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DEL2-Introduction to Delivery-Inward-R12.

01 1
Trainee notes

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SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) - It is a
non-profit organization comprised of member financial institutions. It was established
in 1973 by European bankers who needed a more efficient and secure system for inter
bank communications and transfer of funds and securities. Until then, all inter bank
communications were by telephone, telex, courier, or mail.

Messages are securely and reliably exchanged between banks and other financial
institutions. These messages are not printed, they are sent electronically. The header
and trailer required by SWIFT are generated automatically as they are standard. The
maximum size of a SWIFT message is 2000 characters.

We saw earlier how outward delivery works in T24. In this course, we will learn how an
inward SWIFT message is received in T24 and how we process it.

PRINT – print carrier is used to print the delivery advices. It is possible to define
different formats so that a document can be printed in different versions or languages
as required by particular customers.

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Service – Background Process, Multi Threaded.

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Any input in this field must exist on the EB.PRODUCT file. Messages whose
application is undefined will be sent to Funds Transfer.

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Step 1: From the jsh prompt invoke an OFS.SOURCE record id with SOURCE.TYPE
field set to TELNET. (In the above screen shot the record in OFS.SOURCE is

Step 2: Paste the sample incoming SWIFT message in the tSS window.

Step 3: There will be no confirmation or response in the tSS window. So once, the
cursor comes to the next line, assume that tSS has processed the message. Type
‘exit’ to quit the tSS window.

Note: If the ERROR :: MESSAGE SENT TO VIVEO TO REPAIR is raised, reverse

the DE.STP.REPAIR.PARM record for Company to solve the problem

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Once tSS has processed the incoming SWIFT message, it will create and assign a
Delivery Reference ID to that particular message.

The list of ID’s that are ‘unformatted’ will be stored in a file called F.SWIFT.IN.LIST.
This is where we will know what is the Delivery Reference ID of the incoming SWIFT
message. In the above screen shot, the ID is R20140204043311662601

DEL2-Introduction to Delivery-Inward-R12.01 11
tSS also creates a record in an application called DE.I.HEADER. This is like a log file
or header file that maintains the status of an incoming Delivery message. (Compare
this with DE.O.HEADER application for outward delivery messages)


@ID Delivery Reference ID

MESSAGE TYPE Specifies the basic Message Type as defined in the DE.MESSAGE
table. Message type is extracted from the incoming SWIFT message text

DISPOSITION Describes the type of processing to be done on this Header.

Values :
‘UNFORMATTED’ If a message received by Inward Carrier Control
correctly, the message has its Disposition set to Unformatted. The message is placed
in the unformatted queue F.DE.I.MSG
‘OFS FORMATTED’ For Incoming messages, processed through
OFS GLOBUS MANAGER, Disposition is set to "OFS FORMATTED".

CARRIER ADDR NO Specifies the Carrier by which the message was received

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Step 1: Open the record TSM in TSA.SERVICE application

Step 2: Set the field SERVICE CONTROL to ‘START’

Step 3: Commit and authorise the record TSM in TSA.SERVICE application

DEL2-Introduction to Delivery-Inward-R12.01 13
Step 1: Open the record SWIFT.IN in TSA.SERVICE application

Step 2: Set the field SERVICE CONTROL to ‘AUTO’

Step 3: Commit and authorise the record SWIFT.IN in TSA.SERVICE application

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From the jsh prompt type START.TSM. This will start the T24 service manager. The
Manager will automatically start services with SERVICE CONTROL field set to

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TSA.STATUS is an application where we can find out the status of various T24 service
agents (tSA). These agents are responsible for actually executing the services. The
manager merely monitors these agents.

Step 1: Type TSA.STATUS in the command line

Step 2: List all the records in the application TSA.STATUS.

Step 3: View any of the agents, which have AGENT STATUS as ‘RUNNING’, by
clicking on the lens icon beside the agent ID

This will open up a record in TSA.STATUS. The record will contain the status of the
agent, and the service that it is executing.

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Once SWIFT.IN service has processed all the ID’s in F.SWIFT.IN.LIST, this file will
become empty.

The corresponding record in DE.I.HEADER will be updated with the status of the
message as ‘OFS FORMATTED’. This means that the inward message has been
formatted and processed. Updating the respective application is done by an internal

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List all the FUNDS.TRANSFER record in the $NAU file. Do this by typing FT E
(FT abbreviation for FUNDS.TRANSFER
E Function to list all the records from the $NAU file)

The highlighted record in the screen shot, has been created as a result of the SWIFT
message. Note that the status of the record is IHLD. (Hold status).

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As you are already aware, every message type should have an entry in
The field APPLICATION QUEUE in DE.MESSAGE record plays a vital role in inward
delivery. When incoming SWIFT messages are received, based on the message type
the appropriate DE.MESSAGE record is read.
Based on the value in this field, the incoming message is placed in a queue named
If the value in this field is NULL ‘’, then the message is not placed in any queue. In this
case the message is defaulted to update the Funds Transfer file.

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DE.MESSAGE table defines the contents of each basic Message Type
SWIFT Range of ID’s: 100 - 999 (ID in DE.MESSAGE)
While creating records for PRINT Advice, avoid creating ID’s within the SWIFT ID
The list of Unformatted SWIFT messages are stored in a file called F.DE.I.MSG and
the corresponding ID’s are stored in a file called F.SWIFT.IN.LIST
tSS - T24 Server Service, is a program that processes incoming messages
The service in T24 to format incoming SWIFT messages is SWIFT.IN
SWIFT.IN actually calls a routine called DE.INWARD
Once the SWIFT message is formatted a record is created in the respective
tSS creates record in DE.I.HEADER
DE.I.HEADER is an application which stores all the details of a Inward Delivery
The ID of a record in this application is the Delivery Reference ID

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