
evidence that consent was freely given.
(2) not based on an officer’s assertion of authority to conduct a search on the basis of a warrant, whether or not the warrant is valid.
Bumper v. North Carolina, 391 U.S. 543 (1968).

Scope of Search  A warrantless consent search is invalid if the officer exceeds the scope of the consent granted.

Third-Party Consent  Consent to a search by one who possesses common authority over property is valid against
another with whom the authority is shared. “Common authority” exists when there is “mutual use of the property by persons
generally having joint access or control for most purposes.” United States v. Matlock, 415 U.S. 164 (1974). However, if a
third party who lacks common authority of the property with the defendant in fact consents to a search of the defendant’s
property, such evidence cannot be admitted at trial against the defendant. Stoner v. California, 376 U.S. 483 (1964).
Apparent Authority  A warrantless search of a residence is also constitutional when it is based on the consent of
a person whom the police, at the time of entry, reasonably believe has common authority over the premises, whether
or not that authority is valid. Illinois v. Rodriguez, 497 U.S. 177 (1990).

Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 412 U.S. 218 (1973)

The question whether consent to a search was voluntary was to be determined from the totality of all the circumstances;
(1) that it was unnecessary for the state to establish that the person who consented to the search knew that he had a right to refuse
such consent;
(2) and that the requirement of a knowing and intelligent waiver of constitutional rights, while applicable to constitutional guarantees
involving the preservation of a fair trial for a criminal defendant, was not applicable to the Fourth Amendment guaranty against
unreasonable searches and seizures;
(3) also, it was stated that since the accused's Fourth Amendment claim was not valid, the court would not consider the state's
contention that a violation of the exclusionary rule could not be raised by a prisoner in a collateral attack on his conviction.

Georgia v. Randolph, 547 U.S. 103 (2006)

It was held that the search was invalid under the Federal Constitution's Fourth Amendment as to the husband, as
(1) for Fourth Amendment purposes, a physically present occupant's express refusal of consent to a police search of a premises
was dispositive as to that occupant, regardless of the consent of a fellow occupant;
(2) the husband's refusal was clear; and
(3) nothing in the record justified the search on grounds independent of the wife's consent, for the state did not argue that
(a) the wife had given any indication to the police of a need for protection inside the house that might have justified entry into
the area where the officer found the evidence, or
(b) the entry and search should have been upheld under the rubric of exigent circumstances.
Concurrence, expressed the view that
(1) the reasonableness of a search under the Fourth Amendment was measured by examining the totality of the circumstances;
(2) in the instant case,
(a) the search was solely for evidence,
(b) the objecting party was present and made his objection known clearly and directly to the police,
(c) the police did not justify their search on grounds of possible evidence destruction, and
(d) as far as the record revealed, the police might easily have secured the premises and sought a warrant permitting them to
enter; and
(3) thus, the totality of the circumstances did not suffice to justify warrantless entry.
Dissent …
(3) the Supreme Court's rule was random in its application, as that rule protected not so much privacy as the good luck of a co-owner
who happened to be present at the door when the police arrived; and
(4) the consequences of the Supreme Court's rule would be severe, especially in domestic-abuse situations.

Illinois v. Rodriguez, 497 U.S. 177 (1990)

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It was held that
(1) a warrantless entry does not violate the Fourth Amendment's proscription of unreasonable searches and seizures where such
entry is based upon the consent of a third party whom the police, at the time of entry, reasonably believe to possess common
authority over the premises, but who in fact does not possess such authority, and
(2) the case would be remanded for consideration of the question whether the officers reasonably believed that the woman had the
authority to consent to the officers' entry of the apartment.

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General Rules  Upon probable cause that the suspect has committed or is committing a felony, a police officer:
(1) may arrest a person in a public place without a warrant, even if it is practicable to secure one;
(2) may not arrest a person in the person’s home without an arrest warrant, absent exigent circumstances or valid consent; and
(3) may not arrest a person in another person’s home without a search warrant, absent exigent circumstances or valid consent.

Arrest in the Home  The Fourth Amendment prohibits the warrantless, nonconsensual entry into a suspect’s home in order to make
a “routine” (non-exigent) felony arrest. Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980).
• A warrant is not necessary to effectuate an arrest in the curtilage of the suspect’s home, however. Moreover, a suspect
standing in an open doorway of his home at the time the police arrive is treated as if he were in a public place, justifying a
warrantless arrest. United States v. Santana, 427 U.S. 38 (1976).
• Less clear is the situation where the suspect is inside the house until the police knock at the door, at which point the suspect
comes to the doorway.

Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980)

It was held that the Fourth Amendment, made applicable to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment, prohibits police from making a
warrantless and nonconsensual entry into a suspect's home in order to make a routine felony arrest.
Concurrence expressed the view that, absent exigent circumstances, a suspect's interest in the sanctity of his home outweighs
competing governmental interests and mandates the prohibition of a warrantless arrest in the suspect's home.

Knock-and-Announce Rule  An arrest warrant authorizes the police to enter a suspect’s home only if there is reason to believe the
suspect is within. As with search warrants, the knock-and-announce rule applies. Even if the police believe the suspect is at home,
they may not, absent special circumstances, forcibly enter a home to execute an arrest warrant unless they first knock, announce their
purpose for entering, request admittance, and are refused entry. Wilson v. Arkansas, 514 U.S. 927 (1995).


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Building Inspections

Warrant Requirement  Except in the case of emergency or consent, a warrant is required to enter a residential or commercial
building for the purpose of conducting administrative health and safety inspections therein.
However, such warrant is not based on probable cause to believe there is criminal activity underfoot. Camara v.
Municipal Court, 387 U.S. 523 (1967), and See v. City of Seattle, 387 U.S. 541 (1967).

Administrative Probable Cause Standard  In Camara, the Supreme Court developed a special probable cause standard to apply
in administrative search cases. In such cases, probable cause exists to issue a warrant to inspect premises for administrative code
violations as long as there are “reasonable legislative or administrative standards” for conducting the inspection.

Administrative probable cause does not require individualized suspicion of wrongdoing and may be founded on the basis of general
factors such as:
• the passage of time since the last inspection.
• the nature of the building in question.
• the condition of the entire area to be searched.

Exception to Warrant Requirement  In limited circumstances, warrantless, non-exigent, nonconsensual administrative

inspections of commercial premises are constitutional. A “closely regulated” business may be inspected without a warrant if three
conditions are met:
(1) the administrative regulatory scheme must advance a “substantial interest,” such as to protect the health and safety of
(2) warrantless inspections must be necessary to further the regulatory scheme, i.e., if there is a significant possibility that
the subject of the search could conceal violations without the surprise element that the warrantless search would allow;
(3) the ordinance or statute that permits warrantless inspections must, by its terms, provide an adequate substitute for the
warrant, such as rules that limit the discretion of the inspectors, regarding the time, place, and scope of the search.
-New York v. Burger, 482 U.S. 691 (1987).

“Special Needs” Searches Generally  The “special needs” doctrine is another exception to the warrant and probable cause
requirements of the Fourth Amendment. Special needs cases generally arise from searches by government actors other than police
officers, such as school officials, public employers, and probation officers.

The doctrine applies when the government can demonstrate that:

1. it is impracticable to obtain a warrant;
2. the governmental interest outweighs the intrusion;
3. the immediate objective of the search is one other than to generate evidence for law enforcement purposes, even if the ultimate
goal is non-criminal in nature.

Searches of Personal Property and Premises

Public School Students  While the Supreme Court has recognized that public school students retain a legitimate expectation of
privacy in the private property they bring to school, it has held that neither the warrant requirement nor the traditional doctrine of
probable cause applies to public school searches. New Jersey v. T.L.O, 469 U.S. 325 (1985).
Public school teachers and administrators may search students without a warrant if two conditions are met:
(1) there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating
either the law or a school rule; and
(2) the search is not excessively intrusive in light of the student’s age and sex and the nature of the suspected violation.

Border Patrol Searches

• AT the Border  Routine border searches, without a warrant and in the absence of individualized suspicion of criminal
conduct, are deemed to be reasonable. United States v. Ramsey, 431 U.S. 606 (1977).
o Travelers may be detained at an international border or its “functional equivalent” (e.g., an airport where an
international flight arrives) for a brief (ROUTINE?) search of their person and belongings.
o Furthermore, a person lawfully stopped at a border may be detained beyond the scope of a routine customs search if
agents have reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.

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• NEAR the Border  The reasonableness of searches and seizures conducted near but not at the actual border depends in part
on whether they take place at a fixed checkpoint or as the result of a “roving” border patrol.
• Roving Border Patrols  Traditional Fourth Amendment standards apply to searches and seizures conducted by roving border
patrol agents. Roving border patrol agents may not detain a person in a vehicle even briefly for questioning in the absence of
reasonable suspicion of illegal presence in the country or other illegal activity.

Factors that may justify a brief seizure to determine whether the occupants of a vehicle are illegal aliens include:
o information about recent illegal border crossings in the area;
o furtive behavior by the occupants of the vehicle; and
o evidence that the car has an “extraordinary number” of passengers.
Reasonable suspicion may not be based, however, exclusively on the fact that occupants of the vehicle appear to be
of foreign ancestry. United States v. Brignoni-Ponce, 422 U.S. 873 (1975) (roving border patrol agents improperly
stopped a vehicle to question the occupants solely on the ground that they appeared to be of Mexican ancestry).
"Racial Profiling"?

• Fixed Interior Checkpoints  Vehicles may be stopped and their occupants briefly detained for questioning at fixed
checkpoints, without individualized suspicion of wrongdoing. United States v. Martinez-Fuerte, 428 U.S. 543 (1976).
The Court distinguished fixed checkpoints from roving border patrols on two grounds:
(1) the lesser intrusion resulting from a fixed checkpoint than random stops on the highway; and
(2) the lesser discretion afforded officers maintaining the fixed checkpoints than the roving patrols.

Sobriety Checkpoints  A highway sobriety checkpoint at which drivers were briefly detained (an average of 25 seconds) to search
for signs of intoxication was upheld despite the lack of individualized suspicion of driving under the influence. Michigan Department
of State Police v. Sitz, 496 U.S. 444 (1990).
o The interest in eradicating drunk driving was found to outweigh the “slight” intrusion on drivers.

Michigan Department of State Police v. Sitz, 496 U.S. 444 (1990)

It was held, with regard to the Michigan sobriety checkpoint program, that the initial stop of each motorist passing through a
checkpoint and the associated preliminary questioning and observation by checkpoint officers were reasonable seizures which did
not violate the Federal Constitution's Fourth Amendment, as
(I) the balance among the state's interest in preventing drunk driving,
(II) the extent to which the checkpoint program could reasonably be said to advance that interest, and
(III) the degree of intrusion upon individual motorists, weighed in favor of that program, given that
(1) the magnitude of the drunken driving problem and the states' interest in eradicating it were indisputable;
(2) the "objective" intrusion resulting from the checkpoint, measured by the duration of the seizure and the intensity of the
investigation, was minimal;
(3) the "subjective" intrusion resulting from the checkpoint program--which was to be evaluated in terms of the fear and
surprise engendered in law-abiding motorists by the nature of the stop, not the natural fear of one who has been drinking
over the prospect of being stopped at a sobriety checkpoint--was indistinguishable for constitutional purposes from that
resulting from border checkpoints which had been held proper in United States v Martinez-Fuerte, 428 US 543 (1976); and
(4) the advancement of the state's interest in preventing drunken driving was sufficiently shown by
(a) the fact that, in the one checkpoint conducted under the program, approximately 1.5 percent of all the drivers
stopped were arrested for drunk driving, and
(b) expert testimony that experience in other states demonstrated that checkpoints resulted in the arrest of about 1 percent of all
drivers stopped

Drug Interdiction Checkpoints  A highway checkpoint established for the purpose of detecting possession and/or use of illegal
drugs has bee held to violate the Fourth Amendment. City of Indianapolis v. Edmond, 531 U.S. 32 (2000).
• As opposed to border and sobriety checkpoints, which are “designed primarily to serve purposes closely related to the problems
of policing the border or the necessity of ensuring roadway safety,” the drug interdiction checkpoint was aimed at detecting
evidence of ordinary criminal activity not related to the checkpoint.
• Thus, when non-specific crime control is its aim, a checkpoint must be based on individualized reasonable suspicion of

City of Indianapolis v. Edmond, 531 U.S. 32 (2000)

It was held that
(1) when law enforcement authorities pursue primarily general crime-control purposes at motor vehicle checkpoints, vehiclestops can
be justified under the Fourth Amendment only by some quantum of individualized suspicion; and
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(2) the Indianapolis checkpoint program thus violated the Fourth Amendment and could not be justified by
(a) the severe and intractable nature of the illegal drug problem,
(b) a highway safety concern, or
(c) the secondary purposes of keeping impaired motorists off the road and verifying licenses and registrations

License and Vehicle Registration Inspections  Stopping a vehicle solely for the purpose of checking driver’s license and
registration, without a reasonable suspicion that a motorist is unlicensed or the vehicle unregistered, is unreasonable under the Fourth
Amendment.” Delaware v. Prouse, 440 U.S. 648 (1979). However, the Court in Prouse indicated that a procedure to conduct
suspicionless license/ registration inspections that was less intrusive or did “not involve the unconstrained exercise of discretion”
might be permissible.

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Nature of Fourth Amendment Rights  Fourth Amendment rights are personal, not derivative. Thus, evidence seized in violation
of one defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights may be admissible against a co-defendant unless the co-defendant has independent
grounds to assert such claim. Alderman v. United States, 394 U.S. 165 (1969).

“Legitimate Expectation of Privacy” Standard  General Rule  The modern test for determining whether a person has standing
to contest a search on Fourth Amendment grounds is “whether the person who claims the protection of the Amendment has a
legitimate expectation of privacy in the invaded place.” Rakas v. Illinois, 439 U.S. 128 (1978)
• Rakas  (passenger in a car failed to prove that he had any legitimate expectation of privacy in the areas searched, namely, in
the locked glove compartment and the area under the front passenger seat, and therefore, could not successfully claim the
protections of the Fourth Amendment).
• Rakas rejected the notion of “target standing,” ruling that one does not possess standing to raise a Fourth Amendment claim
simply because he was the target of the search that resulted in the seizure of evidence against him.

Rakas v. Illinois, 439 U.S. 128 (1978)

It was held that the defendants were not entitled to challenge the search as violative of the Fourth Amendment, since
(1) the search did not violate any of their rights,
(2) the fact that they were legitimately on the premises in the sense that they were in the car with the permission of its owner not
being determinative of whether they had a legitimate expectation of privacy, for purposes of the Fourth Amendment, in the particular
areas of the automobile searched.
Concurrence expressed the view that the court's inquiry in the case at bar properly focused on whether the defendants had a
legitimate expectation of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment, and did not tie the application of the Fourth Amendment to
property law concepts.
Dissent expressed the view that the Fourth Amendment does not shield only those who have title to the searched premises, but rather
protects from unreasonable governmental interference the right to privacy of persons who are legitimately present in a private place.

Examples Involving Residences

(1) Overnight Guests: An overnight guest may successfully challenge a search of another person’s residence. Minnesota v.
Olson, 495 U.S. 91 (1990) (defendant, an overnight guest in his girl friend’s home, could challenge the police entry of the
premises, notwithstanding the fact that defendant was never alone in the home, did not have a key, and lacked dominion and
control over the premises).

(2) Merely Present: In contrast, one who is merely present in a residence, without further indicia of a reasonable expectation of
privacy, may not claim the protections of the Fourth Amendment. In Minnesota v. Carter, 525 U.S. 83 (1998), out-of-town
defendants came to another’s apartment for the sole purpose of packaging the cocaine, had never been to the apartment before and
were only in the apartment for approximately 2 1/2 hours.
The Court focused on three factors in finding that the defendants had no reasonable expectation of privacy in the
apartment searched:
(1) the purely commercial nature of the transaction engaged in there;
(2) the relatively short period of time in the apartment; and
(3) the lack of any previous connections between the two defendants and the occupant of the apartment.

Minnesota v. Carter, 525 U.S. 83 (1998)

The Supreme Court narrowed the rights of defendants who sought standing to raise a Fourth Amendment right to suppress evidence
obtained from a residence where they had, merely, a fleeting commercial presence for the purpose of bagging cocaine. The Court
reaffirmed its view in Rakas v. Illinois, 439 U.S. 128 (1978), wherein it rejected any analysis as to whether defendants had a
legitimate expectation of privacy under a "standing" doctrine. Instead, the Court differentiated between those individuals, such an
overnight guest, as typifying those who could claim the protection of the Fourth Amendment in the home of another, and those
who were simply on the premises, albeit legitimately, as typifying persons who could not claim Fourth Amendment protection. The
instant defendants, who were in another person’s residence to bag cocaine, fell between the latter two extremes, but given the
(1) commercial nature of their activities,
(2) the very brief time they were in the residence, and
(3) the absence of any prior relationship between defendants and the owner, was far enough away from the nature of an overnight
guest so as to preclude any right of defendants to raise a Fourth Amendment argument.

Examples Involving Automobiles

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Automobile Out of Owner’s Possession  Courts are split on the issue of whether the owner of an automobile has standing to
challenge a search and seizure when the car is temporarily out of the owner’s possession at the time of the police conduct. Most
courts hold that when a car owner lends his/her vehicle to another, at least if for a short duration, the owner maintains a legitimate
expectation of privacy in it and, therefore, can challenge a search of the car that takes place in the owner’s absence.
• A few courts have held that possession, and not ownership of the car is the key. Therefore, an absent owner of an automobile
lacks standing to contest the search of his/her vehicle. More often, however, a court may rule that the owner lacks standing if the
owner gives another person complete control of the car and its contents for an extended period of time, especially if the vehicle
will be driven a considerable distance away from the owner.

Search of Another Person’s Automobile  A non-owner occupant of an automobile may have standing to contest a search, under
the test set forth in Rakas [439 U.S. 128]. E.g., where the owner lends the car to the occupant for a period of time and the occupant
has complete dominion and control of the automobile at the time of the search, the occupant may be found to have had a reasonable
expectation of privacy in the automobile.
• Some courts have held that a passenger does not have standing to contest a search and seizure of a vehicle in
which the passenger is traveling.

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Exclusionary Rule  General Rule  Evidence gathered in violation of the Fourth Amendment is not admissible in a criminal
trial against the defendant.
1) The exclusionary rule was first stated in Weeks v. United States, 32 U.S. 383 (1914).
2) Thereafter, Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures was held applicable to the states through
the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause in Wolf v. Colorado, 338 U.S. 25 (1949).
3) Later, the Court determined that the Fourth Amendment was enforceable against the states by the sanction of exclusion in
Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961).

Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961)

It was held that as a matter of due process, evidence obtained by a search and seizure in violation of the Fourth Amendment is
inadmissible in a state court as it is in a federal court.
Black, J., concurred in a separate opinion, expressing the view that the constitutional basis of the rule announced by the Court in the
present case was the Fourth Amendment's ban against unreasonable searches and seizures considered together with the Fifth
Amendment's ban against compelled self-incrimination.

Exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule

(1) Non-Trial Criminal Proceedings  Illegally seized evidence may constitutionally be introduced in a variety of non-trial
criminal proceedings including:
grand jury proceedings,
preliminary hearings,
bail proceedings,
sentencing, and
proceedings to revoke parole.
(2) Impeachment at Trial  A prosecutor may introduce evidence obtained from a defendant in violation of the defendant’s
Fourth Amendment rights for the limited purpose of impeaching the defendant’s:
(1) direct testimony; or
(2) answers to legitimate questions put to the defendant during cross-examination.
However, such evidence may not be used to impeach other defense witnesses. James v. Illinois, 493 U.S. 307
(3) “Good Faith” Exception
a. In General  Evidence obtained by a police officer in reasonable reliance on a search warrant that is subsequently
found invalid may be admissible. United States v. Leon, 468 U.S. 897 (1984).
b. It is necessary that a reasonably well-trained officer would have believed that the warrant was valid. This has
come to be known as the “good faith” or Leon exception to the exclusionary rule.
c. Many states, however, have rejected this exception.
United States v. Leon, 468 U.S. 897 (1984)
It was held that
(1) suppression of evidence obtained pursuant to a warrant should be ordered only on a case-by-case basis and only in those unusual
cases in which exclusion will further the purposes of the exclusionary rule;
(2) that the exclusionary rule should not be applied to deter objectively reasonable law enforcement activity;
(3) that the Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule does not bar the use in the prosecution's case-in-chief of evidence obtained by
officers acting in reasonable reliance on a search warrant issued by a detached and neutral magistrate but ultimately found to be
unsupported by probable cause; and
(4) that exclusion of the evidence in the present case on account of the magistrate's erroneous probable-cause determination was
inappropriate because the affidavit related the results of an extensive investigation and provided evidence sufficient to create
disagreement among thoughtful and competent judges as to the existence of probable cause.

Circumstances Suggesting Invalidity of Warrant  Circumstances which should suggest to a police officer that a search warrant is
not valid include:
1) the magistrate who issued the warrant relied on information supplied by an affiant who knew that the statements in the
document were false or who recklessly disregarded the truth;
2) the magistrate’s behavior was so lacking in neutrality that it would have been apparent to a reasonable officer, e.g., where
the magistrate acts as a rubber stamp for the police by signing the warrant without reading it, while in the presence of the
officer who later claims reliance;
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3) the warrant is based on an affidavit lacking sufficient indicia of reliability, e.g., if a warrant is issued based on a wholly
conclusory affidavit;
4) the warrant is facially deficient in that it fails to particularize the place to be searched or the things to be seized (Lo-Ji).
Improperly Executed Warrants  The Leon [468 U.S. 897] “good faith” rule does not cure improperly executed warrants.

Extension of Good Faith Exception  The good-faith exception has been extended to a non-warrant search based on an error
made by a court employee, rather than by a police officer. Arizona v. Evans, 514 U.S. 1 (1995) (a police officer relied on a clerical
error made by a court employee; because of the error, the patrol car computer showed that there was an outstanding misdemeanor
warrant for defendant’s arrest; a subsequent warrantless search of the defendant’s car incident to the arrest revealed marijuana).

“Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” Doctrine  In general, the exclusionary rule extends not only to the direct products of an
unconstitutional search and seizure but also to ancillary evidence that results from the illegal search.
The fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree doctrine is subject to three qualifications:
(1) the independent source doctrine;
(2) the inevitable discovery rule; and
(3) the attenuated connection principle/"Dissipation-of-Taint".

Silverthorne Lumber Company v. United States, 251 U.S. 385 (1920)

The court overturned the district court's judgment. Because the government had obtained the company papers by illegal means, the
government could not use the knowledge gained from its wrong to frame a new indictment and use the evidence in a prosecution. The
court noted that such use of the knowledge gained from unlawful means would reduce the Fourth Amendment to a mere "form of

(1) Independent Source Doctrine  Evidence that is not causally linked to unconstitutional governmental activity is admissible
pursuant to the independent source doctrine.
The doctrine applies if the challenged evidence is:
1-first discovered during lawful police activity; or
2-initially discovered unlawfully, but is later obtained lawfully in a manner independent of the original discovery. Murray
v. United States, 487 U.S. 533 (1988).

Murray v. United States, 487 U.S. 533 (1988)

It was held that
(1) the "independent source" doctrine--under which evidence connected with a violation of the Federal Constitution's Fourth
Amendment violation is admissible if that evidence has a source independent of the illegality--applies not only to evidence obtained
for the first time during an independent lawful search but also to evidence that is initially discovered during, or as a consequence
of, an unlawful search, but is later obtained independently from activities untainted by the initial illegality;
(2) the evidence in question here may thus be admissible if the second search was in fact a genuinely independent source of that
evidence, which would not be the case if the agents' decision to seek the warrant was prompted by what they saw during the initial
entry or if information obtained during that entry was presented to the magistrate issuing the warrant and affected the magistrate's
decision; and
(3) since the District Court had not made a clear determination on this point, the case should be remanded to that court to make such a
Dissent, expressed the view that
(1) the court's decision fails to provide sufficient guaranties that a subsequent search was in fact independent of the illegal search,
and therefore undermines the deterrence function of the exclusionary rule; and
(2) where, as in the present case, the same law enforcement officers who participate in an illegal search immediately thereafter
obtain a warrant to search the same premises, the evidence discovered during the initial illegal entry must be suppressed

(2) Inevitable Discovery Rule  Evidence obtained illegally may be admissible in a criminal trial if the prosecutor proves by a
preponderance of the evidence that the challenged evidence “ultimately or inevitably would have been discovered by lawful means.”
Nix v. William, 467 U.S. 431 (1984).
(3) Attenuated Connection Principle  Evidence that otherwise qualifies as fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree may be admissible if its
connection with the illegal police activity is so attenuated that it is purged of the taint. Nardone v. United States, 308 U.S. 338
(1939); Wong Sun v. United States, 371 U.S. 471 (1963).

Factors that may influence whether fruit of the poisonous tree evidence is purged of its taint include:
(1) Temporal Proximity  The shorter the time lapse between the Fourth Amendment violation and the acquisition of the
challenged evidence, the more likely it is that a court will conclude that the evidence is tainted.
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a. For example, in Wong Sun [371 U.S. 471], the police obtained a statement from the defendant in his bedroom
immediately after his unlawful arrest.
b. The Court suppressed this evidence, “which derive[d] so immediately from the unlawful entry.”

(2) Intervening Events  The more factors that intervene between the Fourth Amendment violation and the seizure of the
challenged evidence, the more likely it is that the evidence will be deemed to have lost its taint.

(3) Intervening Act of Free Will  An intervening act of free will can remove the taint of an earlier Fourth Amendment

a. For example, in Wong Sun [371 U.S. 471], upon his release from jail after his unlawful arrest, the defendant later
voluntarily returned to the police station and provided a written statement.
i. The Court found that the voluntary nature of the defendant’s conduct removed from his statement any
statement from the initial violation.

b. However, the Court has warned that Miranda [Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)] warnings alone cannot
convert a confession following a Fourth Amendment violation into a product of free will, breaking the link between
the statement and the violation. Brown v. Illinois, 422 U.S. 59 (1975).
i. Therefore, if the police:
1. arrest a suspect on less than probable cause,
2. administer Miranda warnings,
3. obtain a waiver from the suspect, and
4. thereafter secure a confession,
ii. the question of whether the subsequent statement was the product of the suspect’s free will must be
determined based on the totality of the circumstances.

Wong Sun v. United States, 371 U.S. 471 (1963)

As to petitioner Toy, it was held that

(3) Toy's declarations in his bedroom should be excluded as the "fruits" of the officers' unlawful action;
(4) such exclusion required also the exclusion of the narcotics surrendered by Yee; and
(5) Toy's unsigned statement was not corroborated and hence furnished no basis for his conviction.
As to petitioner Wong, it was held that
(1) his arrest also was without probable cause;
(2) his unsigned confession and the heroin surrendered by Yee were admissible against him because not the fruit of the unlawful
(3) any references to Wong in Toy's statement were incompetent to corroborate Wong's confession; and
(4) Wong was entitled to a new trial because it was not certain from the record whether the trial court might not have considered the
contents of Toy's statement as against Wong

c. Payton violation  Where the police have probable cause to arrest a suspect, the exclusionary rule does not bar the
State’s use of a statement made by the defendant outside of his home, even when he was arrested in his home
without a warrant in violation of Payton. New York v. Harris, 495 U.S. 14 (1990).

d. Flagrancy of the Violation  Fruit of the poisonous tree evidence is less likely to be free of taint if the Fourth
Amendment violation was flagrant rather than unintentional.

e. Nature of the Derivative Evidence  Some evidence, by its nature, is more susceptible to dissipation of the taint
than other evidence, e.g., verbal evidence is more likely to be admissible than physical evidence.

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In Leon, the Supreme Court of the United States enunciated a good faith exception to the Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule, which
provided that evidence that was seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment by an officer who reasonably relied in good faith on a
warrant that was issued by a neutral magistrate would not be excluded from the case-in-chief. This was a clear statement by the
Court of a retreat from previous Court precedent that had indicated that the exclusionary rule was a constitutionally compelled
corollary of the Fourth Amendment.

The exclusionary rule was first stated in Weeks v. United States  applicable to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment's Due
Process Clause in Wolf v. Colorado  enforceable against the states by the sanction of exclusion in Mapp v. Ohio.

In the context of the exception to the Fourth Amendment's exclusionary rule, a court's "good-faith" inquiry is confined to the
objectively ascertainable question whether a reasonably well trained officer would have known that the search was illegal despite
the magistrate's authorization. In making this determination, all of the circumstances, including whether the warrant application had
previously been rejected by a different magistrate, may be considered.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008


1) Confession must be voluntary
2) Issue is determined by a Totality-of-the-Circumstances
i) Must show Police COERCION AND
ii) OVERBORNE the Will of the Suspect
a) Factors…
b) Etc.
c) Etc.
3) Analyze under 5th or 14th Amendment Due Process Clause; 5th Amendment right against self incrimination; 6th
Amendment right to Counsel…

*Characteristics of the accused

*Details of the interrogation
Due Process Clause (first, you cannot take away … without due process of law) the process is inappropriate for the
Fundamental fairness and rejecting the abuse

Hector (A Slave) v. State, 2 Mo. 166 (1829)  Hypacritically Slaves were property yet they were provided with the rights of Criminal
Law, Pres. Lincoln stressed this.
Defendant sought review of the judgment of the trial court (Missouri), which convicted him of burglary. On appeal, the court held that
the trial court erred in not excluding the confession. The court determined that defendant's confession was made to gain a respite
from the pain of the flogging. The court stated that the trial court erred in instructing the jury that all confessions made freely and
voluntarily by defendant were evidence because the issue of whether a confession was made freely and voluntarily to be
competent testimony is/was a matter of law to be decided by the court and not by the jury. Reversed and new trial ordered.

As Justice Brandeis so wisely urged:

"In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperilled if it fails to

observe the law scrupulously. Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For
good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the
Government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to
become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that in the administration of
the criminal law the end justifies the means -- to declare that the Government may
commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal -- would bring
terrible retribution. Against that pernicious doctrine this Court should resolutely set its
face." Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, 485, 72 L. Ed. 944, 48 S. Ct. 564 (1928)
(dissenting opinion).

Voluntary Confessions  A confession that is
freely and voluntarily made,
following proper Miranda [384 U.S. 436] warnings,
is admissible against the defendant at a criminal trial.
The voluntariness of a confession is to be assessed from the "totality-of-all-the-circumstances", taking into account both
the characteristics of the accused and
the details of the interrogation.

Lisenba v. California, 314 U.S. 219 (1941)

Petitioner, who was convicted of murder, appealed an order of the Supreme Court of California, which denied his petition for habeas
corpus to respondent State of California arguing that the confession admitted against him at trial was a violation of his due process
rights under U.S. Const. amend. XIV. The court acknowledged that when the officers failed to produce petitioner before a magistrate,
detained him for days, assaulted him, and denied him access to counsel, they violated state law. However, these illegal acts did not
determine whether a due process violation had occurred. The issue was whether the use of the confession resulted in an unfair trial.
The purpose of excluding involuntary confessions was to exclude false evidence, but the aim of due process was to exclude any
evidence the use of which would be fundamentally unfair. The evidence about how petitioner's confession was obtained was
conflicting, and the court could not find that the lower court's findings were erroneous. The record supported a finding that petitioner
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was not influenced by the officers' acts. The court thus affirmed.

Involuntary Confessions  A confession that results from police coercion violates the Fifth Amendment privilege against
compulsory self-incrimination.

The following factors may negate the voluntariness of a confession. Voluntariness is based on a fundamentally moral underpinning
against wrongs. Connection to moral underpinnings and the law:

(1) Actual or Threatened Physical Force  A confession obtained by threatened or actual use of violence is inadmissible.
Confessions have also been invalidated when the police have “warned” a suspect that, unless he confesses, he may be the victim of
mob violence or deadly attacks from fellow prisoners.

(2) Deprivation Confessions have been suppressed in cases in which the police deprived a suspect of food, water, or sleep, for an
extended period of time.

(3) Psychological Pressures Among the relevant factors that determine whether undue psychological pressure (coercion) was
imposed on a suspect are:
• length of custodial detention.
• whether the interrogation was prolonged.
• whether the questioning occurred in the daytime or at night.
• whether the confession was given in narrative or question and answer format.
• whether the interrogation is conducted incommunicado.
• the venerability of the suspect in the setting (e.g., confession elicited by police officer while suspect was in hospital).
• the personal characteristics of the suspect (e.g., age, intelligence, level of education, psychological makeup, and prior
experience with the police).

(4) Promises of Leniency  A confession is not necessarily a product of coercion where the police expressly or implicitly promise
leniency in exchange for the suspect’s cooperation. Arizona v. Fulminante, 499 U.S. 279 (1991) (repudiating Bram v. United States,
168 U.S. 532 (1897), which held that a confession was involuntary if it was obtained by any promise for leniency, “however slight”).

Bram v. United States, 168 U.S. 532 (1897)

–Not Discussed in Class–

• Lower courts have determined that some types of promises of leniency will render a confession involuntary, such as assurances
that some of the charges will be dropped or that the defendant will receive a reduction in punishment.
• However, standing alone, courts rarely invalidate a confession based on a mere promise by the police to bring the defendant’s
cooperation to the prosecutor’s attention, or promise that a prosecutor will discuss leniency in exchange for a confession,
without in fact making any assurances as to results.

(5) Threat of Harsh Legal Treatment  A confession procured by a threat of especially harsh treatment – directed at the suspect
himself or another – may be invalid. E.g., Rogers v. Richmond, 365 U.S. 534 (1961) (suppressing a confession as involuntary
because it was secured in response to a wrongful police threat to take the suspect’s wife into custody).
• Some lower courts have ruled that a confession is involuntary if the police threaten to inform the prosecutor of a suspect’s
refusal to cooperate, since this is a threat to penalize the suspect for asserting his privilege against compulsory self-

(6) Deception  Deception about the strength of the case against the suspect – e.g., if the police falsely inform a suspect that an
accomplice has already confessed – without more, generally will not invalidate a confession, although it may be a factor weighed in
an assessment of the voluntariness of the confession.

Spano v. New York, 360 U.S. 315 (1959)

On certiorari, the Court reversed petitioner's conviction for first-degree murder. The Court found that petitioner's involuntary
confession had been wrongly admitted into evidence over appropriate objection at trial. The confession was inconsistent with U.S.
Const. amend. XIV under traditional principles. Petitioner was subjected to questioning by several men for nearly eight hours. The
questioning was not conducted during normal business hours, but began in early evening, continued into the night, and did not bear
fruition until morning. The questioners persisted in the face of petitioner's repeated refusals to answer on the advice of his
attorney. The Court found another factor that deserved mentioning was the use of petitioner's "childhood friend," now a police
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officer, to play upon his sympathy. The Court concluded that petitioner's will was overcome by official pressure, fatigue, and
sympathy falsely aroused in a post-indictment setting. The police were only concerned in securing a statement from petitioner on
which they could convict him.
**When patent undeviating intent is shown on the part of officers to extract a confession from defendant, the confession obtained must
be examined with the most careful scrutiny.
It was held that, under the circumstances, the use of the confession violated the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and
required reversal of the conviction, even if there was sufficient other evidence in the record from which the jury might have found

Exclusionary Rule
Impeachment  A coerced confession is inadmissible at the defendant’s criminal trial for all purposes, including impeachment.
Fruit-of-the-Poisonous-Tree Doctrine  The Supreme Court has not expressly addressed whether the fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree
doctrine applies to coerced confessions, but it is generally assumed that the doctrine does apply in such circumstances.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008

Was he "in-custody"? Did what they say or did, was it i. Right to remain silent Knowing and Voluntary
Duration? reasonable likely to cause him to ii. Anything said can be waiver  Burden is on the
Armed? speak or confess? used against you prosecution.
Others present? Could the words or action have in court of law
been seen as to illicit a response? iii. You have the right to
Were the acts or statements an attorney
something that would be known -IN-CLASS EXAMPLE
likely to illicit a response? STOPPED HERE-
iv. If you cannot afford
one (indigents),
one will [may] be
appointed to you.
Yes/No Questions will they fall "Knowingly and Completely"
into the type discussed Hiiebel

Thinking about Miranda: A Lawyer's (and Law Student's) Checklist:

1.) Custodial Interrogation
a. Requires Custody and
b. Interrogation
2.) A suspect may WAIVE her "Miranda Rights"
3.) If not given or waived, statements are generally inadmissible, however, does this exclusionary rule apply to the "fruit-of-the-
poisonous-tree" doctrine
4.) Are there exceptions to the Miranda Rule? e.g., Perkins. Does it apply to the entire statement or only the pre-Miranda

Chaves v. Martinez, 538 U.S. 760 (2003)

On certiorari different majorities of the Justices agreed that:
(1) The individual did not have a valid § 1983 claim against the supervisor for an asserted violation of the individual's Fifth
Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.
(2) The issue of possible liability for a substantive due process violation, under the Fourteenth Amendment, was an issue that ought to
be addressed on remand.
Judgment of the court expressed the view that
(1) the individual's allegations failed to state a valid claim for a violation of the individual's Fifth Amendment privilege against self-
incrimination, because
(a) the individual had never been compelled to be a "witness" against himself in a "criminal case," within the meaning of
the Fifth Amendment's self-incrimination clause, where the individual's answers had never been used against him in any
subsequent criminal prosecution,
(b) while the Supreme Court had established the Miranda exclusionary rule as a prophylactic measure--in order to prevent
violations of the right protected by the text of the self-incrimination clause--the supervisor's failure to read Miranda
warnings had not violated the individual's federal constitutional rights, and
(c) mere compulsion did not violate the self-incrimination clause;
(2) the individual had also failed to allege a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause, for
(a) even if it were assumed for the purpose of argument that the supervisor's questioning had deprived the individual of a
liberty interest, the supervisor's behavior had not been egregious or conscience-shocking under the circumstances, and
(b) freedom from police questioning ought not to be found to be a new "fundamental liberty interest" that would require a
compelling state interest in order to be abridged validly; and
(3) thus, the supervisor ought to have been entitled to qualified immunity

Miranda v. Arizona  The landmark case of Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966), resulted from the consolidation of four cases
on appeal. In each case, the suspect was taken into custody, questioned in a police interrogation room in which the suspect was alone
with the interrogators, and never informed of his privilege against self-incrimination.

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• Miranda held that any statement, whether exculpatory or inculpatory, obtained as the result of custodial interrogation could not
be used against the suspect in a criminal trial unless the police provided procedural safeguards effective to secure the suspect’s
privilege against compulsory self-incrimination.

o “Custodial interrogation” is defined in Miranda as “questioning initiated by law enforcement officers after a person
has been taken into custody or otherwise deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way.”

Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)

Established the prerequisite to the admissibility of ∆'s statements, the suspect must, in the absence of a clear, intelligent waiver of the
constitutional rights involved, be warned prior to questioning that he has a
(1) right to remain silent,
(2) that any statement he does make may be used as evidence against him, and
(3) that he has a right to the presence of an attorney,
(4) either retained or appointed.
Dissent in part expressed the view that the admissibility of a confession obtained by custodial interrogation should depend on the
Dissent believed that Miranda has no significant support in the history of the privilege or in the language of the Fifth Amendment

“Custody”  A person is deemed to be in custody if he is deprived of his freedom of action “in any significant way.” “Custody”
requires the existence of coercive conditions that would cause a reasonable person to believe, under all the circumstances
surrounding the interrogation, that he is not free to go.
• Not all coercive environments equate to “custody.”
o For example, a police interrogation room may be deemed a coercive environment but the totality of the circumstances
may indicate that a person is not in custody – e.g., he came to the police station voluntarily, was informed prior to
questioning that he was not under arrest, and he was free to leave the police station at any time. See Oregon v.
Mathiason, 429 U.S. 492 (1971); California v. Beheler, 463 U.S. 1121 (1983).
• Brief detention by the police likewise does not necessarily put one in custody, for example, brief questioning during a routine
traffic stop or roadblock. Berkemer v. McCarty, 468 U.S. 420 (1984).

“Interrogation” For purposes of Miranda [384 U.S. 436], “interrogation” refers to express questioning or its “functional
equivalent,” i.e., “any words or actions on the part of the police (other than those normally attendant to arrest and custody) that the
police should know are reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response from the suspect.” Rhode Island v. Innis, 446 U.S. 291
• For example, if the police know the person in custody may be susceptible to certain forms of persuasion, any statements or
actions designed to play upon such susceptibilities may be deemed the functional equivalent of interrogation.
o In Innis, a murder suspect was being transported to the police station when the police commented that they hoped that
the murder weapon, which had not yet been located, would not be found by any children from a nearby school for the
handicapped. In response, the suspect, who had previously requested a lawyer, revealed the location of the gun.
The Court held that the comments were not the functional equivalent of interrogation because it found:
(1) the comments were brief;
(2) the comments were not particularly evocative;
(3) the suspect was not disoriented or upset when the comments were made;
(4) there was no evidence that the police should have known that the suspect would be susceptible to an appeal to his

Procedural Safeguards: The “Miranda Warnings”  ***Failure to administer Miranda warnings creates a presumption of
compulsion. Oregon v. Elstad

Content of Miranda Warnings The Court in Miranda [384 U.S. 436] noted that Congress and the states are free to develop
procedural safeguards for protecting a suspect’s Fifth Amendment rights during custodial interrogation. However, unless they are
“fully as effective” as those described in Miranda, the
police must apprise the suspect issue, prior to custodial interrogation, that:
(1) the suspect has a right to remain silent;
(2) anything said can and will be used against the suspect in court;
(3) the suspect has the right to consult with a lawyer and to have his lawyer present during interrogation;
(4) if the suspect is indigent a lawyer will be appointed to represent him.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008
Right to Remain Silent  Miranda [384 U.S. 436] states that, once warnings are given, if the suspect indicates that he wishes to
remain silent, the interrogation must cease. The police must honor a suspect’s right to silence after he asserts the privilege but are
not necessarily precluded from attempting to interrogate the suspect under different circumstances. See Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S.
96 (1975) (holding that the police did not violate the defendant’s Fifth Amendment rights when the interrogation ceased immediately
upon request; two hours elapsed; the subsequent questioning was by a different officer, in a different location, for a different crime;
and Miranda warnings were restated).

Right to Counsel During Interrogations

Fifth Amendment Right  When a suspect in custody invokes his right under Miranda [384 U.S. 436] to consult with an attorney,
the police must cease the interrogation until the suspect’s attorney is present unless the suspect initiates further “communication,
exchanges, or conversations” with the police. Edwards v. Arizona, 451 U.S. 477 (1981). This rule is intended “to prevent police from
badgering a defendant into waiving his previously asserted Miranda rights” and applies to all interrogation, including questioning
about crimes other than the one for which the suspect is in custody. However, the Edwards rule does not apply unless a suspect
unambiguously asserts his right to counsel. Davis v. United States, 512 U.S. 452 (1994).
• Furthermore, once a suspect in custody invokes his Miranda [384 U.S. 436] right to counsel, the police may not re-initiate
interrogation at any time thereafter unless counsel is present. Minnick v. Mississippi, 498 U.S. 146 (1990).
• Where the suspect initiates communications with the police in the absence of counsel, the police may recommence interrogation
upon obtaining a valid waiver of his Fifth Amendment rights. A suspect initiates communications, exchanges or conversations
by any comment or inquiry that indicates his desire to engage in a discussion relating directly or indirectly to the investigation.
Comments or inquiries “relating to routine incidents of the custodial relationship,” such as a request for water or to use a
telephone, do not qualify as “communications, exchanges, or conversations” and thus do not properly trigger further police
interrogation. Oregon v. Bradshaw, 462 U.S. 1039 (1983).

Sixth Amendment Right  The right to counsel guaranteed as a result of Miranda v. Arizona [384 U.S. 436] falls within the
protections of the Fifth Amendment and is available to a suspect upon being taken into custody. This right differs in various respects
from the right to counsel in the Sixth Amendment, which, with the exception of the ruling in Escobedo v. Illinois, 378 U.S. 478
(1964) (a pre-Miranda decision), has been held to attach only upon commencement of criminal proceedings, e.g., upon filing of an
indictment. [See Chapter 11, Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel: Interrogation.]

Waiver of Miranda Rights

Elements of Valid Waiver  Miranda [384 U.S. 436] states that a valid waiver of Fifth Amendment rights during interrogation
“could” be found when, after the reading of Miranda rights, a suspect expressly states a willingness to make a statement, without the
presence of an attorney, “followed closely” by such statement.
• The validity of the waiver must be based on an assessment of “ ‘the particular facts and circumstances surrounding that case,
including the background, experience, and conduct of the accused.’ ” Edwards v. Arizona, 451 U.S. at 482 (quoting Johnson v.
Zerbst, 304 U.S. 458, 464 (1938)).

Voluntary, Knowing, and Intelligent Waiver  In order to be valid, a waiver must have been given “voluntarily, knowingly, and
intelligently.” Colorado v. Connelly, 479 U.S. 157 (1986).
• A voluntary waiver is “the product of a free and deliberate choice rather than intimidation, coercion, or deception.”
• A knowing and intelligent waiver is made with “full awareness of both the nature of the right being abandoned and the
consequences of the decision to abandon it.” Moran v. Burbine, 475 U.S. 412 (1986).
• A waiver cannot be deemed “knowing and intelligent” unless the police issued proper Miranda [384 U.S. 436] warnings.

Express and Implied Waiver  A valid waiver may not be presumed simply from the suspect’s silence following reading of the
Miranda [384 U.S. 436] warnings or from the fact that he confesses.
• Nevertheless, an express statement of waiver is not invariably necessary. North Carolina v. Butler, 441 U.S. 369 (1979).
• In some cases, waiver may be clearly inferred from the suspect’s words and actions that follow Miranda warnings, although the
Supreme Court has given little guidance on when such circumstances exist.

Inapplicability of Miranda
Interrogation by Undercover Police*** Miranda [384 U.S. 436] warnings are not required if the suspect being questioned is
unaware that the interrogator is a police officer. Illinois v. Perkins, 496 U.S. 292 (1990) (an undercover police agent, posing as a
criminal, was positioned in the defendant’s cellblock and engaged the defendant in a conversation designed to elicit details of the

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crime for which he was suspected; the Court held that such statements, although the result of interrogation while in custody, and in the
absence of Miranda warnings, were admissible).

Illinois v. Perkins, 496 U.S. 292 (1990)

It was held that
(1) Miranda warnings are not required when a suspect is unaware that the suspect is speaking to a law enforcement officer and
gives a voluntary statement;
(2) an undercover law enforcement officer posing as a fellow inmate is not required to give Miranda warnings to an incarcerated
suspect before the officer asks questions that may elicit an incriminating response, because the interests protected by Miranda are not
implicated in such circumstances, in which there is no interaction between custody and official interrogation; and
(3) thus, there was no federal obstacle to the admissibility of the statements in the instant case, in which
(a) the suspect had been motivated solely by his desire to impress his fellow inmates,
(b) the suspect had had no reason to feel that the undercover agent had any legal authority to force the suspect to answer
questions or that the agent could affect the suspect's future treatment,
(c) the suspect had viewed the cellmate-agent as an equal and had showed no hint of being intimidated by the atmosphere of
the jail, and
(d) precedents as to restrictions, under the Constitution's Sixth Amendment right to counsel, on the use of undercover agents
were not applicable, since, at the time the statements had been made, no charges had been filed on the subject of the
Concurring, factors such as whether or not ∆ had previously invoked his Miranda rights or after being charged had formally invoked
his 6th Amendment right to counsel on the unrelated charge.
Dissent expressed the view that
(1) the suspect's confession was inadmissible, because the suspect had received no Miranda warnings before the suspect had been
subjected to custodial interrogation, since
(a) the compulsion proscribed by Miranda v Arizona includes deception by the police, for the pressures unique to custody
allow the police to use deceptive interrogation tactics to compel a suspect to make an incriminating statement, and
(b) such compulsion is not eliminated by the suspect's ignorance of the interrogator's true identity; and
(2) the court's adoption of an "undercover agent" exception to the Miranda doctrine \
(a) was incompatible with the principle that the Miranda doctrine should remain simple and clear, and
(b) established a substantial loophole in the jurisprudence protecting suspects' Fifth Amendment rights.

Physical Evidence***  Since the privilege against compulsory self-incrimination applies only to testimonial or communicative
evidence, Miranda [384 U.S. 436] warnings are not required in order for the police to compel the production of physical or real
evidence, such as a blood, breath, or handwriting sample.

Exigent Circumstances  A "public safety exception" to Miranda [384 U.S. 436] allows the police to interrogate a suspect prior
to Miranda warnings if an exigency exists that requires immediate police action to ensure public safety, e.g., to locate a loaded
weapon in a public place. The questions asked prior to issuance of the warnings must be directed at the exigent circumstances only.
New York v. Quarles, 467 U.S. 649 (1984) (observing that the defendant, who had just attacked a woman and then fled into a grocery
store, had an empty shoulder holster, an officer validly asked the defendant, without issuing Miranda warnings, where the gun was).

Test is enunciated in one of the footnotes (per Broyles in NY v. Quarles, pp. 589-97)
• Immediacy
• Investigatory nature
• Questions going to the public interest aspect of the nature

New York v. Quarles, 467 U.S. 649 (1984)

It was held that under the circumstances, overriding considerations of public safety justified the officer's failure to provide Miranda
warnings before he asked questions devoted to locating the abandoned weapon, regardless of the officer's subjective motivation in
asking the question.
O'Connor concurring required suppression of the incriminating statement but not the gun itself.

Routine Booking Questions

Miranda [384 U.S. 436] warnings need not be issued prior to asking a suspect in custody routine booking questions,
such as name, address, date of birth, and other biographical data necessary to complete the booking process.
Pennsylvania v. Muniz, 496 U.S. 582 (1990).

Exclusionary Rule Under Miranda

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008

Impeachment Exception***  A statement obtained in violation of Miranda [384 U.S. 436] may be used to impeach a defendant at
trial. Harris v. New York, 401 U.S. 222 (1971).

Truly Coerced Statements***  New Jersey v. Portash, 440 U.S. 450 (1979) a "defendants compelled statements, as opposed to
statements taken in violation of Miranda, may not be put to any testimonial use against them in a criminal trial." Unlike statements
taken in violation if the Fourth Amendment, compelled confession cannot be used for any purpose.

Arrested Persons Silence***  Doyle v. Ohio, 426 U.S. 610 (1976) it would be "fundamentally unfair and a depravation of due
process to allow the arrested person's silence to be used to impeach an explanation subsequently offered at trial."

"Fruit-of-the-Poisonous-Tree" Doctrine***
• The Supreme Court has interpreted Miranda [384 U.S. 436] to not support the “fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree” doctrine.
Michigan v. Tucker, 417 U.S. 433 (1974) (the government may call a witness to testify at trial, even if that witness’s
identity became known as a result of a statement by defendant secured in violation of Miranda); Oregon v. Elstad, 470
U.S. 298 (1985) (the government may introduce a defendant’s own voluntary, post-Miranda, admissions, even if they
were obtained as a result of an earlier Miranda violation).
o Elstad, so long as the second statement is voluntary, and the first statements is voluntary yet inadmissible, the
second is good.

Oregon v. Elstad, 470 U.S. 298 (1985)

Held that a suspect who has once responded to unwarned yet uncoercive questioning is not thereby disabled from waiving his rights
and confessing after he has been given the requisite Miranda warnings, AND that in the present case the defendant's signed, voluntary
confession was not rendered inadmissible by the prior remark made in response to questioning without benefit of Miranda warnings.
Dissent expressed a rebuttable presumption that a confession obtained in violation of Miranda taints subsequent confessions, and the
taint cannot be dissipated solely by giving Miranda warnings.
Stevens, J., dissented, expressing that even such a narrowly confined exception is inconsistent with prior cases, will breed confusion
and uncertainty in the administration of criminal justice, and denigrates the importance of one of the core constitutional rights

• However, Tucker [417 U.S. 433] and Elstad [470 U.S. 298] were based on the premise that Miranda [384 U.S. 436] was a
“prophylactic” but not a constitutional rule.
• Subsequently, the Court in Dickerson v. United States, 530 U.S. 428 (2000), departed from the reasoning in Tucker and
stated that Miranda was in fact a constitutional decision.
• Nevertheless, the Court has not thus far reversed its position on the inapplicability of the fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree doctrine
to statements obtained in violation of Miranda.

Dickerson v. United States, 530 U.S. 428 (2000)

The Supreme Court reversed. Holding that
(1) Miranda was a constitutional decision which could not be in effect overruled by an act of Congress;
(2) the Supreme Court itself would decline to overrule Miranda, on the ground that the principles of stare decisis weighed heavily
against doing so;
(3) the federal statute could not be sustained under the Constitution; and
(4) Miranda and Miranda's progeny in the Supreme Court thus governed the admissibility of statements made during custodial
interrogation in both state and federal courts.
(1) a violation of Miranda's rules was a violation not of the Constitution, but of prophylactic rules that went beyond the constitutional
right against compelled self-incrimination; …

Missouri v. Seibert, 542 U.S. 600 (2004)

∆'s Post-Miranda-Warning statement was inadmissible at trial, because the officer's midstream recitation of warnings after his initial
interrogation and the accused's unwarned confession could not effectively have complied with Miranda's constitutional
requirement, as the officer's "question-first" tactic effectively had threatened to thwart Miranda's purpose of reducing the risk that
a coerced confession would be admitted--and the facts in the instant case did not reasonably support a conclusion that the warnings
given could have served their purpose – because
(1) when Miranda warnings were inserted in the midst of coordinated and continuing interrogation, the warnings were likely to
(a) mislead, and

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(b) deprive an accused of knowledge essential to the accused's ability to understand the
(i) nature of the accused's rights, and
(ii) consequences of abandoning them; and
(2) it ordinarily would be unrealistic to treat two spates of integrated and proximately-conducted questioning as independent
interrogations subject to independent evaluation simply because Miranda warnings had formally punctuated them in the middle.
Dissent reasoned:
(1) the officer's two-step interrogation procedure ought to have been analyzed under the voluntariness standards that were central to
the Fifth Amendment and had been reiterated in Oregon v Elstad (1985) 470 U.S. 298 (1985);
(2) Elstad commanded that if the accused's first statement was shown to have been involuntary, then the court was required to
examine whether the taint had dissipated through
(a) the passing of time, or
(b) a change in circumstance; …

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008


"Initiation of Judicial Proceedings."
6th Amendment "right to counsel" is offense specific.
No public safety exception.
"Fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree" doctrine applies.
Inconsistent Miranda violations can be used to impeach.

Massiah v. United States, 377 U.S. 210 (1964)

• It was held that under the Sixth Amendment's guaranty of the defendant's right to assistance of counsel, the defendant's
incriminating statements, elicited by government agents after he had been indicted and in the absence of his counsel, were not
admissible at his trial.
• Dissent believed the pretrial statements of a defendant in criminal proceedings should be admissible in evidence if
voluntarily made and not coerced, and that the absence of counsel should be only one of several factors considered in judging

Brewer v. Williams, 430 U.S. 387 (1977)

"Christian Burial" Speech.
(1) the prisoner was denied his constitutional right to the assistance of counsel under the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments, since
(a) ∆ was entitled to a lawyer at/after the initiation of judicial proceedings, and judicial proceedings had been initiated
against him before the start of the automobile trip, and
(b) once adversary proceedings had commenced against the prisoner, he had a right to legal representation when the
government interrogated him, and the police detective's "Christian burial" speech was tantamount to interrogation so as to
entitle the prisoner to the assistance of counsel at the time he made his incriminating disclosures; and
(2) in light of the prisoner's assertions of his right to counsel, there was no reasonable basis for finding that the prisoner had waived
that right (waiver has to have a "knowing and voluntary waiver").
Officer consciously and knowingly set out to violate prisoner's Sixth Amendment right to counsel and his Fifth Amendment privilege
against self-incrimination, and that the heinous nature of the crime was no excuse for condoning knowing and intentional police
transgression of the constitutional rights of a defendant.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008
United States v. Long Tong Kiam, 343 F. Supp. 2d 398, 407 (E.D. Pa. 2004)
In Seibert, the plurality contrasted Elstad by listing five factors that bear on whether courts should hold midstream Miranda warnings
(1) the completeness and detail of the questions and answers in the first round of interrogation,
(2) the overlapping content of the two statements,
(3) the timing and setting of the first and second,
(4) the continuity of police personnel, and
(5) the degree to which the interrogator's questions treated the second round as continuous with the first.
A court applying Seibert should follow three steps.
(1) First, the court should determine whether law enforcement personnel deliberately employed the two-round interrogation
strategy for the purpose of sidestepping Miranda.
(2) Then, to determine whether a given situation is more like that in Elstad or Seibert, the court should apply the five factors the
Seibert plurality enunciated. Finally, if after applying these factors, the court concludes that the facts are more like those in
Seibert than Elstad, it should follow a third, final step:
(3) determining whether the interrogator took any curative measures. Assuming that he or she did not, the confession is


Text of Sixth Amendment  The Sixth Amendment reads in relevant part: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall . . .
have the Assistance of counsel for his defense.”

When the Right Attaches  The Sixth Amendment right to counsel exists for “criminal prosecutions.” Thus, the right attaches
only upon commencement of adversary judicial proceedings, such as preliminary hearing, indictment, information, or arraignment.
Brewer v. Williams, 430 U.S. 387 (1977).

Brewer v. Williams, 430 U.S. 387 (1977)

"Christian Burial" Speech.
(1) the prisoner was denied his constitutional right to the assistance of counsel under the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments, since
(a) ∆ was entitled to a lawyer at/after the initiation of judicial proceedings, and judicial proceedings had been initiated against
him before the start of the automobile trip, and
(b) once adversary proceedings had commenced against the prisoner, he had a right to legal representation when the
government interrogated him, and the police detective's "Christian burial" speech was tantamount to interrogation so as to
entitle the prisoner to the assistance of counsel at the time he made his incriminating disclosures; and
(2) in light of the prisoner's assertions of his right to counsel, there was no reasonable basis for finding that the prisoner had waived
that right (waiver has to have a "knowing and voluntary waiver").
Officer consciously and knowingly set out to violate prisoner's Sixth Amendment right to counsel and his Fifth Amendment privilege
against self-incrimination, and that the heinous nature of the crime was no excuse for condoning knowing and intentional police
transgression of the constitutional rights of a defendant.

“Deliberate Elicitation”  The Sixth Amendment has been interpreted to prohibit the government from deliberately eliciting
incriminating information from an accused, in the absence of defense counsel, once adversary judicial criminal proceedings have
commenced. Massiah v. United States, 377 U.S. 201 (1964).

Massiah v. United States, 377 U.S. 210 (1964)

It was held that under the Sixth Amendment's guaranty of the defendant's right to assistance of counsel, the defendant's incriminating
statements, elicited by government agents after he had been indicted and in the absence of his counsel, were not admissible at his trial.
Dissent believed the pretrial statements of a defendant in criminal proceedings should be admissible in evidence if voluntarily made
and not coerced, and that the absence of counsel should be only one of several factors considered in judging voluntariness.

An investigatory technique constitutes elicitation if it is “the equivalent of direct police interrogation.” Kuhlmann v. Wilson, 477 U.S.
436 (1986).

Deliberate elicitation occurs when the government through its overt or covert police agent:

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008
(1) acts with the purpose of eliciting incriminating information from the accused regarding the pending charges, without regard to the
likelihood that the elicitation will be successful; or
(2) creates an opportunity for the accused to make incriminating statements about the pending charges.
(1) Police Acts With Purpose  Examples of purposeful police conduct that may elicit incriminating statements from the
accused include:
• an officer formally interrogates the accused.
• an undercover agent engages the accused in a conversation about the criminal activity.
• an officer makes statements that are designed to play on the conscience of the accused in order to induce
incriminating remarks.
(2) Police Create an Opportunity for Incriminating Statements
• Deliberate elicitation may be found where the government creates a situation likely to induce the defendant to make
incriminating statements. For example, in United States v. Henry, 47 U.S. 264 (1980), the FBI placed an informant
– who was to be paid on a contingent basis – in the defendant’s jail cell after he had been indicted. The FBI advised
the informant “to be alert to any statement” the defendant made, but not to initiate any conversations with the
defendant or ask him questions. Nevertheless, the informant engaged the defendant in conversation, during which
he made incriminating statements that the government sought to introduce at his trial. Focusing on several factors,
including that the paid informant had an incentive to elicit information from the defendant, the Court found that the
government had created an opportunity for the accused to incriminate himself, in the absence of counsel, thereby
violating his Sixth Amendment right.
• The government may be found to have unlawfully created an opportunity for the accused to incriminate himself in
violation of the Sixth Amendment even if the encounter with an informant or undercover agent is initiated by the
accused himself. In Maine v. Moulton, 474 U.S. 159 (1985), subsequent to the defendant’s indictment, the police
installed a recording device on an informant’s telephone. The defendant, unaware of such action, telephoned the
informant three times, during which he discussed the criminal charges against them. The Supreme Court again held
that the defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to counsel was violated by the government’s creation of an opportunity
for defendant to incriminate himself, irregardless of the fact that the defendant initiated the conversations.
• However, if a government agent does no more than listen, without proactively inducing the accused to make
incriminating statements – such as by placing an undercover agent or informant in an accused’s jail cell and merely
reporting the accused’s unsolicited incriminating statements – such action does not constitute deliberate elicitation.

“Offense-Specific” Nature of the Right

• The Sixth Amendment is offense-specific, i.e., the interrogation that is the subject of the Sixth Amendment inquiry must
relate to the crime for which criminal proceedings have commenced. McNeil v. Wisconsin, 501 U.S. 171 (1991). The
Sixth Amendment right to counsel does not attach to other crimes for which the accused may be under investigation but
which are unrelated to the pending prosecution.
• For purposes of determining whether the Sixth Amendment covers a given crime, Texas v. Cobb, 532 U.S. 162 (2001),
clarified that:
(1) the Sixth Amendment does not necessarily extend to offenses that are “factually related” to those for which the accused
has been formally charged;
(2) the term “offense” is “not necessarily limited to the four corners of a charging instrument”;
(3) “where the same act or transaction constitutes a violation of two distinct statutory provisions, the test to be applied to
determine whether there are two offenses or only one, is whether each provision requires proof of a fact which the
other does not.” Blockburger v. United States, 284 U.S. 299 (1932) (the test applied for double jeopardy purposes,
extended to the Sixth Amendment context by Cobb).

Waiver of the Right to Counsel

(1) When the Accused Requests Counsel  Once the Sixth Amendment right to counsel attaches, and the accused requests
counsel, the government may not initiate conversation with the accused relating to the crime at hand in the absence of
counsel, even if the accused waives the right in response to the police elicitation. However, if the accused initiates
conversation with the police, and waives his right to counsel, interrogation in the absence of counsel may proceed.
Michigan v. Jackson, 475 U.S. 625 (1986) (defendant was appointed counsel whom he had not yet met when the police
contacted the defendant, read him his Miranda [384 U.S. 436] rights, obtained a waiver, and questioned him, even though the
defendant had asked for his lawyer several times; the Court held that the waiver was invalid because the police initiated the
conversation after the defendant had requested counsel).
(2) When the Accused Does Not Request Counsel
a. Before Counsel is Appointed or Hired  In the absence of a request for counsel after the right attaches, the
police are permitted to seek from the accused a waiver of his right to counsel. Patterson v. Illinois, 487 U.S. 285
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(1988) (upholding the admissibility of the post-indictment statements made after issuance of Miranda [384 U.S.
436] warnings and procurement of a waiver of the right to counsel, where at the time of the post-indictment
questioning, the defendant had not yet retained, or accepted by appointment, a lawyer to represent him).
b. After Counsel is Appointed or Hired  The Supreme Court has not directly addressed the issue of whether a
waiver is valid where counsel has been appointed but the accused has not actually requested to meet with his lawyer.
However, in a footnote in Patterson [487 U.S. 285], the Court hinted that once counsel has been appointed or hired,
the police may not seek a waiver of the right to counsel from the defendant until he has had the opportunity to meet
with counsel (stating that it was “a matter of some significance” that the defendant, whose waiver of right to counsel
was found valid, had not yet retained or been appointed counsel). A footnote in Cobb [532 U.S. 162], however,
calls this position into question (stating “there is no ‘background principle’ of our Sixth Amendment jurisprudence
establishing that there may be no contact between a defendant and police without counsel present”), suggesting that
a waiver may be valid if the accused does not request assistance of counsel even if counsel has been appointed.
(3) Sufficiency of Waiver  As with waiver of the right to counsel during custodial interrogation, a waiver of the right to
counsel prior to post-indictment interrogation must be voluntary and made “knowingly and intelligently.” [See Chapter 9,
Custodial Interrogation.]

Scope of the Sixth Amendment Exclusionary Rule

Impeachment  The Court has addressed whether a statement secured in violation of the Sixth Amendment may be used for
impeachment purposes in only a limited context. If the police initiate conversation with an accused who has requested counsel, in
violation of the rule in Michigan v. Jackson, incriminating statements may be used for impeachment if the accused subsequently
waived the right, despite the fact that the improper police conduct precludes admission of the statements as part of the prosecution’s
direct case. Michigan v. Harvey, 494 U.S. 344 (1990).

Fruit-of-the-Poisonous-Tree Doctrine  The fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree doctrine applies to violations of the Sixth Amendment
right to counsel. See Nix v. Williams, 467 U.S. 431 (1984). [See Chapter 7, Exclusionary Rule.]

Comparison of Right to Counsel During Interrogations Under Sixth Amendment and Miranda
The right to counsel under the Sixth Amendment and the Fifth Amendment Miranda [384 U.S. 436] decision differ in the following
(1) Timing – The Sixth Amendment right applies only after adversary judicial criminal proceedings have been initiated against the
accused; the Fifth Amendment right attaches once the defendant is taken into custody.
(2) Custody – The Fifth Amendment right does not attach unless the suspect is in custody; the Sixth Amendment is not so limited,
e.g., it applies when the accused has been released from custody on bail or on his own recognizance.
(3) Nature of offense – The Sixth Amendment right is offense-specific; the Fifth Amendment right to counsel applies to any and all
offenses, once custodial interrogation commences.
(4) Focus of inquiry – The Fifth Amendment right to counsel applies when the custodial suspect is “interrogated,” and focuses on
the perceptions of the suspect (whether he believes he is in custody); the Sixth Amendment prohibits “deliberate elicitation,” and
focuses on the intentions of the police.
(5) Questioning by undercover agent or informant – The Fifth Amendment right to counsel is not invoked when the suspect is
questioned by an informant or undercover officer; the Sixth Amendment applies to deliberate elicitation by overt and covert
government agents.
(6) Fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree doctrine – The doctrine applies to Sixth Amendment violations; the doctrine does not apply to
violations of the Fifth Amendment right to counsel.
(7) Impeachment – Statements secured in violation of the Fifth Amendment right may be used for impeachment purposes;
statements secured in violation of the Sixth Amendment Jackson [475 U.S. 625] rule may be used for impeachment.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008


Text and Interpretation of the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination
The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides in relevant part that “[n]o person . . . shall be compelled in
any criminal case to be a witness against himself.”
The privilege against self-incrimination applies only to natural persons. It may be invoked by witnesses as well as
defendant(s). Corporations, associations, partnerships, and other entities cannot avail themselves of the privilege (the
“collective entity” doctrine), but a sole proprietor may.
The Fifth Amendment is violated when the government compels a person, by physical or mental force, to provide
incriminating oral or documentary testimonial evidence, e.g., forced confessions. [See Chapter 10, Confessions.]
“Criminal Case”
One may invoke the privilege against self-incrimination in any civil or criminal proceeding, whether formal or
informal – e.g., grand jury proceedings, trials, administrative hearings, police interrogations – where statements
could be used to incriminate him in a subsequent criminal proceeding. Lefkowitz v. Turley, 414 U.S. 70 (1973). The
privilege is available only where the possible consequence of the incriminating statement is criminal prosecution; it
may not be invoked to shield against personal disgrace, loss of employment, or civil confinement.
“Witness Against Himself”
Testimonial Evidence
 A person is deemed a “witness against himself” when he provides incriminating testimonial or
communicative evidence. Evidence is of a testimonial or communicative nature if it expresses, either
directly or indirectly, a factual assertion or one’s thoughts about the commission of a crime. Doe v. United
States, 487 U.S. 201 (1988). The communication can be verbal, such as an oral confession, or non-verbal,
such as nodding or shaking one’s head or making other gestures that communicate thoughts or facts.
 Under some circumstances, an incorrect answer to an otherwise non-incriminating statement may also be
deemed testimonial. In Pennsylvania v. Muniz, 496 U.S. 582 (1990), a drunk driving case, the Court held
that an incorrect answer regarding the date of the suspect’s sixth birthday was testimonial as it supported
the factual inference that the defendant’s mental faculties were impaired. (The Court distinguished the
incorrect answer, which reflected his mental processes, from the slurred nature of his words in general,
which were deemed to be physical evidence.)
 The privilege generally applies to documentary evidence as well if the documents incriminate the person
compelled to produce them. However, as the privilege against self-incrimination is personal, it may not be
asserted by a third-party (e.g., a suspect’s accountant) who is compelled to produce documents that
incriminate another.
Physical Evidence
 The Fifth Amendment does not preclude the government from compelling a person to provide real or
physical evidence. Schmerber v. California, 384 U.S. 757 (1966) (upholding compulsory taking of a
blood sample in order to test for alcohol after the defendant was arrested for driving under the influence).
 Speech does not always constitute testimonial evidence and may be deemed physical evidence, for
• a suspect in a lineup compelled to speak the words allegedly spoken by the perpetrator of the
crime under investigation for the purpose of voice recognition.
• a compelled writing sample used to analyze the handwriting itself, not the content.
• slurred speech, suggestive of intoxication.
• Other conduct producing evidence that is deemed physical rather than communicative, and
therefore, to which the privilege does not apply, includes:
• putting on clothing to see if it fits.
• standing in a lineup.
• moving one’s eyes or walking on a straight line as part of a sobriety test.
• giving blood after being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.
• If a judge determines that a witness has legitimately asserted the privilege against self-incrimination regarding a given matter,
the prosecution cannot compel the witness to testify as to that matter unless the government obtains an immunity order. An
immunity order requires the witness to testify while providing him with at least as much protection as the privilege itself.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008
• Two forms of immunity may be granted to a witness. “Transactional” immunity protects a witness from prosecution for any
offense that is the subject of the questioning. “Use” immunity permits prosecution of the witness regarding the matter on
which he is questioned but precludes admission of the compelled testimony at his criminal trial.
Exceptions to the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination
The privilege against self-incrimination applies to situations where the statements could be used in a criminal proceeding.
Thus, testimonial evidence, even if incriminating may be compelled in a variety of non-criminal contexts.
Required-Records Doctrine
Under the “required-records” doctrine, a party may be compelled to produce documents that it is required by law to
maintain. The doctrine applies where the statutory record-keeping requirement is:
(1) imposed in an essentially non-criminal and regulatory area;
(2) directed at the public at large, not at a select group inherently suspect of criminal activities; and
(3) rationally related to the regulatory purpose.
See, e.g., Shapiro v. United States, 335 U.S. 1 (1948) (upholding the constitutionality of federal regulations issued
under the Emergency Price Control Act, which required certain licensed businesses to maintain records of their
business activities and to make them available for inspection by the government upon request); California v. Byers,
402 U.S. 424 (1971) (upholding a state hit-and-run statute that required drivers involved in a vehicular accident to
stop at the scene and report name and address).
Object of Regulatory Interest
The ability to invoke the privilege against self-incrimination is limited when a person assumes control over items or
persons that are the legitimate object of the government’s non-criminal regulatory authority. In Baltimore City
Department of Social Services v. Bouknight, 493 U.S. 549 (1990), the Supreme Court ruled that a mother who had
previously lost custody of her child because of suspected child abuse, but was permitted temporary custody of the
child subject to various court conditions, could not assert the privilege against self-incrimination to resist
compliance with a subsequent court order that she produce the child or otherwise reveal his whereabouts. Because
the child’s care and safety had become an object of the state’s regulatory concern, the mother, upon accepting
temporary custody of the child, became subject “to the routine operation of the regulatory system” and thus was
required to comply with its requirements.

Crim. Pro. Outline – Fall 2008
Crim Pro Midterm Model Answer

1. The Aerial “Search”

Rule: Aerial viewing from navigable airspace is not a 4th A search, if the search: 1) occurs from publically nav.
Airspace; 2) is conducted in a physically nonintrusive manner; and 3) does not reveal intimate activities traditionally
associated with the use of a home or cartilage.

2. The Consent Issue

Rules: (1) No SW required when a Party Consents to Entry or Search of his/her property.
(2) Pros. has burden of proving Consent was Voluntarily given (though need not be knowing).
--Totality of the Circumstances test (e.g., (1) show of force; (2) Large # of Officers; (3) Repeat requests after initial
refusal; (4) subject’s personal characteristics.


3. The Search of the Property

(1) “Open fields” Doctrine : Entry onto an open field does not constitute a 4th A “search”, as it does not provide the
setting for those Intimate Activities the 4th A intended to protect
(2) “Curtilages” are areas where people reasonably expect to be the scene of those Intimate Activities that are tied to the
privacy of the home. ---Factors:
i. The Proximity of the area in q. to the home
ii. Whether the area is included w/in an enclosure surrounding the home
iii. The nature of the uses to which the area is put, and
iv. The steps taken by the resident to protect the area from observation by people passing by


4. Plain View Doctrine

Rule: Objects may be seized w/out a Warrant if they are in “plain view” of an officer lawfully on the scene.
1. Officer observes the article from a Lawful Vantage Point (e.g., SW; C w/ Exigent Circs.)
2. O. has a right of Physical Access to the article (i.e., scope issues)
3. Article’s nature as contraband is Immediately Apparent when O. seizes it (i.e., has PC to seize it)



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