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Pre-sales Workshop


1 Presales Process Overview

2 Roles & Responsibilities

3 Writing a Winning Proposal

4 Post-RFP stage

5 A Generic Framework
What is presales
A set of activities normally carried out
before a customer is acquired

A typical sales cycles

 Suspect
 Prospect/Opportunity
 Lead

Presales involvement in these phases

differs from situation to situation
What is Presales

 Happens along with a sales

person before a sale closes

 It is sales support

 It is also about being a technical

and business consultant
A Typical Sales Process

Product Knowledge
Needs Assessment
Customer Presentation
Sales Close
Presales Involvement

Product Knowledge
Needs Assessment
Customer Presentation
Sales Close
What is not presales

 Searching for new

suspects, prospects or leads
 Qualifying prospects
 Deciding and planning to approach
 Negotiating with customer in closing
a deal
What is not presales

 Developing relationship with

 Calling for a meeting with the
 Deciding the price of a deal
 Collecting feedback from the
Presales in IT
 Companies looking for vendors to
implement software solutions call for
 Support for Sales in closing a deal
 Many times a technical and business
consultant for the potential customer
 Crucial link between Sales, Customer
and Delivery
 Needs a blend of technical, business
and soft skills
Presales in IT
Needs to work having the ‘big picture’
in mind – winning the deal for the
company as well as customer delight
Presales role could be specific to
account, territory, technologies and
 Plays an important role in making
proposals for RFPs and RFIs
Why Presales
 Increasing complexity in customer’s
business requirements in terms of
variety in technology, number of
components or modules, security and
infrastructure needs
 Customer delight is more than
matching customer needs with a right
technical solution. Customers expect
vendors to partner with them in
meeting their evolving business
Why Presales
 Bidding process is a complex and a
very formal one, with strict adherence
to procedures and timelines
 Bidding process involves intelligent
negotiation on price, scope of
work, schedule and other contract
 Therefore is too important to be done
without committed and dedicated
Without Presales
Making proposals may either end-up
with delivery heads or worse, with
 Sales will not have the depth of
technical knowledge to provide a
 Delivery heads may not have skills to
match customer’s business needs
with the right technical solution
 Both the teams could be short on
bandwidth to take full responsibility
Place of Presales



Presales in career growth
A great opportunity to know up close
the market and the business of
software, and what ‘sells’
Opportunity to get a systemic view of
many things that makes up an
organization and it’s business
Opportunity to get to know different
cross-sections of customer and
technology solutions
Presales in career growth
People with a technical background
can add lot of value by bringing in
their experience and thereby benefit
from it
Working in presales can also be seen
as a choice for shifting to
management career path
Opportunity to learn a variety of skills
including client liaison, managing
teams, leadership, consulting skills
Presales in career growth
In larger organizations, presales
gives a very good opportunity to
network with all the right people

Since presales is demanding on both

technical and business knowledge
and management skills, it’s the right
place for a challenging job
Presales is different
Any specific sales engagement is
therefore the corresponding sales-
presales engagement is also
The same is true for the other
cascading engagements between
presales and others down the line
The engagement on an average lasts
for about a month – from the start of
the RFP to the end of the RFP
Place of presale
 Where does a presale person belong
 Practices
 Center of Excellence or Technologies
 Accounts
 Territory
 Partners
 Sales
 Sometimes from the project itself
Common Attitude and Perceptions
I am on bench. So they picked me up
to do this job…
This is mainly a ‘cut-copy-paste’ job.
Why do they need me ?
In any case, winning depends entirely
on the sales team and the top
After all, I am a technical person… I
don’t know or want to be a sales
 I don’t see the results immediately, it
usually takes months before I hear…
Common Attitude and Perceptions
We are non-billable resources.
Obviously we don’t get enough
resources to do the job
I am not trained for this job…
There’s just not enough and right
information around to write this
There’s hardly enough time to do this
work… Why can’t they inform me
much ahead ?
How do I grow in my career in this
path ?
Common Problems
Presales work is not assigned the
right resources
Not enough training is given
Presales work needs many temporary
resources and therefore gets less
People who are on bench are
Proposal can have too many technical
components and therefore may need
involvement of many people
Common Problems
May face ownership problems
Demanding on technical, business and
soft skills all at once
Every RFP response ‘suffers’ from
extreme time constraints
Presales Process
Winning a Deal

•Market Analysis

•Strategic Planning
Opening •Account Planning
Game •Branding

•Account Management

•Relationship Management
Middle •Opportunity Management
Game •Pursuit Management

•Proposal Management

End •Negotiation
Presales Stages

Pre-RFP RFP Proposal Post-RFP

• RFP Issue
• Finalise reqmts
• Pre-Bid
• Shortlist
vendors • Customer
• Clarifications
• Finalise • Prepare Visits
on RFP
Evaluation Proposal • Demo of
• Modifications
Criteria according to Capabilities
to RFP
• Finalise Budget RFP guidelines • Presentation
• Identify
• Customer • Evaluation
resources to
presentation by
work on RFP
Presales Stages
 Customer
 Sales person
 Presales person
 Finance
 Solution Architect
 Domain Expert
 Technical Consultant
 Account Manager
Presales Stages
Pre-RFP RFP Proposal Post-RFP
• Finalise reqmts • Issue RFP • Receive proposal • Request for site visit
• Shortlist vendors • Arrange pre-bid and/or demo

• Finalise Evaluation conference • Evaluate and finalize

Criteria • Provide vendor
• Finalise Budget clarifications

• Make customer • Receive RFP • Assist presales with • Arrange for

presentation • Seek clarification on inputs from customer Customer visit
showcasing services, RFP and about customer • Arrange for demo

products and • Get commitment • Add commercials to and presentation

strengths from internal the proposal
• Keep mgmt

• Provide inputs as • Receive RFP • prepare proposal by • Assist sales in

needed • Identify resources working with cross- customer visit, demo
to work on RFP functional teams or and presentation
• Form cross- by taking inputs from
functional team them
• Seek clarifications

• Provide inputs as • Provide inputs as • Provide inputs as • Provide inputs as


needed (case studies, needed (questions to needed (technical needed (inputs for
testimonials) customers on solutions, relevant demo)
business needs, case studies, etc)
technical specs, etc)
Information Flow
• Provide infn on
products, service
• present success
• seek to
• seek further infn business and
on customer •Business Reqmts
technical reqmts
• Technical
to form a solution
• seek to Delivery
• Constraints
• Evaluation • understand
Criteria solution provided
Sales • RFP
• Clarifications

• questions on
• questions on
• RFP • questions on
• Infn on business and
• status update
customer technical reqmts
constraints, prefe • questions on
rences, priorities • Response to RFP customer
• Competitor infn Pre Evaluation
• RFP Clarifications sales assumptions,
problems, etc
Use the IFD to discuss about
 The gaps in information flow
 The inefficiencies
 What kind of information loss happens
 Identify areas of potential risks
 The choice of medium and its suitability
Session 1 -Summary

What did we learn


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