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Engr. Virgilio V.

Dionisio Memorial High School

Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan
School Year 2018-2019
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics - 12
FIRST SEMESTER – Pre-test Examination

Name ________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________

Parent’s Signature ______________________________________________________ Score ______________________________________

Direction: Multiple Choices. Encircle the letter of the best answer. NO ERASURE.

1. It is the identity that is tied to being part of a nation or country, group of people who share the same history, traditions and
a. Spirituality
b. Nationality
c. Individuality
d. Scarcity

2. Nationality can be acquired by being born in a country or by the process of legal applications called __________
a. Enculturation
b. Industrialization
c. Naturalization
d. Socializatio

3. In studying Anthropology, we seek to answer which type of question?

a. What does it mean to be human?
b. What is your name?
c. What did you eat?
d. How are you?

4. What Greek word “antropos” means?

a. Country
b. Nation
c. Culture
d. Human

5. _____ is that complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge,
and everything that a person learns and shares as member of society
a. Culture
b. Politics
c. Society
d. Values

6. It is the scientific study of society, including patterns of social relationships, social interaction and culture
a. Anthropology
b. Sociology
c. Dynasty
d. Culture

7. This is the compilation of ways and means by which humans interact with each other within the confines of a society
a. Social media
b. Social war
c. Social interaction
d. Social gathering

8. It is the basic unit of an organization

a. Family
b. Politics
c. Nation
d. Group

9. The capacity to directly oppose your thumb with your other fingers is an exclusive trait of humans. It is called
a. Grasp
b. Clapping
c. Intelligence
d. Finger grip
10. This industry is also called the stone tool industry, is characterized by the use of “hard water-worn creek cobbles made out of
volcanic rock.”
a. Oldowan Industry
b. Acheulian Industry
c. Mousterian Industry
d. Aurignacian Industry

11. It refers to the process by which an individual is oriented and taught by his or her society’s norms
a. Learning
b. Socialization
c. Gathering
d. Orientation

12. They were labeled as such due to their display of animalistic behavior upon their discovery
a. Feral children
b. Lost children
c. Abandoned children
d. Wild children

13. The compilation of the values, attitudes, and beliefs that individuals receive from their family, peers, and community enables
them to create a personal identity that simultaneously separates them from the other members of the group and incorporates
them in its system
a. Personality
b. Identification
c. Reunion
d. Individualization

14. It is a strong sense of disapproval on nonconforming behavior from members of a society

a. Mistake
b. Criminal
c. Stigma
d. Drug lord

15. One of the famous caser of feral child is ____, he is popularly known as the “boy of Aveyron”
a. Wolverine
b. Viktor
c. Kingkong
d. Tarzan

16. The need to scrutinize human anatomy to understand culture is indispensable

a. True
b. False

17. The secondary biological component of humans that allowed for culture is the developed brain
a. True
b. False

18. The hand of a human has fingers that are straight, as compared with the curve ones of the other primates
a. True
b. False

19. Quadropedalism is the capacity to walk using all four limbs

a. True
b. False

20. Our forms of social ineractions are always within the context of our status and we don’t interact with people
a. True
b. False

21. To maintain social order and stability, social control is needed

a. True
b. False

22. Culture is everything, it is learned and shared

a. True
b. Flase

23. Culture is a tool for survival that humans use in response to the pressures of their environment
a. True
b. False
24. The dynamism of culture is due to the changing needs of humans as they interpret and survive in their environment
a. True
b. False

25. Politics studies society to promote social change, create new theories and document human behavior
a. True
b. False

26. Society is made up of ____ groups

a. Social
b. Financial
c. Communal
d. Different

27. A ___ consists of teo or more people who identify with and interact with one another
a. Social group
b. Financial group
c. Communal group
d. Different group

28. Which of the following is an example of a social group?

a. Couples, churches, malls
b. Couples families, churches
c. Families, malls, hotels
d. Hotels, malls, couples

29. According to Macionis, there are ___ types of social groups

a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1

30. The ___ is a small group whose members share personal and lasting relationships
a. Social group
b. Primary group
c. Society group
d. Secondary group

31. The ___ is a large and impersonal social group whose members pursue a specific goal or activity
a. Social group
b. Primary group
c. Society group
d. Secondary group

32. The most important primary group in any society is the ____
a. Church
b. Malls
c. School
d. Family

33. ___ a social group that serves as a point of reference in making evaluations and decisions
a. Social group
b. Primary group
c. Reference group
d. Secondary group

34. ___ is a social group toward which a member feels respect and loyalty
a. In-group
b. Out-group
c. Primary group
d. Secondary group

35. ___ is a social group toward which a person feels sense of competition or opposition
a. In-group
b. Out-group
c. Primary group
d. Secondary group
36. Reference group is considered as a primary group, as well as groups that we do not belong to, as in the case of a person
following fashion styles described in a fashion magazine.
a. True
b. False

37. ___ is a group containing people who come into occasional contact but lack a sense of boundaries and belonging
a. In-group
b. Out-group
c. Society
d. Network

38. Living in a society implies that we are not governed by a set of rules. Some rules are cannot be imposed while others are
a. True
b. False

39. ___ is a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including any
a. Family
b. Teachers
c. Relatives
d. Students

40. The ___ is a family composed of one or two parents and their children. It is also known as conjugal family
a. Traditional family
b. Extended family
c. Nuclear family
d. Transnational family

41. ___ is a family composed of parents and children as well as other kin. It is also known as a consanguine family
a. Traditional family
b. Extended family
c. Nuclear family
d. Reconstituted family

42. ___ is a family whose composition and form of emotional care differ from those of the nuclear or extended family
a. Transnational family
b. Reconstituted family
c. Extended family
d. Traditional family

43. Family ties are also called ___, a social bond based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption
a. Bonding
b. Relatives
c. Reunion
d. Kinship

44. ___ refers to parent-child relations such as the godparent-godchild relationship established through the baptism ceremony of
the Catholics
a. Ritual kinship
b. Bands
c. Tribes
d. Reunion

45. In many areas of the world, small groups of people connected mainly by kinship ties organize themselves into a community. This
form of organization is called ___
a. Relatives
b. Bands
c. Kinship
d. Reunion

46. A ___ is a large, rational organization, designed to perform tasks efficiently

a. Social action
b. Authority
c. Bureaucracy
d. Industry
47. ___ is the “social institution that organizes a society’s production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services”.
a. Economy
b. Bureaucracy
c. Authority
d. Industry

48. ___ is “the population of groups formed for collective purpose primarily outside of the state and marketplace
a. Economy
b. Civil society
c. Nonstate actors
d. Education

49. ___ is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, and beliefs

a. religion
b. Civil society
c. Economy
d. Education
50. It involves a set of symbols that invoke feelings of reverence which are linked to rituals practiced by a community believers
a. Religion
b. Civil society
c. Economy
d. Education
Engr. Virgilio V. Dionisio Memorial High School
Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan
School Year 2018-2019
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics - 12
FIRST SEMESTER – Pre-test Examination


1. B 26. A
2. C 27. A
3. A 28. B
4. D 29. C
5. A 30. B
6. B 31. D
7. C 32. D
8. D 33. C
9. D 34. A
10. A 35. B
11. B 36. B
12. A 37. D
13. D 38. B
14. C 39. A
15. B 40. C
16. A 41. B
17. B 42. B
18. A 43. D
19. A 44. A
20. B 45. B
21. A 46. C
22. A 47. C
23. A 48. B
24. A 49. D
25. B 50. A

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