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Choices for items #1 - #4

A. Capacities B. Disaster C. Hazard D. Vulnerability

1. It is any phenomenon that has the potential to cause disruption or damage to humans and their environment.
2. It is a consequence of a sudden disastrous event which seriously disrupts the normal function of the society or
the community.
3. These are positive resources and abilities which are helpful to individuals, families and community in
mitigating, preparing for, responding to and recovering from the hazard impact.
4. It comprises conditions determined by physical, social, economic, and environmental factors or processes which
increase the susceptibility of a community.

Choices for items #5 - #8

A. Cyclone B. thunderstorm C. tornado D. typhoon

5. It is described as a violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground.
6. It is a weather condition that produces lightning and thunder, heavy rainfall from cumulonimbus clouds and
possibly a tornado.
7. It is an intense low-pressure system which is characterized by strong spiral winds towards the center called the
“Eye” in a counter-clockwise flow in the northern hemisphere.
8. It is a large, powerful and violent tropical cyclone.

Choices for items # 9 - #12

A. Flood B. Global Warming C. Landslides D. Storm Surge

9. It is the inundation of land areas which are not normally covered by water.
10. It is a rise of seawater above normal sea level on the coast, generated by the action of weather elements such as
cyclonic wind and atmospheric pressure.
11. It is a massive outward and downward movements of slope-forming materials.
12. It is the process of warming the earth caused by the so-called enhanced green-house effect which traps the solar
radiation in the atmosphere due to the presence of greenhouse gases.

Choices for items #13 - #15

A. El Nino B. Global warming C. Heat waves D. La Nina

13. It is associated with extreme climatic variability such as devastating rains, winds, drought, anomalies in rainfall,
temperature and tropical cyclone activities.
14. It is a prolonged period of excessive heat, often combined with excessive humidity.
15. It is the positive phase of the El Nino Southern Oscillation and is associated with cooler than average sea surface
temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.

Choices for items #16 - #19

A. Executive Order No. 159, series of 1968 C. NAMRIA
B. PD No. 1566 of June 1978 D. Rule 1040 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards

16. It mandates that all heads of departments, bureaus, offices, agencies, instrumentalities and political sub-
divisions of the government, including all corporations owned and controlled by the government, the armed
forces, government hospitals and public educational institutions to establish their respective disaster control
17. It calls for the strengthening of the Philippine Disaster Control, Capability and Establishing the National
Program on Community Disaster Preparedness
18. in every place of employment and the conduct of periodic drills and exercises in work places.
19. It was commissioned by the Department to train DepEd Engineers on the basics of hazard assessment, map
layout, digitizing, gathering and consolidation of data, analysis and interpretation.

Choices for items #20 - #23


20. It contains winds of greater than 60 kph and up to 100 kph may be expected in at least 24 hours.
21. It contains winds of 30 – 60 kph may be expected in at least 36 hours or intermittent rains may be expected
within 36 hours.
22. It contains Winds greater than 100 kph up to 185 kph may be expected in at least 18 hours.
23. It contains Very Strong winds of more than 185 kph may be expected in at least 12 hours.

Choices for items #24 - #27

A. Preparedness B. Prevention C. Response D. Risk

24. These are activities to provide outright avoidance of the adverse impact of hazards and means to minimize
related environmental, technological and biological disasters.
25. It is the expected number of lives lost, persons injured, damage to property and disruption of economic activity
due to natural phenomenon.
26. It includes actions taken to save lives and prevent further damage in a disaster or emergency.
27. These are activities and measures taken in advance to ensure effective response to the impact of hazards,
including the issuance of timely and effective early warnings and the temporary evacuation of people.

Choices for items #28 - #30

A. Emergency B. Forecasting C. Recovery D. Relief

28. It is an act of helping or alleviating the conditions of persons who are suffering from the effects of disaster.
29. It is to tell the calculated future weather situation within a specific period for a given area.
30. These are decisions and actions taken after a disaster with a view to restoring or improving the pre-disaster
living conditions of the stricken community, while encouraging and facilitating necessary adjustments to reduce
disaster risk.

Choices for items #31 - #34

A. Bomb Threats B. Civil Disorder C. Hostage taking D. Kidnapping Threats

31. It is a declaration of an intention to destroy or injure the target by means of bomb.

32. This type of hazards happens when one or group of persons take and carry away another person, by force or
fraud, without the consent of the person taken and without lawful excuse.
33. In this type of hazards, the terrorists will feel that human lives must be endangered for their demands to be met.
34. It is a broad term that is typically used by law enforcement to describe one or more forms of disturbance caused
by a group of people.

35. It is typically a symptom of, and a form of protest, major socio-political problems.
A. Bullying B. Civil Disturbance C. Civil War D. None of the above

36. The Philippines is a large archipelago composed of how many islands?

A. 7,000 B. 7,007 C. 7, 010 D. 7, 100+

37. There are 220 volcanoes in the country, how many of which are active?
A. 20 B. 21 C. 22 D. 23

Choices for items #38 - #41

A. Aurora – Infanta Floods (Nov. – Dec 2004) C. Camiguin Flashfloods (Nov. 7, 2001)
B. Baguio – La Trinidad landslides (July 2001) D. The Ormoc Catastrophic Flashfloods (Nov. 5, 1991)

38. There are more than 5000 people perished in this tragedy. Unusually heavy, continuous rains brought by tropical
storm Uring caused landslides and flashfloods and the collapse of Anilao Bridge.
39. It is a record breaking 24-hour rainfall of 1085.8 millimeters registered at Baguio City causing widespread
lanslides and flashfloods, killing 85 persons in that area alone.
40. It is heavy continuous rains for about 10 hours that caused flashfloods carrying landslide debris of boulders,
uprooted trees, loose soil, etc.
41. It contains heavy rains triggered major landslides, cleansed the forests of its debris resulting in heavy damage
and casualty downstream along rivers and coastal areas in eastern Luzon (1, 068 dead, damage estimate –

42. It is also known as wallet snake hole and is a natural hole on the Earth’s surface.
A. Fault Line B. Open Pit C. Sinkhole D. None of the above
43. It is part of the World Risk Report 2014 which aimed to determine the risk of becoming a victim of a disaster
as a result of a natural hazard for 171 countries.
A. World Risk Index 2013 C. World Risk Index 2014
B. World Risk Index 2015 D. World Risk Index 2016

44. Which of the following countries ranked first in terms of disaster related deaths in annual disaster statistical
review 2013?
A. China B. India C. Philippines D. Thailand

Choices for items #45 - #47

A. Earthquake B. Global Warming C. Tsunami D. Volcanic Eruption

45. It is a process wherein volcanic materials such as molten or hot fragmented rocks or gaseous materials are
ejected from a volcano.
46. These are giant sea waves generated by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions under the sea bed.
47. It is the shaking of the ground caused by sudden slippage of rock masses below or at the surface of the earth.

Choices for items #48 - #51

A. Asphyxiation B. Electrical Blackout C. Food Poisoning D. Structure Collapse

48. It is often caused by engineering failures such as under-design of structural components, by corrosion attack,
and by aerodynamic resonance in structure.
49. It is the leading cause of death in a fire, by three – to – one ratio over burns.
50. It is an interruption of normal sources of electrical power.
51. This is a contamination of food with biological contaminants such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.

Choices for items #52 - #54

A. Environmental Hazard
B. Natural Hazard
C. Socio – Economic, Technological Hazard
D. Political, Security Hazard

52. These hazards have little or no warning to precede the incident.

53. These are events that pose a threat from the surrounding environment encompassing the broad spectrum of acute
and chronic effects of industrial, agricultural and naturally occurring organisms, chemicals and radiation.
54. These hazards are caused by criminal and human violence which pose threat to the security of a great number
of people.

55. It refers to the discoloration of water bodies due to the presence of a high level of “bloom” of a group of algae
called dinoflagellates.
A. Chemical Spill B. Red Tide C. Water Pollution D. Vehicular Accidents

56. It is excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic.

A. Hydrothermal B. Phreatomagmatic C. Plinian D. Vulcanian

Choices for items #57 - #60

A. Fault B. Plate Tectonics C. Richter Scale D. Seismograph

57. It is an area of stress in the earth where broken rocks slide past each other, causing a crack in the Earth's surface.
58. It is supported by a wide range of evidence that considers the earth's crust and upper mantle to be composed of
several large, thin, relatively rigid plates that move relative to one another.
59. It is an instrument used for recording the intensity and duration of an earthquake.
60. It is a measurement of an earthquake's intensity.

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