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Saint Mary’s University





Respondents Profile

According to the analyzed data by using frequency distribution, the profile of the
surveyed respondents can be summarized as follows:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a.) Sex

Table 1.1

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 58 36.9%
Female 99 63.1%

The data above are analyzed through frequency distribution and the profile of the
surveyed respondents, results are also presented and analyzed. As we see in Table 1.1, it shows
that the majority of the survey respondents are in gender, 157 male (36.9%) and female (63.1),
shows that online shoppers are mostly female. We do not have any Related Studies because we
can’t find any studies in the book section that are related to our study. The results at the table
presents that females are the one who often use online shopping, this will be a guide for the next
researchers and be an advantage, female online users will be the ones at the first line of the
Saint Mary’s University

b.) Strand

Table 1.2

Strand Frequency Percentage

ABM 42 26.8%
STEM 76 48.4%
HUMSS 24 15.3%
ICT 15 9.6%

The data above are analyzed through frequency distribution and the profile of the
surveyed respondents, results are also presented and analyzed. Table 1.2 shows that the different
strands, ABM (26.8%) HUMSS (15.3%), ICT, (9.6%), it says that the STEM strand has the
highest percentage of online shoppers which is 48.4%. We do not have any Related Studies
because we can’t find any studies in the book section that are related to our study. In the study,
we floated questionnaires to the different strands to tests who are the ones who use online
shopping often and rarely, this will serve as a sample for those who’ll make a survey in the

2. What are the factors that the respondents consider on online shopping?

Table 1.3

Factors Not a Factor Factor

Price 36.9% 61.1% Majority says that’s a factor
Speed of delivery 53% 45% Majority says that’s not a
Expectation vs. Reality 61.88% 38.2% Majority says that’s not a
Products Variety 63.7% 36.3% Majority says that’s not a
Majority says that’s not a
Saint Mary’s University

The data above are analyzed through frequency distribution and the profile of the
surveyed respondents, results are also presented and analyzed. As shown in Table 1.3, when it
comes to the factors they considered, price is consider as a factor which has the percentage of
61.1%, while the following three is not: Speed of delivery (53%), Expectation vs. Reality
(61.88%) and Products Variety (63.7), saying that majority that it is not a factor. . We do not
have any Related Studies because we can’t find any studies in the book section that are related to
our study. The factors will be a guide for those who will have the same topic in the future when
they are looking for delegates that will affect in their study.

3. What is the level of satisfaction of the respondents on online shopping?

Table 1.4

Services and Transactions Results

Level in speed of Delivery Majority are Satisfied (47.1%)

Services Quality Majority are Satisfied (51.0%)

Communication and Profession Majority are Satisfied (45.2%)
Mode of payment Majority are Satisfied (49.7%)

The data above are analyzed through frequency distribution and the profile of the
surveyed respondents, results are also presented and analyzed. Table 1.4 shows that when it
comes to the Services and Transactions, the Level in Speed of Delivery (47.1%), Service
Quality (51.0%), Communication and Profession (45.2%), Mode of Payment (49.7%), all of
these factors rated as Satisfied when considering what is needed in Online Shopping. . We do not
have any Related Studies because we can’t find any studies in the book section that are related to
our study. The results of the Services and transactions at the table will be a helpful rating when it
comes to a future research of online shopping, it signifies what the customers see and consider
when they are buying online.
Saint Mary’s University


Table 1.5

Products Results
Expectation on the desired product Majority are Satisfied (49.7%)
Variety of products Majority are Satisfied (54.1%)
Product’s manufacturer Majority are Satisfied (54.8%)
Quality of the Product Majority are Satisfied (49.7%)
Price of the product Majority are Satisfied (49.0%)

On the other hand, as shown in table 1.5, the factors in Products, Expectation on the
desired product (49.7%), Variety of products (54.1%), Product’s Manufacturer (54.8%), Quality
of the Product (49.7%), Price of the product (49.0%), all the results of the percentage is rated as
Satisfied. . We do not have any Related Studies because we can’t find any studies in the book
section that are related to our study. As we look in the results of the products, we will see that all
the given factors above, made the respondents satisfied when it comes to the factors given, it
considers that the results are generally fair.

According to the reference of Michigan University, 2005, Online shopping is used and
still using by the online shoppers because it is convenient and recent research has proven that
online sites with higher focus on efficiency, convenience, and personalised services increased the
customers’ motivation to make purchases through the use of internet, while Corless in 2013 says
the it is convenient to operate a business without necessarily needing a traditional shop front and
gives your customers more flexibility because they can buy your products at any time of the day.
Also, Hamza and Saidalavi, 2014 says that the growth of e-commerce is still in an infancy stage
and the determinants to attract people towards online shopping remain vague and it is important
Saint Mary’s University

to them to improve the online shoppers’ behaviour, also it focuses on the influences certain
online shopping that give benefits like convenience, price and wider selection towards the
customers' satisfaction. Online Shopping is a complex buying process that includes navigation as
stated by Johnson, 2000 while Silverman, 2011 says that online marketers need to ensure online
shopping process easy. Also, Ehrlich, 2008 stated that shopping process is more critical than ever
as customers are looking for the best deal before purchasing.

Ehrlich 2008- The shopping process is more critical than ever as consumers are looking for the
best deal before purchasing.

In our study, we ensure that we are looking for the best deal before purchasing a product
online. We also consider the different factors that online shoppers are looking for before
purchasing. We do not have any Related Studies because we can’t find any studies in the book
section that are related to our study. But our study will help the future researchers in serving as a
basis in conducting their study related in online shopping in the future. In the society especially
in the business industry, the results that we have gathered can help them in making the market
more productive and efficient.
Saint Mary’s University



5.1 Summary

This study determined the level of satisfaction of the Grade 11 students of Saint Mary’s
University towards online shopping.

Specifically, it aimed to determine profile and the factors to consider when in online
shopping. The data gathering tool utilized was a survey questionnaire with two parts. The first
part was designed to determine profile of the respondents who use online shopping. The second
part aimed to attain the data needed to determine the factors they consider, overall customer
satisfaction of the respondents. The said questionnaire was administered to the online shoppers
who had experience and will experience in buying online and the importance of the factors they

Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in this study. Descriptive statistics
such as the frequency and percentage distributions and the mean were computed to determine the
student’s profile and factors for using online sites in buying and their levels of expected and
perceived service quality, overall customer satisfaction, respectively.

Based on the results, the following summary of findings was obtained:

Profile of the Respondents:

Saint Mary’s University

Most of the respondents are Female which counts 99 persons who are using online
shopping in the STEM strand which are 76 users in online shopping.

Factors that the Respondents Consider:

Based on our interpretation, only the Price shows that it is a factor they consider which
got the percentage of 61.1, while the others Speed of Delivery, Expectation vs. Reality and
Products Variety are not considered as a factor as the respondents didn’t reach its desired percent
based on our survey.

Level of Satisfaction of Respondents:

Under the Services and Transactions, majority of the respondents rated as Satisfied by the
given factors in the survey, same also in the Products, majority of the results in the survey over
the respondents, rated as they are Satisfied to the factors we have given.

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the results, the following conclusions had been made:

1. Most of the respondents are females from STEM Strand.

2. The respondents are mostly users of online shopping, rarely first timers.

3. The respondents are generally satisfied using online shopping.

4. The overall customer level of satisfaction of the respondents is satisfied..

Saint Mary’s University

5. The respondents tend to have different views on the overall level of customer satisfaction
according to the factors given.

As an overall conclusion of the study, in terms of profiling the majority who conduct
online shopping most were female especially the STEM strand in Saint Mary’s Senior High
School. This study can help the sellers to manage their product in choosing what product they
will post online. The respondents consider most in online shopping was the price wherein they
can make an effective strategy in considering the price of products.

Ehrlich 2008- The shopping process is more critical than ever as consumers are looking for the
best deal before purchasing.

In our study, we ensure that we are looking for the best deal before purchasing a product
online. We also consider the different factors that online shoppers are looking for before
purchasing. We do not have any Related Studies because we can’t find any studies in the book
section that are related to our study.

5.3 Recommendations

We the researchers recommend that the internet must increase their power to be in a
faster process for the online shoppers who shop online for the convenience. Also, the online
shoppers should also have incentives for being loyal in shopping online because they are paying
every second of their time browsing what they want to buy online.

In shopping online, we also think that the sellers online should acknowledge more their
customers by making them comfortable or communicate them through the best way they can
because it leave a big impression to them that will catch the customer’s loyalty.
Saint Mary’s University

The internet should become more effective and more innovative, we the researchers
recommend that the establishments need to create a customer service survey every once a year.
Because customer’s satisfaction has several key components, such as emotional satisfaction,
loyalty, satisfaction with specific attributes of their experience, and intent to return to the
establishment. Creating a survey for customers to take after each service experience will help to
determine how effective the service is.
Saint Mary’s University

Yvonne Gwyneth Ablang

Maureen Collado

Erika Domingo

Jyracel Maureen Rhodes

Crizza Tomiyama

Lovington Visitacion

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