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Welcome the SGPT Online 7 Day Challenge

Can you go the distance with this 1 full week of training developed by a Team of Navy SEALs?

Founded By Former Navy SEAL Brad McLeod, SGPT Online is one of the premiere endurance
training programs for Navy SEAL Candidates going to Basic Underwater Demolition School or
BUD/S in Coronado California. The candidates goal is to earn the Navy SEAL Trident after
completing the most intense selection process in the world!

When doing these workouts, you should focus on your mindset and internal voice. You WILL
want to quit… Your body will hurt, you will feel like you can’t go on. This is where you need to
overcome and dig through the pain and complete the training!

These workouts are functional military fitness. We combine load movement, PT, strength, power
and endurance training. You will learn the never quit mindset of a Navy SEAL!
intensity, please consult a physician. These are not for the weak or faint of heart. High Intensity
Functional Training can be dangerous.

Day 1

Warm Up, 400m Farmer Carry 40#

10 x 100m Sprints with 25 4 Count Mountain Climbers at Start of each 100m. 1 min rest
between each sprint.

Rest 3 - 5 Minutes

5 x 10 Rep Pull Ups. No Kipping!

Cool Down: 1 mile slow run. Top to Bottom Complete Stretch.

Check out SGPT 180 Day Training Program.

Day 2:

2 Mile Run Moderate Pace

100 Sandbag Cleans For Time: Every Time You Rest 25 Push Ups 10 Pull Ups

Cool Down: 400m Jog. Foam Roll Top to Bottom Complete Stretch.

Day 3:

Warm Up with 100 4 Count Jumping Jacks, 100 4 Count Flutter Kicks

5 Mile Ruck in rough terrain with as much elevation change as possible.

Cool Down with a Foam Roll and Top to Bottom Complete Stretch.
Day 4:

Rest Day
We suggest you be active, take time to learn a new skill or improve on an old one.

Day 5:

Max Effort Unbroken: Pull Ups, Push Ups, Sit Ups Journal Results

4 x 400m Sprint, 1 min rest between rounds, GO HARD!

3 Mile LSD (long slow distance) Run

Cool Down: Foam Roll with Top to Bottom Complete Stretch.

Day 6:

Warm up with a 400m Jog 30 4 Count Jumping Jacks, 30 Jumping Squats, Max Effort Wall Sit

10 Toes To Bar, 10 Burpee Pull Ups, 30 Front Squats with 40# Object

400m Buddy carry or carry the heaviest thing you can find that is close to your body weight.

Cool Down: Foam Roll with Top to Bottom Complete Stretch.

Day 7:

Warm Up:

3 Rounds of: 10 Sandbag Squat Cleans, 10 Power Cleans, 10 Alt Sandbag Ground
to Shoulder

2 Mile Run, 100 Pull Ups, 2 Mile Run

Cool Down: Foam Roll with Top to Bottom Complete Stretch.
Congratulations! You have completed 7 Days of Intense Functional Training. These are exactly
the type of workouts an active Navy SEAL will complete on a daily basis to maintain their high
level of functional fitness and mental toughness.

Now step up and get into the fight with one of our complete training systems!

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