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It has become a public knowledge that admission into public universities has taken a
dimension that reflects the title of the topic under discussion. This is no doubt to any
person that pays keen attention to the Nigerian University System. One can precisely
state that from the year 2000 to date, both parents, guidances, including the students run
helter-scelter to secure admission in the various faculty in the available public
universities in the country. The trend has become very ugly in the recent time.

For instance, we are aware of how parents and guidances conspired with all relevant
stakeholders in the various examination bodies to make sure there wards obtain the
required points or grades in order to secure admission into the universities. The students
or the candidates are not left out of this ugly trend. Also whether this points or grades
were obtained legally or illegally, the ugly trends continue to take it way in the process of
competition in the universities. This is where all concerned persons find it very
convenient to go to whatever length to make sure he/she secure admission.

One may ask, why do parents and guidances including the children engage in such act?
The answer is simple and it is because of the believed that universities certificate is
everything in our life quoting from a renowned novelist Abubakar Gimba in his book
entitled Letter to the Unborn Child “In our country today, universities certificate is
viewed as the source of all enjoyable and prosperous life”. Some people to some extent
termed it as, Debit and Credit Card.

Whenever the ritual exercise of admission into our universities comes up, Academic and
Non-Academic Staff find it very difficult to stay around the universities premises or at
their residence. Some goes to the extent of putting off their cell phones to avoid
disturbance from “Admission Seekers”. This is when old relation are activated and new
ones are establish between those seeking admission and those in charge of issuing
admission directly or indirectly.

It was a well-known fact that the major cause of this ugly trend in the admission process
is the non availability of vacancies that could contain the available qualified candidates
that applied. Here I raise a question why is it that the commission shouldered with the
responsibilities of selling and making sure that all necessary formalities are duely
observed in the admission process fail to be objectives in the sense that they produce and
sell forms beyond the carrying capacity of our universities despite they are aware that the
number of applications they sold and receive back are beyond the universities carrying

One fact we need to appreciate is that even those that are qualified are beyond the
carrying capacity of our universities. Of recent the National Universities Commission
(NUC) announces that out of the total number of qualified candidates, only 15% will be

The situation has gotten worst and very sympathetic which call on all relevant
stakeholders to hastily intervene, otherwise it will degenerate into something beyond
control that would require an extra-ordinary effort that beyond the one it requires now.
We all pray for it not to happen.

Not only effective and efficient but also comprehensive policies are required.
Furthermore, proper implementation, monitoring and evaluation most also be
accompanied so as to realize the objectives. These policies that will help in alleviating
this situation include establishing more courses more academic and non academic staffs,
more infrastructures the existing one should be upgraded. This will help in boosting the
carrying capacity of our universities which at long-run will help in solving the problems
in public universities that have become a re-occurring feature.

On the other hand, parents, guidances, candidates and all persons that are directly or
indirectly concern with the university systems should see it as a collective responsibility
to shun all acts that are capable of distorting or destroying the established university
norms which is based on meritocracy and uphold the true established laws that ensure the
efficiency and effectiveness of our universities in producing quantitative graduates, so as
to achieve the desired purpose.

Finally, the above suggestions will only effect change if total commitments is given in all
respect, ranging from financial, political above all sincerity in the entire processes.

Written by Abdulsamad M. Usman

Level One
Department of Mass Communication
Bayero University, Kano.

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