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1.1 Number Sequences
LEARNING OBJECTIVES To study the number sequences up to 100
LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of lesson, pupils would be able to count
numbers and complete any sequences.
Resources 1 :
Step 1 : Recall prior knowledge Evidence 1 Video Youtube
a) Student will sing a song “Ten little Prepared Video Ten Little
fingers” with teacher guidance. Fingers
b) Student will be guide to count the
number in ascending and atch?v=zQ1rD8BbI3o
descending order through the

Step 2: Counting ascending

a) Student count and arranged
object in ascending order.

Step 3 : Counting descending

a) Student count and arranged
object in descending order.

Resources 2 :
Effectives Questions

Step 4: Concept 1 more than

a) Student is guide about the concept 1 Prepared effective questions
more than. to guide the students
b) Example: Evidence 2
11, 12, 13, ___ , 15
c) Student complete 100 square grid by

Evidence 3
Who am I.pptx
Resources 3 :

Step 5 : Count on in two

a) Students are shown 2 sticks by
b) Student count the sticks and write
it on the board.
c) Student then are shown another
2 sticks by the teacher.
d) Student count the sticks and write
on the board.
e) Activities is repeated by adding
another 2 sticks and student
count the sticks all together.
f) Example :
2, 4, 6, …
g) Student then are shown count on
in two by using number line by
Resources 4:
Chains / blocks

Step 6 : Count on in five

a) Activities in step 5 is repeated but
using different manipulatives and Resources 5 :
count on in 5 Sets of numbers
b) Example
5, 10, 15, …
c) Number lines

Step 7 : Grouping work

a) Students are divided to smaller Resources 6 :
group. Kahoot
b) Each group is given a set of
c) They need to arranged the
number into ascending order.
d) Along the process students are
guide by teachers.
e) Example:
( count on 1)

Step 8 : Assesment (Kahoot)

a) Student playing Kahoot in same
group as in their grouping work
Evidence 4
Step 9 : Closure 1/96405f9a-df2c-44fc-9b7e-
a) Teacher will request students to eefaa0af0d3d
answer the question about what
they learnt during the lesson Prepare assessment using
using online games. Kahoot to test student
understanding about what
they learn during the lesson

Evidence 5

Checking student ‘s understanding

1. Can you explain what you have done so far?
2. What is the pattern for this number sequences?
3. What is the missing number for this number sequences?
4. What did you notice about this activity?

Encouraging Conjecturing
1. Do you see the pattern? Can you explain the pattern?
2. Can you predict the next one?

Making Connections
1. Can you use part of your body to count on two?
2. Can you use another method to solve this problem?

Encouraging Reflection
1. How did you get your answer?
2. What have you learned today?
1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 16 17 18

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31 32 33 35 37 38 39

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