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Your leading source for Hard Equity Loans ® (888) 759-3828

Welcome to our Business Network!

Dear Partners,

Thank you for taking interest in Hard Equity Financing for your financing needs. We are
focused on providing excellent service & funding excellent loans in the real-estate financing
arena. Hard Equity Financing is a seasoned real-estate company operated by professionals in
the financial, mortgage and real-estate business since 1999. As you know, the current market is
in desperate need of a group of professional financiers ready to undertake the new emerging
real-estate market. We are here for you!

We specialize in all type of real-estate finance and can pool up to 4 Billion in funds for lending.
Our hard money programs are structured directly under the supervision of our lenders who are
private investors funding our real-estate loans. Our sources of lenders are kept confidential for
privacy purposes and all transactions are funded thru our investor’s corporate account or in some
instance, a personal account. All funds are of US origin thru US banks.

We also are currently partners with a number of highly successful company’s across the nations
providing banking & mortgage loan services.

With a team of financial professionals backed by complementing partners, Hard Equity

Financing is able to rapidly supply the high demand for finance in the current market trend. We
have a number of financing projects currently underway bring new business partnerships with
long term potential clients. It is an exciting time here at Hard Equity Financing, as we are always
looking for opening doors to new horizons. We appreciate your interest & look forward to high
success with you.

See you at the TOP!

Best Regards,

Hard Equity Financing

Your leading source for Hard Equity Loans ® (888) 759-3828


(Please complete as much information as possible)

Business Name: ______________________________________________________________

Business Address: ______________________________________________________________
Principal Name: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________ ext. ____
Email Address: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________
Principal Name: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________ ext. ____
Email Address: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________

Loan Officer Name: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________ ext. ____

Email Address: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________
Loan Officer Name: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________ ext. ____
Email Address: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________
Loan Officer Name: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________ ext. ____
Email Address: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________
Loan Officer Name: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________ ext. ____
Email Address: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________

I/We the undersigned do hereby attest and confirm that the information provided in this
Broker application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge as of the date of
signing. Hard Equity Financing is authorized to send any and all communications, rate
sheets, product information and advertisements to the facsimile number provided above.

__________________________________ _____________________________

__________________________________ _____________________________
Your leading source for Hard Equity Loans ® (888) 759-3828


Agreement made on this _____ day of ______________________, 20___ between Hard Equity Financing
Incorporated, (Lender) located at 261 NE 1 Street Suite 500 Miami FL 33132 and
________________________________________ of ____________________________________ (Broker)
located at ___________________________________________________________________ who mutually
agree to the following provisions and that this Agreement replaces any prior Brokerage Agreement, if any,
by and between the parties.

1. From time to time Broker shall introduce Client(s) to Lender. Lender agrees to pay to the Broker any
and all fees specified in this Agreement for the life of their account, unless a separate fee agreement is
agreed upon by both parties as they understand that fees will vary from client to client as well as transaction
to transaction.
2. Non-Circumvention:
a. During the term of this agreement, neither “lender” nor any of it's officers, directors, shareholders,
partners, affiliates or agents, nor any members of the immediate families of the foregoing, shall contact, do
business with, or otherwise solicit any client(s) introduced to or otherwise referred by the Broker to “lender”
for the purpose of circumventing, the result of which shall be to prevent the Broker from realizing or
recognizing a commission or finder’s fee. If such circumvention shall occur the Broker shall be entitled to any
commissions due pursuant to this Agreement or finder’s fee relating to such business transactions.
b. Lender considers each of its sources of opportunity valuable assets. These assets have been
developed at considerable cost, time, effort and resources, and as such are fundamental to the broker’s
livelihood and future. Accordingly, the lender agrees not to make direct or indirect contact with these
sources for investment or loans except through broker. The lender further agrees to not disclose any active /
inactive / denied / approved / pending client information to any third party. If such circumvention shall occur
broker shall be entitled to all fees due, as if broker handled the transaction from its inception.
c. If there is any breach of this agreement and the lender receives fees or proceeds from the Clients, any
of our sources or any bank or entity connected with our sources, an immediate lawsuit will be filed against
the lender by broker for such monies and will be subject to pay a fine of $10,000 USD for breach of this
agreement as well. Also, if any litigation is filed, Lender agrees to pay all reasonable legal and other
expenses incurred from the lawsuit, and also the non-timely payment of any amounts due and owing by
lender to broker.
d. Broker Fee’s: Broker is allowed a maximum of 5 percent (5%) for broker referral fee on this
3. Broker shall at all times indemnify and hold Lender and any and all of it's agents, licenses or assigns
and the directors, officers, employees and agents of each of the foregoing, harmless from and against any
and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fee, arising out of, or pursuant
to, the solicitation and procurement for the factor of commercial/residential clients as provided for or
otherwise contemplated by the terms of this Agreement.
4. Likewise, Lender shall at all times indemnify and hold Broker and any and all of it's agents, licenses
or assigns and the directors, officers, employees and agents of each of the foregoing, harmless from and
against any and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fee, arising out of,
or pursuant to, the solicitation and procurement for the factor of commercial/residential clients as provided
for or otherwise contemplated by the terms of this Agreement.

Page 1 of 2 – Broker Agreement

Your leading source for Hard Equity Loans ® (888) 759-3828

5. This Agreement shall continue in force until amended in writing or terminated by either party by
certified mail giving 30 days notice of such termination. Termination by either party does not alter the
provisions of this Agreement as they relate to Brokers compensation and to non-circumvention and
6. In the event of any dispute arising out of or under the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party
shall be entitled to reimbursement for all costs incurred, including appellate proceedings, which costs shall
include reasonable attorneys’ fees as well as fines stipulated herein (see 2C above).
6. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Florida and
venue for any dispute in reference hereto shall be submitted to the courts in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto placed their hands and seals or cause their
presence to be duly executed by their proper corporate offices the date and year first written above.

Hard Equity Financing Inc. Signature: ________________________________

Authorized Loan Officer / Broker:

_______________________________ Signature: ______________________________
_______________________________ Date: ______________________________

Please sign & return via fax to 888-759-3828 or

email to [email protected]

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