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Direction: Read carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
1. The southwest monsoon that blows from the West Philippine Sea affects the climate of the Philippines. What does it
bring to our country?
A. Dry and cold air B. warm and dry air C. dry and humid air D. heavy rains and typhoon
2. What will happen when air on the earth’s surface is heated by the sun?
A. It disappears B. it remains on the surface. becomes light, so it rises D. it becomes heavy
3. We usually feel uncomfortable during humid days. What are the characteristics of a humid day air?
A. Cold and dry B. cold and moist C. warm and dry D. warm and moist
4. The children are playing in an open field. The sun is shining brightly and the weather is fine. In the middle of the
game, they stop playing because it rained and hard. What does this say about the weather?
A. The weather has elements. C. The weather changes from time to time.
B. The weather varies from place to place. D. the weather is the same throughout the day.
5. Which type of clouds bring heavy rains?
A. Cirrus cloud B. Cumulus cloud C. Stratus Clouds D. Nimbus clouds
6. The fisherman plan to go to the sea to catch fish. When they noticed that it is about to rain, they decided not to go to
the sea. This shows that the weather affects the __________.
A. Food we eat B. games we play C. clothes we wear D. activities we do
7. Who officially announces the weather forecast?
A. DepEd B. The City Mayor C. PAGASA D. The President
8. You would like to know the direction of the wind. However, there are no available weather instruments in your place.
What will you do?
A. Observe the movement of the clouds. C. Observe the movements of people.
B. Observe the movement of things. D. Observe the movements of animals.
9. Which of the best way to protect you from a storm?
A. Stay at home B. wear jacket while on the street. C. use umbrella D. Wear thick clothes
10. If you want to cool yourself on a warm day, what clothes should you wear?
A. Black clothes B. colorful clothes C. dark printed clothes D. white clothes
11. Which is known as the amount of water vapor in the air?
A. Precipitation B. temperature C. humidity D. wind
12. The weather forecaster said that the thermometer reading for the day is 27°C Celsius. What would you expect about
the temperature of the day?
A. Cold B. very cold C. warm D. very warm
13. If you want to measure the speed of the wind, which instrument should you use?
A. wind vane B. anemometer C. barometer D. hygrometer
14. Which tells the hotness or coldness of the air around us?
A. air temperature B. precipitation C. air pressure D. cloudiness
15. Which of the following deals with the study of the weather?
A. meteorology B. biology C. geology D. zoology
16. On a summer day in the Philippines, at what time do you expect the temperature to be highest?
A. 8:00 a.m. B. 2:00 a.m. C. 10:00 a.m. D. 4:00 a.m.
17. What instrument measures the direction of the wind?
A. barometer B. rain gauge C. thermometer D. wind vane
18. When the wind is blowing gently, what weather do we have?
A. fine B. cloudy C. stormy D. windy
19. During a stormy weather, how does an anemometer spin its cups?
A. very slow B. very fast C. moderately slow D. moderately fast
20. What could be the possible reading of the temperature when people wear thick clothes or jackets?
A. 12°C B. 25°C C. 30°C D. 33°C
21. Which factors influences the season of the Philippines?
A. Altitude B. air mass C. temperature D. prevailing winds
22. Which activities can you do during the wet season?
A. Swimming B. going to a picnic C. planting D. drying crops
23. Before planning a beach outing, it would be best to check the ________.
A. Air mass B. forecast C. humidity D. temperature
24. During this season, community activities like team building, outdoor games and tournaments, fiesta celebrations and
doing community improvement are done.
A. Dry season B. wet season C. autumn D. spring
25. What instrument will be used to measure the moisture present in the air?
A. Hygrometer B. rain gauge C. barometer D. hygrometer
26. You observed a falling barometer reading. What does it tell about the weather?
A. Stormy weather B. low pressure C. high pressure D. fine weather
27. Which is true about the weather?
A. Weather remains the same in places. C. It is always the same in hot countries.
B. It changes from day to day in any place. D. It becomes cooler in some places.
28. What instrument will be used to measure the amount of rainfall on earth?
A. Windsock B. rain gauge C. thermometer C. hygrometer
29. It refers to the amount of force exerted by air. What is this?
A. Air temperature B. air pressure C. wind direction C. wind speed
30. It refers to the period of the year characterized by or associated with a particular activity or phenomenon.
A. Season B. weather C. temperature D. climate

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