Alkali Bypass WHRPP Nov - 11 PDF

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Bypass Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation

for Cement Plants

Technical Content:
Tang Jinquan

Ninad Bhave

October, 2014

Brief Introduction Of Dalian EAST New Energy Development Co., Ltd.

• Founded in December 2005; listed on Shenzhen Stock exchange in


• Specializing in R&D, design, equipment manufacture, project

construction and operation & management of “new” energy projects
especially industrial waste heat recovery.

• Active in cement, iron & steel, metallurgy, coking, etc. industries.

• 22 successful patents till date; further 13 have been applied.

• Total strength: 252 permanent staff

From 2006 to 2013:
WHR Power Plant (WHRPP) in Cement Industry:
Dalian EAST has built 172 projects worldwide, designed and established
172 TG units (capacity from 3MW~23MW) for 201 dry type cement
production lines (1,500TPD~7,200TPD, 72 of them are cement line over
5000tpd) . The total installed capacity of WHRPP has reached 1401MW.

WHR Power Projects in Other Fields:

Till date, Dalian EAST has commissioned 24 WHR Power projects in Steel,
Metallurgy and Coking industries with a net installed capacity of 323.5MW.
This is sufficient to get power generation of 8.9 billion KWh and equivalent
to reduction of 835 million tons of CO2 emissions per year.
Bypass Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery Power
Generation Technology for Cement Plant

Introduction – What is Alkali bypass WHR technology?

• Presence of Potassium, Sodium, Chlorine, and Sulfur in the raw material

have a strong influence on Cement quantity if left untreated including final
strength and corrosive properties on reinforcing steel bars in concrete.

• Excess presence also causes progressive circulating enrichment in certain

high temperature areas like Kiln tail, Calciner, preheater cyclones, causing
crusting, blockage and disruption of production process.

• This is avoided by exhausting a part of the preheater flue gas at the kiln tail
at 900 deg C, carrying the concentrated K, Na, Cl and S volatiles before
precipitation. This is known as “Alkali Bypass”

• This hot gas can be diluted with fresh air as required and used in the waste
heat recovery process to generate steam and power. This is known as
“Bypass Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery” or “Alkali Bypass Waste Heat
Advantages of Alkali Bypass and associated WHR

• Max bypass rate upto 30% without changing Calciner and preheater

• Makes fuel versatility (including MSW) possible for kiln use

• Increase of up to 12% in clinker production rate

• Clinker alkali content is reduced 10-60%

• Increased clinker strength

• Heat rate and electricity consumption for clinker formation does not change;

• WHR power generation iincreases between 4 kwh – 15 kwh / ton clinker

• Decreased power consumption in quenching chamber

Types of Alkali Bypass WHR Technologies

• Bypass Exhaust WHRPG Scheme

with PH boiler

• Includes separate boiler for

bypass gas stream with separate
dust remover after boiler and
separate LT fan

• Gas Path: kiln tail flue gas

chamber----Flue gas duct----
Bypass waste heat boiler---
Bypass waste heat dust collector--
-Bypass flue gas ID fan---Chimney
Types of Alkali Bypass WHR Technologies

• Bypass Exhaust WHRPG Scheme

without PH boiler

• Utilizes bypass stream in existing

SP boiler after high temperature
dust separation

• Path: kiln tail flue gas chamber----

Flue gas duct----Bypass waste
heat settling chamber---SP boiler
Comparison of Schemes
WHRPG Scheme with PH boiler WHRPG Scheme without PH boiler

1. Needs dedicated boiler for bypass No requirement for boiler and fan;
exhaust with dust separator and however high temperature dust separator
separate fan required
2. Not suitable when coal for kiln No restriction due to sulfur content of coal
has sulfur content of more than 2%

3. 20-40% more capital intensive than -

competing scheme; maintenance
requirements also higher
4. Independent boiler and fan implies Needs margin in existing SP boiler and
no concern about existing system; ID fan

5. Simple scheme and layout; PH Complicated ducting, layout and SP

boiler can be customized to suit boiler operation.
bypass gas stream
Changes in Operation

• Air - Kiln secondary air, Calciner tertiary air and cooler air and distribution
require adjustment according to the actual bypass gas exhaust rate

• Raw feed requires adjustment as per bypass gas exhaust rate. When
exhaust rate is 30%, raw feed needs to be increased by 10%

• Fuel feed is adjusted to account for bypass exhaust and increased raw meal
feed rate. When exhaust rate is 30% and raw feed increase is 10%, coal
feed rate increase < 6%

• Kiln Rotation is normally increased

• Preheater ID fan speed is adjusted. For scheme with PH boiler this speed
normally decreases while for scheme without PH boiler this speed normally
Changes in Output parameters

For a nominal 30% rate of bypass, the following changes are expected:
• Air: Secondary and Tertiary air temperatures increase, leading to increased

• Clinker: Unburnt carbon content in clinker from kiln decreases by 5g / kg

clinker. Clinker temperature at outlet of cooler increases. This implies a
better quality clinker but of slightly lower strength. To compensate this,
cooler capacity may need adjustment.

• Flue Gas:
• With PH boiler: Decrease in volume at SP boiler inlet of 6-10%; decrease in temperature of
• Without PH boiler: Increase in volume at SP boiler inlet of <5% but decrease in temperature
of 10-15%

• Oxygen content in Calciner: Increase of 2%, leading to better burning

Required Equipment Changes

Some equipment in the existing plant may require adjustment, including:

• Coal feeding at kiln tail
• Fans
• In the case of cement plants with existing conventional WHR power
generation plants, standard adjustment or replacement may be required of
turbine, generator, air/water cooling system, etc.
Waste Products

For a nominal 30% bypass on a 5500 TPD kiln with commensurate increases in
raw meal and fuel feed rates:

• Nitrides and Oxides – Due to additional oxygen presence in the calciner an

increase of nitrides and oxides of <400 ppm is predicted.

• Ash – For a 30% bypass on a 5500 TPH kiln, about 4 TPH of ash is
collected. Typically, this is disposed off as below:
• Remixing into raw meal
• Sold as roadbed or concrete mixing material
• Used as raw material in a brick making workshop, often established on the cement plant
PH Boiler on Alkali Bypass
This shows the scheme with dedicated PH boiler. Notice the
incoming duct from Air quenching chamber
PH Boiler on Alkali Bypass
This shows the same boiler as the previous slide. Outlet duct and
adjoining ESP is clearly visible. In the right hand corner the
incoming downcomer duct from preheater and SP boiler are just
3.4 Projects with bypass exhauste waste heat recovery of Dalian East New Energy

Flue gas
Contract Time of
No. Company name Plant condition temperature at
type completion
preheater ℃

1 Kashiduolang Sinkiang 1# 2500tpd—7.5MW 350 EPC 2012.2

2 Akesuduolang Sinkiang 4000tpd—12.0MW 330 EPC 2011,4

3 Mengzi Yunnan 2500tpd—7.5MW 330 EP 2011,3

4 Kashiduolang2# Sinkiang 4000tpd—12MW 330 EPC 2011,3

5 Kashifeilong Sinkiang 2500tpd—7.5MW 380 BOT 2013.10

6 Kashitiashan Sinkiang 4000tpd—15MW 330 EP 2013.12

7 TianshanYechengSinkiang 4000tpd—15MW 330 EP 2013.12

8 Yili tianshan Sinkiang 5000tpd—15MW 330 EP In design

9 HetianLuopu Sinkiang 5000tpd—15MW 330 EP In design

Let Us Save The Energy And

Improve The Environment



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