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A. Content Standards Phonological Awareness Phonological Awareness Phonological Awareness
Demonstrates understanding of sounds and their meanings for appropriate use of words. Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding
Oral Language of sounds and their meanings of sounds and their meanings
Demonstrate understanding of familiar words used to communicate personal experiences , ideas, for appropriate use of words. for appropriate use of words
thoughts, actions and feelings. Oral Language Oral Language
Listening Comprehension Demonstrate understanding Demonstrate understanding of
Demonstrate understanding of story elements and text structures for effective oral expression. of familiar words used to familiar words used to
communicate personal communicate personal
experiences, ideas, thoughts, experiences, ideas, thoughts,
actions and feelings. actions and feelings.
Grammar Grammar
Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding
of concepts of verbs, of concepts of nouns and
pronouns and preposition in adjectives for identification
meaningful messages. and description.
B. Performance Standards Phonological Awareness Phonological Awareness Phonological Awareness
Manipulates skillfully the sounds in words to express meaning displays sensitivity to sounds in Manipulates skillfully the Manipulates skillfully the
spoken language. sounds in words to express sounds in words to express
Oral Language meaning displays sensitivity meaning displays sensitivity to
Shares/ express personal ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings using familiar words. to sounds in spoken sounds in spoken language.
Listening Comprehension language. Oral Language
Correctly identifies elements of literary and informational texts to aid meaning getting. Oral Language Shares/ express personal
Shares/ express personal ideas, thoughts, actions and
ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings using familiar words
feelings using familiar words Grammar
Grammar Correctly names people,
Constructs grammatically objects, places and things
correct simple sentences in through theme-based
theme-based conversations activities.
using verbs, pronouns and

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Learning Supply rhyming words in Supply rhyming words in Supply rhyming words in Supply rhyming words in Supply rhyming words in
Competencies/Objective (write the response to spoken words response to spoken words response to spoken words response to spoken words response to spoken words
LC code for each)
ENIPA-IVc-2.4 ENIPA-IVc-2.4 ENIPA-IVc-e-2.4 ENIPA-IVc-e-2.4 ENIPA-IVc-e-2.4
Talk about the picture presented Talk about the picture Talk about the picture Talk about the picture Talk about the picture
using appropriate local presented using appropriate presented using appropriate presented using appropriate presented using appropriate
terminologies with ease and local terminologies with ease local terminologies with ease local terminologies with local terminologies with ease
confidence. and confidence. and confidence. ease and confidence. and confidence.
Listen to short stories/ Listen to short stories/ Listen to short stories/poems Recognize common action Recognize common describing
poems . poems . -infer the character’s feelings words in stories listened to. words in stories listened to.
-note important details -Note important details and traits. ENIG-IVc-3.4 ENIG-IVc-5
pertaining to characters, settings pertaining to characters, -identify cause and effect of
and events. settings and events. events.

II.CONTENT Read Aloud Story: Read Aloud Story: Read Aloud Story: Recognizing Action Words Recognizing Common
A Day in The Market A Day in The Market A Day in The Market Describing Words
-Details of the Story -Details of the Story -Identifying Cause and Effect
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages pp. 242-245 pp.245-248 pp.248-251 pp.251-253 pp.253-255
2.Learner’s Materials Pages p.80 p.81 p.82 p.83 p.84
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Big Book, chart, picture Big Book, picture, chart Big Book, picture, chart Chart, pictures Chart, pictures
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Teacher and pupils recite the Teacher and pupils recite the Teacher and pupils recite the Teacher and pupils recite Teacher introduces the song
presenting the new lesson poem “Little Things” in the class. poem “ Caterpillar” poem “ If all the Word Were the poem “Trees” ”BINGO”

B. Establishing a purpose for Teacher post the ff. words: Teacher post the ff. words: Teacher post the ff. words: Teacher posts five words on Teacher post the ff. words
the lesson brittle potter the board.
skittle daughter grin lady skin ready
Sink see link bee call pillow small window hammer lame came
Pupils choose the words Pupils choose the words summer dame drummer

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from the list that rhyme with the from the list that rhyme with Pupils choose the words from Pupils choose the words
highlighted words in the poem. the highlighted words in the the list that rhyme with the from the list that rhyme Pupils sing the song and choose
poem. highlighted words in the poem. with the highlighted words a word from the list that rhyme
in the poem. with the highlighted words in
the song

C. Presenting Teacher post a picture of a river Post these pictures. Post this picture. Post this picture. Post this picture
examples/instances of the .
new lesson

Ask some questions about the What do you think happened What do you see in the What do you see in the What do you see in the picture?
picture. in these mountains? Let the picture? What are they doing? picture? Where does the What is the boy
Let the pupils share their pupils talk with their Have you played with the garbage came from? Is it doing?
experiences that happened in the seatmates and think of ways faucet? Let the pupils think of right to have garbage any- Is he doing something good
river. to protect the mountains. ways of conserving or saving where? What should you do for the environment?
water with the garbage? Do you always do this for the
Let the pupils talk with their environment
seatmates about the picture
D. Discussing new concepts READ ALOUD A STORY: READ ALOUD A STORY: READ ALOUD A STORY: Teacher reviews pupils on Teacher reviews pupils on the
and practicing new skills #1 A Day in the Market A Day in the Market A Day in the Market the concept of action concept of adjectives.
Pre-Reading Activities Pre-Reading Activities Pre-Reading Activities words.
Activating prior Knowledge Activating Prior Knowledge Activating prior Knowledge Show pictures of different
Show the cover of the book. Teacher asks the pupils to Teacher review the new words action words. Ask them to
Pupils recall the details of the look at pp. 10-11 of the book. that they have learned. give the correct action word
book. and tell them to act it out
(title, author, illustrator) Pupils retell the first part of Pupils enumerate the words too.
the story and talk about the and say their meaning. Ask the
picture. pupils to give the summary of
the second part of the story.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2 During Reading Activities During Reading Activities During Reading Activities Teacher posts sentences Underline the adjectives in the
from the story” A Day in the sentences.
Teacher explains the meaning of Teacher explains the Teacher explains the meaning Market”. Teacher reads
the following words: meaning of the following of the following words: them. 1. The market is big.
words: tired, put away 2. Nanay’s bayong is big and
Hold, hold tightly, carry, shout (through actions) Point out the verbs in the colorful.

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(through actions) earthenware stove ,tiny sentences. 3. They fill my small bayong
muddy, crowded, (through real objects) 1.Nanay and I each carry a with lots of things.
bayong (real object) watermelon, rice cakes wrapped, scary (pictures) bayong. 4. Some are odd, some are
(through pictures/real 2. Nanay tells me hold her scary. Some are wonderful.
Teacher reads pp. 2-9 of the objects) Teacher reads pp. 22-29 of the tightly. 5.The market is noisy.
book. Pupils then listen and book. Pupils then listen and 3. People shout at each
answer a few question about it. Teacher reads pp. 12-21 of answer a few questions other.
the book. Pupils listen and about it. 4.Nanay helps me get
answer a few question about dressed.
it. 5.I helped Nanay put away
the things we bought.

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to formative assessment) After Reading After Reading After Reading Draw a line to match the Show pictures and ask the
On pp. 12-13 On pp.22-23 pictures with the correct pupils to describe them using
On pp. 2-3 What does the market smell What did Nanay and the little action words. adjectives.
liked? girl feel when they got home?
Who woke up early? Does the little girl likes the What did the little girl do to
smell of the market the things they bought from eat
Where are they going?
the market?
On pp. 14-15 walk
On pp. 4-5
Why does Mother want to go On pp 26-27
Where are Nanay and the little
to the market early? What was wrapped in news
girl? read
What made you think they are in
On pp, 16-17
the jeepney?
On pp. 28-29
What did the little girl promise dance
Who were kind to Nanay and What did the little girl do after
the little girl? receiving the earthenware
Why did Nanay ask the girl to
stove and pot?
hold her tightly? play
On pp.18-19
What did the little girl see in
On pp. 6-7
the market?
What are Nanay and little girl
On pp. 20-21
Who did the little girl
What did the little girl promise
remember? Can you
remember what the little girl
Why did Nanay ask the girl to
promised Nanay?
hold her tightly?
On pp. 6-7

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What are Nanay and little girl

What did the little girl promise

Why did Nanay ask the girl to
hold her tightly?

On pp. 6-7
What are Nanay and little girl
G. Finding practical/applications Do activity on p. 80 of LMs in Do activity on p. 81 of LMs . Do Activity on p. 82 of LMs . Do Activity on p.83 of LMs. Do Activity on p.84 of LMs.
of concepts and skills in English( Draw a line to match (Draw a line to match each (Encircle the action word for (Matching picture with the
daily living
rhyming words) cause with the correct effect) each picture) correct describing words)
H. Making generalizations and Remember: Remember: Remember: Remember: Remember:
abstractions about the Details often answer a question Details often answer a A cause explains why An action word is a word Describing words are called
that begins with the words Who, question that begins with the something happens. An effect that shows and tells an adjectives.
What, Where, When, Why or words Who, What, Where, is the result of the cause. activity.
How. When, Why or How.
I. Evaluating Learning Answer the following: Answer the following. Answer the following Encircle the correct action Underline the adjectives in the
1. Who woke up early? 1. What does the market questions: word for each picture. sentences.
2. Where are they smell like? 1.What is the title of the story? 1. The flower is red.
going? 2. Why does Mother want a. A Day in School 2.The table is long.
3. Where did they ride? to go to the market b. A Day in a Market 1. run walk jump 3. I have a new toy.
4. What are Nanay and early? c. A Day in a Beach 4. The man is tall.
the little girl carrying? 3. Who were kind to Nanay 5. The leaves are green.
5 What did the little girl and the little girl? 2. Where are Nanay and the smile cry laugh
promise Nanay? 4. What foods did nanay little girl going?
taste? a. in the school
5. What did the little girl b. in the market 3. write read draw
see in the market? c. in the church

3. What did the little girl

4. fly swim run
promise Nanay?
a. The little girl promised to
hold tightly to her mother. 5. walk sit stand
b. The little girl promised to
c. The little girl promised not
to play.

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4. What did Nanay feel when
the little girl kept her promise?
a. angry
b. happy
c. worried

5. Why did Nanay buy the little

girl earthenware stove and
a. She helped her mother.
b. She kept her promise.
c. She did not play.
J .Additional activities for Draw a picture of a market. Use Share the second part of the Retell the last part of the story Think of five verbs and write Think of five adjectives and
application or remediation the picture to retell the first part story to your family. to your family. them on your notebook. write them on your notebook.
of the story to your family.

A. No. of learners who earned
80% of the formative assessment
B .No. of learners who require
additional activities to
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E .Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G .What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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