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CHAPTER-I Period Pg No.

Section - 1 History of the Indian Navy
Section - 2 Organisation of Navy - NHQ, Commands, Ships &
Shore Establishment
Section - 3 Types of Warships and their roles
Section - 4 Organisation of Ships
Section - 5 Organisation of Army & Air Force
Section - 6 Naval Customs and Traditions
Section - 7 Ranks of Officers and Sailors, Equivalent Ranks
Section - 8 Mode of entry into Indian Navy
Section - 9 Branches of the Navy and their functions
Section - 10 Role of IN INDO PAK war – 1971 & Kargil War
Section - 11 Naval Campaign (Pearl Harbour, Falkland war, Battle of
Atlantic/ Fleet PFR, IFR
Section - 1 Introduction to Anti-Submarine Warfare & Fleet
Section - 2 Role of Aviation – Naval Aircrafts & Helicopters
Section - 3 Types of Submarine and its role ASW Weapon & sensor
Section - 4 Elementary knowledge of Gunnery & Missile
Section - 1 Introduction to Naval Modern Communication
Section - 2 Semaphore
Section - 3 Phonetic Alphabets
Section - 4 Radio Telephony Procedure
Section - 5 Wearing National Flag, Ensign and Admiral‘s Flag
Section - 1 Navigation of ship – Basic Requirements
Section - 2 Types of Compass
Section - 3 Chart Work
Section - 4 Electronic aids for navigation
Section - 5 Tides
Section - 6 Clouds
Section - 7 Introduction to astronomy
Section - 1 Anchor work – Parts of anchor and cable
Section - 2 Anchor work - Purpose of anchor and holding ground
Section - 3 Rigging – Types of ropes
Section - 4 Rigging – Bends and Hitches

Section - 5 Rigging – Introduction to Shackles

Section - 6 Boat work – Parts of Boat
Section - 7 Boat work – Boat Pulling Instruction
Section - 8 Boat work - Steering of Boat
Section - 9 Boat work – Rigging of sails in boats
Section -10 Boat work – Enterprise class boat, Elementary Sailing
Section - 11 Boat work – Whaler Sailing Instructions
Section - 12 Boat work – Power Boats

Section - 1 Types of Fire, Extinguishers, Fire Fighting
Section - 2 Causes of damage, flooding and damage control
Section - 1 Principal of Ship Modelling
Section - 2 Maintenance and Care of Tools
Section - 3 Types of Models
Section - 4 Calculation of sail area of a model
Section - 5 Introduction to ship model competition
Section - 6 Care and handling of power tools used
Section - 7 Repairing and stabilizing of Ship Models
Section - 8 Handling and operation of remote control models
Section - 9 Practical Training
Section - 1 SAR organization in the Indian Ocean
Section - 2 Role of Indian Coast Guard
Section - 1 Swimming – Floating and Breathing techniques
Section - 2 Swimming – Floatation for 3 Mins and Swimming for 50


1. Introduction. On 26 January 1950 when India became a Republic, the Royal Indian
Navy was re-designated and the new Indian Naval Ensign (Naval Flag) was adopted on this date. The
Indian National flag had earlier taken the place of Union Jack on 15th Aug 1947. Soon after
independence the first cruiser INS Delhi and 03 ‘R’ class destroyers Rajput, Ranjit & Rana joined the
Indian Navy. In late 50‘s the second cruiser INS Mysore & 02 Frigate INS Trishul & Talwar were
acquired, this was followed by the acquisitions of the anti Submarine Frigates INS Khukri, Kuthar,
Kirpan & Anti Air Craft Frigates Brahmaputra, Beas & Betwa. With the joining of these ships the Indian
Naval Flotilla was constituted into a Fleet. The Air Craft carrier INS Vikrant was commissioned in
February 61. This added an Integral Air Defence & strike capability to our Fleet.

2. Goa Operation (OPS VIJAY - 1961). Indian Naval Ships were deployed for action for the
first time in the liberation of Goa in Dec 1961. In the encounter that took place off Goa. Portuguese
warship Albuquerque was disabled, after which the Indian Navy established its command of the Sea off
Goa and was able to enforce a blockade of this port there by denying the Portuguese of any further
assistance from the Sea.

3. In the mid 60‘s the only addition to the Indian Navy was an oil tanker acquired from West
Germany. With the addition of this oil tanker the range of the Fleet increased as also its capacity and
endurance at Sea.

4. Indo-Pak War (OPERATION TRIDENT). With the change in the Geo political situation in the
Indian Ocean there was a need for faster and more sophisticated ships to meet the maritime defence
needs of the Indian Navy. The result was the acquisition of ships, missile boats and submarines in the
late 60‘s and early 70‘s with systematic and sustained growth, proper training and courage and initiative
in battle, it was possible for the Indian Navy to give a good account of itself both in the Bay of Bengal
and Arabian Sea in the 1971 conflict with Pakistan for the liberations of Bangladesh.

5. Post 1971(OPERATION PYTHON). After the 1971 war, the Navy has been acquiring
more ships and Aircraft to enable to discharge its responsibility effectively. It acquired an Aircraft
Carrier from Britain which was christened as INS Viraat and two more ‘R‘class ships Ranvir & Ranvijay.
The Indian Navy has also became self sufficient in building of frigate of Leander Class and Godavari
Classes, Corvette of Khukri Class, Missile boats of Nishank Class, Submarine of Shalki class which
were built indigenously and Helicopters of Chetak‘ class. We have increased our warship building
capabilities phenomenally, the recent production of Destroyers INS Delhi, Mumbai & Mysore proves
this. The Indian Navy recently commissioned the latest of Delhi class Destroyers INS Mysore which
was built indigenously in the Mazagaon Dock in Mumbai. The Navy also acquired sophisticated vertical/
short take off and landing(VSTOL)‘Sea Harrier‘ Aircraft from Britain which can take off from a small
deck of ships and maritime reconnaissance and anti submarine role Aircraft TU142 from Russia which
increased the capacity of our Navy by leaps and bounds making it a world class Navy.

6. Operation Cactus: A defining moment in the India-Maldives strategic relationship occurred

in 1988 when India intervened in the Maldives to prevent an attempted coup by mercenaries, organised
by a Maldivian businessman. In November 1988, a force of some 80-200 mercenaries, largely drawn
from a Sri Lankan Tamil insurgent group, the People’s Liberation Organization of Tamil Eelam
(PLOTE), infiltrated the Maldivian capital of Malé and took control of key points in the city. The
Maldivian President, Abdul Gayoom, requested military assistance from several countries, including
India, the United States, Britain, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and ‘other’ Asian states. New Delhi
responded to the crisis with uncharacteristic speed and decision, seeing it as India’s prerogative and its
responsibility. On the same day as Gayoom’s request for assistance. The following day, with US

assistance, Indian maritime patrol aircraft were vectored onto the ship, which then tracked it until two
Indian naval vessels reached the area. Sea King helicopters from INS Godavari dropped depth
charges to deter evasion and Indian Marines operating from Sri Lanka boarded the ship and returned
the rebels to Malé for trial. Most of the Indian troops were withdrawn from the Maldives after order had
been restored.

7. Present Status. Modernisation is a constant process. Indian Navy is in the process of acquiring
Air Craft Carrier from Russia, Admiral Gorshkhav named INS Vikramaditya along with MIG 29K. It
also acquired an USA LPD, INS Jalashwa. It has indigenously built stealth Frigates in its service.

8. Post -Indo Pak war 1971, Navy has been engaged in various operations like Pawan, Cactus,
TASHA, etc. besides providing humanitarian assistance during Tsunami etc. During Kargil war, though
no naval action took place, Navy embarked upon OP Talwar and brought all its force to bear upon
Arabian Sea prompting Pakistan to desist from further misadventure. Presently it is active in Anti-Piracy
ops off Somalia as part of UN ops.

9. Conclusion. Indian Navy has come a long way since our Independence. Starting with a small
number of ships at the time of Independence, it has grown over the years both in terms of number and
quality of platforms in order to become a three dimensional Navy. It has acquired itself with glory
whenever called up to meet national interest both during war and peace.


1. Introduction. The Indian Navy is organized to meet its charter of duties as an important
component of the Armed Forces of our country. The aim of the organization is for effective
administrative control and functional operational efficiency from apex HQ to unit level.

2. Functions of Indian Navy

During War Time:

(a) To go an attack enemy ships, submarines and aircrafts.
(b) To protect our coastal area
(c) To protect Merchant ships
(d) To destroy enemy installations by bombardments.
(e) To sweep and laying mines.

During Peace time:

(a) To help custom authorities in carrying out anti-smuggling duties.
(b) Assistance during Natural Calamities.
(c) To protect our Exclusive Economic Zones.
(d) Rescue of ships at sea in distress.
(e) To equip and train itself for war.





(Training Command) (Unified Command)

4. The NHQ stands for Naval Head Quarters. It is located at New Delhi and is over all
responsible for smooth functioning of the Navy. The Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS) controls the
functioning of the Navy from NHQ and is assisted by his Principal Staff Officer (PSO‘s). The CNS
is assisted by four PSO‘s namely VCNS, DCNS, COP and COM.

(a) Vice Chief of Naval Staff (VCNS). The VCNS is the head of the staff Branch - I. He is
responsible for planning programming and all administrative services. He co-ordinates the NHQ
and officiates as CNS in his absence.

(b) Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (DCNS). The DCNS is the head of staff Branch – II. He is
responsible for Operation, Intelligence, Communications, Submarine and Naval Aviation.

(c) Chief of Personnel (COP). The COP controls the manning requirement of the Navy. He
is responsible for recruitment, training, welfare and discipline of naval personnel.

(d) Chief of Material (COM). The Chief of Material is responsible for providing maintenance
and assistance to the ship‘s of the Indian Navy. He is also responsible for design, construction
and maintenance of ship‘s and craft including Engineering, Electrical and Weapon aspects.

5. Commands. The Indian Navy is divided into four commands for administrative and
operational purpose. Typical Organization of a Command is:-



1 Western Naval FOCINC(W) Mumbai 1. Commanded by a Vice Admiral
Command designated as the FOC- in-C West.
(WNC) 2. It is an operational command and is
responsible for naval operation on the
western coast of India.
2 Eastern Naval FOCINC(E) Visakhapatnam 1. Commanded by a Vice Admiral
Command designated as the FOC- in-C East.
2. It is an operational command and is
responsible for naval operation on the
Eastern coast of India.
3 Southern Naval FOCINC Kochi 1. Commanded by a Vice Admiral
Command (South) designated as the FOC- in-C West.
(SNC) 2. It is a training command and all
training establishments come under
this command.
4 Unified CINCAN Port Blair 1. Commanded by a Vice Admiral
Command designated as the CINCAN.
2. This has the operational control of
all Army, Navy, Air force and Coast
Guard components under respective
component Commander. ACC,

6. Fleets. Fleet is a group of various types of warships and aircraft organized in a unit to fight
a war. The IN has two Fleets:-

(a) Western Fleet. It is based at Mumbai and commanded by a Rear Admiral designated as
the Flag Officer Commanding Western Fleet (FOCWF).

(b) Eastern Fleet. It is based at Visakhapatnam and commanded by a Rear Admiral

designated as the Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet (FOCEF).

7. Flotilla. Flotilla is a group of small vessels. The IN has many small warships. These
warships are organized in groups called Local Flotilla. These local Flotillas are generally placed
under the Command of NOIC (Naval Officer –in - Charge) who is area Commander of a small
area. The Biggest Local Flotilla is based in Bombay under the command of Flag Officer
Maharashtra Area & Gujarat (FOMAG).

8. Shore Establishments. Shore Establishments function under the Administrative Authority

(C-in-C) serve the following function:-

(a) Training officers and sailors

(b) Providing logistic support, berthing and allied harbour facilities to ships, such as
playgrounds, recreation facilities etc.

9. The location and main function of the establishments of the Indian Navy are given below:-


(a) New Delhi
INS India Administrative establishment of Naval Headquarters
(b) Mumbai
INS Angre Administrative establishment of Western Naval Command
INS Agnibahu Administrative establishment for Local Flotilla(Small Ships)
INS Kunjali Provost establishment, Naval Detention Quarter(Naval Jail),
School for Naval Musicians
INS Shikra Naval Air Station
INS Trata Naval Missile Battery,
INS Vajrabahu Submarine Base
INHS Asvini Naval Hospital and school for Medical Assistance
INS Abhimanyu Marine Commando School
INS Tunir Missile storage, assembling and servicing base
INS Hamla School for Logistics branch
INS Abhimanyu II Marine Commando school
INS Tanaji Release and Pension formalities (CABS)
(c) Lonavala
INS Shivaji Marine Engineering School, Naval Engineering College and
NBCD School
INHS Kasturi Naval Hospital
(d) Jamnagar
INS Valsura Training School for Electrical Branch
INS Sardar Vallabh Administrative establishment(Gujarat- Porbander)
Bhai Patel
(e) Goa
INS Mandovi College of Naval Warfare
INS Gomantak Support base for ships and establishments, Hydrographical
INS Hansa Naval Air Station
INHS Jeevanti Naval Hospital
(f) Kochi
INS Vendurthuy Naval base Seamanship School, Communication School, ND
School, PT School, ASW School, NIETT School, Diving
INS Dronacharya Gunnery School, Naval Coast Battery
INS Garuda Naval Air Station,
INHS Sanjivani Naval Hospital

(g) Visakhapatnam
INS Circars Administrative establishment of Eastern Naval Command
INS Virbahu Submarine base
INS Satavahana Submarine Training School
INS Kalinga Missile storage and servicing
INS Kalyani Naval Hospital
INS Dega Naval Air Station
INS Eksila Marine Gas turbine Overhauling Centre
INS Vishwakarma Shipwright School
(h) Port Blair
INS Jarawa Support base
INS Utkrosh Naval Air Station
INHS Dhanvantri Naval Hospital
INS Kardip Naval base in Kardip
INS Baaj Naval Air Station
(i) Chennai
INS Adyar Naval base
INS Rajali Naval Air Station(Arakonam)
(j) Kolkata
INS Netaji Subash Naval Base
(k) Chilka
INS Chilka Sailors Basic Training School
INHS Nivarini Naval Hospital
(l) Coimbatore
INS Agrani Leadership and Management course for sailors.
(m) Dwaraka
Administrative support to vessels on forward Area
INS Dwarka Deployment
(n) Tirunelveli(IN)
INS Kattabomman Low Frequency transmission centre
(o) Karwar
INS Kadamba Supporting Base
INHS Pattanjali Naval Hospital
(p) Ezhimala
INA Zamorin Naval Base & Indian Naval Academy
INHS Navjivni Naval Hospital

10. Conclusion. At HQ, Command and Fleet level, the organization of Navy is aimed at
providing efficient administrative and logistics support to meet the operational need of its fighting
units like Ships, Aircrafts & Submarines.


1. Introduction. Ships are designed for specific role. Indian Navy has various class
and types of Ships, Submarines and aircraft for deployment to meet requirements of the nation.
Ships can be classified into types and classes.

(a) Types of Ships. Ship can be classified under a type based on the role and the
purpose for which she has been built. For example an Aircraft carrier is built to operate
aircrafts and submarines are built to operate under water:-

(a) Aircraft Carrier (b) Destroyers (c) Frigates

(d) Corvettes (e) Mine Sweepers (e) OPVs
(f) Oil Tankers (g) Missile Boats (h) Survey Ships
(j) Diving Support vessel (k) LSTs (l) LCUs
(m) Ocean Going Tug (n) WJFACs (o) FACs
(p) ISV (q) Cadet Training Ship (r) Sailing Training Ship
(s) Oceanographic Research Vessel (t) Submarines

(b) Class of Ships. Ships of the same type can be grouped into classes based on
their design and built i.e. similar ships built on same design belong to a particular
Type Class Names
British Hermes
Aircraft Carrier Class Viraat

Destroyers 1) Rajput Class Rajput, Rana, Ranjit, Ranvir, Ranvijay

2) Delhi Class Delhi, Mysore, Mumbai
3) Kolakata Class Kolakata, Kochi

Frigates Godavari Class Godavari, Ganga, Gomati

Brahmaputra Class Brahmaputra,Beas,Betwa
Talwar Class Talwar, Trishul, Tabar. Teg. Tarkash, Trikhand
Shivalik Class Shivalik, Satpura, Sahyadri
Corvettes Khukri Class Khukri, Kuthar, Kirpan, Khanjar, Kora,
Kamorta Class Kamorta(ASW Corvette), Kadmat
Missile Boats Veer Class Veer, Nirbhik, Nipat, Nishank, Nirghat,
Vipul, Vinash, Vibhuti, Nashak,
Abhay Class Ajay, Abhay, Akshay, Agray

Patrol Vessels Sukanya class Sukanya, Suvarna, Sharda, Sujata,

Subhadra, Savitri, Saryu

Mine Sweepers Karwar Class Karwar, Kozhikode, Canannore,

Konkan, Cuddalore, Kakinada

LST(L) Magar Class Magar, Gharial, Shardul, Kesari

LST(M) Ghorpad Class Ghorpad, Sharabh, Cheetah,

LCU LCU L-32 to LCU L-39

OilTankers Jyoti, Shakti, Deepak, Aditya

Ocean going Tug Matanga class Matanga

Survey ships Sandhayak class Sandhayak, Nirdeshak, Nirupak,

Investigator, Jamuna, Sutlej,

Submarines Foxtrot class Vagli, Vaghsheer,Vagir, Vela, Karanj,

Kursura, Kalvari(All decommissioned)

Kilo class Sindhughosh, Sindhuvir, Sindhurakshak,

Sindhuraj, Sindhudhvaj, Shindhukeshri,
Sindhukiriti, Sindhuvijay, Sindhuratna,

Shishumar class Shishumar, Sankush, Shalki, Shankul

Nuclear Arhihant, Chakra

Cadet Training Tir Class Tir, Sujata

Diving Support Nireekshak


Missile Tender 22 KS Nipat, Nirbhik, Nishank, Nirgnat, Vipul,

Vinash, Vibhuti, Vidyut, Prahar,
Nashak, Veer

Fast Attack Craft T 80 –T 84, Trinkat, Tillanchang, Tarasa

Water Jet Fast WJFAC Carnicobar, Chetlat, Koradiv, Kabra, Kankarso,

Attack Craft Cherium
Oceanographic Sagardhwani
Research Vessel

Sail Training Ship Tarangini

Torpedo Recovery TSRV Astradharani


3 Role.
(a) Aircraft Carrier. It is a floating air field. It can operate aircraft and helicopters.
(b) Destroyers. These ships are lighter than cruisers and they are also general
purpose fighting ships. They carry Surface to Surface Missile (SSM), Surface to Air
Missile (SAM), gun, rocket launchers, torpedoes and ASW helicopters.

(c) Frigates. Frigates are smaller than Destroyers. These are basically escort
ships, and are equipped with guns, missiles, torpedoes etc. They are classified as
Anti Aircraft Frigate, Anti Submarine Frigate, Multipurpose Frigate etc based on
their function and equipment carried onboard.
(d) Cruisers. They are ships of surface action. They carry heavy guns, long range
missiles, antisubmarine weapons, helicopters etc,. Presently there are no cruiser in the
Indian Navy.

(e) Corvettes. These ships are lighter than frigates and they are fitted either with
antiaircraft weapons or with antisubmarine weapon. These ships have limited endurance.

(f) Patrol Vessels. These are lighter vessels for patrolling coastal areas, oil field

(g) Mine Sweepers. These ships are fitted with special equipment to detect and
sweep mines and keep the sea lanes open by clearing mines laid by enemy.

(h) LSTs (Landing Ship Tank). These ships are specially constructed so that they
can beach on shore and off load tanks, troops and other vehicles directly on to the

(j) LCU (Landing Craft Utility). These are smaller landing ships which can beach
but cannot carry tanks; they are used to land trucks, jeeps and other utility items. These
are small compared to LSTs.

(k) Tankers. These ships can store fuel and fresh water and supply it to the fleet at
sea by a method know as Replenishment at Sea(RAS), there by increasing the
endurance of the ships.

(l) Submarines. These vessels can operate under water, i.e. they can navigate and
fire their torpedoes in a dived state.

(m) Survey Ships. They carry out geographical survey of sea and coastal areas and
prepare charts for navigation.

4. Conclusion. Indian Navy, in order to fulfil its charter of duties has various types of ships.
Each class of Ship has a different role to play during peace and war. This gives flexibility to
command for deploying them depending upon kind of mission and threat.


1. Introduction. Every Warship has schemes of complements which show the number of
Officers and men required to man her under various condition of war and peace. Officers and
men are divided into departments according to their specialization and these in turn form
divisions or may be further divided into two or more sub-divisions, according to the number

2. Department. A chart of the departmental organization of a Destroyer along with the

specialists borne in each department is given below:-


Cdr (E) Cdr(L) EXO CDR(Log) PMO Met Offr

Snr Engr DLO First Lt ALOGO(Pay) MO
ALO(P) Gunnery Officer ALOGO (Vict) Dental Offr.
ALO(R) Navigating Officer ALOGO (Cloth)
Anti Submarine Warfare Officer
Signal Communication Officer
Regulating Officer
NBCD Officer
Hull Officer
Diving Officer

3. Watch System. The ships company is divided into groups known as watches. In each
watch there are sufficient men drawn from each branch for maintenance of ship during peace
time and in war, depending on the threat the whole or a portion of the armament must be ready
for instant action. There are following watch system onboard Naval Ships:
(a) Two Watches. In this system the men are equally divided into the two watches
that are Starboard and Port.
(b) Three Watches. In this system men are divided in three watches Red, White
and Blue.
(c) Four Watches. In this system men are divided in four watches that are Port I, Port II,
Starboard I, Starboard II.

4. Stations & Routines. The ships company is closed up in various stations to meet
various requirements and routine is so run onboard a ship to balance operational
requirement and adequate rest to the crew.

(a) Cruising Station (b) Defence Station (c) Action Station

(c) Sea & Action (e) SSD & Cable Party (f) Clear Lower Deck

5. Conclusion. A ship is a cohesive unit and is organised in such a way that it runs
efficiently both administratively and operationally.


1. Introduction. Indian Army is the second largest army in the world. Such a large Army needs to be
managed efficiently not only in times of war but also in peace. The Army is organized in Combat Arms,
which does the fighting, Combat Support Arms and the Services.





(IS&T) (P&S)

(a) COAS - Chief of Army Staff

(b) VCOAS - Vice Chief of Army Staff
(c) DCOAS (IS&T) - Deputy Chief of Army Staff
(d) DCOAS (P&S) - Deputy Chief of Army Staff
(e) AG - Accountant General
(f) MS - Military secretary
(g) QMG - Quarter Master General
(h) MGO - Master General Ordnance
(I) E-in-C - Engineer in Command

5. Commands.

(a) Northern Command - Udhampur

(b) Western Command - Chandigarh
(c) Central Command - Lucknow
(d) Eastern Command - Kolkata
(e) Southern Command - Pune
(f) Southern West Command - Jaipur
(g) ARTRAC - Shimla

6. Branches of Indian Army are as follows:-

(a) Arms.

(i) Armoured Corps (ii) Artillery (iii) Army Air Defence

(iv) Army Aviation (v) Engineers (vi) Corps of Signals

(vii) Mech Infantry (viii) Infantry – Various Regiments

(b) Services.

(i) Army Supply Corps (ii) Army Ordnance Corps (iii) Corps of EME
(iv) Army Education Corps (v) Remount and Veterinary Corps
(vi) Pioneer Corps (vii) Corps of Military Police
(viii) Army Medical Corps (ix) Army Dental Corps
(ix) Army Postal Service (xi) Territorial Army
(xii) Defence Security Corps



Commands of Indian Air Force are as follows:-

(i) Western Air Command - Chandigarh

(ii) Eastern Air Command - Shillong
(iii) Central Air Command - Delhi
(iv) South Western Air Command - Jodhpur
(v) Southern Air Command - Pune
(vi) Maintenance Command - Bangalore

9. Conclusion. The Indian Army and Indian Air Force are the other two Arms of the Indian Armed
Forces and work closely during Operations with the Indian Navy.


1. Introduction. The tradition and customs of Indian Navy are expression of respect,
Courtesy, rejoicing and have developed as part of a sea faring profession with international
echo. Some of these are given in succeeding para.

2. Commissioning Pennant. This pennant is hoisted on the main mast on the day of
Commissioning of the ship and is not struck down till the ship is decommissioned.

3. Colours. This is a general term describing the ‗National Flag and the ―Naval Ensign
flown on ship between colours (0800 hrs) to sunset in harbour only.


Colours is the term which indicates collectively the National Flag and Naval Ensign. Colours
ceremony is the hoisting of colours in commissioned ships and establishments at 0800 hrs daily.
This can be done after the sunrise and before 0800 hrs on special occasions.

4. Illuminating Ship. Ships are illuminated by flood lights or illuminating circuits on special
occasions/ ceremony of festivity as and when ordered by Naval Headquarters/ Administrative

5. Crossing the line Ceremony. Whenever Indian Naval Ships cross the Equator, this
ceremony is observed. The ship goes out of routine and all officers and sailors join the

6. Piping the Side. Except for foreign Naval Officers, for whom the side is piped for all
times, the side is only piped to the following persons, and only between the times of colours
and sunset.
(a) The President and Heads of States.
(b) All the Flag Officers in Uniform.
(c) All Commanding officers of commissioned Ships and Establishments.
(d) The president or a member of a court martial proceeding to or returning from the
(e) The officer of the guard when flying a pendant.
(f) A dead body when being brought onboard or sent out of a ship.

7. Salutes between Warships. When a warship passes another in harbour/sea they

exchange salutes. It may include parading of guard and band or by sounding the alert on the
bugle or piping the still. At sea, salutes are exchanged by pipe only.

8. Sunset. It is similar to the colour ceremony and is not carried out at a fixed time but at
the time of sunset every evening. Instead of hoisting the colours they are hauled down.

9. Dressing Ship. Ships are dressed overall on the days of National celebrations such as
Independence, Republic day and Navy Day by hoisting signaling flags and pendants from the
Jackstaff to the foremast and from the foremast to the mainmast and from the mainmast to the
ensign staff.

The Ship is dressed overall on special occasion like as Independence day, Republic
day, National Maritime Day and Navy Day.

10. OOG. When a ship visits a foreign port, an officer of the executive branch is detailed as
officer of the Guard.

11. Man and Cheer Ship. The Ships Company man the ship standing on the catwalks from
foxle to Quarter deck facing towards the Ship which boards the dignitary.

12. Ringing in the New Year. During the midnight 0001 hrs on 01 Jan every year, the ships
bell at gangway is rang eight times to mark the New Year.

13. Reception of Officers. The officers are received on different ceremonial occasions in
the Navy as a tradition.

14. Launching Ceremony. This ceremony is conducted whenever the keel of a ship is
launched for construction at shipyards.

15. Entering/ Leaving a Boat. All officers when getting into or leaving a boat are saluted by
the coxswain. Officers enter a boat seniority wise , the senior most enters last and leaves first.

16. Boat Hailing. The coxswain of the boat while passing the warship or the boat carrying
flag officers give the proper mark of respect after asking the identification being carried by
saying boat hails.

17. Gun Salutes. Gun salutes are fired as National salute and in harbour for VIPs such as
President, Flag Officers, Governors, and Ambassadors etc.

The following are the personnel who are entitled to gun salutes.

(a) President 21 gun Salutes

(b) Admiral 17 gun Salutes
(c) Vice Admiral 15 gun Salutes
(d) Rear Admiral 13 gun Salutes
(e) Commodore 11 gun Salutes
(f) Captain 7 gun Salutes

18. Jackstaff – It is a mast for a ship. It is a place where the national flag is hoisted.

19. Action Stations – When the attack by the enemy is imminent, full ship’s company is
close up at their respective post and manned their equipment.

20. Silent Hours- This is the period from pipe down to hands call during which no sound is
made on the ship’s broadcast system.

21. Sickbay – The ship’s hospital

22. Forecastle/Foxle – The position of the ship forward of the super structure is referred to
as the forecastle.

23. Quarter Deck- The position of the ship after of the after super structure is referred to as
the quarter deck.

24. Super Structure- Additional structures built in the ship above the continuous upper

25. Masts- Are pole lattice structures prominently extending above the super structures
which can carry radar and radio antennas and visual signaling equipments.

26. Jetty:- A platform built out from shore on pillars/piles so that there is sufficient room
alongside it to berth ships.

27. Ship’s Company:- All the personnel of the ship other than Officers.

28. Keel- Bottom of the ship.

29. Boat deck- The part of ship where boats are kept.

30. Mid Ship – Middle part of the ship.

31. Gangway- Any recognized entrance to, or passage way or traffic route within a ship.

32. Rudder – Gives direction to the boat/ship.

33. Capstan - It is an drum like Electrical motor/equipment which is used for lowering and
hoisting of Anchor during anchoring and also used for handling of ropes.

34. Galley - Ships Kitchen

35. Ships Bell - The Ship’s Bell always bear the name of the ship and date of launching.
Normally during the midnight 0001 hrs on 01 Jan every year, the ships bell at gangway is rang
(8+8) times to mark the New Year.

36. Magazine - It is the compartment which is used for placing ammunition and other
sensitive explosives. This compartment lies below the water line.

37. Bridge - It is the compartment where overall control of ship is by CO/OOW during

38. Radar- radar stands for radio detection and ranging. It employs ultra sonic waves
for the detection of object on the surface as well as in the air.

39. Clear Lower Deck - It is announced on main broadcast to assemble on the placed of
the announcement to meet some requirement or pass some message.

40. Drag: A ship is said to be dragging when her anchor(s) are not holding firmly on the


1. Officer. The rank Structure of Officer of IN and equivalent ranks in other services in
descending order are as given below:-


Admiral of the Fleet Field Marshal Marshal of the Air Force
Admiral General Air Chief Marshal
Vice Admiral Lt General Air Marshal
Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal
Commodore Brigadier Air Commodore
Captain Colonel Group Captain
Commander Lt Colonel Wing Commander
Lt Commander Major Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Captain Flight Lieutenant
Sub Lieutenant Lieutenant Flying Officer
Midshipman _ _
Cadet Gentleman Cadet Flight Cadet

Note. The Officers of the rank of Commander and above are called ‘Senior Officer‘ and the
Officer of the rank of Rear Admiral and above are called ‘Flag Officer‘.

2. Sailors. Rank structure of sailors of Seaman Branch of IN and equivalent rank of other
services in descending order is as follows:-


MCPO I Sub Major Master Warrant Officer
MCPO II Subedar Warrant Officer
Chief Petty Officer Naib Subedar Junior Warrant Officer
Petty Officer Havaldar Sergeant
Leading Seaman Naik Corporal
Sea I Lance Naik Leading Airman
Sea II Sepoy Airman

Note. The Sailors of the rank of Petty Officer and above are called Senior Sailor’s and those
of the rank of Leading and below are called Junior Sailors‘.

3. Conclusion. The rank structure in the Armed Forces denotes the responsibility and status of
an officer or sailor. The hierarchical structure of Armed Forces facilitates its ease of discharging
duty in a smooth manner.


1. Introduction. Indian Navy has the following six branches:-

(a) Executive branch (b) Engineering branch (c) Electrical branch

(d) Logistics branch (e) Education branch (f) Medical branch

2. Executive Department. The primary function of this department is to keep the ship in top
fighting efficiency. Maintenance of ship‘s discipline is also the responsibility of this department.
The executive department is headed by an officer from the executive branch and he is called
Executive Officer. On big ship‘s he is also known as Ship‘s Commander. He is also called
Second in Command, and in the absence of the Commanding Officer, he is in charge of the
ship. This department is further divided into following 06 sub branches:-
(a) Gunnery (b) ASW (c) Navigation
(d) Communication (e) Regulating (f) NBCD

3. Engineering Department. The primary responsibility of this department is to maintain

the propulsion system of the ship and provide propulsion power to the ship as directed by the
Commanding Officer. It is also provides assistance to ships NBCD in countering the damage.
The HOD of this department is called Engineer Officer (EO).
4. Electrical Department. The ship needs electrical supply for domestic purpose i.e
cooking, fans, AC, lighting and for operating weapon systems and sensors. This department is
responsible for electrical power generation and electrical power supply to the ship borne
weapon systems and sensors. The HOD of this department is called the Electrical Officer (LO).
5. Logistics Department. The logistics department is responsible to feed the ships
company, provide them clothes, looks after their Pay and Allowances, provides spares and
stores to Engineering, Electrical and Executive department for effecting repairs/replacement.
The HOD of this department is called Logistics Officer (LOGO).
6. Medical Department. The primary responsibility of this department is to look after the
health of the ships company. A qualified Medical Officer (MO) is posted onboard a ship for this
7. Education Branch. This department consists of officers of Education Branch, Civilians
Instructors and a few sailors. These instructors look after class room instruction and
examination of academic subjects. They also look after extracurricular activities, take classes for
ETI and HET exams and conduct examinations for sailor. This department is headed by Senior
Education Officer (SEDO).

8. Flight. Some ships have air element like helicopter onboard. Such ships have a
separate department called ships Flight. This department is headed by a Flight Commander
from the Aviation Branch.

9. Diving. Certain ships have complements of divers to undertake emergency diving

operation both at harbour and sea to meet unforeseen requirements.

10. Conclusion. The branches of the Navy are for efficient running of departments when the
Officers and Sailors of a particular branch are specially trained to discharge multifarious jobs
that they are called upon to perform during their service career.


1. Introduction. The Indo Pak War of 1971 was brought about by the flawed inner dynamics
of the Pakistani system of governance where in the Bengalis of the East Pakistan were not
dealt with according to democratic norms. Even when ballot gave them overwhelming majority,
they were refused their rights by the Pakistani Government, that lead to Mujibur Rahman
declaring Bangladesh an independent country on 25 Mar 1971.


2. The situation in the Arabian Sea was altogether different. The Submarine, surface and
air threats were higher and assessment of threats were little confusing.

3. Missile Boat Attack. The first missile boat attack on Karachi, launched from
Saurashtra (Okha) along the coast, was a success. It sank a Pakistani destroyer and a coastal
minesweeper. The Indian Fleet planned its next attack for night 8/9 December. To divert
attention from missile attack on Karachi, they had also planned a diversionary attack on Jiwani
(Makran Coast). The bombardment group, under the Cruiser Mysore, apprehended Pakistani
Merchant Ship ‗Madhumati south of Jiwani after she had transmitted an SOS to Karachi. After
Madhumati was boarded FOCWF called off gun bombardment of Jiwani as SOS was good
enough distraction for the missile boats to go though the attack on Karachi. Once again this
second strike also was successful. A missile, set Karachi fuel storage tanks aflame and
another hit Dacca, the Pakistani Navy‘s tanker, at the anchorage. These two missile attack on
Karachi achieved Western Fleet dominance of Sea approaches to Karachi.

4. Sinking of INS Khukri. A submarine was reliably detected off Bombay. On 8thDec 1971 two
frigates Khukri and Kirpan, were sailed from Bombay to ‗Flush this submarine away from the
Saurashtra coast where ships were assembling for the next missile attack on Karachi. On the
evening of 9th December, the Pakistani submarine Hangor successfully torpedoed and sank
Khukri. A sustained anti-submarine operation over the next four days was unable to prevent
the Hangor‘s return to Karachi.


5. In the Bay of Bengal there was no Surface threat. At the very beginning of the war, the
Submarine threat vanished after, Pakistani Submarine Ghazi exploded at the entrance to
Visakhapatnam Harbour whilst laying mines. There was no air threat after Indian Air Forse
attacks grounded aircraft in East Pakistan. Carrier borne Air Craft avoided attacking neutral
Merchant Shipping at Sea. They concentrated on immobilising Pakistani Vessels and damaged
all Air Strips, which Pakistani Forces in East Pakistan might use to escape capture. Ships of
Eastern Fleet enforced contraband control until tasked with amphibious landing to out off
escape routes into Burma. Pakistan‘s Forces in the east laid down their arms after thirteen
days of war and new Nation Bangladesh came into being.

6. Lesson Learnt. The war ended on 17th December when Pakistan accepted India‘s offer of
cease-fire. While Indian Navy gave a good account of itself following lessons were learnt and
post war action was taken to address these issues.

a. Innovation and Exercise. Missile boat attack carried out by Indian Navy by
towing them near the vicinity of target was a plus point of improvisation.
(b) Submarine is a dangerous enemy in typical hydrological condition where it is difficult
to detect and requires attack from air, surface and underwater –all three directions.

(c) Large caliber gun engagement between warships not likely. Anti ship missile would
dominate future war at sea.


7. Introduction. During 1999 Kargil War, the western and Eastern Fleet were deployed in the
Northern Arabian Sea, as part of the Operation Talwar. They safe guarded Indian Maritime
assets from a Potential Pakistani Naval Attack as also deferred

Pakistan from attempting to block India‘s sea-trade routes. The Indian Navy‘s aviators flew
sorties and marine commandos fought alongside Indian Army personnel in the Himalayas.

8. Initial Phase. The 1999 Kargil War took place between May 8, when Pakistani forces and
Kashmiri militants were detected atop the Kargil ridges and July 14 when both sides had
essentially ceased their military operations. It is believed that the planning for the operation, by
Pakistan, may have occurred about as early as the autumn of 1998.The spring and summer
incursion of Pakistan-backed armed forces into territory on the Indian side of the line of control
around Kargil in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and the Indian military campaign to repel the
intrusion left 524 Indian soldiers dead and 1,363 wounded.

9. Later Phase. By 30 June 1999 Indian forces were prepared for a major high-altitude
offensive against Pakistani posts along the border in the disputed Kashmir region. Over the
previous six weeks India had moved five infantry divisions, five independent brigades and 44
battalions of paramilitary troops to Kashmir. The total Indian troop strength in the region had
reached 730,000. The build-up included the deployment of around 60 frontline aircraft. The
Pakistani effort to take Kargil occurred after the February 1999 Lahore summit between then
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Indian Prime Minister Atal Bahari Vajpayee.
This conference was believed to have de-escalated the tensions that had existed since May
1998. The major motive behind the operation was to help in internationalizing the Kashmir
issue, and for which global attention had been flagging for some time. The intrusion plan was
the brainchild of Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff, Gen Pervez Musharraf and Lt Gen Mohammed
Aziz, the Chief of General Staff. They obtained only an 'in principle' concurrence, without any
specifics, from Nawaz Sharif, the Pakistani Prime Minister.


10. While the Army and the Air Force readied themselves for the battle on the heights of
Kargil, Indian Navy began to draw out its plans. Unlike the earlier wars with Pakistan, this time
the bringing in of the Navy at the early stages of the conflict served to hasten the end of the
conflict in India's favour.

11. Strategy. In drawing up its strategy, the Navy was clear that a reply to the Pakistani
misadventure had to be two-pronged. While ensuring safety and security of Indian maritime
assets from a possible surprise attack by Pakistan, the Indian imperative was that all efforts
must be made to deter Pakistan from escalating the conflict into a full scale war. Thus, the
Indian Navy was put on a full alert from May 20 onwards, a few days prior to the launch of the
Indian retaliatory offensive. Naval and Coast Guard aircraft were put on a continuous
surveillance and the units readied up for meeting any challenge at sea.

12. Operation Talwar. Time had now come to put pressure on Pakistan, to ensure that the

right message went down to the masterminds in that country. Strike elements from the Eastern
Fleet were sailed from Visakhapatnam on the East Coast to take part in a major naval exercise
called 'SUMMEREX' in the North Arabian Sea. This was envisaged as the largest ever
amassing of naval ships in the region. The message had been driven home. Pakistan Navy, in
a defensive mood, directed all its units to keep clear of Indian naval ships. As the exercise
shifted closer to the Makaran Coast, Pakistan moved all its major combatants out of Karachi. It
also shifted its focus to escorting its oil trade from the Gulf in anticipation of attacks by Indian

13. As the retaliation from the Indian Army and the Air Force gathered momentum and a
defeat to Pakistan seemed a close possibility, an outbreak of hostilities became imminent.
Thus the naval focus now shifted to the Gulf of Oman. Rapid reaction missile carrying units and
ships from the fleet were deployed in the North Arabian Sea for carrying out missile firing, anti-
submarine and electronic warfare exercises. The Navy also readied itself for implementing a
blockade of the Pakistani ports, should the need arise. In addition, Naval amphibious forces
from the Andaman group of islands were moved to the western sea-board.

16. Conclusion. In a skillful use of Naval power in the form of 'Operation Talwar', the Eastern
Fleet joined the Western Naval Fleet and blocked the Arabian Sea routes of Pakistan. Apart
from a deterrent, the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief later disclosed that Pakistan was left
with just six days of fuel (POL) to sustain itself if a full-fledged war broke out.



1. Introduction. During First and Second World War, there were many Naval Campaigns which
turned the tide of war and considered to be the turning points. Let us look at some of the famous
naval battles.

Pearl Harbour

2.. The Battle of Pearl Harbour was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial
Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, on the morning
of December 7, 1941 (December 8 in Japan). The attack was intended as a preventive action in
order to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions the Empire of Japan
was planning in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the
Netherlands, and the United States.

3. The base was attacked by 353 Japanese fighters, bombers and torpedo planes in two waves,
launched from six aircraft carriers. All eight U.S. Navy battleships were damaged, with four
being sunk. Of these eight damaged, two were raised, and with four repaired, six battleships
returned to service later in the war. The Japanese also sank or damaged three cruisers, three
destroyers, an anti-aircraft training ship and one minelayer. 188 U.S. aircraft were destroyed;
2,402 Americans were killed and 1,282 wounded. Important base installations such as the
power station, shipyard, maintenance, and fuel and torpedo storage facilities, as well as the
submarine piers and headquarters building (also home of the intelligence section) were not
attacked. Japanese losses were light: 29 aircraft and five midget submarines lost, and 65
servicemen killed or wounded. One Japanese sailor was captured.

4. The attack came as a profound shock to the American people and led directly to the
American entry into World War II in both the Pacific and European theaters. The following day
(December 8), the United States declared war on Japan. Domestic support for non-
interventionism, which had been strong, disappeared. Clandestine support of Britain (for
example the Neutrality Patrol) was replaced by active alliance. Subsequent operations by the
U.S. prompted Germany and Italy to declare war on the U.S. on December 11, which was
reciprocated by the U.S. the same day. There were numerous historical precedents for
unannounced military action by Japan. However, the lack of any formal warning, particularly
while negotiations were still apparently ongoing, led President Franklin D. Roosevelt to
proclaim December 7, 1941, "a date which will live in infamy". Thus Japan had achieved total
―Surprise‖ by attacking Pearl Harbour.

(Show Movie)

Falklands War

5.The Falklands War (Spanish: Guerra de las Malvinas or Guerra del Atlántico

Sur), also known as the Falklands Conflict or Falklands Crisis, was a 1982 war
between Argentina and the United Kingdom. The conflict resulted from the long-

standing dispute over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia and the
South Sandwich Islands, which lie in the South Atlantic, east of Argentina.

6. The Falklands War began on Friday 2 April 1982, when Argentine forces invaded and
occupied the Falkland Islands and South Georgia. The British government dispatched a naval
task force to engage the Argentine Navy and Air Force, and retake the islands by amphibious
assault. The resulting conflict lasted 74 days and ended with the Argentine surrender on 14
June 1982, which returned the islands to British control. During the conflict, 649 Argentine
military personnel, 255 British military personnel and Falkland Islanders died.

7. The conflict was the result of a protracted historical confrontation regarding the
sovereignty of the islands. Argentina has asserted that the Falkland Islands have been
Argentinian territory since the 19th century and till to date and showed no sign of relinquishing
the claim. The claim was added to the Argentine constitution after its reformation in 1994. As
such, the Argentine government characterised their initial invasion as the re-occupation of their
own territory, whilst the British government saw it as an invasion of a British dependent
territory. However, neither state officially declared war and hostilities were almost exclusively
limited to the territories under dispute and the local area of the South Atlantic.

8. The conflict had a strong impact in both countries. Patriotic sentiment ran high in
Argentina, but the outcome prompted large protests against the ruling military government,
which hastened its downfall. In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's
government was bolstered by the successful outcome. Relations between the United Kingdom
and Argentina were restored in 1989 following a meeting in Madrid, at which the two
Governments issued a joint statement. (Show Movie Clip)

Battle of Atlantic

9. The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest continuous military campaign in World War II,
running from 1939 to the defeat of Germany in 1945. At its core was the Allied naval blockade
of Germany, announced the day after the declaration of war, and Germany's subsequent
counter-blockade. It was at its height from mid-1940 through to the end of 1943. The Battle of
the Atlantic pittedU -boats and other warships of the Kriegsmarine (German Navy) and aircraft
of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) against Allied merchant shipping. The convoys, coming
mainly from North America and mainly going to the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union,
were protected for the most part by the British and Canadian navies and air forces. These
forces were aided by ships and aircraft of the United States from September 13, 1941. The
Germans were joined by submarines of the Italian Royal Navy ( Regia Marina) after their Axis
ally Italy entered the war on June 10, 1940.

10. As an island nation, the United Kingdom was highly dependent on imported goods.
Britain required more than a million tons of imported material per week in order to be able to
survive and fight. In essence, the Battle of the Atlantic was a tonnage war: The Allied struggle
to supply Britain and the Axis attempt to stem the flow of merchant shipping which enabled
Britain to keep fighting. From 1942 onwards, the Germans also sought to prevent the build-up of
Allied supplies and equipment in the British Isles in preparation for the invasion of occupied
Europe. The defeat of the U-boat threat was a pre-requisite for pushing back the Germans.
Winston Churchill was later to state:

11. The Battle of the Atlantic was the dominating factor all through the war. Never for one
moment could we forget that everything happening elsewhere, on land, at sea or in the air
depended ultimately on its outcome. The outcome of the battle was a strategic victory for the
Allies—the German blockade failed—but at great cost: 3,500 merchant ships and 175 warships
were sunk for the loss of 783 U-boats.

12. The name ‗Battle of the Atlantic‘ was coined by Winston Churchill in February 1941. It
has been called the "longest, largest, and most complex" naval battle in history. The campaign
began immediately after the European war began and lasted six years. It involved thousands of
ships in more than 100 convoy battles and perhaps 1,000 single-ship encounters, in a theatre
covering thousands of square miles of ocean. The situation changed constantly, with one side
or the other gaining advantage, as new weapons, tactics, counter-measures, and equipment
were developed by both sides. The Allies gradually gained the upper hand, overcoming German
surface raiders by the end of 1942 and defeating the U-boats by mid-1943, though losses to U-
boats continued to war's end. (Show Slides)

13. President Fleet Review (PFR). The President of India is entitled to inspect his/her fleet,
as he/she is the supreme commander of the Indian Armed Forces. The first President's fleet
review by India was hosted by Dr. Rajendra Prasad on 10 October 1953. President's reviews
usually take place once in the President's term. In all, ten fleet reviews have taken place,
including in February 2006, when former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam took the review. The
latest, on 20 December 2011, when President Smt Pratibha Patil set sail in a warship INS
Subhadra to take the 10th Fleet Review.

14. Maritime Show. The Presidents Review is an impressive ceremony, second only to the
Republic Day Parade. Naval ships and ships from maritime organisations like the Coast Guard,
the Merchant Navy, the National Institute of Oceanography, the Oil and Natural Gas
Commission, Training Ship Rajendra and Naval Yard Craft are anchored precisely in neat lines
and dressed overall. Thus all stake holders in the maritime domain gather representing a total
Maritime Show.

15. The President embarks in a naval ship nominated as the President Yacht, which files the
President‘s Colours. After receiving a 21-gun salute, the President reviews the Fleet by cruising
past each line of Ships. Each ship‘s side is manned by her ship‘s company in white ceremonial
uniform. As the President passes by, each Ships‘ company, in unison take off their caps in
salutation and give three resounding ‗Jais‘. The fixed and rotary wings a/c squadrons also fly
pass and carry out aerial aerobatics in the sky.

16. At sunset, all ships at the anchorage participate in a fireworks display. As darkness
descends, all ships, in unison, switch on their garlands of lights, which accentuate their

17. No Fleet Review was held for President Neelam Sanjiva Reddy during his tenure from
25 Jul 1977 to 24 Jul 1982.

18. International Fleet Review (IFR). The Indian Navy also conducted an International fleet
review named Bridges of Friendship in February 2001 in Mumbai. Many ships of friendly
Navies from all around the world participated, including two from the U.S. Navy. The aim of
IFR is to showcase India‘s Maritime assets and naval power in the international arena.

19. Conclusion. Study of Naval Battles reveals that strategy and tactics have to be
supported by logistics as the arena is vast. Navies have to be supported across oceans and for
long periods of time. Also, real time communication is of extreme importance. Fleet is reviewed
by the President, who is the supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, once in his/her tenure.

Q. 1 When was the Indian Naval Ensign (Naval Flag) adopted?
Ans. 26 Jan 1950
Q. 2 Write down the first cruiser and three R class ships of Independent India?
Ans. INS Delhi & INS Rajput, INS Ranjit, INS Rana
Q. 3 Write down the name of first Aircraft Carrier of Indian Navy?
Ans. INS Vikrant.
Q. 4 When did the Goa Operation took place?
Ans. Dec 1961.
Q. 5 Write down the latest Aircraft carrier of Indian Navy?
Ans. INS Vikramaditya.
Q. 6 Write down the various operations of Indian Navy?
Ans. OPS Pawan, Cactus and Tasha etc.
Q. 7 Write down the name of Nuclear Submarine built by India?
Ans INS Arihant
Q. 8 Write down the name of serving Nuclear submarine in Indian Navy?
Ans INS Chakra
Q. 9 Write down the Class of Scorpene Submarine built by India?
Ans Kalvari Class
Q.10 Write down the types of the ship.
Ans Air craft carrier, Destroyer, Frigate, Mine Sweeper
Q. 11 Expand the following
CNS - Chief of the Naval Staff
FOC-IN-C - Flag Officer Commanding - in - Chief
VCNS - Vice Chief of Naval Staff
DCNS - Deputy Chief of Naval Staff
COP - Chief of personnel
COM - Chief of Material
FOCWF - Flag Officer Commanding Western Fleet
FOCEF - Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet
WNC - Western Naval Command
ENC - Eastern Naval Command
SNC - Southern Naval Command
ANC - Andaman and Nicobar Command
OOG - Officer of the Guard
Q. 12 Name any five training school of Indian Navy ?
Ans. INS Hamla, Dronacharya, Abhimanyu, Mandovi & Valsura
Q. 13 Name of any five Indian Naval Hospital Ships ?
Ans. INHS Asvini, Kasturi, Jeevanti, Sanjivani and Kalyani.

Q. 14 Name of any five Naval establishments located at Mumbai ?

Ans. INS Angre, Kujali, Trata, Hamla and Tunir.
Q. 15 Name of any five Naval establishments located at Visakhapatnam?
Ans. INS Circars, Kalinga, Ekshila, Virbahu and Satavahana.

Q. 16 Name of two serving Aircraft Carrier of Indian Navy ?

Ans. INS Viraat and INS Vikramaditya.

Q. 17 Write down the three classes of Destroyers?

Ans. Rajput class, Delhi class and Kolkata class

Q. 18 Write down the five destroyers of Indian Navy?

Ans. INS Delhi, Mysore, Mumbai, Rajput and Kolkata

Q. 19 Write down the three ships of Talwar class Frigates?

Ans. INS Talwar, Trishul and Tabar.

Q. 20 Name of three Oil Tankers?

Ans. INS Jyoti, Shakti and Deepak

Q. 21 What are Aircraft Carriers?

Ans. It is a floating Air Field. It can operate aircrafts and helicopters from its flying

Q. 22 What are Destroyers?

Ans. These ships are lighter than cruisers and they are also general purpose fighting
ships. They can carry surface to surface missile (SSM), Surface to Air Missile (SAM),
Guns, Rocket Launchers, Torpedoes and ASW Helicopters.

Q. 23 How many watch systems are there in Indian Navy ?

Ans. There are three types of watch systems in Indian navy.
(i) Two Watch (ii) Three Watch (iii) Four Watch

Q. 24 Explain Two watch system?

Ans. In this Watch system the whole ship’s staff is equally divided into two watches
that are Starboard and Port.

Q. 25 Write down the various closing up stations of the ship during peace or war time?
Ans. (i) Cruising Station (ii) Defence Station (iii) Action Station

Q. 26 Write down the name of three watches in Three Watch System.

Ans. Red, White and Blue.

Q. 27 Write down the name of four watches in four watch system.

Ans. Port I, Port II, STBD I & STBD II

Q. 28 What is commissioning pennant?


Ans. This pennant is hoisted on main mast on the day of commissioning of Ship and is
not struck down till the ship is decommissioned.

Q. 29 What is Colours?
Ans. the general term describing the ‘National flag’ and the naval ensign flown on ship
between colours (0800 hrs) to sunset in harbor only

Q. 30 True/ False?
(1) Crossing the line ceremony observed while crossing the equator. (True)
(2) All commanding officers of commissioned ships and establishments are entitled
for side pipe (True)
(3) A dead body when brought onboard ship or sent out of the ship is not entitled for
side pipe (False)
(4) President is entitled for 25 gun salutes (False)
(5) Admiral is entitled for 17 gun salutes (True)

Q. 31 What is man and cheer ship?

Ans. The ship’s company man the ship standing on the catwalk from the Foxle to
Quarterdeck facing towards the ship which board the dignitary.

Q. 32 Captain in Army will be equivalent to what Rank in Air Force?

Ans. Flight Lieutenant

Q. 33 Admiral in Indian Navy will be equivalent to what rank in Army?

Ans. General
Q. 34 The officers of the rank of Commander and above are called Senior Officer.

Q. 35 The officers of the Rank of Rear Admiral and above are called Flag Officer.

Q. 36 Sub Major in Army will be equivalent to what rank in Indian Navy?

Ans Master Chief Petty Officer I

Q. 37 The sailors of the rank of Petty officer and above are called Senior Sailors.

Q. 38 Write the branches of Indian Navy?

Ans: (a) Executive Branch (b) Logistics Branch (c) Engineering Branch
(d) Education Branch (e) Electrical Branch (f) Medical Branch

Q. 39 Who is the head of executive department onboard the ship?

Ans. Executive Officer

Q. 40 Expand the following?

EXO - Executive Officer
EO - Engineer Officer
LO - Electrical Officer
SEDO - Senior Education Officer
LOGO - Logistics Officer

MO - Medical Officer
FGO - Fleet Gunnery Officer
OOW - Officer of the Watch

Q. 41 What are the responsibilities of Medical officer onboard ship?

Ans The primary responsibility of this department is to look after the health of the
ships company.
Q. 42 Executive Officer of bigger ships is also called as Ships Commander.
Q. 43 Since When we are celebrating Navy Day?
Ans 04 Dec 1971
Q. 44 Which Pakistani submarine exploded at Visakhapatnam harbor.
Ans PNS Ghazi
Q. 45 Which operation was carried out by Indian Navy during Kargil War
Ans Operation Talwar
Q. 46 During Kargil War which major Naval exercise was conducted and in which area?
Ans Exercise ‘SUMMEREX’ and conducted in Arabian Sea
Q. 47 In which year Kargil war was fought?
Ans During 1999.
Q. 48 When did the Pearl Harbour attacked by Imperial Japanese Navy?
Ans 07 Dec 1941
Q. 49 When did the Falklands war begun?
Ans. 02 Apr 1982
Q. 50 What does PFR stands for?
Ans. President Fleet Review.
Q. 51 When did the first PFR took place and who hosted that?
Ans. 10 Oct 1953, Dr Rajendra Prasad.
Q. 52 What does IFR stands for?
Ans. International Fleet Review.
Q. 53 Write down the names of Army Command.
Ans (a) Northern Command - Udhampur
(b) Western Command - Chandigarh
(c) Central Command - Lucknow
(d) Eastern Command - Kolkata
(e) Southern Command - Pune
(f) Southern West Command - Jaipur
(g) ARTRAC - Shimla

Q.54 Expand the following:-

(a) COAS - Chief of Army Staff
(b) MS - Military Secretary
(c) QMG - Quarter Master General
(d) E-in-C - Engineer in Command
(e) ARTRAC - Army Training Command
(f) CAS - Chief of Air Staff

Q.55 Write down names of Command of Indian Air Force.

Ans (a) Western Air Command - Chandigarh
(b) Eastern Air Command - Shillong
(c) Central Air Command - Delhi
(d) South Western Air Command - Jodhpur
(e) Southern Air Command - Pune
(f) Maintenance Command - Bangalore
Q.56 Write down two types of commission in Armed Forces.
Ans (a) Permanent Commission (b) Short Service Commission

Q.57 What are the education qualifications for NCC special entry in Naval Academy?
Ans B.Sc (Physics & Maths) or BE with Naval Wing NCC ‘C’ Certificate

Q.58 Name of entries in permanent commission after 10+2 or equivalent with Physics
& Math.
Ans. Cadet Entry (NDA) (UPSC) and Cadet Entry B. Tech (INA) (UPSC)

Q.59 List the types of entries available for sailors entry.

Ans (a) Artificer Apprentice (AA) (b) Direct Entry Diploma Holder (DEDH)
(c) Senior Secondary Recruit (SSR) (d) Metric Recruit (MR)
(e) Non Matric Recruit (NMR) (f) Direct Entry Sports (SSR & MR)
Q.60 What was the name of IFR 2001conducted by Indian Navy at Mumbai?
Ans Bridges of Friendship
Q.61 PFR 2016 was held on which state?
Ans. Andhra Pradesh ( Visakhapatnam)
Q 62. What are the functions of Indian Navy?
Ans: During War Time:
(a) To go an attack enemy ships, submarines and aircrafts.
(b) To protect our coastal area
(c) To protect Merchant ships
(d) To destroy enemy installations by bombardments.
(e) To sweep and laying mines.
During Peace time:
(a) To help custom authorities in carrying out anti-smuggling duties.
(b) Assistance during Natural Calamities.
(c) To protect our Exclusive Economic Zones.
(d) For rescue of ships at sea in distress.
(e) To equip and train itself for war.

Q 63 Name any five classes of warship of Indian Navy.


Ans: Aircraft carriers, Destroyers, Frigates, Mine Swippers, Oil tankers, OPVs, Survey
Ships, Diving Support vessel, LSTs, LSUs, WJFACs, FACs, ISV, Ocean Going
Tug, Submarines

Q 64. Name any five destroyer of Indian Navy?

Ans: INS Delhi, Mumbai, Mysore, Rajput, Rana, Ranvijay, Ranvir, Ranjit

Q.65. Name the Navel Air Stations.

Ans. (a) INS Shikra (Mumbai) (b) INS Hansa (Goa)
(c) INS Garuda (Kochi) (d) INS Dega (Visakhapatnam)
(e) INS Rajali (Chennai) (f) INS Utkrosh (Port Blair)

Q.66. List any five shore establishments of Indian Navy.

Ans. i) INS India ii) INS Agnibahu iii) INS Angre
iv) INS Circars v) INS Venduruthy vi) INS Trata
vii) INS Gomantak viii) INS Adyar ix) INS Netaji Subhash

Q.67. Match the following:-

‘A ‘B’
(a) INS India (iv) (i) Mumbai
(b) INS Trata (i) (ii) Kochi
(c) INS Circars (v) (iii) Goa
(d) INS Venduruthy (ii) ` (iv) Delhi
(e) INS Gomantak (iii) (v) Visakhapatnam
(f) INS Agnibahu (viii) (vi) Air Craft carrier
(g) INS Viraat (vi) (vii) Rank of the Indian Navy
(h) INS Sindhuraj (ix) (viii) Missile Sqn
(j) INS Jyoti (x) (ix) Submarine
(k) Leading (vii) (x) Oil Tanker

Q.68. Fill in the blanks with equivalent ranks in the Army,Navy & Air Force.
Army Navy Air Force
(a) Lt Colonel Commander Wing Commander
(b) Hav Petty Officer Sarjent
(c) General Admiral Air Chief Marshal
(d) Naib Subedar Chief Petty Officer Junior Warrant Officer
(e) Colonel Captain Group Captain
Q.69. Write the full form of the following:-
Ans. (a) CO - Commanding Officer
(b) DGNCC - Directorate General National Cadet Corps
(c) RAS - Replenishment at Sea
(d) INHS - Indian Naval Hospital Ship
(e) ND - Navigation & Direction
(f) CNS - Chief of Naval Staff
(g) INS - Indian Naval Ship
(h) NHQ - Naval Headquarters

(j) GO - Gunnery Officer

(k) SCO - Signal and Communication Officer
(l) EXO - Executive Officer
(m) FOMAG - Flag Officer Maharashtra and Gujarat
(n) LO - Electrical Officer
(o) LOGO – Logistics Officer
(p) MCPO – Master Chief Petty Officer

Q.70. Write any five branches of Indian Navy?

Ans (a) Seaman Branch (b) Electrical Branch (c) Communication Branch
(d) Logistic Branch (e) Aviation Branch
Q.71. Name of any five Hospitals of Indian Navy?
Ans. (a) INHS Asvini (Mumbai) (b) INHS Jeevanti (Goa)
(c) INHS Kasturi ( Lonavala) (d) INHS Patanjali(Karwar)
(e) INHS Sanjivani (Kochi) (f) INHS Navjivni(Ezhimala)
(g) INHS Kalyani(Visakhapatnam) (h) INHS Dhanvantri ( Port Blair)
(j) INHS Nivarini (Chilka)

Q.72. Name any five parts of boatswain call pipe?

Ans (i) Keel (ii) Hole (iii) Buoy (iv) Shackle (v) Chain

Q.73. What do you mean by Quarter Master.

Ans. Quarter Master- Sailors who steer the ship at sea are called Quartermasters. In
harbor these personnel man the gangway, run the routine of the ship and are
responsible for the safety of the ship and its boats under the officer of the
Q.74. Write down four Parts of ship?
Ans. Foxle, Quarter Deck, Midship, Bridge, Boat deck, Bridge, Flag deck.

Q.75. What is Hull?

Ans: The main body of a ship is called Hull.

Q.76. Which is the strongest part of ship’s hull?

Ans: Keel

Q.77. What do understand by ‘Draught’?

Ans: The depth of the Keel below the water line at any point along the hull.

Q.78. What is the used of hatch?

Ans: Hatch is used to go from below deck to upper deck or voice-versa.

Q.79.Fill in the blanks:-

(a) The Color of NCC flag is _____________,_________and ____________
(b) President of ____________ is supreme commander of Armed forces.
(c) Starboard means ____________ portion of the ship.
(d) Hoisting of Naval Ensign and National Flag is known as _____________.
(e) Pritvi is the name of a ___________________





1. Introduction. In its early years, this Branch of Naval warfare was referred to as
Torpedo & Anti- Submarine Warfare’. Today this is now termed as ‘Undersea Warfare’- the
cat and mouse game, with the participants playing the rules of both the hunter and the hunted.
From these facts it is easy to understand the great importance of Anti-submarine warfare in
Naval Warfare.

2. Sonar. – Sound Operating Navigation and ranging. The basic principle of Sonar is
same as an echo sounder, wherein a sound wave is transmitted by the sonar through water and
on striking a solid object such as submarine this sound wave is reflected back as an echo. The
purpose of it is to detect, classify and locate an underwater target.

3. Components of Sonar. The major components of sonar are mentioned below:-

(a) Transducer. (b) Transmit/ Receive switch. (c) Transmitter.

(d) Receiver. (e) Display. (f ) Head phone.

4. Types of Sonar. Sonars, the world over, use different methods for transmission of
sound energy, reception & processing of returning sound energy. Sonars are broadly classified
depending on the type of method for search and detection of underwater target as follows:-

(a) Step search Sonar. When the search underwater is all around the platform in
limited steps, similar to search light system.

(b) Panaromic Sonar. In this, ripple beams are formed to search the 360 deg arc
around the platform.

(c)The Convergence zone Sonar. These Sonars use the convergent zones which may
exist in certain waters to enhance the detection range.

(d) Bottom bounce Sonar. Which are used when bottom bounce condition in
certain water (depending on the sea water)

(e) Towed Arrays. These are small linear array which is streamed behind the ship.
It receives noise radiated by ships and submarines underwater. Towed arrays operate in
very low Frequency region and achieve long range detection of targets.

5. Classification of Sonars. Sonars are classified as Hull Mounted or Variable Depth

Sonar (VDS) based on way it is out-fitted on a Ship.

(a) Hull Mounted. The hull mounted sonar has a transducer enclosed in a dome.
Thus the dome is kept at a constant depth in the water when the sonar is operating.

(b) Variable Depth Sonar (VDS). The VDS has a transducer which may be lowered
at different depths to optimize to sonar performance in varying hydrological conditions
such as:-

(i) Towed array. (ii) Dunking sonars (iii) Sonobuoys

6. Modes of Sonar

(a) Active Sonar. This system is based on the echo ranging principle where
acoustic signal is radiated and returning echoes from the targets are received.

(b) Passive Sonar. The passive sonar does not put any energy in to water but listen
to the sound produced by ships and submarine.


(a) Sonobuoys. For underwater detections, these are smaller sonar sets dropped
by aircrafts, which detect submarines by sonar and relay information to the aircraft by
radio. They can be active or passive. Passive buoys have the advantage of concealing
their presence from submarines.

(b) Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD). To detect minute changes in the earth‘s
magnetic field caused by the presence of a submarine. The range is limited and
depends on aircraft‘s flying height. It is used mainly to confirm the presence of a contact
and is very limited.

(c) Exhaust Trail Indicator (ETI). To detect diesel fumes thereby indicating
presence of a diesel powered submarine. It is not very accurate and in today‘s context is
very limited.

(d) Periscope:- Submarines are fitted with 02 periscopes. The larger one is used for
reconnaissance and aerial search, and the smaller one for visual confirmation of a
target, prior torpedo launch. It is used for observation as well as for detection.

(e) Bathy Thermograph:- Submarines are provided with sound velocity

recorder to assess estimated sonar range, shadow zones and best operating depths.

8. ASW Weapons. The following are the types of ASW weapons fitted on major IN
surface platforms of Indian Navy:-

(a) Torpedoes (A 244S, CET 53M, CET 53-65KE, CET 65E, AND SUT)

(b) Rockets. (SR 375, RGB 60, RGB 12)

(c) Depth Charge Mk 7*/11.

(d) Mines. (MR 80, PBGM, PBMM AND PBEM (exercise version)).

(e) PLAB Bombs.

(f) APR 2E (UW Missiles).

9. Types of Attack. The underwater saboteurs can use any of the following means to
carry out attack on ships in harbour.

(a) Midget attack. (b) Chariot attack. (c) Swimmer attack.

(b) Drifting charges.

10. Launching Platforms. The vessel from which a weapon is fired is called a launching
platform. The launching platforms for the different weapons are as follows:-

(a) Torpedo. A Torpedo can be fired from a ship, submarine or an aircraft.

Depending on the depth of the submarine or the depth below the waterline of a target
ship. It is essential that prior to launch the depth has to be set on the Torpedo. The
torpedo should also be able to correct itself at the running depth from external forces
during its run.

Diagram of Torpedo
War head

Homing propeller
Device main body

Tail section

(b) Rocket. A rocket has got its own propellant in the form of a booster which takes
the rocket to its required range. The range is achieved elevating the angle of the
launcher the maximum range is achieved at 45 degrees elevation of the launcher.

(c) Depth Charges. Depth charges are depth bombs, which explodes on hydrostatic
principle. It is one of the fool Proof Weapon systems, which can be effectively used as
deterrent against submarines.

11. Mines:- Mine is an under bomb used against enemy submarines and ships.Mines are
generally are of two types:
(a) Moored Mines:-These are those which are anchored to sea bed. They can be
either contact or influence mines.

(i) Contact Mines:-They exploded when come in contact with a vessel or

object in the sea.
(ii) Influence Mines:- These are designed to explode when actuated by
presence of influences such as ships magnetism, propeller/machinery noise or by
the pressure exerted when ships pass over them .

(b) Ground Mines:- These mines are laid on the seabed.

12. Mine Laying:- Mines can be laid by Aircraft, submarines, helicopters and ships. In
war time mines are laid to safeguard our own harbours from the enemy attack by sea Also laid in
enemy waters to hamper enemy shipping and to deny him freedom of movement in his harbours.

13. Minesweeping:- It is a process by which mines are cleared so as make an area safe
for ship movement. Ships are used for minesweeping are called minesweepers.

14. The Sonars & Weapons Indian Naval Ships:


(a) Aircraft Carrier 1 x Graseby Type 184M hull-mounted

(b) Delhi Class Sonar; 1 x Bharat APSOH (Advanced Panoramic Sonar Hull) hull-
mounted, 2 x RBU-6000 Anti-submarine mortars. 5 x 10-21 inch torpedo tubes

(c) Rajput Class Sonar; 1 x hull mounted Vycheda MG-311 (NATO: Wolf Paw) sonar.
1 x Vyega MG-325 (NATO: Mare Tail) variable depth sonar , 1 x 533 mm PTA 533

quintuple torpedo tube launcher. 2 x RBU-6000 anti- submarine mortars.

(d) Shivalik Class 1 x BEL APARNA HUMSA (Hull Mounted Sonar

Array).ATAS/Thales Sintra towed array systems. 2 × 2 DTA-53-956 torpedo launchers.
2 × RBU-6000 (RPK-8)rocket launchers

(e) Talwar Class BEL APSOH (Advanced Panoramic Sonar Hull) hull-mounted sonar
1 x RBU-6000 ASW launcher with 212mm 90R anti-submarine missile.
RGB-60 depth charges.

(f) Barhmaputra Class 1 x Bharat HUMSA sonar. 1 x Thales Sintra sonar (2 x triple
tubes) with Whitehead A244S anti-submarine torpedoes

(g) Godavari Class Bharat APSOH hull mounted sonar. Fathoms Oceanic VDS and
Type 162M sonar 3 torpedo tubes with Whitehead A244S NST 58 anti-submarine

(h) Abhay Class 1 x Rat Tail VDS sonar 4 x 533mm torpedo tubes, SET-65E anti-
submarine torpedoes. 2 x RBU 1200 five-tubed rocket launcher

(j) Pondicherry Class MG-69/79 High frequency, hull mounted, active mine detection
2 × RBU 1200 5-tubed ASW rocket

15. Fleet Operations. Ships operate as a Fleet during operations. The Main Body
comprises the high-value ships like the Tanker and Aircraft Carrier. They are protected by a
screen comprising anti-ship and anti-submarine ships. In addition, ships are placed ahead of the
formation as Pickets

16. Conclusion. Anti submarine warfare is a special operation to detect and engage a
submarine. This involved special types of ships termed ―Anti-Submarine Role Ships‖ which are
fitted with sonars and anti-submarine weapons. Ships fitted with both anti-ship and anti-
submarine weapons are called Multi-purpose ships.


1. Introduction. Indian Navy operates as a three dimensional navy with a responsibility to keep
our maritime areas of interest safe and secure from underwater, surface and aerial threats. Naval
aviation is one of the three dimensions responsible for keeping our national assets safe from air threat.

2. Role of Naval Aviation. Induction of air element in naval warfare has enhanced the reach of
our forces to counter threat at longer ranges away from our coast. One of the primary role is to maintain
surveillance at all times. Aerial surveillance is the fastest means with extended coverage which is
achieved with LRMP aircraft. These aircraft can also carry out attack on surface, ships or submarines
when detected. The fighter aircraft which operate from the aircraft carrier prevents strike by hostile
aircraft on our surface ships or coastal assets. Helicopters embark on other ships of the fleet also
support the fleet against submarines which are a threat to the fleet at sea and also enemy surface ships
operating beyond the detection ranges of our ships.

3. Types of Aircraft. There are three types of aircraft in the navy

(a) Fixed Wing aircraft includes long and medium range maritime petrol aircraft ,
fighters and trainers.

(i) LRMP – IL 38 and TU 142M

(ii) MRMP – Dornier

(iii) Fighters – Sea Harrier, MIG 29K

(iv) Trainer – Kiran

(b) Rotary Wing aircraft are helicopters based on surface ships. They include

(i) Sea King & UH3H – for antiship, anti surface and commando drop

(ii) Kamov – anti submarine and electronic surveillance

(iii) Chetak – anti submarine and search and rescue

(c) Unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV) are pilotless aircraft fully controlled from a base and
is used mainly for surveillance. They are

(i) Searcher (ii) Heron

4. Conclusion. The war at sea is complex and involves several units by way of ships, submarines
and aircraft. Hence ships operating at sea have to be fully prepared to counter all these threats.
One of the most effective resources is the presence of aircraft and helicopters at sea from ship
based on the aircraft carrier and surface ships which can be launched at short notice and can
cover extensive ranges over the sea to detect threats and also neutralize them.


1. Introduction. It was Leonardo Da Vinci who conceived the idea of a submersible. This was
recorded in 1864 during the American civil war. Since then, the development of submarine as a weapon
of war has been unique in the annals of Naval warfare. India has a large submarine fleet which can be
deployed in offensive role to attack enemy warships and merchant shipping and to safeguard our

2. Submarine - It is one of the deadliest craft invented by man because it can attack with a lot of
surprise after following a ship silently well submerged in the water. The submarine are either nuclear
propelled or conventional. Submarine plays a major role as it can attack the ship and aircraft being
under water by firing the missiles Torpedoes at ships and aircrafts.
Indian Naval Submarines :-
. (a) INS Sindhughosh (b) INS SindhuRatna (c) INS Sindhudurga
(d) INS Sindhudwaj (e) INS Sindhushastra (f) INS Vagli
(g) INS Shalki (h) INS Vela (i) INS Arhihant
(j) INS Chakra

3. Roles of Submarines:-
War Time (a) Deterrence to enemy shipping
(b) Clandestine operations in support of small units
(c) Cargo carrying
(d) Reconnaissance including photography of enemy ports and
surveys of beaches
(e) Landing and recovery of agents and saboteurs.
(f) Mine laying
(g) launching strategic missiles

Peace Time:-(a) To collect information from enemy coast and pass it to NHQ.
(b) To train officers and sailors
(c) To conduct different type of exercises with ships and aircrafts.

4. Buoyancy and Floatation. A Submarine consists of a tubular hull, called a pressure hull. In
order to float and stabilize this huge metal structure, the submarine is fitted with main ballast tanks.
These are external to the pressure hull, and when on the surface are full of air to give the submarine a
positive buoyancy. The tanks are opened to the sea at the bottom through small circular openings
which result in flooding. To dive a submarine, the main vents are opened to allow air to escape and with
it the sea water.(This essentially trims the submarines ‗by the bow‘.) This reduces the buoyancy,
inducing neutral buoyancy causing the submarine to dive. Similarly if diving stations, are‗piped‘, a
number of them moving aft from living quarters to the control room) water is pumped from aft to forward
to maintain the trim.

5. Diving:- Pumping in sea water and pumping out sea water is called Ballasting and

6. Types of submarine: There are two types of submarine these are:-

(a) Conventional Submarines. These are propelled by diesel engines or electric motors.
The diesel engine is used to propel the submarine and charge its batteries, when the submarine
is at the surface or on ‘snort’ (at periscope depth). The electric motor is used to propel the
submarine when it is dived. The conventional submarine usually has a displacement between
5000 to 6000 tonnes.

(b) Nuclear Submarines: These are powered by nuclear reactors and therefore remain

underwater for longer duration. They are also capable of higher speeds than conventional
submarine. They usually carry strategic weapons like submarine launched ballistic missile
(SLBM), with nuclear warheads. The nuclear submarine has much larger displacement than
conventional Submarines. They can maintain submerged operating speed of 20 knots or more.

7. Special purpose Submarines:

(c) Coastal or Snort Submarine. These Submarines have characteristics similar to those
of the World War -II U-Boats but are of small size (usually 350 to 700 tonnes) and with limited

(d) Midgets. Midgets are very small submarines which carry a small crew of five or six men
in a pressure hull. They have endurance at sea of 5 – 7 days. However, full operation efficiency
is unlikely to be maintained for longer than 48 hours and submerged endurance is limited.

(c) Pigmies or Chariots. These are small crafts without a pressure hull, and are propelled
by electric motors, and their batteries can be only recharged from ashore / a submarine tender

8. Advantages of Submarine

(a) Conventional Submarine.

(i) Conventional Submarines can operate in shallow water.

(ii) Are difficult to detect as they are small in size.
(iv) Economically cheaper.
(v) No radiation effect.

(b) Nuclear Submarine.

(i) It can remain dived for longer period.

(ii) More endurance.
(iii) More speed and accuracy.

9. Disadvantages of Submarine

(a) Conventional Submarine.

(i) Less Endurance.

(ii) Less Speed.
(iii) Has to surface for battery charging.
(iv) Can‘t carry nuclear weapon with war head.

(b) Nuclear Submarine.

(i) Higher noise radiation.

(ii) Expensive.
(iii) Cannot be used as small unit.
(iv) Cannot be deployed in shallow waters.

10. Role of Submarines.

(a) Deterrence to enemy shipping.
(b) Clandestine Operations in support of small units.
(c) Cargo carrying.
(d) Reconnaissance including photography of enemy ports and survey of beaches.
(e) Landing and recovery of agents and Saboteurs.
(f) Mine Laying.
(g) Launching strategic missiles.

11. Sensors

(a) Periscope. Submarines are usually fitted with two periscopes. The larger one is used for
reconnaissance and aerial search, and the smaller one for visual confirmation of a target, prior
torpedo launch. The periscope is used for observation as well as for detection. If targets
approximate bearing is known a check observation can be made in few seconds. A careful
examination of the horizon takes considerable time and is usually conducted by sector
searches. On a clear day, the submarine can sight a convoy at a range of 10 miles, escorting
ships at about 7 miles, aircrafts at 8-9 miles.

(b) Radar. Most submarines are fitted with surface search and air search radar, one or both
can be used when submerged at periscope depth. Some submarines have fire control radar
antenna fitted to the search periscope. The range of detection by surface search radar is limited
by its low height above the sea level.

(c) Sonar. Most submarines are fitted with an array type of sonar which provides a purely
passive method of long range detection of noises of suitable intensity and frequency. Under
ideal conditions the range may be greater than average value of 15 to 30 nautical miles.

(d) Wireless/EW Equipment. Submarines are fitted with suitable communication

equipments for communication with surface ships and bases ashore. Submarines can receive
VLF transmission on very low frequencies with their aerial 30 feet below the surface, even when
operating as much as 3000 nautical miles of transmitting station.

(e) Bathy Thermograph Submarines are provided with sound velocity recorder to asses
estimated sonar range, shadow zones and best operating depths.

12. Weapons of Submarines.

a. Torpedoes. Submarines have always been designed to carry a large number of

torpedoes tubes. A tube assembly is accommodated in the submarines fore and aft ends. The
tubes are arranged parallel to each other and discharged by ‗swim out‘. The submarines may
carry either passive/active/wire guided torpedoes. The following types of torpedoes are carried
by submarines.

(i) Passive. (ii) Active. (iii) Wake homing torpedoes.

(iv) Wire Guided.

b. Missiles. Some submarines are capable of firing tactical/cruise missiles. To permit

launching without surfacing these missiles need to be of ballistic types. Some of the IN
submarines have the capability of launching KLUB missiles.

c. Mine. Submarines are capable of carrying and launching mines through the torpedo
tubes. Since the torpedo being an important defensive weapon the submarines rarely proceed

on operations with full load of mines at the expense of its torpedo carrying capacity. IN
submarines are capable of laying MR 80, MRP, PBGM and PBEM mines.

ASW(Anti Submarine Warfare) Weapons:-

(a) Torpedoes (b) Rockets (c) Depth Charge
(d) Mines (e) PLAB Bombs (f) APR2E( UW Missiles)

Weapons of Submarines:-
(a) Torpedoes (b) Missiles like KLUB missiles (c) Mines

13. Sources to Detect Enemy Submarine at Sea.

(a) Sonar. (b) Radar (c) EW Interception (d) Aircraft (e) Visual Lookout.

(f) Visual sighting of Submarine or its periscope by merchant ships and fishing craft.

14. Endurance of Submarine. The endurance at Sea depends on several factors. Some of these

a. Fuel Carrying capacity. (b) Distance from Base (Time on Patrol).

(c) Weather Conditions. (d) Snorting Time.

(e) Time on Surface. (f) Time out of Dock.

(g) Speeds Used (when submerged)

15. Conclusion. Submarines are very versatile platforms which use the principle of stealth
to penetrate deep into enemy waters and carry out reconnaissance or offensive action against enemy
shipping. They are fitted with weapons and sensors for detection and engagement. Conventional
submarines are limited in their operations as they have to charge batteries whilst snorting and can be
detected by ships or aircrafts.


1. Introduction. In the days of Sailing Ships, Warships were fitted with guns on the weather deck, on
either side of the Ship, to keep clear of the ship‘s sails. With the advent of coal-fired ships, guns were
optimally positioned to obtain optimal safe ‘firing-arcs’. In the initial period, guns were limited in size and
firing range. With improved knowledge of metallurgy, priming and fusing, the size and range of
Guns/Cannons increased exponentially. Despite the advent of the missile age and the rapid strides
made in guided weapon technology, relevance of Surface guns, to a nation‘s Fleet remains a vital
component. Nature of Conflict at Sea, between Navies, in the present geo-political environment, is pre-
dominantly of a ―Low-Intensity‖ nature. Naval Guns provide a Fleet Commander, an instrument which
is not only ―flexible‖ but can be scaled-up or down, as appropriate, to a developing situation.
Awareness of Gunnery to Naval Wing cadets has been packaged in a set of two-lectures, the first
covers Guns and the second, Missiles.

Indian Navy Gunnery School is INS Dronacharya and situated at Kochi ( Kerala). Head Of the
Department(HOD) is Gunnery Officer(GO).

2. CIWS( Close-in Weapon system):- For the visual range of 2 to 8 Km

(a) AK 230 (b) AK 630 (c) CRN – 91 (d) 40/60 Bofors Gun
(e) 2M3M (f) 2A42

3. MRG ( Medium Range Guns):- Typically range of 10 – 15 Km (Associated with Gunnery

Radar & Weapon Control System)
(a) AK 100 (b) AK 176 (c) AK 725 (d) AK 726
(e) SRGM (f) 4.5 Inch Gun

4. Background. Naval Gunnery has been a vital component of a Nation‘s Navy, since
centuries. With technological advances, Radar systems were increasingly able to detect targets, in
particular air-borne targets at extended ranges. Guns have an intrinsic limitation of range and its
explosive payload. Even the 10-inch Guns of the famous German dreadnought Bismarck. Had a range
under 25 Nautical miles. This paved the way to developments in missile technology. The Germans
started a programme to develop missile based defense systems, originally called "anti-ballistic missile
(ABM)" systems. The German V-2 short-range ballistic missile, launched against London and Antwerp
by the Germans in the closing months of World War II, made it clear that long range missiles were the
weapons of the 20th century. By 1950s, the technology was available to develop long-range missiles
with accurate self- contained guidance systems and nuclear warheads. Parallely, there was progress
being made to develop weapons to counter this threat, in the development of Surface-to-Air (SAM)
missile systems to intercept missile threats.

5. Surface to Surface Missile (SSM). The following SSM missiles are fitted onboard ships of the
Indian Navy:

(a) BrahMos (b) Dhanush (c) Uran (d) P 20/21

(e) Klub (f) KH-35 Switchblade (g) SS-N-25

6. Surface to Air Missile (SAM). The following SAM missiles are fitted onboard ships Indian
(a) Barak Missile (b) Shtil (c) RZ - 61 (d) Kasthan

(e) IGLA Missile (f) Strela

7. Missiles fitted on IN surface platforms

(a) Aircraft Carrier Barak VL SAM 16

(b) Delhi Class 16 x SS-N-25 SSM
1 x Barak SAM
2 x Shtil SAM
(c) Rajput Class BrahMos SSM
(d) Shivalik Class 8 x Klub VLS
(e) Khukri Class P 20 SSM

8. Function of various missiles and their range

(a) Ballistic Missile. A ballistic missile is a missile that follows a sub-orbital ballistic flight
path with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. To date,
ballistic missiles have been propelled during powered flight by chemical rocket engines of
various types.

(b) Cruise missile. A cruise missile is a guided missile .The major portion of whose flight
path to its target (a land-based or sea-based target) is conducted at approximately constant
velocity; that relies on the dynamic reaction of air for lift, and upon propulsion forces to balance
drag. Cruise missiles are designed to deliver a large warhead over long distances with high
accuracy. Modern cruise missiles can travel at supersonic or high subsonic speeds, are self-
navigating, and can fly on a non-ballistic, extremely low altitude trajectory. They are distinct
from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in that they are used only as weapons and not for
reconnaissance. In a cruise missile, the warhead is integrated into the vehicle and the vehicle is
always sacrificed in the mission.

(c) Guided Missile. Projectile provided with means for altering its direction after it leaves
its launching device. Almost all modern missiles are propelled by rockets or jet engines and
have guidance mechanisms, usually including sensors, to help the missile find its target. Heat-
seeking missiles, for example, carry infrared sensors that allow them to home in on the exhaust
of jet engines.

9. Range of Missiles

(a) Ballistic missile. Ballistic missiles travel in a high trajectory, motor burns out partly
through flight.

(b) Tactical ballistic missile. Range between about 150 km and 300 km.

(c) Battlefield range ballistic missile (BRBM). Range less than 200 km.

(d) Theatre ballistic missile (TBM). Range between 300 km and 3500 km.

(e) Short-range ballistic missile (SRBM). Range 1000 km or less.

(f) Medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM). Range between 1000 km and 3500 km.

(g) Long-range ballistic missile (LRBM). Range between 3500 km and 5500 km.

(h) Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Range greater than 5500 km.

(j) Submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). Launched from ballistic missile

submarines (SSBNs), all current designs have intercontinental range.

(k) Cruise missiles. Cruise missiles travel low over the ground, motor burns during entire
flight, typical range 2,500 km (1,500 NM)

(l) Anti-ship missiles. Anti-ship missiles, also called ’Sea-Skimmers’ travel low over sea,
and ‗pop-up‘, when very close to the target.

10. SMALL ARMS (SA):- All Arms/ Weapons below the caliber of 20 MM.

(a) 5.56 mm INSAS (b) 7.62 mm SLR (c) 7.62 mm LMG

(d) 7.62 mm MMG (e) 12.7 mm HMG (f) 9 mm Pistol
(g) 9 mm Carbine (h) 0.22” Rifle (j) 2’’ Mortar

11. Characteristics of 7.62 MM SLR(Self Loading Rifle)

Weight of Rifle(Filled) - 5.1 Kg
Effective Range - 300 Yards
Magazine Capacity - 20 Rounds
No. of Grooves - 06
12. Characteristics of 5.56 MM INSAS( Indian Small Arms System)
Weight of Rifle(Filled) - 3.2 Kg
Effective Range - 400 Meters
Magazine Capacity - 20 Rounds
No. of Grooves - 06

13. Characteristics of 7.62 MM LMG(Light Machine Gun)

Weight of Rifle - 9.2 Kg
Range (Bipod) - 500-1000 Yards
Range (Tripod) - 1000-2000 Yards
Magazine Capacity - 30 Rounds
No. of Grooves - 06

14. Characteristics of 0.22 Inch Rifle

It is made in Yugoslavia. It is made of 75% of wood and 25 % of Iron and works on the principle
of Recoil less, Bolt Action and Hand Chambering.

Length Of Rifle - 43.5”

Weight of Rifle - 6.2 Pounds(2.81 Kg)
Length of Rifle (with Bayonet) - 53.5”
Rate of Fire - 5 Rds/ Min
Rapid Rate of Fire - 10-15 Rds /Min

Range - 25 Yards
Muzzle Velocity - 1030 Ft/Sec
No. of Grooves - 06
Cleaning Oil Above 40 Celcius > OX 52
40 to - 180 Celcius = OX 13
- 180 to -400 Celcius = OX 13 + 1:1 SKO
- 400 to -500 Celcius = OX 13 + 2:3 SKO
SKO = Special Kerosene Oil
15. Target:- 1’ X 1’
OUTER - 2 marks
MAGPIE - 4 marks
INNER - 6 marks
BULL - 8 marks

16. Golden safety rules of Small Arms:-

(a) Breech (b) Safety Lever (c) Trigger (d) Loading/Unloading

(e) Cocking (f) Pointing of Weapon (g) Sentries & Patrol

17. Firing-
Types of firing - (a) Application (b) Grouping (c) Snap Shooting
Firing Position- (a) Laying (b) Standing (c) Kneeling (d) Sitting

18. Guns fitted on surface platforms

(a) Aircraft carrier - 40 MM (2 Nos)

(b) Delhi class - AK 100 (1 No)
30 MM (4 Nos)
(c ) Rajput class - AK 176 (1 No)
30 MM (4 Nos)
(d) Shivalik class - 3‘ Oto-Breda Gun-1
(e) Talwar class - AK 100 (1 Nos)

Kashtan (2 Nos)
(f) Khukri class - AK 176 (1 No)
30 MM (2 Nos)
(g) Veer class - AK 176 (1 No)
30 MM (2 Nos)

19. Organisation of Gunnery Dept.

(a) EXO (b) Gunnery Officer (GO) (c) GO II/III/IV (d) COT/GI

20. Command and Control Orders. Should be :-

(a) As brief as possible.

(b) Easy to understand.
(c) Relatively simple to carry out.

21. Types of orders and reports

(a) The preliminary command orders cover the following aspects:-

(i) The degree of readiness.

(ii) The state of preparedness.
(iii) Policy orders.

(b) Action Command Orders

(i) To confirm or if necessary, change the type of engagement or target given in the policy.
(ii) To initiate as engagement using deliberate or alarm procedure.
(iii) To interrupt an engagement, e.g by ordering Check-Check-Check.
(iv) To terminate an engagement, e.g by Stop Loading - Stop Loading – Stop Loading or
Cease firing

22. Stowage of Ammunition.

a. Magazine. A compartment or locker specially designed to be safe for the permanent or

temporary stowage of any of the explosives.

b. Locker. The suffix ‗locker‘ indicates that the particular magazine is free standing or
recessed into the ships structure but its boundaries are not part of ship‘s structure and it is
surrounded by an air gap.

c. Ready Use. The term ―Ready Use‘ is used to indicate that boxed or unboxed
explosives stores may only be stowed temporarily in that the particular magazine or locker.

23. Gunnery Terminology

i. Armour Piercing Projectiles (AP). Projectiles specially designed to pierce armour.

ii. Caliber. The nominal diameter of the bore of a gun barrel measured across the bore.

iii. Effective Range. The range within which accurate and lethal fire can be accomplished with
a particular weapon, ammunition and sighting instruments in use.

iv. Fixed Ammunition. A round of ammunition in which the projectile is secured with a
cartridge case.

v. Hang Fire. When the time interval between the firing of a cartridge cap and the initiation of
the propellant is excessive

vi. ‗Hot Guns’. It is the condition of the gun when it becomes hot after firing certain number of
rounds continuously resulting in cook off. The rate of fire and the number of rounds
required to bring the gun condition varies from gun to gun.

24. Responsibility of Gunnery Officer. The Gunnery Officer is:-


a. Responsible for all explosives and explosive stores committed under his responsibility
b. To ensure safety or other regulations for explosives in his custody are drawn to the
attention of the officers outside his department.

(c) To inform OOW/ Duty Officer is informed before weapons or explosives are exposed on
deck which requires Radio/ Radar restrictions transmission.
(d) To ensure explosives Log is up to date with regard to the explosives under his charge.

25. Watch and Quarter Bill is prepared by individual department of the ship.
26. Watch and Station Bill is prepared by the Gunnery Department.

S.No. Name Rank Part Action Defence Crusing Action Boat Remarks
II ‘Q’ Station station Station Messing Station

27. Conclusion. Guns were used onboard ships extensively during World War II. Thereafter,
missiles have been introduced in the Navy. The most celebrated Missile action, carried out by Ships of
the Indian Navy, was the Attack on Karachi Harbour. On 4 Dec 1971, a squadron of four OSA-M class
missile boats launched a salvo of P-21 SSMs on the oil farm at Keamari, near Karchi harbour, besides
striking several Warships and Merchantmen in harbour. The Operation was codenamed ‘OP-
TRIDENT’. Guns are however, still used for anti-ship as well as Naval Gunfire Support to land units.

Q1. What is SONAR?
Ans :- SONAR stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging. SONAR uses sound energy to detect the
underwater targets such as enemy submarine. Sound waves can also be used for underwater
Navigation purpose.

Q2. What is Active Sonar and Passive Sonar?

Ans :- Active Sonar means that SONAR which can transmit and receive the sound waves. Whereas
passive sonar has the property of receiving only.
Q3. What do you mean by underwater telephone?
Ans :- Under water telephone is a device which is used for communication between ship to ship and
also ships to submarines.
Q4. Write down the weapons used by Submarine.
Ans :- (a) Torpedoes (b) Anti Ship Missiles (c) Mines
Q5. Describe ASW.
Ans :- ASW stands for Anti submarine warfare. It is the branch of Indian Navy which deals with
Tactical warfare against submarines.
Q6. What are depth charges?
Ans :- Depth Charges is a large explosive used against submarines. It is cylindrical in shape and
designed to explode at a predetermined depth. This weapon is used by ASW Helicopters and ships.
Q7. What is torpedo?
Ans :- Torpedo is a Anti Submarine weapon designed to destroy underwater target such as submarine
. Torpedo can be used against surface ship also.
Q8. What is A/S Rocket?
Ans. A/S Rocket is self-propelled weapons which can be fired at the future position of the submarine.
Depth setting has carried out before firing of rocket.

Q9. Write down the weapons fired against submarine.

Ans:- (a) Torpedoes (b) Anti submarine missile (c) Mines (d) Depth Charge
Q10. Write down the type of Mine.
Ans. Mine are generally of two types :-
(a) Moored Mines (b) Ground Mines (c) Drifting Mines

Q11. What is mine sweeping? Explain its used?

Ans. Mine sweeping is a process by which mines are cleared so as to make an area safe for ship
movement. Ships used for minesweeping are called “Mine Sweeper”.

Q12. What type of SONAR fitted onboard Talwar class?

Ans. SONAR HAMSA (Active and Passive), low frequency.

Q13. What type of ASW weapons fitted onboard Delhi class?

Ans. RBU 6000 Rocket Launcher, Quintuple Torpedo tube launcher (QTTM), A244S Torpedo, Depth
charge, Scare charge.

Q14. List the names of LRMP(Long Range Maritime Patrol) Aircrafts?

Ans. P8 I, IL 38 and TU142M.

Q15. Write down the types of Aircrafts in Indian Navy. ?

Ans. (a) Fixed Wing Aircraft (b) Rotary Wing Aircraft (c) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Q16. Write down the name of UAVs in Indian Navy?

Ans. (a) Searcher (b) Heron

Q17. Name of fighter fixed wing aircrafts in Indian Navy?

Ans. (a) MIG 29 K (b) Sea Harrier

Q18. Which Helicopter is used for ASW operations.

Ans. (a) Kamov (b) Chetak

Q19. Describe the propulsion system of submarine.

Ans :- There are two types of Submarine Propulsions :-
(a) Conventional (Diesel and Battery operated)
(b) Nuclear Propulsion

Q20. Write down the various anti submarine weapons.

Ans :- (a) Torpedoes (b) AS Rockets c) AS Missiles
(d) Depth Charges (e) Mines

Q21. What are sensors fitted onboard submarine?

Ans (a) Periscope (b) Radar (c) Sonar
(d) Wireless/EW equipments (e) Bathy Thermograph

Q22. What are the weapons fitted onboard submarine?

Ans (a) Torpedoes (b) Missiles (c) Mines

Q23. What are the advantages of Nuclear Submarines?

Ans (a) It can remain dived for longer periods.
(b) More Speed and accuracy
(c) More Endurance.

Q24. How to detect the Enemy submarine at Sea?

Ans (a) Sonar (b) Radar (c) EW Interception (d) Aircrafts
(e) Visual Lookouts (f) Visual Sighting of Periscope by Merchant ships or Fishing crafts

Q25. Write down the guns fitted onboard IN ship.

Ans. (a) 4.5” Guns (b) 76.2 mm Guns (c) AK 630 (d) 40/60 Guns (e) 57 mm Guns
(f) AK 176 (g) 100 mm Guns (h) 2m3m Guns

Q26. Write down the missile fitted onboard IN ship?

Ans. (a) Sea Eagle (ASM) (b) ‘P’ Series (P21, P20, P22) (SSM)
(c) Kashmira, URAN (SSM)
(d) RZ 61, RZ 13 (SAM) (e) Magic Matra (AAM)
(f) Prithvi (g) Trishul (h) Brahmos (j) Brak (k) Kastan
Q27. Write down the fire control system fitted onboard IN ship.
Ans. (a) VM 44 System (b) VM 45 System (c) VOLNA System (d) Garpoon system (e) MR 123
(f) MR 104
Q28. Write down the type of look out.
Ans. Two type of lookout:-
a) Blind look out:it done by radars
b) Visual look out : Visual look out are of five types
(i) Navigational look out (ii) Submarine look out
(ii) Helo look out (iv) Action look out (v) Mine look out

Q29. Write gunnery organization frigate ship.


Principal Control Officer/EXO


GDO(Visual) GDO(Blind) TSO

(Gun Direction Officer) (Transmitting Station Officer)

GO I GO II Ships GI (W) GI (S) Gunner’s Yeoman

Q30.Write down the duties of look out.

Ans a) Make closing up report to OOW.
b) Check and take over binocular and contact correctly.
c) Report any new contact to OOW if sighted.
d) Before handing over duty to next look out take permission from OOW.
Q31. Write down the name of gunnery radar.
Ans. AMDR, MR 310, GARPOON, MR 123

Q32. How can we recognize aircraft?

Ans. We can recognize the air craft by following features.
a) Wing b) Nose c) Engine fitted d) Type of engine
e) Sound f) Body structure g) Speed

Q33. Write down the actions from target detection to destruction?

Ans. a) Intelligence report b) Communication c) Effective range of weapon
c) Weapon selection e) Fire Order f) Fire and destroy.

Q34. Write down the name of false echo creating rocket.


Ans. a) Chaff rocket b) Kavach c) REW Shell

Q35. What safety precautions will you take while handing small arms?
Ans. (a) Always check the caliber before handing/ taking over
(b) Never put the finger inside the tiger guard.
(c) Never sky lark the weapon.
(d) Never leave the weapon unattended.
(e) Safety lever should always at the safe position.
(f) Always assume the weapon is loaded.
(e) Never point the weapon towards anybody.

Q36. What do you mean by small arms?

Ans Arms which have caliber less than 20mm are called small arms.

Q37. Write down the small arms used in Indian Navy.

Ans a) .22mm Rifle b) 5.56mm INSAS (c) 7.62mm MMG
d) 7.62mm SLR e) 7.62mm LMG (f) 12.7mm HMG
g) 9mm Carbine h) 9mm Pistol

Q38. Write down the safety rule of small arms.

Ans (a) Always check the caliber before handing/ taking over
(b) Never put the finger inside the tiger guard.
(c) Never sky lark the weapon.
(d) Never leave the weapon unattended.
(e) Safety lever should always at the safe position.
(f) Always assume the weapon is loaded.
(g) Never point the weapon towards anybody.

Q39. Write down the safety rules at firing range?

Ans (a) Always follow the instructions of range officer/ Range GI
(b) All movement must be double.
(c) Range sentry to detail and brief.
(d) Red flag to be hoisted at firing range.
(e) Do not load & Cock the weapon without order of Range GI.
(f) Always point the weapon toward the target.
(g) If any problem occur raise the right hand.
(h) Proper accounting of arms and ammunition.

Q40. Write down the various firing position?

Ans (a) Sitting Position (b) Kneeling Position
(c) Laying Position (d) Standing position
Q41. Describe the circles of the one 1’ X 1’ target.
Target:- 1’ X 1’
OUTER - 2 marks
MAGPIE - 4 marks
INNER - 6 marks
BULL - 8 marks

Q42. What do you mean by muzzle velocity?


Ans Muzzle velocity can be defined as the speed at which the bullet leaves the barrel.

Q43. What is the use of the barrel?

Ans Uses of Barrel are:-
a) To provide the muzzle velocity to the bullet
b) To give direction to the bullet.

Q44. Write down the various parts of the .22 rifle and range?
Ans Range – Effective - 25 yard
Max- 50 yard
(a) Barrel (b) Fore sight (c) Back sight (d) Fore sight protector
(e) Chamber (f) Butt (g) Pistol grip (h) Safety catch
(j) Trigger (k) Trigger Guard (l) Firing pin (m) Cocking lever

Q45. Write Down the various parts of the 7.62 mm SLR /

Ans 1. Barrel 2.. Fore sight 3. Back sight 4. Fore sight protector
5. Chamber 6. Butt 7. Pistol grip 8. Safety catch
9. Trigger 10. Trigger Guard 11. Firing pin 12. Cocking lever

Q46. Describe the following:-

Ans INSAS - Indian small Arms System
SLR - Self Loading Rifle
LMG - Light Machine Gun
MMG - Medium Machine gun
HMG - Heavy Machine gun

Q47. Write down the magazine capacity of SLR ?

Ans 20 Rounds.

Q48. Write the use of Trigger guard?

Ans Trigger guard is used to guard the accidental pressing of the trigger & also avoid damage to the

Q49. Write is the use of the Safety Catch/Lever?

Ans Safety Catch is used to avoid accidental firing of the rifle. It is used to keep the gun safe.

Q50. What is the range of 7.62 SLR & .22 mm Rifle?

Ans 7.62 SLR - 300 yard/ 600 yard
.22mm - 25 yard/ 700 yard

Q51. What is the Aim of drill?

Ans Aim of the Drill :-
(a) To generate discipline among the cadets.
(b) To get uniform platform.
(c) To enhance physical endurance
(d) To get smarten in bearing and appearance.

Q52. Explain the Following :-

Ans Khuli Line chal:- At the order khuli line chal the front row will move two step forward and
rear line will move two step to the rear. Middle line will remain at savdhan.
Samane salute:- Salute with right hand so that your index finger on top of the right eyebrow
and palm facing inward. Fore arm making 45 degree angle with upper arm and upper arm
parallel to the ground by assuming the position of savdhan.

Dhaine se saj:- This order is given to close up to dres up the platoon. At this order the
whole front line except right hand man will turn head and eyes toward right at the same time
raise right hand parallel to the ground and second and third man of first file will raise their
right hand o the front other remains in savdhan position and adjust accordingly with the first
line and second and third man of the first file.
Savdhan. In savdhan position stand on both legs by keeping heel together toe making
angle of 45 degree. Body weight on both leg , look straight look at your own height. Both arms
well close to the body first closed and and there should not any gap between arms and body.

Q53. Describe the pace per minute and length of pace for the following:-
Ans Description Length of Pace Pace per minute
Slow March 30 inch 65 steps
Quick March 30 inch 120 steps
Double March 40 inch 180 steps
Step out 33 inch 120 steps
Side Step 12 inch 120 steps
Step Short 22 inch 120 steps

Q54. Write down Gunnery weapon fitted onboard ship.

Ans :- a) SAM b) SSM c) Rocket
d) Mortar e) Guns f) Chaff Rocket
Q55. What is Gunnery RADAR?
Ans :- Gunnery RADAR is a kind of RADAR which are used by weapon system to track and lock on
their targets such as Air Craft and missile. Narrow beam used in the gunnery radar to track the targets.
Gunnery radar can lock on one target at one time.

Q56. Explain the following.

Ans :- a) MR - Medium Range
b) CR - Close Range
c) SSM - Surface to Surface Missile
d) SAM - Surface to Air Missile
e) CIWS - Close in weapon system

Q57. Write down five ships with SSM.

Ans :- Ships with SSM:-
a) INS Rana b) INS Rajput c) INS Delhi d) INS Ranbir
c) INS Pralab

Q58. Write down five ships with SAM.

Ans :- Ships with SAM:-
a) INS Mumbai b) INS Talwar c) INS Gomati e) INS Trishul
f) INS Tabar

Q59. Fill in the blanks?

a) There are 180 steps per minute in double march.
b) In Vishram position distance between the foot is12-14 inch..
c) In Khuli line Chal, Pichali line will take Two step to rear.
d) Line mein Dahine mur order is given on Right foot.

Q.60. Expand the following.

ASWO - Anti Submarine Warfare Officer

SONAR - Sound Operating Navigation and Ranging
SCR - Sonar Control Room

UC - Underwater Control
ASW - Anti Submarine Warfare
UW - Under Water
Q.61. State True or False.
(a) Contact mines explode when they come in contact with a ship. (T)
(b) ASW stands for anti submarine warfare. (T)
(c) Depth Charge gives the depth of a submarine. (F)
(d) INS Chakra is conventional type Submarine. (T)
(e) Torpedo can be fired from ship and submarine both (T)
(f) INS Chakra is conventional type Submarine. (F)
Q 62. List out various gunnery armament fitted on board.
Ans. i) AK - 176 ii) AK - 230 iii) MK - 123
iv) AK - 630 v) AK - 100 vi) AK - 726
vii) AK - 725 viii) Gunnery Radars ix) Gunnery Missiles
Q 63. Name of four small Arms used in the Indian Navy.
Ans. (a) 5.56 mm INSAS (b) 7.62 mm SLR (c) 7.62 mm LMG
(d) 7.62 mm MMG (e) 12.7 mm HMG (f) 9 mm Pistol
(g) 9 mm Carbine (h) 0.22” Rifle (j) 2’’ Mortar
Q 64. Write the full form of SLR and LMG:-
Ans. SLR - Self loading Rifle
LMG - Light Mahine Gun
SAM - Surface to Air Missile
SLR - Self Loading Rifle
CGO - Command Gunnery Officer
ASM - Air to Surface Missile

Q.65. What are the main parts of SLR ? (05)

Ans. (a) Butt (b) Pistol Grip (c) Trigger Guard (d) Trigger
(e) Magazine (f) Hand Guard (g) Carrying Handle (h) Barrel
(j) Gas Plug (k) Body Cover (l) Piston (m) Breech Block
(n) Ejection Slot (o) Fore-sight Protector

Q.66. Explain safely precautions observed during firing of small arms.

Ans. (a) Never point a gun at any person except Target.

(b) Do not load the gun without permission.
(c) Do not cock the gun without permission.
(d) Do not play with gun.
(e) Do not keep the gun unattended.

Q.67. What are the safety precautions for handling any weapon?
Ans. The following safety precautions should be ensured at the times:-
(a) Prior to the handling of any weapon, it should be inspected for safety.
(b) Ensure that the chamber of the weapon is empty.
(c) Ensure that the magazine is empty.
(d) Safety catch should always be on ”S”.
(e) Never point a rifle at any other person.

Q.68. Write down the five sequence of firing actions while firing a shot at moving target.
Ans. Complete sequence of firing a shot at a moving target will be :-

(a) Aim- at the centre of the target.

(b) Follow- give speed.
(c) Pass- gives lead.
(d) Fire- (Following through).
(e) Declare.

Q.69. Name any three firing position.

Ans (a) Laying (b) Standing (c) Kneeling (d) Sitting

Q 70. Write short notes on:-

Ans. (a) MPI. For the purpose of training the group will imply five consecutive well-fired shorts, fired
with consistent aim at the same aiming mark. The central point of the area covered by the group
is known as the mean point of impact (MPI) of the group.

(b) Grouping capacity. The diameter of a circle containing all five shots, fired by a man to the
best of his ability, is known as his grouping capacity.

Q.71. Fill in the blanks:-

(a) Magazine is the storage place for Ammunition on board ship.

(b) The Maximum Range of 7.62mm SLR is 600 Yards.
(c) GDR Stands for Gun Direction Room.
(d) AK 630 is an Anti Aircraft gun.
(e) Never point weapon at any person except target.
(f) Name of Gunnery School of the Indian Navy is INS Dronacharya.
(g) All ammunition on a ship is kept in special store rooms known as Magazine.
(h) SSM Missiles are used by a ship against another ship.
(j) ASM Missiles are used by an aircraft against a ship.
(k) Bolt is a part of .22” Rifle.
(l) The capacity of 7.62mm SLR rifle magazine is 20 Rounds.
(m) Muzzle velocity of .22 Rifle is 1020 Ft/Sec.
(n) The caliber of INSAS is 5.56 mm.
Q.72. Write True or False (T/F) :-

(a) 7.62mm LMG can be stripped in five groups. T

(b) There are six grooves in 7.62mm SLR. T
(c) Magazine capacity of Pt 22 Rifle is 10 rounds. F
(d) The Caliber of Pt 22 Rifle is 0.22mm. T
(e) The effective range of Pt 22 Rifle is 25 yards. T





1. Introduction. Communication is the exchange of thought, idea, information and data. In Navy
communication are the means whereby command is exercised or executed. In communication the
message passed should be clear, brief and understandable between the sender and receiver. Orders
and information must be passed rapidly, accurately and where possible, securely between ships,
aircrafts and shore establishments. An efficient system of communication is vital for fighting efficiency
of a modern fleet. The Signal Communication Officer (SCO) is the overall in charge of the
communication department onboard a ship.

2. Purpose & Principles. In the modern world, most nations attempt to minimize the risk of war caused
by miscommunication or inadequate communication by pushing the limits of communication technology
and systems. As a result Naval Communication is more intense, complicated and often motivates the
development of advanced technology for ships, submarines, aircraft as well as computers. Main aim is
to achieve an uninterrupted and jamming less communication with full network centricity to achieve
Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA). Naval Communication has undergone a sea change. Satellite
Communication between ships, submarines, aircrafts as well as shore establishment have become
faster and reliable using various types of secure modems. Effective and secure communication links
have always been a fundamental requirement for navies with modern fleets relying heavily on radio and
satellite technology. Rukmani, LINK II, MSS, SB (Satellite Broadcast) are the modern advanced
communication equipments.

3. Duties of Various Communication Sub-departments. Further communication department is

divided into three sub departments viz. Tactical, Radio and Special. The responsibility of each of three
sub departments is given below:-

a. Tactical Fleet work, Visual Signalling, cryptography (offline) and traffic handling.

b. Radio Radio telegraphy, automatic telegraphy, radio telephony, cryptography (online)

and traffic handling.

c. Special Electronic warfare and traffic handling.


(a) Sound - Siren, Foghorn, Whistle, Bell.

(b) Physical - Messenger, Dispatch Rider, Helicopter, Boat.
(c) Landline - Telephone, Trunk, Internet, Teleprinter, Telex, Fax.
(d) Visual Signaling - Semaphore, Flag hoist, Flashing, Pyrotechnics, Coloured lights.
(e) Wireless - Telegraphy, Telephony, Tele- Type, SATCOM.
(f) Mail - Ordinary Mail, Express Mail, Sea Mail, Air Mail.

5. Conclusion. Naval communication is essential for exchange of information from shore to sea,
sea to sea and sea to shore. During war, important messages are passed which need to be received
clearly, understood so that they can be acted upon to achieve the desired result. All cadets should be
aware about the functioning of Naval communication.

1. Introduction. Semaphore is a visual means of communication which provides a rapid means
for passing messages over short distances during daylight with the help of Oscar flags.

2. Semaphore. The different semaphore signs are made by moving one or two hand flags so that
they form various angles with the perpendicular. It is essential that each angle be formed correctly, as
good communication depends upon accuracy in this respect.

3. Alphabet and Special Signs. The alphabet and the special signs used are shown below. It
should be noted that there are no special signs for numerals, which are always spelt out. The numeral
sign is used to indicate that the numerals that follow are to be recorded as digits.
(a) Answering Sign : By making ‗C‘
(b) Attention Sign : By making ‗U‘ and arms waved up and down
(c) Direction Sign : By making ‗J‘
(d) Front Sign : Made by crossing both flags infront of body (to
indicate the end of group or word)
(e) Error sign : Made by succession of E‘s
(f) Numerical Sign : Right hand at ‗D‘ position, left hand at ‗E‘
Position (Numerals follows)

4. Prosigns used in semaphore. Prosign is a single letter or a combination of letters which are
transmitted as a single character to convey a specific meaning. Some prosigns which are used in
Semaphore and their use are given below:
BT - Break MIM - Comma
KN - (Open Brackets KK -) Close Brackets
AAA – Full Stop XE - Slant
DU - Hyphen B - More to follow
C - Correct WA - Word After
WB - Word before AR - End of transmission
II - Seperative Sign AS - Wait

5. Learning Semaphore. How to Remember

1st Circle : A to G (Single arm signs)

2nd Circle : H to N (omitting J, Right hand at A position)
3rd Circle : O to S (Rt hand at B Position)
4th Circle : T, U, Y (Rt hand at C position)
5th Circle : J, V (Right hand at D position)
To complete : W, X, Z

6. Conclusion. All cadets should be trained in Semaphore skills which is highly essential on board
ships to communicate with other ships at sea. Semaphore is the most important skill in Indian Naval
Communication. It will develop a good sense of concentration.


1. Introduction. Some of the alphabets sound very similar especially on radio circuits which cause
confusion to the receiving operator, to avoid this standard phonetics are used.

2. Phonetic Alphabets. When the letters of the alphabet are read out it will be observed that
some of them sound very similar especially on radio telephone. This can cause confusion when
important messages are being passed. In order to eliminate the ambiguity phonetic alphabets are used.

3. The Phonetic alphabets are given below:

A– Alfa J - Juliet S - Sierra

B– Bravo K – Kilo T - Tango
C– Charlie L – Lima U - Uniform
D- Delta M – Mike V - Victor
E– Echo N – November W - Whiskey
F- Foxtrot O – Oscar X – X ray
G- Golf P – Papa Y - Yankee
H– Hotel Q – Quebec Z - Zulu
I– India R – Romeo

4. Conclusion. It is the duty of every cadet to communicate in phonetics especially while receiving a
semaphore so as the writer could frame the message without any ambiguity. They must also use
phonetics while communicating on radio telephone circuits.


1. Introduction. When signaling by voice, greatest care is to be taken that the message is kept
short and to the point. Voice procedure is simple and easily understood

2. RT Procedure. When signaling by voice greatest care is to be taken that the message is kept
short and to the point. The tendency to carry on a telephone conversation is to be avoided. Voice
procedure is simple and easily understood. It is most important that this procedure is used at all times
and the instruction in its use is given to all officers and ratings who may have to pass messages by
radio telephone. Messages transmitted by voice are not invariably written down, but whenever practical
a short note of their purpose should be made. Speech should be clear and slow with natural emphasis
on each word. Messages should normally be spoken in natural phrases and not word by word. The
phonetic alphabet and pronunciation of figures are to be used when applicable

3. RT Practical. Voice procedure should generally be clear to the receiving operator. All the difficult
words are to be spelt out. An example of a voice procedure is given below:

Collective DE (This is) Ctrl = Radio Check = K (over)

DE A1 (Alfa One) = Roger = K

DE Ctrl = Roger out.

Time Check: Collective DE Ctrl = When I Say time it will be exactly 1030… 15 seconds… 10 seconds.
5 4 3 2 1 Time 1030 = A1 K

Note: While calling collective we have to control one addressee

4. Conclusion. The Naval communication has a unique method of Radio Telephony. It is the duty of
every cadet to learn simple voice procedures as used in Navy. Messages should be spoken in natural
phrase and not word by word. The phonetic alphabet and pronunciation of figures are to be used
wherever applicable.


1. Introduction. National flag is flown on the jack staff and Naval Ensign on Ensign staff between
colours and sunset.

2. Wearing of National Flag & Naval Ensign. National Flag is worn on the Jack staff and Naval
Ensign on the Ensign staff between colours and sunset in harbour only. Naval Ensign is flown all the
time whilst at sea.

3. Naval Ensigns. Naval Ensigns are worn by boats on the following occasions:-

(a) When the Flag of the President or any other dignitary is also worn
(b) When IN ships are dressed overall
(c ) When in a foreign Port by day and night
(d) When carrying a corpse
(e) When going alongside a foreign warship by day or night

4. National Flags. National Flag is flown on the Jackstaff between colours to sunset in harbour
only. It is flown at sea only on the following occasions:-
(a) When the President is embarked
(b) When escorting the Presidents ship
(c) When engaged in a war

5. Colours is the term which indicates collectively the National flag and Naval Ensign. Colours
ceremony is the hoisting of colours in commissioned ships and establishments at 0800 Hrs daily,
unless some other time is promulgated by higher authorities.

6. Sunset is similar to the colour ceremony and is not carried out at a fixed time, but at the time of
sunset every evening. Instead of hoisting the colours they are hauled down. When a Merchant ship
passes a warship either at sea or in harbour, she dips her ensign as a part of courtesy and the warship
acknowledges it by dipping her ensign and hoisting her before the merchant ship does .

7. Ceremonials. The ceremony of decorating a ship from foxle to quarter deck by signal flags is
known as ―Dressing ship. A line with flags and pennants hanged alternatively is connected from
jackstaff on the foxle to mainmast and from mainmast to quarter deck. Dressing ship is carried out on
the followings occasions:-

i. Independence day (15 Aug) ii. Republic day (26 Jan)

iii. Coastguard day (1 Feb) iv. National Maritime day

v. Navy Day (4 Dec)

10. Conclusion. All cadets should be aware of the ceremonies of the Indian Navy and this will help
develop good mark of respect towards the nation and the flag. They must involve themselves in
respecting the flags and educate others about the value of flags.


Q01. What do you mean by Communication?

Ans :- Communication can be defined a mode through which information can be passed from one end
to another. In navy, communication is a mean in which the orders and information must be passed
accurately, rapidly and securely between ships, aircrafts, submarines and shore establishment.

Q02. Write down the means of Communication.

Ans :- a) Visual b) Radio c) Mail d) Messenger e) Sound

Q03. Three means of visual communication

Ans :- a) Semaphore b) Flashing c) Flag Hoisting

Q04 What is radio Communication.

Ans :- Passed a message from one ship to another ship through radio.

Q05. Explain the phonetic from A-Z.

Ans :- A - Alpha B - Bravo
C - Charlie D - Delta
E - Echo F - Foxtrot
G - Golf H - Hotel
I - India J - Juliet
K - Kilo M - Mike
N - November O - Oscar
P - Papa Q - Qubic
R - Romeo S - Siera
T - Tango U - Uniform
V - Victory W - Whistle
X - Xray Y - Yankee
Z - Zulu

Q06. What do you mean by morse code?

Ans :- It is a combination of dot and dash.

Q07. What do you mean by semaphore?

Ans :- Semaphore can defined as a mean of visual communication. Make an angle with the help of two
hand flag signal and each angle should be different from other for each alphabet and special sign.

Q08. What do you mean by Dressing Ship?

Ans:- The ceremony of decorating a ship from foxle to quarterdeck by signal flags is known as
dressing ship. A line with flags and pennants hanged alternatively is connected from jackstaff on the
faxle to main mast and from main mast to quarterdeck. Dressing ship is carried out on following
Independence Day - 15 August
Republic Day - 26 Jan
Coast Guard Day - 01 Feb
Navy Day - 04 Dec
National Maritime Day - 07 Apr
As and when ordered

Q09. Where is National Flag hoisted onboard ship?

Ans:- Jackstaff

Q10. Where is Naval Ensign hoisted onboard ship?


Ans:- Ensign staff

Q11. What do you mean by Colours?

Ans:- Colours is the term which indicates collectively the National Flag and Naval Ensign. Colours
ceremony is the hoisting of colours in commissioned ships and establishment at 0800 hrs daily.

Q12. What do you mean by Sunset?

Ans:- Sunset is similar to the colour ceremony and is not carried out a fixed time, but at the time of
sunset every evening. Instead of hoisting the colours they are hauled down.

Q13. What is ceremony carried out between Merchant Ships and Indian Naval Ship while crossing?
Ans. When a merchant ship passes a warship either at sea or in harbour , she dips her ensign as an
art of courtesy and warship acknowledges it, by dipping her ensign and hoisting her ensign before the
merchant ship does.

Q14. Write down the sub-branches of communication?

Ans. There are three sub branches of communication:-
(a) Tactical (TAC) (b) Telegraphy (TEL) (c) Special (SPL)

NOTE:- National Flag is flown on the jack staff and Naval Ensign on Ensign staff between
colours and sunset.

- Naval Ensign is flown all the times at sea.





1. Introduction. Navigation is the process of planning and carrying out the movement of all modes of
transport from one place to another by sea, air, land or space. The navigation of ship and all under
water crafts is called marine navigation. This requires a high degree of precision in planning and
execution. The world wide satellite system can tell the position of the ship with an accuracy of 100

2. Navigation:- is the art of taking ships from one place to another place safely, quickly and
economically(shortest path).

3. Navigational Terms

Direction:- Direction means directing Naval Aircrafts to reach their targets and bring them back
to the parent ships by the help of Radar, Communication and Pilots in Navy.

Pilotage:- It is a part of navigation. When ship is making way from one place to another
within the sight of land, i.e., in narrow water such as harbors, channels and canals.

East and West. The direction towards which the earth rotates is called east opposite direction is

Great circle. The great circle midway between the poles is known as the “Equator’. Every point
on the equator is therefore 90 degree from the poles.

Latitude. The Latitude of a place is the angle, which is perpendicular to the earth surface at the
place, makes with the plane of the equator, it is measured 0 to 90 north or south of the equator.
Latitude are parallel to the equator are measured in North or South of the Equator. The sides of
chart are marked in scale of Latitude.

Longitude. The longitude of a place is the angle between the plane of the Prime Meridian and
the meridian of the place measured from 0 to 180 east or west of Greenwich.
The longitude of a place is the angular distance, expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds,
between its meridian and the meridian of the Greenwich. The top and bottom of the chart are
marked of in a scale of longitude.

Meridian:- These are semi great circles joining the poles and are perpendicular to the

Nautical Mile:- For navigation purpose, the distance on the earth’s surface which represents on
a minute of latitude is taken as standard measurement at sea, and is called a “ Nautical Mile” or
a “Sea Mile”. The length of a standard nautical mile is 6080 feet or 2000 yards

1 Nautical Mile - 1852 meter/ 10 Cables/2000 Yards or 6080 feets.

1 Knot - 1 Nautical mile per hour

Table of distance measurement at sea:

(i) 1 Nautical mile (NM) - 1852 mtrs. - 10 Cable - 2000 yards

(ii) 1 Cable - 200 Yards


(iii) 10 of Latitude - 60 minutes (60’)

(iv) 1’ of Latitude - 1 NM

Knot:- Speed of ship is measured in knots. One nautical mile per hour is called a knot.

Kinds of North:-

Magnetic North:- It is the direction of North shown by magnetic compass.

True North:- The direction of the geographical North is called True North.

Compass North:- The direction of North shown by the compass affected by

magnetism of the ship is called compass North.

True Bearing. A true bearing of an object is the angle between the meridian and direction of the
Gyro North. The direction north indicated by Gyro compass is known as Gyro North which is
the true north.
Variation:- It is the angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.

Deviation:- It is the angular distance between Compass North & Magnetic North.

Compass Error:- It is the angular distance between True North & Compass North.

Currents:- These are the movements of water in ocean which are caused by the wind, earth
quakes and high explosions can also be the cause of strong currents. The currents are strong
and go deep into water.

Astro-Navigation:- It is the science of using celestial bodies, such as stars and planets, to find
one’s position on earth. Astronomical navigation has been replaced by GPS, RADAR and Radio
communications in recent times.

Anemometer:- It is used to find the relative wind speed at sea. The modern anemometer gives
both relative and true wind speed.

Global Positioning System:- It is the most important modern Navigational Aid. These
helps us to locate our position to the accuracy of a few hundred meters. GPS functions using
14 satellites located at different places in space.

Light House:- This is built up structure on which powerful light is mounted. This light have
certain characteristics which enable the ships at sea to obtain their position at night. This is
painted in distinguish colours bands so that easily visible during day time. These are depicted
on navigational chart by a magenta flash along with a description of the characteristics of the
light fitted on them.

Beacons:-beacons are prominent structures similar to light houses But as a rule they do not
exhibit any light on them.

Buoys:-These are floating navigational marks moored to the bottom of the sea. They are used
to indicate channels, isolated dangers, spoil ground.. etc.

(a) The Sea Mile. The Sea mile is the length of arc (1‘) measured along the meridian

in the latitude of the position. The length of the sea mile is shortest at the equator
(1842.9 mtrs) and the longest at the poles (1861.6 m) with a mean value of between
1843 meters and 1862 meters according to latitude. A cable is approximately 200 yards.
This is a convenient measure frequently used at sea for navigational purpose.

(b) Geographical Mile. The Geographical mile is the length of 1‘ of arc measured
along the equator (i.e.1‘of longitude). As the equator is a circle the length of the
geographical mile is the same at all parts of the equator and is equal to (a sin 1‘ of arc).
Its value is 1855.4 meters.

(c) International Nautical Mile. This is standard fixed length of 1852 meters. Its
correct abbreviation is nm. The distances given in admiralty distance tables

and in ocean passage of the worlds are in international nautical mile.

(j) Knot. It is convenient to have a fixed or standard unit for measuring speed in
navigation. This unit is international nautical mile (1852 meters) per hour and is called a
knot abbreviated to kn.

4. Instrument and equipment used in navigation

(a) Radar:- It stands for Radio Aided Detection and Ranging. It transmits the high
frequencies Electromagnetic waves those hit the solid objects like land masses and reflect back
to the Radar. Radar receives the EM waves reflection, analysis, calculate and forward the data
to display which shows the details of the object e.g range, bearing, course and speed etc.

(b) Sextant. It is an instrument by which a ship‘s position can be determined by taking the
sight of heavenly bodies such as sun, stars, etc.

(c) Navigational Compass:- It is an instrument that gives the necessary datum line from
which courses and bearings can be measured. It is used to find the direction of the ship at sea.
There are two types of compass Magnetic & Compass:-

(i) Magnetic Compass:- It is a magnet freely suspended in a horizontal plane which

settles with one end pointing approximately true North. The reading obtained does not
give us the true north due to various external factors such as earth’s magnetism and
ships magnetic property. The north direction obtained is called the compass north.

(ii) Gyro Compass:- This instrument is a rapidly spinning wheel or gyro scope, the axis
of which is made to point along the meridian towards true north. Courses & bearings,
which are measured using a gyrocompass, are true provided there is no error in the
compass. It is measured clockwise from 000 to 360.

(d) Echo Sounder. It is an instrument by which depth of the water can be measured below
the keel of the ship. This helps us to prevent the ship from grounding.

(e) Log. Used for finding the speed and distance travelled through water

(f) Plotting Table. Used for plotting position and track of the ship

(g) Charts. Used for plotting the ships position, course etc.

5. Determining a ships position:- Finding a position of ship at sea is called fixing. There are
various methods to find the ship’s position at sea. Those are :

(a) Fixing the ships position by shore objects:- To fix the position of the ship at sea
it is essential to have two position lines in any of the following ways

(i) Cross Bearing:- Compass bearings of two or more objects ashore marked
on the chart are taken. These bearings are then drawn as position lines using the compass
rose and parallel ruler. The point where these lines cut indicates the ships position(Fix) on the

(ii) Bearing and distance:-The position of the ship may be established by

simultaneously taking the bearing and distance of a known object.

(iii) Running Fix:- By taking two bearings of the same object after an interval of time
and transferring the first position line thus obtained to the new position. For this fix to be reliable,
the distance run in the interval between the two position lines must be known accurately.

(b) Fixing the position if a ship is out of sight of land:-

(i) Astronomical Sights:- By observing the altitude of the sun, moon, stars and
planets and by the help of tables determining the position of the observer.

(ii) Radio Aids:- These are electronic devices such as GPS, Radar Medium
frequency direction finder wireless sets and hyperbolic position fixing systems and satellite
navigators which can provide a mariner his position accurately at sea.


1. Charts:- A chart is visually a contour map of the sea bed and its surrounding coast line,
where as a map gives the height and contours of the land above the sea level used for plotting the
ships position, course etc. They are published by the Hydrographic Department of the Navy. Its Head
quarter is at Dehradun. Following information are generally found on a chart:-

(a)Number of the chart (b)Title of the chart (c)Date of Survey of the chart
(d)The date of Publication and edition. (e)Correction made to the chart large & small
(f)Scale of the chart
(g)Tidal marks, Tidal streams and Currents with their directing and rates.
(h)Topography of the coast and the prominent natural features.
(j)Fog signals with their characteristics
(k)Depth of water and depth contours.(l)Latitude and Longitude.
(m)Compass rose (n) Light Houses (o) Buoys & Beacons

2. Instrument for chart work:- Parallel Ruler, Divider, pencil, eraser

3. Navigational Aids used in Ships:-

(a) Chart (b) Parallel ruler (c) Divider (d) Compass (e) Tides Tables
(f) Pilot (g) Radar (h) Sonar (j) Sextant

4. Chart Projections.

(a) Mercator Projection. The main properties of a Mercator Chart are:-

(i) A Rhumb line on the Earth appears as straight lines on the chart.
(ii) The Equator appears as a straight line.
(iii) The parallel of latitudes appear as a straight line.
(iv) All Meridians appears as straight line perpendicular to the equator.

(b) Gnomonic Projection. In order to assist the navigator in finding the great circle track
between two places, charts are constructed so that any straight line drawn on them shall
represent a great circle. These charts are known as

Gnomonic charts and they are formed by projecting the Earth‘s surface from the Earth‘s centre
on to the tangent plane at any convenient point. It is so constructed that:-

(i) Great circles appear as straight line and rhomb line appears curved.

(ii) Meridian is curved converging to the poles

(iii) Parallel of latitude is also curved

5. Chart Scales. Charts are generally published in three different scales, they are:-

(a) Small scale charts. These are charts covering a very vast area and the information
such as sounding, lights etc. are not given in detail. These charts are generally used for
passage planning and never should be used for navigation.

(b) Medium scale charts. These charts are used for passage. The information for
navigation including dangers is clearly shown on these charts. These charts cover a general
area of about 50 – 70 NM.

(c) Large scale charts. These charts are generally of harbours and their approaches.
These charts contain all information‘s required for precise navigation. These charts cover an
area of 5 – 7 NM.

6. Fixing a Ship. When it is not possible to obtain the ship‘s actual position by fixing, a position may
be worked up based upon the most recent fix.

(a) Dead Reckoning (DR). It is the expression used to describe that position obtained from
the true course steered by the ship and her speed through the water and from no other factors.
The Dead Reckoning position is represented by the symbol +.

(b) Estimated Position (EP). This position is the most accurate that the navigator can
obtain by calculation and estimation only. It is derived from DR position adjusted for the
estimated effects of leeway, tidal stream, current and surface drift. The EP must always remain
an approximate position, because these four variable factors are difficult to determine exactly,
although experience helps long way to estimate the effect as accurately as possible. It is
indicated by triangles and four-figure time.

Step One. Plot the course steered and the speed thorough the water, thus arriving at the Dead
Reckoning (DR) position.
Step Two. Plot on from the Dead Reckoning position the effect of:-

(i) Leeway (ii) Tidal stream (iii) Current (iv) Surface drif
Thus arriving at the Estimated Position (EP).

7. Arrow on tracks.

a. A single arrow denotes course steered, water track, leeway vector.

b. A double arrow denotes ship‘s ground track.
c. A triple arrow denotes tidal stream, current, surface drift and drift.

8. The various types of charts are:-

(a) Navigational Chart (b) Ship`s boat charts

(c) Routing charts (d) Magnetic charts
(e) Ocean sounding charts (f) LD charts (lattice Decca)
(g) Astronomical charts and diagrams


1. Introduction. The ancient Navigator had to rely on visual lookouts to aid his passage by hailing
presence of land or other objects. Today‘s Navigator has a lot of electronic aids which help him in
finding his position as well as the surroundings, even in conditions of low visibility.

2. RADAR. Radio aided Direction and ranging i.e. with the help of radio waves, the direction and
range of objects are obtained. The radar plays a very important role in Navigation and Directions.

3. Three types of Radars used in Navy.

(a) Air warning Radar to detect approaching enemy aircrafts.

(b) Radar to detect surface crafts and ships

(c) Radar used for navigation, for controlling Guns, missiles and helicopters

4. RACON. Radar responders, or radar transponder beacons, are receiver/ transmitter

transponder devices used as a navigation aid, identifying landmarks or buoys on a ship board marine
radar display. A RACON responds to a received radar pulse by transmitting an identifiable mark back to
the radar set. The displayed responds has a length on the radar display corresponding to a few nautical
miles, encoded as a Morse character beginning with a dash for identification.

5. Other Aids. RAMARKS are radar beacons, which transmit independently without having to be
triggered by the ships RADAR. A RAMARK response on a radar display gives no indication of distance,
but instead extends from the ships position to the circumference of the display. Various types of
Navigational aids are as follows:-

(a)Log: - It is used for calculating the speed and distance travelled through water.

(b) Echo Sounder: -It is an instrument by which depth of the water can be measured below the
keel of the ship. This helps us to prevent the ship from grounding.

(c ) Anemometer: - It is used to find the relative wind speed at sea. The modern anemometer gives
both relative and true wind speed.

6. Global positioning system (GPS) is one of the most important modern Navigational Aid. These
help us to locate our position to the accuracy of a few hundred meters. All sea going vessels are
suppose to have GPS fitted onboard for navigation. Modern navies even use GPS for accurate

launching of ballistic and continental missiles. GPS functions using 14 satellites located at different
places in the space. An user gets feed from the various satellites in his range and then gives the
position after inter relating all the feeds. This is not fully accurate and must not be fully dependant for
navigation. We must also do plotting to cross check the position given to us by GPS for errors.

7. Conclusion. Use of electronic aids has enhanced the accuracy of Navigation. A Navigator has to be
conversant with the operation of all electronic aids available on the ship.

1. Introduction. The vertical rise and fall of sea water because of gravitational pull exerted
between the earth and moon and to lesser extent by sun is called tide. OR

Tides are the result of the gravitational attraction of the Sun and The Moon, cause the water on earth to
rise and fall at regular intervals. The periods between rise and fall is approximately 6 ½ hours. When
the tide is at the highest, it is called High Water and when it is at its lowest called Low Water.

2. Terminology.

(a) High water. The highest level reached during one tidal oscillation. It is Specified by
the time and height above chart datum prevailing at that instant.

(b) Low water. It is the lowest level reached by sea waves during one tidal oscillation and
is specified by time and height.

(c) Range of tides. The difference between the levels of successive high and low water.

(d) Height of tide. The vertical distance between the level of the sea at a instant with
reference to chart datum.

(e) Slack water. This is the instant preceding and succeeding maximum rate, when the
tidal stream is at its weakest in strength

(f) Maximum rate. This is the greatest rate of tidal stream reached in each two more or
less opposing direction in one oscillation.

(g) Chart datum. This is a low water horizontal plane below which tide seldom falls. Based
near to lat level, this is specified with reference to a bench mark level or ground in the harbours.

(h) Tidal stream. Periodical horizontal oscillations of the sea under the effect of sun and
moon‘s influence.

(j) HAT & LAT. These are the levels of highest and lowest tides that is possible to predict
at standard ports. Unpredictable metrological conditions may increase or decrease these values

(k) Mean level. The average levels of the sea is as calculated from a long series of
observations is known as mean level also known as mean sea level.

(l) Spring tides. The range of the semi-diurnal tides varies mainly with the phases
of moon; from new moon to full moon and vice versa. Springs are those semidiurnal tides of
greatest range, which occur in each of these periods of semi- lunation (about 14 ½ days)

(m) Neap tides. Those semi-diurnal tides with least range, which occur in each period of
semi lunation from new moon to full moon and vice versa.

(n) Cyclone:- Sudden fall of atmosphere pressure.

(o) IBL- International Border Line

(p) Waves:- Waves are generated due to the stress exerted by wind on the ocean.

(q) Temperature- Sea surface temperature depends on latitude, season and ocean

3. Currents. These are the movements of water in Ocean which are caused by the wind, earth
quakes and high explosions can also be the cause of strong currents. The currents are strong and go
deep into water.OR

These are horizontal movements of water due to causes other than the tide raising forces of the
moon and sun. They have progressive or fluctuating movement‘s seasonal character as opposed to
periodical. Some currents are more or less regular and some entirely random and unpredictable.
Currents are caused by the following factors:-

(a) Meteorological factors like prevailing winds change in temperature and pressure above
the surface of water

(b) Oceanographic factors like differing salinity, changing temperature and pressure
conditions prevailing over the oceans.

(c) Topographical factors such as irregularities in the sea bed

1. Introduction. Clouds are formed due to the condensation of the water which evaporates from
the various sources of water on the earths surface. They are formed at very high altitude and descend
over a period of time due to the density of the cloud and come down as rain.

2. Types of Clouds:

a. High Clouds. High-level clouds form above 20,000 feet (6,000 meters) and since the
temperatures are so cold at such high elevations, these clouds are primarily composed of ice
crystals. High-level clouds are typically thin and white in appearance, but can appear in a
magnificent array of colours when the sun is low on the horizon.

(a) Medium Clouds. The bases of mid-level clouds typically appear between 6,500 to
20,000 feet (2,000 to 6,000 meters). Because of their lower altitudes, they are composed
primarily of water droplets; however, they can also compose of ice crystals when temperatures
are cold enough.

(b) Low Clouds. Low clouds are mostly composed of water droplets since their bases
generally lie below 6,500 feet (2,000 meters). However, when temperatures are cold enough,
these clouds may also contain ice particles and snow.

(c) Clouds with Vertical Displacement. Probably the most familiar of the classified clouds
is the cumulus cloud. Generated most commonly through either thermal convection or frontal
lifting, these clouds can grow to heights in excess of 39,000 feet (12,000 meters), releasing
incredible amounts of energy through the condensation of water vapor within the cloud itself.


1. Introduction. Astro navigation is the science of using celestial bodies, such as stars and
planets, to navigate one's place on Earth. Historically used to navigate the oceans, and still considered
a necessary skill for mariners, astro navigation has been replaced by GPS, radar systems and radio
communications in recent times, making astro navigation seem somewhat obsolete. All Navies still
include astronomical navigation questions on its mariner certification examinations, and many study the
ancient art now for fun rather than necessity. Astro navigation is not easy. It involves mathematical
formulas and committed study to produce results

2. Astro-navigation. It is the science of using celestial bodies, such as stars and planets, to find
one's position on Earth. Astronomical navigation has been replaced by GPS, radar systems and radio
communications in recent times, making astronomical navigation seems somewhat obsolete.

3. Sextant. The sextant is a modern marvel when compared to other celestial navigation devices.
It uses two mirrors so the instrument is aimed at the horizon, and the user only has to look in one
place. The user would align the celestial body they were using with the horizon, by adjusting the
sextant's moving parts. Various dials and notches on the device would then be used to determine the
position of the user on the globe.

4. Conclusion. Although the navigator has a variety of electronic equipment at his disposal, the same
are prone to failure or inaccuracies. Use of satellites maybe restricted during wartime or hostilities and
the navigator may have to fall back on the most ancient and reliable method of position-finding, ie use
of Astronomical bodies.


It is the science which deals with the forecasting of weather at a particular region by studying the
weather phenomenon of past and present.

Indian Meteorological Department(IMD):- IMD looks after the forecasting of weather for our
subcontinent. Headquarters of IMD is at New Delhi.
Weather:- The physical state of atmosphere at a given place and time is referred to as weather.
Atmosphere:- Atmosphere is the envelope of gases, commonly called and over the land and water.
The whole atmosphere can to divided into various zones depending upon their characteristics.
Cloud:- A cloud is a visible aggregate of minute particles of water or ice or both in the free air.

Instrument used in Meteorology:-

(a) Altimeter:- Used to measure altitudes
(b) Nemometer:- used to measure the velocity and the direction of the wind
(c) Barometer:- used to measure atmosphere pressure
(d) Hygrometer:- used to measure the relative humidity of the atmosphere
(e) Thermometer:- used to measure the temperature
(f) Seismograph:- used to measure the earthquake

Territorial Water:- The first boundary extended into the sea is territorial water, which is the area in
which all laws of a country or Jurisdiction typically apply. This area extends 12 nautical miles(22.2
km) into the ocean from the Base line. Any foreign warship can pass through this area after getting
permission from respective country. The Warship should not involve in any exercise and Submarine
can pass only after surfacing. Merchant Ships should involve in innocent passage.

International Water:- Area outside Territorial water


Contgious Zone:- It is an area in which a country may usually enforce laws such as customs
and immigration It extends 24 nm miles(44.4 Km) into the ocean from the base line.

Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ)- An area which extends 200 nautical miles(370 Km)from the
base line. In this zone the proprietary country has exclusive rights to explore, exploit and protect the
assets of the sea within that area. These assets are fish, corals, medical plants, minerals, salts,
pearls, chemicals, oil. etc. In cases where there is less than 400 NM of ocean between the land of
two country, the EEZ may be limited to less than 200 miles each. In such circumstances, the
coutries usually split the difference evenly.

High Seas:- After the EEZ are high seas. This is an area which no person can make a claim
that is honoured by any international agency. Some International laws may be enforced, but
discoveries and resources can be claimed by anyone.

Internal Water

Base line


24 NM Contiguous Zone

200 NM EEZ

High Sea


Q 1. What is Navigation?
Ans. Navigation is the art of finding the position of the ship at sea and conducting her safely form one
place to another as quickly and economically as possible.

Q2. Define Latitude and Longitude.

Ans. Latitude – Latitude is the angular distance of that place N or S of the equator.

Longitude - The longitude of a place is the angular distance, expressed in degrees, minute
and seconds, between its meridian and the meridian and meridian of the Greenwich.

Q3. Define Nautical Mile and Knot.

Ans. Nautical Mile - For the purpose of navigation, the distance on the earth’s surface which
represent one minute of latitude is taken as standard measurement at sea, and is called nautical
1 Nautical mile = 1852 meter, 6080 feet, 2000 yard, 10 cable.
Knot – One nautical mile per hour is called a knot

Q4. What is true course?

Ans. The angle between the fore and aft line and the meridian through the position is called the true

Q5. What is Compass and how many type of compass?

Ans. The navigational compass is an instrument that gives the necessary datum line from which
courses and bearing can be measured. There are two types of the compass 1

a) Gyro
b) Magnetic Compass

Q6. Define Variation and Deviation.

Ans. Variation –The angle between the true north and the magnetic north at any place is called the
variation at that place. Variation can be easterly or westerly depending on the relative position of
the magnetic north to the true north.
Deviation - The presence of iron or steel will cause the compass needle to deviate from the
magnetic meridian. The angle between the magnetic meridian and the direction in which the
needle is actually points is called the deviation.

Q7. Define Ship’s log and explain information available on in ship’s log.
Ans. The ship’s log is an official record book of a ship, from which the significant events that took
place onboard and movements of the ship can be reconstructed. Some of the salient aspects
recorded in the log. Position of the ship, course, speed, weather and sea state, land marks
sighted, sighting of and action with the enemy, births and death onboard, fires, damage, visit of
the high dignitaries

Q8. Explain what is chart and write ten information available on the chart?
Ans. Chart - A chart is virtually a contour map of the sea bed its surrounding coast line, where as
map gives the height and contour of the land above the sea level. A chart gives the depth of the
sea bed below sea level. The depths shown on a chart are in fathoms or meters. These are
known as navigational charts. They are produced by the hydrographic department.

Information available on the chart.

a) Number of the chart

b) Title of the chart
c) Date of survey of the chart
d) The date of publication and edition
e) Correction made to the chart, large and small.
f) Scale of the chart
g) Tidal marks, tidal stream and current with their directions and rates.
h) Topography of the coast and the prominent natural feathers.
i) Light houses with the characteristics of lights displayed by them.
j) Radio and radar beacons along with their band of frequency.
k) Fog signals characteristics.
l) Depth of water and depth contours
m) Latitude, Longitude
n) Compass rose

Q9. What are the navigational instruments required for plotting.

Ans. Parallel ruler, divider, pencil and eraser.

Q10. Write down five instruments required for plotting.

Ans . GPS, Compass, Douglass protector, Stuart distance meter, Sextant, radar.

Q11. What is fixing. Write down method of fixing?

Ans. Finding a position of the ship at is called. There are various method to find the ship’s position:-
a) Fixing by shore object.
(i) Cross bearing
(ii) Bearing and Distance
(iii) Running Fix
b) Other Navigation Aids
(i) Astronomical sights
(ii) Radio Aids- GPS

Q12. Define Log and Echo Sounder.

Ans. LOG - Used for measuring the speed and distance travelled by the ship through water
Echo Sounder - is an instrument by which depth of the water can be measured below the
keel of the ship.

Q13. Define following Navigation term: - Vessel, Power driven Vessel, Sailing Vessel, Visible, Short
Blast, Prolonged blast, Whistle and underway.
Ans. Vessel - The word vessel includes every description of water craft used, or capable of being
used as a means of transportation on water.

Power-driven vessel - means any vessel propelled by machinery.

Sailing Vessel - means any vessel which is propelled only by means of the wind and her
sails. If a vessel is propelled by machinery and sail s she is to be considered as a power driven

Visible - the word visible is applied to lights, means visible on a dark night with a clear

Short blast - means a blast of about one second’s duration.


Prolonged - blast means a blast of from four to six seconds duration.

Whistle - means whistle or siren.

Under way - a vessel is underway when she is not at anchor, or made fast to the
shore, or aground. Thus vessel may be described as underway, but stopped pr under way
making way. All vessel under way are bound to obey the steering and sailing rules unless they
are not under command, i.e unless they are unable to manoeuvre.

Q14. Write down the difference between RADAR & SONAR.

Ans :- RADAR stands for Radio aided detection and Ranging where as SONAR stands for sound
navigation and Ranging . RADAR uses radio waves where as SONAR uses sound waves. RADAR can
be used to detect surface targets, SONAR is used against underwater targets.

Q15. What is Oceanic wealth?

Ans. There are many useful material which originate from the oceans and seas which are used for
business and other purposes. They can be broadly divided into two categories living and non- living

Q16. Write down Living and Non Living thing available at sea.
Ans. Living- Medicinal Plants, Fish, Corals etc
Non Living- Minerals, salt, sand, pearls, chemicals, crude oil from which a vide variety oils and
other useful materials like petroleum, diesel kerosene, grease, Vaseline, tar etc

Q17. What is Territorial sea?

Ans. Every state has the right to establish the breath of its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding
12 nautical miles, measured from the baseline determined in accordance with UN convention.

Q18. Explain meteorology.

Ans. Meteorology is the science which deals the forecasting of weather at particular region by
studying the weather phenomenon past and present. The headquarters of Indian
meteorological department is at New Delhi.

Q19. Fill in Blanks

a) Instrument required for measuring altitudes Altimeter.
b) Barometer used for measuring the atmospheric pressure.
c) Seismograph is used to measure the intensity and earthquake shocks.
d) Hygrometer is used to measured the Relative Humidity of the atmosphere.

Q20. What is Cloud and how many types of clouds?

Ans. Clouds condensed form of the atmospheric moisture consisting of small water droplets or tiny
ice crystals
Types of clouds
a) High Cloud
b) Middle Cloud
c) Low Cloud
d) Cloud with vertical development

Q21. What is tide and causes of tides? write type of the tide.
Ans. the periodic rise and fall of the level of the sea constitute what are known as tide.
Causes of the tide
1) The attractive force of the Moon
2) The attractive force of the Sun
3) The gravitational force of the Earth
4) The centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the Earth about its axis

Type of tide

High Water is the highest level reached by the surface of the sea in one tidal
Low Water is the lowest level reached by the sea in one tidal oscillation.

Q22 What is Contiguous Zone?

Ans 1. In a contiguous to its territorial sea, described as the contiguous zone.
a) Prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations
within its territory or territorial sea.
b) Punish infringement of the above regulations committed with in territory or territorial sea
2. The contiguous zone may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines from
which the breath of the territorial sea is measured.

Q23. Explain EEZ.

Ans. EEZ : - Means Exclusive Economy Zone it extends up 200 nautical miles away from the
shore. Where economic activities such as Trade, Commerce can be done by the concerned country.

Q24. What all are maritime assets?

Ans. Maritime assets are corals, petroleum, medicinal plants and minerals.

Q25. How Sea important for India?

Ans. a) 70% of Indian Trade takes place through sea.
a) Indian drill most of its oil through sea platform.
b) Sea are important for mineral wealth.
c) 70% of world Oil trade passes through Indian Ocean.

Q26. Describe Tide.

Ans: - Periodic rise and fall of sea level due to gravitational pull of moon and sun is called tide.

Q27. Write down all the coastal states with capital.

Ans. a) Gujrat - Gandhinagar b) Maharashtra -Mumbai
c) Goa - Panji d) Karnatka -Bangalore
e) Tamilnadu - Chennai f) Andhra Pradesh- Hyderabad
g) Orissa - Bhubaneswar h) Kerala - Trivandrum
j) West Bengal - Kolkata

Q28. Explain ROR.

Ans. ROR can be defined as Rule of the Road. It is the set of rules for smooth navigation at sea.

Q29. Explain the Navigational Lights.

Ans :- Navigational lights can be defined as various sets and patterns of coloured lights signals which
are required for smooth and efficient sailing of ships at night inclement weather condition.

Q30. What do you mean by metrology?

Ans :-Meteorology is the branch of science which deals with weather and weather forecast.

Q31. Write down various types of clouds.

Ans :-a) High Clouds b) Low Clouds c) Middle Clouds

Q32. What is barometer?

Ans :- Barometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.

Q33. Describe nautical mile.

Ans . Nautical mile is unit of distance at sea. One nautical mile is equal to 1.852 Km or 6080 feet.

Q34. Explain Astro Navigation.

Ans It is the science of using celestial bodies, such as stars and planets, to find one’s position on
Earth. Astronomical navigation has been replaced by GPS, radar systems and radio communications in
recent times; making astronomical navigation seems somewhat obsolete.

Q35. Write down the types of Clouds?

Ans. (a) High Clouds
(b) Medium Clouds
(c) Low Clouds
(d) Clouds with Vertical Displacement

Q.36. State True or False:-

(a) The magnetic compass always points to true North. (F)

(b) The angle between true North and magnetic North at a place is Called Variation. (T)
(c) As per CADET rule, when converting compass course to true Course we add Easterly
variation and deviation. (T)
(d) The fix from two position lines will be more reliable than that from Three position lines.(T)
(e) A boat is close-hauled when she is sailing as close as possible to the Direction from
which the wind is blowing. (T)
(f) When two sailing vessels having wind on the same side are approaching One another,
so as to involve a risk of collision, the vessel which is toWindward shall keep out of the way
of the vessel which is to leeward. (T)
(g) An overtaking vessel has to keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken. (T)
(h) Hand lead and line is used for measuring the depth of water. (T)
(i) The length of a nautical mile is 200 yards. (F)
(j) Navigation lights are switched on between sunset and sunrise. (T)
(k) Echo sounder is used to measure the depth of water below ship’s keel (T)
(l) The length of a nautical mile is 200 yards. (F)
(m) Ship’s speed is measured in Km/Hr at sea (F)
(n ) Ship’s log is an official record of a ship (T)
(o) Radar is used to detect underwater target (F)
(p) UN Convention on Laws of the Seas has subdivided the oceans/seas into territorial
waters, contiguous zones, exclusive economic zones and Continental shelf. (T)
(q) A state’s land laws are equally applicable to its territorial waters also (T)
(r) Tides are caused by gravitational pull of moon and sun. (T)
(s) Tidal energy can be used to make electricity. (T)
(t) Storms at sea produce strong winds and rough seas. (T)
(u) Navigation is art of finding the position of ship at sea, and conducting her safety.
- (T)
(v) Distance at sea is measured in nautical miles - (T)
(w) One knot is a speed of one nautical mile per hour - (F)
(x) Gyro compass on board points to the ture north - (T)
(y) Echo sounder is used to measure the depth of water below ship’s keel (T)
(z) A fix can be taken by one bearing and one range.
(aa) Starboard hand buoy marks the right hand side of the channel while leaving harbor. (F)
(ab) As a rule, Beacons always exhibit a light. (F)
(ac) The angle between true north & Magnetic north is called variation. (T)
(ad) For conversion of compass course to true course, easterly variation is added. (F)
(ae) Satellite Navigation is a Radio Navigational aid. (T)
(af) Tidal Streams and currents are never shown on a chart. (F)

(ag) Bearing of two buoys can give a reliable fix. (T)

Q. 37. Fill in the blanks:-

(a) A ‘Fix’ obtained at 0800 hrs is recorded on a chart as 0800
(b) An ‘Estimated Position’ at 0900 hrs is recorded on a chart as 0900
(c) A ‘Dead Reckoning’ (D>R>) at 1000 hrs is recorded on a chart as 1000
(d) One nautical mile per hour is called 1 Knot
(e) The starboard hand buoy is Conical
(f) The port hand buoy is Red in colour.
(g) The term for measuring the depth of water is known as Sounding
(h) Ship’s position on a chart can be plotted with:-
(i) Latitude and Longitude
(ii) Bearing and Range
(iii) Object bearings, i.e. Bearings of two or more terrestrial objects.

Q.38. What is EEZ.

Ans. Exclusive economic Zone of India is an area beyond and adjacent to the Territorial water and
the point of such Zone is two hundred nautical miles from the point of such Zone.

Q. 39. Define followings:-

Ans. (a) Variation – Angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
(b) Deviation – Angular difference between Compass North and Magnetic North.

Q. 40. What is Fix? Types of Fix.

Ans. Fix is a way by which we obtain the ship’s position at sea.
(a) Fixing the ship’s position within sight of land:
(i) Cross bearing fix(ii) Bearing and distance fix (iii) Running fix
(b) Fixing the position if a ship when out of sight of land:
(i) GPS fix (ii) Astronomical sight fix

Q. 41 Explain Light House.

Ans. This is built up structure on which powerful light is mounted. This light have certain
characteristics which enable the ships at sea to obtain their position at night. This is painted in
distinguish colour bands so that easily visible during day time.

Q. 42. List down the navigational equipments.

Ans. (a) Log: Used for measuring the speed and distance travelled by ship through water.
(b) Eco Sounder: It is used to measure the depth of water below the keel of the ship.
(c) Sextant: By which a ship’s position can be determined by taking the sight of heavenly bodies

Q.43. Write the Name of five Oceans ?

Ans. (a) Indian Ocean (b) Antarctic ocean
(c) Atlantic (d) Pacific Ocean (e)Arctic Ocean

Q.44. Explain the Equator.

Ans. The great circle midway between the poles is known as the Equator every point on the equator
is 90 degree from the poles.

Q.45. Name five instruments used for plotting on a chart.

Ans. i) White chart ii) Pencil iii) Parallel roller iv) Divider

v) Eraser

Q.46. Name all the oceans in the world. Which is the deepest of them.
Ans. i) Pacific Ocean ii) Artic Ocean iii) Antarctic Ocean
iv) Indian Ocean v) Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean is the deepest ocean in the world.

Q.47. What do you understand by wind tide and current?

Ans. Wind:- Motion in air is called wind
Tide:- The periodic rise and fall of the level of the sea is known as tide.
Current:- The flow (motion) of water is called current.

Q.48. List any four methods of obtaining a Fix.

Ans: a) Cross Bearing b) Bearing and Distance c) Running Fix d) Sextant
e) GPS fix

Q.49. List six navigational equipments.

Ans: i) Radar ii)Sonar iii)Echo Sounder iv)Compass
v) GPS vi) Log vii)Gyro

Q.50. Write down the classification of clouds.

Ans (a) High clouds (b) Middle clouds (c)Low clouds
(d) Clouds with vertical development

Q.51. Explain the Equator.

Ans. The great circle midway between the poles is known as the Equator every point on the equator
is 90 degree from the poles.

Q.52. What do you understand by Anti cyclones ?

Ans. A corresponding high Pressure area with clockwise winds are known as an anticyclone in the
southern hemisphere these wind directions are reversed.

Q.53. Explain low/high water.

Ans. High water is the highest level reached by the surface of the sea in one tidal oscillation low
water is the lowest level reached by the surface of the sea in one tidal oscillation.

Q.54. Explain the Navigation at sea?

Ans. It is the art of findings the position of a ship at sea an conducting her safely from one place to
another a quickly and economically.

Q.55. Define following:-

(i) Light house (ii) Gyro Compass
Ans. (i) Light House:- Light house are the buildup structures on which powerfull lights are
mounted, these light exhibit identifiable characteristics which are painted distinguishable colours
bands so as to enable them to be discerned clearly from seaward.

(ii) Gyro compass:- This is essentially a rapidly spinning wheel, the axis of which is made
to point to the turn north. Bearings taken with the gyro are, therefore, turn bearings and referred
to in 3 digit numbers from 000 to 360 clockwise.

Q.56. What do you understand by metrology?

Ans. Metrology is the science which deals with the forecasting of weather on the basis of past and
present phenomenon. Now a days, modern satellite launched in space by all.

Q.57. Name the living and non living resources available at sea.
Ans. Living Resources: (a)Fish (b)Coral (c)Crocodile (d)Snake (e)Medical
Non Living Resources: (a)Mineral (b)Fuel (c)Sand (d)Salt

Q.58. Define the following technical terms:-

(a) Bearing (b) Vertical interval (c) Escarpment (d) Spur (e)Horizontal equivalent
Ans. (a) Bearing. The angle formed by a line joining two points and the North and South line. .
Bearing are always measured clockwise.
(b) Vertical interval The rise in level between successive contour lines. The VI is
generally the same for any given scale.
(c) Escarpment The steep hill side formed by a sudden drop in the general ground level usually
from a plateau.
(d) Spur A piece of high ground jutting out from a range of hills into lower ground.
(e) Horizontal equivalent The distance measured on the map between adjacent contour lines.
It varies according to the nature of the relief.

Q.59. Differentiate between Grid Magnetic and True Bearings?

Ans Grid Magnetic Measured on the map from the Grid North by the help of a protector.
True Bearing Calculated by finding out the relation of true NORTH and Grid NORTH or
Magnetic North.

Q.60. What is the fundamentals of steering?

Ans It is very important that all steering orders should be given clearly and in the standard form and
they should be acknowledging in the standard form and object correctly.

Q.61. Name any five steering order?

Ans (i) Midship (ii) Port/Stbd thirty (c) Steady (d) Ease to ten (e) steer three zero.

Q.62. What do you understand by scale of the chart?

Ans. Scale of the chart indicates the actual area covered in the chart in one inch.
Fg 1 inch = 20 meter

Q.63. Write various methods to find the ships position at sea ?

Ans Fixing by shore object, Cross bearing, Dearing and distance, Running fix

Q.64. What are the things to be kept in mind before plotting ships track?
Ans. Current or Tidal Stream, Wind, Course and speed through the water.




1. Anchor:- Anchor is a hook made of iron, attached to a length of chain or rope called a cable, to
hold a ship or boat temporary to the sea bed in comparatively shallow water.

2. Parts of Anchor
(a) Lugless Anchor Shackle (b) Anchor Ring (c) Shank (d) Pea Or Bill
(e) Fluke (f) Tripping Palm (g) Crown (h) Gravity Shackle(if fitted)

3. Types of Anchor

(a) Admiralty pattern anchor

(b) Admiralty Standard Stockless anchor
(c) Danforth anchor
(d) CQR (Chattam Quick Release anchors)
(e) Admiralty type A.C. 12,14 anchors

4. Anchor Fittings

(a) Hawse Pipe (b) Cable Holder (c) Navel Pipe

(d) Capstan (e) Blake Slip (f) Bottle Screw Slip

5. Parts of Cable

(a) Lugged Anchor Shackle (b) Lugless Joining Shackle

(c) Securing to Buoy Shackle (d) Bottle Screw Slip

(e) Blake Slip (f) Cup Swivel

(g) Box Swivel (h) Adoptor Piece


6. Identification of cable

(a) The shackle and joining shackle are marked from outer end to its inner end.
(b) Every joining shackle except one between two half shackles, is painted white.
(c) One link on each side of a joining shackle is also painted white and marked with a
number of turns of seizing wire around the stud corresponding to the number of the joining

7. Holding ground

(a) An anchor beds itself in the bottom

(b) Strain comes on the cable
(c) the anchor lies flat on the bottom until the pull of the ship on the cable drags the anchor
along the bottom
(d) The tripping palms then tilt the flukes, which then dig themselves in
(e) After a further amount of dragging the anchor embeds itself completely until it holds


1. Introduction. Heavy items are required to be lifted by ropes. However, a lot of personnel would be
required to lift heavy weights. This can be reduced considerably by the use of blocks, which greatly
reduces the effort.

2. Shackle:- These are coupling links used for joining ropes, chain together or to some other
fittings and usually made of wrought iron or mild steel. Parts of shackles are as follows:-

(i) Crown (ii) Clear (iii)Lug (iv)Jaw (v) Bolt

3. Types of Shackle

(a) Screw Shackle (b) Forelock Shackle (c) Clenched Shackle

(d) Joining Shackle (e) Joggle Shackle (f) Feathered Shackle

4. Block:-
A block is a portable pulley, made of wood, metal or wood and metal combined. Parts of block
are as follows:-
eye, crown, swallow, sheave , cheek, tail, bracket

5. Types:- (a) Wooden block (b) Metal Block (c) Snatch Block
(d) Clumb Block (e) Fiddle Block (f) Common Block
(g) SRBF(Synthetic Resin Bonded Fibre) Block

6. Hook:- Hooks are used at sea for lifting purpose and are much weaker than the shackle of same
size. They are usually made of galvanized mild stel.
Parts:- Bill, Shank, Crown, Back, Eye, Clear
Types:- (a) Spring Hook (b) Cargo Hook (c) Recovery Hook
(d) Release Hook (e) Clip Hook (f) Union Hook
(g) Tackle Hook (h) RFD Automatic Release Hook

7. Derrick:- A derrick is a spar, made of wood or steel, riged as a swinging boom and used for
hoisting boats, stores, cargo, ammunition or other gear in or out of a ship.
Types:- (a) Mast Derrick (b) Standing Derrick (c) Swinging Derrick
(d) Extempore Derrick (e) Jumbo Derrick

8. Davits:- Davits are used in hoisting and lowering a boat from a ship.
(a) Radial Davit (b) Fixed Davit (c) Gravity Davit (d) Quadrantal Davit


1. Introduction. Ropes are used extensively onboard ships. Different ropes are used for different
purpose. Knowledge of ropes is essential for every seaman.

2. Three types of Ropes

(a) Natural Fibre Cordage (NFC):-

(i) Manila:-This is the strongest rope in natural Fibre ropes. Golden Brown colour,
obtain from Abaka Plant and made in Philipines.
(Identification – Black Yarn)

(ii) Sisal:- It is general purpose rope of pale straw colour, made from
leaves of Sisal Plant and made in Brazil & Italy.
(Identification – Red Yarn)

(iii) Coir:- This is the weakest rope in Natural ropes.(Identification – Yellow Yarn)

(iv) Hemp:- Not used in Indian Navy

(b) Man Made Fibre Cordage (MMFC)


(i) Polyamide:- 2 ½ times stronger than Manila rope of same size.

(Identification – Green Yarn)
(ii) Polyproplene:- 2 times stronger than Manila rope of same size.
(Identification – Brown Yarn)
(iii) Polyster:- 2 times stronger than Manila rope of same size.
(Identification – Blue Yarn)
(iv) Polythelene :- 1 ½ times stronger than Manila rope of same size.
(Identification – Orange Yarn)
(v) Aramid :- 6 times stronger than Manila rope of same size. Polyamide
is stronger than Aramid because of Aramid Elasticity is zero.
(vi) Parafil:- It is required less maintenance.

(c) Wire rope:-

(i) Steel Wire Rope (SWR):-
(ii) Flexible Steel Wire Rope (FSWR)
(iii) ExtraFlexible Steel Wire Rope (EFSWR)
(iii) Mild Steel Wire Rope (MSWR)

3. Stopper:- It is made of length of rope or chain. It is used to take a temporary weight when
rope is under strain.
(i) Cordage Stopper: used on Natural hawser only
(ii) Chain Stopper :- used on wire rope.
(iii) Chain Check Stopper :- used to check the speed of wire rope when wire rope is
paying out.
(iv) Carpenters Stopper :- used for temporary holding the wire rope when wire
rope is under strain.

4. Breaking Strength. A method of finding the approximate breaking strength of natural fibre
cordage ropes is as follows:-

bs = d2/200 tonnes
Where, bs - breaking strength

d - diameter in mm

5. Stowing. NFC should not be stowed away while it is wet. If it is unavoidable, the rope must be
brought out and dried at the first opportunity. Before estimating the strength of such a rope it should be
examined for damage, chafe, rot and fatigue. Rot can be detected by the smell of the rope and by
opening out the strands and examining their inner surfaces

6. Maintenance and securing of rope

(i) Exposure to Sun Light (ii) Exposure to Chemicals

(iii) Handling (iv) Stowage
(v) Wear (vi) Crows footing
(vii) Chaffing (viii) Stretching
(ix) Rust (x) Heat
(xi) Icing (xii) Oil & Grease


1. Introduction. Ropes can be secured to each other or items and fittings by means of bends and
hitches. Each bend or hitch is used for a specific purpose and cannot be interchanged.

(a) Bend- Temporary joining of two ropes together.

(b) Hitch- Joining a rope to a spar or structure or a ring.
(c) Knots- made within the stands of a rope.

2. Basic Element of Bends & Hitches

(i) Bight :- Middle part of the rope
(ii) Round Turn:-
(iii) Half Hitch:- used to from other bend & Hitches.
(iv) Twist:-
(v) Over Hand Knot

3. Terms:-
(i) Standing Part:- That part of the rope which is made fast to a block or spar
(ii) Belay:- When a rope is to be cast off and under strain, it is required to
belayed to a Stag horn or bollard
(iii) To Haul:- To pull by hand
(iv) To Check:- To ease out a rope steadily by hand by keeping a strain on it.
(v) To Surge:- To allow the hawser to ease out by its own weight
(vi) To Hoist :- To lift
(vii) To Heave:- Pull out a rope or cable by hand or power.
(viii) Veer:- To pay a cable or hawser from Capstan Or windlass


(i) Figure of Eight Knot - It is used to prevent a rope unreaving through an eye or a

(ii) Reef Knot – used to join equal size ropes

(iii) Clove hitch – used to secure a rope to Spar, Guard rail or similar fittings

(iv) Bow Line:- To make a temporary at the end of the rope.

(v) Bowline on the Bight:- To lower a man from aloft or over the ship side.

(vi) Single Sheet Bend:- used to secure a rope end to a small eye.

(vii) Double Sheet Bend:- it is an alternative to Single Sheet Bend and is more secure.

(viii) Rolling Hitch:- Used to secure a rope to a spar when pull is expected to be from one

(ix) Marline Hitch:- used to secure lashing long bundles or sails, awnings etc.

(x) Marline Spike Hitch:- used for securing a marline spike or similar object into the bight
of a line.

(xi) Timber Hitch :- used to secure a rope’s end to a spar or bale.


(xii) Round Turn And Two half hitches:- used to secure a boat rope or heavy load to a spar,
ring or shackle.

Whipping:- Used to ropes end in proper manner and prevent from unlaying.
(a) Common Whipping (b) American Whipping
(c) Sail Maker’s Whipping (d) West Country Whipping
* Sail Maker’s Whipping is the strongest whipping out of all.

2. Conclusion. Ropes are extremely useful for securing items at sea. They require regular
maintenance and have to be stowed in a proper manner to prevent deterioration and thereby
losing their strength.

9. Coiling down. Cordage is very resilient and will absorb a number of turns in its length without
becoming snarled if the length is sufficient and the turns correspond with the lay of the rope. Rope of
right hand lay is always coiled downright handed, and rope of left-hand lay is always coiled down left

10. Splicing. Splicing is a method of joining the ends of two ropes together or making an eye at the
end of a rope, by interlocking the strands. All splices reduce the strength of a rope by 1/8 th.

(a) Short Splice:- used to join two ropes which can’t be rove through Block because
of increase of the size
(b) Long Splice:- used to join two ropes which are required to be rove through Block
(c) Back Splice :- used to finish the end of a rope which is not required to rove
through a block.
(d) Cut Splice:- to make a permanent eye in the bight of the rope.
(e) Eye Splice:- to make a permanent eye at the end of the rope.
(f) Chain Splice:- to connect a rope with chain

11. Conclusion. Every seamanship evolution onboard involves the use of blocks, hooks and
shackles. Knowledge of the various types of shackles and their uses as well as lifting abilities is
essential for every seaman.


1. In harbor a warships boats are used from embarking, disembarking, transferring men,
mail, stores, armed parties, working parties, mooring, laying out ships Anchor’s and for training
and recreation regattas and picnics. At sea boats are used for rescue , for transfer of men ,
material , stores to and from another ships.

2. Parts of the 27’ DK Whaler Boat:-

Rudder, Tiller, Gudgeon, Pintles, Stern Post, Back Board, Bottom/ Floor Boards, Foot
Stretcher, Adjustable Pins, Plug, Towing bollard, Buoyancy Tanks, Plug, Keel Box, Drop
Keel, Benches/Thwart, Knee, Pillars, Mast Step, Mast Clamp, Gunwale, Capping, Crutch
plate, Crutches, Life line, Rubber, Bilge Rail, Eyes, Cleats, Apron,

3. Characteristics of DK Whaler:-
Length of boat – 27 feet
Crew - 5+ 1(Coxswain)
Carrying capacity - 15
Life Saving Capacity - 27
Total Oars - 05
Length of Oars - 17 feet (04) + 16 feet (Bowman)

4. Parts of Oars:-

5. Pulling Orders:-

(a) Ship Your Oars:- This is the order to place the oars in the crutches and ready for pulling.
(b) Give way together :- This is the order to start pulling and it is obeyed together by the whole
(c) Oars:-This is an order for cease pulling.
(d) Hold Water:- This is the order to reduce or stop the way of the boat by holding the oars
at right angles to the boat and with their blade in water.
(e) Mind your Oars:- This is the warning to the crew to keep the blades of their oars clear
of some obstructions.
(f) Eyes in the Boat:- This is an order to the crew to keep their gaze from wondering aboard
and to pay attention to their duties.
(g) Bow:- This is an order to the bowman to boat his oar and be ready to fend off the bows of boat
with his boat hook.
(h) Way Enough:- This is the order which, when give in single banked boat, required the
oarsmen to pull one more stroke, pass the loom over their heads and to boat the oars.
(i) Boat your Oars:- This is the order to unship the oars from crutches and lay them fore
and aft in the boat on their respective sides.
(j) Shove off. This is the order to shove the boat off with looms of the oars from the ship or landing
place alongside which she is lying or from bottom of the boat if grounded

(k) Stroke together. This is the order for all to give one stroke together

(l) Back together. This is the order to back water together by pushing on the looms of the oars
instead of pulling

(m) Easy all. This is the order to pull less vigorously so that the speed of the boat will be reduced. If
the boat is being turned the order easy port or easy starboard may be given.

6. Steering/Manning of boat under oars

Port side – 03 Persons (oars on stbd)

Stbd side – 02 persons (oars on Port)

 If port side crew pull, the boat turns port side

 If stbd side crew pull, the boat turns stbd side

7. All crew will face towards coxswain and coxswain faces towards head

8. Instructions/ precautions while pulling

(a) Ensure the boat is clear of water

(b) Adequate number of oars & crutches along with spare

(c) Life jacket for all the crew

(d) Check the boat plug

(e) First aid kit

9. Instruction on Boat pulling. When a pulling boat is under way any order to the oarsman
except hold water is obeyed on completing one full stroke after the order is given. All such orders
should be given at the moment when the blades of the oars are in water.

(a) Availability of loud hailer, drinking water, sufficient ropes, bailer, anchor, life buoy and boat

(b) Only swimmers and physically fit should participate

(c) Knowledge of local weather and tidal conditions

(d) Rudder, tiller & towing bollard should be properly secured

10. Conclusion. The whaler carries a coxswain and a crew of 5 pullers. The pulling is to be
synchronized by the coxswain with the help of orders. All seaman and pullers are required to know the
orders for pulling.


In Irons:- A Boat In Irons when she fails to go about from one tack to other and lies head to wind
unable to pay off on either tack.

Power Boats:- these are driven by internal combustion engines.

Types:- (a) Gemini Craft
(b) RIBS
(c) GRP Motor Boats

RAS( Replenishment AT Sea):- The transfer of men, material, stores, fuel etc from one ship to other
ship during sailing at sea is called RAS.

(a) Abeam Transfer:- Arms, Ammunition, fuel , water, heavy stores etc
(b) Vertical Transfer(VERTREP) :- Men, light stores
(c) Astern Transfer:- Fuel & water

Towing:- To pull/ assist a ship in distress during sailing time or in harbor for moving one place to other
place at distance.
(a) Planned Towing
(b) Emergency Towing

Heaving line:- is a light flexible line that can be thrown, and can be used as a messenger
to pass hawses from ship to shore, or vice-versa.


1. Introduction. Whalers and Enterprise class boats are commonly used in the Navy as sailing
boats. Enterprise class boats are meant only for sailing with a crew of two.

2. Part of sail
(a) Head Upper side of lug sail Head Throat

(b) Foot Lower side of any sail

The forward edge of sail
(c) Luff

(d) Leach The after edge of a sail Leach Luff

(e) Peak After upper corner of a lug sail Reef Points

(f) Tack Lower fwd corner of a sail ...............

(g) Clew Lower after corner of a sail Clew

(h) Throat Forward upper corner of a sail Tack


3. Three types of sail

a. Fore sail The sail set immediately before the fore mast

b. Main sail The sail set on the main mast

c. Mizzen sail The sail set on the mizzen mast

4. Conclusion. The sails have many parts which have typical terminology. Cadets are required to
know the terms and understand the uses. Sailing requires both knowledge and skill.


1. Introduction. Enterprise class boats are a very suitable platform for learning sailing. Cadets are
required to know the terms and understand the uses. Sailing requires both knowledge and skill. A clear
understanding of the orders is essential for sailing. Rules are to be understood and strictly adhered in
2. Term used in sailing
(a) Close-hauled. A boat is close-hauled or sailing by, or the wind, when her sheets are
hauled close aft and all her sails are drawing and she is sailing as close as possible to the
direction from which the wind is blowing

(b) Reaching. A boat is reaching when she is sailing free with the wind abeam or before the
(c) Running. A boat is running when she is sailing with the wind abaft the beam.

(d) Sailing free. A boat is sailing free whenever her sails are filled and she is not sailing
close- hauled, i.e. When sailing so that she is free to manoeuvre on either side of her course
without having to go about (see tacking)

(e) Wearing/ gybing. This is altering course away from the wind until the boat is on her new
course or begins to gybe.

(f) Beating. When the destination of sailing boat lies directly upwind she beats to windward
by sailing close-hauled in a series of alternate tacks

(g) To luff. This is altering course to bring the boat‘s head closer to the wind.

(h) In irons. A boat is in irons when she fails to go about from one tack to the other and lies
head to wind unable to pay off on either tack

(i) Port and Starboard tacks. A boat is on the port tack when she is closed hauled with the
wind on her port side, and on the starboard tack when she is close hauled with the wind on her
starboard side.

3. Elementary sailing rules. Sailing rules are commonly known as ―rules of the road
There are three common rules applicable to a sailing vessel:-
Rule 1 A sail boat running free must keep clear of one close hauled.
Rule 2 A sail boat close hauled on the port tack must keep clear of a sailboat close hauled on the
starboard tack.
Rule 3 When both boats are running free on opposite tacks the vessel with the wind on the port side
must keep clear.
Rule 4 When both boats are running free on the same tack the boat to windward must keep clear

6. Conclusion. Sailing requires both knowledge and skill. A clear understanding of the orders are
essential for sailing. Rules are to be understood and strictly adhered in races.


1. Introduction. Power boats are driven by internal combustion engines and therefore known as Motor
boats. They may be classified as inboard or outboard according to the position of the motor. They may
also be classified according to speed (fast, medium or slow speed)

2. Types of power boats

a. Gemini crafts (b) RIBs (c) GRP Motor Boats

3. Anchoring a boat

a. The length of the cable is normally four time the depth of water

b. The inboard end of the cable is secured to a towing bollard by taking four turns around
the bollard and then seizing the inboard part to the out board part

c. If a boat snatches at her cable in a heavy sea, pay out as much as cable as possible

4. Securing of boat

a. Heavier boats will be secured alongside

b. When marking fast to the lower boom, a pulling boat is secured to the quarter lizard the
inner being kept for power boat
c. The painter should be rove through the eye of the lizard then back through the thimble of
the painter and then secured with a double sheet bend round both parts
d. The scope of the painter should be adjusted so that the boat rise easily with out yawing
or snatching
e. Alongside jetty or anchor boat
f. To a boom
g. To an accommodation ladder
h. To a buoy

5. Towing a boat

a. A lightly laden boat may be towed in calm weather by her painter which should be made
fast with two or three turns around her towing bollard

(b) If no bollard is provided a wooden bar should be passed through the bight of the painter
and placed under the two fore most thwarts

(c) A boat should never be towed direct from her stem ringbolt because it puts an unfair
strain on the ringbolt and stem

6. Conclusion. Power boats are used extensively for conveying Captain, officers, crew and stores
from ship to shore and back. They are required to be secured properly and can be towed for long
durations, with due precaution.

Q 1. Write element of bend and hitches.
Ans. A bight, A round turn, A half hitch, A twist, An over hand knot

Q 2. Define derrick.
Ans. A derrick is a spar made of wood or steel, rigged as a swinging boom and used for hoist store
,cargo in a ship.

Q 3. What is anchor?
Ans. An anchor an a hook, attached to a length of chain or rope called a cable by which a ship or
boat can be held temporarily to the sea in shallow water.

Q 4. How many type of anchor used in Navy.

Ans. (a) Admiralty pattern anchor (b) Admiralty standard stock less anchor
(c) Danforth Anchor (d) Chattam Quick release anchor
(e) Admiralty type AC-14, AC-16

Q 5. Write down the part of anchor

Ans a) Lugless Anchor Shackle b) Anchor ring c) Shank d) Pea or Bill
e) Tripping Palm f) Crown g) Fluke

Q 6. True False
a) Anchor Fluke can turn either side 35 degree (True)

Q 7. What is hull?
Ans The main body of the ship is called Hull.

Q 8. What is Keel?
Ans Bottom of the ship is called Keel

Q 9. What is Draught?
Ans Depth of the keel below the water line is called Draught

Q10. What is Deck?

Ans Any continuous horizontal surface on a ship is referred as deck

Q11. Write down the types of ropes.

Ans.- Three types of ropes are:-
a) Natural fiber cordage rope b) Manmade fiber cordage rope
c) Steel wire rope

Q12. Which is the following is the strongest rope in natural fiber?

a) Manila b) polyamide c) Polyester d) coir
Ans:- Manila

Q13. What is strand?

Ans:- When numbers of yarns twisted together to form a strand. Yarns are numbers of fibers spinned
together which are usually 275 meter in length.

Q14. What is the use of the reef knot?

Ans Reef knot is used to join two hawser /rope of equal size.

Q15. What is use of rolling hitch?


Ans Rolling hitch is used, where pull is expected from one side.

Q16. What do you mean by Natural fiber rope? Give example.

Ans Natural fiber cordage rope is manufactured with fibers extracted from natural vegetation. Eg coir
rope ,manila, hemp, sisal etc.

Q17. Write down two knots and their uses?

Ans Clove Hitch- to secure a rope with spar.
Reef Knot- To join a rope of equal size.
Timber Hitch- To lift heavy packet on logs.

Q18. Write down the various types of steel wire rope.

Ans types of steel wire ropes
a) Flexible steel wire ropes
b) Extra flexible steel wire rope
c) Steel wire rope

Q19. Explain the method of preparation of rope before used:-

a) Faking Down b) Cheesing Down c) Coiling
Ans Faking down:- ropes are arranged in a particular manner before it is used for any evolution or
work. In this a loop is placed over the another in zig zag manner. In this method rope moves very
clearly and fast and easy to handle.

(b) Cheesing Down:- This is to secure the end of the rope which is left after tieing or
securing something like fenders to some fittings. In this, rope is secured in such a way
that end of the rope comes at the centre of the securing pattern.

(c) Coiling:- this is the securing of long end of the ropes. It is similar to the cheesing down.
But in this different layers are formed on the base of the cheesing of the rope.

Q20. Explain the following terms:-

Ans Bight - middle part of length of the rope is called bight.
Eye - Permanent bight on the end of the rope is called eye.

Bend - A temporary joining of one ropes to another is called bend.

Wear Out - to pay out or ease out a rope from the cable holder is called wear out.
To haul - to pull by hand.
Surge - to allow a rope / hawser to ease out by its own weight.
Check Under strain - to allow or ease out the rope by hand by keeping strain n on it.
Hoist - to lift up is called to hoist.
Heave - to throw or pull a rope either by power or by hand.
Q21. what do you mean by heaving line and what are its uses ?
Ans. Heaving line is light flexible rope that can be thrown. it is used as a messenger to pass a hawser
from ship to shore and vice versa. It consists of 30 mts of 10mm cordage.

Q22. What do you mean by whipping?

Ans. Whipping means to secure the ends of the ropes to avoid unlaying
Q 23 what do you means by splicing and what are its various types?
Ans. Splicing is used to secure the ends of the ropes in order to avoid the unlaying of the ends it is
also used to join two different ropes.
Types of Splicing-
a) Back splice-for finishing end of rope which not require to rove through a block.
b) Short splice-for joining two rope
c) Eye splice- for making a permanent eye in the end of rope.
d) Long Splice-for joining two rope which are require to pass through a block
Q.24 Write down the types of whipping ?
Ans. a) Common Whipping b. American whipping
c. western Whipping d. Country whipping
Q. 25 What are the various kinds of blocks and their uses?
Ans. 1. Wooden Blocks 2. Metal Blocks 3. clump block 4. snatch block
5. clump block 6. Internal bounded block(I B block)

Q.26 What do you mean by a Block?

Ans. Block is a Portable pulley made up of wood or metal or combined.
Q.27 Write down the parts of blocks
Ans. Eye, Crown, Swallow, Sheave , Cheek, Tail, Bracket.

Q.28 What are the types of blocks?

Ans. 1. Single Block 2. Double Block 3. Runner 4. Gun tackle 5. Luff
6. Two fold Purchase.
Q.29 What are the uses of Tackles and purchases ?
Ans. They are used as simple machine to gain mechanical advantage.
Q.30 Write down the parts of Tackle .
Ans. 1. Standing block 2. Moving Block 3. Standing Point 4. Running Point
5. Hauling.

Q.31 Write down the various types of shackles .

Ans. Types of shackles are-
1. Screw shackle 2. Bow shackle 3. Joining shackle 4. Joggle shackle
5. Feathered Shackle. 6. Clinched shackle.

Q.32 Write down the parts of shackle .

Ans. 1. Crown 2. Jaw 3. Bolt 4. Clear 5. Lug 6. Pin

Q. 33. What do mean by stopper and what are its uses ?


Ans. stopper is a device which is used to belay a rope under strain and the strain must be taken

Q 34 Write down the types of stoppers .

Ans Types of stoppers are –
1. Cordage stopper 2. Chain Stopper
3. Chain check stopper 4. Carpenter stopper
Q.35 What do you mean by RAS ?
Ans. RAS stand for Replacement At Sea. it is a kind of rigging of ropes , through which man and
material can be transferred from one ship to another while underway

Q. 36 How is RAS important to us ?

Ans. RAS is very much important for the tactical survival of the ship at High seas. Through RAS the
range of a warship can be increased tremendously.

Q37 What are the uses of Boat in harbor and at Sea ?

Ans. At Harbour-
a) To laying ropes to mooring bouy.
b) To transfer man and material from ship to jetty and jetty to ship.
c) For rescue during drowning and floods.
d) Training of Cadets and boat crew.
e) Recreation purpose.
At Sea-
a) To transfer man and material from one ship to another ship while at sea.
b) For boarding operations.
c) For survey of high sea.
d) Mine clearance and mine laying.
e) Rescue in case of man overboard or aircraft crash.

Q38 What do mean by life boat and crash boat ?

Ans Life boat- It is used to rescue at sea in case of r man overboard.
Crash Boat it is used to rescue the crew of a crashed aircraft at sea.

Q39 Write down the kind of boats and their kinds.

Ans. There are three types of boats - 1. Power Boats—RHIB,
2. Rowing Boat or Pulling Boat- DK Whaler
3. Sail Boat - Dingy, enterprise class.

Q40 Explain the Construction of the boats.

Ans The hulls are made of wood, or glass reinforced plastic (GRP) or combination of both. The
wooden boats used in the navy were wither clinker or carvel built. However today most boats are made
from GRP

Q41 Write down the 10 Parts of the boat. what is the use of Rudder and Life Line ?
Ans 1. Gunwale 6. Thawart
2. Rubber line 7. Benches
3. Toe Piece 8. Bilges
4. Pintle 9. Boat eyes
5. Buoyancy Tank 10. Foot stretchers.
Rudder - It is used to give direction to the boat.
Life Line - It is used for rescue purpose.

Q.42 Explain the parts of oars.

Ans Copper Band
Grip Leather peace

Loom Shaft Blade

Q.43 Write down the parts of sail.

Ans. parts of sail are –
Fore sheet , shrouds , Reef Points , cloths, lacing ,fore halyard, topping, boom, main sheets.

Q.44 Explain the Following Pulling orders

Ans 1. Oars- this is an order to cease the puling with the oars horizontal . it is also used to salute in
the boat.
2. Pass your Oars- This is an order given to get the boat ready for pulling and pass the
respective Oars.
3. Mind your Oars- order given to Crew to keep their blade of their Oars to clear of some
obstruction in the Water.
4.eye in the boat- to make the Crew attentive in the boat.
5. Way enough- to stop pulling and let the boat drift to the destination.
6. Boat your Oars- to keep the Oars in the boat and crew to man the boat for puling.

Q 45 Explain the following sailing term

Ans To Luff: This is altering the course to bring the boat head close to the wind
Close Haul : When the wind is coming from abeam
Sailling free : Boat is sailing free whenever her sail are filled and she is not sail close haul
Reaching : A Boat is reaching when she is sailing free with the wind abeam on before the
beam but not sailing close haul
Running : when boat is sailing with the wind
Port and STBD tack : with the wind coming from port is called port tack and wind coming STBD
is called STBD tack
Beating : When the destination of the sailing boat lie directly up wind she beats to
windward by sailing close hauled in series of alternate tacks
Tacking : a boat tacks when she changes from one tack to the other tack
Gybing : when wind is coming directly from the astern of the boat
Wearing : when a boat altering course passing eh stern through the wind
Q 46. Name the sailing Rigs of whaler.
Ans A whaler has 3 sails namely a foresail, main sail and mizzen sail
Q 47. Explain the Sailing Rigs of Dinghy.
Ans A dinghy has two sails namely foresail and main sail
Q 48. Explain crew composition boat
Ans (a) Whaler - Coxswain + 5 Crews
(b) Dhingy - Coxswain + 1 Crews
(c) Enterprise - Coxswain + 1 Crews
(d) Wind surfer - One coxswain only
Q 49. Explain the check of list of sailing expedition
Ans (a) Check the gears (b) Check the boat for any leakage
(c) Carry the lifejackets (d) Crews must be briefed
(e) Check the weather (f) Must have first aid kit (g) Must have water

Q 50. What is an Anchor.

Ans Anchor is an iron hook attached to a cable use to hold the ship or a boat temperedly in shallow
Q51 Write down the various type of anchor?
Ans a) AC-14
b) AC-17
c) Standard stockless Anchor
d) Danforth Anchor
e) Chantam quick release Anchor
Q52. Write down the precaution while anchoring a boat.
Ans a) check the anchor and cable.
b) Check the depth.
c) Nature of the bottom.
d) State of the tide.

Q53. Expand the following?


Q54. What is the use of Clove hitch?

Clove hitch use to secure a rope to a spar, Rail or similar fittings.
Q.55. What do you understand by ‘To Heave”?
To pull on a rope or a cable either by power or by hand
Q.56. Write down the five parts of a Block?
Eye, Crown, Swallow, Sheave , Cheek, Tail, Bracket.
Q.57. Name the five tapes of the blocks?
Wooden blocks, Clump block, Metal block, Common block, IB block.

Q.58. What do you understand by heaving line?

Heaving line is a light flexible line that can be thrown, and can be used as a messenger to pass
hawses from ship to shore, or vice-versa.
Q.59. What is the use of derrick on board ship?
Derrick is used for hoisting stores, Cargo, ammunition or gear in and out of ship.
Q.60. Why it is important to stowed a rope on a real or coiled down?
To prevent any twists or turns in ropes length.
Q.61. How many types of hooks used in Navy?
Cargo hook, Calliper hook, spring hook, union hook, clip hook.
Q.62. Write down the parts of a hook?
Bill, Shank, Crown, Back, Eye.
Q.63. What is the use of long splice?
For joining two ropes which are required to pass through a block.
Q.64. Which knot is tide around man’s waist in life line?
Bowline knot.
Q.65. Name four types of Natural cordage rope?

Manila, Sisal, Hemp, Coir rope.

Q.66. Which knot is used as a life line around a man’s waist?
(i) Clove hitching (ii) Bowline (iii) Sheet bend (iv) Roof knot.
Bow line.
Q.67. What is the use of tackles?
Tackles are used for lifting weights and to tighten the ropes with min manpower.
Q.68. Name of five parts of a tackle.
(a) Standing block (b) Moving block(c) Standing part (d) Hauling part(e) running part.
Q.69. Give three examples of a tackles.
(a) luff (b) Gun Tackle (c) Two fold purchase.
Q.70. What all are the man combination of tackles?
Blocks joined together with a rope.
Q.71. What is the length of Oars?
17 ft/16ft (Bowman)
Q.72. Name any three sailing boats?
Whaler Sailing, Enterprise Class Dinghy, Cadet Class
Q.73. Name three types of a
sail used in whaler sails.
Main sail, Fore Sail, Mizzen sail.
Q.74. Fill the blanks.
(I) Crew of whaler consists of coxswain + 4 Crew
(ii) Crew of Enterprise consist of coxswain + 01 Crew
(iii) Crew of Windsurfer consist of coxswain
Q.75. Name any two types of power boat used in Indian Navy.
(i) Gemini (ii) 4.9M RIGID inflatable boat (RIB)
(iii) 5.4M RIB (iv) 6.5 M RIB.
Q76. Hand lid line is used in ships which are not fitted with __________
Eco sounder.

Q.77. Cable is secured in __________ locker.

Q78. What is the deference between Rudder and Radar?
Rudder gives direction to the boat where Radar is Radio Aid Detection and ranging which
detect surface and air contact.

Q.79. Explain the following:-

(a) Eyes:-The foremost part of the boat just abaft the stem.
(b) Rudder:-A wood or metal fitting which when turned to one side or the other alters the course of
a boat.
(c) Benches:-The seats fitted around the sides and after ends of the stern sheets.
(d) Bend:-The temporary joining of one rope to another is called Bend.
Q.80. State True or False:-
(a) Ship your oars ‘means that the oars are to be kept inside the
boat at the end of pulling practice. (T)
(b) The buoyancy tanks are fitted in boats to carry extra drinking water. (F)
(c) Six oars are used to pull a whaler. (F)

(d) Blade is the part of Oar (T)

(e) The senior most Officer enters a boat last and leaves first. T)

Q.81 Match the following:-

(a) Reef Knot (i) Used to secure a rope to a spar or rail. (d)
(b) Bow Line (ii) Used to secure a rope’s end to a small eye. (e)
(c) Rolling Hitch (iii) Used for joining two equal size of rope (a)
(d) Clove Hitch (iv) Used to make a temporary eye in the end of a rope (b)
(e) Single Sheet Bend (v) Used to secure a rope to a spar when pull is (c)
expected to be from one side.





1. Introduction. Fire can be caused due to various reasons. Prevention is the best way to fight
fire. Early detection and knowledge of the types of fire and various methods to fight fire will enable
containing the damage. Everyday Hazards of fire are as follows:-:

(a) Carelessness with naked lights and cigarettes left about.

(b) Paint and oil splashes in contact with heat.
(c) Cooking oil in the galley, if left unattended on the cooking range for a long time.
(d) Private electrical equipment not checked, safe and used without proper plugs.
(e) Smoking in unauthorized area and on bed.
(f) Electric iron and soldering iron not switched off or not in use and closed.
(g) Highly flammable materials not stowed safely.
(h) Keeping power supply ‗ON‘ when compartment is not in use and closed.

2. Fire:- Fire is a combination of Heat & fuel in presence of Oxygen.

Heat Oxygen

For a fire to start the inflammable fuel should gain enough heat to over power its Ignition Temperature.
The fire would start only if there is plenty of supply of oxygen.

4. Types of Fires:
a) Solid Fire- Bundles, beddings, paint work, wood work
b) Liquid Fire – Diesel, petrol, oil fire
c) Gaseous Fire

5. Class of Fires:
Class Type
A General Fire
B Oil Fire
C Gaseous Fire
D Metallic Fire
E Electric Fire
6. Basic principles of Extinguishing Fire:-
a) Starving : Removal of burning material
b) Smoothering : Shutting of Air supply
c) Cooling : Reducing the temperature

Note:- Since it is difficult to remove burning material, we concentrate more on the removal of
heat and air.

7. Types Of Fire Fighting Extinguishers Used In Navy. First Aid Fire Fighting
(a) 9 Ltrs AFFF Extinguisher. AFFF stands for ‗Aqueous Film Forming Foam‘.
It is painted bright red and is supplied to ship in lieu of water type and foam type
extinguishers. It can extinguish both general and oil fire. It can also be used
against electrical fires of normal ships voltage provided the nozzel is kept
1.8 metres away from the electrical fire and ships supply should be 440 V and
below. Duration of the extinguisher is 60 to 90 seconds.

(b) 2 Kg CO2 Extinguisher. This extinguisher is painted black and contains

CO2 gas under pressure. It is operated by aiming the discharge horn at the base
of the fire and removing the safety pin and opening the regulator.
This extinguisher is used against electrical fire.

(c) 10 Kg Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher. It is used on metallic and oil

fires. It consists of 10 kg dry chemical powder attached with a CO2 cartridge
fitted inside with a cap. It is painted blue in colour.

(d) PD 12 Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher. It is painted blue and is used on

helo/flight deck of ship. It consists of 28 lbs dry chemical powder and is attached with CO2
cylinder, which is outside the extinguisher.

(e) PD 25 Dry Powder type Extinguisher. Dry chemical power

extinguisher painted blue and is used on helo/flight deck of ship.
It consists of 25 lbs chemical powder and a CO2 cartridge which
is attached inside the extinguisher.

(f) Trolley Mounted Fire Extinguisher.

(i) 75 Kg dry chemical powder
(ii) Twin CO2 6.5 Kg
(iii) 45 ltrs foam.

8. Principles of Fire Fighting

(a) Cooling. This is done by bringing down the temperature or removing the heat. The best
agent of cooling is water, which is freely available in ships for fighting the fire. Water must be
applied to burning materials and not to the flames.
(b) Starving. It is to remove all inflammable materials in the vicinity of fire so that fire does
not spread further and is automatically put off.
(c) Smothering. It is a process of cutting off air supply which helps fire. This is achieved by
means of a first – aid fire fighting equipments, CO2 Smothering system, main foam appliances
etc. This is also achieved by means of closing all port holes, hatches, ventilation fans etc.

(d) FF Methods & Tactics.. On slightest suspicion of trapped personnel in a smoke

filled section, search should be started immediately. The search team must:
(i) Be well briefed.
(ii) Have well defined
search area.

10. Search and Rescue

Search party: - The minimum composition of 2+1 searchers must operate in pairs because
(a) A partner boosts morale
(b) In case of trouble, searchers can help each other.
(c) Better effort available for clearing obstructions.
(d) Easy transportation of causalities.

(e) Each of the searchers dons BA sets, and carry extension equipment and run guide line.
At each flat, office, mess decks etc. One of the search team members must remain at entrance
while the other makes his way into the space and feels his way around as close to the perimeter
as possible (a casualty may crawl to a bulkhead and collapse there). The search must be made
cautiously and thoroughly at the following locations:-:
(i) Fully at deck level.

(ii) Under tables, desks, chairs and benches.

(iii) Under bed clothes.
(iv) In cupboards, wardrobes and chests etc.
(v) Behind and beneath ladders.
(vi) Behind open doors behind fitted furniture, lockers etc.

11. First Report and Action

(a) If smoke is seen to be issuing from beneath a closed door. Suspect fire but do not
open the door, because, if the door is opened the fire might flare up fiercely and spread rapidly.
Raise the alarm "fire fire fire" and inform the command by the quickest method. Pass clear and
accurate message and return to the scene of the incident.

(b) If the door is open or the fire is not behind the door. If fire is discovered in an open
compartment, raise the alarm by shouting "fire fire fire" and try to extinguish it with the
equipment in hand. Inform command by quickest method. If the finder is doubtful of his ability to
extinguish the fire, he should shut all penings to the compartment (if practicable), ensure
command is informed and report to the person who arrives to take charge of the incident.

12. Basic Firefighting Rig with BASCCA set 13. Full Firefighting Rig


15. Conclusion. Fire depends on three things being present together. Firstly Fuel or inflammable
material ,secondly Heat and thirdly Oxygen. Fire fighting is everybody‘s business and all personnel on
board a ship should be alert to prevent and put out a fire.


1. Introduction. Damage control is a term used in the navies for the emergency control of
situations that may hazard the sinking of a ship. Damage and flooding in a ship can occur due to
collision, grounding, weapon explosion enemy attack etc. There is a prime need to contain flooding
and damage in the smallest possible limit and to this end flooding boundaries must be established as
quickly as possible. Resistance of flooding of ships compartment/spaces depends on watertight

2. Causes of Damage. Damage and flooding in a ship can occur due to collision, grounding,
weapon explosion enemy attack etc. There is a prime need to contain flooding and damage in the
smallest possible limit and to this end flooding boundaries must be established as quickly as possible.
It is also used in other contexts as explained below. Examples are:
(a) rupture of a pipe or hull especially below the waterline and
(b) damage from grounding (running aground) or hard berthing against a wharf.
(c) temporary fixing of bomb or explosive damage.

3. Zone of Damage. - Damage to a ship can be divided into three zones.

a. Primary Zone. This is in the immediate vicinity of the cause of damage explosion,
collision grounding and, particularly in the case of explosion will be the zone of
complete destruction. That part of the primary zone below the waterline Will probably be
completely loaded and nothing can be done except to try to contain the flood water
within its original boundary.

b. Secondary Zone. It is unlikely that his zone will flood immediately but Slow and
progressive flooding is probable cause of damage to hull and bulkheads/decks
surrounding the primary zone. It is in the secondary zone that the work of the NBCD
parties principally lies.

c. Remote Zone. Accidents involving collision grounding and particularly explosion

will cause a shock wave to travel through the ship‘s structure and may cause a violent
whip, ith resultant damage and fire.

4. States of Readiness used in NBCD:-

State 1- Attack Imminent -Highest state of NBCD preparedness. All positions fully manned.
Attack Likely -All positions manned, but upto 50% personnel may be
relaxed for meals etc.
State 2- Attack Possible -War sea going state; watch system In Peace, passage through
mined waters, navigational hazards, etc.
State 3- Attack Unlikely -Defended harbor in war; normal cruising in peace


(a) Wooden Shores (b) Wooden Plugs (c) Wooden wedges
(d) Wooden plugs (e) Stopper plates (f) Pad piece
(g) Quick Dry Cement (h) Oakum (j) Metallic shores
(k) Grid Shores (l) Dog Nails (m) Blank Flanges
(n) Multi purpose band (o) Jubilee Clip (p) Fixed Shores

Nozzles:- Spray/ Jet - 14-16 Ton/Hour

Jet/ Spray - 36 Ton/ Hour

6. Control Markings:- For control purposes, openings must be classified in accordance with the
use to which they are put and their position in the ship. Ships are divided by watertight and

bulkheads into a number of watertight spaces and compartments. Any Flooding resulting from
damage to the hull below the water line can thus confined to a small part of the ship. The basic
rules of watertight & gastight openings are given below:-

Sl. Condition Position of Doors/Hatches Rules

X opening are to be opened only with permission of DCHQ
01. X Ray X closed, Y and Z open
or OOW.
X and Y doors are closed Z X and Y opening are closed. For X rules as for X-ray, Y can
02. Yankee
remains open be opened for passage but to be shut immediately.
X, Y, Z closed, for X and Y rulesas for Yankey. Z openings
03. Zulu X, Y and Z all are closed.
may be opened for passage butimmediately to be closed.

Water Tight Marking : All water marking are marked in Black colour.
X- All Compartments below the Water line.
Y- All compartments above the water line and up to weather deck.
Z- All compartments above weather deck.

Gas Tight Marking : All gas tight marking are marked in Orange colour
A- All air intake openings are marked as ‘A ‘
M- All machinery compartment air openings/intakes are
marked as ‘M’
R- All AFUs and ATUs recirculation openings are marked as ‘R’

7. Watertight Risk Markings. The area susceptible to immediate flooding or damage is

marked as ‗red zone‘ which extends from the keel to somewhere above the deep waterline,
rising higher at the ends and in a broad ship at the side. Openings to all compartments within
the red zone are subject to immediate risk during flooding. All such openings are known as ‗red
opening‘ and are marked in ‗red‘ on a door or hatch by red triangle across the upper corner
farthest from hinges and on valve/scuttle by a red disk.

8. Conclusion. Damage can take place due to collision, grounding of enemy action. The
ship has to be maintained at all times in a condition where it can contain the damage and
continue with its task. Watertight integrity determines the resistance of flooding of ships
Compartment/spaces. Risk and Control markings are for maintaining watertight as well as
gaslight integrity on board ships.


Q01. Write down the full Form of NBCD.

Ans :- Nuclear Biological chemical Defence.and damage control including fire fighting and first
Q02. Explain the Fire Tri Angle.
Ans :- Fire triangle consists of three things i.e. Air, heat and burning material.
Q03. Describe the Principal of Fire Fighting.
Ans :- a) Smothering - Cutting down of oxygen from the fire.
b) Starving - Removal of burning material from the fire.
c) Cooling - Removal of heat.

Q04. Describe the three extinguisher used onboard Naval Ship.

Ans :- a) CO2 b) AFFF c) DCP
Q05. What do you mean by control marking? Explain.
Ans :- Control marking are X,Y,Z. During condition X the XYZ marking may be left open,
during Y, YZ may open and X opening to be closed. During Z condition all XYZ opening to be
Q06. Write down the Gas Marking.
Ans :- Risk marking are A,M,R. A means Air circulation, M means Machinery and R means
Q07. Explain the following:-
NBCD - Biological Chemical Defence and Damage Control including fire fighting
and First Aid.
NBCDO - Nuclear Biological Chemical Defence and Damage Control Officer
NBCPO - Nuclear Biological Chemical Protection Officer
BASCCA - Breathing Apparatus Self Contained Compressed Air
ELBA - Emergency Life Breathing Apparatus
ELSA - Emergency life Supporters Apparatus
DCHQ - Damage Control Headquarters
AFFF - Aqueous Film Forming Foam
DCP - Dry Chemical Powder
DC - Damage Control
ATU - Air Treatment Unit
AFU – Air Filtration Unit
SIRS - Ship’s Installed Radiac System
SICADS - Ship’s Installed Chemical And Detection System
TIC - Thermal Imaging Camera.

Q08. Write down types of Fire.

Ans:- A - General Fire
B - Oil Fire
C - Gaseous Fire
D - Metallic Fire
E - Electrical Fire
Q09. Write down water tight markings.
Ans:- X – All compartment Keel to Water Line
Y – All compartment Water Line to Weather Deck
Z – All Compartments above Weather deck

Q.10. Fill in the blanks:-

(a) AFFF extinguisher is used for extinguishing General fire.
(b) Removal of burning material is called Starving.

(c) Colors of AFFF extinguisher is Red.

(d) CO2 extinguisher is used for Electrical Fire.
(e) A, M and R are Gastight marking.

Q.11. State True or False:-

(a) AFFF extinguisher is used for oil fire. (T)
(b) Water type extinguisher is used for general fire. (T)
(c) CO2 extinguisher is used for electrical fire. (T)
(d) CO 2 extinguishers is directly used on metallic fire. (F)
(e) AFFF extinguisher can be used for electric fire. (T)
(f) DCP is used for metallic fire. (T)
(g) 2 gallon water type extinguisher is painted with red colour. (T)
(h) The three elements of fire are Oxygen, heat and water. (F)
(i) When the ship tilts side wards it is called (Listing/Triming)
(j) When the ship tilts forward or backward it is called (Listing/Triming)
(k) Water tight marking are painted (Black/Red)
(l) Gas tight marking are painted (Black/Orange)
(m) Risk marking are painted (Red/Blue/Orange & Yellow)

Q.12. Match the following:-

‘A’ ‘B’
(a) Starving (i) Remove heat (c)
(b) Smothering (ii) Remove burning material (a)
(c) Cooling (iii) Cut off Oxygen (b)



1. Introduction. Ship Modelling is a creative activity wherein the cadets are taught to make
models of boats, yachts and various ships of the Indian and international navies. It is an important part
of naval training for a NCC Cadet. It can also be taken up as a hobby. It makes a cadet observant,
cool headed and applies scientific knowledge to excel in this discipline.

2. History. Ancient ship and Boat models have been discovered throughout the Mediterranean,
especially from ancient Greece, Egypt and Phoenicia. These models provide archaeologists with
valuable information regarding seafaring technology and the sociological and economic importance of
seafaring. Ships made far-flung travel and trade more comfortable and economical, and they added a
whole new facet to warfare. Thus, ships carried a great deal of significance to the people of the
ancient world, and this is expressed partly through the creation of boat and ship models. Ship models
are helpful to archaeologists in that they allow archaeologists to make estimates regarding the size of
the vessel would be in the real life. While this technique makes the assumption that artists scaled the
models appropriately, it is useful to get some sense of how large these ships and boats may have
been in real life. Archaeologists are able to calculate these estimates of size by employing a series of
assumptions about the distance between rowers and a maximum draft of the vessels. Until the early
18th century, virtually all European small craft and many larger vessels were built without formal plans
being drawn. A builder would construct models to show prospective customers how the full size ship
would appear and to illustrate advanced building techniques. Ship models constructed for the British
Navy were referred to as Admiralty models and were principally constructed during the 18th and 19th
century to depict proposed warship design. In the early part of 20th Century, amateur Ship Model Kits
became available. Early 20th Century models comprise a combination of wooden hulls and cast lead
for anchors, deadeyes and rigging blocks. These materials gradually gave way to plastic precast sets.

3. Principles of Ship Modelling. It is not difficult for a beginner to make the desired models,
provided he has patience and some attitude for this sort of work. It is possible for any reasonably
―handy‖ person to produce a good model, provided he is prepared to give time and follows the
instructions carefully:
(a) In the first stage cadets are taught to build elementary solid models for which the parts
are provided in the kit and they are only to assemble them with the help of a sequential
drawing supplied with the kit.

(b) To make the desired model he has to have the patience and some aptitude for this sort
of work. It is possible for any reasonably ―handy‖ person to produce a good model, provided
he is prepared to give time and follows the instructions carefully.

(c) In the second stage cadets are required to build powered models and sailing yachts out
of kits which contains pre-cut parts, marine fittings and construction plan. These steps are
followed to enable the ship modeler to finally construct advanced models from full scale plans
using only readily available materials.

4. Reading a Drawing. An important aspect in ship modelling is the ability to read a drawing.
Generally a drawing is supplied with the kit known as a constructional chart assemble plan or blue
print and comprises of two aspects that are:-
(a) The top view or ‘plan’. From the plan, length and breadth of the superstructure fitting
can be measured.
(b) The side view or ‘elevation’. From this view length, height and the actual thickness of

the various parts of the superstructure are measured.

5. In the case of a yacht, the drawing comprises of two figures i.e. the hull plan and the sail plan.
These plans may however differ from yacht to yacht and from manufacturer to manufacturer.

6. When building a model, it is best to get the full sized plans, if possible, as this minimizes the
chances of error, especially when enlarging from a small scale plan since the error gets multiplied by
the scale.

7. Types of woods used in ship modeling:-

(a) Balsa Wood (b) Teak wood (c) Yellow Pine Wood
(d) Ply wood (e) African white wood (f) Red Cedar
(g) Hickory (h) Douglas Fir Silver spruce (j) Maple
Balsa wood is used for making ship models because it is flexible, soft, light and water proof.

8. Materials Required:-
(a) Kit (b) Pins (c) Adhesive (d) Sand Paper
(e) Water Emery Paper (f) Brush (g) Cello Tape
(h) Paints of different colours (j) Paint Thinner
(k) Paint Putty (l) Solder
9. Construction of a ‘Model’:-
(i) Drawing:- Ship & Boat models are constructed after studying the drawing supplied
along with the kit.

(ii) Assembly of Parts:- All parts of the model are assembled with the help of pins
& adhesive. Various fitments like funnel, guns, turret mast, davit, radar, cabin. Are made.

(iii) Power plant installation:- Electric/ Steam/ diesel power plant is installed. Battery
compartment is made in the case of electric powered model.

(iv) Finishing:- Finishing is made to give a real look of the model and make it so that
there is no leakage.

10. Power used in operating a model:-

(a) Electric (b) Steam (c) Wind (d) Spring (e) Diesel

11. Life saving items in a ship:-

(a) Life saving Boat (b) Life Buoy (c) Life Socket (d) Life Raft
Fittings used in a model:- Davits, Mast, Anchors, Search Lights, Fair leads, Rigging Blocks, Cleats,
Bollards, Steering Wheel, Ventilators, Capstan etc.
12. Types of joints used in Carpentry. The following joints are generally used in carpentry:-

(a) Lap joint. (full lap and half lap)

(b) Halving joint. (angle halving joint. Dovetail halving joint and cross halving joint).
(c) Mortice and tenon joints.
(d) Bridle joints.
(e) Tongue and groves joints.

13. Conclusion. Ship Modeling is an ancient art and archaeological evidences found in various
civilisation are testimony to the same. Cadets with requisite aptitude must develop their skills in
order to excel in this particular discipline of training. This can be taken up as hobby. Cadets
with strong aptitude may also opt for Naval Architect branch when eligible for higher studies


14. Introduction. It is impossible to list all the tools that may be required to build a model. The
number of tools will vary with type of model under construction. Some people can do it all with an old
razor blade and a sheet of sand paper, while others need a complete carpenter‘s tool kit, power tools
besides. The number of tools required for modeling will vary considerably with the individual as well as
with the type of model under construction. A list of the minimum requirement of tools necessary for
effective modeling is given below:-

a. Measuring and Testing tools. Tape, Chain measure, foot rule, tri square, sliding level,
marking gauge and compass etc.
b. Planes. Jack plane, smoothing plane, compass plane, adjustable compass plane and
spoke shave etc.
c. Chisels. Gouging Chisel, mortise Chisel and flat Chisel of various sizes.
d. Cutting Tools. Hand saw, fret saw, hack saw and various types of multi craft knives.
e. Boring Tools. Hand drill, gimlet and augur etc.
f. Vice and Clamps. Bench vice, hand vice and clamps of various sizes.
g. Files. Rasp rough, rough flat, half round, round triangular, knife edge, square and
diamond etc.
2. Miscellaneous tools . Hammer, Spanners, nose pliers, cutting pliers, scissors, screw drivers,
set squares, soldering irons and drill bits of various sizes etc.

3. Wood. With regard to actual selection of wood, there are several suitable Varieties of wood like
Douglas fir silver spruce, yellow pine, red cedar, hickory, maple, African white wood mahogany and
teak. Balsa is the most perfectly suited wood for Modelling, especially if the model is designed to take
its characteristics in to account. It is essential to ensure that this wood is well scaled, since any
absorption of water creates considerable swelling which can peel away the paint work. This wood is
particularly useful in block form. When using the wood for Modelling it should always be remembered
that it must not be kiln dried, because it does not produce the same result as natural seasoning.

4. Adhesives. One of the most important materials used in model building is adhesives and it
need hardly be said that whatever the adhesive used, it must be water proof. For most purposes Nitro
Cellulose cement is suitable especially for work with balsa wood. A wide variety of adhesives are now
available in the market and there are several specialized products for boat building. The first essential
requirement is its insolubility in water, which rules out such products as animal glue. Harder wood
other than balsa needs slow drying resin based adhesive. For very high adhesion with difficult
materials, such as metal to wood joints etc., epoxy resins such as Araldite are extremely useful but,
these are relatively expensive to use in large quantities. Quick drying adhesives are useful for
obtaining reasonably quick results but do not hold well for longer durations.

5. Care of Tools. Various tools enumerated above require to be maintained by the cadets. After
using a tool, same must be stowed properly, so that it is available for employment later use. Tools
must be cleaned using hand brush/ cloth and painted whenever required. Tools are to be guarded
against rusts and damages. When not used for prolong period, tools must be neatly arranged in the
tool cupboard / box. For ease of mustering a list of tools must be maintained in the cupboard or

6. Conclusion. Besides kit and consumable required as material for Modelling, it is tools that give
shape to the model. Care of tools is an important part of training for ship modelers.


1. Introduction Models are of different types like Solid Model, Working Model or a Sailing Model

2. Solid Model. A solid model is one made with solid block of wood including the appendages
and additional parts attached post preparation of the basic structure. The solid models are basically
scaled to originally planned ship for purposes of show and testing / trials.

Working Model. Working Model for the boat is a scaled model with all parts moving with
mechanical or electrical support. The working model is designed to project the actual working of the

Sailing Model. Sailing models are generally scaled models with sails and motor fitted for
control of the sail model remotely.


One of the big advantages in ship modelling is that almost anything will float, and with sufficient
power it can be propelled through the water. This provides satisfaction to the casual model

A model‘s first contact with the water usually comes some time before the last coat of paint is
dry and the last details are fitted, however, it is far more practical to test the model during
construction, since alteration of subsequent position of components becomes a major
operation. The time for this is normally after the initial two or three coats of paints and, if
possible, before permanent attachment of the deck and superstructure.

Mark the water line at stem and stern with pencil marks, and place components, or equivalent
weights in correct position and check that the hull floats true. If after completion, ballast is
required to bring the model down to her marks or to correct trim, determine the required
amount and its position by stacking cut chunks, flakes and shots of lead in place, then melt the
lead in to a convenient block and place or screw, to the hull bottom as low as possible.

But for other types of hull like planked hull or hard chine hulls, where the bulkheads are used
for making watertight compartments and are glued with the keen, this process should be
carried out in the manner explained. After stacking the flakes or shots in the correct position
between the bulkheads, melt the lead and make the blocks according to the space available
and then place/ glue them as near as possible to the keel.

(Practical Demo with models is essential to cover this Topic)


Introduction. The Sailing Model‘s correctness is judged in competitions by racing them against each
other. Thus, it is essential to calculate the sail area of the model.

4. CALCULATION OF SAIL AREA FOR A MODEL. Although model yachts can be of different
rigs, experience has proved that the most practical and efficient is the Bermuda rig. This is the
simplest rig possible as it consists of a triangular (Bermudian or lego-mutton) main sail and single
head salt (jib). Hence all modern racing models without exception, rigged this way, it will facilitate the
subject, if we use the proper and correct names/ terms for the different parts of the sail.

5. Sail Plan. If you refer to the sail plan, it will be seen that there are two triangular sails. The
front one is the Jib, and after one the Main sail. Each sail has three sides-the luff (fore side) the leach
(after side) and the foot. The top corner is the head, the front corner is the tack, and after corner the

clew. This applies to both jib and main sail. Actual sail area is measured as follow:-

(a) Main Sail. The luff (forward side of sail) is measured from tack (bottom forward corner
of sail) to underside of the head. The diagonal is a line taken from the clew (bottom after corner
of sail) to the luff and perpendicular to it. The area of the sail is calculated by multiplying the luff
by the diagonal and dividing by two (Figure VIII-1).

(b) Jib. The luff is measured from tack to underside of head to the eye in the head (top
corner of sail). The diagonal is measured like in the main sail. The area of the jig is then
calculated by multiplying the luff by the diagonal and dividing by two (figure VIII-i)

6. The measured area of the sail plan is the area of the main sail plus area of jib. There is no limit
on the height of the rig in this class but the height of the jibstay above the deck must not exceed 80%
of the height of the main sail head above deck. For example take a sail plan of 36‖ model yacht and
measure it as under:-

Jib Main Sail

Luff 36.0‖ 50.0‖
Leach 32.75‖ 52.5‖
Foot 10.00‖ 20.00‖
Foreside Mast 12 5/8‖ bow.
Jib 36x10 =180

Main Sail 50x20 =500

680 Sq . Inches.

36” Class



32.75” 50.0” 52.5”





7. (Practical Demo with Sail is essential to impart this topic).




1. Introduction. SM Competitions are held between Dtes. as part of RD Banner Competitions.

This lecture is aimed at apprising cadets on various types of competitions held and criteria for judging

2. Competitions. SM competitions are held during following camps :-

(a) RDC (b) NSC (c) ATC SW

3. Types of Models:-

(d) Camp Model (b) Dte. Model (c) VIP Model

4. Camp Model. Camp Models are made during a particular camp within a specified period as per
admin instructions/ ADJI of respective Camps. The type of model is usually power model.

5. Dte. Model. These models are made during preparatory camps prior to actual camp where
competitions are held. The types of model are usually sailing, RC and Open Class.

6. VIP Model. Solid Model made prior to the camp which may carry specific marks towards RD
Banner Competition.

7. Criteria for Evaluation. The criteria for marking a particular model would depend on type of
model as follows:-
(a) Static. (i) Proximity to the drawing
(ii) Model Dimension to the scale
(iii) Fittings
(iv) Elegance

(b) Stability. (i) Draught and Trim

(ii) List
(iii) Righting Moment

(i) Performance. Power/RC/ Sail model are assessed for operational performance
through a straight run and or turning circle.

(ii) Straight Run. The Model is made to run to a Centre Mark at the middle of the
tank from the opposite side. Graduations of 6‖ are made on either side of the centre
mark representing loss of one mark each.

(iii) RC Model. It is made to do a run between marker buoys in fixed pattern.

Accuracy is measured by not touching the sides or buoys and speed of the model taking
minimal time.

8. Sailing Model. All models are made to do a run from one side of the tank to the other powered
by sails alone. The model taking minimal time is judged first and timing is taken from that model.

9. Conclusion. Ship and Boat Modeling by cadets requires application of skills, patience and
attitude for perfection. Various competitions are held during Annual Camps in order to evaluate the
degree of excellence achieved by cadets in an objective manner.



1. Introduction. Besides carpentry tools, Power tools are also used for Ship Modeling. Power
tools such as jigsaw Machine, drilling, grinding, buffing set, lathe set, wood turning set, saw and
groover set, sanding and polishing set etc. are expected to produce accurate work pieces not only
when the machine is new but throughout its working life. For this reason the wear of the machine must
not exceed certain limits, it must be watched and parts which are faulty due to wear or other damage
must be replaced or repaired without delay. Therefore, repair and maintenance work must be carried
out in accordance with preventive maintenance schedules.

2. Maintenance and care of Power Tools used in Modelling:-

a. Polythene/ canvas dust covers are to be used to cover the machines and equipment
when not in use to protest them against dust and moisture.

(b) The user should be instructed to clean the machine after use with a hand brush. Slide
ways are to be oiled to avoid condensation of moisture and then to cover the machine with dust

(c) Each machine must have its tool cup-board for keeping all the accessories required for

(d) Cadets should be taught the use of the various controls and the correct manipulation of
the machine before the commencement of any skill training of the machine.

(e) A check list/ store list showing all the items kept in the tool cup-board is to be displayed
in a prominent place inside the cup-board.

3. Conclusion. Power tools used in ship modelling are for better finish, speed of execution and
mass production. However, the machines needs to be kept operational and cadets must be trained to
handle them with confidence for optimal exploitation, otherwise mishandling causing accidents leading
to loss of material or injury.



1. Introduction. Any type of model may be damaged, requiring repair. Also all working model
are to be stabilised to give optimum performance.

2. Repairing. If a model is damaged while carrying from one place to another or to repair
damaged model, stores required for repairs are:-

a. Balsa wood Sheets, strips

b. M Seal, Pins, feviquick
c. Paints


3. One of the big advantages in ship modelling is that almost anything will float, and with sufficient
power it can be propelled through the water. This provides satisfaction to the casual model maker.

4. A model‘s first contact with the water usually comes some time before the last cost of paint is
dry and the last details is fitted, however, it is far more practical to test the model during construction,
since alteration of subsequent position of components becomes a major operation. The time for this is
normally after the initial two to three coats of paint and if possible, before permanent attachment of the
deck and superstructure.

5. Mark the water line at stem and stern with pencil marks and place components, or equivalent
weights, in correct position and check that the hull floats true. If after completion, ballast is required to
bring the model down to her marks or to correct trim , determine the required amount and its position by
stacking cut chunks, flakes and shots of lead in peace, then melt the lead in to a convenient block and
place or screw, to the hull bottom as low as possible.

6. But for other types of hulls like planked hull or chine hulls, where the bulkheads are used for
making watertight compartments and are glued with the keel, this process should be carried out in the
manner explained after stacking the flakes or shots in the correct position between the bulkheads, melt
the lead and make the blocks according to the space available and then place / glue them as near as
possible to the keel.


7. Fitting of Models. There are a large number of fitting on any ship/boat model. By far the best
way is to study first hand a ship of the same type as the model or observe the details from photographs.
The following are the main fittings generally found in a ship:-

Davits, Search Lights, Mast, Anchor, Fair Leads, Rigging Blocks, Cleats, Bollards, Stag Horns, Steering
Wheel, Port Holes, Ventilators Capstan etc.

Painting and Finishing a Model.

8. It is not enough merely to slap a coat of paint on the job, especially when so many hours have
been put in to the earlier work. Although the temptation to get the model floating is very strong, an extra
hour or two spent in a careful paint finish will more than repay in satisfaction during the models life.

9. The secret of good painting is good surface preparation along with the use of good tools and
good quality materials. Thoroughness is essential, especially in painting the interior of the model .Small

internal areas of the model which are unpainted can lead to water ingress which can lead to
deterioration of the model.

10. Thus it is necessary to study the various phases of construction to decide what parts must be
painted before the next step renders it inaccessible. The usual colour for the inside of a boat is white,
though some builders prefer plain varnish or clear lacquer. In either case the first coat should be well
thinned and applied freely, though not freely enough for it to run down and pool in the corners of the
structure. After this coat, two full strength coats should be applied, allowing plenty of time for them to
harden. A meticulous modeler will carefully rub down and finish at least those parts which will be visible
when the model‘s hatches are removed.

11. It should always be determined beforehand which kind of paint is going to be used for painting
the model. If nitro cellulose (NC) based lacquer is to be applied then obtain a smooth surface by using
NC based primer surface only. If any gap is to be filled, it should be done only after applying a thin first
coat of primer and that too with NC based putty. When the putty is well dried, it should be rubbed down
with Carborandum Paper. The rubbing is to be done, using the kerosene oil because there is every
possibility of the wood swelling it, water is used while rubbing. It must be remembered that with each
coat of primer, rubbing is required.

12. If the painting is to be done by brush, a thin coat of lacquer is advisable every time to obtain
good results. Further details of this will be given by the instructor in class.

13. Conclusion. A model has to be stabilized before it is put in water. The trim and heel are
checked before as it forms an important part of the competition. Models have to be repaired regularly
and cadets have to be conversant with the tools and procedures as well as care and maintenance of
tools and models. Models have to be packed carefully before transportation.


1. Introduction. The models requiring control remotely need to maintain the basic principles of
watertight integrity, stability and the right amount of buoyancy. The remote control models are generally
made from strips of balsa wood or any other light weight wood which is easy to cut, bend and shape
into. The model is generally made with wooden strips cut in such a way to maintain symmetry in design
of the model. The strips form various strakes of the hull and full pieces of strips are used to cover the
hull to form the decks. The design is more or less like that of an original ship with bulkheads and
supporting structures being included to maintain the integrity of the model while keeping it watertight
and balanced. The model is prepared in such a way that the motor is placed in the lower part of the hull
and connected to the propeller through the aft part of the hull pierced and covered well to only allow the
propeller to operate without any ingress of water. The packing is done using steel bearings, rubber
washers or oakum. The receiver for the motor is placed above the main deck for proper reception at all
times and connected to the motor using small wire or PCB. The transmitter is used to operate the
model in such a way as to rotate it 360° and move forward or back.

4. Handling and operation of a Remote Control Model. A model 40 to 50 cm length and

minimum 6cm width is required for RC operation. While Operating the model, check that water
leakage is not there. To operate the RC model the following items are required:-
(a) Remote Control
(b) Good Model as specified above
(c) Water Tank

6. Remote Control. Remote Control has the following important items:-

(a) Transmitter. It operates the model in the ahead and astern direction and

Rotational direction of 360°. This will run with 12 V DC( 8 Battery Cells of 1.5 V)

(b) Receiver. It is fitted in model to receive the orders from transmitter and works as
ordered. Receivers runs with the help of 6V DC(4 Cells 1.5V)

(c) Servers. It operates with the help of receivers as per order passed by the transmitter
and it will run as per the orders of receiver.

6. Water Tank. To operate RC model, a water tank of size 15‘x 10‘x 2‘(15‘long, 10‘width and
2‘height) is required. Tank will be filled with water up to one feet to operate the model with the help of
remote control.

7. Conclusion. An RC model is performance oriented model when the finished model can carry
out manoeuvres as required for the competition. Besides construction of RC model, with regards to its
stability and water tightness, the cadets need to have hands on experience to operate the model using
remote control in order to excel.


Q1. Write down the aim of ship modeling.

Ans:- a) To enhance creative skill amongst cadets.
b) To make them aware of structure of various ships, boats and yachts.
Q2. Write down the tools of ship modeling.
Ans :- a) Hammer b) Drill c) Surgical Blade d) Saw
e) Screw Driver f) Cutting Plier g) Planner h) Sand Paper

Q3. Write down the woods used in ship model.

Ans :- a) Balsa b) Yellow Pine
c) White African wood d) Bamboo
Q4. Write down the different joints.
Ans :- a) Lap Joint b) Toung Joint c) Bridal Joint
d) Halming Joint e) Mortise and tenon Joint f) Groove Joint
Q5. Write down the types of ship model.
Ans :- a) Waking Model b) Still Model c) Remote Model
Q6. How many type of ship’s model made in ship modeling?
Ans a) Solid Model
b) Working Model
c) Sailing Model
Q7. Write down the items required the temporary repair of boat model.
Ans If a model is damaged while carrying from one place to another or to repair damaged
model, stores required for repairs are :-
a) Balsa wood sheets, strips.
b) M Seal, Pins, Feviquick
c) Paints

Q8. Write down the method of handling and operation of a remote control model.
Ans A model 40 to 50 cm length and minimum 6 cm width is required for RC operation.
While operating the model check the water leakage not be there.
To operate the RC model the following items are required.
a) Remote Control
b) Good Model as specified above
c) Water tank.

Q9. Write down the method of calculation of sail area of the model?
Ans Refer to the sail plan, it will be seen there are two triangular sails. The front one is the
Jib, and after one the main sail. Each sail has three sides- the luff, the leach and the foot. The
toop corner is the head, the front corner is the tack, and after corner the clew. This applies to
both jib and main sail. Sail area is measured as follows:-
a) Main Sail - The area of the sail is calculated by multiplying the luff by the diagonal
and divided by two.
b) Jib - The area of the Jib is then calculated by multiplying the luff by the diagonal and
divided by two.
JIB = 36X10 = 180
Main Sail = 50 X20 = 500
680 Sq. Inch

Q 01. What are the materials used for ship modeling?

Q.02. Write any six upper deck fittings find onboard sip?
Q.03. Write the types of woods used in ship Modeling.
Q.04. What type of joints are used in ship modeling ?
Q.05 Stores required for temporary repairs of Boat Models?
Q.06. Which wood is generally used for making ship models and why.
Q.07. Name three different types of ship models.
Q.08. Name five tools used for ship modeling.



1. Introduction. Communal riots, piracy, industrial disharmonies, war etc are the
few examples of manmade disasters, whereas flood, drought, earthquake, tsunami etc are some of
the natural disasters. During all these calamities and disasters the loss of human life, animal life,
material, property etc cannot be over ruled. In order to help the people affected and minimize said
losses and the concept of Search & Rescue arises. SAR basically is an operation to locate those
people who are in distress during the disasters or in imminent danger and provide them all the possible
help and aid.
SAR- Search and Rescue- Search and rescue is a life saving operation at sea. The organization that
is temporarily formed to carryout this task is called SAR Organisation. Helicopters and fixed wing
aircrafts are used for SAR.

2. Types of Search and rescue. Depending upon the nature and place of disaster, types of SAR
vary to meet aviation disasters, maritime disasters and land disasters. World oceans divided into 13
parts during 1979 convention.

3. Industrial Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue.

(a) Decisions taken on convention

(b) Establishment of GMDSS
(c) Division of world oceans into 13
(d) SAR areas

4. SAR Organization in Indian Ocean. Indian Ocean area is one of those thirteen SAR areas in
the world oceans, identified during 1979 convention. This area provides SAR cover to ships and other
crafts in the Indian Ocean area. The said area has the following agencies to coordinate the SAR
(e) Coastal Radio Station
(f) Coastal Surveillance Organization
(g) Coastal Maritime SAR system
(h) Vessel Traffic Service providers
(f) Port and Harbours etc.

Conclusion. The Indian Ocean region is of Strategic Importance for the Navy and it is very essential to
provide SAR services in this region. A number of agencies are involved in the SAR cover. Coast Guard
is basically an agency to provide SAR cover to ships and other crafts sailing in the area around the
Indian Peninsula.



1. Introduction. In order to help the people affected and minimize said losses and the concept of
Search & Rescue arises. SAR basically is an operation to locate those people who are in distress
during the disasters or in imminent danger and provide them all the possible help and aid. Indian Coast
Guard was established on 18 Aug 1978 and operates under the Department of Defence of the Union
ministry of Defence. The Coast Guard works in close cooperation with the Indian Navy, Department of
fisheries and Department of Revenue (customs) and the Central and State Police Forces.

2. Coast Guard has following mission.


a) National Defence during hostilities and peace.

b) Safety and protection of artificial lands, offshore terminals and other installations.
c) Protection and assistance to fishermen and mariners at sea.
d) Coastal security.
e) Law Enforcement in territorial & international water..
f) Preservation and protection of marine ecology.
g) Ant smuggling and other customs & preventive operations.
h) Scientific data collection and support.

3. Role of Indian Coast Guard in Search and Rescue. The Indian Coast Guard is responsible
for coordinating SAR operation in the Indian Maritime Search & Rescue Region (IMSRR), The
Indian SRR is sub divided into four sub region each with an assigned MRCC at Mumbai, Chennai, Port
Blair and Porbandar. Coast Guard is basically an agency to provide SAR cover to ships and other
crafts sailing in the sea l around Indian peninsula. Director General Coast Guard is the National
Maritime SAR Coordinating Authority (NMSARCA). Under NMSARCA, the Indian Search and
Rescue region of India is divided into three SAR areas with MRCC‘s located at Mumbai,Chennai and
Portblair. The Indian Coast Guard is designated as a nodal agency for Maritime Search and Rescue in
Indian Search and Rescue region.

4. The various field which are covered by SAR operation of Indian Coast Guard include
help and aid to fisherman in a distress, medical help, Antipiracy operation, aids to ships during fire,
flood, tsunami, pirate attacks, drowning, requirement of towing the vessel, communication failure,
machinery breakdown, search of missing crew, boats, machinery and material, disembarking of
rescued crew, help to vessels drifting, meet fuel starvation, help during sinking of crafts, boats etc,
medical evacuation, providing international cooperation to foreign vessel, ships, prevention of oil spils,
providing distress alerts to fisherman and local public etc.

5. Responsible for SAR Operation:- The Indian Navy is responsible for co-ordination of air/ sea
search and rescue operation over land and sea areas. SAR at sea will be conducted and controlled by
the SAR organizations set up in appropriate geographical sectors from which liaison will be maintained
with local air traffic control centres, port authorities and mercantile marine departments.
Bay of Bengal - C-in-C(East)
Arabian Sea - C-in-C(West)
Indian Ocean - C-in-C(South)
GMDSS – Global Maritime Distress Safety System
IMSRR - Indian Maritime Search & Rescue Region. It is divided into 04 sun region
at Mumbai, Chennai, Port Blair & Porbandar

6. Life Saving :-

SOS- Save Our Soul

Distress Signal:- When ship is under heavy damage and requires immediate rescue at sea the
distress signal is transmitted.

Life saving items onboard ships

(a) Life Raft (b) Life Boats (c) Life Buoys (d) Life Jackets
(e) Life Lines & Jumping Ladder (f) Scramble Net (g) ELSA, ELBA, BASCCA

Life Raft:- It is a life saving equipment used for safety at sea. It is a boat type Vessel. There are
normally 20 Men capacity life raft onboard ships. Also, there are 8 & 6 men life raft available.

Life Raft Items:-

(a) Water pouch (b) Food(minimum) (c) First aid kit (d) Tools
(e) Radar Reflector (f) Illumination Marker (g) Foot Pump
(h) High calorie Biscuit (j) Glucose (k) Fishing Hook (l) Cards
(m) Floating Knife (n) Repair kit (o) Sea Anchor (p) Mirror
(q) Signal Flares
7. Conclusion. The Indian Ocean region is of Strategic Importance for the Navy and it is very
essential to provide SAR services in this region. A number of agencies are involved in the SRA cover.
Coast Guard is basically an agency to provide SAR cover to ships and other crafts sailing in the sea
around the Indian peninsula.

Q1. Define search & rescue.
Ans :- Search means to locate casualties and rescue means to provide the casualties every possible
Q2. What all survival equipments are fitted onboard?
Ans :- a) Life Raft b) Life buoy c) Life Jacket d) Life boat e) Helicopter
Q3. Describe the content of Life Raft.
Ans :- a) Biscuits b) Repair Kit c) Spare oars d) Tablets
(e) First Aid Kit f) Playing Card g) SOS
h) Semaphore Flags j) Water
Q4. Write down the drill of survival at sea.
Ans :- a) Never jump on the left Raft.
b) Never drink wine and sea water.
c) Follow strict water discipline
d) Follow daily routine
e) Place a look out
f) Preserve rain water
Q5. Explain the First Aid for drowning person.
Ans :- a) Loosen the clothes b) Lay him upside down
c) Press the back after periodic intervals
d) Clean his mouth.
Q6. What do you mean by Duty ready of ship?
Ans :- Duty ready ship means that a particular ship is detailed to be stand by to move to sea at a short
notice. It can be a rescue mission also.

Q7. What are distress frequencies?

Ans:- VHF - 156.525 Mhz (Ch 70)
MF - 2187.5 Khz
HF - 4207.5 Khz
- 6312.0 Khz

Q08. What is SAR organization in Indian Ocean?

Ans. The Indian Navy is responsible for co-ordination of air/sea search and rescue operation over
land and sea areas. Search and rescue organization at sea will be conducted and controlled by the
SAR organisation set up in appropriate geographical from which liaison will be maintained with local air
traffic control centres, port authorities and Mercantile Marine Department.

Q09. Write down the sectors of search and rescue?

Ans. Mumbai Sector - 15° 40’ N and 23° 30’ N to the westward from the West coast. The operations
controlled from MOC (MB).

Cochin Sector - 60° N and 15° 40’ N to the westward form the west coast and longitude 80° 36’
E south of Srilanka, controlled by MOC (KOC).

Chennai Sector - 06° N and 17° N to the eastward from the east coast and longitudes 80° 36’ E
due south of Sri Lanka, controlled by FOC-in-C East.

Calcutta Sector - 17° N and 22° N to the eastward from the East Coast and an area 100 NM
around Andaman and Nicobar Islands, controlled by FOC-in-C East.

Q10. Write down area of responsibility.

Ans. The Indian Navy is responsible for co-ordinating Search and Rescue operations in waters
adjoining the Indian coastline between latitudes 06° N and 23° 30 ‘ N on the western seaboard
including Lakshadweep and between latitudes 06° N and 22°‘ N on the eastern board. Coverage will
also be provided around Andaman and Nicobar Islands.


Q01. What is a life raft?

Q02. Name any five equipment used for survival at Sea?
Q03. List any four names of the items in a life raft.
Q04. List life saving items onboard ship at Sea?
Q05. Explain Search And Rescue (SAR) operation at sea ? List any five equipments used for
survival at sea?



1. Introduction. Swimming is the self propulsion of a person through water for survival, recreation,
sports, exercises or other reasons. Floating at the time of emergency, evacuation or any accident .The
technique of floating keeps you surviving till help and assistance reaches you.

2. Importance:- There is very important role of swimming in life. Swimming is a good exercise.
Everybody should know swimming. If you are a good swimmer, during flood you can save yourself as
other people also.

3. Swimming Gears. The following are few of the gears used by a swimmer:-
Swim suit, Swim cap, Goggles, Swim fins, Drag Suit, Paddlers, Kick Board

4. Life Saving Equipments (a) Life Buoy (b) Floaters (c) Bamboo Stick (d)
Recovery ring e) life Guard (f) First Aid Kit (g) Ambulance

5. Various styles of Swimming

(a) Front Crawl (Free Style). This styles is swum with head facing down own facing, with
scissors kick, flutter kick and up and down leg kicks . One arm always rests at the front while
other arms, performs a cycles back towards sky.

(b) Breast stroke. Performed face down in the water without rotating the torso. The arms
stay in the water and move synchronously while the legs perform a frog kick, The head is kept
elevated out of the water throughout the stroke.

(c) Butterfly. Like a breast stroke it is performed face down in water the legs perform a
dolphin kick while the arms move in a forward circle at the same time.

(d) Dog Paddle. Performed face over water and paddling with alternate hands often with
the nose and mouth above the water.

(e) Back Stroke. This style is also known as back crawl. In this style the chest is facing the
sky and one is lying on the back. Both arms move synchronized with a small synchronized kick.

Note. In addition to above swimming styles, there are few more styles namely snorkeling, fin
swimming, sidestroke, combat side stroke etc.

6. Standard Size of swimming Pool

Length - 25 Mtr and 50 Mtr.
Shallow depth - 01 Mtr
Deep depth -
06 Mtrs/18 feet.

7. Tips in swimming

(a) Swimmer must focus on exhalation and not on inhalation. The exhalation must be done
under water.
(b) When you are not breathing, you should keep your head still.
(c) When you move through water you create a ‗bow wave‘ with your head and body.
(d) Do not lift your head while swimming.
(e) Do not over rotate your head. You should rotate up to the extent when you see your

(f) Rotate the body till the extent you feel comfortable. This helps to your breathing.
(g) Once you are comfortable keeping your face/ head in the water while swimming you
need to figure out how and when to breath.
(h) When you breath in, your mouth should be out of water.
(j) The mouth should be closed while the face is in the water. As the face is inside the water
a small amount of air should be released so as to avoid water entering the nose.
(k) When the face turns side ways after being lifted out of water one should exhale as much
as possible with the help of nose and mouth.

5. Precaution while Swimming.

(a) Never swim alone.

(b) Know the depth of the water.
(c) A strict discipline must be followed in the pool.
(d) Never dive in the shallow end of the pool.
(e) Wear proper kit while swimming.
(f) You should know your limits.
(g) Don‘t drink more water when you go for swimming.
(h) Proper floatation devices must be standby/ ready when you are swimming.
(j) Follow all instruction& safety precaution promulgated by the authorities.192
(k) Swim always with in designated areas.
(l) All precaution must be taken to keep the water clean & hygienic.
(m) Never Run on swimming Pool.
(n) Always follow the instruction of the Coach.
(o) Never go in deep depth without instruction.
(p) Never do mischief in water
(q) Ambulance must be available.
(r) First Aid Box with Medical Assistance must be available.
(s) Before entering in the swimming pool mustering or head counting of cadets
(t) After swimming proper mustering of cadets and report should be made to officer.

6. Conclusion. Swimming is an important activity for any individual not only as a sports and
entertainment but also as a survival technique. It requires a balanced coordination of your breathing,
mental and physical movements, strength and stamina to make you a good swimmer.


Q.01. State True and False.

(a) Non Swimmer NCC cadets can go in the sailing boat for Sailing (F)
(b) You should not take Breath from nose during swimming (T)
(c) During swimming of cadets no officer is required in the swimming pool (F)
(d) During swimming you should close your both eyes (F)
(e) Swimming is not Compulsory for every Naval personal (F)
(f) Life jacket can be used during swimming in swimming Pool (F)
(g) Cadets should not enter a pool if the Life Guard is absent. (T)
(h) A life jacket must be worn even in a pulling whaler. (T)
(j) Swimming is not must for cadets taking part in boat pulling/sailing. (F)
(k) Cadets should not enter a pool if the Lifeguard on duty is absent. (T)
(l) A Life jackets must be worn even in a pulling whaler. (T)
(m) Cadets must dive into swimming pool to show that they are not scared of water. F

(n) Swimming is not must for cadets taking part in a boat-pulling/sailing. (F)
(o) NCC cadet doing Boat pulling must be a good swimmer (T)
(p) One should wear proper swimming trunks during swimming (T)
(q) If you are week in swimming you should go in deep water (F)
(r) Swimming is very important in life (T)
(s) Swimming is not Compulsory for every Naval personal (F)
(t) Life jacket can be used during swimming in swimming Pool (F)

Q.02. State True or False:-

(a) 200 Mtrs Swimming required for NSC ( F)
(b) Floating required for swimming test 8 Mints ( F)
(c) During swimming life guard required (T)
(d) There are five types of swimming. (T)
(e) Swimming qualified NCC Cadets are required for sailing/Boat Pulling. (T)

Q.03. Fill in the blanks:-

(a) You can do the swimming easily in the sea than in the river.
(b) Always swim with open eyes.
(c) Length of Nominal standard swimming pool is 50 meters.
(d) For swimming test you have to complete swimming up to 50 meters length.
(e) The game played in swimming Pool is called-WATER POLO

(f) Swimming required for naval cadets 50 Mtrs.

(g) Floating required for swimming test 03 Mints.
(h) There are 05 Types of swimming.
(i) A sinking man can be helped from drowning.
(j) Life Guard required in swimming pool during swimming.

Q04. Write the different strokes of swimming.

Ans :- a) Free Style b) Back Stroke
c) Butter fly stroke d) Breast Stroke

Q.05. Write down the rules of swimming pool.

Ans :- a) Never Jump in the shallow water.
b) Have Shower, before and after swimming
c) Always put on the red cap
d) Never run around the swimming pool
e) Always follow the instruction of Swimming Coach.

Q.04. List any four used in a swimming pool.

Q.05. Name any four types of swimming strokes.
Q.06. What is the standard length of swimming Pool ?
Q.07. Write shallow depth and deep depth of swimming pool.
Q.08. Why is swimming important in life? Explain briefly.

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