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It presents the introduction, statement of the problem, and the objectives

of this study. This chapter also provides conceptual framework of the study,

scope and limitations of the study, significance of the study, and definition of



In today’s generation, technologies are very common and used by many

people. Technologies are now highly innovated which help everyone to do things

faster, easier and more possible. Knowing that most of the people have mobile

phones and use social media as a tool of communication, business online is

possible. Website in social media like Facebook that has a billion of users and

reach everyone around the globe can use as a market that sells product.

In addition, this kind of transaction is called “Online Shopping”. As discussed

by an article of “Market Business Online”, it is the form of electronic commerce

that allows the customer to buy goods with the use of internet.

Online shopping is definitely a great way to shop for everything that is

available on websites. Clothes, shoes, accessories, gift Items, beauty products,

as well as appliances are readily available in online shopping. Because of the

numerous advantages and benefits of online shopping, like it is more convenient

and have better prices, people prefer to deal with it over traditional shopping.

Therefore, buying online through Facebook is less hassle and less travel

because it saves time and effort. It is very helpful to the people who are busy that

can’t go to the market and buy products personally.


This study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the Demographic profiles of the online buyers?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

3. Is there satisfaction among online shoppers?


This study aims to determine the advantages and disadvantages of online

shopping among students in Bulihan National High School.

1. Determine the demographic profile of the online buyers.

2. To be aware on the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.

3. To know if shoppers are satisfied to the products online.


The diagram illustrates the relationship of the Input, the process and the

Output of this study. Included in the input data is the demographic profile of the

respondents. It is shown the processing of data through the distribution of survey

questionnaire to the respondent resulted to the discovery of advantages and

disadvantages of online shopping in Facebook to selected Grade 10 Students as

the expected output of this study.




Figure1. Conceptual Framework


The significance of this study is to determine some of the advantages and

disadvantages of online shopping as well as the satisfaction of the consumers to

the selected grade ten students.

 Online Sellers

This study will be significant to online sellers in the way of getting some

information about buyers’ perception in online shopping and can give ideas

on how they will improve their selling strategies.

 Online Shoppers

This study will be also significant to online shoppers by the means of

having ideas and background knowledge to Pros and Cons of online shopping.

 Parents

This will help the parents to know the reasons why their children prefer to

use the internet as a medium of shopping.

 Future Researchers

It will be great help to the future researchers by using the result of this

study as a reference for their future researches. They may consider the results

as well as the limitations of this study.

Time and Place of the Study

This study was conducted on February 2018 until July 2018 at Bulihan

National High School, Cavite.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on randomly selected grade ten students in Bulihan

National High School, towards online shopping during the academic year 2017-

2018. The respondents of the study were composed of 83 students. Furthermore,

the researchers limit the study on the advantages and disadvantages of

Facebook online shopping to selected grade ten students of Bulihan National

High School.

Definition of Terms

 Advantage- refers to the benefits of the online shoppers.

 Online Buyers/Shoppers – they are the ones who patronize the online


 Facebook – a kind of media for communication.

 Online shopping – is defined as purchasing items from internet retailers

as opposed to shop or store.

 Seller – a person or business that sells something.


This chapter presents the literature and information the researcher gathered

for a better understanding of the topics under study. The resources were

gathered from websites and various theses.


In today’s generation, most people prefer to do things faster, easier and

less effort by using technologies.

According to Jain (2018) online shopping has many advantages that lead

people to use and do shopping through the use of internet instead of going into a

traditional way of shopping or physical store. It brings numerous benefits such as

the convenience that has a high contribution where it is very possible to shop

even we are just in our home. Shopping also does not have time frame since we

can shop online 24/7 and does not have to visit the store and exert efforts. In

addition, better prices is also one of the advantages since in shopping online,

shoppers can deal and find a product online considering the affordability and

their purchasing power. They can easily compare the price of a product to other

product since there are wide varieties of goods online. Hence, there are also

disadvantages when it comes in online shopping. 1. Delay and shipping

problems. 2. Can’t see the product personally. 3. Returns can be complicated. 4.

Risk of online fraud.

According to retail & ecommerce article (2017) most of the online

shoppers make their purchase in Facebook since it is the most influential

platforms among social media user.

In addition, Facebook is also a one way where consumer can buy any

kinds of product. According to Parker (2018) Facebook is a largest social media

platform that has a billion of users. Sellers can easily connect to a large number

of people and get customers.

As cited in an article,, John Rubio—Director of Facebook

Philippines asserts that “Filipinos think about Christmas as early as September

and seeing products online on Facebook or Instagram is just as powerful as

window-shopping—it helps make products and brands top of mind for when

consumers need to start deciding on a purpose.”

Moreover, He also added that according to Facebook 2018 Holiday Study,

respondents said that convenience is the reason why they purchase online.


According to the study of “National Conference on Innovative Trends in

Computer Science Engineering” (2015) consumers who do not have enough time

to go outside and visit a physical store to buy products prefer online shopping.

They can purchase products through the use of their mobile phone. Shopping

online also avoid the hassle of the large crowd.

Moreover, as a study of “Effects Of Online Shopping Trends On

Consumer-Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study of Pakistan” consumers

especially younger generations are continually buying products online because of

trust factor. If the website is trustworthy, consumers are tending to buy more to

them. In addition, convenience is also one of the factors. They can actually buy

products even they are in the house and do not need to go outside just to

purchase items.

Furthermore, in terms of demographic profile of the online consumers,

“Comparative Study of Online and Offline Shopping: A Case Study of Rourkela in

Odisha” stated that male are less online shopper. Female has the highest

number when it comes in shopping online.

According to the study of “IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOR OF

MILLENNIALS ON ONLINE SHOPPING” millennial in the Philippines are not

impulsive online buyers. They are more careful and cautious when it comes

buying in online store.

Moreover, “Online Shopping Attitude among the Youth: A Study on

University Students (2014)” study concluded that the inability to see the actual

product is one of the dislikes of online shoppers in online shopping. Therefore,

that is one of the disadvantages of online shopping.


In this chapter, we discuss about the research design, sampling technique,

statistical treatment, data gathering procedure, and research instrument of the


Research Design

The researcher used Quantitative Research Design. Descriptive survey

method was also used to discover the advantages and disadvantages of

Facebook Online Shopping to the students. According to Calderon (2008)

descriptive method is also known as statistical research studies. This research

method is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical investigation. It

also used to collect information about the population of interest in order to test

hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of

the study.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents are the Grade 10 Junior High School Students in Bulihan

National High School. It composed of 83 students.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher of this study follows some procedures in order for them to

achieve the objectives of this work:

1. Survey questionnaires are being distributed to selected students.

2. Tabulation of data.
3. Analyse tabulated data.
4. Result of the analysed data.

Sampling Technique

The researchers used simple random sampling technique in choosing

their respondents. Random Sampling is used to choose sample from a

population of grade 10 students in Bulihan National High School. According to V.

Wilson (2014) simple random sampling is the basic sampling technique in survey

method. Each element in the population has an equal probability of being chosen

as sample.

Statistical Treatment

Mean. It is used to represent the entire set of data. It is obtained by dividing

the frequency of the factors over the total number of the respondent.

f = frequency
n = total number of respondents
μ = mean

Percentage is used to define the s+

tudents’ respond about advantages of shopping online in Facebook. It is

obtained by multiplying the mean or the average into 100%.

f = frequency
n = total number of respondents
% = percentage

Research Instrument

The researcher used survey questionnaire as a research instrument.

Survey questionnaire was used to gather the data and sought information from

the respondents to further and expand the knowledge regarding to the study.


This chapter presents the findings of the study in illustrative tables and

analysis as well as the interpretation based from the treatment of the data.

Table 1 Shoppers’ Demographic Profile According To Gender


Female 56 0.72 72%

Male 22 0.28 28%

TOTAL 78 1.00 100%

Out of 83 respondents, there are 78 online shoppers. In addition, the

above table shows the demographic profile of online shoppers according to

gender. 56 (or 72%) are female and the rest or 22 (28%) are male. Therefore,

most of the online shoppers are female.

Figure 2.Shoppers’ Demographic Profile According To Gender



The graph above shows that the majority of shoppers’ gender is female.

Table 2 Shoppers’ Profile According to Age


15-16 70 0.90 90%

17-19 8 0.10 10%

TOTAL 78 1.00 100%

The table shows that among 78 online shoppers, 70 (90%) of them are in

the age bracket 15 to 16. Moreover, 8 respondents are in age between 17 to 19

year old.

Figure 3 Shoppers’ Profile According to Age

Shoppers' Age
Number of Shoppers

40 15-16

30 17-19


The graph shows the age of the online shoppers. It illustrate that

among 78 online shoppers, the majority of consumers age are in 15 to 1.

Table 3 Respondents Response in Facebook Online Shopping

YES 44 0.53 53%
NO 45 0.54 54%
YES 78 0.94 94%
NO 5 0.06 6%
YES 30 0.36 36%
NO 53 0.64 64%
YES 38 0.46 46%
NO 45 0.54 54%
YES 35 0.42 42%
NO 48 0.58 58%
YES 49 0.59 59%
NO 34 0.41 41%
YES 67 0.81 81%
NO 16 0.19 19%
YES 52 0.63 63%
NO 32 0.39 39%
YES 38 0.49 49%
NO 45 0.54 54%
YES 50 0.60 60%
NO 33 0.40 40%

The number one statement above shows that among 83 Junior High

School respondents in Bulihan National High School, 44 (53%) said that they are

interested in Online Shopping. However, 45 (54%) of them said they are not

interested to it.

In statement two, 78 (or 94%) respondents said they purchase products

online or they are online shoppers. Hence, 5 (or 6%) said they are not online


In the statement number 3, 30 (or 36%) respondents said they shop

frequently online. In contrast there are 53 (64%) respondents who said they are


In item number four, 38 (46%) said they love and enjoy shopping online.

Hence, 45 (54%) or the majority of them said the contrast.

In item number five, 35 (42%) out of 83 respondents said they are

frequently notified to the latest products that are available in Facebook. However,

48 (58%) respondents said they are not.

In the above statement, item number six shows that among 83

respondents, 49 (59%) said Online Shopping is more convenient and easier than

traditional shopping. In contrast, 34 (41%) respond it is not.

In the statement number seven, 67 (81%) or majority of them said that

Online Shopping saves more time and effort. However, only 16 (19%)

respondents said it is not.

In statement number 8, there are 52 (63%) out of 83 respondents said that

Online Shopping makes their purchasing power easier and affordable. In

contrast, 32 (39%) said it does not make their purchasing power easier and


In statement number nine, 38 (46%) online shoppers said that they are

satisfied to the products they bought online. Hence, 45 (or 54%) of the remaining

shoppers said the contrast to the statement.

In item number ten, 50 (60%) out of 83 respondents respond they

purchase online that in trend and useful in daily living. In contrast, 33 (40%) of

the respondents said they are not purchasing products that are in trend and


Table 3.1 Respondents Response in Facebook Online Shopping

YES 38 0.46 46%
NO 45 0.54 54%
YES 36 0.43 43%
NO 47 0.57 57%
YES 69 0.83 83%
NO 14 0.17 17%
YES 49 0.59 59%
NO 34 0.41 41%
YES 50 0.60 60%
NO 33 0.40 40%
YES 46 0.55 55%
NO 37 0.45 45%

YES 39 0.47 47%

NO 44 0.53 53%
YES 34 0.41 41%
NO 39 0.47 47%

YES 49 0.59 59%

NO 34 0.41 41%

YES 50 0.60 60%

NO 33 0.40 40%

In item number eleven, 38 (46%) said that they more preferable online

shopping than the traditional one. Nevertheless, 45 (54%) said that they not

prefer online hopping than the traditional one.

In the statement number twelve 36 (43%) said they shop online because the

prices are more affordable. Yet, 47 (57%) said they don’t shop online because

the prices are affordable.

In the statement number thirteen, 69 (83%) majority said that they purchase

online according to their need and purpose. Yet, 14 (17%) said no.

In statement fourteen, 49 (59%) of the respondents said that the product they

purchase are promptly delivered, while 34 (41%) said no.

In item number fifteen, 50 (60%) said that the products that they purchased

online are often in a good quality. Nevertheless, 33 (40%) said that the products

that they bought are not often in a good quality.

In the statement number sixteen, 46 (55%) gain trust with the dealers and

sellers in online shopping. While 37 (45%) don’t trust sellers and dealers.

In item seventeen, out of 83 respondents, 39 (47%) said that with the use of

online shopping they can easily detect if online sellers are real or fake. Yet 44

(53%) said they can’t.

In item number eighteen, 34 (41%) said that the product that they purchased

online last longer to them. However, 39 (47%) said that it is not.

In item nineteen, 49 (59%) said that there are products that are only available

in facebook online shopping. Then 34 (41%) said no.

And lastly, out of 83 respondents 50 (60%) said that there are wide varieties

of products available in online shopping that those in traditional one.

Nonetheless, 33 (40%) said that there are no wide varieties of products available

in online shopping.


This chapter presents the summary of the study, conclusions and

discussion as well as recommendation of the researcher to the study.


Technologies are now in to our society. Technologies helped people to

make our life easier than before. They use technologies as a tool to buy and sell

products using our social media account like Facebook. We conduct a research

about online shopping because nowadays most people like to buy online than the

other way.

The purpose of this study is to know the advantages disadvantages of

online shopping in Facebook as well as the satisfaction among the buyers. The

researchers constructed a title of the study and create a statement of the

problem in approval of the adviser. After the approval, the researchers chose

descriptive method and used descriptive survey questionnaires that will be

distributed to the selected grade 10 Junior high school of Bulihan National High

School. Simple random sampling technique was used in choosing respondents.

Based on the analysis, the researchers came up to the following findings:

The result of the study tells that most of the respondents are online

shoppers. Online Shopping is very convenient and easier than traditional

shopping. In addition, shopping online can save their time and effort. It makes

their purchasing power or the capability to buy products more possible and

affordable, as well as it offers a lot of products than the traditional shop.

However, there are some disadvantages such as the satisfaction since majority

of the shoppers are not satisfied to the products they bought online though it is

often in good quality.


The researchers were able to arrive at these conclusions based on the

findings of the study.


 The researchers conclude that online shopping is very convenient.

 Online shoppers can save time and effort when buying in online store.

 Online Shoppers buy products they need and useful in their daily living.

They do not buy products without any valid reason.

 Facebook online stores have wide varieties of products unlike in

Traditional Shopping that has only few options.

 The products from online stores are promptly delivered to the consumer

or online shoppers.


 Most of the online shoppers are not satisfied to the products they bought

online although the products are in good quality.

 Almost half of the respondents are saying that the products they bought

online did not last longer.

 Only few respondents are into the statement that online shopping is more

preferable than the traditional one.

 Online shoppers have trust issue to the online sellers. They do not know if

the sellers are fake or not.

 Researchers also conclude that prices in online stores do not have an

effect to shoppers in buying online.


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers want to recommend

the following for the enhancement of Facebook online shopping and also for the

future online shoppers and sellers.

Online Sellers

1. Make some strategies such as be more approachable in order to

attract online shoppers to buy their products. In addition, packaging is

also one factor to attract customers.

2. Give something to the shoppers such as contact number, pictures or

anything to prove and assure them that the shop is legit and


3. Sell products that are needed in everyday life and at the same time in

trend and unique.

4. Make sure that the products have a good quality that will give

satisfaction and meet the demand of the shoppers.

5. Make the delivery of the product easier and faster in order to gain their


Online Shoppers

1. Check the store if it is legit through evaluating and reading the

feedback of their previous shoppers.

2. Make sure to contact the seller through calls, video calls that will be

one of the proofs that it is reliable and true.

3. In choosing products, pick the best and fit for your needs and wants.

4. Ask and ensure the information about the chosen product to avoid


5. Make sure that you have a good deal to the sellers before the

deliberation of products to avoid misunderstanding.


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