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The Effects on Student’s Performance in School and Health

Erika Trizia M. Tan

Meridian International College - MINT College



Background of the Study

Adequate sleep optimally impacts the physical and mental health of a person that hinders the brain

to fully function, Therefore it has a great impact on students' performance on the grades they

receive. There are recommended amount of sleep needed for different range of ages; these are the


Infants aged 4-12 months 12-16 hours a day

aged 1-2 years 11-14 hours a day

aged 3-5 years 10-13 hours a day

aged 6-12 years 9-12 hours a day

aged 13-18 years 8-10 hours a day

aged 18 years or older 7–8 hours a day

Sleep deprivation occurs when an individual gets less sleep than usual and they need to feel awake

and alert. Sleep deprivation can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, emotional difficulties, poor

job performance, obesity and a lowered perception of quality of life. According to “Cross, K.

(2018, January 25)”, The main variables of sleep deprivation are Fatigue, Irritability, Having

trouble focusing or learning new things, forgetfulness, "fuzzy" head, and lack of motivation. Sleep

deprivation is usually caused by a variety of factors. There are five main factors of sleep

deprivation; Jam-packed schedules, Lifestyle choices, Environmental , Insomnia, and Social

Media. Your chosen lifestyle can have a big influence on your ability to get enough sleep you

need. There are two kinds of sleep deprivation, according to Picard, C. (2019, June 10) Acute and

Chronic. Acute is when you skip one night or few nights — without sleep. The chronic kind is

when you miss out on those seven or more hours per night on a consistent basis weeks or even

months. Sleep deprivation isn’t a sleep disorder. Instead, it’s something that sleep disorders and

other medical conditions can cause. It’s important to understand that “enough sleep” is a personal

measure, which means people who need a ton of sleep may feel sleep deprived even if they get

seven or eight hours each night.

( identify a research gap : why u wanna do this study and why is it important )

Problem Statement
The study aims to determine the sleeping habits of MINT students and its effect on their

performance in school.

Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the sleeping habits of MINT students?

2. What are the Factors that influence their sleeping habits?

3. What is the correlation between their sleeping habits and their performance in school?

Significance of the study

The importance of this study is to help generation Z students to ease the effects of sleep deprivation

and to be acquainted with the main factors that will have a great impact on their performances in

school . This study is beneficial to generation Z students, parents and teachers. Specifically in

Meridian International College students, because it would give them a better understanding of their

sleeping habits.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to see the effects of sleep deprivation to mint students and how it impacts the way

they study because having a better understanding on their sleeping habits would help students

utilize their abilities to lessen it and make the most out of the process. The aspects looked into and

observed will be the answers from our respondents, and with the results, the researcher will collect

and summarize the findings to be able to determine the effects of sleep deprivation that impacts
SH Students and their academic performances. The main source of data will come from surveys

on Google Forms that are answered by Meridian International College students.

There are a few limitations to the study, including the limited time we had to conduct this study

and the limited resources that we have. Because of this, the information we are using is coming

from a few sources only and mainly focused on Meridian International College students.

Therefore, to generalize the results for larger groups- the study should have involved more

participants at direct levels. The study will be conducted in Metro Manila, Philippines, by Senior

High Students from Meridian International College.



( few websites but mostly journal article ;google scholar )







References :

“Cross, K. (2018, January 25). Sleep Deprivation. Retrieved from :”

Auer , J. (2019, September 27). Everything You Need To Know About Sleep Deprivation.

Retrieved from

Kathleen Davis, F. N. P. (2018, January 25). Sleep deprivation: Causes, symptoms, and

treatment. Retrieved from

Curcio, G. (2019, January 1). The relationship between sleep and wake habits and academic

performance in medical students: a cross-sectional study. Retrieved from

Jordan, P. (2018, September). Types of Sleep Patterns - Polyphasic, Biphasic & Monophasic.

Retrieved from

News, C. (2018, December). Among teens, sleep deprivation is an epidemic. Retrieved from


Cherney, S. W. and K. (2020, February 6). 11 Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Body.

Retrieved from

L , R. (2019, July 15). Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency. Retrieved from

Picard, C. (2019, June 10). Taking Daytime Naps Won't Make Up for Lost Sleep, Doctors Say.

Retrieved from


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