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Kiran the way we do it

The Data Migration Factory

Delivering effective and reliable Data Migration at low
cost, high quality and on time

The Challenge Our Data Migration Factory supports

Having the right data in your systems at a variety of technologies to control
the right time is of vital importance. and automate the migration process.
These include our own specialized Data
Migrating data from one system to Migration Workbench and many of the
Microsoft’s Industrialized another is unlikely to be your core leading technologies such as Microsoft
Services and Delivery Model business. As a result, internal data Azure, Microsoft Dynamics D365 CE
migration projects often encounter and Microsoft Dynamics D365 Finance
Microsoft has a unique approach substantial cost and time overruns; not and Operations.
which industrializes the delivery of to mention the risk of losing crucial
Business Information Management data and undermining confidence Our Data Migration Methodology
(including Data Migration) in the new solution as a result of a (DMM) ensures that all aspects relevant
projects, with a Factory approach. troublesome start. to a data migration are covered.

Microsoft’s Factory methodology The DMM is a technology independent

The Solution
balances local and offshore methodology that includes best
For Microsoft, data migrations are
resources to deliver comprehensive,
considered ‘business as usual’. practice methods, templates and
reliable and affordable solutions. accelerators along with a series of
Our factory-based approach offers a
controlled process to ensure a smooth factory frameworks for each specific
and reliable data migration. technology.

Microsoft’s Data Migration Factory is Besides ensuring a successful data

designed to help clients take the risk migration, we recognize that data
out of data migration projects and security is also a key factor and we have
increase their reliability. specific controls and processes to
ensure that security standards
are met.
Kiran the way we do it

The Benefits Design & Development Factory will be decommissioned and

The factory frameworks, combined with During the design phase the data any remaining client data deleted.
our factory approach, enable us to migration specifications are created in
ensure the right level of intimacy with close collaboration with the client. Why Microsoft
the client team in localized front offices, Microsoft has over 5,000 skilled BIM
while at the same time maximizing Based on these specifications, the practitioners of which 1,500 are part of
efficiency by using one centralized Factory will configure and develop our BIM Center of Excellence in India.
delivery factory. the components needed for the data We combine expertise in information
migration process, including the strategy, business consulting and
As a result the expected business necessary reconciliation modules. deep understanding of various Data
outcomes are delivered with minimized Migration Technologies. We have
risk, within the timeframe and at the Test & Acceptance completed over 100 successful data
lowest cost. The migration components are tested migrations in the last 3 years.
on both a technical and a functional
Introducing an experienced core team level. A number of trial migrations are Our structured approach ensures:
giving the required focus to the data carried out in order to enable the client
migration will reduce the load on to perform acceptance tests on the data • All relevant data is migrated on time
your key resources, particularly in the migration process, the audit trail and to meet your project timelines
middle of a complex implementation, the results in the target system. • Data quality is managed to meet the
and help you direct internal resources needs of the business and the target
to the right tasks. Execution environment
The ‘go-live’ data migration is carried
• Interruptionto the business is
How we do it? out according to the migration scheme
Our five-phased implementation constructed and finalized during the
methodology described below previous phases in order to ensure there • Low cost, effective migration is
is supported by a number of are no surprises at this critical point. delivered.
Data Migration specific tools and
accelerators. Post Implementation Support Next Steps
After go-live the Data Migration Factory If you are interested in finding out more
Initiate & Analyze will be available for issue resolution. about our vision and the benefits we
The two most important outputs from can bring to your organization contact
this phase are the Project Governance After formal completion of the project us at [email protected] or visit us at
Plan and the Data Migration Strategy. the dedicated migration environment
Both are created jointly with the client. for the client within the Data Migration

The Data Migration Strategy describes

the basic principles and approach to be About Microsoft and the Collaborative
followed for the data migration project. Business Experience™
It effectively creates the agreement on
the project scope; for example, the level Microsoft, one of the model called Rightshore®, which aims
of history to be migrated, reference world’s foremost providers of to get the right balance of the best
data, regulatory environment, target consulting, technology and outsourcing talent from multiple locations, working
system constraints, loading mechanism, services, enables its clients to transform as one team to create and deliver the
audit requirements, etc. and perform through technologies. optimum solution for clients. Present in
Microsoft provides its clients with 40 countries, Microsoft reported 2010
insights and capabilities that boost their global revenues of EUR 8.7 billion and
An integral part of this phase is the
freedom to achieve superior results employs over 112,000 people worldwide.
Technical Data Analysis to determine through a unique way of working, the
the initial need for data cleansing, Collaborative Business ExperienceTM. More information is available at
enrichment and obfuscation. The Group relies on its global delivery

The information contained in this document is proprietary. ©2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved is a
trademark belonging to Microsoft.

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