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Reflective Journal

How the GS TESOL program has informed my teaching practice.

In ‘TESOL Methods’, a range of approaches and methods for ELT was introduced and overall
understanding of the traditional and contemporary approaches, methods, and techniques was
achieved. As Gritter says that no teaching method is suggested for any one teacher, for any one
class, or for any one individual (Birckbichler, 1990, p.44), no known teaching method or approach
is exclusively used for one period or can encapsulate all educational contexts and demands of
students. The teacher should be sensitive to current trends and innovative techniques in ELT, and
should employ the best methods to achieve the desired goals. Recently a new form of lexical
approach was suggested; i.e. formulaic chunks are processes as a whole initially and are
subsequently analyzed to build a grammar system(Ellis, 2003). The implication is that task-based
interaction, role-play in particular, may help learners understand the form-meaning relationships.
In ‘MALL’, I became familiarized with the concepts of media technology and MALL and the
roles of multimedia, teachers and students; interaction patterns in MALL; multimedia and language
skills development. And I got pedagogical implication through constructing digital artifacts,
Learning Management System(LMS), and CALL; e.g. application of form-focused activities via
Hotpot Cloze Quiz; scheming up students’ prior knowledge in video tutorial; multimodal
communication & peer evaluation through Voicethread, Skype; text-based learning via wiki,
forum, and chatting in Moodle; teacher’s facilitating in collaborative task via Webquest; making
instructional game, Studyboard using Photoshop CS4; two main communicative activities,
‘information gap’ and ‘simulation’ which involves reconstructing a text, asking information,
problem solving and decision making.
In ‘ELT Material Development’ & ‘Course Design’, the 16 principles of SLA relevant to the
development of materials for the teaching of languages (Tomlinson, 1998) were introduced and
incorporated into the lesson plans represented by PDP and EIF; I used a principle of adapting a
course book, SARS (Select, Adapt, Reject, Supplement)(Acklam, 1994) to develop teaching
materials; I learned how to conceptualize content, formulate goals and objectives, and organize the
course in designing a course; I applied Lawson’s goals(Proficiency, Cognitive, Affective, Transfer)
(Stern, 1992) to formulate goals and objectives in my unit plan in portfolio.
In ‘Language Assessment’, principles of language testing and assessment were introduced and
given a chance to practice item design and analysis. I came to understand the terms of reliability,

validity, authenticity, washback; used them to design test item and analyze it. As Brown says, “Let
your grading philosophy be consonant with your teaching philosophy”(Brown, 2004, p.300),
assessment implies the starting point of teaching as well as the terminal of teaching because the
result of assessment can give washback to the whole process of instruction and redirect it.
In ‘Syntax’, I came to understand how to view English Grammar/Syntax from modern linguistic
perspectives; how to analyze linguistic phenomenon by using the resources in Chomsky’s
minimalist theory; how to revaluate traditional grammarian, Esperson in his insight into labeling
grammatical category, concerning preposition in its relation to adverb, conjunction.
In ‘Literature and ELT’, practical teaching methods using English literary works were
introduced. Comprehensive understanding of subject matter was weighed the same as the language
learning and teaching. The implication is that in literary works, we can find the useful material for
teaching methods fulfilling both the content goals and language goals in ELT.
What technical skills did I develop?/What are some contemporary educational issues that I feel
will influence my future teaching practice?
I developed a variety of interactive MALL skills which are pedagogically useful and
motivational for the students to engage in learning process, e.g. Audioslide, video tutorial, Hotpot
cloze quiz, voicethread, webquest, studyboard, LMS & interactive modules, etc. I also learned how
to use Mac applications to make digital contents; keynote for video tutorial, pages for
documentation; most of all, free digital media suite, iLife(iPhoto, iMovie) and Final Cut Pro for
video editing. So I hope I will be able to consult my colleagues in developing educational contents
with MALL applications.
As a public high school teacher, I have an interest in promoting distance language program in
high schools where video conferencing has not launched yet even though the classrooms are all set
for Internet-based learning, because Government gives financial support to marginal areas in
priority where native speaking English teachers are not available (Hwang, 2010, p.16). I think we
cannot just wait for the government support reach our schools in realizing distance language
learning. The climate pattern of Korea is changing radically just as any other regions of the world
because of the abnormal meteorological environment. The students are forced to stay at home under
an unexpected heavy rainfall or snowfall even during the semester. However, with distance learning
system in place, we can reduce the loss of learning time for the students because they can study via
e-learning at home.
So the role of LMS becomes much more important than ever in promoting distance language
program in high schools. Every high school has a native speaking English teacher and Web-based
learning system, so we don’t have much to worry about personnel or logistical resources.
Moreover, with the technological advancement in mobile phone, teacher can give feedback in
students’ smart phone to get the benefit of the interaction between teachers and students. As a
result, it is possible that the schools will construct and operate distance language teaching &
learning even without instant pubic support by utilizing current logistic and personnel resources.
But the effect of technology based learning does not just happen by chance. It needs a lot of
advanced planning and scaffolding of both students and instructors new to technology(Martin,
2005,2008). Students and teacher interaction is very important and the learner support has been
considered as a key component in the distance education. The socio-affective role is important in
the videoconferencing. But conferencing brings a heavy workload for teachers. It is more intensive
than traditional lessons and needs more time for adequate preparation.
Ultimately, in the hands of a creative teacher or instructor, willing to follow a few simple
guidelines, videoconferencing can provide, in a cost-effective, time-effective, and inclusive way,
enriching and enjoyable distance learning experiences to people of all ages and abilities regardless
of where they live. This reminds me of the creation motto of GS TESOL, HUFS: ‘The future of
English Education: Teacher is the Only Hope! (Cha, 2009). So the success of videoconferencing
depends on teacher’s belief in its pedagogical efficacy and his willingness to act as a role of
Most high school students prepare for College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) which is very
important for college entrance and is implemented once a year during November. The CSAT
English test is mainly designed to measure listening comprehension and reading comprehension
through multiple choice items, so it brings negative washback of weakening speaking and writing
instruction in the classroom. In an effort to improve the English education in elementary &
secondary schools, National-level English Ability Test (NEAT) was suggested by Korea Institute
for Curriculum & Evaluation to include four skill domains such as reading, listening, speaking and
writing section as in an IBT test. If the new test is launched successfully, it will change English
education in Korea dramatically (Jin, 2010). Because speaking and writing will be required areas
for language assessment in the nation-level standardized test, the paradigm shift in class activities
will be inevitable. Typically, students will read articles or chapters, view video programs, discuss
issues, propose solutions, and carry out writing assignment on a given theme(Brown, 2007, p.289).
But in the context of the whole language education, focus on form activities will have to be
incorporated as shown in the last stage of Willie’s task-based language teaching (Willies, 2007).

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