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OBJECT: Setting up fiber optics analog Link and verification through

voice signal transmission.
Study of a 650nm fiber optic analog link in this experiment you will study
the relationship between the input signal and received signal.

Fiber optic links can be used for transmission of digital as well as analog
signals. Basically a fiber optic link contains three main elements, a
transmitter, and an optical fiber and a receiver. The transmitter module takes
the input signal in electrical form and then transforms it into optical (light)
energy containing the same information. The optical fiber is the medium
which takes the energy to the receiver. At the receiver light is converted
back into electrical form with the same pattern as originally fed to the

Fiber optic transmitters are typically composed of a buffer, driver and
optical source. The buffer provides both an electrical connection and
isolation between the transmitter & the electrical system supplying the data.
The driver provides electrical power to the optical source. Finally, the
optical source converts the electrical current to the light energy with the
same pattern. Commonly used optical sources are light emitting diodes
(LED s) and Laser beam. Simple LED circuits, for digital and analog
transmissions are shown below.
Figure 1.1 shows Transconductance drive circuits for analog transmission-
common emitter configuration. The transmitter section comprises of:

1. Function Generator
2. Frequency Modulator &
3. Pulse Width Modulator block
The Function Generator generates the input signals that are going to be used
as information ' to transmit through the fiber optic link. The output voltage
available is 1 KHz sinusoidal signal of adjustable amplitude, and fixed
amplitude 1 KHz square wave signal. The modulator section accepts the
information signal and converts it into suitable form for transmission
through the fiber optic link.

The Fiber Optic Link:

Emitter and Detector circuit on board form the fiber optic link. This section
provides the light source for the optic fiber and the light detector at the far
end of the fiber optic links. The optic fiber plugs into the connectors
provided in this part of the board. Two separate links are provided.

The Receiver:
The comparator circuit, low pass filter, phase locked loop, AC amplifier
circuits form receiver on the board. It is able to undo the modulation process
in order to recover the original information signal. In this experiment the
trainer board is used to illustrate one way communication between digital
transmitter and receiver circuits.

1. Connect the Power Supply to the board.
2. Ensure that all switched faults are ‘Off’.
3. Make the following connections: (as shown in figure 1.2).
a. Connect the 1 KHz sine wave output to emitter l's input.
b. Connect the Fiber Optics cable between emitter output and detectors
c. Detector l's output to AC amplifier 1 input.
4. On the board, switch emitter l's driver to analog mode.
5. Switch on the power.
6. Observe the input to emitter 1 (TP5) with the output from AC amplifier
(TP28) and note that the two signals are same.
Experiment No. 2

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