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1. The area under the normal curveis


2. The curve of a probability distribution is formed by

A circle


Cette shaped

in a class of 50 students, to students are selected at random the mean the te


ls the

mean age of the 10 students alustrates

A. statistic

B. parameter

Cranden variable

retaby te

4. Using the table, find the area below >= 132

A. 0.4066

8 0 .5000


5. A population consists of the numbers 1,3,5,7,9 Find the number of samples

A. 10


6. It states if the population is normally distributed with means and standard deviations, then the same

distribution of the sample mean is also normally distributed no matter what the sample sive

A sampling distribution of the sample mean weighted mean

B. population mean

D probability distribution mean

7. It is known as the probability distribution that is obtained through a larne number of samples from a

population that can be presented in a form of table, graph or formula

A. random sampling

C. sampling distribution

B. probability distribution

D. random variable

8. Find the area of the normal curve from 1 to 41

A. 0.2668

B. 0.6826

C. 0.9544


9. Given * = 60,5 = 8.Find the score value of raw score 78 up to two decimal places

A. 1.25

B. 2.25


10. Given z = 1.25, s = 15 and i = 75. Find the value of the raw score


B. 83.75

C. 93.75

11. How many different samples of size n = 3 can be selected from a population of 207

A. 1,014

B. 1,041

C. 1,104

0 1,140

12. Find the 85th percentile of a normal curve.

A. 0.04


C. 1.04

13. Find the area above z = 1.2

A. 0.3849

B . 0.1151

C. 0.1115

14. Which of the following illustrates random sampling?

D. 01511

A. interviewing students regarding school admission policy

B.choosing clothes to wear for wedding occasions

C. interviewing top ten students in a class

D. food testing in SM supermarket

15. It states that the sampling distribution of the mean approaches a normal distribution as the number

samples increases.

A. probability distribution theorem

C. random variable theorem

B. random sampling theorem

D. central limit theorem

II. PROBLEM SOLVING. Solve the following problems. Show pertinent solutions.

16. Draw the normal curve using the data given.

a. 1 = 30, S = 8

b. i = 83, S = 6

18. The random variable x is best described by a normal distribution with = 30 and a 6. Find the score

corresponds to the following x values.

a. X = 21

b. x = 26.5

C. X = 35

17. Shown below is the probability distribution of X = the number of students utilizing the Math
laboratory per day
X. 6 8 10 12 14

P(X) 0.1 0.35 0.3 0.15 0.1

a. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation.

19. A division-wide aptitude test in Mathematics was conducted to 1000 pupils. The mean of the test is
65 and the

Standard deviation is 10. How many of the students get a score of:

a. below 567?

b. below 71?

c. above 40?

d. between 51 and 71?

20. A Division-wide aptitude test in Mathematics was conducted to 1000 pupils. The mean of the testis
58 and the

standard deviation is 12. The scores also approximate the normal distribution

a. What is the minimum score to belong to the upper 20% of the group?

b. What is the score that divides the distribution into two such that 70% of the cases is below it?

c. Estimate the range of scores that will include the middle 50% of the distribution.

Answer all the activities in I whole sheet of paper in a continuous order. Write your name and indicate
your section at

the upper left section of your paper.

Chapter 2 Lesson 3 and 4: Identifying Regions Under the Normal Curve and Determining Probabilities

Activity #1.

Instructions: Answer the following in a 1 whole sheet of paper. Copy the given, illustrate the graph and

your complete solution (5pts each.)

1. Find the area below 2-1.5.

2. Find the area between 2-2 and za 1.5.

Chapter 2 Lesson 5: Locating Percentiles

Activity #2.

Instructions: Find each of the following percentile points under the normal curve. Complete your

(10pts each)

1. 68%

2. 90%

Chapter 3: Mean and Variance of Sampling Distribution of Sampling Means

Activity #3

Instructions: Answer the following problem below. Copy the problem and show your complete solution


1. Consider a population consisting of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Suppose samples of size 2 are drawn from this

population. Describe the sampling distribution of the sample means.

• What is the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means?

• Compare these values to the mean and the variance of the population

2. Consider a population consisting of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Suppose samples of size 3 are drawn from the

population. What is the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of sample means? Compare

values to the mean and the variance of the population.

3. The average time it takes a group of college students to complete a certain examination is 46.2
minutes. The

standard deviation is 8 minutes. Assume that the variable is normally distributed. What is the probability

that a randomly selected college student will complete the examination in less than 43 minutes?

Chapter 4: Estimation of Parameters

Activity #4

Instructions: Answer the following problem below. Copy the problem and show your complete solution.


1. Compute the means of the column samples. What is the point estimate?
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5

500 498 497 503


500 500 495 494



497 502 496


495 500 497


502 497



496 497 496 495 497



2. A random selection of 40 entering Mathematics majors has the following GPAs. Assume that = 0.46.

Estimate the true mean GPA with 99% confidence. Find the point estimate and the confidence interval


4.0 3.5 3.0 3.3 3.8 3.1 3.6 4.

0 3 .9 3.5

3.2 3.0 3.5 3.2 3.0 3.2 4.0 3.0 3.4 3.0

3.0 2.8 5.6 3.0 3.2 3.5 3.2 2.8 3.3 3.1

3.2 2.9 3.0 2.8 4.0 3.7 3.0 3.3 3.2


3. In a survey of 458 random households, people take pride in discussing their methods of

protection. 236 manage their trash by separating biodegradables from non-biodegradables.

Biodegradables are
converted into fertilizers while non-biodegradables are disposed of properly. Use a 95% confidence to
estimate the

proportion of all households who have good practices of trash management. Find the point estimate
and the

interval estimate of the problem.

Bent Solving Activities.

S. Copy and answer the following problems below. Show your complete solution

Wty 5. COM

1. Luz scored 90 in an English

standard deviation of 10. S.

was her standing better assum

scored 90 in an English test and on a nysics test. Scores in the English test have a man of NO and

deviation of 10. Scores in Physics test have a mean of 60 and standard deviation of B. in which subject

tanding better assuming that the scores in her English and Physics class are normally distributed?

2. On a final examination in Biology, the mean

final examination in Biology, the mean was 75 and the standard deviation was 12. Determine the

core of a student who received a score or to assuming that the scores are normally distributed

standard score of a student who re

3. In a Science test, the mean score is 42 and th

t the mean score is 42 and the standard deviation is 5. Assuming the scores are normally

distributed, what percent of the score is less than 507

4. Shown below are the scores of the 15 rando

are the scores of the 15 randomly selected students in Grade 10. Compute for the sample

mean and sample variance.

Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Scores 60 61 58 7075 68 1 80 62 7885 55 58 74 80

Use the formula: u =ando = EX-***

For item nos 5-6, Heights of college women have a distribution that can be approximated by a normal
curve with a mean

of 65 inches and a standard deviation equal to 3 inches.

5. About what proportion of college women are between 65 and 67 inches tall?

6. About what proportion of college women are between 62 and 65 inches tall?

7. Mrs.L, a The researcher, looked at the average time (in minutes) it takes a random sample of
customers to be

served in a restaurant. From 40 customers, the following information was obtained. What is the average














8. The mean gasoline consumption of 10 cars is 28 liters with a standard deviation of 1.6 liters. Find the

estimate using 95% confidence level.

9. The graph of a t-distribution with 18 df is shown below. If the total shaded area of the curve is 0.02,
what is

the area to the left of t?

10. Given: n=50, o=1.2, and a=0.01. The maximum error E is approximately?
11. The operations manager of a large production plant would like to estimate the mean amount of time
a worker

takes to assemble a new electronic component. Assume that the standard deviation of this assembly
time is 3.6

minutes. After observing 120 workers assembling similar devices, the manager noticed that their
average time was

16.2 minutes. Construct a 92% confidence interval for the mean assembly time.

12. In a learning style study, 1200 respondents were asked if they can assimilate concepts while
watching television

586 said Yes. Find a 95% confidence interval for the population proportion p. The true population
proportion and


13. Find the length of given interval: 0.357 <p <0.603

14. Compute the length of the confidence interval given;


49, confidence level: 95%

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