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1. Introduction

1.1 This Circular is, except during December, published on a weekly basis and contains the advertisements of
vacant posts and jobs in Public Service departments.

1.2 Although the Circular is issued by the Department of Public Service and Administration, the Department is not
responsible for the content of the advertisements. Enquiries about an advertisement must be addressed to
the relevant advertising department.

2. Directions to candidates

2.1 Applications on form Z83 with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies,
knowledge and experience (on a separate sheet if necessary or a CV) must be forwarded to the department
in which the vacancy/vacancies exist(s).

2.2 Applicants must indicate the reference number of the vacancy in their applications.

2.3 Applicants requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their enquiries to the
department where the vacancy exists. The Department of Public Service and Administration must not be
approached for such information.

2.4 It must be ensured that applications reach the relevant advertising departments on or before the applicable
closing dates.

3. Directions to departments

3.1 The contents of this Circular must be brought to the attention of all employees.

3.2 It must be ensured that employees declared in excess are informed of the advertised vacancies. Potential
candidates from the excess group must be assisted in applying timeously for vacancies and attending where
applicable, interviews.

3.3 Where vacancies have been identified to promote representativeness, the provisions of sections 15
(affirmative action measures) and 20 (employment equity plan) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 should
be applied. Advertisements for such vacancies should state that it is intended to promote representativeness
through the filling of the vacancy and that the candidature of persons whose transfer/appointment will promote
representativeness, will receive preference.

3.4 Candidates must be assessed and selected in accordance with the relevant measures that apply to
employment in the Public Service.

4 SMS pre-entry certificate

4.1 To access the SMS pre-entry certificate course and for further details, please click on the following link: For more information regarding the
course please visit the NSG website:


DEFENCE B 05 - 06



FREE STATE V 133 - 137
GAUTENG W 138 - 185
WESTERN CAPE Z 213 - 233



The vision of the Department of Cooperative Governance is one of having a well-co-ordinated system
of Government consisting of National, Provincial and Local spheres working together to achieve
sustainable development and service delivery. The Department intends to invest in human capital,
increase integrated technical capacity directed at service delivery and promote representivity in the
Department through the filling of this post. Candidature of persons whose appointment/
transfer/promotion will promote representivity will therefore receive preference.

APPLICATIONS : Applications may be posted to URS Response Handling, P O Box 11506,

Tiegerpoort, 0056, submitted electronically via email:
[email protected] or via fax: 086 415 5709, Enquiries regarding
applications and Response Handling, Tel No: (012) 811 1900.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that
intends to test relevant technical elements of the job. Following the interview
and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to
attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with
the DPSA directive on the implementation of competency-based
assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic
managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency
assessment tools. The successful candidate will be appointed subject to
positive results of the security clearance process and the verification of
educational qualification certificates. Applications must be submitted on a
signed Z.83 form (application form), obtainable from any Public Service
department, and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV, with
specific starting and ending dates in all relevant positions and clarify the
levels and ranks pertaining to experience as compared to the Public Service,
certified copies of ID and qualifications, as well as SAQA verification report
for foreign qualifications. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign
qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA) and to provide proof of such evaluation. Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date or applications without SAQA
verification reports for foreign qualifications will not be considered. It is
important to note that it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all
information and attachments in support of the application are submitted by
the due date. Due to the large number of responses anticipated,
correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have
not been contacted within three months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful.
Thank you for the interest shown in the Department.The below post is a
senior management post. Candidates should therefore possess managerial
skills. Candidates, who are shortlisted, could expect to undergo
management competency assessments: Management competencies:
Strategic capacity and leadership. People management and empowerment.
Advanced programme and project management. Change management.
Financial management. Knowledge management. Service Delivery
Innovation. Advanced problem solving and analysis. Client orientation and
customer focus. Advanced communication skills (written and verbal).
Advanced presentation/public speaking skills.



(Five Year Contract Post)
Re-advertisement and candidates who had previously applied are
encouraged to re-apply

SALARY : R1 978 533 per annum. (Level 16) (An all-inclusive remuneration package)
The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion
that may be structured in terms of the applicable guidelines.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification and a post graduate qualification (NQF level
8) as recognised by SAQA plus 8 to 10 years of experience at a senior
management level (at least 3 years of which must be with any organ of State
as defined in the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996). Technical Competencies:
Inter-Governmental Relations Frameworks. Municipal System Act and
Structure Act. Government systems and structures. Political landscape of
South Africa. Provincial and local government systems. Public Service
Transformation. Public Finance Management Act. Public Service Act. Public
Service Regulations.
DUTIES : As the Director-General, the successful candidate will perform the following
duties: Provide strategic leadership and support on the coordination and
drive back to basic activities across the Department and government as a
whole in order to create change on the ground. Provide strategic leadership
and support in building institutional resilience in the local government system
through system development, governance, capacity building and revenue
management. Provide strategic leadership and support in promoting an
integrated and coordinated system of disaster management and fire
services. Provide strategic support and overall management of community
works programme within the three spheres of government. Provide strategic
leadership and support with regard to financial management service in the
Department. Provide strategic leadership and support on integrated
corporate services to the Department. Provide strategic direction in Internal
Audit and Risk Management as indicated in the PFMA and Treasury
ENQUIRIES : Ms M.G. Mahlangu, Tel.No: (012) 334 0517



APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS,

Career Management Section, Private Bag X 137,Pretoria, 0001 or
applications may be hand-delivered to: Department of Defence, Poynton
building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria where it must be placed
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16:00 (Applications received after the closing date and
faxed copies will not be considered).
NOTE : The advertisement(s) contained herein is/are meant for the attention/perusal
of all interested job seekers, whether they are serving employees/officials of
the DOD/Public Service, unemployed persons or persons employed outside
the Public Service. Persons not employed by the DOD/Public Service are
encouraged to apply for the vacancies advertised in this circular.
Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form Z83 (obtainable from
any Public Service department), which must be originally signed and dated
by the applicant and which must be accompanied by a detailed CV (with full
particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies,
knowledge & experience) and clear certified copies of original educational
qualification certificates, ID document and Driver’s license (where
applicable). Failure to comply with the above instructions will result in
applications being disqualified. Applicants applying for more than one post
must submit a separate form Z83 (as well as the documentation mentioned
above) in respect of each post being applied for. If an applicant wishes to
withdraw an application it must be done in writing. Should an application be
received where an applicant applies for more than one post on the same
applications form, the application will only be considered for the first post
indicated on the application and not for any of the other posts. Under no
circumstances will photostat copies or faxed copies of application
documents be accepted. The successful candidates will be subjected to
Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal record-, citizenship- & financial/asset
record checks and qualification and employment verification). Successful
candidates will also be subjected to security clearance processes.
Applicants who do not receive confirmation or feedback within 3 (three)
months after the closing date, please consider your application
unsuccessful. Due to the large volume of responses anticipated, receipt of
applications will not be acknowledged and correspondence will be limited to
short-listed candidates only. For more information on the job description(s)
please contact the person indicated in the post details. Successful
candidates will be appointed on probation for the period of twelve (12)
months in terms of the prescribed rules.


This post is advertised internally and broader Public Service Circular

SALARY : R733, 257 per annum (Level 11) All- inclusive salary package.
CENTRE : Finance Management Division, Chief Directorate Budget Management:
Sub-directorate: Budgeting, Erusmaskloof, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum requirements: Grade 12 certificate plus three year Bachelor
Degree/three year National Diploma in Financial Management/Management
Accounting (NQF level 6/7). A minimum of five (5) years working experience
in Budget Management, Capital Acquisition, Budget Preparation, Cost
Accounting and Reporting at a level of Assistant Director or Equivalent.
Knowledge: A thorough working knowledge of the Project Management
process and capital projects acquisition. Good working knowledge of Public
sector/Private Sector budgeting processes (Medium Term Expenditure
Framework), project management and risk management. Vast knowledge of
the project financial management process including project financial ceilings

and project expenditure. Proficient in financial regulatory frameworks in the
Public Sector/Private Sector (Public Finance Management Act, Treasury
Regulations), augmented with sound working knowledge of
acquisition/procurement policies, process and procedures. Competencies:
Understand and interpret financial prescripts of the Public Sector or Private
Scetor. Experience in report writing and effectively apply budget policy.
Project management skills, Computer literacy, client orientation, problem
solving and good communication skills (both verbal and written). People
management and empowerment, good leadership skills. Accuracy and
attention to detail. Excellent analytical and numerical skills particularly
regarding the financial management of multi-year acquisition projects. Ability
to work well under pressure and respond appropriately under difficult
situations towards senior and military personnel.
DUTIES : Execute all Armament Acquisition responsibilities for the Services and
Division as specified by the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), the
Treasury Regulations and budget policy. Manage South African National
Defence Force capital projects financial ceilings by effectively monitoring
financial baselines. Provide financial information and advice to the
Armament Acquisition Control Board. Evaluation of the Special Defence
Account estimates and ensures that projects are properly executed.
Maintain and update the Department of Defence Project Information
Navigation Tool (PINT). Preparation of submissions to senior members,
presentations to and for clients, and providing sound financial advice to
clients to ensure informed decisions are taken regarding their projects.
Monitor and report on project expenditure trends. Create and maintain a
costing data-base, which is accurate, valid and reliable. Management of
Armament Acquisition budget by providing advice to Project Officers and
budget managers. People management and empowerment by ensuring
continuous competency improvement of personnel within the span of
control. Attend to other tasking by the leadership of financial management
ENQUIRIES : Ms O.M. Gopane, Tel No: (012) 355 5808



It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of
this post with a candidate whose transfer/promotion/appointment will promote representivity in line
with the numeric targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.

NOTE : Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public
Service Department or on the internet at The fully
completed and signed form Z83 (Section A and B compulsory) should be
accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as recently
certified copies( Not older than 6 months after publication of the advert) of
all qualification(s) including a Senior Certificate and ID-document (Driver’s
license where applicable). Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit
Holders must attach a copy of their Permanent Residence Permits to their
applications. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must
be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African
Qualification Authority (SAQA). Applicants who do not comply with the
above-mentioned requirements, as well as applications received late, will
not be considered. The Department does not accept applications via fax or
email. Failure to submit all the requested documents and failure to follow
application instructions will result in the application not being considered.
Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have
not been contacted within eight (8) weeks after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check
(criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification
and employment verification). Where applicable, candidates will be
subjected to a skills/knowledge test. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts
will be subjected to a technical competency exercise that intends to test
relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which be
communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical
exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend generic
managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency
assessment tools. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation
period of 12 months. The Department reserves the right not to make any
appointment(s) to the above post. Successful candidates will be expected to
sign a performance agreement.



SALARY : R1 251 183. per annum (All inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Four year qualification or NQF7 (recognized by SAQA) in Financial
Management or Accounting Qualification. 5 years’ experience in a Senior
Management position. Demonstrated experience and performance in the
field of financial management. Knowledge: Finance, Technical
standard/procedures, HR matters, Training, Managerial functions, Financial
Regulations, Public Service Regulations, Public Service Act. Legislative
requirements: Public Financial Management Act, Public Services
Regulations Act, Treasury Regulations, Supply Chain Management
prescripts. Skills: Research and development, Computer literacy, Policy
formulation, Communication, Knowledge Management, Advanced Financial
Management, Planning and organizing.
DUTIES : Provide strategic leadership, support and advice to the Compensation Fund
regarding financial management functions according to the PFMA and other
relevant regulations. Implement strategic financial control, budget and
internal systems as prescribed by the PFMA, Treasury Regulations and
relevant prescripts. Manage the finances, assets and supply chain
management functions and revenue generation of the Fund. Represents the

Fund at relevant structures to enhance the value of CF operations. Oversee
the management and collection of revenue and accounts receivable
functions of the Fund. Responsible for the resources and performance
management of staff the Chief Directorate Finance sections.
ENQUIRIES : Mr V Mafata Tel No: (012) 313 9118
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
deliver at 167 Thabo Sehume Street, Delta Building, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020



HR 5/1/2/3/02

SALARY : R938 964 - R1026 693 per annum (OSD)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An MBCHB Degree and Diploma in Occupational health (DOH). Minimum of
5 years appropriate experience after registration with HPCSA and at least 3
years’ experience in Occupational Medicine practice Post incumbent may
be required to travel to see clients. Knowledge: National Health Act, Public
service, Department of employment and labour, Compensation Fund
regulations, policies and procedures. CF relevant stakeholders, Customer
services principles (Batho Pele).Fund values, required information
technology knowledge. Compensation Fund information technology
operating systems, DPSA guidelines on COIDA;COID Act; Occupational
Health and Safety Act( OHS),PFMA and National Treasury Regulation;
Promotion of Access to information Act; PAJA, Constitution Act 108 of
1996.General knowledge of the Public service regulations. Skills: Required
technical proficiency, business writing, knowledge management, basic
computer skills, programme management change management, service
delivery Innovation, problem analysis and solving ,accountability, decision
making, people management and empowerment, Client orientation and
customer focus, Communication, work ethic and self-management, Risk
management and corporate governance, Medical skills, environmental
DUTIES : Research and do benchmarking on Occupational Medicine standards and
protocols. Develop policies and guidelines on occupational injuries and
diseases. Analyse and report on occupational injuries and disease/medicine
trends. Assist in establishing and maintaining mutually-beneficial
relationships with key stakeholders in Occupational related fields. Provide
technical advice and expertise on all medical aspects of compensation
ENQUIRIES : Dr B Ndzuta Tel No: (012) 406 5856
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hands
deliver at 167 Thabo Sehume Street, Delta Building, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020



SALARY : R376 596 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office: Mpumalanga
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year qualification in Office Management/Administration/Public
Administration. Two (2) years supervisory experience. Two (2) years
functional experience in Office Support environment. Skills: Facilitation,
Planning and Organizing, Computer literacy, Interpersonal, Problem
Solving, Interviewing, Listening and observation, Innovative Analytical,
Verbal and written communication.

DUTIES : Perform all administration pertaining to Inspection and Enforcement
Services. Conduct Labour Centre verification and audits to check if
necessary tools of trade are in place with a view to improve IES systems
and processes. Collect, compile and consolidate IES statistical reports and
submit to PCI. Co-ordinate and monitor projects of the unit. Compile reports
for the complex cases that require the attention of the PCI. Attend to DG and
Ministerial enquiries.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Njwambe Tel No: (013) 655 8775
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 7263, Emalahleni, 1035
or hand deliver at labour building, Cnr Hofmeyer Street and Beatty Avenue,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, Emalahleni
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020


SALARY : R376 596 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office: Free State
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year qualification in Communication Science/Marketing/Public
Relation/Media Studies and Journalism. Two (2) years supervisor
experience. Two (2) years functional experience in in a media/public
relations/marketing/communication services. Knowledge: Departmental
policies and procedures, Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), Basic
knowledge of all legislations, Project Management, Batho Pele Principles.
Skills: Planning and Organizing, Interpersonal, Computer literacy,
Communication, Problem Solving, Listening and observation, Negotiation
Event Management.
DUTIES : Provide public relations and media liaison services at Provincial level
including including performing duties and responsibilities as spokesperson
for DEL in the provide (daily). Organise stake holder briefings and
exhibitions for the whole province (Bi-weekly). Market the services of the
DEL at Provincial level (monthly). Manage DEL internal communication such
as management of notice boards, posting if information on intranet, updating
staff on issues affecting the department in the media, production of internal
newsletter, etc. (daily). Coordinate and facilitate all internal and external
events in the province such as Imbizo outreach, Programmes, outside
broadcasts, national commemorative days etc. (yearly)
ENQUIRIES : Ms E Maneli Tel No: (051) 505 6203
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: P O Box 522, Bloemfontein, 9300 or
hand deliver at Laboria House, 43 Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, Bloemfontein
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020


SALARY : R257 508 per annum

CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year tertiary qualification in Security/Risk Management. One (1)
year functional experience in Security Training services. PSIRA registration
Grade “C”. Knowledge: Batho Pele principles, Personnel Security,
Document Security, Communication Security. Skills: Communication,
Presentation, Computer literacy, Problem solving, Leadership, Analytical.
DUTIES : Facilitate and coordinate Security Awareness training within the Department
of Labour. Manage Security training administration as per individual’s PDP.
Provide Human Resources Support services within the Security Services
Directorate. Administer Security Compliance. Conduct OHS and Security
Inspection in the Department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Moitsi Tel No: (012) 309 4224
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Human Resources Management: Private Bag X 117,
Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at 215 Francis Baard Street.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Head Office
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020



The National Department of Environment Affairs is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

APPLICATIONS : Director-General, Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries,

Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-delivered to: Environment House,
Erf 1563 Arcadia Extension 6, Cnr Soutpansberg and Steve Biko Road,
Arcadia, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Management
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form with a copy of a
comprehensive CV, certified copies of qualifications and ID document as
well as a Driver’s License in order to be considered. The National
Department of Environmental Affairs is an equal opportunity; affirmative
action employer. It is our intention to promote representivity (race, gender
and disability) in the department through the filling of posts and candidates
appointment/transfer will promote representivity will receive preference .It is
the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Correspondence will be
limited to successful candidates only. If you have not been contacted within
three 3 months after the closing date of the advertisement, please accept
that your application was unsuccessful. Short-listed candidates will be
subjected to the following: a technical exercise that intends to test relevant
technical elements of the job, screening and security vetting to determine
their suitability for employment, including but not limited to: Criminal records;
Citizen Status; Credit worthiness; Previous employment (reference checks);
and Qualification verification. The person appointed to this position will be
subjected to a security clearance. SMS candidates will be subjected to a
competency assessment test and the signing of a performance agreement
and an employment contract (once appointed). The Department reserves
the right not to make an appointment.
ERRATUM: Kindly note that the post of IT LAN/Desktop Support Manager
with Ref No: COO30/2019 advertised in the Public Service Vacancy Circular
04 dated 31 January 2020, has been withdrawn. Sorry for the inconvenience



NO: CFO15/2019

SALARY : R733 257 per annum

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Bachelors Degree/National Diploma in Supply Chain Management or
equivalent relevant qualification. A minimum of 3 years ‘relevant experience
in Supply Chain Management. Knowledge of acquisition management,
procurement and business practices. Ability to establish and manage
acquisition management systems and controls. Knowledge of strategic
planning and budgeting. Ability to develop, interpret and apply policies,
strategies and legislation. Understanding of Government budgeting
processes. Knowledge of Public Service financial legislative frameworks;
Understanding of Financial management; Risk Management; Knowledge
and understanding of contract management.
DUTIES : Manage contract administration and receipt of Service Level Agreements
(SLA). Ensure receipt of vetted contract/SLA for record purposes. Ensure
extension of contracts is in line with National Treasury practice notes, SCM
and Financial delegation. Administer contracts in terms of expiry dates.
Efficient demand management framework. Ensure effective acquisition
management. Ensure compliance with Supply Chain Management
prescripts. Check and verify approval for outstanding of good/services.
Ensure timeous advertisement of bids requirements. Manage proper
recording of bid proposals. Manage the administration of supplier database

and supplier performance. Reviews of Supply Chain Management Policies
and external reporting, deviation reporting.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Nesane Tel No: (012) 399 9045

SALARY : R495 219 per annum (OSD)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A four (4) year degree in environmental or natural science or equivalent
qualification coupled with at least six (6) years post qualification experience.
Experience in the implementation of environmental law will be an added
advantage. Three (3) years working experience in the field of pollution,
chemicals and waste management. Understanding of the policy and
legislative framework governing environmental management in general and
pollution and waste management and legislative processes. Proven
experience in policy development and legislative drafting. Proven
experience in coordinating public participation and engagement with multiple
stakeholders. Experience in project management. Skills required:
Negotiation skills, good interpersonal relations, well-developed
communication skills, and excellent project management skills, conflict
management. The incumbent must have ability to work independently and
efficiently under pressure. The incumbent may be required to travel from
time to time, hence a driver’s license is one of the requirements
DUTIES : Manage the development of national policies and strategies on chemicals,
pollution and waste management. Support the development of national
legislation and regulations on pollution and waste management. Support the
development of appropriate norms and standards for all aspects of
chemicals, pollution and waste management. Support provincial
environmental departments when drafting legislation and regulations that
are aligned to national policy. Support municipalities to draft by-laws that are
aligned to national policy. Assess that domestic legislation supports ratified
Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). Liaise with line functions in
the development of national policies, strategies and legislation on pollution
and waste management. Promote public participation in processes for the
development of national policies, strategies and legislation on pollution and
waste management. Participate in departmental and government forums on
law reform and legislative processes. Coordinate multi-stakeholder forums
for pollution and waste management. Represent the department in inter-
Departmental forums and industry forums on law reform relating to
chemicals, pollution and waste management. Coordinate the
implementation of the NEMWA and its subordinate legislation. Manage
projects in the sub directorate. Facilitate the implementation of the Social
Economic Impact Assessment System of government in relation to the
ENQUIRIES : Mr K Mokoena, Tel No: (012) 399 9825



SALARY : R495 219 per annum (OSD)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A four (4) year degree in Environmental or Natural Science or equivalent
relevant qualification plus 6 years post qualification experience in related
field; and appropriate experience or knowledge of current air quality
management and other environmental issues. The incumbent must have
experience in or an advanced knowledge of the implementation of the
National Environmental Management Air Quality Act 39 of 2004, air quality
management planning, experience and/or knowledge of sophisticated
information and communication technology, data and information
management techniques, emissions inventory database development and
management, sound knowledge of industrial and energy generation
processes; and experience in working with multi-stakeholder groups. The

incumbent must also poses the following skills: organizational and
administrative skills, knowledge of project management, research skills,
good communication (include verbal and exceptional scientific report writing
skills); and must have the ability to develop and apply policies.
DUTIES : Priority Area Identification; Development of the Priority Area Air Quality
Management Plans; Conducting a review for the Priority Area AQMP;
Priority Area reporting; providing support to Provincial Departments with
respect to identification, planning and implementation related to provincial
priority areas. Conducting research and collect data relevant to air quality
management within the priority areas.
ENQUIRIES : Dr V Gololo Tel No: (012) 399 9203



SALARY : R495 219 per annum (OSD)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An LLB Degree plus 6 years post qualification experience in a relevant field.
Specialist knowledge of environmental law, ability to draft, interpret, review
and amend legislation and subordinate legislation. The ability to interpret
and provide legal opinion and advice. Knowledge of: National Environmental
Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act No. 39 of 2004); Environmental
issues, especially those relating to air and the atmosphere; and Air quality
management governance. In addition, applicants must have general
knowledge of: Environmental quality and protection policies, strategies and
priorities; Government’s standard administrative procedures; and (c)
general administration practices.
DUTIES : To ensure that the national air quality legislation and subordinate legislation
developed and implemented are of the best quality with a view of protecting
and defending the right of all South Africans to air and atmospheric quality
that is not harmful to health and well-being. Ensuring that the department’s
air quality related legislation and regulation functions are carried out
efficiently and effectively. To this end, the successful candidate will be
responsible for the following key performance areas: National legislation and
regulations development and review; Sector legislation and regulations
development and review; Legislation and regulations development and
implementation support; Air quality legal advisory support to the Chief
Directorate: Air Quality Management; and Support to Provincial
ENQUIRIES : Dr V Gololo Tel No: (012) 399 9203


NO: COO32/2019

SALARY : R376 596 per annum (excluding benefits)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma in Human Resource Management or equivalent relevant
qualification. Minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience. Knowledge of the
Human Resource Management Legislation and regulatory framework.
Knowledge of Public Service Regulatory Framework, Public Finance
Management Act and Treasury Regulations and HR practice and
procedures, administrative procedures, project management, personnel
management, Human Resource Planning, Human Resource development,
and organizational information. Good strategic planning management,
leadership management, people management, change management, policy
development and implementation, financial management, research,
analytical, organizing, planning, presentation, communication skills (verbal
and written), interpersonal, coordination and stakeholder liaison and
interpersonal-relations skills. Ability to work long hours voluntarily, gather
and analyse information, develop and apply policies, work individually, in
team, under extreme pressure and with difficult persons and to resolve

DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to provide human resources
planning and information support services through the following key
performance areas: Coordination of Human Capital Management
compliance reporting. Maintain HR Information and statistics. Development
and implementation of the HR Plan. Maintain HR dashboard information
ENQUIRIES : Mr G Ntshane; Tel. No: (012) 399 – 8628



GCIS is an equal opportunity employer and practicing affirmative action employment. It is our intention
to promote representivity (race, gender, disability) in the department through filling these posts. The
candidature of persons whose appointment/transfer/promotion will promote representivity will receive

APPLICATIONS : The DG of Government Communication and Information System, Private

Bag X 745, Pretoria 0001, or hand deliver to Tshedimosetso House, 1035
Cnr Francis Baard & Festival streets, Hatfield, Pretoria
FOR ATTENTION : Mr S Matshageng
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applicants with disabilities are welcome to apply. Applications must be
submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or
on the internet at The completed and signed form
Z83 should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as
well as originally certified copies of all qualification(s) and ID-document. The
original certification must be within six (6) months. Should you be in
possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Applicants who do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements, as
well as applications received late, will not be considered. Failure to submit
all the requested documents will result in the application not being
considered. No faxed, copied or e-mailed application will be considered.
Where a driver’s license is essential, such a license should be attached.
Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have
not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. “The
successful candidate must disclose to the DG particulars of all registrable
financial interests, sign a performance agreement and employment contract
with the DG within three months from the date of assumption of duty and
obtain a top secret security clearance”. All appointments are subject to the
verification of educational qualifications, previous experience, citizenship,
reference checks and security vetting. Following the interview and technical
exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend generic
managerial competency assessment. The department reserves the right to
fill or not to fill the vacant post. The successful candidates will enter into a
contract with the GCIS that will be reviewed based on performance, and
must be in possession of their own transport and appropriate computer
equipment and software.


Directorate: Media Production

SALARY : R733 257 per annum (all-inclusive remuneration package)

CENTRE : Pretoria (Hatfield)
REQUIREMENTS : The Candidate should have a National Diploma or equivalent qualification in
Radio Production (NQF level 6) and or Degree (NQF 7). The ideal candidate
will have the following competencies: think creatively, work under pressure
& meet deadlines, work independently as well as part of a team. Candidates
must be in possession of a valid driver’s license. Good radio presenter skills
will be an added bonus. Candidates must have at least three years’
experience in radio production and one year at a management/supervisory
level. Job Knowledge: Candidates must have sound management skills and
detailed knowledge of radio production, both from a technical aspect and
from a content perspective.
DUTIES : The incumbent is required to: provide leadership to and manage the GCIS
radio unit, including financial, human resource and logistical management;
oversee all productions of the unit; develop plans for the further development

of the unit; build relations with stakeholders such as other government
departments and the community radio sector; provide support to the director
of Media Production in planning and managing campaigns as well as the
overall management of the directorate. The incumbent will be expected to
work after hours and travel extensively.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. A Mohamed Tel No: (012) 473 0015
NOTE : Candidates will undergo a practical test in radio production.


Chief Directorate: Provincial and Local Liaison

SALARY : R376 596 per annum

CENTRE : Chris Hani District (Queenstown)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of an appropriate three (3) year degree
(NQF level 7) or National Diploma (NQF level 6) in Communication or related
qualification. Three (3) years communication experience of which one (1)
year should be experience at salary level seven (7) or eight (8) with
knowledge of communication disciplines, including media liaison, research
and development communication. The candidate must have an
understanding of development communication, and knowledge of the
Eastern Cape Province with specific insights in Chris Hani District and its
local Municipalities. Furthermore, he/she must be computer literate and be
in possession of a valid Code 08 driver’s licence as the work involves
extensive travelling. Good knowledge of administration and finances is
DUTIES : The successful candidate will support the Deputy Director: Liaison in the
implementation of a government communication programme (GCP) in the
Chris Hani District as follows: Implement key communication projects guided
in line with government priorities and in accordance with the guidelines for
development communication practice and platforms as developed by GCIS.
Supervise and monitor the work of district based Senior Communication
Officers (if any) as well as any communication interns or learners assigned
to the region, including their administrative and operational functions, and
report these to the Deputy Director: Provincial Liaison. Ensure the
establishment and where necessary review and strengthening of
communication coordination structures in the District to ensure the effective
cascading of government communication content especially to leaders and
structures of local government across the District. Support all initiatives
aimed at strengthening Local Government Communication System through
advocacy in strategic IGR structures at District and local level. Further,
provide communication support to various integrated service delivery
models of government, including the District Based Development Model and
the Thusong service centre programme. Responsible for the development
and maintenance of effective high-level stakeholder relations in the region
with biasness towards civil society, minority groups, local government and
traditional leaders. A strategy to this end will be one of the first necessary
deliverables. Coordination and implementation of rapid response
requirements in the District as well as writing service delivery articles on
governments’ delivery on its mandate. Responsible for the revision and
development of a regional distribution strategy for government information
products. Additionally, on a regular basis, be required to develop local
communication environment assessments reports on key issues emanating
from the District for the use by various stakeholders and clients. Support
government public participation initiatives including feedback and follow up
on the required communication interventions as recommended.
ENQUIRIES : Mr N Pinyana Tel No: (043) 7222 602/09


Directorate: Marketing and Distribution

SALARY : Per assignment allocated (benefits excluded)

CENTRE : Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of an appropriate three-year degree or
related accredited qualifications in Database Administration. Experience: At
least three years’ experience in Database Administration. In-depth
understanding of the South African media landscape, Government
landscape and communication environment. Experience in developing,
programming, troubleshooting, managing, verifying and maintaining
databases. The ability to network and work independently and under
pressure. Good communication/liaison, networking, planning, problem-
solving and research skills. Inclination to pay attention to detail and
willingness to take initiative. Advanced computer skills especially in
Microsoft Excel.
DUTIES : Make daily telephonic calls to confirm exiting data or to collect new data to
have an updated and complete dataset. Database verification. Verification
of proof of delivery details vs the database and update of the database
where required. Overlooking database design. Merging of datasets.
Determining the best possible method of organising data, recording and
implementing it. The type of database and data to be dealt with will depend
on GCIS or client. Secure and maintaining database results by setting and
enforcing standards and controls. Oversee projects and ensure all members
of your team are working on the right thing at the right time to keep
databases in order. Developing protocols for data processing. The Database
Manager will assist a number of people within GCIS, as well as assist in the
smooth operation of the business as a whole. For example, depending on
requirements, GCIS may use the data for communication purposes or for
targeted marketing. Preparation for database expansion by studying plans
and requirements; advising senior technical management; coordinating
design and programming. Keep senior technical management informed by
preparing reports on system performance and problems. To help non-
technical people understand how to use the database system and ensure it
is used properly. The Database Manager may write reports, training
manuals and also be involved in direct training, either of your own team or
of employees that will use the system i.e. training colleagues on how to input
and extract data. Setting up and testing new database and data handling
systems. Upgrading of hardware and software by assessing transaction
processing and database production options. Monitoring database
efficiency, maintenance of database performance by troubleshooting
problems. Accomplish platform upgrades and improvements by supervising
system programming. Applicants will be expected to work from the GCIS
head office situated in Hatfield Pretoria, must be flexible and be able to work
under pressure with tight timelines.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Prinsloo, Tel No: (012) 473 0203
NOTE : Payment rates will be discussed with shortlisted candidates. Interviewees
will be expected to perform a practical aligned to their area of application.




APPLICATIONS : Must be forwarded to: The Principal – Majuba TVET College, Private Bag
X6602, Newcastle, 2940 or hand deliver to the ‘CV’ Box at Majuba TVET
College Central Office (83 Allen Street, Newcastle), between 07h35 to
15h15 (please quote the post reference number on the outside of the
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020 at 12:00
NOTE : Majuba TVET College invites suitable candidates to apply for the following
permanent posts (PERSAL). A completed Z83 form should be accompanied
by a recently updated comprehensive CV (inclusive of three contactable
referees and contact details), Original certified copies (not older than three
months) of all qualifications with academic transcripts/record, ID document
and driver’s license (where applicable) please quote the relevant reference
number of the post you are applying for. Candidates who apply for more than
one post should complete a separate application form for each post.
Applications received after the closing date as well as faxed or emailed
applications will NOT be accepted. Successful candidates will be subjected
to a vetting process (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks [where
applicable], qualification and employment verification). Where applicable,
shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge/competence
test. The College/DHET reserves the right not to make appointments and
correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you do not
receive any response within three months after closing date of this
advertisement, kindly accept that your application is unsuccessful. Note1:
All costs incurred due to your application and interviews will be at your own
expense. Preference will be given to persons from designated groups,
especially with regard to race, gender and disability. Note2: The successful
candidate will undergo a vetting process and will sign a Performance
Agreement with the College Principal. People with disability are encouraged
to apply. Majuba College is an equal opportunity employer.



Campus: Central Office

SALARY : R376 596. per annum (Level 9) plus benefits as applicable in the Public
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate Bachelor’s degree or National Diploma (NQF level 6/7) in
Human Resource Management/Public Administration and/or Industrial
Psychology, 5 years’ relevant experience in a corporate organization and at
least 2 years’ relevant supervisory experience in a TVET College, University
or similar educational institution. Recommendations: Conflict management
skills with regard to people management. Good communication and writing
skills. Knowledge of Public Service Act, Employment of Educators Act,
Labour Laws (Basic condition of Employment Act, Labour Relations Act,
Skills Development Act, Skills Levy Act, etc.) PFMA. Must be able to
understand and interpret HR prescripts and policies. Ability to work under
pressure and willingness to work extended hours when required. Computer
literacy (MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint). A valid driver’s licence and
willingness to travel when required. Key Performance Areas: Human
Resources Services: Provide HR planning and monitoring services by
developing policies, processes and procedures; monitoring consistent
compliance with prescripts; and monitoring the implementation of
employment equity. Provide HR administration services by administering
service conditions for staff; advertising and filling of vacancies; managing
pension, medical aid and housing allowance for staff; and providing general
HRA services including HR registry and Leave Management. Facilitate the

maintenance of record management of the HR filing system and Persal.
Performance management: Provide performance management services by
currently using tools like IQMS (lecturing staff), PMDS (office-based
lecturing staff) and EPMDS (non- lecturing staff). Human resource
development: Provide training to staff by identifying training needs,
coordinating training, developing and implementing WSP, conducting skills
audits and maintaining skills profiles for staff Administer bursaries (Currently
offered by DHET, ETDP SETA, etc.) and internships. Labour Relations:
Provide labour relations services by promoting and monitoring labour peace.
Provide dispute and grievance services by handling disputes, facilitating
speedy conclusion of disputes and resolving grievances within approved
mandates Provide disciplinary services by facilitating effective coordination
of disciplinary matters within the relevant legislative framework. Unit
management. Compile and implement HR unit’s annual performance plan.
Compile and manage the unit’s budget and cash flow. Conduct performance
reviews with unit’s staff, arrange and monitor personal development plans.
Conduct meetings with unit staff and plan and assign work within the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr KA Shangase Tel. No: (034)3264888


Campus: Central Office

SALARY : R316 791 per annum (Level 8) plus benefits as applicable in the Public
Service Minimum Requirements: Grade 12 or equivalent qualification and
National Diploma/Degree in Labour Relations or equivalent qualification with
three (3) years’ experience in labour relations. Computer literacy (Microsoft
Office Suite, Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms PowerPoint) and a valid driver’s
licence. Recommendations: Knowledge of Persal. Must have excellent
presentation skills, ability to communicate well with people at different levels
and from diversified backgrounds. The prospective appointee should have
sound verbal and written communication skills, sound organizational and
planning skills. High level of reliability and ability to handle confidentiality.
Must have sound analytical thinking and research skills. High level of conflict
management skills and ability to be part of negotiations. Ability to act with
tact and discretion and handle conflict. Good telephone etiquette and
interpersonal skills. Basic skills on report writing. Ability to work under
pressure and to take initiative. Ability to work independently and in a team.
Sound knowledge of the public service regulations, public service act and a
myriad of other relevant human resource legislative imperatives. Experience
in labour relations is an essential requirements for the post.
DUTIES : Administer and investigate grievances. Investigate, initiate and/or preside
over misconduct cases. Represent the College at conciliation and
arbitrations and facilitate the implementation of settlement agreements and
arbitration awards. Ensure compliance with legislative framework relating to
grievances and disputes. Keep or maintain statistical records in respect of
all grievances, disciplinary and disputes handled within the College. Compile
reports/submissions in respect of grievances, disputes, advice on industrial
action matters. Promote sound labour peace within the College. Produce
monthly report and analyse the report to establish trends and develop
interventions where necessary. Contribute to the College’s planning and
monitoring and evaluation processes. Manage the implementation of
policies, resolutions, plans and strategies relating to labour relations. Ensure
compliance with legislative framework and monitor and evaluate
implementation thereof; further suggest improvements where necessary.
Develop internal control measures, guidelines and standard operating
procedures on labour relations in line with National and Departmental
human resource practices, guidelines and policies. Conduct in-service
training and induction of staff on labour related matters. Attend to audit
queries including the implementation of the recommendations thereof.
Advice management, employees and the department on labour relations
practices, procedures, guidelines and policies, etc. Support the Human

Resource Manager in achieving the strategic objectives of the College on
labour relations management. Be willing to undergo continuous training and
development. Attend and run meetings.
ENQUIRIES : Mr KA Shangase Tel.No: (034) 3264888



CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020

NOTE : Applications must be submitted on Form Z83, obtainable from any Public
Service Department or on the internet at A Z83 form & CV must
be accompanied by original certified copies of qualifications, identity
document and a driver’s license where necessary. A SAQA evaluation report
must accompany foreign qualifications. Applications that do not comply with
the above mentioned requirements will not be considered. All shortlisted
candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical and competency
assessment. Candidate will complete a financial disclosure form and also be
required to undergo a security clearance. Foreigners or dual citizenship
holder must provide the Police Clearance certificate from country of origin.
The DOJ&CD is an equal opportunity employer. In the filling of vacant posts
the objectives of section 195 (1) (i) of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996
(Act No: 108 of 1996), the Employment Equity imperatives as defined by the
Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No: 55 of 1998) and relevant Human
Resources policies of the Department will be taken into consideration.
Reasonable accommodation shall be applied for People with Disabilities
including where driver’s license is a requirement. Correspondence will be
limited to short-listed candidates only. If you do not hear from us within 3
months of this advertisement, please accept that your application has been
unsuccessful. The department reserves the right not to fill these positions.
Women and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply and preference
will be given to the EE Target.



SALARY : R733 257 – R863 748 per annum. The successful candidates will be
required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office: Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS relevant Bachelor’s Degree or National Diploma in Commerce, Accounting,
Supply Chain Management or Equivalent Qualification; 3 years related
leases and disposal management experience; Knowledge of PFMA,
Treasury Regulations, Accounting Systems, Asset Management system and
relevant Prescripts; Knowledge and proper understanding of the Supply
Chain Management framework; Knowledge of Financial Management;
Knowledge of Asset Management framework; A valid driver’s license. Skills
and Competencies: Computer literacy (MS word, PowerPoint, Outlook,
Excel, etc.); Communication skills (written and verbal); Research and
analytical skills; Strong leadership with strategic capabilities; Policy
Development; Research, Monitoring, Evaluation and report writing;
Accuracy and attention to detail; Presentation and facilitation skills.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Monitor and review existence and completeness of
leased assets; Monitor and review the disposal of assets; Provide inputs
during the preparation of the Disclosure note for the leases and the disposal
for Interim and Annual Financial statements; Manage movement of new and
old assets; Supervision of employees.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. M. Qhamakoane Tel No: (012) 357 8591
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: Human Resource: Department of Justice and Constitutional
Development, Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001. OR Physical address:
Application Box, First Floor Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building,
329 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


SALARY : R733 257 – R863 748 per annum (All Inclusive Remuneration Package).
The successful candidate will be required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s Degree/National Diploma in Human Resource or equivalent
qualification; 6 years’ experience in Human Resource of which 3 years must
be at managerial level; Knowledge and application of legislative
requirements; A valid driver’s licence. Skills and Competencies:
Communication skills (verbal and written); Computer literacy (MS Office);
Customer services orientation; Planning and organizing; Creative thinking;
Problem analysis and creative thinking; Project management; Financial
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Coordinate Job Evaluation process in the
Branches; Coordinate recruitment and selection process within the
Branches; Coordinate the appointment and service and benefits; Coordinate
the performance management process within the branches; Coordinate
skills development programmes; Coordinate Employee Relations services;
Coordinate inputs from branches to HR plan and EE Plan; Coordinate the
collection of data.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. M Qhamakoane Tel No: (012) 357 8591
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: Human Resource: Department of Justice and Constitutional
Development, Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001. Or Physical address:
Application Box, First Floor Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building,
329 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.


SALARY : R470 040 – R553 677 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Magistrate Mamelodi Ref No: 2020/10/GP
Magistrate Tsakane Ref No: 2020/11/GP
Magistrate Oberholzer Ref No: 2020/12/GP
Magistrate Heidelberg Ref No: 2020/14/GP
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year qualification in Administration (NQF level 6) and/or National
Diploma in Services Management (NQF level 5) plus the module on Case
Flow Management or equivalent qualification; At least 3 year’s managerial
or supervisory experience; Knowledge of an experience in office and district
administration; Knowledge of Public Financial Management Act (PFMA);
Experience in managing Trust (Third Party Funds) and Vote Account; A valid
driver’s license; Experience in the Court environment will be an added
advantage; Skills and Competencies: Strong leadership and management
capabilities; Strategic capacities; Good communication (verbal and written);
Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Coordinate and manage the financial, human
resources of the office; as well as risk and security in court; Manage the
strategic and business planning processes; Manage the facility, physical
resources, information and communication related to courts; Management
of Security; Implement the departmental policies at the courts; Compile and
analyze court statistics to show performance and trends; Support Case Flow
Management at the court; Develop and implement customer service
improvements strategies; Lead and Manage the transformation of the office;
Manage the project intended to improve court management; Communication
and relations with the internal and external stake holders; Provide case
tracking services to the judiciary and prosecuting authority; Compile annual
performance and statutory reports to the relevant users;
ENQUIRIES : Ms RR Moabelo Tel No: (011) 332 9000
APPLICATIONS : Private Bag X6, Johannesburg, 2000 7th Schreiner Chambers, Corner
Pritchard and Kruis Street, Johannesburg
NOTE : Separate applications must be made quoting the relevant reference.


SALARY : R376 596 – R443 601 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office: Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Bachelor’s Degree or National Diploma in Finance (NQF6) or equivalent
qualification; A minimum of 3 years’ experience in financial management; 3
years’ experience should be at supervisory level; Knowledge of PFMA,
Treasury Regulations, (BAS), Persal and Salary Expense Account;
Knowledge of Reconciliation of income tax; A valid driver’s licence. Skills
And Competencies: Communication skills (written and verbal); Computer
literate (Ms Office, Ms Excel & PowerPoint); Interpersonal relationship skills;
Planning and organizing skills; Problem solving skills; Report writing skills;
Analytical skills.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Manage Departmental debt; Oversee
compensation of employees and manage expenditure; Review and analyse
expenditure and annual reports on budget; Ensure an effective financial
accounting services; Provide effective people management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Qhamakoane Tel No: (012) 357 8591
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
Address: The Human Resource: Department of Justice and Constitutional
Development; Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001. OR Physical Address:
Application Box, First Floor, Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building,
329 Pretorius Building, Pretoria, 0001.
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



SALARY : R376 596 – R443 601 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office: Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma/Bachelors Degree in
Acquisitions/Administration/Finance (NQF 6) or related qualification; 3 years
working experience in Acquisitions Management/Supply Chain
Management at supervisory level; Knowledge of Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA), BAS, Treasury Regulations and other applicable
legislation; Knowledge of Financial Management; A valid driver’s license.
Skills And Competencies: Computer literacy (Ms Word, Ms Excel &
PowerPoint); Communication (written and verbal) skills; Research and
analytical skills; Accuracy and attention to details; Policy development;
Presentation and facilitation skills; Monitoring and evaluation and reporting
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Coordinate (synergize), review and execute the
bidding process; Verify BBBEE/Sworn affidavits rating of all departmental
suppliers; Coordinate, review and source quotations from database
according to the threshold values determined by the National Treasury;
Follow-up on all Acquisition Management functions National and Regional;
Provide effective acquisition management service and undertake all
administrative functions required with regard to financial and HR
administration; Provide effective people management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Joseph Tel No: (012) 357 8646
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: The Human Resource: Justice and Constitutional Development,
Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001. OR Physical address: Application Box, First
Floor Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building, 329 Pretorius Street,
NOTE : People with disability are encouraged to apply.


SALARY : R257 073 – R912 504 per annum. (Salary will be in accordance with OSD
determination). The successful candidate will be required to sign a
performance agreement.
CENTRE : Master of the High Court: Port Elizabeth
REQUIREMENTS : LLB Degree or four years recognized legal qualification; At least 2 years
appropriate post qualification legal experience; Knowledge of the
Administration of Estates Act, Compliance Act, Mental Health Act,
Insolvency Act, Companies Act, Close Corporations Act, Trust Property
Control Act and other relevant legislation; Experience in the functional field
and services provided by Master’s of the High Court. Skills and
Competencies: Estate duties; Case flow management; Trust; Administration
of estates; Legal research and drafting; Planning and organizing; Dispute
Resolution; Time management; Communication skills; Ability to work under
pressure and independently in a highly pressurized environment.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Manage the administration of Deceased Estates,
Insolvent Estates, Trust and Curatorship; Provide strategic direction to the
office; Ensure that departmental policy, procedures and legislations are
implemented; Manage the operations regarding the Guardian’s Funds and
resources in the office; Ensure continuous quality improvement of processes
and policies.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. C. Msiza Tel No: (012) 315 4754
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: The Human Resources: Department of Justice and Constitutional
Development, Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001. OR Physical address:
Application Box, First Floor Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building,
329 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339 per annum. The successful candidates will be
required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office: Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3 years Degree/ National Diploma in Financial Accounting/
Financial Management or equivalent qualification NQF6; A minimum of 2
year relevant experience in Internal Control/Financial Accounting/Auditing/
Supply Chain Management; Knowledge of Financial Provisioning and/ or
administration procedures and processes; Knowledge of the Public
Financial Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations and other
legislative prescripts. Skills and Competencies: Computer literacy (Ms Word,
Excel, BAS, SCM and Persal Systems); Planning and organizing skills;
Interpersonal relations; Communication skills (verbal and written); Ability to
work independently in a highly pressurized environment; Ability to interpret
and apply policies; Ability to analyse and solve problems; Report writing
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Analysis of payments, orders and journals made
by the department for the detection of non-compliance with policies and
prescripts; Assess and conduct determination of possible, irregular,
unauthorized, fruitless and wasteful expenditure; Identify root cause and
ensure the implementation of corrective action to prevent irregular,
unauthorized, fruitless and wasteful expenditure; Ensure appropriate
progressive disciplinary action is implemented on all irregular expenditure
incurred; Keep statistics of work performed for reporting purposes; Detect
internal control weaknesses, investigate weakness in identified areas, report
findings and make recommendations; Provide effective people
ENQUIRIES : Ms. M. Qhamakoane Tel No: (012) 357 8591
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: Human Resource: Justice and Constitutional Development, Private

Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001.or Physical address: Application Box, First Floor
Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building, 329 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office, Pretoria (Various Offices)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or equivalent qualification; 3 years relevant experience in Human
Resource; Working knowledge and understanding of the legislative
framework governing the public service; Working knowledge of Persal
system; Skills and Competencies: Problem-solving skills; Computer literacy
(Ms Office); Communication skills (verbal and written); Ability to work under
pressure; Interpersonal relations; Analytical skills; Team work.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Supervise and undertake the more complex
implementation and maintenance of human resource administration
practices; Handle human resource administration enquiries; Implement
conditions of service and service benefits; Assist with Performance
Management and Development matters; Provide effective people
ENQUIRIES : Mr. J Maluleke Tel No: (012) 315 1090
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: The Human Resource: Justice and Constitutional Development,
Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001. OR Physical address: Application Box, First
Floor Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building, 329 Pretorius Street,
NOTE : People with disability are encouraged to apply.


SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Magistrate Office Piet Retief Ref No: 2020/12/MP
Magistrate Office Standerton Ref No: 2020/05/MP
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/NQF Level 4/Grade 12. National Diploma: Legal Interpreting at
NQF Level 5 or any other equivalent qualification in the field of languages
with three (3) years’ practical experience as a Court Interpreter; OR Grade
12 with ten (10) years practical experience as a court interpreter. Knowledge
of Legislation which governs transparency and confidentiality in the Public
Service (Act 2 of 2000) as amended. Drivers’ license will be an added
advantage Language Requirements: Afrikaans; isiZulu and English or
proficiency in any official language will be an added advantage; Skills and
Competencies: Excellent communication, Listening, Inter- personal
relations; Problem solving; planning and organizing and Analytical thinking
skills; Time management; Confidentiality and ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: To interpret in court of Law (Civil and Criminal
matters: To interpret in small claims courts; Interpret in pre- trail proceedings
and consultations; Consecutive interpreting from source to target language
during Court proceedings and , pre-trail, consultation, quasi and judicial.
Interpret non-verbal gesture, dramatization and confessions. Ensure that
subordinates conclude performance agreements. Review performance
agreements and give feed back to Court Interpreters. Collect, monitor
interpreting register, calculate and compile statistics; Making arrangements
for foreign languages interpreters in consultation with the Prosecutor; To
perform a variety of routine interpreting duties related to the Core function of
the Department. To attend to all other duties assigned to him/her from time
to time and to assist with the necessary Administrative duties.
ENQUIRIES : Ms PP Sithole Tel No: (013) 753 9300
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: The Regional Head, Department of Justice & Constitutional

Development, Private Bag x11249, Nelspruit 1200 or Physical address: 24
Brown Street, Nedbank Centre, 4th floor Nelspruit 1200.


SALARY : R198 411 per annum. (Salary will be in accordance with OSD
determination). The successful candidate will be required to sign a
performance agreement.
CENTRE : Master of the High Court: Mahikeng
REQUIREMENTS : An LLB degree or recognized four years legal qualification. Skills and
Competencies: Legal research and drafting; Case flow management; Estate
duties; Trust; Dispute resolution; Communication skills (verbal and written);
Problem solving; Customer focus; Attention to detail; Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Administer deceased and Insolvent Estates,
Curatorships, Trusts and all aspects related to the administration thereof;
Determine and asses estate duties in terms of the Estate Duties Act;
Conduct research and draft legal documents; Render administrative function
of the office.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. R. Chauke Tel No: (012) 315 1983
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: The Human Resources: Department of Justice and Constitutional
Development, Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001. or Physical address:
Application Box, First Floor Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building,
329 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


APPLICATIONS : Direct your application to the area of choice at postal addresses indicated
National Office: The Director-General: Department of Justice and
Constitutional Development, Private Bag X 81, Pretoria, 0001. or Physical
address: Application Box, First floor reception, East Tower, Momentum
Building, 329 Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Ms. Samantha Fisher Tel No: (012)
315 4843/Mr. Tokelo Moja Tel No: (012) 315 4847
Gauteng: Applications: The Regional Office Gauteng; Private Bag X6,
Johannesburg, 2000 or Physical address: 7th floor; Regional Office –
Gauteng; Department of Justice and Constitutional Development; Schreiner
Chambers; Cnr. Pritchard and Kruis Street; Johannesburg. Enquiries: Ms
RR Moabelo Tel No: (011) 332 9000
Mpumalanga: The Regional Head, Private Bag X11249, Nelspruit, 1200 OR
Physical address: 24 Brown Street, Ned bank Centre, 4th floor Nelspruit.
Enquiries: MR LT Mndebele Tel No: (013) 753 9300 Ext 220
Kwazulu-Natal: The Regional Head, Private Bag X54372, Durban, 4000 or
physical address: Recruitment, First Floor, 2 Devonshire Place off Anton
Lembede Street, Durban. Enquiries: Ms C.S. Sikhonde Tel No: (031) 372
Northern Cape: The Regional Head: Justice and Constitutional
Development, Private Bag X6106, Kimberley, 8300. or hand delivers at the
New Public Buildings, (Magistrates Court) of Knight and Stead Streets, 7th
floor, Kimberley, 8301. Enquiries: Mr. R. Muller Tel No: (053) 802 1300
Free State: The Regional Head, Private Bag X20578, Bloemfontein, 9300
or Physical address: 53 Colonial Building, Charlotte Maxeke Street,
Bloemfontein, 9300. For enquiries: Ms NM Dywili. Tel No: (051) 407 1800
Limpopo: The Regional Head, Department of Justice & Constitutional
Development, Private Bag x9526, Polokwane 0700 or Physical address:
Reception area, Limpopo Regional Office, 92 Bok Street, Polokwane, 0700.
Enquiries: Mr V Lamola Tel No: (015) 287 2035 or Mr. TP Maakamedi. Tel
No: (015) 287 2025
North West: The Regional Head, Private Bag X2033, Mmabatho, 2735 or
hand deliver it at 22 Molopo Road, Ayob Gardens, Mafikeng. Enquiries: Ms.
P. Lekoma Tel No: (018) 397 7061

Western Cape: The Regional Head, Department of Justice, Norton rose
House, 8 Riebeek street, 5th floor, Cape Town, For Enquiries: Mr M Ketelo
Tel No: (021) 462 5471
Eastern Cape: The Regional Head, Private Bag X9065, East London, 5200
or hand delivered to the Regional Office, East London 3rd floor at 3 Phillip
Frame Road, Waverly Park complex in Chiselhurst. For enquiries: Ms. N
Nghona. Tel No: (043) 702 7000
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020
NOTE : Applicants that wish to apply for graduate programme must have completed
the above mentioned qualifications. Applications must be submitted on a
Z83 form, obtainable from any Public Service Department, stating the field
in which the Interns is applying for, a CV together with certified copies of
qualifications as well as Identity document. Failure to submit the required
documents will result in the application not being considered. A pre-
employment security screening will be conducted on RSA citizenship,
criminal record, credit record and verification of qualification. The outcome
of this screening will be considered to determine suitability for employment.
Who should apply? Unemployed South African graduates, with a tertiary
qualification in one of the above mentioned fields of study, who has not been
previously employed under any internship programme. Note: These
internships are based in all the Regions. Candidates that wish to apply for
internship outside their respective Regions must be willing and able to find
their own accommodation considering that they will not earn a salary but
only a stipend. Note: Separate applications must be made for each
Regional/National Office which you are applying for and quoting the relevant
reference number for the centre of your choice



STIPEND : R7000 per month

CENTRE : National Office: State Attorney Office
Kimberley Ref No: CA1/No (2 Posts)
Cape Town Ref No: CA2/No (2 Posts)
Durban Ref No: CA3/No (2 Posts)
Mafikeng Ref No: CA4/No (2 Posts)
Mthatha Ref No: CA5/No (2 Posts)
East London Ref No: CA6/No (1 Post)
Port Elizabeth Ref No: CA7/No (2 Posts)
Johannesburg Ref No: CA8/No (2 Posts)
Pretoria Ref No: CA9/No (2 Posts)



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : National Office: Masters’ Office
Kimberley Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Cape Town Ref No: GI 2/No (X2 Posts)
Durban Ref No: GI 3/No (X2 Posts)
Mahikeng Ref No: GI 4/No (X1 Post)
Nelspruit Ref No: GI 5/No (X3 Posts)
Bloemfontein Ref No: GI 6/No (X2 Posts)
Grahamstown Ref No: GI 7/No (X1 Post)
Johannesburg Ref No: GI 8/No (X3 Posts)
Pretoria Ref No: GI 9/No (X2 Posts)
Pietermaritzburg Ref No: GI 10/No (X1 Post)
Polokwane Ref No: GI 11/No (X1 Post)
Thohoyandou Ref No: GI 12/No (X1 Post)

REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Degree in Management Assistant, Public Management,
Public Administration, Business Management, Administration and Office



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Free State: Family Advocate
Bloemfontein Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Welkom Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
Bethlehem Ref No: GI 3/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Social Work



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Gauteng: Family Advocate
Johannesburg Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Pretoria Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
Palm Ridge Ref No: GI 3/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Social Work



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Western Cape: Family Advocate
Cape Town Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
George Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
Worcester Ref No: GI 3/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Degree in Management Assistant, Public Management,
Public Administration, Business Management, Administration and Office



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Western Cape: Family Advocate
Cape Town Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Worcester Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
Mitchell’s Plain Ref No: GI 3/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Law



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Mpumalanga: Family Advocate
Vosman Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Nelspruit Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Degree in Management Assistant, Public Management,
Public Administration, Business Management, Administration and Office



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Mpumalanga: Family Advocate

Vosman Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Law



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : North West: Family Advocate
Mahikeng Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Klerksdorp Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
Rustenburg Ref No: GI 3/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Degree in Management Assistant, Public Management,
Public Administration, Business Management, Administration and Office



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : North West: Family Advocate
Mahikeng Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Klerksdorp Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
Rustenburg Ref No: GI 3/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Law



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Northern Cape: Family Advocate
Kimberley Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Degree in Management Assistant, Public Management,
Public Administration, Business Management, Administration and Office



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Northern Cape: Family Advocate
Upington Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Social Work



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Limpopo
Polokwane Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Sibasa Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Degree in Management Assistant, Public Management,
Public Administration, Business Management, Administration and Office



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : KwaZulu-Natal
Durban Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Pietermaritzburg Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
Ntuzuma Ref No: GI 3/No (X1 Post)

REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Degree in Management Assistant, Public Management,
Public Administration, Business Management, Administration and Office



STIPEND : R5000 per month

CENTRE : Eastern Cape: Family Advocate
East London Ref No: GI 1/No (X1 Post)
Mthata Ref No: GI 2/No (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Degree in Management Assistant, Public Management,
Public Administration, Business Management, Administration and Office



The Department Of Military Veterans Is An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. It Is Our
Intention To Promote Representativity (Race, Gender And Disability) Through The Filling Of These
Posts And Candidates Whose Appointment/Promotion/Transfer Will Promote Representativity Will
Receive Preference.

APPLICATIONS : Please forward your applications, quoting the relevant reference number, to
the Department of Military Veterans, Private Bag X943, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand deliverer at Department of Military Veterans corner 328 Festival &
Arcadia Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0001. All enquiries should be directed to:
Ms Dineo Masemola or Mr Caiphus Mailula Tel No: (012) 765 9454.
FOR ATTENTION : The Acting Director: Human Resource Management
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16h00
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a Z83 Form, obtainable from any Public
Service department or on the internet at which must be signed
(an unsigned Z83 form will disqualify an application) and should be
accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as copies
of all qualification(s), Matric certificate must also be attached and ID-
document and Driver’s license (where applicable). Non-RSA
Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit Holders must attach a copy of his/her
Permanent Residence Permit to his/her application. Should you be in
possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application
not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed
candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after
the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application
was unsuccessful. Short listed candidates will be subjected to screening and
security vetting to determine the suitability of a person for employment.
Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance
processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a
skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of twelve (12) months. The Department reserves the right
not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). No faxed or e-mailed
applications will be considered. Shortlisted candidates may be required to
make a presentation to the interview panel and/or undertake a written test.



REF NO: DMV14/01/2020

SALARY : R1 251 183 - R1 495 956 per annum (Level 14) (All inclusive)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s degree (preferably Anthropology) or an undergraduate
qualification (NQF level 7) as recognised by SAQA plus an extensive 6 to
10 years of experience at senior management level within the Public Service
or a similar environment. Social Worker background will be an added
advantage. Knowledge of Prescripts, policies, Government wide policies.
Ability to interpret and apply policies and legislations. Knowledge of the
history of Political Resistance in RSA. Knowledge of the history of Liberation
Movements (Struggle) Skills: Report writing, research, presentation,
analytical, motivational, decision making, facilitation, Project Management,
Strategic planning and management. Personal attributes: Interpersonal
relations, integrity, confidential, courteous, responsive, fairness, credibility,
commitment, compassionate. Must be knowledgeable in the following Core
Competencies: Strategic Capability and Leadership, Programme and
Project Management, Change Management, Financial Management and
People Management and Empowerment.

DUTIES : Oversee the implementation of military veteran’s heritages and honour
services/programs. Oversee and guide the development, implementation,
monitoring and review of strategies, policies and plans for Military Veterans
heritages, memorials, burials and honours. Oversee and guide the
management of Military Veterans heritages. Oversee and guide the
provision oh honours services to surviving military veterans and posthumous
honours to fallen military veterans. Coordinate the identification and
development of military veterans’ heritage and honour policies, processes,
strategies and procedures and ensure the successful implementation
thereof. Advise management and the Department on policy matters with
specific reference to military veterans’ heritage and honours policies.
Oversee and guide the recognition and honouring of military veterans in their
life and in memorial. Oversee and guide the management, coordination and
marketing of Military Veterans heritages and honours. Oversee and guide
the advocacy for military veteran’s heritage and honours. Oversee and guide
the solicitation of external funding for military veterans, departmental and
Ministerial activities by engaging donors, companies and private sector role-
players. Coordinate the invitation of political figures & various structures,
dignitaries, identified individuals and organisations to attend military
veteran’s heritages and honours. Oversee and guide the management of
protocol issues in military veteran’s burials and memorials events. Oversee
the implementation of military veteran’s burials and memorials
services/programs. Coordinate the identification and development of military
veterans’ burials and memorials policies, processes, strategies and
procedures and ensure the successful implementation thereof. Advise
management and the Department on policy matters with specific reference
to military veteran’s burials and memorial policies. Oversee and guide the
undertaking of research and impact analysis pertaining to exhumation and
repatriation in line with the government policies, standards and international
guidelines. Oversee and guide the implementation and monitoring of all
events on military veteran’s burials and memorial. Oversee and guide the
advocacy for military veteran’s burials and memorials. Coordinate the
invitation of political figures & various structures, dignitaries, identified
individuals and organisations to attend military veteran’s burials and
memorials and oversee and guide the management of protocol issues in
military veteran’s burials and memorials events. Oversee and guide the
identification, upgrading and maintenance of military veterans’ cemeteries.
Oversee the coordination of support for military veteran’s families in
reference to burials, re-burials and exhumations. Develop partnerships and
network with relevant stakeholders. Establish and maintain good relations
within the department, NGO’s and all stakeholders. Liaise and co-ordinate
with governmental, non-governmental institutions and other structures and
organizations. Represent the department in various meetings. Liaise and co-
ordinate with governmental, non-governmental institutions and other
structures and organizations. Provide strategic leadership in the
management of the chief directorate and the department. Provide strategic
guidance and leadership in the management and maintenance of military
veteran’s database and benefits information. Provide strategic guidance and
leadership in the management of financial and human resources of the
branch. Provide strategic guidance and leadership in the management of
the department in general working in unison with the Director General, other
Deputy Director Generals and the entire management collective.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Dineo Masemola/Mr Caiphus Mailula Tel No: (012) 765 9454
NOTE : All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts may be subjected to a technical
exercise that intends to test relevant technical element of the job, the
logistics of which will be communicated by the department. Following the
interview and the technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend
candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in
compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency
based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic
managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency
assessment tools. The incumbent will have to sign an annual performance

agreement as well as annually disclose his/her financial interests and be
subjected to a security clearance.



SALARY : R1 251 183 - R1 495 956 per annum (Level 14) (All inclusive)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s degree or an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) as
recognised by SAQA plus an extensive 6 to 10 years of experience at senior
management level within the Public Service or a similar environment
executing socio-economic related duties at senior management level. In
depth knowledge and understanding of the Military Veterans Act. Knowledge
of Socio-economic environment and its factors, Government wide policies
and the ability to interpret and apply policies and legislations. Skills: Report
writing, Research, Presentation, Analytical, Motivational, Decision making,
Facilitation, Strategic planning and Project Management. Personal
attributes: Interpersonal relations, Integrity, Confidential, Courteous,
Responsive, Fairness, Credibility, Commitment and be Compassionate.
Must be knowledgeable in the following Core Competencies: Strategic
Capability and Leadership, Programme and Project Management, Change
Management, Financial Management and People Management and
DUTIES : Provide strategic guidance and leadership in relation to the provision of
socio-economic support services to military veterans. Manage the
development and implementation of legislative framework, policies and
procedures that will guide the provision of socio-economic support services
to military veterans. Provide strategic guidance and leadership in the
process of ensuring that the unique socio-economic needs of military
veterans are provided for. Provide strategic guidance and leadership in the
provision of comprehensive socio-economic support services to military
veterans and their dependents i.e housing, pensions, public transport,
education and social relief of distress. Manage the engagement with other
branches within the department in order to ensure that suitable military
veterans are given priority when appointments and placements to posts are
done. Provide strategic guidance and leadership in securing job & business
opportunities and placements for military veterans. Oversee the provision of
support to military veterans on all relevant economic and socially related
matters. Manage the establishment of partnerships and maintenance of
sound relations with stakeholders in relation to socio-economic support
services. Provide strategic guidance and leadership in engaging
stakeholders and sister departments and private sector organisations in
securing job opportunities and placements for military veterans. Manage
engagements, interactions and collaborations (network) with identified
government departments, private sector business, international
stakeholders and other partners on benefits and access. Oversee the
maintenance of sound relations with institutions responsible for service
delivery. Co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of service level
agreements with departments and institutions on benefits and access.
Provide strategic leadership in the management of the branch and the
department. Provide strategic guidance and leadership in the management
and maintenance of military veteran’s database and benefits information.
Provide strategic guidance and leadership in the management of financial
and human resources of the branch. Provide strategic guidance and
leadership in the management of the department in general working in
unison with the Director General, other Deputy Director Generals and the
entire management collective.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Dineo Masemola/Mr Caiphus Mailula Tel No: (012) 765 9454
NOTE : All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts may be subjected to a technical
exercise that intends to test relevant technical element of the job, the
logistics of which will be communicated by the department. Following the
interview and the technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend

candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in
compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency
based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic
managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency
assessment tools. The incumbent will have to sign an annual performance
agreement as well as annually disclose his/her financial interests and be
subjected to a security clearance.




SALARY : R733, 257 – R863, 748 per annum (Level 11) (All inclusive)
CENTRE : Western Cape
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree/National Diploma or equivalent with 3-5
years appropriate working experience at Assistant Director Level and
understanding of Stakeholder relations policies and legislation, Inter-
governmental guidelines, Government wide policies, Ability to interpret and
apply policies and legislations. Be able to work independently.
DUTIES : Co-ordinate the management of provincial offices and oversee the work
performed of provincial offices. Develop and facilitate the implementation of
policies and procedures that relates to provincial office management and
stakeholder relations. Facilitate the establishment of fully functional
provincial offices. Oversee the work of provincial offices in order to ensure
that professional and ethical standards are maintained. Administer the
provision of provincial office management services. Facilitate the
development, implementation and monitoring of provincial operational
plans. Ensure overall co-ordination of provincial offices activities. Oversee
the performance of provincial offices in line with set targets. Co-ordinate the
development and submission of provincial performance reports. Identify
challenges in the co-ordination with partners at provincial level and identify
proactively appropriate solutions. Track service provision and plan future
service coverage. Co-ordinate establishment of sound relations with
stakeholders. Support provincial offices in establishing and maintaining
sound relations with stakeholders and in implementing stakeholder
management interventions. Facilitate the implementation of regulatory
framework in relation to stakeholder management. Support the provincial
offices in identifying challenges related to the management of stakeholders
and to devise appropriate interventions to manage such challenges. Keep
provincial offices informed updated regarding upcoming events and
disseminate any other information that is of relevance to provincial offices.
Facilitate the development, signing and monitoring of MOU between the
department and its stakeholders, and, as needed, facilitate the development
of MOUs. Liaise and co-ordinate with governmental, non-governmental
institutions and other structures including national as well as international
with regard to services rendered to military veterans. Advice the department
and stakeholders on identification of service gaps. Co-ordinate the
identification of access points in all provinces. Manage the distribution of
resources to provincial offices.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Dineo Masemola/Mr Caiphus Mailula Tel No: (012) 765 9454


SALARY : R733, 257 – R863, 748 per annum (All inclusive)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree/National Diploma or equivalent
qualifications in a relevant field with 3-5 years appropriate working
experience at Assistant Director level with proven research skills and
understanding of Public Service Administration, through understanding of
policy analyses, a good Knowledge of Public Service Act, Public Service
Regulations, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Labour Relation Act and

other employment legislations, good office management skills, good
organisational skills, good inter-personal relations, coordination skills. Be
able to work independently. Understanding of Military Veterans Act
DUTIES : Conduct research programmes. Carry out research in accordance with
military veterans’ policies and strategies. Provide assistance with the
interpretation and analysis of research-based recommendations. Conduct
research on, and audit and analysis of benefits, services and other
interventions unique to military veterans. Participate in interdisciplinary and
multi-sectoral research programmes and projects. Communicate research
findings to relevant stakeholders. Conduct needs-based research. Conduct
research and collate information on specific programmes. Assist with the
compilation of research documents and research materials. Conduct
research audits. Prepare reports and provide findings of research
undertaken. Maintain resource centre. Maintain repository of research
products. Develop partnerships and network with relevant stakeholders.
Build sound and sustainable relationships with research houses. Establish
and maintain good relations within the department, NGO’s and all
stakeholders. Liaise and co-ordinate with governmental, non-governmental
institutions and other structures and organizations. Represent the
Department in with various meetings. Manage resources (human and
physical). Monitor and ensure proper utilisation of equipment and reporting
thereof. Evaluate and monitor performance and appraisal of employees (if
any). Ensure capacity and development of staff (if any).
ENQUIRIES : Ms Dineo Masemola or Mr Caiphus Mailula Tel No: (012) 765 9454



SALARY : R733 257 – R863 748 per annum (Level 11) (All inclusive)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A relevant 3 year degree/Diploma in Communication Science/Public
Relations/Social Science/Development Studies, post graduate
Communications/PR/Social Science/Developmental Studies will be an
added advantage. 3-5 years relevant experience in
Communications/developmental communications and 3-5 years appropriate
working experience at Assistant Director. The ideal candidate must have
knowledge of conducting research and benchmarking. Knowledge of the
Military Veterans Act. Must be able to apply skills of Communications and
Stakeholder Management
DUTIES : Establish and maintain relationships with strategic partners within the private
and public sector to facilitate service delivery of Military Veterans. Create an
environment to strengthen intersectoral and community relations on behalf
of the Department of Military Veterans (DMV). Facilitate all governmental
relations on behalf of the Department of Military Veterans (DMV). Build
sound relations with key stakeholders and ensure structured interactions
with the department. Assist Directorate: Communication Services in
dissemination of accurate and clear information about the Department of
Military Veterans (DMV) programmes, activities and services. Develop and
implement a stakeholder management strategy that ensures that the
Department of Military veterans (DMV) is represented in key for decision
making processes. Manage the day to day relationship with stakeholders
and affected members to ensure they are Departmental Stakeholders and
Develop a Stakeholder database. Conduct Departmental Stakeholder
Analysis to identify the key players in stakeholder engagement and different
stakeholders. Implementing continuous communications with stakeholders
to understand their DMV projects. Develop appropriate management
strategies for engaging stakeholders. Facilitate consultation and
mobilisation platforms on behalf of the department. Manage the resources
of the sub-directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Dineo Masemola/Mr Caiphus Mailula Tel No: (012) 765 9454


SALARY : R257 508 per annum (Level 7) plus benefits

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A National diploma or a degree in Work-study, Management Services or
alternatively a certificate in management services/work-study with relevant
years of experience. Three to five years of experience at clerical level
executing organisational development related duties. Organisational
Development and HR prescripts and directives. Communication, Report
writing, Analytical decision making, Facilitation, Networking, Government
wide policies.
DUTIES : Manage Organisational Development and work-study investigations.
Receive and acknowledge requests in respect of structural changes or
adaptations/amendments/refinements. Provide technical, administrative
and clerical support in the organisational structures investigations. Conduct
best practice benchmarks with other departments on organisational
structures and other OD related issues. Prepare and submit draft proposals
and recommendations on reviews and amendments to the immediate
supervisor for consideration by management. Compile costing for the
organisational structure. Facilitate the process of capturing of the
organisation structure on Persal. Support the provision of advisory services
and technical expertise to line functionaries in the area of organizational
structural design and service delivery improvement. Support the process of
the evaluation of the effectiveness of the organisational structure. Undertake
work-study investigations. Undertake business process mapping/re-
engineering assignments. Provide job evaluation services. Analyse and
capture jobs on the EQUATE system. Develop spreadsheets in relation to
the job evaluation process. Present the results of analysis to the supervisor.
Provide support in quality assuring jobs that have been evaluated. Present
jobs to the job evaluation moderation committee. Effect changes to jobs
subsequent the sitting of the moderation committee. Render secretariat
services to the job evaluation moderation committee including compilation
of the agenda, taking of minutes and circulation of attendance registers.
Support the implementation of job evaluation results. Support the redesign
jobs after such jobs have been subjected to the job evaluation process.
Manage the filing of job evaluation results and the creation of the database
thereof. Support the follow-up and implementation of DPSA resolutions and
other related decisions. Develop and submit draft job descriptions to the
immediate supervisor for verification. Submit job descriptions to post
incumbents and supervisors. Effect changes to job descriptions subsequent
consultation with post incumbents and supervisors. Facilitate the signing of
job descriptions by post incumbents and supervisors. Develop and maintain
a database/filing of job descriptions. Update job descriptions as and when
required. Ensure that each personnel file has a signed job description. Assist
with the provision of job description in the process of the compilation of job
specifications and the verification thereof. Support the development and
review of service standards and service delivery improvement plans.
Support the implementation of Batho Pele initiatives in line with the relevant
prescripts and legislation. Provide support in the monitoring and the
evaluation of the effectiveness of the departmental service excellence and
change management programs. Provide support in ensuring an
organisational culture that is conducive to the attainment of the strategic
objectives of the department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Dineo Masemola/Mr Caiphus Mailula Tel No: (012) 765 9454


The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and
it is the intention to promote representivity in the Public Sector through the filling of this post. Persons
whose transfer/promotion/appointment will promote representivity will therefore receive preference.
An indication in this regard will be vital in the processing of applications. People with disabilities and
women are encouraged to apply.

APPLICATIONS : Please forward your application, quoting reference, addressed to: The
Director-General, Department of Mineral Resources, Private Bag X59,
Arcadia, 0007 or hand delivered to Trevenna Campus, corner Meintjies and
Francis Baard Street, former Schoeman. N.B: Faxed and emailed
applications will not be considered.
FOR ATTENTION : Ms T Sibutha/Ms N Maseko.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on form Z.83, obtainable from online from
DMR Website or at as well as any Government Department. All
sections of the Z83 must be completed (In full, accurately, legibly, signed
and dated), signed and accompanied by certified copies of qualification(s),
Identity Document (certified within the past 3 months); Proof of citizenship if
not RSA citizen; a comprehensive CV and three reference persons with the
following information: name and contact numbers and indication of the
capacity in which the reference is known to the candidate. Where a valid
driver’s licence is a requirement, a clear certified copy must be attached
(also certified within the past 3 months) it is the applicant’s responsibility to
have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA) on application. Failure to submit the copies mentioned
above will result in the application being disqualified. All shortlisted
candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise(s) that
intends to test relevant technical elements of the position, the logistics of
which will be communicated by the Department. Following the interviews
and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to
attend a generic managerial Competency Assessment. Note that
correspondence will only be conducted with the short-listed candidates. If
notification of an interview is not received within three (3) months after the
closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. Requirements
stated on the advertised posts are minimum inherent requirements;
therefore, criterion for shortlisting will depend on the proficiency of the
applications received. Applicants must note that personnel suitability checks
will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their appointment is
subject to positive outcomes of these checks, which include security
screening, security vetting, qualification verification, criminal records and
financial records checks. Reference checks will also be done during the
selection process. Applicants who do not comply with the above-mentioned
requirements, as well as application received after the closing date will not
be considered. If an applicant wishes to withdraw an application, He/She
must do so in writing. The Department reserves the right not to fill an
advertised post at any stage of the recruitment process.




SALARY : R869 007 per annum (all-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Certificate in Mine Environment Control with an added advantage of
Occupational Hygiene qualification. In addition, the following is also
required: Five (5) years practical experience within the mining industry in the
occupational hygiene and mine environment control environment. Five (5)
years’ experience in technical development of the occupational inspection/

auditing of the mine environment condition, Plus the following competencies:
Knowledge: Mine Health and Safety Act, Occupational Hygiene, Mine
environmental Control and Risk assessment and strategy development.
Skills: Analytical and report writing, Investigation, inquiries, inspection and
auditing, stakeholder management and planning and execution of task.
Communication: Competent communicator (verbal and non-verbal).
Creativity: Innovative and creative abilities.
DUTIES : Provide input into the development of legislation and into research
requirements. Provide integrated professional technical advice. Analysis of
Occupational health incidents and trends. Participate in tripartite structures.
To assist with the enforcement of uniform and consistent enforcement
policies. Identify training needs, provide knowledge transfer and mentorship
ENQUIRIES : Ms Constance Kekana Tel No: (012) 444 3646
NOTE : This appointment will be subject to a valid certificate of fitness Coloureds
and Indians are encouraged to apply.



The NPA is an equal opportunity employer. People with disabilities will be given preference and are
encouraged to apply. In the filling of vacancies, the objectives of Section 195(1)(i) of the Constitution
of the Republic of South Africa,1996, and in particular the Employment Equity Act,1998 (Act 55 of 1998)
and the NPA Employment Equity Strategy 2016, will take highest preference in selection of suitable

APPLICATIONS : [email protected]
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020
NOTE : For your application to be accepted: Applications must be submitted on a
Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department or on
which must be fully completed as per the instructions on the form, signed
and dated. If the Z83 is not completed as prescribed your application will not
be accepted. CVs without a Z83 will not be accepted. Handwritten Z83 must
be completed in Block Letters. Applicants should only apply for one chosen
training centre. Should an applicant apply for more than one training centre
he/she will be totally disqualified from the process. Relevant Service
Certificates must accompany the application. Only copies of certified
required qualifications, identity document and other listed documents as per
the advert, must be included with your application. All applications must
reach the NPA on/or before the closing date. No late applications will be
accepted/processed. The NPA cannot be held responsible for server delays.
Applicant’s attention is drawn to the fact that the NPA uses an Electronic
Response Handling System in terms of e-mailed applications. Please DO
NOT contact the NPA directly after you have e-mailed your applications to
enquire if your application(s) have been received. If you have not received
an acknowledgement of receipt within one week after the closing date then
you can contact the NPA. The NPA reserves the right not to fill any particular
position. If you do not hear from us within (3) three months from the closing
date of the advert, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Successful candidates will be subjected to a security clearance of at least
confidential. Appointment to this position will be provisional, pending the
issue of security clearance. Fingerprints will be taken on the day of the
interview. The social media accounts of shortlisted applicants may be
accessed. Although the Aspirant Programme is in line with the
NPA's/governments policy to advance youth employment, the NPA reserves
the right to admit persons from previously disadvantaged backgrounds to
the Programme.



National Prosecutions Service

SALARY : R198 411 – R230 259 per annum (LP-1 to LP-2) per annum
CENTRE : Eastern Cape: Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown; Motherwell; Mdantsane;
Queenstown; Mthatha
Free State: Bloemfontein; Welkom; Bethlehem; Sasolburg; Kroonstad;
Gauteng: Vereeniging, Benoni; Pretoria, Mamelodi; Johannesburg; Soweto;
Westonaria; Randburg
Kwazulu Natal: Pinetown; Ntuzuma; Verulam; Stanger, Madadeni; Durban;
Umlazi; Pietermaritzburg; Kokstad; Port Shepstone; Ixopo; Scottburgh
Limpopo: Thohoyandou; Louis Trichardt/Makhado; Polokwane; Tzaneen;
Modimolle; Mokopane
Mpumalanga: Middelburg, Amersfoort, Piet Retief/Mkhondo, eMakhazini
Elukwatini; Nelspruit; Secunda; eMalahleni/Witbank; Kwa Mhlanga;
North West: Mmabatho; Klerksdorp, Ga-Rankuwa, Temba
Northern Cape: Kimberley, De-Aar

Western Cape: George; Swellendam; Mossel Bay; Knysna; Oudtshoorn;
Beaufort West; Atlantis; Goodwood; Cape Town; Wynberg; Athlone;
Worcester; Bellville; Blue Downs; Kuils River; Mitchell’s Plain
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants who are in possession of a South African LLB degree or
equivalent foreign qualification which was certified as such by SAQA, which
includes at least the following courses: Law of Evidence, Civil Procedure,
Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Interpretation of Statutes are invited
to submit their applications to attend the above-mentioned prosecutorial
training. Or final year LLB students with the courses listed above provided
they would have completed the degree before commencement of the
programme. Applicants must be South African.
DUTIES : Successful candidates once appointed will undergo a 12 months programme
which shall include a formal assessment at the end to determine overall
competency to be appointed as a Prosecutor in South African Courts. On
successful completion of the programme, the Aspirants Prosecutors will be
appointed as Prosecutors in the District Courts responsible for:- conducting
prosecutions and attending to all matters incidental thereto; act as the
gatekeeper of criminal law; represent public interest in the criminal justice
process. Conditions: When carrying out their duties, Prosecutors are
required at all times to comply with the Code of Conduct and observe Policy
Directives as determined and issued by the National Director of Public
Prosecutions. A written contract between the National Prosecuting Authority
and the Aspirant Prosecutor outlining the conditions of service shall be
entered into and such contract will be valid and binding between the parties.
An entry examination will be written which will form part of the selection
process and only candidates successful in the examination will be allowed
to the next level of the selection process. It is anticipated that the programme
will commence on 1 August 2020.
ENQUIRIES : Gija Maswanganyi Tel No: (012) 845 6944



is mandated to train and develop public servants as a means to realize the national development
objectives of the country and thereby support sustainable growth, development and service delivery.
The purpose of the NSG is to build an effective and professional public service through the provision
of relevant training interventions.Suitably qualified and experienced candidates are invited to apply for
the following vacant positions. The National School of Government will give preference to individuals
whose appointment will improve employment equity in the department.

APPLICATIONS : Principal: National School of Government, Private Bag X759, Pretoria, 0001
HR Unit , National School of Government by hand at ZK Matthews Building,
70 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria. E-mailed and faxed applications
will not be accepted.
FOR ATTENTION : Ms L Raseroka,
ENQUIRIES : In connection with the applications kindly contact Ms Letty Raseroka (012)
441 6626 or Mr Mpho Mugodo, Tel No: (012) 441-6017.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16h00.
NOTE : Applications must consist of: A fully completed and signed Z83 form; a
recent comprehensive CV; contactable referees (telephone numbers and
email addresses must be indicated); the relevant reference number must be
quoted on the application. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by
an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority
(SAQA). All non-SA citizens must attach a certified copy of proof of
permanent residence in South Africa. Candidates are required to submit
certified copies of their identity document and qualifications before the
interviews. During the interview the shortlisted candidates might be required
to write a technical exercise test that is relevant to the post. The National
School of Government reserves the right not to make an appointment.
Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.



SALARY : R733 257 per annum, (An inclusive remuneration package) comprising
basic salary (70% 75% of package), contribution to the Government
Employee Pension Fund (15% of basic salary) and a flexible portion (salary
level 11).
CENTRE : Pretoria.
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate 3 year degree and/or equivalent (NQF level 7). A post graduate
degree with research methodology will be an added advantage. Six (6) to
ten (10) years relevant experience with at least three years’ experience in
research. Demonstrable skills thus presumed to provide proof of academic
output(s). Knowledge: In-depth knowledge and understanding of the public
sector and its key programmes. Deep (in-depth) knowledge of the wide
technical scope of research as a discipline. In-depth knowledge of research
and research methodology. Specialized knowledge to prepare datasets for
quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Highly specialized knowledge of a
wide variety of statistical data analysis techniques. Thorough knowledge of
multi-disciplinary research and research environments. Theoretical and
practical knowledge of the human sciences and its associated research
methodologies. Ability to integrate, interrogate and interpret knowledge and
information (Knowledge management). Technical knowledge of a wide
range of referencing methods. Knowledge to develop and validate research
instruments/methods. Knowledge of the education/training landscape
including needs analysis, curriculum design, facilitation of training and the
monitoring and evaluation thereof. Knowledge on assessing the effects of
projects, applying new developments and innovation. Competencies/skills:
Advanced methodological proficiency. Capacity to write research proposals.
Design research models and conduct independent research. Multi- and

trans-disciplinary. Competencies. Advanced analytic and problem solving
skills. Research report writing. Academic communication skills (e.g.
presentation of research and conferences). Ability to communicate at
management level. Advance deductive and inductive reasoning skills.
Information seeking skills (e.g. literature review). Operationalizing research.
Advanced qualitative, quantitative and data synthesis skills. Advance
numeracy skills. Advanced research project management (i.e. conceptual
ability to plan, organize and effect change with reference to a research
project). Technical skills. Skills to develop research tools/methods.
Advanced computer literacy in the MS suite of products especially MS Excel
and data analysis software (i.e. SPSS and Atlas T.I). Decision making skills.
Advanced literacy. Intermediate language skills. Basic project management.
Basic training skills (i.e. Research Capacity Building and Skills Audit
Capacity Building). Basic statistical analysis skills Advanced operational
planning skills. Personal Attributes: Emotional intelligence. Professionalism
and work ethics. Honesty, trustworthiness and integrity. Innovative and
energetic. Interpersonal skills. Ability to function in a team and
independently. Ability to work accurately under pressure. Analytical and
objective. Systematic, organized and orientated to detail. Life-long-learner.
DUTIES : Conduct stakeholder consultation to conceptualise the need for research.
Compile research proposals. Conduct literature reviews for specific research
projects. Describe the target population and draw the sample. Obtain
permission to conduct identified research projects. Develop, pilot and refine
research instrument(s). Draft an initial report on research instruments(s) and
circulate for approval. Rollout of the data gathering phase. Code the
instruments(s) and manage capturing of data. Clean and prepare dataset(s).
Perform preliminary quantitative statistical analysis. Code qualitative data.
Finalise and integrate findings obtained from the data reduction process.
Report on findings. Conduct stakeholder consultation to conceptualize the
need for TNA and or skills audit interventions. Customize/develop the TNA
and or Skills Audit tool(s) to address client needs as identified during the
consultation process. Conduct stakeholder consultation to finalize TNA and
or Skills Audit tool(s) and to obtain buy-in. Upload the finalized TNA and or
Skills Audit tool(s) on an electronic platform (i.e. lime survey). Distribute the
electronic link to relevant stakeholders to pilot the electronic diagnostic
tool(s). Implement TNA and or Skills Audit tool(s). Clean and prepare
dataset(s). Perform preliminary quantitative statistical analysis. Code
qualitative data. Finalise and integrate the findings obtained from data
reduction process. Report on findings. Disseminate the findings to the client
with recommendations. Disseminate the findings to the relevant NSG
stakeholders. Undertake and present papers at either national and/or
international conferences. Submit academic journal articles for publication
to generate knowledge and enhance the reputation of the NSG. Edit journal
articles in preparation for publication. Organise research colloquia or
roundtable discussions to stimulate debate, insight and understanding.
Disseminate research findings (research colloquia, conference papers,
publications for accredited journals etc.) Provide inputs on matters
pertaining to research. Provide specialized research related inputs on NSG
task teams/committees/forums. Provide inputs to external stakeholders in
the field of research and development. Collaborate with institutions of higher
learning and other government departments on research matters. Provide
research related capacity interventions as requested by departments.
ENQUIRIES : Dr J Pietersen, Tel No: (012) 441-6826



SALARY : R376, 596. per annum (level 9) (plus competitive benefits cost to company).
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate B degree or equivalent in Human Resource
Management/Development. Appropriate relevant 1 – 2 years functional

specialist experience. Knowledge: Knowledge of the Performance
Management and Development System and Training and Development
environment. Knowledge of the Public Service Act, Public Service
Regulations and applicable Determinations. Knowledge of Public Service
policies, directives and collective agreements. Good knowledge of the Skills
Development Act, Skills Levy Act, NQF, SAQA, PSETA, etc. Thorough
knowledge of the principles, procedures and practices of performance
management incentive calculations and transaction. Exceptional knowledge
of Departmental HRD & PMDS policies and practices. Good understanding
on how to implement performance management incentives on the system.
Good understanding of HR & Payroll SystemsIn depth knowledge of the
Public Service Act & Regulations, Labour Relations Act. Competencies/
skills: Proven ability to utilize information technology (database systems,
spreadsheets, MS Word). Good communication skills (literacy/writing and
structuring of reports and submissions). Basic financial management skills.
Human Resource Management skills. Supervisory Skills. Planning and
execution quality of work. Policy interpretation and analytical thinking skills.
Good Technical skills. Personal Attributes: Flexible. Ability to achieve results
through teamwork; Good interpersonal and negotiation skills. Honesty and
Integrity. Must take initiative. Open minded. Accepting of responsibility.
Professional demeanour. Ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality.
DUTIES : Facilitate and present training and development interventions for all
department staff. Conduct training needs analysis for all employees in the
Department. Plan, organize and implement an internal induction
programme. Develop Branch training plans. Categorise and analyse the
PDPs. Develop and implement training schedule/calendar. Advice and input
on all HRD policies and governmental skills programmes. Compile the
Departmental WSP and Quarterly QMR and Expenditure reports to PSETA.
Facilitate the implementation of skills audit results. Identify training
interventions in line with skills audit needs. Implement training and
development programmes to close the skills audit gaps. Provide accurate
training and expenditure reports. Implement in-house training programmes.
Organise and facilitate training workshops for employees including
induction. Identify accredited training providers and maintain a service
provider database. Conduct advocacy sessions on the training and
development implementation plan. Match Personal Development Plans to
Organisational ompetency Framework. Co-ordinate procurement of service
providers and training material for the delivery of programmes. Identify
employees trained per quarter in line with identified competencies & skills
gap. Draft up to date and accurate statistic of trainings attended monthly and
quarterly. Co-ordinate and arrange Quarterly Induction Programme for
newly appointees at the NSG within 3 months of appointment. Co-ordinate
the Skills Audit for the department. Prepare guideline for the selection of
learners/interns. Procurement and liaison with external service providers
and training materials for the delivery of programmes. Prepare and submit
internship/learnership information to SDF for the PSETA and DPSA
quarterly and annual reporting. Facilitate interviews and placements of
learners/interns. Provide secretarial support for the Selection Committee.
Prepare presentation, reports and packs for Selection Committee.
Implement action list from the Committee meetings and compile the minutes.
Maintain internship/learnership databases. Provide support and advice
including training on the administrative/application of the PMDS systems in
general and particularly during the workplan development, performance
appraisals and processing of performance incentives. Analyse trends on
Performance Management, including data/statistics on gender, race,
disability, salary levels and etc. Compile probation reports of qualifying
employees. Track agreements and follow up on all outstanding
agreements/appraisals. Effective record keeping of records. Compile
database and submit monthly and quarterly statistics of PMDS documents
received. Provide secretarial and technical advisory support to the Branch
Moderating Committees (BPMC). Prepare PMDS calculators by using DPSA
prescribed calculator and capture on spreadsheet. Conduct quality checks

of Performance Agreements and Appraisals against approved check lists.
Prepare performance rewards submission and outcome letters for approval.
Ensure Performance Agreements and probation reviews are captured on
PERSAL and approve the relevant transactions. Quality assure captured
performance rewards payments and pay progressions for approval on
PERSAL. Provide annual statistics on performance awards paid for HR
Oversight Report and other compliance reports. Ensure effective record
keeping. Co-ordinate the training programmes throughout the lifespan of
allocated training in line with the requirements of the approved NSG Policy.
Prepare guideline for bursary awards. Provide secretarial support for the
Departmental Bursary/Training Committees. Prepare presentation, reports
and packs for Committee Meetings. Implement action list from the
Committee meetings and compile the minutes. Audit of bursary files. Provide
accurate expenditure reports. Provide support to bursary holders and ABET
learners when need arises. Maintain ABET and bursary awards databases.
Implement the process for recognition of improved qualifications relevant to
the NSG. Update database of all qualifications and training. Supervise the
resources (Human, Financial and Physical) within the sub unit. Provide
reports on the performance of the sub unit against the operational plan,
business requirements and targets. Schedule, assign and follow up on work.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Z Lamati, Tel No: (012) 441-6019


The National Treasury is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and
the persons with disabilities in particular. It is intended to promote representivity through filling of
these posts. Our buildings are accessible to people with disabilities.

APPLICATIONS : Applications should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV, fully

completed Z83 (non-negotiable) and certified copies of qualifications and ID.
Please forward your application in PDF format, quoting the relevant
reference number and the name of the position on the subject line to the e-
mail address mentioned below. No late applications will be accepted. Kindly
note: applications that are not compliant with the above requests will not be
consider (non-negotiable). The National Treasury no longer accepts hand
delivered or posted applications. Please note: All shortlisted candidates for
SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test
relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be
communicated by the Department. Qualifications and SA citizenship checks
will be conducted on all short-listed candidates and, where applicable,
additional checks will be conducted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to
have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA). If you have not received feedback from the National
Treasury within 3 months of the closing date, please regard your application
as unsuccessful. NOTE: The National Treasury reserves the right not fill the
below-mentioned posts.



Division: Budget Office (BO)
Purpose: To advice on the entire National Budget planning process and
reforms pertaining to the implementation of estimated expenditure,
publication of budget documentation and assessment of impact of budgets
on outcomes over the Medium- Term Framework (MTEF) in accordance with
relevant legislation and policies.

SALARY : R1, 251,183 per annum (all-inclusive remuneration package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum Degree in Economics/Public Administration/Public Finance. A
minimum 5 years’ experience at a senior managerial level (Director)
obtained in government budget planning and fiscal policy development In-
depth knowledge and experience of the government policy framework on
budget planning. In-depth knowledge and experience of policies and
procedures pertaining to the Budget planning process.
DUTIES : Some key Outputs include: Budget Reform: Research and consider
proposals on global budget reform trends and relevance for South Africa.
Develop and implement guidelines on changes to the budget process.
Develop and implement guidelines on changes to the preparation and
presentation of budgets to improve the quality of budget publications.
Medium Term Policy Planning: Provide inputs into vertical policy for division
of revenue and the implementation, thereof. Initiate the development of
funding for norms and standards on contingency reserves. Monitor and
evaluate government programmes in line with available budgets. Implement
a robust expenditure reviews process. Develop policies for the approval of
national departments’ cash flows. Appropriation Bills and In-year
adjustments: Design the main Appropriation Bill for consultation with
stakeholders. Define the utilisation of the adjusted Appropriation Bill in
alignment with the MTEF process. Initiate and maintain a special
Appropriation Bill on adjustments to expenditure. Issue allocation letters to
various stakeholders in line with approved budget allocations. MTEC
Process and Budget Documentation: Initiate the coordination of Medium-
Term Expenditure Committee (MTEC) meetings. Develop and implement a

platform and capability to engage in e-procurement. Prepare
recommendations on proposed budget allocations. Develop and maintain
guidelines for Estimates of National Expenditure and Adjusted Estimates of
National Expenditure implementation. Maintain a database of budget
proposals and allocations in consultation with the CD: Public Finance
Statistics. Formulate a project planning process for the Estimates of National
Expenditure and Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure publication.
Provide inputs for the relevant chapters of the Budget Review and Medium-
Term Budget Policy Statement
ENQUIRIES : Human Resources Management on Tel No: (012) 315 5100.
APPLICATIONS : may be sent via e-mail to [email protected]
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020 at 12:00 pm.


Division: Office of the Director-General (ODG)
Purpose: Support the achievement of objectives for the department by
providing advice to enable the implementation and maintenance of systems
to identify and mitigate risks threatening the attainment of objectives in the
optimisation of opportunities that would enhance institutional performance.

SALARY : R1, 251,183 per annum (all-inclusive remuneration package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF 7) as recognized by SAQA in Risk
Management/Auditing/Finance/Business Administration/Leadership. A
certification in Enterprise Risk Management will be an added advantage, A
minimum 5 years’ experience at a senior managerial level (Director)
obtained in the risk management field. Knowledge of risk management
principles and the application thereof.
DUTIES : Some key Outputs include: Strategic Risk Management: Align the National
Treasury’s strategic plan with the risk management business plan. Ensure
effective and efficient management of resources. Develop professional risk
management processes and procedures for implementation. Provide
Internal Audit with an updated Consolidated Risk Register for the National
Treasury. Keep abreast of local and international developments in the Risk
Management field and ensure that National Treasury operates at best
practice Risk Management principles. Facilitate the development and
monitor the management of Business Continuity Plans across National
Treasury. Develop, review and maintain best practice, implementable
emergency, disaster and business continuity plans. Sensitise the Budget
Office on possible security breaches during the National Budget and MTBPS
Integrated Risk Management Systems: Engage ERM strategy to MANCO
and Audit Committees to enhance governance of risks. Integrate annual risk
assessment processes within the National Treasury and mitigate the
implementation of risk strategies. Develop a risk dashboard that provides a
high-level overview of the key risks challenges indicators of how the risk
ratings have evolved and what new risks have emerged. Monitor the
consolidated risk register for the National Treasury and provide a real time
view of risk exposures. Support the monitoring of the entities reporting to the
Minister of Finance. Quantify cost and report risk exposures to the Director-
General, which include assessment of the adequacy/ inadequacy of steps
taken by management to mitigate the risk. Identify risks which have multiple
risk owners and adopt the co-ordination of a cost-effective approach. Review
Internal audit reports with the view of corroborating management’s
assertions on residual risk ratings Establish Minimum Anti-Corruption
Capacity (MACC): Develop and implement a Fraud Prevention Plan.
Develop and implement a Corruption Case Management Framework for the
National Treasury Security Management: Provide a safe and secure working
environment. Develop, review and maintain an effective vetting strategy.
Oversee compliance of information security minimum standards
requirements Facilities Management: Implement appropriate security
measures to mitigate against the risk of information breaches. Provide and
optimize adequate accommodation for National Treasury employees.

Oversee the maintenance and upkeep of all National Treasury
accommodation Awareness on Risk and Security Management
Interventions: The risk & security strategies and all their interventions
communicated across Treasury to enhance implementation. Risk & security
management training provided. Positive risk & security management culture
embedded within the National Treasury business.
ENQUIRIES : Human Resources Management on Tel No: (012) 315 5100.
APPLICATIONS : may be sent via e-mail to [email protected]
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020 at 12:00 pm.


Division: Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO)
Purpose: To modernise the state procurement system, by leveraging
information, to be fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective
and transparent utilisation of financial and other resources for improved
service delivery to enable the promotion and enforcement of management
and performance of state procurement.

SALARY : R1, 251,183 per annum (all-inclusive remuneration package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree in Information Technology, Information Systems, SCM, Business
Administration/ Strategic Sourcing. A certification with the relevant supply
chain and/or information technology professional body will be an added
advantage. A minimum 5 years’ experience at a senior management level
(Director) obtained in the implementation and management of large-scale
public and/or private sector procurement ICT solutions. Experience in
business process engineering and business transformation. Experience in
transforming and modernizing of procurement ICT within a large public
entity, Multi-national Corporation. Experience with Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP), such as Oracle and SAP, and other equivalent procurement
ICT solutions. Extensive experience in the development of enterprise-wide
procurement ICT architecture.
DUTIES : Some key Outputs include: Develop State Procurement ICT Systems,
Solutions and Tools: Improve the performance and efficacy of the state
procurement system. Develop ICT procurement solutions and tools. Provide
support in the development of the IFMS procurement module. Develop and
Implement the State Procurement ICT Architecture: Align the state
procurement ICT architecture to be responsive and supportive of the
legislative frameworks. Align the state procurement ICT architecture to
enable the implementation of procurement reforms, frameworks, norms and
standards. Develop and Implement a State Procurement ICT Capability:
Develop and implement a state procurement ICT capability that will
establish: Support research, knowledge and information management,
pertaining to procurement data analysis, market trends, forecasts,
innovations, business intelligence, category management, Implementation
and monitoring of state procurement performance against procurement
standards and measurement metrics, Develop and implement a national
price reference system and the management of transversal term contracts,
Enable the monitoring of complex, critical, high-value and high-risk
procurement projects at key stages, Enable management of key critical
government supply chains processes and evaluating major capital projects,
Monitor, assess and enforce compliance with established procurement
measures, in line with key procurement policy, regulations, norms and
standards, Implement and monitor procurement performance standards and
measurement metrics (performance management system) in conjunction
with reporting and review systems for procurement-related information.
Establish a National Public State Procurement ICT Solution: Establish a
National state procurement ICT solution, that: Provide transparency and
accessible procurement information through the provision of timely,
accessible and accurate information to stakeholders. Develop and
implement a platform and capability to engage in e-procurement. Develop,

implement ICT tools to improve procurement performance and stakeholder
transparency: Develop ICT tools that contribute to improved procurement
performances. Develop ICT tools that contribute to improved stakeholder
ENQUIRIES : Human Resources Management on Tel No: (012) 315 5100.
APPLICATIONS : may be sent via e-mail to [email protected]
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020 at 12:00 pm.


Division: Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO)
Purpose: To design, develop, implement and maintain e-tendering
functionality in the state procurement system for national, provincial and
local sphere of government with a view to contribute towards efficient and
effective procurement practises.

SALARY : R1, 057,326 per annum (all-inclusive remuneration package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree in Information Technology/Information Systems/Strategic
Sourcing. Registration with a Supply Chain/Information Technology
professional body, will serve as an added advantage. Minimum 5 years’
experience at a middle management level in the implementation of public
and private sector procurement ICT solutions. Experience in the
development of enterprise-wide procurement ICT architecture. Experience
in business process engineering and business transformation. Experience
and in-depth exposure in the transformation and modernization of
procurement ICT within State Owned Corporations (SOC’s)/ Multi-National
Corporations/National Government Departments.
DUTIES : Some key Outputs include: Development, Design and Implementation:
Initiate and oversee research regarding international and national e-
procurement standards and practices. Design e-procurement systems for all
spheres of government (e-tendering, e-reporting, procurement data
analysis, market trends, forecasts, innovations, business intelligence,
category management, classified spend data, process improvement,
benchmarks and performance management system). Develop e-
procurement system for all spheres of government. Maintain and enhance
e-tendering system for all spheres of government. Establish capability of e-
procurement system of government: Design and develop training
programmes for system users as well as suppliers. Provide support to users
and suppliers in operating the e-tendering system of government. Provide
training and capacity building to users (officials and suppliers) of the e-
tendering system of government. Monitoring and report on proficiency of
users and take recommended action where required. Develop capability of
provincial treasuries to optimise the e-tendering system Monitoring and
Evaluation of e-procurement information: Design and develop an e-
tendering performance management tool to measure effectiveness and
efficiency including performance against procurement standards and
measurement metrics. Provide transparent and accessible procurement
information through the provision of timely, accessible and accurate
information to stakeholders. Publish quarterly reports and press releases on
procurement information in accordance with SCM metrics. Enable e-
engagement with suppliers on SCM performance information and queries.
Maintain reporting portal/website. SCM IFMS Module development and
implementation: Contribute to development of SCM IFMS module.
Contribute to implementation of SCM IFMS module at national and
provincial departments and municipalities. Contribute to optimising return on
investment of SCM IFMS investment.
ENQUIRIES : Human Resources Management on Tel No: (012) 315 5100.
APPLICATIONS : may be sent via e-mail to [email protected]
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020 at 12:00 pm.


Division: Office of the Procurement Officer (OCPO)
Purpose: To provide strategic procurement support services to improve
performance and efficiency of the state procurement system including value
for money and leveraged benefits in all three spheres of government.

SALARY : R733, 257 per annum (all-inclusive remuneration package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum National Diploma/Degree in Economics/Business
Economics/Supply Chain Management/Logistics Management/Purchasing
Management. A minimum 4 years’ experience in supply chain management
within the public sector environment. Knowledge of strategic procurement
and the broader public SCM legislative and regulatory environment.
Knowledge and experience of policy analysis and development. Knowledge
of data gathering, analysis and dissemination.
DUTIES : Some key outputs include: Strategy and Policy: Collaborate on and
contribute to the design, development and maintenance of a strategic
procurement framework, Provide input into the development of strategic
procurement-related government policy, norms, standards, frameworks and
guidelines. Assist with and support the design and development of a
strategic procurement regulatory environment that responds to policy goals
and government objectives. Stakeholder Management: Engage with
government stakeholders to facilitate and coordinate the development and
implementation of strategic procurement strategies and plans (national,
provincial and local spheres). Engage with public sector-specific strategic
partners to support the development and implementation of strategic
procurement strategies and plans. Engage with external stakeholders to
facilitate and coordinate the development and implementation of strategic
procurement services. Products and Services Management: Collaborate on
the design and development of strategic procurement strategies for
government department-specific products and services. Contribute to and
assist with the design and development of strategic procurement strategies
for universal products and services across government spheres. Service
Delivery Assist with the scoping and analysis of demand management plans,
budget documents, procurement plans, AG reports, and grant allocations
(annually; as required). Contribute to the client environment and strategic
procurement-related reports and diagnostics. Assist with the development
and implementation of strategic procurement plans to ensure that value for
money is achieved and benefits are leveraged. Monitoring and Evaluation:
Collaborate on and contribute to monitoring and evaluation systems for
strategic procurement. Assist with the monitoring, assessment, evaluation
and reporting on strategic procurement projects governance and oversight
to measure value for money and leveraging of benefits achievements. Assist
with the monitoring and reporting on the progress of strategic procurement
interventions. Development Knowledge and Information Management:
Manage and perform research and benchmarking on strategic procurement
good-practices. Contribute to identification and recommendation of new and
alternative solutions to strategic procurement services. Report on strategic
procurement trends analysis.
ENQUIRIES : Human Resources Management on Tel No: (012) 315 5100.
APPLICATIONS : may be sent via e-mail to [email protected]
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020 at 12:00 pm.


Division: Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO)
Purpose: The incumbent will be required to: To provide contract
management support to ensure efficient tender administration process,
contracting administration process and supplier relationship management

SALARY : R257, 508 per annum (excluding. benefits)

CENTRE : Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : A minimum Grade 12 qualification coupled with a certification in Office
Administration from a reputable institution, A minimum 2 years’ experience
obtain in Supply Chain Administrative environment, Knowledge in the
administration and management of tender documents.
DUTIES : Tender Information Support: Prepare and capturing and opening of tender
documents, Preparing address list for the tender documents, Ensure that all
tender documents are numbered, Manage tender closing process of the
National Treasury in accordance to strict time frame, Convert manual bids
to electronic submission through Electronic Respond System (ERS) and
Procure, Assist with arranging and attending of the Bid Adjudication
Committee and Bid Specification Policy Committee meeting, Advice public
and prospective bidders on the tender related queries, Attend to the tender
box on closing date of the tender, Tender Admin Support: Create tender
pack (SBD's and all other relevant documents, Creation of bid/pricing
schedule on the e-procurement system before BQRC meeting, Uploading of
tender documents on the e-tenders system and eProcurement system,
Filing documents according to the filing plan at each milestone of the tender
process (volume document files) and I drive, Take critical notes of the BQRC
meeting, Advertise on e-Tenders portal and Government Printing Works in
consultation with TIC for closing date of the bid, Scheduling, preparation of
various committee meetings (BSC, BQRC, Briefing Sessions, BEC) and
taking minutes, code of conduct, declaration of interest and attendance
registers, Assist ASD with prequalification evaluation and identify
administrative discrepancy that requires clarification in the bid documents,
Issue Clarification letters to bidders, Issue letter of award/regret letters,
Contract Admin Support: Manage request for pre and post participation
process, Issue request for participation letters to state institutions, Guide
prospective participants on the process to follow when requesting for
participation, Receive, process and keep records of participation requests,
Create a folder on master document (I-drive) for filing and volume files as
per filing plan, Contract amendment administration (Price adjustment, post
participation, any amendment to be loaded on the website and
communicated to all the users (Institutions and Suppliers), Stakeholder
Relations & Support: Manage central emails for queries and timeous
response, Allocate emails to D, DD, ASD and follow ups until the query is
closed, General support to D, DD and ASD.
ENQUIRIES : Human Resources Management on Tel No: (012) 315 5100.
APPLICATIONS : may be sent via e-mail to [email protected]
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020 at 12:00 pm.



The Office of the Public Service Commission is an equal opportunity, representative employer. It is the
intention to promote representivity (race, gender and disability) in the Public Service through the filling
of positions. Candidates whose appointment/transfer/promotion will promote representativeness will
therefore receive preference. Persons with disability are especially encouraged to apply. An indication
of representativeness profile by applicants will expedite the processing of applications.

APPLICATIONS : Forward your application, stating the relevant reference number to: The
Director-General, Office of the Office of the Public Service Commission,
Private Bag X121, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-deliver at Commission House,
Office Park Block B, 536 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, or you can
email your application to [email protected].
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020, 15h45
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on Form Z.83 obtainable from any Public
Service department and should be accompanied by a recent updated
comprehensive CV, certified copies of qualifications, Identity Document and
driver’s license. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification(s), it
must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African
Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will be required to
obtain a top secret clearance issued by the State Security Agency. The
OPSC will verify the qualifications and conduct reference checking on short-
listed candidates. Candidates will be subjected to Competency Assessment
to determine their suitability for the post. Correspondence will be limited to
shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months
of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application
was unsuccessful. Please take note that late applications will not be
accepted. All shortlisted candidates for SMS post will be subjected to a
technical exercise that intends to test the relevant technical elements of the
job, logistics of which will be communicated by the office of the Public
Service Commission.




SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339 per annum (Level 7)

CENTRE : Commission House, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Ideal Candidate Profile: A Secretarial Diploma (NQF Level 5) or equivalent
qualification coupled with two to three years’ experience in client liaison and
general administration. A National Diploma/Degree in Public
Administration/Public Management or social sciences (NQF Level 6/7)
degree will be an added advantage. Experience in formatting reports and
layout of documents. Advanced computer skills in MS Office Suite, including
Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Good interpersonal relations. Must
be assertive, trustworthy, ethical and professional with integrity. Must be
willing to occasionally work after hours. Must have effective administrative,
organizational and communication skills. Must be creative, motivated, self-
driven, results-oriented and initiative. Ability to work both independently and
as part of a team. Knowledge of the Constitutional Values and Principles
(CVPs) in Section 195 and the effect of the CVPs on the daily duties of this
post. Ability to work under pressure and maintain a high level of
confidentiality. Must have commitment to transformation. Must have a valid
driver’s license.
DUTIES : The successful candidate: Will be responsible for the smooth operation of
the Deputy Director-General’s. He/she will serve as a Personal Assistant to
the Deputy Director-General’s. Conduct research, abstracting and preparing
information and supporting data for meetings, projects, presentations and
reports. Administering office correspondence/documents/reports. Assist in

the expenditure control for the office of the Deputy Director-General. Making
travel and accommodation arrangements and processing claims thereof.
Drafting and typing correspondence/documents including PowerPoint
presentations. Maintaining and managing the filing system. Organising
meetings/ workshops and taking minutes during meetings. Administering the
Deputy Director-General’s diary. Acting as a receptionist for the Deputy
Director-General and the Office.
ENQUIRIES : MS I Mathenjwa Tel No: (012) 352 1109



It is the intention to promote representivity in the Department through the filling of these positions.
The candidature of applicants from designated groups especially in respect of people with disabilities
will receive preference.

APPLICATIONS : quoting reference number must be addressed to Mr Thabang Ntsiko.

Applications must be posted to Department of Public Service and
Administration, Private Bag X916, Pretoria, 0001 or delivered 546 Edmond
Street, Batho Pele House, cnr Edmond and Hamilton Street, Pretoria,
Arcadia 0001
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020
NOTE : The successful candidate will have to sign an annual performance
agreement and will be required to undergo a security clearance. Applications
must be submitted on form Z.83 accompanied by copies of qualification(s),
Identity Document (certified in the past 12 months.) Proof of citizenship if not
RSA citizen, a comprehensive CV indicating duration of appropriate
experience and three reference persons with the following information:
name and contact numbers, an indication of the capacity in which the
reference is known to the candidate. Reference checks will be done during
the selection process. Note: Failure to submit these copies will result in the
application not being considered. Note that correspondence will only be
conducted with the short-listed candidates. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months of the closing date of the advertisement, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. Applicants must note that
further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their
appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include
security clearance, security vetting, qualification verification and criminal
records. Faxed and emailed applications will not be considered. Applications
can also be submitted online at and it should be
accompanied by a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) as well as certified
copies of qualifications, Identity and valid driver’s license (where
driving/travelling is an inherent requirement of the job).
ERRATUM: Kindly note that the posts advertised in Public Service Vacancy
Vircular no 04 of 2020 dated 31 January 2020, the year was in correct its
2020 not 2019 sorry for the inconvenience



(12 Months Contract)

SALARY : R173 703 per annum (Basic salary) plus 37% in lieu of service benefits.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Senior Certificate/Matric or equivalent qualification. Knowledge of clerical
duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and
collecting of statistics. Knowledge and understanding of the legislative
framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of working procedures
in terms of the working environment. Skills and Competencies: Computer
literacy, Planning and organization, Interpersonal relations, Good verbal and
written communication skills and Teamwork.
DUTIES : To render general clerical support service. To provide supply chain clerical
support services within the component. Provide personnel administration
clerical support services within the component. Provide financial
administration support services in the component
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Z. Khuzwayo Tel. No: (012) 3361407



The Department of Public Works is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The intention is
to promote representativity in the Public Service through the filling of these posts and with persons
whose appointment will promote representativity, will receive preference.

NOTE : An indication by candidates in this regard will facilitate the processing of

applications. If no suitable candidates from the unrepresented groups can
be recruited, candidates from the represented groups will be considered.
People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applications must be
submitted on a signed Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service
department and must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV, recently
certified (within 6 months) copies of qualifications (matric certificate,
certificates of qualifications), a valid Driver’s Licence (where required) and
an Identification Document. Applications not complying with the above will
be disqualified. Should you not have heard from us within the next months,
please regard your application as unsuccessful. Note: It is the responsibility
of all applicants to ensure that foreign and other qualifications are evaluated
by SAQA. Recognition of prior learning will only be considered on
submission of proof by candidates. Kindly note that appointment will be
subject to verification of qualifications and a security clearance. Faxed, e-
mailed or late applications will not be accepted. People with disabilities are
encouraged to apply. Note: All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a
compulsory technical or competency-based exercise that intends to test the
relevant technical elements of the job as part of the interview process.
Following the technical exercise and the interview the selection panel will
identify candidates to undergo the generic management competency
assessments and successful candidate to sign a performance agreement
and be subjected to security clearance.



SALARY : R869 007 per annum

REQUIREMENTS : A three year tertiary qualification in Social Sciences, registration with Social
Workers Council or SAMCD; Registration with South African Council for
Social Professional (SACSSP) as Social Worker. Sound knowledge of
Mental Health Care Act and other Social work-related legislation.
Membership with EAPA will be an added advantage; Management
experience and at least 3 years in social programs such as drug and alcohol
counselling, basic financial management, retirement counselling, and
general counselling for social problems; Skills Interpersonal skills; Report
writing; problem solving skills; Good networking skills; Excellent planning,
organizing and coordinating skills; Good writing skills; Project Management
and basic financial skills; Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Review, implement and maintain the department’s Employee Health and
Wellness policy and strategy. Develop operational plan; Provide
professional pre-and post-test counselling, therapy and referrals; Ensure
referral to other professionals, health institutions and make follow-ups
thereof; Health and productivity management; Observance of health
awareness calendar e.g. World cancer day, WAD, World blood donor day
etc; Manage sports and recreation entities within the department; Maintain
functional Wellness Committee; Attend and participate in IDC, EAPA and
HPCSA fora; Feedback to managers on progress of referrals; Monitoring
and evaluation of implementation EHWP Ensure intervention on crisis
debriefing sessions. Provide preventatives services e.g alcohol & substance
abuse, preparation for retirement sessions etc; Develop partnerships and
networking with health and social services stakeholders; Liaise with

government sector, internal stakeholders and NGO’s; Manage service
ENQUIRIES : Mr R Mahlatjie Tel. No: (012) 337-2689
APPLICATIONS : The Director-General, Department of Public Works Private Bag X65,
Pretoria, 0001 or Hand delivered at, Corner Madiba (Vermeulen) and
Bosman Street, Central Government Offices Building, Pretoria.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16H00


NO: 2020/22

SALARY : R733 257. per annum (All inclusive salary package). (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Middle Management Service)
CENTRE : Head Office (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : A three year tertiary qualification in Social Science, Administration, Building
Sciences, Financial or related field plus appropriate junior management
experience related to office management. Knowledge: Wide range of office
management and administrative tasks, Demonstrative computer literacy,
Structure and functioning of the Department, Conflict management, Project
management; Skills: Communication (written and verbal) Policy analysis
and development, Planning and organizing, People management, Financial
management, Project coordination, Problem Solving, Computer literacy,
Facilitation and presentation, Stakeholder and client liaison, Monitoring;
Excellent interpersonal skills: People orientated, Creative, Trustworthy,
Assertive, Hardworking, Self-motivated, Ability to work independently, Ability
to work under pressure.
DUTIES : The provision of effective and efficient Office Management –management of
the work flow of the component; Co-ordinate high-level meetings in all
aspects; take charge of invitations and RSVP functions etc Act as formal
channel of communication between office of the DDG and other
Departments and organisations; Compile briefing notes as well as other
documentation to adequately prepare the DDG for such meetings;
Contribute to the development and promotion of the programmes under the
jurisdiction of the DDG; Undertake research and inform DDG of such
outcomes in strengthening the position of the Branch within the wider
context of its mandate; Represent DDG at meetings as and when required;
attend certain branch meetings; liaise with relevant stakeholders regarding
outstanding information and issues; co-ordinate meetings/workshops
(venues, travel, catering etc); manage due dates of correspondence;
prepare documentation for meetings, presentations and reports; undertake
research and develop appropriate policies, strategies programmes to be
used to promote the Branch Coordinate and manage projects in the office of
the DDG To render effective and efficient administrative support services –
Consolidate all Chief Director’s reports to produce a monthly and quarterly
Branch report; Ensure efficient records management; administer office
correspondence, documents and reports; co-ordinate and organise office
activities; draft and type correspondence/documents; manage
communication and flow of information in the office; manage the processing
of S&T claims, payments and invoices relevant to the office; Manage budget
in the DDG’s office. Risk and compliance management; Keep up to date with
compliance and regulatory requirements and liaise with all relevant
stakeholders within and external to the organisation to ensure accurate
implementation; Interpret and implement all organisational circulars, policy
and other communications that impact on the operation of the business unit.
Management of human resources (financial, physical and
human)management of section performance within the sub-directorate;
Report on the performance of the unit against annual performance plan,
operational plan, business requirements and targets; Develop the work plan
for the unit and ensure effective prioritisation and resource planning; Agree
on the training and development needs of the unit; Manage the
implementation of compliant performance management; Manage

compliance of the unit against finance, asset management, supply chain and
procurement regulations and policy requirements; Manage the financial
resources of programmes and projects in charge of in accordance to the
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Sharma Tel No: (012) 406 2044
APPLICATIONS : The Director-General, Department of Public Works Private Bag X65,
Pretoria, 0001 or Hand delivered at, Corner Madiba (Vermeulen) and
Bosman Street, Central Government Offices Building, Pretoria.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16H00


Re-Advertisement: Those who applied previously are encouraged to re-

SALARY : R718 059 – R766 278 per annum (All-inclusive salary package) (OSD)
CENTRE : Johannesburg Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : A National Higher Diploma/BTech in the Built Environment field and a
minimum of 4 years’ and six months experience in the built environment,
BTech in the Built Environment field and a minimum of 4 years’ experience
in the built environment/Honours degree in any Built Environment field with
a minimum of 3 years’ experience, Compulsory registration with the
SACPCMP as a Professional Construction Manager and/or furnish proof
that you have applied to register with professional council and paid the
prescribed application and registration fees. A valid driver’s licence,
Computer literacy, Knowledge and understanding of the following Acts:
Public Finance Management Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act as
well as Building Regulations and Environmental Conservation Act,
Knowledge and understanding of the Government Procurement System,
Good planning, financial and budget skills, Sound analytical and good
written and verbal communication skills; Knowledge and understanding of
the JBCC and GCC form of contract.
DUTIES : Contribute to project initiation, scope definition and scope change control for
envisaged projects. Full project management function, cost, quality and time
control. Manage project cost estimates and control changes in line with
allocated budgets. Plan and attend project meetings during the project
phases. Assist with the compilation of projects documentation to support
project processes. Implement project administration processes according to
Government requirements. Ensure implementation of procurement activities
and adherence thereof to Government policies. Provide assistance in
implementing and assuring that project execution is in accordance with the
approved project norms and time schedules. Support the project
environment and activities to ensure that project objectives are delivered
timeously. Manage and engage in multi-disciplinary construction teams
regarding the construction/maintenance of facilities; Ensure that
construction projects are implemented and executed as envisaged in the
acquisition/procurement plan and that high quality projects are delivered
within time, cost and quality framework.
ENQUIRIES : Adv JM Monare: Tel No: (011) 713 6051
APPLICATIONS : The Regional Manager, Johannesburg Region, Department of Public Works
rivate Bag X3, Braamfontein, 2017 or Hand delivered at, Corner De Beer
and De Korte Street, Mineralia Building, Braamfontein.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16H00


(M5) REF NO: 2020/24
Re-Advertisement: Those who applied previously are encouraged to re-

SALARY : R373 389 - R912 504per annum (All-inclusive salary package) (OSD)
CENTRE : Johannesburg Regional Office

REQUIREMENTS : LLB degree with minimum of 8 years postgraduate legal experience.
Knowledge of and experience in drafting of contracts and other legal
instruments. Knowledge and understanding of government supply chain
management. PFMA. Treasury Regulations. PPPFA.CIDB Act and
Regulations PAJA Act. Works Control System (WCS).Prescripts of the GCC
2004(Engineering and Construction works) JBCC (Principal Building
Agreement) and GCC Mandate and functions of the Department, system
and operations of South Africa Courts of law. Interpretation of legislation,
Magistrate Court Act and Rules as well as the Supreme Court Act and rules.
Drafting and interpreting skills, communication and interpersonal Skills,
maintenance of confidentiality of information. Language proficiency.
Computer literacy (MS Office).
DUTIES : Assist in administering Departmental contracts. Assist in the acceptance of
bids and enter into contracts on behalf of the department. Assist in safe
keeping of guarantees and contractual documents. Ensure completeness of
contract documents for safekeeping. Provide information and access to
document to documentation to auditors and project managers. Assist
Regional Offices and Head in registering financial details of contractors.
Facilitate the release of guarantees upon completion of construction
projects. Extract information from the works control system (WCS) and
interact/liaise with officials from other Department and member of the public.
Prepare techno-legal opinion and peruse and comment on a variety legal
documents to ensure that they are legally complaint. Obtain responses
and/or clarifications from line functionaries on queries and questions raised
by the State Attorney’s Office. Ensure the effective administration of legal
matters of the Department. Draft contracts and forward them for signature.
Receive and peruse correspondence from various Offices of the State
Attorney’s to ensure that they are in accordance with the instructions of the
Department. Receive and Peruse summonses served on the Department,
consider the claims and instruct the Office of the State Attorney with clear
mandate on whether to settle or defend the claims. Assist in labour relations
issues by presiding over misconduct hearings and /or initiate on behalf of
the Department and appear on behalf of the Department before the relevant
bargaining council. Assist supervisor in the training and management of
ENQUIRIES : ADV R Mogatle Tel No: (012) 406 2109
APPLICATIONS : The Regional Manager, Johannesburg Region, Department of Public Works
Private Bag X3, Braamfontein, 2017 or Hand delivered at, Corner De Beer
and De Korte Street, Mineralia Building, Braamfontein.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16H00


REF NO: 2020/25

SALARY : R316 791 per annum

CENTRE : Johannesburg Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : Three year tertiary qualification in Property Management/Real
Estate/Property Law, Financial Management, Accounting, Internal Auditing
plus extensive experience in acquisitions of property or rights in fixed
property and property administration. Computer literacy. Knowledge and
understanding of government procurement 75 processes, contractual
policies and procedures. Understanding of the property market and its
trends. Understanding of the derivatives forms of acquisition of property
(expropriation, common law & prescriptions etc.) negotiation skills. A valid
drivers’ license is a must have. Willingness to travel extensively
DUTIES : Procure leased fixed properties or rights in fixed properties to be utilized by
client departments. Keep track of the property market and its trends.
Negotiate property purchases. View tendered or identified properties.
Negotiate lease terms with Landlords and manage signing of lease
agreements. Do site inspections to ensure optimal utilization of leased
buildings. Manage lease renewals to ensure that leases are renewed in time.

Attend to both clients and landlords complaints in leased buildings. Perform
general administrative duties within the office.
ENQUIRIES : Mr L Nelwamondo (JHB) Tel No: (011) 713 6218
APPLICATIONS : (Johannesburg Regional) The Regional Manager, Department of Public
Works, Private Bag X3 Braamfontein, 2017 or hand deliver to No 78 Cnr De
Beer and Korte, Braamfontein, 2017.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16H00


SALARY : R190 653 – R211 596 per annum (All-inclusive salary package) (OSD)
CENTRE : Cape Town Regional Office
Bricklayer (X1 Post)
Electrician (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Proof of passing a trade test in terms of the provision of Section 13(2)(h) of
the Manpower training act, 1981, as amended or a certificate issued under
the provision of the repeal section 27 of the Act :Knowledge of Occupational
Health and Safety Act and Regulations. It is expected of an officials to have
a general knowledge to their respective Trades, Valid Driver’s license
DUTIES : The successful candidate must be able to compile material quantities per
project, will be required to maintain all Government Buildings including new
work to buildings, Must be willing to work overtime if and when required, and
compile progress reports on projects and monitor Artisan assistants and
Learners. Report directly to Artisan Superintendent. It will be expected of the
incumbent to climb ladders for inspection, to work in a confined space and
do maintenance in the government building, adherence requirement of the
ENQUIRIES : Messer’s: L Dunga: 2336, Tel No: (021) 402 2346, M. Gazi 2185, M
Stephens Tel No: (021) 402 2334
APPLICATIONS : The Regional Manager, Department of Public Works, Private Bag X9027,
Cape Town, 8000. Or Hand Deliver at Customs House Building Lower
Heerengracht Street Cape Town.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16H00



CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16:00

NOTE : DRDLR requests applicants to apply manually by submitting applications on
form Z83 obtainable from any Public Service department that should be
accompanied by comprehensive CVs (previous experience must be
expansively detailed) and certified (certification must not be older than 12
months) copies of qualifications, service certificates (in case of an OSD
post), identification document and permanent residency/work permit.
Reasonable accommodation shall apply for People with Disabilities
(including where a driver’s licence is a requirement in a non-Occupational
Specific Dispensation (OSD) post).Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.
It would be appreciated if you can only attach course certificates applicable
to the post requirements. Failure to submit the requested documents may
result in your application not being considered. If you apply for more than
one post, submit separate applications for each post that you apply for.
Correspondents will be entered into with short-listed candidates within three
months after the closing date of the post. If by then you have not been
contacted for an interview you were not successful in your application.
Important DRDLR is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
It is our intention to promote representivity in DRDLR through the filling of
posts. We reserve the right not to fill a position. All applicants must be SA
Citizens/Permanent Residents or Non-SA Citizens with a valid work permit.
Applicants will be expected to be available for selection interviews and/or
competency assessments at a time, date and place as determined by
DRDLR. The Department reserves the right to conduct pre-employment
security screening and the appointment is subject to a positive security
clearance outcome. Applicants must declare any/pending criminal,
disciplinary or any other allegations or investigations against them. Should
this be uncovered during/ after the interview took place, note that the
application will not be considered and in the unlikely event that the person
has been appointed such appointment will be terminated.


POST 05/67 : SURVEYOR GENERAL REF NO: 3/2/1/2020/052

Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must reapply.
Office of the Surveyor General

SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum (Level 14) (All inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS)
CENTRE : North West (Mafikeng)
REQUIREMENTS : Pre-entry Certificate for Senior Management Services (SMS). BSc (NQF
level 8) in Geomatics/Land Survey. Registered as a Professional Land
Surveyor with the South African Geomatics Council (SAGC). 5 years’
experience at Senior Managerial level. Appropriate Cadastral Survey
experience. Job related knowledge: Cadastral Survey, Technical System
and Cadastral Spatial Information, Performance Management and
Monitoring, Government Systems and Structures, Government decision
making processes, Programme setting process, Understanding of the
management information and formal reporting systems, Dealing with
Misconduct, Internal Control and Risk Management, Project Management
principles and tools, The Political Landscape of South Africa. Job related
skills: Project Management, Team Management, Interpersonal Relations,
Budget forecasting, Computer Literacy, Resource planning, Problem solving
and decision making, Time Management, Business, Communication. The
ability to work efficiently and effectively at all times.
DUTIES : Approve diagrams, general plans and Sectional Plans in compliance with
legislation and provide tenure security and sustainable rural and urban

development. Examine cadastral documents for approval in accordance with
the Land Survey Act and all applicable statutory consents. Ensure complete,
accurate, current Cadastral Spatial Information development. Update the
spatial database through the addition of every approved cadastral land
parcel. Ensure that management information systems are created to provide
timely and accurate management information constantly. Compile a
decentralised delivery system. Train Professional Land Surveyors,
Technologists, Survey Technicians and Geomatics Officers as well as in
general administration from targeted groups. Provide support to various
programmes including Land and Tenure Reform, Restitution Programmes
and Land Administration Institutions. Provide technical support and advice
as well as information from time to time. Manage the implementation of the
Land Survey Act, Number 8 of 1997 (LSA). Ensure that all surveys
performed in South Africa are compliant with LSA. Manage allocated
resources. Oversee the transformation process in the office in line with the
new vision for the Public Service as contained in the White Paper on
Transformation of the Public Service and other relevant Policy documents
continuously. Ensure compliance with all lawful requirements imposed by
way of Laws, Ministerial Directives, Cabinet Decisions, Cabinet Circulars,
Treasury instructions and communications from the Public Service
Commission and Auditor-General at all times. Ensure that assurance
arrangements appropriate to the Surveyor-General information systems are
implemented timeously. Manage allocated funds efficiently. Monitor the
utilisation of equipment including vehicles facilities. Take responsibility for
measures aimed at promoting representativeness in the Departments
personnel structure (including putting in place Employment Equity Plans on
an on-going basis). Ensure that powers/responsibilities are clearly specified
and formally delegated within the Office of the Surveyor-General at all times.
Ensure that appropriate internal controls and reporting systems are
established and maintained on a regular basis. Develop service delivery
improvement of the component.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : Certificate for entry into the SMS and full details can be sourced by the
following link:
programme/. Appointment is subject to a positive security clearance and the
signing of a performance agreement. All shortlisted candidates will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools


SERVICES REF NO: 3/2/1/2020/053
Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must reapply
Office of the Chief Surveyor General

SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum (Level 14) (All inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Pre-entry Certificate for Senior Management Services (SMS). A Degree
(NQF 7) In Geomatics/Surveying. Registration with South African Geomatics
Council as a Professional Land Surveyor. Registration as a Sectional Tile
Practitioner. 5 years’ appropriate experience at a senior managerial level.
Job related knowledge: Cadastral Survey, Technical System, Cadastral
Spatial Information, Performance Management and Monitoring,

Government systems and structures, Government decisions making
processes, Programme setting process, Understanding of management
information and formal reporting system, Dealing with misconduct, Internal
Control and Risk Management, Project Management principles and tools.
Job related skills: Project Management, Team Management, Interpersonal
relations, Budget Forecasting, Computer Literacy, Resource Planning,
Problem Solving and Decision Making, Time Management, Business,
Communication. The ability to work efficiently and effectively at all times. A
valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Manage and oversee special Cadastral Services for the State, Land Tenure
Reform and Rural Development. Render management and research for
State Surveys, Rural Development and Land Tenure Reform Projects in
accordance with relevant legislation, terms of reference, pre-determined
standards and treasury instructions. Facilitation of State Survey undertakes
through the private sector (Public-Private Partnerships). Survey on surveyed
State and Trust Land. Survey of State Domestic Facilities (SDF). Manage
and oversee Cadastral Research and Development. Research ways of
transforming improving and rationalising South Africa Cadastral and Tenure
Systems. Study world trends, legislatives framework, compare with other
systems, propose amendments and report findings. Attend relevant
workshop’s, conferences/seminars and courses for internal and career path
findings and make recommendations. Research and investigate ways of
improving South African Rural Development and Tenure Reform.
Liaise/Investigate concerns, proposals for amendments and streamlining of
legislation. Assist Chief Surveyor General with administration and control of
Survey Regulations Broad (SRB). Manage and oversee the Provision of
internal and external Professional Advisory and Support Services.
Research, compile reports and supply information in respect of internal and
external cadastral matters and request from State Organs, Parastatals,
Courts and Private Sector, in accordance with relevant legislations and time
frame, client’s request as well as within targets set by Service Delivery
Improvement Plan. Manage and oversee the administration of international
boundaries. Manage the administration of South Africa international
boundaries in compliance with legislation. Manage the research,
investigation and resolving of anomalies in the Republic of South Africa
international boundaries. Manage advisory services on the Republic of
South Africa international boundaries issues affecting State Organs and
Parastatals. Manage and oversee the registration of Professional Land
Surveyors, Sectional Title Practitioners, Professional Surveyors, Technical
Surveyors. Train Professional Land Surveys, Professional Surveyors,
Survey Technicians. Monitor Surveyor General Practical Training Program
(PLS-30 days) in accordance with Plato Training Schedule. Monitor
examination for registration in compliance with South African Geomatics
Council (SAGC) requirements, including moderating. Oversee the training
of Pupil Survey Officers, Candidate Professional, Candidate Technologist
and experiential geomatics students and interns. Manage and oversee the
preparation of technical procedure and standards. Assist Chief Surveyor
General in management of updating Surveyor General procedure and
standards, in compliance with legislative and in consultation with
professional/stakeholders. Investigate effects of technological advancement
of Technical Procedures and Standards transforms accordingly. Manage the
preparation and implementation of new legislation and review of regulations
in terms of the Land Survey Act and any other relevant legislation. Manage
the implementation of new legislation. Manage the administration and
Survey Regulations Boards (SRB) for review of regulations framed under
the Act.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : Certificate for entry into the SMS and full details can be sourced by the
following link:

programme/. Appointment is subject to a positive security clearance and the
signing of a performance agreement. All shortlisted candidates will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.


Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must reapply.
Chief Directorate: National Geo-Spatial Information

SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum (Level 14) (All inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS)
CENTRE : Western Cape
REQUIREMENTS : Pre-entry Certificate for Senior Management Services (SMS). A Bachelor's
Degree in Geomatics/Surveying (NQF Level 7). Registration with South
African Geomatics Council in the Professional Category. 5 years’
appropriate geomatics experience at a Senior Managerial level. Job related
knowledge: Geo-spatial information management, Topographic framework
information, Spatial data infrastructure, Performance management and
monitoring, Government systems and structures, Government decision
making processes, Programme setting process, Understanding of the
Management Information and Formal Reporting System, Dealing with
misconduct, Internal Control and risk Management, Project Management
principles and tools, The political landscape of South Africa, Geodetic
surveying, Photogrammetry and remote sensing, Cartography. Job related
skills: Project Management, Team Management, Interpersonal relations,
Budget forecasting, Computer literacy, Resource planning, Problem solving
and decision making, Time Management, Business, Communication and
Strategic Management. A valid driver's licence.
DUTIES : Manage survey services. Determine Policy and standards for National
Spatial Referencing System. Oversee control survey networks. Oversee the
collection of geo-spatial data. Undertake development projects. Manage
earth imagery and geo-spatial data. Determine Policy and standards for
national aerial imagery and national topographic surveying. Collect and
maintain earth imagery and geo-spatial data. Process topographical, land
cover and land use data and maintenance of Integrated Topographic
Information System. Undertake development projects. Manage the provision
of mapping services. Determine Policy and standards for national mapping
and related products. Produce line maps. Produce orthophoto images, maps
and elevation data. Undertake development projects. Manage the provision
of geo-spatial information and professional support. Determine Policy and
standards for dissemination of products. Provide geo-spatial information
products and services. Provide professional support and advisory services.
Provide technical training. Provide management support services. Oversee
client relations and marketing, including promotion of map literacy. Oversee
quality assurance. Provide management information and reporting.
Preserve geomatics records. Ensure the preservation of geomatics records
of the Chief Directorate: National Geo-Spatial information.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : Certificate for entry into the SMS and full details can be sourced by the
following link:
programme/. Appointment is subject to a positive security clearance and the
signing of a performance agreement. All shortlisted candidates will be

subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.


Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must reapply
Office of the Surveyor General

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Pre-entry Certificate for Senior Management Services (SMS). Bachelor's
Degree in Surveying/Geomatics/Cartography (NQF level 7). Registered as
a Professional Land Surveyor with the South African Geomatics Council
(SAGC). 5 years’ experience in middle or senior managerial level in the land
surveying environment. Job related knowledge: Cadastral Survey, Technical
System, Sectional Title, Cadastral Spatial Information, Town and Regional
Planning, Information Technology, Survey Technology and methods, Legal
principles and presumptions, Servitude's and real rights, All relevant
legislation (including applicable sections of the Deeds Registries Act) and
applicable Provincial ordinances, Understanding the management of
information and Formal Reporting System, Understanding programme
setting process, Internal control and Risk Management, Project
Management principles and tools. Job related skills: Project Management,
Team Management, Interpersonal Relations, Budget Management,
Computer Literacy, Resource planning, Problem solving and decision
making, Legislation and Policy, Time Management, Customer service and
Communication (written and verbal). A valid driver's licence.
DUTIES : Manage the provisioning of registry services. Oversee the receipt and
dispatch of cadastral documents submitted for examination and approval.
Ensure that the necessary fees of the office have been paid prior to the
acceptance of cadastral documents into the systems. Oversee the archiving
of all documents. Maintain the cadastral correspondence filing system.
Oversee rendering of messenger service. Manage the rendering of first
examination services. Oversee the allocation of land parcel numbers.
Ensure technical compliance of cadastral document. Verify new cadastral
documents in relation to parent property information. Oversee the
examination and approval/rejection of all cadastral documents prepared and
submitted by Professional Land Surveyors. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveys and Government officials. Report on Directorate
progress monthly and as required. Knowledge and application of all relevant
land administration legislation, Policies and information to staff on a weekly
basis. Render professional advice for land reform projects and oversee the
rendering of advice for land reform projects. Receive requests for land
reform assistance as and when required. Provide and oversee advisory
services on an on-going basis. Perform research for land reform support.
Plan the required investigation when required. Generate land reform support
findings report according to Policy. Submit land reform findings report upon
finalisation. Facilitate state surveys. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveyors and Government officials. Render research
and advice for state surveys. Consult with stakeholders. Ensure that the
beacons relation to a survey are pointed out to the relevant officials prior to
the approval of the cadastral documents. Oversee the undertaking of field
surveys and inspections. Test a survey for correctness, accuracy or
authenticity in accordance with legal provisions if reason for doubt exists.
Take necessary action in connection with a survey tested for correctness,
accuracy or authenticity when required. Prepare and submit a report in

connection with an application to a court, if deemed desirable. Manage
human, logistical and financial resources. Identify training needs. Develop
Performance Agreement. Monitor attendance and leave register. Provide on
the job training.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : Certificate for entry into the SMS and full details can be sourced by the
following link:
programme/. Appointment is subject to a positive security clearance and the
signing of a performance agreement. All shortlisted candidates will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.


Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must reapply
Office of the Surveyor General

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS)
CENTRE : Limpopo (Polokwane)
REQUIREMENTS : Pre-entry Certificate for Senior Management Services (SMS). Bachelor's
Degree in Surveying/Geomatics/Cartography (NQF level 7). Registered as
a Professional Land Surveyor with the South African Geomatics Council
(SAGC). 5 years’ experience in middle or senior managerial level in the land
surveying environment. Job related knowledge: Cadastral Survey, Technical
System, Sectional Title, Cadastral Spatial Information, Town and Regional
Planning, Information Technology, Survey Technology and methods, Legal
principles and presumptions, Servitude's and real rights, All relevant
legislation (including applicable sections of the Deeds Registries Act) and
applicable Provincial ordinances, Understanding the management of
information and Formal Reporting System, Understanding programme
setting process, Internal control and Risk Management, Project
Management principles and tools. Job related skills: Project Management,
Team Management, Interpersonal Relations, Budget Management,
Computer Literacy, Resource planning, Problem solving and decision
making, Legislation and Policy, Time Management, Customer service and
Communication (written and verbal). A valid driver's licence.
DUTIES : Manage the provisioning of registry services. Oversee the receipt and
dispatch of cadastral documents submitted for examination and approval.
Ensure that the necessary fees of the office have been paid prior to the
acceptance of cadastral documents into the systems. Oversee the archiving
of all documents. Maintain the cadastral correspondence filing system.
Oversee rendering of messenger service. Manage the rendering of first
examination services. Oversee the allocation of land parcel numbers.
Ensure technical compliance of cadastral document. Verify new cadastral
documents in relation to parent property information. Oversee the
examination and approval/rejection of all cadastral documents prepared and
submitted by Professional Land Surveyors. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveys and Government officials. Report on Directorate
progress monthly and as required. Knowledge and application of all relevant
land administration legislation, Policies and information to staff on a weekly
basis. Render professional advice for land reform projects and oversee the
rendering of advice for land reform projects. Receive requests for land
reform assistance as and when required. Provide and oversee advisory

services on an on-going basis. Perform research for land reform support.
Plan the required investigation when required. Generate land reform support
findings report according to Policy. Submit land reform findings report upon
finalisation. Facilitate state surveys. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveyors and Government officials. Render research
and advice for state surveys. Consult with stakeholders. Ensure that the
beacons relation to a survey are pointed out to the relevant officials prior to
the approval of the cadastral documents. Oversee the undertaking of field
surveys and inspections. Test a survey for correctness, accuracy or
authenticity in accordance with legal provisions if reason for doubt exists.
Take necessary action in connection with a survey tested for correctness,
accuracy or authenticity when required. Prepare and submit a report in
connection with an application to a court, if deemed desirable. Manage
human, logistical and financial resources. Identify training needs. Develop
Performance Agreement. Monitor attendance and leave register. Provide on
the job training.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : Certificate for entry into the SMS and full details can be sourced by the
following link:
programme/. Appointment is subject to a positive security clearance and the
signing of a performance agreement. All shortlisted candidates will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.


Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must reapply
Office of the Surveyor General

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS)
CENTRE : Mpumalanga (Nelspruit)
REQUIREMENTS : Pre-entry Certificate for Senior Management Services (SMS). Bachelor's
Degree in Surveying/Geomatics/Cartography (NQF level 7). Registered as
a Professional Land Surveyor with the South African Geomatics Council
(SAGC). 5 years’ experience in middle or senior managerial level in the land
surveying environment. Job related knowledge: Cadastral Survey, Technical
System, Sectional Title, Cadastral Spatial Information, Town and Regional
Planning, Information Technology, Survey Technology and methods, Legal
principles and presumptions, Servitude's and real rights, All relevant
legislation (including applicable sections of the Deeds Registries Act) and
applicable Provincial ordinances, Understanding the management of
information and Formal Reporting System, Understanding programme
setting process, Internal control and Risk Management, Project
Management principles and tools. Job related skills: Project Management,
Team Management, Interpersonal Relations, Budget Management,
Computer Literacy, Resource planning, Problem solving and decision
making, Legislation and Policy, Time Management, Customer service and
Communication (written and verbal). A valid driver's licence.
DUTIES : Manage the provisioning of registry services. Oversee the receipt and
dispatch of cadastral documents submitted for examination and approval.
Ensure that the necessary fees of the office have been paid prior to the
acceptance of cadastral documents into the systems. Oversee the archiving
of all documents. Maintain the cadastral correspondence filing system.

Oversee rendering of messenger service. Manage the rendering of first
examination services. Oversee the allocation of land parcel numbers.
Ensure technical compliance of cadastral document. Verify new cadastral
documents in relation to parent property information. Oversee the
examination and approval/rejection of all cadastral documents prepared and
submitted by Professional Land Surveyors. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveys and Government officials. Report on Directorate
progress monthly and as required. Knowledge and application of all relevant
land administration legislation, Policies and information to staff on a weekly
basis. Render professional advice for land reform projects and oversee the
rendering of advice for land reform projects. Receive requests for land
reform assistance as and when required. Provide and oversee advisory
services on an on-going basis. Perform research for land reform support.
Plan the required investigation when required. Generate land reform support
findings report according to Policy. Submit land reform findings report upon
finalisation. Facilitate state surveys. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveyors and Government officials. Render research
and advice for state surveys. Consult with stakeholders. Ensure that the
beacons relation to a survey are pointed out to the relevant officials prior to
the approval of the cadastral documents. Oversee the undertaking of field
surveys and inspections. Test a survey for correctness, accuracy or
authenticity in accordance with legal provisions if reason for doubt exists.
Take necessary action in connection with a survey tested for correctness,
accuracy or authenticity when required. Prepare and submit a report in
connection with an application to a court, if deemed desirable. Manage
human, logistical and financial resources. Identify training needs. Develop
Performance Agreement. Monitor attendance and leave register. Provide on
the job training.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : Certificate for entry into the SMS and full details can be sourced by the
following link:
programme/. Appointment is subject to a positive security clearance and the
signing of a performance agreement. All shortlisted candidates will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.


Office of the Surveyor General
Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must reapply

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS)
CENTRE : Eastern Cape (East London)
REQUIREMENTS : Pre-entry Certificate for Senior Management Services (SMS). Bachelor's
Degree in Surveying/Geomatics/Cartography (NQF level 7). Registered as
a Professional Land Surveyor with the South African Geomatics Council
(SAGC). 5 years’ experience in middle or senior managerial level in the land
surveying environment. Job related knowledge: Cadastral Survey, Technical
System, Sectional Title, Cadastral Spatial Information, Town and Regional
Planning, Information Technology, Survey Technology and methods, Legal
principles and presumptions, Servitude's and real rights, All relevant
legislation (including applicable sections of the Deeds Registries Act) and
applicable Provincial ordinances, Understanding the management of

information and Formal Reporting System, Understanding programme
setting process, Internal control and Risk Management, Project
Management principles and tools. Job related skills: Project Management,
Team Management, Interpersonal Relations, Budget Management,
Computer Literacy, Resource planning, Problem solving and decision
making, Legislation and Policy, Time Management, Customer service and
Communication (written and verbal). A valid driver's licence.
DUTIES : Manage the provisioning of registry services. Oversee the receipt and
dispatch of cadastral documents submitted for examination and approval.
Ensure that the necessary fees of the office have been paid prior to the
acceptance of cadastral documents into the systems. Oversee the archiving
of all documents. Maintain the cadastral correspondence filing system.
Oversee rendering of messenger service. Manage the rendering of first
examination services. Oversee the allocation of land parcel numbers.
Ensure technical compliance of cadastral document. Verify new cadastral
documents in relation to parent property information. Oversee the
examination and approval/rejection of all cadastral documents prepared and
submitted by Professional Land Surveyors. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveys and Government officials. Report on Directorate
progress monthly and as required. Knowledge and application of all relevant
land administration legislation, Policies and information to staff on a weekly
basis. Render professional advice for land reform projects and oversee the
rendering of advice for land reform projects. Receive requests for land
reform assistance as and when required. Provide and oversee advisory
services on an on-going basis. Perform research for land reform support.
Plan the required investigation when required. Generate land reform support
findings report according to Policy. Submit land reform findings report upon
finalisation. Facilitate state surveys. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveyors and Government officials. Render research
and advice for state surveys. Consult with stakeholders. Ensure that the
beacons relation to a survey are pointed out to the relevant officials prior to
the approval of the cadastral documents. Oversee the undertaking of field
surveys and inspections. Test a survey for correctness, accuracy or
authenticity in accordance with legal provisions if reason for doubt exists.
Take necessary action in connection with a survey tested for correctness,
accuracy or authenticity when required. Prepare and submit a report in
connection with an application to a court, if deemed desirable. Manage
human, logistical and financial resources. Identify training needs. Develop
Performance Agreement. Monitor attendance and leave register. Provide on
the job training.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : Certificate for entry into the SMS and full details can be sourced by the
following link:
programme/. Appointment is subject to a positive security clearance and the
signing of a performance agreement. All shortlisted candidates will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.

Office of the Surveyor General
Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must reapply.

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS)
CENTRE : western Cape (mowbray/cape town)
REQUIREMENTS : Pre-entry Certificate for Senior Management Services (SMS). Bachelor's
Degree in Surveying/Geomatics/Cartography (NQF level 7). Registered as
a Professional Land Surveyor with the South African Geomatics Council
(SAGC). 5 years’ experience in middle or senior managerial level in the land
surveying environment. Job related knowledge: Cadastral Survey, Technical
System, Sectional Title, Cadastral Spatial Information, Town and Regional
Planning, Information Technology, Survey Technology and methods, Legal
principles and presumptions, Servitude's and real rights, All relevant
legislation (including applicable sections of the Deeds Registries Act) and
applicable Provincial ordinances, Understanding the management of
information and Formal Reporting System, Understanding programme
setting process, Internal control and Risk Management, Project
Management principles and tools. Job related skills: Project Management,
Team Management, Interpersonal Relations, Budget Management,
Computer Literacy, Resource planning, Problem solving and decision
making, Legislation and Policy, Time Management, Customer service and
Communication (written and verbal). A valid driver's licence.
DUTIES : Manage the provisioning of registry services. Oversee the receipt and
dispatch of cadastral documents submitted for examination and approval.
Ensure that the necessary fees of the office have been paid prior to the
acceptance of cadastral documents into the systems. Oversee the archiving
of all documents. Maintain the cadastral correspondence filing system.
Oversee rendering of messenger service. Manage the rendering of first
examination services. Oversee the allocation of land parcel numbers.
Ensure technical compliance of cadastral document. Verify new cadastral
documents in relation to parent property information. Oversee the
examination and approval/rejection of all cadastral documents prepared and
submitted by Professional Land Surveyors. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveys and Government officials. Report on Directorate
progress monthly and as required. Knowledge and application of all relevant
land administration legislation, Policies and information to staff on a weekly
basis. Render professional advice for land reform projects and oversee the
rendering of advice for land reform projects. Receive requests for land
reform assistance as and when required. Provide and oversee advisory
services on an on-going basis. Perform research for land reform support.
Plan the required investigation when required. Generate land reform support
findings report according to Policy. Submit land reform findings report upon
finalisation. Facilitate state surveys. Provide professional advice to
Professional Land Surveyors and Government officials. Render research
and advice for state surveys. Consult with stakeholders. Ensure that the
beacons relation to a survey are pointed out to the relevant officials prior to
the approval of the cadastral documents. Oversee the undertaking of field
surveys and inspections. Test a survey for correctness, accuracy or
authenticity in accordance with legal provisions if reason for doubt exists.
Take necessary action in connection with a survey tested for correctness,
accuracy or authenticity when required. Prepare and submit a report in
connection with an application to a court, if deemed desirable. Manage
human, logistical and financial resources. Identify training needs. Develop
Performance Agreement. Monitor attendance and leave register. Provide on
the job training.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.

NOTE : Certificate for entry into the SMS and full details can be sourced by the
following link:
programme/. Appointment is subject to a positive security clearance and the
signing of a performance agreement. All shortlisted candidates will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.


SUPPLY SERVICES REF NO: 3/2/1/2020/060
Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must reapply.
Office of the Surveyor General

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (All inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS)
CENTRE : North West (Mafikeng)
REQUIREMENTS : Pre-entry Certificate for Senior Management Services (SMS). An
appropriate Bachelor of Technology (NQF 7) in Surveying/Geomatics.
Registration with the Geomatics Profession registration body (as a
Professional Surveyor, Surveyor or Survey Technician). 5 years’ of
experience at middle/senior management level. Extensive 5 to 10 years’
experience in Cadastral Surveys. Experience in supervision of other
Professional Land Surveyors, Land Surveyors in Training and Technical
Surveyors. Job related knowledge: Cadastral Survey, Technical System,
Cadastral Spatial Information, Town and Regional Planning, Information
Technology, Latest survey technology and methods, Legal principles and
presumptions, Servitudes and Real Rights, Performance Management and
Monitoring, Government systems and structures, Government decision
making processes, Programme setting process, Understanding of the
management information and formal reporting system, Dealing with
misconduct, Internal Control and Risk Management, Project management
principles and tools. Job related skills: Project Management, Team
Management, Interpersonal relations, Budget Management, Computer
literacy, Resource planning, Problem solving and decision making, Creative,
Legislation and Policy making, Time Management, Business,
Communication, Empowerment, Information Technology. The ability to work
efficiently and effectively at all times.
DUTIES : Provide cadastral data services and information technology infrastructure
support. Ensure different data security on a daily basis. Provide Personal
Computer support to normal users within a 24 hour period. Provide
Information Technology related training upon pre-approved requests within
pre-defined time frames. Maintain a complete, current, accurate and
accessible electronic dataset of the relative positions of all land rights.
Update the spatial database through the addition of every approved
Cadastral Land Parcel (completeness). Maintain an accurate database of
cadastral spatial information (accuracy). Ensure the currency of compilation
sheets and the spatial database according to procedures at all times.
Provide spatial mapping services. Amend and withdraw cadastral services.
Issue survey data to Professional Land Surveyors. Maintain cadastral spatial
information systems support to the office. Support the introduction of the
Electronic Cadastral Survey System (E-CSS) aligned with e-government
programme. Note approved cadastral data and incorporate all data into a
digital continuous map. Provide any relevant Geographic Information
System (GIS) services as and when requested by clients. Maintain cadastral
documents and services. Maintain a strong room for secure, safe archiving
of all cadastral documents. Supply maps, aerial photographs produced from
the national mapping agency.

ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : Certificate for entry into the SMS and full details can be sourced by the
following link:
programme/. Appointment is subject to a positive security clearance and the
signing of a performance agreement. All shortlisted candidates will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.


POST 05/76 : SYSTEM ANALYST REF NO: 3/2/1/2020/061

Chief Director: Cadastral Spatial Information

SALARY : R869 007 per annum (Level 12) (All-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : 3 Year National Diploma/Degree in an Information Communication
Technology related field (Information Technology or Software Development
or Computer Science) (NQF 6). 5 years’ of experience in the design of new
IT solutions, modifying, enhancing or adapting existing systems. Team
leadership experience. Implemented designs and implemented projects
experience. Experience in modelling using modelling tools e.g. Visio etc.
Understanding of principles of system design and architecture. The Open
Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) certification. Information
Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) certification (Foundation level and
above). Ability to work in a legislated environment. Real estate and/or
software industry experience. Experience in vendor liaison will be an added
advantage. Job related knowledge: Understanding of Geo-Spatial
Information environment. Familiar with the following methodologies:
Systems development life cycle, Program Development Life Cycle, Agile,
Waterfall. Knowledge of Cadastral Spatial Information Framework, Geo-
Spatial Database, production processes and procedure. Familiarity with
project management tools. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act
(Supply chain management procedure, tenders, specification writing, call for
quotations). Job related skills: Communication, administrative and Public
Financial Administration. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Conduct research and development and advise National Geomatics
Management Services (NGMS) on maintaining currency and efficacy of the
Cadastral Information System. Coordinate activities related to the design,
configuration and implementation of the Cadastral Information System.
Gather, analyse and document requirements for the selection,
implementation, integration and support of Cadastral Information Systems.
Collaborate in the testing of configurations with Department representatives,
communicate with internal customers, network and server administrators
and vendors to ensure the NGMS is using the systems to their full potential
and in accordance with best practices. Develop and deploy strategies,
standards, methodologies and best practices for implementation,
maintenance and upgrades of information systems. Provide management
and oversight of multiple technology projects. Collaborate with stakeholders
at all levels in the formulation of plans and activities to support project
implementation. Identify potential points of resistance or confusion and
develop specific plans to mitigate or address concerns. Coordinate and
manage activities related to the design, configuration and implementation of

the Cadastral Information Systems. Collaborate in the testing of software
programmes and applications. Communicate with network and server
administrators, vendors, end-users and software developers to ensure
quality assurance, program logic and data processing. Develop, implement
and disseminate information on best practices for application usage.
Coordinate feasibility studies for software and system products under
consideration for purchase and provide findings and recommendations.
Develop and coordinate training including development of training materials,
user procedures and training curriculum. Conduct training sessions as
necessary. Develop and maintain user documentation, implementation and
maintenance plans. Create custom administrative and quantitative reports
for internal customers based on business requirements. Facilitate the
maintenance, support and upgrade of existing systems. Coordinate and
communicate software upgrades, enhancements and changes with
vendors, consultants and internal customers. Oversee integration between
multiple systems either through in-house or outsourced development.
Compile and maintain an inventory of all software and system assets and
corresponding contracts and agreements. Analyse technical literature and
provide explanations understandable to end-users.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : African, Coloured and Indian males and African, Coloured and Indian
females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


3/2/1/2020/062 (3 POSTS)
Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously must re-apply
Directorate: Tenure Reform Implementation

SALARY : R470 040 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Limpopo (Waterberg, Capricorn/Sekhukhune, Vhembe/Mopani District)
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Law, Anthropology, Archaeology,
Economics, Geography/Human Geography, History, Linguistics, Political
Science, Psychology, Sociology and Public Health. 3 - 5 years’ relevant
working experience in Land Reform Environment. Working experience in
Extension of Security of Tenure Act (ESTA), Interim Protection of Informal
Land Rights Act (IPILRA), Labour Tenants Act (LTA) and Land Title
Adjustment will be an added advantage. Job related knowledge: Land
Reform prescript and Policies (ESTA, Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Act,
IPILRA, Labour Tenants Act and Land Title Adjustment), Community
dynamics, Interpretation of statuses, Departmental filing procedure. Job
related skills: Presentation, Computer literacy, Interpersonal relations,
Communication, Research, Analysis, Reasoning abilities, Project
Management, Facilitation, Report writing, People Management, Analytical,
Research, Supervisory. Ability to manage document and correspondence.
Ability to manage tasks and resources efficiently. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Facilitate the implementation of Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights
Act (IPILRA). Facilitate community relations on site demarcations, state land
disposal/long term leases, servitudes and hunting rights. Facilitation of
dispute resolutions on communal land and among Tribal Authorities
pertaining to boundaries. Facilitate implementation of Labour Tenants
Applications. Conduct land rights enquiries to determine nature and extent
of rights of applicant. Draft a notice to the owner and serve them. Where
agreements are reached, draft settlement agreement and procure their
signature. Obtain approval of certification memoranda and present to
Departmental Committees. Keep records and file records. Facilitate
implementation of Land Title Adjustment. Receive applications and verify
information. Prepare terms of reference for identification of a Commissioner.
Prepare memorandum to Minister for designation and appointment of
Commissioner. Develop implementation plan. Facilitate implementation of

distribution and transfer of Certain State Land Act. Facilitate implementation
of Extension of Security of Tenure Act (ESTA). Facilitate resolution of
disputes between farm owners and farm dwellers. Conduct land rights
awareness campaigns to different stakeholders. Identify land to secure land
tenure rights. Facilitate legal representation for farm dwellers.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Shai Tel No: (015) 284 6303
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X9213, Polokwane, 0700
or hand it delivered to: 61 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0700.
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White males and African, Coloured, Indian and White
females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


Office of the Chief Surveyor General

SALARY : R376 596 per annum (Level 9)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma in Public Administration/Public Management/Business
Administration. 3 years’ of experience in supervisory level in the
administration environment. Job related knowledge: Basic Accounting
System (BAS), Personnel and Salary Administration System (PERSAL),
Accounting System (PASTEL) and Logistics Information Systems (LOGIS),
Relevant procurement legislation and statutory provisions, Human
Resource Management, Finance, Supply Chain Management and Asset,
Delegation and instructions, Performance management and monitoring,
Government decision making processes, Programme setting process.
Understanding the management information and formal reporting system,
Internal control systems and risk management, Project Management
principles and tools. Job related skills: Project Management, Team
Management, Interpersonal relations, Budget forecasting, Computer
literacy, Resource planning, Problem solving and decision making, Team
Management, Business, Communication, Ability to interpret directives,
Accounting and financial, Organising and planning. The ability to work
efficiently and effectively at all times. A valid driver’s licence. Ability to work
under pressure. Ability to adhere to deadlines.
DUTIES : Manage the human resources services and administration. Facilitate the
recruitment process. Coordinate service benefits. Ensure the performance
management system is in place. Facilitate training and development.
Facilitate employee health wellness programme. Coordinate labour relations
services. Management of supply chain management services. Coordinate
the development of Demand Management Plan. Facilitate the acquisition
process. Coordinate the logistics in the office of the Surveyor- General.
Coordinate transport and travelling. Render asset management services.
Render financial management and advisory support services. Facilitate the
budget of the office of the Surveyor-General. Ensure the collection of
revenue. Approve payment of sundries. Management of facilities
management services and support. Management of office allocation.
Coordinate security to the office of Surveyor-General.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mathulwe Tel No: (012) 060 0351
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand it delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob
Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria.
NOTE : African, Coloured Indian and White males and African, Coloured and Indian
females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



It is our intention to promote representivity (race, gender and disability) in the Public Service through
the filling of these posts and candidates whose transfer/promotion/appointment will promote
representivity will receive preference.

APPLICATIONS : The Director General, Department of Social Development, Private Bag

X901, Pretoria, 0001, Physical Address: HSRC Building, 134 Pretorius
FOR ATTENTION : Ms E Steenkamp
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Curriculum vitae with a detailed description of duties, the names of two
referees and certified copies of qualifications and identity document must
accompany your signed application for employment (Z83). In the event of
hand delivery of applications, applicants must sign an application register
book as proof of submission. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the
Department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. The successful
candidate will sign an annual performance agreement, complete a financial
discloser form and will also be required to undergo a security clearance. If
the candidate is applying for an OSD post, certificates of service must be
attached to the CV. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign
qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Failure to submit the requested documents will result in your application not
being considered. Personnel suitability checks will be conducted on short
listed candidates and the appointment is subject to positive outcomes of the
checks. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. The
selection of candidates will be done with due regard to the relevant aspects
of the selection process as set out in the Public Service Regulations, 2016
Chapter 4/67. Applications received after the closing date will not be taken
into consideration. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered. If
you have not been contacted within three months after the closing date of
this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
DSD reserves the right to cancel the filling/ not to fill a vacancy that was
advertised during any stage of the recruitment process.



Branch: Comprehensive Social Security

SALARY : R1, 251,183 per annum. This inclusive remuneration package consists of a
basic salary, the states’ contribution to the Government Employees Pension
Fund and flexible portion that may be structured i.t.o. the applicable rules.
CENTRE : Harlequins Office Park, (Groenkloof)
REQUIREMENTS : An under-graduate qualification (NQF level 7) as recognised by SAQA in
Economics, Public Finance or Business Administration plus five years of
experience at a senior managerial level in the social security or related field.
A Master’s degree will be an added advantage. Understanding of social
protection, particularly social insurance. Knowledge of the relevant social
security provisions in South Africa, and understanding of relevant
international standards and practice. Knowledge of relevant public finance
and labour market policies. Knowledge of the relevant Public Service
legislation. Competencies: Programme and project management skills.
People Management and empowerment skills. Financial management skills.

Communication (verbal, written and liaison) skills. Client orientation and
customer focus. Policy development and formulation skills. Strategic
capability and leadership skills. Computer literacy. Change management
skills. Interpersonal skills. Problem-solving and analysis skills. Service
delivery innovation skills. Good quantitative and qualitative research skills
.Attributes: Good interpersonal and negotiation skills. Ability to work under
pressure. Innovative and creative. Ability to work in a team and
independently. Adaptability. Independent thinker. Cost consciousness.
Honesty and Integrity.
DUTIES : Key Responsibilities: Develop and review policies and provisions for social
insurance benefits including retirement, survivor and disability benefits.
Facilitate the establishment of an appropriate institutional architecture,
including the benefit design, legislation and service delivery platforms to
ensure a coherent, efficient and responsive social insurance system in the
country. Develop and review policies for the financing of social insurance
benefits to ensure coverage for all workers in both formal and informal
employment settings. Cultivate and maintain good working relationships with
related government departments and institutions to promote coherence in
the design, implementation and oversight of social insurance policies.
Promote and facilitate civil society involvement in the development and
design of social insurance schemes. Develop and promote good working
relations with all key stakeholders in social security. Promote and support
regional and international cooperation in social security policy and practice.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Sibeko, Tel No: (012) 741-6803


Chief Directorate: Strategy Management and Transformation

SALARY : R1,057,326 per annum, This inclusive remuneration package consists of a

basic salary, the states’ contribution to the Government Employees Pension
Fund and flexible portion that may be structured i.t.o. the applicable rules.
CENTRE : Pretoria, HSRC Building
REQUIREMENTS : An An appropriate recognized Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science or
equivalent qualification (NQF level 7) as recognised by SAQA plus 5 years
middle/senior management experience in the gender field. Knowledge of the
Public Service legislation. Expertise on gender issues. Knowledge of
legislation and policies on gender and transformation. Knowledge of women
empowerment. Knowledge of PFMA. Knowledge of the supply chain
processes. Competencies needed: Project management skills. Internal and
external networking skills. Policy development and analytical skills. Financial
management skills. Interpersonal skills. Communication (written, verbal and
liaison) skills. People management and empowerment skills. Client
orientation and customer focus skills. Negotiation skills. Strategic planning
skills. Presentation skills. Problem solving-skills. Attributes: Emotional
intelligence. Creative. Honesty and integrity. Innovative. Computer literacy.
Ability to work under pressure. Assertiveness.
DUTIES : Key Responsibilities: Manage and monitor the development of policies,
legislation, minimum norms and standards, practice in respect of gender
issues. Manage capacity development for women empowerment and
gender equality matters. Advocate for gender issues to be considered in the
departmental planning processes. Adopt a wide set of options for
governance and institutional development. Adopt a wide set of options for
women empowerment and gender equality. Manage the advocacy and
lobbying on gender issues. Provide support to various Directorates for
compliance with international and national reporting obligations. Manage the
compilation of regular reports for various gender stakeholders and organs of
ENQUIRIES : Ms D Moema, Tel No: (012) 312-7394


Directorate: Supply Chain Management

SALARY : R733 257 per annum. This inclusive remuneration package consists of a
basic salary, the states’ contribution to the Government Employees Pension
Fund and flexible portion that may be structured i.t.o. the applicable rules.
CENTRE : HSRC Building, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree or National Diploma in financial
management and purchasing management Plus 3 year’s middle
management experience in supply chain. Knowledge of the Public Service
legislation. Knowledge of: supply chain management framework and
procurement prescripts, LOGIS and BAS, PFMA, Treasury Regulations,
fleet management and contract management. Must be in possession of a
valid driver’s license. Competencies needed: Communication (written,
verbal) and liaison skills. Analytical skills. Problem-solving skills.
Coordination skills. People management and empowering skills. Strategic
capability and leadership skills. Project management skills. Presentation
skills. Research skills. Facilitation skills. Policy development and
implementation skills. Client orientation and customer focus skills.
Monitoring and evaluation skills. Attributes: Innovative and creative.
Confidence. Integrity. Compliant. Patient. Accuracy. Diplomacy.
Assertiveness. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to work in a team and
independently. Trustworthy.
DUTIES : Facilitate the provision of departmental fleet services. Manage
administration services of the department cellular phones and data cards in
terms of the telecommunication policy. Manage departmental movable
assets. Manage logistics services of the department. Develop and
implement logistics and assets management strategies, policies and
guidelines. Oversee the management of LOGIS system.
ENQUIRIES : Ms S Mgwaba, Tel No: (012) 312-7844 / 7543


Directorate: Supply Chain Management

SALARY : R173 703. per annum.

CENTRE : HSRC Building, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Grade 12 Certificate or equivalent qualification. An unrestricted code B
drivers license. Knowledge of the Traffic Regulations. Basic knowledge and
insight of the Public Service Financial legislation (PFMA & Financial
Manual). Basic knowledge of financial functions and practices.
Competencies needed: Driving skills. Problem-solving skills.
Communication (written, verbal) skills. Computer literacy. Planning and
organizing skills. Analytical skills. Coordination skills. Attributes: Ability to
capture data and operate computer. Ability to work in a team and
independently. Ability to work under pressure. Systematic. Assertiveness.
Integrity. Initiative. Consistent. Compliant. Honesty. Adaptive. Good
interpersonal relations. Accuracy and thoroughness. Commitment.
DUTIES : Issue GG vehicles and facilitate GG shuttle services. Inspect government
vehicles prior to issuing as well as when they are returned. Facilitate
maintenance of vehicles, book vehicles for service, deliver cars at service
point and re-collect the after service. Liaise with G-Fleet officials to report
the condition of the vehicles and register all problems of government
vehicles. Facilitate the cleaning and tidying of government vehicles.
ENQUIRIES : Ms S Mgwaba, Tel No: (012) 312-7844/7543


Directorate: Financial Administration and Accounting

SALARY : R173 703. per annum.

CENTRE : HSRC Building, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Grade 12 Certificate or equivalent qualification with Accounting as a
subject. Knowledge of the relevant Public Service Regulations and Acts.
Knowledge and understanding of PERSAL and BAS. Basic knowledge and
insight of the Public Service Financial Legislation, procedures and Treasury
Regulations (PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA, Financial Manual). Basic
knowledge of financial functions and practices. Competencies needed:
Financial skills. Problem-solving skills. Communication (written, verbal)
skills. Computer literacy. Planning and organizing skills. Analytical skills.
Coordination skills. Attributes: Ability to capture data, operate computer and
collate financial statistics. Ability to work in a team and independently. Ability
to work under pressure. Systematic. Ability to analyze and interpret financial
statements. Assertiveness. Integrity. Initiative. Consistent. Compliant.
Honesty. Adaptive. Good interpersonal relations. Accuracy and
thoroughness Commitment.
DUTIES : Process advices received (capture allowances and deductions on Persal).
Administer departmental debt. Capture all financial transactions.
Reconciliation of payroll. Pay over of revenue collected. File all documents.
ENQUIRIES : Ms RC Henning, Tel No: (012) 312-7844/7543


Directorate: Financial Administration and Accounting

SALARY : R173 703 per annum

CENTRE : HSRC Building, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Grade 12 Certificate or equivalent qualification with Accounting as a
subject. Knowledge of the relevant Public Service Regulations and Acts.
Knowledge and understanding of BAS. Basic knowledge and insight of the
Public Service Financial Legislations, procedures and Treasury Regulations
(PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA, Financial Manual). Basic knowledge of
financial functions and practices. Competencies needed: Financial skills.
Problem-solving skills. Communication (written, verbal) skills. Computer
literacy. Planning and organizing skills. Analytical skills. Coordination
skills.Attributes: Ability to capture data, operate computer and collate
financial statistics. Ability to work in a team and independently. Ability to work
under pressure. Systematic. Assertiveness. Integrity. Initiative. Consistent.
Compliant. Honesty. Adaptive. Good interpersonal relations. Accuracy and
thoroughness. Commitment.
DUTIES : Verify all requests for payments received for allocation codes and supporting
documentation. Capture all payments on BAS and LOGIS. Ensure payments
adhere to legislation, government prescripts and departmental policies and
procedures. Perform monthly reconciliation of accounts to ensure all
invoices are paid in time. Attend to queries related to payments. File all
ENQUIRIES : Ms RC Henning, Tel No: (012) 312-7844/7543



APPLICATIONS : can be submitted: By post to the Registry Office, The Department of Trade
and Industry, Private Bag x84, Pretoria, 0001; Hand-delivered to the dti
Campus, corner of Meintjies and Robert Sobukwe Street, Sunnyside,
Pretoria; or go to: and click on the “Careers” link to
submit online application.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applications must be submitted with a completed and signed form Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a
technical exercise and the selection panel for MMS and SMS positions will
further recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency-
based assessment. Background verification and security vetting will form
part of the selection process and successful candidates will be subjected to
security vetting. the dti is committed to the pursuit of diversity and redress.
It is the applicant's responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by
the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Applications received
after the closing date will not be considered. Correspondence will be limited
to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3
months of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. the dti reserves the right not to fill any
advertised position(s).


Overview: To Manage policies and programmes for the Skills of the

SALARY : R1,057,326 per annum, (Level 13) (All-inclusive remuneration package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7) in commercial sciences, social
sciences, public administration or related field. 5 years’ relevant experience
at a middle/senior managerial level in a skills development environment or
related. Key Requirements: Experience in the development and
implementation of skills development programmes. Experience in financial
reporting and monitoring and evaluation. Experience in advocacy.
Experience in Project Management, Financial Management, Stakeholder
Management, Risk Management, People Management and Empowerment.
Strategy capability, planning and organising skills, communication (Verbal
and excellent writing skills), Accounting and analytical skills, presentations
skills, client orientation and problem-solving skills. Knowledge and
understanding of Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, Public
Service Regulations, PFMA, Treasury Regulations and Public Service Act.
Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Guide the structuring of work with internal and external partners through
appropriate implementation network. Manage the alignment of skills
supports to the IPAP priorities and the dti mandate. Manage the
development of new programmes to respond to specific skills requirements.
Manage an equitable geographic spread in the skills interventions of the unit.
Create platforms for the overall advancement of the skills unit's
work.Manage the development and implementation of stakeholder
agreements. Manage the appointment of service providers/expert
committees to augment the work of the Chief Directorate. Liaise, consult and
network with appropriate and relevant stakeholders involved in the Skills for
Economy. Represent the department in the stakeholder forums and focus
groups addressing the challenges in skills programmes. Manage the key
stakeholders. Monitor the implementation of skills programmes. Manage the

implementation of corrective measures when required and ensure the timely
completion of programmes. Manage the availability of the latest information
on the programmes on the dti website and in print publications. Showcase
the successes of the skills programmes on strategic platform. Management
of staff, finances and strategic planning of the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your
application contact the Recruitment Office on Tel No: (012) 394 1809/1835.
NOTE : In terms of the dti 's EE requirements, preference will be given to male and
Indian female candidates.



Overview: To manage transformation by developing transformation policies
and strategies that will drive employment equity, integrate of Persons with
Disabilities; empower women and gender mainstreaming within the dti

SALARY : R869,007 per annum, (Level 12) (All-inclusive remuneration package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/B Degree in Human Resources/Organisational
Psychology/Behaviour/Transformation and Development Studies. 3 Years’
experience in a transformation environment in the public/private sector. Key
Requirements: Experience in developing and implementing policies.
Experience in research and analysis as well as monitoring and evaluation.
Experience in reporting. Experience in strategic planning, financial
management, people management and empowerment, change
management, relationship management, planning and organising and
problem solving. Knowledge and understanding of the dti business,
international protocols, transformation papers, Transformation Charter,
Affirmative Action, project management, diversity management, analytical
and thinking skills, and policy analysis. Interpersonal skills, communication
skills (verbal and written). Proficient in Ms Office packages.
DUTIES : Develop, implement and continuously review policies, plans and
methodologies related to Employment Equity (EE), Disability Management
and Gender Mainstreaming. Develop guidelines for non-discriminatory
employment practices, and monitor their implementation and impact.
Develop Women development and Job access for the People with
Disabilities framework. Provide implementation support to all Divisions and
guide the work of Employment Equity, Disability management; Women
empowerment and Gender mainstreaming to ensure alignment with the dti’s
strategic plans. Develop and implement all transformation strategies and
procedures, focusing on diversity management programmes. Facilitate the
implementation of all the transformation strategies, policies and procedures.
Coordinate and facilitate transformation related workshops. Plan and
organise seminars, workshops and conference for the internal staff on
disability mainstreaming in the dti. Provide guidance to Divisions through
liaising, consulting and providing relevant Transformation interventions.
Participate in all forums of the department and focus addressing
transformation challenges. Advise all the dti employees on transformation
related issues. Represent the Department in the inter-departmental
collaboration committees and advise Department on the Governmental
priorities. Build and maintain relationship with transformation stakeholders,
including other Government departments, organisations for people with
disabilities, Women organisations and the three tiers of government,
organised business and Higher Learning Institutions. Identify gender
mainstreaming agencies and the needs of other stakeholders related to
women empowerment and particularly, gender mainstreaming. Present to
management and the dti divisions on transformation and other related
matters. Conduct research, undertake analysis of best practice and their
relevance to Employment Equity, Disability management and Gender
mainstreaming and recommend or develop appropriate strategies and

interventions to the dti. Conduct research and draft speeches and briefing
notes for the Ministry and Executive management of the Department on
Employment Equity; Disability management and Gender mainstreaming.
Benchmark against international and national best practices. Conduct
annual reviews with regards to the impact of interventions implemented and
compile reports. Conduct divisional reviews with regards to the
implementation of all the transformation policies and strategies. Conduct
EE surveys, monitor progress and evaluate findings to determine if
systematic discrimination exists. Investigate employment practices or
alleged violations of EE to document and correct discriminatory factors.
Develop and implement and review the dti’s Divisonal cascaded
Employment Equity plan and/or report annually. Prepare the Department of
Labour (DOL) annual report. Provide inputs into the annual business plans,
MTEF and MTST. Manage responses to all enquiries and requests
regarding disability management, gender mainstreaming, diversity
management and EE initiatives. Compile progress reports on a monthly
basis on the projects with regards to timelines and budgets.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your
application contact the Recruitment Office on Tel No: (012) 394 1809/1835.
NOTE : In terms of the dti’s EE requirements, preference will be given to African and
White male and Coloured female candidates as well as people with


Department of Transport is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer with clear employment
equity targets. Preference will be given to candidates whose appointment will assist the department in
achieving its Employment Equity targets at these specific levels in terms of the Department’s
Employment Equity Plan, Therefore Coloured male/female, Indian male/female and people with
disabilities are encouraged to apply.

APPLICATIONS : Department of Transport, Private Bag X193, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at the 159 Forum Building, Cnr Struben and Bosman Street, Pretoria for
attention Recruitment Unit. Room 4034.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applications must be accompanied by form Z83, obtainable from any Public
Service Department, (or obtainable and a recent updated
comprehensive CV (previous experience must be comprehensively detailed,
i.e. positions held and dates), as well as certified copies of all qualifications
and ID document. Failure to submit the requested documents/information
will result in your application not being considered. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African
Qualification Authority (SAQA). The Department reserves the right not to fill
the posts. The successful candidates must be willing to sign an oath of
secrecy with the Department. Applicants will be expected to be available for
selection interviews and assessments at a time, date and place as
determined by the Department. All appointments are subject to the
verification of educational qualifications, previous experience, citizenship,
reference checks and security vetting. Please note: Correspondence will
only be entered into with short-listed candidates.



(Branch: Chief Financial Officer)
(Chief Directorate: Financial Administration and Supply Chain Management)
(Directorate: Financial Administration)
(Sub-directorate: Income and Expenditure)

SALARY : R733 257 per annum (Level 11) (All-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A three-year Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma in Financial Accounting with at
least seven years Financial Management experience in Government
Accounting of which five years should be at Assistant Director Level. Good
Knowledge and experience in Income and Expenditure Management,
Working knowledge of the Basic Accounting System (BAS), Sound
knowledge of the PFMA and The Treasury Regulations, Intermediate MS
Excel skills, Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and
written), Sound Mathematical and Accounting skills, Planning and
Organizing skills, Management and Leadership skills and Decision making
DUTIES : Implement departmental accounting policies, procedures and processes.
Manage the issuing, recording, reconciliation, replenishment, safeguarding
and accounting of petty cash. Manage the payment processing and ensure
that it is correctly classified and supported by appropriate source
documentation. Ensure that supplier payments are processed within 30
days. Manage receivables due to the department, including the recording,
collection, banking and write-off of irrecoverable amounts. Perform general
ledger reconciliations, including bank, suspense and interdepartmental
accounts. Manage the BAS interface exceptions. Perform the month end
and year-end accounts closure process. Provide accounting and financial
information and advice. Ensure that the financial management processes
and systems meet the requirements of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations and

guidelines. Institute and review internal control measures and systems that
are effective and efficient. Manage staff in the sub-directorate: Income and
ENQUIRIES : Mr. J Nel, Tel No: (012) 309 309 3627


The Presidency is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote
representivity (race, gender and disability). The candidature of persons whose transfer/appointment
will promote representivity will receive preference. Candidates will be subjected to a security
clearance up to the level of “Top Secret”.

APPLICATIONS : The Presidency, Private Bag x1000, Pretoria, 0001 or Hand deliver at
Government Avenue, Union Buildings, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Mr Thabiso Moloi
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on form Z83 and should be accompanied by
certified copies of qualifications, ID as well as a comprehensive CV in order
to be considered. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign
qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that
intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which
will be communicated by the Department. The shortlisted candidates will be
required to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in
compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency
based assessments).The competency assessment will be testing generic
managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency
assessment tools. Correspondence will be limited to successful candidates
only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months after the closing date
of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a pre-employment screening and
a Top Secret security vetting to determine the suitability of a person for
employment. Failure to submit the requested documents will result in your
application not being considered. In addition, the successful candidates will
have to disclose their financial interests. The successful candidates will be
required to enter into employment contracts and a performance agreement.



(5 year contract)

SALARY : R1 978 533 per annum (level 16) (All-inclusive remuneration package) which
consist of a basic salary, the State’s contribution to the Government
Employees Pension Fund and a flexible portion in terms of applicable rules
plus 10% non-pensionable HOD allowance.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification and a post graduate qualification (NQF level
8) as recognized by SAQA. Must have 8-10 years Senior Management
experience (at least 3 years of which must be with any organ of State as
defined in the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996). The successful candidate must
have executive management experience with strong leadership capabilities
and extensive experience in strategic and managerial positions at an
executive level. He/she must also have an experience in monitoring and
evaluation of Government policies which will serve as a strong
recommendation. The successful candidate must have a thorough
understanding of policy and administrative processes of Government.
He/she will be innovative and have organizational abilities, good writing
skills, computer literacy and good interpersonal skills. He/she must have
good understanding of political and government issues.
DUTIES : Provide strategic support to the President to effectively and efficiently
execute his constitutional responsibilities as the Head of State and Head of
the National Executive of the Republic of South Africa. Provides support to
the Deputy President to carry out his responsibilities and other functions as
delegated by the President, including his appointed role as a Leader of

Government Business. Provide support to the Minister and Deputy Minister
in The Presidency in carrying out their responsibilities regarding the
planning, monitoring and evaluation as assigned to them by the President,
where such support falls outside the ambit of the respective Department of
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Provide oversight of the executive
management of the strategic agenda of Government and advice to the
President. As a Secretary of the Cabinet, oversee the work of the Cabinet
Office to ensure that Cabinet business is effectively and efficiently carried
out, particularly Cabinet agendas, content and logistical arrangements.
Oversee the disclosure of financial interests by Cabinet members and
Deputy Ministers in terms of the Executive Members’ Ethics Act of 1998, and
act as custodian of the disclosure of financial interest by the Public Service
Commissioners. Provide strategic leadership and support to the Forum of
South African Directors-General (FOSAD) and its Management Committee
(MANCO). Provide overall leadership for all nation building activities
performed by the Presidency such as serving in the role of Chancellor of
National Orders. Provide overall management and administrative support on
all matters relating to the execution of declared state and official funerals of
Public Office Bearers, relevant members of the judiciary and distinguished
South Africans. Exercise overall management and administrative oversight
on the services rendered to Former Presidents, Deputy Presidents, and their
Spouses. Ensure adherence to the minimum Information Security
Standards. Serve as Secretary to the National Security Council (NSC), in
particular, overseeing the work of the Secretariat to the NSC to ensure that
the NSC’s business is effectively and efficiently performed. Serve as Chief
Information Officer in terms of the Access to Information Act. Accompany
the Principals on international engagements as and when required. The
duties outlined above are not exhaustive of all the duties expected of the
Director General and Secretary of the Cabinet.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Thabiso Moloi Tel No: (012) 300 5866


(5 Year contract)

SALARY : R1 978 533 per annum (level 16) (All inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A postgraduate degree in Business Administration or equivalent qualification
(NQF level 8), supported by at least 8-10 years’ experience (at least 3 years
of which must be with any organ of State as defined in the Constitution, Act
108 of 1996) in executive management whilst project management skills and
in depth knowledge of Public Finance Management Act, Public Service Act
and other relevant legislation is paramount. It is expected of the successful
candidate to have excellent people interaction and analytical skills and
advanced communication skills. Expert-level computer literacy in all the MS
Office Suite packages is a prerequisite, as is broad understanding of
Internal Audit, Risk Management, Strategic Management, Corporate
Services, IT, Financial Management, HRM and Organisational Development
as well as corporate governance, is essential. The successful candidate will
be a seasoned professional with a proven track record of managerial
success in a significant public or private organisation, who has the drive and
tenacity required to lead a senior-level multidisciplinary professional team,
reporting to the Director-General and Secretary of the Cabinet.
DUTIES : The Chief Operations Officer’s core functions are to serve as the Accounting
Officer of The Presidency and provide operational support for the
implementation of strategic business plans by all the branches in The
Presidency, to enable them to achieve their targets. He/she will: Assist the
Director-General and Secretary of the Cabinet in his work relating to cross-
branch co-ordination of inputs, feedback and implementation measures.
Provide leadership in MTEF processes. Assist in meetings and other forums,
including interaction with various stakeholders. Consolidate and monitor
performance reports, including delivery on targets through day-to-day
interaction with finance, human resources, procurement and IT services.

Ensure service excellence from The Presidency to its stakeholders, in line
with the relevant operational plans. Ensure alignment of policies and
procedures with the relevant laws and prescripts.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Thabiso Moloi Tel No: (012) 300 5866



The Provincial Treasury in the Eastern Cape is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
Females and disabled persons are encouraged to apply. Employment Equity targets of the Department
will be adhered to.

APPLICATIONS : Post to: The Director: Human Resources Services, Eastern Cape Provincial
Treasury, Private Bag X0029, Bhisho, 5605. Hand Delivery: Human
Resources Section, Provincial Treasury, Room No: 3052 3rd Floor:
Tyamzashe Building, Bhisho
FOR ATTENTION : Ms Bonelwa Ndayi
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on Z83 form, obtainable at any public
service department or on the internet at which must be
signed(an unsigned Z83 form will disqualify an application) and should be
accompanied by a recently updated comprehensive CV as well as certified
copies of all qualification( s) ( Matric certificate must also be attached) an ID
document and driver’s license(where applicable). Non RSA citizens/
Permanent Resident Permit Holders must attach a copy of his/her
Permanent Resident Permit to his/her application. Should you be in
possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application
not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted
candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months after the
closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability
check (criminal record check, citizen verification, financial/asset record
check, qualification/study verification and previous employment verification).
SMS applicants will be subjected to a technical exercise and undergo
competence assessment. Successful candidates will also be subjected to
security clearance process. Where applicable candidates will be subjected
to a skills/ knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of 24 months. The department reserves the right not to
make appointment (s) to the advertised post (s). Persons with disabilities are
encouraged to apply. For SMS post: Females and people with disabilities
are encouraged to apply and will be given preference and short listed
candidates will be required to undergo competency assessments. All short
listed candidates will be required to undergo pre-employment screening. All
the appointments are subject to security vetting results. Please Note:
Applications from all racial groups are welcome. However, in making
appointments to the posts the department will give preference to some
employment equity target groups based on the Employment Equity Plan of
the Department. Please Further Note: NB: It is the department’s objective to
address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action Measures in line with the
ECPT EE Plan and to achieve equitable representation across race and
gender. Failure to submit a comprehensive CV, academic qualifications and
the signed Z83 form will result in the disqualification of the application from
the process. Applications received after closing date will not be considered.
No faxed/email applications will be accepted.




SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive remuneration)
CENTRE : Head Office

REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, A Three year degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by
SAQA) in Commerce/Financial Management/Public Finance/Procurement
and/or related field coupled with Minimum of seven (7) years’ relevant
experience of which 5 years’ experience should be at a Middle Management
(Deputy Director Level) /Senior Management level. 5 years’ Accounting and
Auditing experience, including knowledge of Annual Financial Statements
preparation. CA (SA) will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Develop And Maintain Movable and Immovable Asset Management Policy,
Norms and Standards: Coordinate the assessments on the extent to which
asset management related controls are implemented within departments.
Develop and implement strategies to address gaps identified by assessment
results. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of these corrective
strategies and provide senior management with periodic reports. Assist with
development and implementation of appropriate asset management policy.
Manage the treatment and disclosure of inventories related expenditure in
compliance with the relevant guidelines. Manage the preparation of financial
disclosure annexures and notes relating to expenditure on movable and
immovable assets. Issue annual circular communicating the submission
dates for the U-AMPs and C-AMPs in terms of Section 9 of GIAMA. Monitor
and support the review and implementation of annual provincial GIAMA
implementation plan by DRPW. Manage the revision and submission of draft
U-AMPs and C-AMP to National Treasury in conjunction with DRPW. Assist
Provincial Departments with Asset Management Capacity Building. Conduct
annual assessments of provincial asset management structures for
adequacy and relevance to perform asset management function. Support
the identification of training needs and planning for relevant training.
Conduct workshops and forums aimed at roll-out of asset management
related reforms from National Treasury as well as enhancing provincial best
practices sharing amongst practitioners. Implement And Manage Risk,
Finance and Supply-Chain Management Protocols and Prescripts in Area of
Responsibility: Identify and manage risks in area of responsibility. Ensure
timely budgeting, monitoring, variance analysis and reporting. Ensure that
Procurement Planning takes place, that specifications are developed
timeously and that there is compliance with supply chain prescripts. Ensure
the Unit’s assets are managed, maintained and kept safely. Weigh up
financial implications of propositions and align expenditure to cash flow
projections. Manage Area Of Responsibility: Maintain high standards by
ensuring that the team/section produces excellent work in terms of
quality/quantity and timeliness. Resolve problems of motivation and control
with minimum guidance from manager. Delegate functions to staff based on
individual potential. Provide the necessary guidance and support, and afford
staff adequate training and development opportunities. Ensure timeous
development and implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development
Plans (PDP’s) for all subordinates. Manage daily employee performance
and ensure timely Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Ensure
the implementation and management of Risk, Finance and supply-chain
Management protocols and prescripts in area of responsibility. Ensure
management, maintenance and safekeeping of assets. Preference will be
given to African Female/Colored Female/White Female and People with
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Ndayi Tel No: (040) 1010 072/071


(Fixed 12 Months Contract)

SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive remuneration)
CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, Bachelor degree (NQF Level 7) or Bachelor of
Technology degree in the built environment disciplines of Quantity
Surveying, Project/Building/Construction Management or Civil/Structural

Engineering. Minimum of 7 years’ relevant experience in management of
infrastructure delivery programmes
DUTIES : To institutionalise infrastructure procurement planning, policy, norms and
standards. To facilitate the institutionalisation of the Infrastructure Delivery
Management System (IDMS) within procurement processes and related
forward and backward linkages. To facilitate the institutionalisation of the
Framework for Infrastructure Delivery & Procurement Management (FIDPM)
within IDMS procurement processes. To develop infrastructure procurement
strategies that address the socio-economic developmental targets in the
Province. To manage monitoring and evaluation systems related to IDMS
compliance in terms of the FIDPM stage gate approvals. To provide
guidance for innovative procurement strategies (panel of service providers,
period contracts, framework contracts, etc.). To review procurement
strategies per programme/project with respect to delivery targets, project
integration and efficiencies of scale. To manage the co-ordinated and co-
opted SCM processes, including: tender adverts, quality review of
proceedings from tender committees; tender awards; procurement
timeframes; and, provide guidance to mitigate procurement delays. Ensure
infrastructure procurement plans are credible. Monitor, evaluate and report
on infrastructure procurement and major capital projects. Maintain a
database of contract awards and blacklisting, and conduct continuous risk
assessment of workload and performance from service providers. Provide
contract management support to departments (variation orders, deviations,
dispute resolution and contract execution). Support compliance with the
CIDB standard for uniformity, LEDPF and SMME development. Manage
relations with clients and provide project leadership. Develop, establish and
manage procurement information systems. Contribute to team and own
performance, as well as, knowledge sharing and quality circles. Preference
will be given to African Female/Colored Female/White Female and People
with disabilities
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Ndayi Tel No: (040) 1010 072/071




SALARY : Senior Certificate, R733 257 per annum (Level 11) (An all-inclusive
CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, A Three year Degree (NQF level 7) or National Diploma
(NQF Level 6) or Relevant Certificate of RPL (NQF 6 as assessed by a
recognised university) in Financial Management/Financial accounting plus
Minimum of 5 years’ experience in Finance or related field of which 3 years
must have been at an Assistant Director level. Previous experience in
monitoring or working in Municipal environment is essential.
DUTIES : Provide Guidance And Assistance On The Technical Application Of
Accounting Standards In Compliance With The Financial Reporting
Framework As Required By The Municipal Finance Management ACT:
Assess and determine the capability and capacity of Municipalities in relation
to the implementation of the latest prescribed GRAP Reporting Framework
as well as updates on Standards of GRAP and submit inputs for risk based
training plan to the Director to improve compliance. Roll out trainings,
provide advice and technical assistance/application on GRAP related issues
to municipalities in the district in consultation with National Treasury.
Prepare response to improve the quality of financial reporting by conducting
research on technical accounting queries/issues raised by municipalities as
well as the Exposure Drafts as issued by the Accounting Standards Board
for submission to the Director. Conduct selected municipal visits to assess
the readiness of municipalities to submit quality Annual Financial
Statements, by monitoring of AFS plans, implementation of audit action
plans and completeness of Audit File and compile report to the Director with

recommendation to improve compliance with the MFMA. Provide report to
the supervisor on the analysis and interpretation of Annual Financial
Statements to ascertain financial health of municipalities. Monitor mSCOA
Implementation Plans of municipalities against set timelines to improve
compliance with mSCOA Regulations to ensure alignment with GRAP
Standards and Business Processes. Assess, advise and monitor
municipalities with preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual financial
statements. Review the analysis of Consolidated Management Report to
identify common issues and for dissemination to municipalities and roll out
transversal support. Monitor and report on timeous submission of AFS for
each Municipality in the district as per the MFMA requirements. Direct, co-
ordinate and conduct research for the development of Position Papers, on
technical GRAP issues that affect the municipalities to provide clear
guidance, application and direction. Participate, in the Accounting Standards
Board, Public Sector Accounting Forums on the new/update on accounting
reforms. Coordinate, manage and provide a high-level review of AFS for
each municipality prior to submission for audit in order to minimise financial
misstatements errors. Conduct sessions and provide Financial Standard
Procedure Manuals relating to Accounting in consultation with National
Treasury. Guiding and advising stakeholders on accounting practice and
issues and compile documents/presentations for discussion on various
topics related accSpeounting on various sessions. Respond to queries
raised on accounting issues by providing advice and technical assistance to
municipalities. To Provide Assistance, Support and Control Mechanism on
Issues of Compliance to Supply Chain Management (SCM), Asset
Management (AM): Develop Analytical Assessment Framework for SCM
and AM Standard Operating Procedures against the legislative, policy
frameworks to improve compliance within municipalities for submission to
the Director. Conduct analysis of municipal SCM policy against the SCM
Model Policy, legislation regulatory framework as well as National Treasury
policy and practice notes and against any determined assessment tool
ensuring that municipal SCM policy is aligned to current legislation and
policy frameworks for SCM. Designing and implementing SCM / moveable
asset management training Interventions to develop skill and capacity within
municipalities. Assessment of compliance of regulatory framework for
supply chain and moveable asset management. Monitoring that policy has
been tabled before the municipal council and report on approved SCM
Policy and assessment submitted to National Treasury. Conduct research
on queries/issues raised on SCM & AM through the help desk by
municipalities and prepare response on improving compliance for
submission to the Director. Conduct assessment on the functionality of Bid
Committees as per developed checklist and provide advice on gaps
identified. Participate in supplier open days and supplier developmental
initiatives. Monitor mSCOA Implementation Plans of municipalities against
set timelines to improve compliance with mSCOA Regulations to ensure
alignment with SCM/AM Regulations and Business Processes. Assess the
training needs as support/intervention for municipalities to improve
compliance to each district’s unique needs and submit inputs for risk based
training plan to the Director. Evaluate reports and conduct research to
improve integrity of data on the financial systems to assist in compliance
with SCM regulations. Conduct Budget assessment on the alignment of
Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plans with Procurement Plans &
Infrastructure Plans and provide report to the Director on the
recommendations to improve compliance with the MFMA. Monitor the
development and implementation of Contract Management by
municipalities. Coordinate the monitoring and support to municipalities on
the reduction of the Irregular Expenditure in the Province Monitor
Compliance with Financial Assets and Liabilities and Revenue
Management: Assist in monitoring financial asset management compliance
and compile a report. Assist with advisory services and commentary in
respect of Long Term Contracts, Disposal of assets, borrowing proposals,
Demarcation and the Establishment of municipal entities. Monitor and

facilitate the implementation of the recommendations on corrective actions
to be taken regarding financial asset management, liability management,
and revenue management. Support municipalities on exploration of policies
and practices with the aim of improving liquidity of municipalities to deliver
services. Assess and report on the Financial Management Capability
Maturity Model (FMCMM) to determine weaknesses and implement
measures to strengthen functionality and compliance to improve maturity
levels of municipalities. Manage Area of Responsibility: Supervise and co-
ordinate the effective and efficient running and management of the
directorate. Develop and implement service delivery improvement
programmes. Develop and supervise the implementation of the directorate’s
Annual Operational Plans monitor and report on the implementation thereof
monthly, quarterly and annually (Effective Performance Management).
Ensure that performance agreements and development plans are developed
and implemented for all staff in the directorate within set timeframes. Ensure
that staff performance is managed on a daily basis and that Performance
Assessments of all employees in area of responsibility are done timeously
and within agreed timeframes. Assess knowledge and technical capabilities
of directorate officials to support training and development of skills.
Preparing and Presenting Quarterly Operational Reports to the Relevant
Key Stakeholders. Ensure The Implementation and Management of Risk,
Finance and Supply-Chain Management Protocols and Prescripts in Area of
Responsibility: Identify and manage risks in area of responsibility. Ensure
timely budgeting, monitoring, variance analysis and reporting. Ensure that
Procurement Planning takes place, that specifications are developed
timeously and that there is compliance with supply chain prescripts. Ensure
the directorate’s assets are managed, maintained and kept safely. Weigh up
financial implications of propositions and align expenditure to cash flow
projection NB: Preference will be given to Coloured Female/ White Female
and People with disabilities.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Ndayi Tel No: (040) 1010 072/071.



SALARY : R257 508 per annum (Level 07) (An all-inclusive remuneration)
CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, A Three Year Degree (NQF level 7) or National Diploma
(NQF Level 6) or Relevant Certificate of RPL (as assessed and awarded by
a recognised institution of learning, with a minimum of 120 credits at NQF
Level 6) in Office Administration, Financial Management or any other related
qualification coupled with Minimum of 2 years working relevant experience
DUTIES : Render Administrative Support Services To The Chief Directorate: Ensure
effective flow of information and documents to and from the office of the
Chief Director. Co-ordinate Chief Directorate reports:Progress Reports,
Monthly Reports,Management Reports. Scrutinise routine
submissions/reports and make notes for the Chief Director. Respond to
enquiries received internal and from external stakeholders. Draft documents
as required, Collect, analyse and collate information as requested.
Coordinate travel arrangements for the Chief Directorate. Manage leave
register for the Chief Directorate. Administer procurement of standard items
(stationery & refreshments) for the Chief Directorate. Obtain necessary
signatures on documents pertaining to the Chief Directorate. Provide
Secretariat Support Services To The Chief Directorate: Collect and compile
necessary documents for the Chief Directorate meetings.Record minutes
and circulate to all relevant role players, and make follow-up on progress
made.Prepare briefings notes for the Chief Director as required.Coordinates
logistical arrangement for the Chief Directorate meetings. Provide Financial
Administration Support Services For The Chief Directorate: Collect and
coordinate all documents related to the Chief Directorates budget. Assist the
Chief Directorate in determining funding requirements for the purpose of
MTEF budget. Keep records of expenditure commitments, monitor

expenditure and alert the Chief Director of possible over – and under
spending. Check and collerate BAS reports, and ensure that expenditure is
allocated correctly. Identify the need to move funds between items, consult
with the Chief Director and compile memoranda for this purpose.NB:
Preference will be given to Colored Male/African Male/White Male and
People with disabilities.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Ndayi Tel No: (040) 1010 072/071


The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is an equal opportunity, affirmative
action employer. Females and disabled persons are encouraged to apply. Employment Equity targets
of the Department will be adhered to. Further succession planning and retention and attraction
policies of the Department will be enforced.

APPLICATIONS : quoting reference number must be addressed to Mr S. Meligana. But will be

received at Foyer until 15H30 on the closing date. Applications must be
posted to The Head of Department, Department of Cooperative Governance
& Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X0035, BHISHO, 5605. NB: No late,
emailed or faxed applications will be accepted.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applicants are required to submit a completed Z.83 form obtainable from
any Government Institution. Certified copies of the required qualifications,
bar coded identity document, academic records and comprehensive
Curriculum Vitae must accompany these forms. Candidates must indicate
the number of this circular andthe post number as a reference. Candidates
requiring additional information must direct their enquiries telephonically to
the person indicated below. All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to
personnel suitability check in terms of minimum information security
standard. Selected candidates will also be subjected to competency based
assessment and technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job. Communication will be limited to selected candidates
only. If you do not hear from us within six (6) months of the closing date,
please accept that your application is unsuccessful.



COGTA: 01/01/2020

SALARY : R869 007 - R1 023 645 per annum (Level 12)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 7) in Social Science/Development Studies. A
post graduate degree will be an added advantage. Five (5) years’
experience at junior management level of which three years’ experience
must be in the relevant field. Rural Development facilitation experience will
be an added advantage. A valid driver’s licence code 08. Computer literacy.
Competency: Management skills including people management and
understanding of Traditional leadership legislation and other relevant
government legislation and regulations including the Public Finance
Management Act, Public Service Administration Act and Regulations
including labour. Understanding of government planning and budgeting
DUTIES : To coordinate and monitor facilitation of the involvement of Traditional
Leaders in development initiatives. Assist in promoting co-operative
relations with developmental partners and Government Departments.
Facilitate the assignment of functions by other Departments to Traditional
Institutions. Support Traditional Councils on development planning. Mobilise
donors for funding development programmes in Traditional Communities.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


SALARY : R869 007 – R1 023 645 per annum (Level 12)

CENTRE : Joe Gqabi Distric Support centre
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF level 7) in Public Management/Administration
Planning or Development Management. Five (5) years’ experience at a
junior management level. A valid Code 8 (EB) drivers licence.
Competencies: Experience in an intergovernmental related environment at
Assistant Director level or equivalent. Excellent computer skills in as far as
MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Presentation, communication (verbal &
written) and report writing skills.
DUTIES : Promote and facilitate intergovernmental relations as well as municipal inter-
national relations (twining arrangements). Monitor and Coordinate the
implementation of intergovernmental activities and policies in municipalities.
Assist in the promotion and facilitation of stakeholder relations. Assist in the
promotion of agreements/memoranda of understanding between
municipalities, sector departments and other relevant stakeholders. Manage
and coordinate district/regional intergovernmental structures. Ensure
compliance with the Local Government Municipal Structures Act (Act No.
117 of 1998) and the Local Government Municipal Systems Act No. 32 of
2000). Facilitate the development, consolidation and submission of written
reports. Responsible for efficient Management of the Sub Directorate,
including the effective utilisation and the training of staff, maintenance of
discipline, promotion of sound labour relations and proper use of state
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA 05/01/2020

SALARY : R797 670. per annum (OSD)

CENTRE : Bisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, Diploma or Degree in Geographic Information System
(Geomatics) Computer Sciences or equivalent as accredited by SAGI
Registration as GIS Technician in accordance with the Geomatics
Professions Act, 2013, (Act No 19 of 2013) with SAGI. Registration as GIS
Technologist and post graduate qualification will be an added advantage.
Valid driver’s license Code 08. Competencies: ArcGIS online experience.
GPS Capturing. Have proven GIS skills, expertise and experience.
Knowledge and experience of GIS application and database development.
DUTIES : Provide technical support within Department and Municipalities (Sarah
Baartman District Support Centre including its Local Municipalities.
Acquisition and management of Spatial Information with reference to Sarah
Baartman DSC including its Local Municipalities. Upload and publish
information on to PSDF and update GIS website. Customisation of mapping
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R733 257 - R863 748 per annum (level 11)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 7) in Public Finance
/Management/Administration/Accounting/ Economics and Logistics or any
other related field of qualification as recognised by SAQA and at least 5
years at junior management level of which 3 years in Asset & Fleet
Management/ Finance role. Valid driver’s licence. Computer literacy
programmes: MS word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook. Competencies: In-
depth knowledge of legislative framework that governs the Public Service.
Understanding and application of the following prescripts: PFMA, Treasury
regulations, Treasury/ Practice Notes, Treasury & DPSA Circulars, Asset

Management, Supply Chain Management Guidelines and Frameworks.
Financial Management Systems (PERSAL, BAS & LOGIS). Proven working
knowledge of asset and fleet management. Applied strategic thinking,
applying technology, budgeting and financial management. Communication
and information management, continuous improvement, citizen focus and
responsiveness. Conflict management, problem solving, planning and
organizing, decision making, team leadership, communication (verbal and
written) skills.
DUTIES : Implement, monitor and review Departmental Asset and Fleet Management
policies, procedures and processes. Responsible for procurement and
management of Departmental assets and fleet. Ensure the management of
Departmental assets through verification (physical condition, functionality,
utilisation and financial performance). Monitor and review allocation of
assets and fleet for the Department. Manage the allocated resources of the
directorate in line with legislative and departmental policy directives and
comply with corporate governance and planning imperatives. Oversee and
review the monitoring of assets and fleet in accordance with the relevant
policies and procedures. Monitor and review the capturing of all physical
assets (moveable and immovable) assets in the physical asset management
register. Manage disposal processes of the Department. Identify staff
capacity needs and ensure training and development interventions. Manage
directorate’s budget in line with the strategic objectives of the Department.
Provide strategic direction for asset and fleet management within the
Department. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential and
provide necessary guidance and support by affording staff adequate training
and development opportunities. Ensure timeous development of job
descriptions and implementation of work plans and Personal Development
Plans for all subordinates. Manage daily employee performance and ensure
timely performance assessments of all subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


REF.NO: COGTA (04/01/2020)

SALARY : R733 257 – R863 748. per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF level 7) in Public Management/Project
Management/ Programme Management. Five years’ experience at junior
management level in Public Service of which three years must have been in
strategic planning environment. Code EB Driver’s License. Competencies:
Knowledge of Public Financial Management Act and Treasury Regulations,
Frame Work for strategic and annual performance plans. Knowledge of
strategic Planning. Advanced Computer skills. Good Communication Skills
(Written and Verbal) and interpersonal skills. Analytical skill problem solving.
Facilitation Skills and supervisory skills.
DUTIES : Coordinate and facilitate strategic planning process within the department.
Provision of technical strategic planning support throughout the department
including the development of scientific tools, appropriate approaches,
systems and formats for strategic alignment of the strategic planning
documents with relevant legislation, policies and frame works. Development
of strategic planning documents (Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan
and Operational Plan) for the District Support Centres and the Department.
Supervise the effective and efficient utilization of resources allocated to the
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R470 040 – R553 677 per annum (level 10)

CENTRE : Amathole District Support Centre

REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 7) in Disaster Management Studies. 5 years
experience at Supervisory Level in Disaster Management. Understanding of
Information systems or GIS and knowledge of early warning systems will be
an added advantage. Valid driver’s license Code 08.
DUTIES : To facilitate and oversee the sourcing and disseminate early warnings and
related information inclusive of preventative and mitigate measures and
strategies. Develop and implement SOP’s for sourcing and dissemination of
alerts, advisories and early warnings. Develop and implement mechanisms
and capacities needed to generate and disseminate timely and meaningful
warning information of possible extreme events or disasters (e.g. Floods,
drought, fire, earthquake and Tsunamis) that threatens people’s lives. Assist
with the analysis risk factors associated to alerts, advisories & warnings to
determine related effects & impact prior, during and post disaster incidents
and emergencies. Collaborate with internal and external role- players to
actively involve communities at risk (CARs), to create awareness, effectively
disseminate messages and warnings to create a state constant
preparedness. Facilitate and conduct research to continuously improve the
development of technological instruments to enhance early warnings
disseminations. Facilitate the establishment of partnerships for use of
remote sensing technology and systems to enhance early warnings.
Facilitate the development and assessment of risk profiles and mapping of
high risk areas in the Province. Facilitate the mapping of high risk areas
including proposed developments in the Province using relevant Geographic
Information Systems (GIS). Collate hazards and disaster risk information
and develop analytic report to inform early warnings and preparedness.
Support the integration of risk and hazard maps and risk profiles into
Provincial and Municipal development plans. Support the establishment and
functionality of intergovernmental relations across the three spheres of
government for early warnings. Facilitate process to establish working
relations, communication links and information sharing platforms with
disaster management role-players for the purpose of early warnings and
information dissemination. Provide and support the operational efficiency of
the DOC and tactical operations with GIS data and information as and when
required. Advocate for the enhancement and advancement of early warning
systems in various strategic and operational IGR structures.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA: 07/01/2020

SALARY : R470 040 – R553 677 per annum (level 10)

CENTRE : Alfred Nzo District
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 7) in Accounting/Financial
Administration/Financial Management/Auditing. Three years working
experience at supervisory level in Financial Management field. Computer
Literacy (MS word, MS Excel, PowerPoint and outlook). Code 08 drivers
DUTIES : Monitor and assist municipalities on update of books of Accounts. Verify the
existence and implementation of Credit Control, Debt Management Policy
and corresponding by-laws. Collect and collate information on billing and
collection level. Assess the readiness of municipalities in compiling the
Annual Financial Statements, support and monitor compilations of annual
financial statements by the municipalities including after year end
reconciliations and adjustments. Assist in the timely submission of AFS by
the municipalities. Assess audit improvement plans and compile reports.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA 08/01/2019

SALARY : R470 040 – R553 677 per annum (Level 10)


REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 7) in Public Administration/Development
Studies/ Social Science.Three years at junior management level experience
in Local Economic Development. MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS
Office, Outlook. Driver’s Licence Code EB. Knowledge of Monitoring and
Evaluation will be an added advantage. Competencies: Good
Communication Skills, Report writing, Project Management, Financial
Management, Problem solving and analysis, Innovative and Creative.
DUTIES : Facilitate, coordinate and monitor the implementation of Public Employment
Programmes (Community Work Programme and Expanded Works
Programme). Facilitate, coordinate and monitor the implementation of Small
Town Development Programme. Facilitate, coordinate and monitor the
implementation of Integrated Urban Development Programme.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


(IDP) REF.NO: COGTA 09/01/2019

SALARY : R470 040 – R553 677 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Sarah Baartman
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 07) in Development Studies or Senior Policy
Studies or Public Administration/Management plus three (3) years
appropriate experience in the related field. Code 08 driver’s license.
Computer Literacy. Core Competences: the prospective candidate will be
characterised by service delivery innovation, client orientation and customer
focus, people management and empowerment, financial and project
management and knowledge management skills.
DUTIES : Promote, Facilitate, co-ordination, monitor and analyse the development
process process of integrated development planning and plans of Sarah
Baartman District Municipal area, Eastern Cape. Promote, Facilitate, co-
ordinate, strengthen, monitor and analyse intergovernmental and
interspheral development planning in Sarah Baartman District of the Eastern
Cape. Promote, Facilitate, co-ordinate, strengthen, monitor the use and
have the ability to interpret STATS information for the benefit of the
Integrated Development Planning purpose. Responsibility for the
administrative function within the Directorate i.e. submission of reports
development and rendering of presentations, efficient management of
human, physical and financial resources of the Directorate. Good
communication skills and interpersonal relations as well as client and results
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA: 10/01/2020

SALARY : R470 040 – R553 677 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Joe Gqabi District
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 7) in Accounting/Financial
Administration/Financial Management/Auditing. Three years working
experience at supervisory level in Financial Management field. Computer
Literacy (MS word, MS Excel, PowerPoint and outlook). Code 08 drivers
DUTIES : Monitor and assist municipalities on update of books of Accounts. Verify the
existence and implementation of Credit Control, Debt Management Policy
and corresponding by-laws. Collect and collate information on billing and
collection level. Assess the readiness of municipalities in compiling the
Annual Financial Statements, support and monitor compilations of annual
financial statements by the municipalities including after year end
reconciliations and adjustments. Assist in the timely submission of AFS by
the municipalities. Assess audit improvement plans and compile reports.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083

Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R470 040 – R553 677.per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate An appropriate degree/diploma in Property Valuations
supported by a minimum of one-year experience in the valuation
environment. Registration or eligibility to register as a Professional
Associated Valuer. Computer literacy, Microsoft Office Application, MS
excel, Project and Power- point. Valid code 8 driver’s license. Eligible to
register as a candidate valuer with the SACPVP and candidate value
attended and pass practical work school programme.
DUTIES : Support and monitor the implementation of the Municipal Property Rates
Act, 2004 as amended. Assist in the preparation of Directorate budget,
annual performance and operational plans.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


REF.NO: COGTA 41/01/2020
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R470 040 – R553 677per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Alfred Nzo
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate B. Degree An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7)
in Public Management/ Social Sciences qualification. Three years’
experience at supervisory level in the related field in the private/public
sector, non – governmental or community based organisation. Computer
Literacy (Microsoft Office Applications) Competencies: Full understanding of
Local Government: Municipal Systems Act & other Local Government
Legislation, including policies and procedures. Excellent communication
skills (written and verbal): interpersonal relation skills; ability to work under
pressure; attention to details; analytical skills; presentation skill; meticulous
planning and organizational skills. Excellent communication, including
producing quality reports.
DUTIES : Responsible for supporting municipalities with institutionalisation of PMS i.e.
development of PMS framework. Assist in the timely preliminary assessment
of Sec 46 reports from municipalities. Assist in the assessment of Sec 46
reports for the purpose of the development of Sec 47 report. Assist in the
development of a high quality Sec 47 report for the province. Assist in
compiling timely responses of parliamentary questions by the sub-
directorate. Assist in the management and monitoring of the directorate
financial and non-financial resources. Assist in providing hands on support
on development of Performance Agreements (PAs) of Sec 54 and 56
Managers of municipalities. Assist in analysing PAs, monitor signing and
timely submission of Pas as required by the legislation.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advertisement. Candidates who previously applied are encouraged to

SALARY : R446 202 – R510 189 per annual (OSD)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma in Land Surveying/Geomatics or an equivalent NQF
level 6 qualification recognised by the South African Geomatics Council
(SAGC). Registration as a Survey Technician with SAGC, plus four (4) years
post registration experience. Valid drivers licence Competencies:
Knowledge of Local Government environment, and other relevant Land
Survey and Land Use Legislation Management and development
procedures. Have strong project management knowledge and experience.

Have good financial management, interpersonal & self-leadership skills.
Knowledge of Geographic Information System (GIS) will be an added
DUTIES : Support Municipalities in monitoring the execution of Cadastral Surveys and
Mapping Services. Assist in the interpretation of Land Survey and Planning
legislation and processes. Assist in the efficient execution of functions of the
division, maintenance of discipline, promotion of sound labour relations and
proper use of state resources. Assist in rendering technical support in
relation to Land Survey services across Municipalities without capacity.
Provide information on Land Survey related issues to the municipalities and
other clients.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R376 596 - R443 601 per annum (level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 7) in Social Science /Development Studies or
Public Administration or relevant NQF Level 7 qualification. Three years’
experience at supervisory level in administration related field. Computer
literacy and valid driver’s Licence.Competencies: In- Depth knowledge of
gender related policies, mainstreaming of issues of designated groups and
monitoring equity. Communication skills (verbal and written) are essential.
Ability to analyse programme reports with a gender lense. Organisational
management, team work/interpersonal skills, result orientation/ service
focus. Incumbent must have worked in Special Programmes Field with
thorough of gender, provincial, national and international instruments. In-
depth of knowledge gender related policies mainstreaming of issues of
designated groups and monitoring equity. Communication (verbal and
written) skills are essential. Ability to analyse programme reports with a
gender lense. Advanced computer skills in MS Office. Presentation and
report writing skills will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Mainstreaming gender – cantered approach to departmental policy,
planning, implementing and programming processes. Advise and support
Department and Municipalities on all the matters pertaining to women and
gender empowerment in gender development and responsive gender
budgeting. Liaise with provincial, national, international gender machineries
and other relevant stakeholders. Provide coordination of gender activities
and programmes and develop framework for effective implementation of
gender and women programmes in the Department. Monitor, analyse and
evaluate departmental programs & plans on gender budgeting and
development. Compile the gender reports on gender programme. Assess
(at the beginning of budget year) whether adequate funds have been
allocated to implement gender – centred aspects of Departmental policies.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R376 596 - R443 601 per annum (level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF level 7) Management in Training/Public
Management. Three years’ experience at supervisory level in the
management of PMDS. Computer literacy (MS word, Excel, and
PowerPoint. Driver’s license. Certificate in advanced Public Management
will be an added advantage. Competencies: Communication Skills.
Presentation Skills, Integrity and Honesty, Interpersonal Relations and
Financial Management.
DUTIES : Ensure proper management/administration of departmental individuals
‘performance. Give advice on the implementation and maintenance of
PMDS matters in the Department. Provide management with relevant

information and changes pertaining PMDS. Ensuring the alignment of PMDS
with strategic objectives of the department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


SALARY : R376 596 - R443 601 per annum (level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 7) in Commerce/Accounting/Financial
Management coupled with Three years relevant experience at supervisory
level of which three years should be in Rebates Section. Professional
registration Accounting. Computer skills (MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).
Competencies: Must have working knowledge of Government Financial
System i.e. Basic Accounting System (BAS) and PERSAL system. Good
writing, communication and reporting skills. Computer literacy, analytical
skills and the ability to work under pressure. A strong understanding of
Public Finance Management Act of 1999 (PFMA), Treasury Regulations,
General Recognized Accounting Practice (GAAP) and Public Service
Regulations. Knowledge of the Public Sector and SCOA. Report writing
skills, proven interpersonal skills and excellent financial management skills.
DUTIES : Perform monthly and yearly tax reconciliation and pay-over to SARS on
prescribed time. Ensure that TAX certificates have been issued for all
employees and final tax calculations are done for every service termination
and tax year. Monitor and control income tax account monthly. Manage and
effect deductions and perform distributions functions. Draw PERSAL
exception reports, identify reconciling items and perform PERSAL/BAS
reconciliation. Ensure Public Financial Management Act requirements
regarding payroll certification are fully complied with. Monitoring proper filing
systems and procedures relating to financial matters. Supervise, manage
performance and maintain discipline within sub-directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R376 596 - R443 601 per annum (level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 7) in Supply Chain Management/
Auditing/Finance related field or equivalent qualification. Three years’
experience at supervisory level. Computer literacy (MS Office and Excel). A
valid Driver’s Licence. Competencies: Communication Skills (Verbal and
written). Planning and Organising Skills. Project Management skills. Client
orientation and customer focus skills. Financial Management skills.
Presentation and facilitation skills. Good interpersonal relations. Information
analysis skills. Knowledge and understanding of PFMA, PPPFA, BBBEE
and all applicable legislations as well as applying the in the work
environment. Report writing and listening skills. Good English proficiency
(read write & speak). Good document scanning skills and document
safekeeping skills. Ability to work effectively with officials across all levels
within the Department. Good Team Work and Management skills. Ability to
work under pressure. Good telephone and e-mail etiquette. Willing to work
irregular hours.
DUTIES : Assist, monitor, receiving and recording of all procurement transactions.
Review compliance reports on analysed reports. Prepare and present
mandated monthly, quarterly, half yearly and compile annual reports.
Present compliance report findings to the evaluating body. Assist and
maintain the irregular expenditure and deviation registers. Perform Supply
Chain Management risk functions. Provide technical assistance to cost
centres, to promote sound financial management. Draw reports and interpret
financial data and present to immediate supervisor in preparation for
management meetings. Assist in management of monitoring of budget and

personnel. Assistant in gathering information and responding to audit
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R376 596 – R454 920 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF level 7) in Public Administration or any related field.
Three years’ experience at supervisory level or as a Personal Assistant in
administration/finance related role. Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Outlook. Valid Driver’s licence. Office Management experience will be an
added advantage. Competencies: In- depth knowledge of legislative
framework that governs the Public Service: Understanding and application
of the following prescripts, PFMA, Treasury regulations, Treasury/ Practice
Notes, Treasury and DPSA Circulars. Financial Management Systems (BAS
& LOGIS). Skills: Applied strategic thinking, budgeting and financial
management. Good analytical skills, people management, citizen focus and
responsiveness. Conflict management, problem solving, planning and
organizing, decision making, team leadership, communication (verbal and
DUTIES : Provide support and coordination for all activities in the Office of the Chief
Financial Officer. Render administrative support to the Chief Financial
Officer. Prepare Delegations of Financial Powers in terms of the PFMA for
newly appointed Senior Managers. Support the consolidation and
management of budgeting processes in the Chief Directorate. Assist in the
preparation of the In-year Monitoring report for submissions to Departmental
Budget Planning and Management directorate. Manage and organise Chief
Directorate monthly meetings. Provide secretariat support for Finance and
Supply Chain Management meetings. Coordinate Chief Directorate’s
quarterly review sessions. Consolidate financial and non- financial reports
for the Chief Directorate. Delegate functions to junior staff based on
individual potential and provide necessary guidance and support.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R376 596 - R443 601 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, B Degree (NQF Level 7) in Law/LLB or equivalent
qualification. Three years’ experience at supervisory level in Contract
Management. Computer literacy. Competencies: Knowledge of constitution,
PFMA and other relevant legislations and ability to implement these
prescripts. Strong communication (Verbal and written) and negotiation skills.
Problem solving. Thorough knowledge and experience in project
management and monitoring. Ability to do presentations, interpretation of
reports and policies. Ability to work effectively with officials across all levels
within the Department. Attention to detail. Self-starter with good negotiation
skills. Ability to manage multiple tasks. Ability to make high level of
DUTIES : Draft contracts and service level agreements. Evaluate the performance of
contract of service providers. Advise management timeously of expiry of
contracts in order to provide end user division sufficient time to decide
whether to renew the contract or re-advertise the requirements. Provide
guidance in recommendation of variation orders or extension of contracts.
Assist in resolution of disputes arising in award, performance and review of
contracts. Assist in management of budget and personnel. Assist in
compiling and maintaining a contract management register. Assist in
assessment of performance risks in the sub directorate in order to provide

correct mechanisms. Provide support for safe keeping and maintenance of
records, information and knowledge in the directorate. Assist in gathering
information and responding to audit queries.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA: 43/01/2020
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R376 596 - R443 601 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificat, B Degree (NQF Level 7) in Logistics/Supply Chain or
relevant qualification. Three years’ experience at supervisory level in Supply
Chain Management. Computer literacy (Ms Word, Excel and Power point).
Competencies: Sound knowledge of PFAMA, PPPFA and other relevant
legislations & ability to implement these prescripts. Knowledge and
understanding of the LOGIS system as well as a departmental reporting
framework. Ability to prepare and analyse data. Management skills. Ability
to work independently. Ability to work effectively with official across all levels
within the department. Attention to detail. Communication skills (Verbal and
written). Self-starter with good negotiation skills. Ability to manage multiple
and complex tasks. Ability to make high level of submissions.
DUTIES : Compile financial monthly and quarterly reports for departmental
commitments as per national requirements. Assist in implementation of
efficient and effective systems in transit, procurement (logistics) and LOGIS
units to optimise performance. Assist in management of implementing
procurement reforms. Assist in resolution of queries related to commitments.
Assist in management of budget and personnel. Develop and review
performance Draft contracts and service level agreements. Evaluate the
performance of contract of service providers. Advise management timeously
of expiry of contracts in order to provide end user division sufficient time
work plans and related plans and supervise collection of information for
performance and regulatory audit for submission for the Deputy Director.
Manage the order creation process. Assist in assessment of performance
risks in the sub directorate in order to provide corrective mechanisms.
Provide support for safekeeping and maintenance of records, information
and knowledge in sub directorate. Assist in gathering information and
responding to audit queries.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA 44/01/2020
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R376 596 - R443 601 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Joe Gqabi
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate B Degree (NQF Level 7) in Human Resource
Management Public Administration/Management. Three (3) years’
experience at supervisory level in the field of training and development.
Computer Literacy. Valid Code 08 drivers licence. Competencies:
Knowledge and understanding of MFMA, EEA, Treasury Regulations. Public
Service Act, LRA, BCEA, Public Service Regulations, Municipal Systems
Act, Municipal Structures Act and relevant Local Government Regulations
and policies. Sound knowledge of Human Resource Policies, strategies and
related matters. Good writing and oral communication skills, report writing,
customer care. Change management, coordination and planning. Strong
planning skills and conflict management skills.
DUTIES : Monitor compliance on recruitment of section 54 & 56 Senior Managers in
Municipalities, monitor municipalities in the development and submission of
Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) to LGSETA annually, support municipalities in
reviewing integrated HR Plans, monitor submission of Employment Equity
Plans and reports to Department of Labour annually. Support municipalities

in aligning their organograms with IDPs. Provide and coordinate training and
Skills Development support services. Support municipalities in resolving
Labour Relations matters through section 106 investigations. Prepare and
submit consolidated monthly, quarterly, annually reports for the unit. Be able
to monitor budget and supervision of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R376 596 – R443 601 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, B Degree in Commerce/Accounting/Financial
Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualification coupled with at least 3 years’
experience in the field of Financial Control as Senior State Accountant or
Senior Certificate with five (5) years’ experience in the field of Financial
Control office as a Senior State Accountant. Computer literacy (Microsoft
Word, MS Excel, Project and Power Point) are all mandatory. Valid Code 8
driver’s license is compulsory. Competencies: Knowledge of Basic
Accounting System (BAS). Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Public
Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations and applicable circulars/
instruction Notes/Practice Notes, determination, financial policies and
procedures. Good communication skills, strong analytic skills, report writing
skills and proven interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Management, control & see to it that financial control services is fully
functional in the Department. Booking and bank Reconciliation Sections are
up and running. Ensure that orderly Bookkeeping and its Principles is
complied with in all respects as per PFMA and Treasury Regulations
(Perform Month and Year and Closures. Management of Revenue
Deposited into PMG Account and see to it that it is being paid over to
Provincial Revenue Fund on a monthly basis as required per PFMA sec.
21(2) & 22(1) read with TR 15.3.1-2. Exceptions and inform offices
concerned for the clearance before the Month and Year End is performed.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


REF.NO: COGTA 46/01/2020

SALARY : R376 596 - R443 601. per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A recognised three year degree in Social Science/Diploma in Public
Administration or relevant NQF level 6 qualification with minimum of five
years in level 7 in Administration related field or 3 years in level 8 in Special
Programmes Unit. In Depth knowledge of youth related policies,
mainstreaming of issues of designated groups and monitoring equity.
Computer Literacy and Drivers Licence.
DUTIES : Mainstreaming youth-centered approach to departmental policy, planning,
implementing and programming processes. Advice and support
Department, and Municipalities on all matters pertaining to the
empowerment of young people. Liaise with Provincial Youth Institutions, and
relevant stakeholders on Youth Development. Facilitate awareness raising
and confidence building among young people at all departmental levels.
Provide a co-ordination framework for the effective implementation of youth
programmes in the Department. Monitor and evaluate Departmental
objectives on Youth Development. Develop Specific Youth Developmental
Strategy as a guidance to line function. To compile the Department’s reports
on Youth Programme. Assess (at the beginning of the budget year) whether
adequate funds have been all allocated to implement youth friendly aspects
of Departmental policies.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


SALARY : R316 791 - R373 167. per annum (level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF level 6) in Commerce/Accounting/Financial
Management or equivalent qualification coupled with 1-2 years’ experience
at supervisory level in Suspense Accounts Section. Senior certificate with
seven years supervisory experience in Suspense Accounts section.
Computer literacy Competencies: Must have working knowledge of
government financial systems namely BAS and Persal System. Good
communication skills, strong analytical skills, report writing skills, proven
interpersonal skills and excellent financial management skills. A strong
understanding of Public Finance Management Act of 1999 (PFMA),
Treasury Regulations, General Recognized Practice (GAAP) and Public
Service Regulations. Knowledge of the Public Sector & SCOA. Computer
skills (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access).
DUTIES : Management of all suspense and the debt account of the department.
Supervising of officials in the section that are below level 8. Clearing of all
suspense accounts and ensuring a smooth monthly and year closure of
books. Reconciliation of all of all suspense account at month end and year
end. Maintenance of proper filling of all debts files. Monitor and control the
individual transactions in each suspense account on a regular basis.
Analyse the receivables vs payables of all inter- department claims.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R316 791 - R373 167 per annum (level 08)

CENTRE : Bisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Public
Administration/Management/ Social Science with 1-2 years’ experience at
supervisory level or senior certificate coupled with seven years supervisory
experience. Experience in GIAMA will be an added advantage. Computer
literacy. Code Competencies: Ability to work well with people. Be able to
work under pressure.
DUTIES : Monitoring of neatness and cleanliness of the buildings including receive
and follow up on complaints regarding maintenance of buildings. Daily
maintenance and supervision of telephone and cell phone contracts. Proper
monitoring and control of office administration. Supervision of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


REF.NO: COGTA: 18/01/2020

SALARY : R316 791 - R373 167 per annum (level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Public Administration
or relevant qualifications with 1-2 working experience at supervisory level in
Local Government environment/Financial Management. Computer literacy
(MS word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Internet. Valid Code 08 drivers’
license. Competencies: Knowledge of Budgeting process. Must be able to
compile, analyse and monitor budget. Knowledge of PFMA and other
Finance related prescripts. Knowledge of planning documents. Presentation
skills, people management and sound interpersonal skills.
DUTIES Assist in compilation, analysis and management of budget. Assist in
alignment of strategic plan documents to APP and Operational Plan.
Process approval of claim for members of the House. Compile IYM and
quarterly Performance Reports. Responsible for Asset Management. Assist
in coordination of House programmes/events.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083

COGTA: 19/01/2020

SALARY : R316 791 - R 373 167 per annum (level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in communication,
Journalism, Public Relations or Marketing with 1-2 years’ experience at
supervisory level in communication environment. Computer literacy. Valid
drivers’ licence. Competencies: Must be able to communicate fluently in any
African language spoken in the Eastern Cape both verbally and in writing
(proficiency in Isixhosa and English). Experience in project management.
Sound interpersonal and team work skills are essential. Experience in
events coordination and management. Experience in photography and
journalistic writing skills.
DUTIES : Develop a communication plan for all House events and programmes. Liaise
with internal and external stakeholder’s media for purpose of marketing
House events and programmes. Update and upload information in the
House webpage. Write news articles for internal, external and any other
departmental publication. Render photography and branding services during
House events. Safe keeping and handling of House‘s property and
equipment. Organise events of the Provincial House. Perform daily, weekly
and monthly media monitoring and analysis services. Develop and maintain
social media platforms. Advise management on new communication
approaches and trends.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA 20/01/2020

SALARY : R316 791 – R373 167.per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in
Commerce/Accounting/ Financial Management or equivalent qualification
with 1-2 years supervisory experience serving in the Finance
environment/Financial control office or Senior Certificate coupled with 7
years supervisory experience in the field of Financial Control. Knowledge of
Basic Accounting System (BAS), Knowledge of Public Service Regulations,
Public Finance Management Act, Treasury regulations and applicable
Circulars/instruction Notes Practice Notes, Determinations, Financial
Policies and Procedures. Skills: Computer skills (MS Word, Excel, Good
communication skills, Strong analytical skills, Report writing skills and
proven interpersonal Skills.
DUTIES : Management of bank Reconciliations (PMG’s Account of the Department)
and ensure compliance in terms of Provincial Treasury Instruction Note No.
1 of 2012/13 and Instruction Note No. 1 of 2013/14 from the Office of the
Accountant General of the National Treasury. Ensure that Orderly
Bookkeeping and its principles is complied with in all respects as per PFMA
& Treasury Regulations. (Perform Month & Year End Closures).
Management of Revenue deposited into PMG account and see to it that it is
being Paid-Over to Provincial Revenue Fund on a Monthly basis as required
per PFMA, Sec 21(2) & 22(1) read with TR 15.3.1-2. Attend and prompt reply
to audit queries of the Section and reply within the required time frame.
(Whilst on a management report status). Supervision of staff and give
advice, guidance and training where necessary for the fulfilment and
achievement of our departmental strategic goals and objectives as planned.
(APP & OPS).
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


SALARY : R316 791 - R373 167 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Alfred Nzo DSC
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate B. Degree (NQF level 7) in Public
Management/Administration with five years working experience at
supervisory level in the relevant field. Computer Literacy (Microsoft Word,
MS Excel, and Power Point) are mandatory. A valid code 8 driver’s licence.
Competencies: Full understanding of Local Government: Municipality
Structure Act and other Local Government Legislation, including policies and
procedures. Excellent communication skills (written and verbal),
interpersonal relation skills, ability to work under pressure, attention to
details, Analytic skills, presentation skills, meticulous planning and
organisational skills.
DUTIES : Ensure Legislative Compliance by Municipalities. Assist municipalities in the
review and rationalisation of by-laws and policies. Assist the MBD in the
redetermination of boundaries by receiving applications, assist in the
hearings and meetings and also advise MBD Gazette concurrencies. Assist
in the determination of councillors as full time. Assist in Section 139
Municipal Interventions. Responsible for efficient management of Sub-
Directorate, including the effective utilisation and training of staff.
Maintenance of discipline, promotion of sound labour relations and the
proper use of state property.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R316 791 - R373 167 per annum (Level 8)

CENTRE : Joe Gqabi and Chris Hani DSC
RQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate National Diploma (NQF level 6) in Development Studies
or relevant qualification Two (2) years’ supervisory experience in Community
Development or relative field/ Senior certificate with 7 years’ supervisory
experience. Rural Development experience will be an added advantage. A
Valid code 8 (EB) Drivers’ License. Computer Literacy.
DUTIES : Assist in facilitating the involvement of Traditional Leaders in development
initiatives. Assist in promoting o-operative relations with developmental
partners and Government Departments. Facilitate and co-ordinate trainings
for projects/developmental programmes in Traditional Communities. Assist
and facilitate the involvement of donors in Traditional Communities
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R316 791 – R373 167.per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Recognized three-year degree in Social Science majoring in
Anthropology/National Diploma. Three (3) years’ experience in the research
related field. Computer literacy (Microsoft Word, MS Excel, Project and
Power Point) are all mandatory. A valid Code 8 driver’s license is
compulsory. Competencies: Must be able to communicate fluently in any
African language spoken in the Eastern Cape both verbally and in writing.
Knowledge of legislation governing traditional leadership institution. Project
management and conflict management skills. Sound interpersonal and team
work skills.

DUTIES : Conduct research on relevant traditions and customs applicable in the
Eastern Cape Province. Render Administrative support to House
Committees. Conduct research on claims and counter claims pertaining
traditional leadership disputes. Write and submit reports on research
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


REF.NO: NO. COGTA 48/01/2020
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R316 791 – R373 167. per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate National Diploma (NQF level 6) in Accounting/Financial
Administration/Economic/Development Studies or equivalent with two (2)
years supervisory experience in Financial Management/Auditing or Senior
certificate with 7 years’ supervisory experience in Financial Management/
Auditing. Computer literacy. A valid code 8 drivers licence. Competencies:
Ability to analyse Annual Financial Statements. Knowledge of accounting
standards. Understanding of Municipal Finance Management Act and other
Local Government legislation. Communication skills) are all mandatory.
DUTIES : Collect and collate information on revenue collection of municipalities,
determine trends and advise accordingly. Maintain database on payment of
creditors by municipalities. Collect and collate information on debt owed to
municipalities by consumers and rate payers, determine trends and advise
accordingly. Assist municipalities in the update of books and accounts.
Assist in the assessment of adequacy of responses on issues raised in audit
reports of municipalities. Assist in monitoring the implementation of audit
improvement plans of municipalities. Monitor the appropriate use of grant
funding and progress on implementation of projects.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R316 791 – R373 167. per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma in Public Administration/Law/Supply Chain Management
or NQF level 06 relevant qualification with two years’ experience in Bid
Administration environment (Bid Evaluation Committee support services)
experience or Senior certificate with five (5) years’ experience in Bid
Administration (Bid Evaluation Committee support services) experience.
Computer literacy. Competencies: Good English proficiency (read, write and
speak). Knowledge of bid committee duties, report writing and listening
skills. Good document scanning skills and document safekeeping skills.
Maintain equipment and recording systems. Ability to work effectively with
officials across all levels within the Department. Good team work. Ability to
work under pressure. Good telephone and e-mail etiquette. Knowledge and
understanding of PFMA, PPPFA, BBBEE and all applicable legislation as
well as applying them in the work environment. Knowledge of the bidding
DUTIES : Assist in compilation of Bid Committees appointment letters and letters to
unsuccessful bidders. Receiving and signing all Procurement Committee
and BEC submissions from the Compliance section. Track all movements of
Procurement Committee and BEC submissions. Facilitate sittings of
Procurement Committee and BEC meetings. Provide secretariat support to
the Procurement Committee and BEC committee. Ensure that BEC packs
are submitted on time to the Bid Adjudication Committee (BAC). Compile
Procurement Committee and BEC recommendations and award letters.
Provide technical assistance to cost centres to promote sound financial
management. Draw reports, interpret financial data and present to

immediate supervisor in preparation for management meetings. Assist in
management of monitoring of budget and personnel. Prepare monthly
reports and quarterly reports. Assist in gathering information and responding
to audit queries. Willing to work irregular hours.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R316 791 – R373 167 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate National Diploma in Public Administration/Supply Chain
Management NQF Level 6 relevant qualification with two years’ experience
in Supply Chain Management environment or Matric with five (5) years’
experience in Supply Chain Management environment. Computer literacy
Competencies: Knowledge of Specification Committee duties, report writing
& listening skills. Ability to work effectively with officials across all levels
within the Department. Good team work. Management skills. Excellent
communication skills (written and verbal). Ability to work under pressure.
Good telephone and e-mail etiquette. Knowledge and understanding of
PFMA, PPPFA, BBBEE and all applicable legislation as well as applying
them in the work environment. Knowledge of the bidding process. Good
financial management and presentation skills. Experience in Demand
Management processes and policies.
DUTIES : Track all movements of Specifications and Terms of Reference
submissions. Facilitate sittings of Bid Specification Committee. Provide
secretariat support to the Bid Specification Committee. Provide technical
assistance to cost centres to promote sound financial management. Draw
reports, interpret financial data and present to immediate supervisor in
preparation for management meetings. Prepare monthly and quarterly
demand management reports. Establish needs analysis. Perform market
analysis for benchmarked price. Establish procurement plans for all
programmes. Ensure required quantity and specifications are correctly
determined. Assist in management of monitoring of budget and personnel.
Assist in gathering information and responding to audit queries. Willing to
work irregular hours.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Public
Administration/Management/Social Science coupled with two years’
experience as a Senior Admin Clerk or equivalent rank. Senior Certificate
with four years working experience as Senior Admin Clerk/equivalent rank.
Computer skills in MS Word and Excel Experience in telephone and cell
phone contracts will be an added advantage. Competencies: Ability to work
well with people. Be able to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Conduct regular monitoring and supervision of neatness and cleanliness of
the building including cleaning staff. Receive and follow up on complaints
regarding maintenance of buildings. Daily maintenance and supervision of
telephone and cell phone contracts. Proper monitoring and control of office
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R257 508 - R303 339 per annum (level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho

REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, A National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in
Accounting/Auditing/Economics as a pre-requisite or Bachelor Degree in
Finance with two years’ working experience in the budgetary environment
or senior certificate with two years working experience in the budgetary
environment. Computer literacy (MS Office). Must have extensive
knowledge of Excel. Competencies: Knowledge of PFMA and Treasury
Regulations, Analytical knowledge and understanding of departmental
policies. Incumbent must possess numerical, communication and
interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Responsible for compilation and submission of In-year monitoring report to
Treasury as per PFMA Treasury instructions. Responsible for processing of
shifting and virements of funds in line with the prescripts. Assist in the
compilation of Annual Appropriation Statement as per PFMA. Responsible
for preparation of journals to correct misallocations. Assist and provide
guidance to programmes on all budget related matters. Assist in the
coordination of monthly financial management meetings. Perform all other
duties as requested by the Assistant Director.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R257 508 - R303 339 per annum (level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, A National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Public
Management/Social Science or Senior Certificate plus a Secretarial course.
Computer literacy (MS Word, Ms Excel, Project and PowerPoint)
Competencies: Ability to work independently and under pressure. Good
communication (verbal and written) skills with reasonable proficiency
English. Competence in meetings preparations and minute taking.
Preparedness to work extended hours. Honesty and integrity.
DUTIES : Facilitate the smooth running of the Director’s office. Facilitate the availability
of all office records at all times. Assess incoming work and distribute where
is required. Type correspondences delegated by Director. Manage the diary
of the Director. Answer calls and handle queries. Manage the resources of
the office of the Director. Arrange travelling and accommodation for the
Director. Keep records of document flow in the office of the Director. Provide
support in budget monitoring. Provide support in meetings of the Director.
Ensure overall administration of the Office of the Director.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R257 508 - R303 339 per annum (level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, A National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Office
Administration/relevant qualification or Senior Certificate plus a Secretarial
course. Computer Literacy MS Word, Excel, project and PowerPoint, all
mandatory. Drivers licence, formal training in Project Coordination and
records management will be an added advantage. Competencies: Ability to
work independently, good communication skills with reasonable proficiency
in English, competency in meeting preparations and minute taking,
preparedness to work extended hours, honesty & integrity.
DUTIES : Facilitate the smooth running of the Chief Directors’ Office. Facilitate the
availability of all office records at all times. Assess incoming work and
distribute where required. Type correspondences delegated by the Chief
Director. Manage the diary of the Chief Director. Manage the resources of
the office of the Chief Director. Provide support in the coordination of
submissions from directorates. Provide support in budget monitoring.
Provide support in meetings of the Chief Director. Facilitate travelling
arrangements for the Chief Director.

ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA: 25/01/2020

SALARY : R257 508 - R303 339 per annum (level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, A National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Public
Administration/Office Management or Senior Certificate plus a Secretarial
course. A relevant Degree or B Tech will be an added advantage. An
exposure to municipal environment and Traditional Institutions will be further
advantage. An exposure to Office Management and operations. Computer
Literacy. Valid code 8 driver’s licence. Competencies: Proficient knowledge
of the Micro Soft Offices. Proficiency in English, Office etiquette, Time
Management, Interpersonal Skills, Communication, Organisational and
office Planning Skills. Ability to operate other office equipment and customer
service abilities.
DUTIES : Facilitate the smooth running of the Director’s Office. Facilitate the
availability of all office records at all times. Assess incoming work and
distribute where it is required. Type correspondence delegated by Director.
Manage the diary of the Director. Manage the resources of the office of the
Director. Digital and manual filing of documents. Preparation, recording and
submission of the Directors claims to the approving authority, monitoring the
submission of weekly plans for the Director, Procurement of all Office
supplies including but not limited to refreshments and food service items,
procurement of travel bookings for the Director, Procurement venues for
scheduled schedules sessions and meetings and arranging the delivery of
the materials needed to the meetings.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R257 508 - R303 339 per annum (level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, A National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Office
Management/Admin Assistant or Senior Certificate plus Secretariat course.
Valid driver’s licence. Computer literacy. Competencies: Planning,
organising and time management skills. Administrative skills. Event
Management skills. Accuracy and attention to details. Good verbal and
written communication. Ability to work in a team. Customer service
DUTIES : Organising and maintaining the diary of the Director. Arranging travelling
and accommodation for the Director and occasionally travel with Director to
take notes in meetings. Provide general assistance during presentations.
Screening phone calls, inquiries and handling requests when appropriate.
Meeting and greeting visitors at all levels of seniority. Dealing with incoming
and outgoing correspondence. Minute taking in meetings and report writing.
Responsible for procurement of office supplies such as stationery and
refreshments. Responsible for the sub- directorate commitment register and
analyse expenditure patterns.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R257 508 - R303 339 per annum (level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, A National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Public
Management/Public Administration or relevant qualification or Senior
Certificate plus Secretariat course. Competencies: Knowledge of PFMA,
Treasury Regulations, Public Service Act, Provincial Traditional Leadership

& Governance Act No1 of 2017, Traditional Leadership & Governance
Framework Act no 41 of 2003 and other relevant legislations and mandate
that is relevant to the Department. Ability to work well with people. Client
orientated. Ability to work under pressure, meeting strict deadline. Good
communication, report writing and presentation skills.
DUTIES : Answering calls and handling queries. Preparing correspondence on the
Director’s behalf. Managing the Directors’ diary. Arrange travelling and
accommodation for the Director. Booking meetings for the directorate.
Managing and reviewing filing and office systems. Minute taking in meetings
and report writing. Typing documents ordering stationery and office
equipment. Reading, monitoring and responding to the directors’ e-mails.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339 per annum (Level7)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (NQF Level 6) in Office Administration or equivalent
qualification or Senior Certificate plus secretarial course. Ms word, Excel
and Power Point.
DUTIES : Facilitate the smooth running of DDG’s office. Facilitate the availability of all
the office records at all times. Assess incoming work and distribute where it
is required. Type correspondence delegated to you by the DDG. Manage
the diary of DDG. Manage the resources of the office of the DDG. Digital
and manual filing of documents, preparation, recording and submission of
the DDG’s claims to the approving authority, monitoring the submission of
weekly plans for DDG, procurement of all office supplies including but not
limited to refreshments and food service items, procurement of travel
bookings for the DDG, procurement of venues for scheduled sessions and
meetings. Arranging the delivery of materials needed for meetings.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339 per annum (level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (NQF level 6) in Commerce/Accounting/Financial
Management or equivalent qualification coupled with 2 years’ experience in
the field of Payments Section as senior accounting clerk or Matric with 4
years’ experience in the field of general payments office. Computer skills
(MS Word, Excel. Competencies: Knowledge of Basic Accounting System
(BAS), logistical Information system (LOGIS). Knowledge of Public Service
Regulations, Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations and
applicable circulars/instruction Notes/practice Notes, determinations,
financial policies and procedures. Good communication skills, strong
analytical skills, report writing skills and proven interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Compiling of creditors & sundry payments. Capturing of payments on Bas
and Logis. Resolution of queries raised by suppliers. Print, fax, file all
payment stubs for various suppliers after each run within a month. Print, fax,
file all payment stubs for various suppliers after each run within a month.
Prepare Monitoring Tool after each run. Monthly compilation of Instruction
note 34 and submission thereof to Provincial Treasury. Monthly performance
of creditors reconciliation.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339. per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Qamata
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6) in Office Administration
orrelated qualification or Senior Certificate plus secretarial course/computer
literacy (Ms Word, Excel & Power Point). Administrative experience will be
an added advantage.
DUTIES : Ensure the smooth functioning of the King’s office. Ensure safekeeping of
records at all times. Assess incoming correspondence and distribution
thereof. Provide secretariat duties during meetings. Distribution of invitations
to relevant stakeholders as and when required. Manage the diary of King
and provide logistical arrangements as and when required. Monitor the
servicing of the King’s vehicle and the management of the Logbook. Ensure
that the offices in the Kingdom are clean at all times.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R208 584 - R245 694 per annum (level 06)

CENTRE : Nelson Mandela Metro Municipality, Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality,
Nxuba Yethemba Local Municipality and Buffalo City Metro Municipality
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 5). Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel,
project and PowerPoint, all mandatory). Understanding of community
Development Work and other development processes will be an added
advantage. Code 8 driver license Competencies: Knowledge of the
Community Development Facilitation and Community participation
processes at Municipal level. Understanding of government programmes
and projects must be able to interpret government policy to communities and
good working relations with the community. Positive attitude towards public.
Team building skills, Conflict Management and interpersonal skills. Creative
thinking and innovative, communication and interpersonal skills: This refers
to the ability to communicate effectively and in an understandable way
without defeating the purpose of communication. Cultural Sensitivity: Being
able to respect the culture, values and customs of the community,
recognising the important role, cultural, historical and social factors play as
an integral part of balance development. Adult educational skills: being able
to teach experientially using participatory techniques. Programming and
development skills: The ability to plan, manage, implement, monitor and
evaluate programmes in a wide array of developmental disciplines such as
water supply, agriculture, infrastructure development, health, education,
social development, environmental protection, forestry, transport, housing,
sports and recreation. Personal Attributes: self-motivation, flexibility and
ability to work in a team on participatory projects. Added advantage:
Research skills.
DUTIES : Disseminate government and other information to community members in a
timely and equitable manner. Listen and receive feedback and directing this
appropriately to providers. Supervise work teams of volunteers or
community members involved in community projects such as those
employed on public works programmes. Assist communities in
understanding government programmes, developing and submitting
Integrated Development Plans to municipalities and other spheres of
government or donors. Coordinate inter-departmental programmes and
encourage improved integration. Maintain ongoing liaison and collaboration
with various community-based organisations and other cadres of
community-based workers. Promote the principles of Batho Pele and
community participation. Alert communities and other service providers to
problems and delays in the delivery of basic services. Assist in the
implementation of government programmes and projects. Liaise and
advocate on behalf of communities with government parastatals, NGO and

private sector donors, monitor and evaluate the development impact
government projects and programmes in communities and submit a report
to the relevant structures of government (local, provincial and national).
Assist local communities in dealing with the HIV/AIDS pandemic by
intensifying education and awareness on HIV related matters.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612. per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Qaukeni Region: Ndimakude T/C
Taweni T/C
Amantlane T/C
Qaukeni Regional Office (X2 Posts)
Dalindyebo Region: Amaqwati T/C
Isidindi T/C
Amaxesibe T/C
Ebotwe T/ C
Dalindyebo Regional (X2 Posts)
Gcaleka Region: Ntonga T/C
Bashee T/C
2X Gcaleka Regional Office
Emboland Region: Ebotwe T/C (X2 Posts)
Western Thembuland Region
Maluti Region
Rharhabe Region
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 Senior certificate and computer literacy and NQF level 6 will be an
added advantage.
DUTIES : Receiving and banking of all monies of the Traditional Council. Compilation
of financial statement. Coordinate Traditional Council Meetings and provide
secretariat support in the meetings. Record Management of all
documentation relating to the Traditional Council. Coordinate meetings
between the Traditional Leaders and other stakeholders. Financial
management including cash management in compliance with the relevant
departmental policies, Compilation of estimates of revenue collection and
expenditure. Compilation of monthly returns through cash book. Compilation
of vouchers for payments after approval. Promote compliance by Traditional
Leaders and Traditional Council Members with all available pieces of
Legislation. Assist in typing of correspondence in the Traditional Council.
Promote cooperation and good relationship between the Traditional Council,
Municipalities and other stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA: 31/01/2020

SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 4) in Communication/Journalism/Public
Relations. Computer literacy (MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint and
Outlook). valid driver’s licence code 8. Competencies: Journalistic Writing
skills, Interviewing Skills, Photography, Event organising skills, proficiency
in isiXhosa and English. Knowledge and use of new media platforms will be
an added advantage.
DUTIES : Research and write news articles for internal and external newsletters and
other departmental publications. Attend departmental events for
newsgathering purposes. Render photography services during
departmental events. Render branding and exhibition services in the
departmental and government events throughout the Eastern Cape
province. Assist in organising departmental events. Safe keeping and

handling of departmental property. Provide administrative support services
and any other officially delegated duty.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


REF.NO: COGTA: 32/01/2020

SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612. per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, (NQF Level 4) in Human Resource Management/Public
Administration/Public Management and related qualifications.
Competencies: Knowledge of Human Resource policies, procedures and
prescripts/legislations. Knowledge of Persal system will be an added
DUTIES : Responsible for Implementation of recruitment and selection process,
transfers, relocations, secondments and confirmation of probation.
Implementation management of remuneration and implementation of
structuring and re-structuring of SMS and MMS members. Make logistics
arrangements for interview candidates.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083



SALARY : R173 703 – R204 612 (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (NQF Level 4) in Public Administration/Management.
Competencies: Computer skills in MS Word and Excel Experience in
telephone and cellphone contracts will be an added advantage. Ability to
work well with people. Be able to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Ensure regular monitoring and supervision of neatness and cleanliness of
the building including cleaning staff. Receive and follow-up on complaints
regarding maintenance of buildings. Assist in daily maintenance of
telephone and cell phone contracts. Conduct general office administration.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612. per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (NQF level 4) in Transport Management/Logistics/or any
other related qualification with relevant experience in Transport
Management Environment. Computer Literacy. A Valid code 8 (EB) drivers’
licence Competencies: Knowledge of PFMA, SCM prescripts, i.e. Treasury
Regulations and Practise Notes.
DUTIES : Responsible for issuing and inspection of departmental vehicles.
Responsible for effective and full maintenance of departmental vehicles.
Responsible for accidents and repairs of departmental vehicles.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


REF.NO: COGTA 54/01/2020
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612. per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (NQF level 4) Pubic Administration/Public Management.
Computer Literacy.
DUTIES : Facilitate and administer office space for the department. Monitor and
maintain cleanliness of departmental facilities. Render maintenance

services to departmental facilities and equipment. Administer
telecommunication services to departmental employees. Supervise and
monitor cleaning services.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083

Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612. per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (NQF level 4) in Finance/Public Admin/or any related
qualification with relevant experience in Asset Management environment.
Computer Literacy. A valid code 8 (EB) drivers licence. Competencies:
Knowledge of PFMA, SCM prescripts, i.e. Treasury Regulations and
Practise Notes.
DUTIES : Recording of all state assets. Conduct asset verification and barcode all new
procured assets at Head Office, Regions and Traditional Councils. Write
report after asset verification is done. Facilitation of asset movement,
updating of inventory form and ensure that the movement is recorded on the
asset movement form. Identify lost and redundant assets during asset
verification. Assist in facilitating disposal of redundant/ unserviceable assets.
Ensure asset in the department are monitored on a daily basis.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA 56/01/2020
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612. per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (NQF level 4) in Accounting or financial related studies or
equivalent qualification. Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Collect and collate information on revenue collection of municipalities,
determine trends and advise accordingly. Maintain database on payment of
creditors by municipalities. Collect and collate information on debt owed to
municipalities by consumers and rate payers, determine trends and advise
accordingly. Assist municipalities in the update of books and accounts.
Assist in the assessment of adequacy of responses on issues raised in audit
reports of municipalities. Assist in monitoring the implementation of audit
improvement plans of municipalities. Monitor the appropriate use of grant
funding and progress on implementation of projects.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA 57/01/2020
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612. per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : ABET Level (NQF 3) in Graphic Design with one years’ experience in
the/graphic design field in government/ private sector/newspaper
environment. Valid driver’s licence Competencies: Must be proficient Adobe
illustrator, Photoshop, and In-Design in CSS (Web and 3-D skills are a
bonus). Strong design skills and thorough knowledge of reprography and
printing. Good organizational and communication skills. The ability to work
under pressure and meet deadlines. Should be highly motivated with an eye
for detail.
DUTIES : Design and layout of Cogta’s website to ensure that the general appearance
is in accordance with the guidelines of the department of Cogta’s branding.
Work as a graphic designer on various product as per briefs. Conceptualize
and design of media products, newsletters, brochures, publications for
internal and external public in line with the corporate identity and image of

the department. Support of communication initiatives including advertising,
media campaigns, and the website. Ensure overall quality control of all
designed products. Note: Shortlisted candidates will be required to bring
their portfolio.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Rharhabe Region: Mhala T/C
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 Senior certificate and computer literacy and NQF level 6 will be an
added advantage.
DUTIES : Receiving and banking of all monies of the Traditional Council. Compilation
of financial statement. Coordinate Traditional Council Meetings and provide
secretariat support in the meetings. Record Management of all
documentation relating to the Traditional Council. Coordinate meetings
between the Traditional Leaders and other stakeholders. Financial
management including cash management in compliance with the relevant
departmental policies, Compilation of estimates of revenue collection and
expenditure. Compilation of monthly returns through cash book. Compilation
of vouchers for payments after approval. Promote compliance by Traditional
Leaders and Traditional Council Members with all available pieces of
Legislation. Assist in typing of correspondence in the Traditional Council.
Promote cooperation and good relationship between the Traditional Council,
Municipalities and other stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R173 703 - R204 612. per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : PSJ: Nyandeni T/C
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 Senior certificate and computer literacy and NQF level 6 will be an
added advantage.
DUTIES : Receiving and banking of all monies of the Traditional Council. Compilation
of financial statement. Coordinate Traditional Council Meetings and provide
secretariat support in the meetings. Record Management of all
documentation relating to the Traditional Council. Coordinate meetings
between the Traditional Leaders and other stakeholders. Financial
management including cash management in compliance with the relevant
departmental policies, Compilation of estimates of revenue collection and
expenditure. Compilation of monthly returns through cash book. Compilation
of vouchers for payments after approval. Promote compliance by Traditional
Leaders and Traditional Council Members with all available pieces of
Legislation. Assist in typing of correspondence in the Traditional Council.
Promote cooperation and good relationship between the Traditional Council,
Municipalities and other stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA 60/01/2020 (X2 POSTS)
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R173 703 – R204 612. per annum (Level)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma in Finance/Supply Chain Management or (NQF Level
06) relevant qualification working experience in Supply Chain Management
or Matric Certificate with three years relevant experience in the relevant field.
Knowledge of LOGIS. Competencies: Thorough knowledge of the PFMA

and other relevant Legislations, as well as the ability to implement these
prescripts. Knowledge of transversal systems (LOGIS). Excellent computer
skills (MS Word and Excel), excellent communication skills and client service
orientated and excellent writing skills.
DUTIES : Manage the order creation process. Reconcile manual orders to LOGIS.
Provide technical assistance to cost centres, SCM and Finance. Draw
reports and interpret financial data. Create contract information and link to
ICN and supplier number.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R173 703 – R204 612. per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : NQF level 06 in Commerce/Accounting/Financial Management or equivalent
qualification coupled with at least one (1) year experience in
Suspense/Bookkeeping Section or Matric with 3 years’ experience in the
field of Suspense/Bookkeeping office. Computer skills (MS Word and Excel).
Competencies: Good communication skills, strong analytical skills, report
writing skills and proven interpersonal skills. Knowledge of Basic Accounting
System. (BAS) Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Public Finance
Management Act, Treasury Regulations and applicable circulars/instruction
Notes/practice Notes, determinations, financial policies and procedures.
DUTIES : Perform daily bank reconciliations on an online BAS functionality,
reconciliation of debtors accounts, process debt take on entries on BAS and
perform month & year-end closure on the system. Draw, attend and analyse
BAS reports and effect necessary adjustment entries for the clearance of
bank exceptions/expenditure misallocations/Debt suspense entries.
Arrange proper record keeping and filing of source documents for
Bookkeeping and suspense sections. Attend and prompt reply to audit
queries of the sections. Provide the required financial information for audit
purposes as and when needed by management and auditors.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


NO: COGTA 34/01/2020
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R122 595 – R144 411 (Level 03)

REQUIREMENTS : Grade 8/equivalent qualification. (NQF Level 1-3) Driver’s license code 10
with PDP. Knowledge or Transport Regulations.
DUTIES : to transport officials when necessary. To collect and deliver documents. To
take care of driving for the Region. To collect stationery and cleaning
material from Head Office. Move assets from one place to another. See to it
that vehicle is taken to service when necessary. Serves as a Messenger to
Regional Offices.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R102 534 - R120 780 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Sarah Baartman
REQUIREMENTS : ABET or equivalent qualification.
DUTIES : Responsible for cleaning the grounds at COGTA buildings using variety of
tools such as spade etc., assist in removing refuse and other unwanted
goods from the buildings, Loading, off load goods and any material to the
relevant destinations and delivering moving of office equipment and other
delegated duties.

ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R102 534 - R120 780 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : ABET or equivalent qualification. Three years’ experience in cleaning
environment. Competencies: Ability to work in a team and maintain good
interpersonal relations. Be able to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Ensure offices, boardrooms and kitchens are clean. Provide and create
clean and orderly environment. Empty dust bins. Vacuum clean carpets. Be
able to use cleaning equipment. Be willing to other cleaning duties that may
be assign at any time.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


COGTA 37/01/2020
Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R102 534 – R120 780 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10 Certificate (Standard 8) Competencies: Good Interpersonal Skills,
basic communication skills, basic cleaning skills.
DUTIES : Cleaning and maintenance of House of Traditional Leaders building.
Collecting of refuse bags within the building. Lifting and moving of heavy
goods such as office furniture. Assist in House of Traditional Leaders events
as directed by the supervisor. Cleaning of Government Vehicles allocated to
House of Traditional Leaders.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R102 534 –R120 780. per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Chris Hani District Support Centre (DSC)
REQUIREMENTS : ABET or equivalent qualification. Three (3) years’ experience in cleaning
DUTIES : Ensure offices, boardrooms and kitchens are clean. Provide and create
clean and orderly environment. Empty dust bins. Vacuum clean carpets. Be
able to use cleaning equipment. Be willing to other cleaning duties that may
be assign at any time. Competencies: Ability to work in a team and maintain
good interpersonal relations. Be able to work under pressure.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R102 534 –R120 780 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : ABET or equivalent qualification. Three years’ experience in cleaning
environment. Competencies: Ability to work in a team and maintain good
interpersonal relations. Be able to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Ensure offices, boardrooms and kitchens are clean. Provide and create
clean and orderly environment. Empty dust bins. Vacuum clean carpets. Be
able to use cleaning equipment. Be willing to other cleaning duties that may
be assign at any time.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083

Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R102 534 –R120 780. per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Western Tembuland
REQUIREMENTS : ABET or equivalent qualification. Three (3) years’ experience in cleaning
environment. Competencies: Ability to work in a team and maintain good
interpersonal relations. Be able to work under pressure
DUTIES : Ensure offices, boardrooms and kitchens are clean. Provide and create
clean and orderly environment. Empty dust bins. Vacuum clean carpets. Be
able to use cleaning equipment. Be willing to other cleaning duties that may
be assign at any time.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


Re-advert candidates who previously applied are encourage to re-apply

SALARY : R102 534 –R120 780 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Dalindyebo Kingdom
REQUIREMENTS : ABET or equivalent qualification. Three years’ experience in cleaning
environment. Competencies: Ability to work in a team and maintain good
interpersonal relations. Be able to work under pressure
DUTIES : Ensure offices, boardrooms and kitchens are clean. Provide and create
clean and orderly environment. Empty dust bins. Vacuum clean carpets. Be
able to use cleaning equipment. Be willing to other cleaning duties that may
be assign at any time.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (040) 940 7079/7080/7076/7077/7083


It is the intention to promote representivity in the Department through filling of these positions. The
candidature of applicants from designated groups especially in respect of woman and people with
disability will receive preference

APPLICATIONS : Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Safety and Liaison; Private Bag
X0057, Bhisho, 5605 Hand Delivery: No 7 Taylor Street, Archies Building,
King Williams Tow, 5601
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the Z83 Form accompanied by copies of
qualification(s), identity document (certified in the past 12 months), proof of
citizenship if not RSA citizen, a comprehensive CV, indicating three
reference persons: Name and Contact Numbers, A relationship with
reference, Reference checks will be done on nominated candidate(s). Note:
Failure to submit these copies will result in the application not being
considered. Please do not send any original certificates, diplomas or
testimonials. Applicants must note that further checks will be conducted
once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to the
outcome of these checks include security clearance, security vetting,
qualification verification and criminal checking. Note that correspondence
will only be conducted with the short-listed candidates. If you have not been
contacted by the DPSA within three (3) months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. We
thank all applicants for their interest. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts
will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by
department. Following the interview and the technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS Competency assessments tools.



SALARY : Salary Range: Audit and Risk Committee Members shall be appointed as
independent contractors and not as employees of the Department.
Appointment will be for a three-year term and remuneration shall be in
accordance with National Treasury Regulations 3.1.6, read with
20.2.3.Members will be remunerated for preparation and attendance of
CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a graduate qualification in the field of
Accounting, Internal Auditing, Risk Management, Information
Communication Technology, or Law. Possession of a CA (SA), CIA, CISA,
CFE qualification will be an added advantage. Experience: Applicants must
have a sound experience in Internal Audit, Governance and Risk
Management, Information Communication Technology, Strategy
Development, Implementation and Monitoring, Legal and External Auditing.
A proven record of service or membership of the following Committees:
Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, IT Steering Committee,
Ethics Committee and/or any Governance Body.Skills independence,
integrity, objectivity, reliability, sound knowledge of Public Sector
environment, knowledge of governance and risk management principles and
control processes, good communication skills, strong leadership skills,
knowledge of the Public Administration industry. Independence from all
operations of the Department of Public Service and Administration and the
Centre for Public Service Innovation
DUTIES : The committee regulates and discharges its responsibilities in accordance
with the provisions of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations and approved Audit
Committee Charter
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms NA Zuma at Tel No: (043) 642 6800



SALARY : R733 257 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : Degree/Diploma in Public Relations/Events Management or any related
qualification. Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in managerial experience.
Valid Driver’s Licence. Skills Knowledge of strategic leadership. Proven
skills with respect to administration, research and writing, interpersonal
relations, performance management and project management. Knowledge
of the Constitution, Public Service Act, PFMA, the Department’s
Constitutional mandate and stakeholders. Ability to work under pressure.
Computer Literacy. Leadership and strategic skills, Planning and Organizing
Skill. Budgeting and Financial Management. In-depth understanding of
Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT), People Management
and Empowerment. Conflict Management Skill. Change Management,
including promoting transformation. Knowledge of Public Communication.
Knowledge of Constitutional, legal and institutional arrangements governing
in South Africa Public Sector. Knowledge of events management and
organization. Strong interpersonal skills, planning and organising. Excellent
verbal and written communication written communication skills. Computer
literacy skills. A valid driving licence.
DUTIES : KPA’: Develop and implement events management strategy for the
Department. Render events management and protocol services in the
Departmental events. Coordinate invitations to events in consultation with
Communications. Prepare closeout reports for the events. Develop and
maintain records and information management system for the office of the
Head of Department. Assist the Executive Support in coordinating input
processes which will enable the Head of Department to execute her/his

responsibilities in the governance structures of the Department,
intergovernmental technical structures and legislature structures/hearings.
Ensure functionality of departmental governance structures. Manage the
allocated resources of the Office in line with legislative and departmental
policy directives and comply with corporate governance and planning
imperatives. Coordinate Management Assessment Tool (MPAT) in the
department. Ensure compliance by the Office of the Head of Department
with all statutory requirements and reports. Ensure that reporting deadlines
are met by the department. Liaise with the various branches, sister
departments on all mutual business affecting the department. Coordinate
the implementation of internal audit recommendations. Coordinate the
implementation of external audit recommendations. Undertake internal
control assignments to ensure compliance with policies, prescripts proceed.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms NA Zuma at Tel No: (043) 642 6800


SALARY : R316 791 - R373 167 per annum (level 8)

CENTRE : OR Tambo District
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, Degree or National Diploma in the field of Social Sciences
and/or Police Science, Public Management or equivalent qualification. Valid
driver’s license Code B Skills the Constitution of RSA, 1996. Knowledge of
public service Act and regulations. PFMA. South African Police Service Act,
1995. National Crime Prevention Strategy, 1996. Domestic Violence Act,
1998. Child Care Act, 1983. Criminal Procedure Act, 1977. South African
Police Service National Instructions, Standing Orders and Regulations.
Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000. Promotions of Access to
Information Act, 2000. Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act, 2011.
Independent Investigative Directorate Act 1 of 2011, Communication skills.
Project management skills Community Development. Report writing skills.
Financial Management skills.
DUTIES : Conduct effective oversight of the South African Police Services. Conduct
Police Cluster accountability engagement. Conduct service delivery
evaluations at identified police stations. Strengthen community police
relations in the district. Conduct assessment of functionality of the CPF
structures within the district. Oversee CPF Elections. Establish and monitor
the functioning of street and village Committees. Conduct capacity building
programs for CPF”s through Clusters. Conduct community mobilization
programs. Support Municipalities with establishment and functioning of
Community Safety forum, Participate in IDP and IGR sessions. Facilitate the
establishment, payment and monitoring of safety patrollers. Compile and
Submit Performance reports. Submit verified monthly progress reports on
activities. Comply with PMDS requirements.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms NA Zuma at Tel No: (043) 642 6800

POST 05/163 : ADMIN CLERK: SCM REF.NO: ESL/2020/01/04

SALARY : R173 703 – R204 612 per annum (Level 5)

CENTRE : Amathole District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12, National Certificate, Computer Literacy, No work experience
required. Skills Knowledge of financial administration Knowledge of PFMA,
Treasury regulations, acquisition procedures and other relevant prescripts.
Financial management skills, problem solving and communication skills
Verbal and Written. Ability to work under pressure and independently.
Computer Literacy. knowledge of Supply Chain Duties, Practices as well as
the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics, Basic
knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the
Public Service and basic knowledge of work procedures in terms of the
working environment. Problem solving skills, Computer skills, Interpersonal
relations and Communication skills (verbal written)
DUTIES : Render assets management, supply chain, fleet and clerical support:
Compile and maintain records (e.g. asset records/database), Check and

issue furniture, equipment and accessories to components and individuals,
Identify redundant, non-serviceable and absolute equipment for disposal
and verify asset register. Render demand acquisition clerical support:
Update and maintain a supplier (including contractors) database, Register
suppliers on LOGIS or similar system, Request and receive quotations,
Capture specification on the electronic purchasing system, Place orders,
Issue and receive bid documents, Provide secretariat or logistical support
during the bid consideration and contracts conclusion process and compile
draft documents as required. Render logistical support services: Place
orders for goods, Receive and verify Goods from suppliers, Capture goods
in registers database, receive request for goods from end users, Issue
goods to end users, Maintain goods register and update and maintain
register of suppliers.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms NA Zuma at Tel No: (043) 642 6800

Eastern Cape Department of Education is an equal opportunity, representative employer. It is the
intention to promote representivity (race, gender and disability) in the Public Service through the filling
of positions. Candidates whose appointment/transfer/promotion will promote representativeness will
therefore receive preference. Persons with disability and females are especially encouraged to apply.
An indication of representativeness profile by applicants will expedite the processing of applications.

APPLICATIONS : Forward your application, stating the relevant reference number to: The
Director-General, Eastern Cape Department of Education, Private Bag X
0032, Bisho,5605 or hand-deliver at Steve Vukile Complex, Zone 6
Zwelitsha, for attention Ms S Nieuwenhuys.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020, 15h45.
NOTES : Applications must be submitted on Form Z.83 obtainable from any Public
Service department and should be accompanied by a recent updated
comprehensive CV, certified copies of qualifications, Identity Document and
driver’s license. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification(s), it
must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African
Qualification Authority (SAQA). Successful candidates will be required to
obtain a top-secret clearance issued by the State Security Agency. The
Department of Education will verify the qualifications and conduct reference
checking on short-listed candidates. Candidates will be subjected to a
Practical Test to determine their suitability for the post. Correspondence will
be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted
within 3 months of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that
your application was unsuccessful. Please take note that late applications
will not be accepted. All shortlisted candidates for SMS post will be subjected
to a technical exercise that intends to test the relevant technical elements of
the job, logistics of which will be communicated by the Department.
Following the interview and technical exercise, the Selection Committee will
recommend a candidate to attend a generic managerial competency
assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directives on the competency-
based assessments). The competency will be testing generic managerial
competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment




SALARY : R1 521 591 - R1 714 074 per annum. (All-inclusive remuneration package)
The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), State’s contribution
to the Government Employees Pension Fund (13% of basic salary) and a
flexible portion of 30% that may be structured in terms of applicable rules.
The successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance
agreement within three months after assumption of duty.
CENTRE : Head Office, Zwelitsha

REQUIREMENTS : Eastern Cape Department of Education requires the services of a technically
experienced person to support it to fulfill its constitutional mandate and for
this purpose she/he should have. An appropriate recognized Bachelor’s
Degree (NQF level 7) in Human Resource Management/Public
Management/Public Administration / related qualification in the field of Social
Sciences. A postgraduate qualification in the above mentioned fields will
serve as an advantage. 8-10 years’ experience at the senior management
level in Human Resource Management, Corporate Services or related field.
Extensive knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of the Public
Service, Government systems and operations. Good understanding of the
PFMA. Good understanding of the Public Service Regulatory Framework.
Ability to work in cross-functional projects/teams. Excellent coordination and
project management skills. Good understanding of Government policies and
initiatives and the role of information in Government decision-making
process. Demonstrated strategic, operational and project management
ability and experience. Experience in leading and managing transformation,
change and diversity. Generic management competencies, including
strategic capability and leadership, programme and project management,
people management and empowerment and financial management.
Exceptional written, communication skills and report writing skills. Well-
developed research skills. Negotiation and interpersonal skills. Solid
experience in the Microsoft Office Suite. A Valid driver’s license (with
exception of disabled applicants).
DUTIES : As Head of the Branch: Corporate Services, the appointee will: Implement
transformation and service delivery enhancement programmes in order to
create a high performing organisation and a safe and conducive work
environment. Ensure the communication of ECDOE programmes and the
effective management of stakeholder and partner relations to increase
awareness of the image and profile of the ECDOE and its programmes.
Ensure the development and implementation of human resource and
employee relations strategies, policies and plans. Ensure the development
and implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
strategies and solutions aligned to the Department’s overall strategy. Ensure
the effective implementation and support of Enterprise Risk Management
within the Department. Ensure a professional, credible, accessible and
quality assured legal service to the Department. Ensure the establishment
of a Unit that will be responsible for the development and management of a
knowledge management system for the Department. Promote continuous
service delivery improvement through the use of total quality management
principles. Oversee the management of budgets and resources of the
Branch. Manage and provide strategic leadership for all components
reporting to this Branch. Represent the ECDOE in relevant fora.
ENQUIRIES : Mr TS Kojana Tel No: (040) 608 7016



SALARY : R1 521 591 - R1 714 074 per annum. (All-inclusive remuneration package)
The package includes a basic salary (70% of package), State’s contribution
to the Government Employees Pension Fund (13% of basic salary) and a
flexible portion of 30% that may be structured in terms of applicable rules.
The successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance
agreement within three months after assumption of duty.
CENTRE : Head Office, Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : Eastern Cape Department of Education requires the services of a technically
experienced person to support it to fulfill its constitutional mandate and for
this purpose she/he should have. An appropriate recognized Bachelor’s
Degree (NQF level 7) in Education Management. A postgraduate
qualification in the above mentioned field will serve as an advantage. 8-10
years’ experience at the senior management level within Education Sector.
Extensive knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of the Public
Service, Government systems and operations. Good understanding of the

PFMA. Good understanding of the Public Service Regulatory Framework.
Ability to work in cross-functional projects/teams. Excellent coordination and
project management skills. Good understanding of Government policies and
initiatives and the role of information in Government decision-making
process. Demonstrated strategic, operational and project management
ability and experience. Experience in leading and managing transformation,
change and diversity. Generic management competencies, including
strategic capability and leadership, programme and project management,
people management and empowerment and financial management.
Exceptional written, communication skills and report writing skills. Generic
management competencies, including strategic capability and leadership,
programme and project management, people management and
empowerment and financial management. Analytical thinking, problem
solving and conflict resolution skills. Well-developed research skills.
Negotiation and interpersonal skills. Solid experience in the Microsoft Office
Suite. A Valid driver’s license (with exception of disabled applicants).
DUTIES : Key Results Areas: Provide strategic leadership, administration,
management and governance support of 2 cluster offices and 12 Education
Districts and all institutions therein. Manage performance standards of 2
Cluster Offices and 12 Education Districts. Ensure establishment and
maintenance of accountability systems in Cluster Offices, Districts and
Circuits in Support of curriculum delivery, assessments, teaching and
learning in all institutions. Provision of educational opportunities and access
to education. Management of school Functionality programmes. District
Improvement Plans and intervention programme in the Districts. Support the
implementation of Education Transformation Plan of schooling system.
Exercise. Ensure coordination of provisioning of quality teaching and
learning in public schools. Ensure the coordination of consistent
implementation of a standard /uniform mode of operation for schools.
Ensure coordination of consistent implementation of corporate service in the
Cluster. Manage the coordination on the implementation of norms,
standards for HR related policies. Ensure management of physical
resources in line with the Division of Revenue Act. Ensure development and
resourcing of education institutions. Ensure planning and budgeting for
school resourcing needs including Learner Teacher Supporting Materials,
school furniture etc. Ensure the determination of school resourcing needs.
Ensure the coordination on the implementation of policy and regulations for
the administration of home schooling, public ordinary, independent, special
schools and Early Childhood Development Institutions. Ensure coordination
and management of policy and regulation for School Management and
School Governing Bodies (SGB’s). Provide strategic leadership in the
coordination of Education Operations and delivery oversight. Ensure
provisioning of education management information services. Ensure
management of school mapping services and coordination of rural
education. Manage the promotion of institutional efficiency and quality
standards for effective teaching and learning. Manage the allocated
resources of the Branch in line with legislative and departmental policy
directives and comply with corporate governance and planning imperatives
ENQUIRIES : Mr TS Kojana Tel No: (040) 408 7016


SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum. (All-inclusive remuneration package) The package
includes a basic salary (70% of package), State’s contribution to the
Government Employees Pension Fund (13% of basic salary) and a flexible
portion of 30% that may be structured in terms of applicable rules. The
successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance agreement
within three months after assumption of duty.
CENTRE : Head Office, Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : Eastern Cape Department of Education requires the services of a technically
experienced person to support it to fulfill its constitutional mandate and for
this purpose she/he should have. An appropriate recognized Bachelor’s

Degree (NQF level 7) in Human Resource Management/ Public
Management/Public Administration/ related qualification in the field of Social
Sciences. A postgraduate qualification in the above mentioned fields will
serve as an advantage. 5 years’ experience at the senior management level
in Human Resource Management, Corporate Services or related field.
Extensive knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of the Public
Service, Government systems and operations. Good understanding of the
PFMA. Good understanding of the Public Service Regulatory Framework.
Extensive experience in a senior management role. Ability to work in cross-
functional projects/teams. Excellent coordination and project management
skills. Good understanding of Government policies and initiatives and the
role of information in Government decision-making process. Demonstrated
strategic, operational and project management ability and experience.
Experience in leading and managing transformation, change and diversity.
Generic management competencies, including strategic capability and
leadership, programme and project management, people management and
empowerment and financial management. Exceptional written,
communication skills and report writing skills. Analytical thinking, problem
solving and conflict resolution skills. Well-developed research skills.
Negotiation and interpersonal skills. Solid experience in the Microsoft Office
Suite. A Valid driver’s license (with exception of disabled applicants).
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Deliver high quality strategic employee relations to
support the strategic objectives of the Department by ensuring timeous
review and implementation of employee relations policies, codes and
practices, effective handling of investigations with proper documentation,
effective management of grievances, disputes and disciplinary cases,
analysis of employee relations trends and proper recommendations for
mitigation. Provide strategic support and effective coordination of dispute
resolution mechanism by developing and implementing dispute resolution
protocol for the Department, rendering advisory services to management on
issues of collective bargaining, managing sound relationship between
unions and management and serving as a Chief Negotiator at the Provincial
and Departmental Bargaining Chamber (DBC). Provide strategic support in
ensuring that the Department complies with the Employment Equity Act by
ensuring effective implementation and monitoring of Employment Equity
Plan, conducting of employment equity audits in order to identify the barriers
in terms of the employment practices, proper implementation of gender
programs within the Department. Provide strategic support on the
implementation of Employee Health and Wellness programmes by ensuring
the development and implementation of Employee Health and Wellness
policies in line with the Departmental needs and legislation, conducting of
occupational health and safety audits, effective management of injury on
duty cases, assessing and monitoring of the impact of employee health and
wellness in the Department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Vinjevold Tel No: (040) 608 4353



SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum. (All-inclusive remuneration package) The package
includes a basic salary (70% of package), State’s contribution to the
Government Employees Pension Fund (13% of basic salary) and a flexible
portion of 30% that may be structured in terms of applicable rules. The
successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance agreement
within three months after assumption of duty.
CENTRE : Head Office, Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : Eastern Cape Department of Education requires the services of a technically
experienced person to support it to fulfill its constitutional mandate and for
this purpose she/he should have. An appropriate recognized Bachelor’s
Degree (NQF level 7) in Education. A postgraduate qualification in the above
mentioned fields will serve as an advantage. 5 years’ experience at the
senior management level within Examinations and Assessment

environment. Extensive knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of
the Public Service, Government systems and operations. Good
understanding of the PFMA. Good understanding of the Public Service
Regulatory Framework. Extensive experience in a senior management role.
Ability to work in cross-functional projects/teams. Excellent coordination and
project management skills. Good understanding of Government policies and
initiatives and the role of information in Government decision-making
process. Demonstrated strategic, operational and project management
ability and experience. Experience in leading and managing transformation,
change and diversity. Generic management competencies, including
strategic capability and leadership, programme and project management,
people management and empowerment and financial management.
Analytical thinking, problem solving and conflict resolution skills. Well-
developed research skills. Negotiation and interpersonal skills. Solid
experience in the Microsoft Office Suite. A Valid driver’s license (with
exception of disabled applicants).
DUTIES : Manage the administration of all examination related matters. Manage the
processing and issuing of examination results. Formulate, develop and
implement policies in respect of examinations. Co-ordinate and assimilate
examination related matters. Develop and implement training programmes
for principals and district personnel. scrutinize appointment of moderators,
examiners and markers for DDG approval. Conduct research into new
trends in examination. Ensure the provisioning of administration and logistic
support to external assessments and examinations. Ensure the planning,
management and evaluation of professional assessment and examination
services throughout the school system. Manage the allocated resources of
the Chief Directorate in line with legislative and departmental policy
directives and comply with corporate governance and planning imperatives
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Vinjevold Tel No: (040) 608 4353


SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum. (All-inclusive remuneration package) The package
includes a basic salary (70% of package), State’s contribution to the
Government Employees Pension Fund (13% of basic salary) and a flexible
portion of 30% that may be structured in terms of applicable rules. The
successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance agreement
within three months after assumption of duty.
CENTRE : Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : A qualification (NQF 7) in Auditing or Financial Management as recognised
by SAQA. A Certification as a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), MBA or CA
(SA) will be an added advantage. A minimum 5 years’ experience at a senior
managerial level (Director) obtained within governance, risk, compliance or
auditing environment. Knowledge and experience of the PFMA, Treasury
Regulations and Public Service Regulatory Framework on Internal Auditing.
Valid driver’s license. Willingness to work extended hours. salary scales for
DUTIES : Develop a 3 Year Rolling Internal Audit Plan and reviewing the Internal Audit
Strategy and Annual Performance Plans. Review the Internal Audit Charter
that reflects the scope, responsibility and authority. Initiate awareness of the
Internal Audit function within the Eastern Cape Department of Education and
other stakeholders through client engagements. Provide support to strategic
stakeholders in the achievement of their strategic objectives through the
implementation of governance, risk management and internal controls.
Develop an Internal Audit Annual Performance Plans and report on progress
pertaining to the strategic plan on a quarterly basis to internal strategic
partners and the Audit Committee. Initiate the updating of the findings
register and present to the Audit Committee. Provide progress of Internal
Audit functionalities and present Internal Audit reports to the Audit
Committee Audit Process–Risk Assessment, Audit Plan, Assurance and
Consulting Services: Oversee the completion of the regularity, IT,
performance, compliance and forensic audits processes. Provide advice and

guidance on all audit engagements to be conducted. Provide quality
assurance on audit projects and reports prior to issuance, thereof Develop
audit assessment tools and verified integrity of tools prior to the submittance
to the Audit Committee Resource Management: Develop institutional think-
tanks pertaining to internal audit with regard to Regularity, Performance, IT,
Compliance, Quality Assurance to achieve the audit objectives. Provide
inputs to the annual budget and the adjustments thereto and monitor
expenditure against approved budget. Initiate the development of adequate
capacity development to provide for demands pose by stakeholders Process
Improvements and Research: Initiate research on the latest trends with
reputable institutions to improve and refine processes in the enhancement
of efficiency. Perform benchmarking exercises with local and international
institutions on global trends, latest developments and emerging
technologies within the internal audit environment. Develop and implement
a Sustainable Audit Strategy in line with Audit Methodologies and Resource
Plans to ensure continued effective and efficient Internal Audit service
ENQUIRIES : Ms X Kese Tel No: (040) 608 4709


SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum. (All-inclusive remuneration package) The package
includes a basic salary (70% of package), State’s contribution to the
Government Employees Pension Fund (13% of basic salary) and a flexible
portion of 30% that may be structured in terms of applicable rules. The
successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance agreement
within three months after assumption of duty.
CENTRE : Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : An NQF level 7 Degree in Accounting/Auditing/Financial Management. An
Honours in Accounting/CTA/CA (SA) will definitely be an advantage. A
minimum 5 years’ experience at a senior management level (Director),
obtained within a financial management and Supply Chain environment
within government or any other organ of state. In-depth knowledge of PFMA
and the broader government framework on financial management.
Knowledge and experience of the budget policy framework and their due
processes. Valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Promote sound financial accounting practice. Ensure efficient cash
management including disbursements. Ensure efficient and economic
recovery of debt. Ensure smooth and successful operations on the Basic
Accounting System (BAS) as well as sound financial reporting. Monitor and
evaluate the system of internal control in order to improve effectiveness,
efficiency and economy of operations. Increase the performance of work-
units in a planned effort to increase organisational performance. Promote
the effective detection and recovery of losses. Manage salaries and related
aspects. Provide support to the Directorate in effecting its mandate. Ensure
effective and efficient salary administration.
ENQUIRIES : Ms X Kese Tel No: (040) 608 4709


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office, Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised Bachelor’s degree or undergraduate qualification
(NQF level 7) as recognised by SAQA in Labour Law or relevant academic
discipline supported by five (5) years’ experience at middle/senior
managerial level in Human Resource Management, demonstrable
knowledge of Labour Relations and Labour Laws. good conceptual and

analytic skills, problem-solving and communication (written and verbal)
skills, programme and project management, facilitation and presentation
skills, excellent negotiating skills, planning and organising skills. Since this
position focuses on conditions of service of employees employed in terms
of the Employment of Educators Act, working experience in the education
sector would be an added advantage. Valid Driver’s License. Strategic
capacity and leadership, People Management and Empowerment, Financial
Management and Change management.
DUTIES : overall management and/or coordination of the Employee Relations
functions, Provide strategic direction and operational leadership in relation
to Labour Relations to the Education Sector. Develop and implement Labour
Relations strategies and policies for the Education Sector. Manage the
collective bargaining process in the Education Labour Relations Council and
Public Service Collective Bargaining Council. Promote a climate of labour
peace in the education sector through stakeholder relations, including
dispute management. Create a positive legislative framework that promotes
and maintains conditions of service for educators. Monitor the
implementation of Collective Agreements and provide advocacy and training
to the Clusters and Districts. Analyse labour relations trends both nationally
and internationally and develop partnerships. Develop monthly and quarterly
performance reports.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Vinjevold Tel No: (040) 608 4353


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office, Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7) as recognized by SAQA (B
Com Accounting/Internal Auditing/Auditing) or equivalent. Completed
Studies towards attaining a professional certification in CIA/Articles will be
an added advantage. 5 years’ internal audit/audit experience at senior
operational/middle management level. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge
of internal audit, accounting principles and business process review.
Knowledge of standards for Professional Practice of the Internal Auditing
and Code of Ethics developed by the Institute of Internal Auditors.
Application of Audit Technology. Knowledge of the PFMA and Treasury
Regulations Understanding of relevant Public Service Regulations. Strategic
Capability and Leadership. Programme and Project Management. Financial
Management. Change Management. Knowledge Management. Service
Delivery Innovation. Problem solving and Analysis Self –driven and ability to
meet deadlines
DUTIES : Draft and contribute in the development of the Internal Audit strategy,
Performance Plans, Audit policies and operating frameworks. Manage the
implementation of the Internal Audit Strategy, Polices and Methodology.
Direct and manage the execution of risk-based audit assignments including
Financial, Performance, Governance, Compliance, IT and Forensic
investigation services. Managing the inputs and outputs of internal audit
processes, review audit reports by ensuring quality control and compliance
with regulations, standards and policies. Manage the implementation of
corrective measures to address audit findings. Provide support to the CAE
in executing the technical advisory and secretariat services to the Audit and
Risk Committee. Ensure effective and efficient utilisation of resources
allocated to the Unit.
ENQUIRIES : Ms X Kese Tel No: (040) 608 4709


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office, Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Commerce/ Accounting/ Economics as recognised by SAQA A
minimum 5 years’ experience at a middle management (Deputy Director)
level obtained in an Accounting environment Knowledge of accounting
standards, i.e. IAS, IFRS, IPSAS, GRAP Knowledge and experience of the
PFMA, MFMA, TR and other relevant government prescripts. Knowledge of
the PFMA and Treasury Regulations Understanding of relevant Public
Service Regulations. Strategic Capability and Leadership. Programme and
Project Management. Financial Management. Change Management.
Knowledge Management. Service Delivery Innovation. Problem solving and
Analysis Self –driven and ability to meet deadlines
DUTIES : Interim Financial Statements. Collect Interim Financial Statements (IFS)
from Branches, Clusters and Districts for reviewing. Provide feedback and
guide on the quality and appropriateness of completed Interim Financial
Statements (IFS). Financial Management and Reporting: Scrutinise clients
audit findings and advice on the most appropriate remedy for
implementation. Resolve queries relating to accounting frameworks,
standards and guidelines. Implement and monitor mechanisms to track
progress on the resolution of audit findings through engagement with clients
and their audit reports. Report on the financial management capability and
progress on the resolutions of audit outcomes. Identify transversal policy
limitations and gaps for implementation of suitable interventions. Provide
advice on the preparation of annual financial statements, interpretation of
management accounts for the Departments. Implement Accounting
Frameworks, Standards and Guidelines: Initiate the development of
accounting frameworks, standards, guidelines and related transversal
accounting policies. Facilitate workshops and training on frameworks,
standards, guidelines and accounting policies. Initiate awareness
ENQUIRIES : Ms X Kese Tel No: (040) 608 4709


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office, Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Commerce/Accounting/Economics as recognised by SAQA. A
minimum 5 years’ experience at a middle management (Deputy Director)
level obtained in Budget or Accounting environment. Knowledge of
accounting standards, i.e. IAS, IFRS, IPSAS, GRAP. Knowledge and
experience of the PFMA, MFMA, TR and other relevant government
prescripts. Knowledge of the PFMA and Treasury Regulations
Understanding of relevant Public Service Regulations. Strategic Capability
and Leadership. Programme and Project Management. Financial
Management. Change Management. Knowledge Management. Service
Delivery Innovation. Problem solving and Analysis Self –driven and ability to
meet deadlines
DUTIES : Manage and monitor budget preparation process. Provide specialize advice
and guidance on budget planning to programmes Manage the planning and
compilation of the departmental MTEF budget. Ensure compilation of the
adjustment estimates submission and annual cash flow for the department.

Co-ordinate and ensure that an analysis is undertaken on departmental
budgeting and expenditure through budget achievability and expenditure
reviews. Manage the coordination of budgeting in the Department. Develop,
review and monitor the implementation of Financial Management systems
and procedures. Analyse Financial Performance Information of the
department Provide advice and support on Budget Management. Provide
management with reports to assist in Decision Making Manage the loading
of Budget Structure and Budget on BAS. Manage the allocated resources of
the Department in line with legislative and Department in line with legislative
and directive and comply with corporate governance and planning
imperatives. Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team/section
produces excellent work in terms of quality/quantity and timeliness. Resolve
problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from manager.
Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential provide the
necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities. Ensure timeously development and
implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for
all subordinates Manage daily employee performance and ensure timely
Performance Assessments of all subordinates Ensure management,
maintenance and safekeeping of assets
ENQUIRIES : Ms X Kese Tel No: (040) 608 4709


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office, Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : A three-year tertiary qualification in Public Managemen /Office Management
or an appropriate equivalent qualification, coupled with a minimum of five (5)
years’ relevant experience at Middle Management level (Deputy Director).
Knowledge of Public Service legislation and prescripts applicable to
government, including systems and procedures. Knowledge of PFMA. Good
work ethics, honesty, reliability and team work. Good office administration,
planning and organisational skills. Excellent communication skills (written
and verbal). Good interpersonal relation skills. Knowledge of projects
management. Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). Valid
Code 08/EB driver’s licence. Strategic capability and leadership; Financial
management; Programme and Project management; People management
and empowerment; Change management;
DUTIES : Coordinate executive administrative support to the Superintendent General.
Provide institutional support to the Department’s stakeholders. Provide
document management support services. Develop policies, strategies and
procedure manuals aimed at improving service delivery of the office and
ensure compliance in terms of mandates. Provide executive governance
support services Supervise, develop and manage employees’ performance
in accordance with the Employee Performance Management and
Development System (EPMDS).
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Kojana Tel No: (040) 608 7016



SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Umtata & Grahamstown
Cluster A: Ref No: DIR-OPS& CO/13/2020

Cluster B: Ref No: DIR-OPS&CO /14/2020
REQUIREMENTS : The position requires a proactive person with strong conceptual, strategic
and operational leadership skills, as well as proven management ability. The
successful candidate will be responsible for the development,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes to
coordinate and strengthen performance evaluation and development
systems for school and office-based educators as well as internal and
external school evaluations. The incumbent will also develop mechanisms
for effective implementation of skills development in Districts. Further
Requirements: An appropriate three-year Bachelor’s Degree or an
undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) as recognized by SAQA with at
least five (5) years’ experience at middle or senior management level. This
should ideally be supported by substantial experience in education.
Excellent communication, inter-personal and writing skills are vital.
Candidates should have experience of high-level strategic planning
processes, human resource and performance management and financial
management. Applicants must have extensive and relevant knowledge
relating to the work of Department of the Basic Education sector. Extensive
knowledge of education policies; Good computer skills including MS Word,
MS Excel and MS Power Point; Ability to work under pressure; A valid
driver’s license and be willing to travel extensively
DUTIES : Coordinate the implementation of education related policies, frameworks
and instruments and information management in the cluster. Provide
coordination services on the implementation of education policies in the
district offices.Provide communication and stakeholder mobilization
services. Coordinate youth and special programmes for the Cluster. Manage
the provisioning of sound financial management and supply chain
management. Coordinate the provisioning of sound financial management
services. Coordinate the provisioning of supply chain management services.
Coordinate the provisioning of physical maintenance services to demarcated
district offices. To coordinate human resource management services in the
cluster. Coordinate the implementation of human resource policies.
Coordinate human resource planning for the cluster. Monitor compliance to
human resource frameworks. Provide human resource support to districts
Manage the allocated resources of the Directorate in line with legislative and
departmental policy directives and comply with corporate governance and
planning imperatives. Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team /
section produces excellent work in terms of quality / quantity and timeliness.
Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from
manager. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential provide
the necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities. Ensure timeously development and
implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for
all subordinates
ENQUIRIES : Ms G Koopman Tel No: (040) 608 4468
Ms S Maarsdorp Tel No: (040) 608 4776


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Umtata
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised Bachelor Degree and a teaching qualification
coupled with five years middle management experience. Knowledge of
PFMA, Public Service Act, Employment of Educators Act and other relevant
prescripts and legislations. Good presentation skills, analytical thinking,
research and report writing skills. Policy formulation, and project
Management, Computer Literacy (Ms Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)

Communication (Verbal and written) Willingness to work extended hours
and travelling valid driver’s licence.
DUITES : Key Result Areas: Manage the professional and administrative functioning
of District, Provide leadership and direction with regard to the promotion of
Early Childhood Development, Education Management and governance
Development, oversee the support of ordinary schools and special schools,
effectively manage the co-ordination of circuit offices, Promote and maintain
sound labour relations and ensure effective communication between the
educational institution and the District Office, Plan, co-ordinate, implement,
maintain, evaluate and interpret policy, programs and systems for general
and further education and training, ECD and inclusive education. Facilitate
and promote quality of teaching and learning in the District, Including the
efficient administration of public examinations. Develop district and subject
improvement plans. Assisting schools with compiling school improvement
plans or development plans. Ensure the collection and analyses of school,
circuit and district data to inform planning. Ensure that District, Circuits and
schools improvement plans are linked and coherent to the National and
Provincial departmental plans. Co-ordinate and monitor that the allocation
and utilization of resources in the District is cost effective and benefits the
institutions equitably. To plan priorities of Mpumalanga Department of
Education including resource planning. Facilitate the continuous
development of self-managing educational institutions. Account to the
Cluster Chief Director for all policy and financial mandates of the District.
Actively engage in policy development to ensure the support of the district
in the continuous review of policy imperatives and implementation thereof.
Manage the transformation programs and processes of the District. Manage
and render communication services. Manage and render corporate services
for the District in accordance with policy and delegations. Respond to any
complaints or enquiries referred by the office of the MEC, Head of
Department and Branch Managers. Provide an enabling environment and
targeted support for education institutions within districts to do their work in
line with educational law and policy. Ensure that district officials provide
targeted support to education institutions through school visits, classroom
observations, consultants and cluster meetings.
ENQUIRIES : Ms G Koopman Tel No: (040) 608 4468



SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Umtata Ref No: TI/16/202020
East London Ref No: TI/17/2020
Port Elizabeth Ref No: TI/18/2020
Queenstown Ref No: TI/19/2020
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised Bachelor Degree and a teaching qualification
coupled with five years middle management experience. Knowledge of
PFMA, Public Service Act, Employment of Educators Act and other relevant
prescripts and legislations. Good presentation skills, analytical thinking,
research and report writing skills. Policy formulation, and project
Management, Computer Literacy (Ms Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
Communication (Verbal and written). Excellent knowledge of Skills
Development, Good Knowledge of curriculum design and delivery, Good
Knowledge programme monitoring and evaluation. Willingness to work
extended hours and travelling valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Provide integrated training and development enhancement programmes at
Institute C. Provide administrative support to provisioning of training in the
institution. Provide administrative support to the provisioning of functional,
transversal, management and leadership training programmes. Render

general support and facility management services. Manage the allocated
resources of the Directorate in line with legislative and departmental policy
directives and comply with corporate governance and planning imperatives.
Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team/section produces
excellent work in terms of quality/quantity and timeliness. Resolve problems
of motivation and control with minimum guidance from manager. Delegate
functions to staff based on individual potential provide the necessary
guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and development
opportunities. Ensure timeously development of job descriptions and
implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for
all subordinates. Manage daily employee performance and ensure timely
Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Ensure management,
maintenance and safekeeping of assets
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Jack Tel No: (040) 608 4769


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : A recognized B Degree or equivalent three-year qualification (NQF level 7)
as recognized by SAQA, preferably in Logistics/Supply Chain Management
/Finance. A minimum of eight years demonstrated experience in Supply
Chain Management, of which five years should be at a middle/senior
managerial level. Membership of a professional body in the SCM field will
be an added advantage. Experience in financial services, especially
employee benefits, pension fund and retirement benefits administration will
be a distinct advantage. Extensive and in-depth knowledge of PFMA,
Treasury Regulations, the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act,
Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act and Supply Chain
Management Framework. Knowledge of the Code of Conduct for Supply
Chain Management Practitioners.
DUTIES : Develop Department Contract Management Policies and guidelines.
Provide guidance on the reviewal of contract management policies and
procedures annually. Conduct research on best practices with regards to
Contract Management policies and procedures. Draft recommendations of
improvements and submit for approval. Develop and maintain ECDoE
contract register. Manage, undertake and review the monitoring, analyses
and determination of actions to ensure proper contract administration.
Administer variations to contracts. Evaluate applications for price
adjustments and invoke penalty clauses. Evaluate applications for
variations, amendments and cancelations and develop proposals for
approval. Undertake dispute resolution and ensure that all documentation
is prepared and available to resolve disputes. Maintain proper relationship
with suppliers within the code of ethics to ensure deliver off goods/services.
Monitor supplier performance according to the contract and service level
agreement. Manage the allocated resources of the Directorate. Maintain
high standards by ensuring that the team/section produces excellent work
in terms of quality/quantity and timeliness. Resolve problems of motivation
and control with minimum guidance from manager. Delegate functions to
staff based on individual potential provide the necessary guidance and
support and afford staff adequate training and development opportunities.
Ensure timeously development and implementation of Work Plans and
Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all subordinates .Manage daily
employee performance and ensure timely Performance Assessments of all
subordinates. Ensure management, maintenance and safekeeping of
assets. Provide guidance on the reviewal of contract management policies
and procedures annually. Conduct research on best practices with regards
to Contract Management policies and procedures.

ENQUIRIES : Mr M Harmse Tel No: (040) 608 4624


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised Bachelor Degree and a teaching qualification
coupled with five years middle management experience. Knowledge of
PFMA, Public Service Act, Employment of Educators Act and other relevant
prescripts and legislations. Good presentation skills, analytical thinking,
research and report writing skills. Policy formulation, and project
Management, Computer Literacy (Ms Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
Communication (Verbal and written) Willingness to work extended hours
and travelling valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Key Result Areas: Ensure the coordination on the implementation of policy
and regulations for the administration of home schooling, public ordinary,
independent, special schools and Early Childhood Development Institutions.
Manage the development of directives related to school registration & type,
school management and the administration of earner affairs in all schools of
the province. Manage the development of directives related to school
funding and finances, budget management, fee income, financial reporting
and Human Resource matters for all Section 20 and 21 schools public
ordinary and special schools. Manage the development and distribution of
prescripts related curricula, language offerings, educational norms,
standards and any educational matters in home schooling, public ordinary,
independent, special school and in Early Childhood Development
institutions. Ensure coordination and management of policy and regulation
for School Management and School Governing Bodies (SGB’s). Manage the
development of tools and frameworks to monitor the implementation of
norms and standards for school management and SGB’s. Manage the
coordination of training and development of SGB’s. Oversee the SGBs
elections process. Facilitate the resolution of grievances and disputes
related to the SGB’s. Oversee the provisioning school financial management
and accounting services. Manage the provisioning of public finance
management to schools. To provide guidance on financial management
practices to enforce and monitor compliance, to legislative framework
pertaining to public financial management and prescribed accounting
reporting and auditing requirements
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Mtyida Tel No: (040) 608 4035


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised Bachelor Degree in Language in Education
coupled with five years middle management experience in the Language
Industry Services. Knowledge of the Language Legislative Framework
guiding Language Policy Implementation; the PFMA, Public Service Act,
Employment of Educators Act and other relevant prescripts and legislations.
Good presentation skills, analytical thinking, a presentation of research work
undertaken in the Language in Education Policy Implementation sphere and
report writing skills. A postgraduate degree in Language in Education will be
an added advantage. Demonstrable Policy formulation and Strong Project
Management Ability (see requirement to be submitted below), Computer

Literacy (Ms Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint) Communication (Verbal and
written) Willingness to work extended hours and travelling valid driver’s
licence. Proficient Competence in one African Language of the two
Provincial Indigenous Languages (isiXhosa or Sesotho) and
English/Afrikaans. All candidates will be required to submit a profile of a
project that they have initiated, managed and implemented related to
Language Policy Implementation together with their Comprehensive CV.
Willingness to travel extensively and work extended hours is a desirable
DUTIES : Key Result Areas: Coordinate the development of material that seek to
promote implementation of the language in education policy. Promote
indigenous knowledge systems inclusive of mobilisation of the inclusivity in
education. Develop a long-term advocacy strategy driven by language
awareness campaigns. Develop a strategy for Human Language
Technologies to speed up the development of indigenous African
languages. Oversee Language planning viz: Corpus planning, Status and
Acquisition planning through capacitation and training. Manage the
development of tools, framework and systems to support the implementation
of language in education policy. Develop and enrich bilingual programs.
Coordinate the implementation of language-in-education policy programs.
Develop the monitoring and support tools for the implementation of language
in education policy. Manage the allocated resources of the directorate in line
with legislative and departmental policy directives and comply with corporate
governance and planning imperatives. Maintain high standards by ensuring
that the team/section produces excellent work in terms of quality/quantity
and timeliness. Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum
guidance from manager. Delegate functions to staff based on individual
potential provide the necessary guidance and support and afford staff
adequate training and development opportunities. Ensure timeously
development of job descriptions and implementation of Work Plans and
Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all subordinates. Manage daily
employee performance and ensure timely Performance Assessments of all
subordinates. Ensure management, maintenance and safekeeping of
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Mbude Tel No: (040) 608 4028


SALARY : R1 057 326 - R1 245 495 per annum (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic
salary. The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the
applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised Bachelor Degree and a teaching qualification
coupled with five years middle management experience. Knowledge of
PFMA, Public Service Act, Employment of Educators Act and other relevant
prescripts and legislations. Good presentation skills, analytical thinking,
research and report writing skills. Policy formulation, and project
Management, Computer Literacy (Ms Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
Communication (Verbal and written) Willingness to work extended hours
and travelling valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Key Result Areas: Ensure the standardisation of E-teaching and e-learning
in the provincial. Manage the development e-teaching and learning policy
polices and instruments. Manage the development of E-teaching and
learning monitoring tools and impact assessment tools and instruments.
Manage the development of District based reports on the implementation of
e-teaching and learning prescripts. Ensure the design and development of
tools related to e-education in supporting and enhancing curriculum delivery.
Manage the development and maintenance of innovative education delivery
platform through technology solutions. Manage the provisioning of technical
support for the design and implementation of technology solutions. Manage

the facilitation and coordination of training on new e-Learning technologies
and solutions. Manage the allocated resources of the Directorate in line with
legislative and departmental policy directives and comply with corporate
governance and planning imperatives. Maintain high standards by ensuring
that the team/section produces excellent work in terms of quality / quantity
and timeliness. Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum
guidance from manager. Delegate functions to staff based on individual
potential provide the necessary guidance and support and afford staff
adequate training and development opportunities Ensure timeously
development of job descriptions and implementation of Work Plans and
Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all subordinates
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Tywakadi Tel No: (040) 608 4636



Free State Office of the Premier is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. It is our intention
to promote representativity (race, gender and disability) in the Department through the filling of these
posts and candidates whose appointment/promotion/transfer will promote representativity will receive

APPLICATIONS : Posted to: Ms. Lerato Motsie, Office of the Premier, Human Resources
Advice, Co-ordination and Management Directorate, PO Box 517,
Bloemfontein, 9300 or Hand delivered to: Lerato Motsie, Room 8, Ground
floor, or Tambo House, Bloemfontein or e-mail
[email protected] (Kindly note that applicants needs to verify
@ 051 4055276 whether application is received due to problems experience
with our e-mails)
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Directions to applicants: Applications must be submitted on form Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department and must be accompanied
by certified copies of qualifications; driver's license, identity document and a
C.V. Applicants are requested to complete the Z83 form properly and in full.
If a Z83 could not be obtained, a comprehensive CV should be submitted as
application. The following information should be included in the CV:
Personal information – Surname, Name, ID number, Driver’s License, Race,
Gender, Disability, Nationality and an indication of criminal offences; Contact
details; Language Proficiency; Qualifications; Work experience and
References. (Separate application for every vacancy should be submitted).
Applications without a reference number or a clear indication of the post for
which you apply will not be considered. Applications received after the
closing date and those that do not comply with these requirements will not
be considered. The onus is on the applicants to ensure that their applications
are posted or hand delivered timeously. It is the applicant’s responsibility to
have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification
Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will be subjected to the
verification of qualifications, employee reference checks, criminal record
check as well as vetting where necessary. Applicants are respectfully
informed that if no notification on appointment is received within 4 months of
the closing date, they must accept that their application was unsuccessful.
Applications from people with disabilities are welcomed.



SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum. (Level 14) (An all-inclusive salary package) The
remuneration package consists of the basic salary, the Government’s
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund and flexible portion,
which may be structured in terms of the rules for the structuring of the flexible
portion and which may include a 13th cheque, motor car allowance, home
owner’s allowance and medical aid assistance.
CENTRE : Bloemfontein
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7), as recognized by SAQA. A
minimum of 5 years’ experience at senior managerial level in the public or
private sector. Knowledge of Legislation & Policies applicable to Communigy
Liaison, Intervention and System Management Services. Knowledge of
intervention Management Issues in the Free State and in South Africa.
Strategic Thinking and Interpersonal skills. Potential applicants for posts in
the Senior Management Service as well as existing SMS members who
which to progress to higher levels within the SMS are expected to
successfully complete the compulsory pre-entry Certificate for entry into the
SMS which takes effect on 1 April 2020. (Full details can be sourced by
following the link:

programme/. Individual applicants are expected to pay for the course and
may enroll for it at a cost of R265.00. The duration of the course is 120
hours.) No appointment to successful applicant will be concluded in the
absence of the certificate.
DUTIES : Provide strategic direction, guidance and oversight on the following work
streams: Free State Integrated Service Delivery Model (Operation Hlasela);
Thusong and Operation Hlasela Service Centres; Direct and Community
liaison assistance/intervention services; Community Development Workers
Programme; Presidential Hotline; and 30 Days Payments Contact Centre.
This entails inter alia the following: Ensure implementation of the Annual
Performance targets in the 2018/19 APP; Ensure submission of the
Quarterly Performance Reports for the component in line with the 2018/19
APP, Operational Plan and Technical Indicators; Interpretation of policies in
areas of responsibility; Make proposals on how policies can be improved;
and Develop the Transport policy for the Provincial Intervention Component.
Coordinate and Monitor the Implementation of FSPG’s Service Delivery
Priorities/Injunctions. This entails inter alia the following: Analyse the 2018
SOPA and Budget Vote Speeches and prepare the injunctions; Send the
SOPA and Budget Vote injunctions to Departments to update progress; and
Receive, analyse and prepare analysis reports on implementation of the
SOPA and Budget Vote Injunctions. Plan, organize, coordinate and control
activities pertaining to the Provincial Intervention Component. This entails
inter alia the following: Defining the key result areas of the Provincial
Intervention Component and develop the Component’s 2019/20 Annual
Performance Plan (APP) Develop the Annual Operational Plan for the
component; Supervise and provide direction to Provincial Intervention
component; Establishing Performance Standards; and Monitoring the
outputs of Provincial Intervention Units. The management of resources to
ensure the effective and efficient attainment of objectives. This entails inter
alia the following: Management of the budget of the component;
Management of all personnel within the component; Co-ordination of the
development of Job Descriptions within the component; Co-ordination of the
evaluation of performance of personnel within the component; Facilitate
training interventions; and Provide strategic direction & advice to officials
within the component
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Hellen. Kekana, DDG: Provincial Monitoring and Evaluation Tel No:
(051) 405 4300
NOTE : This appointment is subject to the signing of an employment contract, a
security clearance and an annual performance agreement. The successful
candidate will be required to disclose his/her financial interests in
accordance with the prescribed regulations. All shortlisted candidates for
SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test
relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be
communicated by the department. Following the interview and technical
exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic
managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA
Directive on the implementation of competency based assessments). The
competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies
using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.


REF NO: 12/2020

SALARY : R1 251 183 per annum. (Level 14) (An all-inclusive salary package) The
remuneration package consists of the basic salary, the Government’s
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund and flexible portion,
which may be structured in terms of the rules for the structuring of the flexible
portion and which may include a 13th cheque, motor car allowance, home
owner’s allowance and medical aid assistance.
CENTRE : Bloemfontein
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7), as recognized by SAQA. A
minimum of 5 years’ experience at senior managerial level in the public or

private sector. Potential applicants for posts in the Senior Management
Service as well as existing SMS members who which to progress to higher
levels within the SMS are expected to successfully complete the compulsory
pre-entry Certificate for entry into the SMS which takes effect on 1 April
2020. (Full details can be sourced by following the link:
Individual applicants are expected to pay for the course and may enroll for it
at a cost of R265.00. The duration of the course is 120 hours.) No
appointment to successful applicant will be concluded in the absence of the
certificate. Key Competencies And Skills: Special knowledge of relevant
frameworks applicable to Major Government Programmes that must be
implemented. Special knowledge on the co-ordination and implementation
of substantial programmes/projects. Strategic thinking, project
management, financial management and organizing skills.
DUTIES : It will be expected of the successful candidate to perform the following
duties: Administer the Provincial Bursary function within the FSPG. This
entails inter alia the following: Manage, coordinate, guide and support all
local and international bursaries; and Manage and coordinate stakeholder
management for full-time bursaries for the FSPG. Coordinate and monitor
the implementation of provincial skills development programmes within the
FSPG. This entails inter alia the following: Facilitate and coordinate the
implementation of provincial skills development; Facilitate and coordinate
the implementation of provincial sector skills development initiatives; Render
effective and efficient administrative support services to the Provincial Skills
Development Coordination component; and Render secretariat services for
Human Resource Fora and Career Guidance. Administer proficient and
professional training and development services for the FSPG. This entails
inter alia the following: Manage generic and operational training for salary
levels 1 to 12 within the FSPG; Manage SMS strategic management
development programmes from salary level 13 and higher within FSPG;
Manage Impact Assessment and Training evaluation within the FSPG;
Manage Public Service skills development coordination within the FSPG;
Manage logistical and administrative arrangements for the Free State
Academy. Manage resources of the Chief Directorate. This entails inter alia
the following: Provide strategic direction in terms of provincial HRD; Manage
the budget as Responsibility Manager; Manage human resources in line with
applicable legislation and policy frameworks; and Manage equipment and
assets in line with prescriptions and policy guidelines
ENQUIRIES : Mr. A.J. Venter, DDG: Corporate Administration and Coordination, Tel No:
(051) 405 4926.
NOTE : The successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance
agreement within 3 months after assumption of duty; and will be required to
disclose his/her financial interests in accordance with the prescribed
regulations. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a
technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job,
the logistics of which will be communicated by the department. Following the
interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend
candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in
compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency
based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic
managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency
assessment tools


SALARY : R1 057 326 per annum. (Level 13) (An all-inclusive salary package) The
remuneration package includes a basic salary, State’s contribution to the
Government Employee Pension Fund and a flexible portion which may be
structured in terms of the rules for the structuring of the flexible portion; and
may include a 13th cheque, motor car allowance, home owner’s allowance
and medical aid assistance.
CENTRE : Bloemfontein

REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognized undergraduate or equivalent qualification (NQF Level
7); and a minimum of 5 years appropriate experience at middle/senior
managerial level in the private or public sector. Potential applicants for posts
in the Senior Management Service as well as existing SMS members who
which to progress to higher levels within the SMS are expected to
successfully complete the compulsory pre-entry Certificate for entry into the
SMS which takes effect on 1 April 2020. (Full details can be sourced by
following the link:
programme/. Individual applicants are expected to pay for the course and
may enroll for it at a cost of R265.00. The duration of the course is 120
hours) No appointment to successful applicant will be concluded in the
absence of the certificate. Key Competencies and Skills: Knowledge of the
Public Service Act and Regulations. Knowledge of the legal framework for
Human Resource Development and Training in the Public Service.
Knowledge of Coordination, monitoring & Evaluation mechanisms, systems
and processes. Knowledge of Policy analysis & development. Strategic
thinking, planning, organizational & analytical skills. Facilitation, training and
presentation skills.
DUTIES : It will be expected of the successful candidate to perform the following
dutiesManage generic and operational training for salary levels 1 to 12 within
the FSPG. This entails inter alia the following: Provide advice and support
on generic and transversal training; ensure the provision of generic training
programmes and interventions; manage the provision of transversal training
programmes; manage the provision of training through internal and external
providers; and ensure the implementation of Compulsive Induction
Programmes (CIP) for salary levels 1 to 12. Manage SMS strategic
management development programmes from salary level 13 and higher
within the FSPG. This entails inter alia the following: Provide advice and
support on leadership and management development; Manage the provision
of leadership and management development interventions; Ensure the
development and management of an integrated competency based learning
pathway for management development; Manage the provision of training
through internal and external providers; and Ensure the implementation of
Compulsive Induction Programmes (CIP) for salary levels 13 and higher.
Manage impact assessment and Training Evaluation within the FSPG. This
entails inter alia the following: Manage compliance, monitoring and impact
assessments; Manage impact assessments to determine the impact of
training on a Component/Organisation; Ensure the development and/or use
of existing assessment tools to determine the impact of training and
development interventions on the staff and the workplace; Advise and
recommend on possible partnerships to execute impact studies in Free
State Provincial Government; and Manage interventions if the envisaged
impact is not achieved with training and development in Free State
Provincial Government. Manage Public Service skills development
coordination within the FSPG. This entails inter alia the following: Manage
Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance for the Free State Training
Academy; and Ensure Skills Development within the Department. The
management of resources to ensure that the overall objectives of the
Training Institute are achieved. This entails inter alia the following: Manage
the budget of the FSTA; Manage all staff within the FSTA; Co-ordinate of
the development of Job Descriptions within the unit; Implement the relevant
performance management systems; Co-ordinate the management of
performance of staff within the unit; Facilitate training interventions for staff;
Give strategic direction and advice to staff within the unit; Manage systems
to ensure the payment of courses for training; Co-ordinate records
management processes; and Co-ordinate administrative and logistical
support within the Free State Training Academy, during the execution of the
core functions. To manage resources to ensure that the objectives of the
component are achieved. This entails inter alia the following: Management
of staff within the component; the development and updating of Job
Descriptions for reporting staff; the performance management of staff within

the component; Facilitation of training interventions; and Give direction,
guidance and advice to staff within the component.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. A.J. Venter, DDG: Corporate Administration and Coordination, Tel No:
(051) 405 4926.
NOTE : The successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance
agreement within 3 months after assumption of duty; and will be required to
disclose his/her financial interests in accordance with the prescribed
regulations. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a
technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job,
the logistics of which will be communicated by the department. Following the
interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend
candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in
compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency
based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic
managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency
assessment tools.




APPLICATIONS : Head Office (HO) Physical Address: 26th Loveday Street, Kuyasa House,
Johannesburg, Postal address: P.O. Box 7710, Johannesburg 2001.
District Gauteng North (GN): Physical Address: Yorkcor Park Building, 86
Watermeyer Street, Val De Grace, Pretoria Postal Address: Private Bag X75
Pretoria, 0001 Enquiries: Alfred Phaswana Tel No: (012) 846-3754
District Gauteng West (GW): Physical Address: Corner Boshoff & Human
Street, Krugersdorp Postal Address: Private Bag X2020, Krugersdorp 1740
Enquiries: Louisa Dhlamini Tel No: (011) 660-4581,
District Johannesburg Central (JC): Physical Address: Corner Morola &
Chris Hani road Soweto College Pimville Postal Address: P.O. Box 900064,
Bertsham, 2013 Enquiries: Linda Mabutho: Tel No: (011) 983-2231
District Johannesburg East (JE): Physical Address: 142/144, Fourth &
Elizabeth Street, Parkmore, Sandton Postal Address: Private Bag X9910,
Sandton, 2146 Enquiries: Elizabeth Moloko: Tel No: (011) 666-9109
District Johannesburg North (JN): Physical Address: Corner Biccard &
Jorrison street FNB Building Braamfontein Postal Address: Private Bag X01,
Braamfontein, 2017 Enquiries: Nelisiwe Mashazi: Tel No: (011) 694 9378.
District Johannesburg South (JS): Physical Address: 100 Northern
Parkway, Crownwood Ormonde, Johannesburg Postal Address: Private
Bag X13, Lenasia, 1820 Enquiries: Patrick Sesane: Tel No: (011) 247-5957.
District Johannesburg West (JW): Physical Address: 20 Madeline street
Florida Postal Address: P.O. Box 1995, Florida,1709 Enquiries: Lizwe Jafta:
Tel No: 061 483 3054.
District Sedibeng East (SE): Physical Address: Corner Joubert & Kruger
street SL & M Building Vereeniging Postal Address: Private Bag X05,
Vereeniging, 1930 Enquiries: Peter Nkgage: Tel No: (016) 440-1861.
District Tswane North (TN): Physical Address: Wonderboom Junction 11
Lavender Street, Pretoria Postal Address: Private Bag X925, Pretoria, 0001
Enquiries Ephraim Magakoa Tel No: (012) 543 1044.
District Tswane South (TS): Physical Address: President Towers Building,
265 Pretorius Street Pretoria Postal Address: Private Bag X198 Pretoria,
0001 Enquiries: Thabiso Mphosi Tel No: (012) 401 6363/5.
District Tshwane West (TW) Physical Address: Klipgat Road Old Hebron
College Postal Address: Private Bag X38, Rosslyn, 0200 Enquiries: Priscilla
Ravele Tel No: (012) 725 1451
Gauteng East (GE): Physical Address Corner 7th Street and 5th Avenue,
5th Floor Telkom Towers, Postal Address: Private Bag X9, Springs: 1560
Enquiries: Mpho Leotlela Tel No: (011) 736-0717
District Sedibeng East (SE): Physical Address: Corner Joubert & Kruger
street SL & M Building Vereeniging Postal Address: Private Bag X05,
Vereeniging, 1930 Enquiries: Peter Nkgage: Tel No: (016) 440-1861
Districts Ekurhuleni North (EN) Physical Address: 78 Howard Avenue,
Munpen Building, Benoni Postal Address: Private Bag X059, Benoni, 1500
Enquiries: Emily Mochela Tel No: (011) 746-8190.
District Ekurhuleni South (ES): Physical Address: Infinity Office Park, 2
Robin Close, Meyersdal Private Bag X8001, Alberton, 1456 Enquiries:
Xolani Kheswa Tel No: (011) 389-6062.
District Sedibeng West (SW): Physical Address: Sebokeng College 6
Samuel Street; Zone 18,Sebokeng Postal Address: Private Bag X067,
Vanderbijlpark, 1900 Enquiries: Bertha Mlotshwa Tel No: (016) 594 9193.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : It is our intention to promote representatively (Race, Gender and Disability)
in the Public Service through the filling of this posts. Applications must be
submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any public service department or on
internet at, which must be completed in full
and originally signed. An updated CV as well as certified copy of your identity
document and qualifications must be attached. Suitable candidates will be

subjected to personnel suitability checks (positive Identity, qualification,
fraud listing, employment reference, and criminal record verification as well
as the required level of security clearance process). Where applicable,
candidate will be subjected to a skills/ knowledge or computer assessment
test. All candidates for MMS positions will be required to undergo
competency assessment and security clearance. The specific reference
number of the post must be quoted. The Department reserves the right not
to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Due to the large number
of applications we envisage to receive, applications will not be
acknowledged. If you do not receive any response within 3 months, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. Department reserves the
right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). No faxed,
emailed and late applications will be considered



Directorate: Early Childhood Development

SALARY : R733 257 per annum (All-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Head Office, Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised three-year National Diploma/Degree in Social
Science/Human Science/Public Administration/Public Management. At least
a minimum of three years at an Assistant Director level in the Early
Childhood Development environment. Working knowledge of Early
Childhood Development related policies & legislation. Knowledge of Public
Service Act., Public Finance Management Act, Project Management,
Knowledge and experience in research on the latest developments related
to curriculum transformation, teaching, learning and assessment
methodologies. Good Communication Skills, Report writing skills, facilitation
skills, Computer skills and good inter-personal skills. Valid Driver’s license.
DUTIES : Formulate Pre-Grade R Implementation Strategies to Ensure Quality Early
Childhood Development (ECD) Educational Programmes. Analyse and
review the existing strategies, methodologies, policies, monitoring and
evaluation mechanisms. Implement and report on strategic frameworks in
the area of functional responsibility. Ensure effective and efficient provision
of Early childhood development services and increase accessibility of
services. Conduct Quality Assurance, awareness campaigns and promote
compliance and safe Environment. Ensure quality Pre-Grade R
Implementation of Strategic plan, policies and Norms and Standards.
Coordinate and manage the integration of cross departmental Early
Childhood Development Services. Co-ordinate implementation of the
National Early Childhood Development Norms and Standards with other
stakeholders. Ensure continuous monitoring to ensure compliance. Work
with other departments to coordinate the registration of Early Childhood
Development (ECD) Programmes. Ensure capacity building programmes for
ECD Centre Based and Non- Centre based, communities and parents.
Develop and manage training programmes for practitioners and community.
Provide information and knowledge sharing through ECD trainer’s
engagement platform. Research latest developments regarding ECD
training and qualifications to ensure ECD innovations. Facilitate and monitor
incorporation of Reggio Emilia Approach in ECD Programmes. Develop
management plan for training, support mentoring and documentation of
incorporation of Reggio Emilia Approach. Set performance standards and
benchmarks against which to measure achievement of project. Develop an
engagement model that allows the districts and institutions to interact with
the programs in an integrated manner. Encourages parental involvement in
the education of their children through participation in parent’s information
sharing sessions. Support the development of skills, and integrated resource
kit and basic resource kits. Manage the Pre-Grade R Primary information
database. Develop and manage an integrated ECD centre database.

Develop and manage the ECD Pre-Grade R Practitioner qualification
database. Ensure the effective, efficient and economic utilization of allocated
resource. Manage monitoring of Pre-Grade R programmes Sub-Directorate
and identify areas of need to improve team performance. Guide, train and
advice staff on effective utilization of resource, responsibilities and
accountability. Compile and submit work plan, performance development
plan, and job description and performance agreements. Performance
management, implementation and accountability of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Phumelele Tloubatla Tel No: (011) 843 6532


Chief Directorate: Legal Services and Dispute Management

SALARY : R733 257 per annum (All-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Head Office, Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised three-year National Diploma/Degree in Public
Administration/Public Management/Office Management/Office
Administration/Administrative Management/ Administration/Management/
Administrative Assistant. At least a minimum of five years’ experience in
providing administrative/office support of which three years must be at an
Assistant Director level. Working knowledge of the relevant Acts, prescripts,
regulations, policy practice notes and procedures pertaining to Public
Administration, Finance, labour relations, human resource administration.
Skills: Strong Organising, Planning, Problem solving, Research and
Analytical skills, Strong computer and information systems management,
Time management, Conflict management skills. Financial management
skills, Project Management skills, People management, Good inter-personal
relations, verbal and written communication skills. Presentation and policy
analysis skills. Self-disciplined and able to work under pressure with
minimum supervision. Valid Driver’s license is essential.
DUTIES : Undertake policy or line function tasks as required. Execute research,
analyse information and compile complex documents for the Chief Director.
Source information and compile memoranda as required. Scrutinize
submissions/reports; make notes and recommendations to present to the
Chief Director. Co-ordinate, follow-up and compile reports of a transverse
nature for the Chief Director. Advise/sensitize the Chief Director on reports
to be submitted. Be able to track documents between office of the HOD and
MEC Compile presentations for the Chief Director. Provide support to the
Chief Director. Record minutes/resolutions and communicate/disseminate
to relevant roleplayers, follow-up on progress made, prepare briefing notes;
Co-ordinate the performance agreements/assessments and financial
disclosures with regard to SMS in the relevant branch. Manage Performance
Management of staff and general support services in the office of the Chief
Director. Set up and maintain systems in the Office that will ensure efficiency
in the office. Of the Chief Director Establish, implement and maintain
effective processes/procedures for information and documents flow to and
from the Office. Ensure the safekeeping of all documentation in the Office
and. Manage the engagements of the Chief Director. Manage the resources
of the Office of the Chief Director. Determine and collate information with
regard to the budget needs of the Office. Keep record of expenditure
commitments and monitor expenditure. Monitor and evaluate the
performance of the Staff. Oversee responses drafted by the Personal
Assistant on enquiries received from internal and external stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Jacky Manyape Tel No: (011) 355 0505


REF NO: TW2020/01/05
: Sub- Directorate: Transversal Human Resource Services

SALARY : R733 257 per annum (All-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Tshwane West District

REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognized three-year National Diploma/Degree in Human
Resource Management or related three-year qualification. At least a
minimum of five years’ experience in human resources administration
including HRM environment of which three years must be at an Assistant
Director level. Knowledge and understanding of the current HR prescripts
and public service legislations, regulations and policies. Excellent
communication (verbal & written) and interpersonal skills. Demonstrative
ability to use human resource information systems for planning, monitoring
and reporting. Ability to work under pressure, use PERSAL and provide
expert advisory support to business. Computer literacy in MS Excel, MS
Word, MS Access and MS Office. A valid South Africa driver’s license is
DUTIES : Manage the HRM operations at the district, in a matrix environment; oversee
the sub-directorates conditions of service, performance management and
development, recruitment and selection in accordance with the relevant
prescripts and collective agreements with the Education sector. Coordinate
implementation of the approved post and staff establishment. Manage
employee records at the district. Establish system to ensure successful
implementation of the operational plan as sponsored by Head Office.
Provide input to the HRA budget plan. Fulfill the internal quarterly reporting
requirements and provided analysis to management. Interpret HR Policies
and prescripts. Establish systems to improve customer engagement on HR
issues at the District. Supervise staff and manage their performance
according to the PMS. Provide, co-ordinate and manage policy and
procedure on Incapacity Leave for Ill-Health retirement (PILIR) and the
management injury on duty. Management and capturing of posts
establishment, creation, translations, vacancies and abolishment in
accordance with affordability and priorities of the department on Persal.
Ensure timeous implementation of changes on PERSAL/SAP and validation
of PERSAL information. Manage the internal and external auditing of
personnel administration matters and ensure that Auditor-General queries
are appropriately managed. Supervise staff.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Pricilla Ravele, Tel No: (012) 725 1451


Chief Directorate: Legal Services and Dispute Management

SALARY : R473 820 - R1 140 828 per annum (salary to be determined in accordance
with experience as per OSD determination).
CENTRE : Head Office, Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An LLB degree. At least 8 years post qualification experience in the provision
of legal services. Admission as an Attorney or Advocate will be an added
advantage. Good knowledge, understanding and practical application of
Promotion of Access to Information act. Knowledge and understanding of
the Constitutional Law, Administrative law, Public Service legislative
framework and Education laws. The ability to work independently, long
hours and under pressure. A valid South African Driver’s License is
essential. Skills: Interpretation of statute skills, presentation skills, research
skills, legislative drafting skills, report writing and good communication (both
written and verbal) as well as interpersonal skills. Well-developed analytical
DUTIES : Research the legal content of Legislation, civil jurisprudence and provide
reports. Conduct research on the constitutionality and legality of the
legislative frameworks applicable to the Department. Coordinate and
support the Deputy Information officer in responding to Promotion of Access
to Information Act requests. Compiling and submitting section 14 manual to
the SHRC, Compiling and submitting section 15 notice to the Minister of
Justice and Constitutional Development, developing description of
categories of records that are automatically available, Compiling and
submitting section 32 reports annually to SAHRC. Coordinate and respond
to requests from Chapter nine institutions. Case management: coordination
and management of the implementation of decisions. Manage and

coordinate the collection of data and information to facilitate Deputy
Information Officer’s support. Coordinate write and analyses reports. Attend
to drafting of Provincial Laws, regulations. Monitor reviews of the law.
Communicate with relevant stakeholders on matters relating to education.
Policy development and analysis and general support services to the Chief
ENQUIRIES : Adv N Mashigo Tel No: (011) 355 0505


Directorate: Infrastructure Planning and Property Management

SALARY : R376 596 per annum

CENTRE : Head Office, Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognized three-year National Diploma/ Degree. Minimum
three years’ experience in an infrastructure environment. Qualification in
Teaching will be added an advantage Knowledge and understanding of the
South African Schools Act and regulations, spatial Planning systems and
norms of government, PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Government
Immovable Asset Management Act of 2007, Occupational Health and Safety
act of 1993, Public Service Act and Regulations, National Archives and
Records Service Act. Skills: Ability to implement the Provincial Infrastructure
Delivery Management System. Ability to manage data received from NEIMS,
GIS and related Facilities Management systems, ability to Apply the
education priorities in terms of the physical resources planning framework,
ability to prepare and implement risk mitigation strategies, ability to
communicate and manage stakeholders. Valid driver’s license
DUTIES : Provide physical resources planning inputs to the User Asset Management
Plan and budget. Conduct needs assessments to determine the need for
new and additional school infrastructure. Conduct assessments of schools’
infrastructure to update the National Education Infrastructure Management
System (NEIMS) from an education perspective. Commissioning of schools
relating to school furniture and equipment. Communication and consultation
with schools on infrastructure matters. Establishment of stakeholder forums.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. T. du Plessis Tel No: (011) 355 0125


Directorate: Special Investigation

SALARY : R376 596. per annum

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate, recognized three-year National Diploma/ Degree or relevant
three-year qualification plus minimum of 3 years’ experience in office
management environment. Knowledge of framework PFMA, Knowledge of
procurement policies and process. Computer literacy skills. Excellent
minute-taking and interpersonal skills. Report Writing and Conflict
management. Supervisory skills. Experience in general management and
budgeting. Good verbal communication. Good written communication.
Willingness to work irregular hours.
DUTIES : Packaging reports for the sub directorate and ensure that activities and
projects are in line with the budget. Assists the Senior Management in
tracking the documents. Expenditure patterns and with developing
presentations to Senior Management meetings. Oversee the day–to-day
management of the directorate with Batho Pele Principles under-pinning
office systems. Manage the administration support in the directorate. Co-
ordinate and manage the case referrals in the directorate. Monitor case
reporting from internal and external Stakeholders. Utilization of Microsoft
Word, Excel, Power Point & internet. Assist with the procurement of goods
and services. Assist with the compilation of Office budget.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Lerato Machaka Tel No: (011) 843 6532

Directorate: Organisation Development

SALARY : R376 596 per annum

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate, recognized three-year National Diploma/Degree/B-Tech in
Management Services/Production Management/Operations
Management/Industrial Engineering. Minimum 3 years’ experience in an OD
Practitioner role, Performing Job Design, Service Delivery Model, Business
Process Management and Job evaluation related functions. Job Evaluation
Certificate is essential. Business Process Management and Organisation
Design Certificate will be an added advantage. Knowledge of Public Service
Act and Regulations. Knowledge of organization Design, Business Process
Management, Job Evaluation, Organizational Design Procedures and
Principles, DPSA Guide on Job Description and knowledge of Evaluate
System. Computer literacy, Communication Skills, Change management
and Good Interpersonal relations. Driver’s License is essential.
DUTIES : Coordinate and facilitate job analysis and evaluation for the department.
Ensure identification and prioritization of posts to be evaluated. Coordinate
the submission of job evaluation requests to the Office of the Premier (OOP)
for evaluation of posts or group of posts. Coordinate and facilitate
development of job descriptions in the department. Ensure continuous
review of job description guidelines and template. Provide advocacy on the
implementation of job description guidelines and template. Monitor the
facilitation, compilation and implementation of job descriptions. Coordinate
and facilitate business process management and functional analysis in the
department. Ensure the development, implementation and review of
business processes to enhance productivity. Coordinate business process
improvement projects. Develop and map business process and mapping
session with senior stakeholders. Coordinate and facilitate the development
of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in the Department. Ensure the
development of standard operating procedures. Coordinate and facilitate
development of Service Delivery Model in the Department. Ensure the
development, implementation and review of Service Delivery Model in the
Department. Facilitate the development of Service Delivery Model session
with relevant stakeholders. Ensure the effective, efficient and economic
utilisation of allocated resources. Identify subordinate’s development needs.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Hulisani Tshikovhi Tel No: (011) 843 6872


Directorate: Enterprise Risk Management

SALARY : R376 596. per annum

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate, recognized three-year National Diploma/Degree in Risk
Management, Internal Auditing, Auditing, Financial Management plus
minimum three-year’ experience in Risk Management and/or Internal
Control. Membership of the relevant professional body will be an added
advantage. The ability to communicate at all levels, both verbally and in
writing, Good human relations. Ability to manage conflict situations
effectively, Presentation skills, Computer literacy, Investigation skills, Project
management skills, Time management, Good leadership and managerial
skills, Negotiations and Research skills.
DUTIES : Develop risk management processes, Analysis of government objectives
and risks. Identify and evaluate risk, Design and implement risk
interventions. Assessments of potential risks against government on
different levels. Determination of residual risks with resultant emergency and
contingency plans. Monitoring and reporting on risks. Education and
awareness on risk management. Facilitate and coordinate risk management
workshop. Make stakeholders aware of risk management strategy. Assess

the government exposure and look at the assessment criteria. Assess the
effectiveness of risk management processes in managing significant risk.
Ensure that necessary action is taken to rectify any significant failure and
weakness. Ensure that the result obtained from review process indicates
extensive monitoring required establishing areas for improvement. Ensure
that risk management culture is inculcated and the appropriate infrastructure
built within the department and municipalities. Liaise with the external
stakeholders on broader effective risk management strategies. I.e. National
and Provincial Treasury. Facilitate review and implementation of Business
Continuity plans. Facilitate identification of Fraud Risks. Follow up on
implementation of mitigating measures to prevent fraud and corruption.
Create awareness for fraud and corruption. Liaise with treasury on
measures implemented to [prevent fraud and corruption.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Puledi Selepe Tel No: (011) 355 1154


Directorate: Early Childhood Development

SALARY : R376 596. per annum

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised three-year National Diploma/Degree in Social
Science/Human Science/Public Administration/Public Management. At least
a minimum of 3 years’ experience in the Early Childhood Development
environment. A sound knowledge of public service administration
processes. Working knowledge of Early Childhood Development related
policies & legislation. Knowledge of Public Service Act., Public Finance
Management Act, Project Management, Knowledge and experience in
research on the latest developments related to curriculum transformation,
teaching, learning and assessment methodologies. Good Communication
Skills, Report writing skills, facilitation skills, Computer skills and good inter-
personal skills. Valid Driver’s license.
DUTIES : Implement Pre-Grade R strategies to ensure Quality Early Childhood
Development (ECD) Educational Programmes. Develop strategies to
improve access to Early Childhood Development programmes. Facilitate
effective and efficient provision of Early Childhood Development Educational
Programmes. Mediation of ECD related policies, strategies and compliance.
Co-ordinate and facilitate integration of cross Departmental Early Childhood
Development (ECD) Services. Liaise and co-ordinate with other
stakeholders on the implementation of ECD policies and provincial
strategies to improve quality of ECD programmes. Develop a database of
Accredited ECD providers and ECD practitioners. Coordinate ECD
stakeholder’s forum meetings. Facilitate ECD awareness days in
collaboration with other departments. Assist in facilitating the registration of
Early Childhood Development (ECD) programmes. Ensure capacity building
programmes for ECD centre based and non-centre based, communities and
parents. Facilitate provisioning of learning through play and incorporating
use of toy libraries, workshops for practitioners and parents. Mediate
information and knowledge sharing through ECD trainer’s engagement
platform. Mediate latest developments regarding ECD training and
qualifications to ensure ECD innovations. Facilitate the development of
recognition of prior learning programme. Facilitate and monitor incorporation
of Reggio Emilia Approach to Ensuring proper management and
implementation of the program. Develop management plan for training,
support, mentoring and documentation of incorporation of Reggio Emilia
Approach. Facilitate the setting of benchmarks against which to measure
achievement of project. Develop an engagement model that allows the
districts and institutions to interact with programmes in an integrated
manner. Assist with facilitation of parental involvement in the education of
their children through participation in parent’s information sharing sessions.
Support the development of skills, and integrated Resource kit and basic
resource kits. Ensure the effective, efficient and economic utilization of

allocated resources. Identify areas of developmental needs to improve team
performance. Compile and submit work plan, performance development
plan, and job description and performance agreements. Manage and identify
poor performance and address effectively to improve team performance.
Guide, train and advice staff on all financial administration services to
enhance the correct implementation of policies and practices.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Phumelele Tloubatla Tel No: (011) 843 6532


: Sub Directorate:Transversal Human Resource Services

SALARY : R376 596 per annum

CENTRE : Sedibeng East District
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognized three-year National Diploma/Degree in Human
Resource Management or related three-year qualification plus minimum of
3 years’ experience in the HR working environment at a supervisory level.
Knowledge of Education Acts. Knowledge of Public Service Act and
Regulations. Knowledge of Basic Conditions of Employment Act. Knowledge
of applicable resolutions. National and provincial policy frameworks.
Understanding transformation and capacity building processes. Basic
Knowledge of Persal. PFMA. Computer literacy. Good verbal and written
communication skills. Report writing. Strong leadership skills and qualities.
Listening skills. Conflict management. Negotiation skills. Time Management.
Basic Financial Skills. Project management and Project leader skills. Good
inter-personal relations skills. Problem solving skills. Presentation skills.
Self-disciplined and able to work under pressure with minimum supervision.
Licensed Driver. People management and Supervisory skills. Policy
Development and research skills. Facilitation skills. Communicate; District
Head, Senior Managers in the Department, National and Provincial
Education Departments, Academic Institutions. Valid driver’s license
DUTIES : Ensure the implementation of post provisioning for Public Ordinary and
Special schools (PS and Educators). Ensure the receipt and verification of
post establishment for Special Schools, Ordinary Schools and extraordinary
posts. Ensure that post establishments are correctly distributed to all
stakeholders. Provide support in issuing of Annual Post Establishments,
Growth Posts, Extra Ordinary posts and Grading of schools. Ensure the
implementation of GDE Medium Term HR Plan. Monitor utilization of all
posts. Placement of personnel i.e. Additional and Funza Lushaka.
Conversion of temporary staff. Participate in the analysis and planning of the
HR Requirements for the Department. Participate in the development of HR
Policies based on gaps identified in the District. Participate in the
development of Departmental Recruitment Strategy and ensure the
implementation thereof. Provide inputs on the development of the
recruitment strategy. Identify vacant posts in the Institutions and/District
Offices. Receive and verify GDE79/HR1/GDE 01/Z83.Capture and submit
GDE 79/HR1 for publication. Receive and distribute vacancy list to
institutions and Sub directorates. Oversee the response handling process.
Process recommendations. Verify qualifications and ensure they are
captured. Ensure the implementation of Organizational Development
processes in the District. Coordinate all the processes with regards to the
realignment of the structure in the District (e.g. placements, transfers,
implementation of the approved structure, etc.). Participate in the evaluation
of the implemented HR Strategies in the District and monitor thereof. Ensure
the provision administrative support services for the Unit. Ensure all
personnel administration verifications are done on Persal. Ensure
safekeeping of all documentation in the office in line with relevant legislation
and policies. Collate and compile of reports e.g. progress reports, monthly
reports, etc. Supervise staff.
ENQUIRIES : Mr S Mareletse Tel No: (016) 440 1718

Sub Directorate: Transversal Human Resource Services

SALARY : R376 596 per annum

CENTRE : Johannesburg East District
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate three-year National Diploma/Degree in Human Resource
Management or related three-year qualification plus minimum of 3 years’
human resource administration experience at a supervisory level.
Knowledge and understanding of current education and public service
legislations, regulations and policies. Excellent communication (verbal and
written) and interpersonal skills. Demonstrative ability to use human
resource information systems for planning, monitoring and reporting. Ability
to work under pressure, use of PERSAL and provide expert advisory support
to business. Computer literacy in MS Excel, MS Word MS Access and MS
Office. A valid South African driver's license.
DUTIES : Ensure implementation of HRM operations at district, in a matrix
environment; responsible for the sub-directorate conditions of service in
accordance with the relevant prescripts and collective agreements within the
education sector. Ensure the implementation of the approved post and staff
establishment. Responsible for employee records at the district. Ensure the
successful implementation of operational plan as sponsored by Head Office.
Provide input to the HRTS budget. Fulfil the internal monthly reporting
requirements and provide analysis to the management. Interpret HR policies
and prescripts. Supervise staff and manage their performance and
development according to the PMS.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Elizabeth Moloko Tel No: (011) 666 9109


Chief Directorate: Legal Services and Dispute Management
Directorate: Legal Services

SALARY : R373 389 – R912 504 per annum (salary to be determined in accordance
with experience as per OSD determination).
CENTRE : Head Office, Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An LLB degree. At least 8 years post qualification experience in the provision
of legal services. Admission as an Attorney or Advocate will be an added
advantage. Good knowledge, understanding and practical application of
Promotion of Access to Information act. Knowledge and understanding of
the Constitutional Law, Administrative law, Public Service legislative
framework and Education laws. The ability to work independently, long
hours and under pressure. A valid South African Driver’s License is
essential. Skills: Interpretation of statute skills, presentation skills, research
skills, legislative drafting skills, report writing and good communication (both
written and verbal) as well as interpersonal skills. Well-developed analytical
DUTIES : Research the legal content of Legislation, civil jurisprudence and provide
reports. Conduct research on the constitutionality and legality of the
legislative frameworks applicable to the Department. Co-ordinate Chapter 9
Institutions queries and ensure that their responses are done within a time-
frame, Facilitate and Co-ordinate Chapter 9 reports within Districts, Schools,
Analyse reports from Districts, schools on Chapter 9 Queries. Compiling and
submitting section 32 reports annually to SAHRC. Coordinate and respond
to requests from Chapter nine institutions. Case management: coordination
and management of the implementation of decisions. Manage and
coordinate the collection of data and information. Coordinate write and
analyses reports. Attend to drafting of Provincial Laws, regulations. Monitor
reviews of the law. Communicate with relevant stakeholders on matters
relating to education. Policy development and analysis and general support
services to the Chief Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Mpho Maloka Tel No: (011) 355 0505

Directorate: Early Childhood Development

SALARY : R316 791 per annum

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate three- year National Diploma/Degree in Public
Administration/Public Management/Office Management/ Office
Administration/Administrative Management plus minimum of 2 years’
experience in providing administration/office support. A sound working
knowledge of Public Service Regulations, knowledge of Public Service Act,
Public Finance Management Act. Batho Pele principles, knowledge of Basic
Conditions of Employment Act and HR Prescripts. Minutes taking, listening
skills, Computer literacy, Communication Skills, Project Management and
Problem-solving skills. Internal personal relations. Policy development and
research skills. Supervisory skills. Report Writing skills. Innovation and
creativity skills.
DUTIES : Provide administrative support to the sub-directorate. Prepare operational
and procurements plans for the sub-directorate. Arrange stakeholder
meetings for the sub directorate as requested. Organise Pre- Grade
programme awareness days in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Maintain and update an integrated Pre-Grade programme stakeholder’s
database. Provide a secretarial service to the sub-directorate. Assist in
compiling correspondences, reports, presentations and other written
material for the sub directorate. Arrange and manage appointments,
meetings, official visits and other events. Provide an effective records
management services to the sub directorate. Update and maintain records
of all files and documents. Ensure that the sub-directorate adheres to the
records management policy and procedure manual. Compile and keep track
of leave register. Provide effective communication to all ECD stakeholders
in line with protocol requirements. Provide policies, procedures and
business processes to all stakeholders. Establish and maintain work
streams/task teams on various tasks as directed.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Phumelele Tloubatla Tel No: (011) 843 6532

Directorate: Talent Management and Innovation

SALARY : R316 791. per annum

CENTRE : Head Office, GCRA
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate three- year National Diploma/Degree in Public
Management/Business Management/Administration with 2-3 years working
experience in administration. Previous supervisory, financial administration
and reporting experience will be an added advantage. Good personal and
communications skills. Computer skills (Ms Word, Excel, PowerPoint and
Outlook). Knowledge and experience of application of financial legislation
SCOA, PFMA and Treasury Regulations, Higher Education Institutions
Prescripts will be an added advantage. Ability to work in a team,
independently and work beyond normal working hours. Ability to work under
sustained pressure and deliver satisfactory results. Proactive, flexible and
pay attention to detail. Ability to maintain high levels of confidentiality and
interact with people at various levels. Valid Driver’s license will be an added
DUTIES : Bursary administration and management support to a portfolio of higher
and/or further education institutions in line with the bursary policy and other
prescripts. Ensure that learners/students applications of bursaries are
thoroughly processed, and bursars are supported throughout whilst
beneficiaries of the bursary. Ensure timely and correct processing of
payment of fees to the institutions of the bursars in an allocated portfolio and
that invoices are processed and paid within 30 days. Attend to the queries
of the bursars and provide the necessary support. Work with confidential
documents and ensure safe keeping thereof. Assist with filing (manually and
electronically), typing, photocopying scanning etc. Ensure that the bursars

documents are properly filed and updated frequently. Liaise with internal and
external stakeholders, in particular tertiary institutions. Assist with collation
of information in the allocated portfolio for reporting purposes. Prepare
bursary monthly reports and reconciliation. Ensure effectiveness of internal
control systems and make recommendation on the best possible
interventions. Ensure prompt response to audit queries. And any other
related duties assigned by the supervisor.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Lebogang Matlala Tel No: (011) 355 1137


Directorate: System Administration

SALARY : R316 791 per annum

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate three- year National Diploma/Degree in Public
Administration/Public Management/Office Management/Office
Administration/Administrative Management plus minimum of 2 years’
experience in providing administration/office support. Knowledge of the
National Senior Certificate (NSC) and the Senior Certificate amended
qualification requirements are a pre- requisite. Knowledge of
policies/regulations relating to certification processes. Computer literacy in
the mainframe and server based system are essential. Good
Communication skills. Telephone etiquette. Ability to work well under
pressure. A valid driver's license is essential.
DUTIES : Provide effective administrative support to the Business Unit. Provide
helpdesk support regarding the combination of results and duplicate
certificates. Provide administration support on all processes relating to
certification and assist in processing verifications. Provides Support to the
District Offices in relation with certification functions. Track all results’
queries. Provide secretariat services to the Business Unit’s meetings. Liaise
with all Education Departments, SITA, DBE and Umalusi on all matters
relating to certification. Provide effective records management services to
the Business Unit. Supervise staff in Certification Sub-Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Rene Vermaak Tel No: (010) 601 8057


Directorate: Auxiliary Services and Fleet Management

SALARY : R316 791 per annum

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate three- year National Diploma/Degree in Records and
Archiving Management/Public Administration/Public Management/ Office
Administration/Office Management plus minimum of 2 years’ experience in
administration environment. Knowledge of Office equipment’s
Administrative procedure relating to files. Registry norms, standards and
procedures. Planning and Organizing. Organizational policies skills.
Communication skills (written & verbal), organizational and interpersonal.
Interpersonal relations, problem solving skills, report writing. Presentation
and Facilitating skills. Project Management skills. Report writing skills and
computer literacy and ability to work under pressure. Knowledge of PFMA,
PAIA. Knowledge of Shortlisting and interview processes. procurement
procedures, Treasury Regulations and other legislative frameworks
applicable to the public service. Batho Pele principles.
DUTIES : Provide effective records/registry management services to the Business
Unit. Monitor the opening and closing of files. Monitor policy compliance.
Provide effective administrative support to the Business Unit. Provide
secretariat services to the Business Unit’s meetings, Provide effective
records management services to the Business Unit. Comply with policies,
prescripts, and other processes and procedures within the Business Unit.
Provide effective administrative support to the Business Unit. Monitor the
monthly and quarterly duty rooster. Monitor the franking machine, readings

and the payments thereof. Provide effective general and logistical support
to the Business Unit. Monitor requisitions. Procurement of office equipment,
stationary and distribution thereof. Ensure all assets in Registry are
barcoded accordingly. Ensure all assets are listed in the asset register.
Communicate with Asset Directorate regarding damaged and broken
assets. Monitor HR processes within the Business Unit in collaboration with
the Directorate: Provide supervision to personnel in the Business Unit.
Human Resource Management such as leave, payroll, training, polices,
appointments. Provide secretariat services to the Business Unit’s meetings.
Liaise with internal and external stakeholders. Monitoring of staff
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Victor Manngo Tel No: (011) 355 0189

Sub-Directorate: Education Support

SALARY : R316 791 per annum

CENTRE : Sedibeng East District Ref No: SE2020/01/21
Gauteng West District Ref No: GW2020/0122
Gauteng North District Ref No: GN2020/01/23
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate three- year National Diploma/Degree in Public
Administration/Public Management/Office Management/Office
Administration/Administrative Management plus minimum of 2 years’
experience in providing administration/office support. in Nutrition and
Transport. Have an understanding of government strategic vision and public
service legislation and policies pertaining to the education sector in South
Africa; knowledge of relevant policies and regulations; knowledge of project
and financial management; a valid driver’s license is a prerequisite. The
incumbent should have the following skills and attributes: good supervisory
skills, report writing, communication good interpersonal relations and the
ability to perform under pressure; problem-solving skills; administrative
skills; facilitation skills; and interpersonal skills; Computer knowledge of
Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and Power Point.
DUTIES : Conduct monitoring and support visits to schools; Compile reports on
monitoring and workshops; Coordinate and support capacity building
workshops and trainings for all relevant stakeholders; Assist with day-to-day
administrative duties of the sub directorate; Ensure NSNP and Learner
Transport compliance with all relevant regulations and policies; Ensure filling
od documents in line with file plan. Maintain database for NSNP and learner
transport Conduct workshops in districts to improve management of the
programmes; Provide logistical support for workshops, meetings and
correspondence to provinces; Compile submissions, reports and memos.
Verify correctness of information/data submitted by schools.
ENQUIRIES : Mr S Mareletse, Tel No: (016) 440 1718 (SE District)
Ms L Dhlamini Tel No: (011) 660 4581 (GW District)
Mr LA Phaswana. Tel No: (012) 846 3641(GN District)


: Sub- Directorate: Finance Administration & Auxiliary Service Pool

SALARY : R316 791 per annum

CENTRE : Gauteng West District
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate three- year National Diploma/Degree in Public
Administration/Public Management/Office Administration/Office
Management plus minimum of 2 years’ experience in administration
environment. Public Finance Management Act. Treasury Regulations.
Financial & Procurement procedures. Standard Chart of Accounts. Financial
management & financial administration. Excellent communication skills,
verbal and written. Presentation skills. Computer literacy in Ms-Excel and
Word. Interpersonal relations. Managerial & Organizing skills. Reporting
skills. Conflict management. Leadership skills. Written and verbal, internal

and external-Daily. Applicant must be in a possession of a South African
valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Bar-coding of newly acquired District Assets. Recording of Assets on the
asset register. Allocate assets to District members. Complete data invoices
and forward to Head Office for updating on asset register. Monitor
movement of assets by completing transfer forms. Administer requisitions
for school furniture. Do stocktaking at school when requested. Ensure
completion and submission of burglary forms. Safekeeping of district audio-
visual equipment. Keep record of all equipment barrowed from the safe.
Contracting and evaluating, unit members. Develop programs for
underperforming unit staff all administrative unit head functions.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Dhlamini, Tel No: (011) 660 4581


Directorate: Auxiliary Services and Fleet Management

SALARY : R316 791 per annum

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate three- year National Diploma/Degree in Transport
Management/ Public Administration/ Public Management plus minimum of 2
years’ experience in Fleet Management environment. Knowledge of
Government Motor Transport Handbook No.1 of 2019 (GG vehicles).
Knowledge of legislative frameworks applicable in the public sector. Good
interpersonal skills, communication skills (verbal and written) and
managerial skills. Organising ability. Computer Literacy (Ms Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, and Outlook). Ability to use Fleet Information system (FIS), GG
vehicle management system, Financial and risk management. Ability to
lead, work in a team as well as alone. Ability to work under pressure and
meet deadlines. Candidate must be in possession of a driver’s license
DUTIES : Supervise and render g-FleeT administration services within the
Department. Verify the submission of log sheets at the end of the month.
Administer the cost-effective utilization of government -owned fleet,
eliminate and reduce fruitless expenditure. Supervise the issuing of g-FleeT
Vehicles in GDE. Validate the g-FleeT vehicle asset register. Implement
transport policy within GDE. Provide inputs on the development of transport
internal control policies for GDE. Ensure that requests and approvals of g-
FleeT vehicles are in accordance with procedures as stipulated in the
Transport Policy Circular No. 4 of 2000. Implement the cost-control
measures in line with the PFMA, Treasury Regulations and other internal
budget-control policies in respect of official travel costs. Administer g-Fleet
Vehicle accident, Damaged, stolen and loss of vehicle within the GDE.
Ensure that all users of government owned vehicles are assessed on their
driving skills before they can be issued with the vehicle. Ensure that all users
of government owned vehicle are inducted on vehicle policies. Allocate
parking space within GDE. Coordinate the acquisition of parking facilities.
Implement the parking policy. Supervise Staff. Identify and manage poor
performance. Guide, train and advice on all financial implication matters
relating to usage of government resources. Compile and submit work plan,
performance development plan, and job description and performance
agreements of staff. Ensure that staff is kept abreast of all new prescripts
and policies. Prepare submissions, letters and internal memorandums.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Monica SampsonTel No: (011) 355 1205


SALARY : R257 508 per annum

CENTRE Head Office
Directorate: HRTS (Ekudubeng Region) Ref No: HO2020/01/25
Directorate: HRTS (Head Office): Ref No: HO2020/01/26
Directorate: HRTS (Tshwane Region): Ref No: HO2020/01/27
Directorate: HRTS (JHB Region): Ref No: HO2020/01/28

Directorate: Infrastructure Planning: Ref No: HO2020/01/29
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 plus Secretarial/ Office Management certificate/Diploma with
minimum 3 years’ experience in rendering secretarial/administrative support
service. Knowledge of procurement policy and processes. Good
interpersonal and organizational skills. Good communication skills (written
and verbal). Advanced Computer literacy packages such as Microsoft Excel,
Power-point, MS Word, Group Wise Internet etc.). Good research and
analytical skills. Ability to work in a team and independently. Willingness to
occasionally work after hours when needed.
DUTIES : Overall management of the office administration functions Provide a
secretarial/receptionist support service to the Senior Manager. Compile
realistic schedules of appointments. Provide administrative support services
in the Office of the Senior Manager. Provide support to senior manager
regarding meetings. Record minutes and communicates to relevant role-
players. Coordinate logistical arrangements for meetings when required.
Support the manager with the administration of the Office Budget Collect
and coordinate all the documents that relate to the Director/Chief Director’s
budget. Remain up to date with regard to the policies and procedures
applicable to senior manager work terrain to ensure efficient and effective
support to the Senior Manager. Remain abreast with the procedures and
processes that apply in the office of the Director.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Lerato Machaka, Tel No: (011) 843 6532

Directorate: School Nutrition

SALARY : R257 508 per annum

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with minimum of 3 years relevant experience. Knowledge of
Legislative frameworks applicable to Education. Good interpersonal skills
and communication skills (verbal and Written). Administrative, analytical and
organizational skills, Computer Literacy. Ability to work under pressure.
Computer literacy (MS Word, Power Point and Excel); Ability to attend to
detail and ensure the correctness of information; Ability to work under
pressure; Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. A valid driver’s
DUTIES : Supervise and render general office support services. Arrange travelling and
accommodation. Check correctness of subsistence and travel claims of
officials and submit to manager for approval. Handle telephone accounts
and petty cash for the component. Capture and update expenditure within
the component. Record, organise, store, capture and retrieve
correspondence and data (line function. Update registers and statistics.
Handle routine enquiries. Distribute documents/packages to various
stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing
register of the component. Render and supervise procurement and asset
management support services. Liaise with internal and external
stakeholders in relation to Procurement of goods and services. Obtain
quotations, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard
office items. Stock control of office stationery. Keep and Maintain the
attendance register of the component. Keep and maintain personnel records
in the component. Supervise Staff. Assist manager in compiling weekly and
monthly reports and have knowledge of PMDS processes and compile
composite records thereof. Compile submissions to senior management as
and when necessary. Liaise with service providers regarding on an ongoing
ENQUIRIES : Mr Tshepo Leshoro Tel No: (010) 600 6110


Sub Directorate: Finance & Administration

SALARY : R257 508. per annum

CENTRE : Gauteng East Ref No: GE2020/01/31 (X2 Posts)

Sedibeng West District, Ref No: SW2020/01/32
Ekurhuleni North District Ref No: EN2020/01/33
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with minimum of 3 years relevant experience. Knowledge of
procurement policy and processes. Good interpersonal and organizational
skills. Good communication skills (written and verbal). Computer literacy
(packages such as Microsoft Excel, Power-point, MS Word, Group Wise
Internet etc.). Good research and analytical skills. Ability to work in a team
and independently. Willingness to work after hours when needed will be an
added advantage. Valid driver’s license will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Supervise the daily activities of the Cleaners and the General Assistants.
Leave management. Conduct random inspections of all areas allocated to
the support staff. Monitor cleaning. Monitoring adherence to the weekly
report for inspections. Check and confirm that all cleaning equipment is
available and in good working condition. Inventory management. Waste
Paper Management. PMDS evaluation. Co-ordinate and report all office
maintenance issues.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Mpho Leotlela Tel No: (011) 736-0716 Ms B Mlotshwa (SW) Tel No: 016
594 9207 Ms E Mochela Tel No: (011) 746 8190


Sub Directorate: Finance and Procurement

SALARY : R257 508 per annum

CENTRE : Tshwane South District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with Accounting as a passed subject and minimum of 3 years
clerical support experience in a finance environment. Knowledge of
Treasury Regulations, PFMA, procurement procedures and other legislative
frameworks applicable to the Public Sector. Knowledge of PERSAL, BAS,
SAP and SRM. Asset management. Reporting skills. Planning and
organizing. Interpersonal relations. Problem solving. Maintaining discipline.
Conflict resolution. Supervisory skills, Good interpersonal skills and
communication skills (verbal and written). Administrative, analytical and
organizational skills. Computer literacy (MS Excel, MS Word, MS Office).
Share information with team members. Ability to work under pressure and
long hours during audit process. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Ensure adherence to PFMA, Treasury Instructions. Check and reconcile
payments. Ensure that losses and thefts are managed and reported
accordingly. Ensure that records of financial transactions are updated
correctly. Supervise, develop mentor junior staff. Provide statistical reports
when required. Function as team leaders for staff in Pay Office, Salary
Office, Cashier Office and Payment Office. Monitor payment on SRM and
expenditure on Bas reports. Monitor distribution of payroll control sheets and
reconciliation of payrolls against PERSAL. Monitor compliance with Petty
Cash policy. Monitor capturing of receipts and banking of state money is
taking place. Supervise Staff. Check and authorize the work of subordinates.
Provide weekly, monthly and quarterly reports. Give written feedback on
queries – internal and external. Attend office meetings. To Circuit Managers
and Sub-Directorate Heads on the compliance of the submission of payroll
reports to the Pay Office.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Thabiso Mphosi, Tel No: (012) 401 6363


Sub-Directorate: Learning and Teaching Support Material

SALARY : R257 508 per annum

CENTRE : Sedibeng West District, Ref No: SW2020/01/36
Tshwane South District. Ref No: TS2020/01/37
REQUIREMENTS : A Bachelor’s degree or National Diploma in Library and Information Science
and 3 years’ experience as librarian. Knowledge of relevant Acts, regulations
and Batho Pele Principles. Computers skills including MS Word, MS
PowerPoint and MS Excel. Experience working with a computerized library
management system will be an advantage. Good verbal and written

communication skills. Ability to work under pressure. Time management
skills. Problem solving skills. Self-discipline, accuracy and consistency.
Detail orientated LIASA membership will be an advantage. Applicant must
be in a possession of a South African valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Collection development: establish user’s needs, acquire relevant library
resources Weed resources, undertake annual stocktaking, procure & renew
newspaper/journal subscriptions & library System license. Processing
Library Resources: physical processing of resources, cataloguing and
classification, capturing into the library System. Provisioning of library and
Information Services to District officials and school: user registration,
information searchers assist with courier service from Education Library,
train library users. Circulation of Library Resources: issues and returns, keep
statistics of library use, shelf control, sending out of reminders. Library
Management & Administration Support: Supervising Library Assistants,
administration assistance to the library Facilitator, monthly/quarterly reports
and statistics. Marketing the District Library: displays and exhibitions, current
awareness service, open library day.
ENQUIRIES : SW District Ms B Mlotswa, Tel No: (016) 594 9207
TS District Mr Thabiso Maphosi Tel No: (012) 401 6363


Sub Directorate: Auxiliary Services
Section: Office Service Pool

SALARY : R257 508 per annum

CENTRE : Sedibeng West District Ref No: SW2020/01/38
Gauteng North District Ref No: GN2020/01/39
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with minimum of 3 years relevant registry support experience in
Registry. A relevant tertiary qualification will be an added advantage.
Knowledge and understanding of Record Management and Archive policies,
procedures, regulations. Excellent communication (verbal and written) and
interpersonal skills. Security consciousness/awareness. Ability to work
under pressure, use of PERSAL and Ms Office software. A valid South
African driver’s license is an added advantage.
DUTIES : Supervise subordinates and registry activities in the unit. Supervise the
maintenance of filing plans according to regulatory framework. Control
receipt, opening and maintenance of files and documents. Update and
maintain records management and documents classification systems.
Maintain safe custody and protection of files and records. Identify files and
records for archiving. Allocate file reference numbers. Provide advice and
guidance to Registry Clerks on the day-to-day functions of the Registry.
Maintain various control registers. Responsible for the administration and
supervision of all registry procedures. Supervise performance management
and training of subordinate(s).
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mlotshwa Tel No: (016) 594 9207(SW District)
Mr LA Phaswana Tel No: (012) 846 3641 (GN District)

POST 05/210 : CHIEF ADMIN CLERK REF NO: SW2020/01/40 (2 POSTS)

Sub Directorate: Auxiliary Services
Section: Office Service Pool

SALARY : R257 508 per annum

CENTRE : Sedibeng West District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with minimum of 3 years relevant experience. Knowledge of
procurement policy and processes. Good interpersonal and organizational
skills. Good communication skills (written and verbal). Computer literacy
(packages such as Microsoft Excel, Power-point, MS Word, Group Wise
Internet etc.). Good research and analytical skills. Ability to work in a team
and independently. Willingness to work after hours when needed will be an
added advantage. Valid driver’s license will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Supervise the daily activities of the Cleaners and the General Assistants.
Leave management. Conduct random inspections of all areas allocated to

the support staff. Monitor cleaning. Monitoring adherence to the weekly
report for inspections. Check and confirm that all cleaning equipment is
available and in good working condition. Inventory management. Waste
Paper Management. PMDS evaluation. Co-ordinate and report all office
maintenance issues.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mlotshwa (SW) Tel No: (016) 594 9207

POST 05/211 : CHIEF ADMIN CLERK: REF NO: JS2020/01/42

Sub Directorate: Curriculum Management & Delivery

SALARY : R257 508. per annum

CENTRE : Johannesburg South District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience. A relevant post
Matric qualification in secretarial studies/office management will be an
added advantage. Experience in facilitating travel and accommodation
arrangements. Knowledge of procurement policy and processes. Good
interpersonal and organizational skills. Good communication skills (written
and verbal). Computer literacy (packages such as Microsoft Excel, Power-
point, MS Word, Group Wise Internet etc.). Good research and analytical
skills. Ability to work in a team and independently. Willingness to work after
hours when needed will be an added advantage. Valid driver’s license will
be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Overall management of the office administration functions. Managing the
office diary, receiving visitors & Document management. Liaising with
relevant stakeholders. Assist with the procurement of goods and services.
Handling basic enquiries and assisting clients. Make logistical arrangements
for the meetings, seminars and workshops. Assisting the office with personal
tasks within agreed framework. Assist with the compilation of Office budget.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Patrick Sesane Tel No: (011) 247 5944


SALARY : R145 281 per annum

CENTRE Head Office
Directorate: Inclusion and Special Schools Ref No: HO2020/01/61
Directorate: Contact Centre Ref No: HO2020/01/62
REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Grade 12. Knowledge of Office administration, Planning and
Organising, Knowledge of communication systems. Communication skills
(written & verbal), organisational and interpersonal skills are vital for this
post. Other attributes include being proactive, flexible and be able to pay
attention to detail. Be highly computer literate and with sound knowledge
and competency in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook.
DUTIES : Serve as an entry point for internal and external stakeholders provide
frontline service. Receives and attends to customers in a professional and
cheerful manner and provides them with an efficient and courteous service.
Ensure the flow of customers waiting in the reception area and ensure that
they are attended to timeously and accurately. Deals with low complex
queries and issues that arise at reception from visitors. Receive, screen and
direct phone calls. Receive clients, files, email, documentation and parcel
deliveries and channelled to correct office. Take messages and follow-up
whether message was attended to. Follow up on outstanding referrals on
behalf of the unit for purpose of updating tracking grid. Render secretariat
service support to the contact centre. Typing of minutes, memorandums and
correspondences. Send invites to officials at head office and districts by
emails and fax. Receipt and transmission of messages in the unit. Filling and
typing of documents. Render administrative support services to the contact
centre. Keep equipment operation by following establishment process and
report mal functions. Maintain the effective flow of information and
documents to and from the Director/s. Maintain the safekeeping of all
documentation in the office In line with relevant legislation and policies.
Participate in the collation and compilation of reports e.g progress reports,

monthly report, etc. Respond to enquiries received from internal and
external stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Semakaleng Mabotja Tel No: (011)355 1032 (Directorate: Contact
Ms. Quan April, Tel No: (060) 997 2818 (Directorate: Inclusion and Special

POST 05/213 : RECEPTIONIST REF NO: TS2020/01/63

: Sub Directorate: Finance and Administration:
: Section: Office Service Pool

SALARY : R145 281 per annum

CENTRE : Tshwane South District
REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Grade 12. Knowledge of Office administration, Planning and
Organising, Knowledge of communication systems. Communication skills
(written & verbal), organisational and interpersonal skills are vital for this
post. Other attributes include being proactive, flexible and be able to pay
attention to detail. Be highly computer literate and with sound knowledge
and competency in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook.
DUTIES : Serve as an entry point for internal and external stakeholders provide
frontline service. Receives and attends to customers in a professional and
cheerful manner and provides them with an efficient and courteous service.
Ensure the flow of customers waiting in the reception area and ensure that
they are attended to timeously and accurately. Deals with low complex
queries and issues that arise at reception from visitors. Receive, screen and
direct phone calls. Receive clients, files, email, documentation and parcel
deliveries and channelled to correct office. Take messages and follow-up
whether message was attended to. Follow up on outstanding referrals on
behalf of the unit for purpose of updating tracking grid. Render secretariat
service support to the contact centre. Typing of minutes, memorandums and
correspondences. Send invites to officials at head office and districts by
emails and fax. Receipt and transmission of messages in the unit. Filling and
typing of documents. Render administrative support services to the contact
centre. Keep equipment operation by following establishment process and
report mal functions. Maintain the effective flow of information and
documents to and from the Director/s. Maintain the safekeeping of all
documentation in the office In line with relevant legislation and policies.
Participate in the collation and compilation of reports e.g progress reports,
monthly report, etc. Respond to enquiries received from internal and
external stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Thabiso Mphosi, Tel No: (012) 401 6363


: Sub-Directorate: Finance and Administration
: Section: Office Service Pool

SALARY : R145 281. per annum

CENTRE : Ekurhuleni North District Ref No: EN2020/01/64
Gauteng North District Ref No: GN2020/01/65
REQUIREMENTS : ABET/Grade 10. A minimum of 7 months relevant experience in driving light
cars. Knowledge and understanding of Batho Pele principles and the
procedures to operate motor vehicles. Excellent verbal and written
communication skills. Good inter-personal relations skills, driving skills. Valid
Driver’s license is required. PDP served as added advantage. Ability to work
independently and under pressure.
DUTIES Maintain a Logbook for the allocated vehicle. Complete all the required and
prescribed records including log book with regards to the vehicle prior to
using the allocated vehicle. Ensure trip/travel authorization for the vehicle.
Keep log sheets of allocated vehicle. Transport passengers as requested by
the Line Manager. Drive light and medium motor vehicles to transport
passengers to other offices. Ensure that only authorized persons are carried
in the assigned vehicle. Collect and / deliver correspondence at Head Office,

District Offices or any other offices as requested by the Line Manager. Do
routine maintenance on the allocated vehicle and report defects timely.
Perform messenger functions. Sort and arrange correspondence in the
registry. Collect, distribute and circulate correspondences to different
buildings in the Department. Record and control correspondences register.
Follow up on submissions and/procurement requests. Perform general office
assistance in the Business Unit (Make copies, shred documents)
ENQUIRIES : Ms. E Mochela, Tel No: (011) 746 8190 (EN District)
Mr LA Phaswana, Tel No: (012) 846 3641 (GN District)


Sub-Directorate: Examination Management

SALARY : R102 534 per annum

CENTRE : Gauteng North District
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 10 or ABET level 4. Knowledge of public service
regulations, policies and cleaning procedures. Ability to perform routine
tasks. Ability to work under pressure, independently and in a team. Good
communication skills.
DUTIES : Provide general assistant work to the unit. Assist with moving of
files/documents. Load and offload furniture, equipment and other goods to
the relevant destination. Clean relevant workstation. Clean government
vehicles. Assist with the stock taking and maintenance. Sort redundant,
obsolete and unserviceable furniture. Assist with the execution of functions
attached to the post. Record all outgoing and incoming correspondence and
ensure Business Unit’s sign upon receipt of documents.
ENQUIRIES : sMr LA Phaswana, Tel No: (012) 846 3641 (GN District)


: Sub-Directorate: Auxiliary Services
: Section: Office Service Pool

SALARY : R102 534 per annum

CENTRE : Sedibeng West District
REQUIREMENTS : ABET/Grade 8. relevant experience will be an added advantage. Knowledge
and understanding of Batho Pele principles. Verbal and Written
communication skills. Good interpersonal relations skill. Computer literacy.
Labour Serving Devices competence is highly recommended. Ability to
operate office/photocopying machines. Basic trouble shooting of the
electronic machines or equipment.
DUTIES : Operate the photocopier machine. Provide counter services. Perform minor
maintenance on the photocopier machine. Report any malfunctioning of
photocopier machines. Arrange for the servicing of and repair to the
machines. Bind, laminate and scan the documents. Make requisition for
photocopying materials. Arrange the re-ordering of copy papers, staples and
toners. Update the index. Provide the management with reports on the
usage of machines that will be used on transversal basis. Print all documents
for staff in GDE.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Mlotshwa Tel No: (016) 594 9207


It is the department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of all numeric targets as contained
in the Employment Equity Plan. To facilitate this process successfully, an indication of race, gender
and disability status is required

APPLICATIONS : All applications should be delivered to: Gauteng Department of e-

Government, Imbumba House, 75 Fox Street, Marshalltown, 2107 or
Applicants can apply online
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on form Z83 (obtainable from any Public
Service department) and must be completed in full and page 2 duly signed.
Clear indication of the post and reference number that is being applied for

must be indicated on your Z.83. A recent, comprehensive CV, specifying all
qualifications and experience, with respective dates and certified copies of
qualifications and ID (not older than 6 months) must be attached. General
information: Short-listed candidates must be available for interviews at a
date and time determine by the Gauteng Department of e-Government.
Successful candidates maybe be subjected to competency assessment and
must obtain a positive security clearance. Applications received after the
closing date as well as those who do not comply with the requirements will
not be taken into consideration. If you have not received a response from
this institution within three months of the closing date, please consider your
application unsuccessful. The Gauteng Department of e-Government
reserves the right to fill or not fill the above-mentioned posts.



Directorate: Applications Development

SALARY : R470 040. per annum (plus benefits) (Level 10)

CENTRE : Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate plus a minimum of National Diploma in Information
Technology. A minimum 2 to 3 years of experience in system development
and support. Experience in Azure development will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Application Development, implementation, testing, maintenance,
administration and supporting of various applications. Gathering and
documenting customer requirements. Provide first line support for users
regarding application queries and general issues. Develop and apply
modifications/enhancements to existing applications. Execute application
testing, modular testing and peer testing. Involved with the initial user
training. Actively monitor various applications and produce the reports.
Conduct workflow, process diagram and gap analysis to derive requirements
for existing application enhancements. Develop standards to ensure data
quality, reliability and integrity across various database systems. Plan and
Implement Database Designs for applications. Create and maintain
databases for a variety of customers.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Portia Makotwane, Tel No: (011) 689 8898

It is the department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of all numeric targets as contained
in the Employment Equity Plan. To facilitate this process successfully, an indication of race, gender
and disability status is required.

ERRATUM: Kindly note that the post Operational Manager Nursing

Speciality: Child and Family Unit Child Psychiatry (Charlotte Maxeke
Johannesburg Academic Hospital) with Ref No: OMSCP/15/CMJAH/2019
advertised in Public Service Vacancy Circular 3 of 2020 dated 17 January
2020, the requirements of the post has been amended as follows Basic
R425 qualification (diploma/degree in nursing) that allows registration with
the South African Nursing Council as a Professional Nurse. Registration with
SANC and proof of current registration. The post basic nursing qualification
of the duration of 1 year, accredited with SANC in Child Psychiatry Nursing
or Advanced Psychiatry Nursing. Have a minimum of 9 years
appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least 5 years of
the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognizable experience
after obtaining the 1 year post basic qualification in Advanced Psychiatric.
Applicants who already applied need not to apply, the closing date has been
extended to the 14 February 2020.


Directorate: Medical

SALARY : R1 173 900 - R1 302 849 per annum (All inclusive package)
CENTRE : South Rand Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate qualification that allows for registration with HPCSA as an
Independent Medical Practitioner. Registration with HPCSA as Medical
practitioner and proof of current registration. A minimum of 6 years
appropriate experience as a medical officer after registration with the
HPCSA as medical practitioner. Experience at a supervisory level will be an
added advantage.
DUTIES : Overall management of clinical services in the entire hospital accordance
with the departmental standards, including after hours as delegated.
Responsible and accountable for leading and managing the hospital clinical
services. Establish systems for intradepartmental functions in keeping with
hospital policies and communicate it to staff. Training and development of
staff in relevant sections. Performance management and supervision.
Ensure compliance with Nation Core Standards/Promulgated Norms and
Standards requirements or any other regulatory and/or statutory
requirement. Conduct regular clinical audits and develop, implement and
monitor action plans. Develop, monitor and analyse budget and financial
information and utilize all resources in an effective and efficient manner.
Practice effective problem identification and resolution skills as a method of
sound decision making. Must be prepared to work under pressure and after
hour duties as per commuted overtime policy. Perform any other duties as
delegated by the Chief Executive Officer as per need of the institution.
ENQUIRIES : Dr MN Maleka Tel No: (011) 681 2002
APPLICANT : direct the applications to Chief Executive Officer: South Rand Hospital, 1
Friars Hill Road, Rosettenville, or posted to Private Bag X 1 Rosettenville
2130 or hand deliver at 1st Floor, Friars Hill Road.
NOTE : Applicant must quote the relevant reference number and Attach Z83, recent
updated curriculum vitae with three references, certified copies of all your
qualifications and Identity book. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted
candidate’s only.Successful candidates will undergo a medical screening
and will be expected to do verifications which entail reference checks,
identity verification, qualifications verification and criminal records ability
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Medical

SALARY : Grade 1: R1 106 040 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)

Grade 2: R1 264 623 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)
Grade 3: R1 467 651 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)
CENTRE : Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as medical specialist in
Internal Medicine: Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine (M.MED Internal
Medicine) and/or Fellowship of the College of Surgeons of South Africa -
FCP (SA). A recognized diploma or sub-specialty in a branch of Internal
Medicine will be an added advantage. No experience after registration with
the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine. Grade 2: Appropriate
qualification that allows registration with the Health Professions Council of
South Africa (HPCSA) as medical specialist in Internal Medicine: Master of
Medicine in Internal Medicine (M.MED Internal Medicine) and/or Fellowship
of the College of Surgeons of South Africa - FCP (SA). A recognized diploma
or sub-specialty in a branch of Internal Medicine will be an added advantage.
Appropriate 5 years ‘experience after registration with the HPCSA as
Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine. Grade 3: Appropriate qualification
that allows registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa

(HPCSA) as medical specialist in Internal Medicine: Master of Medicine in
Internal Medicine (M.MED Internal Medicine) and/or Fellowship of the
College of Surgeons of South Africa - FCP (SA). A recognized diploma or
sub-specialty in a branch of Internal Medicine will be an added advantage.
Appropriated 10 experience after registration with the HPCSA as Medical
Specialist in Internal Medicine.
DUTIES : Assist with the Clinical leadership of Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital
Internal Medicine Unit or Department Implementation of sound values, work
ethics, improved patient experience, reduced patient waiting time and active
bed management in Internal Medicine unit. Responsible for training and
guidance of medical officers, medical interns, community service doctors,
undergraduate and postgraduate students and other health professionals.
Ensure compliance to National Core Standards and/or Ideal Hospital
Standards regarding to the Internal Medicine unit. Ensure accurate and
appropriate medical records are maintained in accordance with legal and
ethical requirement. Assist in medico-legal reports and attend to relevant
legal matters, as requested from time to time. Participate in developing the
unit’s operational plans and prepare monthly statistics, quarterly and annual
reports. The potential candidate should be highly skilled in performing
clinical work and take part in commuted overtime and should manage the
recruitment of doctors, sign performance management contract with them
and monitor them. Conduct mortality, morbidity, academic and patient care
meetings. The head of clinical unit is expected to participate in hospital head
of departments and internal cluster meetings, collaborate with other hospital
sections and promote teamwork. Also should liaise with the external cluster
and implement efficient sub-cluster outreach services at least once a month
to the primary care platform i.e. district health clinics and district hospitals.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. L. Kunene Tel No: (010) 345 0268
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital,
12390 Nguza Street, ext. 14, Vosloorus, 1475, 1 st Floor Main Entrance
(Steel Cabinets) and sign in the register book or post to Private Bag X01,
Alrode, 1451.
NOTE : The appointed employee will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Check
(PSC), (OHS) Medical surveillance as required in the HBA, at no cost.
Applications must be filled on a Z83 form accompanied by a comprehensive
CV highlighting or stating the requirements mentioned above; and certified
copies of ID and qualifications (not older than 6 months). Applicants must
indicate the post reference number on their applications. Failure to submit
the required documents will result in the application not being considered.
Qualifications of candidates recommended for appointment will be verified.
Persons in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department
with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA). Candidates will be subjected to security screening and vetting
process: criminal clearance, citizenship, credit records. Applications
received after closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves
the right to not make an appointment/fill the post. Candidates will be
expected to be available for selection interviews on the date, time and place
determined by the Department. Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital is
committed to the pursuit of diversity and redress. Candidates whose
appointment will promote representivity in terms of race, gender will receive
preference. Please Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for
applying for posts. Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Medical

SALARY : Grade 1: R1 106 040 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)

Grade 2: R1 264 623 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)
Grade 3: R1 467 651 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)

CENTRE : Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as medical specialist in
Emergency Medicine: Master of Medicine in Emergency Medicine (M.MED
Family Medicine) and/or Fellowship of the College of Emergency Physicians
of South Africa - FCEP (SA). Proof of current registration with HPCSA. No
experience required after registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist
in Emergency Medicine. Grade 2: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as
medical specialist in Emergency Medicine: Master of Medicine in
Emergency Medicine (M.MED Family Medicine) and/or Fellowship of the
College of Emergency Physicians of South Africa - FCEP (SA). Proof of
current registration with HPCSA. 5 years’ experience required after
registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in Emergency Medicine.
Grade 3: Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as medical specialist in
Emergency Medicine: Master of Medicine in Emergency Medicine (M.MED
Family Medicine) and/or Fellowship of the College of Emergency Physicians
of South Africa - FCEP (SA). Proof of current registration with HPCSA. 10
years’ experience required after registration with the HPCSA as Medical
Specialist in Emergency Medicine.
DUTIES : linical leadership of Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital Emergency
Medicine Unit or Department. Implementation of sound values, work ethics,
improved patient experience, reduced patient waiting time and active bed
management in Emergency Medicine unit. Responsible for training and
guidance of medical officers, medical interns, community service doctors,
undergraduate and postgraduate students and other health professionals.
Ensure compliance to National Core Standards and/or Ideal Hospital
Standards regarding to the Emergency Medicine unit. Ensure accurate and
appropriate medical records are maintained in accordance with legal and
ethical requirement. Assist in medico-legal reports and attend to relevant
legal matters, as requested from time to time. Participate in developing the
unit’s operational plans and prepare monthly statistics, quarterly and annual
reports. The potential candidate should be highly skilled in performing
clinical work and take part in commuted overtime and should manage the
recruitment of doctors, sign performance management contract with them
and monitor them. Conduct mortality, morbidity, academic and patient care
meetings. The head of clinical unit is expected to participate in hospital head
of departments and internal cluster meetings, collaborate with other hospital
sections and promote teamwork. Also should liaise with the external cluster
and implement efficient sub-cluster outreach services at least once a month
to the primary care platform i.e. district health clinics and district hospitals.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. E.C Chukwuma Tel No: (010) 345 0971
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital,
12390 Nguza Street, ext. 14, Vosloorus, 1475, 1st Floor Main Entrance
(Steel Cabinets) and sign in the register book or post to Private Bag X01,
Alrode, 1451.
NOTE : The appointed employee will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Check
(PSC), (OHS) Medical surveillance as required in the HBA, at no cost.
Applications must be filled on a Z83 form accompanied by a comprehensive
CV highlighting or stating the requirements mentioned above; and certified
copies of ID and qualifications (not older than 6 months). Applicants must
indicate the post reference number on their applications. Failure to submit
the required documents will result in the application not being considered.
Qualifications of candidates recommended for appointment will be verified.
Persons in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department
with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA). Candidates will be subjected to security screening and vetting
process: criminal clearance, citizenship, credit records. Applications
received after closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves
the right to not make an appointment/fill the post. Candidates will be
expected to be available for selection interviews on the date, time and place

determined by the Department. Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital is
committed to the pursuit of diversity and redress. Candidates whose
appointment will promote representivity in terms of race, gender will receive
preference. Please Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for
applying for posts. Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Medical

SALARY : Grade 1: R1 106 040 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)

Grade 2: R1 264 623 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)
Grade 3: R1 467 651 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)
CENTRE : Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as medical specialist in Family
Medicine: Master of Medicine in Family Medicine (M.MED Family Medicine)
and/or Fellowship of the College of Family Physicians of South Africa - FCP
(SA). No experience required after registration with the HPCSA as Medical
Specialist in Family Medicine. Grade 2: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as
medical specialist in Family Medicine: Master of Medicine in Family
Medicine (M.MED Family Medicine) and/or Fellowship of the College of
Family Physicians of South Africa - FCP (SA). Appropriate 5 years’
experience required after registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist
in Family Medicine. Grade 3: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as
medical specialist in Family Medicine: Master of Medicine in Family
Medicine (M.MED Family Medicine) and/or Fellowship of the College of
Family Physicians of South Africa - FCP (SA). Appropriate 10 years’
experience required after registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist
in Family Medicine.
DUTIES : Clinical leadership of Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital Family Medicine
Unit or Department. Implementation of sound values, work ethics, improved
patient experience, reduced patient waiting time and active bed
management in Family Medicine unit. Responsible for training and guidance
of medical officers, medical interns, community service doctors,
undergraduate and postgraduate students and other health professionals.
Ensure compliance to National Core Standards and/or Ideal Hospital
Standards regarding to the Family Medicine unit. Ensure accurate and
appropriate medical records are maintained in accordance with legal and
ethical requirement. Assist in medico-legal reports and attend to relevant
legal matters, as requested from time to time. Participate in developing the
unit’s operational plans and prepare monthly statistics, quarterly and annual
reports. The potential candidate should be highly skilled in performing
clinical work and take part in commuted overtime and should manage the
recruitment of doctors, sign performance management contract with them
and monitor them. Conduct mortality, morbidity, academic and patient care
meetings. The head of clinical unit is expected to participate in hospital head
of departments and internal cluster meetings, collaborate with other hospital
sections and promote teamwork. Also should liaise with the external cluster
and implement efficient sub-cluster outreach services at least once a month
to the primary care platform i.e. district health clinics and district hospitals.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. L. Kunene Tel No: (010) 345 0268
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital,
12390 Nguza Street, ext. 14, Vosloorus, 1475, 1 st Floor Main Entrance
(Steel Cabinets) and sign in the register book or post to Private Bag X01,
Alrode, 1451.
NOTE : The appointed employee will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Check
(PSC), (OHS) Medical surveillance as required in the HBA, at no cost.

Applications must be filled on a Z83 form accompanied by a comprehensive
CV highlighting or stating the requirements mentioned above; and certified
copies of ID and qualifications (not older than 6 months). Applicants must
indicate the post reference number on their applications. Failure to submit
the required documents will result in the application not being considered.
Qualifications of candidates recommended for appointment will be verified.
Persons in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department
with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA). Candidates will be subjected to security screening and vetting
process: criminal clearance, citizenship, credit records. Applications
received after closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves
the right to not make an appointment/fill the post. Candidates will be
expected to be available for selection interviews on the date, time and place
determined by the Department. Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital is
committed to the pursuit of diversity and redress. Candidates whose
appointment will promote representivity in terms of race, gender will receive
preference. Please Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for
applying for posts. Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Medical

SALARY : Grade 1: R1 106 040 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)

Grade 2: R1 264 623 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)
Grade 3: R1 467 651 per annum (All Inclusive Packages)
CENTRE : Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as medical specialist in
general surgery: Master of Medicine in General Surgery (M.MED General
Surgery) and/or Fellowship of the College of Surgeons of South Africa - FCS
(SA). A recognised diploma or subspecialty in a branch of General Surgery
of South Africa will be an added advantage. Proof of current registration with
HPCSA as Medical Specialist in General Surgery. No experience after
registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in General Surgery.
Grade 2: Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as medical specialist in
general surgery: Master of Medicine in General Surgery (M.MED General
Surgery) and/or Fellowship of the College of Surgeons of South Africa - FCS
(SA). A recognised diploma or subspecialty in a branch of General Surgery
of South Africa will be an added advantage. Proof of current registration with
HPCSA as Medical Specialist in General Surgery. 5 years’ experience after
registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in General Surgery.
Grade 3: Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as medical specialist in
general surgery: Master of Medicine in General Surgery (M.MED General
Surgery) and/or Fellowship of the College of Surgeons of South Africa - FCS
(SA). A recognised diploma or subspecialty in a branch of General Surgery
of South Africa will be an added advantage. Proof of current registration with
HPCSA as Medical Specialist in General Surgery. 10 years’ experience after
registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in General Surgery.
DUTIES : Assist with the Clinical leadership of Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital
General Surgery Unit or Department Implementation of sound values, work
ethics, improved patient experience, reduced patient waiting time and active
bed management in General Surgery unit Responsible for training and
guidance of medical officers, medical 54 interns, community service doctors,
undergraduate and postgraduate students and other health professionals
Ensure compliance to National Core Standards and/or Ideal Hospital
Standards regarding to the General Surgery unit Ensure accurate and
appropriate medical records are maintained in accordance with legal and

ethical requirement Assist in medico-legal reports and attend to relevant
legal matters, as requested from time to time Participant in developing unit
operational plans and prepare monthly statistics, quarterly and annual
reports The potential candidate should be highly skilled in operative general
surgery, perform clinical work and take part in commuted overtime Should
manage the recruitment of doctors, sign performance management contract
with them and monitor them Conduct mortality, morbidity, academic and
patient care meetings the head of clinical unit is expected to participate in
hospital head of departments and internal cluster meetings, collaborate with
other hospital sections and promote teamwork. Also, should liaise with the
external cluster and implement efficient sub-cluster outreach services at
least once a month to the primary care platform i.e district health clinics and
district hospitals.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. E.C Chukwuma Tel No: (010) 345 0971
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted to Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital,
12390 Nguza Street, ext. 14, Vosloorus, 1475, 1 st Floor Main Entrance
(Steel Cabinets) and sign in the register book or post to Private Bag X01,
Alrode, 1451.
NOTE : The appointed employee will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Check
(PSC), (OHS) Medical surveillance as required in the HBA, at no cost.
Applications must be filled on a Z83 form accompanied by a comprehensive
CV highlighting or stating the requirements mentioned above; and certified
copies of ID and qualifications (not older than 6 months). Applicants must
indicate the post reference number on their applications. Failure to submit
the required documents will result in the application not being considered.
Qualifications of candidates recommended for appointment will be verified.
Persons in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department
with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA). Candidates will be subjected to security screening and vetting
process: criminal clearance, citizenship, credit records. Applications
received after closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves
the right to not make an appointment/fill the post. Candidates will be
expected to be available for selection interviews on the date, time and place
determined by the Department. Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital is
committed to the pursuit of diversity and redress. Candidates whose
appointment will promote representivity in terms of race, gender will receive
preference. Please Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for
applying for posts. Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Periodontics and Oral Medicine

SALARY : R821 205 – R858 711 per annum (All-inclusive package)

CENTRE : University of Pretoria Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : BChD or equivalent qualification. Minimum of two-year post-community
service experience. Registration with the HPCSA as a dentist in the
Independent Practice category. Having passed the primary subjects in
Anatomy, Physiology and General Pathology will be an added advantage.
Demonstrable interest in the discipline.
DUTIES : In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the MChD degree training program
in Periodontics and Oral Medicine, the registrar has to contribute to the
teaching and training of undergraduate dental students, departmental
continuous education activities/courses for general dentists, research,
administrative and management activities as required/necessary.
ENQUIRIES : Prof. RAG Khammissa, Tel. No: (012) 319 2651/2328
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number. Direct applications to Mrs. I Swart,
Human Resources Management at Louis Botha A Building, Room 1-28, Dr
Savage Road, Riviera, Pretoria or mail to PO Box 1266, Pretoria, 0001, Tel
No: (012) 301 5705.

NOTE : Attach certified copies of your qualifications, identity book, curriculum vitae,
HPCSA Registration and Z83 must be attached. Applications must be
submitted timeously, applications received after closing date will not be
accepted. The Department reserves the right not to make an appointment.
Candidates will be expected to be available for selection interviews on the
date and time and place determined by the Department. Correspondence
will be limited to shortlisted candidates only, if you have not heard from us
within 3 months of closing date, please accept that your application has been
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


Directorate: General Dental Practice

SALARY : R797 109– R1 089 693 per annum, excluding commuted

CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Registration with HPCSA as Dentist in category independent practice.
Minimum of five years’ appropriate experience as a Dentist preferably in a
Public Sector environment. MSc Dent Degree/equivalent or postgraduate
qualification in Health is an added advantage.
DUTIES : Dentist will be responsible for clinical services, teaching, research and
trainings, participation in all departmental activities and related
ENQUIRIES : Dr DF Kotsane: Tel No: (011) 488 4875
APPLICATIONS : must be send to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private Bag X 15 Braamfontein
2017 or hand delivered to Wits Oral Health Centre, c/o Charlotte Maxeke
Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Area 385 Block 3 (Orange Block) HR
Office Room 9/10, Parktown.
NOTE : Z83 applications and attach certified copies (date of certification not older
than three (3) months) of all the necessary documents (qualifications) to the
application including a valid identity document, CV with at least three (3)
referees, relevant certificates, current proof of HPCSA. Applications without
proof of the necessary documents will be disqualified. No faxed /E-mailed
applications will be accepted.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

POST 05/225 : HOD: CLINICAL REF NO: HODCNL/01/2020 (01 POST)

Re – advertisement: Applicants who are previously applied for this post are
encouraged to reapply.
Directorate: Nursing College

SALARY : R579,696 - R672,018 per annum (plus benefits)

CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Nursing College
REQUIREMENTS : Registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC). Basic
qualifications accredited with SANC in terms of Government Notice R425.
Diploma in R.212 clinical speciality programme. Degree in Nursing
Education and Nursing Administration. A Master’s Degree or having
commenced a Clinical Master’s Degree. Minimum of 14 years’
appropriate\recognized nursing experience after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing and Midwifery. At
least 4 years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable experience in Nursing Education. Minimum of 4
years appropriate recognizable experience in the clinical speciality.
Experience in clinical assessment practice. Knowledge of procedures and
processes related to Post Basic Nursing Programmes. A thorough
knowledge and application of the SANC legislation, Code of Ethics, Nursing
Stardards and Scope of Practice; Public Service prescripts; legislation
relevant to Higher Education. Knowldege of Human Resource and Finance
management. Experience in planning, organizing, evaluation, leading and
controlling. Good communication, supervisory, report writing and
presentation skills. A code 8 drivers’ license. Proof of computer literacy:

Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Good computer skills. Have a track record of
transferability of the post applied for.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for amongst others, the
following: Manage, supervise, monitor and report on all clinical activities of
all the academic departments. Facilitate budget needs to meet the clinical
objectives of the students. Assist with the development and review of
curriculae with a focus on clinical requirements. Coordinate (together with
the Academic HODs) and evaluate the development of relevant student
learning documents e.g. Clinical workbooks, Clinical Evaluation tools,
clinical outcomes. Co-ordinate the provision of clinical teaching and learning
for all the academic programmes. Communicate with the clinical
stakeholders to ensure an effective teaching and learning environment
(including situational analysis, ensuring units meet the SANC and CHE
accreditation requirements). Manage clinical learning and clinical exposure
of students. Develop and monitor implementation of quality assurance
programmes and policies. Supervise and monitor college staff members in
the clinical facilitiess. Participate in the presentation of relevant programs
(theory and clinical practice). Moderate clinical assessments. Provide
support to students. Collaborate with stakeholders and build a sound
relationship within the Departments. Implement continuing education and
Research activities. Plan, implement and review policies and processes to
ensure the college meets all SANC and CHE accreditation requirements.
Participate in the daily management of the College and oversee the
supervision of students.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. J. Gassiep Tel No: (011) 247 3303/3300
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be hand delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College,
Fuel & Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville or posted to Rahima Moosa
Nursing College, Private Bag x 116, Melville, 2109 Human Resource
NOTE : All applications must be submitted with a Z83 form, a C.V and certified
copied. All competencies, training and knowledge of an applicant must be
stated on the C.V. Certified stamp must not be more than six(6) months on
submission date. Drivers licence and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect complete calander date (e.g. 01 April 2017)
on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to positive results
of the security clearence proceceess ( citizenship, criminal records and
financial records) and the verification of educational qualifications
certificates. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications
evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The
successful candidate will be subjected to Pre-employnent medical
survelliance conducted by the Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner
(OHNP). Incomplete applications or applications received after closing date
will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Quality Assurance

SALARY : R562 800 per annum (plus benefits)

CENTRE : South Rand Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic qualification accredited with SANC in terms of Government Notice
R425 diploma/degree in nursing or equivalent qualification that allows
registration with the SANC as Professional Nurse. A minimum of 8 years
appropriate experience after registration with SANC as a Professional
Nurse. At least 3 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate
recognized experience at management level. A valid driver’s licence.
Competencies, strong interpersonal relations. Excellent verbal and written
communication. Ability to collect and analyses data, conflict and
performance management. Project management and financial management
skills. Computer skills in basic programs. Personal responsiveness, pro-
active, professionalism, accuracy, flexibility, initiative, and cooperative.

DUTIES : Manage the clinical audits system. Ensure the effectiveness and sustainable
implementation and management of the national quality assurance policies
and procedures. Develop and co-ordinate the appointment and the activities
of Quality Assurance Committee. Analyse the M&M report for the hospital
and make recommendations to the CEO. Collate data for monthly and
quarterly reporting. Conduct Quality Assurance risk management process.
Coordinate the reporting and investigation of patient’s safety incident in the
hospital. Ensure compliance to national and provincial Clinical Guidelines
including the 6 key Ministerial quality priorities, facilitate & train the
employees in implementing regulated norms and standards, hospital ideal
framework and ensure that all employees are following the required set
standards, manage the program of Customer Care in the hospital by putting
in place the system for complaints management, capture complaints on ideal
Clinic system and conduct clients satisfaction survey and provide
information to the service users, marketing the services to the communities.
Be part of the institutional and provincial Quality Assurance forums.
ENQUIRIES : Dr MN Maleka Tel No: (011) 681 2002
APPLICANT : Applicant must quote the relevant reference number and direct the
applications to Chief Executive Officer: South Rand Hospital, 1 Friars Hill
Road, Rosettenville, or posted to Private Bag X 1 Rosettenville 2130 or hand
deliver at 1st Floor, Friars Hill Road. NB attach Z83, recent updated
curriculum vitae with three references, certified copies of all your
qualifications and Identity book. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted
candidates only.
NOTE : Successful candidates will undergo a medical screening and will be
expected to do verifications which entail reference checks, identity
verification, qualifications verification and criminal records ability checks.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Human Resource Management: EWP

SALARY : R562 800 per annum (Plus benefits)

CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH)
REQUIREMENTS : A Basic R425 qualification (i.e. diploma or degree in nursing) or equivalent
NQF 6 certificate in Occupational Health Nursing Science that allows
registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a
Professional Nurse. Current registration with the South African Nursing
Council. A minimum of two (2) years appropriate/recognizable experience in
occupational health nursing. Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: leadership,
Unit management/ Administration, Planning, Organizing, Co-Ordination and
Communication skills. Ability to take charge and make appropriate
independent decisions. Display empathy for patients, promoting advocacy
and facilitating holistic treatment and care. Knowledge of administrative
policies and guidelines. Must have good time management, computer
literacy, personal and professional organisational skills. Applicant should be
prepared to undergo Medical surveillance as an inherent job requirement
DUTIES : Supervise and evaluate quality of occupational health care rendered for
employees as directed by Professional scope of practice and set Nursing
standard within a professional /legal framework. Designs medical
surveillance programmes based on health risk assessment outcomes.
Ensure a programme of health surveillance is done to determine workplace
stressors and the impact on employees. Works collaboratively with other
professional as a leader and member of the occupational health tea. Assist
the facility to meet objectives and targets in the operational plan. Ensure
accurate recording and reporting of statistics all occupational related
incidences. Participate in Hazard Risk Assessment Identification. Ensure
there are procures for incident investigation and reporting. Ensure medical
management of all injuries of duty. Continuously liase with stakeholders to
ensure efficient occupational health care for all medical emergencies and
specialist referrals to optimise health restoration. Manage resources

effectively and efficiently in the unit. Compile and analyse reports to improve
quality of patient care. Advocates for the awareness of employees in terms
of workplace hazards an or occupational stressors. Be active in research
and self-development. Participate in Disaster Management planning,
implementation and evaluation. Ensure compliance. Participate in decision
making regarding operational and capital resources needed for the cost
effectiveness of occupation and service delivery practices
ENQUIRIES : Mr V Adoons Tel No: (011) 933 9256
APPLICATIONS : should be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani
Baragwanath Academic Hospital between 8am and 3pm at Ground Floor,
Main Admin Building.
NOTE : No faxed or emailed applications will be considered. Applications must be
submitted on form Z83 Fully completed, obtainable from any Public Service
Department or on the internet at The
completed and signed form should be accompanied by a recently updated
CV that specifies the following: All experience indicating the position,
institution and respective dates (DD/MM/YY). Documents to be attached is
certified ID document, certified copies of qualification/s including matric and
relevant council registration certificate and proof of current registration
(Where applicable). Certifying stamp on documents shouldn’t be more than
three (3) months. Relevant service certificates. Failure to submit all the
requested documents will result in the application not being considered. If
you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date,
please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates will be
subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) – Verification (Reference
checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor,
identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks,
credit/financial stability checks and employment verification). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH
reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for Non-SMS positions
during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for
the post(s). The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles
of Employment Equity; therefore, all the appointments will be made in
accordance with the Employment Equity target of the department. People
with disability are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


NO: BGH 2020/ FEB/01
Directorate: Nursing

SALARY : R562 800 per annum (plus benefits)

CENTRE : Bertha Gxowa Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Speciality Stream: Basic qualification accredited with the SANC in terms of
government notice R425 – Diploma/ Degree in Nursing and Midwifery or
equivalent qualification that allows registration with the SANC as a
professional nurse. Post basic qualification in Advanced Psychiatry Nursing
Science which is one year and accredited with SANC. Current registration
receipt with SANC. Experience: A minimum of nine (9) years
appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registering as
professional nurse with SANC in general nursing. At least five years of the
period above must be appropriate/recognized experience in Psychiatry after
obtaining one (1)-year post-basic qualification. Post basic qualification in
Psychiatry Nursing. At least 1 – 2 years’ Supervisory experience in a
Psychiatric Unit. Competence: Operational Management, co-ordination,
networking liaison skills. Good communication, interpersonal relations,
problem solving, conflict management skills. Sound knowledge of
disciplinary processes and grievance procedures. Planning and organizing
report writing skills. People management and financial management skills.
Change management. Knowledge of Ideal Hospital Framework & Gazette
Norms and Standards, Occupation Health and Safety, Infection Prevention

& Control, Waste Management and Risk Management and Mental Health
Care Act and Team Building Supervisory Skills. Critical decision-making
skills and exposure as a unit manager. Leadership, Management, Basic
Computer Literacy. Shift work mandatory.
DUTIES : Key Performances Areas: Manage and lead the unit in rendering efficient
and professional nursing care as laid down by the Nursing Act. Engages in
clinical assessment of Mental Health Care Users in a specialised Psychiatric
setting. Work effectively, co-operatively, amicably at supervisory level with
person of diverse intellectual cultural racial or differences. Ensure provision
of optimal, holistic, specialised care in accordance with laws and regulations
relevant to nursing and health care in the Unit. Participate in training and
research with a view to increase body of knowledge in a specialised
psychiatric setting. Implement standards, practices, criteria and indicators
for quality nursing practices. Maintain constructive working relationships with
nursing and other stakeholder’s i.e. inter-professional and multi-disciplinary
team work. Exercise control and account for expenditure by managing and
monitor utilization of human, financial and material resources. Participate in
the analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing guideline, practices,
standards and procedures. Manage effectively the utilization and
supervision of human, financial, physical and material resources and
services manage the disciplinary and grievance matters including monitoring
and managing from absenteeism in terms of laid down policies and
procedures. Maintain professional growth/ethical standards and
development of self and personnel, by analyzing their needs, formulating
and implementing the training and developmental strategies and monitoring
its effectiveness. Ensure performance reviews for all staff in the unit i.e.
PMDS. Participate in health promotion and illness prevention initiatives
within the Institution. Hours Of Duty: 40 Hours per week. Shift work – Day
and Night duty. Supplementation of Nursing Management Service coverage.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. P.Z.N. Mofokeng, Tel No: (011)278 7640
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted at the Bertha Gxowa Hospital. Admin
Building ground floor, Germiston.
NOTE : The Department of Health is committed to the achievement and
maintenance of diversity and Equity employment, especially of race, gender
and disability. Application must be submitted on a Z83 form with a C.V,
Certified copies of I.D, SANC and Qualifications to be attached. Suitable
candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability checks (criminal record
check, citizenship verification, qualification/study verification and previous
employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to
security clearance processes. Successful candidates will undergo a medical
screening test.
CLOSING DATE : 28th February 2020


REF NO: QAO/01/2020
Directorate: Nursing education and Training

SALARY : R471 333 - R614 991 per annum (plus benefits)

CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus
REQUIREMENTS : PND2 minimum of 14 years appropriate/recognizable nursing experience
after registration as a Professional Nurse, at least 10 years of the period
must be appropriate experience as a Clinical Nurse Specialist and/or Nurse
educator and/or Quality Assurance Officer. Experience as a Quality
Assurance Officer would be an advantage. Registered with the SANC as a
General Nurse and Midwife. Have a Degree in Nursing Education and a
Diploma in an R.212 or R.48 programme. Track record of transferability of
the post applied for. A code 8 Drivers’ License. Proof of Computer literacy
(Word, PowerPoint, and Excel). The post is allocated at Rahima Moosa
Nursing College.
DUTIES : Develop, Coordinate, implement a Quality Assurance (QA) plan, monitor
and evaluate its implementation. Organize and participate in quality
assurance audits. Implement continuous QA improvement programs

focusing on academic standards and the National and Provincial Priorities.
Implement complaints, compliments, and suggestion procedures. Develop,
coordinate and implement a plan to correct the gaps, or challenges identified
during audits. Support the college mission to promote the image and
standards of the institution. Evaluate and assist the college with institutional
process to meet the criteria and maintain accreditation with the SANC and
CHE. Display a sound knowledge of legislation that impacts on the nursing
education milieu.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. J. Gassiep Tel No: (011) 247- 3300/03
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be hand delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College,
Fuel & Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville or posted to Rahima Moosa
Nursing College, Private Bag x 116, Melville, 2109 Human Resource
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

BGH 2020/FEB/02
Directorate: Nursing

SALARY : R444 276 per annum (plus benefits)

CENTRE : Bertha Gxowa Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic qualification accredited with the SANC in terms of government notice
425 (i.e. diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows
registration with the SANC as a professional nurse. A minimum of 7 years
appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registering as
professional nurse with SANC in general nursing. Two or more years’
experience in as a unit supervisor, Critical decision-making skills and
exposure as a unit manager. Competencies Leadership, Management,
Coordination and communication skills and Computer Literacy. Shift work
DUTIES : Supervise and manage the nursing activities. Draw operational plans and
general duties. Co-ordinate clinical audits in the organization. Set standards
for the unit and formulate unit policies. Put measures in place to comply with
quality assurance standards as well as infection control. Comply with
policies to maintain budget and fraud prevention. Plan unit staffing in
proportion to daily patient care and nursing activities. Cost Centre
management. Formulate training programmes of the unit. Leave
management. Collate monthly HIS data OR Quality improvement, monthly
audit in the unit. Ensure clinical updates and management. Knowledge and
understanding of OHS, Labour Relation, HR, QA and Financial
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. P.Z.N. Mofokeng, Tel No: (011)278 7640
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted at the Bertha Gxowa Hospital. Admin
Building ground floor, Germiston.
NOTE : The Department of Health is committed to the achievement and
maintenance of diversity and Equity employment, especially of race, gender
and disability. Application must be submitted on a Z83 form with a C.V,
Certified copies of I.D, SANC and Qualifications to be attached. Suitable
candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability checks (criminal record
check, citizenship verification, qualification/study verification and previous

employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to
security clearance processes. Successful candidates will undergo a
medical screening test.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


Directorate: Nursing College

SALARY : PND1: R383,226 - R444,276 per annum (plus benefits)

PND2: R 471 333 - R614 991 per annum (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus
REQUIREMENTS : PND1 minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable Nursing experience
after registration as a Professional Nurse. PND2 minimum of 14 years
appropriate/ recognizable nursing experience after being registered as a
Professional Nurse; at least 10 years of the period must be appropriate
experience in Nursing Education. Registered with the SANC as a General
Nurse and Midwife, Diploma in any SANC R.212 programme, Degree in
Nursing Education and Administration. Experience as a Student Affairs
Professional Officer would be an advantage. Applicable Master’s degree will
be an advantage. A code 8 drivers’ license. Proof of computer literacy is
required: Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Good computer skills required. Post
is allocated at Rahima Moosa Nursing Campus. The successful candidate
will be subject to a Medical surveillance.
DUTIES : Develop and maintain relevant documents for the management of students
theoretical and clinical teaching and learning according to legislative
requirements. Provide quality, effective, up to date management of Student
Affairs matters related to recruitment and selection of students. Manage the
record keeping of all student matters pertaining to their education and
training programmes. Collaborate with all stakeholders and build sound
relationships within the college as well as with all stakeholders. Supervise
administrative staff. Monitor and evaluate student progress. Communication
with the SANC, DHET, CHE and GCON regarding all student matters.
Submit relevant documents and statistics. Assist with planning and
implementation of graduation. Develop and update student policies/ guides,
develop and coordinate block programmes and allocation of classrooms,
plan of orientation programmes and implementation thereof, preparation for
and management of the processes of formative and summative theoretical
assessments, preparation of invigilation lists. Knowledgeable regarding
current health policies and priorities as well as current issues in Nursing
Education. Knowledgeable regarding content of Post Basic
Regulations/Acts and recent developments in the field of student affairs.
Effective and efficient utilization of electronic technology. Implement
appropriate problem-solving strategies. Participation in professional
activities. Participate in continuing education and Research activities.
Adhere to the Code of Conduct including dress code.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. S. Matlala Tel No: (011) 247- 3320-3300
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be hand delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College,
Fuel & Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville or posted to Rahima Moosa
Nursing College, Private Bag x 116, Melville, 2109 Human Resource
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the

Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Nursing College

SALARY : PND1: R383,226 - R444,276 per annum (plus benefits)

PND2: R 471 333 - R614 991 per annum (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus
REQUIREMENTS : PND1 minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable Nursing experience
after registration as a Professional Nurse. PND2 minimum of 14 years
appropriate and recognizable nursing experience after registration as a
Professional Nurse. At least 10 years of the period must be appropriate
experience in Nursing Education. Registered with SANC as a General Nurse
and Midwife, Degree in Nursing Education and Administration, Diploma in
Child Nursing Science and a degree in Nursing Education. Minimum of 2
years appropriate experience in Child Nursing Science with a track record
of transferability of the post applied for. A code 8 drivers’ license. Proof of
computer literacy is required: Computer literacy (Word, PowerPoint, Excel,).
Post is allocated at Rahima Moosa Nursing Campus. The successful
candidate will be subject to a Medical surveillance. Applicable Master’s
degree will be an advantage.
DUTIES : The officer should be able to: develop and review curricula and program
documents, plan and manage academic programs, be capable of employing
a variety of teaching and learning strategies to reach the required
programme outcomes, develop policies, develop clinical tools, implement
PMDS for post basic students where applicable, develop, review and
evaluate policies and circulars, implement clinical support and assessment
strategies to determine learner competence in the clinical area, record –
keeping, accompany learners in clinical areas affiliated to the college. Keep
abreast of current trends in nursing, nursing education and applicable
legislation. Effective and efficient utilization of electronic technology.
Implement appropriate problem-solving strategies. Participation in
professional activities. Participate in continuing education and Research
activities. Adhere to the Code of Conduct including dress code. Be
knowledgeable about current nursing education legislation i.e. SANC, CHE,
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. N. Buthelezi Tel No: (011) 247- 3304-3300
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College, Fuel
& Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville, Private Bag x116 Melville 2109.
Human Resource Department.
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Nursing College

SALARY : PND1: R383,226 - R444,276 per annum (plus benefits)

PND2: R 471 333 - R614 991 per annum (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus
REQUIREMENTS : PND1 minimum of 4 years appropriate recognizable Nursing experience
after registered as Professional Nurse. PND2 minimum of 14 years
appropriate/ recognizable nursing experience after registered as
Professional Nurse; at least 10 years of the period must be appropriate
experience in Nursing Education. Minimum of 2 years appropriate
experience in Trauma and Emergency Nursing Science, Registered with
SANC as a General Nurse and Midwifery, Degree in Nursing Education and
Administration, Diploma in Trauma and Emergency Nursing Science. A code
8 drivers’ license. Proof of computer literacy is required: Computer literacy
(Word, PowerPoint, Excel,). Post is allocated at Rahima Moosa Nursing
Campus. The successful candidate will be subject to a Medical surveillance.
Applicable Master’s degree will be an advantage.
DUTIES : The officer should be able to: develop curricula, plan and manage academic
programs, capable of employing a variety of teaching and evaluation
strategies to reach the required outcomes, develop policy, develop clinical
tools, implement PMDS for post basic students where applicable, develop,
review and evaluate policies and circulars, implement clinical assessment
strategies to determine learner competence in the clinical area, record –
keeping, accompany learners in clinical areas affiliated to the college. Keep
abreast of current trends in nursing, training and applicable legislation.
Effective and efficient utilization of electronic technology. Implement
appropriate problem-solving strategies. Participation in professional
activities. Participate in continuing education and Research activities.
Adhere to the Code of Conduct including dress code. Be knowledgeable
about current nursing education legislation i.e. SANC, CHE, DHET.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. C. Isaacs Tel No: (011) 247- 3300
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College, Fuel
& Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville, 2093. Human Resource
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Nursing College

SALARY : PND1: R383 226 – R444 276. per annum (plus benefits)
PND2: R471 333 – R R614 991. per annum (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus
REQUIREMENTS : PND1 minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable Nursing experience
after registration as a Professional Nurse. PND2 minimum of 14 years
appropriate and recognizable nursing experience after registration as a
Professional Nurse. At least 10 years of the period must be appropriate
experience in Nursing Education. Registered with SANC as a General Nurse
and Midwife, Diploma in Critical Care Nursing Science and a degree in
Nursing Education. Minimum of 2 years appropriate experience in Critical
Care Nursing Science with a track record of transferability of the post applied
for. A code 8 drivers’ license. Proof of computer literacy is required:
Computer literacy (Word, PowerPoint, Excel,). Post is allocated at Rahima

Moosa Nursing Campus. The successful candidate will be subject to a
Medical surveillance. Applicable Master’s degree will be an advantage.
DUTIES : The officer should be able to: develop and review curricula and program
documents, plan and manage academic programs, be capable of employing
a variety of teaching and learning strategies to reach the required
programme outcomes, develop policies, develop clinical tools, implement
PMDS for post basic students where applicable, develop, review and
evaluate policies and circulars, implement clinical support and assessment
strategies to determine learner competence in the clinical area, record –
keeping, accompany learners in clinical areas affiliated to the college. Keep
abreast of current trends in nursing, nursing education and applicable
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College, Fuel
& Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville, Private Bag x116 Melville 2109.
Human Resource Department.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. C. Isaacs Tel No: (011) 247- 3300
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Nursing College

SALARY : PND1: R383,226 - R444,276 per annum (plus benefits)

PND2: R471 333 - R614 991 per annum (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus
REQUIREMENTS : PND1 minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable Nursing experience
after registration as a Professional Nurse. PND2 minimum of 14 years
appropriate and recognizable nursing experience after registration as a
Professional Nurse. At least 10 years of the period must be appropriate
experience in Nursing Education. Minimum of 2 years appropriate
experience in Nephrology Nursing Science Registered with SANC as a
General Nurse and Midwife, Degree in Nursing Education and
Administration, Diploma in Nephrology Nursing Science and a degree in
Nursing Education. A code 8 drivers’ license. Proof of computer literacy is
required: Computer literacy (Word, PowerPoint, Excel,). Post is allocated at
Rahima Moosa Nursing Campus. The successful candidate will be subject
to a Medical surveillance. Applicable Master’s degree will be an advantage.
DUTIES : The officer should be able to: develop and review curricula and program
documents, plan and manage academic programs, be capable of employing
a variety of teaching and learning strategies to reach the required
programme outcomes, develop policies, develop clinical tools, implement
PMDS for post basic students where applicable, develop, review and
evaluate policies and circulars, implement clinical support and assessment
strategies to determine learner competence in the clinical area, record –
keeping, accompany learners in clinical areas affiliated to the college. Keep
abreast of current trends in nursing, nursing education and applicable
legislation. Effective and efficient utilization of electronic technology.
Implement appropriate problem-solving strategies. Participation in
professional activities. Participate in continuing education and Research
activities. Adhere to the Code of Conduct including dress code. Be

knowledgeable about current nursing education legislation i.e. SANC, CHE,
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College, Fuel
& Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville, Private Bag x116 Melville 2109.
Human Resource Department.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. C Isaacs Tel No: (011) 247- 3300
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Nursing College

SALARY : PND1: R383,226 - R444,276 per annum (plus benefits)

PND2: R471 333 - R614 991 per annum (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus
REQUIREMENTS : PND1 minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable Nursing experience
after registered as Professional Nurse. PND2 minimum of 14 years
appropriate/recognizable nursing experience after registered as
Professional Nurse; at least 10 years of the period must be appropriate
experience in Nursing Education. Minimum of 2 years appropriate
experience in Oncology Nursing Science, Registered with SANC as a
General Nurse and Midwifery, Degree in Nursing Education and
Administration, Diploma in Oncology Nursing Science. A code 8 drivers’
license. Proof of computer is required: Computer literacy (Word,
PowerPoint, Excel,). Post is allocated at Rahima Moosa Nursing Campus.
The successful candidate will be subject to a Medical surveillance.
Applicable Master’s degree will be an advantage.
DUTIES : The officer should be able to: develop curricula, plan and manage academic
programs, capable of employing a variety of teaching strategies to reach the
required outcomes, develop policy, develop clinical tools, implement PMDS
for post basic students where applicable, develop, review and evaluate
policies and circulars, implement clinical assessment strategies to determine
learner competence in the clinical area, record –keeping, accompany
learners in clinical areas affiliated to the college. Keep abreast of current
trends in nursing, training and applicable legislation. Effective and efficient
utilization of electronic technology. Implement appropriate problem-solving
strategies. Participation in professional activities. Participate in continuing
education and Research activities. Adhere to the Code of Conduct including
dress code. Be knowledgeable about current nursing education legislation
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College, Fuel
& Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville 2093, Private Bag x116 Melville
2109Human Resource Department or apply online at
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. N. Buthelezi Tel No: (011) 247- 3304-3300
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)

and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Nursing College

SALARY : PND1: R383,226 - R444,276 per annum (plus benefits)

PND2: R471 333.00 - R614 991 per annum (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus
REQUIREMENTS : PND1 minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable Nursing experience
after registration as a Professional Nurse. PND2 minimum of 14 years
appropriate and recognizable nursing experience after registration as a
Professional Nurse. At least 10 years of the period must be appropriate
experience in Nursing Education. Minimum of 2 years appropriate
experience in Ophthalmology Nursing Science. Registered with SANC as a
General Nurse and Midwife, Degree in Nursing Education and
Administration, Diploma in Ophthalmology Nursing Science. A code 8
drivers’ license. Proof of computer literacy is required: Computer literacy
(Word, PowerPoint, Excel,). Post is allocated at Rahima Moosa Nursing
Campus. The successful candidate will be subject to a Medical surveillance.
Applicable Master’s degree will be an advantage.
DUTIES : The officer should be able to: develop and review curricula and program
documents, plan and manage academic programs, be capable of employing
a variety of teaching and learning strategies to reach the required
programme outcomes, develop policies, develop clinical tools, implement
PMDS for post basic students where applicable, develop, review and
evaluate policies and circulars, implement clinical support and assessment
strategies to determine learner competence in the clinical area, record –
keeping, accompany learners in clinical areas affiliated to the college. Keep
abreast of current trends in nursing, nursing education and applicable
legislation. Effective and efficient utilization of electronic technology.
Implement appropriate problem-solving strategies. Participation in
professional activities. Participate in continuing education and Research
activities. Adhere to the Code of Conduct including dress code. Be
knowledgeable about current nursing education legislation i.e. SANC, CHE,
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College, Fuel
& Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville, Private Bag x116 Melville 2109.
Human Resource Department.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. N. Buthelezi Tel No: (011) 247- 3304-3300
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

Directorate: Nursing College

SALARY : PND1: R383,226 - R444,276 per annum (plus benefits)

PND2: R471 333 - R614 991 per annum (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus
REQUIREMENTS : PND1 minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable Nursing experience
after registered as Professional Nurse. PND2 minimum of 14 years
appropriate/recognizable nursing experience after registered as
Professional Nurse; at least 10 years of the period must be appropriate
experience in Nursing Education. Minimum of 2 years appropriate
experience in Orthopaedics Nursing Science, Registered with SANC as a
General Nurse and Midwifery, Degree in Nursing Education and
Administration, Diploma in Orthopaedics Nursing Science. A code 8 drivers’
license. Proof of computer is required: Computer literacy (Word,
PowerPoint, Excel,). Post is allocated at Rahima Moosa Nursing Campus.
The successful candidate will be subject to a Medical surveillance.
Applicable Master’s degree will be an advantage.
DUTIES : The officer should be able to: develop curricula, plan and manage academic
programs, capable of employing a variety of teaching strategies to reach the
required outcomes, develop policy, develop clinical tools, implement PMDS
for post basic students where applicable, develop, review and evaluate
policies and circulars, implement clinical assessment strategies to determine
learner competence in the clinical area, record –keeping, accompany
students in clinical areas affiliated to the college. Keep abreast of current
trends in nursing, training and applicable legislation. Effective and efficient
utilization of electronic technology. Implement appropriate problem-solving
strategies. Participation in professional activities. Participate in continuing
education and Research activities. Adhere to the Code of Conduct including
dress code. Be knowledgeable about current nursing education legislation
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. N. Buthelezi Tel No: (011) 247- 3304-3300
APPLICATION : All applications must be delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College, Fuel
& Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville, 2093. Human Resource
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Communication Unit

SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339 per annum (plus benefits)

CENTRE : Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12, Degree or National Diploma in Communication, Marketing
Management /Public Relations or equivalent NQF level 6 qualification and
three (3) year post qualification experience in a Communication/Public
Relations/Media Relations/Journalism environment. A valid drivers’ license
and be prepared to work extended hours. Knowledge of Public Service Act
and Regulations, Public Financial Management ACT (PFMA). Knowledge of
drafting media statements, Public Relations, Communication and protocol,

Good communication skills (verbal and written), Project Management Skills
and Report writing Skills, Interpersonal skills including conflict management
DUTIES : To ensure effective Media Liaison, Public Relations, Marketing and
Advertising for the Department. Provide professional support to the
divisional units regarding media questions. Liaise with media on behalf of
the department on matters affecting the public. Advise the department on
media related matters. Facilitate and coordinate the design of publications
and production material for the department. Facilitate the marketing of the
department corporate identity. Review and analyse policies. Assist in
branding departmental activities, events, awareness initiatives and any
communication related projects/programmes as may be required.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Z.A. Mdluli, Tel No: (012) 318-6686
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to: Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital,
Human Resource Department, Private Bag X396, Pretoria, 0001. Hand
Delivery at Kalafong Security Gate and sign in register book.
NOTE : Medical surveillance will be conducted on the recommended applicants, at
no cost. People with disabilities are welcome to apply. Applications must be
filled on a Z83 form accompanied by a complete CV highlighting or stating
the requirements mentioned above; and certified copies of ID and
qualifications not more than six (6) months. Applicants must indicate the post
reference number on their applications. Failure to submit the required
documents will result in the application not being considered. Qualifications
of candidates recommended for appointment will be verified. Persons in
possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA). Candidates will be subjected to security screening and vetting
process Applications received after closing date will not be accepted. The
Department reserves the right to not make an appointment. Candidates will
be expected to be available for selection interviews on the date, time and
place determined by the Department. Please Note: The Public Service does
not charge any fees for applying for posts. Should you be asked for a fee,
please let the authorities know. Note: Additional criteria may apply in filling
of this position and applicants above the salary notch advertised will not be
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Chief Executive Office ‘S Office

SALARY : R257 508 – R303 339. per annum (plus benefits)

CENTRE : Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12, Degree or National Diploma in Office Management and
Management Assistant, or equivalent NQF level 6 qualification and three (3)
year post qualification experience in Office Management or Secretarial
environment. The candidate should be prepared to work extended hours.
Knowledge of Public Service Act and Regulations, Public Financial
Management ACT (PFMA). Good communication skills (verbal and written),
Project Management Skills and Report writing Skills, Interpersonal skills
including conflict management skills. Ability to act with tact and discretion.
Ability to identify and handle confidential matters and to keep confidential as
such. A valid driver’s license will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Responsible for administrative support of the CEO and performs numerous
duties including but not limited to exercises extreme discretion in dealing
with vey confidential subjects. Perform general office duties such as ordering
supplies, maintaining records management systems and performing basic
bookkeeping work. Making travel arrangements, arranging meeting and
booking accommodation. Typing letters, memoranda and prepare
presentations. Performing secretarial and other related tasks. Open, sort
and distribute incoming correspondence, including faxes, e-mail and handle
information request. Alert managers about cancellations or new meetings.

Coordinate Office Management work. Collects, analyse and collate
information requested by the CEO. Determine matters of top priority and
handle accordingly. Prepare agenda for meetings. Takes and transcribe
minutes of meetings and committees. Coordinate committees and task
teams. Involved in planning of events and volunteer activities. Operate
Office equipments such as photo copy machine and scanner. Relay
directives and assignments to Chief executive Officer. Receive and relay
telephone messages. Direct the general public to the appropriate staff
member. Maintain hard copy and electronic filing system.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Z.A. Mdluli, Tel No: (012) 318-6686
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to: Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital,
Human Resource Department, Private Bag X396, Pretoria, 0001. Hand
Delivery at Kalafong Security Gate and sign in register book.
NOTE : Medical surveillance will be conducted on the recommended applicants, at
no cost. People with disabilities are welcome to apply. Applications must be
filled on a Z83 form accompanied by a complete CV highlighting or stating
the requirements mentioned above; and certified copies of ID and
qualifications not more than six (6) months. Applicants must indicate the post
reference number on their applications. Failure to submit the required
documents will result in the application not being considered. Qualifications
of candidates recommended for appointment will be verified. Persons in
possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA). Candidates will be subjected to security screening and vetting
process Applications received after closing date will not be accepted. The
Department reserves the right to not make an appointment. Candidates will
be expected to be available for selection interviews on the date, time and
place determined by the Department. Please Note: The Public Service does
not charge any fees for applying for posts. Should you be asked for a fee,
please let the authorities know.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Information Communication and Technology

SALARY : R208 584 per annum (Level 6) (Plus benefits)

CENTRE : Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Degree in Monitoring and Evaluation or Internal
Auditing. A minimum of 2 years relevant experience working in Monitoring
and Evaluation or Auditing. Exposure to auditing service and reporting,
including data /information gathering, processing and data analysis is a
must. Competencies: Strong interpersonal and communication skills with
good knowledge in computer packages (Ms Word, Excel, MS PowerPoint
and Access) and Batho-Pele Principles. Proficiency in English and other
official languages.
DUTIES : Administration of audit process in the M&E unit or auditing unit. Ensuring
that the audits are conducted as planned and as merited by urgency of the
situation as per the mandate of the supervisor. Write reports of the outcome
of the audit taken. Work with departments and unit to correct discrepancies
emanating from audits conducted. Ensure the gathering and collection of
quality data for compilation of M & E auditing reports. Regular follow–up on
non-submission of M & E and Information data. Manage own work and
identify own developmental needs. Perform duties and functions assigned
or delegated M & E manager and senior management. Update all the M & E
information within the Hospital and ensure that all challenges encountered
are escalated accordingly. Communicate with the staff in the directorate
assigned to you. Perform regular follow-ups to directorates for gathering
evidence of performance. Ensure a pleasant working environment through
maintaining positive attitude at all times. Execute the implementation of the
unit’s operational plan. Provide monthly M&E report including ad-hoc
ENQUIRIES : Ms Nzolo Tel No: (012) 529 3423

APPLICATIONS : can be delivered to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, 3111 Setlogelo
Drive, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208, Nurses Home Block 13 (HR Registry) or posted
to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, Private Bag X422, Pretoria 0001
or apply online at:
NOTE : The Provincial Government of Gauteng is committed to the achievement and
maintenance of diversity in employment, especially of race, gender and
disability 'NOTE: Appointment is subject to the signing of performance
agreement contract. The successful candidate will be required to submit to
a security clearance check. Application must be submitted on Z83 form
obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website and
must be completed in full. Recently certified copies of qualifications, ID copy
and a CV must be attached. It is the responsibility of applicants to have any
foreign qualifications verified by the South African Qualification Authority and
SAQA evaluation report must accompany such qualifications. The specific
reference number of the post must be quoted. Failure to comply with these
instructions will disqualify applications from being processed.
Correspondence will be entered with shortlisted candidates only and if you
are not contacted within 3 months after closing date please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. The employer Reserves the right to fill this
position(s). Please be advised that for the posts that are being re-
advertised, applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re- apply if
they are still interested.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Administration

SALARY : R173 703 per annum (Level 5) (plus benefits)

CENTRE : SG Lourens Nursing College
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or equivalent. One (01) to two (02) years’ experience in
Administration. Computer literacy (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and
Power Point). Good interpersonal, organisational and communication skills.
The candidate must be able to work in a team.
DUTIES : To perform a variety of routine clerical duties that is related to the core
function (training of students) of the College. The handling of less
complicated routine correspondence and maintaining of prescripts and
records related to the function of the College. Good planning and organising
ENQUIRIES : Ms JE Malobola, Tel No (012) 319 5601
APPLICATIONS : Application must be completed fully on Z83 form, certified copies not older
than three (3) months of all required documents must be attached.
Application documents must be submitted to SG Lourens Nursing College,
Cnr Soutpanberg Road & Theodorehove, Pretoria or SG Lourens Nursing
College, Private Bag X755, Pretoria, 0001 or apply on-line at
NOTE : Applicants will be subjected to a pre-employment Medical Surveillance. The
institution reserves the right not to appoint.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

POST 05/243 : ASSETS CLERK REF NO: ASC/01/2020

Directorate: Finance

SALARY : R173 703 per annum (Level 5)(plus benefits)

CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Nursing College
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or Standard 10 Certificate. Relevant qualification Degree/National
Diploma will be an added Advantage. Minimum of 6 -12 months experience
in Assets Management and Computer Literacy. Knowledge of PFMA, SCM,
ASSETS Management POLICY and Treasury Regulations. Experience on
Baud and Bas will be an added advantage. Good Communication (verbal &
written), organisational and problem-solving skills. Good computer skills (MS
Word, Excel, etc.). Ability to work under pressure. Valid driver`s licence.

DUTIES : Control assets within the College. Ensure that all assets of the College are
correctly captured on BAUD system. Ensure that all information on BAUD
system is updated every month. Monthly reconciliation of financial data
between SAP, BAS and BAUD. Control the movements of assets. Ensure
that inventory lists are accurately updated at all times. Ensure that all assets
are marked/ bar-coded. Perform periodic physical verification. Participate in
preparation of annual financial statements. Ensure that the College has
proper control of assets going out of the premises. Regular asset counts and
verify results against Asset Register. Manage Asset Registers of the
College. Ensure a seamless and well-co-ordinated Asset Register. Adhere
to regular asset management reporting requirements by preparing,
analysing and submitting asset management reports, utilising the
appropriate system within the Department. Ensure officials are sufficiently
trained on asset management systems, processes, procedures and policies.
Prepare monthly reconciliation between Asset Register and annual
reconciliation of the Register, Annual Financial Statements and Ledger.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. CAM Molokwane Tel No: (011) 247- 3351
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be hand delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College,
Fuel & Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville or posted to Private Bag
x116, Melville, 2109
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Patient Affairs
Re-Advertisement applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re-

SALARY : R173, 703, per annum (Plus Benefits)

CENTRE : Leratong Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Three years National Diploma in Administration or Grade 12 with 3-5 years
hospital experience or Grade 10 with 5-10 years hospital experience.
Computer Skills. Sound Knowledge of PFMA. Good verbal and written
communication skills. Ability to work under pressure in a changing
environment. To relieve colleagues as the need arises and work closely with
other disciplines.
DUTIES : Registration of inpatient and outpatients. Kitting of patients valuables as per
request. Booking of patients and efficient handling of enquiries. Updating of
patients information in the system as and when required.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Makokwe Tel No: (011) 411 3514
APPLICATION : should be hand delivered to Leratong Hospital: Human Resource
Department: Block 6 no 1 Adcock Street, Chamdor, Krugersdorp. 1740 or
posted to Leratong Hospital: Human Resource, Private Bag X2078,
Krugersdorp 1740. Application should be delivered by 12h00 (Noon) on the
closing date including posted mails.
NOTES : The Department of Health is committed to the achievement and
maintenance of diversity and equity employment especially of race, gender
and disability. Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form fully completed,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Documents to be attached are certified ID
copy, certified copies of qualification/s including matric. Certification should

not be older than three months. Failure to submit all the requested
documents will result in the application not being considered. If you have not
been contacted within six (6) months after the closing date, please accept
that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates will be subjected to
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) – Verification (Reference checks-
provide at least 3 of which one must be immediate supervisor, identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification). The recommended candidate
may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Leratong Hospital reserves the right to
utilize practical exercises/tests for Non-SMS positions during the recruitment
process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 (AT 12h00 PM)


JUB 04/2020
Directorate: Communiction

SALARY : R173 703 per annum (Plus Benefits)

CENTRE Jubilee District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12, National Diploma in Public Relations, Public Management, Office
Management will be considered as an added advantage. Computer skills, 1
year experience in client liaison and telephone etiquette.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be expected to work shifts (both day and night)
including weekends and public holidays. He/she must be familiar with
Microsoft package such as (word, excel and outlook). Perform switchboard
duties such as answering and screening of incoming calls and outgoing
calls, attending to enquiries, transferring calls to relevant departments,
sending of SMS’s to staff and clients, taking messages and relay to the
relevant person or office. Related administrative task such as filing,
completing official documents, Compiling and updating internal telephone
directory. Distribution of in-house telephone directory to relevant unit or
department. Take minutes of meetings upon requested, perform standby
duties and overtime as and when required. The candidate must remain
friendly and helpful at all time, even when working under pressure and
adhere to Batho Pele Principles. The candidate must be flexible to perform
his/her duties on short notice if the roster changes. Identify and report faults
to the supervisor. Notify staff it telephone are out of order. Maintenance of
switchboard and allocate pin codes when authorized.
ENQUIRIES : MR Tlamama M Tel No: (012)717 9359
APPLICATION : documents must be submitted to Jubilee District Hospital Human Resource
Department Private Bag x449.Hammanskraal 0400 or hand delivered to
Stand No. 92 Jubilee Road, Temba, Jubilee District Hospital
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on form Z83 (obtainable from any Public
Service department) and must be completed in full and page 2 duly signed.
Clear indication of the post and reference number that is being applied for
must be indicated on your Z.83. A recent, comprehensive CV, specifying all
qualifications and experience, with respective dates and certified copies of
qualifications and ID must be attached. General information: Short-listed
candidates must be available for interviews at a date and time determine by
the Jubilee District Hospital. Applications received after the closing date as
well as those who do not comply with the requirements will not be taken into
consideration. If you have not received a response from this institution within
three months of the closing date, please consider your application
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

POST 05/246 : FOOD SERVICE AID REF NO: FSA/01/2020 (01 POST)
Directorate: Support Service

SALARY : R102 534 per annum (Plus benefits)

CENTRE : Rahima Moosa Campus

REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10 or Level 04 ABET Certificate. Basic literacy and basic numeracy
skills. Ability to perform routine tasks, Ability to operate kitchen equipment
and machinery. Good command of English language. Ability to work under
pressure. Sound Interpersonal relations.
DUTIES : Perform routine tasks and operate kitchen machinery. Perform all tasks
related to operation, cooking and serving of food to staff, students and
visitors. Cleaning of kitchen and boardroom cupboards and fridges, washing
of cutlery, crockery and relevant linen. Apply hygiene procedures in the food
service unit. Control of food production in the kitchen. Ordering of supplies,
control of storage and issuing thereof. General management of food service
unit equipment, crockery and stores. Do all general work allocated by the
ENQUIRIES : Mr. A.T Tsoke Tel No: (011) 247 3321
APPLICATIONS : must be hand delivered to: Rahima Moosa Nursing College, Fuel &
Riversdale Road Gate 4, Coronationville or posted to Private Bag x116,
Melville, 2109 or apply online at:
NOTE : State all your competencies, training and knowledge in your C.V.
Certification stamp must not be over three months on the day of submitting
the application. Driver’s license and smart card must be copied both sides.
Employment history must reflect the complete calendar date (e.g. 01 April
2017) on the C.V. The successful candidates will be subjected to security
clearance processes (citizenship, criminal records and financial records)
and the verification of educational qualifications certificates. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will
be subjected to Pre-employment medical surveillance conducted by the
Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OHNP). Incomplete applications or
applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

POST 05/247 : PORTER REF NO: JUB 05/2020 (X2 POSTS)

Directorate: Admin and Logistics

SALARY : R102 534 per annum plus benefits

CENTRE : Jubilee District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of STD 8 or grade 10 or NQF Level 2. Have ability to read and
write. Be able to work shifts, day, night weekends and public holidays. Be
able to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Transport patients to different service points within the hospital. Collecting
of midnight returns and discharged patients files on a daily basis. Respond
promptly on removal of corpse from the wards and admit them in the
mortuary. Ensure that corpse are entered in the register during the
admission and signed for. Ensure that wheelchairs and stretchers are clean
and safe for patients use all the time. Respond promptly to telephone
messages and queries. Execute duties delegated by supervisor.
ENQUIRIES : Mr A Mokoka Tel No: (012) 717 9410/9409
APPLICATION : documents must be submitted to Jubilee District Hospital Human Resource
Department Private Bag x449.Hammanskraal 0400 or hand delivered to
Stand No. 92 Jubilee Road, Jubilee District Hospital
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on form Z83 (obtainable from any Public
Service department) and must be completed in full and page 2 duly signed.
Clear indication of the post and reference number that is being applied for
must be indicated on your Z.83. A recent, comprehensive CV, specifying all
qualifications and experience, with respective dates and certified copies of
qualifications and ID must be attached. General information: Short-listed
candidates must be available for interviews at a date and time determine by
the Jubilee District Hospital. Applications received after the closing date as
well as those who do not comply with the requirements will not be taken into
consideration. If you have not received a response from this institution within
three months of the closing date, please consider your application
unsuccessful. Term of office: The appointment is for a period of two-year (2)

years subject to renewal at the discretion of the Department. The
appointment will be supported by the Audit Committee Charter and signing
of a contract.Preference will be given to Gauteng based applicants. The
successful candidate will be required to submit to a security clearance check.
Applications must be accompanied by a completed Z.83 form, covering letter,
detailed CV, inclusive of certified copies of educational qualifications and
identity document. Interested individuals may forward their applications for
the attention of: Mr. Jafta Mhlongo at [email protected] /
[email protected]
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


APPLICATIONS : Interested individuals may forward their applications for the attention of: Mr.
Jafta Mhlongo at
[email protected]/[email protected].
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Term of office: The appointment is for a period of two-year (2) years subject
to renewal at the discretion of the Department. The appointment will be
supported by the Audit Committee Charter and signing of a
contract.Preference will be given to Gauteng based applicants. The successful
candidate will be required to submit to a security clearance check.
Applications must be accompanied by a completed Z.83 form, covering letter,
detailed CV, inclusive of certified copies of educational qualifications and
identity document




SALARY : GPG Audit Committee Members will be remunerated in accordance with

SAICA rate. Members will be remunerated for preparation and attendance
of meetings.
CENTRE : Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An NQF 7 qualification and 5 years’ Senior Management experience in any
of the following fields: Accounting; Auditing; Risk Management; Information
and Communication Technology or Legal. Knowledge and experience of the
PFMA, its Regulations and Public Sector. Membership of a public Sector
Audit Committee or experience as an Audit Committee Member in the public
sector will serve as an advantage. Required Attributes And Skills:
Independence, integrity, reliability, good communication and interpersonal
skills and leadership skills.
DUTIES : Advise the Accounting Officer and Management on audit-related and
governance matters. Independent adviser to all GPG Departments on matters
relating to, inter alia, internal audit; internal control; risk management;
accounting policies; financial and non-financial information; effective
governance and compliance with applicable legislation and prescripts. To
attend meet as often as required but at least five (5) times a year and be
flexible with time. Perform duties in accordance with the approved AC
Charter. Review the adequacy and effectiveness of the Department’s
internal controls. Review financial and non-financial reports as well as Annual
Financial Statements prior to submission to Auditor-General and make
recommendations where necessary. Review the scope and results of
internal; external and compliance reviews and audits. Review any reports
released by the internal and external auditors and Management’s response
thereto. Ensure that a combined assurance model is applied to provide a
coordinated approach to all assurance activities. Direct and assess the
Internal Audit Activity.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Jafta Mhlongo/ Mr. Lazarus Raseasala on Tel No: (011) 241 0817/(011) 227

NOTE : The Gauteng Provincial Treasury endeavors to render support to all
Departments within Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) by inviting
applications from independent, suitably qualified and experienced
candidates to serve as members of its five (5) Cluster Audit Committees as
established in terms of sections 76 and 77 of the Public Finance
Management Act no. 1 of 1999. The operation of the Audit Committee in
GPG is on a shared basis.


It is the department’s intention to promote equity by achieving all numeric targets as contained in the
Department`s Employment Equity Plan by targeting the required race/gender for appointment. To
promote equity, males of all races are encouraged to apply.

APPLICATIONS : Applications may be directed to: The Director: Internal Human Resources
Management, Ms Merles Motlhabane, Office of the Premier, 65 Ntemi Piliso
Street, Turbine Hall, Johannesburg 2001 or by Email
[email protected] or online at, (Please do not send applications to 30
Simmonds street)
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the Z83 Form accompanied by copies of
qualification(s), identity document (certified in the past 3 months), proof of
citizenship if not RSA citizen, a comprehensive CV, indicating three
reference persons: Name and Contact Numbers, A relationship with
reference, Reference checks will be done on nominated candidate(s). Note:
Failure to submit these copies will result in the application not being
considered. Please do not send any original certificates, diplomas or
testimonials. Applicants must note that further checks will be conducted
once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to the
outcome of these checks include security clearance, security vetting,
qualification verification and criminal checking (It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African
Qualifications Authority-SAQA). Note that correspondence will only be
conducted with the short-listed candidates. If you have not been contacted
by the Gauteng Office of the Premier within three (3) months of the closing
date of the advertisement, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. We thank all applicants for their interest. All shortlisted
candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that
intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which
will be communicated by department. Following the interview and the
technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend
a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the
DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency based assessments).
The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial
competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS Competency assessments
tools. Gauteng Office of the Premier reserve the right to utilise practical
exercise / test for non-SMS positions and during the recruitment process
(candidates who are shortlisted will be informed accordingly) to determine
the suitability of candidates for the post(s). Gauteng Office of the Premier
reserves the right to cancel the filling / not fill a vacancy that was advertise
during any stage of the recruitment process. We thank all applicants for their



(3-year performance based contract, renewable for a further period of 2
years, dependent on performance)

SALARY : R1 521 591 – R1 714 074 820 per annum (all-inclusive remuneration
package) plus a 10% non-pensionable allowance applicable to Heads of
CENTRE : Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) and post graduate
qualification (NQF level 8) in Public Management or Business
Administration. 8 to 10 years’ experience at Senior Managerial level of which
5 years must be of SMS in the Public Service Key Competencies: Proven
ability to operationalize and ensure compliance with legislation and policy
development at national, provincial and local level. Demonstrable
experience in management at an executive level. Knowledge understanding
of government priorities. Insight into Government’s Outcomes Based
Approach, including performance monitoring and evaluation. Strategic
leadership, change management and project management. Capabilities
should include service delivery innovation, exceptional reporting skills as
well as the ability to communicate eloquently, compliance with the Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA) and financial regulatory frameworks
underpinning good governance in South Africa. Excellent co-ordination,
communication, networking, negotiation, corporate governance and multi-
tasking skills. Ability to work under pressure and willingness to work long
hours. Willingness to work irregular hours and travel extensively.
DUTIES : Serve as Accounting Officer of the Department in accordance with the
provisions of the PFMA. Providing strategic leadership to the Department.
Overseeing the development, implementation and monitoring of
organisational programmes in line with organisational policies. Ensuring
sound financial management as well as application of ethics and good
corporate governance principles. Specific focus areas include the following:
The successful incumbent will be directly accountable to the Member of the
Executive Council for the realization of Government priorities and
Intergovernmental Programme of Action. Ensuring operational efficiencies
and strategic outputs of the Department, agencies or special units
associated with the Department. Oversee the development, implementation
and monitoring of Departmental programmes and projects, structures,
systems and processes to deliver on mandates and make a contribution to
the broader strategic environment of Gauteng. Position Gauteng as a home
of opportunities for sport, arts and cultural excellence that contributes to
social cohesion and nation building. Create an enabling environment for
excellence in sport, arts, and culture. Enhance economic growth through
creative industries. Create unity in diversity through sport, arts and culture.
Ensure equitable access to sport, arts and recreation facilities for citizens
especially the previously disadvantaged. Accelerate, transform and develop
sport, arts, culture and libraries amongst citizens of Gauteng. Create
opportunities for access to information and knowledge through libraries and
efficient management of information. Preserve our heritage and history
through museums and archives. Ensure the existence of proper
infrastructure and programmes for the development of talent in sport, arts
and culture. Support the Member of the Executive Council in his/her duties
as political head of the Department; and Represent the department at
various fora.
ENQUIRES : SN Mtshali, Tel No: (011) 355 6280



This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the department.



Department: Nuclear Medicine

SALARY : R1 728 807 per annum all-inclusive salary package (An all-inclusive flexible
remuneration package) (excluding commuted overtime) is payable to the
successful candidate who will be required to enter into a permanent employment
contract, as well as complete a Performance’ Agreement with the Manager of
the post
CENTRE : Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Specialist qualification in Nuclear Medicine. Three (3) years post specialist
registration experience in Nuclear Medicine. Current registration with
HPCSA as Medical Specialist physician in Nuclear Medicine. Knowledge,
skills training and competency required: Experience in Conventional Nuclear
Medicine, PET, Metabolic Radiation Therapy and in-vitro, as well as good
clinical patient management. Desire to teach and the corresponding skills.
Interest in research & development (demonstrated by publications), Good
interaction with staff, colleagues and management
DUTIES : Performance, interpretation and reporting of diagnostic nuclear medicine
investigations. Patient treatment with unsealed sources. Patient
management and clinical assessment. Sharing responsibility for patient care
in the department. Liaison with other disciplines. Promotion of nuclear
medicine applications. Provide training within the service. Promote clinical
governance including application of clinical guidelines, protocols and clinical
audits. Undertake relevant research. Provide after hour service in
accordance with the commuted overtime contract.
ENQUIRIES : Dr LP Mtshali Tel N: (031) 2401124
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be addressed to the Human Resources Manager, and
should be placed in the application box situated at Security at the entrance
to the Management Building at IALCH or posted to Private Bag X03 Mayville
NOTE : An Application for Employment Form (Z83) must be completed and
forwarded. This is obtainable from any Public Service Department or from
the website Certified copies of ID documents, Std
10, educational qualifications, certificates of service and professional
registration certificates (not copies of certified copies) and proof of current
registration must be submitted together with your CV. Original signed letter
from your current employer, confirming current and appropriate work
experience related to the requirements and recommendations of the advert.
People with disabilities should feel free to apply for the posts. The reference
number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83, e.g. ref
APRO/1/2006. Please note that failure to comply with the above instructions
will disqualify applicants. Please note that the selected candidate will be
subjected to a pre-employment screening and verification process including
a CIPC (Companies Intellectual Property Commission) screening. Due to
the large number of applications we receive, receipt of applications will not
be acknowledged. Should you not be advised within 60 days of the closing
date, kindly consider your application as unsuccessful. Please Note That
Due To Financial Constraints, There Will Be No Payment Of S&T Claims
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

(X 01 POST)
Department: Burns & Trauma Unit

SALARY : Grade 1: R1 106 040 per annum all-inclusive salary Package (excluding
commuted overtime)
Grade 2: R1 264 623 per annum all-inclusive salary Package (excluding
commuted overtime)
Grade 3: R1 467 651 per annum all-inclusive salary package (excluding
commuted overtime)
CENTRE : Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of an appropriate higher surgical
qualification (General or Plastic Surgery) and currently registered with the
Health Professions Council of South Africa. Current registration with HPCSA
as Medical Specialist –Surgery. The appointment to Grade 1 requires no
experience. The appointment to Grade 2 requires appropriate qualification,
specialist registration certificate plus 5 years’ experience after registration
with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as a Medical Specialist
in General/Plastic Surgery. The appointment to Grade 3 requires
appropriate qualification, specialist registration certificate, plus 10 years’
experience after registration with the Health Professions Council of South
Africa as a Medical Specialist in General Surgery/Plastic Surgery.
Recommendations Preference will be given to applicants who have interest
in the management of severe burns and including those with Critical
Care/ICU experience. Completion of ATLS, and, either ACLS or PALS is
required. Burns Fellowship advantageous.
DUTIES : Participation in the clinical burns services: inter-disciplinary coordination of
the management of the severely burned patient; assessment of external
burn consultations: supervision of the MO staff within the unit: ensuring the
highest standards of clinical, professional, and ethical behavior: undertake
teaching of undergraduate medical students as required, postgraduate
surgical trainees, and allied health care personnel: conduct, assist, and
stimulate research within the ethical guidelines of the Health Care Act:
promote education in burn prevention. Participation in Trauma/TICU after-
hours roster (on-call duties).
ENQUIRIES : Dr T C Hardcastle Tel No: (031) 240 2389
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be addressed to the Human Resources Manager, and
should be placed in the application box situated at Security at the entrance
to the Management Building at IALCH or posted to Private Bag X03 Mayville
NOTE : An Application for Employment Form (Z83) must be completed and
forwarded. This is obtainable from any Public Service Department or from
the website Certified copies of ID documents, Std10,
educational qualifications, certificates of service and professional
registration certificates (not copies of certified copies) and proof of current
registration must be submitted together with your CV. Original signed letter
from your current employer, confirming current and appropriate work
experience related to the requirements and recommendations of the advert.
People with disabilities should feel free to apply for the posts. The reference
number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83, e.g. ref
APRO/1/2006. Please note that failure to comply with the above instructions
will disqualify applicants. Please note that the selected candidate will be
subjected to a pre-employment screening and verification process including
a CIPC (Companies Intellectual Property Commission) screening. Due to
the large number of applications we receive, receipt of applications will not
be acknowledged. Should you not be advised within 60 days of the closing
date, kindly consider your application as unsuccessful. Please Note That
Due To Financial Constraints, There Will Be No Payment of S&T Claims
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


SALARY : Grade 1: R1 106 040 –R1 173 900.per annum

Grade 2: R1 264 623 - R1 342 230.per annum
Grade 3: R1 467 651 –R1 834 890 per annum All inclusive package consists
of 70% basic salary and 30% flexible portion that may be structured in terms
of the applicable rules, Plus Commuted overtime, 18% Inhospitable Area
Allowance, Medical Aid: Optional (Employee must meet Prescribed
CENTRE : Edendale Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 Certificate. MBCHB OR equivalent qualification, Plus FCOphth.
Registration certificate with the Health Professions Council of South Africa
(HPCSA) as a Medical Specialist in Ophthalmology. Current practice with
the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist (2019-2020). N.B: Those candidates
who have completed and are completing requirements (i.e. signed Form 57
on MMed, Part 1 & Part 2 CMSA exams) may apply for the post on the
understanding that appointment to the post can only be made after they have
received registration from the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist in
Ophthalmology (independent practice). Experience: GRADE 1- Appropriate
Qualification in the relevant discipline that allows registration as a Medical
Specialist with HPCSA. Foreign candidates require 1 year relevant
experience after registration with a recognized Foreign Health Professional
Council, of whom it is not required to perform Community Service. GRADE
2- Appropriate Qualification in the relevant discipline that allows registration
as a Medical Specialist with HPCSA plus 5 years after registration with the
HPCSA as a Medical Specialist. Foreign candidates require 6 years relevant
experience after registration with a recognized foreign health professional
council, of whom it is not required to perform Community Service. A
certificate of service obtained from the HR Department must be attached.
GRADE 3- Appropriate Qualification in the relevant discipline that allows
registration as a Medical Specialist with HPCSA plus 10 years after
registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist. Foreign candidates
require 11 years relevant experience after registration with a recognized
foreign health professional council, of whom it is not required to perform
Community Service. A certificate of service obtained from the HR
Department must be attached.
DUTIES : Will cover clinical skills, performance, training, research and supervision &
support. Participate in the provision of 24-hour in- and outpatient
Ophthalmology clinical care within the Edendale Hospital as deemed
necessary for patient care. Participate in the departmental Outreach
program to the catchment area. Assist with the maintenance of standards of
care and implementation of quality improvement programmes within the
department. Assist with the supervision and support of registrars, medical
officers, CSOs and interns in the department. Participate in the departmental
academic and training Programme/s. Assist with the administration of a
component of the Ophthalmology department at Edendale Hospital.
Participate in the departmental activities for the development and training of
undergraduate, post graduate and vocational students, including joining the
University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN) as a member of the Faculty of Health
Sciences, School of Clinical Medicine. Assist and participate in research
activities as defined within the department. Provide specialist services in
designated area of responsibility within the accepted guidelines and
protocols. Provide level of care, referral pathways, seamless and integrative
service delivery system. Must be able to provide afterhours/emergency
service as unit requirement. Conducts audits, morbidity and mortality
reviews, develop clinical guidelines, protocols, quarterly reports, monitoring
inappropriate referrals for specialty. Be responsible for basic operations.
Conduct outpatient clinics in the hospital. Conduct patient Management in
the wards and ensuring set standards are maintained. Specialist or Sub-
specialist medical knowledge, skills & competence in Ophthalmology and
child health. Current health and public service legislation, regulations and

policy. Medical ethics, epidemiology, research and statistics. Medical
education training and experience. Research publications, research
knowledge, skills & competence
ENQUIRIES : Dr. E.K. Mthembu Tel No: (033) 395-4005
APPLICATIONS : All applications to be posted to: The Chief Executive Officer, Edendale
Hospital, Private Bag X 509, Plessislaer, 3216. For the attention of Mr. L.
NOTE : Employment Equity: Preference will be given to the following candidates as
per Employment Equity target: Any person with disability regardless of race
and gender, African Male, Coloured Male, Indian Male
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

POST 05/253 : MEDICAL OFFICER (GRADE 1, 2, 3) REF NO: GS 6/20 (X 2 POSTS)

Component – Neurology- Department of Internal Medicine

SALARY : Grade 1: R821 205 per annum

Grade 2: R938 964 per annum
Grade 3: R1 089 693 per annum All-inclusive package consists of 70% basic
salary and 30% flexible portion that may be structured in terms of the
applicable rules, Plus commuted overtime which is subject to the needs of
the department (Incumbent will have to sign the relevant contract form
CENTRE : Greys Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : MBCHB Degree Plus Current registration with the Health Professions
Council of South Africa as a Medical Practitioner by the time of appointment
Community Service Officers may apply if eligible for HPCSA registration as
an Independent Medical Practitioner within 1 months of the closing date of
this advertisement Grade 1: Experience: Not Applicable. Foreign qualified
candidates require 1 year relevant experience after registration as a Medical
Practitioner with a recognized Foreign Health Professional Council, of whom
it is not required to perform Community Service, as required in South Africa.
Grade 2: Experience: 5 years appropriate experience as a Medical Officer
after registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. Foreign
candidates require 6 years relevant experience after registration with a
recognized Foreign Health Professional Council, of whom it is not required
to perform Community Service. Grade 3: Experience: 10 years’ experience
after registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. Foreign qualified
candidates require 11 years relevant experience after registration as
Medical Practitioner with a recognized foreign health professional council in
respect of foreign qualified employees of whom it is not required performing
community service as required in South Africa. Recommendations: ACLS
course completed (current valid certificate) Post-graduate qualifications in
Neurology (FCN(SA) Part 1; Diploma in Internal Medicine; Diploma in HIV
Medicine Experience working a Neurology Unit or Internal Medicine Unit
Involvement in Research &/or publications
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas/Responsibilities: Medical care of Neurology
patients: Level of care required – medical care appropriate to Grey’s
Hospital Neurology Service, (Tertiary) Diagnosing and treating medical &
neurological emergencies; Managing Neurology inpatients and outpatients
Consulting on referrals from other Departments and communicating with
other Departments and institutions; Inter-unit rotations at facilities included
in the KZN Neurology Academic Complex i.e. IALCH Hospital Outreach
services to facilities in Area 2 may be required either regularly or from time
to time. Overtime requirements – commuted overtime within the Department
of Neurology is mandatory, as required by operational demands within the
Neurology after hour’s service. Commuted Overtime within the Department
of Internal Medicine, Greys Hospital may be required, as required by
operational demands. Administration and management: Supervise junior
medical staff, including in clinical work, attendance, time management,
conflict management etc. Service logistics – assist in administrative aspects
of running the Department e.g. roster and rotation planning, clinical and
operational protocol development; Quality improvement – assist and

participate in quality improvement, including audits, patient safety incident
reporting and morbidity and mortality reviews Medico-legal matters – assist
with medico-legal tasks such as medical reports for insurance claims
Academic programme: Training - provide in-service training to staff or be a
recipient of in-service training, as appropriate for a medical officer and to
meet the needs of the service; Teaching – participate in and support
departmental training programmes (undergraduate, postgraduate and in-
service). This includes teaching, examinations, administration, departmental
talks etc. as required by the programmes Academic activities – active
participation in academic activities such as journal clubs, academic
presentations and seminars etc. Research – participate in departmental
research. Initiation and performance of research is required.
ENQUIRIES : Dr A. Naidoo Tel No: (033) 897 3298
APPLICATIONS : Applications to be forwarded to: The Human Resources Department, Greys
Hospital Private Bag x 9001, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
FOR ATTENTION : Mrs. M. ChandulaL
NOTE : Directions To Candidates: The following documents must be submitted: a)
Application for employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department OR website b) Certified copies of highest
educational qualifications and professional registration certificate- not
copies of certified copies. c) Curriculum Vitae and certified ID copy NB:
Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. 2.
The circular minute number/reference must be indicated in the column
provided on the form Z83 e.g GS 6/20. Please note due to large numbers of
applications we envisage to receive, applicants will not be acknowledged.
Communication will only be entered into with candidates that have been
short-listed. If you have not heard from us two months after the closing date,
please consider your application as being unsuccessful. The appointment is
subject to positive outcome obtained from the State security Agency (SSA)
to the following checks (security clearance, credit records, qualifications,
citizenship and previous employment verifications and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property (CIPC). African Males are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Component – General Surgery

SALARY : Grade 1: R821 205 per annum

Grade 2: R938 964. per annum
Grade 3: R1 089 693. per annum All inclusive package consists of 70% basic
salary and 30% flexible portion that may be structured in terms of the
applicable rules, Plus Commuted Overtime which is subject to the needs of
the department. Incumbents will have to sign the commuted overtime
contract form.
CENTRE : PMB Metropolitan Hospitals Complex
REQUIREMENTS : MBChB Degree Plus Current registration with the HPCSA as a Medical
Practitioner (Independent Practice) Grade 1: Experience: Not Applicable.
Foreign qualified candidates require 1 year relevant experience after
registration as a Medical Practitioner with a recognized Foreign Health
Professional Council, of whom it is not required to perform Community
Service, as required in South Africa. Grade 2: Experience: 5 years
appropriate experience as a Medical Officer after registration with the
HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. Foreign candidates require 6 years
relevant experience after registration with a recognized Foreign Health
Professional Council, of whom it is not required to perform Community
Service as required in South Africa. Grade 3: Experience: 10 years’
experience after registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner.
Foreign qualified candidates require 11 years relevant experience after
registration as Medical Practitioner with a recognized foreign health
professional council in respect of foreign qualified employees of whom it is

not required performing community service as required in South Africa.
Recommendation Experience in General Surgery in an accredited training
facility will be a recommendation Postgraduate qualification in surgery will
be a recommendation Knowledge, Skills And Experience Required Basic
diagnostic, clinical, investigative surgical skills. Must be service delivery
orientated: Program planning, implementation and evaluation. Information
management. Human resource management Quality assurance programs.
Current Health and Public Service legislation, regulations and policy.
Medical ethics, epidemiology and statistics
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Incumbent to provide services in the
Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Hospitals Complex which includes Grey’s and
Edendale hospital Incumbent to be based in Grey’s hospital breast and
endocrine unit and assist with management of this unit Participate in the
delivery of a 24-hour in-patient and out-patient surgical care within the
Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Hospitals Complex; Assist with the
administration and management of surgical wards/clinics (SOPD, PSOPD)
Development, monitoring and support of Surgical Services in the drainage
area of the Pietermaritzburg Hospitals Complex. Participate in the
development and ongoing provision of under and post-graduate teaching.
Participation in clinical support and outreach to facilities referring to
Pietermaritzburg hospitals. Participation in Clinical Research in the
Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Complex to maintain moral and ethics at all
costs.To ensure that Batho Pele principles are upheld.
ENQUIRIES : DR V. Govindasamy Tel No: (033) 8973379
APPLICATIONS : Applications to be forwarded to: The Human Resources Department, Greys
Hospital Private Bag x 9001, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
FOR ATTENTION : Mrs. M. Chandulal
NOTE : Directions To Candidates: The following documents must be submitted: a)
Application for employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department OR website b) Certified copies of highest
educational qualifications and professional registration certificate- not
copies of certified copies. c) Curriculum Vitae and certified ID copy NB:
Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. 2.
The circular minute number/reference must be indicated in the
column provided on the form Z83 e.g GS 7/20. Please note due to large
numbers of applications we envisage to receive, applicants will not be
acknowledged. Communication will only be entered into with candidates that
have been short-listed. If you have not heard from us two months after the
closing date, please consider your application as being unsuccessful. The
appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from the State security
Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance, credit records,
qualifications, citizenship and previous employment verifications and
verification from the Company Intellectual Property (CIPC). African Males
Are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


SALARY : R562 800 per annum

CENTRE : Port Shepstone Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Matric certificate Diploma/Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery Proof of
current registration with SANC as General Nurse, Midwife or Accoucher A
minimum of 8 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as a professional nurse with SANC in General Nursing Proof of
at least three (3) years’ experience at a managerial level within a hospital
setting SANC receipt 2020 Attach proof of working experience endorsed by
Human Resource Department/ Employer N.B: (Proof of experience and/or
certificates of service are compulsory and must have complete dates and
months, and must be attached to determine experience and
grading).Recommendation: Diploma/Degree in Nursing Administration
Basic computer literacy Knowledge, Skills And Experience Leadership,

management, planning, organizing and co-ordination skills. Knowledge of
relevant Acts, prescripts, policies and procedures governing health care
service delivery Clinical competencies and policy formulation Sound
knowledge of nursing care delivery approaches and scope of practice in the
areas under their control Good communication, interpersonal, negotiation,
decision-making, problem-solving, conflict management, counseling,
teaching, mentorship and supervisory skills.
DUTIES : Responsibilities / KRA’S Ensure adequate supervision of staff and provision
of quality patient care in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Facilitate
and strengthen implementation of health care service delivery policies,
procedures, clinical guidelines, protocols, plans and strategies aimed at
achieving service excellence. Participate and ensure implementation of
National Core Standards, National Health Priorities, quality improvement
initiatives including national priority program plans. Identify staff training
needs, ensure that effective development takes place and monitor
performance thereof Supervise all night duty staff. Alternate night duty and
day duty services within the nursing administration office. Provide support to
nursing administration office by performing nursing administrative duties as
directed by DMN. Provide effective management and professional
leadership. Implement and maintain clinical competence. Provide safe
therapeutic environment for patients. Evaluate patient care programs.
Planning of the allocation/change list, day and night rosters and inputs for
leave. The evaluation of staff on work performance. To execute disciplinary
code and grievance procedure. Exercise control to ensure optimal use of
equipment and material. Manage and monitor utilization of human, financial,
and physical resources. Ensure accurate data management with daily
ENQUIRIES : Mrs TG Mkhize Tel No: (039) 688 6117
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be posted to: The Human Resource Manager, Port
Shepstone Hospital, Private Bag X5706, Port Shepstone 4240.
NOTE : Application for employment (Z83). Certified copy of Identity document.
Certified copy of Matric, Nursing qualification. Detailed Curriculum vitae. NB:
Please note that due to financial constraints, there will be no payment of
S&T Claims. The appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained
from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (criminal
clearance, credit records, and citizenship), verification of Educational
Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from Employers
and verification from the Company Intellectual Property Commission
(CIPC).Due to financial constraints, S&T claims will not be paid to
candidates who attended interviews. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA to the following checks: security clearance,
credit records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience
employment verifications
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


02/2020 (01 POST)
Out Patient Department

SALARY : R444 276 per annum

CENTRE : Mbongolwane District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate). Degree/diploma in General Nursing and
Midwifery certificate. Current registration with SANC (2020 receipt). A
minimum of 7 years appropriate/ recognizable experience in Nursing after
registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC. Certificate of service
stamped and signed by Human Resource Department must be attached.
Proof of current and previous experience signed by the Supervisor
Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies required: - Knowledge of
nursing care processes and procedures. Knowledge of SANC rules and
regulations and other relevant Legal Frameworks. Knowledge of Quality
Assurance programme. Ability to formulate unit policies. Human resource

management and basic management skills. Leadership, Supervisory and
report writing skills. Good communication, counselling, interpersonal
relations, conflict management, decision making and problem solving
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: - Maintain clinical competence by ensuring that
scientific principles of nursing care are implemented. Execute duties and
functions with proficiency, in support of the vision, mission, nursing objective
and strategic objectives of the institution and to perform duties within
prescripts of all applicable legislation. Maintain disciple and deal with
grievances and Labour Relation issues in terms of laid down policies and
procedures. Ensure on-going education and staff training in TB, HIV HPT
and Diabetes immunization etc. Promote implementation of Batho Pele
Principles, Patients’ Rights Charter and acceptable professional ethical
standards within the applicable legal framework. Ensure efficient data flow
and information management. Exercise overall supervision, control and
discipline in the unit. To write EPMDS for the staff. Ensure utilization of
resources in the unit
ENQURIES : Mrs BRS Ngxongo Tel No: (035) 4766242 ext. 204
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be posted to: The CEO, Private Bag x126, Kwa-Pett,
3280 or hand deliver to Mbongolwane District Hospital
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Practices
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all
eligible officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions.
Institutions must notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular
minute even if they are absent from their normal places of work to apply.
Direction to Candidates: the following documents must be submitted:
Application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable from any
Government Department OR from the website -
The application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum
Vitae, certified copies of certificates, Identity document and Driving Licence
– not copies of certified copies. The Circular minute number must be
indicated in the column (part A) provided therefore on the Z83 form. NB:
Failure to comply with the above instructions will be disqualify applicants.
Person with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The
appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from the NIA the
following checks (security clearance, credit records, qualification,
citizenship and previous experience employment verification). Due to the
large number of applications, receipt of applications will not be
acknowledged. However, every applicant will be advanced of the outcome
of his/her application, in due course. Please note that No Faxed, E-mailed
or late applications will be accepted and considered
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020



SALARY : R444 276 - R500 031 per annum. Other Benefits: Rural Allowance, 13th
Cheque, medical Aid (Optional), Housing allowance (employee must meet
minimum requirements)
CENTRE : St Apollinaris Hospital (High Care Ward)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification PLUS; Basic R425
qualification (i.e. Diploma/ Degree in Nursing) that allows registration with
the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse plus
midwifery Qualification. Minimum of seven (07) years appropriate/
recognizable experience in Nursing after registration as a Professional
Nurse with South African Nursing Council (SANC) Certificate of Registration
with the SANC in General Nursing and midwifery. Proof of current
registration with the SANC (2020) Skills: Knowledge of nursing care
processes and procedures, nursing statutes and other relevant legal
frameworks such as Nursing Act, Health Act, Occupational Health and
Safety Act, Patient’s rights charter, Batho-Pele Principles, Public service
regulations, Labour Relations Act, Disciplinary Code and Procedure,
Communication skills, report writing skills, computer literacy, facilitation

skills, networking skills, problem solving skills, planning/ organizing and
ability to function as part of the team.
DUTIES : Supervise and ensure the provision of an effective and efficient patient
through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and monitor the implementation
of nursing care plan and evaluate thereof. Provide relevant information to
health care users to assist in achieving optimal health care and rehabilitation
of patients. Manage and monitor proper utilization of human, financial and
physical resources. Participate in the analysis, formulating and
implementation of nursing guidelines, practices standards and procedures.
Participate in health promotion and illness prevention initiatives. Distribute
posters for different diseases in the ward and to other community centers.
Ensure that all staff completed EPMDS documents. Ensure stock
/Equipment counting is done monthly. Ensure wearing of prescribed
uniforms and distinguishing devices. nsure that unit standard policies and
procedures are reviewed. Facilitate formulation of protocol, policies and
guidelines. Ensure comprehensive assessment of patients’ files to ensure
that all documents are complete and accurate. Ensure that all patients has
been given their prescribed medication at due times. Ensure availability of
nursing acts, scope of practice, Nurses pledge; QIP’S, TB and infection
control policies and guidelines. Conduct in service education about
professionalism and nursing ethics.
ENQUIRIES : Miss NI Mpantsha at Tel No: (039) 8338013/8000
APPLICATION : Direct your application quoting the relevant reference number to: The Chief
Executive Officer, St. Apollinaris Hospital, Private Bag x206, Creighton,
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resources Section, Hand delivered applications may be submitted
to Human Resource Section, St Apollinaris Hospital or be dropped in the
application box at Security Department on or before the closing date before
NOTE : Applications should be submitted on form Z83 obtainable from any Public
Service Department or from the website and should
be accompanied by a CV (experience must be comprehensively detailed)
and certified copies of qualification certificates plus registration certificates.
Certificate of service endorsed by Human Resources. Certified copy of
Identity Document. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered.
The Department reserves the right fill or not to fill the post after
advertisement. Applicants are respectfully informed that correspondence
will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. The appointments are subject
to positive outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship),
verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous
experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants in possession of foreign
qualifications must attach an evaluation certificate from the South African
Qualifications Authority (SAQA) to their applications. Non- RSA
Citizens/Permanent Residents/Work Permit holders must submit
documentary proof together with their applications. “People with disabilities
should feel free to apply”. The target group in terms of employment equity
for posts advertised is African males. The Department will not be liable
where applicants use incorrect/no reference numbers on their applications.
Short-listed candidates will not be compensated for S & T claims.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020.


SALARY : R444 276 per annum, Plus 13th Cheque, Plus Rural allowance (8%). Plus
Housing Allowance (employee must meet prescribed requirements), Plus
Medical Aid (Optional)
CENTRE : Emmaus Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Degree/ Diploma in General Nursing, Minimum of 7 years appropriate
recognizable experience after registration as a General Nurse. Current
SANC receipt i.e for 2019. Valid driver’s license. NB: Certificate of service

from previous employers is compulsory, please include verification of
employment from current employer, which must be endorsed and signed by
Human Resource Management. Proof of Computer Literacy.
Recommendation Person who has experience in quality initiatives.
Knowledge & Skills Working knowledge of health policies and current Public
Service related Legislation. High level of interpersonal relationship. High
level of verbal and written communication. Presentation and facilitation
skills. Ability to liaise with management. Assertiveness and Diplomacy.
Computer literacy in Microsoft package (Word processing and
Spreadsheet). Problem solving.
DUTIES : Ensure functional of all clinical Governance structures. Facilitate the
assessments of PEC, Norms and standards, working time risk assessments,
ICRM, Ideal Hospital (HRM). Facilitate the development of QIP and monitor
the implementation and process report. Ensure the effective and efficient
utilization of resources. Plan, direct and co-ordinate quality assurance
programs. Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure good quality
care by the nursing, medical, allied, non-clinical team. Perform quality
improvement audits and survey monthly and report to senior management.
Monitor and evaluate delivery of quality care at the hospital and clinics.
Promote quality culture within the hospital and clinics. SOP/Policy
development, assist with implementation and monitoring.
ENQUIRES : Ms. P.P.J Van Der Plank, Tel No: (036)488 1570 (ext. 8204)
APPLICATIONS : Please forward the application quoting the reference number to the
Department of Health, Private Bag X16, Winterton, 3340. Hand delivered
applications may be submitted at Human Resource Registry (Ms. A.N
Ngubane) Emmaus Hospital.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Manager
NOTE : Application should be submitted on form Z83 obtainable from any Public
Service Department and should be accompanied by a comprehensive
detailed CV and certified copies of qualification certificates, service
certificate including ID and (certified copies of certificates should not be older
than three months) No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered.
Applications received after the closing date and those that do not comply
with the requirements will not be considered. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have foreign qualifications and national certificates (where
applicable) evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
The successful candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks
and other vetting procedures. If notification of an interview is not received
within three (3) months after the closing date, candidates may regard their
application as unsuccessful. Nb: No Subsistence And Travelling Allowance
Will Be Paid For Interview Attendance.
CLOSING DATE 21 February 2020 at 16:00


REF NO: GJGM 05/2020 (X1POST)
Component: 029825

SALARY : Grade 1: R444 276 per annum Plus 8% rural allowance Benefits: 13th
Cheque, home owner’s allowance, and Medical aid optional [Employee must
meet prescribed policy requirements]
CENTRE : GJG Mpanza Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Senior certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification
Degree/diploma in General Nursing Science and Midwifery Current
registration with South African Nursing Council as Professional Nurse and
midwife Current SANC Receipt (2020) Minimum of 7 years
appropriate/recognisable experience in Nursing after registration as
Professional nurse with SANC in General Nursing Proof of previous and
current experience (Certificate of Service) and stamped by HR must be
attached. Knowledge, skills training and competencies required: Good
knowledge of HIV/AIDS and TB Management Good knowledge of nursing
care processes and procedures and all legal frameworks such as Nursing
Act, Health Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Patients Right Charter,

Batho Pele Principles, Public Service Regulations, Labour Relations Act etc.
Good leadership, planning, organisation, decision making, problem solving
skills and report writing skills Sound interpersonal skills including public
relations, negotiating, conflict management, counselling skills and
networking liaison skills Financial and budgetary knowledge pertaining to
the relevant resources under management
DUTIES : Render an efficient, quality HIV/AIDS and TB management service within
the scope of practice as laid down by the Nursing Act and applicable
legislation Provision of an effective and efficient management and
professional leadership by ensuring that the unit is organised to provide
quality nursing care Manage and direct the efficient use of resources
towards optimal utilisation Implement and maintain clinical competence as
per policies and guidelines Maintain client satisfaction by upholding the
principles of Batho Pele and standards set by accreditation process
Facilitate and monitor implementation of quality improvement projects/plans
Provide a safe and therapeutic environment that allows for the practice of
safe nursing care as laid down by the Nursing Act, Occupational Health and
Safety Act and other prescripts Ensure implementation of EPMDS, formulate
and participate in the training and development of employees and students
Exercise control over discipline, grievance and Labour Relations issues
according to the laid down policies and procedures Ensure Quality Data
Management and utilisation Manage and ensure that performance and
responsibilities are adhered to within the budget limits
ENQUIRIES : Ms M.Stevens (Assistant Manager Nursing) Tel No: (032) 437 6034
APPLICATIONS : Applications to be forwarded to: Postal Address: Human Resources
Department, General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional hospital, Private
Bag X 10609, Stanger 4450, Physical address: The Human Resource
Department, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka Street Physical address: The
Human Resource Department, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka Street
FOR ATTENTION : Mr S. Govender
NOTE : Directions to Candidates: The following documents must be submitted,
Application for employment form (Z83), which is obtainable at any
Government Department or form Originally
signed Z83 must be accompanied by a detailed CV and originally recently
certified copies of highest educational qualification/s (not copies of certified
copies) of required educational qualifications set out in the advertisement
plus certified I.D Copy, Updated Curriculum Vitae. Applications must be
submitted on or before the closing date. The reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on the form Z83 e.g. St01/2020 .NB: Failure
to comply with the above instruction will disqualify applicants. Please note
that due to the number of applications anticipated, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates
only. If you have not been contacted within two months after the closing date
of the advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from NIA to the
following checks (security clearance, credit records, qualification, citizenship
and previous experience employment verifications and verification from the
company Intellectual Property (CIPC). The Department reserves the right
not to fill the post (s).Due to the severe budget constraints, the department
is experiencing, S&T will not be paid to any candidate that is attending the
interview process. This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative
employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all levels of all
occupational categories in the Department. Persons with disabilities should
feel free to apply for the post
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


(Quality Assurance Co-ordinator)

SALARY : R444 276 per annum Other Benefits: 13th Cheque. Housing Allowance.
Medical Aid Optional (Employee must meet prescribed requirements). 8%
Rural Allowance
CENTRE : Estcourt District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate – Grade 12.Degree/Diploma in General Nursing. Minimum
of 7 years appropriate recognizable nursing experience after registration as
a professional nurse with SANC in General Nursing. Proof of Current
registration with SANC (2019).NB: Proof of current and previous experience
endorsed and stamped by Human Resource (Service Certificate) must be
attached. Recommendations: Valid code 08 driver’s licence. Computer
Literacy. Experience in Quality Assurance Management Programme
Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Demonstrate an
in depth understanding of nursing legislations related to and ethical nursing
practices and how this impact to service delivery. Ensure clinical practices
in accordance with the scope of practice. Promote quality of care as directed
by professional scope of practice and standards ad determined by the
relevant health facility. Demonstrate a basis understanding of HR and
financial policies and practices. Strong interpersonal communication and
presentation skills. Knowledge of Total Quality Management
(TQM)Knowledge of Norms and Standards, ICR+M and IHR+M and
provincial initiative (Human Rights, Batho Pele, and Patient’s Rights
Charter).Knowledge of guidelines and policies.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Work as part of a multidisciplinary team to ensure
good quality of care across all disciplines. Perform quality improvement
audits and surveys and report to Senior Management and multidisciplinary
health team. Monitor and evaluate delivery of quality care at the entire
institution. Ensure implementation of standards and Norms and Standards
provincial initiatives. Co-ordinate quality improvement plans and initiatives
within the institution. Monitor and evaluate the National and Provincial
quality programs. Provide advice on various aspects of quality care to the
institution. Provide monthly reports to Supervisors and Senior Management
about progress of the service delivery. Monitor clinical and non-clinical areas
on regular basis to ensure compliance to processes for standardization.
Ensure that all departments are providing quality services. Ensure proper
reporting and recording to Web system. Represent the institution in District
and Provincial QAM forums.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. M. House (Assistant Nursing Manager (M&E)) Tel No: (036) 342 7209
APPLICATIONS : must be forwarded to: The Human Resource Department, Estcourt
Provincial Hospital, P/Bag x 7058, Estcourt, 3310
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020



SALARY : R444 276 per annum Other Benefits 13th cheque Medical aid: Optional
Homeowner’s allowance: Employee must meet prescribed requirements
rural allowance on claim basis
CENTRE : Umzinyathi Health District Office
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/Matric certificate an appropriate B Degree/National Diploma or
equivalent qualification in Nursing plus Minimum of 7 years appropriate
/recognizable nursing experience after registration as a Professional Nurse
with SANC in General Nursing. Current Registration with SANC. Valid
Driver’s License – Code 8 plus Proof of Computer Literacy – Ms Office
(Word, Excel, Outlook & PowerPoint) Attach Proof of previous and/or
Current Employment verified, signed and stamped by HR Department/
Employer. Recommendations: Experience in PHC Training. Knowledge,
skills and competencies required: Project management excellent
management, facilitation, communication and interpersonal skills. Report
writing abilities Financial Management skills Empathy and counseling skills
and knowledge Ability to make independent decisions An ability to priorities
issues and other work related matters and to comply with timeframes Proven

initiative, decisiveness and the ability to acquire new knowledge swiftly A
clear understating of challenges facing the Public Sector.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Identify training needs by working closely with all
Programme Managers. Co-ordinate the development, implementation and
monitoring of the integrated PHC training plan in the District involving all
relevant stakeholders. Support all Sub-District PHC Trainers until they are
able to train and monitor trainings independently ensure the effective and
efficient utilization of all resources allocated to the training component Adapt
and modify training material in order to keep it current and relevant to current
disease patterns and proper case management. Support all Programme
Managers in order to ensure optimal and quality training of all Programmes
within the District. Cascade Health Care policies, guidelines and protocols
as stipulated by National and Provincial Programme Management into
structured District training initiatives. Exercise innovation in co-ordinating
trainings with external stakeholders eg, supporting partners, NGO’s, NPO’s,
District Funded Partners. Compile monthly, quarterly and annual training
reports and forward to the next level of care with attendance registers and
skills smart documents. Compile a District training evaluation plan for all
trainings conducted. Mentor, guide and coach trainees on respective subject
matter. Monitor District training plan on a quarterly basis and reprioritize as
per need. Provide trainings in line with ICRM, Regulatory norms and
standards, clinical audit findings. Work closely with the District Clinical
Specialist team members to ensure capacity building of all clinicians within
the District.
ENQUIRIE : Mrs. R. S Sibiya Tel No: (034) 2999 114
APPLICATIONS : should be forwarded to The Human Resource Office 34 Wilson Street
Umzinyathi Health District Office Dundee Private Bag X 2052 3000 Dundee
NOTE : Nb Please Note That Due To Financial Constraints, There Will Be No
Payment Of S & T Claims.
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020


NO: AMAJ02/2020 (1 POST)

SALARY : R444 276 per annum Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(Optional),Housing Allowance: Employee must meet prescribed
CENTRE : Amajuba Health District Office: Newcastle
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior certificate) Standard 10 or (National Vocational Certificate)
Degree or Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery, Current registration
with SANC Minimum of 7 years appropriate/recognizable nursing
experience as a General Nurse Valid Driver’s License (Code EB) Certificate
of service for previous and current work experience endorsed and stamped
by HR Office must be attached Recommendations NIMART Training Proof
of computer literacy Supervision experience in Hast unit Knowledge, Skills,
Training And Competencies Required:-Report writing abilities Financial
Management skills Knowledge of District Health system Strong
interpersonal, communication and presentation skills Project management
skills Ability to make independent decisions Ability to work under pressure
and meet tight deadlines Understanding of the challenges facing the public
health sector Ability to translate transformation objectives into practical plans
Ability to prioritize issues and other work related matters and to comply with
time frames Proven initiative, decisiveness and the ability to acquire new
knowledge swiftly An ability to prioritize issues and other work related
matters and to comply with timeframes Proven initiative, decisiveness and
the ability to acquire new knowledge swiftly Computer literacy with a
proficiency in MS Office Software applications.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas:-Ensure that clinical audits are conducted at a Sub
– District level Provide support , guidance and mentoring to health facilities
with an aim of improving quality of patient care Ensure that an orientation

and induction programme is in place for newly appointed midwifes Ensure
programme integration into operation Sukuma Sakhe objective Compile
monthly, quarterly and annual reports and forward to Supervisor and
respective Provincial Managers Ensure HAST programmes implementation
(ART/CCMT/HTS/TB and HIV) and integration in the District Analyse
emerging health practices and trends and introduce remedial action in
conjunction with health care specialists Plan, organize and conduct
community rallies and events that convey health messages and practices
which support health programme strategies. Participate in the formulation of
the District HAST operation and business plans\Monitor budget allocated for
ART/CCMT and HTS Participate in activities aimed at fully integrating HIV
and AIDS programmes to the main streams of PHC services Facilitate and
hold District HAST quarterly meeting, Support facility and sub – HAST
meetings Facilitate and conduct regular meetings with NGO’s supporting the
programmes with the assistance of the HIV and AIDS trainer Coordinating
trainings and updates for NGO”s and Health Care Workers Promote
preventive and promotive health services through community structures and
organizations Work in close collaboration with other stakeholders to
implement the HAST programme Ensure implementation and monitoring of
integrated TB and HIV information systems in the District
ENQUIRIES : MS M.P Langa Tel No: (034) 328 7000
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for
Employment form (Z83) which must be originally signed and dated. The
application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae,
certified copies of certificates, Identity Document and Driver’s License (not
copies of previously certified copies). The Reference Number must be
indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB:
Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Faxed
and e-mailed applications will NOT be accepted. Persons with disabilities
should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are
respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment is received within
3 months after the closing date, they must accept that their applications were
unsuccessful. Applicants in possession of a foreign qualification must attach
an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA) to their applications. Non- RSA Citizens/Permanent Residents/
Work Permit holders must submit documentary proof together with their
applications. All employees in the Public Service that are presently on the
same salary level but on a notch/package above of the advertised post are
free to apply. Males are encouraged to apply and people with disability also
should feel free to apply. Employment equity target for this post is African
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The Deputy Director: Human
Resource Management Services: KZN Department of Health, Private Bag
X6661, Newcastle, 2940 Or Hand delivered to: 38 Voortrekker Street,
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020



SALARY : R444 276 per annum Other Benefits 13th Cheque, Medical Aid (Optional),
Housing Allowance: Employee must meet prescribed requirements
CENTRE : Amajuba Health District Office: Newcastle
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12( Senior certificate) or( National Vocational Certificate) Degree or
Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery, Current registration with SANC
A Minimum of 7 years appropriate/recognizable nursing experience as a

General Nurse Valid Driver’s License (code EB) Certificate of Service for
previous and current work experience endorsed and stamped by HR Office
must attached Recommendations Proof of computer literacy Knowledge,
Skills, Training And Competencies Required:-Report writing abilities
Financial Management skills Knowledge of District health system Empathy
and counseling skills and knowledge Strong interpersonal , communication
and presentation skills Project management skills Ability to make
independent decision Ability to work under pressure and meet tight
deadlines Understanding of the challenges facing the public health sector
Ability to translate transformation objectives into practical plans Ability to
prioritize issues and other related matters and to comply with time frames
An ability to prioritize issues and other work related matters and to comply
with timeframes Proven initiative, decisiveness and the ability to acquire new
knowledge swiftly Computer literacy with a proficiency in MS Office Software
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas:-Improve management of chronic diseases Improve
eye care services. Ensure networking with Governmental and Non –
Governmental stakeholders in service delivery Integrate with other programs
to promote quality service delivery Participate in decongestions of facilities
Promote clinical management of clients with chronic illnesses Promote
preventative and promotive health services through community structures
and organisations Ensure that clinical audits are conducted at a Sub –
district level Provide support, guidance and mentoring to health facilities with
an aim of improving quality of patient care Ensure programme integration
into Operation Sukuma Sakhe (OSS) objectives Compile monthly, quarterly
and annual Plan, organize and conduct community rallies and events that
convey health messages and practices which support health programme
strategies Participate in the formulation of the District health planning and
development of operational plans Participate in activities aimed at fully
integrating non communicable diseases programmes to the main stream of
PHC services
ENQUIRIES : MS M.P Langa Tel No: (034) 328 7000
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The Deputy Director: Human
Resource Management Services: KZN Department of Health, Private Bag
X6661, Newcastle, 2940 or Hand delivered to: 38 Voortrekker Street,
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for
Employment form (Z83) which must be originally signed and dated. The
application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae,
certified copies of certificates, Identity Document and Driver’s License (not
copies of previously certified copies). The Reference Number must be
indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB:
Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Faxed
and e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Persons with disabilities
should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are
respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment is received within
3 months after the closing date, they must accept that their applications were
unsuccessful. Applicants in possession of a foreign qualification must attach
an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA) to their applications. Non- RSA Citizens/Permanent Residents/
Work Permit holders must submit documentary proof together with their
applications. All employees in the Public Service that are presently on the
same salary level but on a notch/package above of the advertised post are
free to apply. Males are encouraged to apply and people with disability also
should feel free to apply. Employment equity target for this post is African

CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


PMMH/OMN/TCC 02/2020 (01 POST)

SALARY : R444 276 – R500 031 per annum Other Benefits Home Owner Allowance
(conditions apply) 13th Cheque and Medical Aid (Optional) In-hospital Area
Allowance (8% of Basic Salary)
CENTRE : Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Operational Manager Grade1 Basic R 425 qualification (i.e.
Degree/Diploma) in nursing or equivalent qualification that allows
registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a
‘Professional Nurse’. Certification of Registration with SANC as a
Professional Nurse Proof of current year registration with SANC (2020)
Experience: A minimum of 7 years appropriate/recognizable experience in
nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General
Nursing Knowledge, Skills Training And Competencies Required: Thorough
knowledge of nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes, and
other relevant legal frameworks, such as:- Nursing Act, Health Act, Patient
Right Charter, Batho Pele principles, Public Service Regulations,
Disciplinary Code and Procedures in the Public Service. Operational
management skills Ability to interact with diverse stakeholders and health
care users and givers Good communication skills/Report writing
skills/Facilitation skills/Coordination skills/Liaison skills/Information
skills/Planning and organizing skills/Computer literacy skills. Key
Perfomance Areas Manage and monitor proper utilization of human,
financial and physical resources Participate in the analysis, formulation and
implementation of nursing guidelines, practices, standards and procedures.
Supervise and ensure the provision of an effective and efficient patient care
through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and monitor the implementation
of nursing plan and evaluation thereof. Maintain constructive working
relationship with nursing and other stakeholders (i.e. inter-professional,
inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary teamwork). Provide relevant health
information to health care users to assist in achieving optimal health care
and rehabilitation of patients.NB: Management reserves the right to allocate
employees outside the appointed domain as service demands; this may
occur in the instance of staff shortages experienced in any Nurse
ENQUIRIES : MS CB Zondo Tel No: (031) 9078248
APPLICATIONS : to be forwarded to: The Human Resource Manager Prince Mshiyeni
Memorial Hospital; Private Bag X O7; Mobeni; 4060
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

Department: Primary Health Care

SALARY : Grade 1: R383 226 – R444 276 per annum

Grade 2: R471 330 – R579 696 per annum Other Benefits: 13th Cheque,
Medical Aid,(Optional), Housing Allowance(employee must meet the
prescribed requirements), 8% Rural Allowance
CENTRE : Chwezi Clinic
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12). Degree/National Diploma in nursing that
allows Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse and Midwifery.
A post-basic nursing qualification, with a duration of at least 1(one) year
accredited with SANC in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment,
Treatment and Care). Current SANC receipt (2020). Proof of current and
previous work experience endorsed and stamped by Human Resource
Department i.e. (Certificate of Service). Applicants must submit confirmation
letter of relevant experience from their supervisors in an official letterhead of
the employer when they apply. Grade 01: A minimum of four (4) years

appropriate/recognizable nursing experience after registration as a
Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing. Grade 02: A minimum
of fourteen (14) years appropriate/recognizable nursing experience after
registration as Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing. At least
ten (10) years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable after obtaining one (01) year post basic
qualification in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and
Care Knowledge, Skills, Attributes and Abilities Excellent communication
skills, human relations and ability to teach and train staff within a team.
Ability to work and maintain meaningful relationship within a diverse
community. Knowledge of health and public service legislation, regulations
and policies Appropriate understanding of nursing scope of practice and
nursing standards as determined by Primary Health Care. Basic computer
literacy to enhance service delivery. Effective communication with patients,
supervisors and other health professionals. Ability to work as part of multi-
disciplinary team at all levels and work effectively to maintain a high level of
service delivery. Knowledge of labour relations and disciplinary procedures.
Basic understanding of HR and financial policies and practices. Planning,
organising, leading, controlling, delegation, supervisory, communication,
motivation, decision-making, problem-solving, disciplinary and co-ordination
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Perform a clinical nursing practice in accordance
with the scope of practice and nursing standards as determined for a primary
health care facility. Provide quality comprehensive community health care.
Provide educational Services. Evaluate and follow-up patients during clinic
visits. Initiate treatment, implementation of programmes and evaluations of
patient’s clinical conditions. Promote scientific quality nursing care.
Administrate and control medication. Responsible for individual consultation
sections and identification of community needs. Render ANC Services and
conduct deliveries.
ENQUIRIES : MRS. SJ Nguse Tel No: (035) 833 5047
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: The Human Resource Manager –
Nkandla District Hospital, Private Bag X 102, Nkandla, 3855 OR Hand
Delivered to: Human Resource Department - Nkandla District Hospital, 491
Mbatha Lane, Nkandla 3855 (Attention to: Mrs. SG Masikane)
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for
Employment form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or
from the website which must be originally signed and
dated. The application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed
Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of qualifications/certificates, Professional
Registration Certificates, Identity Document and Driver’s Licence (not copies
of previously certified copies). The Reference Number must be indicated in
the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply
with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons with disabilities
should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are
respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment is received within
3 months after the closing date, they must accept that their applications were
unsuccessful. Applicants in possession of a foreign qualification must attach
an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA) to their applications. Non- RSA Citizens/Permanent Residents/
Work Permit holders must submit documentary proof together with their
applications. All employees in the Public Service that are presently on the
same salary level but on a notch/package above of the advertised post are
free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T Claims will not be paid to
candidates who will be attending interview. African males are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

Department: Primary Health Care: School Health Services

REMUNERATION : Grade 1: R383 226 – R444 276 per annum

Grade 2: R471 330 – R579 696 per annum Other Benefits: 13th Cheque,
Medical Aid, (Optional), Housing Allowance (employee must meet the
prescribed requirements), 8% Rural Allowance
CENTRE : Nkandla Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12). Degree/National Diploma in nursing that
allows Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse and Midwifery.
A post-basic nursing qualification, with a duration of at least 1(one) year
accredited with SANC in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment,
Treatment and Care). Current SANC receipt (2020). Proof of current and
previous work experience endorsed and stamped by Human Resource
Department i.e. (Certificate of Service). Applicants must submit confirmation
letter of relevant experience from their supervisors in an official letterhead of
the employer when they apply. Grade 01: A minimum of four (4) years
appropriate/recognizable nursing experience after registration as a
Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing. Grade 02: A minimum
of fourteen (14) years appropriate/recognizable nursing experience after
registration as Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing. At least
ten (10) years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable after obtaining one (01) year post basic
qualification in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and
Care knowledge, skills, attributes and abilities Excellent communication
skills, human relations and ability to teach and train staff within a team.
Ability to work and maintain meaningful relationship within a diverse
community. Knowledge of health and public service legislation, regulations
and policies. Appropriate understanding of nursing scope of practice and
nursing standards as determined by Primary Health Care. Basic computer
literacy to enhance service delivery. Effective communication with patients,
supervisors and other health professionals. Ability to work as part of multi-
disciplinary team at all levels and work effectively to maintain a high level of
service delivery. Knowledge of labour relations and disciplinary procedures.
Basic understanding of HR and financial policies and practices. Planning,
organising, leading, controlling, delegation, supervisory, communication,
motivation, decision-making, problem-solving, disciplinary and co-ordination
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Provide comprehensive Primary Health Care
services to all learners in their catchment population. Attend to assessment
and immunisation campaign required by the Department of Health. Treat,
screen, educate and refer the learners accordingly. Attend to administrative
duties and supervision. Conduct programmes and monthly statistics.
Responsible for smooth running of the programmes in the schools
ENQUIRIES MRS. SJ Nguse Tel No: (035) 833 5047
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: The Human Resource Manager –
Nkandla District Hospital, Private Bag X 102, Nkandla, 3855 OR Hand
Delivered to: Human Resource Department - Nkandla District Hospital, 491
Mbatha Lane, Nkandla 3855
FOR ATTENTION : Mrs. SG Masikane
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for
Employment form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or
from the website which must be originally signed and
dated. The application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed
Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of qualifications/certificates, Professional
Registration Certificates, Identity Document and Driver’s Licence (not copies
of previously certified copies). The Reference Number must be indicated in
the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply
with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons with disabilities
should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the

following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are
respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment is received within
3 months after the closing date, they must accept that their applications were
unsuccessful. Applicants in possession of a foreign qualification must attach
an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA) to their applications. Non- RSA Citizens/Permanent Residents/
Work Permit holders must submit documentary proof together with their
applications. All employees in the Public Service that are presently on the
same salary level but on a notch/package above of the advertised post are
free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T Claims will not be paid to
candidates who will be attending interview. African males are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


SALARY : Grade 1: R383 226 - R444 276 per annum

Grade 2: R471 333 - R579 696 per annum Other Benefits: Rural Allowance,
13th Cheque, medical Aid (Optional), Housing allowance (employee must
meet minimum requirements)
CENTRE : Qulashe Clinic
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification PLUS Basic R425
qualification (i.e. Diploma/ Degree in Nursing) that allows registration with
the South African Nursing Council' (SANC) as a Professional Nurse.
Diploma/Degree in General nursing and Midwifery plus 1 year post basic
qualification in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and
Care. Certificates of Registration with the SANC (General Nursing and
relevant post basic qualification).Valid Driver`s licence is an added
recommendation. Experience: Grade 1: A minimum of four (4) years
appropriate/ recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nurse plus 1 year post basic
qualification in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and
Care. Grade 2: A minimum of fourteen (14) years appropriate/ recognizable
experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the
SANC in General Nursing of which at least ten (10) years of the period
referred to above must be appropriate or recognizable experience in PHC
after obtaining 1 year post basic qualification in Clinical Nursing Science,
Health Assessment, Treatment and Care. Skills: Demonstrate effective
communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians, including
report writing when required. Work as part of the multi-disciplinary team to
ensure good nursing care. Work effectively, co-operatively amicably with
persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Able
to plan and organize own work and that of support personnel to ensure
proper nursing care. A sound knowledge of the Provincial Health Act of
2000, Nursing Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1995.
DUTIES : To execute duties and functions with proficiency in support of the aims and
strategic objectives of the institution and to perform duties/functions within
the prescripts of all applicable legislation. To provide quality comprehensive
primary health care. Maintain client satisfaction through quality service,
innovation and professional nursing care by upholding the principles of
Batho Pele and the standards set by the accreditation process. Ensure
provision of educational services to clients. Ensure proper utilization of
resources and exercise care of the Government Property. Plan and organize
services to ensure cost effective use of resources. Assess staff
requirements based on workload. Identity areas for improvement, problems
etc. and communicate these to sister in charge. Compile and analyses
monthly statistics and use the information for future planning. Provide
nursing care that leads to improved service delivery. Maintain client’s
satisfaction through quality services. Maintain clinical competence by

ensuring that specific principles of nursing care are within the legal
ENQUIRIES : Mr SS Wosiyane at Tel No: (033) 7019003
APPLICATION : Direct your application quoting the relevant reference number to: The Chief
Executive Officer, St. Apollinaris Hospital, Private Bag x206, Creighton,
3263, Hand delivered applications may be submitted to Human Resource
Section, St Apollinaris Hospital or be dropped in the application box at
Security Department on or before the closing date before 16:00.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resources Section,
NOTE : Applications should be submitted on form Z83 obtainable from any Public
Service Department or from the website and should
be accompanied by a CV (experience must be comprehensively detailed)
and certified copies of qualification certificates plus registration certificates.
Certificate of service endorsed by Human Resources. Certified copy of
Identity Document. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered.
The Department reserves the right fill or not to fill the post after
advertisement. Applicants are respectfully informed that correspondence
will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. The appointments are subject
to positive outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship),
verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous
experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants in possession of foreign
qualifications must attach an evaluation certificate from the South African
Qualifications Authority (SAQA) to their applications. Non- RSA
Citizens/Permanent Residents/Work Permit holders must submit
documentary proof together with their applications. “People with disabilities
should feel free to apply”. The target group in terms of employment equity
for posts advertised is African males. The Department will not be liable
where applicants use incorrect/no reference numbers on their applications.
Short-listed candidates will not be compensated for S & T claims.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020.


SALARY : Grade 1: R383 226 - R444 276 per annum

Grade 2: R471 333 - R579 696 per annum Other Benefits: Rural Allowance,
13th Cheque, medical Aid (Optional), Housing allowance (employee must
meet minimum requirements)
CENTRE : Sokhela Clinic
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification Plus Basic R425
qualification (i.e. Diploma/ Degree in Nursing) that allows registration with
the South African Nursing Council' (SANC) as a Professional Nurse.
Diploma/Degree in General nursing and Midwifery plus 1 year post basic
qualification in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and
Care. Certificates of Registration with the SANC (General Nursing and
relevant post basic qualification).Valid Driver`s licence is an added
recommendation. Experience: Grade 1: A minimum of four (4) years
appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nurse plus 1 year post basic
qualification in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and
Care. Grade 2: A minimum of fourteen (14) years appropriate/recognizable
experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the
SANC in General Nursing of which at least ten (10) years of the period
referred to above must be appropriate or recognizable experience in PHC
after obtaining 1 year post basic qualification in Clinical Nursing Science,
Health Assessment, Treatment and Care. Skills: Demonstrate effective
communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians, including
report writing when required. Work as part of the multi-disciplinary team to
ensure good nursing care. Work effectively, co-operatively amicably with
persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Able
to plan and organize own work and that of support personnel to ensure

proper nursing care. A sound knowledge of the Provincial Health Act of
2000, Nursing Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1995.
DUTIES : To execute duties and functions with proficiency in support of the aims and
strategic objectives of the institution and to perform duties/functions within
the prescripts of all applicable legislation. To provide quality comprehensive
primary health care. Maintain client satisfaction through quality service,
innovation and professional nursing care by upholding the principles of
Batho Pele and the standards set by the accreditation process. Ensure
provision of educational services to clients. Ensure proper utilization of
resources and exercise care of the Government Property. Plan and organize
services to ensure cost effective use of resources. Assess staff
requirements based on workload. Identity areas for improvement, problems
etc. and communicate these to sister in charge. Compile and analyses
monthly statistics and use the information for future planning. Provide
nursing care that leads to improved service delivery. Maintain client’s
satisfaction through quality services.Maintain clinical competence by
ensuring that specific principles of nursing care are within the legal
ENQUIRIES : Mrs N Dladla at Tel No: (039) 8311018
APPLICATION : Direct your application quoting the relevant reference number to: The Chief
Executive Officer, St. Apollinaris Hospital, Private Bag x206, Creighton,
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resources Section, Hand delivered applications may be submitted
to Human Resource Section, St Apollinaris Hospital or be dropped in the
application box at Security Department on or before the closing date before
NOTE : Applications should be submitted on form Z83 obtainable from any Public
Service Department or from the website and should
be accompanied by a CV (experience must be comprehensively detailed)
and certified copies of qualification certificates plus registration certificates.
Certificate of service endorsed by Human Resources. Certified copy of
Identity Document. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered.
The Department reserves the right fill or not to fill the post after
advertisement. Applicants are respectfully informed that correspondence
will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. The appointments are subject
to positive outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship),
verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous
experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants in possession of foreign
qualifications must attach an evaluation certificate from the South African
Qualifications Authority (SAQA) to their applications. Non- RSA
Citizens/Permanent Residents/Work Permit holders must submit
documentary proof together with their applications. “People with disabilities
should feel free to apply”. The target group in terms of employment equity
for posts advertised is African males. The Department will not be liable
where applicants use incorrect/no reference numbers on their applications.
Short-listed candidates will not be compensated for S & T claims.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020.

2 REF NO: GJGM 43/2019 (X 1 POST)
Re- Advertisement
Component: 029498

SALARY : Grade 1: R383 226 per annum

Grade 1: R471 333 per annum
CENTRE : GJGM Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Degree/Diploma in General nursing and Midwifery or equivalent qualification
that allows registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse Plus
Registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse Plus Post basic Diploma
Nursing Qualification in Relevant Speciality (Trauma or Intensive Care

Nursing) with duration of One Year Accredited with SANC. Proof of current
registration (2019 receipt) Grade 1 A minimum of four (4) years appropriate
recognizable experience in Nursing after registration as a professional
nurse. Proof of current/previous work experience endorsed and stamped by
HR must be attached. Grade 2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate
recognizable experience in Nursing after registration as a professional nurse
with SANC in General Nursing. At least 10 years of the period referred to
the above must be appropriate/recognisable experience in the specific
speciality after obtaining the one year Post – Basic qualification in relevant
speciality Knowlegde, Skills And Competencies Required: Knowledge of
Nursing Care, Processes and Procedures, Nursing statutes, and other
relevant Legal frameworks, such as Nursing Acts, Health Act, Patient Right
Charter, Batho Pele Principles, Public Service Regulations, Disciplinary
Code and Procedures in the Public Service. Leadership, Organizational,
Decision Making, Problem Solving and Interpersonal Skills within the limits
of the Public Sector Personal Attitudes, Responsiveness, Professionalism,
Supportive, Assertive and must be a Team player.
DUTIES : Demonstrate an in depth understanding of legislation and related ethical
nursing practices and how this impact on service delivery. Ensuring clinical
nursing practice by the nursing team in accordance with the scope of
practice and nursing standards as determined by the relevant health facility.
Plan management according to identified problems. Ensure accurate record
keeping for statistics purposes. Ensure adherence to principles of IPC
practices in the unit. Manage the unit in the absence of the supervisor.
Manage the utilization of all the resources efficiently and effectively. Promote
quality nursing care of the patients and ensuring that a healthy and safe
environment is maintained. Assist in the coordination and implementation of
the National Core Standards in theatre and in the whole institution for better
quality patient’s care. Maintain competence in the execution of her/his
duties, while managing high standards of performance including for others.
Provision of optimal, holistic specialized critical nursing care with set
standards within professional/legal framework. Be able to manage ventilated
patients when necessary.
APPLICATIONS : Applications to be forwarded to: Postal Address: Human Resources
Department, The Human Resource Manager, GJGM Regional hospital,
Private Bag X 10609, Stanger 4450, Physical address: The Human
Resource Department, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka Street
FOR ATTENTION : Mr S. Govender
NOTE : Directions to Candidates: The following documents must be submitted,
Application for employment form (Z83), which is obtainable at any
Government Department or form Originally
signed Z83 must be accompanied by a detailed CV and originally recently
certified copies of highest educational qualification/s (not copies of certified
copies) of required educational qualifications set out in the advertisement
plus certified I.D Copy, Updated Curriculum Vitae. Applications must be
submitted on or before the closing date. The reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on the form Z83 e.g. St13/2019 .NB: Failure
to comply with the above instruction will disqualify applicants. Please note
that due to the number of applications anticipated, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates
only. If you have not been contacted within two months after the closing date
of the advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from NIA to the
following checks (security clearance, credit records, qualification, citizenship
and previous experience employment verifications and verification from the
company Intellectual Property (CIPC). The Department reserves the right
not to fill the post (s).This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative
employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all levels of all
occupational categories in the Department. Persons with disabilities should
feel free to apply for the post
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020

NO: SAH 10/2019 (2 POSTS)

SALARY : Grade 1: R383 226 per annum

Grade 2: R471 333 per annum Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, 12% Rural
Allowance, Home Owners Allowance (Employee Must Meet Prescribed
Requirements), Medical Aid (Optional)
CENTRE : ST Andrews Hospital: Maternity Ward
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Diploma/Degree in General nursing and Midwifery PLUS 1 year
post basic qualification in Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing
Science. A minimum of 4 years appropriate recognizable experience in
nursing after registration with SANC in general nursing and midwifery.
Current registration with SANC as a General Nurse and Advanced Midwifery
and Neonatal Nursing Science Grade 2: Diploma/ Degree in General
Nursing and Midwifery Plus 1 year post basic qualification in Advanced
Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science. A minimum of 14 years
appropriate recognizable experience in nursing after registration with SANC
in general nursing and midwifery. At least 10 years of the period mentioned
above must be recognizable experience in the specific specialty, after
obtaining the one year post basic qualification in the relevant specialty.
Current registration with SANC as a General Nurse, Midwifery and
Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science Skills: Knowledge of
nursing care and processes and procedures. Knowledge of Public service
regulations. Disciplinary code, human resource policies, hospital generic
and specific policies. Leadership, supervisory and good communication
skills. Team building and cross cultural awareness. Knowledge of SANC
rules and regulations. Knowledge of Batho Pele Principles and patients’
rights charter.
DUTIES : Must be able to handle obstetric and emergencies and high risk conditions.
To execute duties and functions with proficiency within prescript of
applicable legislation. Provision of quality patient care through setting of
standards, policies and procedures. To participate in quality improvement
programmes and clinical audits. Uphold Batho Pele and patients’ rights
principles. Provide a safe, therapeutic environment as laid down by the
Nursing act. Maintain accurate and complete patient records according to
legal requirements Exercise control over discipline, grievance and labour
relations issues. Manage and supervise effective utilization of all resources
e.g. Human, Financial, material etc. Implementation and management of
infection control and prevention protocols. Assist with performance reviews
i.e. EPMDS as well as student progress reports. Maintain a plan to improve
the quality of Nursing and health care in operating theatre. Formulation of
theatre policies to ensure good practice. Ensuring the availability of the
necessary basic equipment
ENQUIRIES : MRS MR Singh Phone Tel No: (039) 433 1955 EXT 211
APPLICATIONS : Should Be Forwarded: The Chief Executice Officer. St Andrews Hospital,
Private Bag X1010 Harding, 4680. Or Hand Delivery: 14 Moodie Street,
Harding 4680.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Manager
NOTE : People with Disabilities and African Males Are Encouraged To Apply
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020

EE Target (African Male)

SALARY : Grade 1: R383 226 – R444 276

Grade 2: R471 333 – R579 696
Grade 3: R383 226 - R485 475 per annum plus 8% Inhospitable Allowance,
13th cheque, medical Aid (Optional) and housing allowance (employee must
meet prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Madadeni Provincial Hospital

REQUIREMENTS : Professional Nurse (general) Grade 1 Basic R425 Degree/Diploma in
General Nursing or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the
SANC as a professional nurse. Registration with SANC as a professional
nurse. Proof of current registration with SANC (2020).Professional Nurse
(General) Grade 2 Basic R425 Degree/Diploma in Nursing or equivalent
qualification that allows registration with the SANC as a professional nurse.
A minimum of 10 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as a professional nurse with SANC in General Nursing.
Registration with SANC as a professional nurse. Proof of current registration
with SANC (2020). Professional Nurse (General) Grade 3 Basic R425
Degree/Diploma in general or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the SANC in professional Nurse. A minimum of 20 years
appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
professional nurse with SANC in General Nursing. Registration with SANC
as a professional nurse. Proof of current registration with SANC (2020).
Certificate of service from previous and current employer.
Recommendation: General Nurse with a minimum of 1 year verifiable
appropriate experience in Intensive Care Unit. Skills, Training and
Competencies required: - Strong interpersonal, communication and
presentation skills. Ability to make independent decisions. An understanding
of the challenges facing the public health sector. Ability to prioritize issues
and other work related matters and to comply with time frames. High level
of accuracy. Depth knowledge of Acts, Policies, Procedures, Prescripts and
DUTIES : Key Performance Ares: - Render an optimal holistic specialized nursing care
to patients as member of the Multidisciplinary team. Train and supervise
junior staff and student nurses. Maintain accreditation standards by ensuring
compliance with National Core Standards. Co-ordinate clinical activities of
the unit. Participate in the formulation, analysis, implementation and
monitoring of unit objectives, policies, and procedures. Participate in nursing
audits and maintain accurate records. Display a concern for patients,
promoting advocating, and facilitating proper treatment and care. Ensure the
unit complies with Infection Prevention and Control as well as Occupational
Health and Safety policies. Strengthen ethics and professionalism. Provide
safe and therapeutic environment for patients, staff and public. Participate
in staff development using EPMDS System and other work related
programmes and training.
ENQURIES : Ms ZE Gumede Tel No: (034) 328 8137
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be posted to: The Recruitment Officer, Madadeni
Hospital, Private Bag x6642, Newcastle, 2940
FOR ATTENTION : The Recruitment Officer
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all
eligible officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions.
Institutions must notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular
minute even if they are absent from their normal places of work to apply.
Direction to Candidates: the following documents must be submitted:
Application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable from any
Government Department OR from the website - The
application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae,
certified copies of Qualifications and Identity document – not copies of
certified copies. The reference number must be indicated in the column
provided on the form Z83 and on the back of the envelope, e.g. MAD
01/2016. NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will be disqualify
applicants. Person with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The
appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from the NIA the
following checks (security clearance, credit records, qualification, citizenship
and previous experience employment verification). Applicants in possession
of a foreign qualification must attach an evaluation certificate from the South
African Qualification Authority (SAQA) to their applications. Non –RSA
Citizens/Permanent Residents/Work permits holders must submit
documentary proof together with their Applications. Due to the large number
of applications, receipt of applications will not be acknowledged. However,

correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Please note
that due to financial constraint no S&T claims will be considered for payment
to the candidates that are invited for an interview.
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


SALARY : R376 596 per annum Other Benefits: 13th cheque, Medical Aid (Optional),
Home owner’s allowance (employee must meet prescribed Requirements)
CENTRE : Othobothini Community Health Centre (Jozini)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12). Degree/National Diploma in Human Resource
Management/ Public Administration/Public Management. Three to five (3 –
5) years’ supervisory experience in Human Resource Component. NB: Proof
of current and previous work experience endorsed and stamped by Human
Resource Manager (Certificate of service and service record) must be
attached. Recommendation: A valid driver’s license. Knowledge, Skills,
Training And Competencies Required: Knowledge of Public Service
Policies, Acts and Regulations. Sound knowledge of Human Resource
Practices, Staff Relation and Human Resource Development. Sound
knowledge of Persal, Project and Financial Management. Good leadership,
coaching and mentoring skills. Knowledge of EPMDS, GEPF and National
Core Standards. Good communication, interpersonal, analytical, decision
making and presentation skills.
DUTIES : Manage all HR components i.e. HR Practices, HR Planning and
Development, Staff Relations and Employee Health & Wellness for the CHC
in order to ensure that high quality service is being provided. Ensure that the
Performance Management Development System is implemented
successfully in the CHC by providing guidance and assistance with regard
to its application and administration to all Managers within the CHC for
achievement of goals and objectives of the CHC. Ensure that transactional
functions pertaining to employment practices are rendered in accordance
with departmental policy imperatives. Ensure that transactional functions
pertaining to conditions of service are rendered in accordance with
departmental policy imperatives. Ensure the development of HR Plan,
Workplace Skills Plan and Employment Equity Plan and ensure
implementation for the CHC and ensure that all stakeholders are
represented as per the guidelines. Ensure the effective and efficient
utilization of resources allocated to the Section, including the development
of staff. Ensure the establishment of a fully functional EAP and Employee
Health & Wellness programme in the CHC. Ensure that recruitment,
appointments and transfers are in accordance with the laid down prescripts.
Provide regular inputs towards realization of ideal clinic & National Core
Standards. Promote sound employer-employee relationship and minimize
conflict within the CHC ensuring delivery of quality services. Employment
Equity Target: African Male Kindly attach certificate of Service/Proof of work
experience endorsed by HR.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. B.K. Mpupa (HR Supervisor): Tel No: (035) 5721327
APPLICATIONS : Please forward applications quoting reference number to: Human Resource
Management Service, Othobothini CHC, Private Bag X 12, Jozini, 3969 or
hand deliver to Othobothini CHC HR Department.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment Form
(Z83), which is obtainable at any Government Department or from website- Certified copies of ID, Std 10 certificate, educational
qualifications, certificate of service/proof of experience signed by HR office
must be submitted together with your CV. People with disabilities should feel
free to apply. Reference numbers must be indicated on the space provided.
Please note that appointment will be subject to positive outcome obtained
from NIA on the following checks: security clearance, credit record,
qualifications, citizenship, and previous experience verification. Should you
not hear from us three months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was not successful,
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


APPLICATIONS : The Provincial Head Personnel Management, Recruitment Office:

Appointments, Private Bag X5001, Kimberley, 8300. Hand delivery address
19 George Street (locked silver container at entrance), Kimberley 8301
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020 at 16:00 (Applications received after the closing date and
faxed or e-mailed copies will not be considered.)
NOTE : Only the official application form (available on the SAPS website and at
SAPS recruitment offices and/or Police Stations) will be accepted. The Z83
previously utilized will no longer be accepted. All instructions on the
application form must be adhered to. Failure to do so may result in the
rejection of the application. The post particulars and reference number of
the post must be correctly specified on the application form. A
comprehensive Curriculum Vitae must be submitted together with the
application form. Certified copies of an applicant’s ID, Senior Certificate and
all educational qualifications obtained, service certificates of previous
employers stating the occupation, proof of relevant experience in the field of
the post and motor vehicle driver’s license (if applicable). The copies must
be correctly certified on the copy itself, not at the back. The certification must
not be older than three months. Qualifications and driver’s licences
submitted will be subjected to verification checking with the relevant
institutions. Appointments will be made in terms of the Public Service Act,
1994 as applicable to the post environment. If a candidate is short-listed, it
can be expected of him/her to undergo a personal interview as well as a
practical assessment. Reference checking will be conducted on all short
listed applicants. Short-listed candidates for appointment to certain identified
posts, will be vetted in terms of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and
Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007) and the
Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005). A candidate whose particulars
appear in either the National Register for Sex Offenders or Part B of the
Child Protection Register, will be disqualified from appointment to that post.
The Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act, Act 37 of 2013
requires that all new appointments in the South African Police Service as
from 31st of January 2015 provide a buccal (inside cheek) sample in order
to determine their forensic DNA profile. The forensic DNA profile derived
from the sample will be loaded to the Elimination Index of the National
Forensic DNA Database. All short-listed candidates will be subjected to
fingerprint screening. Correspondence will be conducted with successful
candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months after the
closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill
a post after the advertisement thereof.



Office of the Provincial Commissioner, South African Police Service

SALARY : R173 703 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Northern Cape
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must display competency in the post specific core functions of
the post; Be in possession of a Senior Certificate (Grade 12); Be proficient
in at least two official languages, of which one must be English; Must be a
SA citizen; Must have no previous convictions or cases pending; Applicants
will be subjected to a vetting process which will include security screening
and fingerprint verification; Relevant courses in the field of the post may be
an advantage.
DUTIES : Compile correspondence, reports and presentations. Regulate the receipt
and flow of documental internally and externally. Conduct quality control on
incoming and outgoing post. Maintain accurate record keeping and efficient

administration on all files and records. Administer brought forward files to
co-ordinate target dates for correspondence. Create and maintain an
effective information management database. Compile returns. Assist with
the compilation of agendas and minutes of meetings as requested. Ensure
optimal utilization of resources allocated.
ENQUIRIES : Lieutenant Colonel Shivuri/Warrant Officer Botha/Personnel Officers
Syfers/Moorcroft/Thetsane Tel No: (053) 839 3776/3724/2516/2510/2511




APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted by using the following URL, via Google Chrome or
Mozilla Firefox. The applicants are advised to read the foreword available
on the WCED website before applying for the post/s.
NOTE : All applicants must be SA Citizens/Permanent Residents or Non-SA Citizens
with a valid work permit. Applicants will be expected to be available for
selection interviews and competency assessments at a time, date and place
as determined by Western Cape Education Department (WCED). The
Department reserves the right to conduct pre-employment security
screening and appointment is subject to positive security clearance
outcome. Applicants must declare any/pending criminal, disciplinary or any
other allegations or investigations against them. Should this be uncovered
post the interview the application will not be considered for the post and in
the unlikely event that the person has been appointed such appointment will
be terminated. If you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing
date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was



Directorate: Assessment and Examination

SALARY : R733 257 per annum (Level 11) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : A relevant B-degree or equivalent recognised qualification in Information
Technology (IT) or any related qualification and a minimum of 3-5 years
relevant experience at supervisory/middle managerial level in business
application or system analysis experience. Valid Driver’s licence. Proficient
in two of the official languages of the Western Cape. It will be required of the
candidate to work after hours as the need arises. Knowledge: Knowledge of
client care and information management. Project management National and
provincial legislation and regulations pertaining to examination
administration. Procurement processes Internal and external marketing and
communication processes. Functions, programmes and projects of the
WCED Information in the WCED domain Electronic information content
Statistics Policy/Act. Skills: Research skills. Analytical skills. Excellent
communication skills. Negotiation skills. Strong decision making skills.
Planning and organising skills. Problem solving skills. Facilitation skills.
Presentation skills. Marketing skills. Conflict resolution skills. Good verbal
and non-verbal communication skills. Writing skills. Computer literacy skills
Numeracy skills. Ability to motivate personnel. Ability to delegate effectively.
DUTIES : Manage the administration of all examination and assessment processes,
relating to registration of candidates and centres, writing of the examinations
and the national assessments, relating to registration of candidates and
centres, distribution of examination material, writing of examinations and
national assessments, marking, capturing of marks, resulting and release of
results/Monitor the implementation of examination and assessment systems
and draft management reports/Manage and monitor the development of new
examination and assessment systems and the optimal implementation of
existing examination and assessment system in the Chief Directorate in
collaboration with stakeholders (e.g. Ce-l and SITA)/Manage the
governance of examination and assessment systems including Change
Control Board (CCB) meetings and implementation of
recommendations/Manage the development, implementation and review of
policies to govern the implementation and use of examination and
assessment information systems; Lead the drafting or updating of policy;

Facilitate consultation of proposed policy/Oversee the provision of
assessment and examinations user management services; Plan and
manage the review, updating and maintenance examination and
assessment system information; Plan and manage the provision of end–
user support/Drive assessment and examination information systems
training, capacity building and knowledge- sharing practices;/Participate in
Joint Application Developments (JAD) and test sessions when requested by
DBE, Umalusi, SITA, CE-I;/Plan and manage the disaster recovery plan for
the chief directorate in respect of Examination and Assessment System;
/Participate in Performance Management System.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T Singh, Tel No: (467) 2541
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Business Strategy & Stakeholder Management

SALARY : R733 257 per annum (Level 11) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Relevant Degree or National Diploma (NQF 6). Minimum 3 year’s
management experience in a project management environment. Must have
proven competence and success in designing, initiating, implementing and
managing innovative programs and projects. Knowledge: Extensive
knowledge of applicable project management methodologies and
applications. Management principles; financial management; Expert
knowledge of strategic management processes; General knowledge of
global, regional and local political, economic and social affairs impacting on
the PGWC. Skills: Project management; Resource management planning;
Problem solving skills; Facilitation skills; Presentation skills; Policy
formulation; Communication (written and verbal); Organising, Dispute
resolution/conflict management; Interpersonal relationships. Analytical
thinking; Strategic thinking; Financial and administration skills; Project
management. Ability to analyse, conceptualise and project roll-out;
Research. Monitoring, reporting and evaluation. Report writing. High level of
computer skills and familiarity with project management software and use
of. Time management.
DUTIES : Identification of Projects/programmes that drive strategic departmental
goals. Conduct feasibility studies for proposals/ideas emanating from
EXCO. Prepare strategic plans and proposals for consideration by EXCO.
Identify, cultivate and solicit support for incubation efforts. Prepare concept
documents/project plans including resources, budget and operations
required. Prepare Implementation plan including schedule, Action Plan and
all necessary documentation. Lead and co-ordinate the organisational
landscape for the implementation of the project and project roll-out.
Coordinate internal resources and third party/service providers for the
execution of projects. Ensure that all selected projects are incubated to
seamlessly land with the relevant business owners. Monitor and report on
progress of implementation. Liaise and communicate to relevant
stakeholders and agents of change. Identify cross-functional agents and
develop working relationships, transversal agents. Develop clear business
as usual plan with specific timelines for project handover. Ensure and
identify project champions and capacity. Ensure ownership and embedding
of project into business as usual within identified Branches/directorate.
Participate in the recruitment process. Managing performance (SPDMS) of
staff and maintaining excellence in service delivery. Financial Management
including Annual Plans and Adjustment and budget expenditure thereof.
Compliance to SCM processes.
ENQUIRIES : Ms W Conrad Tel No: (021) 467 2382
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

Directorate: E-Learning

SALARY : R733 257 per annum (Level 11) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Relevant qualification (3 years post Matric). At least 3 years’ experience in
management level. Valid driver’s license. Proficiency at least in two of the
three official languages (English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa). Knowledge: The
policies, rules and regulations of the National Department of Education and
the Western Cape Education Department especially with respect to the
eLearning Strategy; Provincial Finance Management Act and National
Treasury Guidelines. Skills: Deciding and Initiating Action; Leading and
Supervising; Formulating Strategies and Concepts; Persuading and
Influencing; Writing and Reporting; Presenting and Communicating Information;
Delivering Results and Meeting Customer Expectations.
DUTIES : Manage the development and implementation of solutions, systems and infrastructure
with regards to: Facilitate transversal and shared infrastructure, hardware, software
and services relating to eLearning. Manage stakeholder interface between
WCED and WAN/LAN role-players e.g. CEI, Service Providers, schools and
project management teams Manage all aspects of business solutions, ICT
infrastructure and security service and operational support. Facilitate the
sourcing of eLearning technology-related resources Oversee the
management and coordination of eLearning Projects: Oversee the
provisioning of ICT access and provisioning related to eLearning Planning
of ICT access and provisioning Implementation of solutions Oversee
information management and reporting related to projects Ensure that
databases and reporting systems are in place and used effectively
Management of the human resources to achieve the pre-determined
performance indicators and service delivery imperatives: Participation in the
recruitment of staff in the numbers and grades appropriate to ensure the
achievement of the Business Plan. Motivate, train and guide staff to achieve
and maintain excellence in service delivery. Actively manage performance
and evaluation of staff. Monitor information capacity building. Promote
sound labour relations. Actively manage and promote the maintenance of
discipline and professionalism. Plan budget and manage expenditure,
through responsible implementation of policies, practices and decisions in
order to achieve unit objectives effectively and efficiently: Prepare work-unit
budget required to achieve unit objectives Maintain internal control policies
and processes in line with the public Finance Management Act and National
Treasury Guidelines and Best Practice Notes Prepares short-term (1 year)
and longer-term (2-5 years) budget plans Ensures conformity with PFMA
and auditing requirements Monitors revenue and expenditure for the
purpose of sound fiscal responsibility Projects long-term financial
requirements needed to achieve work-unit objectives Explains or justifies
the work-unit budget to other stakeholders and departmental groups
Oversees or helps procure equipment, facilities, supplies and services.
Fosters an environment where cost-benefit outcomes are continuously
improved Prepares consolidated financial reports for presentation
ENQUIRIES : Mr C Walker Tel No: (021) 467 2351
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

Directorate: Policy Co-ordination

SALARY : R733 257 per annum (Level 11) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/Degree (NQF Level 6) in policy analysis methodology. At
least minimum 3 years management experience within a policy development
environment. Knowledge: Knowledge the latest advances in public
management theory and practice; Advanced knowledge of strategy
development, strategy management and strategy monitoring and review

processes; Advanced knowledge of modern systems of governance and
administration; Advanced knowledge of public communication, public
education, public engagement and public discourse management
processes; knowledge of the policies of the government of the day.
Knowledge of global, regional and local political, economic and social affairs
impacting on the provincial governing in the South African public sector ,
Knowledge of inter-governmental and international relations; Knowledge of
communication, media management, public relations, public participation
and public education. Skills: Strong conceptual and formulation skills; Strong
leadership skills with specific reference to the ability to display though
leadership in complex application; Team building and strong inter-personal
skills; Excellent communication skills; Outstanding planning, organising and
people management skills; Presentation skills at senior management level;
Computer literacy skills.
DUTIES : Line Management Identify needs for policy development throughout the
department. Initiate policy development processes and evaluate requests
for policy development. Facilitate policy alignment at all levels of the
organization. Facilitate the development of policy guidelines for
implementation. Ensure the development, maintenance and update of policy
register. Facilitate the policy communication process. Provide expert advice
and support on policy development. Facilitate the development of capacity
regarding policy within the department. Identify needs and build capacity
regarding the implementation of policy. Monitor and evaluate effective
policy, guidelines, systems, norms and standards. Develop good working
relationships with policy professionals and education stakeholders. Liaise
with Department of Basic Education regarding education policy issues.
Human Resource Management Participation in the recruitment staff in the
numbers and grades appropriate to ensure the achievement of the
Directorate’s Business Plan. Motivate, train and guide staff within the
Directorate, to achieve and maintain excellence service delivery. Actively
manage the performance, evaluation and rewarding of staff within the
Directorate. Monitor information capacity building within the Directorate.
Active involvement in the compilation of human resource plan, a service
delivery improvement plan, and an information resources plan, for the
Directorate. Promote sound labour relations within the Directorate. Actively
manage and promote the maintenance of discipline within the Directorate.
Perform all managerial tasks with regard to the component Transformational
Management. Give strategic direction to and manage policy issues with
regard to the functions of the components under her command.
Communicate on managerial level with regard to the functions of the
ENQUIRIES : Adv LM Coleridge-Zils Tel No: (021) 467 2299/ 2260
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Business Strategy & Stakeholder Management

SALARY : R376 596 per annum plus benefits (Level 9)

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Relevant Degree or National Diploma (NQF 6). At least 3 year’s relevant
experience in project management. Knowledge: Extensive knowledge of
applicable policies, legislation, guidelines, standards, procedures and best
practices; Expert knowledge of strategic management processes;
Knowledge of global, regional and local political, economic and social affairs.
Skills: Presentation skills; Policy formulation; Policy analysis;
Communication (written and verbal); Organising; Dispute resolution/conflict
management; Interpersonal relationships; Analytical thinking; Strategic
thinking; Administration skills; Project management; Ability to analyse,
conceptualise and implement policy; Research. Networking and highly
articulate. Time management.
DUTIES : Identification of Projects/programmes that drive strategic departmental
goals. Assist with conducting feasibility studies for proposals/ideas

emanating from EXCO. Identify transversal networks required. Provide input
into the preparation of strategic plans and proposals for consideration by
EXCO. Assist in Identifying, cultivating and soliciting support for incubation
efforts. Provide input into concept documents/project plans including
resources, budget and operations required. Assist with the preparation of
Management Action Plan for all activities required. Prepare all necessary
documentation i.e. submissions, case studies, budgets. Form part of the
implementation team for project roll-out and compiling monitoring reports.
Compile monitoring report on progress of implementation. Liaise and
communicate to relevant stakeholders and agents of change. Assist with the
Identification of cross-functional agents and develop working relationships
with same. Facilitate the development of working relationships with
transversal agents. Assist with the develop clear business as usual plan with
specific timelines for project handover. Support project champions in BAU
spaces. Assist with transfer of skills from incubation team to BAU unit.
ENQUIRIES : Ms W Conrad Tel No: (021) 467 2382
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Business Strategy & Stakeholder Management

SALARY : R376 596 per annum (Level 9) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Relevant Degree or National Diploma (NQF 6). At least 3 year’s relevant
experience. Knowledge: Extensive knowledge of applicable policies,
legislation, guidelines, standards, procedures and best practices; General
knowledge of global, regional and local political, economic and social affairs.
Skills: Problem solving skills; Facilitation skills; Presentation skills;
Communication (written and verbal); Organising; Interpersonal
relationships; Analytical thinking; Strategic thinking; Administration skills;
Project management; Ability to analyse, conceptualise and implement
projects; Research. Report writing and reporting; Excel proficient (advance
level). Systems analytics. Attention to detail. Team player. Time
DUTIES : Assist with development and structuring of a Monitoring and Evaluation
(M&E) framework. Assist with coordination and development of Monitoring
and Reporting systems. Assist with coordination of a comprehensive
database of M&E Reporting and transversal M&R requirements. Assist with
coordination. Assist with coordination of Development of M&R Framework,
Mid-term review, End-of-term review, 25-year review etc. Assist with
coordination SOP ensure alignment with National & Provincial objectives.
Assist to promote provincial programme and project performance
methodologies and compliance guidelines from DPME. Assist with
development and coordination of the directorate and branch agenda into
directorate operational plans. Provide support to development and
maintenance of departmental programme /project assurance and reporting.
Assist with oversight monitoring and reposting. Assist with capacity building
on M&E. Review quality of data provided. Assist with tracking of progress of
performance indicators. Prepare reports and presentation based on (M&E).
ENQUIRIES : Ms W Conrad Tel No: (021) 467 2382
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Business Strategy & Stakeholder Management

SALARY : R376 596 per annum (Level 9) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Relevant Degree or National Diploma (NQF 6). At least 3 year’s relevant
experience. Knowledge: Expert knowledge of strategic management
processes; Knowledge of global, regional and local political, economic and
social affairs. Knowledge of management stakeholders and stakeholder’s

engagements. Ability to communicate clearly and convincingly with varied
stakeholders. Media Savvy person. Writing proposals and reporting writing.
Skills: Interpret and apply relevant policies and procedures; Problem solving
skills; Facilitation skills; Presentation skills; Policy formulation; Policy
analysis; Communication (written and verbal); Organising; Dispute
resolution/conflict management; Interpersonal relationships; Analytical
thinking; Strategic thinking; Administration skills; Project management;
Ability to analyse, conceptualise and implement policy. Good interpersonal
and networking skills. Highly articulate. team player.
DUTIES : Assist with coordination and implement collaborative projects between
government and partners linked to stakeholder management. Assist with
coordination, development and implement frameworks regarding linkages
with private business partner (national and international) to enhance the
business of the department. Assist to develop and maintain a database of
potential businesses or /and partners willing to work with WCED. Assist to
promote volunteerism. Assist to identify potential partnerships and build
relationships with business. Assist supervisor to manage intergovernmental,
intra-institutional and other relations. Assist to establish, maintain, monitor
and report on the Service Delivery Improvement. Assist to coordinate,
establish, implement, report on national requirements. Assist with oversight
monitoring and reporting. Assist with development of stakeholder
engagement strategy. Assist with arranging stakeholder forums. Prepare
and manage workshops, roundtables and forums logistics including
developing agenda.
ENQUIRIES : Ms W Conrad Tel No: (021) 467 2382
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


NO: .20
Directorate: E-Learning

SALARY : R376 596 per annum (Level 9) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate Degree (3 years post matric). At least 3 years’ relevant
experience in information management systems, valid driver’s license.
Proficiency at least in two of the three official languages [English, Afrikaans,
isiXhosa]. Knowledge: Thorough knowledge of management systems. Write
reports with visual displays and overlays. Be flexible and focused on
understanding the needs of the end-user. Knowledge of project risk management
and mitigation. Experience with implementing projects. The policies, rules and
regulations of the National Department of Education and the Western Cape
Education Department especially with respect to White Paper 7. WCG and
WCED data guideline policies. Skills: Computer literacy with particular
expertise in qualitative & quantitative data analysis and the ability to think
analytically and systematically. Research to inform organization on trends,
risks, innovation and deep analysis of eLearning data. Excellent oral and
written communication skills. High degree of focus on departmental needs,
customer satisfaction. Quality orientated. Excellent diagnostic skills.
Excellent problem-solving skills.
DUTIES : Manage the development, implementation and integration of eLearning data
systems: Provide support in developing and maintaining an online and
offline data and knowledge management repository. Align disparate data
sources to feed into online offline and knowledge management repository.
Provision of an Online Synergy data repository which contain eLearning
projects and programme-related data Innovation and systems development.
Manage the Quality Assurance of eLearning data: Liaison with stakeholders
to ensure data integrity towards the monitoring of relevant data and
information data fields. Review online data system to customize to business
needs. Assess and monitor external data source updates. Facilitate system
and data analysis processes to ensure data integrity. Facilitate interventions
for review and improvement of the data and knowledge management with
relevant stakeholders. Communicate with stakeholders to inform users and

user groups of policies and data standards. Facilitate the internal use and
reporting of Information systems to assist in planning and automation of
business processes to derive maximum efficiencies. Liaison with
stakeholders to ensure data integrity Interface with other ICT solutions
provincially and nationally. Develop business intelligence reports which
inform planning, statutory compliance, strategy and decision-making.
Manage and conduct data analytics: Conduct statistical analysis on data
collection instruments to ensure reliability and validity of data. Provide data
analysis and strategic support to eLearning Director, eLearning team and
performance tracking management in ensuring collection of data on key
performance indicators as per the performance framework. Provide data and
analysis for business intelligence periodically and on request. Data
awareness: capacitate WCED head office and district office officials on data
collection instruments. Conduct statistical analysis of quantitative data
collected to report on specific projects. Facilitate the publication and
dissemination of educational information over appropriate platforms.
Integrate GIS as an application within the eLearning data analysis. Liaison
with stakeholders relating to standardized reporting requests as well as ad-
hoc requests. Provide management reports: Provide management reports
as predetermined intervals and upon request. Provide visualizations and
overlaying of information and data. Provide presentation format information
distilling the information into business intelligence. People Management:
Supervision of the human resources to achieve the predetermined
performance indicators and service delivery imperatives, motivated,
competent, appreciated and performance orientated staff and sound labour
relations: Participation in the recruitment of staff. Motivate, train and guide
staff to achieve and maintain excellence in service delivery. Actively manage
the performance, evaluation and rewarding of staff. Monitor information
capacity building. Promote sound labour relations. Actively manage and
promote the maintenance of discipline within the component.
ENQUIRIES : Mr C Walker (021) 467 2351
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


REF NO:.21
Directorate: E-Learning

SALARY : R376 596 per annum (Level 9) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate, recognized 3-years post matric qualification. At least 3-5
years’ experience in technology provisioning or project management, valid
driver’s license. Proficiency at least in two of the three official languages
(English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa). Additional Requirements: The following will
also be considered: Work experience in technical knowledge of ICT
technologies in eLearning environment Supply Chain Management
practices, processes and procedures e.g. provincial ICT standards, SITA.
Knowledge: Thorough knowledge of ICT Technology types and
specifications. Knowledge of project risk management and mitigation.
Experience with implementing projects. The policies, rules and regulations
of the National Department of Education and the Western Cape Education
Department especially with respect to White Paper 7. Skills: Above average
of computer literacy with particular expertise in excel and other data base
platforms and the ability to think analytically and systematically Analysis of
eLearning data to inform on trends and risks. Excellent oral and written
communication skills. High degree of focus on departmental needs,
customer satisfaction. Quality orientated. Excellent diagnostic skills.
Excellent problem-solving skills. Write reports. Be flexible and focused on
understanding the needs of the end-user.
DUTIES : Provide support to E-learning projects: Project manage and implement
technology provisioning and related e-Learning projects in line with WCED
strategies, priorities, policies and guidelines. Quality assure project plans
and related project documents. Liaise with CeI for technical specifications

and technical evaluation of technology. Liaise with and render administrative
advice and assistance to district e-Learning staff on e- Learning projects and
relevant aspects of technology provisioning. Conduct site visits (as
necessary) to assist with e-Learning projects. Provide advice and assistance
with demonstrations and in-house end user evaluation of emerging
technologies. Coordinate and manage relevant processes for e-Learning
projects (e.g. facilitate meetings with suppliers and vendors). Manage the
preparation of source documentation. Manage e-learning project office:
Develop in collaboration with Deputy Director guidelines and templates for
project plans for all e-Learning deliverables. Assist Deputy Director,
technology staff and district e- Learning staff with the development of project
plans. Assist and manage communication and collaboration with all
stakeholders. Oversee the administrative deliverables with respect to
correspondence & filing systems. Create, update and manage a database
to record, monitor and report on all e-Learning projects. Prepare all required
documentation with regard to the financial aspects of e-Learning projects in
collaboration with management. Reporting and Administration Report on all
aspects of the roll-out and progress of e-Learning projects. Collate reports,
data analysis and prepare regular reports to management. Monitor and
ensure compliance with relevant legislation and prescripts in respect of
adequate and appropriate record keeping of the activities of the Projects and
of the resources employed by it. Measuring, managing and reporting on
project risks, technical constraints and issues. Ensure project
documentation is up to date and saved in the designated repositories.
Render advice and liaise w.r.t administrative matters. Keep updated on
WCED eLearning online systems. Studies the relevant public services and
departmental prescripts/policies and other documents and ensure that the
application thereof is understood properly. Remain abreast with project
procedures and processes that apply to the head office and other
educational institute offices, e.g. CeI, CTLI, districts, schools. Advise
relevant stakeholders on departmental prescripts and policies regarding own
ENQUIRIES : Mr C Walker Tel No: (021) 467 2351
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Recruitment and Selection

SALARY : R376 596 per annum plus benefits (Salary Level 9)

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : A relevant three-year degree/diploma in Human Resource Management/
Public Management or similar, plus a minimum of at least 3 years’ relevant
experience in Human Resources and a valid driver’s license. Knowledge:
Knowledge of the recruitment and selection processes and facilitating the
selection process of human resources; knowledge of competency-based
interviewing techniques and instruments; advanced knowledge of modern
systems of governance and administration; knowledge of the policies of the
government of the day; knowledge of Constitutional, legal and institutional
arrangements governing the South Africa public sector; knowledge of
assessment systems and project management processes. Skills: Strong
conceptual and formulation skills; Strong leadership skills with specific
reference to the ability to display thought leadership in complex applications;
Team building and strong inter-personal skills; Excellent communication skills;
Outstanding planning, organizing and people management skills; Computer
literacy skills.
DUTIES : Manage the recruitment, selection and retention of employees, by ensuring
the formulation of the recruitment, selection and retention policy/ strategies
and instruments of the Department and ensuring the correct application of
the said policies in the Department; Assist with disputes and grievances
related to recruitment and selection; Placement of advertisements and
processing of payments thereof; Ensuring the development and
maintenance of relevant databases; co-ordinate the human resource

support function at all shortlisting and interviewing panels; responsible for
the human resource management and financial management within the
component. Co-ordination of competency tools and instruments.
ENQUIRIES : Ms ML Mocke, Tel No: (021) 467 9278
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


SALARY : R376 596 per annum (Level 9) plus benefits (Level 9)

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma (NQF Level 6) or Degree in Human Resources or an
equivalent qualification plus a minimum of 3 years relevant experience in
Human Resources Administration. Recommendations: Experience in public
service and education environment with specific reference to applicable
employment and conditions of service legislation; proven communication
skills in at least two official languages of the Western Cape Province.
Knowledge: Knowledge of: Relevant Education and Public Service Acts,
Policy documents, Public Finance Management Act, Education Law and
Policy, CORE, Personnel Administration Measures (PAM) & Public Service
(PS) Regulations, Collective Agreements, Resolutions and PERSAL. Skills:
Managerial, Leadership and Interpersonal skills; Written and Verbal
Communication skills; Analytical, Problem Solving, Decision Making,
Facilitation and Presentation skills; Conflict Resolution; Organising skills;
Demonstrate the ability to use the following IT Software: MS Office Package
(MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint); MS Outlook, Internet.
DUTIES : Exercise managerial functions pertaining to the post, including but not
limited to assisting the Deputy Director. Manage and supervise staff
members, including but not limited to training, monitoring and evaluation.
Manage and supervise general administrative duties with regard to service
benefits and conditions of service. Implementation of policies and
procedures related to HR Administration. Manage and supervise functions
pertaining to leave administration. Manage and supervise the exit
management service. Manage and supervise functions pertaining to
appointments & salary administration; and Perform more complex work
regarding the functions above.
ENQUIRIES : Ms D Pillay Tel No: (021) 467 2477
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Strategic People Management

SALARY : R76 596 per annum (Level 9) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : At least a recognized 3-year qualification (NQF 6) which can be in Human
Resource Management, Public Management, Industrial Psychology or
Industrial Relations, with at least 3 years’ experience in human resources,
industrial relations or performance management with 3 years supervisory
experience. A valid Code 8 drivers’ license. Language proficiency in at least
two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Additional
Requirements: The candidate will be responsible to lead a unit that provides
guidance on administration of performance compliance processes
applicable, guide line managers and officials in the performance
management process and facilitate an online performance recording
system. Guide and ensure compliance to the Ethical Framework and
compliance reporting in government, inclusive of E-Disclosures and
Remunerative Work outside the Public Service (RWOPS). Co-ordinate the
pay and grade progression processes applicable. Provide relevant training
the candidate need to have: sound knowledge and experience in
Performance Management processes; experience of performance
management systems; experience and knowledge of performance
reward/recognition processes report writing skills; ability to facilitate training

and development sessions. Knowledge: Knowledge of performance
management and rewards systems; Knowledge of People Management
processes; Labour Relations; Financial Management; Project
Administration; RWOPS and Financial Disclosures. Skills: Interpret and
apply relevant policies and procedures; Problem Solving Skills; Facilitation
Skills; Presentation Skills; People Management and Empowerment; Project
Administration; Information and Knowledge Management; Service Delivery
Innovation; Problem Solving and Analysis; Client Orientation and Customer
Focus; Communication; Monitoring and Evaluation; Report writing,
computer skills, conflict resolutions.
DUTIES : Co-ordinate the individual reward systems (inclusive of OSD’s) re pay
progression, grade progression and performance bonuses. Co-ordinate and
provide guidance to line managers and employees on the compilation of
performance agreements (Public Service Act) on PERMIS. Co-ordinate the
performance assessment and moderation processes. Administer the
performance management systems (PERMIS). Coordinate probation
processes. Co-ordinate and report on compliance to RWOPS. Co-ordinate,
facilitate and report on compliance to E-Disclosures. Perform managerial
tasks with regard to the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Cronje: Tel No: (021) 467 2479
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Strategic People Management

SALARY : R376 596 per annum (Level 9) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma in (NQF 6) or degree in Human Resource Management/
Organisational Psychology/Management of Information Science/ Public
Management or a relevant qualification within the business management
environment plus 3 years’ applicable experience in a people management
environment. Knowledge: Policy Development and implementation; Public
Service Act and Regulations; Employment of Educators Act and Resolutions,
Employment Equity Act, Performance Management Systems, WCED
Employment Equity Plan, knowledge of relevant National and Provincial
Policies in relation to transformation issues, disability and employment
equity, Knowledge of Human Resource Planning processes, project
administration and management, labour relations framework, knowledge of
post structures in the education sector will be an advantage. Skills:
Analytical thinking; Organising and planning; Good written and verbal
communication; Decision making; Facilitation and presentation skills; Good
interpersonal skills; Liaison skills; Ability to interpret prescripts; Knowledge
of and experience in database management; Good human relations; Ability
to work under pressure; Ability to use IT software package, with the ability
to use PowerPoint and MS Excel on an intermediate/advance level.
DUTIES : Administer the steps of the 5-Year Human Resource Plan of the WCED
(drafting, research into trends on human resource provision, monitoring and
adjustment of the Plan). Administer the steps of the 5-Year Employment
Equity Plan and Programme of the WCED (Employment Equity Plan and
Reports, processes, record-keeping, training interventions and compliance).
Assist in the coordination of data and the compilation of the HR Report for
the annual report of the WCED, co-ordinate the implementation of the
internal Disability Programme for the Department. Render advice on People
Policies. Render a recordkeeping function of all People Policies applicable
in the department. Maintain the framework of People Delegations for the
chief directorate. Research, develop and introduce systems, platforms and
electronic toolkits to improve operations within the people management
environment. Co-ordinate departmental committees/forums for the Human
Resource Plan and Employment Equity Plan. Participate in provincial and
national forums; monthly reporting and review of progress in the various
programmes. Manage the performance of the employees in the unit.

ENQUIRIES : Ms T Florence Tel No: (021) 467 2480
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Management Accounting

SALARY : R376 596 per annum (Level 9) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : A relevant National Diploma or Degree (NQF Level 6) in Finance, plus a
minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience in a financial and/or budget
environment. Knowledge: Knowledge of financial policies and regulations.
Knowledge of financial processes. Ability to analyze and interpret financial
data. Advanced computer literacy in Microsoft Office applications (Word,
Excel and PowerPoint). Technical knowledge of financial systems. Excellent
written and verbal communication skills in at least two of the three official
languages of the Western Cape. The ability to give clear direction in realizing
objectives. Knowledge of financial data modelling. Strong analytical,
problem-solving and decision-making skills. Ability to work independently
and under pressure in a dynamic and diverse environment. People
management skills.
DUTIES : Provide management information with regards to the financial processes
within the Department, for example institutional funding and budget related
matters. Ensure effective implementation and monitoring of financial policies
and guidelines and assist in the formulation thereof. Manage and analysis
of project costings/related activities including providing advice on the
outcome of these costing to management. Analyze expenditure
trends/reports and provide report to management and external stakeholders.
Co-ordination and preparation of submissions/presentations to serve at high
level meetings. Manage and submit cash flow plans as well as the reporting
thereof. Manage the re-allocation of funds and movement of funds allocated
within the budget after reprioritization. Ability to assist and support financial
data modelling. Analyze and interpret financial and non-financial data and
prepare a submission on the findings to management including performance
reporting and financial statement inputs. Manage the institutional funding
including communication, affordability of costing proposals and payments.
Research and development of policy applications in a financial environment.
Management of staff in the component including general administrative
tasks and other employee related.
ENQUIRIES : Mr R Eyssen, Tel No: (021) 467 2662
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Supply Chain Management

SALARY : R376 596 per annum plus benefits (Salary Level 9)

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognized 3-year qualification Degree/National Diploma
with minimum 3 years’ management experience. A valid driver’s license.
Recommendations: The ability to interpret and apply policies, strategies and
legislation. The ability to work independently with limited supervision and
work under pressure in order to adhere to due dates. The ability to liaise and
engage with stakeholders. The ability to conduct research and draft reports.
The ability to analyse, evaluate and understand audit reports. Knowledge:
Knowledge of Supply Chain Management practices, processes and
procedures; preferential procurement as well as financial legislation.
Knowledge of Logis and the Integrated Procurement Solution (IPS). Skills:
Computer literacy in MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint; verbal and written
communication; organization and planning; report writing; problem solving
and numeracy.
DUTIES : Ensure compliance with departmental policies. Co-ordinate the completion
of financial disclosure forms and the code of conduct by Head Office/District
Office SCM staff. Co-ordinate the constitution of SCM committees. Perform

market research in terms of vendor and commodity options. Distribution of
Treasury circulars to all SCM functionaries at Head Office/District Offices.
Determine WCED Supply Chain Management needs. Submission of
procurement statistics to Treasury. Maintenance of the Accounting Officer’s
System (AOS). Completion of forms by SCM staff security clearance Head
Office. Co-ordinate procurement planning in the department. Solicitation of
requisitions for goods and services in terms of the procurement plan of the
Department. To support and advise responsibility managers (RM’s) and
SCM officials. To ensure that the audit queries, FMIP and Internal
Performance of the SCM is manage effectively.
ENQUIRIES : Mr JT Solomons Tel No: (021) 467 2818
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Supply Chain Management

SALARY : R376 596 per annum (Level 9) plus benefits

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognized 3-year qualification (Degree/National Diploma)
with minimum 3 years’ management experience. A valid driver’s license.
Knowledge: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and relevant
prescripts regarding GMT; National Road Traffic Act (Act 93 of 1996) and
National Road Traffic Regulations and Prescripts; Transport Circular No. 4
of 2000; knowledge and experience in i-Fleetman or any other computerized
vehicle fleet management system; Basic mechanical knowledge of vehicles.
Skills: Problem solving, numeracy and decision making; Analytical thinking;
Ability to work under pressure; Computer literate (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms
Outlook, PowerPoint); Good verbal and written communication skills in at
least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape; organizational
and planning skills; report writing.
DUTIES : Administer and manage the telecommunications services, Administer and
manage the GG-vehicle fleet at WCED Head office; Provide a support
function to regional and local transport officers at the Education District
Offices; Booking and Issuing of GG-vehicles; Investigate misuse and traffic
violations; Attend to the reporting on GG-vehicle expenditure; Attend to the
processing and payment of invoices; Manage the servicing and maintaining
GG-vehicles; Ensure that the GG-fleet is optimally used and report overall
utilization to management on a monthly basis; Attending monthly GMT Client
Forums (Operational & Financial). Administer the Food Service Aid of the
department. Co-ordinate and provide inputs into the quarterly and annual
financial statements of the department. Determine departmental needs in respect
of telecommunications and GG Transport. Ensure compliance with
departmental policies and all applicable legislation. Ensure that the
applicable policies are updated as and when required. Provide support and
advice responsibility managers and departmental officials. Attend to audit
queries, FMIP and Internal Performance of the department in respect of
telecommunications and GG transport Services.
ENQUIRIES : Mr JT Solomons 021 467 2818
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020


Directorate: Supply Chain Management

SALARY : R376 596 per annum plus benefits (Salary Level 9)

CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : A relevant recognised 3-year qualification (Degree or National Diploma) plus
at least 2 years managerial/supervisory experience. Must be in possession
of a valid driver’s license. Knowledge: Knowledge of SCM Practices,
processes and procedures. Preferential Procurement and financial
legislation; Knowledge of BAS/LOGIS or similar transversal procurement
systems and an electronic quotation system. Skills: Computer literacy in MS

Word, Excel, Access and Outlook (or similar email tool); Good verbal and
written communication skills; organisational and planning skills; report
writing, problem solving and numeracy skills.
DUTIES : Manage the process of evaluation of bids, Ensure all offers and, where
applicable, samples are evaluated in terms of the advertised specifications,
bid requirements and evaluation criteria. Ensure the safe keeping of
samples and bid documentation. Ensure all evaluators apply relevant
prescripts as contained in the Accounting Officer’s System (AOS), Treasury
Instructions, Treasury Regulations, Practice Notes. Submit bid
recommendations to the Evaluation Committee. Ensure requisite
compliance checks are done. Utilisation of appropriate databases, i.e.
WCSEB, CSD as well as National Treasury databases, i.e. register of tender
defaulters and list of restricted suppliers. Ensure that capability and ability
checks are conducted for recommended bidders. Ensure that bidder’s
declaration of interest and B-BBEE status’ are verified. Consult with end-
users and stakeholders. Quality control memoranda compiled for
submission to the Quotation, Evaluation and Bid Committees to the
delegated officials in respect of awards, cancellations, rejections of
RFQs/bids. Ensure that unsuccessful and non-compliant bidders are
informed of reasons for being unsuccessful or non-compliant. Ensure that
contract forms are compiled for all awards. Ensure compilation of letters of
acceptance and Service Level Agreements. Ensure that payment schedules
are compiled. Ensure the advertisement of the award of bids in the
Government Tender Bulletin (GTB) and eTenders Portal. Ensure that
procurement statistics are submitted to the relevant component. Ensure that
monthly commitments are submitted to the relevant component. Implement
audit recommendations. Manage the process of ordering. Ascertain whether
prices are correct and conduct price queries and price confirmations with
bidders, in writing. Ensure adjustment of service/quantities. Ensure that data
is checked against requisitions and approve Procurement Advices. Ensure
that orders are generated on LOGIS and that all procurement packages are
duly completed. Member of specific SCM committees. Supervision of staff.
Motivate and reward staff for performance. Institute disciplinary procedures
and sanctioning of malperformance. Training and development of staff.
Ensure staff morale is on an acceptable level. Ensure deadlines are met and
that work meets set standards. Maintain various registers within the
environment. Deal with enquiries from suppliers and end-users
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Schaffers Tel No: (021) 467 2771
CLOSING DATE : 21 February 2020

In line with the Employment Equity Plan of the Department of Health it is our intention with this
advertisement to achieve equity in the workplace by promoting equal opportunities and fair treatment
in employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination.

NOTE : It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a

date, time and place as determined by the Department. Kindly note that
excess personnel will receive preference.



Head Office, Cape Town

SALARY : R1 042 827 per annum

CENTRE : Directorate: Infrastructure Planning
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Engineering degree (B Eng/BSC (Eng)
(Mechnical). Registration with a professional council: Registration with the
Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as a Professional Engineer
(Mechnical). Experience: Six years post qualification experience required
after registration as a Professional Engineer (Mechnical). Inherent
requirements of the job: Valid (Code B/EB) driver’s licence. Willingness to

travel within the Western Cape, and occasionally, nationally. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Computer literacy (MS Office). Experience in and
understanding of the design and construction of complex buildings. Proven
experience with feasibility studies in terms of life cycle costing of mechanical
elements, green building technologies, technical specifications and
commissioning principles for both Capital and Maintenance projects.
Understand how to interpret existing and develop new Functional and
Technical Norms and Standards. Knowledge of risk analysis and risk
mitigation strategies. Experience in the preparation of reports, submissions
and presentations in English. Sound interpersonal and good verbal and
written communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of
the Western Cape.
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Development, interpretation and customisation of
functional and technical norms and standards related to mechanical
elements. Investigate proposals for innovative service delivery mechanisms
and undertake feasibility studies. Compile briefing documentation and
specifications. Investigate mechanical engineering installations and
equipment, undertake design work and implement corrective measures,
where necessary. Oversee implementation (construction) and
commissioning of mechanical engineering installations. Research/literature
studies to keep up with new technologies and procedures including
interaction with professional Councils/Boards.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M van Leeuwen, Tel. No: (021) 483-5084
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020



SALARY : R843 618 per annum (PN-A8)

CENTRE : Tygerberg Hospital, Parow Valley
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Basic R425 qualification (i.e
Degree/diploma in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse.
Registration with a professional council: Registration with the SANC as
Professional Nurse. Experience: A minimum of 9 years
appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration as
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least 4 years of
the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable experience
at management level. Inherent requirements of the job: Valid (Code B/EB)
driver’s licence. Ability to be on call and availability for Emergency situations.
Competencies (knowledge/skills): Strategic nursing leadership, knowledge,
ability to plan and apply management processes for required outcomes.
Clinical governance, knowledge of quality assurance, infection control and
occupational health and safety issues. Corporate governance, knowledge of
Human Resource Management. Ability to communicate verbally and in
writing in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape
and the ability to work on MS packages (Word, Excel and PowerPoint).
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Provide strategic management and leadership
within the nursing management and function as part of the Nursing executive
management team of the hospital. Clinical Governance, manage quality
improvement of nursing care. Manage financial resources, assets and
consumable resources for the designated areas. Manager Human
Resources in the relevant designated areas. Manage Nursing research and
both professional and nursing practice development. Establish, maintain and
participate in inter-professional and multi-disciplinary teamwork that
promotes efficient and effective care.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Marthinus, Tel .No: (021) 938-4055
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online

NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


Head Office, Cape Town

SALARY : R733 257 per annum

CENTRE : Directorate: People Practices and Administration
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate three-year National
Diploma/Degree in Human Resource or Social Science. Experience:
Extensive appropriate experience in Employee Health and Wellness,
diversity and disability. Inherent requirements of the job: Valid (Code B/EB)
driver’s licence. Willingness to travel. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Research and Analytical skills. Leadership, Financial Management,
Presentation and listening skills. Planning and organising skills. Team
building and strong inter-personal skills. Managerial and Leadership Skills.
Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook). Excellent
writing and communication skills in at least two of the three official languages
of the Western Cape. Innovative problem solving skills. Networking skills.
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Manage and ensure the implementation of
Employee Health and Wellness, SHERQ, diversity and disability
Management. Manage Policy Development, Implementation and input in line
with DPSA strategic framework and relevant legislation. Manage Service
level Agreements, between the Department and the Service providers as
well as contract management. Provide advice and support to
Districts/Institution as well as training. Responsible for Reporting and
Monitoring and Evaluation with regards to various programmes and
components. Manage the Financial and Administrative Functions as well as
Supervision of sub directorate Employee Health and Wellness.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Arries, Tel. No: (021) 483-3373
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


Chief Directorate: Rural Health Services

SALARY : R614 991 per annum (PN-A7)

CENTRE : George Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Basic R425 qualification (i.e
diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as Professional Nurse. Post-
basic nursing qualification with a duration of at least 1 year accredited with
the SANC in Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science/Child
Nursing Science. Registration with a professional council: Registration with
the SANC as Professional Nurse and proof of current registration.
Experience: A minimum of 10 years appropriate/recognisable experience in
nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with SANC in General
Nursing. At least 6 years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognisable experience in the specific specialty after obtaining
the 1 year post basic qualification as mentioned above. At least 3 years of
the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable experience
at management level. Inherent requirement of the job: Valid (Code B/EB)
driver’s licence. Ability to work shifts, weekends, public holidays and
overtime when required by supervisor. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Ability to function independently in a multi-disciplinary team and the ability
to direct the team to ensure quality nursing care. Ability to manage own work
and that of the units reporting to the post with good auditing skills.
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of nursing and public service legislation

and human resource and financial policies. Computer literacy (Microsoft
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Quality patient care supported through
professional, technical and management support. Leadership and guidance
towards realisation of strategic goals and objectives. Efficient human
resources in all components. Resources utilised according to directives and
legislation. Management of information systems to enhance service delivery.
ENQUIRIES : Ms J Ehlers,Tel.No: (044) 802-4356/7
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Shortlisted
candidates may be subjected to a practical and/or competency test.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


Rural Health Services

SALARY : R614 991 per annum (PN-A7)

CENTRE : George Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Basic R425 qualification (i.e
diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as Professional Nurse. Post-
basic nursing qualification with a duration of at least 1 year accredited with
the SANC in Medical and Surgical Nursing Science: Critical Care Nursing
Trauma and Emergency or Medical and Surgical Nursing Science: Critical
Care Nursing: General/Child or Medical and Surgical Nursing Science:
Operating Theatre Nursing. Registration with a professional council:
Registration with the SANC as Professional Nurse and proof of current
registration. Experience: A minimum of 10 years appropriate/recognisable
experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with SANC in
General Nursing. At least 6 years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognisable experience in the specific specialty after obtaining
the 1 year post basic qualification as mentioned above. At least 3 years of
the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable experience
at management level. Inherent requirements of the job: Valid (Code B/EB)
driver’s licence. Ability to work shifts, weekends, public holidays and
overtime when required by supervisor. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Ability to function independently in a multi-disciplinary team and the ability
to direct the team to ensure quality nursing care. Ability to manage own work
and that of the units reporting to the post with good auditing skills.
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of nursing and public service legislation
and human resource and financial policies. Computer literacy (Microsoft
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Quality patient care supported through
professional, technical and management support. Leadership and guidance
towards realisation of strategic goals and objectives. Efficient human
resources in all components. Resources utilised according to directives and
legislation. Management of information systems to enhance service delivery.
ENQUIRIES : Ms J Ehlers, Tel. No: (044) 802-4356/7
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”)
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Shortlisted
candidates may be subjected to a practical and/or competency test.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


Chief Directorate: Metro Health Services

SALARY : R444 276 per annum (PN-A5)

CENTRE : New Somerset Hospital

REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Basic R425 qualification (i.e. diploma or
degree in Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the
South African Nursing Council (SANC) as Professional Nurse (This
dispensation is only applicable for posts of Clinical Programme Coordinator
where it is an inherent requirement of the job, incumbent to maintain
registration with SANC). Registration with a professional council:
Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse. Experience: A
minimum of 7 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing.
Competencies (knowledge/skills): Computer literacy (MS Word, PowerPoint
and Excel). Skills in the preparation of reports. Ability to analyse Health
System Information. Good communication and interpersonal skills.
Communication in at least two of the three official languages of the Western
Cape. Experience in the provision of HIV/AIDS services. Experience in
NIMART or willingness to undergo NIMART training immediately.
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Oversee the introduction of a PMTCT
“improvement package” at New Somerset Hospital and recommend system
improvements. Implement Standard Operating Procedures for: bookings,
antenatal follow-up, care and drug delivery intra-partum. Improve clinical
record keeping, data collection and information flow of PMTCT activities.
Clinical assessment and initiation of ART in accordance with NIMART
guidelines. Identify gaps in service and plan and implement quality
improvement initiatives on an on-going basis. Policy implementation and
quality improvement initiatives in general Antenatal care as well as in Labour
wards. Implement the use of revised obstetric tools that integrate HIV care
as well as PMTCT records, including antenatal ART, ART in labour and ART
to infants.
ENQUIRIES : Ms S Basardien, Tel. No: (021) 402-6485
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


West Coast District

SALARY : R376 596 per annum

CENTRE : West Coast District Office, Malmesbury
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate three- year National
Diploma or Degree. Experience: Appropriate experience in
BAS/LOGIS/Finance/Accounting environment. Inherent requirement of the
job: Valid Code B/EB driver’s licence and willingness to travel.
Competencies (knowledge/skills): Thorough knowledge of relevant financial
prescripts, departmental policies and procedures including Accrual
accounting. Computer literacy in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel
and Power Point). Ability to compile, interpret and analyse reports. Ability to
work independently and be part of a team. Management, supervisory and
leadership skills as well as good interpersonal relations and communication
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Monitor, control and report on expenditure,
income and budget of finance, supply chain management and performance
information. Manage the Human Resource Management functions of
personnel in the division. Manage budget allocation of the District and
monitor expenditure and revenue. Manage processes to ensure compliance
to finance policies, the PFMA and regulations as well as Treasury
Instructions to achieve quality Corporate Governance. Control and analyse
monthly AFS Disclosure Reporting.
ENQUIRIES : Mr R Layman, Tel. No: (022) 487-9212
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”)
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020

Chief Directorate: Rural Health Services

SALARY : R376 596 per annum

CENTRE : George Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate 3-year National Diploma or
Degree. Experience: Appropriate experience in a financial management
and/or accounting field as well as supply chain management. Appropriate
managerial and supervisory experience. Inherent requirement of the job:
Valid (Code B/EB) driver’s licence. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Knowledge and understanding of the treasury regulations, Public Finance
Management Act requirements and the Accounting Officers Systems. High
level of computer literacy (Microsoft Office package, Integrated Procurement
System, Basic Accounting System and LOGIS). Strong people management
skills, analytical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and ability to
work in a multi-disciplinary team. Strong technical financial skills, including
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Manage overall performance of Finance and
Supply Chain Management. Coordinate processes to ensure compliance
with supply chain policies, the PFMA and regulations, as well as Treasury
Instructions to achieve effective and efficient corporate governance.
Analyse, interpret and report on relevant financial and performance data on
Finance and SCM for various FBUs, including management. Accurate and
timeous preparation of reports and compilation of Annual and Interim
Financial statements. Monitor overall hospital budget and expenditure
patterns and projections. Manage all People Management related functions
within the component.
ENQUIRIES : Ms S Janki, Tel. No: (044) 802-4365
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Shortlisted
candidates may be subjected to a practical and/or competency test.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


SALARY : Grade 1: R247 314 per annum

Grade 2: R291 324 per annum
Grade 3: R343 167 per annum
CENTRE : Tygerberg Hospital, Parow Valley
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as
a Radiographer in Radiation Oncology. Registration with a professional
council: Registration with the HPCSA as a Radiographer in Radiation
Oncology. Experience: Grade 1: None after registration with the HPSCA in
Radiographer (Oncology). Grade 2: 10 year’s appropriate experience after
registration with HPCSA in Radiography (Oncology).Grade 3: 20 year’s
appropriate experience after registration with HPCSA in Radiography
(Oncology). Inherent requirement of the job: Willingness to work after-hours
and shifts. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Render administrative and
information support to Unit Manager. Ability to treat patients and other staff
with patience and empathy.
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Radiotherapy treatment and planning according
to clinician’s instructions. Perform quality assurance procedures. Keep
accurate records. Participate in continuing professional development and
training. Perform effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team. Display an
interest in and an aptitude for Graphical Planning. Knowledge and
Implementation of new planning and treatment techniques advantageous.
Treat patients and other staff with patience and empathy. Clinical training of
ENQUIRIES : Ms J Meaker, Tel. No: (021) 938-4177

APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. “Candidates,
who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements, may
also apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on
condition that proof of application for registration to register with the relevant
council and proof of payment of the prescribed registration fees to the
relevant council are submitted with their job application/on appointment. This
concession is only applicable on health professionals whom apply for the
first time for registration in a specific category with the relevant council
(including individuals who must apply for change in registration status)”.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


Chief Directorate: Rural Health Services

SALARY : R173 703 per annum

CENTRE : George Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Senior Certificate (or equivalent).
Experience: Appropriate administration experience in a Hospital
environment. Inherent requirements of the job: Willingness to work flexi-
time/shifts. Relieve other ward clerks. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Computer literacy MS Office (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and
Outlook). Electronic processing of operational statistics. Procurement
experience to facilitate and maintain adequate stock and equipment levels.
Excellent communication skills (verbal and written) in at least two of the three
official languages of the Western Cape.
DUTIES : (key result areas/outputs): Effectively contribute to the provision of a well-
managed administrative system to accommodate the operational needs of
the nursing unit. Provide a client/patient-friendly environment at the
administrative office/frontline desk in the unit. Maintain code of ethics and
core values to ensure effective interpersonal communication. Facilitate the
feedback to the Manager re patients, stock and equipment procurement and
maintenance thereof. Maintain Clinicom process to record patient movement
and complete files and UPFS and other electronic documentation. Perform
such administrative tasks and relief as may be delegated by the staff and
Health team, also in other departments.
ENQUIRIES : Ms J Ehlers, Tel. No: (044) 802-4356/7
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Shortlisted
candidates may be subjected to a practical and/or competency test.
CLOSING DATE : 28 February 2020


APPLICATIONS : Only applications submitted online will be accepted. To apply submit your
application online via: or
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2020
NOTE : Only applications submitted online will be accepted. All shortlisted
candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test
relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be
communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical
exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic
managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA directive
on the implementation of competency based assessments). The
competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies
using the mandated DPSA SMS Competency Assessment tools.
Furthermore, thanks to the huge public interest we receive many
applications for our positions, and as such will not be able to respond
personally to all applications. Therefore, should you not hear from us within

10 weeks from close of advert please consider your application
unsuccessful. Please ensure that you submit your application before the
closing date as no late applications will be considered. Kindly note that
technical support is only available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16.00
should you experience any difficulties with your online application, contact
the Helpline: 0861 370 202




SALARY : R1 057 320 per annum (level 13). (All–inclusive salary package) The
remuneration package consists of a basic salary (70%) and the employer’s
contribution to the Pension Fund. The remainder of the package may be
structured according to your personal needs.
CENTRE : Department of Transport and Public Works, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : A relevant undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) or equivalent as
recognised by SAQA; A minimum of 5 years' experience middle/senior
management experience; and a valid driver's licence, or alternative mode of
transport for people with disabilities. Competencies: Knowledge of
monitoring and evaluation concepts and principles; Knowledge of monitoring
and evaluation systems; Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation methods,
tools and techniques; Knowledge of project risk management process and
early warning systems; Knowledge of follow-up procedures and techniques;
Knowledge of techniques and procedures for assessing implementation;
Knowledge of logical framework analysis; Knowledge of business and
management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation,
human resources modelling, leadership technique, production methods, and
coordination of people and resources; Proven knowledge and understanding
of program and project management; Proven knowledge and understanding
of procurement and tendering processes; Proven knowledge and
understanding of development, strategy management and strategy
monitoring and review processes; Proven knowledge and understanding of
modern systems of governance and administration; Proven knowledge and
understanding of public service procedures, processes and systems; Proven
knowledge and understanding of global, regional and local political,
economic and social affairs impacting on the provincial government of the
Western Cape; Proven knowledge and understanding of Constitutional,
legal and institutional arrangements governing the South African public
sector; Proven knowledge and understanding of public finance, human
resources and discourse management processes; Proven knowledge and
understanding of the Public Finance Management Act, National and
Provincial Treasury Regulations, other financial policies, prescripts,
directives and collective agreements; Proven knowledge and understanding
of the functioning of the Province and activities of sister departments; Proven
knowledge and understanding of the policies of the government of the day;
Basic knowledge and understanding of Labour Relations legislation and
regulations; Proven knowledge and understanding of the Staff Performance
Management System and PERMIS 4; Proven knowledge and understanding
of the Performance Management and Development System for SMS
members. Skills: Numeracy/Literacy/Driving/Computer Literacy/Language
skills/Project Management/Accounting Finance and Audit/Information
Technology/Training/Report Writing/ Change Management/Strategic
Management/Time Management/Knowledge Management/Service Delivery
Innovation /Problem solving and analysis/Client Orientation and Customer
DUTIES : Line Management: Champion the entrenchment of performance monitoring,
evaluation and reporting in the normal management process of the
Department’s line and staff function; Proactively facilitate organisational
performance monitoring and reporting as per departmental strategic and
annual performance plans; Proactively facilitate programme and project

performance monitoring and reporting as per provincial strategic objectives
and other requirements; Coordinate policy and strategy impact assessments
in conjunction with line functionaries; Strategic Management: Define and
review on a continual basis the purpose, objective, priorities and activities of
the Directorate; Participate in the Department’s and Directorate’s strategic
planning process; Active involvement in the development and management
of the strategic and business plans for the Directorate; Evaluate the
performance of the Directorate on a continuing basis against pre-determined
key measurable objective and standards; Report to the Chief Director on a
regular basis on the activities of the Directorate, and on matters of
substantial importance to the administration; Monitor and ensure compliance
with relevant legislation and prescripts in respect of adequate and
appropriate record keeping of the activities of the Directorate, and of the
resources employed by it; People Management: Participation in the
recruitment of staff in the numbers and grades appropriate to ensure
achievement of the Directorate’s Business Plan; Motivate, train and guide
staff within the Directorate, to achieve and maintain excellence in service
delivery; Actively manage the performance, evaluation and rewarding of
staff within the Directorate; Monitor information capacity building within the
Directorate; Active involvement in the compilation of the people
management plan, a service delivery improvement programme, and an
information resources plan for the Directorate; Promote sound employee
relations within the Directorate; Actively manage and promote the
maintenance of discipline within the Directorate; Financial Management:
Actively participation in the budgeting process at Directorate level; Preparing
of the Annual and Adjustment Budgets for the Directorate; Assume direct
responsibility for the efficient, economic and effective control and
management of the Directorate’s budget and expenditure; Assume direct
responsibility for ensuring that the correct tender and procurement
procedures are in adhered to in respect of purchases for the Directorate’s
finance; Report to the Chief Director on all aspects of the Directorate’s
finances; Assume overall responsibility for the management, maintenance
and safekeeping of the Directorate’s assets; Ensure that full and proper
records of the financial affairs of the Directorate are kept in accordance with
any prescribe norms and standards.
ENQUIRIES : Mr R Maharaj Tel No: (021) 483-4123


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