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This is published and distributed FOR FREE

to implementers of SPES.

Copyright 2017 by
Bureau of Local Employment
All Rights Reserved.

No part hereof may be reproduced for commercial purposes.

Title Page No.
I. Introduction ........................................................................................... 1
II. Legal Bases and Objectives ..................................................................... 1
III. Program Management
A. Bureau of Local Employment ...................................................... 3
B. Financial and Management Service ............................................. 3
C. Internal Audit Service ................................................................. 4
D. Planning Service ......................................................................... 4
IV. Implementers
DOLE Regional Offices ............................................................... 4
Public Employment Service Office (PESO) .................................. 5
V. Stakeholders
A. Beneficiaries ......................................................................... 6
B. Participating Employers ........................................................ 6
VI. Procedural Flow
A. Pledging Session ......................................................................... 7
B. Application Process (Requirements and Filing) .......................... 8
B-1. Applicants
1. Students ................................................................................ 8
2. Out-of-school youth (OSY) ..................................................... 9
3. Dependents of Displaced or Would-Be Displaced Workers….. 9
C. Screening of Applicants ............................................................... 9
D. Placement/Employment Period – Duties and Responsibilities 10
D-1. Employer ............................................................................ 10
D-2. Beneficiaries ........................................................................ 11
D-3. PESO .................................................................................. 11
D-4. DOLE FO/PO ....................................................................... 12
E. Post-Employment and Processing of Payment ............................. 12
F. Payment of DOLE’s Share ........................................................ 13
G. During and Post-Implementation Reports ...............................
VII. GLOSSARY / Acronyms .......………………….…….....………………………..
VIII. ANNEXES ........................................................................................
SPES Full Cycle Process Flow .....................................................
Monitoring and Other Forms ......................................................
Basic Life Skills Survey Questionnaires Kit ................................ 31
Legal References and Latest Issuances ....................................... 41
Department of Labor and Employment
Bureau of Local Employment


Republic Act No. 10917 and its IRR

Integrated Manual of Operations

For Program Implementers
(Revised Edition 2017)

Investing in youth and focusing on building their skills and capabilities through
education is recognized as essential in facilitating their successful entry into the
labor market. The students who finished their studies are more likely to have
better opportunities in a more vigorous and aggressive labor market which plays a
vital role in the economic development of a country. Thus, completion of
education could yield a long term spin-off of the youth’s marketability and
competitiveness in the labor market.

Viewed differently from other countries’ youth employment and scholarship

programs, the Special Program for Employment of Student or SPES, is an
employment-bridging program intended to help poor but deserving students, out-
of-school youth (OSY) and dependents of displaced or would-be displaced workers
to continue and finish their education.

Under the program, beneficiaries are paid for the services rendered for temporary
employment, in partnership with the participating establishments, whether
private or public. Their salaries or wages based on the minimum wage in the area
or applicable hiring rate, are subsidized and paid by the government through the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

Similarly, the program promotes public-private partnership by encouraging the

participation of private establishments as employers to successful students and
OSY-applicants to provide the latter with the opportunity to acquire skills and
actual job exposure.

Since its implementation in 1993, SPES is considered as one of the most relevant
and worthwhile youth employment programs of the government where the
students and out-of-school youth (OSY) as beneficiaries are exposed in the real
world of work. While gaining experience and enhancing their capabilities as future
members of the workforce, the program effectively hones their skills while molding
their attitude and habits towards work in a positive manner.


As enshrined in the Philippine Constitution, the right to education is a basic and
fundamental right of every Filipino. Translated to a substantial legislation to this
constitutional right is the Kabataan 2000 or Executive Order No. 139 s1993 or,

SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp Page 1

specifically pitching the Special Program for Employment of Students or SPES as
one of the results of the government’s effort to afford each Filipino youth to attend
and finish school and education.

“The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to
quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps
to make such education accessible to all.” (Section 3, Art. XIV,
1987 Constitution)

To further give the program a strong foundation for implementation, Republic

Act No. 7323, otherwise known as the Special Program for Employment of
Students was enacted in 1992, to help poor but deserving students pursue their
education by encouraging their employment during summer and/or Christmas
vacations. Incentives were granted to employers by allowing them to pay only 60%
of their salaries or wages, and the remaining 40% through education voucher (EV)
to be paid by the government.

The program assists the youth ages 15-25 particularly those who are poor, to keep
them in schools and finish their education by giving them the opportunity to work
and subsidizing the 40% share in their salary for 20 to 52 days work with either
private or public employers.

In 2009, RA 7323 was amended by virtue of RA No. 9547, to strengthen and

expand the SPES law, providing among others, the regular increase in the annual
budget allocation of the program by 20% and expand the coverage of employers’
participation by allowing employers/establishments with minimum of ten (10)
employees from the previous fifty (50) to participate in the program. In addition,
the program implementation in RA 9547 is already whole year round.

The SPES law was further amended by RA No. 10917 in 21 July 2016. Its
Implementing Rules and Regulations or IRR was signed by the Secretary of the
Department of Labor and Employment Silvestre H. Bello III on 20 March 2017.

The salient features of the amended SPES law include among others, the
institutionalization of OSY and dependents of displaced or would-be displaced
workers as program beneficiaries; the increase in age limit for SPES beneficiaries,
the number of work days, and DOLE’s percentage share in the salary of
beneficiaries in low-income local government units (LGUs); the fundamental shift
in the mode and medium of payment; the institutionalization of social protection
for SPES beneficiaries through a year-round accident insurance coverage; and the
development and maintenance of an information system for program
beneficiaries, key players and other stakeholders of the program.


The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) shall manage the
implementation of SPES through the following offices:

A. Bureau of Local Employment (BLE) - as the Program Manager of

SPES shall manage the implementation of the program through the
DOLE-Regional Offices, and shall:

Page 2 SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp

1. Promote and advocate SPES which shall include the development
and dissemination to the DOLE-ROs, and posting of advocacy and
information materials at the BLE website;

2. Equip the DOLE-ROs and PESOs on SPES by providing capacity

building activities and technical assistance in the implementation of
the program;

3. Strictly monitor and ensure compliance of the DOLE-ROs in the

implementation and timely submission of reportorial requirements;

4. Assist and respond promptly to query/queries of the DOLE-ROs and

PESOs relative to program implementation;

5. Conduct regular monitoring, which shall include ocular check to

PESO during program implementation;

6. Develop the Pre and Post-SPES Employment Basic Life Skills Survey
Questionnaires Kit for dissemination to the DOLE ROs and PESOs.
The BLE shall also conduct capacity building activities relative to the
conduct of the pre and post-SPES Employment Survey on basic life
skills for SPES beneficiaries;

7. Prepare and publish quarterly and annual report of SPES

accomplishments, including issues and challenges, and provide
further, analysis and recommendation on the improvement of
program implementation; and

8. Develop a system and maintain an online database or registry of

SPES beneficiaries, participating employers, and other stakeholders
that is capable of generating relevant reports relative to the program,
and to expedite the processing of the DOLE’s counterpart in the
salary and/or wages of the SPES beneficiaries for effective
implementation and efficient monitoring.

B. Financial and Management Service (FMS) - shall be in charge of

the annual budget preparation taking into consideration the 20% annual
increase in SPES budget. The DOLE Regional Offices shall recommend or
propose their respective budget based on the number of pledges obtained
and received prior to the implementation year, or based on their previous
accomplishment which shall be coordinated and communicated to the

C. Internal Audit Service (IAS) – shall conduct regular audit in the

implementation of SPES in coordination with the BLE. Any report
resulting from the said audit shall be communicated to the DOLE-RO
concerned and the BLE for immediate and appropriate action.

D. Planning Service (PS) – shall provide assistance to BLE in planning

the targets and monitoring the accomplishments of DOLE-ROs, and
provide recommendations as to the development, maintenance, and

SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp Page 3

further enhancement of the SPES online database system.


A. DOLE Regional, Provincial and Field Offices (RO/PO/FO)-

Ensure and strictly monitor compliance of the PESO as to the
implementation of the SPES law from the receipt of pledges to the
processing and screening of application, and submission of required
documents of the SPES beneficiaries, and:

1. Validate and ensure that all the pledges submitted through the
Pledge of Commitment or SPES Form 1 by the participating
employers have sufficient funds to cover the percentage share in the
salary and/or wages of the SPES beneficiaries as follows;

a. 60% share for private establishments, national government

agencies (NGAs) and other government instrumentalities;

b. 60% share for local government units (LGUs), except for the
following low-income LGUs with a lower share:

i. 25% for 6th Class Municipality

ii. 40% for 5th Class Municipality
iii. 50% for 4th Class Municipality or 6th Class Province

2. Ensure that the regional office’s fund allocation for the pledges
received and approved under the program are sufficient to cover the
DOLE’s share in the salary and/or wages of the SPES beneficiaries;

3. Equip the PESO on SPES by providing capacity building activities

and technical assistance relative to the implementation of SPES;

4. Provide immediate response or assistance with regard to query/

queries under the program. Coordinate with the BLE issues or
queries pertaining to policies and communicate the same to PESO;

5. Conduct, as far as practicable, regular monitoring and on-the-spot

check or visitation of PESO and/or employer during program

6. Consolidate, collate, and submit to BLE the Summary of Results of

the Pre and Post-SPES Employment Survey Questionnaire for
evaluation and analysis of the basic life skills acquired by the SPES

7. Accept, validate, and process the documents required for the

payment of the corresponding DOLE’s share in the salary and/or
wages of SPES beneficiaries;

8. Validate and submit all reportorial requirements to the BLE within

the period prescribed in each SPES form; and

Page 4 SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp

9. Maintain own list and complete record of student-beneficiaries,
SPES babies, and participating employers for monitoring and

B. Public Employment Service Offices (PESOs) - The Public

Employment Service Office or PESO shall serve as the frontline
implementer and the employment facilitation hub for SPES, and:

1. Promote and advocate the SPES program to prospective employers,

either public or private. Advocacy shall include orientation of
prospective and participating employers of their duties and
obligations under the program as mandated under RA 10917, and
dissemination of information materials to the public and prospective
SPES applicants;

2. Ensure that the participating employers have sufficient funds to

cover the 25%-60% share in the salary and/or wages of beneficiaries
requiring the participating employers/ establishments to attach
pertinent documents in the Pledge of Commitment, i.e. the
Certificate of Budget Allocation and Certificate of Availability of
Funds or Certified Funds Available. In case of LGUs, NGAs, NGOs,
and similar institutions, the PESO shall ensure that a copy of the
respective LGU/office’s Annual Budget that provides for an
allocation for SPES is attached in the Pledge of Commitment;

3. Assist the respective DOLE regional office in or during pledging


4. Conduct, facilitate, and process application and initial screening of

SPES applicants;

5. Ensure that all applications received and accepted have complete

documentary requirements. No application with incomplete
documents shall be accepted by the PESO;

6. Evaluate applications and conduct matching and referral of students;

7. Orient successful applicants on SPES law, including their duties and

responsibilities, salary and/or wages, and other benefits including
their insurance coverage;

8. Conduct and administer the Basic Life Skills Pre and Post-SPES
Employment Surveys to SPES beneficiaries before and after their
SPES employment. The conduct of the survey/test will be scheduled
by the PESO and shall be made mandatory upon all SPES
beneficiaries during the fiscal year of implementation;

9. Facilitate and ensure the execution of Employment Contract between

the employer and SPES beneficiary;

SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp Page 5

10. Accept, process, validate, and submit all reportorial requirements to
their respective DOLE FO/RO, as the case may be, within the period
prescribed in each SPES form and report; and

11. Maintain own list and complete record of SPES beneficiaries,

babies, and participating employers for monitoring and evaluation.

A. Beneficiaries – must be 15-30 years of age who are either students or
out-of-school youth (OSY), or dependents of displaced or would-be
displaced workers, intending to enrol and pursue their education, whose
combined net income after tax of parents, including his/her income, if
any, does not exceed the latest annual poverty threshold level for a family
of six (6), as determined and issued by the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA), in addition to the following

1. Students shall have obtained at least an average passing grade

during the last school year/term attended.

2. Out-of-school youth (OSY) must be certified as OSY by the

Barangay or local social welfare development office having
jurisdiction in their area; and

3. Dependents of Displaced or Would-be Displaced Workers

must be duly certified by their employers or concerned agencies i.e.
DOLE RO, barangay, or social worker/welfare development office of
the LGU.

B. Participating Employers – are persons or juridical persons

authorized to operate a business in the Philippines or created under the
law whether private or public, employing at least ten (10) persons whether
regular, seasonal, temporary, casual or under job contracting

1. Private – are those establishments authorized to operate business

under the Philippine laws and duly registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC), or the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), including but not limited to, private and/or business
establishments; non-government organizations (NGOs), private
educational institutions, labor unions, and other similar
organizations and associations or any other institutions created for
the purpose; and

Public – refers to the national government agencies (NGAs) and/or any

of its instrumentalities, local government units (LGUs), public
schools or state universities and colleges (SUCs), including
government-owned or controlled corporations (GOCCs).

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A. Pledging Session

1. PESO may already obtain pledges and commitments from

prospective employers from the fourth quarter (4th quarter) ahead,
until the first quarter (1st quarter) of the implementing year;

2. The DOLE RO shall inform FOs of their budget allocation for SPES
based on received or obtained pledges;

3. FOs shall meet the PESOs to discuss and agree upon the budget
allocation and SPES targets for the implementing year;

4. Interested employers from the private and government sector, shall

submit to PESO their accomplished Employer’s Pledge of
Commitment Form or SPES Form 1, together with the document/s
required as proof of capacity to pay and budget allocated for SPES, to

a. For private employers and NGOs, a certification duly signed by its

President or Manager or their duly authorized representative and
the Budget Officer or Accountant reflecting the 60% share

b. For public employers except LGUs, a copy of the office’s budget

for the 60% share duly signed by the Head of Office or his/her
duly authorized representative or officer-in-charge, and the
Budget Officer or Accountant.

c. For the LGUs, a copy of any of the following:

i. Resolution of the Sangguniang Bayan, Panglungsod or

Panlalawigan, as the case may be, indicating the budget for
the salary of beneficiaries, duly signed by the Local Chief
Executive (LCE) and the members of the Sanggunian, or

ii. Annual Investment Plan (AIP) or its equivalent, or

iii. Any other document indicating the specific budget allocation

intended for SPES.

5. Employers shall indicate their requirements as to the number of

SPES beneficiaries, and in consideration of their industry and
operations, their preference as to age, gender, and educational
attainment; the number of SPES work days including the start and
end date of the employment period;

6. The PESO, FO/PO and RO shall ensure that the pledges submitted
by the employer does not exceed its current total number of

SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp Page 7

7. The PESO shall consolidate the Pledge Forms submitted by the
employers in their area, accomplish the Summary Report of
Participating Establishments or SPES Form 3 not more than five
(5) days after the pledging session and submit the same together
with SPES Form 1 to the DOLE Field Office. The PESO shall also
maintain their own copy of the said forms for their own record;

8. All pledges submitted by PESOs shall be consolidated and submitted

by the Field Office to the Regional Office after the same had been

9. The Regional Office through the FO and/or PESO shall inform the
employer/establishment of the approval of their pledges through a
letter or a notification stating the number of their approved pledges;

10. LGUs may assume full responsibility of paying 100% share in the
salary of beneficiaries and GPAI coverage of beneficiaries provided
that the LGUs shall seek approval of the concerned DOLE Regional
Office in writing to ensure compliance with this Rules.

B. Application Process - Requirements and Filing

All Students, OSYs, or dependents of displaced or would-be displaced

workers may go to the PESO having jurisdiction in their area to apply
anytime and accomplish the prescribed Application Form or SPES Form
2. The same shall be submitted to the PESO, together with the following
documentary requirements:

1. Photocopy of birth certificate or any government issued IDs or any

official document indicating the applicant’s date of birth and/or age.

2. Except for dependents of displaced or would-be displaced workers:

a. Applicants whose parents are wage-earners, may submit any of

the following:

i. Photocopy of Income Tax Return (ITR),

ii. Photocopy of Certificate of Tax Exemption issued by BIR
iii. Original copy of Certificate of Low Income issued by the
concerned barangay for those who reside outside the ten (10)
kilometer-radius from the nearest Revenue District Office
(RDO) of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).

b. For non-wage earner parents:

Original copy of Certificate of Indigence or Low Income issued by

the Barangay or Social Welfare and Development Office of the

3. In addition to Items 1 and 2, applicants who are students shall

submit the following:
Page 8 SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp
a. For basic education, a photocopy of Form 138 (Student’s Report
Card) or Form 137 (Student’s Permanent Record) of the last
school year or term attended immediately preceding the

b. For higher education, a photocopy of the report of grades or

complete set of academic class cards as indicated in their
registration form.

c. In the absence of the above, a certification from the school of the

applicant’s passing general average or general weighted average.

4. In addition to Items 1 and 2, applicants who are OSY, shall submit

an original copy of Certification as OSY in letter head issued by the
Barangay Chairman or Punong Barangay, or duly authorized
representative of the Barangay, or a Certification issued by the Social
Welfare Development Office in the LGU.

5. In the case of dependent of displaced or would-be displaced

workers, in addition to Items 1 and 3 or 4, as the case may be, may
submit any of the following:

a. Notice of Termination issued by the employer;

b. DOLE RO’s Establishment Termination Report (ETR); or
c. Certification of displacement issued by the concerned barangay,
municipal or city social worker development officer of the LGU.

Original copy of the photocopied documents to be submitted shall be presented

by the applicant to the PESO for purposes of validation.

As most employers implement SPES during summer vacation or end of

academic school year, prospective applicants are advised to apply as early as
January or first quarter of the implementing year.

C. Screening of Applicants

The PESO shall pre-orient the SPES applicant about the program, its
purpose and the supporting documents required to avail the program, and:

1. Process applications with complete documentary requirements and

conduct assessment for matching and referral;

2. Facilitate employment and forward to the participating

establishment/employer the list of successful applicants for the
screening process and assessment, if applicable;

3. Inform the beneficiary and refer to another employer if the

beneficiary did not fit in the assignment or task to be given by the

SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp Page 9

4. Conduct orientation to successful applicants about SPES, their
rights, duties and responsibilities under the program;

5. Administer the accomplishment of SPES Form 2-A or Oath of

Undertaking and the Basic Life Skills Pre— and Post—SPES
Employment Survey prior to and after their employment;

6. Submit SPES Form No. 5 or Placement Report cum GSIS to

DOLE FO together with the beneficiaries’ documentary requirements
for initial validation of complete documents.

D. Placement/Employment Period:

D-1. Employer - Duties and Responsibilities

The employer shall comply with the general labor standards and occupational
safety and health standards, and:

1. Sign and execute the Employment Contract using SPES Form 4

regardless prior to or after the signing of the SPES beneficiary. The
employer shall submit the duly signed contract to the PESO for
consolidation and submission to the DOLE Field Office;

2. Orient the SPES beneficiary on company rules and regulations,

including their rights, duties and responsibilities as temporary
employees of the company or establishment;

3. Assign the SPES beneficiaries tasks that are non-hazardous as

provided under existing child labor-related laws, rules and

4. Ensure that SPES beneficiaries below 18 years of age shall work not
more than eight (8) hours a day nor more than 40 hours a week and
shall not be required to work from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

5. Shoulder the statutory premium pay in full based on the prevailing

minimum wage, in case SPES beneficiaries render overtime work
and on holidays and rest days; and

6. Pay the SPES beneficiaries 60% of the prevailing minimum wage in

the private sector or applicable percentage of the hiring rate in the
government sector where they are employed within fifteen (15)
working days after the end of the employment period.

D-2. SPES Beneficiaries - Duties and Responsibilities

1. Attend orientation prior to employment and accomplish SPES

Form 2-A and the Basic Life Skills Survey before and after SPES

2. Sign and execute Employment Contract or SPES Form 4 as

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witnessed by the PESO;

3. Strictly observe company policies, rules and regulations at all times;

4. Report to work for the whole duration of employment period;

5. Report to PESO or DOLE any violation of the employment contract

by the employer; and

6. Check with the PESO or DOLE FO his/her GSIS insurance coverage.

D-3. PESOs – Duties and Responsibilities

The PESOs shall:

1. At all times, witness the signing of the SPES beneficiary of the

Employment Contract or SPES Form 4 to validate their signature
in the payroll or Terminal Report;

2. Consolidate copies of employment contracts executed by the

employer and SPES beneficiary and accomplish SPES Form 5 or
the Placement Report cum GSIS Insurance Coverage Form;

3. Submit SPES Form 5 at least ten (10) days before their date of
employment together with the Employment Contract or SPES
Form 4 with all the documentary requirements submitted by the
SPES beneficiaries attached;

4. Maintain a record and monitor the SPES beneficiaries/babies during

their employment;

5. Conduct visit at least once, or as far as practicable, conduct spot

check of the participating establishments to ensure compliance and
proper implementation of the program; and

6. Report immediately to DOLE any issues or problems encountered

either by the SPES beneficiary or employer for immediate action and
resolution. This shall include the violation of the employment
contract of any or both parties.

D-4. DOLE FO/PO - Duties and Responsibilities

1. Ensure that the SPES beneficiaries are covered by the Group

Personal Accident Insurance (GPAI) of the GSIS upon receipt of the
SPES Form 5 submitted by the PESO or at least seven (7) days
before the start of employment date in the form provided by the

2. Ensure that the attachments in SPES Form 5 are complete

including the documentary requirements submitted by the
beneficiaries; and

SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp Page 11

3. Start with the initial validation of the SPES beneficiaries’ placement
for the processing of payment of the DOLE’s percentage share, as to
the number of work days and projected wage or salary.

E. Post-Employment and Processing of Payment

1. After the end of the employment period, the employer shall pay
within fifteen (15) working days the salary and/or wage of the SPES
beneficiary in cash, in the amount equivalent to 60% of the existing
minimum wage or 25%-60% of the applicable hiring rate, as the case
may be.

2. The payment and receipt of salary of the SPES beneficiary shall be

reflected in the Terminal/Payroll Report using SPES Form 6,
which shall also serve as the payroll of the SPES beneficiaries.

3. The employer shall submit SPES Form 6 not later than five (5)
working days, containing the names of the SPES beneficiaries hired,
their descriptive position, the number of days employed, the amount
earned and paid by the employer, including the wage/hiring rate as
basis of their 25%-60% counterpart in the salary/wage of the SPES
beneficiary to the PESO.

4. The Employer shall, upon request of the SPES beneficiary, issue a

Certificate of Employment for any legal purpose/s. In the same
manner, the DOLE RO shall, issue upon request, a Certification to
the student or OSY as SPES Beneficiary for any legal purpose/s.

5. The PESO shall validate the Terminal/Payroll Report as to the

names and signatures of the beneficiaries and submit the same to
DOLE FO/PO within three (3) working days.

Any signature of the SPES beneficiary lacking in the Terminal Report

shall be reported by the PESO to FO and call the attention of the
employer and/or the beneficiary, as the case may be. In the event
that one or more SPES beneficiaries were not able to sign the payroll,
the PESO shall still submit the copy to the FO/PO to process the
payment of those not affected.

However, a report in writing must be attached to the Terminal/

Payroll Report stating the reason why the payment of the SPES
beneficiary/ies concerned had to be held in abeyance.

The certified duplicate copy of the Terminal/Payroll Report shall be

submitted by the PESO directly to DOLE RO within 24 hours as soon
as the SPES beneficiary shall have signed the same.

In the event that the travel time will take more than five (5) hours for
the physical copy of the Terminal/Payroll Report to reach the DOLE-
RO, the PESO may send an advance copy through electronic mail

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and send the physical copy for verification and validation.

6. The DOLE FO shall within ten (10) working days validate and
examine if the number of days and corresponding salary appearing
in the Employers’ Payroll/ Terminal Report are correct, and submit
the same together with the complete documents of the beneficiaries

7. The DOLE Regional Office shall within twenty (20) working days
upon receipt of the validated Terminal Report, process and release
the 40% share in the salaries/wages of SPES.

F. Payment of DOLE’s Share

1. The DOLE ROs shall pay the salaries or wages of SPES beneficiaries
in the form of cash through:

a. Financial or banking institutions’ facility such as:

i. Payroll;
ii. Automated teller machine (ATM) cards;
iii. Cash cards;
iv. Check; or
v. any other acceptable means or facility

b. Other payment facilities or payment intermediaries such as, but

not limited to, private payment or remittance center subject to
existing rules on procurement.

2. Transaction and service fees and charges incurred in the processing

of payment shall be borne by the DOLE ROs through the SPES

3. The DOLE RO may open and maintain a separate bank account

dedicated to SPES to effect payment of its beneficiaries.

G. During and Post-Implementation Reports

The Regional Offices shall submit the following reports to the Bureau of
Local Employment:

1. Quarterly report on their accomplishments which shall include the

number of beneficiaries, their budget utilization indicating the
claimed and unclaimed checks, using SPES Form 8 or the
Quarterly Work and Financial Report;

2. Participating employers including the disaggregated number of

employers as to their sectoral category i.e. private and public
establishments and the number of beneficiaries per sector;

3. Period of engagement or number of work days rendered by

beneficiaries ;
SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp Page 13
4. Profile of SPES beneficiaries and graduates; and

5. Mapping of SPES babies as to their area of concentration; level of

education and age bracket, including the SPES Baby Information
Sheet as to the actual experience of SPES babies with their work

Page 14 SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp

BLE – Bureau of Local Employment
BIR – Bureau of Internal Revenue
CHED – Commission on Higher Education
DBM – Department of Budget and Management
DepEd – Department of Education
DOLE – Department of Labor and Employment
DOLE-FO/PO – DOLE Field Office/ Provincial Office
DOLE-RO – DOLE Regional Office
FMS – Financial and Management Service
GSIS – Government Service Insurance System
IAS – Internal Audit Service
ITR – Income Tax Return
LGUs – Local Government Units
MOA - Memorandum of Agreement
NEDA – National Economic and Development Authority
NGAs – National Government Agencies
NGOs – Non-government Organizations
OSY – out-of-school youth
PESO – Public Employment Service Office
PS – Planning Service
SPES – Special Program for Employment of Students
SUCs – State Universities and Colleges
TESDA – Technical Education and Skills Development

SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp Page 15

I. SPES Full Cycle Process Flow
II. Monitoring and Other Forms
1. SPES Form 1 – Pledge of Commitment
2. SPES Form 2 – Application Form
3. SPES Form 2-A – Oath of Undertaking
4. SPES Form 3 – Summary Report of Participating
5. SPES Form 4 – Employment Contract
6. SPES Form 5 – Placement Report cum GSIS
Insurance Coverage
7. SPES Form 6 – Terminal/Payroll Report
8. SPES Form 7 – Quarterly Summary Work and
Financial Report
9. SPES Baby Information Sheet
III. Basic Life Skills Survey Questionnaire
1. Foreword
2. Personal Circumstances
3. Part I – Pre-SPES Employment Survey Questionnaire
4. Part II - Post-SPES Employment Survey Questionnaire
5. Summary of Results
IV. Legal References/Latest Issuances
1. Republic Act 10917
2. Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 10917
3. Republic Act 9547
4. Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 9547
5. Republic Act 7323
6. Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 7323
7. Memorandum of Agreement – DOLE and GSIS
8. SPES Advisory No. 5 – 2016
9. SPES Advisory No. 1 -2017 – Poverty Threshold
10. SPES Advisory No. 3 – 2017 - SPES ID

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SPES Full Cycle Process Flow
Responsible Process
Key Steps Action Cycle Details
Officer Time

4th quarter ahead PESO to advocate and promote the program to

PESO and until end of 1st prospective partner-employers or participating
quarter of the establishments.
implementing year

RO RO to distribute budget based on the proposal of

Upon approval PESOS as per submitted Pledge of
of the GAA or Commitments. ROs may set their own criteria or
by the end of as to proportional distribution/ allocation of
February of the Budget.
PESO and FO Implementing FO to conduct meeting with PESO to discuss
Year budget allocation and targets for SPES.
First week of Employer shall submit the necessary documents
February of the certifying that funds are available for the *25%-
Implementing 60% counterpart on salaries/wages of SPES
Year beneficiaries.

PESO/FO and PESO to validate if employer is authorized under

RO the law to operate, and funds are allocated and
available for the 25-60% counterpart for the
salaries/wages of SPES beneficiaries depending
on the nature of employer. Employer-LGUs shall
provide and attach in their pledge of commitment
Before the end any of the following:
of February of
the 1. Resolution of the Sangguniang Bayan,
Implementing Panglungsod or Panlalawigan, indicating the
Year budget for the salary of beneficiaries, duly
signed by the LCE and the members of the
Sanggunian, or
2. Annual Investment Plan (AIP) or its equivalent,
3. Any other document indicating the specific
budget allocation intended for SPES.
Once validated, PESO shall forward or submit
pledges to FOs for review and fund allocation.

FO Focal/Head FO to revalidate that the employer is authorized

by law to operate and the pledges committed are
funded. Once validated, endorse to RO for pre-

RO Focal/ TSSD Before the end of RO Focal and/or TSSD Head shall review and pre
Head March of the -approve the pledges and endorse to the Office of
Implementing RD for approval and signature.

SPES-IMO revised edition 2017 / lpp Page 17

Key Steps Action Details
Officer Cycle Time

ROs may also communicate the approval to

employers thru PESO.
RO Focal Person
*LGUs including low-income and private sector’s
share.The ROs may strategize on the order or
sequence of their SPES budget allocation/distribution
to FOs and PESOs.

**Despite timelines provided for the submission of

pledges during the first quarter of the implementing
year, the DOLE ROs may still obtain and accept
pledges from employers within the year.


1st quarter for high Applicants must be 15-30 years old at the time
school students and of application; must be poor but deserving
SPES Applicant anytime of the year students with passing general weighted average;
for tertiary students or OSY duly- certified by the barangay or local
and OSY SWDO, intending to enrol in any secondary,
tertiary or tech-voc institution. Income after tax of
parents and his/her, if any, does not exceed
poverty threshold
Within the day of
application PESO shall inform the applicant of the purpose
PESO and objectives of the program.

As soon as all Applicants shall submit photocopies of the

documents are following documents:
SPES Applicant
ready for
submission For STUDENTS:
1. Birth certificate or any document
showing his/her birth date
2. Income Tax Return showing that the income
after tax of parents, including his/her if any,
does not exceed the poverty threshold OR
Certification from the BIR of Exemption of
Parents from payment of tax OR Certificate of
Indigence/Certificate of Low Income issued
by the Barangay or the local SWDO.
PESO Within the day upon
(Applicants whose parents are wage –
earners and residing outside the ten (10)
kilometer-radius from the nearest Revenue
District Office (RDO) of the Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR), may submit an
original copy of Certificate of Low Income
issued by the concerned barangay in lieu
of the ITR).

3. Form 137 / 138, OR printed copy of Certificate

Within the day
of Grades OR if not yet available,
Certification from school of passing grade
during the last school year or term attended
immediately preceding the application.

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Responsible Process
Key Steps Action Cycle Details
Officer Time
For OSYs:
Items no. 1 and 2 above; and
Not later than five 3. Certification as OSY issued by the Barangay
PESO (5) days after the or the local DSWD
1. If student, requirements for students;
2. If OSY, requirements for OSY; and
Not later or at least 3. Certification/ Verfication from the RO of closure
PESO and FO five (5) days before of establishment where the dependent’s parents
the actual SPES work OR certification of an ongoing labor
work days dispute.

Orientation may be done by the PESO and FO in

batches depending on the start of the SPES

Note: All documents submitted must have been

validated by the PESO prior to their submission to
Originals of the photocopied documents to be
submitted must be presented for validation.


Within the day the Employers shall also inform the PESO within 24
Employer SPES beneficiary hours after screening, the status of recommended
reports for SPES beneficiaries, if hired or not

Within 24 hours the Employment contracts need not be notarized. They

Employer SPES beneficiary can be administered by the PESO and the FO as
was hired witnesses.

At least ten (10) Employers shall orient SPES beneficiaries of

PESO working days company policies and their rights as workers,
before the start of including their duties and responsibilities. No
employment period employer shall expose SPES beneficiaries to any
hazardous undertaking.

FO Focal The FO shall conduct validation that the students

Within the day
hired/placed have submitted complete documents
in preparation to the processing of their projected

FO or RO Focal/ At least seven (7) FO must immediately start consolidating and

TSSD and Budget days before the encoding the list of SPES beneficiaries in their
Officer start date of SPES system for monitoring. FO or RO shall use the form
work prescribed by the GSIS to facilitate the insurance
coverage of placed SPES beneficiaries.

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Responsible Process
Key Steps Action Cycle Details
Officer Time

SPES beneficiary shall at all times, observe and

SPES beneficiary As soon as
comply with company policies.
instruction is
received from the

FO/RO Focals Employers must adhere to the Work Plan, as

Anytime within the
approved, and as submitted together with the
employment period
Pledge of Commitment.

Note: Validation as to the completeness of all the

documents of successful applicants or SPES
beneficiaries prior to their placement shall end at the FO
level. However, documents shall be forwarded/
transmitted to RO after the employment period for audit
purposes, whether physical (hard copy), digital or soft
copy (scanned or in CD form) or electronic mail.


Employer or Within fifteen (15) Employers shall accomplish the Terminal Report or
Designated / working days upon SPES Form 7 using their own payroll form.
Authorized completion of
Representative SPES working

Employer or Within five (5) Terminal Report or SPES Form 7 must

Designated / working days upon contain the following information:
Authorized payment of 1. names of the SPES beneficiaries hired
Representative beneficiaries 2. descriptive position
3. number of days employed
4. amount earned and paid by the employer
5. wage rate as basis of 25%-60% counterpart in
the salary/wage
6. 40 - 75% counterpart of DOLE

Within three (3) PESO to validate the names and signatures of

PESO Manager/ working days SPES beneficiaries with the placement report
Designated submitted to DOLE FO/RO
representative PESO to call the attention of the employer and/or
the beneficiary, as the case may be in case one or
more signatures of the beneficiaries are lacking in
the Terminal Report.
A report in writing must be attached to the
Terminal/ Payroll Report stating the reason why
the payment of the SPES beneficiary/ies
concerned had to be held in abeyance. The
certified duplicate copy of the Terminal/Payroll
Report shall be submitted by the PESO directly to
DOLE RO within 24 hours as soon as the SPES
beneficiary shall have signed the same.

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Responsible Process
Key Steps Action Cycle Details
Officer Time
Within ten (10) Ensure that the number of days and
working days upon corresponding salary appearing in the Terminal
receipt from PESO Report are correct. Submit the Terminal Report to
RO on or before the prescribed period had

Within the Day

Ensure that all the items for validation of the

PESO and FO are completed.

Within 20 working DOLE RO may select a medium of payment

days effective and efficient in their area and suitable to
the situation of the SPES beneficiaries.

- Nothing follows -

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SPES Monitoring and Other Forms

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Legal References / Latest Issuances

Republic Act 10917

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Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 10917

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Republic Act 9547

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Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9547

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Republic Act 7323

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Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 7323

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Memorandum of Agreement—DOLE and GSIS

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SPES Advisory No. 5—2016

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SPES Advisory No. 1—2017

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SPES Advisory No. 3—2017 - SPES ID



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SPES Advisory No. 4—2017 - Publication of DO 175

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