Present Continuous

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Time expressions used with the Present Continuous Tense ;

Now For the time being At this moment

At the moment Today This weekend
This morning Nowadays Just now
These days This week
At present Right now

A) Fill in the blanks using the given words according to the Present Continuous

play – teach – look – listen – read – wear – swim – drink – talk - write

1. The company ___________ for secretary nowadays.

2. The girl ____________ comfortable shoes now.
3. Jill _____________ a book at the moment.
4. We ____________ tennis at the moment.
5. Mary and I ____________ at Ege University at present.
6. He ____________ a glass of orange juice now.
7. I _____________ a letter to my friend now.
8. Mary ____________ to an old song on the radio at present.
9. She _____________ to Bill on the phone now.
10. They _____________ in the sea right now.

B) Put the words in correct order in the Present Continuous Tense.

1. wear / now / boots / you (?)

2. the sun / shine / right now (+)
3. look for / nowadays / Paul / a job (?)
4. this weekend / their uncle / visit / them (-)
5. she / why / at the moment / cry (?)
6. who / shout at / you (?)
7. in the city centre / they / a new store / build / at the moment (+)
REMEMBER: Rewrite in the correct form.
I am walking - I’m not walking 1.They are speak about you.
You are walking -You aren’t walking .........................................................................
He is walking -He isn’t walking 2.He are danceing now?
She is walking - She isn’t walking .........................................................................
It is walking -It isn’t walking 3.Ema are washing dishes.
We are walking - We aren’t walking .........................................................................
You are walking - You aren’t walking 4.This boy is reading a magazine?
They are walking -They aren’t walking .........................................................................
5. We isn’t playng football now.
? They are walking → Are they walking? .........................................................................
6. You are siting on your chair?
CHECK THEM OUT! .........................................................................
*write – writing , skate – skating, make – 7.Is they singing now?
making .........................................................................
*swim – swimming, run – running, sit- 8.Is Robbie plantting trees?
sitting .........................................................................
9.My sisters ares running in the park.
10.What Betty is doing?
Write the correct form of the verb: .........................................................................
1.They ......................................... (swim) (+) 11.He is goeing to school right now.
2.The fire ....................................(burn) (+) .........................................................................
3.My friend .................................(sleep)(-) 12.Jack is spends his holiday at home.
4.They .......................................( come) (-) .........................................................................
5.Will ..........................................(write) (+) 13.Shes makeing dinner.
6.My dogs .......................................(eat) (-) .........................................................................
7.Lydia ............................................(cry) (+) 14.The women are painting the house?
8.We ...............................................(laugh)(-) .........................................................................
9.I ...........................................(watch)TV.(+) 15.Janie is rideing her bike.
10.He .........................................(sail) (-) .........................................................................
11.William ......................................(dive).(+) 16.We is fishing in the river.
12.Dad ..........................................(drive) (-) .........................................................................
13.The farmer .............................(work).(+) 17.You are teach French.
14.You .............................................(rest) (+) .........................................................................
15. Mum .........................................(cook) (-) 18.I am spendeing my holiday in Greece.
16.We ...........................................(sing) (-) .........................................................................
17.Yolanda ...................................(learn) (+) 19. He aren’t sending letters.
18.The wind .................................(blow) (-) .........................................................................
19.It ..........................................(snow) (+) 20.You is swim in the ocean?
20.They .....................................(drink) (+) .........................................................................

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