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Welcome to our Folktales from India page!

Here you will moral stories from India, such as

Akbar Birbal Stories and more! Akbar Birbal stories tell of the relationship between Emperor
Akbar and his advisor, Birbal. These funny stories are entertaining while also teaching an
important moral lesson. Enjoy these classic tales from India which tell of the friendship between
Akbar & Birbal and the important lessons they learn among the way.

Birbal Finds a Thief ~ Akbar Birbal English Stories for Kids

One fine morning, a minister went to Emperor Akbar's court to tell the
Emperor some bad news. His gold coins were all gone! They must have
been stolen the night before!

Emperor Akbar was shocked to hear this. The place where the minister lived
was the safest in the kingdom. Surely no one could have broken into the
house to steal the coins! It must have been one of the other ministers who
lived there, too, who took the coins. But who?

The Emperor asked Birbal how to solve the case.

Birbal called for a donkey to be tied to a pole at the place where the minister
lived. He ordered all the ministers to lift the donkey's tail and say, "I did not
steal the coins." Then each of them must come to the palace later that day.

When each of the ministers were at the palace, Birbal said, “Now each of you
must turn your hand up, so I can see the palm of your hand.” This was odd
and the ministers did not know what to think of it. But they did as they were

The Emperor asked Birbal how to solve the case.

When Birbal looked at the hand of each minister he saw that each one
of them, except Alim Khan, had a black patch of paint on their palm.
You see, Birbal had painted the donkey's tail with a black coat of
paint! He knew that the one minister who was guilty, in fear, would
not touch the donkey's tail.
And so once again Birbal proved how clever he was, and he was
rewarded by the Emperor with 1000 gold coins.
The end

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