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Sports infrastructure plays a crucial role in achieving excellence in the global arena of sports. It not
only helps in producing sports persons of international repute, but also encourage the young
population of a country to participate in sporting activities with the objective of creating a culturing
of sports. In India, the standard of sports infrastructure is not at a satisfactory level for a number of
reasons. The lack of infrastructural facilities is one of the major constraints in the process of
development of sport in India.

Sports facilities must essentially be designed to make them barrier-free. This is in accordance with the
specifications in the standard E DIN 18040 "Accessible construction"; it deals with the primary
characteristic of a constructed habitat "by virtue of which largely all people are enabled to use it in a
generally customary manner, without any particular difficulty and without the help of others".
Accordingly, barrier-free sports facilities allow access and self-determined use to mostly all users,
regardless of their disability. Therefore, creation of accessibility represents a basic planning objective
that must be pursued right from the beginning of a design. In this regard, in the sense of a universal
design, planning and design solutions must be developed for all user groups while avoiding segregating
measures for any individual groups.


It is asked to create innovative and unconventional projects on this theme, questioning the
very basis of the notion of sport facility. Ensure the proposed facility is justified and feasible.
Develop a design that reflects the needs of potential users and staff and design the facility
to be practical, flexible, adaptable, multi-functional, energy efficient and low maintenance


■ As India prides itself on being a sports crazy nation, there is a high demand for
additional facilities for field sport, aquatic and indoor ports, for both youth and adult
sports in India.
■ Intuitive logic says that there must be a strong co-relation between interest &
participation in sports.
■ On comparing India’s interest and participation numbers with global figures, a very
interesting and rather dismal pattern emerges.
■ This is due to lack of updated sport complexes which lack in awareness of varieties of
sports one can get into play.
■ So to overcome the need of such sports infrastructure having all the basic sports
amenities and facilities with proper coaching and proper management is the main goal
of this thesis project.
■ The numbers below show correlation between interest in sport and participation in
organized sports

76 75
65 62

33 35
30 30



The aim is to-

 Develop a barrier free sports centre which includes Paralympic sports facilities.
 Provide the users an affordable, comfortable and enjoyable experience.
 To create relaxed and easy atmosphere through design, architectural expression, so
as to make this complex a retreat from city life.

 The project is envisaged to be cluster of modern multi-functional world class sports

 The objective is to cater to the needs of all age groups- children, adults and aged
people and also people with physical disability.

Although cricket is the most passionately in India, other sports like football, hockey, volleyball,
basketball, badminton, kabbadi, and table tennis too are popular among the youth today. The
performance of India in the Olympics has always been a pathetic one. The lack of facilities is
a major detrimental factor in the development of sports culture in India.
Today about 1 billion (15% of the world’s population) experience a disability. There are more
than 10-million-wheel chair users in developed nations. In developing nations, only 5-15% of
people who need wheelchairs have them.10 There are potentially huge population who
would enjoy recreation and sport activities being disabled. Several authors in the 20th century
up to recent times wrote on positive influence of physical activity on disabled persons and
proposed many recreation and sport activities.

• We cannot rely on data from able -bodied people as a substitute for data on people
with disabilities.
• The current research has utilized small samples and needs to be expanded to
understand the impact of variable such as age, disability, stature and other factors.
• New wheelchair technology, both in manual and powered devices, is resulting in
different performance characteristics and new environmental needs.
• Changes in codes and standards may be needed to address trends in the use of
wheeled mobility devices.

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