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A tribe is a social division in a traditional society consisting of families linked by social, economic,

religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect. A tribe possesses certain qualities and
characteristics that make it a unique cultural, social, and political entity. This post is about the major
tribes in India. They are also known by the name ‘Adivasis’ in India.

Tribes in India

The nature of what constitutes an Indian tribe and the very nature of tribes have changed considerably
over the course of centuries. Constitution of India has recognized tribal communities in India under
‘Schedule 5’ of the constitution. Hence the tribes recognized by the Constitution are known as ‘
Scheduled Tribes’. There are around 645 distinct tribes in India.

Major Tribes in India: Arranged State-wise

1. Andhra Pradesh: Andh, Sadhu Andh, Bhagata, Bhil, Chenchus (Chenchawar), Gadabas, Gond,
Goundu, Jatapus, Kammara, Kattunayakan, Kolawar, Kolam, Konda, Manna Dhora, Pardhan, Rona,
Savaras, Dabba Yerukula, Nakkala, Dhulia, Thoti, Sugalis.
2. Arunachal Pradesh: Apatanis, Abor, Dafla, Galong, Momba, Sherdukpen, Singpho.
3. Assam: Chakma, Chutiya, Dimasa, Hajong, Garos, Khasis, Gangte.
4. Bihar: Asur, Baiga, Birhor, Birjia, Chero, Gond, Parhaiya, Santhals, Savar.
5. Chhattisgarh: Agariya, Bhaina, Bhattra, Biar, Khond, Mawasi, Nagasia.
6. Goa: Dhodia, Dubia, Naikda, Siddi,Varli.
7. Gujarat: Barda, Bamcha, Bhil, Charan, Dhodia, Gamta, Paradhi, Patelia.
8. Himachal Pradesh: Gaddis, Gujjars, Khas, Lamba, Lahaulas, Pangwala, Swangla.
9. Jammu and Kashmir: Bakarwal, Balti, Beda, Gaddi, Garra, Mon, Purigpa, Sippi.
10. Jharkhand: Birhors, Bhumij, Gonds, Kharia, Mundas, Santhals, Savar.
11. Karnataka: Adiyan, Barda, Gond, Bhil, Iruliga, Koraga, Patelia, Yerava.
12. Kerala: Adiyan, Arandan, Eravallan, Kurumbas, Malai arayan, Moplahs, Uralis.
13. Madhya Pradesh: Baigas, Bhils, Bharia, Birhors, Gonds,Katkari, kharia, Khond, Kol, Murias.
14. Maharashtra: Bhaina, Bhunjia, Dhodia, Katkari, Khond, Rathawa, Warlis.
15. Manipur: Aimol, Angami, Chiru, Kuki, Maram, Monsang, Paite, Purum, Thadou.
16. Meghalaya: Chakma, Garos, Hajong, Jaintias Khasis, Lakher, Pawai, Raba.
17. Mizoram: Chakma, Dimasa, Khasi, Kuki, Lakher, Pawai, Raba, Synteng.
18. Nagaland: Angami, Garo, Kachari, Kuki, Mikir, Nagas, Sema.
19. Odisha: Gadaba, Ghara, Kharia, Khond, Matya, Oraons, Rajuar, Santhals.
20. Rajasthan: Bhils, Damaria, Dhanka, Meenas(Minas), Patelia, Sahariya.
21. Sikkim: Bhutia, Khas, Lepchas.
22. Tamil Nadu: Adiyan, Aranadan, Eravallan, Irular, Kadar, Kanikar, Kotas, Todas.
23. Telangana: Chenchus.
24. Tripura: Bhil, Bhutia, Chaimal, Chakma, Halam, Khasia, Lushai, Mizel, Namte.
25. Uttarakhand: Bhotias, Buksa, Jannsari, Khas, Raji, Tharu.
26. Uttar Pradesh: Bhotia, Buksa, Jaunsari, Kol, Raji, Tharu.
27. West Bengal: Asur, Khond, Hajong, Ho, Parhaiya, Rabha, Santhals, Savar.
28. Andaman and Nicobar: Oraons, Onges, Sentinelese, Shompens.
29. Little Andaman: Jarawa.
30. North-East: Abhors, Chang, Galaong, Mishimi, Singpho, Wancho.

Points to remember

 Total population of Scheduled Tribes is 84,326,240 as per the Census 2001 which accounts for 8.2%
of the total population of country. The share of the Scheduled Tribe population in urban areas is a
meager 2.4%.
 Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Orissa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh,
West Bengal, and Karnataka are the State having larger number of Scheduled Tribes These states
account for 83.2% of the total Scheduled Tribe population of the country. Assam, Meghalaya,
Nagaland, Jammu & Kashmir, Tripura, Mizoram, Bihar, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu,
account for another 15.3% of the total Scheduled Tribe population. The share of the remaining
states / Uts is negligible.
 The scheduled Tribes in India form the largest proportion of the total population in Lakshadweep
and Mizoram followed by Nagaland and Meghalaya.
 Madhya Pradesh has the largest number of scheduled Tribes followed by Bihar.
 Bastar district of Madhya Pradesh consists of largest number of Scheduled Tribes.
 There are no Scheduled Tribes in Punjab, Delhi, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Haryana.
 In Lok Sabha there is reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribes. Here also census figures are taken
into account. Allocation of seats for Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha are made on the basis of
proportion of Scheduled Tribes in the State concerned to that of the total population, vide provision
contained in Article 330 of the Constitution of India read with Section 3 of the R. P. Act, 1950.
 For Scheduled Tribes, 47 seats are reserved in Lok Sabha. The 1st schedule to R. P. Act, 1950 as
amended vide Representation of People (Amendment) Act , 2008 gives the Statewise break up
Indian Tribes
India is the home to large number of indigenous people, who are still untouched by the lifestyle of the
modern world. With more than 84.4 million, India has the largest population of the tribal people in the
world. These tribal people also known as the adivasi's are the poorest in the country, who are still
dependent on haunting , agriculture and fishing. Some of the major tribal groups in India include Gonds,
Santhals, Khasis, Angamis, Bhils, Bhutias and Great Andamanese. All these tribal people have their own
culture, tradition, language and lifestyle. This enables the tourist to get an insight into many different
cultures at the same time on the tribal tour to India. There is a big list of Tribes of India

Santhals Tribe Munda Khasi

Santhals are the third largest tribe Munda tribe mainly inhabit in the Khasi tribe is mainly found in the
in India. They are mostly found in region of Jharkhand, although Khasi Jaintia hills in Meghalaya and
the states of West Bengal, Bihar, they are well spread in the states in the states of Punjab, Uttar
Orissa, Jharkhand and Assam. of West Bengal, Chhatisgarh, Pradesh, Manipur, West Bengal
They belong to the pre- Aryan Orissa and Bihar. Munda generally and Jammu and Kashmir. They
period and have been the great means headman of the village. forms the large part of the
fighters from the time of Hunting is the main occupation of population in the state of
Britishers. the Mundas tribe. Meghalaya.

Angami Bhils Bhutia

Angami tribe belongs to the Bhils are popularly known as the Bhutia tribes are of the Tibetan
extreme north eastern part of the bow men of Rajasthan. They are origin. They migrated to Sikkim
country, in the state of Nagaland. the most widely distributed tribal around 16th century. In the
The total population of the groups in India. They forms the northern part of the Sikkim they
Angamis is around 12 million. largest tribe of the whole South are known as the Lachenpas and
They are quite popular for their Asia. Bhils are mainly divided into Lachungpas. Bhutias forms 14% of
woodcraft and artwork. Sekrenyi two main groups the central or the total population of Sikkim.
is the main festival celebrated pure bills and eastern or Rajput Losar and Losoong are the main
among the Angamis in Nagaland. Bhils. festivals celebrated among the
Bhutia tribes.

Chenchus Gonds Great Andamanese

Chenchu inhabit in the Nallamalai The Gonds are the tribal Great Andamanese is the negrito
hills, which have been the part of community mostly found in the tribe inhabitant in the the
the Nagarjuna Sagar Tiger Gond forests of the central India. Andaman group of Islands. They
Sanctuary for centuries in Andhra They are one of the largest tribal form the largest population among
Pradesh India. They are mainly group in the world. Gonds have the other tribes found in these
found in the districts of been largely influenced by the islands. According to the census
Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Hindus and for the long time have the population of Great
Praksham, Guntur, and Kurnool. been practicing the Hindus culture Andamanese is now limited to few
and traditions. individuals.

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