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November/December 2005

Volume 33 Number 10 $5.00

Our annual awards honor
those who continue to make
this sport a winner
Max Brownlee Q Racquet World
Q Golfsmith Q Tennis Warehouse
Q Bob Patterson Q Fast-Dry
Companies Q Shirley Ruane Q Wayne
St. Peter Q Kay Barney Q Karin
Korb Q John Drew Smith Tennis
Center Q Scalzi Park Q Brookhaven
Country Club Q Baltimore Tennis
Patrons Q USA Tennis Florida Q Lisa
Duncan Q Bob Reed

US Open Player
Equipment Log
“Tennis Service Reps” To
Aid Grassroots Growth
String Playtest
Contents R S I N O V / D E C 2 0 0 5

7 Tennis Service Reps hit the
ground running
7 USTA recognizes 10 facilities
for excellence
SPECIAL SECTION: 7 RSI launches website for magazine
2005 Champions of Tennis
Our special section honors the people and organizations that are making 8 USPTA honors leaders in
a difference in the business of tennis. tennis profession

20 Person of the Year 30 Wheelchair Tennis Champion 8 In•Tenn online magazine offers
Max Brownlee of the Year free subscription
Karin Korb
22 Pro/Specialty Retailer of the Year 9 Wilson, Nickelodeon offer
Racquet World 30 Municipal Facility of the Year SpongeBob racquets
John Drew Smith Tennis Center
23 Chain Retailer/Mass Merchant 9 Loehr to headline ASBA meeting
of the Year 32 Public Park of the Year in Tampa
Golfsmith Scalzi Park

24 Online Retailer of the Year 32 Private Facility of the Year 10 Eight earn USPTA Master Pro
Tennis Warehouse Brookhaven Country club designation
25 Stringer of the Year 33 Community Tennis Association 11 Wilson launches redesigned website
Bob Patterson of the Year
Baltimore Tennis Patrons 12 Van der Meer honored at
26 Builder/Contractor of the Year Teachers Conference
Fast-Dry Companies 33 USTA Section of the Year
USA Tennis Florida 12 Prince O3 technology wins
27 Grassroots Champion of the Year design award
Shirley Ruane 34 PTR Member of the Year
28 Junior Development Champion
Lisa Duncan 12 Roddick dons new Babolat
of the Year 34 USPTA Member of the Year Team All Court shoe
Wayne St. Peter Bob Reed
15 Völkl launches new Boris Becker
29 Sales Rep of the Year racquet series
Kay Barney
On the cover: Max Brownlee, Babolat North America
Reprinted with permission of the Rocky Mountain News.

DEPARTMENTS 40 Tips and Techniques

4 Our Serve 42 Ask the Experts
36 US Open Player Equipment Log 43 RSI 2005 Industry Resource Guide
38 String Playtest: Gamma Zo Sweet 17 48 Your Serve, by Greg Moran

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 3

Our Serve
(Incorporating Racquet Tech and Tennis Industry)

The Champion’s Pursuit Publishers

David Bone Jeff Williams

W hat does it take to be a champion? No matter

the field of endeavor, it takes drive, determi-
nation, sacrifice, hard work, practice, knowledge,
Crawford Lindsey

Editorial Director
Peter Francesconi

Associate Editor
experience, and more. Man, that sounds like a Greg Raven
tough row to hoe. Is it really worth it? Design/Art Director
But take even a quick look at any of this year’s winners of RSI’s Kristine Thom
Champions of Tennis Awards, and you’ll know the answer. These Assistant to the Publisher
people love what they do, and they are successful in proportion to Cari Feliciano
that love. Contributing Editors
But it is also more than a “labor” of love. It’s fun, too. Helping Cynthia Cantrell
Rod Cross
the game to grow, developing tennis programs for a local facility,
Kristen Daley
running a CTA, designing and building court facilities, running a Joe Dinoffer
successful retail business—these folks simply enjoy what they’re Liza Horan
doing. Andrew Lavallee
James Martin
Another commonality of this year’s champions is the belief that
Mark Mason
success is all about building relationships. Champions fulfill their Chris Nicholson
dreams by helping others fulfill theirs. Each champion believes that Mitch Rustad
what they are driven so naturally to do is of great value to others Drew Sunderlin

in their pursuit of what they do. In a sense, the relationship is the RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY
goal, not the means, of the champion’s pursuit. That’s why so Corporate Offices
many champions are so genuine, so nice, and so well-liked. Your 330 Main St., Vista, CA 92084
Phone: 760-536-1177 Fax: 760-536-1171
day is better off having them in it than not having them in it.
Email: [email protected]
So, to our 2005 Champions of Tennis, we say thank you for a Website:
job well-done—and well-loved. Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.,8 a.m.-5 p.m. Pacific Time

Advertising Director
John Hanna
770-650-1102, x.125
[email protected]
Dave Bone Jeff Williams
Co-Publisher Co-Publisher Apparel Advertising
Cynthia Sherman
[email protected]
Racquet Sports Industry (USPS 347-8300. ISSN 0191-
5851) is published 10 times per year: monthly January
through August and combined issues in Septem-
Peter Francesconi Crawford Lindsey ber/October and November/December by Tennis
Editorial Director Editor-in-Chief Industry and USRSA, 330 Main St., Vista, CA 92084.
Periodicals postage paid at Hurley, NY 12443 and addi-
tional mailing offices. November/December 2005, Vol-
ume 33, Number 10 © 2005 by USRSA and Tennis
Industry. All rights reserved. Racquet Sports Industry,
RSI and logo are trademarks of USRSA. Printed in the
U.S.A. Phone advertising: 770-650-1102 x 125. Phone
circulation and editorial: 760-536-1177. Yearly sub-
scriptions $25 in the U.S., $40 elsewhere. POSTMAS-
TER: Send address changes to Racquet Sports Industry,
330 Main St., Vista, CA 92084.

4 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005 RSI is the “official magazine” of the USRSA, TIA, and ASBA
R S I N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 5


USTA Recognizes 10 McMahon to Head New Tennis Service Rep Program

new “national sales force for tennis” may soon pro-
Facilities for Excellence vide help to those who are in the field delivering ten-
Ten public tennis centers have been hon- nis programs at the recreational level.
ored in the 24th annual USTA Facility Dozens of “Tennis Service Representatives” are being hired
Awards Program, which recognizes by the USTA sections, with support from the USTA national
excellence in the construction and/or office, to help “assess the tennis needs of communities and
renovation of public tennis facilities in help people to do their jobs in the most efficient way possible,”
the U.S. says Mark McMahon, the USTA’s new national manager for the
TSRs. McMahon, who has been a teaching pro and tennis
The names of the 10 will be inscribed on
director for 25 years, joined the USTA in August to oversee the
a large wall plaque displayed in the
TSR program.
lobby of the USTA National Tennis Cen-
“The objective is to drill down directly to the operators—the
ter, home of the US Open. Each of the
people in the field who deliver the programs,” says McMahon.

Bob Kenas
facilities will also receive a one-year
“The TSRs become a conduit, a facilitator, in helping local ten-
complimentary membership to the USTA,
nis programs find what they need to increase participation.”
a certificate of recognition, and a wood-
McMahon says there will be at least 47 TSRs, who will report to the USTA sections to which
en wall plaque and large lexan sign to
they’re assigned. The number of TSRs will vary depending on the needs of the sections—larg-
display on the outside of their facility.
er sections generally will have more TSRs. As of mid-October, about 30 TSRs had been hired.
"We are pleased to recognize these The TSRs will be supported by a combination of national and sectional funding. Kurt Kam-
facilities for their hard work and commit- perman, the USTA’s chief executive of Community Tennis, says the national office has com-
ment to achieving higher standards … mitted $12 million over the next three years to the program.
[and] in helping the USTA to promote Another aspect of McMahon’s responsibilities will deal with Tennis Welcome Centers. “The
and develop the growth of tennis," says Tennis Welcome Centers should be a rallying point for the industry,” he says. “They should
Kurt Kamperman, the USTA’s chief execu- be a point of differentiation and represent value for the player and the center operator. One
tive of Community Tennis. The award of the goals of TSRs will be to help raise the standards at every tennis center.”
winners are: McMahon, who grew up in Australia and learned tennis at a public park in Melbourne,
came to the U.S. in 1979. He’s a PTR member and a USPTA Master Pro, and most recent-
Public courts (2-9 courts): Ottawa Town-
ly was the director of tennis at the Dunwoody Country Club in Atlanta. Prior to that, he was
ship High School Tennis Courts, Ottawa,
at clubs in Florida for many years, and has also served on various committees and boards.
“My perspective is built on 25 years of being a teaching pro and club pro,” says McMa-
Public courts (10+ courts): Barbara S. hon. “This is a real opportunity to put the service back in tennis.”
Wynne Tennis Center, Indianapolis; Cen-
tro De Tenis Honda, Bayamón, Puerto
Rico; Swim & Racquet Center, Boca Racquet Sports Industry Launches Magazine Website

Raton, Fla. ow, all the news and features you’ve read about in Racquet Sports Industry are
available on the internet. In Septem-
Collegiate tennis centers: Princeton Uni- ber, we launched
versity Tennis Center, Princeton, N.J.
The new website features an issues
Private facilities that support the USTA index, which lists every edition of RSI with
and other growth of the game programs links to all the stories that have appeared in
open to the public: Carmel Valley Athletic the magazine. And if you’re looking for a
Club, Carmel, Calif.; Carmel Valley Ranch particular topic, we include a search feature.
Resort, Carmel, Calif.; Chad Gamble Ten- We also have pages that deal with our
nis Courts, Paducah, Ky.; I'on Club, advertising rates and page specifications.
Mount Pleasant, S.C.; The Atlanta Athlet- And you can even subscribe to RSI, or have
ic Club & Tennis Center, Duluth, Ga. your friends and colleagues subscribe, via
our website.
November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 7

USPTA Honors Leaders In•Tenn Online Magazine

in the Tennis Profession Offers Free Subscription

n•Tenn, the video/online tennis magazine, is offering a

he USPTA honored its top teachers, coaches, players, volun-
teers and managers during an awards ceremony at the free 15-month subscription for its new OnLine Edition for
USPTA World Conference on Tennis in September. The annu- RSI readers.
al 10-day conference was at the Marco Island Marriott Resort, Golf To access the online magazine, visit,
Club & Spa in Marco Island, Fla. click on the “subscribe” button, enter the code rsi920 into
Rick Macci of Deerfield Beach, Fla., received the association’s the appropriate slot, click enter, then register. You will need
top annual member award, the Alex Gordon Award for the USPTA to remember your ID name and password to log in each
Professional of the Year. Macci, founder of the Rick Macci Tennis time you visit the site. The free subscription to the OnLine
Academy, is known for his success coaching some of the world’s Edition will end Dec. 31, 2006.
top players.
The USPTA Star, recognizing teaching pros who make an
indelible mark on their communities through the sport of tennis,
was awarded to John J. “Jack” Foster of Sugar Land, Texas, and
Robert Reed of Lane County, Ore.
Punam Kersten, director of the McFarlin Tennis Center in San
Korb Wins PTR Wheelchair Honor

Antonio, received the USPTA Industry Excellence Award. The arin Korb of Atlanta received the PTR Wheelchair Pro of
award is sponsored by the Tennis Industry Association and sup- the Year Award, presented during the PTR/ROHO
ported by Tennis Tutor ball machines. $15,000 Wheelchair Tennis Championships, held Sept.
The Facility Manager of the Year award was given to Brad 21 to 25 on Hilton Head Island, S.C. Korb, a new PTR mem-
Ellinger, a nonmember in Burlington, N.C., and Mike Woody, a ber, works tirelessly to promote wheelchair tennis and sports
USPTA member in Midland, Mich. Ellinger is general manager of (see page 30).
the Alamance Country Club, and Woody is managing director of Korb (below, with, from left, Scott Crosswhite of Quickie,
the Midland Community Tennis Center. Julie Jilly of the PTR, the tournament director; PTR Founder
The USTA/USPTA Community Service Award was presented to Dennis Van der Meer; and Tom Oleksy of the ROHO Group)
Ben Press of San Diego. Press is president of a nonprofit group is the program development manager for BLAZE, promoting
that oversees the use of funds to refurbish and upgrade public ten- sports for the disabled. She’s ranked No. 2 in the U.S. and
nis facilities. No. 15 internationally in wheelchair tennis.
Martina Widjaja, president of the Indonesian Tennis Associa- The PTR’s Golden Eagle Award for service to the game of
tion, was named a USPTA Honorary Member. wheelchair tennis was presented to Harlon Matthews of
Other honorees are: Bob McKinley, New Braunfels, Texas, McDonough, Ga. Matthews, a PTR-certified instructor, coach-
Touring Coach of the Year; Peter Burling, Granville, Ohio, College es many able-bodied players. In recognition of his honor,
Coach of the Year; Dale Eshelbrenner, Kansas City, Mo., High Sports Tutor gave Matthews a Tennis Tutor ball-throwing
School Coach of the Year; Tommy Wade, Tuscaloosa, Ala., George machine. The Sportsmanship Award went to Bryan Lankford
Bacso Tester of the Year. of Macon, Ga.
Division Player of the Year honors went to: Anders Eriksson, Open division winners of the PTR/ROHO Wheelchair
Austin, Men’s Open; Kevin Pope, Fremont, Calif., Men’s 35-and- Championships are: Men’s Singles: David Hall, Australia;
Over ; Jason Morton, Sun Lakes, Ariz., co-Men’s 45-and-Over; Val Men’s Doubles: Hall and Jayant Mistry, England; Women’s
Wilder, Fort Worth, Texas, co-Men’s 45-and-Over; Julie Cass, Singles: Esther Vergeer, Netherlands; Women’s Doubles:
Austin, Women’s Open; Robin Keener, Melbourne, Fla., Women’s Vergeer and Jiske Griffioen, Netherlands.
35-and-Over ; Kathy Vick, Lubbock, Texas, Women’s 45-and-Over.
USPTA divisions receiving awards were: Texas, Division of the
Year; Midwest, Newsletter of the Year; Southwest, Most Improved.

 The Handdri ad in the Sept/Oct issue of RSI had the wrong
phone number. The correct phone number for Handdri is 1-

 In the Sept/Oct issue of RSI, page 38, the chart of new strings
for Fall 2005 had the website listed for Pacific incorrectly. The
correct website for Pacific string is:

8 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005


Loehr to Headline Wilson, Nickelodeon Offer SpongeBob Racquets

ASBA Technical
ickelodeon's fun-loving, sea-
dwelling sponge brings his enthu-

Meeting in Tampa siasm to the world of sporting

goods in a special line of tennis rac-

im Loehr will be the keynote quets for kids. Through a partnership
speaker at the American Sports with Nickelodeon and Viacom Con-
Builders Association’s Technical sumer Products, Wilson Racquet Sports
Meeting and Trade Show, to be held created a line of SpongeBob
Dec. 4 to 6 at the Grand Hyatt Tampa SquarePants tennis racquets that will
Bay in Tampa, Fla. Loehr is chairman, hit stores in early 2006.
CEO, and co-founder of LGE Perform- Wilson's SpongeBob SquarePants
ance Systems, a training company for line is targeted to boys and girls ages 2
business executives, professional ath- to 11 and is available in 19-, 21- and
letes, and others. 23-inch lengths.
The Technical Meeting offers semi- "SpongeBob SquarePants is a cul-
nars and presentations on court build- tural icon adored by kids," says
ing and other topics related to facility Sherice Torres, vice president for Nick-
construction and maintenance. The elodeon and Viacom Consumer Prod-
Trade Show will feature some of the ucts. "Partnering with Wilson is a
newest products and services in the great opportunity to use his loveable
industry. character to encourage fitness and get
To register for the conference, visit kids excited about playing tennis." For more For more information, visit
information, call 866-501-ASBA.

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 9

N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 5


Eight Tennis Teachers Earn E TC

USPTA Master Professional Pogy Inc.’s• Steve Appleton, Micron Technol-
chairman, CEO, and president, won

ight tennis pros recently earned recognition as the 2005 Intercollegiate Tennis Association Achievement
USPTA Master Professionals, the highest profes- Award, presented by Montblanc and Tennis Week Magazine.
sional rating within the organization. Only about 1 Appleton attended Boise State University on a tennis scholarship
percent of USPTA’s more than 13,000 members world- from 1978-82.
wide have achieved the Master Pro designation. The
• Brad Singer is the tennis national sales manager and business development
eight were recognized during an awards presentation
officer for Tail Inc., and Andrea Varat is the new customer fulfillment manager.
at the 78th World Conference on Tennis in September.
They are: • Tim Miles is the new regional sales manager for northern and southern Florida
 Fred Burdick, Dalton, Ga., owner/director of Moun- for Gamma Sports. Miles was Gamma’s regional sales manager for Mississippi,
tain View Tennis Tennessee, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle since 2004.
 Jeff Hawes, Gibsonville, N.C., tennis director at Ala-
mance Country Club • Andre Agassi, playing with a Head Flexpoint Radical OS, reached the final
 Will Hoag, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., director of tennis at of the US Open this year for the sixth time in his career. Agassi and
Coral Ridge Country Club Head joined forces in the summer of 1993, and Agassi has won
 Dan O’Connell, Nadi, Fiji, South Pacific, Internation- seven of eight career Grand Slam titles playing with Head’s Radical
al Tennis Federation development officer, Pacific tennis racquets.
Oceania • Current No.2 –ranked racquetball player Jack Huczek (right)
 Albert “Allie” Ritzenberg, Bethesda, Md., will wear Ashaway’s new 500i line of racquetball shoes. Huczek,
founder/director of St. Alban’s Tennis Club the 2004 world champion, consulted on the design of the shoes.
 Paul Roetert, Ph.D., Key Biscayne, Fla., managing
director of USA Tennis High Performance • Jim Kohr, a member of Team Gamma/Fischer, won the Men’s
 Pat Whitworth, Stone Mountain, Ga., director of ten- 35 Doubles and Mixed Doubles at the 2005 USPTA Interna-
nis at Hamilton Mill tional Championships. He plays with the Fischer
 David Zeutas-Broer, Worcester, Mass., director of Magnetic Speed racquet and Gamma’s Live
high performance and junior competition for USA Wire Professional string.
Tennis New England.

10 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005


Wilson Launches Redesigned Website USTA Offers

ilson Racquet Sports recently launched a new tennis website with flash fea-
tures and enhanced product, player, and tour information available at
“Tennis for Life”
The website features information on top-ranked players and the Wilson gear
they use including Roger Federer, the Bryan Brothers, Lindsay Davenport, and
he USTA has reached an agree-
Venus and Serena Williams. It also features a special flash section and information
ment with Peter Burwash Inter-
on the new W line of high performance racquets for women that debuted prior to
national for the non-exclusive
the start of the 2005 US Open.
The W line is a series of frames engineered for women that combines Wilson’s right to use the “Tennis for Life”
nCode technology with a new frame construction, added comfort features, and trademark on 80,000 bracelets to
vibrant cosmetics and patterns. Wilson also plans to add an interactive section promote the lifetime health benefits
where fans can download screensavers and other fun features along with back- of the game. “Tennis for Life,” the
ground on Wilson. title of a book authored by Peter Bur-
wash and the theme for many of the
seminars he has given, is a registered
trademark of PBI.
“We owe a debt of thanks to Peter
Burwash for allowing the USTA and
our 17 sections to use the ‘Tennis for
Life’ trademark,” says Kurt Kamper-
man, the USTA’s chief executive of
Community Tennis. “‘Tennis for Life’
succinctly positions tennis as a life-
time sport with unparalleled health

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 11


Roddick Wears New Babolat Tennis Shoe Prince O3 Technology

abolat and Andy Roddick teamed up just before the US Open to
introduce the new Babolat Team All Court tennis shoe to the U.S. Wins Design Award

market. Roddick, who signed an agreement to wear the shoe start- rince Sports has received the Red Dot Design
ing in 2006, actually began wearing them at the Cincinnati Masters Series Award in recognition of its design quality for O3
Tournament in August, and then at the 2005 Open. Technology. The Red Dot Design Awards is one of
“I wore them for the first time [in Cincinnati] and they performed the largest design competitions worldwide. In 2005,
great," says Roddick, who will be working with Babolat on his own sig- there were 638 entries from 24 countries in the com-
nature model that will be available in the petition.
spring. Roddick, along with executives “This is the inaugural year for O3 Technology, and
from Babolat and Michelin, introduced the it has been embraced by the tennis community,”
shoe at a press conference in New York says Linda Glassel, v.p. of marketing communica-
City just before the US Open. tions for Prince. “But it’s also causing people outside
Babolat and Michelin combined their the tennis world to do a double-take. It’s an honor to
expertise and resources in developing receive such a distinguished design award, and we’re
the first tennis shoe with a Michelin sole proud of the team inside our company who created
for sale in the U.S. The Team All Court a racquet so unique that the world is taking notice.”
($99 suggested retail) is the first in what In other O3-related news, the Web Marketing
will be a six-model line of durable, high-per- Association has recognized the Prince O3 micro web-
formance tennis shoes sold in the U.S. site with the 2005 WebAward for Outstanding
For more information, visit or call 877-316-9435. Achievement in Website Development. It is the third
award that the micro site has won in 2005. For more
FOR SALE: Gamma 6500 Els NEAR NEW. Call Heidi at 310/573-1331 to make an offer
$300 in EXTRAS incl. Retails for $1,700 +
shipping, but can be yours for $1,300
FOR SALE: Assorted tennis racquets. Demos
and new frames, including shoes. Contact
Van der Meer Honored at TTC
OBO. Buyer pays shipping, but machine On Aug. 27, after devoting the day on court for Arthur
Heidi for list and prices at 310/573-1331 or
can be packed in custom crate for safest Ashe Kids’ Day, Dennis Van der Meer was presented
email: [email protected]
ship. Seller located in Davis, CA. (Pickup
with the inaugural USTA Faculty Emeritus Award by
also available.) Contact Ed @ FOR SALE: Three (3) Head Prestige midsize
USTA President Franklin Johnson at the USTA Tennis
[email protected] or 530/400- frames, 4-3/8 grips, strung w/Intellistring
5203. Should go fast, don’t wait!
Teacher's Conference in New York City. The award was
Very good condition. Asking: $75. Contact:
Fred Feldman, email: [email protected]
presented in recognition of Van der Meer's 35 consec-
FOR SALE: Tecnifibre TF5500 electronic utive years giving presentations to attendees at the
stringing machine, excellent condition, FOR SALE: Over 300 sets of grommets avail- conference. Van der Meer (below right) is the founder
with extra center clamps and cover; able for tennis, racquetball and squash. Will and president of the PTR.
$3800 includes shipping within continen- make a deal on large quantities and would
tal US. Contact Vince Chiarelli at like to sell them all. Make offer. I can send
727/595-7068 or email: stringa- an Excel spreadsheet of the exact items.
[email protected] Contact: Larry at 303/422-4540 or email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Wilson H Rival, 4-1/2 grip,
strung with Wilson Reaction at 63 lbs.; FOR SALE: Specialty Tennis Shop located in
used once. Asking: $100. Contact: Don fastest growing county in SW Florida in
Donati, [email protected] or major business district. Secured accounts.
860/669-6726 Established clientele & lessons. Will train
new owner. Secured lease with shop
FOR SALE: 7 Prince DNA Helix squash
frontage at major intersection. Financing
strings, 17 gauge; 3 Prince Duraflex bad-
available for qualified buyer. Asking: $85,000
minton strings, 21 gauge; 1 Prince Exten-
US (price dependent on inventory). Serious
der squash string, 17 gauge. Call Heidi at
inquiries only: 941/629-3398
310/573-1331 or email: HeidiWes-
[email protected] for more info STRINGERS WANTED – We’re looking for a
professional stringer with experience to work
FOR SALE: Prince, Wilson, Volkl assort-
in our new store. We’re the largest tennis
ment of grommets for sale. Huge selec-
store in Texas with a large daily volume of
tion available! Call Heidi at
racquets. Come join our Team. Send resume
310/573-1331 to make an offer
to [email protected] or fax: 713/781-
FOR SALE: Available spare and extra 1237
parts for a Prince NEOS 2000 stringer.

12 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005


PTR Sets 2006 Symposium

he 2006 PTR International Tennis
Symposium and $25,000 Champi-
onships will be Feb. 18-24. For
those registering before Dec. 1, the fee
is $295.
Registration includes more than 40
presentations, the Awards Banquet,
Recognition Breakfast, three dinner par-
ties, trade show, and more. For more
information or to register, call 800-421-
6289 or visit

June / July MRTs

Randy Dugan Cincinnati, OH
Nate Engler Grand Rapids, MI
Sharon Hall Athens, GA
Larry Niemeyer Desperes, MO
Baris Sevinc Huntington, CT

August / September MRTs

Adam Arriaga Kyle, TX
Caleb Brooks San Luis Obispo, CA
Jose Castaneda Kyle, TX
Kelly Gunterman Stratton Mtn, VT
Chris Kohl Lebanon, MO
Jorge Mesarina Winter Park, FL
Jesse McNamara San Luis Obispo, CA
Layne Nielson San Luis Obispo, CA
Chris Neutill San Luis Obispo, CA
Darin Norton West Olive, MI
Preston Payton Austin, TX
Chris Patranella San Antonio, TX
Mark Roberts San Luis Obispo, CA
Robert Russett Ocala, FL
Matthew Schrader Ft. Wayne, IN
Steve Smith Cincinnati, OH
Arun Srinivasan San Luis Obispo, CA
Erin Stark San Luis Obispo, CA
Angie Zguna Winter Park, FL
Kim Zylker San Luis Obispo, CA

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 13


The U.S. Davis Cup squad beat Belgium, 4-1, in September to > Tennis fans who wagered on that Gilles
in the World Group and be eligible to compete for the Cup in Muller and Ekaterina Bychkova would upset Andy Roddick and
2006. Seeded eighth in the 16-team field, the U.S. will play one of the Svetlana Kuznetsova, respectively, at this year’s US Open cashed in.
eight unseeded teams in the first round, Feb. 10-12, at a site to be A $100 bet on Muller returned $750, while the same bet on
determined by the host nation. Bychokova earned $650, according to the website.

> SlingHopper Inc. and Gamma Sports provided about 20 PTR teach-
ing pros with SlingHopper drill bags during the 2005 Arthur Ashe Kids’
> USTA Magazine won an American Graphic Design Award for its
May/June 2004 issue, which featured race car driver Jeff Gordon on
Day of court games and activities. For more information visit the cover (“Rev Up Your Game!”), and contained a “Come Out Swinging” section promoting the Tennis Welcome Center program.

> Martina Hingis led the New York Sportimes to its first World
TeamTennis champions at the WTT Finals presented by Advanta,
The Lincoln Family Life Center of Los Angeles will honor former
and U.S. champion Althea Gibson with a tribute via a
defeating the defending champ Newport Beach Breakers 21-18, at All- Pro/Celebrity Golf & Tennis Invitational Dec. 2-3 at the Ojai Valley
state Stadium in Citrus Heights, Calif., in September. Inn & Spa Resort in Ojai, Calif. A formal dinner will be held Dec. 3.
For information, visit or call 323-
Fila announced that it will continue to sponsor US Open champ Kim
for the duration of her career. Clijsters has been with the Ital- 293-8535 ext.12 or 15.
ian apparel brand for four years. > American standout James Blake and former world No. 1 Marti-
na Hingis will join other tennis greats at the 13th annual Advanta
> US Open SmashZone presented by, an interactive tennis
experience put on during the US Open, set a record attendance of World TeamTennis Smash Hits presented by the Hershey Company
145,000 during the two weeks of the tournament. on Nov. 7 at the GIANT Center in Hershey, Pa. For ticket informa-
tion, call 717-534-3911 or visit
Humanitarian and world-class tennis player Arthur Ashe was
on a postage stamp when the U.S. Postal Service con- > The nominations for the 2006 International Tennis Hall of Fame
Induction Ballot are: Patrick Rafter, Gabriela Sabatini, Michael Stich,
ducted a first-day-of-issue stamp dedication ceremony under the shad-
ows of the stadium bearing his name. The ceremony took place as part Sven Davidson, Christine Truman Janes, Gianni Clerici, and Eiichi
of Arthur Ashe Kids’ Day activities kicking off the 2005 US Open. Kawatei.

Tennis Magazine’s Most Memorable Moments of the Past 40 Years, > The DecoTurf website,, has been redesigned
>a celebration of the magazine’s 40th anniversary, debuted on The Ten- with a fresh, new look, more technical data, court layouts, and a
nis Channel in September. unique tennis court colorizer.

Hot NYC Party Marks Debut of Wilson “W” Line

ilson Racquet Sports’ tennis stars, including Roger Federer, Venus and Serena Williams, and Justine Henin-Hardenne, took an
evening off from their US Open preparations to join the company at its huge launch party for the new W line of racquets for
Wilson says the W line is the first-ever comprehensive line of high performance racquets engineered and designed specifical-
ly for women. The line combines Wilson’s nCode technology with a new construction and distinct cos-
metics in a series of nine frames that hit retailers in October.
“The W line represents a new concept for the industry by developing a line of racquets
exclusively for women taking into account playability, performance, look, and feel,” says Brian
Dillman, v.p. of Global Marketing for Wilson. “We are the first company to address the needs of
the athlete first and then take individual style as a very important criteria in selecting a
Former No. 7-ranked player Barbara Schett, who emceed the New York launch party, is
the spokesperson for the W line. Schett, 28, retired in 2005 after 12 years on the tour.
The W line is categorized into three headsizes. Suggested retail prices range from
$199.99 to $269.99. The line also features accessories that correspond to the racquet
design including bags, visors, caps, and trucker hats. In association with Wilson’s Hope
line, for every purchase from the W line, Wilson makes a donation to the Breast Can-
cer Research Foundation.
In other Wilson news, Federer, playing with the Wilson nSix-One Tour, successfully
defended his US Open singles title this year. And in an all-Wilson doubles final, Bob and
Mike Bryan defeated Jonas Bjorkman and Max Mirnyi. The Bryans play with the nPro
Surge and Bjorkman and Mirnyi with the nSix-One 95.
For more information, visit or call 800-272-6060.

14 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005


Völkl Launches New Becker Racquet Series

ölkl Sport America’s newest product line is a series of frames
designed by, and played with by, former champion Boris Becker.
The new Boris Becker (BB) line will consist of racquets for every
type of player, along with a series of equipment bags and grips.
Over the next year, a total of four BB frames will be
launched: a game-improvement racquet, a “tweener” frame, an
entry-level frame, and the BB10 performance racquet, for play-
ers 3.5 and higher. Völkl Tennis Vice President Chris Pearson
says the BB10 has been out on the international market since
early summer and already is the company’s best seller.
The BB10 is available now in the U.S. It has a 100-square-
inch head size, a strung weight of 10.9 ounces, and a head-light
balance. Suggested retail is $160 (with a minimum advertised
price of $139).
The line is the first racquet series to carry the Boris Becker name.
“I have put all my personal tennis knowledge and many years of expe-
rience into the creation and development that you will find in this new
racquet series,” says Becker, who is also a co-owner of Völkl Tennis
GmbH. “From the recreational club player to the tournament-level play-
er, every style will find a suitable racquet in this new range.”
The BB series is designed to complement the Völkl DNX racquet
series, says Sarah Maynard, director of marketing and promotions for
Völkl Tennis. “DNX racquets are still a very large focus,” with minimum
advertised prices (MAP) of $150 and higher, she says. “The BB line will
have MAP prices between $100 and $150.”
For more information, call 603-298-0314, email [email protected],
or visit

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 15


Tennis Industry Association

The official consumer launch of Cardio Tennis ( took place dur-
ing the US Open, with fitness guru Denise Austin, Mary Joe Fernandez, Wayne Bryan
and his sons, Bob and Mike, the Cleveland Clinic, plus many media representatives. Arti-
cles and ads are set to appear in many consumer publications. To date, 3,000 DVDs
have been requested and distributed to teaching pros and facilities across the country
and more than 800 facilities have gone through the approval process to become an
official Cardio Tennis site. A partner’s website was designed for the industry to use——which includes a tools section with web banners,
logos and marketing material; curriculum section with animated drills and video, plus a
Health Beat section with a health & fitness guide.


TIA Staff and Cardio Tennis Speakers Teams have presented 25 workshops to nearly
700 tennis teachers. The four-hour training sessions include seminars and on-court
demonstrations and approaches. More workshops are scheduled for the remainder of
2005, including Michigan in November and Fort Lauderdale in December.


With great exposure of during the US Open and US
Open Series, in addition to the continuing industry support on racquet hangtags, tennis
ball cans, shoe box inserts, etc., the Tennis Welcome Center website saw a record num-
ber of hits during 2005 and facilities reported an increase in consumer interest. A toll-
free nationwide customer service line was added and improved website enhancements,
giving TWCs an opportunity to provide program information and receive feedback. An
email postcard feature allowed TWCs to receive a record 8,000 direct contacts from the
consumer. The renewal process for 2006 begins in December with a new marketing
campaign under way and lesson plan: Learn to Play Tennis Fast.
More than 100 entrepreneurs took advantage of the extra marketing dollars available
from the USTA/TIA Co-op program to help promote tennis to new adult and junior play-
ers. Approved facilities can receive $500 to $5,000 in matching advertising/promotional
dollars to reach new players. Visit

In one seven-week period alone, more than 100,000 online court bookings took place,
and the testimonials continue to roll-in on how the player-match engine, court sched-
uler, program calendar and online registration system have been successful additions
for both members and facility operators. Visit

Featuring industry news from TIA members and affiliates, has
expanded its frequency and is electronically distributed to more than 12,000 industry
contacts in addition to tennis writers and publications.

The most comprehensive single-sport participation study—the U.S. Tennis Participation
Study—is under way for the fourth consecutive year. With 25,500 telephone interviews
starting and follow-up interviews with 1,500 players, former players and non-players,
Sports Marketing Surveys and The Taylor Research & Consulting Group have combined
efforts to produce the largest report of its kind to measure tennis participation in the
United States.

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 17


Community Tennis Development Workshop Tennis Groups Rally

Set for California in February For Hurricane Victims

any associations and companies

he theme for the 2006 Community Tennis Development Workshop, “Heroes
involved in tennis donated to
Among Us,” is designed to honor those who have shaped community tennis. And,
relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina
if the last few years are any guide, the upcoming CTDW will continue the tradition
victims. The USTA announced that it will
of shaping tennis in communities around the country.
donate $500,000 from the US Open pro-
By many accounts, the CTDW, which will be Feb. 3-5 at the Renaissance Holly-
ceeds to the Red Cross effort. In addi-
wood Hotel in Hollywood, Calif., is one of the most impactful in terms of educating,
tion, donations were taken on-site from
informing, and inspiring those who actually deliver tennis programs at the grassroots
fans. Other relief efforts include:
level. For the last few years, the event has been growing in popularity and atten-
Tecnifibre has donated racquets,
dance. Last year, the CTDW, held in Destin, Fla., brought in nearly 700 people from
string, grips, bags, and tennis balls to
around the country. Now, officials at the USTA are realizing how important this con-
the Tulane University men’s and
ference is—and can be—to growing the game, so they’re planning on ramping up the
women’s tennis teams, which have
promotion of the event.
relocated to Texas A&M University.
The 2006 CTDW will feature a full lineup of educa-
“Our teams got out of New Orleans
tional sessions, designed for anyone who is involved with
essentially with overnight bags and the
Community Tennis Associations, tennis facilities, public
clothes on their backs,” says David
parks, teaching and coaching tennis, and more. Negotia-
Schumacher, Tulane’s head women’s
tions are pending at press time for keynote speaker Jim
coach. “Tecnifibre has generously
MacLaren (who also spoke at the USA Tennis Teachers
offered what we need to get back in the
Conference in August in New York), a motivational and
inspirational speaker who appeared on the Oprah Win-
Prince Sports has donated nearly
frey Show in September (right).
$50,000 worth of apparel to hurricane
Registration details were still being worked out at
victims, and the manufacturer also has
press time, but visit for more information. USTA launched a program through its dealers
called "Demo For Relief,” in which par-
ticipating dealers who require racquet
demo fees have been asked to donate
the money. "We encourage all tennis
enthusiasts to demo a racquet and help
make a difference in the lives of those
affected," says Prince USA President
Doug Fonte.
USPTA is asking for donations to
assist its member tennis-teaching pro-
fessionals and their families. Many not
only lost their jobs, but they also lost
their homes. Donations may be made
at the Donations of
cash or assistance with temporary or
permanent jobs will be accepted by the
USPTA World Headquarters and distrib-
uted by the USPTA's Southern and
Florida divisions and districts. Employ-
ers with job openings should contact
Fred Burdick in the USPTA Southern
Division, at [email protected].
The USTA Southern Section is
donating at least $100,000 to help with
tennis-related relief and recovery
efforts, including the rebuilding and
repairing of damaged facilities, assis-
tance to displaced tennis pros and the
re-establishment of adult and junior
USTA programs at temporary sites.

18 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

and others in this business
about Babolat North
AmericaBs general manager,
Max Brownlee, and the same
phrases keep popping up:
@professional,A @honest,A @high
standards,A @great products,A
@man of his word,A @industry
Brownlee is not a flashy character. He seems to like letting
others receive the credit. But as the driving force behind
Babolat in North America in terms of sales, marketing, and
distribution, Brownlee has overseen, even choreographed,
what many industry-watchers say is a “phenomenon.”
The French company Babolat was the first to make
strings for tennis racquets, back in 1875, and the brand has
been well-known in the U.S. and globally for its popular VS
Gut. Racquets were added much later, first in Europe, then
in the U.S. market, and that’s where Brownlee’s genius
comes in.
The Babolat Pure Drive frame was introduced in the U.S.
five years ago, and from having no market share in rac- which is headquartered in Boulder, Colo., in 2000.
quets in 2000, Babolat “is closing in on 19 percent” market Brownlee is typically modest when recalling that launch,
share today, says Brownlee, the fastest growth ever in the attributing the racquet’s success to two words: “Andy
U.S. market. By any measure, that is a phenomenon. Just Roddick.”
before this year’s US Open, Babolat introduced its first ten- “We were very fortunate when we introduced the rac-
nis shoe to the U.S., partnering with another longtime quet, because Roddick started his phenomenon at the same

Max Brownlee Bs
French company, Michelin. time,” says Brownlee. “People would say, ‘Andy’s doing
But Babolat’s story in North well, and he’s playing with a racquet we’ve never heard of.’
America is about more than just It brought so much awareness that junior players started
TIPS FOR SUCCESS product that appears to jump off calling us.”
 Build a solid foundation that
retailers’ shelves. As the compa- At that time, Babolat had about 150 dealers in the U.S,
ny’s front man in the U.S., Brown- says Brownlee. “We weren’t a racquet you could easily find
stresses long-term growth and
success. lee is well-respected for what he in the marketplace. At the beginning, the Pure Drive
 Support the people, and retailers, does within the industry, for pro- became known as a junior racquet. It took a couple of years
that supported you early on. tecting his retailers, for controlling for the Pure Drive to become a real name out there,” he
 Do your homework before intro- product distribution. And for 2005, says. Gradually, more top players started using the Pure
ducing new products, so as not Brownlee is RSI’s Person of the Drive. (Currently, Roddick, Rafael Nadal, Kim Clijsters, Mar-
to overwhelm retailers. Year. iano Puerta, Ivan Ljubicic, Nadia Petrova, and Fernando
Brownlee’s involvement in ten- Gonzalez, among others, play with Babolat frames.)
nis began decades ago, as a USPTA teaching professional. The Pure Drive racquet, after its introduction in April
He was with Wilson Racquet Sports for nine years, then 2000, spent nearly 2-1/2 years working its way to No. 1 in
with Prince for 14 years. He joined Babolat North America, terms of dollars in pro/specialty stores in the U.S., accord-

20 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

ing to data from Sports Marketing Surveys USA. It hit the Babolat now has more than 700 authorized racquet deal-
top position in September 2002 and, over the next three ers in the U.S., says Brownlee. “We’re a very profitable
years, has held a firm grip on No. 1 (with the exception brand for retailers,” he says. “We don’t change our racquet
of two months: February 2003 and April 2005)—an line on a frequent basis, and that’s been very important for
unprecedented 34 months as the top-selling racquet at retailers. [Company President] Eric Babolat and senior
pro/specialty shops. management [in France] have entrusted in me when we
Behind the scenes of the racquet launch was Brown- feel we need to bring racquets into the U.S.
lee, controlling the distribution, “This summer, we
working with marketing director didn’t introduce any rac-
Marc Pinsard, and protecting both quets in the U.S., while all
price and, at the time, his relatively the other brands did,” he
small but loyal retailer following. continues. “Our philoso-
Industry-watchers say the slow phy is that unless there’s
buildup and sustained peak in sales, a reason to introduce a
atypical for racquet introductions new racquet, we won’t.
today, was due to a couple of factors. Dealers appreciate that.”
First, Babolat was new to the racquet This “cleanness” of
business in the U.S. and Brownlee product line is appealing
was carefully building up his network to retailers. “Max goes
of top-quality distributors. Second, against the norm of the
and possibly more important, way the business has
Brownlee kept his efforts—and that tended to operate,” says
of his retailers—focused on the Pure Dale Queen of Your Serve
Drive; he didn’t bring other racquet Tennis in Atlanta. “As far
models to the U.S. market. as distribution and price,
“Max truly understands how to they keep the product
market his racquets in this country,” very clean, and they stay
says Mark Mason of Mason’s Tennis with product longer, pick-
Mart in New York City. “By opening ing and choosing dealers
up only a few accounts the first cou- that will represent their
ple of years, Babolat became so product favorably, as
important to each account that we all opposed to just being
felt the need to give it maximum sold on price. If other
exposure. I love how he views Babo- companies had [the Pure
lat as a specialty-only brand, and Drive] racquet, they’d
how he understands the need to have gotten rid of it or
have every account hold prices.” changed it somehow.”
And when it comes to holding prices, Brownlee says the
in particular a man- company is taking the
ufacturer’s “mini- same controlled distribu-
Babolat VS

mum advertised tion approach to its new

price,” or MAP, shoe line that it did for its
Brownlee is a cham- Pure Drive racquet
pion among special- launch. “We now have a
ty retailers. MAP little over 125 dealers in the U.S. for the Team
policies allow local All Court shoe,” he says. “In 2006, we’ll intro-
Michelin North America

retail stores to main- duce a slightly larger line, and expand to about
tain margins and 300 dealers. We’re taking it slow because we
compete against want to make sure Babolat shoes are going to
larger stores and be received well by the retailer and con-
internet retailers. sumer.”
Babolat recently Industry insiders say that under Brownlee,
won a court case Babolat is forcing other manufacturers—
against a California company that went against Babolat’s whether consciously or not—to take a hard look at how
MAP policy, and Brownlee says they’re currently pursuing they’re doing business in the U.S., and how they relate to
another U.S. company. “We have an advertising policy, and their retailers.
we’re a strong believer that if you have one, you should “Max,” says Queen, “is certainly a leader in this busi-
enforce it,” he says. ness, not a follower.” —Peter Francesconi

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 21

WHEN IT COMES TO OPERATING a small business, con- quet World—whose website,,
ventional wisdom says success is all about location. But you launched recently—also is the official stringer for the
don’t have to convince specialty retailer Leon Echevarria of Orange Bowl Junior Tournament. And the store, in con-
Racquet World in Miami. A decision to relocate his shop has junction with some of its vendors, supports 12 to 15 leagues
turned an already successful business into one of South and local tournaments.
Florida’s tennis retail meccas. “Leon runs an effective business and he really under-
Racquet World’s growth has led it to become so well- stands customer service,” says Greg Mason, the director of
respected and successful—its merchandising, customer ser- marketing and pro/specialty sales at Head/Penn. “He’s also
vice, community outreach and promotions are
top-notch—that it’s been named RSI’s Pro/Specialty Retail-
er of the Year.
Three years ago, however, the business was at a cross-
roads. “In order to really take a step up and make a differ-
ence in the business, we had to make some changes,”
Echevarria says. He opted to shake things up and relocate
his business from its old home in the far corner of a strip
mall to a location about a mile away, just off of Highway
US1, and its thousands of potential drive-by customers.
“I thought to myself, I can either stay at this level my
whole life or try to make a move to
the big time,” says Echevarria (at
right in inset), who owns the store
with his brother, Felipe (left). “I am
getting smarter as I go.” The new
locale allowed him to up the size of
the shop from 1,800 to 2,800 square
feet and add about 30 percent more one of the nicest guys you’ll ever
merchandise to the sales floor. meet.”
But Echevarria didn’t stop there. Inside the shop, however, is where
To further heighten Racquet World’s Echevarria truly shines. A knowledge-
profile, he asked one of his cus- able, exemplary, full-time staff of
tomers—who happened to be a marketing executive for the nine, a focus on customer service, and some unexpected
Nasdaq-100 pro tennis tournament—about potential part- personal touches keep his customers coming back.
nership ideas. Today, Racquet World is the official store of Racquet World makes keeping its customers happy—no-
the Nasdaq-100 (Racquet World operates a 1,500-square- hassle returns, warranties, and even restringing for free are
foot retail space at the tournament site), with an exclusive standard policies—a priority, right down to the snazzy, per-

Racquet WorldBs bags, and accessories during the

deal to sell racquets, strings, sonalized peel-off labels with the store’s logo that come
with every string job. “It looks very professional, and peo-
TIPS FOR SUCCESS event. ple are always impressed,” Echevarria says.
“We take our stringing business seriously,” says
 Do everything within your
“This also brings a lot business
to the store year-round, and it Echevarria. “It’s the foundation of our store. A happy string-
power to please customers.
 Partner with vendors to support
gives us a lot of credibility,” says ing customer has to come into the store once to drop off the
Echevarria, who sponsors or racquet then again to pick it up, so you have two chances
local leagues and tournaments.
donates prizes to a bevy of small- to interact with him.” Racquet World strings about 50 rac-
The exposure you’ll gain could
er tournaments and leagues quets a day, on three Babolat Sensor machines. Echevarria
be immeasurable.
 Great merchandise displays, throughout the year as well. “So himself is a Master Racquet Technician.
and a clean store, will keep many people from all over the For one industry insider, though, the “how” of Echevar-
customers coming back. world are in the area, we just had ria’s success is a no-brainer. “I’ve seen a lot of retailers
to be a strong part of the event.” come and go,” says Ana April, sales rep for Prince in the
For further branding, Echevarria gives away a free T-shirt Southeast, who’s worked with Echevarria from the day he
with every purchase during the Nasdaq-100, which creates opened his doors in 1990. “He’s got one of the most suc-
customer loyalty. cessful businesses I’ve ever seen in Florida, and he’s built it
But Echevarria also goes beyond the big pro event. Rac- up from ground zero. He’s the best.” —Mitch Rustad

22 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

Though often still linked by their country-club rep-
utations, golf and tennis aren't exactly the yin and
yang items they once were. More often, they seem at
odds with one another these days, competing for their
shares of America's recreational dollars, television rat-
ings, and overall popularity.
But don't tell the folks at Golfsmith—they won't
hear a word of it. In 2003, the San Francisco-based
golf retailer acquired six of the area's best-known
chain stores, Don Sherwood's Golf and Tennis World,
with an eye toward expanding their Bay-
area business. Ironically, Golfsmith believed
that its ideal doubles partner—or should we
say twosome?—was tennis. Retailer/Mass Merchant of the Year Award.
“Tennis is a natural complement to our Looking into 2006 and beyond, company officials
national golf business,” says Jim Thompson are convinced they can bring a specialty retail
(right), president and CEO of Golfsmith, a approach to a nationwide consumer base.
portfolio company of Atlantic Equity Part- “We believe the tennis retail market is very simi-
ners III, L.P., a fund operated by First lar to the golf retail market in that there is a strong
Atlantic Capital, Ltd. base of dedicated players, a fragmented national
And Thompson isn’t kidding. By fall retail market, and the absence of a true national spe-
2005, 32 Golfsmith stores across the coun- cialty brand,” says Thompson. “After serving tennis
try were showcasing the finest tennis products on the mar- consumers for decades in the San Francisco Bay
ket, part of a new store-within-a-store concept to Area, we are convinced that this is a viable national market
adequately show off the sport. The ultimate goal? “To with real revenue-generating potential.”
“Nobody does it all at a national level,” says Corey.
“There are some great local retailers, but our real goal is to
become the first multi-channel tennis specialty retailer in
the U.S.”
For now, Golfsmith has stores in 14 states. “We already

Corey, “but it’s not like we have a GolfsmithBs

cover a lot of metro areas,” says

thousand stores across the coun- TIPS FOR SUCCESS

growth. Eventually, I’d love to  Go beyond the business and

try. We’ve got a lot of room for

support industry initiatives to

retrofit tennis into 100 to 200 of
help grow the game.
 Customer-friendly features, such
our existing golf stores.”
But perhaps more importantly as a demo program, certified
for the sport of tennis, Golfsmith stringers, and 24-hour turn-
is clearly interested in being a around for stringing, go a long
good industry citizen. “I’ve been way to building customer
super-pleased with Golfsmith and loyalty.
the way they’ve been reaching out  Get the best employees you
to the tennis community,” says can. “We’re a specialty retail-
Kevin Kempin of Head/Penn. er,” says Corey. You have to
become the Home Depot of specialty tennis retailers,” says
Golfsmith’s recent participa- have the best people, so they
Matt Corey, the company's vice president of can really explain the game to
marketing. tion in the Tennis Industry Associ-
Golfsmith’s growth and commitment to tennis—along ation meetings during the US
with its customer-friendly features such as certified racquet Open shows “they’re not just
stringers, 24-hour stringing services, a demo racquet pro- coming into tennis with just a profit mentality,” says
gram, Golfsmith Gift Cards, and special financing pro- Kempin. “They want to understand the sport and support
grams—have earned the company RSI’s 2005 Chain our initiatives and help grow the game.” —Mitch Rustad

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 23

PASSIONS RUN HIGH WHEN TALKING about online And TW offers more than simply the ability to order rac-
retailing in the tennis business. Many traditional brick-and- quets, shoes, apparel, and other equipment online. For
mortar store owners who are not also selling on the inter- instance, TW has a racquet demo program that consumers
net obviously feel it cuts into their business, while those rave about. Customers can demo up to four frames for a
successfully selling online see internet retailing as a logical week, paying just the two-day freight costs. “It offers con-
extension. But there is no denying that online retailing can, venience and selection that you can’t find anywhere else,”
indeed, be big business in this industry. says Munster, who came up with the program.
TW also does all its own racquet and shoe playtests and
does its own measuring and specifications for racquets.
The company uses string test data provided by the U.S.
Racquet Stringers Association, and at any one time, there
are more than 20 Master Racquet Technicians on staff,
with new stringers coming up the ladder, their sights set
on taking the MRT test.
Consumer education is a big deal for TW, and the web-
site’s “Learning Center,” created and constantly updated
by TW’s president, Don Hightower, is packed with infor-
mation, from how to customize a racquet, to proper
footwear and apparel sizing, to understanding the latest
racquet technologies, and more. “People come to Tennis
Warehouse as an information source, as much as to pur-
chase product,” says Hightower.
Also important to Tennis Warehouse—and to its web-
site visitors—is “Talk Tennis,” which the com-
pany says is the most active tennis
equipment message board in the world,
with an average of 10,000 posts per
Those successfully selling online are doing month and more than 30,000 page views
more than just moving product, per day. “A big part of what we do
though. They’re changing the is listen to our customers,”
nature of retailing in the tennis says Hightower, adding that
business. And no online retailer has that’s simply what suc-
had a greater impact than Tennis Warehouse, which is why cessful brick-and-mortar shops do, too.
the company based in San Luis Obispo, Calif., has been cho- But Tennis Warehouse, and other online retailers, are to
sen as RSI’s Online Retailer of the Year, the first time we’ve some extent forcing change on the tennis retailing business.
given an award in this category. “We react very quickly to changes in the market,” says
Tennis Warehouse was started by Drew Munster in 1992 Munster. “I think we’ve simply increased the pace in which
as a 500-square-foot specialty tennis shop in San Luis Obis- business is done. The whole point

and that’s what we’ve tried to do. Tennis

po, where TW still maintains a storefront. Prior to that, is to build a better mousetrap,

“It all comes down to execu- WarehouseBs

Munster (above) had founded ComputerWare in Palo Alto,
Calif., which became the largest Apple Macintosh-only deal-
er in the U.S. and earned the No. 5 spot on Inc. Magazine’s tion, at all levels,” he continues. TIPS FOR SUCCESS
 Actively interact with, and lis-
1990 list of 500 fastest-growing companies in America, “We try to have the right prod-
with a five-year growth of 21,900 percent. ucts and do a good job with peo- ten to, your customers.
“Tennis Warehouse really started more or less as a soft- ple’s orders. As unglamorous as it  Be an information source for
ware project for me,” says Munster, the owner and CEO, may be, it’s a simple execution your customers. Help them
who wrote the software that continues to run TW. “The idea model at all levels: details, details, understand the new technolo-
was to sell the software, rather than grow the business that details. We’re more interested in gies, the details about racquets
ran it, but at a certain point I saw more of an opportunity in what our customers think of us and customization, etc.
the [Tennis Warehouse] business than in selling the soft- than what our competitors think  At all levels, pay attention to
ware.” In 1995, was launched, of us. Ours is a story of momen- the execution of your business,
tum, rather than of overnight suc- and pay attention to the
and full online ordering was made available in 1998.
Now, TW has up to 120 employees during high season. cess.” —Peter Francesconi

24 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

TALK TO BOB PATTERSON ABOUT stringing and one works for Players Choice and RacquetMaxx is either an
thing is immediately clear. “Everything we do is built on MRT or in training to be one.” (Patterson also administers
consistency,” he says. That word—“consistency”—sneaks MRT tests in his area.)
in everywhere. Patterson, of Birmingham, Ala., even has Helping the RacquetMaxx team, especially when it
his customers using it. comes to matching racquets, are the USRSA’s Stringer’s
“The consistency is wonderful,” says recreational player Digest and online tools available to USRSA members at
Jim Perry of nearby Hoover, Ala., of Patterson’s stringing “That website is pretty much up on
expertise. “You know that when you take your racquet in, our computer at all times,” Patterson says.
it’s going to be exactly the same every time.” RacquettMaxx ( not only has
Patterson has been stringing racquets—consistently— tons of local business
for three decades. And it’s his consistency in all aspects of (normal turnaround
the business that has earned him RSI’s 2005 Stringer of the is 24 hours), but
Year honors. players also send
Patterson says he kind of fell into stringing. “My first job him frames from
out of high school was overseeing the public tennis courts,” around the country,
he says. “Players there wanted to get their racquets strung. even internationally
I knew nothing about it, but I got some information, (generally, Patterson
ordered a stringing machine, and started stringing.” says, the frames ship
After graduating from the University of Alabama at out within 24 hours).
Birmingham, he kept stringing because he couldn’t find Fees vary according
anyone to string his own racquets. “I invested about $1,000 to string type, but
in a machine and string, and I was overwhelmed with busi- labor, without string,
ness,” Patterson says. “My plan was to recoup the costs in is $18, sometimes
a year, but I recouped it in six weeks.” higher at tourna-
In 1992, Patterson, at the urging of his wife, Pam, ments. “We never
moved his growing business out of the house and opened a discount strings, and
retail shop, Players Choice Tennis (which last year was we never discount
named RSI’s Pro/Speciality Retailer of the Year). Later that racquet service,”
year, to differentiate between the retail shop and the string- says Patterson.
ing business, Patterson created a racquet customization “When I first
business, RacquetMaxx, which shares space with the retail started, I decided that to be the best I could be, I was not
operation. Currently, he has three Babolat stringing going to try to be competitive based on price—there’s
machines in the shop and three more that he and his team always someone willing to do it cheaper,” he says. “That
travel with. didn’t help things take off real rapidly, but over the years,
Patterson estimates that RacquetMaxx does 7,000 to it’s paid dividends.”

Bob PattersonBs
8,000 frames a year. Patterson And, of course, “It’s all about consistency,” Patterson
himself will string 75 to 80 rac- says. “I have guys who want to join the team and tell me
TIPS FOR SUCCESS quets each week, and he’ll pull in how fast they can string, but I want to know if they can

 To help service your customers,

personally trained racquet tech- repeat the results time and again. And that comes from
nicians when business is heavy, being methodical, even down to the most ridiculous
keep a thorough database on
or for stringing at pro events and nuance, which customers do notice.”
your clients and their equip-
other tournaments. Before Rac- Some of those nuances, says Patterson, include always
 For stringing and customization, quetMaxx technicians ever touch mounting the racquet with the butt cap facing up. “We also
take full advantage of the tools a client’s frame, they’ll string put a sticker on the frame, in exactly the same place every
offered by the USRSA. well over 500 racquets. “We have time. And we put the racquet in a plastic bag.” Patterson
 And, as if you need to ask, it’s a pretty extensive, 12-week train- uses a Babolat RDC machine extensively, including record-
all about consistency. ing program,” Patterson says. ing the string-bed deflection on each freshly-strung frame.
“Then we have the new techni- RacquetMaxx also keeps a database on clients and their
cians stringing all the demo racquets. racquet and string specs.
“During training, they hear the word ‘consistency’ so “Whether they’re a recreational player or a top touring
much that they probably want to throw something at me,” pro, they want to get the most out of their equipment,” Pat-
he adds. “The finale is to prepare to take the Master Rac- terson says. “And that’s where consistency really counts.”
quet Technician (MRT) test from the USRSA. Everyone who —Peter Francesconi

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 25

FOR THE FAST-DRY COMPANIES of Pompano Beach, Fla., in his last year at the University of Central Florida.
it's not just about family values, it's about valuing the fam- “The sons are very involved in the business,” says Randy
ily. Steven Dettor started the business in 1981, and now, Futty, the director of sales for Lee Tennis. “They’re just a
with three of his five sons involved in the company—and a great group of folks, and really quality-driven, too.
good chance the other two may join soon—the business is “I’ve been with Lee Tennis for 12 years, and Fast-Dry
booming. has consistently been one of the best builders, if not the
“It's great to have my sons involved,”
says Dettor. “It makes everything a heck
of a lot easier.” But family involvement
isn't the only thing that makes the Fast-
Dry Companies a success.
Fast-Dry's quality of work, customer
service, and well-trained staff all add up to
a business that many court construction
firms should emulate. All those reasons,
and more, have led RSI to pick the Fast-
Dry Companies as our 2005
Builder/Contractor of the Year.
As its name implies, Fast-Dry is actual-
ly two companies. Dettor (right) started
Fast-Dry Corp., a nationwide court supply
company, in 1981. (Prior to that, he was
the general manager of a paving company
based in Fort Lauderdale, where he had
started a tennis division.)
“After I started Fast-Dry, I saw a
tremendous need for construction,” says
Dettor. “There just wasn't a lot of quality
work going on at that time. So three or four years later, I got best builder, in the country,”
heavily into construction.” And that’s when he started Fast- Futty adds. “They do great work,
Dry Courts Inc. Now, the supply company employs about they have great follow-up sup-
30 people, and the court-building side has about seven. port, and they have a really well-

“Everything that I do has to trained, experienced staff.”
do with people,” Dettor says. “I Dettor says that Fast-Dry does
have four really great foremen, between 100 and 150 courts
all of whom have been with me a (including the courts at Woodfield Country Club, shown
 Success is all about attitude. long time. And I have a tremen- above), and about 80 percent of them are clay, with the rest
“You need to like what you’re dous salesman in Frank hard courts. Currently, they’re working on the 15 clay
doing,” says Dettor.
 Stay with it through both the
Froehling, who’s been with us for courts at the Ponte Vedra Inn and Club in Florida.
four years. “Fast-Dry is a perennial winner in our ASBA awards pro-
good and bad times, and you’ll
“But also, I’m fortunate that I gram,” says Carol Hogan, executive vice president of the
usually end up on top.
 Be upfront and honest with cus- have three of my sons in the American Sports Builders Association. “And the Dettors are
tomers, and give them a realis- business right now,” he adds. well-respected by their peers. They say what they mean
tic construction schedule. The oldest son, Steve, recently and do what they say.”
 Create a partnership with cus- received his MBA from the Whar- “We have great products,” says Dettor. “There’s no
tomers. “We don’t want them ton School of Business and is question that we have a tremendous relationship with Lee
as a one-timer,” says Dettor. considering coming into the fam- Tennis, NovaSports, and RLS Lighting, and that has helped
“Over the long term, we want ily business. make us successful.”
to sell them supplies and take The next oldest, Todd, is the But for the patriarch of the family, it all boils down to
care of their courts.” company’s vice president of one thing: “We have what you would call ‘experience,’”
sales for hard and soft courts. Dettor says. “We know what to expect and how to save the
Trimmer is the vice president of the supply division, David customer money that others may not know about. That’s
is a superintendent in the field, and the youngest, Daniel, is the No. 1 thing we’re really selling.” —Peter Francesconi

26 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

IN PARTS OF THE NAVAJO RESERVATION in the South- Parks program. To each location, Ruane brought cases of
western U.S., tennis is an esteemed sport to the area’s char- balls, racquets, nets, reading material, and videotapes.
acteristically athletic population. Shirley Ruane, a Page, “What we bring stays there,” she says. “Tennis in the Parks
Ariz., tennis teaching pro and coach who has worked with donated a lot of the equipment.”
many Navajo youngsters, sees the future of tennis in the The outreach activities have left a mark on the commu-
reservation’s youth. nities Ruane visited. Today, two of those towns, Kaibeto
“They are so athletic, and so interested,” says Ruane. “If
they have the opportunity to be trained, we’ll see them at
the US Open.”
For nearly a decade, Ruane has played a key role in
bringing tennis opportunities to this expansive yet under-
served population. For her dedication, Ruane has been
named RSI’s 2005 Grassroots Champion of the Year.
Ruane’s history with tennis began in earnest in 1996,
when she and her sister, Barbara Campbell, responded to
an advertisement inviting anyone interested in tennis to
attend a meeting. The sisters thought the meeting would be
about tennis lessons, but it turned out to be an organiza-
tional meeting for the Lake Powell Community Tennis Asso-
ciation, of which Ruane is now president. To learn the
game, Ruane and Campbell took private tennis lessons and
attended clinics. Four years later, Ruane became a certified
teaching professional with the PTR.
Today, the LPCTA’s programs draw excited youngsters
from Navajo reservation communities and other locations
within a 50-mile radius of Page. Particularly popular is the
free “Before-School Tennis” program held on Wednesdays

Shirley RuaneBs
(with the exception of rainy
days), when up to 30 children can


be found on the public courts
across the street from the Page
 Collaborate with community High School, where Ruane is also
organizations that have connec- the coach of the boys’ and girls’
tions to your target audience, tennis teams. and Tuba City, are working toward constructing tennis
such as schools and youth With such an enthusiastic fol- courts. And Ruane, with help from volunteers including
groups. lowing, not even cold weather some of the high school students she coaches, strives to
 Seek support from your USTA and snow will stop morning play, keep a tennis tradition growing. “When we go out on the
district or section—they can per request of the children. “I reservations, we focus also on the adults so that they can
point you in the direction of teach the young people when we’re not there,” she says.
remember one morning when
grants, workshops, etc. to help
the court was covered with ice, so Ruane received the 2004 USTA Eve F. Kraft Community
advance your program.
 For help with obtaining equip- instead of playing tennis, we Service Award for her grassroots efforts. “The thing that
ment for your program, contact skated on our shoes,” says impressed me is that she’s doing what she’s doing for all
organizations with resources Ruane. “They just want to be the right reasons, and that makes me feel really good that
allocated to support public there. They just love it.” Ruane we have people out there like Shirley,” says Kirk Anderson,
parks tennis and tennis for brings coats, some donated and the USTA’s director of Recreational Coaches and Programs.
underserved populations. some she has purchased herself, And while Ruane’s efforts provide a sturdy foundation
 If you don’t have permanent to the court for children who for tennis development on the Navajo Reservation, she rec-
courts to work with, create your arrive without one. ognizes that it will take even more to help the population
own using portable nets. Ruane also has focused her leave their mark on the sport, including facilities and other
energies on outreach to the youth trained individuals to work with them. “That’s what we are
of Navajo communities not served in Page. This past sum- struggling to get out there,” she says. “It’s going to take
mer, she presented tennis clinics in six communities on the interested outsiders that have money that can contribute to
reservation, with support from the USTA’s Tennis in the the development of the sport.” —Kristen Daley

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 27

WHEN IT COMES TO JUNIOR TENNIS PLAYERS, there’s Another popular program is a tournament play camp,
no doubt that Wayne St. Peter knows what he’s doing. Over designed for high school tennis players looking to break
the past 11 years, he has worked with about 8,000 young into the upper echelon of their varsity team. “Coming up
tennis players. And it’s due to his dedication to junior play- with creative ideas like that is what makes us successful,”
ers, and his influence on the growth of the sport in south- says St. Peter.
ern Maine, that RSI has chosen St. Peter as our 2005 Junior St. Peter says one of his greatest rewards has been
Development Champion.
St. Peter has been coaching tennis since 1986, when he
volunteered as assistant coach of the Portland High School
men’s team. “We took a 1-9 team and turned them around
to a 9-1 team in one season,” says St. Peter. “At that point,
I knew I wanted to get into coaching.”
St. Peter is the founder of St. Peter’s Grand Slam Tennis
Camp, which serves about 400 juniors and 250 adults each
summer at 12 locations in southern Maine. “We not only
have our own facility, but we also travel to outside areas
because it’s important to be seen and be noticed,” says St.
Peter, adding with a laugh, “It’s a traveling road show.”
The week-long junior camps for players ages 8 to 18 run
between three and six hours a day, five days a week, and
offer lessons and match-play opportunities. The goal of the
program, St. Peter says, is not only to teach children the
game, but also to make them eager to keep playing. The
program, he notes, has attracted players not only from
Maine, but also from as far away as Florida and Kentucky.
In the mornings, there is a focus on player development

Wayne St. PeterBs techniques, before campers go

through drills, games and other


to eat lunch with the pros. “In
the afternoon, we give them
 Volunteer your services in pub- organized play,” says St. Peter.
lic, such as in schools and at “They naturally like that com-
company wellness fairs.
 Be consistent with name
One of the keys to St. Peter’s watching his own daughters, Amanda, 24, and Kristen, 22,
recognition in marketing your create their own paths in tennis coaching. Amanda is head
success is persistence. “You
 Get your name out in the com-
always have to find a way to coach of the Portland High School girls’ tennis team, and
improve what you do,” he says, Kristen oversees the Grand Slam Tennis Camp’s Pee Wee
munity. Utilize free advertising
outlets, such as public access adding that he allows his division for children ages 4 to 7.
television channels and news- instructors to use their creativi- St. Peter is Maine’s only PTR Teaching Professional with
paper bulletin boards. ty in the camps. “Once you a Pro4 rating. In addition to running his camps, he is a ten-
 Don’t be afraid to ask questions have a closed mind in this nis pro at the Portland Athletic Club in Falmouth, Maine, as
of the experts, such as the TIA, sport, then you have a prob- well as the assistant men’s coach at the University of South-
and take advantage of the lem.” ern Maine. As head coach of USM’s women’s tennis team
resources they offer. for 11 years, he led his team to 23 singles and doubles titles
 Develop relationships in the
“Wayne is an innovator,”
says Dan Santorum, CEO of the at the Little East conference championships. In 2005, St.
community with local business- Peter was named the PTR Member of the Year for Maine
PTR. “He likes to try new
es, recreation departments, etc.,
things.” In the junior camps, and received the TIA/PTR Commitment to the Industry
which may be able to help you
“Tie-Break Wednesdays” are Award.
with your program.
popular among participants. “Wayne has got a lot of passion for what he does,” says
Pros do a tie-break exhibition Santorum. “He’s a hard worker, and he gets a lot of people
for campers in the morning, and then teach them how to to participate in tennis that might not otherwise do that.
play it in the afternoon. “It’s absolutely amazing what He’s well-known in the community, and that’s because he’s
they’ll take and remember,” says St. Peter. so active in the community.” —Kristen Daley

28 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

WITH A MIX OF MORE THAN 100 specialty retailers and keep them constantly updated and repeatedly posting a
seasonal accounts across Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, multi-step item on his revolving list of tasks until it is fully
Head/Penn Racquet Sports district sales manager Kay Bar- resolved.
ney says compulsive responsiveness is the key to staying “It’s not only my job to take an order, but also to make
organized. my buyers’ businesses more profitable so they can grow,”
Barney, of Littleton, Colo., returns phone calls promptly. Barney says. There is a social aspect to his sales calls, but
He arrives at appointments on time with thoughtfully pre- Barney is more concerned with maximizing his clients’
pared presentations. He takes elaborate notes before, dur-
ing, and after meetings in his day planner, which he carries
with him everywhere. And he follows through on promises.
A self-described “nothing fancy guy,” 45-year-old Barney
takes pride in sticking to the basics.
That is precisely why clients like Steve Vorhaus, owner
of Rocky Mountain Racquet Specialists in Boulder, Colo.,
enjoy doing business with him. Barney’s reputation for fair-
ness and industry excellence has also been acknowledged
in the form of awards: 1993 Sales Rep of the Year for
Prince; 2001 Sales Rep of the Year for Head/Penn Racquet
Sports; and 2003 inductee into the Head/Penn Sports Sales
Hall of Fame.
And now he can add another accolade: Barney is RSI’s
2005 Sales Rep of the Year.
“Kay is the paragon of what a professional sales rep
should be,” says Vorhaus, who has worked with Barney for
more than 15 years. “One of the reasons I do as much busi-
ness with Head/Penn as I do is because of him. Kay under-
stands the tenuous relationship between working for a
manufacturer while keeping the customer happy, and he time with a clear meeting objective, customized new prod-
represents both parties honestly. He’s really interested in uct presentation, and as much time for listening as his buy-
the success of the industry.” ers desire.

Kay BarneyBs
Greg Mason, director of sales “People don’t naturally tend to be good listeners, but
and marketing for Head/Penn, that’s how you gain tons of information,” he says. “It’s
TIPS FOR SUCCESS agrees that Barney’s attention to important to key in to what their needs are, instead of

 Return phone calls the same

detail sets him apart. “Without deciding for yourself without knowing the full story.”
question, he is the best indepen- Since time is a premium for all involved, Barney careful-
 Do everything you say you’re
dent sales rep I’ve ever worked ly evaluates a client’s needs and individual business cir-
with,” Mason says. “He never cumstances before arriving at a meeting armed with a
going to do.
 Be honest, ethical, and sincere. drops the ball on anything he says pre-printed order form. Barney says he gladly takes on this
 Keep a day planner, continually he can do.” extra step to speed and simplify the ordering process. His
highlighting an item until it is A sales rep with Prince for clients also appreciate the option of either immediately
resolved to prevent it from about 11 years prior to joining signing or being able to adjust the form on the spot, he
falling through the cracks. Head/Penn in 1999, Barney has says.
 Approach sales meetings as a been calling on some accounts for Having earned the confidence of buyers like Vorhaus,
two-way dialogue rather than his entire tenure in the tennis busi- who says he would “trust him with my life,” Barney is com-
a sales pitch. You just may ness. Over that time, he says, he mitted to shouldering the resulting responsibility. After all,
learn something that shapes he says, that’s one way in which so many business associ-
has developed solid relation-
your sales strategy—and suc-
ships—many of which have ates have become good friends over the years.
cess—for years to come.
evolved into friendships that have “It’s not about one quick hit, loading up a client with
endured long after the sale has products to make a quick commission, because I have to
closed—with buyers by treating them as business partners walk in that door in a few weeks and a few weeks after
rather than sources of commission, especially during the that,” Barney adds. “It’s important to really understand
years when the industry has dipped. He also reacts quickly your buyers’ needs and make a plan for years to come. Fill
to problems and concerns, copying clients on emails to that need, and you’ll be successful.” —Cynthia Cantrell

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 29

KARIN KORB DIDNBT PICK UP A TENNIS RACQUET until lar exercise. An able-bodied
Karin KorbBs
she was 27 years old. Yet, a year later, she was among the friend introduced her to ten- TIPS FOR SUCCESS
 Look at each day as a whole
top four women wheel- nis. “My entire world
chair tennis players in changed,” she says. new adventure.
the world and playing in “Karin brings a lot of profes-  Constantly challenge and push
the World Team Cup, the sionalism, a lot of enthusiasm, yourself, and make an effort to
Fed Cup of wheelchair boundless energy and a big get out of your “comfort zone.”
tennis. heart,” says Dan James, product  Stay positive; forgive yourself
When you see the manager of USA Tennis Wheel- your mistakes and move on.
energy and determina- chair High Performance. “You
tion that Korb, 37, radi- put those things together and you have someone who is
ates, it’s not surprising going to move the meter in our sport.”
that she made it happen. Korb has a graduate degree in sports management from
“I’ve always just had a Georgia State, and she now serves as a program develop-
passion for sport,” she ment manager with BlazeSports America, a comprehensive
says. She was a gymnast sports and fitness program for individuals with physical dis-
and aerobics instructor, abilities. And while Korb is modest about her accomplish-
David Kenas

among other things, ments, those who know and work with her are quick to sing
before a fall while vault- her praises. “You’re not going to find a player with a work
ing left her paralyzed at ethic like Karin’s,” says her coach, Kari Yerg.
age 17. Ten years after the accident, Korb found herself Adds James, “I truly believe Karin doesn’t recognize how
looking for a sport to provide a new outlet for cardiovascu- amazing she is.” —Kristen Daley

dedicated in honor of a legendary Macon, Ga., instructor which is home
who had recently passed away and had been instrumental to the Macon
in the development of the 24-court facility. Smith would be Tennis Associ-

John Drew Smith center that bears his name has

proud to know how far the tennis ation. For

Tennis CenterBs
come. Hodge and


The facility is a haven for all Program
sorts of programming for juniors Coordinator
 Be as creative and innovative as and adults, and it is renowned for Sarah Wither-
you can be. hosting local, state, and national spoon run an
 Let quality, not quantity, be events. The activity is so extensive, after-school
your motivation.
 Be persistent and stay the
and the atmosphere is so conducive program with
to tennis, that RSI has named the a homework component, along with a
John Drew Smith Tennis Center our Player Development Program. They’ve
2005 Municipal Facility of the Year. also partnered with schools, organized
“They do a great job of programming,” says Kirk Ander- Rally Ball, and even run a church program
son, the USTA’s director of Recreational Coaches and Pro- that brought 120 people to USA Tennis
grams. “And the whole place is all about tennis. It’s a real 1-2-3.
friendly place to be.” “I started to look at organizations and ask, why can’t we
“For a city our size [population 97,000], we have a huge market to them?” says Hodge. For Hodge and the JDS, the
number of programs,” says Carl Hodge (right), tennis direc- answer always seems to be, “We can.” —Mark Winters

30 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

onships coming into town in July 2005, the Greater Stam-
ford Tennis Association in Stamford, Conn., wanted to put
its best foot forward for the tournament and the host city.

Chris Nicholson
And in doing so, the GSTA made huge strides in revamping
a popular public tennis facility, with a $400,000 renovation
of 12 courts, lighting, and fencing that took less than a year
to complete. committed to getting it done as we were,” says GSTA Pres-
Scalzi Park is the hub of public park tennis in Connecti- ident Tim Curry. For both the unique process that allowed
cut’s lower Fairfield County, but it was looking a bit run this to happen, and to a first-class result, Scalzi Park has

Scalzi ParkBs
down. Through a contract with won RSI’s inaugural Public Park of the Year Award.
the City of Stamford, the GSTA The city pitched in more than $100,000, and various
was made a general contractor of departments helped oversee the improvements. An addi-
the renovation project, allowing tional $84,000 came from the USTA’s Public Facility Fund-
 When it comes to renovations, them to put it out to bid. Stamford ing program, and funds came from USA Tennis New
explore whether a pub- accepted the final renovation as a England and public and private donations. According to
lic/private partnership will work.
 Convince the city that a healthy
donation. “It was a little bit unique Curry, word-of-mouth was one of the most significant
means of spreading the news of the renovation.
park tennis program is good for in that sense, but a great example
the community. of a public/private partnership,” To Marcia Bach, coordinator of Park & Recreation Ten-
 Spread the word about the ren- says Laurie Albano, Stamford’s nis for the USTA, the Scalzi Park renovation “was a template
ovation project. superintendent of recreation. full of cooperation within a community structure.”
“The city government was as —Kristen Daley

IN 2007, BROOKHAVEN COUNTRY CLUB will be 50 years Brookhaven for 12 years, and he insists that he has one of
old. In that time, the Dallas facility—the largest and oldest the most qualified staffs around. More than 15 pros take the
in the ClubCorp time to get to know each of the 1,200 tennis members. “It’s

getting to know your members, BrookhavenBs

organization (which all about building relationships,
currently consists
of about 200 and enriching lives,” says Freer.
“When new members join, it’s our
job to quickly integrate them  Provide an atmosphere of
clubs)—has certain-
ly learned how to
because it’s good for business.” superior customer service and
do things right,
attention to detail.
 Build a qualified, knowledge-
says Ross Thorn- Brookhaven’s success is due in
brugh, the club’s part to its “superior programs and
able staff and superlative
manager. match availability,” says John programs.
Brookhaven’s Gilpin, vice president of Adult Pro-  Impeccable court and facility
38 courts are grams for the Dallas Tennis Associ- maintenance is a must.
impeccably main- ation.  Keep a well-stocked, competi-
tained, its tennis programs (for juniors and The club’s pro shop is one of tively priced pro shop.
adults) are active and alive, the staff is the largest in north Texas. “We do
well-trained and oriented to customer ser- about $500,000 worth of business a year and carry about
vice, and the pro shop is one of the best in $120,000 to $130,000 worth of inventory,” Freer says.
the country. All of which are reasons why Says Wilson rep David Blakely, “Their forward thinking,
Brookhaven is RSI’s 2005 Private Facility of the Year. professionalism, and attention to customer service is what
Director of Tennis Billy Freer (left) has been with every facility should strive for.” —Cynthia Sherman

32 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

Baltimore Tennis
AS DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS for the Greater Baltimore Ten- played a huge role in the suc- PatronsB
nis Patrons Association Inc. (BTP), Lynn Morrell (below) says cess of all TIA and USTA pro- TIPS FOR SUCCESS

thousands of juniors and adults,”  Before designing programs,

the key to growing the game is twofold: making it affordable grams by introducing tennis to
and accessible for kids and adults.
survey new and existing players
The BTP—based in Towson, Md., says Chris Mireles, national coor-
about which programs they
and with former pro player Pam dinator for the Tennis Industry
enjoy and which ones are
Shriver as its honorary chairman— Association. “Hands down, Lynn missing.
has succeeded in both missions. Morrell and the BTP staff run one  Make classes and programs
Since it was founded in 1973, the of the best organizations I’ve ever accessible in terms of length,
BTP has served more than 100,000 worked with.” time of day, number of weeks,
In 2004, the BTP registered 60 etc.
neighborhood courts, schools,  Embrace partnerships. Like
youth, adult, senior, and wheelchair
players in over 70 communities.
and parks as Tennis Welcome the BTP, team with your local
Committed to improving the
park and rec to maximize
quality of life for children and fami- Centers. This year, the BTP is
lies recreationally and educational- focusing on growing Cardio Ten-
ly, the BTP uses tennis to teach life nis and continuing its commitment to underserved youth
values including self-discipline, through homework support and free, year-round tennis class-
physical fitness, sportsmanship, and es. Instructional programs, team tennis, competitive leagues,
respect for diversity. And for its efforts, the and tournaments are also offered.
Greater Baltimore Tennis Patrons is RSI’s “We pride ourselves on providing programs that fit the
Community Tennis Association of the Year. needs of everyone who wants to live and breathe tennis,”
“The Baltimore Tennis Patrons has Morrell says. —Cynthia Cantrell

EACH OF THE 17 USTA SECTIONS STRIVES to stand out. about the tennis
But being the best comes about through a combination of specific to their
creativity, ingenuity, and originality, among other attributes. community.” The
“With us, it’s been a building process,” says USA Tennis section runs a
Florida Executive Director Doug Booth. “We don’t want to host of programs,
be a good tennis association; we want to be a good non- leagues, and

profit organization.” And USA more, and getting
Tennis Florida has made novel the word out
TIPS FOR SUCCESS and revolutionary strides, which became a priority.
So last spring the
 Increase local support by hiring Section of the Year Award.
has led them to RSI’s 2005 USTA
section created
community tennis coordinators.
 Provide innovative grants to
“We relocated in Daytona the new position
Beach a few years ago, forming a of communications coordinator.
spur development of new pro-
grams and reinforce old pro- partnership with the city that And in yet another innova-
grams. resulted in a 24-court tennis com- tive move, “We reduced our 19
 Have a board of directors that plex,” Booth says. “Our board of districts to eight regions to
strives to be visionary and is directors had too many people to make things more manage-
not afraid to try new things. make quick decisions, so they able,” says Section President Don Cleveland (above left,
voted to go from 40 members to with Booth). “Also, we’ve made a concerted effort [to
22. We reduced our by-laws from 15 to five pages.” enhance tennis in] public parks and schools.”
Booth then traveled the state and discovered, “We don’t All of this is good news for tennis players, and potential
do a good a good job of giving the newspapers information players, in Florida. —Mark Winters

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 33

AS EARLY AS KINDERGARTEN, Lisa Duncan had decided all her efforts, Duncan, of
to follow in her mother’s footsteps and go into education. Lancaster, Pa., is RSI’s
Then, at age 12, standing outside the tennis courts unable 2005 PTR Member of the
to afford lessons, she added another goal: making tennis Year.
easily available and affordable. It was the start of her love A sought-after clinician

Lisa DuncanBs
affair with the sport. and guest speaker for the
“Lisa’s knowledge of teach- USTA, PTR, and other
TIPS FOR SUCCESS ing principles and of tennis is a groups, Duncan has written
powerful and effective combi- five “Teaching Tennis” cur-
 Take time to understand what nation,” says Dan Santorum, riculum books. In 1999 she
students’ needs are.
 Have students actively engaged
the CEO of the PTR. “When you received the International
add in her passion, inspiration, Tennis Hall of Fame’s Edu-
at least 90 percent of the time.
 Establish a safe learning envi-
and enthusiasm, you have cational Merit Award, and
someone who is quite special.” in 2005 the USTA/PTR
ronment so learners can take
risks and learning is actually Duncan’s philosophy is sim- Community Service Award.
realized. ple. “For people to really learn Currently, Duncan works
tennis, they have to be actively for the Twin Valley School
engaged and moving and playing games,” she says. And District in Pennsylvania.
they need to have fun, which is what Duncan has provided For Duncan, though, the thrill is in knowing that the peo-
to thousands over the last 35 years. But she also teaches the ple she teaches will go out and affect the lives of thousands
teachers—as a USA Tennis National Trainer for Recreation- of children. “It’s all about the relationships,” she says. “Ten-
al Coaches and a workshop developer for the PTR. And for nis is a vehicle to get to people.” —Barbara Long

BOB REED OF EUGENE, ORE., was enjoying a comfortable

Bob ReedBs
school, runs a Saturday evening

oversees low-fee tournaments TIPS FOR SUCCESS

career as tennis director of the Eugene Family YMCA about family lesson program, and
a year and a half ago when he was inspired by the movie
“The Pianist” to make changes in his lifestyle and profes- four times a year, proceeds from  To stimulate participation in
sional direction. The social which fund tennis program schol- parks programs, Reed slashed
studies teacher considered arships and purchase equipment prices, lowered the minimum
returning to the classroom, but for those who couldn’t otherwise age to 4, and offered multiple
opted instead to refocus his afford to play. And for his selfless classes.
energy on the hands-on work dedication to the sport, Reed is  To teach pee-wee classes,
that he believes is the founda- RSI’s USPTA Member of the Year. recruit high-schoolers in
tion of community tennis pro- “Bob is the pied piper of com- exchange for free participation
in the junior/adult class.
 With the help of volunteers,
gramming. munity tennis not only here in
Since that time, the 49- Eugene, but in the whole Pacific
Reed provided eight weeks of
year-old Reed has worked as Northwest,” says Tom Greider, a
free parks summer tennis
an independent contractor to fellow USPTA pro. Reed recently lessons.
implement tennis programs at was honored with USPTA Star
eight park sites in Lane Coun- award.
ty, five of which he directs “I have a pretty conservative lifestyle so I can make it
himself. He also helps run the work,” Reed says of his seven-day-a-week devotion to
junior program at the Willow Creek Tennis & Sports Center empowering young people with self-esteem and life skills
in Eugene, coaches the Springfield High School boys’ tennis through affordable—or free—tennis programs. “Every time
team, offers free weekly clinics at an alternative high I reach a child, I succeed big time.” —Cynthia Cantrell

34 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005


Round Racquet Racquet String

1 W Roger Federer SUI Wilson nSix-One Tour 90 Wilson/Luxilon

Rank Reached Player Name Country Brand Racquet Model Headsize Brand

2 3 Rafael Nadal ESP Babolat AeroPro Drive 100 Babolat

3 DNP Marat Safin RUS Head Liquidmetal Prestige Mid 93 Luxilon
4 1 Andy Roddick USA Babolat Pure Drive Team + 100 Babolat
5 SF Lleyton Hewitt AUS Yonex RDX-500 90 Babolat/Luxilon
6 F Andre Agassi USA Head Flexpoint Radical OS 107 Luxilon
7 2 Nikolay Davydenko RUS Prince O3 Tour 100 Polystar
8 Q Guillermo Coria ARG Prince O3 Tour 100 Luxilon
9 Q David Nalbandian ARG Yonex RDX-500 MP 98 Luxilon
10 2 Mariano Puerta ARG Babolat AeroPro Drive 100 Luxilon
11 1 Gaston Gaudio ARG Wilson nSix-One 95 Kirschbaum
12 4 Richard Gasquet FRA Head Liquidmetal Instinct 100 Luxilon
13 3 David Ferrer ESP Prince Shark DB MP 100 Luxilon
14 3 Ivan Ljubicic CRO Babolat Pure Drive Team + 100 Luxilon/Babolat
15 2 Thomas Johansson SWE Dunlop M-Fil 2 Hundred 95 Luxilon/Babolat
16 2 Radek Stepanek CZE Volkl Tour 10 Mid V-Engine 93 Pacific
17 4 Tommy Robredo ESP Dunlop M-Fil 3 Hundred 98 Luxilon
18 3 Fernando Gonzalez CHI Babolat Pure Storm Plus 98 Luxilon
19 4 Dominik Hrbaty SVK Fischer Pro Extreme FT 95 Kirschbaum
20 2 Mario Ancic CRO Yonex Ultimum RD Ti-80 98 Luxilon/Babolat

Round Racquet Racquet String

1 SF Maria Sharapova RUS Prince Shark MP 100 Babolat

Rank Reached Player Name Country Brand Racquet Model Headsize Brand

2 Q Lindsay Davenport USA Wilson nTour 95 Wilson

3 W Kim Clijsters BEL Babolat Pure Drive Team 100 Babolat
4 Q Amelie Mauresmo FRA Dunlop M-Fil 3 Hundred 98 Babolat
5 4 Justine Henin-Hardenne BEL Wilson nTour 95 BDE
6 F Mary Pierce FRA Yonex Ultimum RD Ti-80 98 Luxilon
7 Q Venus Williams USA Wilson n4 110 Wilson
8 SF Elena Dementieva RUS Yonex RDX-500 MP 98 Luxilon
9 4 Serena Williams USA Wilson n3 110 Wilson
10 Q Nadia Petrova RUS Babolat Pure Storm MP Team 103 Luxilon
11 4 Patty Schnyder SUI Head Liquidmetal Prestige MP 98 Kirschbaum
12 1 Svetlana Kuznetsova RUS Head Flexpoint Instinct 100 Luxilon
13 3 Anastasia Myskina RUS Head Flexpoint Instinct 100 Kirschbaum
14 1 Alicia Molik AUS Dunlop 300G 98 Luxilon
15 4 Nathalie Dechy FRA Head Liquidmetal Prestige MP 98 Babolat
16 4 Elena Likhovtseva RUS Wilson nSix-One 95 95 Wilson
17 3 Jelena Jankovic SCG Yonex Nano Speed RQ-5 105 Luxilon
18 2 Ana Ivanovic SCG Wilson nTour 95 Luxilon
19 3 Daniel Hantuchova SVK Yonex Nanospeed RQ-7 100 Luxilon/Babolat
20 DNP Vera Zvonareva RUS Fischer Pro No One FT 98 Kirschbaum

36 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

What a tournament! The 2005 US Open provided some of the most exciting tennis ever. Despite the fact
that Andy Roddick bombed out in the first round, the men’s draw got a big push from Americans Andre
Agassi, Robby Ginepri, and James Blake. Of course, it was pretty exciting for champions Roger Federer
and Kim Clijsters, too. Here’s what the top men and women players used at this year’s Open.

String String Footwear Clothing

Wilson Natural /BB Alu Power Rough 16L 55/50.5 Nike VAPOR S2 Nike
String Model Gauge Tension Brand Footwear Model Brand

Pro Hurricane 15L 53 Nike Air Max Breathe Free II Nike

Alu Power Rough 16L - Adidas Barricade II Adidas
Pro Hurricane +/ VS + Team 16 73 Babolat Team All Court Lacoste
VS Team/Big Banger Alu Power 16L 56 Yonex SHT-304 Yonex
Big Banger Alu Power 16L 66 Adidas ClimaCool Feather II Adidas
Energy 16 55/53 Diadora - Diadora
Big Banger Original 16 52 Adidas Barricade III Adidas
Big Banger Original 16 64 Yonex SHT-304 Yonex
Big Banger Original 16 59.5 Babolat Team Clay Babolat
Super Smash 16 59.5 Diadora Protech DA2 Diadora
Big Banger Alu Power 16L - Adidas Barricade III Adidas
Big Banger Original 16 - Diadora Speedzone DA2 Diadora
Big Banger TIMO / VS Team 18/16L 57 Diadora Speedzone DA2 Diadora
Alu Power/VS Touch 16L//16 59.5 Adidas Barricade III Adidas
Tough Gut 17 61.5/57 - - -
Big Banger Original 16 51 Sergio Tacchini - Sergio Tacchini
Big Banger Alu Power 16L 55/59.4 Adidas Barricade III Adidas
Touch Turbo 17 61.6/57.2 Lotto ATP Machine speed Lotto
Alu Power/VS Touch 16L /17 57.2/55 Nike Air Max Breathe Free Nike

String String Footwear Clothing

VS Team 17 64 Nike VAPOR S2 Nik e

String Model Gauge Tension Brand Footwear Model Brand

Wilson Natural 15L 63/64 Nike Air Zoom Thrive Nike

VS Touch 16 66 Fila X-Point Fila
VS Touch 16 57.2 Reebok - Reebok
- - 57.5 Adidas Barricade II W Adidas
Big Banger TIMO 18 61.6 - - LeJay
Wilson Natural 16 65 Reebok VESW DMX Reebok
Big Banger Alu Power 16L 51/48.5 Yonex SHT-304 Yonex
Wilson Natural 16 67 Nike Nike
Monotec Supersense 16L 61.5 Adidas Barricade II W Adidas
Touch Turbo 17 55/53 Adidas ClimaCool Feather W Adidas
Big Banger Alu Touch 16L 53/50.5 Fila X-Point Fila
Super Smash Spiky 17 56/52 Nike Nike
Big Banger Alu Power 16L 55 Adidas Barricade II W Adidas
VS Touch Natural Gut 16 - Asics Gel Enqvist Lacoste
NXT 16 50.5/48.5 Wilson Crossfire SL Wilson
Big Banger Alu Power 16L 52.8/50.6 - - -
Big Banger Alu Power 16L 49.5/46.2 Nike Air Zoom Vapor Speed Nike
BB Alu Power/VS Touch Nat. Gut 16 22.5/21 Nike Air Zoom Vapor Speed Nike
Super Smash 16L 55/53 Adidas ClimaCool Feather W Adidas

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 37


Gamma Zo Sweet 17
Gamma Zo Sweet is a 17-gauge hybrid immediately after stringing at 60 pounds in
a Wilson Pro Staff 6.1 95 (16 x 18 pattern)
that combines Gamma’s Zo Power coated
on a constant-pull machine.
monofilament polyester in the mains and After 24 hours (no playing), the string-
its TNT2 nylon in the crosses. According to bed stiffness measured 70 RDC units, rep-
Gamma, Zo Power is an ultra-playable resenting a 7 percent tension loss. Our
control string, Prince Synthetic Gut Origi-
polymer alloy, manufactured as a co-
nal Gold 16, measured 78 RDC units imme-
extrusion fiber with a wear-resistant sur- diately after stringing and 71 RDC units
face surrounding the high-energy core. after 24 hours, representing a 9 percent playtested to date (in Durability, Spin
Potential, and Tension Retention). Not sur-
The TNT2 has an Elastalon center core and tension loss. Zo Sweet added 14 grams to
the weight of our unstrung frame. prisingly, the overall score is also well
outer wraps, with a “pearl” coating to above average.
The string was tested for five weeks by
enhance durability. Each of these strings is 34 USRSA playtesters, with NTRP ratings Four samples broke during play, one
enhanced by Gamma’s TNT2 technology. from 3.5 to 6.0. These are blind tests, with each at four hours, six hours, 10 hours,
Gamma claims that its proprietary TNT2 playtesters receiving unmarked strings in and 20.5 hours.
process changes the highly-aligned chains unmarked packages. Playtesters were
that normally occur in string material in such instructed to install the poly (white string) EASE OF STRINGING
a way that millions of new intermolecular in the mains and the nylon (natural string) (compared to other strings)
bonds are created among the long-chain in the crosses, and that the string was to be Number of testers who said it was:
much easier 1
molecules, creating more cross-linking for a installed at normal tension. Average num-
somewhat easier 6
stronger, tougher, and yet more flexible ber of hours playtested was 22.9.
about as easy 21
material. Most of our playtesters told us that Zo
not quite as easy 5
Gamma designed Zo Sweet for players Sweet is as easy to string as other strings, not nearly as easy 0
looking for a softer feel than that generally with the rest just about evenly split as to
found in an all-polyester stringbed, but with whether they found it easier or more diffi- OVERALL PLAYABILITY
more durability and stiffness than that gen- cult than normal. For some reason, the Zo (compared to string played most often)
Number of testers who said it was:
erally found in an all-nylon stringbed. This Power mains feel much thicker than the
much better 3
target group are usually the intermediate to TNT2 crosses, even though it is thinner.
somewhat better 6
advanced players with fast swing speeds. Being polyester, the Zo Power mains are
about as playable 10
According to Gamma, the addition of the stiff, but not difficult to install, and it knots not quite as playable 10
TNT2 cross strings softens the stringbed so up nicely. Installing the TNT2 crosses is not nearly as playable 4
that, without sacrificing all control, a player wonderful. The string is soft and pliable, so
will still be able to generate additional it weaves around the mains easily, and the OVERALL DURABILITY
(compared to other strings
power yet have a string that is easier on the ends don’t mush out, so blocked holes are
of similar gauge)
arm. no problem. It’s also convenient that the Number of testers who said it was:
Zo Sweet is available only in 17 gauge in tension can be set the same for the Zo much better 9
white/natural. It is priced from $15.95. For Power and the TNT2, as it’s one less thing somewhat better 10
more information or to order, contact to deal with. about as durable 12
Gamma at 800-333-0337, or visit One playtester broke his sample during not quite as durable 1 Be sure to read stringing, four reported problems with coil not nearly as durable 0
the conclusion for more information about memory, two reported problems tying RATING AVERAGES
getting a free set to try for yourself. knots, and none reported friction burn. From 1 to 5 (best)
Playability 3.5
IN THE LAB ON THE COURT Durability 4.3
The coils measured 23 feet 7 inches (Zo According to our playtesters, Zo Sweet 17 Power 3.5
Power mains) and 21 feet 5 inches (TNT2 is a solid all-around performer, scoring well Control 3.6
crosses). The diameters measured 1.22 mm above average in Playability, Durability, Comfort 3.2
(Zo Power) and 1.26 mm (TNT2) prior to Power, Control, Spin Potential, Tension Touch/Feel 3.1
stringing, and 1.19 mm (Zo Power) and Holding, and Resistance to Movement. Spin Potential 3.5
Holding Tension 3.6
1.19 mm (TNT2) after stringing. We record- These scores include three top-ten finishes
Resistance to Movement 3.7
ed a stringbed stiffness of 75 RDC units for Zo Sweet out of the 96 strings we’ve

38 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005


“ I played in a 4.5 tournament and loved the playability and feel of this
“ Nice surprise! Not what I expected. Feel isn’t on par with my nor-
string. I would string it two pounds lighter. The string is still in the racquet, mal hybrid, but this is rather good. I’d give it a second try.

and still plays good after 40 hours.

4.5 male baseliner with heavy spin using Wilson Hyper Hammer 5.2
5.0 male baseliner with moderate spin using Head Liquidmetal Pres-
tige strung at 54 pounds CP (Luxilon/VS hybrid 17)
strung at 62/59 pounds CP (Gamma 18)

“ Great durability, not bad playability.

“ Really good string. Can’t wait to
“For a hybrid, it 5.0 male all-court player using Prince O3 Red
find out what it is!

4.5 male all-court player using Head really surprised me.
strung at 68.5 pounds CP (Babolat Touch 16)

Radical Trisys 260 strung at 64

pounds LO (Gamma Advantage 15L) I love how much spin I can get and how “ The string seems to be a 17-gauge, but is
more durable than my normal 16 gauge. Even
long it lasts. It isn’t hard on my elbow though it is thinner, it is not more lively, which

“ Plays exceptionally well overall. I

am very impressed with the comfort
like some other stiffer hybrids. I’d defi-
I like. It seems to have poly mains, and I think
it is easier to work with than other polys in
and overall playability. The comfort
and feel aren’t as good as my
nitely recommend it to tournament hybrid sets.

5.5 male all-court player using Dunlop 200G
normal string, but not bad at all. If players. I’ll switch to it myself.” strung at 62 pounds CP (Wilson Sensation 16)
I were looking for a durable and 5.5 male baseliner with heavy spin using
good-playing hybrid, this would

be it! Prince AirStick OS strung at 56 pounds LO “This string has quite a nice feel with no
harshness. It is more powerful and springy
6.0 male all-court player using Wil- (Wilson Sensation NXT 16) than I would have suspected. The crosses han-
son nTour strung at 58 pounds CP dled quite well and seemed to hold up quite
(Wilson NXT 17) well. Only minor complaint is the string move-
ment, but the racquet has a very wide pattern (14x18) so this is

“ Great string for playing and teaching. This string is surprisingly almost expected. I would use this string if it is at a good price point
comfortable with good pop. The durability is incredible, especially with the
18 x 20 pattern in my racquet, and it holds its tension very well for a
and the durability keeps up.

4.0 male all-court player using Tecnifibre T Feel 290 XL strung at 60
polyester string.

5.0 male all-court player using Wilson nPS 95 strung at 61 pounds LO
pounds CP (Klip Excellerator 17)

(Wilson Reaction 17) For the rest of the tester comments, USRSA members can visit

(Strings normally used by testers are indicated in parentheses.)


Clearly, not every member of our playtest team falls Gamma has generously offered to send a free set of Zo Sweet 17
into the category of “intermediate to advanced players to the first 500 USRSA members who request it.
with fast swing speeds,” although you’d hardly know it To get your free set, just cut out (or copy) this coupon and mail it to:
from the overall scores they awarded Gamma Zo USRSA, Attn: Gamma Zo Sweet 17 String Offer,
Sweet. The scores probably have more to do with 330 Main Street, Vista, CA 92084
increasingly better string technology, which offers such or fax to 760-536-1171
a wide range of performance that even less advanced Offer expires November 15th, 2005
players can appreciate the characteristics. One set of free string per USRSA membership
Hybrid strings do make it easier to experiment with Offer only available to USRSA members in the US
differences in tension between the mains and crosses, FREE! Gamma Zo Sweet 17!
but strictly from a stringing point of view, it’s nice that
Offer expires November 15th 2005
a durable hybrid such as Zo Sweet allows you to use
the same tension throughout, even though the mains
are polyester and the crosses are nylon. USRSA Member number:
If you think that Gamma Zo Sweet might be for Phone:
you, be among the first 500 to fill out and return the Email:
coupon, and Gamma will send you a free set to try. If you print your email clearly, we will notify you when your sample will be sent.
—Greg Raven Q

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 39


Readers’ Know-How in Action

FINGER PROTECTION stencils that can be tossed around without then count how many crosses I have left
If you string a lot with poly, your fingers worrying about breaking or tearing. I use to do. Then, I pull that number of lengths
can really take a beating. Rather than the plastic covers from old three-ring of the remaining string across the middle
using tape or bandages, I now use Nike binders. The material lies flat, and can be of the frame, plus two more for insur-
Finger Sleeves. Developed for football cut with a razor knife. You can make two ance, and cut off the excess.
linemen, the sleeves are lightweight yet stencils from one binder, but I prefer to 5 sets of Forten Dynamix 16 to:
make two identical stencils, and attach Bob Tuttle, MRT, Freeport, NY
them on either side of the string bed using
Velcro strips, so I don’t have to move the BUMPERGUARD SAVERS
stencil from one side to the other. For years I’ve recommended to my cus-
5 sets of Klip K-Boom 18 to: tomers that they use head tape on their
Todd Volker, Ottawa, IL racquets, as it would save them a lot of
bumperguard replacements. Typically,
SPEED UP YOUR CROSSES however, they never get around to buying
String sets these days are much longer the head tape, let alone putting it on their
offer great protection. They are about 2 than they used to be, averaging 40 feet, racquets.
inches long, come in different sizes, and and sometimes they’re even longer. This is Then I found a local sporting goods
cost less than five bucks a pair. much more than you need for a normal store that sells hockey stick tape in a vari-
5 packs of Unique Tournagrip (packs racquet, which means you’re dragging a ety of colors, usually at about $1.75 per
of 3 overgrips) to: lot of extra string against the mains when roll (each roll contains 30 yards or more
Scott Warren, MRT, Seattle, WA you’re installing the crosses. of tape). After I finish re-stringing a rac-
To eliminate this wear-and-tear on the quet, I apply the head tape for them as
HEAVY-DUTY STENCILS mains and speed up the weaving of the part of the racquet tune-up.
If you’re like me, you want heavy-duty crosses, I weave the first couple of crosses, My customers get the head tape they

40 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

need, I haven’t had to repair or replace STARTING THE MAINS MARKETING
any bumperguards, and I haven’t had WHEN USING ADAPTERS FREE STRING SAMPLES
any complaints. In fact, they enjoy the
After stringing a racquet, I normally have
color the tape adds to their racquets.
two or more feet of string left over.
5 sets of Ashaway Composite
Instead of throwing the string away, I cut
XT Pro to:
the string into six-inch sections. I then
Bob Langevin, Great Falls, MT
place these samples into containers
labeled by string brand.
When a customer asks about a certain
string, I can go directly to that container
Building up grips one full size is no I use the Prince load spreaders with the
and let him see the sample of the string
problem, as the grip maintains its shape, head and throat billiards on my stringing
that interests him. Not only can the cus-
and the player can still feel the edges machine. I found that if I thread the two
tomer feel the differences in stiffness and
between the flats and the bevels. But center mains first, then put the adapters in
texture, but also he can feel the differ-
sometimes I have to build up a grip two and tighten the billiards, I never have a
ences among the available gauges.
sizes. In these cases, I “cheat.” After problem finding the grommet holes, which
By being able to touch the string,
building up the grip one full size the can be masked by the adapters, making
instead of being separated from it by
normal way, I cut strips of Add-On threading those strings much easier.
packaging, my customers feel as if they
Grip’s ( self-adhe- 5 sets of Silent Partner Headspin to:
are making more educated choices.
sive sheets the same width as the flats, Gaines Hillix, MRT, Marietta, GA
5 sets of Wilson Reaction 16 to:
and apply them to the handle only at
David D. Rogers, Elizabethtown, NY
the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions. EASIER CROSS STARTING
—Greg Raven Q
Even though there isn’t a second layer Weave your first cross string before you tie
of build-up material on the bevels, you’ll off your main string(s). It’s easier to start
still come out with a grip that’s two the crosses this way, because oftentimes Tips and Techniques submitted since 2000 by USRSA
sizes larger, and it won’t be rounded the first cross string hole becomes blocked members, and appearing in this column, have all been
off. as you tie off the mains. gathered into a single volume of the Stringer’s Digest—
Racquet Service Techniques which is a benefit of USRSA
5 sets of Tecnifibre X-One 5 sets of HEAD FiberGEL Power 16 to: membership. Submit tips to: Greg Raven, USRSA, 330
Biphase 1.30 to: Bob Tuttle, MRT, Freeport, NY & Main St., Vista, CA 92804; or email
John Hunter, Suitland, MD Paul Wong, Kihei, HI [email protected].

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 41

ask the EXPERTS

Your Equipment Hotline

DOUBLE PULLING takes to keep the string from slipping as SQUASH TENSION LISTINGS
WE STRING BOTH TENNIS and rac- you lift the weight. Now, slowly unwind

Q quetball frames in my shop. For ten-

nis frames, we always pull each string
individually, and we never have a complaint.
the loose end, and observe how you must
increase the effort needed to prevent the
string from slipping around the dowel.
rior Squash frame to string. The
frame specifies a tension range
between 20 and 35 lbs; the Stringer’s
For racquetball frames, we sometimes have When tensioning two strings at a time, Digest has the following entry:
to double-pull — pull two strings at once — the friction is enough to produce dramatic 20-28 (S) 28-35 (H)
from the head. If we pull at the customer’s reductions in the tension on the string What do the (S) and (H) refer to?
desired tension, he often feels that the rac- that is farther away from the tension
quet is not strung properly, is “weak,” the
strings move and need to be adjusted after
each shot. I’ve found, however, that I get a
head. The only tension that is “trans-
ferred” from the string closer to the ten-
sion head to the string farther from the
A THE “S” AND “H” REFER TO “soft”
and “hard,” respectively, and are
designations of the type of ball used. His-
much better string job if I set the reference tension head occurs when the friction of torically, squash was played with both
tension 2 pounds higher than the customer the string going around the outside of the hard and soft balls, but around 1990 the
requests. My machine is properly calibrated, frame is less than the internal friction U.S. Squash Racquets Association (USSRA)
so why is there such a difference? (a.k.a stretch) of the string. That is, if it’s switched to soft balls for their main cham-
easier for the string to stretch than it is to pionships, so soft-ball squash is now the


around an angle, you lose tension due
to friction. You can demonstrate this with
overcome the friction where it contacts
the frame, the string will stretch and no
tension will be transferred to the other
more common ball type in the United
States. We publish both specs because,
depending on your location, your cus-
some string, a dowel, and a weight. Tie one string. tomers might be using either one.
end of the string to the weight, and then Increasing the reference tension does- —Greg Raven Q
wrap the loose end of string all the way n’t compensate for this tension loss, We welcome your questions. Please send them to Rac-
around a dowel. While you hold the free although it may mask it enough that your quet Sports Industry, 330 Main St., Vista, CA, 92084;
end of the string, observe how little effort it customers don’t complain. fax: 760-536-1171; email: [email protected].

42 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005


10-S Tennis Supply 203-266-4862 F 858-693-0888 Torrance, CA 90504
1820 7th Avenue North F 203-263-0275 Email: [email protected] P 800-421-4474
Lake Worth, FL 33461 Email: [email protected] Web: 310-768-0300
P 800-247-3907 Web: F 310-768-0324
561-547-1772 Fromuth Tennis Email: [email protected]
F 561-547-3371 Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment 1100 Rocky Drive Web:
Email: [email protected] 3441 S. 11th Ave. West Lawn, PA 19609
Web: Eldridge, IA 52748 P 800-523-8414 Lee Tennis
P 800-553-8907 610-288-5024 2975 Ivy Road
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. F 800-443-8907 F 610-288-5040 Charlottesville, VA 22903
7335 SW 104th Street Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] P 800-4HARTRU
Miami, FL 33156 Web: Web: 434-295-6167
P 305-667-1228 F 434-971-6995
F 305-667-6959 Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] 25 Draper Street 200 Waterfront Dr. Web:
Web: Greenville, SC 29611 Pittsburgh, PA 15222
P 800-235-5516 P 800-333-0337 Lily’s of Beverly Hills, div. of The
Alpha Sports 864-271-0201 412-323-0335 LBH Group, Ltd.
7208 McNeil Drive, #207 F 864-271-3258 F 800-274-0317 18700 Crenshaw Blvd
Austin, TX 78729 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Torrance, CA 90504
P 800-922-9024 Web: Web: P 800-421-4474
512-250-1499 310-768-0300
F 512-279-9454 Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific Gosen America (Sportmode, Inc.) F 310-768-0324
Email: [email protected] 13950 Senlac #100 5445 Oceanus Street, Suite 113A Email: [email protected]
Web: Dallas, TX 75234 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Web:
P 888-566-8966 P 800-538-0026
ASBA F 888-455-3551 714-379-7400 NGI Sports (Novagrass)
(American Sports Builders Association) Email: [email protected] F 714-379-7099 2807 Walker Road
7010 W. Highway 71, Suite 340 Web: Email: [email protected] Chattanooga, TN 37421
PMB #312 Web: P 800-835-0033
Austin, TX 78735-8331 Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. 423-499-5546
P 866-501-2722 634 Wallace Avenue, P.O. Box 136 HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports F 423-499-8882
512-858-9890 Chambersburg, PA 17201-0136 306 S. 45th Ave. Email: [email protected]
F 512-858-9892 P 800-511-7272 Phoenix, AZ 85043 Web:
Email: [email protected] 717-263-4950 P 800-289-7366
Web: F 717-263-2969 602-269-1492 Nova Sports USA
Email: [email protected] F 602-484-0533 6 Industrial Road, Building #2
Ashaway Line & Twine Mfg. Co. Email: [email protected] Milford, MA 01757
P.O. Box 549 / 24 Laurel Street Fancy Pants, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd. Web: P 800-872-6682
Ashaway, RI 02804 18700 Crenshaw Blvd F 508-473-4077
P 800-556-7260 Torrance, CA 90504 K-Swiss, Inc. Email: [email protected]
401-377-2221 P 800-421-4474 31248 Oak Crest Drive Web:
F 401-377-9091 310-768-0300 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Email: [email protected] F 310-768-0324 P 800-938-8000 Oncourt Offcourt
Web: Email: [email protected] 818-706-5100 5427 Philip Ave.
Web: F 818-706-5391 Dallas, TX 75223
ATS Sports Email: [email protected] P 88-TENNIS-11
200 Waterfront Drive Fast Dry Companies Web: 214-823-3078
Pittsburgh, PA 15317 1400 North West 13th Avenue F 214-823-3082
P 800-866-7071 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Klip America Email: [email protected]
412-323-9612 P 800-432-2994 13088 Caminito del Rocio Web:
F 412-323-1320 F 954-979-1335 Del Mar, CA 92014
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] P 866-554-7872 Power Key
Web: Web: 858-755-6174 PO Box 11092
F 720-559-3253 Burbank, CA 91510
Classic Turf Co., LLC. Forten Corporation Email: [email protected] P 800-442-3389
437 Sherman Hill Road 7815 Silverton Ave., Ste. 2A Web: 818-569-3076
PO Box 55 San Diego, CA 92126 F 626-969-0236
Woodbury, CT 06798 P 800-722-5588 LBH, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd. Email: [email protected]
P 800-246-7951 858-693-9888 18700 Crenshaw Blvd Web:

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 43


Prince Sports, Inc. Tail, Inc. Web: Sun City, FL 33586
One Advantage Court 3300 NW 41st St P 800-282-4415
Bordentown, NJ 08505 Miami, FL 33142 USRSA (United States Racquet 813-641-7787
P 800-2 TENNIS P 305-638-2650 Stringers Association) F 813-641-7795
609-291-5800 F 305-633-7439 330 Main Street Email: [email protected]
F 609-291-5902 Email: [email protected] Vista, CA 92084 Web:
Web: Web: P 888-900-3545
760-536-1177 Wilson Racquet Sports
PTR (Professional Tennis Registry) Tecnifibre F 760-536-1171 8700 W Bryn Mawr Avenue, 10th floor
P.O. Box 4739 272 Columbine Drive Email: [email protected] Chicago, IL 60631
Hilton Head Island, SC 29938 Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 Web: P 800-272-6060
P 800-421-6289 P 877-332-0825 773-714-6400
843-785-7244 F 630-789-0714 USTA (US Tennis Association) F 800-272-6062
F 843-686-2033 Email: [email protected] 70 West red Oak Lane Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Web: White Plains, NY 10604 Web:
Web: P 800-990-8782
Unique Sports Products 914-696-7000 Wimbledon, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd.
Putnam Tennis & Recreation 840 McFarland Road F 914-696-7167 18700 Crenshaw Blvd
P.O. Box 96 Alpharetta, GA 30004 Email: [email protected] Torrance, CA 90504
Harwinton, CT 06791 P 800-554-3707 Web: P 800-421-4474
P 800-678-2490 770-442-1977 310-768-0300
F 860-485-1568 F 770-475-2065 Volkl Sport America F 310-768-0324
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 19 Technology Dr. Email: [email protected]
Web: Web: W. Lebanon, NH 03784 Web:
P 800-264-4579
Sportwall International USPTA (US Professional Tennis 603-298-0314 Yonex Corporation USA
5045 6th Street Association) F 603-298-5104 20140 W. Western Avenue
Carpinteria, CA 95108 3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite 1 Email: [email protected] Torrance, CA 90501
P 800-695-5056 Houston, TX 77042 Web: P 800-44-YONEX
805-745-5559 P 800-877-8248 310-793-3800
F 805-745-1021 713-97-USPTA Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. F 310-793-3899
Email: [email protected] F 713-978-7780 PO Box 7770 Email: [email protected]
Web: Email: [email protected] 4501 Old US Hwy 41 Web:

EQUIPMENT Racquetball Racquets Strings-Synthetic Fromuth Tennis
Tennis Racquets Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific Alpha Sports Gamma Sports/Fischer USA
10-S Tennis Supply Fromuth Tennis Ashaway Line & Twine Mfg. Co. Gosen Racquet Strings
Alpha Sports HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports ATS Sports HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports
Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) Prince Sports, Inc. Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) Klip America
Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific Wilson Racquet Sports Forten Corporation Prince Sports, Inc.
Fromuth Tennis Fromuth Tennis Unique Sports Products
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Badminton Racquets Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Wilson Racquet Sports
HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports Alpha Sports Gosen America (Sportmode, Inc.) Yonex Corporation USA
Prince Sports, Inc. Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports
Tecnifibre Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific Klip America Accessories
Volkl Sport America Fromuth Tennis Prince Sports, Inc. 10-S Tennis Supply
Wilson Racquet Sports Prince Sports, Inc. Tecnifibre ATS Sports
Yonex Corporation USA Wilson Racquet Sports Unique Sports Products Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf)
Yonex Corporation USA Volkl Sport America Forten Corporation
Squash Racquets Strings-Gut Wilson Racquet Sports Fromuth Tennis
Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) Alpha Sports Yonex Corporation USA Gamma Sports/Fischer USA
Fromuth Tennis ATS Sports HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports
HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports Fromuth Tennis Strings-Hybrid Klip America
Prince Sports, Inc. Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Alpha Sports Power Key
Tecnifibre Klip America Ashaway Line & Twine Mfg. Co. Prince Sports, Inc.
Wilson Racquet Sports Prince Sports, Inc. ATS Sports Tecnifibre
Unique Sports Products Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) Unique Sports Products
Wilson Racquet Sports Forten Corporation Volkl Sport America
Wilson Racquet Sports

44 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005


Grips Klip America Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Wristbands

Alpha Sports Power Key K-Swiss, Inc. Alpha Sports
ATS Sports Yonex Corporation USA Prince Sports, Inc. ATS Sports
Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) Wilson Racquet Sports Fromuth Tennis
Forten Corporation Tension Testers Wimbledon, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd. Gamma Sports/Fischer USA
Fromuth Tennis ATS Sports Yonex Corporation USA HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Klip America
Gosen Racquet Strings Women’s K-Swiss, Inc.
HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports Sports Bags ATS Sports Prince Sports, Inc.
Klip America Alpha Sports Fromuth Tennis Tail, Inc.
Prince Sports, Inc. ATS Sports K-Swiss, Inc. Tecnifibre
Tecnifibre Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) LBH, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd. Unique Sports Products
Unique Sports Products Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific Lily’s of Beverly Hills, div. of The LBH Volkl Sport America
Volkl Sport America Forten Corporation Group, Ltd. Wilson Racquet Sports
Wilson Racquet Sports Fromuth Tennis Prince Sports, Inc. Yonex Corporation USA
Yonex Corporation USA Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Tail, Inc.
HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports Wilson Racquet Sports Tennis Panties
Vibration Dampeners Prince Sports, Inc. Wimbledon, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd. ATS Sports
Alpha Sports Tecnifibre Yonex Corporation USA Fancy Pants, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd.
ATS Sports Volkl Sport America Fromuth Tennis
Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) Wilson Racquet Sports Children’s
Forten Corporation Yonex Corporation USA ATS Sports Sports Bras
Fromuth Tennis Fromuth Tennis Fancy Pants, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd.
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Tennis Balls LBH, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd. Fromuth Tennis
HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports 10-S Tennis Supply Wilson Racquet Sports
Klip America ATS Sports Custom Cresting
Prince Sports, Inc. Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific T-shirts Fromuth Tennis
Tecnifibre Fromuth Tennis ATS Sports Tail, Inc.
Unique Sports Products Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf)
Volkl Sport America HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports Fromuth Tennis Embroidery
Wilson Racquet Sports Oncourt Offcourt Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Fromuth Tennis
Yonex Corporation USA Prince Sports, Inc. Prince Sports, Inc. Tail, Inc.
Tecnifibre Tecnifibre Unique Sports Products
Stringing Machines Unique Sports Products Volkl Sport America
10-S Tennis Supply Wilson Racquet Sports Wilson Racquet Sports Team Business
Alpha Sports Yonex Corporation USA ATS Sports
ATS Sports Arm Bands Fancy Pants, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd.
Fromuth Tennis ATS Sports Socks Fromuth Tennis
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Fromuth Tennis ATS Sports LBH, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd.
Klip America Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Fromuth Tennis Lily’s of Beverly Hills, div. of The LBH
Prince Sports, Inc. Unique Sports Products Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Group, Ltd.
Tecnifibre Wilson Racquet Sports K-Swiss, Inc. Prince Sports, Inc.
Yonex Corporation USA Prince Sports, Inc. Tail, Inc.
Knee Bands Tail, Inc. Wimbledon, div. of The LBH Group, Ltd.
Stringing Tools ATS Sports Volkl Sport America
Alpha Sports Fromuth Tennis Wilson Racquet Sports Apparel Other
ATS Sports Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Dunlop Sports (Focus Golf) (Tournament
Forten Corporation Unique Sports Products Hats/Caps/Visors T-Shirts)
Fromuth Tennis ATS Sports
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Ankle Supports Fromuth Tennis FOOTWEAR
Klip America ATS Sports Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Tennis
Yonex Corporation USA Fromuth Tennis HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports 10-S Tennis Supply
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA K-Swiss, Inc. Fromuth Tennis
Stringing Accessories Unique Sports Products Prince Sports, Inc. K-Swiss, Inc.
Alpha Sports Tail, Inc. Prince Sports, Inc.
ATS Sports TENNIS APPAREL Tecnifibre Wilson Racquet Sports
Forten Corporation Men’s Unique Sports Products Yonex Corporation USA
Fromuth Tennis ATS Sports Volkl Sport America
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Fromuth Tennis Wilson Racquet Sports
Yonex Corporation USA

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 45


Other ATS Sports Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment Netting

Fromuth Tennis Classic Turf Co., LLC. Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific 10-S Tennis Supply
Prince Sports, Inc. Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc.
Fast Dry Companies Fast Dry Companies ATS Sports
Insoles Gamma Sports/Fischer Forten Corporation Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment
ATS Sports Lee Tennis Fromuth Tennis Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific
Fromuth Tennis NGI Sports (Novagrass) Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc.
Nova Sports USA Lee Tennis Fast Dry Companies
TENNIS LIGHTING Putnam Tennis and Recreation Oncourt Offcourt Fromuth Tennis
Outdoor Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Unique Sports Products Gamma Sports/Fischer USA
10-S Tennis Supply Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Lee Tennis
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Fencing NGI Sports (Novagrass)
Classic Turf Co., LLC Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Water Cooler Stands Oncourt Offcourt
Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. Classic Turf Co., LLC 10-S Tennis Supply Welch Tennis Courts, Inc.
Fast Dry Companies Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc.
Putnam Tennis and Recreation Fast Dry Companies ATS Sports Ball Retrieval Equipment
Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Lee Tennis Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment 10-S Tennis Supply
Putnam Tennis and Recreation Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc.
Indoor Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. ATS Sports
10-S Tennis Supply Fast Dry Companies Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment
Classic Turf Co., LLC Tennis Nets Fromuth Tennis Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc.
Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. 10-S Tennis Supply Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Fast Dry Companies
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Lee Tennis Fromuth Tennis
Other Alpha Sports Oncourt Offcourt Gamma Sports/Fischer USA
10-S Tennis Supply ATS Sports Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Lee Tennis
Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment Oncourt Offcourt
Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific Windscreens Prince Sports, Inc.
COURT EQUIPMENT Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. 10-S Tennis Supply Unique Sports Products
Court Surfaces Fast Dry Companies Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Welch Tennis Courts, Inc.
10-S Tennis Supply Forten Corporation Alpha Sports
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Fromuth Tennis ATS Sports Ball Machines
ASBA (American Sports Builders Associ- Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment 10-S Tennis Supply
ation) Lee Tennis Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc.
Classic Turf Co., LLC. NGI Sports (Novagrass) Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. ATS Sports
Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. Nova Sports USA Fast Dry Companies Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment
Fast Dry Companies Oncourt Offcourt Fromuth Tennis Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc.
Lee Tennis Putnam Tennis and Recreation Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Fast Dry Companies
NGI Sports (Novagrass) Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Lee Tennis Fromuth Tennis
Nova Sports USA NGI Sports (Novagrass) Gamma Sports/Fischer USA
Putnam Tennis and Recreation Tennis Posts Oncourt Offcourt Lee Tennis
Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. 10-S Tennis Supply Putnam Tennis and Recreation Oncourt Offcourt
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Prince Sports, Inc.
Maintenance Equipment ATS Sports Putnam Tennis and Recreation
10-S Tennis Supply Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment Backdrop Curtains Welch Tennis Courts, Inc.
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific 10-S Tennis Supply
ATS Sports Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Backboards
Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific Fast Dry Companies ATS Sports 10-S Tennis Supply
Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. Fromuth Tennis Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc.
Fast Dry Companies Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. ATS Sports
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Lee Tennis Fast Dry Companies Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment
Lee Tennis NGI Sports (Novagrass) Fromuth Tennis Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc.
NGI Sports (Novagrass) Oncourt Offcourt Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Fast Dry Companies
Putnam Tennis and Recreation Putnam Tennis and Recreation Lee Tennis Gamma Sports/Fischer USA
Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. NGI Sports (Novagrass) NGI Sports (Novagrass)
Oncourt Offcourt Oncourt Offcourt
Surface Repair Products Scorekeepers Putnam Tennis and Recreation Sportwall International
10-S Tennis Supply 10-S Tennis Supply Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Putnam Tennis and Recreation
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Welch Tennis Courts, Inc.
ASBA (American Sports Builders Association) ATS Sports

46 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation
1. Publication Title: Racquet Sports Industry
2. Publication Number: 347-830
3. Filing Date: 10/15/2005
4. Issue Frequency: Jan-Aug Monthly, Sep-Dec Bi-Monthly
Teaching Aids Nutrition/Food 5. Number of Issues Published Annually: 10
10-S Tennis Supply Fromuth Tennis 6. Annual Subscription Price: $25
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication:
ATS Sports Sports Eyewear Tennis Industry Inc., P.O. Box 428, Hurley, NY 12443
Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific ATS Sports 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General
Fast Dry Companies Business Office of Publisher: Same as #7
Fromuth Tennis
9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Address of Publisher
Fromuth Tennis HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports
and Editor: Publisher: Jeff Williams, 79 Madison Ave, 8th
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Prince Sports, Inc. Floor, New York, NY 10016. Publisher: David Bone, 330
Oncourt Offcourt Unique Sports Products Main Street, Vista, CA 92084. Editor: Peter Franscesconi,
Prince Sports, Inc. 937 Post Road, Fairfield, CT 06824. Editor-in-Chief:
Sportwall International Sports Watches Crawford Lindsey, 330 Main Street, Vista, CA 92084
Unique Sports Products Fromuth Tennis 10. Owner: Tennis Industry Inc., P.O. Box 428, Hurley, NY
12443. USRSA, 330 Main Street, Vista, CA 92084
Welch Tennis Courts, Inc.
11. Known Bondholders, Mortgages and Other Security
Sun Protection
Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total
Water Removal Equipment Fast Dry Companies Amount of bonds, Mortgages or Other Securities: None.
10-S Tennis Supply 12. Tax Status: Has not changed during preceding 12 months.
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Sunglasses 13. Publication TItle: Racquet Sports Industry
ATS Sports ATS Sports 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: Sep/Oct 2005
Douglas Sports Nets & Equipment Fromuth Tennis 15. Extent and Nature of Average No. No. Copies of

Edwards Div. of Collegiate Pacific HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports Circulation Copies Each Single Issue
Issue During Published
Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. Unique Sports Products
Preceding 12 Nearest to
Fast Dry Companies Months Filing Date
Forten Corporation Tournament Prizes A. Total No. Copies 15,250 17,000
Fromuth Tennis Fromuth Tennis (net press run)
Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Gamma Sports/Fischer USA B. Paid and/or Requested circulation
Lee Tennis Unique Sports Products 1. Paid/Requested 13,724 14,509
Outside-County Mail
Oncourt Offcourt
Subscriptions Stated
Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. Towels on Form 3541
Fromuth Tennis 2. Paid In-County 46 46
BUILDERS & DESIGNERS Subscriptions Stated
Court Contractors Videotapes on form 3541
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. (South Florida, ATS Sports 3. Sales Through 0 0
Carribean) Fromuth Tennis Dealers and Carriers,
Street Vendors,
ASBA (American Sports Builders Oncourt Offcourt
Counter Sales, and other
Association) (All of U.S.) Non-USPS Paid Distribution
Classic Turf Co., LLC. (All of U.S.) Water Bottles 4. Other Classes 0 0
Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. (Eastern US) ATS Sports Mailed Through USPS
Fast Dry Companies (USA, Carribean, Fromuth Tennis C. Total Paid and/or 13,770 14,555
Bahamas) Gamma Sports/Fischer USA Requested Circulation
Putnam Tennis and Recreation D. Free Distribution by Mail (Samples, complimentary and
other free)
Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. (All of USA) Associations/Certifications
1. Outside-County as 613 613
ASBA (American Sports Builders Association) Stated on form 3541
Facility Planners/Designers ATS Sports 2. In-County as 0 0
Agile Courts Construction Co. Inc. Fast Dry Companies Stated on Form 3541
Classic Turf Co., LLC. PTR (Professional Tennis Registry) 3. Other Classes 0 0
Evergreen Tennis Services, Inc. USPTA (US Professional Tennis Association) Mailed Through the USPS
Fast Dry Companies USRSA (US Racquet Stringers Association) E. Free Distribution 80 580
Outside the Mail
USTA (US Tennis Association)
(carriers or other means)
MISCELLANEOUS Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. F. Total Free Distribution 693 1193
Books G. Total Distribution 14,463 15,748
ATS Sports Educational Workshops H. Copies Not Distributed 787 1252
Oncourt Offcourt Fast Dry Companies I. Total 15,250 17,000
Computer Software Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. J. Percent Paid and/or 95.2% 92.4%
Oncourt Offcourt Requested Circulation
16. Publication of Statement of Ownership Printed in the
November/December 2005 issue of this publication.
17. Signed, Jeff Williams, Publisher, 10/15/2005
ATS Sports
I certify that all information furnished on this form is true.
Fromuth Tennis and complete.
Unique Sports Products

November/December 2005 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY 47

Your Serve
Getting Things In Shape!
A longtime tennis director says Cardio Tennis will revolutionize
the sport, and your business. BY GREG MORAN

’m a fitness fanatic. I work out several times a exercise. They want to get in, work out, can’t help but improve. Participants hit all
week, keep an eye on what I eat (most of the and get on to their next activity, so they the shots and make all of the movements
time), and am forever looking for new ways to tend to use the easily available cardio they would during singles or doubles, but
get that workout high. Over the years I’ve tried equipment at their gym, take aerobics the focus is on getting a great workout,
everything: running, stair-climbing, elliptical, classes or lift weights. They generally not beating an opponent. And the pro-
yoga, Pilates, weights—you name it. If there’s a don’t think about tennis as a great fit- gram allows players of all levels to work
way to break a sweat, I own a book about it, ness opportunity. But Cardio Tennis can out together.
have bought the equipment for it, and have change that. Both Baugh and Krause feel that the
given it a shot. Cardio Tennis classes are conducted program can be a boon for the tennis
Of all the forms of exercise I’ve tried, industry. Existing players who may do sup-
though, nothing—and I mean nothing—has “I walked off the court plemental training at their gyms can now
satisfied the workout-aholic inside of me as get a full-body workout by taking Cardio
much as running and hitting tennis balls. convinced that Cardio Tennis. Non-players who work out will see
That’s why I’m such a proponent of Cardio the program as a viable fitness option and
Tennis, which I predict will revolutionize Tennis is here to stay.” give tennis a try.
both the tennis and fitness industries. The hope is that Cardio will bring peo-
Cardio Tennis is the brainchild of Jim on a tennis court by certified tennis pro- ple who have quit tennis back to the
Baugh. The president of the Tennis Industry fessionals. Each class includes a short, sport. Studies have shown that players
Association, Baugh has dedicated his career dynamic warm-up, a cardio workout who have tried and stopped playing tennis
to encouraging people of all ages to play that includes a combination of drill- and did so for two main reasons: They could-
tennis and adopt a more active lifestyle. play-based exercises (where the pro n’t find the time to devote to the game
And that’s becoming more and more impor- feeds balls to players based on their abil- and they had difficulty finding a playing
tant every day. Look at some of the statistics ity and fitness level), and a cool-down partner. Both issues are answered with
I came across recently: phase. Simply put, Cardio Tennis is ten- Cardio Tennis.
Q The percentage of Americans that are nis’s entry into the fitness industry. And Cardio Tennis was launched to con-
either overweight or obese has grown it easily can—and should—be an impor- sumers at the 2005 US Open, with fitness
from 47 to 65 percent in the last 20 years. tant program that you need to offer to guru Denise Austin leading the charge. If
Q The number of extremely obese American your players. your facility is not a Cardio Tennis site,
adults—those who are at least 100 I attended a Cardio Tennis workshop you need to visit
pounds overweight—has quadrupled since at the USTA National Tennis Center to
the 1980s to about 4 million. That’s about hosted by Baugh and Michele Krause, become one. It’s the future of your busi-
one in every 50 adults. the program’s national manager, and ness, and it’s the future of our sport. Q
Q In December 2001, U.S. Surgeon General couldn’t have come away more
David Satcher blamed obesity for causing impressed. After a brief classroom ses-
some 300,000 deaths annually in the U.S., sion, we strapped on heart-rate moni- Award-winning teaching
warning that obesity may soon overtake tors (recommended so participants can professional Greg Moran is
tobacco as the leading cause of pre- monitor their heart rates during exercise) the director of tennis at the
Four Seasons Racquet Club
ventable deaths. and took to the courts. By the end of
Q 60 percent of American adults don't get
in Wilton, Conn. He is certi-
the hour, I’d hit hundreds of tennis fied by the PTR and USPTA
the recommended amount of physical balls, gotten a tremendous workout and has written for a variety
activity, and over 25 percent of adults are and, above all, had one hell of a good of tennis publications and
not active at all. When polled, the No. 1 time. I walked off the court convinced appeared on television. He is the author of two
books, with his latest scheduled to be released in
reason people gave for not exercising is that Cardio Tennis is here to stay.
that they “don’t have enough time.” Not only does Cardio Tennis provide
Today, thankfully, fitness is beginning to a complete workout in a short period of
We welcome your opinions. Please email
creep into more peoples’ lives, but they’re time, but also it offers players an enjoy- comments to [email protected] or fax
only willing to set aside so much time for able social experience. And your tennis them to 760-536-1171.

48 RACQUET SPORTS INDUSTRY November/December 2005

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