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* * * Section 1 - Chemical Product * * *

Chemical Name: Calcium Carbonate and Stearic Acid

Product Use: Mineral Additive
Synonyms: NPCCA-601, NPCCA-602, UPCCB-800, NPCCB-800, NPCCA-201, NPCCA-206, NPCCA-106.

* * * Section 2 - Composition / Information on Ingredients * * *

CAS # Component Percent
471-34-1 Precipitated Calcium Carbonate 90-100
57-11-4 Stearic acid 1-5
Component Information
This product is considered hazardous under 29 CFR 1910.1200 (Hazard Communication).

* * * Section 3 - Hazards Identification * * *

Emergency Overview
This product is irritating to the eyes, respiratory system and skin.
Potential Health Effects: Eyes
Dust or powder may irritate eye tissue.
Potential Health Effects: Skin
Dust or powder may irritate the skin.
Potential Health Effects: Ingestion
No significant adverse effects are expected upon ingestion of the product.
Potential Health Effects: Inhalation
Dusts of this product may cause irritation of the nose, throat, and respiratory tract.
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure
Pre-existing respiratory, skin and eye diseases.
Potential Environmental Effects
No significant environmental effects.
HMIS Ratings: Health: 0 Fire: 0 Reactivity: 0 Pers. Prot.: B
Hazard Scale: 0 = Minimal 1 = Slight 2 = Moderate 3 = Serious 4 = Severe * = Chronic hazard
* * * Section 4 - First Aid Measures * * *

First Aid: Eyes

In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
First Aid: Skin
For skin contact, wash immediately with soap and water.
First Aid: Ingestion
Product is not considered toxic in small amounts.
First Aid: Inhalation
Move person to non-contaminated air.
First Aid: Notes to Physician
Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically.

* * * Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures * * *

General Fire Hazards

This material will not burn.
Hazardous Combustion Products
None identified.
Extinguishing Media
Use methods for the surrounding fire.
Fire Fighting Equipment/Instructions
None necessary.
NFPA Ratings: Health: 0 Fire: 0 Reactivity: 0
Hazard Scale: 0 = Minimal 1 = Slight 2 = Moderate 3 = Serious 4 = Severe

* * * Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures * * *

Containment Procedures
Contain the discharged material.
Clean-Up Procedures
Provide adequate ventilation. Cleanup personnel should use personal protective equipment to reduce eye
contact, inhalation of dust, and prolonged skin contact. Use vacuum equipment with HEPA filters or wet
sweeping/dust suppressant if sweeping is required. Personal safety, handling and exposure recommendations
described elsewhere in this data sheet apply to exposure during clean up of spilled material and must be
Evacuation Procedures
None necessary.
Special Procedures
No additional information available.

* * * Section 7 - Handling and Storage * * *

Handling Procedures
Avoid getting this material into contact with your skin and eyes.
Storage Procedures
Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area.
* * * Section 8 - Exposure Controls / Personal Protection * * *

Exposure Guidelines
A: General Product Information
Keep formation of airborne dusts to a minimum. Follow the ACGIH recommended exposure limit of 10 mg/m
for Particulates Not Otherwise Classified (PNOC).
B: Component Exposure Limits
ACGIH, OSHA, and NIOSH have not developed exposure limits for any of this product's components.
Engineering Controls
Provide adequate local exhaust ventilation to maintain worker exposure below exposure limits.


Personal Protective Equipment: Eyes/Face
Wear dust goggles.
Personal Protective Equipment: Skin
Use impervious gloves.
Personal Protective Equipment: Respiratory
Use a dust mask for particulate concentrations exceeding the Occupational Exposure Limit.
Personal Protective Equipment: General
Eye wash fountain and emergency showers are recommended.

* * * Section 9 - Physical & Chemical Properties * * *

Appearance: White Powder Odor: None
Physical State: Solid pH: N/A
Vapor Pressure: N/A Vapor Density: N/A
Boiling Point: N/A Melting Point: Unknown
Solubility (H2O): Partially soluble Specific Gravity: 2.71

* * * Section 10 - Chemical Stability & Reactivity Information * * *

Chemical Stability
Stable under normal conditions.
Chemical Stability: Conditions to Avoid
Avoid contact with acids.
Calcium Carbonate ignites on contact with fluorine. It is incompatible with acids, alum, ammonium salts, and
mercury/hydrogen mixtures.
Hazardous Decomposition
Thermal oxidative decomposition of calcium carbonate can produce calcium oxide.
Hazardous Polymerization
Will not occur.

* * * Section 11 - Toxicological Information * * *

Acute and Chronic Toxicity
A: General Product Information
Overexposure to calcium carbonate may result in irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory system. Acute
ingestion may result in mild gastrointestinal distress while chronic exposure may result in hypercalcemia,
alkalosis and renal impairment. Approximately 70-80% of inhaled calcium carbonate was retained in the lungs.
Animal studies suggest that inhalation of calcium carbonate dusts may enhance susceptibility to respiratory
B: Component Analysis - LD50/LC50
Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (471-34-1)
Oral LD50 Rat : 6450 mg/kg
Stearic acid (57-11-4)
Dermal LD50 Rabbit : >5 gm/kg
A: General Product Information
No carcinogenicity data available for this product.
B: Component Carcinogenicity
None of this product's components are listed by ACGIH, IARC, OSHA, NIOSH, or NTP.

* * * Section 12 - Ecological Information * * *

A: General Product Information
This material is not expected to be harmful to aquatic life.
B: Component Analysis - Ecotoxicity - Aquatic Toxicity
No ecotoxicity data are available for this product's components.
Environmental Fate
This material shows no bioaccumulation or food chain concentration toxicity potential.

* * * Section 13 - Disposal Considerations * * *

US EPA Waste Number & Descriptions

A: General Product Information
No components are identified as hazardous wastes.
B: Component Waste Numbers
No EPA Waste Numbers are applicable for this product's components.
Disposal Instructions
If this material becomes a waste it does not meet the criteria of a hazardous waste as defined by USEPA
RCRA regulations. More stringent state or local regulations may apply. Combining this material with another
may alter this classification.

* * * Section 14 - Transportation Information * * *

US DOT Information
Shipping Name: None necessary.
Additional Info.: None.
International Transportation Regulations
This product is not regulated as a hazardous material by the United States (DOT) or Canadian (TDG)
transportation regulations.

* * * Section 15 - Regulatory Information* * *

Not dangerous according to Dir. 92/32/EEC.
* * * Section 16 - Other Information* * *
The information given corresponds to the current state of our knowledge and experience of the product, and is
not exhaustive. This applies to product which conforms to the specification, unless otherwise stated. In this
case of combinations and mixtures one must make sure that no new dangers can arise. In any case, the user
is not exempt from observing all legal, administrative and regulatory procedures relating to the product,
personal hygiene, and protection of human welfare and the environment.
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This is the end of MSDS # NPCC

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