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“Effectiveness of using Facebook in the Acdemics of the Senior High School Students in Tandang Sora Integrated School”

Dear Respondents,
We a group of students from Grade 12-C (ICT), we conduct a study entitled “Effectiveness of Using Facebook in the Academics of
the Senior High School Students in Tandang Sora Integrated School”
In connection with this, the researchers wish for your favorable cooperation and acceptance to answer the questionnaire accurately
and respectively. You may rest assured that the gathered data will be treated with confidentiality.
We hope for your affirmative consideration.
Thank you!
Respectfully Yours,
The Researchers


Name: (Optional):_______________________________________________________ Gr.Level & Section:___________

Age:________ : Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female
Do you use Facebook in academic/school works?
Yes No
II. Direction: Put a check ( ⁄ ) in the box next to each questions that best reflects your thoughts that you have experienced.

Strongly Strongly
Statements Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree

1. Learning
1.1 Students’ knowledge retention and understanding are improved
with the use of Facebook.
1.2 Students learn different styles of writing.

1.3 Students learn new digital literacy skills.

1.4 Facebook may help students to communicate with their
classmates and teachers who aren’t around.
1.5 The students take classroom knowledge public through Facebook.
2. Understanding
2.1 Improve students’ attitude towards the course content.
2.2 Facebook can make your understanding level improve.
2.3 Students know the importance of social media using Facebook.
2.4 Using Facebook may use as academic tool.
2.5 Using Facebook build community; connect students to each and
the global community.
3. Performing
3.1 Facebook increases class participation and motivate students.
3.2 Facebook lets students show their personality.
3.3 Students become an effective member of an online community
using Facebook.
3.4 Students shares the learning that they’ve learns in school.
3.5 Facebook helps the students gain self –confidence.

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