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GR No. 178323, Mar 16, 2011


Armando Chingh y Parcia (Armando) seeks the reversal of the

Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No.
01119 convicting him of Statutory Rape and Rape Through Sexual

The factual and procedural antecedents are as follows:

On March 19, 2005, an Information for Rape was filed against Armando
for inserting his fingers and afterwards his penis into the private part of
his minor victim, VVV,[2] the accusatory portion of which reads:

That on or about March 11, 2004 in the City of Manila, Philippines,

[Armando], with lewd design and by means of force, violence and
intimidation did then and there willfully, unlawfully and knowingly
commit sexual abuse and lascivious conduct upon a ten (10) year old
minor child, [VVV], by then and there pulling her in a dark place then
mashing her breast and inserting his fingers in her vagina and afterwards
his penis, against her will and consent, thereby causing serious danger to
the normal growth and development of the child [VVV], to her damage
and prejudice.

Contrary to law.[3]

Upon his arraignment, Armando pleaded not guilty to the charge.

Consequently, trial on the merits ensued.

At the trial, the prosecution presented the testimonies of the victim,

VVV; the victim's father; PO3 Ma. Teresa Solidarios; and Dr. Irene
Baluyot. The defense, on the other hand, presented the lone testimony
Armando as evidence.
Evidence for the Prosecution

Born on 16 September 1993, VVV was only 10 years old at the time of
the incident. On 11 March 2004 at around 8:00 p.m., along with five
other playmates, VVV proceeded to a store to buy food. While she was
beckoning the storekeeper, who was not then at her station, Armando
approached and pulled her hand and threatened not to shout for help or
talk. Armando brought her to a vacant lot at Tindalo Street, about 400
meters from the store. While in a standing position beside an unoccupied
passenger jeepney, Armando mashed her breast and inserted his right
hand index finger into her private part. Despite VVV's pleas for him to
stop, Armando unzipped his pants, lifted VVV and rammed his phallus
inside her vagina, causing her to feel excruciating pain.

Threatened with death if she would tell anyone what had happened,
VVV kept mum about her traumatic experience when she arrived home.
Noticing her odd and uneasy demeanor as well as her blood-stained
underwear, however, her father pressed her for an explanation. VVV
confessed to her father about her unfortunate experience. Immediately,
they reported the matter to the police authorities. After his arrest,
Armando was positively identified by VVV in a police line-up.

The genital examination of VVV conducted by Dr. Irene Baluyot (Dr.

Baluyot) of the Philippine General Hospital's Child Protection Unit, in
the morning of 12 March 2004, showed a ''fresh laceration with bleeding
at 6 o'clock position" in the child's hymen and "minimal bleeding from
[said] hymen laceration." Her impression was that there was a "clear
evidence"' of "penetrating trauma" which happened within 24 hours
prior to the examination. The photograph of the lacerated genitalia of
VVV strongly illustrated and buttressed Dr. Baluyot's medical report.[4]

Evidence for the Defense

Armando denied that he raped VVV. Under his version, in (sic) the night
of 11 March 2004, he and his granddaughter were on their way to his
cousin's house at Payumo St., Tondo, Manila. As it was already late, he
told his granddaughter to just go home ahead of him while he decided to
go to Blumentritt market to buy food. While passing by a small alley on
his way thereto, he saw VVV along with some companions, peeling
"dalanghita." VVV approached him and asked if she could go with him
to the market because she will buy "dalanghita" or sunkist. He refused
her request and told VVV instead to go home. He then proceeded
towards Blumentritt, but before he could reach the market, he
experienced rheumatic pains that prompted him to return home. Upon
arriving home, at about 8:30 o'clock in the evening, he watched
television with his wife and children. Shortly thereafter, three (3)
barangay officials arrived, arrested him, and brought him to a police
precinct where he was informed of VVV's accusation against him.[5]

On April 29, 2005, the Regional Trial Court of Manila (RTC), Branch
43, after finding the evidence of the prosecution overwhelming against
the accused's defense of denial and alibi, rendered a Decision[6]
convicting Armando of Statutory Rape. The dispositive portion of which

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court finds accused

ARMANDO CHINGH GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as principal
of the crime of Statutory Rape defined and penalized under Article 266-
A, paragraph 1 (d) of the Revised Penal Code as amended by RA 8353
and is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua and
to indemnify private complainant [VVV] the amount of fifty thousand
pesos (P50,000.00) as compensatory damages, fifty thousand pesos
(P50.000.00) as moral damages and to pay the costs.

It appearing that accused is detained, the period of his detention shall be

credited in the service of his sentence.


Aggrieved, Armando appealed the Decision before the CA, which was
docketed as CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No. 01119.

On December 29, 2006, the CA rendered a Decision[7] finding

Armando not only guilty of Statutory Rape, but also of Rape Through
Sexual Assault. The decretal portion of said Decision reads:

WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of the trial court is AFFIRMED

with the following MODIFICATIONS: accused-appellant is hereby
found GUILTY of two counts of rape and is, accordingly, sentenced to
suffer, for the crime of statutory rape, the penalty of reclusion perpetua
and, for the offense of rape through sexual assault, the indeterminate
penalty of 3 years, 3 months and 1 day of prision correctional, as
minimum, to 8 years and 11 months and 1 day of prision mayor, as
maximum. He is likewise ordered to pay the victim, a total of
P80,000.00 as civil indemnity, P80,000.00 as moral damages; and
P40,000.00 as exemplary damages, or a grand total of P200,000.00 for
the two counts of rape.

Costs against accused-appellant.


In fine, the CA affirmed the decision of the RTC, and considering that
the appeal opened the entire case for judicial review, the CA also found
Armando guilty of the crime of Rape Through Sexual Assault. The CA
opined that since the Information charged Armando with two counts of
rape: (1) by inserting his finger in the victim's vagina, which is classified
as Rape Through Sexual Assault under paragraph 2, Article 266-A of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended; and (2) for inserting his penis in the
private part of his victim, which is Statutory Rape, and considering that
Armando failed to object thereto through a motion to quash before
entering his plea, Armando could be convicted of as many offenses as
are charged and proved.

The CA ratiocinated that coupled with the credible, direct, and candid
testimony of the victim, the elements of Statutory Rape and Rape
Through Sexual Assault were indubitably established by the prosecution.

Armando now comes before this Court for relief.

In a Resolution[9] dated September 26, 2007, the Court required the

parties to file their respective supplemental briefs. In their respective
Manifestations,[10] the parties waived the filing of their supplemental
briefs, and instead adopted their respective briefs filed before the CA.

Hence, Armando raises the following errors:





Simply stated, Armando is assailing the factual basis of his conviction,

which in effect, mainly questions the credibility of the testimony of the
witnesses for the prosecution, particularly his victim, VVV.

Armando maintains that the prosecution failed to present sufficient

evidence that will overcome the presumption of innocence. Likewise,

Armando insists that the RTC gravely erred in convicting him based on
the unrealistic and unnatural testimony of the victim. Armando claims
that VVV's testimony was so inconsistent with common experience that
it deserves careful and critical evaluation. First, it was so unnatural for
VVV to remain quiet and not ask for help when the accused allegedly
pulled her in the presence of several companions and bystanders;
second, VVV did not resist or cry for help while they were on their way
to the place where she was allegedly abused, which was 300 to 400
meters away from where he allegedly pulled her; third, VVV could have
run away while Armando was allegedly molesting her, but she did not;
fourth, Armando could not have inserted his penis in the victim's organ
while both of them were standing, unless the victim did not offer any

Generally, the Court will not disturb the findings of the trial court on the
credibility of witnesses, as it was in the better position to observe their
candor and behavior on the witness stand. Evaluation of the credibility
of witnesses and their testimonies is a matter best undertaken by the trial
court; it had the unique opportunity to observe the witnesses and their
demeanor, conduct, and attitude, especially under cross-examination. Its
assessment is entitled to respect unless certain facts of substance and
value were overlooked which, if considered, might affect the result of
the case.[11]

From the testimony of the victim, VVV, she positvely identified

Armando as the one who ravanged her on that fateful night of March 11,
2004. VVV clearly narrated her harrowing experience in the hands of
the accused. Notwithstanding her innocence and despite the thorough
cross-examination by Armando's counsel, VVV never faltered and gave
a very candid and truthful testimony of traumatic events. VVV's
testimony was corroborated and bolstered by the findings of Dr. Irene
Baluyot that the victim's genital area showed a fresh laceration with
bleeding at 6 o'clock position in her hymen.[12] Dr. Baluyot concluded
that an acute injury occurred within 24 hours prior to the examination
and that the occurrence of rape within that period was very possible.[13]
Also, the age of VVV at the time the incident occurred, which was 10
years old, was duly established by her birth certificate,[14] her
testimony,[15] and that of her father's.[16]

Time and again, this Court has held that when the offended parties are
young and immature girls, as in this case, courts are inclined to lend
credence to their version of what transpired, considering not only their
relative vulnerability, but also the shame and embarrassment to which
they would be exposed if the matter about which they testified were not
true.[17] A young girl would not usually concoct a tale of defloration;
publicly admit having been ravished and her honor tainted; allow the
examination of her private parts; and undergo all the trouble and
inconvenience, not to mention the trauma and scandal of a public trial,
had she not in fact been raped and been truly moved to protect and
preserve her honor, and motivated by the desire to obtain justice for the
wicked acts committed against her.[18] Moreover, the Court has
repeatedly held that the lone testimony of the victim in a rape case, if
credible, is enough to sustain a conviction.[19]

On the other hand, Armando admitted that he saw VVV on the date of
the incident, but denied the accusations against him and merely relied on
his defense that he was watching TV with his family when barangay
officials arrested him.

Armando's defenses were also unavailing. His contention that it was

unnatural and unrealistic for VVV to remain quiet when he pulled her
from her companions and why she did not cry for help or run away when
he was allegedly ravaging her deserves scant consideration. Clearly, the
reason why VVV did not shout for help was because Armando told her
not to shout or talk.[20] Likewise, the reason why VVV did not run
when Armando was molesting her was because his finger was still inside
her private part.[21] Moreover, Armando's argument that he could not
have inserted his penis in the victim's organ while both of them were
standing is preposterous. It is settled that sexual intercourse in a standing
position, while perhaps uncomfortable, is not improbable.[22]

Armando tendered nothing but his bare denial and contention that he
was elsewhere when the crime was committed. Aside from this, he
presented no more evidence to substantiate his claims. Jurisprudence
dictates that denial and alibi are the common defenses in rape cases.
Sexual abuse is denied on the allegation that the accused was somewhere
else and could not have physically committed the crime. This Court has
always held that these two defenses are inherently weak and must be
supported by clear and convincing evidence in order to be believed. As
negative defenses, they cannot prevail over the positive testimony of the
complainant.[23] Consequently, Armando's bare denial and alibi must
fail against the testimony of VVV and her positive identification that he
was the perpetrator of the horrid deed. Unmistakably, it has been proved
beyond reasonable doubt that Armando had carnal knowledge of VVV.

Anent Armando's conviction for the crime of Rape Through Sexual


The CA correctly found Armando guilty of the crime of Rape Through

Sexual Assault under paragraph 2, Article 266-A, of the Revised

Penal Code, as amended by Republic Act No. (R.A.) 8353, or The Anti-
Rape Law of 1997.[24] From the Information, it is clear that Armando
was being charged with two offenses, Rape under paragraph 1 (d),
Article 266-A of the Revised Penal Code, and rape as an act of sexual
assault under paragraph 2, Article 266-A. Armando was charged with
having carnal knowledge of VVV, who was under twelve years of age at
the time, under paragraph 1 (d) of Article 266-A, and he was also
charged with committing an act of sexual assault by inserting his finger
into the genital of VVV under the second paragraph of Article 266-A.
Indeed, two instances of rape were proven at the trial. First, it was
established that Armando inserted his penis into the private part of his
victim, VVV. Second, through the testimony of VVV, it was proven that
Armando also inserted his finger in VVV's private part.

The Information has sufficiently informed accused-appellant that he is

being charged with two counts of rape. Although two offenses were
charged, which is a violation of Section 13, Rule 110 of the Revised
Rules of Criminal Procedure, which states that "[a] complaint or
information must charge only one offense, except when the law
prescribes a single punishment for various offenses." Nonetheless,
Section 3, Rule 120 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure also
states that "[w]hen two or more offenses are charged in a single
complaint or information but the accused fails to object to it before trial,
the court may convict the appellant of as many as are charged and
proved, and impose on him the penalty for each offense, setting out
separately the findings of fact and law in each offense." Consequently,
since Armando failed to file a motion to quash the Information, he can
be convicted with two counts of rape.

As to the proper penalty, We affirm the CA's imposition of Reclusion

Perpetua for rape under paragraph 1 (d), Article 266-A. However, We
modify the penalty for Rape Through Sexual Assault.

It is undisputed that at the time of the commission of the sexual abuse,

VVV was ten (10) years old. This calls for the application of R.A. No.
7610, or "The Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act," which defines sexual abuse of
children and prescribes the penalty therefor in Section 5 (b), Article III,
to wit:

SEC. 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. Children, whether

male or female, who for money, profit, or any other consideration or due
to the coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in
sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be children
exploited in prostitution and other sexual abuse.

The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period to reclusion

perpetua shall be imposed upon the following:

(b) Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse or lascivious
conduct with a child exploited in prostitution or subjected to other sexual
abuse: Provided, That when the victim is under twelve (12) years of age,
the perpetrators shall be prosecuted under Article 335, paragraph 3, for
rape and Article 336 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised Penal
Code, for rape or lascivious conduct, as the case may be: Provided, That
the penalty for lascivious conduct when the victim is under twelve (12)
years of age shall be reclusion temporal in its medium period.[25]

Paragraph (b) punishes sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct not only

with a child exploited in prostitution, but also with a child subjected to
other sexual abuses. It covers not only a situation where a child is
abused for profit, but also where one through coercion, intimidation or
influence engages in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct with a

Corollarilly, Section 2 (h) of the rules and regulations[27] of R.A. No.

7610 defines "Lascivious conduct" as:

[T]he intentional touching,' either directly or through clothing, of the

genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks, or the introduction
of any object into the genitalia, anus or mouth of any person, whether of
the same or opposite sex, with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass,
degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person, bestiality,
masturbation, lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of a

In this case, the offended party was ten years old at the time of the
commission of the offense. Pursuant to the above-quoted provision of
law, Armando was aptly prosecuted under paragraph 2, Article 266-A of
the Revised Penal Code, as amended by R.A. No. 8353,[29] for Rape
Through Sexual Assault. However, instead of applying the penalty
prescribed therein, which is prision mayor, considering that VVV was
below 12 years of age, and considering further that Armando's act of
inserting his finger in VVV's private part undeniably amounted to
lascivious conduct, the appropriate imposable penalty should be that
provided in Section 5 (b), Article III of R.A. No. 7610, which is
reclusion temporal in its medium period.
The Court is not unmindful to the fact that the accused who commits
acts of lasciviousness under Article 366, in relation to Section 5 (b),
Article III of R.A. No. 7610, suffers the more severe penalty of reclusion
temporal in its medium period than the one who commits Rape Through
Sexual Assault, which is merely punishable by prision mayor. This is
undeniably unfair to the child victim. To be sure, it was not the intention
of the framers of R.A. No. 8353 to have disallowed the applicability of
R.A. No. 7610 to sexual abuses committed to children. Despite the
passage of R.A. No. 8353,

R.A. No. 7610 is still good law, which must be applied when the victims
are children or those "persons below eighteen (18) years of age or those
over but are unable to fully take care of themselves or protect
themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination
because of a physical or mental disability or condition."[30]

Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the maximum term of the

indeterminate penalty shall be that which could be properly imposed
under the law, which is fifteen (15) years, six (6) months and twenty
(20) days of reclusion temporal. On the other hand, the minimum term
shall be within the range of the penalty next lower in degree, which is
reclusion temporal in its minimum period, or twelve (12) years and one
(1) day to fourteen (14) years and eight (8) months.

Hence, Armando should be meted the indeterminate sentence of twelve

(12) years, ten (10) months and twenty-one (21) days of reclusion
temporal, as minimum, to fifteen (15) years, six (6) months and twenty
(20) days of reclusion temporal, as maximum.

As to Armando's civil liabilities, the CA correctly awarded the following

damages: civil indemnity of P50,000.00 and another P50,000.00 as
moral damages for Rape under paragraph l(d), Article 266-A; and civil
indemnity of P30,000.00 and moral damages also of P30,000.00 for
Rape under paragraph 2, Article 266-A. In line, however, with
prevailing jurisprudence, we increase the award of exemplary damages
from P25,000.00 and PI 5,000.00, for Rape under paragraph 1 (d),
Article 266-A and Rape under paragraph 2, Article 266-A, respectively,
to P30,000.00 for each count of rape.[31]
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court of Appeals Decision
dated December 29, 2006 in CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No. 01119 is
AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. For Rape under paragraph 1 (d),
Article 266-A, Armando Chingh y Parcia is sentenced to suffer the
penalty of Reclusion Perpetua; and for Rape Through Sexual Assault
under paragraph 2, Article 266-A, he is sentenced to suffer the
indeterminate penalty of twelve (12) years, ten (10) months and twenty-
one (21) days of reclusion temporal, as minimum, to fifteen (15) years,
six (6) months and twenty (20) days of reclusion temporal, as maximum.
He is likewise ordered to pay VVV the total of P80,000.00 as civil
indemnity, P80,000.00 as moral damages, and P60,000.00 as exemplary


Carpio, (Chairperson), Velasco, Jr.* , Abad, and Mendoza, JJ., concur.

* Designated as an additional member in lieu of Associate Justice

Antonio Hduardo Nachura, per Special Order No. 93 3, dated January
24, 2011.

[1] Penned by Associate Justice Rebecca De Guia-Salvador, with

Associate Justices Magdangal M. De Leon and Ramon R. Garcia,
concurring; rollo, pp. 2-26.

[2] The identity of the victim or any information to establish or

compromise her identity, as well as those of her immediate family or
household members, shall be withheld pursuant to Republic Act No.
7610, "An Act Providing for Stronger Deterrence and Special Protection
Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination, and for Other
Purposes"; Republic Act No. 9262, "An Act Defining Violence Against
Women and Their Children, Providing for Protective Measures for
Victims, Prescribing Penalties Therefor, and for Other Purposes";
Section 40 of A.M. No. 04-10-11-SC, known as the "Rule on Violence
Against Women and Their Children,1' effective November 5, 2004; and
People v. Cabalquinto, G.R. No. 167693, September 19, 2006, 502
SCRA 419.

[3] Records, p. 1.
[4] Rollo, pp. 4-5.

[5] Id. at 5-6.

[6] CA rollo, pp. 51-59.

[7] Rollo, pp. 2-26.

[8] Id. at 25-26.

[9] Id. at 29.

[10] Id. at 30-31 and 33-34.

[11] People v. Tormis, G.R; No. 183456, December 18, 2008, 574
SCRA 903.

[12] TSN, (Dr. Irene Baluyot), June 27, 2004, p. 23.

[13] Id. at 29-30.

[14] Records, p. 63.

[15] TSN, (VVV), August 23, 2004, p. 7.

[16] TSN, September 13, 2004, p. 10.

[17] Flordelizv. People, G.R. No. 186441, March 3, 2010, 614 SCRA
225, 234.

[18] People v. Matunhay, G.R. No. 178274, March 5, 2010, 614 SCRA
307, 316.

[19] Id. at 317, citing People v. Quinanoia, 366 Phil. 390 (1999).

[20] TSN, (VVV), August 23, 2004, pp. 6-7.

[21] Id. at 10.

[22] People v. Iroy, G.R. No. 187743, March 3, 2010, 614 SCRA 245,
250; People v. Castro, G.R. No. 91490, May 6, 1991, 196 SCRA 679.

[23] Supra note 18, at 317.

[24] Art. 266-A. Rape: When and How Committed. - Rape is committed
2) By any person who, under any of the circumstances mentioned in
paragraph 1 hereof, shall commit an act of sexual assault by inserting his
penis into another person's mouth or anal orifice, or any instrument or
object, into the genital or anal orifice of another person.

[25] Emphasis supplied.

[26] Supra note 17, at 240.

[27] Rules and Regulations on the Reporting and Investigation of Child

Abuse Cases (adopted on October II, 1993).

[28] Supra note 17, at 241, citing Navarrete v. People, 513 SCRA 509,
521-522 (2007); Olivarez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 163866, July
29, 2005, 465 SCRA 465, 473-474; People v. Bon, 444 Phil. 571, 584

[29] R.A. No. 8353 or the Anti-Rape Law of (which took effect on
October 22, 1997) reclassified rape as a crime against person and
repealed Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code. The new provisions on
rape are found in Articles 266-A to 266-D of the said Code.

[30] R.A. No. 7610. Art. I, Sec. 3 (a).

[31] People v. Lindo, G.R. No. 189818, August 9, 2010, 519 SCRA 13.

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