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Online shopping is a phenomena that is growing rapidly nowadays. A peep into the

exponential growth of the main players in this industry indicates there is still a large reservoir of

market potential for e-commerce. The convenience of online shopping rendering it an emerging

trend among consumers, especially the Gen Y. The prevalence of online shopping has raised the

interest of the retailers to focus on this area. Therefore, this study was to determine the relationship

between subjective norm, perceived usefulness and online shopping behaviour while mediated by

purchase intention. (Lim, Yi Jin et al. 2015).

In addition, when you shop online, you have to start by searching for a product. This can

be done by visiting a store's website, or if you are not aware of any store that has the particular

item you are looking for or you'd like to compare prices between stores, you can always search for

the items with a search engine and compare the results. (Morah Chizoba, 2019)

Nielsen’s Bricks to Clicks report finds that online Filipino consumers favor a mix

categories across durables such as gadgets; non-durables like clothing and shoes, beauty products,

personal care products, and those which provide convenience such as food delivery. Online

Filipinos turn to the web to buy things they need because of certain conveniences it offers from

not lining up in check out counters to numerous payment options and delivery service that brick-

and-mortar stores can’t. Additionally, access to products beyond what is available locally and the

ability to find the best deals or promos prices are fuelling the eagerness of connected Filipino

consumers to shop online. ( Nielsen Bricks in Click Report 2019)

Statement of the Problem

In this study the researchers aim to answer the following questions;

1. What are the possible feedbacks of the students of SVQIS regarding to their interest in

online shopping?

2. What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of online shopping among students

that are highly interested to online shopping?

3. What are the factors that used among online shopping that can persuade the customer?

4. What are the possible reason of the student why they highly interested to online


Scope and Delimitations

This research will include the description of feedbacks of SVQIS Grade 11 students

regarding to highly interested to online shopping. The possible advantage and disadvantage of

highly interested in online shopping among students. Also, this include the reasons why the

students are highly interested in online shopping.

This research will not include the history of online shopping. Also, it may not include

about the direct shopping. This research is for determining the students feedbacks regarding to

their highly interest in online shopping.

Conceptual framework

Feedbacks of the

Interview Analysis students regarding to

Questionnaires Feedback highly interested in
online shopping.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework


The researchers are going to interview their participants. And in interview, they ask a

questions regarding the topic to their participants.


The researchers will analyze the feedback from the answers of the participants from the

given questions and summarize the result.


And the output of the research will be the result of the feedbacks of the students regarding

of their highly interested in online shopping.

Theoretical Framework

This chapter confers the theoretical framework of the study. The framework attempts to

examine the interrelationships among technology readiness (TR), E-Service Quality (e-SQ), and

e-shopping behavior (eSB). One customer-specific variant that is especially relevant for

understanding e-shopping behaviors is Technology Readiness, defined as “people’s propensity to

embrace and use new technologies for accomplishing goals in home life and at work”

(Parasuraman 2000).

Another construct considered in the study, is customer perceived EService Quality of online store,

which can be defined as “overall customer evaluations and judgments regarding the excellence

and quality of e-service delivery in the virtual marketplace” (Santos, 2003).

The third aspect of the study is to analyze the e-shopping behavior of customers. Online shopping

behavior (also called online buying behavior and Internet shopping/buying behavior) refers to the

process of purchasing products or services via the Internet. The process consists of five steps

similar to those associated with traditional shopping behavior (Liang and Lai 2000).

Significance of the Problem

The outcome of this study might be used by the following individuals:

To the Researchers.

The researchers are able to know the feedbacks of the students regarding of their highly

interested in online shopping.. They can learn also from the different participants that they can

apply to their study. And they may able to help the future researchers in providing information

To the Students.

This research helps the students to improve and gain knowledge that can help to their

academic purposes. And they able to know the information about the online shopping. And they

may able to share their experiences related to online shopping.

To the Customers.

The customers able to know more about the advantage and disadvantages of online

shopping. And they can learn some way to save money and also to buy/shop wisely. And they may

able to share their experiences in online shopping.

Definition of terms

The following words are used operationally within this research study.

Benefit. It is an advantage or good effect that received

Discount. It is a deduction taken from a product price

Interest- a feeling of want and willingness to have a it.

Online Shopping. Buying or purchasing a product using online.

Product. A finish good that process and used for sale.

Promotion. Way of advertising a product to increase the sale of the business

Purchase. To buy something buy paying money for it

Sale. A season where the product sells at reduced price than usual

Shipping. It is the way of delivering the product from the seller to the customers.

Shopper. Are the customers who buy or purchase product online.

Definition of Acronyms

GAS. General Academic Strand

SVQIS. ST. Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School

ABS CBN. Alto Broadcasting System – Chronicle Broadcasting Network

PHP. Philippine Peso


Review of the Related Literature

According to the article of Morah Chizoba entitled Shopping Online: Convenience,

Bargains, and a Few Scams in 2019 stated that online buying and selling have become important

parts of many people's lives. Students and parents rely on the Internet to acquire and sell goods at

affordable prices. Virtual stores allow people to shop from the comfort of their homes without the

pressure of a salesperson, and online marketplaces provide a new and more convenient venue for

the exchange of virtually all types of goods and services.

As cited in the article of Yi Ji Lim et al. entitled Factors Influencing Online Shopping

Behavior: The Mediating Role of Purchase Intention stated that Internet shopping is a

phenomena that is growing rapidly nowadays. The convenience of online shopping rendering it

an emerging trend among consumers, especially the Gen Y. The prevalence of online shopping

has raised the interest of the retailers to focus on this area.

Based on the article of Yoav Vilner in 2018 entitled 2019 Will Be a Revolutionary Year

for Online Shopping stated that Online shopping is no longer just a fad, it’s a lifestyle. People

everywhere are taking advantage of the convenience of ordering anything and having it delivered

right to their doorstep. In order to capitalize on this shift in lifestyle, retailers have taken to the

ecommerce world and are setting new norms for online businesses across the globe.

According to the article of Donna L. Montaldo in 2019 entitled The Pros and Cons of Online

Shopping stated that the internet can be a great resource for shoppers looking to expand their

purchasing options, as well as a great way to save money.

As cited in the article of Website Builders. Com in 2019 entitled 14 Great Smart Shopping

Resources stated that shopping online can bring great comfort and convenience to you and make

it much easier to shop for almost anything you need today. When you shop for goods and make

purchases by visiting websites for your goods you are shopping online. Anything purchased online

can be considered online shopping.

Based on the article of Dan Maglinong in 2018 entitled Why online shopping is booming

in the Philippines stated that A study on social media conversations on shopping during the

Christmas season has revealed Filipinos’ growing interest in online shopping in recent years.Social

media monitoring and intelligence firm Meltwater found in a recent study that the Philippines

provided 30 percent of the social media buzz on online shopping in the Christmas season and

special holiday sales for Black Friday and Single’s Day as early as September.The Philippines

ranked second just behind neighbour Indonesia, from which 57 percent of the shopping buzz came.

According to the article of Katrina B and Benedict L in 2018 stated The Philippine retail

industry continues to expand with each passing year, growing by 5.9 per cent in 2018, buoyed by

rising spending power. Unsurprisingly, increasing consumer spending has also impacted the world

of online retail.The Philippine Internet economy is expected to quadruple from US$5 billion in

2018 to US$21 billion by 2025.

As cited in the article of in 2015 stated that “Filipino consumers value

products and services that make their lives more convenient. It comes as no surprise that they see

the accessibility that online shopping provides.

Based on the article of Dahpne Galvez in 2018 entitled Facebook: More Filipinos use

online mobile shopping stated that The Philippines is known to hold the longest Christmas

celebration in the world. And Facebook knows that Christmas season can make Filipinos become

fierce shoppers, even online. “Filipinos think about Christmas as early as September and seeing

products online on Facebook or Instagram is just as powerful as window-shopping – it helps make

products and brands top of mind for when consumers need to start deciding on a purpose,” said

Facebook Philippines’ Country Director John Rubio.

According to the article of Emmie V. Abadilla in 2018 entitled Filipino online shoppers

expect free shipping, returns stated that more Filipinos will buy online if the shipping and return

of goods are free. Significantly, although more Asians are now making online purchases using

their smartphones, they are the least satisfied shoppers worldwide because shipping is free on just

15 percent of orders.

As Cited in the article of Ted P. Torres in The Philippine Star in 2015 stated that nearly

nine out of 10 Filipino consumers do their shopping online, based on a study commissioned by

Visa International. The Visa eCommerce Consumer Monitor 2014 also reveals that the top reasons

for online shopping are convenience (58 percent), price (47 percent), and deals (46 percent).

Based on the article of Cathy Rose Garcia in ABS-CBN in 2015 stated that

"Filipino consumers value products and services that make their lives more convenient. It comes

as no surprise that they see the accessibility that online shopping provides.

According to the article of Catalina Ricci S. Madarang in 2019 entitled Singles Day: One

online shopper in Philippines spent P1.2 million on 11/11 stated that Online shopping in the

Philippines broke records for Singles Day, the biggest online shopping event, last November 11,

online shopping destination Lazada said. One shopper from the Philippines, in particular, had a

haul worth P1.2 million from the e-commerce site. Lazada also reported that one million products

have already been sold within the first hour of the event. Starting from midnight, one million

shoppers have already logged in and started shopping on the website. Online shopping destinations

Lazada and Shoppe were among the most talked about on social media throughout the day. Both

e-commerce brands and Zalora also have the highest share of voice online last year.

As cited in the article of by Cora Llamas in 2018 entitled 55% of Filipinos expect their

online spending to increase in 2018, says Paypal Consumer Research 2018. In line with 55% of

Filipinos expecting to increase their online spend, the total online spend of Filipino shoppers is

predicted to increase by 32% from an estimated PHP 92.5billion in 2017 to PHP 121.9 billion in

2018. Cross border, which refers to international trade, spend in the Philippines is also expected

to grow by 47% in 2018 from an estimated PHP 41.5 billion spent in 2017. The key motivating

factor for the rise in online spending expectations is convenience (82%). The breadth of online

platforms (52%), and expectations of a faster shipping process (45%) round up the top three

reasons for Filipinos believing they will spend more online in 2018.

Based on the article of Louella Desiderio in The Philippine Star in 2018 stated that Most

Filipinos expect their online spending to increase this year due to the proliferation of mobile

devices and new mobile technologies which create greater convenience and opportunities for

consumers and merchants, according to a survey by PayPal and Ipsos.

According to the article of Sandra Zialcitain 2019 stated that The e-commerce industry is

gaining ground as digital marketplaces end 2018 with record highs to reflect the growing number

of Filipinos doing their shopping online. Campos said he believes the Philippines can be number

1 in terms of online shopping given the amount of time Filipinos spend online and the ecosystem

converging to make e-commerce thrive in the country. “There's something about the power of

unleashing the digital Filipino into the global economy that is quite exciting and that any type of

business that emerges online, whether it be e-commerce or even some of the other digital

businesses like ride-hailing, will be particularly strong here in the Philippines than in other

countries,” he added.

As cited in the article of Sweating The Big Stuff entitled Top 10 reasons to shop online

vs. In store stated that the top 10 reasons to shop online rather than shopping in store are Save on

pricey gas and valuable time, Organizing your finances is easy, Pay with a credit card safely,

even to small merchants, Always find the best deals, Don’t waste time clipping coupons, No

more waiting in line and pushing through crowds, Find items you might not see in stores, The

Internet never closes, Shop any store worldwide, Ship your gifts directly.

Based on the article of Money Matters entitled Advantages and Disadvantages of Online

Shopping stated that Advantages of online shopping are Convenience of online shopping, No

pressure shopping, Online shopping saves time, Comparisons, Availability of online shop,

Online tracking, Online shopping saves money. While the Disadvantages of online shopping are

Delay in delivery, Lack of significant discounts in online shops, Lack of touch and feel of

merchandise in online shopping, Lack of interactivity in online shopping, Lack of shopping

experience, Lack of close examination in online shopping, Frauds in online shopping



This chapter is conducted to illustrate how the data and information will be

Gathered and will be used in the entire study. This chapter discusses the type of research,

And the research process. It is also include the participants of the study and the methods use in

choosing the participants.

Research Design

The researchers chose the intervention studies type, wherein there would be interaction

between the researchers and participants. And to become involve in a situation in order to have an

influence on what happen. The researchers want to relate on what the buyer perspective about the

online shopping. And they need to interact with people that are consider as a buyer to ask a question

regarding to online shopping. And in order to receive and subsequent outcomes from the

participants that they can use and apply to the research work.

And the researchers chose to use phenomenological study type of research wherein it is is

an approach to qualitative research that focuses on the commonality of a lived experience within

a particular group. The researchers want to arrive at a description of the nature of the particular

phenomenon which is the online shopping. Also, the researchers use this because they want to ask

participants of their experiences and their buying influence about online shopping that they can

use in the study.

Data Collection Procedures

The researchers of “A Phenomenological study of student highly interested to online

shopping of Grade 11 General Academic Strand student of St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated

School” chose St. Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School as their setting of the study. They chose

the SVQIS Grade 11 General Academic Strand and Accountancy, Business and Management

students because they believe that they can share their knowledge and experiences that related to

online shopping. Then they used Interview as their instrument of the study in gathering important

information about the topic. Wherein, they going to interview in the St Vincent of Quebiawan

Integrated School wherein they going to interview 10 participants from Grade 11 GAS and ABM

students. Furthermore, they guided by the ethical consideration by asking a permission first to the

authority before conducting Interview in the settings. And asking a permission to the participants

before conducting interview. And last, they assured that all the information that they gathered will

be much treated private and confidential.


The researchers use interview as their data gathering technique because they need to

interview the participants to be able to share their own experiences. And the researchers can learn

and get more ideas and information from the participants. The interview helped the researchers to

get authentic responses as a form of interaction from the participants.

The researchers provide a semi structured interview sheet that needed to be answered by

the participants wherein the Semi-structured kind of interview sheet, the participants need to

share and answer the questions provided by the researchers. The participants need to elaborate

their answers from the given questions.

Participants of the Study

The researchers chose the Grade 11 General Academic Strand students and Grade 11

Accountancy, Business and Management students in St. Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School

as their participants of this study; wherein, the researchers use Purposive Sampling Method which

is requires researchers to have prior knowledge about the purpose of this study so that they can

properly choose and approach eligible participants. Researchers use purposive sampling because

they want to access a particular subset of people, as all participants of a study are selected because

they engage and experience buying online. They need 10 students from General Academic Strand

and 10 students in Accountancy, Business and Management.

Data Analysis

The researchers use Interview wherein both researchers and participants allow to explore

meaning about the topic. And the researchers gather data or information by serious type. The

researchers able to know the participants experience about the topic which is online shopping. And

the participants can share his/her feedbacks and share some experiences.

And the researchers chose to record the interview process by recording the voice of the

participants. But the researchers may ask a permission first before recording the interview. And

then if the participants agreed, the researchers can record the voice of their participants while

he/she sharing experiences and answering the questions. It may help the researchers to get the

correct and exact answer that the participants given.





































Ethical Considerations

Letter for the Principal

St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School
City of San Fernando, Pampanga

February 2020
Ma’am Corazon Pamintuan,
Principal of SVQIS, San Fernando P.
Dear Ma’am

We are the students from St. Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School and the currently

researchers of the “A Phenomenological study of student inclination towards online shopping

of Grade 11 General Academic Strand student of St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated

School”. And we want to ask a permission to allowed the researchers to conduct a interview to the

Grade 11 GAS and ABM students of St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School .

The researchers chose the St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School because they

believe in the potential of SVQIS students in sharing their knowledge and experiences about the

topic. We assured that all the information to be gathered will be much treated private and


Thank you very much for your warm and kind consideration. God bless!

Respectfully yours,
Antido, Raynel
Lam, Princess
Manalang, Axl Denz I.
Salan, Bryan Ashley
Suelo, Baby Jane
Valenzuela, Arjay

Ms. Renalyn De Guzman, LPT
Thesis Adviser

Letter for Request to Conduct Interview

St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School
City of San Fernando, Pampanga

February 2020

Dear GAS and ABM SHS Students,

Good day! We are the Grade 11 GAS students from St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated

School and currently researchers of “A Phenomenological study of student inclination towards

online shopping of Grade 11 General Academic Strand student of St Vincent of Quebiawan

Integrated School”. In relation to fulfillment of requirements for Senior High School with the

strand of General Academic Strand.

This research may give you information that you can use and apply to any academic

purposes and this research has an advantage to students. The researchers rest assured that all the

information to be gathered will be much treated confidentially.

Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,

Axl Denz I. Manalang

Leader of the researchers

Ms. Renalyn De Guzman, LPT

Thesis Adviser

Letter for Request to Conduct Interview
St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School
City of San Fernando, Pampanga

February 2020


The undersigned is asking your permission to conduct an interview about our research

work in St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School to gather necessary data in this study entitled

“A Phenomenological study of student inclination towards online shopping of Grade 11

General Academic Strand student of St Vincent of Quebiawan Integrated School”. In relation

to fulfillment of requirements for Senior High School with the strand of Accountancy and Business


The researchers rest assured that all the data to be gathered will be much treated

confidentially. And any accommodation that may be extended to this regard will be highly


Respectfully yours,

Axl Denz I. Manalang

Leader of the researchers

Ms. Renalyn De Guzman, LPT

Thesis Adviser


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