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Should we say Amen, Ahmein, Amein or Omaine?

Many people bow their heads, clasp their hands together, they close their eyes, and pray and then say
Amen, Ahmein, Amein or Omaine after praying.

However, should we bow our heads, put our hand together, close our eyes, and then end our prayers
with something? And if so, what should we say and why?

Well the Bible truth may surprise you, even SHOCK YOU! It’s amazing, so many people do things without
ever questioning it, without ever researching it to learn if it is biblical or not!

Yahshua Messiah never taught anyone to bow their heads, put their hands together, close their eyes, and
then “end a prayer.” In fact, he didn’t even teach how to end a prayer. In Matthew 6:9-13, He never
taught us to end our prayers with anything! The Messiah never ended His prayers or talks with “Amen”,
so neither should we as He is our example, 1 John 2:6.

NOTE: If we read the earliest most oldest New Testament text we have access to today, for example, the
CS (Codex Sinaiticus), there is NO text such as what appears in some later translations, for example, the
KJV and some other English translations ends the Messiah’s pray in Matthew 6:9-13 with “For thine is the
kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” However this does NOT appear in earliest
Scripture Manuscripts, hence, it was fraudulently ADDED by translators! And interestingly, translations
such as the New International Version, English Standard Version, New Living Translation etc, do NOT have
the added “Amen” ending because those translators knew it is NOT in the earliest manuscripts! And in
the New American Standard Bible translation for example, (photo below), we learn that they even admit
it does NOT appear in the earliest Scripture Text! (mss is an abbreviation for “manuscripts.”)

So as we have learned, when asked how we should pray, our Messiah NEVER taught to end prayers with
“Amen”, “Amein”, “Omaine” or anything else for that matter!

Also, just on another note, did you know the “Lord’s Prayer”, inviting Jesus into your heart, is completely
ANTIBIBLICAL teaching? Nowhere in the entire Holy Scriptures does it say to invite Jesus into your heart!

When Christians say “Amen”, they are calling out to the Egyptian god Amen Ra, because “Amen”
originates from Amen Ra. Remember, there is NO such word as “Amen” in Hebrew or Greek, because
“Amen” is English! Many false teachers claim on their facebook posts, websites and videos that “Amen”
is Hebrew, but that is untrue!

Some people try to quote verses such as Yeremyah (Jeremiah) 28:6 to try to support the use of “Amen”,
however, the Hebrew word there is “Awmane”, Hebrew Strong’s number 543, which means “so be it”.

Some people try to also use verses such as 2 Cor 1:20 to defend the use of praising the pagan god
“Amen”, however, when we look in the Strong’s Greek Lexicon for “Amen” in this verse, it’s number 281,
which according to the Lexicon means “so be it”, and does NOT refer to the Pagan god “Amen”. The
same Greek word appears in verses such as Rev 3:14.

Therefore, “So be it” would be more accurate, because that’s what Awmane means in Hebrew. However,
I never end prayers with anything, Yahshua when asked to teach the Disciples to pray, taught them how
to pray, but as already mentioned, Yahshua NEVER ended their prayer with anything like “Amen”,
“Amein”, or anything else.

So, we are to pray in Yahshua’s Name, but He never ended prayers with “Amen” or “Amein” etc.

Christianity is corrupted, they teach many false teachings! Bible translators added “Amen” to some
places, but “Amen” does not appear in the Hebrew or Greek manuscripts!


The Egyptians, including the Alexandrians, had been worshiping, or been acquainted with, the head of
the Egyptian pantheon, Amen-Ra, the great sun-deity, for more than one thousand years B.C. Before he
was known as Amen-Ra, he was known as Amen among the Thebans.

According to Funk and Wagnall’s Standard College Dictionary, AMEN was the deity of life and procreation
in Egyptian mythology, and later identified with the Sun-deity as the supreme deity and called “Amen-
Ra.” Smith’s Bible Dictionary and Egyptian Belief and modern thought agree.

When you invoke your prayers to a Pagan deity and they are answered do pay careful attention to
Mattityahu (Matthew) 7:22 for understanding why they are answered particularly for healing of disease
and great works there is a much wider message in this parable many do not understand. Using false
Pagan deity names such as god, lord, amen and jesus is your clue. Remember the command not to even
let these Pagan deity names be heard from your mouth!!!

“Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other mighty ones-[false
deities]; do not let them be heard on your lips” – Exodus 23:13

“And I say to you that for every careless word men speak, they shall give an account of it in the day of
judgment” – Mattityahu 12:36

The word “Amen” was added by corrupt Christian Scholars around 400AD, which was an adoption of the
word “Amen Ra” or “lord Ra” in Egyptian. The Hebrew word for evil is also “Ra.” So Amen Ra is “lord

But Awmane in Hebrew, means “so be it.” Awmane and “Amen” are completely two separate words.
Hebrew – Awmane: sure; abstract, faithfulness; adverb, truly:–so be it, truth.

Greek – αμην – of Hebrew origin (543); properly, firm, i.e. (figuratively) trustworthy; adverbially, surely
(often as interjection, so be it):–amen, verily.

Amen – English – from Egyptian, reference to a false god!

Amen (Amon) and Amen-Ra, King of the Gods, and the Triad of Thebes:

Among the gods who were known to the Egyptians in very early times were Amen and his consort
Ament, and their names are found in the Pyramid Texts, e.g., Unas, line 558, where they are mentioned
immediately after the pair of gods Nau and Nen, and in connection with the twin Lion-gods Shu and
Tefnut, who are described as the two gods who made their own bodies, and with the goddess Temt, the
female counterpart of Tem.

It is evident that even in the remote period of the Vth Dynasty Amen and Ament were numbered among
the primeval gods, if not as gods in chief certainly as subsidiary forms of some of them, and from the fact
that they are mentioned immediately after the deities of primeval matter, Nau and Nen, who we may
consider to be the equivalents of the watery abyss from which all things sprang, and immediately before
Temt and Shu and Tefnut, it would seem that the writers or editors of the Pyramid Texts assigned great
antiquity to their existence.

Of the attributes ascribed to Amen in the Ancient Empire nothing is known, but, if we accept the
meaning “hidden” which is usually given to his name, we must conclude that he was the personification
of the hidden and unknown creative power which was associated with the primeval abyss, gods in the
creation of the world, and all that is in it. The word or root Amen, certainly means “what is hidden,”
“what is not seen,” “what cannot be seen,” and the like, and this fact is proved by scores of examples
which may be collected from texts of all periods. In hymns to Amen we often read that he is “hidden to
his children, “and “hidden to gods and men,” and it has been stated that these expressions only refer to
the “hiding,” i.e., “setting” of the sun each evening, and that they are only to be understood in a physical
sense, and to mean nothing more than the disappearance of the god Amen from the sight of men at the
close of day.

Now, not only is the god himself said to be “hidden,” but his name also is “hidden,” and his form, or
similitude, is said to be “unknown;” these statements show that “hidden,” when applied to Amen, the
great god, has reference to something more than the “sun which has disappeared below the horizon,”
and that it indicates the god who cannot be seen with the mortal eyes, and who is invisible, as well as
inscrutable, to gods as well as men. In the times approaching the Ptolemaic period the name Amen
appears to have been connected with the root men, “to abide, to be permanent;” and one of the
attributes which were applied to him was that of eternal.

Amen is represented in five forms:

1. As a man, when he is seen seated on a throne, and holding in one hand the scepter, and in the other
the symbol of “life.” In this form he is one of the nine deities who compose the company of the gods of
Amen-Ra, the other eight being Ament, Nu, Nut, Hehui, Hehet, Kekui, Keket, and Hathor.

2. As a man with the head of a frog, whilst his female counterpart Ament has the head of a uraeus.

3. As a man with the head of a uraeus, whilst his female counterpart has the head of a cat.

4. As an ape.

5. As a lion couching upon a pedestal.

The problem is; most people never stop to question anything, they have been conditioned and
brainwashed to believe that we are supposed to close our eyes, place hands together, bow our heads,
pray, and end our prayers with Amen etc. However, the truth is, NO SUCH teaching exists in the entire
Holy Scriptures!

All those who love and seek truth, and all Yahweh children and believers should IMMEDIATELY repent of
and renounce calling out to “Amen”, “Ahmein”, “Amein” or “Omaine! Do NOT be like the Pagan
Christians who call out to this false god after their prayers! Satan deceives the world, Rev 12:9, how
shocking it is when you see people praying only to end their prayers calling out to a FALSE PAGAN GOD,
“AMEN”! Satan truly has deceived people!

Yahweh’s true children are beginning to wake from slumber, the light bulbs are turning on, they are
starting to see things clearly and are shocked to learn that they have been deceived by Satan and
Christians for most of their lives!

ENDING NOTE: Many people are trying to teach that it’s acceptable and not wrong to end prayers with
“Amen”, a lot of these same people however teach false names, false Christian doctrines like Christmas,
Easter etc, and they cannot show anywhere our Messiah taught to end prayers with “AMEN”, but they do
it anyway. In fact I have shown above, that when our Messiah was asked how we should pray, that He
NEVER taught to end our prayers with “Amen”. So I must ask, do you really want to be taught by such
misleading people who add to the Scriptures and who falsely claim our Messiah taught something which
He NEVER DID!!! As for me, I would rather follow the proper reading of Matthew 6 as a truthful and
accurate example of how to pray.
These people who claim it’s acceptable to end prayers or talks with “Amen”, will post verses such as
Numbers 5:22, Deuteronomy 27:15-16, Deuteronomy 27:26 etc, and claim those verses prove it’s
acceptable to say “AMEN” after prayers. However, those verses in the original languages do NOT say
“AMEN”, and what these uneducated teachers will not tell you is that NOWHERE did our Messiah teach
we should end prayers with “Amen” as this article has already shown. Also, they will not tell you that the
Hebrew word for the English translation of “Amen” for verses such as Numbers 5:22, Deuteronomy
27:15-16 etc (The Hebrew Strong’s #543), is the Hebrew word I mentioned earlier, “Awmane”, which
does not mean “AMEN”, it accurately means “So be it”.

We at Yahweh’s House Ministries reject using “AMEN” at the end of our prayers or talks, as it’s not
biblical and was NEVER taught by our Messiah to do, and the Messiah never did it.

We prefer ending our prayers with, “In the name of Yahshua”, and “So be it!”

The reason we end our prayers in the Messiah’s name, is due to these verses:

John 14:13 – And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in
the Son.

John 14:14 – If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

John 15:16 – Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and
bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my
name, he may give it you.

John 16:23 – And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall
ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.

John 16:24 – Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be

John 16:26 – At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for

And Scripture teaches that we only have access to the Father, through the Son, so that is another reason
why we conclude to end our prayers in the Son’s Name.

However notice, NOWHERE in earliest Scripture manuscripts does it teach to end prayers with “AMEN”,
so whenever someone tries to claim it’s acceptable to end prayers with “AMEN”, and claiming that
“Amen” is Hebrew, then you now know it’s NOT Scriptural, it’s NOT Hebrew, and only taught by false
teachers who ADD teachings to what the Messiah actually taught and did Himself.

Many people will say to you, “But it’s OK to say Amen after prayers, Amen is harmless and it’s not a
pagan god etc…”, however, they still stumble when you ask them, “So you have a lot of excuses to say
AMEN, but can you show me anywhere the Messiah, when asked to teach to pray, ever taught to end
prayers with “AMEN”?
To this, they usually sidestep the question because they realise when reading Scripture that we should
follow the Messiah’s example and He NEVER did or taught to end prayers with “Amen”, and this article
shows that, seeing only later corrupted translations added “AMEN” to the prayer which does NOT appear
in the earliest manuscripts.

Renounce all error and come back to Scripture truth!


Yeremyah & Michaiyah (Yahweh’s House Ministries)

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