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Andy Lim kicked a ball at an angle of 35° with the Andy Lim kicked a ball at an angle of 35° with

35° with the

ground. ground.
a) What should be the initial velocity of the ball so a) What should be the initial velocity of the ball so
that it hits a target that is 30 meters away at a that it hits a target that is 30 meters away at a
height of 1.8 meters? height of 1.8 meters?
b) What is the time for the ball to reach the target? b) What is the time for the ball to reach the target?
A diver running 1.8 m/s dives out horizontally from A diver running 1.8 m/s dives out horizontally from
the edge of a diving board and reaches the water the edge of a diving board and reaches the water
below at 2.75 seconds. below at 2.75 seconds.
a. How high is the cliff? a. How high is the cliff?
b. How far from the base of the cliff does the diver b. How far from the base of the cliff does the diver
land? land?
A ball kicked from ground level at an initial velocity A ball kicked from ground level at an initial velocity
of 60 m/s and an angle θ with ground reaches a of 60 m/s and an angle θ with ground reaches a
horizontal distance of 200 meters. horizontal distance of 200 meters.
a) What is the size of angle θ? a) What is the size of angle θ?
b) What is time of flight of the ball? b) What is time of flight of the ball?
A cat runs and jumps from one roof top to another A cat runs and jumps from one roof top to another
which is 5 meters away and 3 meters below. which is 5 meters away and 3 meters below.
Calculate the minimum horizontal speed with which Calculate the minimum horizontal speed with which
the cat must jump off the first roof in order to make the cat must jump off the first roof in order to make
it to the other. it to the other.
Pablo Escobar throws a baseball with a horizontal Pablo Escobar throws a baseball with a horizontal
component of velocity of 25m/s. After 2 seconds, component of velocity of 25m/s. After 2 seconds,
the ball is 40m above the release point. Calculate the ball is 40m above the release point. Calculate
the horizontal distance it has traveled by this the horizontal distance it has traveled by this
time, its initial vertical component of velocity, and time, its initial vertical component of velocity, and
its initial angle of projection. Also, is the ball on the its initial angle of projection. Also, is the ball on the
way up or the way down at this moment in time? way up or the way down at this moment in time?
Georgie Cooper is the South’s star punter for the Georgie Cooper is the South’s star punter for the
varsity football team. His best hang time this past varsity football team. His best hang time this past
season was for a punt which he kicked at 74° above season was for a punt which he kicked at 74° above
the horizontal. The punt had a 6.2 second hang the horizontal. The punt had a 6.2 second hang
time. time.
a. Determine the speed at which the ball was a. Determine the speed at which the ball was
punted. punted.
b. Determine the horizontal distance which the ball b. Determine the horizontal distance which the ball
traveled. traveled.
Kei Takeshi the famous Japanese ski jumper, leaves Kei Takeshi the famous Japanese ski jumper, leaves
the ramp with an initial velocity of 34.9 m/s at an the ramp with an initial velocity of 34.9 m/s at an
angle of 35°. angle of 35°.
a. Determine the total time of flight. a. Determine the total time of flight.
b. Determine the horizontal displacement. b. Determine the horizontal displacement.
c. Determine the peak height (relative to the c. Determine the peak height (relative to the
starting height). Assume that Kei lands at the same starting height). Assume that Kei lands at the same
height as the top of the ramp and that Kim is a height as the top of the ramp and that Kim is a
projectile. projectile.

James Bandu is trying to jump from a helicopter James Bandu is trying to jump from a helicopter
into a speeding Corvette to capture the bad guy. into a speeding Corvette to capture the bad guy.
The car is going 30.0m/s and the helicopter is flying The car is going 30.0m/s and the helicopter is flying
completely horizontally at 100m/s. The helicopter completely horizontally at 100m/s. The helicopter
is 120m above the car and 440m behind the car. is 120m above the car and 440m behind the car.
How long must James Bandu wait to jump in order How long must James Bandu wait to jump in order
to safely make it into the car? to safely make it into the car?
A diver in Hawaii is jumping off a cliff 45m high, but A diver in Hawaii is jumping off a cliff 45m high, but
she notices that there is an outcropping she notices that there is an outcropping
of rocks 7m out at the base. So, she must clear a of rocks 7m out at the base. So, she must clear a
horizontal distance of 7m during the dive in order horizontal distance of 7m during the dive in order
to survive. Assuming the diver jumps horizontally, to survive. Assuming the diver jumps horizontally,
what is his/her minimum push-off speed? what is his/her minimum push-off speed?
Joe Dimatulac of the San Francisco 59ers kicked a Joe Dimatulac of the San Francisco 59ers kicked a
field goal with an initial velocity of 20m/s at an field goal with an initial velocity of 20m/s at an
angle of 60∘. angle of 60∘.
a. How long is the ball in the air? a. How long is the ball in the air?
b. What are the range and maximum height of the b. What are the range and maximum height of the
ball? ball?
A toy truck moves off the edge of a table that A toy truck moves off the edge of a table that
is 1.25m high and lands 0.40m from the base of the is 1.25m high and lands 0.40m from the base of the
table. table.
a. How much time passed between the moment a. How much time passed between the moment
the car left the table and the moment it hit the the car left the table and the moment it hit the
floor? floor?
b. What was the horizontal velocity of the car when b. What was the horizontal velocity of the car when
it hit the ground? it hit the ground?
Yuna Crasco wishes to throw a 2.8-kg pumpkin Yuna Crasco wishes to throw a 2.8-kg pumpkin
horizontally off the top of the school roof in order horizontally off the top of the school roof in order
to hit Mr. Bilbo’s car. The car is parked a distance of to hit Mr. Bilbo’s car. The car is parked a distance of
13.4 m away from the base of the building below 13.4 m away from the base of the building below
the point where Yuna is standing. The building's the point where Yuna is standing. The building's
roof is 10.4 m high. Assuming no air resistance, with roof is 10.4 m high. Assuming no air resistance, with
what horizontal speed must Yuna toss the pumpkin what horizontal speed must Yuna toss the pumpkin
in order to hit Mr. H's car. in order to hit Mr. H's car.
A motorcycle stunt driver zooms off the end of the A motorcycle stunt driver zooms off the end of the
cliff at a speed of 40 m/s. If he lands after 0.75 cliff at a speed of 40 m/s. If he lands after 0.75
seconds, what is the height of the cliff? seconds, what is the height of the cliff?
If Angel Landico can jump 1.0m high on Earth, how If Angel Landico can jump 1.0m high on Earth, how
high can she jump on the moon assuming same high can she jump on the moon assuming same
initial velocity that he had on Earth (where gravity initial velocity that he had on Earth (where gravity
is 1/6 that of Earth’s gravity)? is 1/6 that of Earth’s gravity)?
Danny Wang hits a 125m(450′) home run that lands Danny Wang hits a 125m(450′) home run that lands
in the stands at an altitude 30m above its starting in the stands at an altitude 30m above its starting
altitude. Assuming that the ball left the bat at an altitude. Assuming that the ball left the bat at an
angle of 45∘ from the horizontal, calculate how angle of 45∘ from the horizontal, calculate how
long the ball was in the air. long the ball was in the air.
CSI discovers a car at the bottom of a 100 m cliff. CSI discovers a car at the bottom of a 100 m cliff.
How fast was the car going if it landed 32 m How fast was the car going if it landed 32 m
horizontally from the cliff’s edge? (Note that the horizontally from the cliff’s edge? (Note that the
cliff is flat, i.e. the car came off the cliff horizontally). cliff is flat, i.e. the car came off the cliff horizontally).
A marble is thrown horizontally from a table top A marble is thrown horizontally from a table top
with a velocity of 1.50 m/s. The marble falls 0.70 m with a velocity of 1.50 m/s. The marble falls 0.70 m
away from the table’s edge. away from the table’s edge.
A) How high is the lab table? A) How high is the lab table?
B) What is the marble’s magnitude velocity just B) What is the marble’s velocity just before it hits
before it hits the floor? the floor?
A cannonball is projected at 24.5 m/s, 60° above A cannonball is projected at 24.5 m/s, 60° above
the horizontal. Find the the horizontal. Find the
a. time of flight b. range a. time of flight b. range
c. maximum height c. maximum height

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