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1. Concept and purpose…...

2. Importance of Article 32…...
3. Comparison of Supreme Court and High Court in
Issuing writs…...
4. ●Differences…..
5. ●Similarities…..
6. Constitutional Philosophy of Writ Jurisdiction…...
7. Comparative Analysis of Article 32 & 226…...
8. Nature of Writ Jurisdiction…...
9. Factors Guiding the Discretion and it's Meaning…...
10. What is WRIT…...
11. Types of Writs…...
12. Important case Laws…...
13. Amendments to Article 32…...
14. Limitations to Article 32…...

In preparation of my assignment, I had to take the help and guidance of some respected
persons, who deserve my deepest gratitude. As the completion of this assignment gave me
much pleasure, I would like to show my gratitude Mr.GOPAL KAG SIR Course Instructor, of
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW at PIMR. for giving me a good guidelines for assignment throughout
numerous consultations. I would also like to expand my gratitude to all those who have directly
and indirectly guided me in writing this assignment.

In addition, another thank to Sir, who introduced me to the Methodology of work, and whose
passion for the “underlying structures” had lasting effect. I also thank the college for a consent
to include copyrighted articles as a part of my paper.

Many people, especially my parents and classmates who have made valuable comment
suggestions on my paper which gave me an inspiration to improve the quality of my assignment.

Thank You All !!

Shraddha Bajpai

Fundamental rights are those rights which are essential for intellectual, moral and spiritual
development of individuals. As these rights are fundamental or essential for existence and all-
round development of individuals,hence called as 'Fundamental' rights. These are enshrined in
Part III (Articles 12 to 35) of the Constitution of India. These include individual rights common to
most liberal democracies, such as equality before the law, freedom of speech and expression,
religious and cultural freedom, peaceful assembly, freedom to practice religion, and the right to
constitutional remedies for the protection of civil rights by means of writs such as Habeas
Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari and Quo Warranto.

Fundamental rights apply universally to all citizens, irrespective of race, birthplace, religion,
caste or gender. The Indian Penal Code (I.P.C.) and other laws prescribe punishments for the
violation of these rights, subject to the discretion of the judiciary. Though the rights conferred by
the constitution other than fundamental rights are also valid rights protected by the judiciary, in
case of fundamental rights violations, the Supreme Court of India can be approached directly for
ultimate justice as per Article 32. The Rights have their origins in many sources, including
England's Bill of Rights, the United States Bill of Rights and France's Declaration of the Rights
of Man. There are six fundamental rights recognised by the Indian constitution:

Right to equality(Articles. 14-18)

Right to freedom (Articles. 19-22)
Right against exploitation (Articles. 23-24)
Right to freedom of religion (Articles. 25-28)
Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles. 29-30), and
Right to constitutional remedies (Articles. 32-35)
Right to Privacy(Aug,28,2019)
Concept and Purpose

Article 32 of the Indian Constitution gives the right to individuals to move to the Supreme Court
to seek justice when they feel that their right has been ‘unduly deprived’. The apex court is given
the authority to issue directions or orders for the execution of any of the rights bestowed by the
constitution as it is considered ‘the protector and guarantor of Fundamental Rights’.

Under Article 32, the parliament can also entrust any other court to exercise the power of the
Supreme Court, provided that it is within its Jurisdiction. And unless there is some Constitutional
amendment, the rights guaranteed by this Article cannot be suspended. Therefore, we can say
that an assured right is guaranteed to individuals for enforcement of fundamental rights by this
article as the law provides the right to an individual to directly approach the Supreme Court
without following a lengthier process of moving to the lower courts first as the main purpose of
Writ Jurisdiction under Article 32 is the enforcement of Fundamental Rights.

Importance of Article 32

Article 32 was called the “soul of the constitution and very heart of it” by Dr. Ambedkar.
Supreme Court has included it in basic structure doctrine. Further, it is made clear that right to
move to Supreme Court cannot be suspended except otherwise provided by the Constitution.
This implies that this right suspended during a national emergency under article 359.
Article 32 makes the Supreme Court the defender and guarantor of the fundamental rights.
Further, power to issue writs comes under original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. This
means that a person may approach SC directly for remedy rather than by way of appeal.
Article 32 can be invoked only to get a remedy related to fundamental rights. It is not there for
any other constitutional or legal right for which different laws are available.
Comparison of Supreme Court and High Court in Issuing

● Differences
● Similarities

Power of issuing writs comes under original jurisdiction (to hear the matter at first instance) of
both Supreme Court and High Courts. An aggrieved person has option to move any of them.
While Supreme Court has power to issue writs via article 32, High Courts have this power via
article 226.
While Supreme Court has power to issue writs for enforcement of ONLY Fundamental rights,
High Courts can issue writs for enforcement of fundamental rights as well as any other matter
also. Thus, High Court has a wider jurisdiction from Supreme Court in matter of issuing writs.
Supreme Court can issue a writ against any person or authority within the territory of India while
high court can issue such writ under its own territorial jurisdiction. Thus, High court’s writ
jurisdiction is narrower in terms of territorial extent.
Supreme Court cannot refuse to exercise its writ jurisdiction mainly because article 32 itself is a
fundamental right and supreme court is guarantor or defender of fundamental rights. However,
for high courts, exercising the power to issue writs is discretionary.

● Dr Ambedkar stated that:

“If I was asked to name any particular article in this Constitution as the most important- an
article without which this Constitution would be a nullity— I could not refer to any other article
except this one. It is the very soul of the Constitution and the very heart of it and I am glad that
the House has 1realized its importance.”

Constitutional Philosophy of Writ Jurisdiction

An individual whose privilege (Fundamental Right) is encroached by an arbitrary administrative

action may approach the Court for a suitable remedy. Article 32(2) of the Constitution of India
gives: “The Supreme Court will have the capacity to issue bearings or requests or writs,
incorporating writs in the idea of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto, and
certiorari, whichever might be suitable, for the requirement of any of rights given by this Part.”
Article 32 is a basic Right directly under Part – III of the Constitution. Under this Article, the

Supreme Court is enabled to loosen up the customary standard of Locus Standi and permit
general society to intrigue case in the name of public interest litigation (PIL).
Comparative Analysis of Article 32 & 226

Article 32 isn’t to be conjured for encroachment of an individual right of the agreement

(contract), nor is to be summoned for unsettling questions which are fit for transfer under other
laws. Article 226(1) of the Constitution of India, on the other hand says,” Notwithstanding
anything in Article 32, every High Court shall have powers, throughout the territories in relation
to which it exercise jurisdiction, to issue to any person or authority, including in appropriate
cases, any Government, within those territories directions, orders or writs, including writs in the
nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibitions, quo warranto and certiorari, or any of them,
for the enforcement of any of the rights conferred by Part III and for any other purpose.”

As is obvious from the uncovered dialect, this Article ensures a person to move the High Court
for implementation of the fundamental rights and also for implementation of some other lawful
right. Article 226 gives wide powers on the High Courts. It fills in as a major repository of legal
capacity to control organization. Its capacity under Article 226 can’t be diminished by
enactment. In this manner, forces of High Courts gave under Article 226 are more extensive
when contrasted with forces presented on the Supreme Court under Article 32 of the
Constitution of India.

● Nature of Writ Jurisdiction

The nature of Writ Jurisdiction provided under this Article is discretionary. There are five
important factors for guiding this discretion.

● Factors Guiding the Discretion and it's Meaning

1. Locus Standi - Right to bring an action or to be heard before a court.

2. Alternative Relief - Remedies sought in a lawsuit in various or alternative forms.

3. Res Judicata - A case that has been decided.

4. Questions of the Fact - An issue that involves resolution of a factual dispute or


5. Laches - A defence to an equitable action, that bars recovery by the plaintiff because
of the plaintiff’s undue delay in seeking relief.
What is WRIT?

A precept in writing, couched in the form of a letter, running in the name of the king, president,
or state, issuing from a court of justice, and sealed with its seal, addressed to a sheriff or other
officer of the law, or directly to the person whose action the court desires to command, either as
the commencement of a suit or other proceeding or as incidental to Its progress, and requiring
the performance of a specified act, or giving authority and commission to have it done. For the
names and description of various particular writs, see the following titles.

In old English law. An Instrument In the form of a letter; a letter or letters of attorney. This is a
very ancient sense of the word.
In the old books, “writ” is used as equivalent to “action;” hence writs are sometimes divided into
real, personal, and mixed.
In Scotish law. Writing; an instrument in writing, as a deed, bond, contract, etc.

Types of Writs
There are five types of Writs as provided under Article 32 of the Constitution:

1. Habeas Corpus


It is one of the important writs for personal liberty which says “You have the Body”. The main
purpose of this writ is to seek relief from the unlawful detention of an individual. It is for the
protection of the individual from being harmed by the administrative system and it is for
safeguarding the freedom of the individual against arbitrary state action which violates
fundamental rights under articles 19, 21 & 22 of the Constitution. This writ provides immediate
relief in case of unlawful detention.

When Issued?

Writ of Habeas Corpus is issued if an individual is kept in jail or under a private care without any
authority of law. A criminal who is convicted has the right to seek the assistance of the court by
filing an application for “writ of Habeas Corpus” if he believes that he has been wrongfully
imprisoned and the conditions in which he has been held falls below minimum legal standards
for human treatment. The court issues an order against prison warden who is holding an
individual in custody in order to deliver that prisoner to the court so that a judge can decide
whether or not the prisoner is lawfully imprisoned and if not then whether he should be released
from custody.
Important judgments on Habeas Corpus
The first Habeas Corpus case of India was that in Kerala where it was filed by the victims’ father
as the victim P. Rajan who was a college student was arrested by the Kerala police and being
unable to bear the torture he died in police custody. So, his father Mr T.V. Eachara Warrier filed
a writ of Habeas Corpus and it was proved that he died in police custody.

Then, in the case of ADM Jabalpur v. Shivakant Shukla [1] which is also known as the Habeas
Corpus case, it was held that the writ of Habeas Corpus cannot be suspended even during the
emergency (Article 359).

While deciding whether Habeas Corpus writs are civil or criminal in nature, it was held in
Narayan v. Ishwarlal [2] that the court would rely on the way of the procedures in which the
locale has been executed.

This writ has been extended to non-state authorities as well which is evident from two cases.
One from the Queen Bench’s case of 1898 of Ex Parte Daisy Hopkins in which the proctor of
Cambridge University detained and arrested Hopkins without his jurisdiction and Hopkins was
released. And in the case of Somerset v. Stewart wherein an African Slave whose master had
moved to London was freed by the action of the Writ.
2. Quo Warranto

What does the writ of Quo Warranto mean?

Writ of Quo Warranto implies thereby “By what means”. This writ is invoked in cases of public
offices and it is issued to restrain persons from acting in public office to which he is not entitled
to. Although the term ‘office’ here is different from ‘seat’ in legislature but still a writ of Quo
Warranto can lie with respect to the post of Chief Minister holding a office whereas a writ of quo
warranto cannot be issued against a Chief Minister, if the petitioner fails to show that the
minister is not properly appointed or that he is not qualified by law to hold the office. It cannot be
issued against an Administrator who is appointed by the government to manage Municipal
Corporation, after its dissolution. Appointment to public office can be challenged by any person
irrespective of the fact whether his fundamental or any legal right has been infringed or not.

The court issues the Writ of Quo Warranto in the following cases:
When the public office is in question and it is of a substantive nature. A petition against a private
corporation cannot be filed.
The office is created by the State or the Constitution.
The claim should be asserted on the office by the public servant i.e. respondent.
Important Case Laws
In the case of Ashok Pandey v. Mayawati [3], the writ of Quo Warranto was refused against Ms
Mayawati (CM) and other ministers of her cabinet even though they were Rajya Sabha

Then in the case of G.D. Karkare v. T.L. Shevde [4], the High Court of Nagpur observed that “In
proceedings for a writ of quo warranto, the applicant does not seek to enforce any right of his as
such nor does he complain of any non-performance of duty towards him. What is in question is
the right of the non-applicant to hold the office and an order that is passed is an order ousting
him from that office.”

The Writ of quo warranto was denied by the court in the case of Jamalpur Arya Samaj v. Dr D.
Ram [5]. The writ was denied on the ground that writ of quo warranto cannot lie against an office
of a private nature. And also it is necessary that office must be of substantive character.
Whereas in the case of R.V. Speyer [6] the word ‘substantive’ was interpreted to mean an ‘office
independent to the title’. Also in H.S. Verma v. T.N. Singh [7], the writ was refused as the
appointment of a non-member of the state legislature as C.M. was found valid in view of Article
164(4) which allows such appointment for six months.
3. Mandamus

● Writ of Mandamus

Writ of Mandamus means “We Command” in Latin. This writ is issued for the correct
performance of mandatory and purely ministerial duties and is issued by a superior court to a
lower court or government officer. However, this writ cannot be issued against the President and
the Governor. Its main purpose is to ensure that the powers or duties are not misused by the
administration or the executive and are fulfilled duly. Also, it safeguards the public from the
misuse of authority by the administrative bodies. The mandamus is “neither a writ of course nor
a writ of right but that it will be granted if the duty is in nature of public duty and it especially
affects the right of an individual, provided there is no more appropriate remedy” [8]. The person
applying for mandamus must be sure that he has the legal right to compel the opponent to do or
refrain from doing something.

Conditions for issue of Mandamus

There must rest a legal right of the applicant for the performance of the legal duty.
The nature of the duty must be public.
On the date of the petition, the right which is sought to be enforced must be subsisting.
The writ of Mandamus is not issued for anticipatory injury.
The courts are unwilling to issue writ of mandamus against high dignitaries like the President
and the Governors. In the case of S.P. Gupta v. Union of India [9], judges were of the view that
writ cannot be issued against the President of India for fixing the number of judges in High
Courts and filling vacancies. But in Advocates on Records Association v. Gujarat [10], the
Supreme Court ruled that the judges’ issue is a justiciable issue and appropriate measures can
be taken for that purpose including the issuance of mandamus. But in C.G. Govindan v. State of
Gujarat [11], it was refused by the court to issue the writ of mandamus against the governor to
approve the fixation of salaries of the court staff by the Chief Justice of High Court under Article
229. Hence, it is submitted that the Governor or the President means the state or the Union and
therefore issuance of mandamus cannot take place.

Important Judgements

In Rashid Ahmad v. Municipal Board [12], it was held that in relation to Fundamental Rights the
availability of alternative remedy cannot be an absolute bar for the issue of writ though the fact
may be taken into consideration.
Then, in the case of Manjula Manjori v. Director of Public Instruction, the publisher of a book
had applied for the writ of mandamus against the Director of Public Instruction for the inclusion
of his book in the list of books which were approved as text-books in schools. But the writ was
not allowed as the matter was completely within the discretion of D.I.P and he was not bound to
approve the book.
4. Certiorari

What does Writ of Certiorari mean?

Writ of Certiorari means to be certified. It is issued when there is a wrongful exercise of the
jurisdiction and the decision of the case is based on it. The writ can be moved to higher courts
like the High Court or the Supreme Court by the affected parties.

There are several grounds for the issue of Writ of Certiorari. Certiorari is not issued against
purely administrative or ministerial orders and that it can only be issued against judicial or quasi-
judicial orders.

When is a writ of Certiorari issued?

It is issued to quasi-judicial or subordinate courts if they act in the following ways:

Either without any jurisdiction or in excess.

In violation of the principles of Natural Justice.
In opposition to the procedure established by law.
If there is an error in judgement on the face of it.
Writ of certiorari is issued after the passing of the order.

Important Judgements on writ of Certiorari

In Surya Dev Rai v. Ram Chander Rai & Ors., the Supreme Court has explained the meaning,
ambit and scope of the writ of Certiorari. Also, in this it was explained that Certiorari is always
available against inferior courts and not against equal or higher court, i.e., it cannot be issued by
a High Court against any High Court or benches much less to the Supreme Court and any of its
benches. Then in the case of T.C. Basappa v. T. Nagappa & Anr. [13], it was held by the
constitution bench that certiorari maybe and is generally granted when a court has acted (i)
without jurisdiction or (ii) in excess of its jurisdiction. In Hari Bishnu Kamath v. Ahmad Ishaque
[14], the Supreme Court said that “the court issuing certiorari to quash, however, could not
substitute its own decision on the merits or give directions to be complied with by the court or
tribunal. Its work was destructive, it simply wiped out the order passed without jurisdiction, and
left the matter there.” In Naresh S. Mirajkar v. State of Maharashtra [15], it was said that High
Court’s judicial orders are open to being corrected by certiorari and that writ is not available
against the High Court.
5. Prohibition

What does Writ of Prohibition mean?

It is a writ directing a lower court to stop doing something which the law prohibits it from doing.
Its main purpose is to prevent an inferior court from exceeding its jurisdiction or from acting
contrary to the rules of Natural Justice.

When is the writ of Prohibition issued?

It is issued to a lower or a subordinate court by the superior courts in order to refrain it from
doing something which it is not supposed to do as per law. It is usually issued when the lower
courts act in excess of their jurisdiction. Also, it can be issued if the court acts outside its
jurisdiction. And after the writ is issued, the lower court is bound to stop its proceedings and
should be issued before the lower court passes an order. Prohibition is a writ of preventive
nature. The principle of this is ‘Prevention is better than cure’.

Important Case Laws

In case of East India Commercial Co. Ltd v. Collector of Customs [16], a writ of prohibition was
passed directing an inferior Tribunal prohibiting it from continuing with the proceeding on the
ground that the proceeding is without or in excess of jurisdiction or in contradiction with the laws
of the land, statutes or otherwise. Then in the case of Bengal Immunity Co. Ltd [17], the
Supreme Court pointed out that where an inferior tribunal is shown to have seized jurisdiction
which does not belong to it then that consideration is irrelevant and the writ of Prohibition has to
be issued as a right.

Amendments to Article 32

‘Anti-freedom’ clauses were included in Article 32 by the 42nd Amendment. Such an

amendment was made during the time of emergency when it was passed to reduce ‘both
directly and indirectly’ the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the High Courts to review the
application of fundamental rights. Then 43rd amendment of the Indian Constitution was passed
which repealed Article 32A immediately after the emergency was revoked. Following the
amendment, the Supreme Court again gained the power to quash the state laws. Also, the High
Courts got the power to question the constitutional validity of central laws.

In case of East India Commercial Co. Ltd v. Collector of Customs [16], a writ of prohibition was
passed directing an inferior Tribunal prohibiting it from continuing with the proceeding on the
ground that the proceeding is without or in excess of jurisdiction or in contradiction with the laws
of the land, statutes or otherwise. Then in the case of Bengal Immunity Co. Ltd [17], the
Supreme Court pointed out that where an inferior tribunal is shown to have seized jurisdiction
which does not belong to it then that consideration is irrelevant and the writ of Prohibition has to
be issued as a right.

Limitations to Article 32

There are certain circumstances during which the citizens do not get the privileges which they
ought to under Article 32. Therefore, the situations when the fundamental rights may be denied
to the citizens but the constitutional remedies will not be available i.e. Article 32 will not be
applicable are:

Under Article 33, the Parliament is empowered to make changes in the application of
Fundamental Rights to armed forces and the police are empowered with the duty to ensure
proper discharge of their duties.
During the operation of Martial law in any area, any person may be indemnified by the
Parliament, if such person is in service of the state or central government for the acts of
maintenance or restoration of law and order under Article 34.
Under Article 352 of the Constitution when an emergency is proclaimed, the guaranteed
Fundamental Rights of the citizens remains suspended. Also, Fundamental Rights guaranteed
under Article 19 is restricted by the Parliament under Article 358 during the pendency of an
Article 359 confers the power to the President to suspend Article 32 of the Constitution. The
order is to be submitted to the Parliament and the Parliament may disapprove President’s order.

The constitutional remedies provided to the citizens are the powerful orders with immediate
effect. And the writs are mostly invoked against the state and are issued when PILs are filed.
The Writ Jurisdictions which are conferred by the Constitution though have prerogative powers
and are discretionary in nature and yet they are unbounded in its limits. The discretion,
however, is exercised on legal principles. Therefore, the first essential on which the
constitutional system is based in the absence of arbitrary power. Hence, the decision must be
taken on the basis of sound principles and rules and should not be based on whims, fancies or
humour. And if a decision is not backed by any principles or rules, then such a decision is
considered arbitrary and is taken not in accordance with the rule of law.

● 1.Prof.Narender Kumar, Constitutional Law of India, Allahabad Law Agency,

● 2.Dr.D.D.Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India, Wadhwa and Company Law
Publishers, Agra, 2005.
● 3.Dr.J.J.R. Upadhyaya, Administrative Law, Central Law Agency, Allahabad,2013.
● 4.Dr.Rega Surya Rao, Lectures on Administrative Law, Asia Law House,
● 5. Bhim Singh Vs State of Jammu& Kashmir, AIR 1986 SC 494,
● 6. Sunil Batra Vs Delhi Administration, AIR 1980 SC 1579
● 7. A.K. Kripak Vs Union of India, AIR 1970 SC 150
● 8. P.L. Lakhan Pal Vs A.N.Ray, AIR 1975 Del.66.

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