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The KPTCL Employees’ (Classification, Disciplinary Control & Appeal)

Regulations, has undergone several changes, especially with reference to the
The updated version of “Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation
Limited Employees’ (CDC&A) Regulations” is brought out in the form of a
Second Edition. Henceforth references to these regulations should be indicated
accordingly, with the words ‘II Edition’.
Errors and omissions if any, may be brought to the notice of Director (A &

Managing Director,
Date :

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The Karnataka Electricity Board has adopted its own ‘Karnataka Electricity
Board Employees’ (Classification, Disciplinary Control and Appeal) Regulations,
1987. In view of its importance in carrying out Board duties, it is included in the
syllabus for the Departmental Examinations of the Board. Since the copies of KEB
Employees’ (Classification, Disciplinary Control and Appeal) Regulations, 1987
are exhausted and matters like formation of new Divisions, Circles, appointment
of outside persons as Enquiry Officers, inclusion of the said Regulations as
subject for the Departmental Examinations have become important, it has become
necessary to reprint the said Regulations. Notification issued on 1st of August,
1990 has also been included in the reprint. I am sure this first reprint will be of
help to the Employees of KEB. Suggestions for improvement in procedures may
be brought to the notice of the Secretary, KEB, Bangalore.

Karnataka Electricity Board.

Date: 24.06.1994

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The Board had adopted the Mysore Civil Services (Classification, Control
and Appeal) Rules, 1957 vide its order no. MSEB/A1.6469/61-62 dated
13.09.1962 and MSEB/BLO/97/67-68 dated 18.08.1967 for the conduct of
Disciplinary proceedings in the Board.

Now the Board has framed its own KEB Employees’ (Classification,
Disciplinary Control and Appeal) Regulations, 1987. This has been adopted in
Board Order no. KEB/B16/7228/85-86 dated 29.12.1987 and 16.03.1988 with
directions that these Regulations shall come into force from the date of its
publication in Karnataka Gazette. With this adoption, the KEB Employees’
(Classification, Disciplinary Control and Appeal) Regulations, 1987 would replace
the Mysore Civil Services (C.C & A) Rules, 1957 which was being followed in the
Board hitherto.

Errors and omissions, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Board.

Karnataka Electricity Board

Date: 22.08.1988.

Page 3 of 81


1. Short Title and Commencement. 08

2. Interpretation. 08 - 09

3. Application. 09 - 10

4. Protection of Rights and Privileges conferred by any Law. 10

5. Classification of Services. 11

6. Constitution of Corporation Services. 11


7. Appointments to Corporation Services. 12

8. Suspensions. 12 - 14


9. Nature of Penalties. 15 - 18

10. Disciplinary Authorities. 18

10(A). Authority to institute proceedings. 19 - 20

Page 4 of 81
11. Procedure for imposing Major Penalties. 20 - 29

11(A). Action on the Inquiry report. 29

12. Procedure for imposing Minor Penalties. 29 - 30

12(A). Communication of Orders. 30 - 31

13. Joint Enquiry. 31

14. Special Procedure in certain cases. 32

14(A). Special Procedure in certain cases of Misconduct. 32 – 34

15. Provisions regarding Lent Officers. 34 – 35

16. Provisions regarding Borrowed Officers. 36

16(A) Provisions regarding Re-Appointed Employees. 36 - 37


17. Orders against which no Appeal lies. 37

18. Appeals against Orders imposing penalties. 37 - 38

19. Appeals against other Orders. 38 - 40

20. Period of limitation for Appeals. 40

21. Form and contents of Appeals. 40 – 41

22. Submission of Appeals. 41

23. Withholding of Appeals. 41 – 42

24. Transmission of Appeals. 42

Page 5 of 81
25. Consideration of Appeals. 42 – 44


26. Corporation’s Power to review. 44 - 45

27. Review of orders in Disciplinary cases. 45

28. Appearance of legal practitioner. 46

28(A). Service of orders, notices, etc. 46

28(B). Powers to relax time limit and to condone delay. 46

28(C). Supply of copy of Corporation’s Advice. 46 – 47

29. Applicability for pending cases. 47

30. Removal of doubts. 47

SCHEDULE – I (A) & (B). 48

SCHEDULE – II (A) & (C). 49 – 50

SCHEDULE – III. 50 – 53

SCHEDULE – IV. 54 – 56

SCHEDULE – V. 57 – 59

SCHEDULE – VI (A), (B) & (C). 60 – 65

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SCHEDULE – VII. 66 – 76

SCHEDULE – VIII. 77 – 81

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In exercise of the power conferred under Section 79(c) of the

Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948, the Karnataka Power Transmission
Corporation Limited (KPTCL) hereby makes the following Regulations,
namely :-





a) These Regulations may be called the Karnataka Power
Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) Employees
(Classification, Disciplinary Control and Appeal) Regulations.
b) They shall come into force at once.

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:-

a) ‘APPOINTING AUTHORITY’ in relation to a Corporation

employee means :

i) the authority empowered to make appointments to the service

of which the Corporation employee is for the time being a
member or to the grade of the service in which the
Corporation employee is for the time being included;
ii) the authority empowered to make appointments to the post
which the Corporation employee for the time being hold;

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iii) the authority which appointed the Corporation employee to
such service, grade or post, as the case may be, whichever
authority is the highest authority.

b) ‘DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITY’ in relation to the imposition

of a penalty on a Corporation employee means the authority
competent under these Regulations to impose on him that

c) ‘BOARD/CORPORATION EMPLOYEE’ means a person on

monthly ‘Rate of Pay’ in any establishment in the Corporation
and includes any person whose services are temporarily placed
at the disposal of the Central / State Government or a Local
Authority, whether working in the Corporation or on deputation
to the Government or any other organisation.

d) ‘SCHEDULE’ means the schedule to these Regulations.

e) ‘SERVICE’ means a service of the Karnataka Electricity Board

/ Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited.

f) ‘CHAIRMAN’ means the Chairman, Karnataka Power

Transmission Corporation Limited.


1) These Regulations apply to all Corporation employees except;

a) persons in casual employment;
b) persons subject to discharge from service on less than one
month’s notice;
c) person for whose appointment and other matters covered by
these Regulations, special provisions are made by or under
any law for the time being in force, or in any contract in
regard to the matters covered by such law or such contract.

Page 9 of 81
2) Not withstanding anything contained in Sub-Regulation (1),
these Regulations shall apply to other Corporation employees
temporarily transferred to a service or post coming within
exception (c) in Sub-Regulation (1) to whom, but for such
transfer, these Regulations would apply.
3) Not withstanding anything contained in Sub-Regulation (1), the
Corporation may by an Order / Notification exclude from the
operation of all or any of these Regulations, the holder of any
post or the holders of any class of posts to whom the
Corporation shall declare that the Regulations cannot suitably
be applied and such Regulations shall there-upon to the extent
of such exclusion, cease to apply.
Provided that no such declaration shall be made in respect of a
holder of a Pensionable Post or a whole time Permanent Post.
4) If any doubt arises
a) as to whether these Regulations apply to any person;
b) as to whether any person to whom these Regulations apply
belongs to a particular service, or as to which service of two
or more services such persons belong, the matter shall be
referred to the Corporation whose decision there-on shall be


Nothing in these Regulations shall operate to deprive any Corporation
employee of any right or privilege to which he is entitled by or under
any law for the time being in force.

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1) The employees of the Karnataka Electricity Board / Karnataka

Power Transmission Corporation Limited shall be classified as
follows: -
(i) Group – A
(ii) Group – B
(iii) Group – C and
(iv) Group – D

2) a) Group – ‘A’ shall consist of posts carrying Minimum Pay

of Rs. 9,470/- and above in the Time Scale.
b) Group – ‘B’ shall consist of posts carrying the Minimum
Pay of Rs. 8,645/- and above but below Rs. 9,470/- in
the Time Scale.
c) Group – ‘C’ shall consist of posts carrying Minimum Pay
of Rs. 4,215/- and above but below Rs. 8,645/- in the
Time Scale.
d) Group – ‘D’ shall consist of posts carrying Minimum Pay
below Rs. 4,215/- of the Time Scale.
Explanation : For purposes of this Sub-Regulation “Scale of
Pay” means the scale of pay fixed in respect of
various posts in the Corporation in its orders
issued from time to time.
* B16/4678/2006-07/4-July-2008.
(Two orders)


The Corporation services under Group - A, B, C and D shall consist

of the services of posts specified in Schedules I, II, III and IV.

***** X *****

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Save as otherwise provided, all first appointments to the Corporation
services in Groups – A, B, C and D shall be made by the Authorities
specified in the Schedule – I, II, III and IV from time to time.

***** X *****


1) The ‘Appointing Authority’ or any authority to which it is
subordinate or any other authority empowered by the
Corporation in this behalf may place a Corporation employee
under suspension;

a) where a disciplinary proceeding against him is contemplated

or is pending;
b) where a case against him in respect of any criminal offence is
under investigation or trial;

Provided that, where the order of suspension is made by an

authority empowered by Corporation in this behalf which is
lower than the ‘Appointing Authority’, such authority shall
forthwith report to the ‘Appointing Authority’ the
circumstances in which the order was made.

2) A Corporation employee shall be deemed to have been placed

under suspension by an order of ‘Appointing Authority’
prescribed here-under;

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a) with effect from the date of his detention, if he is detained in
custody, whether on a criminal charge or otherwise; for a
period exceeding 48 (forty eight) hours;

b) with effect from the date of his conviction, if in the event of a

conviction for an offence, he is sentenced to a term of
imprisonment exceeding 48 (forty eight) hours and is not
forthwith Dismissed or Removed or Compulsorily Retired
consequent to such conviction.

Explanation : The period of 48 (forty eight) hours referred in

clause (b) of this Sub-Regulation, shall be
computed from the commencement of the
imprisonment after the conviction and for this
purpose, intermittent periods of imprisonment, if
any, shall be taken into account.

3) Where a penalty of Dismissal, Removal or Compulsory

Retirement from service imposed upon a Corporation employee
under suspension is set aside in appeal or on review under these
Regulations and the case is remitted for further enquiry or
action or with any other directions, the order of his suspension
shall be deemed to have continued in force on and from the date
of the original order of Dismissal, Removal or Compulsory
Retirement and shall remain in force until further orders.

4) Where a penalty of Dismissal, Removal or Compulsory

Retirement from service imposed upon a Corporation employee
is set aside or declared or rendered void in consequence of or
by a decision of a Court of Law and the ‘Disciplinary
Authority’ on a consideration of the circumstances of the case,
decide to hold further enquiry against him on the allegations on
which the penalty of Dismissal, Removal or Compulsory
Retirement was originally imposed, the Corporation employee
shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by the
‘Appointing Authority’ from the date of the original order of
Dismissal, Removal or Compulsory Retirement and shall
continue to remain under suspension until further orders.

Page 13 of 81
5(a) An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made
under this Regulation shall continue to remain in force until it is
notified or revoked by the authority competent to do so.
5(b) Where a Corporation employee is suspended or is deemed to
have been suspended (whether in connection with any
disciplinary proceeding or otherwise), and any other
disciplinary proceeding is commenced against him during the
continuance of that suspension the authority competent to place
his under suspension may, for reasons to be recorded by him in
writing, direct that the Corporation employee shall continue to
be under suspension until the termination of all or any of such
5(c) An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made
under this Regulation at any time be modified or revoked by
the authority which made or is deemed to have made the order
or by any authority to which that authority is subordinate.

6) Where a Corporation employee has been suspended by an

authority other than the Corporation and final orders in the
enquiry pending against him have not been passed within a
period of six months from the date of order or suspension, the
case shall be reported to the Corporation for such orders as it
may deem fit.

***** X *****

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One or more of the following penalties for good and sufficient
reasons and as here-in-after provided, may be imposed on
Corporation employees, namely:-


i) ‘Fine’ in the case of Corporation employees (belonging to

Group –D).
ii) Censure.
iii) Withholding of Increments, with or without cumulative effect.
iii(a) Withholding of Promotion.
iv) Recovery from Pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss
caused by negligence or breach of orders to the Corporation or
to the State Government, the Central Government, Any Person,
Body or Authority, to whom the services of the officer had
been lent.
iv(a) Reduction to a lower stage in the ‘Time Scale of Pay’ for a
period with a specific direction as to whether or not the
Corporation employee will earn ‘Increments of Pay’ during the
period of such reduction with reference to the ‘Reduced Pay’
or whether the Pay shall remain constant and with a further
direction whether on the expiry of the period of penalty the
reduction will or will not have the effect of postponing the
future Increments of his Pay.


v) Reduction to a lower Time Scale of Pay, Grade or Post or

Service which shall, unless otherwise directed, be a bar to the
promotion of the Corporation employee to the Time Scale of
Pay, Grade, Post or Service from which he was reduced with or
without further directions regarding;

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a) Seniority and Pay in the Scale of Pay, Grade, Post or Service
to which the Corporation employee is reduced.
b) Conditions of restoration to the Scale of Pay, Grade or Post
or service from which the Corporation employee was reduced
and his Seniority and Pay on such restoration to that Scale of
Pay, Grade, Post or Service.
vi) Compulsory Retirement.
vii) Removal from service which shall not be a dis-qualification for
future employment.
viii) Dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a dis-
qualification for future employment,
“Provided that in the absence of special and adequate reasons to
the contrary to be mentioned in the order of the ‘Disciplinary
Authority’, no penalty other than those specified in clauses (v)
to (viii) shall be imposed for an established charge of

Explanation :- 1. For purposes of this provision the expression

“Corruption” shall have the meaning assigned to the
expression ‘Criminal misconduct in discharge of
official duty’ in Sub-Section (1) of the Section-5 of
the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 (Central
Act-2 of 1947) or the meaning assigned to the
expressions “taking gratification other than legal
remuneration in respect of an official act” and
obtaining valuable thing without consideration “in
Sections -161 and 165 respectively of the Indian
Penal Code”;

2. The following shall not amount to a penalty within

the meaning of this Regulation;

i) With holding of Increments of a Corporation

employee for failure to pass a Departmental
Examination in accordance with the
Regulation or orders governing the Service
or Post or the terms of his appointment.

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ii) Non promotion, whether in a substantive or
officiating capacity, of a Corporation
employee, after consideration of his case, to
a Service, Grade or Post for promotion to
which he is eligible.

iii) Reversion to a lower Service, Grade or Post

of a Corporation employee officiating in a
higher Service, Grade or Post on the ground
that he is considered, after trail to be
unsuitable for such higher Service, Grade or
Post or on Administrative Grounds
unconnected with his conduct (such as the
return of Permanent Incumbent from Leave
or Deputation, availability of a more
suitable officer and the like).

iv) Reversion to his Permanent Service, Grade

or Post of a Corporation employee
appointed on probation to another Service,
Grade or Post during or at the end of the
period of probation in accordance with the
terms of his appointment or the Regulation
and orders governing probation.

v) Compulsory Retirement of a Corporation

employee in accordance with the provision
relating to his Superannuation or

vi) Termination of the Services;

a) of a person employed under an
agreement, in accordance with the
terms of such agreement,
b) of a Corporation employee appointed
in probation during or at the end of
the period of his probation in
accordance with the terms of his
appointment or the Regulations and
orders governing such probation,
c) of a temporary employee in
accordance with the provisions of
K.E.B (Recruitment and Service

Page 17 of 81
Conditions of daily rated workmen)
Regulations, 1974.


1) The Corporation may impose any of the penalties specified in
Regulation-9 on any Corporation employee.
2) Without prejudice to the provisions of Sub-Regulation-1 but
subject to the provisions of Sub-Regulation-3;

a) any of the penalties specified in Regulation-9 may be

imposed on a Corporation employee by the Appointing
Authority or the authorities specified in the schedules in this
behalf, to the extent indicated there-on.
b) without prejudice to Sub-Regulation-1 and subject to sub-
Regulation-3 where a Corporation employee who is a
member of any Class or Grade of the Corporation (here-in
after, this Sub-Regulation is referred to as the ‘Parent
Service’) is deputed for service of any class or grade of
another state service (herein after in this Sub-Regulation
referred to as the ‘Deputed Service’) the authority which
appointed him in the Class or Grade of the deputed service
shall have the powers of ‘Appointing Authority’ for placing
him under suspension and the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ for the
purpose of taking disciplinary proceedings against him.
Provided that the authority which appointed him in the
deputed service shall, as soon as possible, inform the
‘Appointing Authority’ in the Parent Service, the
circumstances leading to the order of his suspension or the
commencement of the ‘Disciplinary Proceedings’ as the case
may be.

3) Not withstanding anything contained in this Regulation, no

penalty specified in clauses (v) to (viii) of Regulation-9 Shall
be imposed by any authority lower than the ‘Appointing

Page 18 of 81

1) The Corporation or any other authority empowered by the

Corporation in general or special order may;

a) institute ‘Disciplinary Proceedings’ against any Corporation

b) direct a ‘Disciplinary Authority’ to institute ‘Disciplinary
Proceedings’ against any Corporation employee on whom the
‘Disciplinary Authority’ is competent to impose under these
Regulations any of the penalties specified in Regulation-9.

2) A ‘Disciplinary Authority’ competent under these Regulations,

vide schedules V, VI, VII and VIII to impose any of the
penalties specified in clauses (i) to (iv)(a) of Regulations may
institute ‘Disciplinary Proceedings’ against any Corporation
employee for the imposition of penalties specified in clauses (v)
to (viii) of Regulation-9 not withstanding that such
‘Disciplinary Authority’ is not competent under these
Regulations to impose any of the latter penalties.
*3) For the purpose of Regulation-10(A) of these Regulations, the
Corporation empowers the ** Managing Director, KPTCL;
i) To initiate joint enquiry proceedings under Regulation-13
of these Regulations, against Corporation employees, for
whom ‘the Appointing and Disciplinary Authorities’ are
different but having equal disciplinary powers, and to
a) The authority which may function as ‘Disciplinary
Authority’ for purposes of such joint enquiries.
b) The penalties mentioned in Regulation-9 which such
‘Disciplinary Authority’ shall be competent to impose.
c) Whether the procedure prescribed in Regulation-11 and
11(A) or Regulation-12 to be followed in such joint
enquiry proceedings.

ii) If the delinquents against whom joint enquiry is ordered

are of equal rank and status, the Managing Director,

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KPTCL may authorise any officer not lower in rank than
the ‘Appointing Authority’ to act as ‘Disciplinary
4) * The Corporation hereby delegates disciplinary powers to all
the Chief Engineers (Electrical), Superintending Engineers
(Electrical), Executive Engineers (Electrical) and the Assistant
Executive Engineers (Electrical) to act as ‘Disciplinary /
Appellate Authorities’ within their disciplinary jurisdiction on
par with the Officers of the same rank mentioned in the relevant
schedules of these Regulations, for the purposes of instituting /
directing the ‘Disciplinary Proceedings’ under Regulation-

* B16/7228/85-86/07.02.1995.

***** X *****



1) No order imposing any of the penalties specified in clauses (v)

to (viii) of Regulation-9 shall be made except after an enquiry
held, as far as may be, in the manner provided in this
Regulation and Regulation-11(A).
2) Whenever the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ is of the opinion that
there are grounds for inquiring into the truth of any imputations
of misconduct or misbehaviors against a Corporation
employee, it may itself enquire into or appoint under this
Regulation an authority to inquire into the truth thereof.
Explanation : Where the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ itself holds the
inquiry, any reference in Sub-Regulation-7 to Sub-
Regulation-20 and in Sub-Regulation-22 to the

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‘Enquiry Authority’ shall be construed as a
reference to the ‘Disciplinary Authority’.

3) Where it is proposed to hold an Inquiry against a Corporation

employee under this Regulation and Regulation-11(A), the
‘Disciplinary Authority’ shall draw up or caused to be drawn
i) The substance of the imputations of misconduct or
misbehaviour into definite and distinct articles of charge.

ii) A statement of the imputations of misconduct or misconduct

in support of each article of charge, which shall contain :-
a) A Statement of all relevant facts including any
admission or confession made by the Corporation
b) A list of documents by which, and list of witnesses by
whom the articles of charge are proposed to be

4) The ‘Disciplinary Authority’ shall deliver or cause to be

delivered to the Corporation employee a copy of the articles of
charge, a statement of the imputations of misconduct or
misbehaviour and a list of documents and witnesses by which
each article of charges is proposed to be sustained and shall
require the Corporation employee submit, within such time as
may be specified, a written statement of his defence and to state
whether he desires to be heard in person.

5(a) On receipt of the written statement of defence the ‘Disciplinary

Authority’ may itself inquire into such of the articles of charge
as are not admitted or if it considers it necessary so to do
appoint, under Sub-Regulation-2 an ‘Inquiring Authority’ for
the purpose and where all the articles of charge have been
admitted by the Corporation employee in his written statement
of defence, the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ shall record its findings
on each charge after taking such evidence as it may think fit and
shall act in the manner laid down in Regulation-11(A).
5(b) If no written statement of defence is submitted by the
Corporation employee, the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ may itself

Page 21 of 81
inquire into the articles of charge or may, if it considers
necessary to do so, appoint, under Sub-Regulation-2 an ‘Inquiry
Authority’ for the purpose.
5(c) Where the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ itself inquiries into any
article of charge or appoints an ‘Inquiring Authority’ for
holding an inquiry into such charge, it may, by an order,
appoint a Corporation employee or a legal practitioner to be
known as the ‘Presenting Officer’ to present on its behalf the
case in support of the articles of charge.

6) The ‘Disciplinary Authority’ shall, where it is not the ‘Inquiring

Authority’, forward to the ‘Inquiring Authority’:-
i) a copy of the articles of charge and the statement of the
imputations of misconduct or misbehavior;
ii) a copy of the written statement of defence, if any, submitted
by the Corporation employee;
iii) a copy of the statements of witnesses, if any, referred to in
iv) evidence proving the delivery of the documents referred to in
Sub-Regulation-3 to the Corporation employee.
v) a copy of the order appointing the ‘Presenting Officer’.

Provided that where the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ appoints under

Sub-Regulation-2 an officer of the Lokayukta as the ‘Inquiring
Authority’ such officer, may, if in his opinion it is considered
necessary so to do, alter or modify the articles of charge, the
statement of imputations of misconduct or misbehaviour, the
list of documents and list of witnesses and deliver or cause to
be delivered to the Corporation employee a copy of these under
intimation to the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ and shall require the
Corporation employee to submit within such time as may be
specified a written statement of his defence and to state whether
he desires to be heard in person.

7) The Corporation employee shall appear in person before the

‘Inquiring Authority’ on such day and at such time within ten

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working days from the date of receipt by him of the articles of
charge and the statement of the imputations of misconduct or
misbehaviour as the ‘Inquiring Authority’ may, be a notice in
writing, specify in this behalf or within such further time, not
exceeding ten days, as the ‘Inquiring Authority’ may allow.
8) The Corporation employee may take the assistance of any other
Corporation employee to present the case on his behalf, but
may not engage a legal practitioner for the purpose unless the
presenting officer appointed by the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ is a
legal practitioner, or the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ having regard
to the circumstances of the case, so permits.

i) Provided that if the retired Corporation employee is also a

legal practitioner, the Corporation employee shall not engage
such persons unless the presenting officer appointed by the
‘Disciplinary Authority’ is a legal practitioner and the
‘Disciplinary Authority’ having regard to the circumstances
of the case, so permits.
ii) A co-employee shall represent as a defence counsel in one
inquiry at a time. However, he shall not be permitted as a
defence counsel in more than two enquiries in a calendar
year. During the pendency of an inquiry he shall not be
permitted to appear as defence counsel in any other inquiry.
The defence counsel shall declare accordingly before seeking

9) If the Corporation employee who has not admitted any of the

articles of charge in his written statement of defence or has not
submitted any written statements of defence, appears before the
‘Inquiring Authority’, such authority shall ask him whether he
is guilty or has any defence to make and if he pleads guilty to
any of the articles of charge, the ‘Inquiring Authority’ shall
record the plea, sign the record and obtain the signature of the
Corporation employee thereon.
10) The ‘Inquiring Authority” shall return a finding of guilt in
respect of those articles of charge to which the Corporation
employee pleads guilty.

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11) The ‘Inquiring Authority’ shall, if the Corporation employee
fails to appear within the specified time or refuses or omits to
plead, require the ‘Presenting Officer’ to produce the evidence
by which he proposes to prove the articles of charge and shall
adjourn the case to a later date not exceeding thirty days, after
recording an order that the Corporation employee may, for the
purpose of preparing his defence;

i) Inspect within five days of the order or within such further

time not exceeding five days as the ‘Inquiring Authority’ may
allow the documents specified in the list referred to in sub-
ii) Submit a list of witnesses to be examined on his behalf;
iii) Apply orally or in writing to inspect and take extracts of the
statements, if any, of witnesses mentioned in the list referred
to in Sub-Regulation-3 and the ‘Inquiring Authority’ shall
permit him to take such extracts as early as possible and in
any case not later than three days before the commencement
of the examination of the witnesses on behalf of the
‘Disciplinary Authority’.
iv) Give a notice within ten days of the order or within such
further time not exceeding ten days as the ‘Inquiring
Authority’ may allow for the discovery or production of any
documents which are in the possession of the Corporation but
not mentioned in the list referred to in Sub-Regulation-3;
Provided that the Corporation employee shall indicate the
relevance of the documents required by him to be discovered
or produced by the Corporation.

12) The ‘Inquiring Authority’ shall, on receipt of the notice for the
discovery or production of documents, forward the same or
copies thereof to the authority in whose custody or possession
the documents are kept, with a requisition for the production of
the document by such date as may be specified in such
Provided that the ‘Inquiring Authority’ may, for reasons to be
recorded by it in writing, refuse to requisition such of the
documents as are, in its opinion, not relevant to the case.

Page 24 of 81
13) On receipt of the requisition referred to in Sub-Regulation-12,
every authority having the custody or possession of the
requisitioned documents shall produce the same before the
enquiring authority;
Provided that if the authority having the custody or possession
of the requisitioned documents is satisfied for reasons to be
recorded by it in writing that the production of all or any of
such documents would be against the public interest or security
of the Corporation, it shall inform the ‘Inquiring Authority’
accordingly and the ‘Inquiring Authority’ shall, on being so
informed, communicate information to the Corporation
employee and withdraw the requisition made by it for the
production or discovery of such documents.
14) On the date fixed for the inquiry, the oral and documentary
evidence by which the articles of charge are proposed to be
proved shall be produced by or on behalf of the ‘Disciplinary
Authority’. The witnesses shall be examined by or on behalf of
the ‘Presenting Officer’ and may be cross-examined by or on
behalf of the Corporation employee. The ‘Presenting Officer’
shall be entitled to re-examine the witnesses on any points on
which they have been cross examined, but not on any new
matter, without the leave of the ‘Inquiring Authority’. The
‘Inquiring Authority’ may also put such questions to the
witnesses as it thinks fit.
15) If it shall appear necessary before the close of the case on
behalf of the ‘Disciplinary Authority’, the ‘Inquiring authority’
may, in its discretion, allow the ‘Presenting Officer’ to produce
evidence not included in the list given to the Corporation
employee or may itself call for new evidence or recall and re-
examine any witness and in such case the Corporation
employee shall be entitled to have, if he demands it, a copy of
the list of further evidence proposed to be produced and an
adjournment of the inquiry for three clear days before the
production of such new evidence, exclusive of the day of
adjournment and the day to which the inquiry is adjourned. The
‘Inquiring Authority’ shall give the Corporation employee an
opportunity of inspecting such documents before they are taken

Page 25 of 81
on the record. The ‘Inquiring Authority' may also allow the
Corporation employee to produce new evidence, if it is of the
opinion that the production of such evidence is necessary in the
interest of Justice.
NOTE: New evidence shall not be permitted or called for or no
witness shall be recalled to fill up any gap in the evidence.
Such evidence may be called for only when there is an
inherent lacuna or defect in the evidence which has been
produced originally.

16) When the case for the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ is closed the
Corporation employee shall be required to state his defence,
orally or in writing as he may prefer. If the defence is made
orally, it shall be recorded and the Corporation employee shall
be required to sign the record. In either case a copy of the
statement of defence shall be given to the ‘Presenting Officer’,
if any, appointed.
17) The evidence on behalf of the Corporation employee shall then
be produced. The Corporation employee may examine himself
in his own behalf if he so prefers. The witnesses produced by
the Corporation employee shall then be examined and shall be
liable to cross examination, re-examination and examination by
the ‘Inquiring Authority’ according to the provision applicable
to the witnesses for the ‘Disciplinary Authority’.
18) The ‘Inquiring Authority’ may, after the Corporation employee
closes his case, and shall, if the Corporation employee has not
examined himself, generally question him on the circumstances
appearing against him in the evidence for the purpose of
enabling the Corporation employee to explain any
circumstances appearing in the evidence against him.
19) The ‘Inquiring Authority’ may, after the completion of the
production of evidence, hear the ‘Presenting Officer’, if any,
appointed and the Corporation employee, or permit them to file
written briefs of their respective case, if they so desire.
20) If the Corporation employee to whom a copy of the articles of
charges has been delivered, does not submit the written
statement of defence on or before the date specified for the

Page 26 of 81
purpose or does not appear in person before the ‘Inquiring
Authority’ or other wise fails or refuses to comply with the
provisions of this Regulation, at any stage of the enquiry, the
‘Inquiring Authority’ may hold the inquiry ex-parte.
21(a) Where a ‘Disciplinary Authority’ competent to impose any of
the penalties specified in clauses (i) to (iv)(a) of Regulation-9
but not competent to impose any of the penalties specified in
clauses (v) to (viii) of Regulation-9, has itself inquired into or
caused to be inquired into the articles of any charge and that
authority having regard to its own findings or having regard to
its own decision on any of the findings of any ‘Inquiring
Authority’ appointed by it, is of the opinion that the penalties
specified in clauses (v) to (viii) of Regulation-9 should be
imposed on the Corporation employee, that authority shall
forward the records of the inquiry to such ‘Disciplinary
Authority’ as is competent to impose the last mentioned
21(b) The ‘Disciplinary Authority’ to which the records are so
forwarded may act on the evidence on the record or may, if it is
of the opinion that further examination of any of the witnesses
is necessary in the interests of justice recall the witness and
examine, cross-examine and re-examine the witnesses and may
impose on the Corporation employee such penalty as it may
deem fit in accordance with these Regulations.

22) Whenever any ‘Inquiring Authority’, after having heard and

recorded the whole or any part of the evidence in an enquiry
ceases to exercise jurisdiction therein and is succeeded by
another ‘Inquiring Authority’ which has, and which exercises
such jurisdiction, the ‘Inquiring Authority’ so succeeding may
act on the evidence so recorded by its predecessor or partly
recorded by its predecessors and partly recorded by itself;
Provided that if the succeeding ‘Inquiry Authority’ is of the
opinion that further examination of any witnesses whose
evidence has already been recorded is necessary in the interest

Page 27 of 81
of justice, it may recall, examine, cross-examine and re-
examine any such witnesses as here in before provided.

23(i) After the conclusion of the inquiry, a report shall be prepared

and it shall contain:-
a) the articles of charge and the statement of the imputations of
misconduct or misbehavior;
b) the defence of the Corporation employee in respect of each
article of charge;

c) an assessment of the evidence in respect of each article of

d) the findings on each article of charge and the reasons there-
Explanation : If in the opinion of the ‘Inquiring Authority’ the
proceeding of the inquiry establish any articles of
the charge different from the original articles of the
charge, it may record its findings on such article of

Provided that the findings on such article of charge shall not be

recorded unless the Corporation employee has either admitted
the facts on which such article of charge is based or has had a
reasonable opportunity of defending himself against such article
of charge.

23(ii) The ‘Inquiring Authority’, where it is not itself the

‘Disciplinary Authority’ shall forward to the ‘Disciplinary
Authority’ the record of inquiry which shall include :-

a) the report prepared by it under clause (i);

b) the written statement of defence, if any, submitted by the
Corporation employee;
c) the Oral and Documentary evidence produced in the course of
the inquiry.
d) written briefs, if any, filed by the ‘Presenting Officer’ or the
Corporation employee or both during the course of the

Page 28 of 81
e) the orders, if any, made by the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ and
the ‘Inquiring Authority’ in regard to the enquiry.


1) The ‘Disciplinary Authority’, if it is not itself the ‘Inquiring

Authority’ may, for reasons to be recorded by it in writing,
remit the case to the ‘Inquiring Authority’ for further inquiry
and report and the ‘Inquiring Authority’ shall thereupon
proceed to hold the further inquiry according to the provisions
of Regulation-11 as for as may be.

2) The ‘Disciplinary Authority’ shall, if it disagrees with the

findings of the ‘Inquiring Authority’ on any article of charge
record its reasons for such disagreement and record its own
findings on such charge if the evidence on record is sufficient
for the purpose.
3) If the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ having regard to its findings on
all or any of the articles of charge is of the option that one or
more of the penalties specified in Regulation-9 should be
imposed on the Corporation employee, it shall, not-
withstanding anything contained in Regulation-12, make an
order imposing such penalty.


1) Subject to the provisions of Sub-Regulation-3 of Regulation-
11(A), no order imposing on a Corporation employee any of the
penalties specified in clauses (i) to (iv)(a) of Regulation-9 shall
be made except after :-
a) informing the Corporation employee, in writing, of the
proposal to take action against him and of the imputations of
misconduct or misbehaviour on which it is proposed to be
taken, and giving him a reasonable opportunity of making
such representation as he may wish to make against the

Page 29 of 81
b) holding an enquiry in the manner laid down in Sub-
Regulation-3 to 23 of Regulation-11, in every case in which
the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ is of the opinion that such
inquiry is necessary;
c) taking the representation, if any, submitted by the
Corporation employee under clause (a) and the record of
inquiry, if any, held under clause (b) into consideration.
d) recording a finding on each imputation of misconduct or
e) consulting the Corporation where such consultation is

2) The record of the proceedings in such case shall include:-

i) a copy of the intimation to the Corporation employee of the

proposal to take action against him;
ii) a copy of the statement of imputations of misconduct or
misbehaviour delivered to him;
iii) his representation, if any;
iv) the evidence produced during the inquiry;
v) the finding on each imputation of misconduct or misbehavior;
vi) the orders on the case together with the reasons there-for.


Orders made by the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ shall be communicated
to the Corporation employee who shall also be supplied with a copy
of the report of the inquiry, if any, held by the ‘Disciplinary
Authority’ and a copy of its finding on each article of charge or
where the ’Disciplinary Authority’ is not the ‘Inquiring Authority’,
a copy of the report of the ‘Inquiring Authority’ and the statement of
the finding of the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ together with brief
reasons for its disagreement, if any, with the findings of the
‘Inquiring Authority’ (unless they have already been supplied to
him) and where the inquiry is held by the Vigilance Commission /

Page 30 of 81
Lokayukta under Regulation-14(A), a copy of the findings of the
‘Inquiring Officer’ with the recommendations of the Vigilance
Commissioner / Lokayukta and also a copy of the advice, if any,
given by Vigilance Commission/ Lokayukta and, where the
‘Disciplinary Authority’ has not accepted the advice of the
Commission, a brief statement of the reasons for such non-acceptance.
Provided that it shall not be necessary to supply copies of the said
documents where the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ exonerates the
Corporation employee or where such documents have already been
supplied to the Corporation employee.


1) Where two or more Corporation employees are concerned in

any case, the Corporation or any other authority competent to
impose the penalty of dismissal from service on all such
Corporation employees may make an order directing that
disciplinary action against all of them may be taken in a
common proceeding;
Provided that if the authorities competent to impose the penalty
of dismissal on such Corporation employees are different, an
order for taking disciplinary action in a common proceeding
may be made by the highest of such authorities with the consent
of others.
2) Subject to the provisions of Sub-Regulation-3 of Regulation-9,
any such order shall specify :

i) the authority which may function as the ‘Disciplinary

Authority’ for the purpose of such common proceeding;
ii) the penalties specified in Regulation-9 which such
‘Disciplinary Authority’ shall be competent to impose;
iii) whether procedure prescribed in Regulation-11 and 11(A) or
Regulation-12 may be followed in the proceeding.

Page 31 of 81
Not withstanding anything contained in Regulation-11, 12 and 13;
i) Where a penalty is imposed on a Corporation employee on the
ground of conduct which has led to his conviction on a criminal
ii) Where the officer concerned has absconded, or where the
officer concerned does not take part in the enquiry or where for
any reasons to be recorded in writing it is impracticable to
communicate with him, or where the ‘Disciplinary Authority’,
for reasons to be recorded in writing, is satisfied that it is not
reasonably practicable to follow the procedure prescribed in the
said Regulations;
iii) Where the Corporation is satisfied that in the interest of the
security of the Corporation it is not expedient to follow such
procedure, the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ may pass such orders
thereon as it deems fit.

Provided further that in a case covered by clause (i) no order

imposing a penalty may be passed without giving the
Corporation employee an opportunity to make a representation
on the proposed penalty.



1) The following provisions shall, not-withstanding anything

contained in Regulations-10 to 11(A) and 13 be applicable for
purposes of proceeding against Corporation employees whose
alleged misconduct has been investigated into by the Vigilance
Commission / Lokayukta / Upa-lokayukta either suo-moto or
on a reference from the Corporation or from any other
authority, viz.
a) Where on investigation into any allegation against:

Page 32 of 81
i) a member of the Corporation services Group A,B,C or
D in respect of an allegation of a serious nature; the
Vigilance Commissioner/ Lokayukta / Upa-lokayukta
or any Officer of the Vigilance Commission/
Lokayukta / Upa-lokayukta authorised by him in
writing under sub-rule-2 of Rule-5 of Karnataka State
Vigilance Commission’s Rules, 1980 / Rule-12 of the
Karnataka Lokayukta / Upa-lokayukta Act 1948 is of
the opinion that ‘Disciplinary Proceedings’ shall be
taken, he shall forward the record of investigation
along with his recommendations to the Corporation,
and the Corporation after examining such records, may
either direct an inquiry into the case by the Vigilance
Commission / Lokayukta / Upa-lokayukta or direct the
appropriate ‘Disciplinary Authority’ to take action in
accordance with Regulation-11.
b) Where the Vigilance Commission / Lokayukta / Upa-
lokayukta is directed to hold an inquiry into a case under
clause (a), the inquiry may be conducted either by the
Vigilance Commissioner / Lokayukta / Upa-lokayukta or
by an Officer of the Vigilance Commission / Lokayukta /
Upa-lokayukta authorised by the Vigilance
Commissioner / Lokayukta / Upa-lokayukta to conduct
the inquiry.
Provided that the inquiry of a case relating to a
Corporation employee shall not be conducted by an
officer lower in rank than that of such Corporation
c) The Vigilance Commissioner/ Lokayukta / Upa-
lokayukta or the officer authorised to conduct the inquiry
under clause (b) shall conduct the inquiry in accordance
with the provisions of Sub-Regulation-2 to 20 and Sub-
Regulation-23 of Regulation-11 and for the purposes of
conducting such inquiry, shall have the power of the
‘Disciplinary Authority’ referred to in the said
d) After the inquiry is completed, the records of the case
with the findings of the inquiring officer and the

Page 33 of 81
recommendations of the Vigilance Commissioner /
Lokayukta / Upa-lokayukta shall be sent to the
e) On receipt of the records under clause (d), the
Corporation shall take action in accordance with the
provisions of Sub-Regulation-21 and Sub-Regulation-23
of Regulation-11 and Regulation-11(A), and in all such
cases the Corporation shall be competent to impose any
of the penalties specified in Regulation-9.
e)* However, in respect of cases of ‘Criminal Prosecution’
investigated either by the Lokayukta or by any other
Authorities, the ‘Appointing Authorities’ specified in the
Schedules to these Regulations, competent to impose the
penalty of removal on the accused employee shall, if they
deem fit after verifying the records, accord sanction to
prosecute the accused employee. On the outcome of the
said criminal case, the ‘Appointing Authority’ of the
post of the said criminal case, the ‘Appointing
Authority’ of the post of the said employee shall be
competent to take further action.
(*Sub-clause included vide Order No: KPTCL/B37/B21/
5710/2001-02 dated 20.03.2002.)

Explanation : In this Regulation, the expressions ‘Vigilance

Commission / Lokayukta / Upa-lokayukta’ and
‘Vigilance Commissioner / Lokayukta /Upa-
lokayukta’ shall respectively have the meanings
assigned to them in the respective Rules / Act and
further amendments made to the above from time to


1) Where the services of a Corporation employee are lent to the
Central Government, State Government or to Local or other
Authority (here-in-after in this Regulation referred to as ‘the
Borrowing Authority’), the ‘Borrowing Authority’ shall have
the powers of the ‘Appointing Authority’ for the purpose of
placing him under suspension and of the ‘Disciplinary

Page 34 of 81
Authority’ for the purpose of taking a ‘Disciplinary
Proceedings’ against him.
Provided that the ‘Borrowing Authority’ shall not take any
‘Disciplinary Proceedings’ against such Corporation employee
or place him under suspension without the prior approval of the
‘Lending Authority’.

2) In the light of the findings in the ‘Disciplinary Proceeding’

taken against the Corporation employee:-

i) if the ‘Borrowing Authority’ is of the opinion that any of the

penalties specified in clause (i) to (iv)(a) of Regulation-9
should be imposed on him, it may, in consultation with the
‘Lending Authority’, pass such orders on the case as it
deems necessary;
Provided that in the event of a difference of opinion between
the ‘Borrowing Authority’ and the ‘Lending Authority’,
the services of the Corporation employee shall be replaced at
the disposal of the ‘Lending Authority’.
ii) if the ‘Borrowing Authority’ is of the opinion that any of the
penalties specified in clause (v) to (viii) of Regulation-9
should be imposed on him, it shall replace his services at the
disposal of the ‘Lending Authority’ and transmit to it the
proceedings of the inquiry and thereupon the ‘Lending
Authority’ may, if it is the ‘Disciplinary Authority’, pass
such orders thereon as it deems necessary, or, if it is not the
‘Disciplinary Authority’, submit the case to the
‘Disciplinary Authority’ which shall pass such orders on the
case as it deems necessary;
Provided that in passing any such order the ‘Disciplinary
Authority’ shall comply with the provisions of Regulation-
Explanation : The ‘Disciplinary Authority’ may make an order under
clause (2) of Sub-Regulation-2 on the record of the
inquiry transmitted by the ‘Borrowing Authority’, or
after holding such further inquiry as it may deem
necessary as far as may be in accordance with Regulation

Page 35 of 81

1) Where an order of suspension is made or a ‘Disciplinary

Proceedings’ is taken against an employee whose services have
been borrowed from the Central Government/State Government
/or a Local or other Authority, the authority, lending his
services (here after in this Regulation referred to as the
‘Lending Authority’) shall forthwith be informed of the
circumstances leading to the orders of his suspension or the
commencement of the ‘Disciplinary Proceedings’ as the case
may be;
2) In the light of the findings of the disciplinary proceedings taken
against the employee:
i) If the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ is of the opinion that any
of the penalties specified in clauses (i) to (iv)(a) of
Regulation-9 should be imposed on him, it may, subject
to the provisions of Sub-Regulation-3 of Regulation-11
(A) after consultation with the ‘Lending Authority’,
pass such orders on the case as it deems necessary;
Provided that in the event of a difference of opinion
between the ‘Borrowing Authority’ and the ‘Lending
Authority’, the services of the employee shall be
replaced at the disposal of the ‘Lending Authority’.

ii) If the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ is of the opinion that any

of the penalties specified in clauses (v) to (viii) of
Regulation-9 should be imposed on him, it shall replace
his services at the disposal of the ‘Lending Authority’
and transmit to it the proceedings of the inquiry for such
action as it deems necessary.


Where a person who has ceased to be a Corporation employee, due to
Resignation, Abolition of his post, Termination of his Appointment or
any other cause is reappointed as a Corporation employee,
‘Disciplinary Proceedings’ may be taken against him in his new

Page 36 of 81
appointment in respect of any action or conduct during any period of
his service in the Corporation.

***** X *****



Not-withstanding anything contained in this part, no appeal shall lie

against: –
i) Any order made by the Corporation;
ii) Any order of any inter – locutory nature or of the nature
of a step-in-aid-for the final disposal of a ‘Disciplinary
Proceedings’ other than an order of suspension;
iii) Any order passed by an ‘Inquiry Authority’ in the
course of an inquiry under Regulation-11.


1) Every Corporation employee who is a member of any services

specified in Regulation-5 shall be entitled to appeal to the
extent, and to the authorities, as here-in-after provided, and not
otherwise, from an order passed by an authority:
a) imposing any of the penalties specified in Regulation-9
whether made by he ‘Disciplinary Authority’ or by an
‘Appellate or Reviewing Authority’;

b) discharging him, except on abolition of the post, in

accordance with the terms of his contract for a fixed or for an
indefinite period, provided he has rendered under either form
of contract, continuous service for a period exceeding five
years at the time when his services are terminated;
c) reducing or with-holding pension admissible to him under the
Regulations governing pensions;

Page 37 of 81
d) placing him under suspension under Regulation-8.
2) A Corporation employee or holder of a post included in
column-2 of the schedules, may appeal from orders passed in
exercise of the powers conferred under Regulation-10 to the
authorities specified in column-6 of the schedules.
3) Provided that, in cases of posts not included in column-2 of the
schedules, the holder or the holders of such posts may appeal
from orders passed in exercise of the powers conferred by
Regulation-10 to the authority immediately superior to the
authority imposing the penalty.
NOTE : If any doubt arises as to who is the proper authority for the
purposes of this Regulation, the matter shall be referred to
the Corporation whose decision shall be final.
4(a) Not withstanding anything contained in Sub-Regulation-1 to 3
an appeal against order in common proceedings held under
Regulation-13 shall lie with the authority to which the authority
functioning as the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ for the purpose of
that proceeding is immediately subordinate.

4(b) Where a person who made the order appealed against becomes
by virtue of subsequent appointment or otherwise, the
‘Appellate Authority’ in respect of such order, an appeal
against such order shall be to the authority to which such a
person is immediately subordinate.

Explanation : The expression “Corporation employee” includes a

person who has ceased to be an employee of the


1) Every member of any of the services mentioned in Regulation-5
shall be entitled to appeal to Corporation against any order
passed by a subordinate authority which :-

Page 38 of 81
a) denies or varies to his dis-advantage his Pay, Allowances,
Pension or other conditions of services as regulated by any
order, rules or by agreement;
b) Interprets to his dis-advantage the provisions of any such
order, rules or agreement where by his Pay, Allowances,
Pension or other conditions of service are regulated.

2) An appeal against an order :-

a) Reverting to a lower Service, Grade or Post a Corporation
employee officiating in a higher Service, Grade or Post
otherwise than as penalty;
b) Reducing or with-holding the pension or denying the
maximum pension admissible to him under the Regulation.
c) a) Determining the Subsistence and Other Allowances to be
paid to him for the period of Suspension or for the period
during which he is deemed to be under suspension or for
any portion thereof ;
b) Determining his Pay and Allowances :-
i) For the period of suspension;
ii) For the period from the date of his Dismissal,
Removal or Compulsory Retirement from service, or
from the date of his reduction to a lower Service,
Grade, Post, Time Scale or Stage in a ‘Time Scale of
Pay’, to the date of his Re-instatement or Restoration
to his Service, Grade or Post;
c) Determining whether or not the period from the
date of his Suspension or from the date of his
Dismissal, Removal, Compulsory Retirement or
Reduction to a lower Service, Grade, Post, Time
Scale of Pay or Stage in a Time Scale of Pay to
the date of his Re-instatement or Restoration to his
Service, Grade or Post shall be treated as a period
spent on duty for any purpose, shall lie :-

Page 39 of 81
i) in the case of an order made in respect of a
Corporation employee on whom the penalty of
dismissal from service can be imposed only by
the Corporation, to the Corporation;
ii) in the case of an order made in respect of any
other Corporation employee, to the authority to
whom an appeal against an order imposing
upon him the penalty of dismissal from service
would lie.

Explanation: In this Regulation :-

i) the expression ‘Corporation employee’
includes a person who has ceased to be in
Corporation service.
ii) the expression ‘Pension’ includes
Additional Pension, Gratuity and any other
Retirement Benefits.

3. Not-withstanding anything contained in these Regulations there

shall be no appeal against non-selection for a selection post.


No appeal under this part shall be entertained unless it is submitted
within a period of 3 (three) months from the date of the order
appealed against;
Provided that the ‘Appellate Authority’ may entertain the appeal
after the expiry of the said period, if it is satisfied that the appellant
had sufficient cause for not submitting the appeal in time.


1) Every person submitting an appeal shall do so separately and in
his own name;

2) Every appeal preferred under these Regulations shall be

accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against, and shall

Page 40 of 81
contain all material statements and arguments relied on by the
appellant, shall not contain any disrespectful or improper
language, and shall be complete in itself.


Every appeal shall be submitted to the authority which made the order
appealed against:
Provided that if such authority is not the head of the office in which
the appellant may be serving or, if he is not in service, the head of the
office in which he was last serving, or is not sub-ordinate to the head
of such office, the appeal shall be submitted to the head of such office
who shall forward it forthwith to the said authority.
Provided further that a copy of the appeal may be submitted directly
to the ‘Appellate Authority’.


1) The authority which made the order appealed against may

withhold the appeal, if:-
i) It is an appeal against an order from which no appeal lies;
ii) It does not comply with any of the provisions of Regulation-21;
iii) It is not submitted within the period specified in Regulation-20
and no reasonable cause is shown for the delay;
iv) It is a repetition of an appeal already decided and is made to the
same ‘Appellate Authority’ by which such appeal has been
decided and no new facts or circumstances are adduced which
afford grounds for a re-consideration of the case;
v) It is addressed to an authority to which no appeal lies under
these Regulations;

Page 41 of 81
vi) It contains material or documents which are treated as
Provided that in every case in which an appeal is withheld, the
appellant shall be informed of the fact and the reasons for it;
Provided further that an appeal withheld under clauses (ii), (v)
and (vi) may be re-submitted at any time within one month
from the date on which the appellant has been informed of the
with-holding of the appeal, and if re-submitted in a form which
is in accordance with the said provisions, shall not be withheld.
2) When an appeal is withheld under this Regulation a copy or
order with-holding the appeal shall be submitted to the
authority to whom the appeal is addressed.
3) No appeal shall lie against the with-holding of an appeal by a
‘Competent Authority’.


1) The authority which made the order appealed against shall,

without any avoidable delay, transmit to the ‘Appellate
Authority’ every appeal which is not withheld under
Regulation-23 together with its comments thereon and the
relevant records.
2) The authority to which the appeal lies may direct transmission
to it of any appeal withheld under Regulation-23 and there upon
such appeal shall be transmitted to that authority together with
the comments of the authority with-holding the appeal and the
relevant records.


1. In the case of an appeal against an order of Suspension, the
‘Appellate Authority’ shall consider whether in the light
of the provisions of Regulation-8 and having regard to the
circumstances of the case the order of Suspension is

Page 42 of 81
justified or not and confirm or revoke the order
2. In the case of an appeal against an order imposing any of
the penalties specified in Regulation-9, the ‘Appellate
Authority’ shall consider :

a) Whether the procedure prescribed in these Regulations has

been complied with, and if not, whether such non-compliance
has resulted in violation of any provisions of the constitution
or in failure of justice;
b) Whether the findings are justified;
c) Whether the penalty imposed is excessive, adequate or
inadequate, and after consultation with the Corporation,
if such consultation is necessary in the case, pass orders;
i) Setting aside, reducing, confirming or enhancing the
ii) Remitting the case to the authority which imposed the
penalty or to any other authority with such direction as
it may deem fit in the circumstances of the cases.
Provided that :-
i) The ‘Appellate Authority’ shall not impose any
enhanced penalty unless such authority or the
authority which made the order appealed against is
competent to impose such penalty;
ii) No order imposing an enhanced penalty shall be
passed unless the appellant is given an opportunity
of making any representation which he may wish
to make against such enhanced penalty;
iii) If the enhanced penalty which the ‘Appellate
Authority’ proposes to impose is one of the
penalties specified in clauses (v) to (viii) of
Regulation-9 and an inquiry under Regulation-11

Page 43 of 81
has not already been held in the case, the
‘Appellate Authority’ shall, subject to the
provisions of Regulation-14 itself hold such
inquiry or direct that such inquiry be held and
there-after on consideration of the proceedings of
such inquiry pass such orders as it may deem fit.

3. In the case of an appeal against any order specified in

clauses (b) and (c) of Regulation-18 or Regulation-19, the
‘Appellate Authority’ shall consider all the circumstances
of the case and pass such orders as it deems just and

***** X *****



Not-withstanding anything contained in these Regulations, the

Corporation may, on its own motion or otherwise, after calling for the
records of the case, review any order which is made or is appealable
under these Regulations;
a) Confirm, modify or set-aside the order;
b) Impose any penalty or set aside, reduce, confirm or enhance
the penalty imposed by the order;
c) Remit the case to the authority which made the order or to
any other authority directing such further action or inquiry as
considered proper in the circumstances of the case;
d) Pass such other orders as it deems fit;
Provided that,
i) An order imposing or enhancing a penalty shall
not be passed unless the person concerned has

Page 44 of 81
been given an opportunity of making any
representation which he may wish to make against
such enhanced penalty;
ii) If the Corporation proposes to impose any of the
penalties specified in clauses (v) to (viii) of
Regulation-9 in a case where an inquiry under
Regulation-11 has not been held, it shall subject to
the provisions of Regulation-14, direct that such
inquiry be held and there after on consideration of
the proceedings of such inquiry, pass such orders
as it may deem fit.

Provided further that no application by a Corporation employee for

reviewing an order in ‘Disciplinary Proceedings’ imposing any
penalty other than those specified in clauses (v) to (viii) of
Regulation-9 and in respect of which an appeal is provided shall lie.


The authority to which an appeal against an order imposing any of the
penalties specified in Regulation-9 lies, may, of its own motion or
otherwise, call for the records of the case in a ‘Disciplinary
Proceedings’, review any order passed in such a case and after
consultation with the Corporation, where such consultation is
necessary, pass such order as it deems fit, as if the Corporation
employee had preferred an appeal against such order.
Provided that no action under this Regulation shall be initiated more
than six months after the date of order to be reviewed.

***** X *****

Page 45 of 81


Save as otherwise provided in these Regulations no legal practitioner

or agent shall be allowed to appear in any proceedings under these


1) Every order, notice and other process made or issued under
these Regulations shall be served in person on the Corporation
employee concerned or communicated to him by registered
2) Where the Corporation employee refuses to receive, or keeps
out of the way for the purpose of avoiding the services of such
order, notice, or other process, the same may be served by
affixing a copy thereof on the notice Board of the office of the
‘Disciplinary Authority’ or of the ‘Inquiring Authority’ and
upon some conspicuous part of the house, if any, in which he is
known to have last resided or by publication in two daily news
papers having wide circulation in the State.


Save as otherwise expressly provided in these Regulations, the
authority competent under these Regulations to make any order may,
for good and sufficient reasons or if sufficient cause is shown, extend
the time specified in these Regulations for anything required to be
done under these Regulations or condone any delay.


Whenever the Corporation is consulted as provided in these
Regulations, a copy of the advice by the Corporation and, where such

Page 46 of 81
advice has not been accepted, also a brief statement of the reasons for
such non-acceptance shall be furnished to the Corporation employee
concerned along with a copy of the order passed in the case, by the
authority making the order.
Provided that it shall not be necessary to supply copies of the said
documents where the ‘Disciplinary Authority’ exonerates the
Corporation employee or where such documents have already been
supplied to the Corporation employee.


1) Any Proceeding under the C.C.A. Rules as adopted by the
Corporation hither to and pending before the commencement of
these Regulations, shall be continued and disposed off, as for as
may be, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations;
2) Nothing in these Regulations shall operate to deprive any
person, to whom these Regulations apply, of any right of an
appeal which had accrued to him under the C.C.A. Rules, as
adopted by the Corporation hither to, in respect of any order
before the commencement of Regulations.
3) An appeal pending at or preferred at the commencement of
these Regulations against an order before such commencement
shall be considered and orders thereon shall be passed in
accordance with these Regulations.


If any doubt arises as to the interpretations of the provisions of these

Regulations, the matter shall be referred to the Corporation, and the
Corporation shall decide the same, which shall be final and binding.

***** X *****

Page 47 of 81
1. Executive Director.
2. Executive Director (Law).
3. Chief Engineer (Electrical).
4. Financial Adviser.

1. Superintending Engineer (Electrical).
2. Superintending Engineer (Civil).
3. Controller of Accounts.
4. Executive Engineer (Electrical).
5. Executive Engineer (Civil).
6. Deputy Controller of Accounts.
7. Senior Sports Officer.

1. Notification No. KPTCL/B21/B16/7228/1985-86 Dated 17.07.2001.
2. Notification No. KEB/B16/7728/1985-86 Dated 17.04.2000.
3. Notification No. KPTCL/B16/7228/1985-86 Dated 17.12.2005.
4. Notification No. KPTCL/B21/B16/7728/1985-86 Dated 02.04.2008.

***** X *****

Page 48 of 81
1. Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical).
2. Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil).
3. Accounts Officer.
4. Personal Secretary.
5. Assistant Engineer (Electrical).
6. Assistant Engineer (Civil).
7. Assistant Accounts Officer.
8. Head Draughtsman.
9. Senior Draughtsman.
10. Store Keeper Grade– I.
11. Senior Personal Assistant.
12. Assistant Sports Officer.
13. Librarian.
14. Assistant Librarian.
15. Assistant Public Relations Officer.
16. Private Secretary to Chairman.

Reference :
1. Order No: KPTCL/B5A/2708/2002-03 Dated 19.07.2002.
2. Notification No: KPTCL/B37/4419/B21/B16/7728/1985-86 Dated 17.09.2002.
3. Order No: KPTCL/B5A/7160/2008-09 Dated 30.12.2008.

SCHEDULE – II (B) : Deleted

1. Order No: KPTCL/B5A/2708/2002-03 Dated 19.07.2002
2. Order No: KPTCL/B37/4419/B21/B16/7728/1985-86 Dated 17.09.2002

Group– II - Transmission Lines Operation and Maintenance.

1. Hot line Mechanic Grade – I.

Page 49 of 81
2. Senior Mechanic.
3. Hotline Mechanic Grade – II.
4. Line Mechanic Grade – I.

GROUP- IV – Telecommunication Unit.

5. Senior Mechanic (TC).

6. Mechanic Grade – I (TC).

GROUP- V – Relay Testing Unit.

7. Senior Mechanic.
8. Instrument Mechanic.
9. Mechanic Grade – I.
10. Merit Grade Mechanic (RT).

GROUP- VI – Meter & Transformer Testing Unit.

11. Senior Mechanic.
12. Mechanic Grade – I.
13. Merit Grade Mechanic (MT).

***** X *****


1. Junior Engineer (Electrical).

2. Junior Engineer (Civil).
3. Junior Engineer (Automobile).
4. Operator / Overseer / Meter Reader.
5. Junior Meter Reader.
6. Senior Assistant.
7. Assistant.
8. Junior Assistant.

Page 50 of 81
9. Typist.
10. Draughtsman.
11. Assistant Draughtsman.
12. Store Keeper Grade – II.
13. Assistant Store Keeper.
14. Junior Personal Assistant.
15. Senior Grade Typist.
16. Data Entry Operator.
17. Security Head Guard.
18. Daftary / Lift Attender.
19. Dafedar.
20. Office Attendant Grade – 1.

(Generating Station, Receiving Station & Sub-Stations)
21. Merit Grade Mechanic.
22. Cable Jointer.
23. Assistant Cable Jointer.
24. Senior Mechanic 1.
25. Senior Mechanic Grade – I / Crane Operator Grade- I / Plumber
Grade – 1.

(Transmission Lines, Operation & Maintenance)
26. Line Mechanic Grade- II.
27. Lineman.
28. Assistant Lineman.
29. Junior Lineman.

(Distribution System, Operation & Maintenance)

30. Senior Mechanic.

31. Cable Jointer.
32. Assistant Cable Jointer.
33. Line Mechanic Grade – I.

Page 51 of 81
(Stores Organisation)

34. Senior Maistry.

35. Maistry Grade –I.

36. Assistant Foreman / Senior Mechanic.

37. Mechanic - Cum - Machinist Grade - 1,

Fitter Grade -I, Carpenter Grade - I,
Turner Grade -I, Welder Grade - I.

38. Mechanic -Cum - Machinist Grade - II, Welder

Grade -II, Turner Grade - II, Blacksmith Grade – I,
Carpenter Grade - II, Painter Grade - I,
Fitter Grade - II, Tinker Grade – I.

39. Driller / Puncher / Cutter / Hammer-man /

Blacksmith Grade - II, Machine Operator, Fitter
Grade - III, Painter Grade - II, Grinder / Sheet Metal
Worker / Tinker Grade - II, Carpenter Grade - III,
Attendant Grade – I.

40. Helper

(Civil Engineering Works Etc.)

41. Maistry (Civil) Grade - I /Mason Grade - I / S.E.E.

Plumber Grade –I.

42. Maistry (Civil) Grade - II / Mason Grade - II / S.E.E.

Page 52 of 81
Plumber - Cum - Fitter Grade - II, Maistry
(Health) Grade – II.

43. Civil Mate, Plumber - Cum - Fitter Grade - III / S.E.E.

Bar-bender - Cum - Vibrator / Attendant Grade - I
/ Field-man Grade -I / Maistry Grade - III / Cook
- Cum – Caretaker.

44. Mali Grade - I / Field man Grade – II. S.E.E.

45. Helper (Civil) / Maity & Cook. S.E.E.
46. Mali Grade - II, Field man Grade - III, Dhobi, S.E.E.
Ward Attendant.


47. Driver Grade – I.

48. Driver Grade - II.

49. Cleaner / Auto Helper.

50. Assistant Foreman.

51. Auto Mechanic Grade - I. S.E.E. (T&P)

52. Auto Mechanic Grade - II. S.E.E. (T&P)
53. Attendant Grade - I (Tool Keeper). S.E.E. (T&P)
54. Auto Helper. S.E.E. (T&P)

***** X *****

Page 53 of 81

1. Office Attendant Grade – II.

(Generating, Receiving Station & Sub-Stations)
2. Station Mechanic Grade- II, Crane Operator Grade-II, Plumber
Grade-II, Painter Grade – I.
3. Station Attendant Grade – I.
4. Station Attendant Grade – II.

(Distribution System, Operation and Maintenance)
5. Line Mechanic Grade – II.
6. Lineman.
7. Assistant Lineman.
8. Junior Lineman.

(Telecommunication Unit)
9. Mechanic Grade – II.
10. Attendant Grade – I.
11. Attendant Grade – II.

(Relay Testing Unit)
12. Mechanic Grade – II.

Page 54 of 81
13. Attendant Grade – I.
14. Attendant Grade – II.

(Meter & Transformer Testing Unit)
15. Mechanic Grade – II.
16. Attendant Grade – I.
17. Attendant Grade – II.

(Stores Organisation)
18. Maistry Grade – II.
19. Store Attendant Grade – I.
20. Helper.

(Civil Engineering Works)

21. Maistry (Civil) Grade-I / Mason Executive Engineer, Electrical

Grade-I / Plumber Grade-I. Division
22. Maistry (Civil) Grade-II / Mason
Grade-II / Plumber Cum-Fitter
Grade-II / Maistry (Health) Grade- - do -
23. Civil Mate, Plumber-cum-Fitter
Grade-III, Bar-bender Cum
Vibrator, Attendant Grade-I, Field - do –
man Grade-I, Maistry Grade-III,

24. Mali Grade-I / Field man Grade-II. - do -

25. Helper (Civil) / Maity & Cook. - do -

Page 55 of 81
26. Mali Grade - II, Field man Grade -
III, Dhobi, and Ward Attendant. - do -
27. Jamedar (Watch & Ward).

28. Watchman.

29. Sanitary Worker.

***** X *****

Page 56 of 81

Sl. Authority empowered to impose the Appellate
Class of Post empowered to
No. penalty Authority
1 2 3 4 5 6
Authority Penalty
1. Executive Director. Corporation Managing Director, ii to iv(a) Corporation
Corporation v to viii ----
2. Executive Director (Law). Corporation Managing Director, ii to iv(a) Corporation
Corporation v to viii ----
3. Chief Engineer, Electricity. Corporation Managing Director, ii to iv(a) Corporation
Corporation v to viii ----
4. Financial Adviser. Corporation Managing Director, ii to iv(a) Corporation
Corporation v to viii ----

Page 57 of 81

Sl. Authority empowered to impose the Appellate
Class of Post empowered to
No. penalty Authority
1 2 3 4 5 6
Authority Penalty
1. Superintending Engineer Managing ii to iv(a) Managing Director,
(Elec.). Director, KPTCL
Managing Director, v to viii Corporation
2. Superintending Engineer Managing ii to iv(a) Managing Director,
(Civil). Director, KPTCL
Managing Director, v to viii Corporation
3. Controller of Accounts. Managing Director ii to iv(a) Director (Finance)
Director, (A&HR)
KPTCL Managing Director, v to viii Corporation
4. Executive Engineer (Elec.). Managing Director ii to iv(a) Director
Director, (A&HR) (Transmission)

Page 58 of 81
KPTCL Managing Director, v to viii Corporation
1 2 3 4 5 6
5. Executive Engineer (Civil). Managing Director ii to iv(a) Director
Director, (A&HR) (Transmission)
KPTCL Managing Director, v to viii Corporation
6. Deputy Controller of Managing Director ii to iv(a) Director (Finance)
Accounts. Director, (A&HR)
Managing Director, v to viii Corporation
7. Senior Sports Officer. Managing ii to iv(a) Managing Director,
Director, KPTCL
Managing Director, v to viii Corporation

***** X *****

Page 59 of 81

Sl. Authority empowered to impose the Appellate
Class of Post empowered to
No. penalty Authority
1 2 3 4 5 6
Authority Penalty
1. Asst. Exe. Engr. (Elec.). CEE ii to iv(a) Director
Director (Zone/Unit) (Transmission)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
2. Asst. Exe. Engr. (Civil). CEE ii to iv(a) Director
Director (Zone/Unit) (Transmission)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
3. Accounts Officer. Director ii to iv(a) Director
Director (A&HR) (Finance)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
4. Asst. Engineer (Elec.). SEE ii to iv(a) CEE
Director (Circle/Unit) (Zone/Unit)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
5. Asst. Engineer (Civil). Director
SEE ii to iv(a) CEE
(Circle/Unit) (Zone/Unit)
Director v to viii Managing

Page 60 of 81
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
1 2 3 4 5 6
6. Personal Secretary. Director Director (A&HR) ii to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
7. Asst. Accounts Officer. SEE ii to iv(a) Director
Director (Circle/Unit) (A&HR)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Director
(A&HR) (Finance)
8. Head Draughtsman. SEE ii to iv(a) CEE
Director (Circle/Unit) (Zone/Unit)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
9. Senior Draughtsman. SEE ii to iv(a) CEE
Director (Circle/Unit) (Zone/Unit)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
10. Store Keeper Grade- I. SEE ii to iv(a) CEE
Director (Circle/Unit) (Zone/Unit)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
11. Senior Personal Assistant. SEE ii to iv(a) CEE
Director (Circle/Unit) (Zone/Unit)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
12. Assistant Sports Officer. Director Director (A&HR) ii to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
13. Librarian. DGM ii to iv(a) Director
Director (Personnel) (A&HR)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL

Page 61 of 81
1 2 3 4 5 6
14. Assistant Librarian. DGM ii to iv(a) Director
Director (Personnel) (A&HR)
(A&HR) Director v to viii Managing
(A&HR) Director, KPTCL
15. Assistant Public Relations Director Managing
Officer. Director (A&HR) ii to viii Director, KPTCL
16. Private Secretary to Director
Director (A&HR) ii to viii
Chairman. (A&HR) Director, KPTCL

SCHEDULE-VI(B) : Deleted

Page 62 of 81


Sl. Authority empowered to impose the Appellate
Class of Post empowered to
No. penalty Authority
1 2 3 4 5 6
Authority Penalty
Transmission Lines, Operation & Maintenance .

1. Hotline Mechanic Grade-I. SEE ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)

CEE (Zone)
v to viii Director
CEE (Zone)
2. Senior Mechanic. SEE ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone)
v to viii Director
CEE (Zone)
3. Hotline Mechanic Grade- SEE ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
II. (Circle)
CEE (Zone)
v to viii Director
CEE (Zone)
4. Line Mechanic Grade-I. SEE ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone)

Page 63 of 81
v to viii Director
CEE (Zone)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Telecommunication Unit .
5. Senior Mechanic (TC). SEE ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone)
v to viii Director
CEE (Zone)
6. Mechanic Grade-I (TC). SEE
ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone) v to viii
Relay Testing Unit .
7. Senior Mechanic. SEE
ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone) v to viii
8. Mechanic Grade-I. SEE
ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone) v to viii
9. Instrument Mechanic. SEE
ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone) v to viii
10. Merit Grade Mechanic SEE
CEE (Zone) ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
(RT). (Circle)

Page 64 of 81
CEE (Zone) v to viii
1 2 3 4 5 6
Meter and Transformer Testing Unit .
11. Senior Mechanic. SEE ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone)
v to viii Director
CEE (Zone)
12. Mechanic Grade-I. SEE ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone)
v to viii Director
CEE (Zone)
13. Merit Grade Mechanic SEE
ii to iv(a) CEE (Zone)
(MT). (Circle)
CEE (Zone)
CEE (Zone) v to viii

***** X *****

Page 65 of 81

Authority empowered to impose Appellate
Sl. No. Class of Post empowered
the penalty Authority
to appoint
1 2 3 4 5 6
Authority Penalty
1. Junior Engineer (Elec.). ii to iv(a) SEE
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
2. Junior Engineer (Civil). ii to iv(a) SEE
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
3. Junior Engineer ii to iv(a) SEE
(Automobile). SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
4. Draughtsman. ii to iv(a) SEE
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)

Page 66 of 81
5. Assistant Draughtsman. ii to iv(a) SEE
EEE (Circle/Unit)
SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
1 2 3 4 5 6
6. Operator/Meter Reader/ ii to iv(a) SEE
Overseer. EEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
7. Junior Meter Reader. ii to iv(a) SEE
EEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
8. Store Keeper Grade-II. ii to iv(a) SEE
EEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
9. Assistant Store Keeper. ii to iv(a) SEE
EEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
10. Senior Assistant. ii to iv(a) SEE
EEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)

Page 67 of 81
11. Assistant. ii to iv(a) SEE
EEE (Circle/Unit)
SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
1 2 3 4 5 6
12. Junior Assistant. ii to iv(a) SEE
EEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE v to viii CEE (Zone)
13. Dafedar. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
14. Junior Personal Assistant. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
15. Senior Grade Typist. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)

Page 68 of 81
16. Typist.
EEE ii to iv(a)
v to viii CEE (Zone)
17. Data Entry Operator. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
1 2 3 4 5 6
18. Daftary / Lift Attender. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
19. Office Attendant Grade-I. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
20. Head Security Guard. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)

Page 69 of 81
Generating Stations / Receiving Stations & Sub- Stations .

21. Merit Grade Mechanic. SEE

EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
22. Cable Jointer. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
23. Assistant Cable Jointer. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
1 2 3 4 5 6
24. Senior Mechanic. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
25. Station Mechanic Grade-I/ SEE
Crane Operator Grade-I / EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
Plumber Grade-I. (Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)

Page 70 of 81
Transmission Lines, Operation & Maintenance .

26. Line Mechanic Grade-II. SEE

EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
27. Lineman. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
28. Assistant Lineman. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
29. Junior Lineman. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
1 2 3 4 5 6

Distribution System, Operation & Maintenance .

30. Senior Mechanic. SEE

EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)

Page 71 of 81
31. Cable Jointer. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
32. Assistant Cable Jointer. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
33. Line Mechanic Grade-I.
EEE ii to iv(a)
v to viii CEE (Zone)

Stores Organisation .

34. Senior Maistry.

EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
v to viii CEE (Zone)
35. Maistry Grade-I. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)

Page 72 of 81
1 2 3 4 5 6

Work Shop.

36. Assistant Foreman/ SEE

EEE ii to iv(a)
Senior Mechanic. SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
37. Mechanic - Cum - Machinist SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
Grade-I, Fitter Grade-I, SEE (Circle)
Carpenter Grade-I, Turner (Circle) SEE
Grade-I, Welder Grade-I. v to viii CEE (Zone)
38. Mechanic -Cum - Machinist
Grade - II, Fitter Grade-II, EEE ii to iv(a)
Carpenter Grade-II, Turner SEE
Grade-II, Welder Grade -II, (Circle)
Blacksmith Grade-I, Painter SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
Grade-I, Tinker Grade – I. (Circle)

39. Driller / Puncher / Cutter/

Hammer man / Machine SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
Operator, Fitter Grade-III, (Circle)
Carpenter Grade-III, SEE
Blacksmith Grade-II, Painter (Circle)
Grade - II, Tinker Grade - II, SEE
Attendant Grade-I, Grinder / v to viii CEE (Zone)
Sheet Metal Worker.

Page 73 of 81
40. Helper. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle)
(Circle) SEE
v to viii CEE (Zone)
1 2 3 4 5 6

Civil Engineering Works including RCC pole manufacturing centre,

Water Supply, Health & Sanitation .

41. Maistry Civil Grade-I, AEE (Civil) ii to iv(a) SEE

Mason Grade-I, Plumber
Grade-I. SEE v to viii CEE
42. Maistry Civil Grade-II,
Mason Grade-II, Plumber- SEE AEE (Civil) ii to iv(a) SEE
cum-Fitter Grade-II, Maistry
(Health) Grade-II. SEE v to viii CEE
43. Civil Mate/ Plumber-cum-
Fitter Grade-III, Bar-bender/ AEE (Civil) ii to iv(a) SEE
Vibrator Attendant Grade-I, SEE
Field man Grade-I, Maistry
Grade-III, Cook-cum-Care SEE v to viii CEE
44. Mali Grade-I, Field man SEE AEE (Civil) ii to iv(a) SEE
Grade-II. SEE v to viii CEE
45. Helper (Civil) Mate & AEE (Civil) ii to iv(a) SEE
Cook. SEE
SEE v to viii

Page 74 of 81
46. Mali Grade-II, Field man AEE (Civil) ii to iv(a) SEE
Grade-III, Caretaker, Dhobi
& Ward Attendant-I. SEE v to viii CEE


47. Driver Grade-I. SEE

SEE EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle) v to viii CEE (Zone)
1 2 3 4 5 6
48. Driver Grade-II. SEE
SEE EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle) v to viii CEE (Zone)
49. Cleaner/Auto Helper. SEE
SEE EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle) v to viii CEE (Zone)
50. Assistant Foreman. SEE
SEE EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle) v to viii CEE (Zone)
51. Auto Mechanic Grade-I. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE
52. Auto Mechanic Grade-II. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE

Page 75 of 81
53. Attendant Grade-I
(Tool Keeper). EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
v to viii CEE
54. Auto Helper. SEE
EEE ii to iv(a)
SEE (Circle/Unit)
(Circle/Unit) SEE
v to viii CEE

***** X *****

Page 76 of 81


Sl. Authority empowered to impose Appellate
Class of Post empowered to
No. the penalty Authority
1 2 3 4 5 6
Authority Penalty
1. Officer Attendant Grade-II. AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE

Generating Stations / Receiving Stations & Sub- Stations.

2. Station Mechanic Grade-II/ ii to iv(a)

Crane Operator Grade-II /
Plumber Grade-II/Painter v to viii
3. Station Attendant Grade-I. AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE
4. Station Attendant Grade-II. AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE

Page 77 of 81
Distribution System, Operation & Maintenance.

5. Line Mechanic Grade-II. AEE ii to iv(a) EEE

EEE v to viii SEE
6. Lineman. AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE
7. Assistant Lineman. AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE
1 2 3 4 5 6
8. Junior Lineman. AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE

Telecommunication Unit.

9. Mechanic Grade-II (TCD). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE

EEE v to viii SEE
10. Attendant Grade-I (TCD). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE
11. Attendant Grade-II (TCD).
AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE

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Relay Testing Unit.

12. Mechanic Grade-II (RT). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE

EEE v to viii SEE
13. Attendant Grade-I (RT). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE
14. Attendant Grade-II (RT). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE

Meter & Transformer Testing Unit.

15. Mechanic Grade-II (MT). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE

EEE v to viii SEE
16. Attendant Grade-I (MT). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE
17. Attendant Grade-II (MT). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE

Stores Organisation.

18. Maistry Grade-II (Stores). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE

EEE v to viii SEE
1 2 3 4 5 6

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19. Stores Attendant Grade-II AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
(Stores). EEE
EEE v to viii SEE
20. Helper (Stores). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE

Civil Engineering Works including RCC pole manufacturing centre,
Water Supply, Health & Sanitation.

21. Maistry Civil Grade-I, AEE ii to iv(a) EEE

Mason Grade-I, Plumber EEE
Grade-I. EEE v to viii SEE
22. Maistry Civil Grade-II, AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
Mason Grade-II, Plumber-
cum-Fitter Grade-II, Maistry v to viii
(Health) Grade-II.
23. Civil Mate/Plumber/Fitter ii to iv(a)
Grade-III, Bar-bender cum AEE EEE
Vibrator /Attendant Grade-I,
EEE v to viii
Field man Grade-I, Maistry
Grade-III, Cook-cum-Care EEE SEE
24. Mali Grade-I, Field man AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
Grade-II. EEE v to viii SEE
25. Helper (Civil) / Maity & AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
Cook. EEE v to viii SEE

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26. Mali Grade-II, Field man ii to iv(a)
Grade-III, Caretaker, Dhobi EEE
& Ward Attendant. EEE v to viii SEE
1 2 3 4 5 6

Applicable to post in all groups .

27. Jamedar (Watch & Ward). AEE ii to iv(a) EEE

EEE v to viii SEE
28. Watchman. AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE
29. Sanitary Worker. AEE ii to iv(a) EEE
EEE v to viii SEE


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