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Compact cooling unit

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3370.32X 3370.62X
3370.37X 3370.72X
1194.42X 1194.55X
1194.62X 1194.72X

Assembly and operating instructions

EN Contents
Contents ..................................................... 2
1 Application ........................................... 3
2 Technical data ...................................... 3
3 Assembly.............................................. 3
4 Safety notes ......................................... 3
5 Commencing operation and control
behavior ...................................................... 3
5.1 Controller control .................................... 3
5.1.1 Operation of the controller ...................... 3
5.1.2 Editable parameters ............................... 4
5.1.3 Parameter navigation ............................. 4
5.1.4 Setting the target temperature ............... 5
5.1.5 Setting the temperature range ............... 5
5.1.6 Controller display ................................... 5
5.1.7 Display buttons ....................................... 5
5.1.8 Compressor: On / Off ............................. 6
5.2 Alarm parameters ................................... 6
5.3 Evaluating system messages ................. 6
5.4 Forced cooling ........................................ 6
6 Filter mats ............................................ 6
7 Technical informations........................ 7
7.1.1 Operation of the cooling unit .................. 7
7.1.2 Condensate discharge ........................... 7
8 Handling instructions .......................... 7
8.1 Fitting the cooling unit ............................ 7
8.1.1 External mounting of the cooling unit ..... 8
8.1.2 Partial internal mounting of the cooling
unit (accessories not included) ............... 8
8.2 Electrical connection .............................. 9
8.2.1 Connection data ..................................... 9
8.2.2 Overvoltage protection and power line
load ........................................................ 9
9 Inspection and maintenance ............... 9
9.1 Compressed air cleaning ..................... 10
10 Storage and disposal......................... 12
11 Scope of supply and guarantee ........ 12

Page 2 of 13 Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions

1 Application
 Use only original replacement parts and acces-
1 Application sories.
Enclosure cooling units are designed and built to  Losses from the components installed in the
dissipate heat from enclosures by cooling the air enclosure must not exceed the specific refrige-
inside the enclosure and protecting temperature ration capacity of the cooling unit itself;
sensitive components.  The customer may not modify the cooling unit in
any way.
2 Technical data
See nameplate
5 Commencing operation and
control behavior
3 Assembly Following the completion of mounting and a waiting
The standard wall-mounted unit is suitable for exter- period of approximately 30 minutes (to allow oil to
nal mounting. Cut out the sections and drill accord- collect in the compressor in order to ensure lubrica-
ing to the drawing. tion and cooling).
Cut the enclosed seals to the required length and
attach to the unit. Screw tapped pins into the blind 5.1 Controller control
nuts on the rear of the unit. The unit is then to be
secured using washers and nuts

4 Safety notes
The following safety notices are to be observed in
their entirety for the correct use of the equipment:

 To prevent the enclosure with the cooling unit

fitted tipping over, it is essential that this be
bolted to the floor.
 A roller door is to be used to ensure problem
free opening and closing of the enclosure door.
 A transportable enclosure with built-in cooling Figure 1: Controller
unit may only be produced if an additional
transport anchorage to support the cooling unit After electrical connection the internal fan turns on
is used. and circulates the enclosure air. This helps assure
Prior to mounting, ensure that: even temperature distribution within the enclosure.
 the site for the enclosure, and hence the ar- The condenser fan and compressor are controlled
rangement to the cooling unit, is selected so as by the controller. The minimum time is 3 minutes to
to ensure good ventilation; restart the compressor after it has switched off. The
 the location is free from excessive dirt and mois- switching difference is 5 K. To avoid short switching
ture, cycles and hence the danger of inadequate or only
 the cutout for air extraction is located in the partial cooling in some sections of the enclosure,
upper area of the enclosure; The switching difference should be set to be only as
 the mains connection ratings, as stated on the low as necessary. For economic reasons (energy
rating plate. are available: saving), the nominal value of the internal enclosure
 the ambient temperature does not exceed temperature Ti should also be set to be only as low
+50°C; as necessary.
 The packaging shows no signs of damage.
Traces of oil on damaged packaging are an in- 5.1.1 Operation of the controller
dication of refrigerant loss and of leakage in the The display terminal H1 consists of a 3 position 7-
unit system. Any damage to the packaging may segment display which indicates the internal enclo-
be the cause of subsequent malfunctions: sure temperature in °C as well as any fault codes.
 the enclosure is sealed on an sides The actual enclosure internal temperature is con-
Condensation will occur if the enclosure is leaky; stantly displayed on H1. When a system message is
 the separation of the units from one another and generated, this alternates in the display with the
from the wall should not be less than 200mm; current internal enclosure temperature.
 air inlet and outlet are not obstructed on the
inside of the enclosure;
 units are only fitted horizontally in the specified
position Max. deviation from the true horizontal:

 condensate drainage is provided
 electrical connection and repair are carried out
only by authorized personnel
Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions page 3 of 13
5 Commencing operation and control behavior
5.1.2 Editable parameters

Param. Display Parameter Min. Max. Factory Description

Type screen value value setting
F PS Password 0 99 22 Protection code for modifying the configu-
ration parameters (default=22). The value
of the password can be customized from
the supervisor
S St Setpoint r1 r2 35 :r1 minimum value and r2 maximum
value of the set point. Parameter St de-
termines the desired temperature to be
maintained inside the cabinet or cold
room (set point).
F rd Regulation diffe- 0 +19 5 Value that is added to (or subtracted
rential from, in „reverse‟ mode) the temperature
set point.
rd= low values:
 more precise temperature control;
 high compressor On/Off switching
frequency in the event of minimum.
Temperature deviations (with the risk
of causing damage).
rd= high values:
 less precise temperature control;
 low compressor On/Off switching
frequency in the event of minimum
temperature deviations.
Important: the compressor can also be
safeguarded using the parameters that
limit the number of activations/hour and
the minimum off time
C r1 Setpoint min. 20 r2 30 r1 & r2 :set the range of temperatures
value for setting the set point.
C r2 Setpoint max. r1 50 45
C cc Continuous cycle 0 15 1 (hours) ?
C A0 Alarm and fan -20 +20 2 See chapter 5.2
F AH Alarm maximum -50 +99 10 See chapter 5.2
C Ad1 Delay for high and 0 199 30 Delay for high temperature alarm when
low temp. alarm power on just before. When alarm condi-
tion is achieved but power on just before ,
the timer start to count for a specify value
(Ad1). Only the time elapsed, alarm relay
can be active

5.1.3 Parameter navigation  press SET to display the value associated with
the parameter increase or decrease the value us-
The operating parameters, modifiable using the key-
ing the UP or DOWN button respectively;
pad, are divided into two types: frequent (type F) and
 press SET to temporarily save the new value and
configuration (type C). Access to the latter is pro-
display the parameter again; repeat the proce-
tected by password (default= 22) to prevent acciden-
dure for any other parameters that need to be
tal or un-authorized modifications.
Accessing the type F parameters:  press the SET button for more than 3 s to per-
manently save the parameters and exit the pa-
 Press the SET button for more than 3 s (if there
rameter setting procedure.
are active alarms, mute the buzzer), the display
shows the parameter code „PS‟ (password); Accessing the type C parameters:
 use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the pa-
 Press the SET button for more than 3 s (if there
rameters. The LED corresponding to the catego-
are active alarms, mute the buzzer), the display
ry of parameters will be on (see parameters list)
shows the parameter code “PS” (password);
page 4 of 13 Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions
5 Commencing operation and control behavior
 press the SET button to access the password 5.1.6 Controller display
setting; use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll
the numbers until displaying “22” (password to
access the parameters);
 press the SET button to confirm the password ;
 use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the pa-
rameters. The LED corresponding to the catego-
ry of parameters will be on (see Below Table);
 press SET to display the value associated with
the parameter increase or decrease the value us-
Figure 2: Controller display
ing the UP or DOWN button respectively;
 press SET to temporarily save the new value and
display the parameter again; Normal operation Start up
 repeat the procedure for any other parameters no. on off flash
that need to be modified; 1 compressor on off call on
 press the SET button for more than 3 s to per- two digits with sign and decimal
2 digits
manently save the parameters and exit the pa- point, -99 to 99(*).
rameter setting procedure.
Accessing the type S parameters: Notice!
The parameters that feature three digit
 press SET for 1 s, the set value will start flashing; values can be set from the supervisor.
 increase or decrease the value using UP or In this case the display will show “---“
 press SET to confirm the new value.
5.1.7 Display buttons
5.1.4 Setting the target temperature
The temperature is preset at the factory to 35℃.
 press SET for 1 s, the set value will start flashing;
 increase or decrease the value using UP or
 press SET to confirm the new value.

5.1.5 Setting the temperature range

 Press the SET button for more than 3 s (if there
are active alarms, mute the buzzer), the display
shows the parameter code “PS” (password);
 press the SET button to access the password
setting; use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll Figure 3: Display buttons
the numbers until displaying “22” (password to
access the parameters); Normal operation
 press the SET button to confirm the password; no. Start up/ reset
Pressing the button alone
use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll the pa-
rameters. more than 3 s: switch the
1 -
 press SET to display the value associated with compressor ON/OFF
the parameter increase or decrease the value us-  1 sec: displays/sets
ing the UP or DOWN button respectively; the set point pressed
 press SET to temporarily save the new value and  more than 3 sec.: ac- together (2
display the parameter again; cesses the parameter and 3) acti-
2 -
 repeat the procedure for any other parameters setting menu (enter vate parame-
that need to be modified; password 22) ter reset pro-
 press the SET button for more than 3 s to per-  mutes the audible cedure
manently save the parameters and exit the pa- alarm (buzzer)
rameter setting procedure. Start up/ reset to factory setting parameters
 Disconnect power supply
Notice!  Reconnect power supply while holding but-
It is not allowed to change the value for tons 2 and 3
„r1 & r2“ without Rittal authorization  Display will show the message “CF”
 After a few seconds the unit will restart with
factory setting parameters

Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions page 5 of 13

5 Commencing operation and control behavior
--Terminal “1” C (connection of the supply voltage
5.1.8 Compressor: On / Off to the fault signal relay)
Switching the compressor ON: press UP for more --Terminal “2” NO (normally open) .
than 3 s (when pressing the button, the display
shows ON). Notice!
Switching the compressor OFF: press UP for more Delay for high temperature alarm when
than 3 s. The display shows the message “OFF”. power ON: When alarm condition is
In OFF status, the following functions are disabled (if achieved but power is ON, the timer
featured by the model): start to count for a specify value (Ad1).
 compressor control Alarm relay becomes active when this
 duty setting time is elapsed.
 continuous cycle
5.2 Alarm parameters Notice!
The unit of parameter “Ad” is “Sec”.
A0: Alarm temperature differential
The unit of parameter “Ad1” is “Min”.
This represents the differential used to activate the
high temperature alarm (“AH”) .In the event of an
alarm, as seen in the figure, the value of “A0” deter-
The contacts of the relays are normally
mines the actual activation of the temperature alarm. open (NO). If the alarm occurs the con-
The value of “A0” (negative or positive) defines the tacts close (NC).
nature of alarm “AH” (absolute or relative):
 A0 ≤ 0  AH expressed as absolutes
 A0 > 0  AH expressed relative to the set point 5.3 Evaluating system messages
Display Buzzer Alarm System Measures
screen relay message
E0 Active Not Ambient Check sen-
active temperature sor cable
probe bro- and replace
ken if necessary
HI Active Active High tem- Check cool-
perature ing capaci-
alarm ty/check unit

Figure 4: High temperature alarm 5.4 Forced cooling

The continuous cycle is used to maintain refrigeration
AH: High temperature alarm forced cooling mode active in the cabinet or cold
AH setting: 10 degrees is the factory setting (-50 to room, regardless of the temperature inside the unit.
99 is the lower and upper limit ). Other Factory set- This may be useful for rapidly bringing the tempera-
tings: Setpoint (ST) = 35°C; A0 = 2°C. ture below the set point value.
To activate or deactivate the continuous cycle from
For example: If the internal temperature of the cabi- the keypad, Press UP+DOWN for more than 3 s, the
net is Ti = 46°C, ST (35°C)+ AH (10°C) = 45°C , display shows “cc” and the icon flashes (2 flashes,
so 46°C > 45°C the display will show AH-alarm. As pause).
long as Ti is more than 43°C the display will show The unit starts the forced cooling mode at least after
AH-alarm, because ST (35°C)+ AH (10°C) - A0 (2°C) the minimum compressor off time ( 3 min.). The
= 43°C. If the temperature Ti will fall to 42°C the forced cooling mode is activated after the start for 1 h.
alarm AH will no longer be shown in the display. As After this time the unit starts normal operation.
long as the temperature inside of the cabinet will not
rise over 45°C again there will be no AH-alarm dis-
played. 6 Filter mats
The stainless steel filter mat available as an acces-
Temperature alarm output
sory is coarse and filters large dust particles or fluff
 Logo and buzzer on display: The information from the air. Subject to the suction of the blower be-
“AH” and logo will be shown on the display and ing high enough, fine dust is blown through the filter
buzzer. mat and the external circuit of the unit. This does not
 The over temperature message may also be affect the unit's operation.
polled via a contact on the connection clamp of
the cooling unit (system message relay with
changeover contact, see connection diagrams).

Page 6 of 13 Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions

5 Commencing operation and control behavior
required for complete evaporation is drawn from the
enclosure interior causing it to cool down. The cool-
ing cycle is thus completed, the aforementioned
process of the heat transfer starts afresh.

7.1.2 Condensate discharge

A drain pipe fitted to the evaporator divider panel
ensures that any condensate which may form on the
evaporator (at high air humidity, low temperatures
inside the enclosure) is drained away from the bot-
tom of the unit. For this purpose, a length of hose
should be fitted to the condensate pipe connection
piece. The condensate must be able to run off freely.
If the condensate is to be drained off over a greater
distance, then care must be taken that the hose is
free from kinks and a check for correct drainage

Figure 5: Replacement of the filter mat

7 Technical informations
The cooling unit (compressor refrigeration unit) con-
sists of four main components: the coolant compres-
sor, evaporator, condenser, and the capillary, which
are connected by suitable Pipe-work. This circuit is
filled with a readily boiling substance, the refrigerant.
The R134a (CH2FCF3) refrigerant is free from chlo-
rine. It has an ozone destroying potential (ODP) of 0
and is therefore environmentally friendly. A filter
dryer which is integrated in the hermetically sealed
cooling circuit, provides effective protection against
moisture, acid, dirt particles, and foreign bodies with-
in the cooling circuit.

7.1.1 Operation of the cooling unit

8 Handling instructions
8.1 Fitting the cooling unit
The enclosure cooling unit may optionally be exter-
nally mounted on the enclosure (1) or partially inter-
nally mounted (2).

Figure 6: Operation of the cooling unit

The compressor takes the gaseous refrigerant from

the evaporator and compresses it to a higher pres-
sure in the condenser. During this process the tem-
perature of the refrigerant rises above the ambient
temperature and heat can be dissipated to the envi-
ronment via the surface of the condenser. Then the
refrigerant is liquefied and, by means of a thermos-
tatically controlled capillary, returned to the evapora-
tor, where it evaporates at low pressure. The heat

Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions page 7 of 13

8 Handling instructions

Figure 9: Securing the unit (all compact units except 3370220)

Figure 7: Installation method 8.1.2 Partial internal mounting of the

cooling unit (accessories not in-
To this end, cut the side panel or door of the enclo- cluded)
sure, as per the Manu included with the supply, and  Fix the 4 mounting bars on the air conditioner by
drill the relevant holes. using screws.

For mounting the units SK 3370724 in
the TS side panel or rear panel, we
recommend the use of enclosure panel
fasteners TS 8800.071 (see RITTAL

8.1.1 External mounting of the cooling

 Cut the supplied sealing tape to the correct
length and stick it carefully along the back of the
unit so that no gaps are left at the joints.

Figure 10: Fixing mounting bars

 Cut the supplied sealing tape to the correct

length and stick it carefully along the inside of the
rear enclosure half so that no gaps are left at the
connection points.

Figure 8: Applying the self-adhesive tape

 Screw the supplied grub screws into the blind

nuts on the rear of the unit.
 Secure the unit using the supplied washers and

Figure 11: Sticking sealing tape

 Mount the front enclosure tray using the washers

and nuts.

Page 8 of 13 Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions

8 Handling instructions
 No additional temperature control may be con-
nected upstream of the unit at the supply end
 Install the pre-fuse specified on the rating plate to
protect the cable and equipment from short-
 The mains connection must ensure low-noise

8.2.2 Overvoltage protection and power

Figure 12: Mounting cooling units line load
 The unit does not have its own overvoltage pro-
8.2 Electrical connection tection. Measures must be taken by the operator
When performing electrical installation, shall comply at the supply end to ensure effective lightning
with national and local institute There are existing and overvoltage protection. The mains voltage
regulations and provisions of the local power supply must not exceed a tolerance of ±10%.
bureau. Electrical safety. Installed by qualified elec-  In accordance with IEC 61 000-3-11, the unit is
trician, electrician must comply with the current stan- intended solely for use at sites with a continuous
dards and regulations. Connect the power supply current-carrying capacity (incoming mains power
cable according to the power supply tension as supply) of more than 100 A per phase and with a
shown on the name plate by following the instruc- supply voltage of 400/230 V. If necessary, the
tions below: electricity supply company must be consulted to
ensure that the continuous current-carrying ca-
pacity at the point of connection to the public grid
is sufficient for connection of such a unit.
 The fans and compressors in single- and three-
phase units are intrinsically safe (thermal winding
protection). This also applies to transformer ver-
sions, types 3370.420, 3370.520, 3370.724 and
to special-voltage units which are likewise
equipped with a transformer.
 Install the slow pre-fuse specified on the rating
plate (miniature circuit-breaker with appropriate
Figure 13: Electrical connection
characteristic – e.g. “K” characteristic – or gG
standard type slow fuse, circuit-breaker for plant
or transformer protection) to protect the cable
and equipment from short-circuits. Select a suit-
able circuit-breaker in accordance with the infor-
mation specified on the rating plate: Set it to the
minimum specified value. This will achieve the
best short-circuit protection for cables and
equipment. Example: Specified setting range 6.3
– 10 A; set to 6.3 A.

9 Inspection and maintenance

The cooling circle is designed in the form of a main-

tenance-free, hermetically sealed system. The cool-
ing unit is filled with the required quantity of refrige-
rant at the factory, checked for leaks, and subjected
8.2.1 Connection data to a functional test run.
 The connected voltage and frequency must cor- The installed maintenance-free fans are mounted on
respond to the values stated on the rating plate ball bearings, protected against moisture and dust.
 The cooling unit must be connected to the mains The life expectancy is at least 30,000 operating
via an all-pin isolating device, which ensures at hours. The cooling unit is thus largely maintenance-
least 3 mm contact opening when switched off
Page 9 of 13 Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions
9 Inspection and maintenance
free. All that may be required from time to time is to
clean the components of the external air circuit using
a vacuum cleaner or compressed air if they become
visibly dirty. Any stubborn, oily stains may be re-
moved using a non-flammable detergent, such as
degreaser. Maintenance interval: 2,000 operating
hours. Depending on the level of contamination in the
ambient air, the maintenance interval may be re-
duced to suit the air pollution intensity.
Risk of fire!
Never use flammable liquids for
cleaning. Figure 15: Twist off the screw on the top of the cover

Sequence of maintenance measures:

–Check the level of dirt.
–Filter soiling? Replace the filter if necessary.
–Cooling membranes soiled? Clean if necessary.
–Activate test mode; cooling function OK?
–Check noise generation of compressor and fans.

Sequence of maintenance measures: Figure 16: Twist off the screw on the bottom of the cover
-Check the level of dirt.
-Filter soiling? Replace the filter if necessary.
-Cooling membranes soiled? Clean if necessary..
-Check noise generation of compressor and fans.
9.1 Compressed air cleaning

Figure 17: Open the cover

Figure 14: Break power

Figure 18: Disconnect the plug of the display

Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions page 10 of 13

9 Inspection and maintenance

Figure 19: Twist off the screw of the outside fan(1) Figure 22: Disconnect the plug of the outside fan(1)

Figure 20: Twist off the screw of the outside fan(2) Figure 23: Disconnect the plug of the outside fan(2)

Figure 21: Remove the outside fan

Figure 24: Clean the heat pipe and compressor
chamber using compressed air

Page 11 of 13 Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions

9 Inspection and maintenance

Figure 25: Clean the heat exchanger using

compressed air

10 Storage and disposal

Store the cooling unit in the appropriate position

for transport.
The closed cooling cycle contains refrigerant and
oil, which must be properly disposed of for the
protection of the environment. Facilities for dis-
posal are available at the Rittal plant.
Please contact us for advice.

11 Scope of supply and guaran-

1 cooling unit, ready for connection
1 sealing tape
1 set of mounting and operating instructions

This unit is covered by a 1-year guarantee from
the date of supply, subject to correct usage(see
also Safety notices under heading 4.). Within this
period, the returned unit will be repaired in the
factory or replaced free of charge. The cooling
unit is to be used for the cooling of enclosures
only. If it is connected or handled improperly the
manufacturer‟s guarantee does not apply and in
this case we are not liable for any damage

Rittal cooling unit assembly and operating instructions page 12 of 13

Postfach 1662 ·D-35726 Herborn
Phone + 49(0)2772 505-0 ·Fax + 49(0)2772 505-2319
E-mail: [email protected] ·

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