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1. The process which separates the components of white light is called_____.

A. diffraction B. reflection C. refraction D. dispersion
2. . Which statement is true about light?
A. Light travel in a straight line.
B. Light travel faster than sound.
C. Light travels fastest in a vacuum.
D. All of the above are correct.
3. Which of the following will produce black?
A. white light on a green surface C. green light on a red surface
B. green light on a white surface D. yellow light on a red surface.
4.Which type of electromagnetic radiation has the narrowest range of wavelength?
A. gamma ray B. Ultraviolet C. visible light D..Microwave.
5. Heat always move from places of high temperature to places _____.
A. of higher temperature C. with the same temperature
B. of lower temperature D. none of these
6.One cold morning, you stand barefoot on a cement floor and your feet feel cold because
A. heat from the floor flows to the feet.
B. heat from the feet flows through the floor
C. the temperature of the feet is the same as the floor
D. the temperature of the floor is higher than that of the feet
7. We wear white clothes especially during the summer months beacause white _____.
A. absorbs heat C. disperse heat
B. reflects heat D. refracts heat
8. Which does not belong to the group?
A. radiation B. convection C. absorption D. Conduction
9.Which material is a good conductor of heat and electricity?
A. copper B. paper C. rubber D. Wood.
10 If you place a spoon in a hot cup of milk, the spoon eventually gets hot after some time
because the energy was transferred from the milk to the spoon.
Which of the following describes this situation?
A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. Insulation
11.When does repulsive force exist?
A. between two negative charges C. between a positive and a negative charge
B. between two positive charges D. both A and B.
12. What will happen when two like charges are brought together?
A. They will repel each other.
B. They will attract each other.
C. They will neutralize each other.
D. They will have no effect on each other.
13.In electricity, why is earthing or grounding important?
A. to prevent short circuit and fire C. to avoid electric shock
B. to prevent damages to appliances D. all of the these
14. A longitudinal wave in an elastic medium producing an audible sensation is a(n) .
A. Water b. sound wave c. hypothesis d. space
15.A mechanical wave can travel only through .
A.Space b.matter
16.T he highest point of a wave is called the trough.
A.True B.False
17. A wave in which matter moves forward and backward in the same direction that waves move:
a. Transverse b.mechanical c.compressional d. water
18.How many colors make up white light?
A. 7 B. 1 C. 5 D. 3
19.What is the highest point on a wave?
A. Trough b. wave c. crest d.bones
20.__________is the highness or lowness of a sound.
A. Volume B. Tension C. Pitch
21.A movement back and forth that produces sound is called ________
a. Vibration B. Sound C. Air
22. A material through which light does not pass
a. Opaque b. Transparent c. Transluscent

23.Which structure SENDS signals about what you see to the brain?
a.Lens b. Retina c. Cornea

24. Light is a _______________ wave.

a. Longitudinal b. Electromagnetic c.Mechanical
25.The speed of light in a vacuum is:
A 300 000 km/s B 300 000 m/s c. 1 000 000m/s
25. The study of light is called _______
a. prism b. Optics c. Spectrum d. Reflection
26. The study of sound is called ______
a. optics b. Acoustic c. Prism d. Spectrum
27. . A series circuit has ____ path(s) that the electric current can take.
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
28.What can the electric current do in parallel circuit?
a. follow more that one path to return to the source
b. follow one path
c. follow very slowly
29.Why are parallel circuits found in most household electrical wiring?
a. so that all lights can be turned off by one switch
b. so lights don’t stop working because you turned your TV off.
c. to save money avoid a house fire
30.The pathway for electrical current is called a _______
a. Circuit b. cloud c. highway d. motor

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