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Taguanao, Aloran Misamis Occidental

SY 2019-2020

NAME:________________________________________SCORE:______________DATE: _______________

I. I. GRAMAR. Directions: Choose the best pronoun to use in each sentence. Underline the letter of the correct answer.
1. Both of the magazines featured the President on ___ covers.
A. its B. his C. her D. their
2. Neither John nor Andy has finished ____ English test.
A. her B. his C. their D. they’re
3. Neither the cat nor the dogs had eaten ____ meal.
A. its B. their C. there D. his or her
4. Everyone should report to____ cabin soon.
A. her B. his C. their D. his or her
5. The football team has been awarded _____letters.
A. Its B. him C. their D. there
6. Was it Gladys or ___ who lost the turtle?
A. He B. him C. we D. they
7. I think it was ___ .
A. We B. her C. she D. they
8. ____ like potato salad
A. Each B. Many C. Everyone D. Everybody
9. ____ is a good idea.
A. That B. they C. Those D. These
10. Norman is a photographer ____ does a great work.
A. Who B. which C. where D. whose
11. Keesh is a boy ___ lived long agoon the rimof the polar sea.
A. Which B. who C. whose D. whom
12. The mystery of Keesh began, a mystery _____ deepened with the pleasing of the days.
A. where B. that C. those D. this
13. A reporter talked to Mrs. Bea Zwack after _____home was stuck by a tornado.
A. his B. her C. their D. his/her
14. Jack Zwack spent most of ____ time cleaning up the yard.
A. his B. her C. their D. his/her
15. The reporter finally submitted____ assignment to the editor of the paper.
A. His B. her C. his/her D. their
16. What adjective could best relate a mother to nature?
A. Feminine B. strong C. caring D. beautiful
17. Why is the color green associated with nature?
A. It symbolizes life. C. It represents the color of leaves.
B. It is cool to the eyes D. It is refreshing.
18. What comes to your mind when you hear the word autum?
A. Deterioration B. death C. destruction D. disaster
19. Why can you say that the Philippines is a blessed country?
A. It has 7,107 islands.
B. It is rich in natural resources.
C. It has many, beautiful places to visit.
D. It is economically competitive.
20. How can fire symbolize life?
A. It gives warmth to the body. C. It symbolizes brightness.
B. It can cook food. D. It gives us light.
21. Which group of words gives the correct shades of meaning of the words shabby?
A. Scruffy, untidy, ragged C. rough, fixed, broken
B. Clean, dilapidated, ragged D. none of the above
B. Read and answer the following questions from the song “What a Wonderful World’ by Louis Armstrong. Underline the
letter of the correct answer
22. What do trees of green symbolize?
A. hope and faith C. Cleanliness and purity
B. Freshness and freedom D. Health and wellness
23. What signifies the blooming of red roses?
A. sharing of glory C. love for the people
B. bountiful blessings D. wealth that abounds
24. The bright blessed day and dark sacred night are symbolisms for:
A. challenges and trials C. sorrows and problems
B. triumphs and dreams D. successes and failures
25. The colors of the rainbow that are on the faces of people convey
A. happiness and contentment C. friendship and camaraderie
B. lasting relationship among spouses B. generosity and serenity
26. The speaker in the song has
A. no dreams to carry on C. a pessimistic idea about nature
B. a positive outlook in life D. lousy disposition towards life
27. Interpret the mood of the statement “He longs to tell someone, all that is haunting him now, but there is no
one to tell.”
A. excited B. disappointed C. confused D. none of these
28. What kind of speech intended to inform and to share new ideas and build perceptions of some topic with
which you might be familiar?
B. Informative B. persuasive C. argumentative D. demonstrative
29. What kind of speech that tries to change the reader’s mind by convincing him or her to agree with your point
of view?
A. Informative B. persuasive C. argumentative D. demonstrative
30. Which kind of speech written to convince the listeners of the validity of the speaker’s argument?
B. Informative B. persuasive C. argumentative D. demonstrative
31. A dark leaden-coloured mass is creeping over the sky towards the sun.
A. dull, heavy, or slow B. of the color of lead C. fast, light D. blur
32. Interpret the mood of the statement, “He longs to tell someone, all that is haunting him now, but there is no
one to tell.”
A. excited B. confused C. disappointed D. sad
33. Who is the author of the story “ A day in the Country”?
A. Albert Camus B. Alexander Dumas C. Anton Chekhov D. Victor Hugo
34. The word "nature" comes from the Latin word, "natura", what does it means?
A. Death B. birth C. mother D. earth
35. Which group of words gives the correct meaning of the word shabby?
A. scruffy, untidy, ragged C. rough, fixed, broken
B. clean, dilapidated, worn out D. smooth, clean, tidy
36. This is __________ speaking.
A. John B. He C. He john D. Am
37. Greg is as smart as __________ is.
A. I B. me C. she D. we
38. The dog chewed on __________ favorite toy.
A. it’s B. it is C. its’ D. its
39. It could have been __________ .
A. Jerry B. anyone C. better D. more difficult
40. Terry is taller than __________ am.
A. I B. me C. she D. we
41. Peter and Paul had baked ________ cakes.
A. themselves B. yourselves C. himself D. herselves
II. Identify the underlined pronoun whether it is Objective, Subjective, Possessive, Demonstrative, Interrogative, Indefinite
and Relative pronoun. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the blank in each number.
A. Objective C. Subjective E. Possessive G. Relative
B. Demonstrative D. Interrogative F. Indefinite
42. ____ Give the chocolate to me , please. A
43. ____ I have a big chocolate bar. C
44. ____ You have some ice cream. A
45. ____ The house is theirs. E
46. ____ The dog is scratching its ear. E
47. ____ That is a good idea. B
48. ____ What on earth is that? D
49. ____ Many likes salsa with their chips. F
50. ____ Victor is a photographer who does great work. G
A. Define the following words used in the selection. Write the correct answer on the blank provided.

A. Abated C. Prophetic E. Apportioned

B. Corroborated D. Assailed F. Contended

____ 31. to become less intense

____ 32. to support
____ 33. to predict future events
____ 34. violently attack
____ 35. to have argued


1. B. This is he speaking.
2. C. Greg is as smart as she is.

3. D. The dog chewed on its favorite toy.

4. B. It could have been anyone.

5. A. Terry is taller than I am.

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