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Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

First Year Engineering
First Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
Week Theory Marks Evaluation Week Practical
BS Mathematics-I 3-1 4 100 50 - - -
BS Chemistry/ Physics 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
ES Basics of Electronics / 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
Basic Electrical
ES Mechanics/ 3-0 3 100 50
ES Programming in ‘c” 3-0 3 100 50 2 2 50
HS English Communication 3-0 2 100 50 2 1 50
ES Engineering Workshop/ 4 2 100
Engineering Drawing
Total 16 18 600 300 18 7 300
Total Marks: 1200
Total Credits: 25

Second Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory marks Evaluation Week Practical
BS Mathematics-II 3-1 4 100 50 - - -
BS Chemistry/ Physics 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
ES Basics of Electronics / 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
Basic Electrical
ES Mechanics/ 3-1 3 100 50
ES Data Structure Using 3-0 3 100 50 2 2 50
HS Business 3-0 2 100 50 2 1 50
ES Engineering Workshop/ 4 2 100
Engineering Drawing
MC NSS/NCC - - - -
Total 17 18 600 300 14 7 300
Total Marks: 1200
Total Credits: 25
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Second Year Engineering
Third Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation Week Practical
PC Fluid Mechanics & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Material Sciences 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Strength of Material 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Polymer Chemistry 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Physical Chemistry of 3-1 4 100 50
HS Engineering Economics/ 2-1 3 100 50
Organizational Behavior
Total 19 19 600 300 8 4 200
Total Marks: 1100
Total Credits: 23
Honors Polymer Physics 4 4 100 50
Minor Production &

Fourth Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation Week Practical
HS Purely Applied 3-0 3 100 50
Mathematics for
Specific Branch of
PC Polymer Structure & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
Properties Relationship
PC Plastic Materials & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Additives & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Fundamental of 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
Chemical Engg.
HS Engineering Economics/ 2-1 3 100 50
Organizational Behavior
*Skill Project and Hands 6 3 100
Total 18 18 600 300 14 7 300
Total Marks: 1200
Total Credits: 25
Honors Characterisation Of 4 4 100 50
Minor Optimization In

*College should conduct at least one NSDC program under this category.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Third Year Engineering
Fifth Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation week Practical
PC Plastic Processing Technology 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Plastic Testing Technique 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Fundamentals of Plastic Mould& Die 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PE Plastic Waste Management & 3-1 4 100 50
Recycling Technology/Fibre
Technology/ Plastic Packaging
OE Machining Science & Technology / 3-1 4 100 50
Fuel Energy Technology/ Renewable
Energy System
PC Advance Lab-I 8 4 200
Total 17 17 500 250 14 7 350
Total Marks: 1100
Total Credits: 24
Honors Adhesives And Surface Coatings 4 4 100 50
Minor Heat Transfer

Sixth Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation week Practical
PC Advanced Plastics Processing 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Mould Engineering 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PE Material Engineering/polymerization 3-1 4 100 50
Engineering /Polymer Reaction
PE 3-1 4 100 50
Engineering/Rubber Science/Polymer
Plastics(Any Two)
MC & GS Environmental Science & Engineering 3-0 3 100 50
OE Industrial Lecture # 3 1 50
HS Presentation Skill & Skill for Interview # 2-0 1 50 4 2 100
MC Yoga 2 1 50
Total 19 18 500 300 13 6 300
Total Marks: 1100
Total Credits: 24
Honors Bio- Degradable Polymers 4 4 100 50
Minor Industrial Safety & Hazard
# To be conducted by the Training & Placement department by inviting experts from the industry. No academician to be
called. Record may be asked by the University for verification. Evaluation to be done by the TPO.

# # To be conducted by the Training & Placement department of the College.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Final Year Engineering
Seventh Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/week Credit University Internal Hours/week Credit Marks
L/T Theory Marks Evaluation L/T Practical
GS Nano Science 3-1 4 100 50
& Bio
PE Polymer 3-1 4 100 50
PE Polymer 3-1 4 100 50
OE Soft 3-1 4 100 50
Computing */
Other subjects
PC Advance Lab- 8 4 200
II/ Project
Projects on 8 4 200
Internet of
Total 16 16 400 200 19 8 400
Total Marks: 1000
Total Credits: 24
Honors Latex And 4 4 100 50
Minor Statistical
Quality Control
*Student can choose from any department but subject must be running in that

Eighth Semester
Training cum Project Evaluation Scheme
Code Course Name Hours/week Credit Total Marks
L/T Theory Marks
Industrial 30 20 1000 Evaluation by the 500
Training cum Industry / Training
Entrepreneurship Organization
Training cum Evaluation by the 500
Project / Startup Institute
Training cum (Report & Institute Viva)
Total 30 20 1000 1000
Total Marks:1000
Total Credits:20

Note- Minimum Pass Mark from Industry Evaluation is 300 (i.e. 60%).
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Distribution of Credit Semester wise:

Semester Credit
First 25
Second 25
Third 23
Fourth 25
Fifth 24
Sixth 24
Seventh 24
Eighth 20
Total 190
Internal Evaluation Scheme
Attendance & Class Interaction 05
Assignment 05
Surprise Test 05
Quiz 05
Class Test I & II 30
Total 50
Class Test Time(Hrs.): 1

Pass Mark in Internal is 50% of total marks i.e. 25

External Evaluation Scheme

University Semester Examination of 3 Hours duration.
Pass mark will be 35% which means students have to score 35 out of 100.

Practical/Sessional Evaluation Scheme

Pass mark will be 50% which means students have to score 25 out of 50.
Evaluation Scheme
Attendance & Daily Performance -10
Lab Record - 10
Lab Quiz - 05
Final Experiments & Viva – 25

All Lab examinations are to be completed one week before the end semester
examination and marks are to be displayed on the college notice board.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Second Year Engineering

Third Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation Week Practical
PC Fluid Mechanics & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Material Sciences 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Strength of Material 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Polymer Chemistry 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Physical Chemistry of 3-1 4 100 50
HS Engineering Economics/ 2-1 3 100 50
Organizational Behavior
Total 19 19 600 300 8 4 200
Total Marks: 1100
Total Credits: 23
Honors Polymer Physics 4 4 100 50
Minor Production &

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


Module I
Introduction : Scope of fluid mechanics and its development as a science
Physical property of Fluid: Density, specific gravity, specific weight, specific volume,
surface tension and capillarity, viscosity, compressibility and bulk modulus, Fluid
Fluid static Pressure, Pascal‘s Law, Pressure variation for incompressible fluid,
atmospheric pressure, absolute pressure, gauge pressure and vacuum pressure,
Hydrostatic process on submerged surface, force on a horizontal submerged plane
surface, force on a vertical submerged plane surface.
Buoyancy and flotation, Archimedes‘ principle, stability of immersed and floating bodies,
determination of metacentric height.
Fluid kinematics : Introduction, description of fluid flow, classification of fluid flow.
Acceleration of fluid particles, flow rate and continuity equation, differential equation of
Module II
Fluid dynamics : Introduction, Euler‘s equation along a streamline, energy equation,
Bernoulli‘s equation,
Hydraulic Measurements: Water level measurements, velocity measurements, discharge
measurements, venturimeter, orifice meter, current meter, pitot tube, orifice, notch and
Module III
Hydraulic turbines and pumps: Impulse and reaction turbines, construction and working
principle of tangential, radial and axial type turbines. Power of turbines, efficiency of
turbines. Construction and working principles of centrifugal type pumps. Power and
efficiency of the pump. Positive displacement pump.
Hydraulic systems: hydraulic accumulator, hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic ram,
hydraulic lift, hydraulic crane, hydraulic press, hydraulic torque converter.

Text Books
1. Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic machines, Modi & Seth
2. Hydraulics fluid machines and fluid machines by S. Ramamrutham

Reference Books
1. Fluid Mechanics by A.K. Mohanty, PHI
2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox and McDonald, Willey Publications
3. Fluid Mechanics by Kundu, Elsevier
4. An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics by G.K.Batchelor, Cambridge University Press
5. Engineering Fluid Mechanics by Garde et. al., Scitech
6. Fluid Mechanics by J.F.Douglas, J.M.Gasiorek, J.A.Swaffield and L.B.Jack, Pearson

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
List of Experiments (Minimum 8 experiments)
1. Verification of Bernoulli’s Theorem and its application to Venturimeter.
2. Determination of Cv and Cd of Orifices.
3. Experiments on performance of Pelton Turbine
4. Experiments on performance of Francis Turbine
5. Experiments on performance of Kaplan Turbine
6. Experiments on performance of centrifugal pump
7. Experiments on performance of reciprocating pump
8. Experiments on Reynold’s Apparatus
9. Experiments on Flow through pipes
10. Experiments on Flow through Annulus Double pipe
11. Experiments on Flow through notch

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


Module– I
Classification of Engineering Materials. Engineering properties of materials. Selection of
Materials. Electron theory of solids : Free electron theory of metals. Electrical
conductivity; Thermal conductivity, Quantum theory of free electrons. Band theory of
solids, Conductivity of metals . Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors, Intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors, Band theory of semi conductors Hall effect.
Super Conductors – Zero resistivity, Critical magnetic field and critical current density.
Type I and II super conductors. Applications of Supercoductors.

Module II
Dielectric Materials : Microscopic Displacement of atoms and molecules in an external dc
electric field, Polarization and dielectric constant, Dielectric _nitially_lity. Temperature
dependence, Dielectric Breakdown. Ferro electric material Piezoelectrics, Pyroelectrics,
Dielectric Materials as electrical insulators.
Magnetic Properties of Materials : Dia, Para and Ferro magenetic materials. Theory of
magnetism, Ferro magnetic materials or Ferrites, Comparison of magnetic behaviour and
magnetic parameters of Dia, Para and Ferro magnetic materials.
Optical Properties of Materials : Scattering, Refraction, Theory of Refraction and
absorption, Atomic Theory of optical properties. Lasers, Optical fibres – Principle,
structure, application of optical fibre.

Module III
Plastics – Types : Thermosetting and thermoplastics. Transfer moulding, injection
moulding, extension moulding, Blow moulding, Welding of plastics; Rubber types,
application. Ceramics : Types, Structure, Mechanical properties, applications
Composite Materials : Agglomerated Materials : Cermets, Reinforced Materials :
Reinforced Concrete. Glass fibre reinforced plastics, Carbon fiber reinforced plastics.
Whiskers, fiber reinforced plastics, Laminated plastic sheets. Tufnol, Properties of
composites. Metal matrix composites, manufacturing procedure for fibre reinforced
Environmental Degradation: Oxidation-Direct atmospheric attack, Aqueous corrosion-
Electrochemical attack, Glavanic two –metal corrosion, corrosion by Gaseous reduction,
Effect of mechanical stress on corrosion, method of corrosion prevention
Text book:
1. Vijaya M. S., Rangarajan G, Materials Science, TMH
2. Introduction to Materials science for engineers by James .F. shackelford,
Madanapalli.k.Muralidhara ,Pearson (sixth edition) Reference Book:
3. Rajendra V., Marikani A., Materials Science, TMH
4. Van Vlack L. H., Elements of Material Science and Engineering, Addison Wesley
5. Raghavan , Material Science
6. Callister W.D., Materials Science and Engineering, John Wiley & Sons.

7. Smith, Materials Science & Engineering.Mc. Graw Hill.


8. Processes and Material of manufacture : Lindberg, PHI.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

List of Experiments
1. To determine the carrier density, mobility of N-type semiconductors using Hall
2. To determine the carrier density, mobility of P-type semiconductors using Hall
3. Determination of Band Gap of unknown semiconductors material using four probe
4. To study the Numerical Aperture of an optical fiber.
5. To determine bending loss of an optical fiber.
6. To calculate refractive index of liquid materials.
7. To analyse magnetic susceptibility of magnetic material.
8. Materials Characterization : Characterization of materials by powder XRD, study of
size distribution and variation; Study of morphology of materials by Optical
microscopy, metallographic specimen preparation.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16



Stress and Strain–Hooke’s Law–Elastic constants and their relationship–Statically
determinate cases-statically indeterminate cases–composite bar. Thermal Stress due
to freely falling weight.


Shear force and bending moment diagrams for simply supported and cantilever
beams-Bending stresses in straight beams-Shear stresses in bending of beams with
rectangular, I& T etc cross sections-beams of uniform strength


Double integration method–McCauley’s method-Area moment method–
Conjugate beam method-Principle of super position-Castigliano’s
theorem and its application

Torsion of circular shafts-shear stresses and twist in solid and hollow circular shafts–

References Books:
1. R.S. Khurmi, Applied Mechanics and Strength of Materials S.Chand & Co., (6th ed),
New Delhi, 1987.
2. P.N. Singh and I.K.Jha, Elementary Mechanics and Solids, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi.
3. Timoshenko, Strength of Materials
4. Singer, Strength of Materials


List of Experiments
1. Brinell Hardness test
2. Rockwell Hardness test
3. Tensiontest
4. Torsion test
5. Izod Impact test
6. Charpy Impacttest
7. Reverse plate bendingFatigue test
8. Rotating Beam Fatigue test


9. Block Compression Test

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Basic concepts of macromolecules - Monomers- Functionality - Classification and
nomenclature of polymers. Types of polymers - plastics and rubbers - Step growth
polymerization - Mechanism - Kinetics - Bi-functional systems - Poly functional systems.

Module II
Addition polymerization Mechanism and kinetics of free radical- Cationic-
Anionic Polymerisation - Initiator systems - Chain length and degree of Polymerisation –
Control of molecular weight- Chain transfer- Inhibition Coordination polymerisation-
Mechanism - Kinetics- Ring opening polymerization - Diene polymerization – Advanced
Polymerization Techniques - Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP), Group Transfer
Polymerization (GTP), Reversible Addition Fragmentation Termination (RAFT).

Module III
Copolymerization - Mechanism and Kinetics of free radical - Ionic copolymerization. Types of
copolymers- Copolymer composition - Determination of Monomer reactivity ratios.
Polymerization techniques -Bulk polymerization -Solution polymerization -
Suspension polymerization - Emulsion polymerization - Interfacial condensation.

Module IV
Molecular weight- Molecular weight averages- Molecular weight distribution-Unidispersity,
polydispersity, degree of polymerization - Molecular weight determination - Basic concepts
of end group analysis, colligative properties, osmometry, light scattering, and gel permeation
chromatography - Viscosity of polymers solutions, size of the polymer molecules.
Text Books:
1. F.W. Billmeyer, ―Textbook of Polymer Science‖, Wiley international publishers, 2000
2. George Odian , ― Principles of polymerisation‖, Seymor Robert
3. V.R. Gowariker, ―Polymer Science‖ – New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers

1. JM.G. Cowie, ―Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials‖, Blackie, and
London, 1991.
2. R.J. Young and P.Lovell, ―Introduction to Polymers‖, 2nd Ed., Chapman & Hall, 1991.
3. Premamoy Ghosh, ―Polymer Science and Technology of Plastics and Rubbers‖, Tata
McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, 1990.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


Identification of polymers by simple methods like density, melting point, burning
characteristics, solubility and confirmatory test by chemical analysis.

1. Polyethylene
2. Polypropylene
3. Polystyrene
4. Polyvinyl Chloride
5. Polyamide
6. Polyethyleneterephthalate
7. Polybutyleneterephthalate
8. Polycarbonate
9. Polyacetal
10. Polyphenyleneoxide
11. Polyphenylenesulphide
12. PhenolFormaldehyde
13. Ureaformaldehyde
14. Melamineformaldehyde


1. NaturalRubber (NR)
2. PolybutyleneRubber (BR)
3. StyreneButadieneRubber (SBR)pp
4. IsopreneRubber (IR)
5. IsobutieneIsoprene Rubber (IIR)
6. ChloropreneRubber (CR)
7. Acrylonitrile–ButadieneRubber (NBR)
8. SiliconeRubber
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Potential energy and conformational energy of molecules - Staggered and eclipsed states -
conformations and configurations, isomeric states and isomerism in polymers - Tacticity,
stereoisomerism, geometric isomerism - Unperturbed and Gaussian chains - Random coils
and average end to end distance - Freely jointed and freely rotating chain models - Random
flight analysis.

Module II
Thermodynamics - First and second law of Thermodynamics, Carnot cycle - Entropy and
enthalpy - Energy driven and entropy driven elasticity - Thermoelasticity - Thermodynamic
treatment of rubbers - entropic and energetic contributions to the elastic force in rubbers -
Stastical mechanical theory.

Module III
Amorphous State - Transition temperatures - Glass transition temperature - Free volume,
kinetic, and thermodynamic views of glass transition - Factors influencing glass transition
Crystalline State - Crystal systems, unit cells, primitive cell, Bravais lattices, polymorphism -
Polymer single crystals, lamellae, spherulites, supermolecular structures, fringed micelle
model - Degree of crystallinity, factors affecting crystallinity - X-ray diffraction.

Module IV
Chain orientation - Concept of chain orientation - orientation in amorphous and crystalline
polymers - Uniaxial and biaxial orientation practical significance - Orientation processes -
fibre spinning, blown film extrusion, solid state extrusion, profile extrusion - Properties of
oriented polymers - Birefringence.

Text Books:
1. S. Glasstone and D. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, Macmillan India Press,
Madras, 1995.
2. Paul C. Painter and Michael M. Coleman, Fundamentals of Polymer Science,
Technomic Publishing Co. Inc., Lancaster, USA, 1994.
1. Ulf W. Gedde, Polymer Physics, Chapman & Hall, 1995.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Engineering Economics – Nature and scope, General concepts on micro & macro
economics. The Theory of demand, Demand function, Law of demand and its exceptions,
Elasticity of demand, Law of supply and elasticity of supply. Determination of
equilibrium price under perfect

competition (Simple numerical problems to be solved). Theory of production, Law of

variable proportion, Law of returns to scale.

Time value of money – Simple and compound interest, Cash flow diagram, Principle of
economic equivalence. Evaluation of engineering projects – Present worth method,
Future worth method, Annual worth method, internal rate of return method, Cost-
benefit analysis in public projects. Depreciation policy, Depreciation of capital assets,
Causes of depreciation, Straight line method and declining balance method.

Cost concepts, Elements of costs, Preparation of cost sheet, Segregation of costs into
fixed and variable costs. Break-even analysis-Linear approach. (Simple numerical
problems to be solved)
Banking: Meaning and functions of commercial banks; functions of Reserve Bank of
India. Overview of Indian Financial system.

Text Book:

1. Riggs, Bedworth and Randhwa, ―Engineering Economics‖, McGraw Hill Education

2. D.M. Mithani, Principles of Economics. Himalaya Publishing House
Reference Books:
1. Sasmita Mishra, ―Engineering Economics & Costing ―, PHI
2. Sullivan and Wicks, ― Engineering Economy‖, Pearson
3. R.Paneer Seelvan, ― Engineering Economics‖, PHI
4. Gupta, ― Managerial Economics‖, TMH
5. Lal and Srivastav, ― Cost Accounting‖, TMH
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Objective : The course aims at acquainting all engineering graduates irrespective of their specializations the
basic issues and tools of managing production and operations functions of an organization.
Module I
1. Operations Function in an Organization, Manufacturing Vrs Service Operations, System view
of Operations, Strategic Role of Operations, Operations Strategies for Competitive
Advantage, Operations Quality and Productivity Focus, Meeting Global Challenges of
Production and Operations Imperatives.
2. Designing Products, Services and Processes: New Product Design- Product Life Cycle,
Product Development Process, Process Technology : Project, Jobshop, Batch, Assembly Line,
Continuous Manufacturing; Process Technology Life Cycle, Process Technology Trends, FMS,
CIM, CAD, CAM; Design for Services, Services Process Technology.
3. Work Study: Methods Study- Techniques of Analysis, recording, improvement and
standardization; Work Measurement : Work Measurement Principles using Stopwatch Time
Study, Predetermined Motion Time Standards and Work Sampling, Standard Time
Module II
4. Location and Layout Planning : Factor Influencing Plant and Warehouse Locations, Impact of
Location on cost and revenues. Facility Location Procedure and Models : Qualitative Models,
Breakeven Analysis, location Model, centroid method. Layout Planning: Layout Types :
Process Layout, Product Layout, Fixed Position Layout Planning, block diagramming, line
balancing, computerized layout planning- overview.
Group Technology
5. Forecasting : Principles and Method, Moving Average, weighted Moving Average,
Exponential Smoothing, Winter’s Method for Seasonal Demand, Forecasting Error.
6. Manufacturing Planning and Control : The Framework and Components : Aggregate
Planning, Master Production Scheduling, Rough-cut-Capacity Planning, Material
Requirements Planning, Capacity Requirements Planning.
Module III
7. Sequencing and Scheduling : Single Machine Sequencing : Basics and Performance
Evaluation Criteria, Methods for Minimizing Mean Flow Time, Parallel Machines :
Minimization of Makespan, Flowshop sequencing : 2 and 3 machines cases : Johnson’s Rule
and Jobshop Scheduling : Priority dispatching Rules.
8. Inventory Control : Relevant Costs, Basic EOQ Model, Model with Quantity discount,
Economic Batch Quantity, Periodic and Continuous Review Systems, Safety Stock, Reorder
Point and Order Quantity Calculations. ABC Analysis.
9. Modern Trends in Manufacturing : Just in Time (JIT) System : Shop Floor Control By
Kanbans, Total Quality Management, Total Productive Maintenance, ISO 9000, Quality Circle,
Kaizen, Poka Yoke, Supply Chain Management.
Reference Book:
1. S.N.Chary, “Production and Operations Management”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. R. Paneerselvam, “Production and Operations Management, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Aswathappa & Bhatt – Production & Operations Management, HPH.
4. Gaither & Frazier - Operations Management, Cengage Publication
5. Russell & Taylor - Operations Management, PHI Publication
6. Chase, Aquilanno, Jacob & Agarwal - Operations Management, TMH Publication.

7. E.E. Adam and R.J. Ebert “Production and Operations Management”, Prentice Hall
of India
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Module I

Conformations and configurations - isomerism in polymers - Tacticity, stereoisomerism,

geometric isomerism - Unperturbed and Gaussian chains - Random coils and average
end to end distance - Random flight analysis.
Thermodynamics of polymers- Entropy and enthalpy – Energy driven and entropy
driven elasticity - Entropic and energetic contributions to the elastic force in rubbers.

Module II

Amorphous State - Transition temperatures - Glass transition temperature - Free

volume, kinetic and thermodynamic views of glass transition - Crystalline State -
polymorphism - Polymer single crystals, lamellae, spherulites, fringed micelle model -
Degree of crystallinity, factors affecting crystallinity - X-ray diffraction.

Module III

Chain orientation - Concept of chain orientation - orientation in amorphous and

crystalline polymers – Uniaxial and biaxial orientation.
Polymer solutions - Terms and definitions, types of solutions - Hildebrand approach,
Flory Huggins theory - Thermodynamic view of miscibility, Critical solution

References Books

1. Paul C. Painter and Michael M. Coleman, Fundamentals of Polymer Science,

Technomic Publishing Co. Inc., Lancaster, USA ,1994.
2. Ulf W. Gedde, Polymer Physics, Chapman & Hall, 1995.
3. Cowie; J. M. G., Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials, 2nd Edition,
Blackie and Sons Ltd., Glasgow (1991).
4. Mark; J. E., Eisenberg; A., Graessley; W. E., Mandlekern; L. and Koenig; J. L., Physical
Properties of Polymers, American Chemical Society, Washington D. C. (1984).
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Fourth Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation Week Practical
HS Purely Applied 3-0 3 100 50
Mathematics for
Specific Branch of
PC Polymer Structure & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
Properties Relationship
PC Plastic Materials & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Additives & 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Fundamental of 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
Chemical Engg.
HS Engineering Economics/ 2-1 3 100 50
Organizational Behavior
*Skill Project and Hands 6 3 100
Total 18 18 600 300 14 7 300
Total Marks: 1200
Total Credits: 25
Honors Characterisation Of 4 4 100 50
Minor Optimization In

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

"Will Be Uploaded Soon"

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module I:
Structure of polymers - Linear, branched, cross linked, and network polymers -
Homochain and hetero atomic chain polymers - Copolymers - Linear and cyclic
arrangement - Prediction of polymer properties, group contribution techniques,
topological techniques- Volumetric properties - molar volume, density, Vander Waals
volume - Coefficient of linear thermal expansion and volumetric thermal expansion –
Pressure volume temperature (PVT) relationship.
chanical properties - Stress-strain properties of polymers - Effect of polymer structure
on modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength, yield
strength, fracture toughness - Crazing in glassy polymers - Ductile brittle transition
.Effect of additives on mechanical properties of polymers - Creep, stress relaxation, and

Module II
Thermodynamic and transition properties - Transition temperature in polymers,
glass transition (Tg), melt transition (Tm), relationship between Tg and Tm - other
transitions like ß-transitions, upper and lower glass transition temperatures -
Prediction of Tg and Tm of polymers by group contributions. Calorimetric properties -
Heat capacity, specific heat, latent heat of crystallization and fusion, enthalpy and
entropy - Calculation of heat capacities of polymers.

Module III
Electrical and optical properties - Effect of polymer structure on dielectric
constant, power factor, dissipation factor, and loss factor - effect of frequency of voltage
and temperature on dielectric properties - Prediction of molar polarization and effective
dipole moment. Effect of additives on electrical properties of polymers. Optical
properties - Effect of polymer structure on optical properties - clarity, transparency,
haze, transmittance, reflectance, and gloss -Prediction of refractive indices of polymers by
group contributions
Module IV
Chemical Properties - Cohesive energy, cohesive energy density, solubility parameter,
determination of solubility parameter of polymers - Prediction of solubility parameter -
Effect of polymer structure on solubility in solvents and oils - Influence of structure in
prediction of flame retardancy, water repellency - Chemical resistance of polymers -
Polymer toxicity

1. D.W. Van Krevelen And P.J. Hoftyzen, "Properties Of Polymer , 3rd Edition Elsevier
Scientific, Publishing Company Amsterdam - Oxford - Newyork . 1990.

2. J.E. Mark Ed.AIP, Physical Properties Of Polymers Hand Book, Williston, Vt, 1996.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Testing of Mechanical properties of polymers
1. Compressive strength.
2. Flexural strength.
3. Izod and Charpy impact strength.
4. Falling dart impact strength,
5. Abrasion resistance,

II. Testing of Thermal properties

1. Vicat softening point.
2. Heat distortion temperature.

III. Testing of electrical Properties.

1. Comparative tracking index.

2. Dielectric strength.

IV. Testing of Optical properties

1. Refractive index.
2. Haze.
3. Gloss

V. Testing of miscellaneous properties

1. Environmental stress crack resistance
2. Chemical resistance.
3. Thermal ageing resistance.
4. Flammability.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

History-basic chemistry of polymers-nomenclature of polymers sources for raw
materials- methods of manufacturing- general properties-processing behavior and
applications - of the following:
Natural Polymers : Shellac resin and natural rubber.
Thermoplastics & its Applications
Commodity plastics & its applications
1. Polyolefin - Polyethylene, LDPE, HDPE, LLDPE, HMHDPE, Polypropylene
Homo-polymers- Copolymers.
2. Polytyrene & Styrene copolymers - Polystyrene, HIPS, ABS, Styrene
3. Vinyl plastics - Polyvinyl chloride, Polyvinyl Acetate, Polyvinylidene chloride,
Polyvinyl alcohol & others.
4. Cellulosics -Cellulose nitrate, cellulose acetate, cellulose acetate butyrate, Ethyl
cellulose & others.

Engineering Plastics & its Applications
UHMHDPE -EPDM – EVA - Polyamides - Nylons 6, 66, 6 10, 11, 12 etc. Acrylic plastics -
Polymethyl Methacrylate, Polyacrylonitrile - Polyesters - Polyethylen terephthalate,
polybutylene terephthalate - Polycarbonate - Polyacetals
High Performance Plastics
Aromatic ether - Polypheneylene oxide, Aromatic thioether - Polyphenylene sulphide,
Polysulfone, Polyimides – Polyimidazoles, Polyurethane, luoropolymers - Polyvinyl
fluoride, Polyvinylidene fluoride, Polytetrafluoroethylene, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene.
Thermoset materials & its Applications
Phenol formaldehyde - Urea formaldehyde - Melamine formaldehyde – Unsaturated
polyesters, Alkyd resins - Epoxides - Polyurethane - Silicones
End use applications - case studies on applications (6 hours)

Polymer blends and Alloys
Definition, advantages of polymers, blends and alloys, role of composition, properties
and applications of parameters for compability, PVC – Nitrile rubber, ABS-PVC and PP-
Preleminary concepts of new materials such as electrically active polymers,
Optoelectronic plastics, Bio-polymers, membrane plastics in bio medical applications.
Polymer Concretes & Advanced ceramics. Reinforced Plastics – principles of composite
reinforcement, effect of reinforcement on strength of plastics, Role and nature of binders

and coupling agents, properties and applications of fibres in reinforcement (glass

and carbon), Properties and applications of FRP’s (Thermoset & Thermoplastics: un-

saturated polyesters, epoxies, PU, nylon)

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Text Books:

1. Plastic Materials Ed 7 - By Brydson, J.A

2. Hand Book of Plastics Materials & Technology - By Rubin, Irwin, J
3. Plastics Materials Hand Book - By Athalye, A.S

Reference Books

1. Plastics Engineering Hand Book Ed. 5 & Society of the Plastic Industry Inc - By SPI.
2. Plastics Materials and Processing - By Schwartz & Goodman
3. Plastics Materials (Properties & Application) - By Birley & Scott
4. Modern Plastics Hand Book - By Harper
5. Bikales; Norbert M. and Segal; Leon (Eds.), Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives, Part
IV (Volume V), Wiley- Interscience, New York (1971).
6. Birley; Arthur W. and Scott; Martyn J., Plastics Materials: Properties and
Applications, Leonard Hill, Blackie and Sons Ltd., (1982)
7. Biron; Michel, Thermoplastics and Thermoplastic Composites: Technical
Information for Plastics Users, Elsevier, Amsterdam (2007)
8. Davidson; Theodore, Polymers in Electronics, ACS Symposium Series 242,
American Chemical Society, Washington D. C. (1984).
9. DuBois; P., Plastics in Agriculture, Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London (1978)


1. Chemical Lab : Identification of Plastics – Viscosity and Molecular Weight
Determination – Determination of K.Value for PVC
2. Demonstration : Melting point – Carbon black content – Filler content –
Environmental stress cracking resistance – PH meter – Hopper viscometer –
Brookfield Viscometer.
3. Demonstration : Folding endurance tester – Burst strength tester
4. Density gradient column – Creep tester – Moisture vapour transmission rate – gas
permeability – Sieve analysis.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Additives for plastics
Colourants- Fire retardants-Coupling agents-blowing-agents-Ultraviolet stabilizer-
Antistatic agents-Anti blocking agents-Slip and antislip agents-processing aids-mould
releasing agents.
Compounding - Selection of polymers and compounding-ingredients-general
objectives- possibilities and limitation of additives into polymer matrices.

Mixing and mixing equipments

Machine construction - specifications - temperature control system - operating

characteristics - housekeeping and maintenance of compounding machines.
Case studies on preference of one plastics to other and co-relation of properties of
conventional materials and blends and alloys - case studies on application of blends and
Text Book

1. polymer additives by muller

Reference Books

1. Al – Malaika; S. Golovoy; A and Wilkie (Eds), Chemistry and Technology of Polymer

Additives, Black well Science Ltd, Oxford (1999)
2. Matthews; F.L.and Rawlings; R.D, Composite Materials, Engineering and Science
Chairman and Hall, London (1994)
3. Plastics Testing Technology Hand Books by Vishu Shah
4. Hand Book of Plastics Test Methods by Brown R.P
5. Mascia; L.,The Role of Additives in Plastics, Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., U. K.
6. Murphy; John, Additives for Plastics Handbook, 2ndEdition, Elsevier Advanced
Technology, Oxford.


1. Compounding of thermoplastics plastics:
a) Physical blending – ribbon blender, tumbler, high speed mixer.
b) Melt mixing – hot two roll mill, extruder.
2. Compounding of Thermoset resins – Phenol formaldehyde molding powders,
Melamin- formaldehyde molding powders, dough molding compounds.
3. Compounding and Moulding of Rubbers
a) NR, SBR, CR, BR and NBR
4. Compression moulding of phenolic molding powders and DMC& SMC

5. Injection moulding of thermoplastics.

6. Blow moulded products.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Fundamentals Of Chemical Engineering And Fluid Flow
Introduction, units, concept of atomic weight, equivalent weight and moles, composition
of Solids, liquids and solutions, gas constant, ideal gas law, Fluid Flow: Newtonian and
Non-Newtonian fluid- flow characteristics- Bernoulli’s theorem-Hagen Poisuille
equation, measurement of fluid flow.
Mechanical Operations
Properties of solids - Sieve analysis; Laws of crushing, Crushers and grinders. Principle
of separation and selection and details of equipment for screening, sedimentation,
cyclones and hydro cyclones.

Heat Transfer
Modes of heat transfer; Heat transfer by conduction - Fourier’s law, conduction across
composite walls. Film concept and convective heat transfer coefficient. Heat transfer by
natural & forced convection. Co current, Counter current, shell & tube heat exchangers.

Mass Transfer
Principles of diffusion, theory of diffusion, Two film theory and mass transfer coefficients
Humidification - operation, humidity chart, equipments - cooling towers and spray
chambers Drying - Principles and definitions. Rate of batch drying- Equipments for

Unit Operations
Absorption - Principle and equipment (packed towers and plate columns). Distillation -
Vapour liquid equilibria, flash distillation, and Binary distillation. Industrial equipments
for distillation Adsorption - Principle and equipment for adsorption. Extraction -
Principle and equipment for adsorption. (Basic principles and equipment description
only. Mathematical consideration not required for absorption adsorption, extraction)

Text Books:
1. W.L .Mc Cabe, J.C. Smith, “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering”, McGraw-Hill,
2. W.L.Badger, J.T. Banchero. “Introduction to Chemical Engineering”, McGraw-Hill,
UK, 1997.
1. Richardson and Coulson, “Chemical Engineering”, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2, Asian Books Pvt.
Ltd., India, 1996.

2. Chemical Engineer’s handbook - Perry and Chilton.

3. Principles of Unit Operations - Foust A.S., Walzel.L.A. , John Wiley
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16



To practice the students on various techniques for reducing and separating of particles, flow
properties of fluids.

List of Experiments
1. Flow through rough and smooth pipes.
2. Centrifugal pump.
3. Calibration of orifice meter.
4. Air compressor
5. Calibration of rotameter
6. Pressure drop in packed bed
7. Fluidization
8. Flow through weirs
9. Air-lift pump.
10. Open orifice and drainage time
11. Thermal conductivity of solids.
12. Heat exchanger
13. Stefan-Boltzman constant
14. Jaw crusher
15. Ball Mill
16. Screening efficiency.
17. Simple distillation
18. Steam distillation
19. Particle size and Surface area of filler particles.
(Any nine Experiments)

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


Idea of Engineering optimization problems, Classification of optimization algorithms,Modeling of
problems and principle of modeling.
Linear programming: Formulation of LPP, Graphical solution, Simplex method, Big-M method,
Revised simplex method, Duality theory and its application, Dual simplex method , Sensitivity
analysis in linear programming

Transportation problems: Finding an initial basic feasible solution by Northwest Corner rule,
Least Cost rule, Vogel’s approximation method, Degeneracy, Optimality test, MODI method,
Stepping stone method
Assignment problems: Hungarian method for solution of Assignment problems
Integer Programming: Branch and Bound algorithm for solution of integer Programming
Queuing models: General characteristics, Markovian queuing model, M/M/1 model, Limited
queue capacity, Multiple server, Finite sources, Queue discipline.

Non-linear programming: Introduction to non-linear programming.
Unconstraint optimization: Fibonacci and Golden Section Search method.
Constrained optimization with equality constraint: Lagrange multiplier, Projected gradient
Constrained optimization with inequality constraint: Kuhn-Tucker condition, Quadratic
Introduction to Genetic Algorithm.

Recommended text books :

1. A. Ravindran, D. T. Philips, J. Solberg, “ Operations Research- Principle and Practice”,

Second edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd
2. Kalyanmoy Deb, “ Optimization for Engineering Design”, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd
Recommended Reference books:

1. Stephen G. Nash, A. Sofer, “ Linear and Non-linear Programming”, McGraw Hill

2. A.Ravindran, K.M.Ragsdell, G.V.Reklaitis,” Engineering Optimization”, Second
edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd
3. H.A.Taha,A.M.Natarajan, P.Balasubramanie, A.Tamilarasi, “Operations Research”,
Eighth Edition, Pearson Education
4. F.S.Hiller, G.J.Lieberman, “ Operations Research”, Eighth Edition, Tata McDraw Hill
5. P.K.Gupta, D.S.Hira, “Operations Research”, S.Chand and Company Ltd.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module I

Determination of molecular weight, viscometry, end group analysis, colligative property,

osmometry, light scattering technique, determination of molecular weight and molecular weight
determination, gel permeation chromatography.

Module II

Differential thermal analysis (DTA), Differential scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogavimetric

analysis (TGA), Thermo mechanical analysis (TMA), Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis

Module III

Spectroscopic methods- Infrared spectroscopy (IR), Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

(NMR), Gas chromatography(GC), Mass spectrometer(MS) and GC –MS

X –ray diffraction, Optical microscopy, Electron microscopy (TEM)

Text Books

1. Hunt & James, Polymer characterization – Chapman & Hall, London, 1993


1. ASTM – Volume: 8.01, 8.02 & 8.03, 2000

2. Kampff, Characterization of plastics using physical methods, Experimental
techniques and practical applications
3. D. Campbell & J.R. White, Polymer Characterization, Chapman & Hall, 1989.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Fifth Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation week Practical
PC Plastic Processing Technology 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Plastic Testing Technique 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Fundamentals of Plastic Mould& Die 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PE Plastic Waste Management & 3-1 4 100 50
Recycling Technology/Fibre
Technology/ Plastic Packaging
OE Machining Science & Technology / 3-1 4 100 50
Fuel Energy Technology/ Renewable
Energy System
PC Advance Lab-I 8 4 200
Total 17 17 500 250 14 7 350
Total Marks: 1100
Total Credits: 24
Honors Adhesives And Surface Coatings 4 4 100 50
Minor Heat Transfer

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Module –I
Injection moulding,Compression moulding & Transfer moulding
Injection moulding -Principles processing- Process variables - Mould cycle – Moulding
Machine–Specifications - Construction and maintenance –Mould setup- process trouble
Compression moulding- principles - Bulk factor and flow properties moulding materials-
Process variables-Curing time- Mould temperature and Pressure requirements-preforms
and preheating- common moulding faults and their correction-Finishing of moulded
Fundamental principles of transfer moulding-advantages over compression moulding-
Equipment used- pressures requirements -Line pressures- Injection ram pressure-
clamping-Heating requirements-Moulding faults - causes and remedies.

Module – II
Extrusion, Blow moulding, Thermoforming
Basic principles of extrusion – Types of extruders, extruder parts- polymer flow
mechanism, die entry effects and exit instabilities-melt fracture & Bambooing. Factors
affecting the output of an extruder, process variables in extrusion- downstream
equipments for the production of films, blown film, cast film/slot film, BO film, co
extruded film. Tube/pipe-sizing take off equipment, extrusion coating, wire & cable
Injection and extrusion blow moulding processes, accumulation blow moulding-
processing parameters- materials requirements -blow moulding machine features and
operation -faults, causes and remedies-parison programming, blow moulding of difficult
articles like fuel tanks, odd shaped containers with handles, limitation in blow moulding,
Basic principles and types of thermoforming processes, Thermoforming moulds-
processing parameters—faults, causes and remedies.

Module – III
Calendaring, Rotational molding and FRP & Laminates (12 hr)
Calendaring - principle and process description- types of calendar units -design of
calendar roll, Heating and temp control, roll crown, roll crossing and roll bending -
calendaring sheets and films, embossing, coating and lamination by calendar,
comparison between calendaring and extrusion.
Introduction-principle-process-machinery used-materials-moulds process
parameters-merits & demerits of rotomolding.
Introduction, FRP Processing methods- hand lay up-spray up -vacuum bag & pressure
bag moulding, filament welding – pultrusion – pulforming- matched die moulding.

Text Book
1. Injection Molding Theory & Practice , Irvin I. Rubin, Wiley-Interscience (1973)

2. Injection Molding Hand Book Third Ed., D.V Rosato, D.V. Rosato & M.G. Rosato,
Kluwer academic publishers (2000)

3. Plastics: Material & Processing, A. Brent Strong, Third Ed., Prentice Hall (2005)
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


Reference Book:
1. A Guide to Injection Molding of Plastics, P.C. Bolur, allied Publishers (2000)
2. Development in Injection Molding, Ed. Whelan, Elsevier (1985)
3. Plastics Materials & Processing – S.S.Schwartz and S.H.Goodman, Nostrand
Reinhold (1982)
4. Injection Molding, A.S. Athalye, second Ed. (1997).
6. Innovation in Polymer Processing - By Stevenson
7. Extrusion The definitive Processing Guide and Hand Book - By Giles, H.H &
8. Compression Molding - By Iyesew, A.I
9. Polymer Extrusion - By Rauwedaal, Chris
10. Thermoforming - By James & Throne
11. Basic Principle of rotational molding - By Crawford, R.J & Throne, J.L
12. Basic Principle of Rotational Molding - By Bruins
13. Basic Principle of Thermoforming - By Brycle, D.M
14. Plastics Injection Molding - By Brycle, D.M
15. Injection molding of Plastics component - By Bown John
16. Plastics Mold Design Vol.1 Compression & Transfer Moulds - By Bebb
17. Plastics forming - By Beadle
18. Calendering of Plastics - By Elden & Swan

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


Sl. Name of M/c/ Description of Practical Exercise to be done

No. Equipment/Mould

Hand operated (i) Study of Machine in Idle-Run Observation (IRO), Parts

1. Injection & functions, operating principle, Free sketch of Machine-
Moulding Parts
Machine (ii) Operation practice to produce moulding on different
hand injection moulds.
Injection (i) Study of Machine of all types in IRO. Comparative study
2. Moulding Semi of Pneumatic type & Hydraulic type of Machine,
Automatic Operating Principle - Line-diagrams and specifications.
(ii) Operation practice of Pneumatic & Hydraulic types-
Cycle-time analysis, observations of Process-
3. Extrusion (i) Study of Extruders in IRO, Free sketch of
Processes on machines, their parts and parts-function, List of products
Extruders Manufactured by Extrusion-Process. Study of
different types of extrusion process.
(ii) Operation-Practice by Trainee on setting up of Process-
parameter to produce Blown-Film on Film-plant,
observations on extruder output, size of film produced
and technical specifications of machines to be recorded.
4. Compression (i) Study of machine IRO Free sketch of parts & study of
moulding - part-function, comparison of Compression and injection
Hand Operated moulding processes.
(ii) Operating Principle of Hand Compression Press, mould
setting-procedure & parameter setting, operation
practice on different compression moulds, machine
5. Blow (i) Study of Hand Blow Moulding machine, Free-sketch of
Moulding Hand machine parts & study of part-function, machine
Operated Specification
(ii) Die-centering practice by Trainees, operation of Hand
Blow Machines, to produce components
observations, cycle-time analysis Procedure of
operation and observations.
6. Scrap Grinding (i) Machine Study in IRO, specification, study of parts &
function, Line Diagram

(ii) Operation-practice with different materials and

output study in Kg/hour for different materials.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
7. Injection Study of machine Parts & function- clamping systems-
Moulding Technical specification of Machine, study of process
Machine sequence in Machine, Study & definitions- Definitions of
Automatic all Processing Parameters & controls.
9. Blow-Moulding Technical specification - Mould clamping -, operation practice
Semi Automatic with different moulds, Familiarization with control-
switches/ valves cycle-time analysis & procedure of operation.
10 Introduction to Basic knowledge of Hydraulic & Pneumatic systems,
Maintenance Electrical system, Definition of terms- Hydraulic fluid,
viscosity Directional Valves, Resistance, Current, Voltage,
Power, Hydraulic Pumps - Types & function, electrical
heaters, thermocouples and temperature control parameters
and timers, electrical Motors -Types & function.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Module – I
Standards, specifications and testing
Standard and specification-National and International standards-Test specimen
preparation-preconditioning and test atmosphere.
Mechanical Properties: Hardness-tensile strength-compressive strength-shear strength-flexural
strength-heat strength-impact strength-dynamic stress-strain properties-creep-relaxation and set tests-
friction and wear-abrasion test-fatigue-burst strength-and folding endurance.
Thermal Properties: Specific heat and thermal conductivity thermal dependant properties-thermal
endurance-glass transition temperature-thermal yield tests-Heat deflection temperature- Vicat softening
temperature- Marten’s heat resistance test-low temperature brittle point and flexibility test-coefficient of
thermal expansion-shrinkage-Thermal stability-Thermal ageing and flammability.
Module – II
Optical and electrical properties
Optical Properties -Refractive index-light transmission-haze-clarity-gloss-colour guard and microscope.
Electrical Properties-Insulation resistance-power factor-permittivity – dielectric strength-tracking
resistance-arc resistance and antistatic test.
Permeation properties: Water absorption-soluble and insoluble matter-chemical resistance
environmental stress cracking resistance-ageing-gas permeability-water vapour permeability and
Knowledge and exposure on Sectorial Testing Standards
Preconditioning and test atmosphere - Testing of Mechanical, Thermal, Optical, Electrical properties,
Permeability Properties and Rheological properties.
Module – III
Product testing
Pipe and fittings-film and sheets-container testing and FRP based products.
Factors for designing tests for newer products- Factors affecting the quality of materials and products-
analysis of failure and its measurements
Techniques of characterization-Principles and application of DSC- TGA AND FTIR, Concepts of non-
destructive testing

Text Books
1. Hand Book of Plastics Testing Technology, Shah, Vishnu, John Wiley and Sons, SPE Monograph
2. Hand Book of Polymer Testing, Brown; Roger P (Ed.), Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York (1999)
3. Hand Book of Plastics Technology 2 vol. By Allen, W.S & Baker P.N
Reference Books
1. Plastic Engineering Hand Book & D-5 By Society of Plastics Industry Inc
2. Brown; Paul F (Ed), Hand Book of Plastics Test Methods, Longman Scientific and Technical,
3. Blythe;A. R, Electrical Properties of Polymers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1979).
4. Electrical Properties of Polymers, Blythe;Tony and Bloor; David, 2nd Ed, Cambridge Press
5. Plastic Engineering Hand Book & D-5 By Society of Plastics Industry Inc

6. Mitcheli Jr.; John, Applied Polymer Analysis and Characterization-Recent Development in


Techniques, Instrumentation, Problem Solving, Hanser Publishers

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


1 Determination of Melt flow index of plastics materials

2 Study of Mechanical properties of plastics & test methods
3 Study of Weathering properties.
4 Determination of tear strength of films
5 Determination of Hardness (Rockwell, shore A & shore D, Barcol
6 Specimen preparation by Injection moulding, contour cutting,
compression moulding ,contour punching, etc.
7 Testing of Electrical and Optical properties of Plastics materials
8 Introduction to product testing.
9 Study of Flammability properties of plastics : Rate of burning, Oxygen Index Tester

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module I Product Design
Orthographic projection-Projection of solids—vertical and horizontal surfaces-Inclined
Surfaces-Curved Surfaces-Sectional views and assembly drawing.
Basic Principles-Shrinkage-Flash lines-Undercuts-suggested Wall thickness-Draft-Tolerance-Moulded
holes-threads-radius- moulded hinges-integral hinge-snap fits - product design thumb rules - case studies
and product design.
Module II Mould Design
Parting line-Construction of core and cavity -types of gate -types of ejection-Mould temperature control -
cooling - Mould alignment Mould anciliary parts.
Types of moulds-two plate - three plate - split moulds - Machine selection-Principles of shrinkage
allowances-materials for mould parts-life of mould-mould maintenance-case studies on mould design.
Injection Moulds for threaded components – automatic unscrewing – various unscrewing methods
Module III Screw Design
Extrusion die design–Construction features of an extruder, Process, Characteristics of
Polymer melt, Die geometry, Die head Pressure, characteristics of land length to Profile thickness, Extrudate
die swell, Die materials, Classification of dies- Dies for Solid Section, Dies for Hollow Profiles, Blown film
dies, Flat film dies, Parison dies, Wire and cable Coating dies, Spiral mandrel die, Fish tail die, Adjustable
Core die

Text Books
1. Injection Mould Design for Thermoplastic - By Pye, R.G.W
2. Injection Mould & Molding - By Dym
3. Injection Moulds – 130 Proven Design - By Gastrow, H
4. Plastics Product Design Engineering Hand Book - By Dubois, H
5. Plastics Product Design & Process Engineering - By Belofsky, Harold
6. Laszlo Sors and Imre Balazs, “Design of Plastics Moulds and Dies”, Elsevier, Amsterdam - Oxford –
Tokyo - NY, 1989.
Reference Books
1. Plastic Design & Processing - By Sharma, S.C
2. Plastics Moulds & Dies - By Sors, & Others
3. Injection Mould Design Fundamentals (Vol. I& II) - By Glanvill & Denton
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
1. Study of different types of Cutting tools.
2. Measurements using Micrometer, vernier, Height gauge and Slip gauge.
3. Measurement of angles and tapers.
4. Checking of straightness using auto collimeter.
5. Application of Dial gauge.
6. Pantograph milling and Drilling M/c, EDM, Wire cut
7. Study and Detailing of mould assembly
8. Gas assisted and Water assisted Injection mould and Hot runner mould
9. Hand compression mould design – positive, semi positive, displacement type mould, and design with
split cavities
10. Transfer mould design (pot type & top plunger type)
11. Automatic unscrewing mould
12. Design of Rotational & Thermoforming Mould
13. Mould design for industrial component
(Any 8 experiments from the above)

(Professional Elective)


Module I
Plastic & environment value additions, global policy, regulations, waste energy management.
Waste treatment of various plastic plants, estimations of power requirement & efficiency of size reduction
operation of plastics, environment pollution.
Need for recycling – Sorting and segregation of waste – Plastics identification- Plastics production and
composition – Plastics waste – Composition, quantities and disposal alternatives.
Module II
Primary recycling – Equipments for primary recycling. Specific recycling techniques – PE films, PP battery
case – Crushing and separation – PET films.
Recycling of plastics from urban waste – rheology, density, mechanical behavior. Secondary recycling
Plastics wastes containing paper – hydrolytic treatment – processing methods – processing of mixed
plastics waste – household waste – industrial sector.
Module III
Use of recyclable plastics in motor vehicles – recoverable materials – disposal of residuals – recyclable
plastic components – virgin and recycled HDPE – Fluorinated and unfluorinated HDPE – fuel tanks. Tertiary
recycling – Reactors used – Advantages
– Dry method wet method - use of recyclable plastics in automobiles.
Reference Books
1. Plastic Waste Management" Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995.

2. Edited by Nabil Mustafa, Plastic waste management, 1st edition, Marcel Decker, New York,1993
3. John Schiles, Polymer Recycling.Edited by Dr.J.S.Anand, Recyclic & Plastics Waste Management,

CIPET, Journal of India, 1997.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Module I
Functions of packaging, advantages of plastic packaging, distribution hazards, special requirements of food
and medical packaging, packaging legislation and regulation.
Packaging as a system: Elements, approach, package, design, relation criteria for packaging materials,
packaging equipment checklist, case histories
Major packaging plastics PE, PP, PS, PVC, polyesters, PVDE, vinyl acetate, PVA, EVA
, PV Alcohol, PA,PC ionomers & fluro polymers.

Module II
Conversion process – Moulding, Extrusion, Rotary thermoforming, Lamination, metalizing, decoration
process, Shrink wrapping, Pallet & stretch wrapping, sealing methods, Plasma barrier coatings
Extrusion, film and flexible packaging – extrusion, cast film & sheet, Blow film, Multi layer film & sheet
coatings, laminations & co-extrusions , stretch and shrink wrap , pouching , sealing , evaluation of seals in
flexible packages , advantages of flexible packaging – flexible packaging products.

Module III
Thermoformed packages: Position & thermoforming & wrap forming, variations in thermoforming and
solid phase pressure forming, scrabbles, twin sheet & melt – to-mold thermoforming, skin packaging,
thermoforming moulds, thermoforming fill- real,
Polystyrene & other foams systems cushioning
Testing plastic packages- Barrier, Migration & compatibility, printing, labeling & pigmenting, Sterilization
for health care products. Packaging hazards and their controls-Environmental considerations.

Reference Books
1. Susan E.M. Seleke, Understanding plastic packaging Technology, Hanser publications – Munich
2. A.S. Altalye, Plastics in packaging, Tata McGraw – Hill publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Briston; John H. and Katan; Leonard L., Plastics in Contact with Food, Food Trade Press Ltd., London
4. Briston; John, Advances in Plastics Packaging, Pira International, Leatherhead (1992).
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Module I
Introduction to natural and synthetic polymers. Essential characteristics and molecular architecture of
fibre forming polymers.
Concept of order in polymers, crystallinity, orientation, physical structure of natural and man-made fibers.
Module II
Physical methods for investigating fiber structure. Optical properties of oriented polymers and fibres,
refractive index and birefringence.
Melt spinning, dry and wet spinning of fibers. Fiber drawing, heat setting, texturing and mechanical
properties of fibers based on viscose, cellulose acetate, polyamides.
Module III
Fiber drawing, heat setting, texturing and mechanical properties of fibers based on polyesters, acrylics,
polypropylene, glass and carbon-fibres. General principles of finishing and dying of fibers. Common types
of finishes applied to textile fibers.

Reference Books
1. Billmeyer Jr.; Fred W., Synthetic Polymers, Doubleday and Co. Inc., New York (1972).
2. Gupta, V.B., and Kothari, V.K., Manufactured Fibre Technology, Chapman & Hall, 1997.
3. Fourne, Franz, “Synthetic Fibres, Machines and Equipment, Manufacture, Properties”, Hanser Publishes,
4. Corbman, Bernard P, “Textiles fibre to fabric”, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill, 1983

Open Elective
Module I
Introduction to natural and synthetic polymers. Essential characteristics and molecular architecture of
fibre forming polymers.
Concept of order in polymers, crystallinity, orientation, physical structure of natural and man-made fibers.
Module II
Physical methods for investigating fiber structure. Optical properties of oriented polymers and fibres,
refractive index and birefringence.
Melt spinning, dry and wet spinning of fibers. Fiber drawing, heat setting, texturing and mechanical
properties of fibers based on viscose, cellulose acetate, polyamides.
Module III
Fiber drawing, heat setting, texturing and mechanical properties of fibers based on polyesters, acrylics,
polypropylene, glass and carbon-fibres. General principles of finishing and dying of fibers. Common types

of finishes applied to textile fibers.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Reference Books
1. Billmeyer Jr.; Fred W., Synthetic Polymers, Doubleday and Co. Inc., New York (1972).
2. Gupta, V.B., and Kothari, V.K., Manufactured Fibre Technology, Chapman & Hall, 1997.
3. Fourne, Franz, “Synthetic Fibres, Machines and Equipment, Manufacture, Properties”, Hanser Publishes,
4. Corbman, Bernard P, “Textiles fibre to fabric”, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill, 1983


Module – I
Fuels :
Solid Fuels : Coal - Origin, Chemical composition, calorific value, Classifications, Characteristics &
distribution of Indian coals, Storage and spontaneous combustion of coal, Coal washing and blending,
Pertrographic constituents of coal, Carbonization of coal, manufacture and properties of metallurgical coke,
recovery of by-products.
Module – II
Liquid Fuels :
Origin and composition of crude oil, crude oil distillation and its products with special reference to
gasoline, Kerosene and diesel oil, cracking and reforming, Coaltar distillation Products,Shale oil. Gaseous
Fuels : Natural gas, coal gas. Coke oven and blast furnace gas, Manufacture of Water gas and producer gas,
Carburetted water gas.
Module – III
Synthetic Fuels :
Hydrogenation of coal, fischer – Tropsch synthesis, Introduction. Nuclear fuels and nuclear reactors,
moderators and structural materials.
Combustion : Combustion of solids fuels, Pulverized coal. Calculation of volumes and weights of air
necessary for combustion of fuels, gas analysis.

Books :
1. Fuels and Combustion - S. Sarkar
2. Elements of Fuel Technology - Himus
3. Solid, Liquid and gaseous fuel - Brame and King.
4. Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, O. P. Gupta
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Module I
Fossil fuel based systems Impact of fossil fuel based systems, Non conventional energy– seasonal variations
and availability, Renewable energy – sources and features, Hybrid energy systems, Distributed energy
systems and dispersed generation (DG)
Module II:
Solar Photovoltaic systems:
Operating principle, Photovoltaic cell concepts, Cell, module, array, Series and parallel connections,
Maximum power point tracking, Applications, Battery charging, Pumping, Lighting, Peltier cooling
Solar processes and spectral composition of solar radiation; Radiation flux at the Earth’s surface. Solar
collectors. Types and performance characteristics. Applications
Wind Energy:
Wind energy conversion; efficiency limit for wind energy conversion, types of converters, aerodynamics of
wind rotors, power ~ speed and torque ~ speed characteristics of wind turbines, wind turbine control
systems; conversion to electrical power: induction and synchronous generators, grid connected and self
excited induction generator operation, constant voltage and constant frequency generation with power
electronic control, single and double output systems, reactive power compensation; Characteristics of wind
power plant. Applications:
Module III
Biomass Power:
Operating principle, Combustion and fermentation, Anaerobic digester. Wood gassifier,
Pyrolysis, Applications, Bio gas, Wood stoves, Bio diesel, Combustion engine. Application,
Hybrid Systems
Need for Hybrid Systems, Range and type of Hybrid systems, Case studies of Diesel-PV, Wind-PV,
Microhydel-PV, Biomass-Diesel systems, electric and hybrid electric vehicles

Text Books:
1. D. P. Kothari, K. C. Singal, R. Ranjan, Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.
2. B.H.Khan, Non-Conventional Energy Resources, Tata McGrawHill, 2009
3. S. N. Bhadra, D. Kastha, S. Banerjee, Wind Electrical Systems, Oxford Univ. Press, New Delhi, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. S. A. Abbasi, N. Abbasi, Renewable Energy Sources and Their Environmental Impact, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi, 2006.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


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B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
1. Introduction:
Modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation ,Mechanism & basic laws governing
conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer; Thermal conductivity, Thermal conductance
&Thermal resistance, Contact resistance, convective heat transfer coefficient, radiation heat
transfer coefficient , Electrical analogy, combined modes of heat transfer.initial conditions and
Boundary conditions of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Kind.
2. Heat Conduction:
The General heat conduction in Cartesian, polar-cylindrical and polar-spherical co-ordinates,
Simplification of the general equation for one and two dimensional steady/ transient conduction
with constant/ variable thermal conductivity with / without heat generation.
Solution of the one dimensional steady state heat conduction problem in case of plane walls,
cylinders and spheres for simple and composite cases. Critical insulation thickness, Heat transfer in
extended surfaces (pin fins) without heat generation, Long fin, short fin with insulated tip and
without insulated tip and fin connected between two heat sources. Fin efficiency and fin
Conduction in solids with negligible internal temperature gradient (Lumped heat analysis).
Solution of Cartesian problems in two dimensions (steady state conduction with constant thermal
conductivity and no heat generation) by variable separation method. Numerical methods for heat
conduction analysis.
3. Convective Heat Transfer:
(a) Introduction to convective flow - forced and free. Dimensional analysis of forced and free
connective heat transfer. Application of dimensional analysis, physical significance of Grashoff ,
Reynolds, Prandtl, Nusselt and Stanton numbers.
(b) Conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy for 2-dimensional convective heat
transfer in case of incompressible flow, Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers for flow over a
flat plate. Critical Reynolds number; general expressions for drag coefficient and drag force
Reynolds-Colbourn analogy. Thermal boundary layer; general expression for local heat transfer
coefficient; Average heat transfer Coefficient; Nusselt number. Flow inside a duct- velocity
boundary layer, hydrodynamic entrance length and hydro dynamically developed flow; flow
through tubes (internal flow). Use of empirical relations for solving turbulent conditions for
external and internal flow.
4. Mechanism of heat transfer during natural convection, Experimental heat transfer correlations
for natural convection in the following cases
(a) Vertical and horizontal plates
b) Inside and outside flows in case of tubes
5. Heat transfer for boiling liquids and condensing vapours :
Types of condensation, use of correlations for condensation on vertical flat surfaces, horizontal tube
and; regimes of pool boiling, pool boiling correlations. Critical heat flux, concept of forced boiling.

Numerical problems.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
6. Radiative heat exchange :
Introduction, Radiation properties, definitions of various terms used in radiation heat transfer;
Absorptivity,reflectivity & transmissivity.Emissive power & emissivity, Kirchoff’s identity, Planck’s
relation for monochromatic emissive power of a black body, Derivation of Stefan-Boltzmann law
and Wien’s displacement law from Planck’s relation, Radiation shape factor, Relation for shape
factor and shape factor algebra. Heat exchange between black bodies through non-absorbing
medium. Gray bodies and real bodies, Heat exchange between gray bodies. Radiosity and
Irradiation, Electrical analogy and radiation network for 2-body and 3-body radiations exchange in
non-absorbing medium, Radiation shields.
7. Heat Exchangers :
Introduction, Types of heat exchanger, The overall heat transfer coefficient and fouling factors,
LMTD and _ - NTU analysis of heat exchangers.

Text Books :
1. Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer: R.C.Sachdeva, New Age International
Publishers, 4 Edition
2. Heat Transfer : J.P.Holman, TMH Publications
3. Basic Heat Transfer by Necati Ozisik, Mcgrawhills Publications
References :
1. Heat Transfer: P.S.Ghosdastidar, Oxford University Press
2. Heat Transfer by P.K. Nag, TMH
3. Heat Transfer by S.P. Sukhatme, TMH
4. Heat Transfer: A.F.Mills and V.Ganesan, Pearson Education, 2 Edition
5. Heat and Mass Transfer: Domkundwar and Arora, Danpatrai and sons
6. Heat Transfer : R.K.Rajput, Laxmi Publications
7. Heat and Mass Transfer: A Practical Approach, Y.A.Cengel, Tata Macgraw Hills Education Private

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module I

Adhesives – concepts and terminology, functions of adhesives, advantages and disadvantages of adhesive bonding,
criteria for selection of adhesives.
Types of adhesives, structural adhesives, Urethane structured adhesives, Modified acrylic structural adhesives,
phenolic adhesives and modifiers, anaerobic adhesives, cyanoacrylate adhesives, Hot melt adhesives, pressure
sensitive adhesives, RTV Silicone adhesives, sealants, water based adhesives. Specialty adhesives, adhesives in
aerospace, adhesive in automobile industry, conductive adhesives, adhesives in building construction, adhesive in
electrical industry.
Module II
Joint design, stress, types of joints, selection of joint detail, joint criteria, surface preparation of adherend -metals,
plastics and rubbers. Adhesive bonding process- methods for adhesives application and bonding equipment-, testing
and quality control.
Introduction to surface coatings –Components of paints. Pigments, pigment properties, different types, extenders,
solvents, oils, driers, diluents, lacquers, varnishes, paint preparation, formulation, factors affecting pigment
dispersion, preparation of pigment dispersion.
Module III
Different types of paints- classification based on polymeric resin, emulsion, oil and alkyd paints, acrylic paints, epoxy
coatings, polyurethane, silicones, chlorinated rubbers. Classification based on application, fluro polymers, vinyl resins,
appliance furnishes, automotive finishes, coil coatings, can coatings, marine coatings, aircraft coatings.
Surface preparation and paint application. Paint properties and their evaluation – mechanism of film formation,
factors affecting coating properties, methods used for film preparation – barrier properties, optical properties, ageing
properties, rheological properties and adhesion properties of coatings.

Reference Books:
1. Handbook of Adhesives – Skeist, Irvind, Van Nistrand, New York, 1990, 3rd Edition Gerald L.
Schreberger, Adhesive in manufacturing, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1983
2. W.C. Wake, Adhesion and the formulation of adhesives. Applied Science Publishers, London, 1976
3. Swaraj Paul, Surface Coatings, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1985.
4. George Mathews, Polymer Mixing Technology, Applied Science Publishers. Sheilds, Hand book of
adhesives, Butterworths, 1984.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Sixth Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Name Hours/ Credit University Internal Hours/ Credit Marks
week Theory Marks Evaluation week Practical
PC Advanced Plastics Processing 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PC Mould Engineering 3-0 3 100 50 2 1 50
PE Material Engineering/polymerization 3-1 4 100 50
Engineering /Polymer Reaction
PE 3-1 4 100 50
Engineering/Rubber Science/Polymer
Plastics(Any Two)
MC & GS Environmental Science & Engineering 3-0 3 100 50
OE Industrial Lecture # 3 1 50
HS Presentation Skill & Skill for Interview # 2-0 1 50 4 2 100
MC Yoga 2 1 50
Total 19 18 500 300 13 6 300
Total Marks: 1100
Total Credits: 24
Honors Bio- Degradable Polymers 4 4 100 50
Minor Industrial Safety & Hazard

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16
Module I
Specialized Injection Moulding Processes
Thin wall product moulding-multi material and multi colour moulding-sandwich moulding-thermoset
injection moulding. Micro Processor Controlled Injection moulding operation. Statistical quality control and
process control. All electric injection moulding - Merits & Demerits
Gas Assist Moulding, Water Assist molding, Reaction Injection molding, Liquid Injection Molding, Lost Core
molding, Thermoset Injection molding, Structural foam molding: a)
Low pressure Foam b) High pressure Foam, In-mold Decoration/ Reaction Transfer Molding, Filament
Winding, Metal/Ceramic Powder Molding,

Module II
Advanced Blow Moulding and Extrusion
Classification of Advanced Blow Moulding Process, Deep draw Double Wall Blow
Moulding, Press Blow Moulding, Stretch Blow Moulding – Injection Stretch Blow Moulding, Extrusion
Stretch Blow Molding Merits & Demerits- Profile Extrusion Process, Multi layer film, Co- extruder Sheets &
Pipes, – Process, Process Control, Process Optimization, Application, Merits & Demerits
Machining & Joining of Plastics - Importance of machining –machining methods-joining-welding of
plastics- Adhesive Bonding- Mechanical fasteners.
Other Secondary Processes-printing, painting, Hot stamping, In mould decoration, Electro-plating
and vacuum metalizing.

Module III
Casting and coating
Introduction – casting processes-operation and control of casting processes- plastisol processing.
Coating Process - Introduction-coating methods- process and applications
Cellular plastics - Introduction- foaming processes -foam moulding- RIM Casting foams, steam chest
moulding structural foam moulding–applications-foamed extrusion.

Text Books
1. Plastic Engineering Hand Book & D – 5 - By Society of Plastic Industry Inc.
2. Plastics Material & Processing- By Strong, A, Brent
1. Cheremisinoff; Nicholas P. and Cheremisinoff; Paul N. (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Polymer
Processing Technology, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York (1996)
2. Plastics Materials & Processing - By Schwartz & Goodman Thermoforming - By James & Throne
3. Basic Principle of rotational molding - By Crawford, R.J & Throne, J.L Plastics Technology Mchraw
-By Milby
4. Welding of Plastics - By New Man
5. Calendering of Plastics - By Elden & Swan
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Sl. Name of M/c/ Description of Practical Exercise to be done*

No. Equipment/Mould
1. Automatic Idle-run observation (IRO) & study of Injection Unit, Clamping Unit, Process-
Injection Moulding Control knobs, safety precautions, start-up Procedure, Shut-down Procedure,
M/C Sketch of Machine Platens, Clamping system, type of nozzle used in M/c etc.,
study of Hydraulic System used in the M/c. M/c Operation-Practice, Process
parameter setting for a particular mould on the Machine, Operation of Machine in
Hand, Semi Automatic & Automatic-mode to produce components, observations
of all parameters, cycle-time analysis, use of different plastics material for
moulding & comparison, Moulding faults analysis for causes and remedies.
2. MICRO- Study of Basic concepts of Micro processor control, Comparison of Micro
PROCESSOR Processor- Controlled M/cs with Conventional M/Cs, Machine Setting Procedure,
Controlled Procedure for Process-Parameter-setting on monitor or control Panel. Operation
Injection Moulding of M/c with Mould fixing & setting on the M/c with different plastics materials,
M/C cycle-time analysis, Analysis of Product defects, causes & remedies during M/c
operation, listing of important operating procedure points, safety precautions
through M/C Instruction/Manual operating.
3. Blown Film Procedure for setting up of Process-parameters e.g. Temperature on different
Extruder Pipe/Tube zones, Screw-Speed, Nip-roller speed, Winder Speed, Blow-ratio, control of
Extruder cooling-Air on bubble, Methodology & practice by trainees to fix the Blown Film
die on M/C familiarization of Die-parts & their function, Technical specification of
M/cs, defects, causes & remedies, Practice of operating M/c to produce different
sizes of Blown Film. Study of the Machine-parts & function from Screw drive to
the Cater pillar. Practice of Die setting on the machine, SIZING TECHNIQUES,
Procedure for setting up of parameters & operation practice in running the
Machine to produce pipe/ Tube/ film.
4. Compression & Setting up procedure for operation of M/c, safety precautions, Type of Mould
Transfer Moulding Clamping arrangement available on M/c-Platen, Mould Clamping procedure on
(Semi-Automatic) M/c, Operation of M/c by setting the optimum Temperature, curing time,
clamping force, ejector-stroke etc. on continuous basis, Analysis of Product
defects & remedies, Analysis of Cycle-time, Practice on operation of
compression & Transfer moulds with thermoset materials.
5. Automatic Blow Machine-setting Procedure, Parameter-setting Procedure, Method of Mould
Moulding Machine fixing & parison-die setting on the M/c, Practice by trainees to remove& fix the
parison die to produce on appropriate Parison for blowing, type of blowing
systems, operation-practice on different moulds, cycle-time analysis, process-
faults & remedies.
6. Thermoforming Study of Process Principle, type of moulds & material used, Familiarisation with
(Vacuum forming) the M/c controls for operation, Operation Practice by trainee, observation on
Cycle-time, processing-defects & remedies.
7. Rotational Machine-study in IRO, Process Principle & sequence of operation, Raw

Moulding materials used, Mould-clamping practice on the M/c, operation practice to

produce Roto moulded components, Cycle-time analysis, Comparison of

process with other processing processes.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

8. Plastics-coating. Principle of coating equipments, Process-method, type of material used,

Sealing, Welding sequence of Operation in Coating. Principle of Operation of Heat-Sealing
& Screen-Printing equipments, High frequency Welding & Hot stamping operation. Familiarisation
of screen printing process, methodology for screen preparation, type of inks

10. FRP Study of types of Resin, fibres used in the process, sequence of Process
Demonstration operation in Hand-lay up process, operation Practice for Hand-lay up Process for
Facility producing FRP-products, Precautions during the process, Process-defects &
analysis for the remedies.

11. Maintenance Practical exposure to the preventive maintenance checkpoints for all processing
Work on machine. Daily startup and shut down maintenance checks, housekeeping
Processing M/cs.\ checking hydraulics and electrical circuit for safety, routine flaut and remedies.

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module I
Mould Making
Mold Making: Introduction of mold parts, Mechanism of metal cutting, types of tools,
influence of tool angles, Cutting fluids, Tool materials used including coated tools.
Studies of various machining operations: Turning, Shaping, Planning, Drilling, Grinding
(Surface, Cylindrical, Tool & Cutter, Rotary Grinding), Milling (Horizontal / Copy Milling
/ Vertical / Ram / Tool Milling).
Die sinking (copy milling), Pentograph, Profile grinding, Electrical discharge machining -
Characteristics, physical processes, special technological features, types of EDM, design
consideration & functions and technological planning. Applications of wire cut
EDM in mold making.

Module II
Electroforming for mold manufacturing
materials for electroforming, design & materials for models, machining for
electroformed blanks, mold cavities, economy & service life. Hobbing process for mold
making – advantages- elements of hobbing - materials used for cavity, lubrication, depth
of hobbing-hobbing presses- operations
Polishing technology in mold making: Definition of surface roughness, basis of polishing
technology- Types of polishing tools, methods of polishing -surface texturing - Process
description-patterns and mold shapes, - mold preparation- limitations of chemical

Module III
Metrology and inspection: Scope of inspection, Procedures, Choices of basic measuring
instruments, Vernier, Micrometer, Surface Plates, Angle plates, Squares, Vernier height
gauges, Depth gauges, Slip gauges, Dial gauges, Surface roughness measurement,
Hardness testing, Comparators, Optical profiles projectors, Tool makers microscope,
Optical flats - types and uses.

Text Books
1. R.G.W.Pye, Injection Mold Design, East West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Klus Stokhert (Edt.),Mold making handbook for Plastic Engineers, Hanser
Publication NY,1983
References Books
1. HMT Production Technology, TMH (India), 1992
2. Bhattacharya, A New Technology, IB Publishers, 1984
3. Stoeckhert & Menning, Mold making handbook, 2nd edition, Hanser Publishers,
Munich. W.A.J Chapman, Workshop Technology, Vol I & II, ELBS.
4. Herbert Rees, Mold Engineering, Hanser Publishers, NY. George Menges & Paul
5. Mohren
6. How To Make Injection Molds, Hanser Publishers.

7. DuBois; J. Harry and Pribble; W. I. (Eds.), Plastics Mold Engineering, SPE Polymer
8. Technology Series, Revised Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York (1965)
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


I. Injection mould design using CAD

Design calculations: No. of cavities, Selection of injection moulding machine, shot
capacity, plasticizing rate, Clamping force, Injection pressure &Tool strength
calculations related to - Two plate, three plate, split and hot runner moulds.
II. Semi - Automatic Compression Mould using CAD.
Design calculations: Economic determination of no. of cavities, flash thickness
allowances, design of mould cavity, design of loading chamber, bulk factor, loading
chamber depth & heat requirement for heating the mould related to Open-flash type,
Semi-positive and fully positive type moulds.
III. Transfer mould design using CAD.
Design calculations: Pot calculation, runner & gate dimensions, bulk factor & shrinkage
allowances for thermo set plastics & Minimum moulding pressure related to - Pot and
Plunger transfer moulds.
IV. Part design for an Injection Moulded Component using MOLDFLOW CAE.
1. 3D Modeling using MOLDFLOW & Flow and Cooling analysis.

Reference Books
1. R.G.W.Pye, Injection Mould Design, SPE Publication.
2. P.S.Cracknell and R.W.Dyson, Hand Book of thermoplastics injection mould design,
Chapman & Hall, 1993.
3. Herbert Rees, Mould Engineering, Hanser publishers, Munich, Vienna N.Y. 1994.
4. Technical Directory on Design and Tooling for plastics, CIPET, Guindy, Chennai.
5. Design calculations for Compression moulds, Machinery publications, Yellow series,
6. Mould Flow Manual & Part - Adviser Manual - MOULD FLOW
7. Laszco Sors and Imre Blazs, Design of Plastic Moulds and Dies, Elsevier,

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Professional Elective

Module I
Classes of materials, Selection of materials and processes in engineering design,
environmental impact of materials, microstructure-property relations and mechanisms
of failure Solidification, crystalline structure, deformation imperfections, Alloys types
and phases, equilibrium diagram, critical points, Iron carbon equilibrium diagram,
of Metals, Steel & Polymers
Module II
Heat treatment processes and constituents T-T diagram. Introduction to heat treatment
furnaces. Effect of alloying element on the properties of carbon steels, SAE/AISI and
other classifications, general properties, compositions and uses of structural, corrosion
resisting and heat resisting steels.
General properties, composition and uses of alloys of aluminum, copper, nickel and
bearing materials, corrosion and its prevention.

Module III
Elementary idea of rubber plastic, ceramics, Cutting tools and the materials spring alloy,
electric, magnetic and non-magnetic alloys. Introduction to the mechanical behavior of
the materials such as tension, compression, fracture, fatigue and creep. Introduction to
refractory materials.
References Books:
1. M. Arumugham, Material Science, Anuradha Agencies, 1st Ed., 1987. G. E.
Dieter, Mechanical metallurgy, McGraw Hill, 2000.
2. Klaus Stoeckhert, Mold making handbook for the Plastic engineers, Hanser Pub.
Data book on Plastics; CIPET, Chennai
3. J. C. Anderson, K. D. Leaver, R. D.Rawlings , J. M. Alexander, Material Science, Donald
S. Clark and Wilbur R Warney, Physical metallurgy, Affltd. East west press. C. W.
Richards, Engineering material Science, Prentice Hall of India.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module I
Industrial methods of polymerization such as a bulk, solution, emulsion, suspension.
Layout and arrangement of polymer plant. Stereochemistry of polymers and stereo-
specific polymerization. Catalysts-their utility in polymers and stereo-specific
Catalysts-their utility in polymer manufacture, Zieglar-Natta, Metallocene and others.

Module II
Manufacturing processes of basic raw materials and intermediates of synthetic
polymers. Production technology, properties and application of important plastics such
as polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride.
Brief introduction of copolymers based on the common monomers such as ethylene,
vinyl chloride, styrene, acrylates and methacrylates etc.

Module III
Formaldehyde and its reaction products with phenol, urea and melamine. Preparation
of moulding powders.
Reference Books :
1. Principles of Polymerization by George Odian
2. Kuran; Witold, Principles of Cordination Polymerization, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Chishester (2001).
3. Polymer Science & Technology of Plastics & Rubbers by P Ghosh
4. Polymer Science by Gowriker-Viswanathan-Sreedhar
5. Odian; George, Principles of Polymerization, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York
6. Polymerization Process Modeling, N A Dotson, R Galvan, R L Laurence and M
Tirrell, VCH Pub., Ind., 1996
7. Reaction Engineering of Step Growth Polymerization, S K Gupta and Anil Kumar,
Plenum Press, 1987
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module I
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering: Introduction to chemical kinetics.
Representation of expression for reaction rate, Temperature dependent and
concentration dependent. Interpretation of Batch Reactor data for various types of
reactions taking place in constant volume and variable volume batch reactors.

Module II
Reactor design – performance equations for batch and flow reactors – design for single
reactions – multiple reactions. Heat effects in reactors – conversions – equilibrium –
non-ideal flow in reactors
Single Ideal Reactors: Batch, CSTR and Plug Flow Reactors. Reactor choices for single
and multiple reactions Viz. Series and parallel reactions. Residence time distribution in
non-ideal flow reactors.

Module III
Heterogeneous reacting systems – models for reaction controlled – diffusion controlled
mechanisms – application to design – solid catalyzed reactions – experimental methods
for rates – application to design.
Polymerization reactors – by free radical mechanism – characterization of mixtures of
polymers – mechanism – rate equations – design of reactors for free radical
polymerization – stepwise addition and condensation polymerization and
copolymerization – analysis of rate equation – polymerization in batch reactors – flow
Reference Books
1. J .M. Smith, Chemical Engineering Kinetics, McGraw-Hill, 1975.
2. H. Scott Fogler, Elements of chemical reaction engineering, PHI, 1992.
3. M.Kh. Karapetyants, Chemical Thermodynamics, Mir Publications, USSR, 1978.
4. G.N.Pandy, J.C.Chaudari, Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics –Khanna Publishers.
5. L.H.Sperling, Introduction to Physical polymer science, John Wiley & Sons. London.
6. Octave Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
7. C.D. Holland & G. Rayboard Anthony, Fundamentals of chemical reaction Engineering.
8. Asua; Jose M, (Ed), Polymer Reaction Engineering, Blackwell Publishing, Ltd, Oxford
9. Gupta; Santosh Kumar and Kumar; Anil, Reaction Engineering of Step Growth
Polymerization, Plenum Press, New York (1987).
10. McCrum; N. G., Buckley; C. P. and Bucknall; C. B., Principles of Polymer Engineering,
Oxford University Press, Oxford (1988).[CN171]
11. McCrum; N. G., Buckley; C. P. and Bucknall; C. B., Principles of Polymer Engineering,
Oxford Science Publications, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1995).
12. McCrum; N. G., Buckley; C.P. and Bucknall; C. B., Solutions Manual- Principles of
Polymer Engineering, Oxford Science Publications, Oxford University Press, Oxford
13. Meyer; Thierry and Keurentjes; Jos (Eds.), Handbook of Polymer Reaction Engineering,

Volume1, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2005).

14. Meyer; Thierry and Keurentjes; Jos (Eds.), Handbook of Polymer Reaction Engineering,

Volume2, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2005)

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Tapping latex, Processing of Latex - Dry rubber production (Smoked sheet, air dried
sheet, Crepe etc.) - Grading of rubbers - Modified natural rubber, Reclaimed rubber -
process of reclamation – applications.
Compounding Design And Vulcanization
Sulphur vulcanization and non-sulphur vulcanization, vulcanization systems -
accelerators, activators, promoters, antioxidants, antiozonants, processing aids, fillers
and effect of fillers, Blowing agents etc.
Synthetic Elastomers
Manufacturing, structure, properties, compounding, curing and applications -
Polyisoprene, Polybutadiene, SBR, EPDM, Butyl rubber, Neoprene, Nitrile rubber,
Silicone rubber, Fluoro elastomer, Polysulphide rubber, polyurethane rubber, Acrylic
Thermoplastic Elastomers
Basic structure, Manufacture, Morphology, Commercial grades and Applications –
Thermoplastic styrene block copolymers, Polyester thermoplastic elastomers,
polyamide thermoplastic elastomer, Polyurethane thermoplastic elastomers.
Rubber Product Manufacturing
Belting, Hoses, Footwear, Rubber metal bonded items, sports goods, cellular rubber

1. C.M.Blow and Hepburn, - Rubber Technology and Manufacture, 2nd edition, 1982.
2. Hoffman, Rubber Technology Handbook -, Hanser Pub. Munich - 1996

1. Anil .K. Bhowmic, Howard L. Stephens (Edt), Handbook of Elastomers - New Developments &
Technology, Marcel Decker Inc. New York 1988.
2. Maurice Morton, Rubber Technology
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module I

General introduction to nanocomposites; Basics of Inorganic Materials Chemistry and

Nano chemistry
Inorganic-Organic and Inorganic-Polymer Nanocomposite Materials
Module II

Nanocomposites: particulate, clay, and carbon nanotube nanocomposites- synthesis,

Structure, properties characterization and applications.
Clay/Polymer Nanocomposites: Physical and chemical properties of clay nanoparticles;
Synthesis; Potential Applications

Module III

Metal/Polymer Nanocomposites: Physical and chemical properties of metal

nanoparticles; Synthesis; Potential Applications
Rheology and processing; Applications and economics


1. Polymer nanocomposites: synthesis, characterization, and modeling / Ramanan

Krishnamoorti, editor; Richard A. Vaia, editor. Washington, D.C.: American
Chemical Society: Distributed by Oxford University Press (2002)
2. Polymer-clay nanocomposites / edited by T.J. Pinnavaia & G.W. Beall, Chichester;
New York: John Wiley (2000).3. Polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites:
preparation, properties, and uses of a new class of Materials, M. Alexandre, P.
Dubois,Mater.Sci. Eng., 28, 1-63 (2000).
3. Polymer matrix nanocomposites, processing, manufacturing, and application: An
overview, F. Hussain, M.Hojjati, M. Okamoto, R.E. Gorga, J. Comp. Mater., 40,
1511- 1575 (2006)
4. Vikas Mittal, Polymer Nanotube Nanocomposites John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module I

BIOMATERIALS: Biocompatibility, Stabilization, Inflammation And Wound Healing,

Blood Clotting System, Biological response to Implants, Implant Design And
BIOMEDICAL POLYMERS: Criteria for The selection Of biomedical
polymers, physico-chemical aspects of the blood compatibility of polymeric surface.
Biomedical polymers from biological source, poly hydroxy alkanoic acids
microbial polysaccharides, silk, collagen. microbial cellulose, hyaluronic acid, synthetic
polymers such as PMMA, silicon rubber, polyethylene, natural rubber, hydrogels.
Module II


Orthopedics, Cardio Vascular, Respiratory Patches And Tubes, Digestive System,
Genitourinary System, Nervous System, Orbital (Corneal And Lens Prosthesis) –
Permanent Implant For Cosmoses, Other Applications Of Engineered Material In Clinical
Practices, Silicone Implants. Polymer Membranes, Polymer Skin, Polymeric Blood.
Module III

POLYMERIC LENSES: Contact Lenses, Hard Lenses, Gas Permeable Lenses, Flexible
Lenses, Soft Lenses, Hydrogels, Equilibrium Swelling, Absorption And Desorption,
Oxygen Permeability, Types of Soft

DENTAL POLYMERS: Dental applications, denture bases, dentate reliners, crown and
bridge resins, plastic teeth, mouth protectors, maxillofacial prosthetic materials,
restorative material, polyelectrolyte based restoratives, sealants, adhesives, dental
impression and duplicating materials, agar, algmater elastomers.

Reference Books:

1. Bio-materials, An Introduction – J B Park, Pleneum Press

2. Plastics Materials – J S Brydson
3. H.F. Mark (Ed), Encyclopedia of polymer science and engineering, John Wiley and
Sons New York, 1989.
4. Comprehensive Polymer Science Vol.7 Alcock., Contemporary Polymer Chemistry
5. Second Ed. Manas Chanda, Salil K. Roy (Ed) Plastic Technology Hand Book Marcel
Dekker, Inc. New York, 1993.
6. B.Sedlacek, C.G.Overberger, J.F.Mark, (ed.) Medical polymers: Chemical problems.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16



Module I

Industrial safety, industrial hygiene and safety aspects related to toxicity, noise, pressure,
temperature, vibrations, radiation etc. explosions including dust, vapor, cloud and mist
Elements of safety, safety aspects related to site, plant layout, process development and design
stages, identification of hazards and its estimation, risk, risk analysis and assessment methods,
fault free method, event free method, scope of risk assessment, controlling toxic chemicals and
flammable materials.
Module II

Toxic substances and degree of toxicity, its estimation, their entry routes into human system,
their doses and responses, control techniques for toxic substances exposure, use of respirators,
ventilation systems.
Prevention of losses, pressure relief, provision for firefighting, release of hazardous materials
from tanks, pipes through holes and cracks, relief system: types and location of relief’s.
Module III

Handling, transportation and storage of flammable liquids, gases, and toxic materials and
wastes, regulation and legislation, government role, risk management routines, emergency
preparedness, disaster planning and management.
Training practices on Basic First Aids

Text Book

1. Management Information Systems by A.K. Gupta, Second Edition – 2003, S. Chand &
Co. Ltd., Ram Nagar, New Delhi – 110055, Chapters - 1,2,3,4,8,9,13,14
Reference Book :

1. Fluid Power Control by J.F. Blackburn, G. Reethof & J.L. Shearer, John Wiley & Son
Inc. & The Technology Press of M.I.T. 59
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16



Module I

Introduction, enzymes – enzyme nomenclature – enzyme specificity – physical factors

affecting the activity of enzymes – enzyme mechanism, Chemical degradation initiates
biodegradation, Hydrolysis of synthetic biodegradable polymers.
Starch technology, Manufacture of master batch, Conversion technology – processing
precautions – cyclic conversion process, physical properties of products –Quality
control testing of degradation – auto oxidation measurement – biodegradation
assessment – soil burial test.
Module II

Introduction, History, biosynthesis, Isolation – solvent extraction - sodium hypo

chloride digestion, enzymatic digestion, Properties – crystal structure – nascent
morphology, degradation - Intracellular biodegradation - extra cellular biodegradation –
thermal degradation – hydrolytic degradation – environmental degradation – effects of
recycling, applications, economics, future prospects.
Polyethylene/starch film, reprocessing polyethylene/corn starch film scrap – learning
to reprocess PE/S - Calcium oxide moisture scavenger – temperature control –
accounting for pro-oxidant – handling PE/S

Module III

Introduction, defining biodegradability, criteria used in the evaluation of biodegradable

polymers, tiered systems for evaluating biodegradability, choice of environment,
choosing the most appropriate methodology, description of current test methods –
screening test for ready biodegradability, tests for inherent biodegradability, tests for
simulation studies, other methods for assessing biodegradability – petri dish screen –
environmental chamber method – soil burial tests, Test method developments for the
Reference Books:

1. G.J.L Griffin Blackie (ed.), Chemistry & Technology of biodegradable polymers

Academic & Professional London 1994.
2. Yoshiharu Doi , Kazuhiko Fukuda(ed.) Biodegradable plastics & Polymers
Elsevier 1994
3. Abraham J.Donb & others(ed.) Handbook of Biodegradable polymers
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Seventh Semester
Theory Practical
Code Course Hours/week Credit University Internal Hours/week Credit Marks
Name L/T Theory Marks Evaluation L/T Practical
GS Nano Science 3-1 4 100 50
& Bio
PE Polymer 3-1 4 100 50
PE Polymer 3-1 4 100 50
OE Soft 3-1 4 100 50
Computing */
Other subjects
PC Advance Lab- 8 4 200
II/ Project
Projects on 8 4 200
Internet of
Total 16 16 400 200 19 8 400
Total Marks: 1000
Total Credits: 24
Honors Latex And 4 4 100 50
Minor Statistical

B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


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B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16

Module -I

Introduction of composite material- comparison between composites and other

materials-advantages and disadvantages. Principles of composite reinforcement- Effect
of fibrous reinforcement on composite strength-Types of reinforcements- natural fibre,
glass, carbon/graphite, aramid fibres, high strength and high modulus fibers.

Module -II

Thermosetting and thermoplastic materials for the composites and their selection for
particular application-

Processing and production techniques-Hand-lay-up, Spray-up, Bag moldings, Filament

winding and Pultrusion.

Module -III

Prepreg- manufacture and characterization. Sheet moulding and dough moulding

compounds and their processing, Preform and resin transfer moldings. Hybrid and sand
witch type composites.

Reference Books

1. Astrom; B.T, Manufacture of Polymer Composites, Chapman and Hall, London

2. Bunsell; A. R. and J. Renard, Fundamentals of Fibre Reinforced Composite
3. Materials, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd., Bristol (2005).
4. Hollaway; Leonard (Ed.), Handbook of Polymer Composites for Engineers,
Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge (1994), Reprint (2007).
5. Miller; Edward, Introduction to Plastics and Composites, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York (1996)
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


Module I

Viscoelastic behavior of Polymer solution and melts stress-strain curves for Polymers,
creep of Polymeric material, elastic deformation, irrecoverable follow deformation.
Rubber like deformation, Time-temp superposition (WLF Equation) Models of
viscollastity such as Maxwell and kelvin model. Types of viscosity, stress relaxation.
Module II

Introduction and Basic concept of Rheology, classification of fluids, Newtonian and non

Newtonian fluids, shear stress, shear strain and shear rate, shear modulus, bulk
modulus, Zero shear viscosity,

Methods to determine shear viscosity by capillary viscometer, cone and plate

viscometer, Cup and bob viscometer, Measurement of normal stresses. Theories of
viscocities of dilute (De-bye Bueche theory) and conc. Solutions (Grasselley’s
entanglement theory)
Module III

Rheology of dilute and concentrated suspensions, effect of Rheology during Injection

moulding and extrusion and blow moulding of polymers. Rheometers- Bubble inflation
rheometers, compressional rheometer, stress relaxation instruments. Torque
rheometer, rotational & sliding surface rheomete

Text Book:
1. Ferry JD Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, 3rd ed, John Wiley & Sons, New
2. Han CD. Rheology in Polymer Processing, Academic Press, New York (1976)
3. Chang Dae Han, Rheology and Processing of Polymeric Materials Volume I &II,
Oxford University Press, New York (2007)
4. Yamakawa H. Modern Theory of Polymer Solutions, Harper Row, New York
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16



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B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


Module I
Introduction to quality – Basic concepts – definitions – quality of design vs conformance
costs of quality; variation concepts; Investigational methods; quality assurance
functions and their evaluations.
SQC Techniques and their applications – Organizing data collection; summarization of
data, presentation if data in the form of pie diagrams; Histograms and frequency
distributions,- Measures of central tendency and dispersion; their calculation and

Module II
Concept of distributions; Normal, Binomial and Poisson Mean and Variance of
distributions – Concept of Sampling distribution; ‘t’, ‘F’, and ‘x’ distributions.
Introduction to tests of simple hypothesis; Single Mean, Standard Deviation; Two
sample tests for means and variable and attribute type of data- Their interpretation;
Special purpose charts;
Dominant systems, Process and Product check – Inspection, quality control & testing
schemes: Concepts of Acceptance Sampling – Attribute characteristics, Single, Double
Sampling Plans – OC curves,

Module III
Explanation of IS2500 Standard tables – Correlation and regression analysis-
Introduction of Statistical design of experiments for product quality improvement.
Organization for quality control- quality audit- concept of quality circles- ISO 9000-
concepts, procedures and documentations. Total Lectures = 35

Reference Book
1. Banks, Jerry : Principles of Quality Control, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Agarwal B.L. : Basic Statistics, New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Grant E.L. & Leavenworth R.S. : Statistical Quality Control : McGraw Hill Book
Company, New Delhi.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16



Unit –I
Introduction to NR & Synthetic Lattices - Molecular and physical structure;
vulcanized latex, Artificial dispersion, SBR, Nitrile, Neoprene, Thiokol, High styrene
resin, PVAc, PVC, Acrylic, Carboxylated SBR & vinyl pyridine latex.

Unit – II
Compounding of Latex - Methods of manufacture and machineries, stabilization of
dispersion. Micro and nano fillers, vulcanizing ingredients, Dispersing agents Stabilizing
agents. Compounding for Neoprene latex.

Unit – III
Testing on Latex - Mechanical stability, pH, particle size of dispersion and size
distribution, chemical stability, state of cure, DRC, TSC.
Foam technology - Urethane foam, Cold foam, integral skin foam, Semi rigid foam, Rigid
PU foam etc. Foam testing, concepts of micro-cellular structure, closed and open cell
structures. Industrial uses of latex and foam technologies.

Manufacture of Latex Based Products - Latex thread, Dipped goods, casting spraying,
spreading, adhesives, rubberized coir, rubberized hair, Micro-porous Ebonite, Can
sealing, Latex cements, Latex foam, Latex laminated paper & boards, Latex coated
fabrics & cords, , Neoprene latex coated paper, latex mixed with cement, Emulsion
paints, Electro deposition of latex.

Reference Books:

1. Latex Foam Rubber, E.W. Madge, , MacLaren and Sons Ltd., London, 1962.
2. Polymeric Foams and Foam Technology, 2nd Ed., Daniel Klempner and Vahid
Sendijarevic (eds.), Hanser Gardner, 2004.
3. Basic Elastomer Technology, Edited by K.C. Baranwal and H.L. Stephens, Rubber
Division, Published by American Chemical Society.
B.Tech(Plastic Engineering) Syllabus for admission batch 2015-16


MODULE – I (8 hours)
Basic tools of soft Computing: Fuzzy logic, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing,
Approximations of Multivariate functions, Non – linear Error surface and optimization.

MODULE – II (8 hours)
Fuzzy Logic Systems: Basics of fuzzy logic theory, Crisp and fuzzy sets; Basic set operations;
Fuzzy relations, Composition of Fuzzy relations, Fuzzy inference, Zadeh’s compositional rule of
inference; Defuzzificaiton ; Fuzzy logic control; Mamdani and Takagi and Sugeno architectures.
Applications to pattern recognition.

MODULE—III (16 hrs)

Neural networks: Single layer networks, Perceptron; Activation functions; Adalinc- its training
and capabilities, weights learning, Multilayer perceptrons; error back propagation, generalized
delta rule; Radial basis function networks and least square training algorithm, Kohenen self –
organizing map and learning vector quantization networks; Recurrent neural networks,
Simulated annealing neural networks; Adaptive neuro-fuzzy information; systems (ANFIS),

MODULE—IV (08 hrs)

Evolutionary Computing: Genetic algorithms: Basic concepts, encoding, fitness function,
reproduction. Differences of GA and traditional optimization methods. Basic genetic, basic
evolutionary programming concepts Applications, hybrid evolutionary algorithms.

ADDITIONAL MODULE (Terminal Examination-Internal)

Applications to Different Engineering problems.

Text Books

1) F. O. Karry and C. de Silva, “Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems Design – Theory, Tools
and Applications”. Pearson Education. (Printed in India).

Reference Books

2) J. S. R. Jang. C. T. SUN and E. Mizutani, “Neuro-fuzzy and soft-computing”. PHI Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.

3) Fredric M. Ham and Ivica Kostanic, “Principle of Neuro Computing for Science and
Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill.

4) S. Haykins, “Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation”. Pearson Education, India.

5) V. Keeman, “Learning and Soft computing”, Pearson Education, India.

6) R. C. Eberhart and Y. Shi, “Computational Intelligence Concepts to Implementation”.


Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (Indian Reprint).


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