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This chapter discusses the research design that will be use in this study, sampling

technique, the research instrument, the data gathering procedures and the data analysis

and in interpreting the results of the study as well as the ethical considerations in

conducting the study.

Research Design

This study will use a descriptive-correlational design. A correlational study

determines ifthe two variables are correlated to each other (Kalla, 2011). On the other

hand, Kowalczyk (2003) defines descriptive research as a study designed to illustrate or

describe the participant of the study in a more precise way. In general, descriptive-

correlation design is a research design that explains how the variable affects the other


Sampling Technique

The researchers will use a judgemental or purposive sampling technique in getting

the respondents in this study. Purposive sampling is a strategy in which particular

settings, persons or events are selected deliberately in order to provide important

information that cannot be obtained from other choicces(Maxwell, 1996). It is where the
researchers includes cases or participants in the sample because they believe that they

warrant inclusion.

Source of Data

For the purposes of this research, in depth interviews will be use. In depth

interviews are personal and unstructured interviews, whose aim is to identify participant’s

emotions, feelings, and opinions regarding a particular research subject. The main

advantage of personal interviews is that they involve personal and direct contact between

interviewers and interviewees, as well as eliminate non-response rates, but interviewers

need to have developed the necessary skills to successfully carry an interview (Fisher,

2005, Wilson, 2003).

Data Gathering Procedure

Permission to Conduct the Study. The researchers sent a letter of permission

noted by their research adviser to conduct the study to the principal. Upon the approval

of the permission, the researchers sent a letter to the adviser of each regular section in

Grade 10 level for the permission to conduct the study and to ask for the 2 nd quarter

grades of the respondents.

Orientation of the Respondents. After the approval of the permission of the

principal, the adviser of the respondents, the researchers had a room-to-room orientation

and explained how the respondents will answer the given questionnaire.

Administration of Survey Questionnaire. . The questionnaires were distributed

personally to the respondents.

Retrieval of Survey Questionnaires. The researchers recovered the questionnaires

personally, after the respondents have answered the questionnaires.

Tallying of the Results. The result of the survey was tallied, tabulated, analyzed, and

treated statistically with the help of a statistician.

Data Analysis

The thematic content analysis will be use to analyze the interview data. This

analysis method comprised of five steps, namely: transcription, checking and editing,

analysis and interpretation, and verification (Karlsson, undated; Sarantakos, 1998).

Ethical Consideration

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