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Occupational Safety & Health for Construction Industry

This seminar (prescribed training of DOLE-OSHC for everyone assigned to manage safety and health) is
designed to help participants have a better understanding of the Occupational Safety and Health
Standards of the Philippines. This is where the basic knowledge on recognizing workplace hazards can be
found including a discussion on how important it is in keeping our workplace safe and healthy, being a
basic legal requirement. Different aspects of safety will be discussed to enable participants to acquire
the technical knowledge on how to effectively address workplace hazards and risks as required by the
Philippine Department of Labour and Employment.

Rationale: Before a service is provided or a product is made, workers engaged in the process are
exposed to hazards. Consequently, these hazards can result to accidents. Workplace accidents that
could happen can potentially result to tremendous losses in terms of human suffering (from injuries or
loss of lives), property and environmental damages and material losses. When this happens, business
operations and productivity, which gives life to our country’s economy, would be interrupted.
Therefore, workplace accidents must be prevented from happening.

In view of the above, fundamentals on how to recognize hazards in the workplace must be first
understood so that they can be properly identified and effectively addressed. This training will provide
the principle on proper hazard recognition, their effects on the business and how they should be
addressed as stated in the Basic Occupational Safety and Health Standards. In this training, employers’
accountability to safety will also be discussed as workplace safety is a basic constitutional right of every
Filipino worker. Following this framework, COSH training will provide the basic premise on how to
develop and implement the occupational safety and health program.

Intended for: Supervisors, managers and executive and construction workers who desire to fully
comprehend the basic requirements on workplace safety as mandated by the Philippine

COSH Training will enable participants to:

 Promote and support government objectives in preventing accidents in the workplace and in
developing the skills of safety practitioners;
 Understand and properly communicate government standards on Occupational Safety and
 Commit to support government objectives by developing a Safety and Health policy aligned with
government standards;
 Effectively organize for safety by properly forming the Safety and Health Committee;
 Demonstrate the basic knowledge and skills on how to recognize workplace hazards (based on
government standards) and on how to prevent workplace accidents from happening;
 Develop Accident Prevention Programs (based on government standards) and implement them;
 Understand that the basic function of the safety practitioner is to influence people in their
environment (that their effectiveness depends on how they influence) for them to be effective
in discharging their duties and responsibilities;
 Develop equipment safety programs based on government requirement; and
 Properly and timely prepare and send government required reports.
Day 1 –
Session 0 – Setting the Learning Climate
Session 1 – Introduction to OSH
Session 2 – OSH Legislation, Administration & Enforcement
 D.O. No 13
Session 3 – Importance of OSH within Construction Sites
Session 4 – Construction Site Premises
Session 5 - Role of Construction Safety and Health Officer
Daily Evaluation
Day 2 –
Session 6 – Job Hazard Recognition, Assessment & Control
Session 7 – Environmental Safety and Control Measures
Session 8 – Occupational Health Programs
Session 9 – Hazardous Materials Safe Handling, Storage, Use and
Session 10 – Electrical Safety/LOTO
Session 11 - Machine Tools and Equipment Safety/LOTO
Daily Evaluation
Day 3 –
Session 12 – Fire Safety/Prevention
Session 13 – Construction Machinery
Session 14- Personal Protective Equipment with actual
Session 15- Tool Box Meeting & Workshop
Session 16 Routine Construction Safety Inspection
Daily Evaluation
Day 4 –
Session 17- Construction Site Visit with Presentation of Findings
Session 18- Work-related Accident Investigation and Causal Analysis
with Workshops and Case Study
Session 19- Fall Protection
Session 20- Excavation
Session 21 - Demolition, Explosive
Daily Evaluation
Day 5 –
Session 22 – Organizing and Planning of OSH with Workshop
Session 23 –Safety & Health Program
Session 24 – Re-Entry Plan as Construction Safety & Health Officer
Learning Assessment/Post Test
Course Evaluation

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