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Operation Process of

“Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd”

1 Introduction

The production process is concerned with transforming a range of inputs into those
outputs that are required by the market. This involves two main sets of resources - the
transforming resources, and the transformed resources. The transforming resources
include the buildings, machinery, computers, and people that carry out the transforming
processes. The transformed resources are the raw materials and components that are
transformed into end products.

This paper basically attemps to studied on operation process of a company and Nabisco
Biscuit and Bread Factory. We surveyed there factory and observe their production
process. By that way, we prepare our term paper on Nabisco Biscuit. Biscuit is very
popular in our country and Nabisco is one of the best procducer in this sector. Here, we try
to focus on operation process of biscuit manufacturing. This proces contain all the steps,
starts from raw material to finish goods. All the steps are presented here very carefully.

To prepare this term paper we have collected data from different materials. Then we have
conducted a secondary study. After that we surveyed the factory. We also collect data
from internet .This way we collected primary data. Thus we have used both primary and
secondary report to prepare this report.

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2 Operation System

The words 'Production' and 'Operation' are used to describe the process of manufacturing /
providing goods or services. Similarly the words 'Mass', 'Flow' and 'Line' are
interchangeable when discussing this particular method of production.

In this term paper we have selected Nabisco Biscuit and Bread Factory Ltd and we try to
show the whole operation process of making biscuits. The company produces different
types of biscuits as like-Glucose biscuit, Pine-apple cream biscuit, Orange cream biscuit
and Elachi biscuit, etc.

For producing biscuit they follow mass production system. The making of biscuit involves
converting inputs into outputs. Various inputs such as-flour, oil, egg, milk, sugar, water
are used as raw material to make biscuit by using one or more transformation process. To
ensure the desired outputs are obtained, some measurement actions are taken at various
points in the transformation process and then compared to determine whether corrective
actions are needed to control quality. The whole operation system can be presented as:

(Land, Labor, Capital, Operation Process
(Finish goods)


Diagram : The operation system

2.1 Inputs
There are four main factors of production are related with produce a product. For
producing biscuit, the main inputs are as-

1. Land
2. Labor
3. Capital
4. Management

2.2 Operation Process

Operation process is the most important steps of production system. The whole operation
system is going on in a single machine. From raw material to finish good is done by a
single machine. But there are some differences for different biscuits. They use different
methods or different raw materials for different biscuits i.e. for glucose biscuits they do
not mix elachi flavor or orange flavor. So the whole process is maintain very carefully
either it will make a loss to company. For making different biscuit to they use different
resources. The factory maintains some steps for making biscuit. These are:

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Raw Materials
(Flour, Oil, Egg, Milk, Sugar, Water, Flavor)

Mixing Raw Materials






Finished Product

Figure: Operation Process of Nabisco Biscuit

Step-1: In the first step, all the raw materials are collected into factory from the supplier.
They reserved the raw material in their store room. To produce biscuit they use, Flour, Oil,
Egg, Milk, Sugar, Water, Flavor (Glucose, Pine-apple, Elachi, and Orange), and thin Foil.

Step-2: In the automated method, an extrusion method is typically used. In the second
step, the dry ingredients are mixed together. Water is then added to this blend to bring the
moisture content up to about 30%. This creates a paste-like dough that is next pumped into
a conditioner chamber and heated. From this chamber, the batch is moved into an
extrusion machine.

Step-3: The extrusion machine is a large, enclosed screw that has a tapered end. The
screw is turned, pushing the batch through the extrusion chamber. As it is moved through,

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it heats up due to the friction generated. At the end of the extrusion chamber are the
forming dies. These can have a variety of shapes such as square, rectangle, circles, etc. As
the batch is pumped out, automatically cut into individual biscuits, and laid on drying
sheets. From here, the biscuits are transferred to a metal conveyor belt and moved through
an oven.

Step-4: The baking of the biscuits is done in a tunnel oven. The oven is anywhere from
20-30 ft long. As the biscuits travel through the oven, the biscuit goes through a setting
phase where it takes on the shape of the final product. Next, it is dried out to about 10%
moisture content. The amount of time baking time is controlled by the speed of the
moving conveyor belt.

Step-5: The biscuits exit the ovens and travel through a series of conveyors to cool. They
may be flipped to ensure that cooling is throughout. Depending on the recipe, additional
coating ingredients may be added. These can include fats, vitamins, and other flavor
enhancers. They are applied using depositor machines that spray coat the biscuits. If
necessary, excess topping can be removed by forced air or shaker devices.

Step-6: The next step in the manufacturing process is packaging. Because certain biscuits
are fragile, the packaging is typically rigid. The biscuits are moved onto weighing bins.
When the weight of the biscuits is heavy enough, they are dropped into packets that are
appropriately decorated to attract customers.

Step-7: In this step the packet taken to labeling machine where the manufactures date,
expire date, batch no and price is written on the packet.

Step-8: After these entire steps the biscuits are treated as finish product. Then it is given
to the supplier for sell.

Quality Control
At various points during manufacture, tests are performed on the raw materials and
finished product to ensure that they conform to specifications. Before any ingredient is
allowed to be used, the quality control lab evaluates its characteristics and properties. This
involves studying things such as appearance, color, odor, and flavor. The particle size of
the solids, pH, and viscosity may also be tested. During production, each batch of biscuit
is also carefully monitored to make sure that the product being stores is of the same
quality as the one developed in the food laboratory. The usual method for ensuring quality
is to compare a random sample from the batch to an established standard.

2.3 Output
The output the operation processes are:

1. Glucose Biscuit
2. Pine- Apple Biscuit
3. Elachi Biscuit
4. Orange Biscuit

Output is the result of operation process. After Making Biscuit in different size Biscuit got
as a satisfied food for customer. The packet of Biscuit has different size for different
customer as their needs. They are also use auto-picketing machine to packet the Biscuit.

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3 Conclusion

The creation of goods requires changing resources into goods. The more efficiently we
make this change the more productive we are. Improving productivity means improving
efficiency. The improvement can be achieved in two ways: a reduction in inputs while
output remains constant or an increase in output while inputs remain constant. Both
represent an improvement in productivity.

Quality is a priority to Nabisco Biscuit and thus they follow a stringent production
process. Their manufacturing technique includes the indigenous procedures and only the
freshest and choicest ingredients are used in the creation of their mouth watering varieties.
So, we may understand the whole operation process of Nabisco biscuits.

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4 Bibliography

Heizer, Jay & Render, Bary, “Operations Management” 5th Ed, Prentice Hall, pp.16

“Think Business Programme 2: Operations”,

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