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Siddh Kunjika Stotram

सिद्ध कुसिका स्तोत्रम्

Highly Effective Prayer, Very authentic & with magnified text, Sidh Kunjika Stotra to
Activate the mantra & to get the divine grace of Goddess Durga.

This powerful Sidh Kunjika Stotram has the ability to remove all troubles from the life
and to provide success everywhere.

Sidh Kunjika Stotram is mool stotra of Durga Saptashati which cover whole Durga
Saptashati in one Stotra.

Sidh Kunjika Stotram is very secret stotra & should be chanted very carefully under
the divine guidance of a Guru.

This is the essence of the Chandi, the Navarna Mantra, the constant reminder that
change She will, change She must, because change is Her intrinsic Nature. Kunjika
literally means “something overgrown or hidden by growth or growing things.” Siddha
means perfection. Stotram is the song.

The Song of Perfection which is no longer hidden because of growth. That is, our
spiritual growth and understanding of the Chandi exposes the hidden meanings of the
bija mantras in the Song.

Sidh Kunjika Storam with Meaning

शिव उवाच
शृणु दे शव प्रवक्ष्याशि कुुंशिकास्तोत्रिुत्तिि्।
येन िन्त्रप्रभावेण चण्डीिापः िुभो भवेत् ॥१॥

Shiva Said,
Oh Parvathi please hear the great prayer called Kunjika,
By recitation of which , the recitation of Devi Mahatmya(Chandi)
Would become more powerful/auspicious.

न कवचुं नार्गलास्तोत्रुं कीलकुं न रहस्यकि्।

न सूक्तुं नाशप ध्यानुं च न न्यासो न च वाचगनि् ॥२॥
There is no need to recite Kavacham , Argalam , Kilakam and the Rahasya thrayam,
Nor is it necessary to recite Suktham , Dhyanam , Nyasam and also no need to

कुुंशिकापाठिात्रेण दु र्ाग पाठफलुं लभेत्।

अशत र्ुह्यतरुं दे शव दे वानािशप दु लगभि् ॥३॥

Just by reading Kunjika , we would get the effect of reading Chandi,

And Oh Goddess this is a great secret and even Devas do not know it.

र्ोपनीयुं प्रयत्नेन स्वयोशनररव पावगशत।

िारणुं िोहनुं वश्युं स्तम्भनोच्चाटनाशदकि्।
पाठिात्रेण सुंशसद्ध् येत् कुुंशिकास्तोत्रिुत्तिि् ॥ ४॥

Oh Parvathi , you decide about the effort to keep it as secret

Because just by reading this great prayer on Kunjika , we can easily achieve,
Murder , attraction , slavery , making things motionless by repeated chants,

Sidh Kunika Mantra

अथ िुंत्र
ॐ ऐुं ह्ी ुं क्ीुं चािुण्डायै शवच्चे। ॐ ग्लुं हुं क्ीुं िूुं सः
ज्वालय ज्वालय ज्वल ज्वल प्रज्वल प्रज्वल
ऐुं ह्ी ुं क्ीुं चािुण्डायै शवच्चे ज्वल हुं सुं लुं क्षुं फट् स्वाहा
॥ इशत िुंत्रः॥

Om Aing, kleem Chamanudayai viche . Om Gloum hoom kleem joom sa,

Jwalaya jwalaya , Jwala, Jwala , prajwala , prajwala ,
Aing Hreem Kleem Chamundayai viche Jwala, ham sam lam ksham phat swaha.

निस्ते रुद्ररूशपण्यै निस्ते िधुिशदग शन।

निः कैटभहाररण्यै निस्ते िशहषाशदग शन॥१॥

Salutations to her who is angry , Salutations to the killer of Madhu,

Salutations to the winner over Kaidabha , Salutations to the killer of Mahisha.

निस्ते िुम्भहन्त्र्यै च शनिुम्भासुरघाशतशन॥२॥

िाग्रतुं शह िहादे शव िपुं शसद्धुं कुरुष्व िे।

Salutations to the killer of Shumba and the killer of Nishumbha,

Oh Great goddess , please safely give me expertise of chanting this.

ऐुंकारी सृशिरूपायै ह्ीुंकारी प्रशतपाशलका॥३॥

क्ीुंकारी कािरूशपण्यै बीिरूपे निोऽस्तु ते।

Salutations to the Goddess who has the form of root chants,

Who by the chant “Aim” has the form of the creator,
Who by the chant “Hreem” has the form of one who takes care of,
And who by the Chant “Kleem” has the form of passion.

चािुण्डा चण्डघाती च यै कारी वरदाशयनी॥ ४॥

शवच्चे चाभयदा शनत्युं निस्ते िुंत्ररूशपशण॥ ५॥

Salutations to goddess who has the form made of Chants,

To the Chamunda who is the killer of Chanda ,
Who by chanting “Ai” grants boons,
And by Chanting “Viche”, grants protection daily.

धाुं धीुं धूुं धूिगटेः पत्नी वाुं वी ुं वूुं वार्धीश्वरी।

क्ाुं क्ीुं क्ूुं काशलका दे शव िाुं िीुं िूुं िे िुभुं कुरु॥६॥

Dham, Dheem, Dhoom, the wife of Lord Shiva,

Vaam , veem , Voom , the goddess of speech,
Kraam, kreem , kroom , the goddess Kali ,
Saam, seem, soom, , please do good.

हुं हुं हुं काररूशपण्यै िुं िुं िुं िम्भनाशदनी।

भ्ाुं भ्ी ुं भ्ूुं भैरवी भद्रे भवान्यै ते निो निः॥७॥

Hoom , hoom, she who has the form of the sound hoom,
Jam, jam, jam , she who has sound like thunderbolt,
Breem, breem, broom , Goddess Bhairavi,
Oh Goddess of the good, Oh Bhavani , salutations and salutations to you.

अुं कुं चुं टुं तुं पुं युं िुं वी ुं दुुं ऐुं वी ुं हुं क्षुं
शधिाग्रुं शधिाग्रुं त्रोटय त्रोटय दीप्तुं कुरु कुरु स्वाहा॥

Aam , kam, tam , pam , yam, sam , veem, dhoom ,aing , veem ham, the end of
Tear apart the end of devotion , throw , throw light , swaha.

पाुं पीुं पूुं पावगती पूणाग खाुं खीुं खूुं खेचरी तथा॥८॥
साुं सीुं सूुं सप्तिती दे व्या िुंत्रशसद्द्धुं कुरुष्व िे॥

Paam, peem, poom , the daughter of the mountain who is complete,

Khaam, kheem, khoom who is also flying in the sky,
Saam, seem, soom , Get me mastery over the chant of the Goddess of Devi
Mahatmya/Chandi/ Sapthasathi..

Benefits Sidh Kunjika Stotram

॥फल श्रुशत॥
इदुं तु कुुंशिकास्तोत्रुं िुंत्रिार्शतगहेतवे।
अभक्ते नैव दातव्युं र्ोशपतुं रक्ष पावगशत॥
This is prayer of the Kunjika which is the reason for awakening,
Oh Parvathi , keep this protected and kept secret from those who are not devotees.

यस्तु कुुंशिकया दे शव हीनाुं सप्तितीुं पठे त् ।

न तस्य िायते शसद्द्धररण्ये रोदनुं यथा॥

Those who read Sapthasathi without this prayer of Kunjika ,

Would not reach the forest of perfection as it would be like a wail there.

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