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* Questions

* * 1-) Calculate the snow load for the low-slope (flat) roof. For this structure
we will use the following coefficients. Use the International Building Code to
determine the ground snow loads.
* Ce = 1.0 assuming an urban or suburban area surrounded by other buildings such
that the building is partially exposed to the wind.
* Ct = 1.0 assuming the building is heated and loses some heat through the roof.
* Cs = 1.0 because the roof is low slope.
* * Ps = (.7)(1)(1)(1)(1.1)(25) psf = 19 psf
* * Check minimum snow loads.
* * Since Pg>20> Is 20= (1.1)(20 psf) = 22
* * * 2-) Find the roof live loading required by the IBC.
20 psf
* * 3-) Estimate the dead load of the roofing system by estimating the weight of
all of the roof components. Note that typically the ceiling and mechanical,
electrical, and plumbing (MEP) will be supported by the roof framing (and not the
roof deck), but conservatively include these loads for all roof calculations.
* * 6.5+2+1.5+3+2.8+10=25.8
* * 4-) Determine the total design load for the roof system.
* * 22+25.8=47.8 psf
* * * * 5-) Select a steel roof deck (double span) to support the required loads.
Note that you may specify single, double, or triple spans for the roof decking
depending on the relative material and installation cost of each. Assume a double
span for this particular application.
* * Total Roof Design Load = D+S=25+22=47 psf
* * 6-) Determine the roof beam loading for both the interior and exterior beams.
* * Interior is 329 lb/ft
* Exterior is 164.5 lb/ft
* * 7-) Choose open web steel joists to act as the roof beams. For now, use only
the top load values in the table and ignore the live load deflection load values.
Assume the roof deck will be installed with a triple span.
* * Column lines 8 and 9 span = 16 ft
* Interior beam 12k1
* Exterior beam 8k1
* * Column lines 9 and 10 span = 20 ft
* Interior beam 16k2
* Exterior beam -10k1
* * * 8-) Select an appropriate Type F roof deck and open web steel joist for the
Keystone Library Renovation. Show all of your work and record all of your
* * Built up rock ------------------------6.5 psf
* Metal Deck--------------------------3 psf
* 5 in Rigid Insulation---------------3/4x5 = 3.75 psf
* Suspended Plaster ceiling------11 psf
* PEM----------------------------------10 psf
* * 9-)Revisit your Keystone Library Renovation 3D model and make appropriate
changes to the roof system and roof framing to reflect your choices. Tag the roof
joists and create a roof framing plan.

* 1-) Why are dead load and live load considered separately? How do they affect the
structure differently?

* Dead load and live loads are considered separately because the dead load only
considers the force of the structure itself. The live load takes outside forces
into consideration.
* * 2-) What is the justification for requiring engineers to consider many load
combinations when designing a structure rather than just one or two?

* Engineers need to consider many load combinations because there are many
different situations that could occur to the structure. Many different natural
occurrences, such as wind and soil forces, affect the integrity of the structure as
well as any human loads. There will be more than one or two differing load
combinations that affect the building.
* * 3-) How would the size of the roof decking and roof beams change if the spacing
of the beams was increased? Why?

If the spacing was increased the size of the roof decking and beams would also have
to increase to be able to support the same weight. The extra distance would weaken
the strength of the beams.

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