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OneExpert CATV


Extended Quick Start Guide v10

August 2018
Table of Contents – OneExpert CATV
▪ ONX CATV - Interfaces and Controls
▪ System Settings
▪ CATV Settings
▪ SW Upgrade and Data Synchronization
▪ Firmware Upgrades
▪ Syncronization with StrataSync
▪ Ethernet Testing
▪ CATV Measurements
▪ QuickCheck
▪ Spectrum
▪ Ingress Scan
▪ Channel Check
▪ DOCSIS Check
▪ OneCheck
▪ D3.1 Measurements
▪ StrataSync Test Results
▪ OneExpert Configurations via StrataSync

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 2

ONX CATV - Overview © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 3

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 3
ONX Controls keys

Network Indicator LEDs

High Sensitivity Touch Screen

Shortcut Buttons

Short Cut Hard keys – Functions keys

Navigation Directional Buttons
Back, Home Screen, and Utility Buttons
Power On/Off Button

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 4

ONX Interfaces Port 2 – RF Ingress Port Port 1 – RF US/DS Analysis
Connect to DOCSIS,
upstream from house QAM
for Ingress Scan


Dual 10/100/1000
RJ45 Ports

Dual USB 2.0 Ports

Battery Charger Port (under flap)

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 5

Power LED - Systems Keys

▪ The DC Power Input, located on the bottom

of the instrument, is used to connect the AC
▪ The Charge LED located next to the power
input indicates that the adapter is connected.
▪ Solid green indicates that charging is
▪ Slow flashing red indicates that the battery
charge is critically low, and less than 10%.
▪ Fast flashing red indicates that the charging
was suspended due to a fault and user
intervention is necessary (for example, an
incorrect charger is attached).
▪ Solid red indicates that the charging was
suspended due to overheating. The unit can
continue to run, and no user intervention
▪ Solid amber indicates that the battery is

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 6

Sync – Reports the status of modem synchronization.
LED’s ▪ Blinking green indicates that the modem is ranging.
▪ Solid green indicates that the modem has
successfully ranged.
Network – Indicates the status of network
▪ Blinking green indicates that the unit is acquiring
an IP address.
▪ Solid green indicates that an IP address has been
▪ Blinking amber indicates a timeout – the unit was
unable to acquire an IP address.
▪ If the LED is not illuminated, the network is not
active – either the unit is not connected or it is
logged off.

Batt – A multi-color LED that indicates the battery

▪ Solid green indicates that either the battery charge
is higher than 30%, or that an external source is
Error – Solid red indicates error and powering the unit.
alarm conditions. The type of error ▪ Solid red indicates that the battery charge is
varies and depends on the critically low, and less than 10%.
application. ▪ Solid amber indicates that the battery is getting
low, and the charge is between 10% and 30%.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 7

Tray Menu
SAVE TO JOB – Saves the results to job ticket.

SAVE TO REPORT – Saves the results to a

report. Formats available: XML, PDF, or HTML.

VIEW REPORT – Views a saved report. Select

View Report and then select the saved report to
view. If there are no saved reports, the text will
be grayed out.
SCREENSHOT – Takes a screen capture of the
The tray menu allows access to
current menu (the screen you were viewing
commonly used functions. It can
when you launched the tray menu).
be accessed either by pressing the
Tray system key or by swiping
NETWORK – Enables or disables the
downward from the top of the LCD.
home/Ethernet network.
A long push on TRAY key will BLUETOOTH – Enables or disables Bluetooth.
automatically start a screen capture. It is
useful when a short Tray key push VOLUME – Control the device volume.
doesn’t open the Tray menu (when for
example a function key menu is open) HELP – Provides TAC phone numbers.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 8

User interface
To select a menu, either touch the item or use the arrow
navigation keys to highlight the desired menu item and
then press the OK key.

Each main item is a collapsible menu. Touch the
triangle on the right (the triangle rotates from
pointing left to pointing down) or use the arrow
keys to highlight the menu item and then press
the OK key.

▪ You can rearrange icons within a menu for tests
SHORTCUTS or functions you use frequently.
▪ If you have a test or function that you use ▪ To rearrange icons inside a menu, touch and
frequently you can make it a shortcut. hold the icon and then drag it to the new
▪ Touch and hold the icon for the function and then location.
drag it to the bottom of the screen to create a
▪ You can create up to four shortcuts.
▪ To remove the shortcut, drag it off the shortcut bar.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 9

Home Screen Home Screen is default when ONX is turned on
▪ It can be reached by selecting the Home Screen
button above the On/Off Button
▪ Back Button also returns the user to the Home

Each Menu option is labeled and can be opened or

collapsed by the triangle buttons to the right

Shortcuts are located across the bottom and can be

customized by selecting an icon and dragging it to the
shortcut bar

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 10

System Settings
System Settings menu offers the ability to
▪ turn on Remote Operation (via VNC Viewer),
▪ change power and screen settings,
▪ view Hardware and Software versions,
▪ view Options purchased with ONX 620 meter and
▪ complete USB Software updates

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 11

System Settings − Remote Operation of ONX
▪ The ONX CATV support interoperability Via IP
connection such as Tight VNC or VNC Viewer
▪ Under Systems Settings is Remote Operation
allowing IP connection and control and also remote
file browsing over HTTP

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 12

CATV Settings

If the applicable setting is enabled,

Quick Check CW channels are
added to the channel plan build
process. This should assist with
discovery of any CW channels that
are being missed or misidentified.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 13

▪ Measure BER 1.0e-9 setting can now
CATV Settings be locked.
▪ BER dwell multiplier configuration has
been added to make BER dwell time 1 -
10 times as long as normal.
▪ Measure BER 1.0e-9 setting has been
added to ChannelCheck.

▪ Configuration through
StrataSync is now

CATV Settings
▪ Provides the option for
default work order ID to be
the last selected work order
instead of “Work Order” with
date/time stamp.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 14

ONX CATV - SW Upgrade and
Data Synchronization © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 15

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 15
ONX Software / Firmware Upgrades

▪ Software (SW) and Firmware (FW) releases are the best way to ensure your VIAVI
OneExpert ONX is functioning at its best.

▪ VIAVI delivers SW and FW easily via StrataSync and USB Stick

▪ All ONX units should be upgraded to the latest production software release – available
through StrataSync (or your Viavi representative)

▪ New SW Version offer substantial operational improvements and enhancements over earlier
software releases including the version that shipped with the units initially.

▪ The software will be deployed to the units by the StrataSync Administrator, but each unit
needs to be configured to connect with StrataSync.

▪ Follow these steps to ensure your meter is configured correctly and you can connect to
StrataSync to receive the latest updates.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 16

USB Upgrade Process

▪ Click here to download the

newest firmware

▪ Copy the downloaded file to
the root directory of a USB
thumb drive.

▪ Press Cancel once the

download has completed
and you have placed the file
on the USB thumb drive.

Note: Firmware must be downloaded from StrataSync first

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 17

USB Upgrade Process 4) Press Update to
1) Insert the thumb drive start the upgrade
into either USB port on 3) At the popup, select the
the side of the ONX. firmware image you wish
Then start System to select for upgrade.
2) Select USB Software
Settings Update

5) Press Update to confirm and start the upgrade. The meter will power off when
the update is complete.

Note: Make sure you do not have an Ethernet cable plugged in when upgrading by USB

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 18

StrataSync Synchronization - ETHERNET
Note - You can synchronize to StrataSync via RF or WiFi, but this is ONLY for sending test files, receiving
configuration information like limit plans, etc. - not for SW/FW upgrades

1) Connect an Ethernet cable from an 2) From the ONX home screen navigate to
active internet connection (Cable System Menu and select Network - Verify the
Modem or router/gateway) to Port ONX has a valid IP address*
1 on the ONX

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 19

StrataSync Synchronization - WIFI
▪ Note - Sync via WiFi is now supported. Use Network Settings app to configure and join a WiFi network prior to performing
sync. You can synchronize to StrataSync via WiFi, but this is ONLY for sending test files, receiving configuration
information like limit plans, etc.

1) Connect with WiFi from an active 2) From the ONX home screen navigate to
internet connection (Cable Modem System Network / WiFi- Verify the ONX has a
or router/gateway) valid IP address

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 20

StrataSync Synchronization - RF
1) Make sure that CM MAC 1 is 3) Once CONNECTION STATUS
provisioned in the billing system reports a GREN Check mark and
from CATV shown

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 21

StrataSync Synchronization – ETHERNET, WIFI and RF
1) After IP Address verification, navigate to 2) StrataSync Account ID = xxxxxxxxx
the System Menu and select Server Address =
StrataSync ( also works)
Server Port = 443

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 22

StrataSync Synchronization – Mobile Tech App

▪ On ONX620 or 630, enable


© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 23

StrataSync Synchronization – Mobile Tech App

▪ Accept the PAIR request on the

mobile phone
▪ Select SCAN FOR DEVICES, select
mobile phone and PAIR mobile phone
to ONX

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 24

StrataSync Synchronization – Mobile Tech App

▪ Open VIAVI Mobile Tech app

▪ Connect to ONX now identified in


© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 25

StrataSync Synchronization – Mobile Tech App


and PASSWORD credentials. If user
doesn’t have login credentials –
please reach out to local

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 26

StrataSync Synchronization – Mobile Tech App

▪ Select the *** in the upper right-hand

corner for SETTINGS
▪ If ONX is not connected, choose

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 27

StrataSync Synchronization – Mobile Tech App

▪ Return to the main screen and select

▪ In SETTINGS, users can select the
number of minutes between automatic

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 28

StrataSync Synchronization – Mobile Tech App

▪ Once saved on ONX, the test data will

appear in the SYNC folder and will
automatically sync to STRATASYNC
at the chosen time interval. The sync
will occur regardless of whether the
tech views this screen
▪ Test data will appear in STRATASYNC
after a few minutes (3-5 minutes
based on the number of files)

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 29

Firmware Update Via StrataSync
5) Select Start 6) ONX will connect to StrataSync and
determine there is a “Software Update
Available” - Select OK.

7) Software packages
will be confirmed –
Select Update

NOTE: SW update will proceed. The unit will Power off

completely after completion. Update process will take
10-15 minutes based on the size of the update file and
connection speed

The ONX will require that it is plugged into AC power

or above 50% battery life prior to updating

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 30

Troubleshooting the ONX FW/SW Upgrade Process
1) Confirm the Ethernet 2) If the IPv4 State = “In 3) Select the Network Stop
port is turned on by Use By Application” – button at the bottom –
selecting the Network From the Home Screen This disassociates the
option at the bottom and navigate to the Ethernet port with the
Network menu – Ethernet testing function 4) Press the Back
Select Network button and Power
Cycle the Meter

*When the meter returns

to the Home screen start
from Step 1 at the
beginning of this

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 31

System Settings − Remote Operation of ONX

▪ ONX can be reached by HTTP File Server or Through VNC

▪ Select VNC and enter Password (Any free version of VNC will work)

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 32

ONX CATV - Engineering
Mode © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 33

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 33
ONX Engineering Mode and Build-in Self Test (BIST)

Enable Engineering mode and run a BIST:

1. The unit is switch off
2. Press and hold the Tray key
3. Press shortly the Power on key
4. Hold the Tray key until the for top
led are orange
(takes about 3sec)
5. Release the Tray key
6. Go in CATV setting and select Engineering
7. Select “Built-in Self Test” and Start BIST :

8. Go to File Browser and copy

the custBist*.zip file to a
plugged USB memory stick :

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 34

ONX CATV - Ethernet Testing © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 35

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 35
Ethernet – Tests and Settings

▪ From Home Screen, select Ethernet

▪ Once Network Up is indicated with green, select Test and

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 36

Ethernet – Speed Check

• CATV Ethernet’s throughput IP Address/URL is configured in the mode under Settings.

• Default value are for both Downstream/Upstream the same:
• If the upstream URL changes, the file name need to be the same:

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 37

TrueSpeed Setup

• Select Profile or create a new one

• The test will start automatically after Profile is selected.
• Stop Test and choose Server Settings on the bottom and enter the Server IP
address and then resume. (Only applicable for first test setup)
• Fallback Server is for second TrueSpeed VNF and can help alleviate queue

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 38

TrueSpeed Results

• After test completes, Results are

displayed as either the
Speedometer or an a simple list

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 39

CATV Measurements
- QuickCheck
- Ingress Scan
- Spectrum
- OneCheck © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 40

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 40
CATV Measurements–
QuickCheck © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 41

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 41
QuickCheck Setup
Use QUICKCHECK to see a small ▪ Enter WORK ORDER IDand choose demarcation
number of manually added point and press Start
channels and quickly determine if ▪ Navigate the Results Screen (shown to the right)
signal is present using touchscreen or Directional Buttons

▪ Add/remove frequency and type of carrier

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 42

QuickCheck Results and Settings

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CATV Measurements -
Spectrum © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 44

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 44
Spectrum Setup
▪ Enter Work Order ID and choose proper demarcation
▪ Navigate the Results Screen (shown to the right) using
touchscreen or Directional Buttons

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Spectrum Results ▪ Navigate the Results Screen (shown to the right) using
touchscreen (pinch and pull like tablet or smart phone) or
Directional Buttons
▪ Choose Display to change to landscape view or manually
change graph division size, span and toggle Live/Max and
Min traces
▪ Choose Settings to change RBW and AGC settings

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 46

Spectrum Results
• Drag or use Directional buttons to move marker
• Double tap on the marker to display Delta between
second marker which will appear

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CATV Measurements - TDR © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 48

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 48
▪ TDR function will allow users to set the Velocity of Propagation (VoP) in various cable types
▪ Connect to PORT 2 to take TDR traces, selecting the proper demarcation point

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 49


▪ A TDR measures reflections based on

time. Therefore the correct Velocity of
Propagation for the cable to be tested
must be chosen first.
▪ VoP is essential for accurate distance

TDR Setup VoP Configuration

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 50



tabs are identical tests. The DROP
CHECK simply reminds the user to
disconnect the other end of the drop.
▪ Displayed is a 57’ cable with a splice.
▪ The splice is a small reflection at 22’
while the open end of the cable is a
larger reflection at 57’.


© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 51


▪ HOME TDR test is designed to display

splices, splits and cable lengths.
▪ Example to the left still shows the
splice at 22’ with a splitter at 57’and 2
cables connected to the splitter with
open ends.
▪ HOME TDR displays all 4 events.
▪ Markers can be added for relative
distances under from the display
▪ Horizontal Zoom and Pan functions
are at the bottom of the display
Splice Splitter Open Open

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 52

CATV Measurements –
Ingress Scan © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 53

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 53
Ingress Scan

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 54

CATV Measurements –
Channel CHECK © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 55

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 55

• Dashboard gives an overall status on the test.

Because Channel Check is LIVE, measurements will
continue to update once the dashboard

• Max and Mins are displayed for MER(dB) and Level


© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 56


▪ CHANNEL VIEW allows the user to view the Fullscan, with any measurements failing
the threshold represented in RED and all measurements passing the thresholds
represented in GREEN

▪ Users can navigate via touchscreen, D-Pad or Channel Search as long as CHANNEL
VIEW is selected in BLUE

▪ Users can select their FAVORITES by pressing on the STAR until it is highlighted in

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 57


▪ SPECTRUM/IUC (Ingress Under the Carrier) allows the user to

view ingress under the selected and adjacent QAM carriers.
▪ Examples below are real world LTE Ingress and FM Ingress

▪ To rapidly change channels use Channel Search as long as

CHANNEL VIEW is selected in BLUE

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 58



all channels in the background and DQI OVER TIME
measured on the channel selected in CHANNEL VIEW.
These measurements will continue until and be displayed
over the last 5 minutes until the measurement is stopped

▪ To rapidly change channels use Channel Search as long as

CHANNEL VIEW is selected in BLUE

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 59

Channel CHECK – ICFR (In-Channel Frequency Response)


carrier selected in CHANNEL VIEW and will continue
until stopped

▪ To rapidly change channels use Channel Search as

long as CHANNEL VIEW is selected in BLUE

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 60

▪ TILT of the Fullscan, TILT channels can be toggled in

▪ SMARTSCAN offers a raw frequency domain response

of the Fullscan and measures against a defined
thresholds for deviation and tilt

▪ To rapidly change channels use Channel Searc has

long as CHANNEL VIEW is selected in BLUE

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 61


▪ FAVORITES is a user defined Miniscan

▪ Select favorites channels by highlighting the Gold Star on
desired channels in CHANNEL VIEW

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 62


▪ CONSTELLATION displays Level (dBmV) and MER (dB)

as well as plot of the QAM carrier

▪ To rapidly change channels use Channel Search has

long as CHANNEL VIEW is selected in BLUE

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 63

CATV Measurements –
DOCSIS Check © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 64

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 64

• Dashboard gives an overall status on the test. Because DOCSIS

CHECK is LIVE, measurements will continue to update once the
dashboard indicates 100%

• Downstream measurements
displayed include Max and Mins for
MER(dB) and Level (dBmV) and
• Upstream measurements displayed
include MAX Tx and MAX ICFR

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 65


▪ DOWNSTREAM allows the user to view the DOWNSTREAM DOCSIS CHANNELS,

with any measurements failing the threshold represented in RED and all
measurements passing the thresholds represented in GREEN

▪ Users can navigate via touchscreen, D-Pad or Channel Search as long as CHANNEL
VIEW is selected

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 66



and DQI OVER TIME measure the channel that is selected
in CHANNEL VIEW and will continue until stopped

▪ To rapidly change channels use Channel Search as long as

CHANNEL VIEW is selected

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 67


• UPSTREAM provides the user with verification of the

number of upstream carriers; the Upstream Transmit
Level (TX) and In-Channel Frequency Response

• TRANSMIT OVER TIME corresponds to the locked

upstream carrier (highlighted in blue to the left). To
shift upstream carrier, select a different one from the
UPSTREAM window (D-PAD or TOUCH to toggle)
and the TRANSMIT OVER TIME will update

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 68


▪ UPSTREAM ICFR displays each upstream carrier, the

darkened carrier is the locked carrier. To toggle, scroll
to UPSTREAM and choose a different carrier,

▪ UPSTREAM EQ ANALYSIS displays the equalizer

graph for 16 QAM and 64 QAM upstream carriers. By
highlighting a specific tap, that will indicate the distance
to a reflection point in the upstream. This is usually the
distance from an amplifier to a reflection caused by an
impedance mismatch.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 69


▪ REGISTRATION will display the configuration file if the

CM MAC has been provisioned.
QUALITY functions will be greyed out if the CM MAC is
not provisioned. Or if an un-provisioned MAC address is
▪ The throughput test sends a file upstream to a server.
The server then sends the file back to the meter. Since
the file size is known and the time it takes to download
the file is known, the meter can then calculate the
downstream speed. The same is done for the upstream.
▪ The PING/TRACEROUTE function can be configured to
send configurable ping packets to a destination. A
TRACEROUTE test can also be done to configurable
▪ The packet quality test sends ping packets to the CMTS
and the meter counts any lost packets, measures latency,
(round trip time) and measures maximum jitter. (variations
in latency)

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 70

CATV Measurements –
OneCheck © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 71

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 71
OneCheck – SETUP

▪ Users should choose the

correct demarcation point. This
will guide the PASS/FAIL
criteria of the measurements

▪ Users choose or enter a NEW

beginning of every new job

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 72


▪ User can verify that configurations are correct and up to date

verifying most recent config files
▪ Select START to begin the test

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 73

OneCheck- RESULTS Dashboard

• The completed RESULTS screen gives an overall status on the

ONECHECK test, broken out in to four categories:
• Ingress
• Downstream
• Upstream
• Session Expert
• ONECHECK is a snap shot so measurements will not fluctuate like they
• Max and Mins are displayed for MER(dB) and Level (dBmV)
• Users can choose RETEST ALL to restart the whole test or chose
RETEST and chose the appropriate category to better determine if a
failure was intermittent

▪ Users can SAVE from this screen, all files

saved will have the WORK ORDER ID
attached to them for reporting via StrataSync

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 74

OneCheck – RESULTS Dashboard
• Users can double-tap each of the 4 measurements categories to
access additional information and deeper analysis
• Users can also select the TROUBLESHOOT… button to switch to LIVE

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 75

OneCheck – Downstream Details – CHANNEL VIEW

▪ CHANNEL VIEW allows the user to view the Fullscan, with any measurements failing
the threshold represented in RED and all measurements passing the thresholds
represented in GREEN

▪ Users can navigate via touchscreen, D-Pad or Channel Search

▪ Users can select their FAVORITES by pressing on the STAR until it is highlighted in

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 76

OneCheck – Downstream Details – SYSTEM VIEW and FAVORITES

▪ SYSTEM VIEW provides the maximum dB Delta

between digital carriers and the maximum Video Delta
between analog carriers

▪ To rapidly change channels use Channel Search

▪ FAVORITES is a user defined Miniscan

▪ FAVORITES can be configured by pressing on thea

given channel until a gold star is highlighted. Channels
will not populate this measurements window

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 77

OneCheck – Downstream Details – TILT and SMARTSCAN

▪ TILT of the Fullscan, TILT channels can be toggled in


▪ SMARTSCAN offers a raw frequency domain response

of the Fullscan and measures against a defined
thresholds for deviation and tilt

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 78

OneCheck – Downstream Details – MER and BER and OFF-AIR Ingress

▪ MER plots each digital carrier against its MER

measurements. D3.1 OFDM carriers will appear with
more granularity because of the measurement of all the

▪ BER plots each digital carrier against its BER

measurements with the maximum of 1.0E-9 available
to the user in settings. Default is 1.0E-8.

▪ OFF-AIR INGRESS can be configured in

STRATASYNC and is a measurement of the noise floor
at the defined frequencies. This measurement is
specifically focused on LTE ingress.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 79


▪ SESSION EXPERT seeks to educate the user about the

next logical demarcation point where network
impairments may be located. It also offers suggestions
based on the observed impairments

▪ INGRESS overlays comparisons of Ingress Scans

between the TAP and GB help highlight where ingress is
getting in

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 80

OneCheck – Session Expert – DROP ANALYSIS

▪ SESSION EXPERT utilizes a TDR to automatically

analyze the Drop. This helps the user identify if there is a
problem in the Drop between the TAP and Ground Block

▪ Additionally, the user can switch to the standalone TDR

measurement to conduct a thorough Drop analysis


side by side comparison measurements
between TAP, GB, and CPE which speeds
up user analysis time

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 81

OneCheck – Session Expert – COMPARISON
▪ COMPARISON windows offer a side
by side comparison measurements
between TAP, GB, and CPE which
speeds up user analysis time
measurements in SESSION EXPERT
▫ PROFILE (for OFDM Carriers)

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 82

OneCheck – DOCSIS Details - DOWNSTREAM

▪ DOWNSTREAM allows the user to view all identified DOCSIS downstream

carriers as a Fullscan, with any measurements failing the threshold represented
in RED and all measurements passing the thresholds represented in GREEN

▪ Users can navigate via touchscreen, D-Pad or Channel Search

▪ Users can select their FAVORITES by pressing on the STAR until it is

highlighted in Gold

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 83

OneCheck – DOCSIS Details - UPSTREAM

▪ Upstream allows the user to view all identified DOCSIS Upstream

carriers, with any measurements failing the threshold represented
in RED and all measurements passing the thresholds
represented in GREEN

▪ UPSTREAM provides the user with verification of the number of

upstream carriers; the Upstream Transmit Level (TX) and In-
Channel Frequency Response (ICFR)

▪ Users can navigate via touchscreen, D-Pad or Channel Search

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 84

OneCheck - DOCSIS Details – REGISTRATION and
▪ REGISTRATION identifies the internal modems status and helps identify if
there are server issues, config file issues with customer CPE or verifies the
ONX is provisioned appropriately

▪ Throughput testing is available over the DOCSIS connection to test. ONX

should have at least CM MAC 1 provisioned as a cable modem and
DOCSIS SERVICE PLAN should be configured with UPSTREAM AND
accurate measurements

▪ Packet Quality identifies if there is packet loss present in the normal course
of DOCSIS communication

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 85

Measurements © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 86

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Testing OFDM

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 87

OneExpert CATV DOCSIS 3.1 measurements

Identify OFDM carrier in the lineup:

Downstream scan measurement
MER over entire OFDM channel
requires no learning curve, same as
provides insight into why higher
D3.0 scan, but shows OFDM signal
tier profiles are failing

Analysis of different profiles

available and which profiles can
be supported at test location
Overall OFDM carrier performance
metrics including best and worst
case; simple pass/fail indications In-Channel Response identifies
roll-off and excessive ripple

Spectrum and noise identify

OneExpert CATV with DOCSIS 3.1 portions of carrier where
degradation may occur
▪ OFDM demodulation with D3.1 Profile Analysis
▪ Full DOCSIS service testing including 32 Bonded + D3.1 OFDM carrier
▪ Upstream DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM-A capable

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 88

DOCSIS 3.1 Codeword Errors (CWE)

▪ Codeword (CW): a data bucket within a DOCSIS packet

▪ CW Error (CWE): a byte-level data packet corruption resulting from
QAM symbol displacement across constellation decision boundaries
▪ Correctable vs. Uncorrectable determined by number of corrupted
symbols relative to CMTS forward error correction level settings
▪ If you are having CWEs, you may be losing data
▪ Uncorrectable CWEs indicate dropped packets (think post-FEC
▪ Retransmit is required for recovery
▪ There is no recovery from dropped packets for real-time apps like
▪ Correctable CWEs are an early warning that the uncorrectable
threshold may be near! (think pre-FEC BER)

To make sure there are no uncorrectable CWE

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 89

Testing PLC – PHY Link Channel

PLC contains CRITICAL OFDM signal

decoding information

Level: >-15 dBmV (6 MHz)
MER: >15 dB (min)
Lock status: locked
Uncorrectable CWE: none
Other info: PLC center frequency

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 90

Testing Next Codeword Pointer (NCP)

The NCP tells the modem which CW are present and

in which profile to find each CW (CWE analysis), it is
CRITICAL for proper data communication

▪ Don’t disregard OFDM performance at high end or low end. Roll off of
either could impair a CM's ability to correctly receive NCP or CWs.

Lock status: locked
Uncorrectable CWE: none Codewords start at NCP’s start at HIGH
LOW frequencies and frequencies and
populate UP populate down

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 91

Testing Profile A

Profile A is boot profile; ALL 3.1 modems

must be able to use profile A

▪ Profile A is key to D3.1 modem communication via an OFDM carrier.

This is where command and control, range, and registration occurs.
▪ In practice, profile A may be assigned lower mixed modulations, like
QAM 64/16, so every D3.1 modem can communicate. Lower
modulation profiles can operate at lower MER/CNR and power levels.
▪ If profile A isn’t locked or has uncorrectable CWE, a modem may roll
back and use only SC QAMs in 3.0 mode.


Lock status: locked

Uncorrectable CWE: none

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 92

Physical Measurements (Level, MER)

OFDM Avg power must be within range. Good

MER and low noise enable higher modulations.
▪ MER 2 percentile shows how
well 98% of the subcarriers are
working and filters out MER Std Dev
underperforming ones that 2%

LDPC error correction will likely >35dB 42 dB MER

clear up.

CM Minimum CNR/MER
THINGS TO CHECK: Performance in AWGN
Channel Up to 1 GHz Min P6AVG
Modulation CNR(dB) dBmV
Avg level, variable: >-6 dBmV recommended 4096 41.0 -6
2048 37.0 -9
Avg MER, variable: >36 dB recommended 1024 34.0 -12
MER at 2 percentile: >35 dB recommended 512 30.5 -12
256 27.0 -15
MER standard deviation: <2 dB recommended 128 24.0 -15
64 21.0 -15
16 15.0 -15

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 93

Testing Higher Profiles

Profiles B,C,D… enable higher

modulations for greater efficiency

▪ Higher profiles improve network efficiency. Optimally, more CM

run on higher profiles for overall network efficiency and improved
customer QoE.
▪ Profiles enable tiers of service, and allow best case service when
Lock status: locked consistent network constraints inhibit maximum performance
Uncorrectable CWE: none
▪ Testing viability of all profiles provides quick assessment of
network performance to any given test point (service outlet)
▪ Tech must be able to troubleshoot failing profiles and identify
▪ Profile changes highlight drop or home wiring problems:

TAP Ground Block Outlet/CPE

Profile Uncorrectable Profile Uncorrectable Profile Uncorrectable

Locked? CWE Locked? CWE Locked CWE


© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 94

OFDM is DYNAMIC with varying subcarriers and LDPC
MER and Level alone don’t tell the whole story
▪ Profiles and CWE analysis are Component Tasks Importance CWE expectations and impact

important PLC Contains CRITICAL OFDM signal

Should have 0 Uncorrectable-CWE otherwise OFDM may not
PHY Link Channel decoding information work

NCP Tells modem which CW are present and

Critical Should have 0 U-CWE otherwise OFDM may not work
Next CW Pointer in which profile to find each CW

U-CWE will cause poor QOE and possibly make OFDM

Boot profile. ALL 3.1 modems must be
Profile A Critical carrier unusable, forcing data to standard QAM carriers
able to use profile A
instead of OFDM

Enable higher modulations for greater

Profile B,C,D High U-CWE will affect bandwidth and overall QOE

 PLC is working well

 NCP is working well
  Profile A is working well with some
correctible (in this case running 256 CM Minimum CNR/MER Performance in AWGN
QAM Up to 1 GHz Min P6AVG
  QAM) Modulation CNR(dB) dBmV
 Profile B (running 1024 QAM in this case) 4096 41.0 -6
2048 37.0 -9
is on the edge: 100% correctable CWE  1024 34.0 -12
but LDPC is correcting them all! 512 30.5 -12
256 27.0 -15
 This makes sense, 1024 QAM level 128 24.0 -15
64 21.0 -15
should be ≥12dBmV and MER > 34 dB 16 15.0 -15

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 95

DOCSIS 3.1 Signal Testing and Troubleshooting

Measuring MER across entire subcarrier list enables identifying

potential impairments with impact on higher level profiles

Spectrum and noise identify portions of Unstable MER with drops below Stable MER better than 40 dB means
a carrier where degradation may occur 30dB means only profiles running QAM 2048 and 4096 will work.
and require possible profile adjustment. 256 QAM or lower will work.

Level variation within In-Channel

the OFDM channel band Response identifies
provides insight into roll-off and excessive
frequency-response ripple
related issues.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 96

DOCSIS Service Level Testing

DOCSIS 3.1 is backwards compatible – can utilize just 3.0 QAM carriers. Verify bonding with OFDM
carriers to ensure that high-tier data traffic is on more efficient OFDM carriers and is not impacting other

Bonding with OFDM, Upstream bonding and Throughput

▪ DOCSIS 3.1 systems can provide over 1 Gbps throughput

▪ Validating operation at subscribed rates is important to verify customer
▪ Testing at DOCSIS physical layer identifies RF related impacts on
overall service performance.
▪ Testing both DOCSIS service and Ethernet helps ensure top customer
▪ Consumer-grade PC HW limitations can prevent testing up to 1 Gbps.
→ Testing both DOCSIS and Ethernet layer to 1 Gbps helps distinguish
▪ between service problems and equipment problems.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 97

How to set the level of a D3.1 OFDM carrier

SC-QAM DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM Carrier DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM Carrier

DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM carrier power levels should be measured and referenced in comparison to the
power in a 6MHz carrier.
In a flat system, the average power of the OFDM, referenced to a 6MHz carrier should be set to the
same power level as the adjacent 6MHz QAM 256 carriers.

NOTE: The TOTAL power of the 96 or 192 MHz OFDM carrier is greatly different than the average power in a 6MHz bandwidth.
Total power of 96/192MHz wide carrier: This is not referenced to a 6MHz carrier

Total Power = Total Power PER Channel (6MHz) + 10log10(Channel Bandwidth).

Where Channel Bandwidth would be overall OFDM Bandwidth/6MHz channel bandwidth = # of 6MHz Channels :
➔ for a 96MHz wide OFDM carrier the TOTAL power will be 12.04dB higher
➔ for a 192 MHz wide OFDM carrier the TOTAL power will be 15.05dB higher

(This would be like using the total integrated power of 32 DOCSIS QAM carriers to set the level)

Example: Single 6MHz channel power = 5 dBmV

➔ Total Power(96MHz channel) = 5dBmV + 10log10(16) = 5 + 12.04 = 17.04dBmV → This is what some spectrum analyzers
(like R&S FSW) show

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 98

DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM Carrier Level Measurements

Select OFDM
carrier in scan
▪ Measure and reference OFDM carriers in comparison to
power in a 6 MHz bandwidth (CableLabs® recommendation).
▪ With 8 MHz QAM in Europe → Set the OFDM level (ref. 6
MHz) 1.2 dB below the 8 MHz QAM 256 to maintain the
same power/Hz.
▪ PLC carrier average power will be approximately 0.8dB
Look at OFDM higher than other carriers due to additional pilots and data
carrier average patterns
level ▪ Total OFDM carrier (up to 192MHz) power is greatly different
than average power in a 6 MHz bandwidth:
Level approximates ▪ For a 96 MHz wide OFDM carrier, the total power will be 12.04 dB higher.
6MHz QAM power, ▪ „For a 192 MHz wide OFDM carrier, the total power will be 15.05 dB higher
for example, all at ▪ Do not use the total OFDM power to adjust CMTS output
10dBmV power: this would be like using total integrated power of 32
DOCSIS QAM carriers to set level.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 99

ONX CATV - Fiber Testing
- P5000i Probe Microscope
- MP60, MP80 Power Meters © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 100

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 100
OneExpert CATV Fiber Optics Integration

Fiber Inspection Scope

▪ P5000i via USB
▪ Auto pass/fail analysis
Optical Power Measurement
▪ MP-60/80 Optical
Broadband Power

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 101
Optical Accessories – P5000i Probe Microscope

When P5000i Probe Microscope is attached to ONX through USB,

Fiber Tools menu automatically appears
• After plugging in patch cord or inserted probe into bulkhead, fiber end
face will appear and can be focused or auto centered using controls
on P5000i.
• Autotest can be conducted and results saved from results screen

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 102
- Test Results © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 103

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 103
StrataSync − ONX CATV Test Results

▪ NOTE – Stored ONX test results not

available for view on the meter;
instead they are available in
StrataSync under TEST DATA tab
▪ Includes SWEEP files

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 104
OneExpert CATV
Configuration via StrataSync © 2018 VIAVI Solutions Inc. 105

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 105
StrataSync – Cloud-Based Meter Management

▪ All high-level features for StrataSync are accessible from the main landing page
▪ Asset and Test Data information is displayed and details are available

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 106
To access Configuration Templates

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 107
Access or Create a New Limit Plan

▪ Limit Plans determine when a test result will end up being a Pass or Fail in relation to thresholds set
▪ In the Template screen, click on one of the selections in the “Global Archives” bubble on the left of the screen
▪ Users can create Limit Plans, DOCSIS Service Plans, Off Air Ingress Plans, and default Measurement Settings

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 108
Limit Plan Window

• Choose from existing Limit Sets or select New Limit Plan

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 109
Limit Plan Creation – Name New Limit Plan

▪ Enter Limit Plan name and Description and select Create

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 110
Limit Plan Creation – Editing Limit Values/Types
• Set Limits for Tap, Ground Block or CPE
• The Type of limit is also selectable –
• Error = Pass if results meet the limit requirements or Fail if results exceed limit
• Warning = Pass but No Fail – rather the measurement is highlighted to bring attention
to it if the result exceeds the limit
• None = Test result is shown but no Pass or Fail criteria is applied to the result

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 111
Limit Plan – Deploy Limits

• Limit Plans can be deployed to Meter or Copied to Templates

• Check the box of the limit plan to be deployed, right click or select Actions
• Click “Deploy” or Copy to Template

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 112
Deployment – Meter Selection
▪ Check the boxes next to one or more OneExpert and then select Next in bottom right corner of the screen

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 113
Access or Create a New DOCSIS Service Plan

• In the Template screen, click on one of the selections in the “Global Archives” bubble on the left of the screen
• Select DOCSIS Service Plans

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 114
DOCSIS Service Plan Window

• Choose from existing Limit Sets or select New Limit Plan

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 115
DOCSIS Service Plan – Name New DOCSIS Service Plan

• Enter DOCSIS Service Plan name and Description and

select Create

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 116
DOCSIS Service Plan – Configuration
• Each of the ONX’s 5 different Cable Modem MAC addresses can be configured independently
• Label – This name will appear on the ONX under the Registration Information presented during a DOCSIS test to ensure the
proper Service plan was selected
• Downstream Throughput URL – Enter the IP/URL address and file name of the HTTP server and test file that the ONX will
use to download and calculate downstream throughput speeds (Ex: or
• Upstream Throughput URL - Enter the IP/URL address of the HTTP server the ONX will use to send data to and calculate
upload throughput speeds (Ex: or typically is the same IP/URL as downstream
• VoIPCheck Server – If a VoIPCheck reflection server is available this can be entered into the VoIPCheck Server field (Note:
VoIPCheck is not yet implemented on ONX)
• NOTE* In a D3.0 network DOCSIS Emulation type must be adjusted to D3.0 32x8; in a D3.1 network DOCSIS
Emulation must be set to D3.1 – 32x8

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 117
DOCSIS Service Plan – Configuration Cont.
• Data Limits can be set in the DOCSIS Service Plan to perform Pass/Fail, Warn, or None for each one of the Limits configured
• Type, like in the Limit Plans, determine how the test result is presented on the ONX
• The VoIPCheck Limits are also configurable (Note: ONX does not currently perform VoIPCheck testing, these limits can be set for
future use)

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 118
DOCSIS Service Plan – Deploy

• DOCSIS Service Plans can be deployed to Meter or Copied to Templates

• Check the box of the DOCSIS Service Plan to be deployed, right click or
select Actions
• Click “Deploy” or Copy to Template

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 119
Deployment – Meter Selection
▪ Check the boxes next to one or more OneExpert and then select Next in bottom right corner of the screen

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 120
DOCSIS Profile Activation on ONX

▪ After deployment screens, re-sync ONX with StrataSync. The DOCSIS Profiles will get pushed to the ONX, but are not yet
active until a new WORKORDER ID is created.
▪ To activate the new DOCSIS profile, perform a DOCSISCheck or ChannelCheck (located in the CATV section of the ONX
main screen) and enter a new WORKORDER ID.
▪ Complete the DOCSISCheck or ChannelCheck and after completion, REBOOT the ONX.
▪ Refer to official CM MAC provisioning documents put out by management for specific Throughput URLs and instructions on
how to request and provision the meters internal cable modem.
▪ Once Provisioning is complete, all DOCSIS Expert or DOCSIS Check tests will allow Throughput testing with
measurements and results recorded.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 121
Off-Air Ingress Plan Window

• Choose from existing Off-Air Ingress Plan or select New

Off-Air Ingress Plan

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 122
Off-Air Ingress Plan – Configuration
▪ Off-Air Ingress Plans are used to designate which frequencies the ONX will measure during the OneCheck test for ingress
interferers in the downstream frequency range
▫ Find LTE or terrestrial broadcast interferers on the HFC network
▫ If a QAM carrier is in the band the ONX uses its Ingress Under the Carrier feature to see the noise floor below a QAM channel,
if the spectrum is vacant the ONX will look at the spectral response in the band(s) to see if the limit is exceeded
▪ Enter the Label, Start, Stop, Limit value, and Limit Type for each Ingress band desired
▪ Use the green + or red – to add or delete Off-Air Ingress bands

Press the SAVE button to save the

Off-Air Ingress Plan configuration
© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 123
Off-Air Ingress Plan – Deploy

• Off-Air Ingress Plan can be deployed to Meter or Copied to Templates

• Check the box of the Off-Air Ingress Plan to be deployed, right click or
select Actions
• Click “Deploy” or Copy to Template

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 124
Deployment – Meter Selection
▪ Check the boxes next to one or more OneExpert and then select Next in bottom right corner of the screen

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Access or Create a New Measurement Settings
• Access or Create a New Measurement Settings

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Measurement Settings Window

• Choose from existing Measurement Settings or select

New Measurement Settings

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 127
Measurement Settings – Name New Measurement Settings

• Enter Measurement Settings name and Description and

select Create

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 128
Measurement Settings - Configuration
▪ Measurement Settings on the ONX currently determines if a DOCSIS test (range and registration) is performed and if DOCSIS
Service tests (throughput & packet loss) is performed when a OneCheck test is ran
▪ This applies to All OneCheck tests at all Locations (Tap, Ground Block, CPE)
▪ DOCSIS Test - If a OneCheck test should perform communications with the CMTS then the DOCSIS Test should be enabled – If
disabled the OneCheck test will only run the Ingress and Downstream channel tests only
▪ DOCSIS Service Tests – If a OneCheck test should also perform IP service tests the DOCSIS Service Tests should be enabled –
If disabled then the ONX will not perform IP service testing during a OneCheck test
▪ Note: To enable DOCSIS Service Tests the DOCSIS Test must be enabled as well

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 129
Measurement Settings - Deploy

• Measurement Settings can be deployed to Meter or Copied to Templates

• Check the box of the Measurement Settings to be deployed, right click or
select Actions
• Click “Deploy” or Copy to Template

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 130
Deployment – Meter Selection
▪ Check the boxes next to one or more OneExpert and then select Next in bottom right corner of the screen

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 131
StrataSync Configuration Activation on ONX

▪ To activate any of the previous configuration files after deploying them to the meter, perform a DOCSISCheck or
ChannelCheck (located in the CATV section of the ONX main screen) and enter a new WORKORDER ID.
▪ Complete the DOCSISCheck or ChannelCheck and after completion, REBOOT the ONX.
▪ Refer to official CM MAC provisioning documents put out by management for specific Throughput URLs and instructions on
how to request and provision the meters internal cable modem.
▪ Once Provisioning is complete, all DOCSIS Expert or DOCSIS Check tests will allow Throughput testing with
measurements and results recorded.

© 2017 Viavi Solutions, Inc. | Viavi Confidential and Proprietary Information 132

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