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Australian Matriculation

Student Guide

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A Distinctive
Western Australian
Certificate Of
Education (WACE)

“Many of the students gained entry into top “It was good to see Sunway’s students receive
universities in Australia in courses such as Certificates of Distinction based on their exam
medicine, dentistry and engineering. This success results, in Chemistry and English.
is symbolic of the professional approach taken by Well done! It is such a marvellous accolade to
the staff and administration at Sunway University Sunway’s AUSMAT programme and its lecturers”.
Gail Taylor
David Wood Consultant Principal,
CEO Curriculum Council Curriculum Council
Government of Western Australia Government of
Western Australia

“Welcome to AUSMAT, the Western Australian “AUSMAT congratulates you in making a fine choice
Year 12. We have built a tradition of supporting in choosing a programme that has coursework
our student’s learning and being able to inspire component and external examination. The academic
interest in the world around them. The subjects rigour will help you move on to universities of your
are relevant, contemporary and develop an choice in the courses that you want to pursue. Let
inquiring mind. Commitment of our academic us help you be successful in all your undertakings
leaders to make you understand concepts and this year. Meet up with our programme mentors
see its application underpin their teaching. We and guidance counsellors to make sure that your
want you to enjoy and develop your potential in choice of subjects and level of performance will
all areas and we encourage you to be involved in help you achieve your goals.”
extracurricular activities. We hope your experience
with us will help you be a lifelong learner. Vanitha Satchithanadan
Deputy Director &
Best Wishes for a successful year.”
Head of Science
Ruma Lopes
Director of Programme
• Year 12 Curriculum of Western Australia
• Prepares students for the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
• WACE subjects are examined in the WACE Examination, a public examination held in November conducted by
the Western Australian Government through its representative body, the Curriculum Council (CC) in Perth
• The broad learning subjects allow the students to be able to branch out in preferred choices of degrees
• AUSMAT has been offered at Sunway University College since 1988 and has built a reputation for excellence
with a proven record of success

International Recognition Internal

Successful students qualify for entry into
undergraduate courses in all states of Australia •
Assessment Policy
New Zealand • United Kingdom • Canada • United Students are required to complete all internal
States of America (credit transfer) • Russia • Germany • assessments. If an assessment is missed for
Singapore • Malaysia (private universities) substantiated medical reasons, a retest is conducted
at the discretion of the lecturer and the Director
of Programme. It is the student’s responsibility to
Admission Requirement provide evidence. There is no such provision in the
external examinations. Students will be awarded
Students are expected to meet one of the following
marks based on their internal scores (All absence
minimum prerequisites:
must be validated and accepted by the Curriculum
• 5 SPM credits (credit in English is recommended)
Council Examination Board).
• 5 O-Level credits
• Any other equivalent qualification 2 sets of reports will be forwarded to parents/
guardians at the conclusion of each evaluation
Certification from examination (The programme office must be notified
of any change of address).
Western Australia
• Certification awarded by Curriculum Council Choice of Subjects
based on combined internal and external scores Students are required to take either English or ELD
from 5 academic subjects (Competency in English/ (English as Additional Subject/Dialect).
ELD is a prerequisite) Students are required to select another four subjects
• A detailed statement of results keeping in mind the core subject requirement of a
• Australian Tertiary Aggregate Rank (ATAR) is university programme and choice of any others that
determined by Tertiary Institutions Service Centre they would enjoy learning. All subjects are taught
(TISC) in Perth based on Tertiary Entrance Score at the highest level 3 of Curriculum Council subject
achieved in four (4) best subjects from their offerings.
selected subjects
Accounting and Finance
Assessments and Biological Sciences
Career and Enterprise
Examinations Chemistry
English as an Additional Language/Dialect*
• Students are required to study 5 Subjects. They are Economics
not allowed to take more than 6 Subjects English**
• Students are required to fulfil coursework Business Management & Enterprise (Only in March)
components of each subject that contribute 50% Mathematics Specialist
of the total marks. These comprise assignments, Mathematics 3A/3B
tests, quizzes, practical work and semester Mathematics 3C/3D
evaluative examinations Politics & Law (Only in January)
• External examination is held in November of Physics
each academic year, that contributes the other Psychology
50%. This examination is conducted, supervised
and assessed by examiners from the Curriculum * This is a WACE scoring subject and meets the English
Council. It is the same examination conducted in proficiency requirement for certification and is accepted for
all Western Australian Schools for Year 12 students university entry at a certain level of achievement.
• Detailed statement of results is sent to students by ** Students who have been in an English medium school for
the Curriculum Council on 30th December more than 6 years must take English.
Subject Overview

English (ENG)
• This subject is designed to teach students how to become competent, reflective, adaptable and critical users of
the language.
• It develops students’ ability to shape their writing and speaking for appropriate audiences and purposes.
• Emphasis is on the development of critical and analytical thinking by making students aware of the ways
language is used in the texts they read, write and view and of the values and attitudes presented in a wide
variety of texts.

Subject Content
Unit 3A ENG & Unit 3B ENG
Students are encouraged to make connections between texts from a range of genres – non-fiction print texts,
literature and non-print (feature films and documentaries).
Students are expected to develop creativity through the composition of narrative, as well as expository texts.
The course is designed to enable the students to understand how structures, patterns and audience
expectations influence language and meaning.

Two Main areas of discourse are

• Language and Identity
• Language and Knowledge

Students are expected to have a sound command of the language and a passion to understand the power and
influence of language.

English as an Additional Language/Dialect (ELD)

• ELD is concerned with the particular needs of students for whom English is a second language.
• It is intended to develop skills and understanding which can increase their successful participation in a society
whose principal medium of communication is English.

Subject Content
Unit 3A ELD & Unit 3B ELD
ELD aims to create students who will be able to think outside the box. This awareness will be created through
constant exposure to current issues that students are not normally exposed to in their daily environment.
• Skills and Processes
• Knowledge and Understanding

Two Main areas of discourse are

• Multicultural Society
• Language and Empowerment

This subject is only available to students whose first language is not English and for whom English has not been
the major language of communication or instruction for a total period of more than seven years prior to the
commencement of the year the course is taken.
Biological Sciences (BIO)
• Biological Sciences give students a unique appreciation of life and a better understanding of the living world
around them.
• This subject empowers students to be questioning, reflective and critical thinkers about biological issues. It
highlights the importance of reasoning and respect for evidence.

Subject Content
Unit 3A BIO Unit 3B BIO
The focus for this unit is Maintaining Balance. The focus for this unit is Evolution.

Ecosystems: Biodiversity and Sustainability Ecosystems: Biodiversity and Sustainability
• Biodiversity • Conservation
• Ecosystems
• Environmental Issues and Human Impact Continuity of Species
The Functioning Organisms • Recombinant DNA Techniques
• Photosynthesis • Applications of DNA Technologies
• Respiration • Variation, Isolation, Selection
• Energy Transfer • Speciation/Evolution
• Control of Cellular Activities • Evidence of Evolution
• Homeostatic Mechanisms

Chemistry (CHE)
• The Chemistry subject is designed to stimulate and foster curiosity, and promote logical and analytical
• It aims to equip students to become informed citizens able to participate in discussion of challenging social and
environmental issues.
• The subject enables students to relate chemistry to other sciences including biology, physics, geology, medicine,
molecular biology and agriculture, and to take advantage of vocational opportunities that arise through its

Subject Content
Unit 3A CHE Unit 3B CHE
The focus of this unit is Chemical Processes. The focus for this unit is on Chemistry and Modern Lifestyles.

Macroscopic Properties of Matter Acid & Base

Atomic Structure and Bonding Oxidation & Reduction
Chemical Reaction Organic Chemistry
• Rates & Equilibrium Applied Chemistry
Applied Chemistry

A minimum of grade B in SPM/O-Level chemistry or equivalent.
Subject Overview

Physics (PHY)
• Physics is an experimental discipline involving the study of the properties of, and interrelationships between
energy and matter.
• Physics helps us to construct models and explain physical phenomena. These, in turn, allow us to develop a
deeper understanding of the world around us.

Subject Content
Unit 3A PHY Unit 3B PHY
Motion and forces in a gravitational field Particles, waves and quanta
• Motion of objects in gravitational fields • Relate physical principles about waves to the
• Motion of projectiles, orbiting satellites, planets study of the Universe and its parts
and moons • Atomic physics
• Ways in which forces may affect the stability of • Analyse spectra
extended objects • Explain fluorescence and X-ray emission
• Modern physics such as relativity and cosmology
Electricity and magnetism
• How magnetic fields interact with current Motion and forces in electric and magnetic fields
electricity • To appreciate both classical and modern
• The motor effect interpretations of the nature and behaviour of
• Electromagnetic induction waves
• How waves are used in musical instruments,
communication systems or sensing systems

A minimum of grade B in SPM/O-Level Physics or equivalent.
Mathematics (MAT 3A/3B)
• Students explore and analyse the properties of • Use mental and written methods and technologies
functions and their graphs. where appropriate.
• Apply recursion in practical situations, including for • Study differential and integral calculus of polynomial
finance. functions and use calculus in optimisation problems
• Use trigonometry for the solution of triangles. • Develop algebraic skills for solving equations and
• Use counting principles to calculate probabilities apply them in linear programming.
and analyse normally-distributed data. • Analyse and construct project networks.
• Plan sampling methods, analyse data from samples • Analyse bivariate data, and argue to support or
and infer results for populations. contest conclusions about data.

Subject Content
Unit 3A MAT Unit 3B MAT
Number and Algebra • Estimation and Calculation • Functions and Graphs
• Functions and Graphs • Equations and Inequalities
• Equations and Inequalities • Calculus
• Patterns • Patterns
• Finance
Space and Measurement • Rate • Measurement
• Measurement • Networks
• Reason geometrically
Chance and Data • Quantify chance • Represent data
• Interpret chance • Interpret data
• Collect and organise data
• Represent data
• Interpret data

Working with CAS-enabled Calculator is essential

Mathematics (MAT 3C/3D)

• Students develop their knowledge of calculus • Students extend and apply their understanding of
concepts and algebraic, graphing and calculus skills differential and integral calculus.
and apply them in mathematical modeling. • Solve systems of equations in three variables and
• Use counting techniques and probability laws and linear programming problems.
calculate and interpret probabilities for the binomial, • Verify and develop deductive proofs in algebra and
uniform and normal random variables. geometry.
• Use mental and written methods and technologies • Model data with probability functions and analyse
where appropriate. data from samples.
• Justify decisions and critically assess claims about

Subject Content
Unit 3C MAT Unit 3D MAT
Number and Algebra • Estimation and Calculation • Equations and Inequalities
• Functions and Graphs • Calculus
• Equations and Inequalities • Patterns
• Calculus
Space and Measurement • Rate • Rate
• Measurement • Measurement
• Reason geometrically
Chance and Data • Quantify chance • Quantify chance
• Interpret chance • Interpret chance
• Represent data
• Interpret data

Requirement Working with CAS-enabled

Additional Mathematics in SPM/O-Levels or equivalent. Calculator is essential
Subject Overview

Mathematics Specialist (MAS 3C/3D)

• Students consider abstract development of a range of • Students will use differential and integral calculus
sophisticated relationships. to understand a range of phenomena.
• Spatial contexts are extended from two dimensional • Familiarise with transformation and the use of
to three dimensional. matrices.
• Develops abstraction as an increasingly powerful way • Theoretical understanding of growth and decay
of expressing and analysing change. models.
• Introduce exhaustion and contradiction as methods • Introduces mathematical reasoning to complete
of proof. the suite of proof processes in pre-tertiary level.

Subject Content
Unit 3C MAS Unit 3D MAS
Vectors Matrices
Trigonometry Trigonometry
Exponential and Logarithms Exponentials and Logarithms
Functions Functions
Mathematical Reasoning Mathematical Reasoning
Complex Numbers Complex Numbers
Polar Coordinates

Requirement Strongly recommended for

Additional Mathematics in SPM/O-Levels or equivalent. students vying to read Engineering
Working with CAS-enabled
Calculator is essential
Accounting and Finance (ACF)
• The course focuses on financial literacy and aims to provide students with a range of skills that enable them
to make sound financial judgements.
• Students will develop an understanding of the fundamental principles upon which accounting and financial
management are based through the preparation, examination and analysis of financial documents and systems.

Subject Content
Unit 3A ACF Unit 3B ACF
• Distinguish between management • Construct reports and related notes (using
accounting and financial accounting double entry accrual accounting) for a
• The role of management accounting for reporting entity
decision-making purposes • Use accounting conventions, standards and
• Identify the benefits and components of a principles to prepare and analyse company
budget and prepare financial budgets and reports
performance reports • Select, analyse and apply accounting concepts
• Identify and select the relevant information and principles
to make long-term investment decisions • Evaluate a reporting entities’ performance
• Evaluate a business’s performance and and formulate strategies that will maximise
formulate strategies that will improve the performance
performance • Examine the nature of corporate social
• Identify the ethical issues related to being an disclosure in relation to the regulatory bodies
owner of a business in Australia and to Australian reporting entities

Economics (ECO)
• Economics investigates the choices that all people, groups and societies face as they confront the ongoing
problem of satisfying their unlimited wants with limited resources.
• It aims to analyse and understand the allocation, utilisation and distribution of scarce resources that determine
our wealth and wellbeing.
• Economics develops the knowledge, reasoning and interpretation skills that form an important component of
understanding personal, business and government behaviour at the local, national and global levels.

Subject Content
Unit 3A ECO Unit 3B ECO
The focus for this unit is Australia and the global The focus for this unit is economic policies and
economy. management.
It explores Australia’s economic relationships It explores how economic policies and actions
with other economies, and contemporary global of the government and other authorities,
economic events and issues of significance to such as fiscal policy, monetary policy and
Australia. microeconomic reform, operate in the pursuit of
the economic objectives of the government.
• Australia’s trade with ASEAN
• Australia’s growing trade links with China and India • The current macroeconomic performance and
• Economics of Australian businesses operating policy stance of Australia compared to other
overseas economies
• Economics of trading blocs and resource cartels • Australia’s macroeconomic performance and
• Economics of international tourism & foreign policy stance
Subject Overview

Psychology (PSY)
• In this subject, students focus on psychological contexts related to a healthy lifestyle and diverse
• Students expand their knowledge and understanding of human behaviour by looking at how intellectual
development and maturation play their roles in influencing behaviours instead of just learning.
• Engage in discussions about the influence of groups towards individual behaviours, the influence of culture
towards individual identity and different perspectives on topical social issues.
• Students engage in psychological investigations through literature search, research design and report writing.

Subject Content
Unit 3A PSY & Unit 3B PSY
Self Social Psychology Society
• Biological Influences • Relational Influences • Culture
• Psychology of Personality • Social Value & Practice
Cognition • Social, Historical & Political Influence

Career and Enterprise (CAE)

• The Career and Enterprise course aims to provide all students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable
them to be enterprising and proactive managers of their own career development.
• It begins with recognising individual skills and talents, and moves on to using this understanding to find work
and keep it.
• All aspects of work and workplaces are explored, from entry level to working globally. Changing technology,
employment patterns and economic restructuring are realities of the rapidly changing world of work students
will be entering.
• Learning to deal with constant change through adaptability, enterprise and lifelong learning are vital elements
of the course.

Subject Content
Unit 3A CAE & Unit 3B CAE
Career management Corporate citizenship Environmental influences
• Self-understanding and • Workplace operations and trends
management • Efficiency, productivity • Organisation of workplaces
• Career building and sustainability • Globalisation
• Lifelong learning • Rights and • Constant change
Politics & Law (PAL)
• Politics and Law is a study of the processes of decision-making concerning society’s collective future.
• It aims to develop knowledge of the principles, structures, institutions and processes of political and legal systems
primarily in Australia. 
• It brings together the judicial, executive and legislative arms of government to demonstrate how society is
governed and examines the philosophy and values on which society is governed.

Subject Content
Unit 3A PAL Unit 3B PAL
The focus for this unit is political and legal power. The focus for this unit is rights and
• Examine how the roles of the executive, legislative governance.
and judicial arms of government maintain and • Examine the ways political and legal systems
develop the law respond to contemporary civil, political,
• They consider the influence of individuals, pressure economic, social and cultural rights issues
groups, political parties, public opinion, the media, • Examine the ways countries can uphold
and internal and external factors on law making or undermine democratic principles by
examining their political and legal structures,
means of exercising power, judicial
independence, representation, the extent of
popular participation, natural justice and the
rule of law

Students are expected to have a sound command of the language and a passion to understand the power and influence of language.

Business Management and Enterprise (BME)

• Gives students the opportunity to understand how vital business is and how it impacts every aspect of our lives.
• Aims to prepare all students for a future where they will need to identify possibilities and create opportunities
within a business environment.
• In an age when many business practices and ethical standards are being examined, this course will give
individuals the ability to make sound and ethical decisions based on knowledge and understanding.
• Aims to empower students to make business decisions based on critical thinking which are in line with their
own values and the values of the society in which they live.
• Students will be well-equipped to be proactive participants in the dynamic world of business, behaving
responsibly and demonstrating integrity in business activities.

Subject Content
Unit 3A BME & Unit 3B BME
The focus in the first unit is on contexts related to strategic business in a globalised world and in the second,
the focus is on contexts related to strategic business management and implementation.

Environments Strategies and processes People

• Social, cultural and economic • Management • Intrapersonal and
• Political and legal • Marketing interpersonal
• Technological • Operations • Consumers and competitors
• Human resources
AUSMAT students are now our lecturers.
I did AUSMAT back in the 2000. It was truly a memorable year for me as I had a great time here in Sun-U. My reason
is the dedicated lecturers I had which made learning fun and interesting. AUSMAT was the start of my journey
towards achieving my degree and subsequently my masters in the field of science. It was here I learnt that hard
work has its rewards in life. Now nine years later, I am back again in Sunway but this time I am teaching the subjects
I am passionate about in the same course where my journey started and made me the person I am today. Most
interestingly, today I work with lecturers who taught me back in 2000 and I know I am in a team that aims to
inspire students that they can achieve anything in life.

Diana Ann Kavita


As a former student and lecturer with AUSMAT, it is heartening to see that the syllabus has dynamically evolved
over the last 12 years, from teaching methods to introduction of critical courses such as Career & Enterprise. The
programme transfers critical skills and knowledge which will not only build students into academic frontrunners,
but also inspire them to achieve great things in life. By nurturing the uniqueness of each student, it has been
possible to encourage them to frankly explore and express their thoughts on a wide range of social, economic and
technological issues - a distinct advantage which moulds creative and well-balanced individuals. No matter where
our students go or who they become in life, they will always treasure the AUSMAT experience.

Angela Yap

Our Alumni
The lecturers, while being remarkably approachable and competent, are also genuinely interested in the welfare of
students. The learning process is also anything but mundane. With a heavy emphasis on critical thinking and problem-
solving skills, students are intellectually stimulated at all times. This, coupled with engaging classroom activities and
discussions, make learning in AUSMAT Sunway an enjoyable and memorable experience.
Ng Chien Young
Bachelor of Medicine
University of Western Australia
SMK St Michael, Ipoh

AUSMAT life gave me the best of both worlds, in terms of 50% coursework & assignments and 50% exam, and also in
terms of fun and studies. With dedicated and loving lecturers, and fun-filled learning methods, everything in AUSMAT
is interesting and enjoyable. In just a year, I’ve gained knowledge and excelled academically. I’ve also learnt to organise
events and serve the society. Both of these are essential in building a person’s character. All this in AUSMAT – WORTH!
Tan Shu Yi
Recipient of AUSMAT Shield of Excellence award 2009
Bachelor of Chiropractic, IMU
SMK Taman Sea, Petaling Jaya

AUSMAT has been enriching, momentous and rewarding. A pre-university option that has the flexibility and depth in terms
of subjects. The lecturers are perpetually assessing each and every student throughout the course of the year. Saying that
I am grateful or indebted to them would only be an insult. I must add that the course has a regulated system to ensure
optimum performance for each student. Students will not be left to fend for themselves. In fact if anything, the lecturers
make a dedicated effort to promote, support and direct students. Most importantly, I feel that the momentum that was
gradually developed through minor tests to major examinations gave me time to adapt and become accustomed to the
rigours and tribulations of a more intense academic environment. This will certainly serve me well in my university years.
AUSMAT supplements the student with the maturity and guidance he or she needs to become a full-fledged, informed
adult who takes education into their own hands in university.
Sudharsan Thiruvengadam
Recipient of 2009 Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for English
Aerospace Engineering Australian National University
St Joseph’s Institution, Singapore
Current AUSMAT students
It is a complete inverse of our secondary school education especially
SPM. Although it is quite difficult for us to adjust to this sudden change
in teaching and learning process, however, we have coped because of
the help of all the kind and helpful lecturers. We really appreciated it!
Moreover, the brainstorming discussions and class presentations have
really opened our minds and boosted our self-confidence. This experience
has simultaneously helped us forge strong bond of friendships.

Tan Vi Vian Lee Mei Yun Choo Fei Jing

SMK Syeikh SMK Infant SMK St Anthony,
Abdul Ghani, Jesus Convent, Sarikei, Sarawak
Bidor, Perak Melaka

I believe the AUSMAT programme is a carefully designed course for students at this age. The knowledge we garner is
exceedingly practical. The learning is amazingly interactive. Drama performances, forums, class debates and presentations
were definitely fun and an integral part of learning. Little dry memorising was required as those key notes were already
prepared for in the Data Sheet. The teachers are young and communicable with people of our age.
Daniel Yeoh Zi Yi
Recipient of AUSMAT Academic High Achievement 2010
SMK Gajah Berang, Melaka

AUSMAT can be challenging and fun! The programme forces me to think out of the box, there are no more scheme
answers, no more formats, no more textbooks. We have to apply our creative thinking skills for every problem. But the
lecturers make it so fun!
Siti Noor Ain Badroon
SM Sains Seri Puteri Kuala Lumpur

AUSMAT questions are all about application. Through this programme, we know the ways of applying knowledge in our
daily lives and not only memorising. We start to think of how the natural phenomenon around us works and why is it
like that. The crux is that we start to link our knowledge to the things that are going on around us. This really makes us
to be better in decision making and judgement. AUSMAT is very different from SPM. We are required to have excellent
critical thinking to analyse any study materials that are given to us. Sometimes we even need to “read between the lines”.
AUSMAT really provokes our thinking and sometimes I feel like we become more mature after each and every assignment
for every subject.
Chan Wun Yhee
SMK Sultanah Engku Tun Aminah, JB

Well everything about this course is great. There is a significant difference in how subjects are taught in school and in
Sun-U. Here, we are taught to be more interactive among each other. Often, there are group discussions which allow
me to lay down our ideas and then later we would debate about it and finally pick out the best idea. We learn to analyse
materials differently and think out of the box. In short, we learn to be more mature than before.
I personally was amazed with how well our English drama turned out because it was something we do not do often and I
am glad to be given the opportunity to perform. The lecturers are all awesome in the way they teach as they are open to
arguments from us and explain to us in a very professional manner. ALL of them teach amazingly and they make learning
fun. Gosh I love AUSMAT SO MUCH!
Gurpreet Singh
SMK Tinggi Kluang, Kluang, Johor
Accolades for AUSMAT
Sharmila Sathianathan, 2005 Brenda Chan Qing Wen, 2008
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Accounting

Yeoh Xiao Jing, 2005 Low Zoey, 2008

Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Accounting Curriculum Council Special Subject Award for Malay Advanced
Sunway University College, 2006 Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Malay Advanced
Top School Award - Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA) Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for English as an Additional
Accounting Competition Language and Dialect

Arjun Sivanesan, 2006 Chua Wei Han, 2008

First Place -Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA) Accounting Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Competition Accounting Competition

Chelfi Chua Zhi Fei, 2006 Heng Xin Yi, 2008

Curriculum Council Special Subject Award for Chemistry Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Accounting Competition

Chong Wen Khang, 2006 Lim Jit Ye, 2008

Curriculum Council Special Subject Award for Chemistry Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Accounting Competition

Christina Ooi Chel See, 2006 Tan Soon Tek, 2009

Curriculum Council Special Subject Award for English as a Second Language Second Prize in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for English as a Second Accounting Competition
Language Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Accounting Competition
Han Yuet Ling, 2006
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Accounting Timothy Chong Yeow Voon, 2009
Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Lim Sue Lyn, 2006 Accounting Competition
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Accounting
Fonseka Ko Wan Loo, 2009
Ho Yun Ying, 2006 Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Accounting Competition

Ng Ee Liang, 2006 Sum Pui Yeng, 2009

Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Accounting Competition
Sharon Wong Leh Ing, 2006
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Chia Yoon Yoong, 2009
Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Christina Ooi Chel See, 2006 Accounting Competition
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry
Tee Ee Tien, 2009
Ivy Chiang, 2006 Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Accounting Competition

Lim Li Ping, 2006 Kong Yue Ning, 2009

Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Accounting Competition
Ravind Singh a/p Aram Singh, 2006
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Hong Xing Wei, 2009
Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Chew Li Suan, 2006 Accounting Competition
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry
Cho Wai Hong, 2009
Afrah Mohd Yasin, 2006 Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Curriculum Council Special Subject Award for Malay Advanced Accounting Competition

Kong Yue Jin, 2006 Ng Wee Hong, 2009

Curriculum Council Special Subject Award for Malay Advanced Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Accounting Competition
Chin Hui Ling, 2007
Curriculum Council Subject Award for Accounting Wong Jun Mun, 2009
Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA) Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Accounting Competition Accounting Competition

Lee Fei Yee, 2007 Tan Kieam Sem, 2009

Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry Distinction in the Business Educators of Western Australia (BEWA)
Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Biology Accounting Competition

Chin Hui Ling, 2007 Manisharaj Rannu, 2010

Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Accounting Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for Chemistry

Lim Guang Wei, Jonathan, 2007 Sudhaishan Thiu, 2010

Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for English as a Curriculum Council Special Certificate of Distinction for English
Second Language
Choice of Subjects
We strongly recommend students to take the suggested subject combination to fulfil the
prerequisite requirement of the choice of undergraduate programmes they wish to pursue:

Commerce Engineering
Mathematics Mathematics Specialist
Computer Science
Marine Biology
Biomedical Science
Mathematics Specialist
Physics (required for physics and engineering science streams)
Mathematics Specialist or Mathematics
Mathematics Biological Science

Curtin Bursary
Exclusively for Sunway Ausmat Students
Only for Sunway AUSMAT students, Curtin University, Australia, is offering special bursary
programmes to those interested in pursuing their undergraduate studies at the renowned

Qualified students interested in health sciences and business have the opportunity to

AUD 13,700
bursary towards tuition fees offered by Curtin Faculty of Health Sciences

AUD 11,500
bursary towards tuition fees offered by Curtin Business School
• Australian Matriculation
• Cambridge GCE A Level
• Canadian International Matriculation Programme
• Monash University Foundation Year
• Sunway Foundation in Arts


• Diploma in Business Administration
• Diploma in Information Technology
• Diploma in Graphic & Multimedia Design
• Diploma in Interior Design
• Diploma in Fine Art
• Diploma in Nursing
• Diploma in Hotel Management
• Diploma in Tourism Management
• Diploma in Events Management
• Diploma in Performing Arts
• BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance
• BSc (Hons) Business Management
• BSc (Hons) Business Studies
• BSc (Hons) Information Systems
• BSc (Hons) Information Technology
• BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management
• BSc (Hons) Psychology


(Majors in Business, Actuarial Science, Communication,
Forensic Science, Biomedical Science, Psychology,
Engineering, Aviation, Computer Science, Architecture)


(Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia)
• Accounting, Banking & Finance, Financial Risk Management,
International Trade and Marketing

• Masters in Management
• Masters in Money, Banking & Finance
• MSc in Computer Science (by research)


Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia


Governed and owned by Jeffrey Cheah Foundation (800946-T) • Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
Operating Company: Sunway University College Sdn Bhd (653937-U) • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
• Certificate in Finance, Accounting & Business (CFAB)
No. 5, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Sunway, • The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW)
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
+6 (03) 5635 8630 • Intensive English Programme (IEP)
[email protected] • International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS)

All information is correct at the time of printing (Dec 2010)

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