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[G.R. No. 89571. February 6, 1991.]



Fernandez, Velasco & Grapilan for petitioners.


CRUZ , J : p

In its resolution dated October 12, 1989, the Court denied the petition for certiorari under
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court for failure to show that the respondent court committed
reversible error in its resolution dated May 31, 1989. 1 The petitioner led a motion for
reconsideration on November 23, 1989, to which we required a Comment, which was
followed by a Reply and later a Rejoinder.
After considering the issues and the arguments of the parties in their respective pleadings,
we af rm that the respondent court was, indeed, correct when it held that the appeal had
been tardily made. The record shows that the petitioners received a copy of the decision
of the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City on April 3, 1989, and that the motion for
reconsideration thereof was led on April 17, 1989, or fourteen days later. The order of
May 3, 1989, denying the motion was received by the petitioners' counsel on May 9, 1989.
Instead of ling the petition for review with the Court of Appeals within the remainder of
the 15-day reglementary period, that is, on May 10, 1989, the petitioner did so only on May
23, 1989, or 14 days later. The petition was therefore clearly tardy. cdphil

In Lacsamana v. Court of Appeals , 2 which was promulgated on August 26, 1986, before
the case at bar arose, we held:

The nal judgment or order of a regional trial court in an appeal from the nal
judgment or order of a metropolitan trial court, municipal trial court and municipal
circuit trial court may be appealed to the Court of Appeals through a petition for
review in accordance with Section 22 of BP no. 129 and Section 22(b) of the
Interim Rules, or to this Court through a petition for review on certiorari in
accordance with Rule 45 of the Rules. The reason for extending the period for the
ling of a record on appeal is also applicable to the ling of a petition for review
with the Court of Appeals. If a motion for reconsideration is led with and denied
by a regional trial court, the movant has only the remaining period within which to
le a petition for review. Hence, it may be necessary to le a motion with the
Court of appeals for extension of time to le such petition for review . (emphasis
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The petitioners' counsel did not le the petition for review within the remaining period,
which he should have known was only one day. Neither did he move for an extension that
would have been granted as a matter of course. The petition for review being indisputably
late, he could not thereafter ask that it be treated as a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
of the Rules of Court, which can be led within a reasonable time. This remedy cannot be
employed as a substitute for a lost appeal. 3 It follows that for having themselves forfeited
the right to appeal, the petitioners cannot now plaintively claim that they have been denied
due process.
Rules of procedure are intended to ensure the orderly administration of justice and the
protection of substantive rights in judicial and extrajudicial proceedings. It is a mistake to
suppose that substantive law and adjective law are contradictory to each other or, as has
often been suggested, that enforcement of procedural rules should never be permitted if it
will result in prejudice to the substantive rights of the litigants. This is not exactly true; the
concept is much misunderstood. As a matter of fact, the policy of the courts is to give
effect to both kinds of law, as complementing each other, in the just and speedy resolution
of the dispute between the parties. Observance of both substantive and procedural rights
is equally guaranteed by due process, whatever the source of such rights, be it the
Constitution itself or only a statute or a rule of court. 4
The petitioners' argument that they should not be prejudiced by the mistakes of their
counsel because they are laymen and not familiar with the intricacies of the law is not
acceptable. If clients could disauthorize their counsel on this ground, the administration of
justice could be hopelessly encumbered. The petitioners have not shown that their counsel
was exceptionally inept or motivated by bad faith or excusably misled by the facts. There
is no reason why we should not apply the rule that clients should be bound by the acts of
their counsel, including his mistakes. 5
The petitioners' submission that their counsel's failure to appeal on time should be
regarded as excusable neglect or honest error is not compatible with his impressive
credentials. He is a prestigious member of the bar and his conduct at the trial
demonstrated his experience and skill as a trial lawyer. The petitioners themselves
describe him as "a graduate of one of the top law schools in the country, a bar examiner in
Remedial Law, a law professor in Remedial Law and other law subjects, a former National
Of cer of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and a seasoned practitioner for more than
30 years." 6 The procedural mistake might have been understandable in an ordinary lawyer
but not in the case of the petitioners' former counsel. cdll

Now petitioner wants us to nullify all of the antecedent proceedings and

recognize his earlier claims to the disputed property on the justi cation that his
counsel was grossly inept. Such a reason is hardly plausible as the petitioner's
new counsel should know. Otherwise, all a defeated party would have to do to
salvage his case is claim neglect or mistake on the part of his counsel as a
ground for reversing the adverse judgment. There would be no end to litigation if
this were allowed as every shortcoming of counsel could be the subject of
challenge by his client through another counsel who, if he is also found wanting,
would likewise be disowned by the same client through another counsel, and so
o n ad in nitum . This would render court proceedings inde nite, tentative and
subject to reopening at any time by the mere subterfuge of replacing counsel. 7

It has not escaped the attention of the Court that the motion for reconsideration of the
decision of the trial court was led on the fourteenth day of the reglementary period and
that the petition for review was led, presumably under the belief that a new 15-day period
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had begun, fourteen days after the petitioners' counsel was noti ed of the denial of the
motion. This smacks of a dilatory tactic. It would seem to the Court that if the petitioners
felt so strongly that the said decision was erroneous they would have demonstrated more
spirit and promptitude in assailing it. Instead, they waited to move for reconsideration until
the last hour and, ultimately, when the motion was denied, led the petition for review only
when it was already too late. Under these circumstances, equity cannot be extended to
them to soften the rigor of the law they have not chosen to observe.
For all its conceded merits, equity is available only in the absence of law and not as its
replacement. Equity is described as justice outside legality, which simply means that it
cannot supplant although it may, as often happens, supplement the law. We said in an
earlier case, and we repeat it now, that all abstract arguments based only on equity should
yield to positive rules, which pre-empt and prevail over such persuasions. Emotional
appeals for justice, while they may wring the heart of the Court, cannot justify disregard of
the mandate of the law as long as it remains in force. The applicable maxim, which goes
back to the ancient days of the Roman jurists — and is now still reverently observed — is
"aequetas nunquam contravenit legis." 8
It is clear that the respondent court did not commit any reversible error in dismissing the
petitioners' appeal on the ground of tardiness. On the contrary, the challenged resolution is
conformable to the applicable law and jurisprudence that, despite the confusion of the
petitioners' former counsel, carried no esoteric meaning not available to the ordinary
practitioner. cdphil

WHEREFORE, the motion for reconsideration is DENIED with finality. It is so ordered.

Narvasa, Gancayco, Griño-Aquino and Medialdea, JJ., concur.


1. Benipayo, J., ponente; Melo and Pronove, JJ., concurring.

2. 143 SCRA 643.

3. Pan Realty Corp. vs. CA, 167 SCRA 564; Del Pozo vs. Penaco, Ibid., p. 577.

4. Limpot vs. CA, 170 SCRA 369.

5. Aguila vs. CA, 160 SCRA 357-358.

6. Rollo, p. 16.
7. Aguila vs. CA, 160 SCRA 359.

8. Aguila vs. CA, supra.

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