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Study programme/specialisation:
Spring semester, 2017
Offshore Technology /
Marine and Subsea Technology

Bjarte Knapstad …………………………………………
(signature of author)
Programme coordinator:

Professor Daniel Karunakaran, University of Stavanger and Subsea7


Professor Daniel Karunakaran

Title of master's thesis:

Optimisation of Steel Lazy Wave Risers

Credits (ECTS): 30

Steel Lazy Wave Riser, Optimisation, Number of pages: 74
DNV-OS-F201, Extreme Response Analysis, + enclosure: 19
Wave Induced Fatigue, Ultra-Deep Water

Stavanger: 13th of July 2017

Optimisation of Steel Lazy Wave Risers

Master Thesis

Offshore Technology

Marine and Subsea Technology

Bjarte Knapstad

Spring 2017

The objective of this thesis is to optimise the performance of an initial Steel Lazy Wave Riser
(SLWR) configuration with regards to the combined loading criteria in the Offshore Standard
DNV-OS-F201: Dynamic Risers. This is done by conducting large scale parameter variations
for the configuration using the programming interface in the OrcaFlex analysis software. The
study considers the implementation of SLWRs in ultra-deep waters, in conjunction with a
Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel.

Being connected to a spread moored FPSO in a water depth of 2800 meters, the riser
configurations are analysed for typical extreme environmental conditions found in the Santos
basin off the coast of Brazil. By analysing the vessel response for different 100-year waves, the
worst conditions are determined in terms of the largest downward velocities experienced at
hang-off point. These parameters are used in combination with a 10-year current to study the
extreme response behaviour for the different configurations analysed.

From the design basis, an initial SLWR configuration is established and it is verified that it
meets the stated design criteria for combined loading and the wave induced fatigue. This
configuration is then subjected to parameter variations by altering the hang-off angle, total net
buoyancy force and length of buoyancy section. A total of 75 different configurations are
created and analysed under extreme environmental conditions to determine a better
configuration in terms of the combined loading utilisation. The findings are presented and a
comparison of selected configurations are given to better understand the effect of the parameter

The optimisation results show that all the configurations meet the Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
design criteria, and that the maximum utilisation experienced in the different cases varies
significantly. With tension being the main contributor for the combined loading in these water
depths, it is found that a combination of reduced hang-off angle and increased net buoyancy
force will improve the performance of the configuration. From the optimisation study, the best
configuration is determined and assessed for wave induced fatigue life. The fatigue results show
an increase in fatigue life, which also reflects the importance of reducing the top tension.

The work presented in this thesis provides information on how different parameters for a SLWR
in ultra-deep water affects the combined loading utilisation, and it is proven that this concept is
feasible for use in conjunction with a FPSO in these water depths.


First, I would like to thank Professor Daniel Karunakaran for the opportunity to write this thesis
under his guidance. He has always been available for any enquiry and been a very supportive
mentor through this whole period. His positive attitude and constructive feedback has been vital
for the progress and finalisation of this thesis.
Subsea7 for making me feel welcome and giving me a desk space in their office at Forus, this
gave me an opportunity to be close to the needed expertise on the many subjects and access to
analysis programs needed for this thesis.
Øystein Døskeland, Senior Engineer at Subsea7, the OrcaFlex and Python guru who time and
time again helped with programming and theoretical understanding to help with the progress of
this thesis.
Yuri Vladimirovic Novoseltsev for giving a basic introduction to the OrcaFlex-Python interface
and programming.
I would like to thank Professor Ove Tobias Gudmestad for helping me with defining the project
scope in the Marine Operations course, which led me to the topic for this Master thesis.
Adekunle Peter Orimolade, fellow at the University of Stavanger, for providing me with
answers for any questions regarding the topic and the use of the OrcaFlex software.
Abraham Aimuth Tewolde, my fellow student from UiS, I could not ask for a more supportive
and helpful desk mate. Thanks for all the good discussions and for increasing my skills in table
A big thank you to Svein Erik Nuland for taking the time to proofread and give feedback on
my work, and for helping me with the finalising of the thesis setup.
And to all my fellow students and lecturers at the University of Stavanger, thanks for the many
good memories over the past two years.

Stavanger, 13th of July 2017

Bjarte Knapstad

Table of contents

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................................I
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................................................................. II
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................ III
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................................................... VI
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................................... VIII
ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... IX

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 JUSTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 2 DEEPWATER RISER SYSTEMS ..................................................................................................... 5

2.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 5

2.2 FLEXIBLE RISERS ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 RIGID STEEL RISERS ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3.1 Steel Catenary Risers ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Steel Lazy Wave Risers .................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 HYBRID RISERS ............................................................................................................................................ 11

CHAPTER 3 DESIGN CODE .......................................................................................................................... 13

3.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 13

3.2 DNV-OS-F201 .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 DESIGN LOAD AND RESISTANCE EFFECT FACTORS ............................................................................................... 16
3.3.1 Design Load Effects ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.2 Resistance Factors ......................................................................................................................... 16
3.4 SERVICEABILITY LIMIT STATE .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE ................................................................................................................................. 17
3.5.1 Burst Criterion ............................................................................................................................... 17
3.5.2 Hoop Buckling ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.5.3 Combined Loading Criteria ............................................................................................................ 19
3.6 FATIGUE LIMIT STATE ................................................................................................................................... 21
3.7 ACCIDENTAL LIMIT STATE .............................................................................................................................. 22

CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN PREMISE ................................................................................... 23

4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 23

4.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 23

4.3 DESIGN BASIS AND ANALYSES......................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ........................................................................................................................... 24 Waves and Current ................................................................................................................... 24 Wave Spectrum ........................................................................................................................ 24 Soil Stiffness.............................................................................................................................. 25
4.3.2 VESSEL DATA ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Vessel Motion ........................................................................................................................... 26 Vessel Response Analysis ......................................................................................................... 28 Extreme Response Methodology ............................................................................................. 29
4.3.3 DESIGN DATA......................................................................................................................................... 30 Riser Properties and Design Life ............................................................................................... 30 Flex Joint ................................................................................................................................... 31 Internal Fluid Data .................................................................................................................... 32 Buoyancy Elements .................................................................................................................. 32 Hydrodynamic Coefficients ...................................................................................................... 33
4.4 Wall Thickness Sizing.......................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.1 RISER FATIGUE ........................................................................................................................................ 34 Fatigue Calculation ................................................................................................................... 38
4.5 DESIGN AND STUDY CASES ............................................................................................................................ 40
4.5.1 Initial Configuration....................................................................................................................... 40
4.5.2 Sensitivity and Optimisation study ................................................................................................ 41
4.6 SOFTWARE AND PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE..................................................................................................... 42
4.7 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA .................................................................................................................................. 44

CHAPTER 5 EXTREME RESPONSE AND FATIGUE ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 45

5.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 45

5.2 INITIAL STATIC CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................... 45
5.2.1 Static Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 46
5.2.2 Discussion of the Static Analysis ................................................................................................... 47
5.3 DYNAMIC RESPONSE ANALYSES ...................................................................................................................... 47
5.3.1 Results ........................................................................................................................................... 48 ULS ............................................................................................................................................ 48 ALS ............................................................................................................................................ 51
5.3.2 Remarks and Discussion of the Extreme Response Results .......................................................... 54
5.4 WAVE INDUCED FATIGUE .............................................................................................................................. 55
5.4.1 Results ........................................................................................................................................... 55
5.4.2 Remarks and Discussion of the Wave Induced Fatigue ................................................................. 57
5.5 VORTEX INDUCED VIBRATION FATIGUE ............................................................................................................ 58

CHAPTER 6 SENSITIVITY AND OPTIMISATION ............................................................................................ 60

6.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 60

6.2 OPTIMISATION RESULTS ................................................................................................................................ 60
6.3 DISCUSSION OF THE OPTIMISATION RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 63
6.4 WAVE INDUCED FATIGUE FOR THE OPTIMISED CONFIGURATION ........................................................................... 67

CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................ 69

7.1 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................. 69

Extreme Response Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 69
Sensitivity and Optimisation ........................................................................................................................ 70
Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 71
7.2 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 71

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................... 73

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................................................A-1

APPENDIX A – WALL THICKNESS CALCULATION .......................................................................................................... A-2

APPENDIX B – PYTHON SCRIPT................................................................................................................................ A-4
APPENDIX C – OPTIMISATION RESULTS................................................................................................................... A-11

List of figures

Figure 1: Different deep-water platforms and production concepts (Offshore Magazine, 2015)
.................................................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: Multilayer Flexible Pipe (NOV, 2017). ...................................................................... 7
Figure 3: SCR configuration (Subsea7, 2017) ........................................................................... 9
Figure 4: SLWR Configuration (Hoffman et al., 2010) ........................................................... 10
Figure 5: Hybrid riser principle (Sworn, 2005)........................................................................ 11
Figure 6: Buoyancy Supported Risers (Subsea7 for Petrobras, 2015) ..................................... 12
Figure 7: Design approach (DNV, 2010a) ............................................................................... 15
Figure 8: 10-year current profile .............................................................................................. 24
Figure 9: Local vessel and global coordinate system in reference to the four cardinal directions
.................................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 10: Illustration of the far, nominal and near offset position for the operational condition
.................................................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 11: Linearized cumulative Gumbel distribution of downward velocities maxima at hang-
off point. From these results, the associated seed number and time of occurrence for the worst
sea state was determined. ......................................................................................................... 30
Figure 12: Flex joint (Hutchinson oil & gas, 2017) ................................................................. 32
Figure 13: Blocked sea states ................................................................................................... 36
Figure 14: S-N curves in seawater with cathodic protection (DNV, 2010c). .......................... 38
Figure 15: Optimisation process using Python ........................................................................ 43
Figure 16: Sag-hog bend in static state .................................................................................... 46
Figure 17: Helical strakes (Bardot Group, 2017). .................................................................... 48
Figure 18: Range graph: Effective tension - ULS .................................................................... 49
Figure 19: Range graph: Bending moment - ULS ................................................................... 50
Figure 20: Range graph: LRFD utilisation - ULS .................................................................... 50
Figure 21: Range graph: Effective tension - ALS .................................................................... 52
Figure 22: Range graph: Bending moment - ALS ................................................................... 52
Figure 23: Range graph: LRFD utilisation - ALS .................................................................... 53
Figure 24: Extreme response summary (Orimolade et al., 2015). ........................................... 53
Figure 25: Range graph: Fatigue life - wave induced fatigue .................................................. 56
Figure 26: Range graph: Fatigue life for the upper 600 m of the riser with 30 mm wall thickness.
.................................................................................................................................................. 56

Figure 27: Wave induced fatigue for SLWR in a water depth of 1100 m (Orimolade et al., 2015).
.................................................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 28: Vortex induced motions (Bai and Bai, 2005). ........................................................ 59
Figure 29: Optimisation results for all far offset cases ............................................................ 61
Figure 30: Detailed image of the utilisation for the 6 degrees static hang-off angle ............... 62
Figure 31: Comparison of the different shape configurations .................................................. 65
Figure 32: Utilisation for buoyancy length vs. buoyancy force and hang-off angle ................ 66
Figure 33: Fatigue life for initial and improved configuration over the entire arc length ....... 68
*Remark: Figures without references are made by the author.

List of tables

Table 1: Description of loads according to DNV-OS-F201 (DNV, 2010a)............................. 16

Table 2: Load effect factors (DNV, 2010a) ............................................................................. 16
Table 3: Safety class and material resistance factor (DNV, 2010a)......................................... 17
Table 4: Design Fatigue Factors (DNV, 2010a) ...................................................................... 22
Table 5: Friction factors ........................................................................................................... 25
Table 6: Local coordinate system for the FPSO and riser hang-off point................................ 26
Table 7: Operational and accidental offsets ............................................................................. 27
Table 8: Worst sea state for the different offsets based on RAOs ........................................... 28
Table 9: Riser properties .......................................................................................................... 31
Table 10: Properties of buoyancy elements ............................................................................. 33
Table 11: Drag and mass coefficients ...................................................................................... 33
Table 12: Design and test pressure for wall thickness sizing ................................................... 34
Table 13: Pipeline Engineering Tool results ............................................................................ 34
Table 14: Wave directions and occurrence frequencies ........................................................... 35
Table 15: Stress Concentration Factor and S-N curve parameters used in the wave induced
fatigue analysis ......................................................................................................................... 39
Table 16: Load Cases ............................................................................................................... 40
Table 17: Parameter variation for the optimisation study ........................................................ 41
Table 18: Details of the SLWR configuration ......................................................................... 45
Table 19: Static results ............................................................................................................. 46
Table 20: Offsets, sea states and load factors used in ULS and ALS code-checks ................. 47
Table 21: Dynamic results ULS ............................................................................................... 48
Table 22: Dynamic results ALS ............................................................................................... 51
Table 23: Results from the wave induced fatigue analysis ...................................................... 55
Table 24: Performance comparison of the initial configuration versus the worst and best
configuration found for the 6 degrees static hang-off angle .................................................... 63
Table 25: Comparison of the wave induced fatigue life .......................................................... 67


BHR Bundled Hybrid Riser

CRA Corrosion Resistant Alloy
DLL Dynamic Link Library
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DoF Degrees of Freedom
FPU Floating Production Unit
GoM Gulf of Mexico
LF Low Frequency
LRFD Load and Resistance Factor Design
N/A Not Applicable
NPV Net Present Value
OS Offshore Standard
OSS Offshore Service Specifications
RFC Rain Flow Counting
RP Recommended Practice
SCR Steel Catenary Riser
SHR Single Hybrid Riser
SLWR Steel Lazy Wave Riser
TLP Tension Leg Platform
TTR Top-Tensioned Riser
VIV Vortex Induced Vibration
WF Wave Frequency

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
In the offshore oil and gas industry, the evolution has gone from a well being drilled off a pier
on the coast of California, to steel-jacket platforms and large gravity based structures in water
depths of several hundred meters (SPE International, 2015). These fixed platforms have an
economic and structural limit in which they are feasible (Odland, 2015), which has resulted in
the development of floating solutions for use in deeper waters. Since floating production units
(FPU) are to some extent able to move in all six Degrees of Freedom (DoF), there are challenges
related to the dynamic forces on connected equipment. Thus, the wellhead and valve-tree is
often moved from the topside and onto the seabed, known as a subsea solution, and from there
the well-stream is transported topside using a suitable pipe, called a riser.

Being the link between topside facilities and the subsea equipment, the riser is a key component
in the offshore oil and gas industry. From the early stage of exploration through to the
production, import and export of hydrocarbons, the riser plays a vital part. Therefore, it is paid
a lot of attention to ensure high availability while meeting all the stringent safety requirements
set for offshore oil and gas production (Kirkemo et al., 1999).

As the demand for energy has increased (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016), the
search for new hydrocarbon reservoir has pushed the frontier of oil and gas production into
deeper water in harsher environment. This has led to new riser solutions, and adaptation of
conventional riser technology to cope with the forces associated with floater motion and the
increased depth.

In Figure 1, different production concepts are shown, ranging from fixed platforms in shallow
waters through to FPUs in deep and ultradeep waters. In this thesis, shallow water will be
referred to as being below 500 m, deep waters in the range of 500 m to 2000 m and ultradeep
is more than 2000 m deep.

When going in to water depths greater than 450 m the choice of platform, as a rule of thumb, is
a FPU of some sort. The selection of type of platform depends on a range of factors such as net-
present-value (NPV) of development, motion characteristics, loadbearing and storage abilities
and many more considerations (Odland, 2015). Selection of production riser, is in turn based
on the type of host platform, water depth, environmental conditions, design pressure and
temperature, with the dynamic behaviour of the FPU as the main design driver.

Chapter 1:

Figure 1: Different deep-water platforms and production concepts (Offshore Magazine, 2015)

Production risers can be divided into two categories, rigid and flexible risers, and a combination
of these two is called a hybrid riser solution (Bai and Bai, 2012). Traditionally the flexible riser
solution has been the preferred solution for FPUs in shallow to deep-water field development,
whereas the rigid steel risers has been used for fixed platforms or as a top-tensioned riser
solution (TTR) for floating platforms with desirable motion characteristics, such as a Spar or
Tension-Leg Platform (TLP). Flexible risers can be laid in a wide range of configurations which
decouples the motion induced forces of the surface facility from affecting the touchdown region
by geometrical changes in the configuration, known as a compliant configuration. Even though
the flexible riser offers a range of beneficial properties and easy instalment, it has limitations
regarding large diameter bore in deeper waters and is much more expensive per meter than a
rigid steel solution (Phifer et al., 1994).

Targeting these issues, the use of compliant rigid steel risers has gained popularity lately and
become an attractive solution. One such being the steel catenary riser (SCR) concept, which in
its simplest form is a steel pipe suspended by its own weight in a near vertically direction from
a platform and then curves out into the horizontal plane at the seabed. These risers offer larger
production diameter at a lower cost, and has proven to be a good solution in combination with
low motion platforms. The first SCR was installed on the Auger TLP in the Gulf of Mexico
(GoM) in 1994 (Carter and Ronalds, 1998), and have since been applied in harsher
environments in combination with platforms with favourable motion characteristics. The
limitation of the SCR, is its ability to withstand vertical motions causing compression and
fatigue damages in the touchdown region, especially in combination with floaters in harsh
environments. A study conducted by (Karunakaran et al., 2002) targeted this problem by
varying the weight along the riser, using different types of coating with different densities,
which improved the dynamic performance of the concept. Still, the use of SCRs in combination
with large motion vessels in harsh environments poses a great challenge (Legras et al., 2013).

Chapter 1:

For application in harsh environments in conjunction with large motion vessels, the SCR
concept can be further modified by increasing its length and adding buoyancy elements over a
section of the riser, creating a wave configuration known as a Steel Lazy Wave Riser (SLWR).
This significantly improves its dynamic performance by allowing the wave section of the
configuration to comply with the motion of the topside vessel, thus absorbing a large part of the
forces and keeping them from reaching the touchdown area. By combining good dynamic
behaviour with the desired material properties needed for deep and ultradeep field development,
the use of the SLWR concept has been gaining popularity around the world.

As for all types of riser solutions, they must meet project requirements set by the oil company
and follow the design criteria specified in all relevant standards before realisation. This involves
studies where the design and configuration is analysed to verify the feasibility of different
solutions. In this process, many simulations and trials are executed to determine the best
possible configuration for each riser, which can be a time-consuming process if done manually,
but it doesn’t necessarily lead to an optimum solution. Consequently, there have lately been an
increased focus on optimising the SLWR configuration to obtain a best possible solution by use
of more automated solutions (Andrade et al., 2010). One such solution is to use programming
interfaces in the analysis software, which allows for programmed scripts to create files, change
parameters within the analysis software and collect the results in a systematic way.

1.2 Objective and Scope

The main objective for this thesis is to optimise an initial SLWR configuration by use of the
Python programming interface for OrcaFlex. The optimisation criteria will be based on
improving the utilisation factor in terms of the combined loading criteria presented in the
premise. All cases are considered for use in conjunction with a spread moored FPSO located in
the ultra-deep waters off the coast of Brazil.

The scope includes a brief presentation of different deep-water riser concepts with proven
merits currently in operation. An introduction to the reference standard, DNV-OS-F201:
Dynamic Risers, is given together with a presentation of the limit state design criteria used in
this study. A detailed description of each limit state is given along with the parameters used in
the analyses.

From listed material and field specific parameters, an initial SLWR configuration is determined
and extreme response and fatigue analyses are conducted based on given environmental
conditions. Methodology for determining the environmental parameters to be used for the

Chapter 1:

extreme response behaviour analyses are presented in detail. The environmental data selected
based on typical 100-year sea states in combination with a 10-year current found in this region.

The extreme response and fatigue results are presented and discussed to better understand the
dynamics of the system, and it is verified that the configuration meets the design criteria stated.
The end result will be a presentation of the findings done in the optimisation study. These design
cases are conducted by varying buoyancy length, buoyancy force and hang-off angle to
determine a more optimum configuration in terms of the combined loading utilisation for the
ULS design criteria. Discussion and conclusions will be done based on these results to better
understand the driving design factors in determining a best possible configuration for SLWRs
in ultra-deep waters.

1.3 Justification
With decreasing oil prices, the demand for more cost saving and optimised solutions in the oil
and gas industry has been in focus the last couple of years. This approach can be applied for
riser engineering by using more automated procedures in the engineering analyses.

The traditional way of analysing the global behaviour of a riser configuration has been to make
individual cases manually for all the different parameter changes, and then run simulation for
each case and manually do the post processing and comparison of the obtained results.

An emerging approach for large batch processing, is the use of programming interfaces which
allows for an easy and fast way of doing analysis. By use of a programming language, a script
can be made to create new files in the analysis software, change parameters and do post-
processing by collecting the results. This saves a lot of time in engineering hours and is a
convenient way of sorting out all undesired configurations, thus making it easy to focus on the
ones that gives the most promising results. This thesis will not address the optimisation in terms
of cost, installation and dimensioning of buoyancy modules, but rather focus on increasing the
performance of the SLWR based on the ULS criteria given in the reference standard.

Chapter 2 Deepwater Riser Systems
2.1 Introduction
The riser plays a part in the entire lifecycle of an offshore field development and can be divided
into the following concepts:

• Drilling riser
• Production riser
• Export riser
• Injection riser

The drilling riser is a rigid steel riser involved in exploration, completion, workover and
plugging operations and play a crucial role in the development and service of a well. This riser
is only in use for temporarily operations, whereas the remaining three concepts are installed on
a more permanent basis. The production, export and injection risers are in principle the same,
but serve different purposes in the field development and they are either made up of rigid steel
risers, flexible risers or a combination of the two, called a hybrid riser. For a field development,
the selection of riser concept depends on several factors, like cost, topside facility, water depth
and environmental conditions. In deep- and ultra-deep waters, where the topside facility
consists of a FPU, the main design driver will be the floater motions.

The riser arrangement is subjected to both internal and external loads, and must be design such
that it has a sufficient safety margin to withstand all subjected loads, such as:

• Platform/Vessel motions
• Pressure
• Weight
• Current
• Wave forces and fatigue
• Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV)
• Interference with auxiliary equipment and other risers

Chapter 2:
Deepwater Riser Systems

2.2 Flexible Risers

Flexible risers are pipes with high axial stiffness and low bending stiffness. These risers are
made up of several individual layers and can be divided in to two different categories, un-
bonded and bonded type. The difference being that the layers in the un-bonded riser is free to
move in relation to each other, whereas the bonded type “lock” the different layers together by
use of a polymer material. Bonded flexible pipes are usually only used for shorter sections, such
as topside jumpers. The un-bonded flexible riser has historically been the preferred solution for
production risers in combination with FPUs in shallow waters. With an operational history of
over 40 years, the concept has evolved to meet the demand for larger production bore, and the
challenges faced with the implementation in increased water depth. And as of 2014, there are
flexible risers certified for water depths of 3000m (Luppi et al., 2014).

A conventional un-bonded flexible riser, as shown in Figure 2, consists of a metallic inner

carcass to withstand the outer environmental pressure and a plastic pressure sheath to keep the
production fluids from mitigating to the annulus. For pressure containment, a hoop layer is spun
around the pressure sheath, then follows a paired tension layer that is spun in opposite directions
with wear-protective layers in between. The outer sheath consists of a thermoplastic material
that protects the metallic layers from the outside environment.

Due to its low bending stiffness and high axial strength, the flexible riser can be installed in
many different configurations and is able to take large motions and withstand the wave induced
motions from an FPU over time, ensuring good fatigue resistance (DNV, 2010b). It also offers
other benefits such as easy instalment, and it can be relocated and used again after
decommissioning. In recent years, composite materials have been introduced in the production
of flexibles to reduce weight, save cost and improve corrosion protection (Kalman et al., 2014).

Even though the flexible riser provides many desired properties and has an extensive track
record, it has its limitations when it comes to deep waters. Due to the increased external
pressure, the production bore is limited in these depths (Carter and Ronalds, 1998). This needs
to be taken into consideration in concept selection, together with the cost of construction, which
is much higher than compared to rigid steel risers.

Chapter 2:
Deepwater Riser Systems

Figure 2: Multilayer Flexible Pipe (NOV, 2017).

2.3 Rigid Steel Risers

Rigid steel risers are sections of pipe that are joined together to a desired length by welding,
flanges, threads or other means, and have traditionally been used in combination with fixed
platforms where they are supported laterally by the substructure (Chakrabarti, 2005). When
using FPUs and moving into deeper waters, the dynamic forces become more prevailing and
the implementation of rigid steel risers becomes more challenging. In this section, the two main
types of rigid steel riser concepts for deep-water production will be presented.

2.3.1 Steel Catenary Risers

The Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) is a single pipe that is coupled directly to the topside facility,
where it is suspended by its own weight from a near vertical direction topside to the horizontal
plane at the seabed. The shape of the configuration follows the catenary equation in static state,
hence the name, and the desired curve and shape of the configuration is determined by the
applied top tension of the riser. Figure 3 depicts the configuration and a typical composition of
the SCR in conjunction with a TLP. Due to its simple design and cost effectiveness in
construction, the SCR has become an attractive choice for deep-water field developments in
conjunction with low motion floaters.

Chapter 2:
Deepwater Riser Systems

This riser concept is categorised as a compliant riser, meaning that any floater motion is
absorbed by geometrical changes in the riser configuration without any motion compensation
equipment such as heave compensators (Voie and Sødahl, 2013).

For deep-water wet tree solutions, the SCR concept is a preferred solution since it can offer
large production bore at a low cost (Bai and Bai, 2005). The riser consists of steel segments
that are welded together and the steel quality and wall thickness is selected based on these

• Weldability
• External pressure
• Reservoir properties: pressure, temperature and corrosive well fluid
• Cost and installation methods
• Fatigue performance
• Topside weight budget

The riser is connected to the host platform by a flex joint at the top and can either be terminated
by a subsea termination module at the bottom, or be welded directly to the subsea flowline.

This concept has been gaining popularity since its first installation at the Auger field in the
GoM in 1994, and have later been installed in other regions such as Brazil, Indonesia and West
of Africa. It has proven merits in combination with various low motion floaters, such as TLP
and Spars, in these areas.

However, the use of SCRs in harsher environment has been challenging due to large floater
motions from waves and increased vessel offsets (Legras et al., 2013). Large heave, surge and
sway motions induce increased bending forces and poses great buckling issues in the
touchdown area and fatigue challenges resulting from riser-soil interactions. These design
challenges can be addressed by varying the weight along the riser using different density for
the applied coating. A study conducted by (Karunakaran et al., 2005) showed that increasing
weight in the upper section of the riser and having a light as possible cross-sectional weight in
the touch down area significantly improved dynamic behaviour of the SCR. Still there is a limit
in which the floater motions are to large and the SCR concept no longer will be a feasible
solution. Another design challenge is high hang-off tension in deep and ultra-deep waters.

Chapter 2:
Deepwater Riser Systems

Figure 3: SCR configuration (Subsea7, 2017)

2.3.2 Steel Lazy Wave Risers

To improve the dynamic performance of the SCR concept, it can be made with buoyancy
modules fitted along a part of the lower riser section. This creates a low lazy wave with the
ability to absorb the vertical motion of the FPU, thus preventing the forces from affecting the
touchdown area of the riser, and at the same time take some of the payload off the topside
vessel. This concept decouples the forces exerted by the FPU, thus significantly improving its
fatigue life and is known as a Steel Lazy Wave Riser (SLWR). For a best possible configuration,
a low curvature in the hog and sag bend is desired, as it limit the static stresses in this section
(Karunakaran et al., 1996). Since its first installation in the BC-10 field off the coast of Brazil
in 2008, it has been gaining popularity and have since been installed at several other field
developments around the world (Karunakaran and Frønsdal, 2016).

A schematic description of the SLWR is shown in Figure 4, and the length of the configuration
can be divided into four sections:

1. Upper catenary section

2. Buoyancy section
3. Lower catenary section
4. Bottom section

Chapter 2:
Deepwater Riser Systems

The upper section is mainly supported by the host vessel and is terminated at the hang-off point
with a desired angle in its static state, this section usually constitutes most of the riser length.
The buoyancy section is the part that provides lift force by attaching buoyancy modules along
a given length. The lower catenary section is the short section from the end of the buoyant part
to the touchdown point (TDP) on the seabed. Along the seabed, from the TDP to connection
point or riser-flowline transition point, lies the bottom section (Hoffman et al., 2010). The
height between the highest point on the hog bend and the lowest point on the sag bend is
described as the wave height of the riser.

This concept offers the many beneficial properties of the SCR while significantly improving its
dynamic behaviour, and is considered a suitable configuration for implementation in deep
waters and harsh environments in conjunction with large motion floaters. Compared to a SCR,
which normally has a horizontal spread of around 1-1.5 times the water depth, the SLWR will
consequently demand a larger spreading area due to its buoyant section. Having a longer spread
means that the increase in length will give larger fabrication and installation cost, and also the
added buoyancy elements contributes to a more complex and expensive design.

Figure 4: SLWR Configuration (Hoffman et al., 2010)

Chapter 2:
Deepwater Riser Systems

2.4 Hybrid Risers

A combination of rigid steel risers and flexibles is known as a hybrid solution. The first
installation of a hybrid riser was done at the Green Canyon Block 29 project in the GoM, 1988
(Fisher and Berner, 1988), and as of today there are a variety of different hybrid riser concepts
developed and installed, where the two main concepts are the Single Hybrid Riser (SHR) and
the Bundled Hybrid Riser (BHR). The SHR consists of a single independent steel riser solution,
whereas the BHR groups several lines together.

The principle for all hybrid riser concepts are the same, where a steel riser section is kept in
tension by use of a buoyancy tank at the top. And a flexible pipe links the FPU to the steel riser,
this decouples the dynamics of the vessel from affecting the steel riser. The basic principle of
this concept is shown in Figure 5, and consists of a suction anchor or gravity base, flexible joint,
steel riser tower, buoyancy section and a flexible pipe/umbilical connection at the top.

Figure 5: Hybrid riser principle (Sworn, 2005)

Benefits of using hybrid riser solutions are that they significantly reduce the payload on the
FPU, offer a small subsea footprint ensuring a good seabed layout, and they can be installed
before the topside facility is in place. The system can be assembled onshore where it is possible
to ensure better quality inspection, but onshore construction involves a tow-out of the riser,
which can affect the fatigue life significantly and also represent a risk of damage or loss of the

Chapter 2:
Deepwater Riser Systems

riser. Hybrid solutions are also very complicated systems that consists of many individual parts
and components, which adds to the cost. Typically, the overall cost of hybrid solutions tends
to be between the choice of the SCR/SLWR and Flexible risers, where the SCR usually is the
cheapest solution (Sworn, 2005).

Other installed hybrid concepts:

• Buoyancy Supported Riser (BSR), combines several SCRs with flexibles by use of a
large buoyancy module tethered to the seabed, see Figure 6. This concept has been
installed by Subsea7 in a water depth of 2200 meters for the Guara Lula project off the
coast of Brazil.
• Grouped Single Line Offset Riser (SLOR), groups several SHR together at a fixed
distance by use of a buoyant frame on top.
• Catenary Offset Buoyant Riser Assembly (COBRA), which consists of a SCR supported
by a buoyancy tank that is tethered to the seabed. This concept provides the advantages
of the SCR while removing the need for complicated bottom assemblies usually needed
for hybrid solutions.

Figure 6: Buoyancy Supported Risers (Subsea7 for Petrobras, 2015)

Chapter 3 Design Code
3.1 Introduction
In standard industry practice, the structural safety of risers in combination with floating
production systems has been designed to meet the Working Stress Design (WSD) criteria
according to standards, such as API RP 2RD, by using a single safety factor. This approach
accounts for all uncertainties by use of one single factor applied to the nominal yield strength,
thus the reliability and safety margin will rely on the selected factor applied (Kavanagh et al.,
2003). This design approach is accepted for well-known riser concepts and have long been the
practice, but the safety level of the design will vary a lot depending on the load condition. And
as new riser concepts came into operation while moving into deeper waters, a standard for more
specific design criteria and analysis procedures for all riser systems was needed.

As a result, the DNV-OS-F201 standard was developed from a Joint Industry Project (JIP)
between DNV, Sintef, several major oil and industry companies to make a standard that can be
applied to all riser concepts. It is also applicable for modifications, operation and upgrading of
existing risers, and is intended to serve as a common reference for designers, manufacturers and
end-users (Katla et al., 2001). This standard includes both a Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD) approach and a more conservative WSD format. The partial safety factors for loads
and strength in the LRFD approach are established by reliability analyses and are calibrated to
give a high reliability without compromising the safety of the system (Kavanagh et al., 2003).
In this chapter, the different limit states will be described and the design basis for a dynamic
riser with reference to the DNV-OS-F201 standard is presented.

3.2 DNV-OS-F201
“This standard gives criteria, requirements and guidance on structural design and analysis of
riser systems exposed to static and dynamic loading for use in the offshore petroleum and
natural gas industries.” [DNV-OS-F201: Dynamic Risers]

Design according to this standard provide a state-of-the-art limit state design for the riser that
is based on accepted practice with consensus in the industry. Figure 7 shows the design
approach for risers according to the reference standard. The Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD) is a reliability-based design format with partial safety factors used to ensure that the
effects of the factorised design loads do not exceed the factored design resistance for the
considered limit states.

Chapter 3:
Design Code

Design criteria is provided for the following limit states:

• Serviceability Limit State (SLS): Requiring the riser to remain in service and operate as
Limit state:
➢ Clearance
➢ Excessive angular response
➢ Mechanical function

• Ultimate Limit State (ULS): Requiring that the riser must remain intact and avoid
rupture, but not necessary be able to operate. In operational condition, this corresponds
to the maximum resistance against applied loads with an annual exceedance probability
of 10−2.
Limit state:
➢ Burst
➢ Hoop buckling (collapse)
➢ Propagating buckling
➢ Gross plastic deformation and local buckling
➢ Gross plastic deformation, local buckling and hoop buckling
➢ Unstable fracture and gross plastic deformation
➢ Liquid tightness
➢ Global buckling

• Accidental Limit State (ALS): Same as for ULS, but for accidental loads.
Limit state:
➢ Same as SLS and ULS

• Fatigue Limit State (FLS): An ultimate limit state due to damage from cyclic loading or
excessive fatigue crack growth.
Limit state:
➢ Fatigue failure

Chapter 3:
Design Code

Figure 7: Design approach (DNV, 2010a)

Chapter 3:
Design Code

3.3 Design Load and Resistance Effect Factors

3.3.1 Design Load Effects
In design checks, the load effect factors are used to account for extreme load effects with a
precise enough margin when checking the utilisation of the cross-section of the riser, in terms
of bending moment and effective tension in the combined loading criteria. The load effects are
specified in terms of Pressure, Functional, Environmental and Accidental load effects which
are categorised in the reference standard as shown in Table 1, and the listed factors for the
different limit states are given in Table 2.

Table 1: Description of loads according to DNV-OS-F201 (DNV, 2010a)

Table 2: Load effect factors (DNV, 2010a)

Functional load Environmental load Accidental load
Limit State effect factor effect factor effect factor
𝛄𝐅 𝛄𝐄 𝛄𝐀
ULS 1.1 1.3 NA
FLS 1.0 1.0 NA
SLS and ALS 1.0 1.0 1.0

3.3.2 Resistance Factors

There are two different safety factors implemented in the combined loading case, one is linked
to the actual safety class of the pipe in question, 𝛾𝑆𝐶 , and the other accounts for any material
and resistance uncertainties, 𝛾𝑚 . The safety class is defined based on consequence of failure

Chapter 3:
Design Code

regarding human life, environmental and economic consequences inn range of Low, Medium
or High. Safety class and material resistance factors are listed in Table 3.

Table 3: Safety class and material resistance factor (DNV, 2010a)

Safety class resistance factor, 𝜸𝑺𝑪
Low Medium High
1.04 1.14 1.26
Material resistance factor, 𝜸𝒎
1.15 1.0

3.4 Serviceability Limit State

As stated before, this limit state sets the requirements for normal operating condition in terms
of clearance, angular response and mechanical function. Acceptable limits are often set by the
owner, but it is also important that the designer evaluates the serviceability of the riser to
determine relevant criteria for the riser. FMEA and HAZOP are useful tools when identifying
limitations and determining consequences of exceeding the limitations. Operating procedures
shall clearly state all limitations and the assumptions they are based on. Some SLS with regard
to global riser behaviour are displacement, deflection, rotation and ovalisation of the pipe.
Excessive ovalisation of the pipe is not allowed and limitations shall be documented, such that
the total out-of-roundness is limited to 3% as stated in the following criteria:

𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝐷𝑚𝑖𝑛 Eq. 1

𝑓0 = ≤ 0.03
Some examples of SLS are listed in Section 5 of DNV-OS-F201, where one such criteria can
be weather limitations during riser installation to avoid riser interference.

3.5 Ultimate Limit State

Ultimate limit state ensures that the design can withstand the failure modes listed in section two
of this chapter and the checks emphasis on load controlled conditions.

3.5.1 Burst Criterion

To ensure the pipe integrity when subjected to net internal overpressure it must be designed to
satisfy the following criteria for all cross sections:

Chapter 3:
Design Code

𝑝𝑏 (𝑡1 )
(𝑝𝑙𝑖 − 𝑝𝑒 ) ≤ Eq. 2
𝛾𝑚 ∗ 𝛾𝑆𝐶

𝑝𝑙𝑖 = Local incidental pressure

= 𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑐 + 𝜌𝑖 ∗ 𝑔 ∗ ℎ

𝜌𝑖 = Density of internal fluid

𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑐 = Incidental pressure

= 1.1 ∗ 𝑝𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛

𝑝𝑒 = External pressure

𝑝𝑏 (𝑡1 ) = Burst resistance

2 2∗𝑡 𝑓
= ∗ 𝐷−𝑡1 min (𝑓𝑦 ; 1.15
√3 1

𝑡1 = Local incidental pressure

= 𝑡𝑛𝑜𝑚 − 𝑡𝑓𝑎𝑏

𝑡𝑛𝑜𝑚 = Nominal/Specified wall thickness

𝑡𝑓𝑎𝑏 = Fabrication negative tolerance

3.5.2 Hoop Buckling

If subjected to external overpressure, the pipe must be designed to satisfy the following criteria:

𝑝𝑐 (𝑡1 )
(𝑝𝑒 − 𝑝𝑚𝑖𝑛 ) ≤ Eq. 3
𝛾𝑚 ∗ 𝛾𝑆𝐶

𝑝𝑚𝑖𝑛 = Minimum internal pressure

𝑝𝑐 (𝑡) is the resistance against hoop buckling given in DNV-OS-F101 as:

(𝑝𝑐 (𝑡) − (𝑝𝑒𝑙 (𝑡)) ∗ (𝑝𝑐2 (𝑡) − 𝑝𝑝2 (𝑡)) = 𝑝𝑐 (𝑡) ∗ 𝑝𝑒𝑙 (𝑡) ∗ 𝑝𝑝 (𝑡) ∗ 𝑓0 ∗

Chapter 3:
Design Code


𝑝𝑒𝑙 (𝑡) = Elastic collapse pressure

𝑡 2
2∗𝐸∗( )
= 1−𝑣 2

𝐸 = Elastic modulus

𝑡 = Wall thickness of pipe

𝐷 = Pipe diameter

𝑣 = Poisson ratio

𝑝𝑝 (𝑡) = Plastic collapse pressure

=2 ∗ 𝐷 ∗ 𝑓𝑦 ∗ 𝛼𝑓𝑎𝑏

𝑓𝑦 = Material yield strength

𝛼𝑓𝑎𝑏 = Manufacturing process reduction factor

𝑓0 = Initial ovality of pipe, not to be taken less than 0.5%

𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 −𝐷𝑚𝑖𝑛
= 𝐷

3.5.3 Combined Loading Criteria

The acceptance criteria for combined loading, where the pipe is subjected to bending moment,
effective tension and net internal overpressure, the design needs to satisfy the equation
described as followed:

|𝑀𝑑 | 𝑝𝑙𝑑 − 𝑝𝑒 2 𝑇𝑒𝑑 2 𝑝𝑙𝑑 − 𝑝𝑒 2

{𝛾𝑆𝐶 ∗ 𝛾𝑚 } {( ∗ √1 − ( ) )+[ ] }+( ) ≤1 Eq. 4
𝑀𝑘 𝑝𝑏 (𝑡2 ) 𝑇𝑘 𝑝𝑏 (𝑡2 )


𝑀𝑑 = Design bending moment

= 𝛾𝐹 𝑀𝐹 + 𝛾𝐸 𝑀𝐸 +𝛾𝐴 𝑀𝐴

𝛾𝐹/𝐸/𝐴 = Load effect factors for Functional/Environmental/Accidental

Chapter 3:
Design Code

𝑀𝐹/𝐸/𝐴 = Bending moment from Functional/Environmental/Accidental loads

𝑇𝑒𝑑 = Design effective tension

= 𝛾𝐹 𝑇𝑒𝐹 + 𝛾𝐸 𝑇𝑒𝐸 +𝛾𝐴 𝑇𝑒𝐴

𝑇𝑒𝐹/𝑒𝐸/𝑒𝐴 = Effective tension from Functional/Environmental/Accidental loads

𝑇𝑘 = Plastic axial force resistance

= 𝑀𝑘 = 𝑓𝑦 ∗ 𝛼𝑐 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ (𝐷 − 𝑡2 )2 ∗ 𝑡2

𝑀𝑘 = Plastic bending moment resistance

= 𝑀𝑘 = 𝑓𝑦 ∗ 𝛼𝑐 ∗ (𝐷 − 𝑡2 )2 ∗ 𝑡2

𝑡2 = Nominal wall thickness

𝑓𝑦 = Material yield strength

𝐷 = Outer diameter

𝛼𝑐 = Flow stress parameter accounting for strain hardening

𝑇𝑘 = Plastic axial force resistance

𝑝𝑏 (𝑡2 ) = Burst resistance

2 2∗𝑡 𝑓
= ∗ 𝐷−𝑡2 min (𝑓𝑦 ; 1.15
√3 2

𝑡2 = 𝑡𝑛𝑜𝑚 − 𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟

𝑡𝑛𝑜𝑚 = Nominal/Specified pipe wall thickness

𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟 = Corrosion/Wear/Erosion allowance

𝑓𝑢 = Ultimate yield strength

𝑝𝑙𝑑 = Local internal design pressure

𝑝𝑒 = Local external pressure

Chapter 3:
Design Code

In the case of combined loading where the pipe is subjected to net over pressure, bending
moment and effective tension, the following equation applies:

|𝑀𝑑 | 𝑇𝑒𝑑 2 2
𝑝𝑙𝑑 − 𝑝𝑒 2 Eq. 5
{𝛾𝑆𝐶 ∗ 𝛾𝑚 } { + [ ] } + {𝛾𝑆𝐶 ∗ 𝛾𝑚 } ( ) ≤1
𝑀𝑘 𝑇𝑘 𝑝𝑐 (𝑡2 )

𝑝𝑐 (𝑡2 ) = Hoop buckling capacity

3.6 Fatigue Limit State

This ensures that the riser has adequately safety against fatigue damage over its intended
lifetime and ensures that all cyclic loadings in danger of causing fatigue damage is accounted

The standard lists two types of fatigue assessments that can be conducted to verify sufficient
fatigue resistance, these are:

• S-N curves:

𝐷𝑓𝑎𝑡 ∗ 𝐷𝐹𝐹 ≤ 1 Eq. 6


𝐷𝑓𝑎𝑡 = Accumulated fatigue damage (Palmgren-Miner rule)

𝐷𝐹𝐹 = Design fatigue factor according to Table 4.

• Crack propagation curves:

∗ 𝐷𝐹𝐹 ≤ 1 Eq. 7

𝑁𝑡𝑜𝑡 = Total number of applied stress cycles during service or to in-service inspection

𝑁𝑐𝑔 = Number of stress cycles necessary to increase the defect from initial to the
critical size

𝐷𝐹𝐹 = Design fatigue factor according to Table 4.

Chapter 3:
Design Code

Table 4: Design Fatigue Factors (DNV, 2010a)

Safety classes
Low Medium High
3 6 10

3.7 Accidental Limit State

ALS considers loads caused by abnormal conditions, technical failure or incorrect operation
and are loads that typically result from unplanned occurrences (DNV, 2010a). These loads are
typically discrete events that occurs with an annual frequency of less than 10−2 . Other loads
that might be present at the time of an accidental incident shall be accounted for, and based on
risk analyses and experience, all relevant failure criteria and accidental loads shall be
determined. In Section 5 of DNV-OS-F201, several accidental loads are categorised and listed,
and design against accidental loads are further described.

Chapter 4 Methodology and Design Premise
4.1 Introduction
Methodology and design parameters presented in this chapter will serve as the basis for
establishing an initial SLWR configuration in conjunction with an FPSO in the ultra-deep
waters off the coast of Brazil. Environmental data for typical extreme weather conditions found
in this area are presented, and the procedure for determining the worst sea state based on vessel
response is described. The data and methodology for calculating the fatigue life due to wave
induced fatigue is given, and the design cases to be conducted in the thesis are listed. Based on
the provided data in this chapter, the initial configuration will be modelled in OrcaFlex and all
environmental data are implemented in the analyses to verify that the design meets the stated
acceptance criteria. Thus, the design premise will be the verification of a safe design in
accordance with the reference standard, based on parameters and methodology given in this
chapter. This initial configuration will then be subjected an optimisation process with the aim
of improving the overall riser performance for the combined loading utilisation within the ULS
design criteria.

In addition to the reference standard, the following standards and technical specifications are

• DNV-OS-F101: Submarine Pipeline Systems

• DNV-RP-C203: Fatigue Design of Offshore Steel Structures
• DNV-OSS-302: Offshore Riser Systems
• NORSOK N-003:2017: Actions and actions effects

4.2 General Description

The chosen area for this study is the Santos basin, off the coast of Brazil. This region is located
several hundred kilometres from shore and stretches over an area of approximately 350 000
𝑘𝑚2 . The water depth in the Santos Basin ranges from 1900 m to 3000 m, and has shown to be
the most promising area for offshore exploration and production in the last decade.

For this thesis, a water depth of 2800 meters is chosen to study the behaviour of a SLWR in
ultra-deep waters. And being a field development located in ultra-deep waters far from shore,
the topside facility will be a spread moored Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
(FPSO) vessel with riser termination points along the sides.

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

4.3 Design Basis and Analyses

4.3.1 Environmental Data Waves and Current
The extreme sea states used for all analyses are described by typical 100-year waves and an
associated 10-year current found in this region. To determine the worst wave condition for the
SLWR a vessel response analysis is conducted, this is described in Section The velocity
profile for the current used is shown in Figure 8.

Current profile
Current speed (m/s)
0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4

Water depth





Figure 8: 10-year current profile Wave Spectrum

As the sea surface is composed of many various random waves of different lengths and with
varying periods, it can be difficult to describe the actual sea surface process. Waves being a
random phenomenon, it is generally described by probabilistic methods. For marine structure
design, there are two different methods to describe the wave environment, either by a
deterministic or a stochastic design method (Felisita, 2016). As for this thesis, a stochastic
design approach is used, where the sea surface is described by a wave spectrum, namely the
JONSWAP spectrum. The random waves modelled in OrcaFlex, will follow the JONSWAP
spectrum with a peak shape parameter, γ, that is adjusted for the Santos basin. This adjusted
shape parameter describes the extreme wave conditions experienced in the Santos basin. Where
single peak waves occur when strong winds are blowing with a long fetch in the same direction
as the dominant wave direction. And because of non-linear wave interactions, the high
frequency energy gradually feeds the lower frequencies and merges it into a single peak sea

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise Soil Stiffness

Oscillatory loads caused by vessel motions and current affects the overall performance of the
riser configuration, and can have significant impact on the fatigue life in the TDP region. This
is a result of complex riser-soil interactions, such as pipe penetrating into the soil and thus
increasing the soil resistance (Karunakaran et al., 2005). It is therefore important to implement
this interaction in the analyses by selecting a suitable model. The commonly used linear friction
model is selected for this thesis, and it treats the seabed as a linear spring in the normal and
shear directions. This results in a normal resistance that is proportional to the penetration of the
riser into the seabed, and the lateral displacement of the nodes along the riser from its initial
position. Suitable friction parameters were determined and are listed in Table 5.

Table 5: Friction factors

Riser-Soil Parameters
Value Unit
Normal 50 kN/m
Shear 200 kN/m
Normal Friction Coefficient 0.5 N/A
Axial Friction Coefficient 0.5 N/A

4.3.2 Vessel Data

The selected vessel is a typical spread moored FPSO used in this region. It is implemented in
the analyses with associated Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) to accurately describe the
vessel motion, the RAOs are confidential and not presented in this thesis. Using vessel specific
RAOs are important in riser design since they describe the vessels motional behaviour for the
different sea states. The origin of the RAOs is located at the centre of gravity of the vessel.

Figure 9 depicts the riser hang-off point and vessel heading, where the direction of the bow is
set to a South-SouthWest direction at 195° in clockwise direction from North. The local
coordinate system for the FPSO is located midship and the axis directions are listed in Table 6,
along with riser hang-off point with reference to the local coordinate system.

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Table 6: Local coordinate system for the FPSO and riser hang-off point
Axis Description Riser hang-off (m)
X Bow direction 0
Y Portside direction 31
Z Upward direction 11.6

Figure 9: Local vessel and global coordinate system in reference to the four cardinal directions Vessel Motion

Vessel motion contributes to both static and dynamic loading on the riser and DNV-OS-F201
lists three main design data needed for riser design:

1. Static offset:

For station keeping, the vessel is moored in place by catenary mooring lines at each corner of
the ship. These lines ensure that the vessel will not drift off, but it allows for some movement
from its nominal position, this is known as vessel offset and is caused by the combination of
wave loads, current and wind.

For accidental situations, where there is failure in one or more of the mooring lines, the offset
can be larger and these offsets need to be considered when analysing the riser to ensure safe
operation at all times. For a riser, the most critical situations are when the vessel is subjected to
wind, waves and current that moves in the same direction as the riser length, either away or
towards the subsea connection, known as far or near offset respectively. Figure 10 shows the

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

nominal position of the FPSO in comparison with the near and far offsets for the intact mooring

The mean static offsets used in this study for the intact and accidental mooring condition is set
to 5.5% and 6.6% of the water depth, as presented in Table 7. Where the accidental case is
considered as complete loss of one mooring line.

Table 7: Operational and accidental offsets

Condition Offset in % of water depth Offset in meters
Intact 5.5 154
Accidental 6.6 184.4

2. Wave Frequency motions:

Wave Frequency (WF) motions are a direct result of first order waves acting on the vessel in
periods between 3-25 seconds and are usually given as the vessels RAOs (DNV, 2010a). The
behaviour of the vessel in different sea states are described by its RAOs, which is a transfer
function for converting wave forces into vessel motion in all six degrees. Having its origin at
the centre of gravity of the vessel, it transforms the wave energy spectrum to response
spectrum at any point in reference to its origin (Gemilang, 2015).

3. Low Frequency motions:

The Low Frequency (LF) motions are motions due to wind gust and second order wave
forces, and is typically ranging in periods between 30 to 300 seconds. These are response
frequencies below wave frequency that can be harmonic with the eigenperiod of the floater
(DNV, 2010a).

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Figure 10: Illustration of the far, nominal and near offset position for the operational condition Vessel Response Analysis

The SLWR is sensitive to downward forces exerted by the motion of the topside vessel (Kim
and Kim, 2015). These forces contribute to increased bending moment in the hog-bend and can
cause compressive forces in the touchdown region. Thus, it is important to determine under
which conditions the largest downward forces are experienced, and these forces occur when the
vessel is moving with a high velocity in the downward vertical direction.

To determine under which sea states this occurs, the 100-year wave contour for all directions
must be assessed against the vessels RAOs. This is important to accurately capture which
combination of sea state and wave heading results in the largest downward velocity for the
hang-off point in question. Consequently, a set of typical 100-year wave parameters were
studied to determine under which conditions the riser hang-off point experienced the largest
downward velocity. The results presented in Table 8 were found for the Near and Far offset
position in accordance with the wave directions provided by Subsea7.

Table 8: Worst sea state for the different offsets based on RAOs
Hs (m) Tp (s) Wave direction
Near 6.6 11.5 East-SouthEast
Far 6.5 12.5 West-NorthWest

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise Extreme Response Methodology

As the riser is sensitive to large downward velocities, it is important to determine under which
modelled sea-states these velocities occur. By registering the response maxima for several
realisations, sufficient statistical confidence can be provided determine under which conditions
this occurs.

The wave generator in OrcaFlex creates a time history of wave heights. This wave spectrum is
divided into several sine waves of constant amplitude and pseudo-random phases that are
generated by a random number generator and a seed number. This means that for a given seed
number, the wave will always have the same phase and result in the same wave-train in the
software. Consequently, several seed numbers are assigned to determine the worst combination
for the two sea states. For this study, it was done by running 3 hours simulations with increments
of 5 for the seed numbers between 200 and 600. With 80 different realisations, the results were
studied and the largest downward velocity at hang-off point was registered. According to
NORSOK N-003:2017, at least 30 simulations should be conducted to provide adequate
statistical confidence when fitting the observed extremes to a probabilistic model.

By fitting the observed maxima to a Gumbel distribution, the target extreme value was
estimated for a 90% percentile of the fitted distribution. This approach is in accordance with
NORSOK-N003:2017 for sea states with an annual exceedance probability of 10−2. The graphs
in Figure 11 shows the linearized cumulative Gumbel distribution of the downward velocity
maxima for the two sea states in question. The associated seed number for the closest maxima
above the target value was determined and the time of occurrence in the simulation was
registered for both cases. These results will be used for running short-term simulations over the
worst sea-states found, thus saving time in analyses. This approach is in accordance with the
reference standard and provides an adequate statistical confidence in the extreme response

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Figure 11: Linearized cumulative Gumbel distribution of downward velocities maxima at hang-off point. From
these results, the associated seed number and time of occurrence for the worst sea state was determined.

4.3.3 Design Data Riser Properties and Design Life
The properties presented in Table 9 will serve as the basis for all riser configurations and a
design life of 25 years is chosen for this thesis. Selected riser material is made up of regular
carbon steel in accordance with the API Specification 5L – Steel pipe for pipeline transportation
systems, where the API X65 steel grade is chosen.

In this field development, the presence of 𝐻2 𝑆- and 𝐶𝑂2-gas is assumed in the well-stream,
which are chemical compositions known to react to regular carbon steel, thus the riser must be
designed for sour service by using internal cladding, known as Corrosion Resistant Alloy
(CRA) cladding. In the analyses, the cladding will be modelled with applicable material
properties, but not given any structural strength.

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Table 9: Riser properties

Description: Value: Unit:
Internal diameter 254 mm
Internal Cladding thickness 3 mm
Riser wall thickness 1 30 mm
Riser wall thickness 2 28 mm
Riser wall thickness 3 25 mm
Steel material density 7850 kg⁄
Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS) 448,2 MPa
Specified Minimum Tensile Strength (SMTS) 530,9 MPa
Design Pressure 50 MPa
Elastic modulus 207 GPa
Poisson ratio 0,3 −
Internal cladding density 8440 kg⁄
External coating thickness 40 mm
External coating density 850 kg⁄
m3 Flex Joint

The riser will be connected to the FPSO by use of a flex joint which allows the riser to rotate
with minimum bending moment (Bai and Bai, 2005). These joints usually incorporate an
alternating lamination of spherically shaped steel and rubber components inside a steel structure
that is welded to the riser, see Figure 12. This composition allows for rotational movement
about both a vertical and horizontal axis (Grealish et al., 2007). The limitation for the angular
deflections about its initial longitudinal axis, known as the cocking angle, is typically ± 20°.

In the analyses, the flex joint will be modelled as a pinned joint with no rotational stiffness in
the global analysis of the riser, since it will not influence the riser response in extreme loading
conditions. Whereas for the fatigue analysis, the rotational stiffness will influence the fatigue
response and will be implemented (Legras et al., 2013). For this analysis, the rotational stiffness
is set to 20 kN*m/degree and is considered to be good representation of the actual stiffness in
a conventional flex joint.

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Figure 12: Flex joint (Hutchinson oil & gas, 2017) Internal Fluid Data

For this study, the internal fluid considered has a density of 800 kg/m3 and its associated design
pressure at the seabed is set to 50 MPa. Buoyancy Elements

To reduce the payload of the riser and to improve fatigue life, the riser is fitted with buoyancy
elements along a section of the riser. These elements are usually made up of syntactic foam
with a much lower density than water and each module is fitted with a clamp to secure them in
place. To achieve the desired lazy wave configuration, these modules are spread out over a
section of the pipe at a given interval, known as pitch, and provide enough buoyancy force to
carry the weight of the riser and its content.

For the initial case, a total net buoyancy force of 150 tonnes is used and the dimensions of the
modules are listed in Table 10. In the Orcaflex model, the buoyant section is modelled as an
equivalent line with the same total buoyancy force as exerted by the total number of buoyancy
modules. The optimum number and dimensions of the buoyancy modules will not be addressed
in this thesis, and the pitch will be fixed at 6 meters for all cases. For the optimisations studies,
the length of each module is also fixed and the outer diameter is adjusted for the total buoyancy
force needed in each case.

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Table 10: Properties of buoyancy elements

Description Value Unit
Length 3 m
Inner diameter 0.39 m
Outer diameter 1.3 m
Material density 395 kg/m3
Clamp weight 25 kg
Pitch 6 m Hydrodynamic Coefficients

For slender structures, the hydrodynamic loading can be expressed by the Morison equation in
terms of fluid velocities and acceleration (DNV, 2010a). The Morison equation is derived from
experiments and includes two coefficients, one for drag and one for mass. These coefficients
depend on several parameters, including both Keulegan-Carpenter and Reynolds number and
surface roughness of the body. This means that the coefficient will change in terms of varying
velocities, wave periods and the presence of marine growth. As a conservative approach, the
use of a constant value for the entire length of the riser can be opted (Orimolade, 2014).

In the standard used for this study, the approximation of steady flow over a bare circular pipe
recommends a drag coefficient between 0.7 and 1.0 and 1.0 for added mass. The inertia, or
mass, coefficient is taken as 𝐶𝐼𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑎 = 𝐶𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 + 1 in accordance with DNV-OS-F201.

The conservative approach is selected for this study and it is assumed that the coefficients used
accounts for any marine growth on the riser. Added mass and drag coefficients used, for both
riser and buoyancy modules, are given in Table 11. To account for the installation of strakes in
the top section of the riser, a higher drag coefficient is implemented for a length of 1950 meters
for the initial configuration.

Table 11: Drag and mass coefficients

Drag Coefficients Added Mass
Description: Normal Axial Form Axial Skin Normal Axial
Riser 1 - - 1 -
Riser with strakes 1.4 - - 1 -
Buoyancy module 1 1 0.01 1 0.5

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

4.4 Wall Thickness Sizing

Determining the needed wall thickness is crucial to verify the pipes ability to withstand both
internal and external overpressure in the system. This is done by use of the Pipeline Engineering
Tool (PET), which is a software developed by DNV for calculating needed wall thickness in
accordance with DNV-OS-F101: Offshore standard for pipeline systems.

The results were obtained by implementing the material inputs from and the design and test
pressures set for this thesis, see Table 12. Calculated wall thickness determines the minimum
required wall thickness with respect to propagation buckling, burst and collapse pressure.

Table 12: Design and test pressure for wall thickness sizing
Description Input (MPa) Ref. from sea-level (m) Content density (kg/m3)
Design Pressure 50 -2800 800
Test pressure 57.77 -2800 1000

Being a production riser, the safety class is set to high and the required wall thickness calculated
for the different failure modes are shown in Table 13. From these results, the propagating
buckling yields the highest required minimum wall thickness. Usually this is not taken into
consideration, since it can be controlled using buckle arrestors fitted along the length of the
riser. This means that a wall thickness of 25 mm will be sufficient, in terms pressure loads.
Complete reports for pressure containment, collapse and propagating buckling assessment is
given in Appendix A – Wall Thickness Calculation.

Table 13: Pipeline Engineering Tool results

Failure Mode Condition Safety Required Utilisation
Class thickness
Burst Operation High 11.84 0.498
Burst System test System test 10.38 0.439
Collapse Empty High 24.29 0.966
Propagating buckling Empty High 31.97 1.657

4.4.1 Riser fatigue

Due to time constraints, only the wave induced fatigue damage is calculated in this study,
whereas the fatigue caused by Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIV) is briefly described.

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Since the wave induced fatigue is mainly caused by the vessels motion in response to the sea
state, typical wave data from the Santos basin are implemented in the fatigue analysis. The
distribution of total significant wave heights and primary spectral peak periods are based on
data tabulated at 3 hours interval of a total of 227136 hours. The data is confidential and is not
shown in its entirety in this work.

The wave scatter diagram arranges the number of occurrences with regards to Hs and Tp
intervals, ranging from 0-11m and 3-21s respectively. For the wave directions, the 13 most
prevailing ones are used. The occurrence frequency and directions used, are listed in Table 14,
where the direction of the wave is in reference to the global coordinate system in Orcaflex as
stated in Section 4.5.

Table 14: Wave directions and occurrence frequencies

Wave direction Frequency
NorthEast 330° 20.37%
East-NorthEast 307.5° 14.87%
East 285° 6.69%
Beam Port -10 280° 2.43%
Beam Port -5 275° 2.37%
Beam Port 270° 2.16%
Beam Port +5 265° 2.16%
Beam Port +10 260° 2.16%
East-SouthEast 250° 2.73%
SouthEast 240° 8.94%
South-SouthEast 217.5° 9.12%
South 195° 10.97%
South-SouthWest 182.5° 15.03%
Total: 100%

The wave scatter diagram is grouped into 21 blocks, where the highest occurring sea state in
each block is selected to represent all sea states within its block and is marked by a red X, as
shown in Figure 13.The lumped probability of occurrence for each block is calculated and
implemented in the fatigue analysis, in accordance with procedure in the reference standard,
where the fatigue damage from each blocked sea state is calculated for all directions in .

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Figure 13: Blocked sea states

The fatigue capacity will be estimated by use of S-N curves, which expresses how many stress
cycles it takes until failure under a constant stress range, and is expressed as followed:

𝑁 = 𝑎̅ ∗ 𝑆 −𝑚 Eq. 8

Or equivalently as:

log(𝑁) = log(𝑎̅) − 𝑚 ∗ log(𝑆) Eq. 9


𝑁 = Number of stress cycles to failure

𝑎̅ = Empirical constant derived from experiments

𝑚 = Empirical constant derived from experiments

𝑆 = Stress range

The stress range is determined by use of stress concentration factor and thickness correction
factor to the nominal stress range:

𝑡3 Eq. 10
𝑆 = 𝑆0 ∗ 𝑆𝐶𝐹 ∗ ( )

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise


𝑆0 = Nominal stress range

𝑆𝐶𝐹 = Stress concentration factor

(𝑡 ) = Thickness correction factor

𝑡3 = Pipe wall thickness

𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑓 = Reference wall thickness = 25 mm

𝑘 = Thickness exponent

The Stress concentration factor is implemented to account for any geometrical imperfections
that may cause stress magnification in two adjacent joints. This factor can be calculated using
finite element analysis or alternatively by a closed form expression, like the following for
welded riser joints:

3𝑒 𝐷 −0.5
𝑆𝐶𝐹 = 1 + ∗ exp (− ( ) ) Eq. 11
𝑡3 𝑡3

𝑒 = Eccentricity caused by geometrical imperfections

The total fatigue damage will be determined by counting the stress cycles in the simulation
period by the Rain Flow Counting (RFC) method.

To accumulate the fatigue damage caused by the stress cycles, the Palmer-Miner rule is used:

𝑛(𝑆𝑖 )
𝐷=∑ Eq. 12
𝑁(𝑆𝑖 )


𝑛(𝑆𝑖 ) = Number of stress cycles with range 𝑆𝑖

𝑁(𝑆𝑖 ) = Number of stress cycles to failure

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise Fatigue Calculation

The analysis will be conducted according to the S-N curve approach in the reference standard.
These curves represent the magnitude of stress to the number of cycles to failure for different
types of welds used for steel material based on specimens tested in laboratories (DNV, 2010c).
The S-N curves in DNV-RP-C203 are based on mean-minus-two-standard-deviations curves
for relevant experimental data and are associated with a 97.5% probability of survival for
operation within its limits. The definition of failure is given as, the time it takes for a crack to
develop through the entire material thickness at any point.

Figure 14 shows the highlighted curves that will be used in this study. The assessment of the
C2-, D and E-curves, for S-N curves in seawater with cathodic protection, are selected. From
the analysis, it is expected that the fatigue life for the C2-curve will yield the best performance,
followed by the D- and E-curve respectively. Emphasis will be given for the D-curve by
assuming that a sufficient weld quality for the cladded pipe is obtained (Legras et al., 2013).

The fatigue calculation will be conducted by the built-in fatigue analysis program in OrcaFlex,
where 1 hour simulation for all 273 load cases will be implemented to provide adequately data.
The total occurrence of each sea state and direction is weighted by the combined occurrence of
the two, and are calculated for the total number of hours present annually. The fatigue damage
is then calculated by the rainflow counting method and the cumulative fatigue is calculated for
16 circumferential points along the entire riser length. The applied parameters for the different
S-N curves are given in Table 15.

Figure 14: S-N curves in seawater with cathodic protection (DNV, 2010c).

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Table 15: Stress Concentration Factor and S-N curve parameters used in the wave induced fatigue analysis
SCF 1.2
Thickness correction factor – 25 mm 1
Thickness correction factor – 28 mm 1.0059
Thickness correction factor – 30 mm 1.011
𝑵 ≤ 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝑚1 = 3
loga̅1= 11.901
𝑵 ≥ 𝟏𝟎𝟔 m2 = 5
loga̅2 = 15.835
Thickness correction factor – 25 mm 1
Thickness correction factor – 28 mm 1.008
Thickness correction factor – 30 mm 1.023
𝑵 ≤ 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝑚1 = 3
loga̅1= 11.764
𝑵 ≥ 𝟏𝟎𝟔 m2 = 5
loga̅2 = 15.606
Thickness correction factor – 25 mm 1
Thickness correction factor – 28 mm 1.008
Thickness correction factor – 30 mm 1.023
𝑵 ≤ 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝑚1 = 3
loga̅1= 11.610
𝑵 ≥ 𝟏𝟎𝟔 m2 = 5
loga̅2 = 15.350

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

4.5 Design and Study Cases

Several design cases will be studied in this thesis to improve the performance of a riser
configuration subjected to a 10-year current in combination with a 100-year sea state, each case
will be analysed for the worst response behaviour located in simulation.

4.5.1 Initial Configuration

The initial configuration will be based on parameters listed in this Chapter and is designed in
accordance with the reference standard to meet ULS and ALS design criteria, and FLS in terms
of the wave induced fatigue. Results from the strength and fatigue analyses will be discussed
and presented in a tabulated form for the sections listed in Table 16, along with range graphs
for the entire riser length.

Table 16: Load Cases

Offset Results Sections considered
Static Nominal • Effective tension ➢ Top, sag-, hog-bend and TDP
• Bending moment ➢ Sag-, hog-bend and TDP
• LRFD utilisation ➢ Top, sag-, hog-bend and TDP
Dynamic - Near & • Angle variation ➢ Hang-off point
ULS Far • Effective tension ➢ Top, sag-, hog-bend and TDP
• Bending moment ➢ Sag-, hog-bend and TDP

• LRFD utilisation ➢ Top, sag-, hog-bend and TDP

Dynamic - Near & • Angle variation ➢ Hang-off point

ALS Far • Effective tension ➢ Top, sag-, hog-bend and TDP
• Bending moment ➢ Sag-, hog-bend and TDP

• LRFD utilisation ➢ Top, sag-, hog-bend and TDP

Dynamic - Nominal • Wave induced ➢ Top, sag-, hog-bend and TDP

FLS fatigue life

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

4.5.2 Sensitivity and Optimisation study

The objective of this thesis is to find an optimum configuration within the design premise based
on the combined loading utilisation for each case. The optimisation procedure will be done by
creating a set of new configurations and varying key parameters to study the extreme response
behaviour for the ULS design criteria in the near and far offset position. The parameter
variations to be performed are given in Table 17 and results in a total of 75 different
configurations that will result in 225 different load cases, when including the nominal position.

Table 17: Parameter variation for the optimisation study

-10% -5% Initial +5% +10% Units
Buoyancy force 135 142.5 150 157.5 165 Tonnes
Buoyancy length 360 380 400 420 440 m
Hang-off angle 6 7 8 degrees

General observations made for these cases are presented, and the following results will be
presented for the worst and best configuration, in comparison with the initial one:

• Hang-off angle: Static, maximum and minimum

• Top tension: Static, maximum and minimum
• Bending moment: Maximum and minimum
• LRFD Utilisation: Static, maximum and minimum

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

4.6 Software and Programming Language

The OrcaFlex software is a program for dynamic analysis of offshore marine systems, and it is
provided with a programming interface for different programming languages, such as C++,
Matlab and Python. This interface makes it possible to run several analyses in steps and do
post-processing of the results in an automated manner.

For this thesis, the Python programming language was chosen. This open-source programming
language is free-for-all to use and there are several compatible code editors available for
download online. The syntax is made to be simple, easy to learn and comes with built in
functions and modules for a vast range of applications. And since OrcaFlex is provided with a
Dynamic Link Library (DLL), named OrcFxAPI, it can be imported in to the Python script to
access some of the many functions within OrcaFlex. This makes it possible for a programmed
script to both write to and read from a OrcaFlex file.

The process of making a script that performs the desired operations in an automated process is
quite extensive, and requires good knowledge about programming and functional use of
OrcaFlex. Consequently, a lot of work and many weeks were spent on understanding and
learning the basics of Python programming language before an optimisation process could be
started. By gradually learning the basic commands needed, several scripts were made to change
individual parameters within a base file for OrcaFlex. These were then integrated in to one
single programmed script that created all the files needed to do the optimisation study for the
225 cases listed. With very good help and instructions from in-house competence at Subsea7
the final script was made together with a second script that collects the desired results from
each load case and write it to an Excel file. Figure 15 shows a very simplified flowchart for
how the two scripts where used in the optimisation process, parts of the main script is given in
Appendix B – Python Script.

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

Figure 15: Optimisation process using Python

Chapter 4:
Methodology and Design Premise

4.7 Acceptance Criteria

Combined loading:

The acceptance criteria for all cases studied in this thesis will be the combined loading criteria,
which considers correlation between moment, tension and pressure differences along the entire
length of the riser and is described by the following generic equation (Katla et al., 2001, DNV,

𝑔(𝑡) = 𝑔(𝑀𝑑 (𝑡), 𝑇𝑒𝑑 (𝑡), ∆𝑝, 𝑹k , Λ) ≤ 1 Eq. 13

For extreme value prediction:

𝑔𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≤ 1


𝑀𝑑 = Design bending moment

𝑇𝑒𝑑 = Design effective tension

∆𝑝 = Local difference pressure

𝑹k = Vector of cross sectional capacities

Λ = Vector of safety factors

By using this approach, it will automatically account for the correlation between effective
tension and bending moment, such that an optimal design can be determined that allows for a
higher utilisation compared to a WSD approach.


Being a production riser, the safety class is set to High with a corresponding design safety factor
of 10 for the wave induced fatigue calculation. Having a design life of 25 years, this results in
a minimum fatigue life of 250-years for the acceptance criteria. VIV induced fatigue is not
assessed in this thesis due to time restriction.


To avoid overall column buckling of the riser due to axial compression, the occurrence of
excessive negative effective tension must be limited.

Chapter 5 Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the initial static configuration based on the data provided in Chapter 4 is
presented and extreme response analyses conducted. All modelling, simulations and analyses
were conducted in OrcaFlex and the results are presented for critical sections.

Based on all given parameters, the initial configuration was determined with emphasis on the
following design philosophy:

• Low sag and hog bend curvature to reduce excessive bending forces.
• Height between seabed and sag bend must be sufficient to avoid impact loads and
excessive compressive forces in all sea states, especially for the near offset case.
• Total net buoyancy force to obtain desired configuration.

5.2 Initial Static Configuration

A total net buoyancy force of 1471.5 kN was deemed suitable for this configuration and some
key parameters for the layout in nominal position is presented in Table 18. A cropped picture
of the sag and hog-bend area, see Figure 16, shows the wave configuration with measurements
of the wave, seabed-sag and seabed-hog height.

Table 18: Details of the SLWR configuration

Description: Value Unit
Hang-off angle 7 °
Upper catenary length 3250 m
Buoyant section length 400 m
Lower catenary length 293 m
Bottom section length 1133 m
Total net buoyancy force 1471.5 kN
Wave height 55 m
Seabed to sag-bend height 180 m
Seabed to hog-bend height 403 m

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

Figure 16: Sag-hog bend in static state

5.2.1 Static Analysis

Based on given parameters, a suitable static configuration of the SLWR in nominal offset
position is considered. In static state, no environmental loads are present and it is only subjected
to functional loads such as weight of riser, applied top tension and pressure loads. Table 19
presents the results obtained from the analysis of the static configuration.

Table 19: Static results

Effective tension (kN)
Top 5089
Sag-bend 739
Hog-bend 739
TDP 739
Bending moment (kN*m)
Sag-bend 95
Hog-bend 140
TDP 93
LRFD utilisation
Top 0.30
Sag-bend 0.21
Hog-bend 0.25
TDP 0.21

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

5.2.2 Discussion of the Static Analysis

From the results, it is seen that the top tension is quite large, this is mainly caused by the sheer
weight of the upper catenary section with content, which is suspended for a height of
approximately 2620 metres. The horizontal force exerted at the top is relatively small compared
to the total top tension, and can be read as the effective tension found in the sag-, hog-bend and
TDP. The largest utilisation is found to be 0.30, and is also located at the top.

5.3 Dynamic Response Analyses

In dynamic analyses, both functional and environmental loads are considered to verify the
integrity of the riser in extreme sea states. Each analysis was conducted by running short term
simulations over the worst sea state found in Section The analyses implemented a
combination of 100-year waves and a 10-year current in-line with the riser for both ULS and
ALS design conditions. Table 20 presents a summary of the applicable load factors used,
together with the environmental data and vessel heading for the two design cases. For both the
ULS and ALS design in this section, the increased drag coefficient is used to account for the
instalment of strakes along the top section of the riser. Figure 17 illustrates a section of helical
strakes fitted on a pipe length.

Table 20: Offsets, sea states and load factors used in ULS and ALS code-checks
Offset Hs Tp Wave + Current Load factors:
Position: (m) (m) (s) heading γF / γE / γA
Nominal 0 6.5 12.5 270° 1.1 / 1.3 / -
Far -154 6.5 12.5 270° 1.1 / 1.3 / -
Near 154 6.6 11.5 90° 1.1 / 1.3 / -
Offset Hs Tp Wave + Current Load factors:
Position: (m) (m) (s) heading γF / γE / γA
Nominal 0 6.5 m 12.5 s 270° 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
Far -184.8 6.5 m 12.5 s 270° 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
Near 184.8 6.6 m 11.5 s 90° 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

Figure 17: Helical strakes (Bardot Group, 2017).

5.3.1 Results
In this section, the results from the analyses are presented in terms of range graphs of the entire
riser length and tabulated results for critical parts of the riser configuration. ULS
Table 21 lists the results obtained for critical sections of the configuration and the complete
results in terms of effective tension, bending moment and LRFD utilisation are presented in the
range graphs in Figure 18, Figure 19 and Figure 20.

Table 21: Dynamic results ULS

Offset Position: Far Near
Hang-off angle (degrees)
Maximum 13.8 13.5
Minimum 3.4 5.1
Variation 10.4 8.4

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

Max effective tension (kN)

Static top tension 5251 4986
Top 8035 6629
Sag-bend 2350 818
Hog-bend 2474 805
TDP 2280 582
Bending moment (kN*m)
Sag-bend 201 145
Hog-bend 293 227
TDP 121 135
LRFD utilisation
Top 0.74 0.51
Sag-bend 0.40 0.29
Hog-bend 0.51 0.38
TDP 0.26 0.27

Effective Tension - ULS



Tension (kN)






1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Arc length (m)

Far Near

Figure 18: Range graph: Effective tension - ULS

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

Bending Moment - ULS



Moment (kN*m)




1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Arc length (m)

Far Near

Figure 19: Range graph: Bending moment - ULS

LRFD Utilisation - ULS









1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Arc length (m)

Far Near

Figure 20: Range graph: LRFD utilisation - ULS

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis ALS
Table 22 lists the results obtained for critical sections of the configuration and the complete
results in terms of effective tension, bending moment and LRFD utilisation is presented in the
range graphs in Figure 21, Figure 22 and Figure 23.

Table 22: Dynamic results ALS

Offset: Far Near
Hang-off angle (degrees)
Maximum 14.3 13.2
Minimum 3.9 4.9
Variation 11 8.3
Max effective tension (kN)
Static top tension 5286 4973
Top 8127 6620
Sag-bend 2536 793
Hog-bend 2684 770
TDP 2495 538
Bending moment (kN*m)
Sag-bend 211 148
Hog-bend 308 236
TDP 119 141
LRFD utilisation
Top 0.57 0.40
Sag-bend 0.35 0.27
Hog-bend 0.44 0.35
TDP 0.22 0.25

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

Effective Tension - ALS




Tension (kN)






1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Arc length (m)

Far Near

Figure 21: Range graph: Effective tension - ALS

Bending moment - ALS



Moment (kN*m)





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Arc length (m)

Far Near

Figure 22: Range graph: Bending moment - ALS

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

LRFD Utilisation - ALS








1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Arc length (m)

Far Near

Figure 23: Range graph: LRFD utilisation - ALS

Figure 24: Extreme response summary (Orimolade et al., 2015).

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

5.3.2 Remarks and Discussion of the Extreme Response Results

The following observations were made from the results obtained for the extreme response

• Compared to the static configurations in the different cases, there is a significant

increase in effective tension, bending moment and higher utilisation factor in the
extreme response analyses. This indicates that the environmental loads have significant
impact on the overall performance of the riser.
• The maximum utilisation factors observed for both ULS and ALS are below unity,
which implies a safe design in accordance with the acceptance criteria for combined
• Tension is the main contributor for the combined loading utilisation and is a result of
the weight of riser and content in this water depth, combined with the applied top
• The largest utilisation occurs at the hang-off point for the far offset position in both
cases, where the far ULS resulted in 0.74 and the far ALS is 0.57. It should be noted
that the maximum utilisation for the ALS is lower than ULS, despite the longer offset
range and higher top tension. This is a result of the reduced load effect factors applied
for the ALS design criteria.
• Maximum effective tension is observed at hang-off point in the accidental far offset
position, where there is an 35% increase in tension compared to its static state.
• Maximum bending moment is experienced in the hog-bend section for the far accidental
offset position. This is believed to be a result of fluctuations in the wave configuration
caused by the high tension in the riser. By increasing the height between the sag- and
hog-bend, see Figure 16, these rapid and dynamic bending moments can be reduced.
• The bending moment at TDP increases for the near offset positions in both cases,
resulting in a higher utilisation for this section.
• There are no compressive forces observed in any of the analyses.
• The angle variations for all cases are within the limitations for the flex joint described.

Based on the extreme response analyses, it is evident that the configuration meets all acceptance
criteria for both ULS and ALS, as stated in the premise.

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

For SLWRs in more shallow waters, the bending moment is usually the main contributor for
the combined loading. As a comparison, the results from a study conducted by (Orimolade et
al., 2015) is presented in

Figure 24. This table lists the extreme response results for the intact and accidental mooring
condition for a similar SLWR in conjunction with a turret moored FPSO. The configuration is
subjected to typical harsh environmental conditions found in the North Sea, in a water depth of
1100 meters. The intact and accidental mooring conditions for this study are 10% and 12% of
the water depth, respectively.

From these results, the maximum effective tension is also experienced at hang-off in the far
offset position, but are relatively small compared to the scenario in this thesis. On the contrary,
the bending moments are larger for the sag-, hog-bend and TDP in the referred study. This is a
result of the larger offset conditions used, but it is evident that the bending moment is the main
contributor for the combined loading utilisation. Based on these observations, it can be seen
that the top tension becomes the driving factor for the combined loading when moving into
ultra-deep waters.

5.4 Wave induced Fatigue

Wave induced fatigue damage is calculated following the procedure described in Section 4.4.1
and the results are presented as the total fatigue life for the critical sections listed. Being a
production riser, the safety class is set to high by using a factor of 10 for the wave induced
fatigue calculation. Having a 25-year design life, this corresponds to a minimum fatigue life of

5.4.1 Results
Table 23: Results from the wave induced fatigue analysis
Fatigue life (years)
C2-Curve D-Curve E-Curve
15 m below flex joint 414 253 155
Sag bend 310 064 183 281 101 496
Hog bend 26 730 15 810 8 812
TDP 1 427 169 843 611 467 170

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

Fatigue life




Life (years)







500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Arc length (m)

C2-Curve D-Curve E-Curve

Figure 25: Range graph: Fatigue life - wave induced fatigue

Upper section fatigue life



Life (years)




100 200 300 400 500 600

Arc length (m)

E-Curve C2-Curve D-Curve

Figure 26: Range graph: Fatigue life for the upper 600 m of the riser with 30 mm wall thickness.

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

5.4.2 Remarks and Discussion of the Wave Induced Fatigue

Due to the large top tension caused by the weight of the riser in these water depths, the wave
induced fatigue analysis turned out to be more complex and time consuming than planned. And
several adjustments for the wall thickness had to be done to meet the stated acceptance criteria.
Originally the wall thickness for entire riser length was set to 25 mm, but due to poor fatigue
life in analysis, the upper catenary section of the configuration had to be improved.

The largest contributor to the poor fatigue performance, was the large axial forces experienced
in the upper region of the riser, due to the weight of the riser and its content. The amount of top
tension affects the stiffness and natural frequencies of the riser, which in turn governs the
behaviour of the configuration in relation to the vessel motions, this can be compared to the
pre-tensioning of SCRs. A study conducted by (Martins et al., 2000) shows that an increase in
applied top-tension for a SCR increases the accumulated fatigue damage in this region.

Consequently, the wall thickness of the riser had to be increased to 30 mm for the top 600
metres and 28 mm for the following 1400 metres of the upper catenary to improve fatigue life.
By doing so, the top tension increases because of the added weight of the increased wall
thickness, but it provided sufficient fatigue performance in the case of the C2-curve and D-
curve at 15 metres below the top termination point, as seen in Table 23. Usually the top 5 to 15
metres of the top section will be installed with a tapered pipe length to improve fatigue
performance in this region, but still the upper section should be further analysed with an
additional increase in wall thickness to provide sufficient fatigue life.

From the results presented in Figure 25, it is found that the sag-, hog-bend and TDP provides
satisfactory fatigue life in this analysis and is well above the limit set by the acceptance criteria
given in Section 4.7. For SLWRs in more shallow waters, these parts of the riser usually exhibit
lower fatigue performance compared to its upper section and is more sensitive to the load
transfer caused by the vessel motions. In the work conducted by (Orimolade et al., 2015), the
TDP was the most sensitive region in terms of the wave induced fatigue. This fatigue study was
performed for a 10" SLWR with a wall thickness of 25 mm in a water depth of 1100 metres. It
is analysed in conjunction with a turret moored FPSO using typical harsh environmental
conditions found in the North Sea, West of Scotland. Figure 27 shows the calculated fatigue
life for that riser, where the first 1240 metres is the upper catenary section of the configuration.

Comparing the two results, it is evident that the increased axial force in the upper catenary
section for the ultra-deep water configuration is a large contributor to the fatigue damage in this

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

region. But it should be noted that the increased stiffness of the upper section also seems to
dampen the cyclic stresses experienced in the sag-, hog-bend and TDP.

Figure 27: Wave induced fatigue for SLWR in a water depth of 1100 m (Orimolade et al., 2015).

5.5 Vortex Induced Vibration Fatigue

Since the VIV induced fatigue is not assessed in this thesis, a presentation of this phenomena
is given instead. VIV occurs when the flow of fluid over a structure starts shedding vortices on
the opposite side of the structure, with respect to the flow direction. This unsteady flow
phenomenon can happen under certain conditions, where the vortices detach in a periodical
manner from opposing sides, causing the structure to oscillate. If the vortex shedding frequency
matches the resonance frequency of the structure, it will cause the structure to resonate and the
oscillation can become self-sustaining (Odland, 2015). Any oscillatory motion will to some
extent cause cyclic loading in the structure, thus contributing to the fatigue damage. And this is
an important issue to address in riser design, especially when moving into deep waters with the
presence of strong currents. Figure 28 illustrates the two directions in which the pipe will
oscillate, the combination of these directions results in an 8-figure motion.

A riser suspended in deep waters will be more susceptible to VIV induced fatigue, because of
(Bai and Bai, 2005):

Chapter 5:
Extreme Response and Fatigue Analysis

• Strong currents are usually present in deeper waters

• Increase in riser length reduces its natural frequency, thus lowering the required fluid
velocity needed to achieve exiting shedding frequencies.
• The use of FPUs eliminates the possibility of clamping the riser to a fixed structure.
• Magnitude and directional changes in the current can result in several modes of the riser
that can be excitation into VIV.

To analyse the VIV induced fatigue damage, it is important to:

• Determine the eigenfrequencies and modes of the riser, for different current directions.
• Find the most dominating frequencies among the eigenfrequencies.
• Analyse the response of the frequencies when the riser is subjected to different current
• Calculate the accumulated fatigue damage from VIV using applicable methods, such as
S-N curves.
• Verify if the riser configuration meets the design criteria, usually a fatigue life of more
than 20 times its intended service life, or if VIV-suppressive measures needs to be
• If measures need to be taken, redo the analysis with VIV-suppressors included.

The two most common ways of suppressing VIV, is to install fairings or helical strakes for
critical sections of the riser. These works by disrupting the fluid flow over the riser, and a
typical helical strake is seen in Figure 17. The helical strakes are fixed in position, whereas the
fairings are free to rotate depending on the direction of the current.

Figure 28: Vortex induced motions (Bai and Bai, 2005).

Chapter 6 Sensitivity and Optimisation
6.1 Introduction
In this Chapter, the results from the optimisation study is presented and discussed. The
optimisation is based on the initial configuration with the aim of improving the overall
performance within the ULS design criteria for combined loading. The procedure follows the
same methodology as the initial one, apart from the increased drag coefficient, thus neglecting
the presence of strakes fitted in the upper catenary section since these were not modelled in the
simulations. Consequently, the dynamic response results will vary somewhat compared to the
ULS results previously presented. All the files were created by use of a programmed script for
the 75 configurations given in Table 17 and resulted in a total of 225 load cases. The obtained
results for all load cases can be seen in its entirety in Appendix C – Optimisation Results.

6.2 Optimisation Results

From the optimisation process, it was clear that the Far offset positions resulted in the poorest
performance for all configurations. Consequently, these will be compared and the maximum
utilisation factor found in all the 75 Far offset cases are plotted in Figure 29. This graph shows
the maximum utilisation factors found in each case, and these are plotted against the static hang-
off angle for each case for the nominal offset position, represented on the x-axis. Each line
represents the combination of the fixed buoyancy length and buoyancy force versus static hang-
off angle for that configuration, where the marked spot on the lines highlights the individual

When considering the different hang-off angles, in terms of combined loading utilisation, it is
evident that the 6 degrees static hang-off resulted in the best performance in all cases. The two
outer edges for this hang-off angle are highlighted in Figure 30, for the best and worst case.
These are compared to the initial configuration in Table 24 to study the difference in extreme
response behaviour between the three cases.

Chapter 6:
Sensitivity and Optimisation

Static hang-off angle vs. Buoyancy force and

Buoyancy length








6 7 8
Static hang-off angle

A. 135Te and 360m B. 135Te and 380m C. 135Te and 400m

D. 135Te and420m D. 135Te and 440m E. 142.5 Te and 360m
F. 142.5Te and380m G. 142.5Te and 400m H. 142.5Te and 420m
I. 142.5Te and 440m J. 150Te and 360m K. 150Te and 380m
L. 150Te and 400m M. 150Te and 420m N. 150Te and 440m
O. 157.5Te and360m P. 157.5Te and 380m Q. 157.5Te and 400m
R. 157.5Te and 420m S. 157.5Te and 440m T. 165Te and 360m
U. 165Te and 380m V. 165Te and 400m W. 165Te and 420m
X. 165Te and 440m

Figure 29: Optimisation results for all far offset cases

Chapter 6:
Sensitivity and Optimisation

Figure 30: Detailed image of the utilisation for the 6 degrees static hang-off angle

Chapter 6:
Sensitivity and Optimisation

Table 24: Performance comparison of the initial configuration versus the worst and best configuration found for
the 6 degrees static hang-off angle
Design case: 6° 6°
D- Initial T-configuration Units:
Net buoyancy force 135 150 165 Tonnes
Buoyancy length 440 400 360 m
Hang-off angle static 6 7 6 Degrees
NEAR Offset position
Hang-off angle static 6,89 7,74 7,10 Degrees
Hang-off angle max 12.08 12.97 12.31 Degrees
Hang-off angle min 3.55 4.40 3.77 Degrees
Hang-off angle range 8.54 8.57 8.54 Degrees
Top tension max 6702 6631 6510 kN
Top tension static 5019 4977 4878 kN
Top tension min 3288 3295 3276 kN
Bending moment max 196 234 340 kN ∗ m
Bending moment min 142 178 280 kN ∗ m
Utilization max 0.52 0.51 0.55 N/A
Utilization static 0.30 0.29 0.48 N/A
Utilization min 0.19 0.18 0.46 N/A
FAR Offset position
Hang-off angle static 8.01 9.20 7.86 Degrees
Hang-off angle max 12.56 13.71 12.39 Degrees
Hang-off angle min 2.12 3.26 1.98 Degrees
Hang-off angle range 10.44 10.46 10.45 Degrees
Top tension max 7912 7939 7515 kN
Top tension static 5217 5215 5060 kN
Top tension min 1858 1880 2081 kN
Bending moment max 281 279 291 kN ∗ m
Bending moment min 27 43 88 kN ∗ m
Utilization max 0.732 0.738 0.667 N/A
Utilization static 0.33 0.33 0.31 N/A
Utilization min 0.12 0.12 0.13 N/A

6.3 Discussion of the Optimisation Results

Sensitivity study and general observations made from the optimisation study:

• Reducing the static hang-off angle reduces the maximum utilisation for all
configurations. This is in accordance with the observations made in Section 5.3 and
shows that decreasing the applied top tension reduces the maximum utilisation factor.
• Among all configurations, the D-configuration combined with an 8° hang-off angle
resulted in the worst utilisation. This is a consequence of applied top tension, low net

Chapter 6:
Sensitivity and Optimisation

buoyancy force in combination with the longest buoyancy section, causing the centre of
buoyancy to be further away from the upper catenary section than for the shorter lengths.
• When reducing the buoyancy length for a fixed buoyancy force, the utilisation factor
reduces in most cases. This is a result of the way this optimisation study is conducted,
where the upper section has a fixed length. Such that when reducing the buoyancy
length, the centre of buoyancy moves towards the upper catenary section, thus exerting
more lift for this section. Though this is not the case for all configurations as seen for
the top line in Figure 32. This indicates that there more factors come into play, such as
bending moment becoming more prevailing for some configurations.
• An increase in buoyancy force decreases the utilisation factor for all combinations of
buoyancy length and hang-off angle, again this is a result of the high tension being the
main contributor in the combined loading.
• Comparing the O-configuration with the W-configuration, it is seen that the maximum
utilisation is equal for the 6° hang-off case and for the 7° case, the O-configuration
performs better than in the case of the W-configuration. Considering the 8° case, the
opposite happens. These observations are made for other comparisons as well. And this
indicates that at a certain point, the performance obtained for a large buoyancy force
spread over a longer section, can be achieved by less buoyancy force spread over a
shorter section. This can be seen more clearly in Figure 32, where the different
combinations of static hang-off angle and buoyancy force are plotted in terms buoyancy
length on the x-axis and utilisation on the y-axis.
• There are no compressive forces found in any of the configurations.
• The top angle variation for all cases are within the limitations for the flex joint.

Observations made for the comparison study in:

• The largest hang-off angle in both near and far offset position is experienced by the
initial configuration, and the smallest angle is found in the far offset position for the T-
configuration. The hang-off angle range variation is within the acceptable limit and is
found to be the approximately the same for all configuration for the different offset
• The highest tension is found at the top of the initial configuration in the far offset
position, and is a consequence of this configuration having a larger static hang-off angle
resulting in higher applied top tension. The maximum tension experienced is slightly
higher for the initial, compared to the D-configuration for the same offset position.
Chapter 6:
Sensitivity and Optimisation

• The ratio between the maximum tension and the static tension for the initial
configuration in far offset position is 1.52, whereas for the T-configuration it is
decreased to 1.48, indicating an important improvement in the configuration.
• The T-configuration results in the highest utilisation factor for the near offset position,
this is a result of the large buoyancy force applied in combination with the shortest
buoyancy length. As a result, this configuration experiences a lower curvature in the
hog-bend and increased bending moment in this region, see Figure 31. Still the
utilisation is within good margins at 0.55.
• The highest utilisation factor found in the comparison is 0.738, and is for the initial
configuration in the far offset position. This is a result of the applied top tension,
buoyancy force and buoyancy length as described earlier.

From these results, it is seen that by reducing the static hang-off angle, increasing the total net
buoyancy force or moving the centre of buoyancy towards the upper catenary will all result in
a lower utilisation factor. And that a combination of all these provided the best solution for the
framework set for this study. For SLWRs in more shallow waters (Orimolade et al., 2015), this
might not be the case since bending moments will be more dominating. Thus, the use of
increased buoyancy force over a shorter section may contribute to larger bending moments,
resulting in a higher utilisation factor.

Shape configuration
500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Water depth (m)

6° D-configuration
6° T-configuration
Initial configuration
-1800 Buoyancy


Horisontal distance (m)

Figure 31: Comparison of the different shape configurations

Chapter 6:
Sensitivity and Optimisation

Buoyancy length vs. Static hang-off angle and

Buoyancy force
6 degrees and 135Te 6 degrees and 142.5Te 6 degrees and 150Te
6 degrees and 157.7e 6 degrees and 165Te 7 degrees and 135Te
7 degrees and 142.5Te 7 degrees and 150Te 7 degrees and 157.7e
7 degrees and 165Te 8 degrees and 135Te 8 degrees and 142.5Te
8 degrees and 150Te 8 degrees and 157.7e 8 degrees and 165Te








360 380 400 420 440

Figure 32: Utilisation for buoyancy length vs. buoyancy force and hang-off angle

Chapter 6:
Sensitivity and Optimisation

6.4 Wave Induced Fatigue for the Optimised Configuration

Being the configuration with the lowest utilisation factor, the 6° T-configuration was selected
for an additional wave induced fatigue analysis, to see how the riser would perform. Since the
top tension is reduced compared to the initial configuration, it is expected that the fatigue life
will be improved because of this. The results for the critical sections are presented in Table 25,
together with the results from the initial configuration. A comparison of the calculated fatigue
life over the entire arc length is shown in Figure 33.

Table 25: Comparison of the wave induced fatigue life

Fatigue life (years)
C2-Curve D-Curve E-Curve
6° T-configuration from optimisation study
15 m below flex joint 479 290 176
Sag bend 490 236 289 782 160 474
Hog bend 35 957 21 257 11 825
TDP 4 560 855 2 695 957 1 492 953
Initial configuration
15 m below flex joint 414 253 155
Sag bend 310 064 183 281 101 496
Hog bend 26 730 15 810 8 812
TDP 1 427 169 843 611 467 170

Observations made when comparing the wave induced fatigue life of the 6° T-configuration
with results for the initial configuration:

• The fatigue life is improved over the entire arc length for all S-N curves in comparison
to the initial configuration.
• At 15 meters below hang-off point, the calculated fatigue life is 290 years for the T-
configuration following the D-curve, this is a 37-year increase compared to the initial
• The decrease in top tension results in better fatigue performance for the wave induced
fatigue and the findings are in accordance with the observations and remarks made in
Chapter 5.

Chapter 6:
Sensitivity and Optimisation

Fatigue life comparison




Fatigue life (years)






500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Arc length (m)

Optimised C2-curve Optimised D-curve Optimised E-curve

Initial C2-Curve Initial D-Curve Initial E-Curve

Figure 33: Fatigue life for initial and improved configuration over the entire arc length

Chapter 7 Conclusion and Recommendations
7.1 Conclusion
This thesis has presented an initial 10" production SLWR configuration that were subjected to
several parameter adjustments to improve the LRFD utilisation of the configuration. All
configurations were considered for deployment in the ultra-deep waters off the coast of Brazil,
in conjunction with a high-motion vessel. Riser modelling and analyses have been performed
by use of OrcaFlex and its programming interface.

The vessel used in the studies, is a typical spread moored FPSO with associated RAOs. As the
vessel motions is the main design driver for dynamic risers, a detailed vessel response analysis
is conducted for typical 100-year waves to determine the worst response. With the combination
of the 100-year waves and a 10-year current, several analyses are presented to verify the
integrity of the riser in extreme sea states, and the wave induced fatigue is calculated for two of
the configurations.

Extreme Response Analysis

From the results of the extreme response analyses, it is shown that the SLWR can be
implemented in ultra-deep waters in conjunction with a spread moored FPSO. It has been
analysed under typical extreme environmental conditions found in the Santos basin off the coast
of Brazil, and the results have shown that it is able to withstand the subjected loads.

The riser met both the ULS and ALS design criteria, and the highest utilisation factor was found
at the top of the riser in the operational far offset position. The maximum utilisation in this case
was 74%, and the main contributor is the resulting top tension due to the weight of the riser. A
maximum top tension of 8127 kN was registered in the accidental far offset position. Maximum
bending moment was also observed in the accidental far offset position, and was located in the
hog-bend. Even though the riser were subjected to larger forces for the accidental mooring
condition, the combined loading utilisation is less than for the ULS due to lower load factors
being applied for the ALS design criteria.

Following the S-N curve approach in the reference standard DNV-OS-F201, the wave induced
fatigue life was calculated for a total of 273 load cases. This was done by blocking the wave
scatter diagram into 21 blocks with lumped probability of occurrence and calculating the total
damage for the 13 most prevailing wave directions. The analysis showed that the most critical

Chapter 7:
Conclusion and Recommendations

area was the top section, which resulted in increased wall thickness for the upper catenary
section of the riser.

With a design life of 25 years, the calculated fatigue life must be more than 250 years. This was
not achieved for the top 15 meters, and it is assumed that this will be covered by a tapered
section. The fatigue life at 15 meters was found to be 254 years for the D-curve and 414 years
for the C2-curve. The rest of the riser length showed very good fatigue performance against the
wave induced fatigue. The VIV induced fatigue was not assessed in this study due to time
constraints, and is listed as recommendation for further work.

Sensitivity and Optimisation

After establishing an initial configuration that met the design criteria, it was subjected to several
parameter changes with the aim of improving the utilisation factor. This was done by using the
programming interface for the OrcaFlex software, which made it easy and quick to create a
wide range of different configurations based on the initial one. By varying the net buoyancy
force, buoyancy length and static hang-off angle, a total of 75 different configurations were
analysed for the ULS design criteria. This resulted in a total of 225 load cases, including
nominal, far and near offset position. Results from these load cases were then obtained and
analysed to find an improved configuration with regard to the combined loading criteria.

The analyses showed that all configurations met the ULS design criteria. It was evident that by
decreasing the static hang-off angle and shortening the buoyancy section, while increasing the
total net buoyancy force, lowered the utilisation factor in nearly all cases. These results are in
accordance with the observations made in the extreme response analyses, where it was
concluded that the top tension was the main contributor for the combined loading utilisation.
By decreasing the static hang-off angle, the applied top tension is decreased. The way the
optimisation procedure was conducted in this study, the reduction in buoyancy length caused
the centre of buoyancy force to be shifted toward the upper catenary section, thus reducing the
top tension. Combining a shorter buoyancy length with increased buoyancy force further
reduced the utilisation factor, even though this increased the maximum bending moment
experienced in the hog-bend.

A comparison study between the initial configuration and the best and worst of the 6° static
hang-off configuration showed how the parameter variations affected the performance of the
configuration. And it was concluded that the 6° configuration with the shortest buoyancy
section and largest net buoyancy force yielded the best results in terms of the objective stated

Chapter 7:
Conclusion and Recommendations

in this thesis. This configuration was analysed for wave induced fatigue, which resulted in a
calculated fatigue life of 290 years at 15 meters below hang-off point.

From the extreme response and wave induced fatigue analyses it is shown that the SLWR
concept can be implemented in ultra-deep waters in conjunction with a spread moored FPSO.
It is found that the tension experienced in these depths is the main contributor for the combined
loading, whereas for more shallow waters, the bending moment tends to be more prevailing.
High tension also affects the SLWRs performance for the wave induced fatigue, resulting in
increased wall thickness in the upper section.

Analyses show how parameter changes can improve the utilisation factor for a SLWR within
the ULS design criteria given in the offshore standard DNV-OS-F201: Dynamic Risers. And
from a total of 75 different configurations created in the optimisation study, it is established
which one performs best in terms of the combined loading criteria.

Conclusive remarks made for SLWR configurations in these water depths, is that a small static
hang-off angle seems to be desirable to reduce the applied top tension. A large net buoyancy
force spread over a suitable section will also relieve the tension felt at the top, thus improving
both the utilisation factor and the wave induced fatigue performance.

7.2 Recommendations
Based on the analyses and results presented in this thesis, a good insight in the implementation
of SLWRs in ultra-deep waters is given and its integrity in extreme sea states is verified. By
adjusting different parameters for the initial configuration, it is shown that the performance of
the riser is affected and that there are many considerations to take when designing a SLWR in
these water depths. Even though this thesis covers the main aspects of designing and analysing
a SLWR, still there are more analyses and further studies that should be conducted. And the
following recommendations are made:

• Perform VIV-induced fatigue analysis for SLWRs in these water depths and asses the
need of VIV suppressive devices to verify sufficient fatigue life.
• Wall thickness sizing in the upper catenary section. Do analyses with varying wall
thicknesses and section length to improve fatigue life, and to determining a better
sectioning of the upper catenary.

Chapter 7:
Conclusion and Recommendations

• Increase the number of parameter variables in the optimisation study. Further work
should be conducted by altering the height of the upper catenary and including more
design parameters in the optimisation study.
• Perform analyses with varying water depth to determine when the effective tension
becomes the main contributor in the combined loading criteria.
• Do optimisation study where cost, installation and riser performance are all included.

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Appendix A

Appendix A – Wall Thickness Calculation

PET Design Inputs and Code Check Results

Appendix A

PET Pressure Containment Report:

Appendix B

Appendix B – Python Script

Parameter variation script:

from OrcFxAPI import *

from numpy import sign
import numpy as np
from math import *
import pylab as plt
from os import system
from scipy.optimize import fmin as cg

def setBuoyancyProperties(m):

global normPip,buoyPip,riserName

pipMass = m[normPip].MassPerUnitLength
pipSteelOD = m[normPip].OD
pipID = m[normPip].ID - 2*m[normPip].LiningThickness #SJEKK ENDRING
pipCD = m[normPip].Cdx
pipCDa = m[normPip].Cdz
pipAM = m[normPip].Cax
coatingT = m[normPip].CoatingThickness
pipOD = pipSteelOD + 2.*coatingT

# Buoyancy modules fixed properties
buyMassHdw = 0.025 #Buoy hardware mass
buyMassDens = 0.395 #Buoy material density
buyLen = 3.0 #Buoyant Length

buyCDaf = 1.0 #Axial form buoy

buyCDas = 0.01 #Axial skin buoy
buyCD = 1.0 #Drag coeff buoy
buyAM = 1.0 #Added mass buoy
buyAMa = 0.5 #Axial added mass buoy
buyOD = 1.3 #Initial Buoyant Diameter

# Calculate the pitch of the buoyancy modules
#Find length of buoyancy section
lenBuySection = 0.
for i in range(len(m[riserName].Length)):
if m[riserName].LineType[i] == buoyPip:
lenBuySection += m[riserName].Length[i]

#Find total net buoyancy

netBuoyancy = calcNetBuoyancy(m)
volPerBuoy = (buyLen*pi/4.)*(buyOD**2 - pipOD**2)
massPerBuoy = volPerBuoy*buyMassDens + buyMassHdw
dispPerBuoy = volPerBuoy*1.025
netBuoyancyPerBuoy = dispPerBuoy - massPerBuoy

nBuoys = netBuoyancy/netBuoyancyPerBuoy
buyPitch = lenBuySection/nBuoys

#Calculate useful values

buyLenFac = buyLen/buyPitch
pipLenFac = 1.-buyLenFac
buyArea = 0.25*pi*buyOD**2-0.25*pi*pipOD**2
buyVol = 0.25*pi*buyOD**2*buyLenFac
pipVol = 0.25*pi*pipOD**2*pipLenFac
nBuyModules = 1/buyPitch

#Calculate equivalent properties

eqvOD = sqrt(pipLenFac*pipOD**2 + buyLenFac*buyOD**2)
dragOD = pipOD
eqvCD = (pipOD*pipCD*pipLenFac + buyOD*buyCD*buyLenFac)/dragOD
eqvCDa = (pipOD*pipCDa*pipLenFac + buyOD*buyCDas*buyLenFac +

Appendix B
eqvAM = (buyAM*buyVol + pipAM*pipVol) / (buyVol+pipVol)
eqvAMa = buyAMa*buyVol/(buyVol+pipVol)
eqvM = pipMass + (buyMassHdw + buyLen*buyArea*buyMassDens)*nBuyModules

#Set outer diameter

m[buoyPip].OD = eqvOD
#Set inner diameter
m[buoyPip].ID = pipID
#Set mass per unit length
m[buoyPip].MassPerUnitLength = eqvM
#Set outer stress diameter
m[buoyPip].StressOD = pipSteelOD
#Set inner stress diameter
m[buoyPip].StressID = pipID
#Set contact diameter
m[buoyPip].ContactDiameter = buyOD
#Set drag diameter normal
m[buoyPip].NormalDragLiftDiameter = pipOD
#Set drag diameter axial
m[buoyPip].AxialDragLiftDiameter = pipOD
#Set drag coefficient normal
m[buoyPip].Cdx = eqvCD
#m[buoyPip].Cdy = "~"
#Set drag coefficient axial
m[buoyPip].Cdz = eqvCDa
#Set added mass coefficient normal x
m[buoyPip].Cax = eqvAM
#Set added mass coefficient normal y
#m[buoyPip].Cay = "~"
#Set added mass coefficient axial
m[buoyPip].Caz = eqvAMa

#Set structural parameters equal

m[buoyPip].EIx = m[normPip].EIx
m[buoyPip].EA = m[normPip].EA
m[buoyPip].PoissonRatio = m[normPip].PoissonRatio
m[buoyPip].GJ = m[normPip].GJ

return m

def setNetBuoyancy(m,newNetBuoyancy):

"""Updates the net buoyancy"""

#Get id's for normal and buoyant pipes

global normPip,buoyPip

#Calculate the current net buoyancy

oldNetBuoyancy = calcNetBuoyancy(m)

#Find the ratio between the new net buoyancy and

#the old net buoyancy
r = newNetBuoyancy/oldNetBuoyancy

#Get the type id's

typ0 = m[normPip]
typB = m[buoyPip]

#Find the difference in volume between normal pipe and buoyancy section
dV0 = pi*(typB.OD**2 - (typ0.OD + 2*typ0.CoatingThickness)**2)/4.

#Find the difference in mass between normal pipe and buoyancy section
dM0 = (typB.MassPerUnitLength - typ0.MassPerUnitLength)

#Find the updated differences based on the ratio

dV1 = dV0*r
dM1 = dM0*r

#Calculate the updated OD

typB.OD = sqrt((4.*dV1/pi) + (typ0.OD + 2*typ0.CoatingThickness)**2)

#Calculate the updated mass

typB.MassPerUnitLength = dM1 + typ0.MassPerUnitLength

#Set correct properties for buoyancy section

m = setBuoyancyProperties(m)

Appendix B
#Return updated model
return m

def calcNetBuoyancy(m,content=0.):

global normPip,buoyPip,riserName

def getWeight(typ,m,content):

#Calculate the weight in air

dm = typ.MassPerUnitLength
dm_content = content*pi*typ.ID**2/4.
dm_tot = dm + dm_content

#Calculate the displacement

CoatingThickness = 0.
if typ.CoatingThickness != None:
CoatingThickness = typ.CoatingThickness
disp = 1.025*pi*(typ.OD+2*CoatingThickness)**2/4

#Calculate the weight in water

dmW = dm_tot - disp

return dmW

wgt0 = getWeight(m[normPip],m,content)
wgt1 = getWeight(m[buoyPip],m,content)
LB = 0.
for i in range(len(m[riserName].LineType)):
if m[riserName].LineType[i] == buoyPip:
LB += m[riserName].Length[i]
return LB*(wgt0 - wgt1)

def getBuoyantLength(m):
global buoyPip,riserName
Ltot = 0.
for i in range(len(m[riserName].LineType)):
if m[riserName].LineType[i] == buoyPip:
Ltot += m[riserName].Length[i]
return Ltot

def getTopLength(m):
global buoyPip,riserName
Ltot = 0.
for i in range(len(m[riserName].LineType)):
if m[riserName].LineType[i] == buoyPip:
Ltot += m[riserName].Length[i]
return Ltot

def changeBuoyantLength(m,newTopLength,newBuoyantLength):

"""Change the length of the buoyant section"""

#Import the identifiers for normal pipe and buoyant pipe

global normPip,buoyPip,topLengthI,riserName

#Update the top length

oldTopLength = getTopLength(m)
m[riserName].Length[topLengthI] += newTopLength - oldTopLength
m[riserName].Length[-1] -= newTopLength - oldTopLength

#Find the current length of the buoyant section

oldBuoyantLength = getBuoyantLength(m)

#Calculate the ratio of the new length and the old length
r = newBuoyantLength/oldBuoyantLength

#Adjust the length of the buoyant section

for i in range(len(m[riserName].LineType)):
if m[riserName].LineType[i] == buoyPip:
m[riserName].Length[i] *= r

# Adjust the properties of the buoyant section pipe
#Id the types

Appendix B
typ0 = m[normPip]
typB = m[buoyPip]

#Find the difference in volume between the buoyant and non-buoyant type
dV0 = pi*(typB.OD**2 - (typ0.OD + 2*typ0.CoatingThickness)**2)/4.

#Find the difference in weight between the buoyant and non-buoyant type
dM0 = (typB.MassPerUnitLength - typ0.MassPerUnitLength)

#Calculate the updated differential volume and mass, based on new length
dV1 = dV0/r
dM1 = dM0/r

#Calculate the updated outer diameter and mass, with the same density as before
typB.OD = sqrt((4.*dV1/pi) + (typ0.OD + 2*typ0.CoatingThickness)**2)
typB.MassPerUnitLength = dM1 + typ0.MassPerUnitLength

#Adjust the length of the bottom section so that the total

#riser length remains the same
dL = newBuoyantLength - oldBuoyantLength
m[riserName].Length[-1] -= dL

#Set correct properties for buoyancy section

#I.e. equivalent added mass and drag coefficients
#volume and mass based on density, etc.
m = setBuoyancyProperties(m)

#Return the model

return m

def setOffsetAndEnvironment(m,offset,envIn):

"""Set the environment and vessel offset"""

global vesselName

#Get the environment object

env = m['Environment']

#Set the wave

env.WaveHs = envIn['Hs']
env.WaveGamma = envIn['Gamma']
env.WaveTp = envIn['Tp']
env.WaveDirection = envIn['WaveDir']
env.WaveSeed = envIn['seed']
env.SimulationTimeOrigin = envIn['time']
env.WaveOriginX = offset[0]
env.WaveOriginY = offset[1]

#Set the current

env.CurrentDepth = [v[0] for v in envIn['CurrentTab']]
env.CurrentFactor = [v[1] for v in envIn['CurrentTab']]
env.RefCurrentSpeed = envIn['CurrentSpeed']
env.RefCurrentDirection = envIn['CurrentDir']

#Set the vessel offset

m[vesselName].InitialX = offset[0]
m[vesselName].InitialY = offset[1]

#Return updated model

return m

m = Model("BaseFile.dat")
normPip = 'Line Type1'
buoyPip = 'Line Type2'
vesselName = "Cidade de Sao Paulo"
riserName = "Riser"

#Index defining the segment where the

#top length should be adjusted.
#Note that first segment is 0
topLengthI = 0

Appendix B
#Horizontal distance from vessel center to hangoff point
hangoffPoint = (0., 31.)

# INPUT - Parameter variations

#Name, content density [Te/m3]

contentVariation = [
#Normal must be first since this defines the lead angle!!!
#The others can follow

#Name, (x-offset, y-offset), Wave Dir, Current Dir

offsetVariation = [
#Nominal must be first since this defines the functional
("Nominal", (0., 0.) , 270., 270. ),
#Then you can provide the others
("Near", (0., 154.4) , 90., 90. ),
("Far", (0.,-154.4) , 270., 270. ),

#Name, buoyancy [Te]

buoyancyVariaton = [

#Name, (top section length, buoyant section length)

buoyantLengthVariation = [

#Target declination
targetDeclinationVariaton = [

currentTab = [
(0 ,1 ),
(50 ,1 ),
(100 ,0.875 ),
(150 ,0.7426),
(200 ,0.6323),
(250 ,0.5735),
(300 ,0.5073),
(350 ,0.4338),
(375 ,0.4117),
(800 ,0.2867),

env = {"Hs":6.5,"Tp":12.5,"Gamma":1.851813124,"seed":415,"time":5013.,

Appendix B

#Generate buoyancy cases

cases = []
iCase = 0
for buoy in buoyancyVariaton:
for bLen in buoyantLengthVariation:
for ola in targetDeclinationVariaton:

for off in offsetVariation:

for cont in contentVariation:

caseName = "C%003i_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s"%(iCase,off[0],cont[0],buoy[0],bLen[0],ola[0])
funcNameID =
nomNameID =
if funcNameID not in caseName:
for case in cases:
if funcNameID in case['name']:
funcName = case['name']
funcName = caseName

"name": caseName,
"funcName": funcName,
"nomNameID": nomNameID,
iCase += 1

#Update and save OrcaFlex files

for case in cases:

print case['name']

#Update the buoyancy

m = setNetBuoyancy(m,case['buoyancy'][1])

#Update the buoyant length

m = changeBuoyantLength(m,*case['buoyantLength'][1])

#Update vessel offset and environment

env['WaveDir'] = case['offset'][2]
env['CurrentDir'] = case['offset'][3]
m = setOffsetAndEnvironment(m,case['offset'][1],env)

#Set the content density

m[riserName].ContentsDensity = case['content'][1]

#Set functional case

if case['funcName'] == case['name']:
m['Code Checks'].DNVFunctionalLoadSpecifiedBy = "Current model"
m['Code Checks'].DNVFunctionalLoadSpecifiedBy = "Simulation file"
m['Code Checks'].DNVFunctionalLoadFileName = case['funcName'] + ".sim"

#Iterate the hangoff angle for the nominal case, else; adapt nominal bottom length
if case['nomNameID'] in case['name']:
print "Running line setup wizard..."
#m.general.LineSetupCalculationMode = 'Calculate Anchor Positions'
m.general.LineSetupCalculationMode = 'Calculate Line Lengths'
m[riserName].LineSetupIncluded = 'Yes'
m[riserName].LineSetupTargetVariable = 'Declination'
m[riserName].LineSetupTargetValue = case['declinationTarget'][1]

Appendix B
m[riserName].LineSetupLineEnd = "End A"
m[riserName].LineSetupArclength = 0.
m[riserName].LineSetupSectionToBeModified = len(m[riserName].Length)
case['bottomSegmentLength'] = m[riserName].Length[-1]
print "...done"
for caseNom in cases:
if case['nomNameID'] in caseNom['name']:
m[riserName].Length[-1] = caseNom['bottomSegmentLength']

#Save the model

m.SaveSimulation(case['name'] + ".sim")

Appendix C

Appendix C – Optimisation Results

Net buoyancy: 135 tonnes
Buoyancy length: 360m 380m 400m
Hang-off angle: 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8°
Offset Position: NOMINAL Unit:
Hangoff angle max 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 deg
Top tension max 7520 7626 7784 7519 7686 7809 7564 7684 7836 kN
Top tension static 5076 5126 5182 5085 5135 5191 5094 5144 5199 kN
Top tension min 2127 2048 1965 2111 2025 1925 2098 2011 1915 kN
Bend. moment max 276 280 289 266 272 283 258 266 280 kN*m
Bend. moment static 143 125 115 130 114 105 119 104 95 kN*m
Bend. moment min 74 58 49 63 50 42 54 43 36 kN*m
Utilization max 0,66 0,68 0,71 0,66 0,69 0,71 0,67 0,69 0,72 N/A
Utilization static 0,31 0,31 0,32 0,31 0,32 0,32 0,31 0,32 0,32 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,12 0,12 0,13 0,12 0,12 0,13 0,12 0,12 N/A
Offset Position NEAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,1 12,9 13,6 12,1 12,9 13,6 12,1 12,9 13,6 deg
Hangoff angle static 6,9 7,7 8,4 6,9 7,6 8,4 6,9 7,6 8,4 deg
Hangoff angle min 3,6 4,3 5,0 3,6 4,3 5,0 3,6 4,3 5,0 deg
Hangoff angle range 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 deg
Top tension max 6646 6661 6691 6658 6680 6695 6671 6683 6738 kN
Top tension static 4979 5009 5042 4989 5018 5051 4999 5027 5060 kN
Top tension min 3296 3301 3303 3296 3299 3312 3290 3304 3308 kN
Bend. moment max 265 238 217 244 221 202 226 205 189 kN*m
Bend. moment static 217 189 167 199 172 152 180 157 138 kN*m
Bend. moment min 207 178 155 187 163 141 172 147 126 kN*m
Utilization max 0,51 0,51 0,52 0,51 0,51 0,52 0,51 0,51 0,52 N/A
Utilization static 0,29 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 N/A
Utilization min 0,18 0,19 0,19 0,18 0,19 0,19 0,19 0,19 0,18 N/A
Offset Position FAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,5 13,8 15,1 12,5 13,8 15,0 12,6 13,8 15,1 deg
Hangoff angle static 8,0 9,3 10,5 8,0 9,3 10,5 8,0 9,3 10,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 2,1 3,3 4,6 2,1 3,3 4,6 2,1 3,3 4,6 deg
Hangoff angle range 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 deg
Top tension max 7784 8030 8266 7809 8031 8278 7838 8078 8325 kN
Top tension static 5182 5261 5349 5191 5269 5357 5200 5277 5364 kN
Top tension min 1964 1842 1720 1925 1816 1711 1913 1797 1692 kN
Bend. moment max 289 309 358 282 310 369 280 314 382 kN*m
Bend. moment static 115 103 92 105 94 84 95 85 76 kN*m
Bend. moment min 49 40 33 43 34 28 36 29 24 kN*m
Utilization max 0,71 0,75 0,80 0,71 0,75 0,80 0,72 0,76 0,81 N/A
Utilization static 0,32 0,33 0,34 0,32 0,33 0,34 0,32 0,33 0,34 N/A
Utilization min 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 N/A

Appendix C

Net buoyancy: 135 tonnes

Buoyancy length: 420m 440m
Hang-off angle: 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8°
Offset Position: NOMINAL Unit:
Hangoff angle max 10,6 11,6 12,6 10,6 11,6 12,6 deg
Hangoff angle min 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 deg
Top tension max 7563 7738 7897 7623 7747 7915 kN
Top tension static 5104 5153 5208 5113 5162 5217 kN
Top tension min 2078 1992 1876 2067 1970 1861 kN
Bend. moment max 252 262 279 247 261 281 kN*m
Bend. moment static 109 95 87 100 91 79 kN*m
Bend. moment min 46 37 31 40 33 27 kN*m
Utilization max 0,67 0,70 0,73 0,68 0,70 0,73 N/A
Utilization static 0,31 0,32 0,32 0,31 0,32 0,32 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,12 0,12 0,13 0,12 0,12 N/A
Offset Position NEAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,1 12,8 13,6 12,1 12,8 13,6 deg
Hangoff angle static 6,9 7,6 8,4 6,9 7,6 8,3 deg
Hangoff angle min 3,6 4,3 5,0 3,5 4,3 5,0 deg
Hangoff angle range 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 deg
Top tension max 6679 6720 6721 6702 6708 6775 kN
Top tension static 5009 5037 5069 5019 5047 5079 kN
Top tension min 3296 3309 3315 3288 3308 3319 kN
Bend. moment max 209 191 177 196 176 166 kN*m
Bend. moment static 166 143 126 152 132 107 kN*m
Bend. moment min 156 132 114 142 122 74 kN*m
Utilization max 0,51 0,52 0,52 0,52 0,52 0,53 N/A
Utilization static 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,31 N/A
Utilization min 0,19 0,18 0,18 0,19 0,18 0,19 N/A
Offset Position FAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,6 13,8 15,0 12,6 13,8 15,0 deg
Hangoff angle static 8,0 9,3 10,5 8,0 9,3 10,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 2,1 3,3 4,6 2,1 3,3 4,6 deg
Hangoff angle range 10 10 10 10 10 10 deg
Top tension max 7896 8082 8308 7912 8111 8370 kN
Top tension static 5208 5286 5373 5217 5294 5380 kN
Top tension min 1874 1760 1686 1858 1747 1669 kN
Bend. moment max 279 321 398 281 332 419 kN*m
Bend. moment static 87 78 69 79 71 63 kN*m
Bend. moment min 32 26 21 27 22 18 kN*m
Utilization max 0,73 0,76 0,81 0,73 0,77 0,82 N/A
Utilization static 0,32 0,33 0,34 0,33 0,33 0,34 N/A
Utilization min 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 N/A

Appendix C

Net buoyancy; 142.5 tonnes

Buoyancy length: 360m 380m 400m
Hang-off angle: 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8°
Offset Position: NOMINAL Unit:
Hangoff angle max 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 deg
Top tension max 7443 7594 7714 7465 7590 7761 7480 7648 7769 kN
Top tension static 5049 5099 5154 5058 5108 5162 5067 5117 5171 kN
Top tension min 2141 2086 1999 2134 2061 1977 2121 2054 1958 kN
Bend. moment max 278 281 286 268 272 279 258 264 273 kN*m
Bend. moment static 154 136 125 141 124 115 129 114 105 kN*m
Bend. moment min 85 68 58 74 59 50 64 51 44 kN*m
Utilization max 0,65 0,68 0,70 0,66 0,68 0,70 0,66 0,69 0,71 N/A
Utilization static 0,31 0,31 0,32 0,31 0,31 0,32 0,31 0,31 0,32 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,13 0,13 0,12 N/A
Offset Position: NEAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,2 12,9 13,7 12,2 12,9 13,7 12,2 12,9 13,7 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,0 7,7 8,4 7,0 7,7 8,4 7,0 7,7 8,4 deg
Hangoff angle min 3,6 4,4 5,1 3,6 4,4 5,1 3,6 4,3 5,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 deg
Top tension max 6618 6636 6681 6630 6659 6668 6648 6657 6683 kN
Top tension static 4954 4984 5016 4964 4993 5025 4973 5002 5034 kN
Top tension min 3294 3299 3309 3293 3304 3309 3290 3299 3300 kN
Bend. moment max 284 256 231 263 236 215 242 218 199 kN*m
Bend. moment static 238 209 186 218 191 166 199 175 153 kN*m
Bend. moment min 221 193 172 204 176 155 188 163 126 kN*m
Utilization max 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 N/A
Utilization static 0,29 0,29 0,30 0,29 0,29 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 N/A
Utilization min 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,19 0,19 0,19 0,19 N/A
Offset Position: FAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,5 13,7 15,0 12,5 13,8 15,0 12,5 13,8 15,0 deg
Hangoff angle static 8,0 9,2 10,5 8,0 9,2 10,5 8,0 9,2 10,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 2,1 3,3 4,5 2,1 3,3 4,5 2,1 3,3 4,5 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,5 10,5 deg
Top tension max 7709 7959 8174 7746 7994 8206 7762 8014 8246 kN
Top tension static 5152 5229 5316 5160 5238 5324 5170 5246 5332 kN
Top tension min 2003 1884 1755 1977 1861 1750 1961 1839 1715 kN
Bend. moment max 286 297 325 278 292 329 272 290 335 kN*m
Bend. moment static 126 113 101 115 103 93 105 94 85 kN*m
Bend. moment min 58 48 39 51 41 34 44 36 30 kN*m
Utilization max 0,70 0,74 0,78 0,70 0,75 0,79 0,71 0,75 0,79 N/A
Utilization static 0,32 0,33 0,34 0,32 0,33 0,34 0,32 0,33 0,34 N/A
Utilization min 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 N/A

Appendix C

Net buoyancy: 150 tonnes

Buoyancy length: 360m 380m 400m
Hang-off angle: 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8°
Offset Position: NOMINAL Unit:
Hangoff angle max 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 deg
Top tension max 7408 7539 7655 7425 7534 7706 7443 7582 7710 kN
Top tension static 5022 5071 5126 5031 5080 5134 5040 5089 5143 kN
Top tension min 2149 2106 2032 2148 2088 2008 2137 2079 1993 kN
Bend. moment max 282 284 287 270 274 278 260 264 270 kN*m
Bend. moment static 165 146 135 151 134 124 139 123 114 kN*m
Bend. moment min 97 78 67 85 68 59 75 60 52 kN*m
Utilization max 0,65 0,67 0,69 0,65 0,67 0,70 0,65 0,67 0,70 N/A
Utilization static 0,30 0,31 0,31 0,31 0,31 0,32 0,31 0,31 0,32 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,13 0,13 0,12 N/A
Offset Position: NEAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,2 13,0 13,7 12,2 13,0 13,7 12,2 13,0 13,7 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,0 7,8 8,5 7,0 7,7 8,5 7,0 7,7 8,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 3,7 4,4 5,1 3,7 4,4 5,1 3,7 4,4 5,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 8,54 8,57 8,60 8,54 8,57 8,60 8,54 8,57 8,60 deg
Top tension max 6588 6609 6624 6598 6618 6641 6611 6631 6662 kN
Top tension static 4929 4958 4991 4938 4968 5000 4948 4977 5009 kN
Top tension min 3295 3296 3310 3291 3300 3304 3291 3295 3304 kN
Bend. moment max 305 273 248 281 254 229 261 234 213 kN*m
Bend. moment static 257 225 200 236 207 183 217 190 169 kN*m
Bend. moment min 243 211 186 222 193 171 204 178 157 kN*m
Utilization max 0,50 0,50 0,51 0,50 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 N/A
Utilization static 0,43 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,30 0,29 0,29 0,30 N/A
Utilization min 0,40 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 N/A
Offset Position: FAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,5 13,7 15,0 12,5 13,7 15,0 12,5 13,7 15,0 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,9 9,2 10,5 7,9 9,2 10,5 7,9 9,2 10,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 2,0 3,3 4,5 2,1 3,3 4,5 2,1 3,3 4,5 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,5 10,5 deg
Top tension max 7637 7880 8071 7691 7914 8104 7686 7939 8155 kN
Top tension static 5121 5197 5282 5130 5206 5291 5139 5215 5299 kN
Top tension min 2039 1923 1809 2014 1903 1784 2000 1880 1759 kN
Bend. moment max 287 292 306 277 285 304 270 279 306 kN*m
Bend. moment static 136 123 111 125 113 101 115 103 93 kN*m
Bend. moment min 68 56 47 59 49 41 52 43 36 kN*m
Utilization max 0,69 0,73 0,76 0,70 0,73 0,77 0,69 0,74 0,78 N/A
Utilization static 0,32 0,32 0,33 0,32 0,33 0,33 0,32 0,33 0,33 N/A
Utilization min 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 N/A

Appendix C

Net buoyancy; 150 tonnes

Buoyancy length: 420m 440m
Hang-off angle: 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8°
Offset Position: NOMINAL Unit:
Hangoff angle max 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 deg
Top tension max 7448 7581 7763 7488 7632 7767 kN
Top tension static 5050 5098 5152 5059 5107 5161 kN
Top tension min 2129 2060 1970 2118 2045 1955 kN
Bend. moment max 251 257 265 243 251 260 kN*m
Bend. moment static 128 113 105 118 109 96 kN*m
Bend. moment min 66 53 45 58 49 40 kN*m
Utilization max 0,65 0,67 0,70 0,66 0,68 0,71 N/A
Utilization static 0,31 0,31 0,32 0,31 0,31 0,32 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,13 0,12 0,12 N/A
Offset Position: NEAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,2 13,0 13,7 12,2 12,9 12,2 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,0 7,7 8,4 7,0 7,7 7,0 deg
Hangoff angle min 3,7 4,4 5,1 3,7 4,4 3,7 deg
Hangoff angle range 8,54 8,57 8,60 8,54 8,57 8,54 deg
Top tension max 6624 6640 6665 6636 6652 6636 kN
Top tension static 4958 4986 5018 4967 4996 4967 kN
Top tension min 3289 3293 3306 3289 3295 3289 kN
Bend. moment max 241 219 197 224 201 224 kN*m
Bend. moment static 200 175 155 184 161 184 kN*m
Bend. moment min 190 164 144 175 151 175 kN*m
Utilization max 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 N/A
Utilization static 0,29 0,30 0,30 0,29 0,30 0,29 N/A
Utilization min 0,18 0,19 0,18 0,18 0,19 0,18 N/A
Offset Position: FAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,5 13,7 15,0 12,5 13,7 15,0 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,9 9,2 10,5 7,9 9,2 10,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 2,1 3,3 4,5 2,1 3,3 4,5 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,5 10,5 deg
Top tension max 7744 7978 8190 7748 7993 8224 kN
Top tension static 5148 5224 5308 5157 5232 5316 kN
Top tension min 1975 1857 1750 1959 1834 1713 kN
Bend. moment max 264 277 309 259 276 316 kN*m
Bend. moment static 105 95 85 97 87 78 kN*m
Bend. moment min 45 37 31 40 33 27 kN*m
Utilization max 0,70 0,74 0,78 0,70 0,75 0,79 N/A
Utilization static 0,32 0,33 0,34 0,32 0,33 0,34 N/A
Utilization min 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 N/A

Appendix C

Net buoyancy; 157.5 tonnes

Buoyancy length: 360m 380m 400m
Hang-off angle: 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8°
Offset Position: NOMINAL Unit:
Hangoff angle max 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,3 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,4 10,4 deg
Top tension max 7360 7463 7597 7379 7478 7614 7390 7492 7653 kN
Top tension static 4995 5043 5097 5004 5052 5106 5013 5061 5115 kN
Top tension min 2153 2106 2057 2155 2108 2038 2144 2090 2028 kN
Bend. moment max 286 287 289 273 276 279 262 265 270 kN*m
Bend. moment static 175 155 145 161 143 133 148 132 123 kN*m
Bend. moment min 108 88 76 96 78 68 85 69 60 kN*m
Utilization max 0,64 0,66 0,68 0,64 0,66 0,68 0,64 0,66 0,69 N/A
Utilization static 0,30 0,31 0,31 0,30 0,31 0,31 0,30 0,31 0,31 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,13 0,13 0,12 N/A
Offset Position: NEAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,3 13,1 13,8 12,3 13,0 13,8 12,3 13,0 13,8 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,1 7,8 8,5 7,1 7,8 8,5 7,1 7,8 8,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 3,8 4,5 5,2 3,7 4,5 5,2 3,7 4,5 5,2 deg
Hangoff angle range 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 deg
Top tension max 6549 6578 6604 6563 6590 6614 6577 6602 6625 kN
Top tension static 4904 4933 4966 4913 4942 4975 4923 4952 4984 kN
Top tension min 3286 3292 3300 3287 3292 3300 3287 3292 3300 kN
Bend. moment max 323 289 262 299 269 243 277 250 227 kN*m
Bend. moment static 276 242,7 216 254 222 198 234 206 182 kN*m
Bend. moment min 261 226 200 241 208 184 223 193 169 kN*m
Utilization max 0,53 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,51 N/A
Utilization static 0,45 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 N/A
Utilization min 0,43 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 N/A
Offset Position: FAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,4 13,7 14,9 12,4 13,7 14,9 12,4 13,7 14,9 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,9 9,1 10,4 7,9 9,2 10,4 7,9 9,2 10,4 deg
Hangoff angle min 2,0 3,2 4,4 2,0 3,2 4,4 2,0 3,2 4,4 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,4 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,5 10,4 10,5 10,5 deg
Top tension max 7574 7797 7988 7611 7810 8034 7615 7856 8057 kN
Top tension static 5090 5165 5249 5099 5174 5258 5109 5183 5266 kN
Top tension min 2063 1961 1843 2047 1942 1820 2036 1920 1807 kN
Bend. moment max 289 290 297 278 282 290 270 274 289 kN*m
Bend. moment static 146 133 120 134 122 110 124 112 101 kN*m
Bend. moment min 78 65 54 69 57 48 61 50 42 kN*m
Utilization max 0,68 0,71 0,75 0,68 0,72 0,76 0,68 0,72 0,76 N/A
Utilization static 0,31 0,32 0,33 0,31 0,32 0,33 0,32 0,32 0,33 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 N/A

Appendix C

Net buoyancy; 157.5 tonnes

Buoyancy length: 420m 440m
Hang-off angle: 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8°
Offset Position: NOMINAL Unit:
Hangoff angle max 10,6 11,6 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 deg
Top tension max 7421 7524 7664 7426 7527 7711 kN
Top tension static 5022 5070 5123 5032 5079 5132 kN
Top tension min 2148 2085 2007 2130 2068 1991 kN
Bend. moment max 252 258 263 244 250 257 kN*m
Bend. moment static 137 122 113 127 112 104 kN*m
Bend. moment min 76 61 53 67 54 46 kN*m
Utilization max 0,65 0,67 0,69 0,65 0,67 0,70 N/A
Utilization static 0,30 0,31 0,31 0,31 0,31 0,32 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,13 0,13 0,12 N/A
Offset Position: NEAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,3 13,0 13,8 12,3 13,0 13,8 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,1 7,8 8,5 7,0 7,8 8,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 3,7 4,4 5,2 3,7 4,4 5,2 deg
Hangoff angle range 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 deg
Top tension max 6591 6614 6637 6604 6624 6648 kN
Top tension static 4932 4961 4993 4942 4970 5002 kN
Top tension min 3287 3291 3300 3287 3291 3300 kN
Bend. moment max 258 233 211 239 216 197 kN*m
Bend. moment static 216 190 169 200 175 155 kN*m
Bend. moment min 207 178 157 191 165 144 kN*m
Utilization max 0,50 0,51 0,51 0,50 0,51 0,51 N/A
Utilization static 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,30 N/A
Utilization min 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 N/A
Offset Position: FAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,4 13,7 14,9 12,4 13,7 14,9 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,9 9,2 10,4 7,9 9,2 10,4 deg
Hangoff angle min 2,0 3,2 4,4 2,0 3,2 4,4 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,5 10,5 deg
Top tension max 7671 7883 8082 7670 7916 8132 kN
Top tension static 5118 5192 5275 5127 5201 5283 kN
Top tension min 2014 1901 1784 1998 1874 1757 kN
Bend. moment max 262 270 287 256 266 289 kN*m
Bend. moment static 114 103 93 105 95 86 kN*m
Bend. moment min 53 44 37 47 39 33 kN*m
Utilization max 0,69 0,73 0,76 0,69 0,73 0,77 N/A
Utilization static 0,32 0,32 0,33 0,32 0,32 0,33 N/A
Utilization min 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 N/A

Appendix C

Net buoyancy; 165 tonnes

Buoyancy length: 360m 380m 400m
Hang-off angle: 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8°
Offset Position: NOMINAL Unit:
Hangoff angle max 10,6 11,5 12,5 10,6 11,5 12,5 10,6 11,5 12,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,3 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,4 10,4 deg
Top tension max 7317 7403 7543 7329 7424 7555 7348 7441 7593 kN
Top tension static 4967 5016 5069 4977 5024 5077 4986 5033 5086 kN
Top tension min 2153 2123 2073 2155 2121 2059 2146 2111 2053 kN
Bend. moment max 290 290 292 276 278 281 264 267 271 kN*m
Bend. moment static 185 174 154 170 160 142 157 147 131 kN*m
Bend. moment min 119 106 86 107 94 76 95 84 68 kN*m
Utilization max 0,63 0,65 0,67 0,63 0,65 0,67 0,64 0,65 0,68 N/A
Utilization static 0,30 0,30 0,31 0,30 0,31 0,31 0,30 0,31 0,31 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 N/A
Offset Position: NEAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,4 13,1 13,9 12,3 13,1 13,9 12,3 13,1 13,8 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,1 7,9 8,6 7,1 7,9 8,6 7,1 7,8 8,6 deg
Hangoff angle min 3,8 4,5 5,3 3,8 4,5 5,2 3,8 4,5 5,2 deg
Hangoff angle range 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 deg
Top tension max 6510 6544 6574 6525 6557 6585 6540 6570 6596 kN
Top tension static 4878 4908 4941 4888 4917 4949 4897 4926 4958 kN
Top tension min 3276 3288 3296 3279 3288 3295 3281 3288 3295 kN
Bend. moment max 340 306 276 316 283 257 294 265 239 kN*m
Bend. moment static 294 259 229 271 239 212 251 221 196 kN*m
Bend. moment min 280 243 214 260 224 198 240 208 183 kN*m
Utilization max 0,55 0,51 0,50 0,52 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 N/A
Utilization static 0,48 0,43 0,29 0,45 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 N/A
Utilization min 0,46 0,40 0,18 0,43 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 N/A
Offset Position: FAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,4 13,6 14,9 12,4 13,6 14,9 12,4 13,6 14,9 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,8 9,1 10,4 7,8 9,1 10,4 7,8 9,1 10,4 deg
Hangoff angle min 2,0 3,2 4,4 2,0 3,2 4,4 2,0 3,2 4,4 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,4 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,5 deg
Top tension max 7515 7715 7912 7526 7721 7951 7550 7771 7969 kN
Top tension static 5060 5133 5215 5068 5142 5224 5078 5151 5233 kN
Top tension min 2081 1992 1876 2070 1968 1860 2059 1956 1837 kN
Bend. moment max 291 292 294 280 283 286 271 273 280 kN*m
Bend. moment static 156 143 130 144 131 119 133 121 110 kN*m
Bend. moment min 88 74 62 78 66 55 69 58 49 kN*m
Utilization max 0,67 0,70 0,73 0,67 0,70 0,74 0,67 0,71 0,74 N/A
Utilization static 0,31 0,32 0,33 0,31 0,32 0,33 0,31 0,32 0,33 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,12 0,12 0,13 0,12 0,12 0,13 0,12 0,12 N/A

Appendix C

Net buoyancy; 165 tonnes

Buoyancy length: 420m 440m
Hang-off angle: 6° 7° 8° 6° 7° 8°
Offset Position: NOMINAL Unit:
Hangoff angle max 10,6 11,5 12,5 10,6 11,6 12,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 0,2 1,2 2,1 0,2 1,2 2,1 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,3 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,4 10,4 deg
Top tension max 7372 7469 7602 7381 7489 7648 kN
Top tension static 4995 5042 5095 5004 5052 5104 kN
Top tension min 2145 2102 2033 2137 2091 2026 kN
Bend. moment max 254 258 263 245 250 256 kN*m
Bend. moment static 145 130 121 135 120 112 kN*m
Bend. moment min 85 69 60 76 62 54 kN*m
Utilization max 0,64 0,66 0,68 0,64 0,66 0,69 N/A
Utilization static 0,30 0,31 0,31 0,30 0,31 0,31 N/A
Utilization min 0,13 0,13 0,12 0,13 0,13 0,12 N/A
Offset Position: NEAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,3 13,1 13,8 12,3 13,1 13,8 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,1 7,8 8,6 7,1 7,8 8,5 deg
Hangoff angle min 3,8 4,5 5,2 3,8 4,5 5,2 deg
Hangoff angle range 8,5 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,6 8,6 deg
Top tension max 6555 6582 6608 6568 6594 6618 kN
Top tension static 4907 4936 4967 4916 4945 4976 kN
Top tension min 3282 3288 3295 3283 3287 3295 kN
Bend. moment max 273 246 224 255 230 209 kN*m
Bend. moment static 233 204 181 215 189 168 kN*m
Bend. moment min 223 193 169 207 179 157 kN*m
Utilization max 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 N/A
Utilization static 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 N/A
Utilization min 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 0,18 N/A
Offset Position: FAR Unit:
Hangoff angle max 12,4 13,6 14,9 12,4 13,6 14,9 deg
Hangoff angle static 7,9 9,1 10,4 7,9 9,1 10,4 deg
Hangoff angle min 2,0 3,2 4,4 2,0 3,2 4,4 deg
Hangoff angle range 10,4 10,4 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,5 deg
Top tension max 7575 7777 8009 7598 7831 8036 kN
Top tension static 5087 5160 5242 5096 5169 5250 kN
Top tension min 2043 1935 1819 2033 1914 1797 kN
Bend. moment max 262 268 275 255 261 274 kN*m
Bend. moment static 123 112 101 113 103 94 kN*m
Bend. moment min 62 52 43 55 46 38 kN*m
Utilization max 0,68 0,71 0,75 0,68 0,72 0,76 N/A
Utilization static 0,31 0,32 0,33 0,31 0,32 0,33 N/A
Utilization min 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 N/A


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