NUTECH TD-109 (Mechanical) PDF

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Mechanical Lab Equipment
NUTECH / SCM /Mechanical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-109


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National University of Technology (NUTECH)
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-109

Sealed bids are invited from Government / FBR Registered Firms for the procurement
of Mechanical Lab Equipment for NUTECH on CPT Basis.
1. Tender documents containing terms, conditions and detailed specifications of
items (including draft contract) can be downloaded from NUTECH website
“” w.e.f 22 Jan 2020.
2. Quotations shall be submitted as per requirement of the tender documents.
3. Bidders will be required to submit Bank Draft / CDR equal to 5% of quoted value
as Bid Bond in favor of National University of Technology (NUTECH).
4. Sealed bids with detailed specifications should reach on the following address
latest by 1030 hours on 26 Feb 2020. Late submission will not be entertained.
5. Bids will be opened at 1100 hours on 26 Feb 2020 at SCM Office.
6. Project is to be completed in 120 days from the date of award of contract.
7. Submit Rs 1500/- as Tender fee in favor of NUTECH HBL Account (NUTECH
Tendering and Contracts, 5037-7000210755). Please attach bank receipt with technical
offer. Offers will not be entertained without payment of processing fee.

Deputy Director (Supply Chain Management)

Tel: 0092-51-5476768, Ext: 227
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Tender submission time: 1030 hours, 26 Feb 2020

1. NUTECH desires to procure the list of item(s) / Store(s) o n C P T
b a s i s . as per Annexure-A. Interested bidders are requested to send their bids
through courier or deliver at NUTECH under “Single Stage – Two Envelopes” (two
envelopes placed together in third envelope), marked clearly as "Technical
Offer" and "Commercial Offer" respectively to the undersigned, latest by or
before above mentioned due date.

2. Conditions Governing Contracts. The contract made as result of this IT will

be in accordance with the draft contract published on NUTECH University website
and other special conditions (Mentioned in this document) that may be added to
given contract for the supply of Lab Equipment.

3. Delivery of Tender. The offer is to be submitted as under:-

a. Technical Offer. Technical Offer should contain only Annexure-A,
Annexure-A-1 & Annexure B duly filled in (supported with relevant
technical literature / details / catalogues etc) and receipt of tender
processing fee. Copy of bid bond WITHOUT MENTIONING PRICE
should be attached with technical offer. Only relevant technical details
ie literature/brochures) without mentioning the financial aspect of the
offer in DUPLICATE should be enclosed in an envelope. In technical
proposal, all items must have the brand names, model number,
manufacturer”s name, country of origin, manufacturer’s warranty
including parts with complete specs and brochures. Re-conditioned
and re-furbished equipment shall not be acceptable. Following
information will be clearly marked on the envelope:

(1) Technical Offer

(2) Original Performa Invoice (without price)
(3) Tender number
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(4) Date/ time of opening

b. Commercial Offer. Commercial Offer will contain Annexure-C and

bid bond (Dully mentioned and placed in separate envelope. The offer
indicating the quoted price FE/Local Currency (in Local Currency for
FOR cases & in FE for FOB cases) in figures as well as in words
would be enclosed in an envelope. Following information will be
clearly marked on the envelope;
(1) Commercial Offer
(2) Original Performa invoice with price
(3) Tender number

c. Both the envelopes i.e. commercial offer and technical offer would be
enclosed in yet another properly sealed envelope that will be marked
with address of this office only. There should be clear indication that
this envelope contains tender documents.

d. The tender duly sealed will be addressed to the following:-

Deputy Director (Supply Chain Management Office)

Tel: 0092-51-5476768, Ext: 227

4. Date and Time for Receipt of Tender. Sealed bids with detailed specifications
should reach SCM office latest by 1030 hours on 26 Feb 2020. Delay occurring in post
shall not be accepted. Tenders received after the appointed / fixed time will NOT be
entertained. The appointed time will, however, fall on next working day in case of
closed / forced holiday.

5. Tender opening. The offers shall be opened 30 minutes after submission

time. Commercial offers will be opened at later stage if Technical Offer is found
acceptable on examination by technical authorities. Date and time for opening of
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commercial offer shall intimated later. Only legitimate / registered representatives of

firm will be allowed to attend tender opening.

6. Validity of Offer. The validity period of quotations must be indicated and

should be 90 days from the date of opening of financial offer.

7. Documents. Following information / copy of documents must be provided /

attached with offer:-

a. A copy of letter showing firm’s financial capability.

b. NTN/GST number be mentioned on the offer and copy of registration
Certificate issued by Sales Tax Department, attached.
c. Foreign supplier to provide its Registration Number issued by
respective Department of Commerce authorizing export of subject
stores (in FOB cases).
d. Annexes A, A-1, B and C and special conditions must be signed and
e. Complete all Annexes as per given format. Do not use your format or
letter head. Offer may be rejected if given format is not followed.
f. OEM/principal agency agreement must be provided.

8. Disqualification. Offers are liable to be rejected if:-

a. Validity of offer is not quoted as required in IT documents.
b. Any deviation from the General/ Special / Technical Instructions.
c. Offers are found conditional or incomplete in any respect.
d. Copy of EM/Bid Bond & Tender processing fee (with tech offer) and
original EM/Bid Bond (with fin offer) are NOT attached.
e. Multiple rates are quoted against one item.
f. Manufacturer’s relevant brochures and technical details on major
equipment assemblies are not attached in support of specifications.
g. Offer received later than appointed / fixed date and time.
h. Subject to restriction of export license.
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i. Offers (Commercial / technical) containing non-initialled /

unauthenticated amendments / corrections / overwriting. If the validity of
the agency agreement has expired. The commercial offer against FOB /
CIF / C&F tender quoted in local currency.
j. If the offer is found to be based on cartel action in connivance with other
sources/participants of the tender.
9. Earnest Money / Bid Bond. Commercial Offer must be accompanied with a
Bid Bond (CDR/Pay Order/Bank Draft) in agreement of faithful compliance of the
conditions of Contract. This amount will be equivalent to 5% of the total quoted value.
The Bid Bond amount submitted by the successful bidder will however be refunded on
effective termination of Contract. (The Bid Bond will be forfeited in case of default by
the bidder from his commitments made through his offer). Submission of Bid Bond is
mandatory; otherwise your offer will be rejected. Bid Bond will be used as
performance guarantee till the delivery of stores, otherwise separate performance
guarantee valued at 5 % of contract will be submitted by successful firm till stores are
delivered and inspected.
10. Return of Earnest Money/Bid Bond.
a. Bid Bond to the unsuccessful bidders will be returned on
finalization of the lowest evaluated bidder.
b. Bid Bond of the successful bidder/bidders will be returned on
submission of Bank Guarantee/Bid bond against warranty period OR
Bid bond retained for the warranty period as the case may be.
11. Terms of Payment/ LC Charges
a. In FOB cases (all categories) payment will be made through letter of
credit (LC). LC opening charges in Pakistan are to be borne by
NUTECH. Payment will be made through irrevocable LC in favour of
b. In FOR cases 50% advance payment will be made to the Seller on
provision of unconditional Bank Guarantee/ CDR/ DD/ Pay order. 50%
payment will made to the Seller after receipt and confirming the
correctness of ordered specifications, installation, commissioning OR
as the case may be.
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12. Bank Guarantee (BG).In case where equipment is backed by warranty, the
BG submitted equal to 05% of FOB/FOR/CPT etc value shall remain valid for up to
60 days beyond completion of warranty period.
13. Taxes/ Duties/ Custom clearance All taxes /duties /import Licenses Fee as
applicable under government laws in Pakistan as well as country of supplier shall be
on firm (in FOR Case). NUTECH will provide applicable exemption certificates and
documents (In FOB Cases only).
14. Insurance:- Insurance will be NUTECH’s responsibility through NICL (in
FOB Cases).
15. Freight charges /Misc charges: All charges such as packing, forwarding,
local freight, loading and unloading, installation and commissioning, custom
clearance, orientations, on job training or any other will be part of quoted price.
Delivery till NUTECH will be firm’s responsibility and all associated costs will be part
of quotation as well.
16. Warranty. All goods /store offered would be brand new, from current year of
production and will be governed as per warranty clause. The warranty period may be
covered by BG as depending on the value /criticality of the tender equipment.
17. Delivery Schedule. Store will be delivered within 120 days from contract
signing date.
18. Force Majeure. If non-compliance with the period of delivery or services can
be proved to be due to Force Majeure, such as but not limited to mobilization, war,
riot, strike, lockout or the occurrence of unforeseen events, the period shall be
reasonably extended.
19. Subletting Suppliers are not allowed to sublet wholly or part of the contract to
any other firm /company without prior permission by NUTECH. Firm found in breach
of the clause will be dealt with as per purchaser’s right and discretion.
20. Arbitration. The dispute shall referred for adjudication to a board comprising
of Pro-Rector NUTECH as Chairman and two arbitrators, one to be nominated by
each party. The arbitration proceeding shall be held in Pakistan under Pakistan Law.
The venue of arbitration shall be the place from which the contract is issued or such
other place as the purchaser at his discretion may determine. Arbitration award so
given will be firm and final.
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21. Redress Of Grievance. In case of dispute, case shall be reviewed by

‘NUTECH Redress of grievance committee and decision of NUTECH shall be final
and binding on both parties.
22. Export License/Permit /End User Cert. It shall be the responsibility of the
Supplier to obtain from the Government concerned all permits and export licenses,
etc required to enable each consignment to be shipped immediately as per the
delivery schedule. In case the supplier fails to arrange export license within 30 days
of signing the contract the purchaser reserves the right to cancel the contract on the
risk and expense of the supplier without prior notice. The purchaser will provide End
User Certificate for acquisition of export license to the supplier (format to be provided
by the supplier for respective country within 10 day of signing of the contract).

23. Technical Specification: The supplier will provide OEM certificate, quality
certificate /inspection document to the purchaser confirming the quality of the
product being supplied under this contract .Store must bear the manufacturer’s
identification marking /monogram.

24. Inspection /Testing of Store: Inspection testing will be carried out at

NUTECH by the concerned inspection team as detailed by the respective
department in accordance with the laid down Acceptance Criteria. (Acceptance Test
Procedure (ATPs)/Drawing /Test standard and specification). The supplier will
provide ATPs with technical offer. Mutually agreed/approved ATPs will form part
of contract to govern the inspection of store subsequently.

25. Requirement of Samples. The requirement of tender sample will be included

in the case if required for evaluation by technical authorities’. Beside this advance
sample if required will be also made part of the IT as well as the contract.

26. Change In Specification / Mfr / Model. No alternation marked/brand and

quality of store will be entertained after the tender have been opened.

27. Checking of Store at Consignee End. All stores will be checked at

Consignee’s end in the presence of the supplier’s representative. If for some reason,
the supplier decides not to nominate his representative for such checking, an
advance written notice to this effect will be given by the supplier to the consignee
prior to immediately on shipment of store. In such an event the supplier will clearly
undertake that decision of consignee with regard to quantities and description of
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consignment will be taken as final and discrepancy found will be accordingly made
up by supplier. In all other cases the consignee will inform the supplier about arrival
of consignment immediately on receipt of store through registered email/letter and
telephone. If no response from the supplier is received within 15 days from initiation
letter the consignee will have the right to proceed with the checking without
supplier’s representative .Consignee’s report on checking of the stores will be
binding on the supplier in such cases.

28. Packing /Marking. The supplier shall be responsible for proper packing of the
Store in standard export packing worthy of transportation by sea /air /road rail so as
to ensure their content being free from lose or damages due to faulty packing on
arrival at the ultimate destination. Packing of stores will be done at the expenses of
the supplier. All packing cases, containers and other packing material shall become
the property of the NUTECH on receipt. Any loss occurred /demurrage paid due to
wrong marking will be made good by the supplier

29. Original Performa Invoice: Original Performa invoice must have following
components incorporated:-

a. HS Code
b. Incoterm
c. Payment Terms
d. Origin of good
e. Port of shipment
f. Address of OEM
g. Seller acceptance (on Performa Invoice)
h. Invoice Date
i. Latest date of shipment
j. Seller complete bank detail
Note: Performa Invoice in the name of NUTECH in case of FOB cases & in the
name of local partner in case of FOR cases.
30. General Instructions: Following must be noted:-
a. The firm should provide point to point acceptance of each clause of IT
and special instructions attached with IT.
b. Firm will render a certificate with technical offer that firm is neither
defaulter nor blacklisted by any Government / semi Government
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organization directly or indirectly.

c. Rates should be quoted on Free Delivery basis at NUTECH Islamabad.
d. 2 years warranty against 5% Bank Guarantee of the store value will
be required from the successful bidders from the date of
commissioning as performance bond.
e. The stipulated delivery period should be strictly adhered to. Any
anticipated delay that is beyond the control of Seller will be informed
(in writing) well in advance of the expiry of the due date of the activity
along with reasons thereof, requesting for the grant of extension in
delivery period. If the Seller fails to do so, or the Buyer is not
convinced with the rationale provided by the Seller, Liquidated
Damages up to/at 2% per month or part thereof, will be imposed.
However, the maximum limit of the Liquidated Damages will not
exceed 10% of the delayed store value.
f. If even after applicability of 10% LD, the Seller fails to deliver the
required stores, the Buyer will be at liberty to Cancel the contract,
and /or procure the stores from an alternate source, on the Seller's
"Risk & Cost/Expense". In that case, the Seller will be bound to make
payment to the new source through NUTECH. The purchaser’s
decision under this clause shall NOT be subjected to arbitration.
g. NUTECH reserves the right to cancel the Contract without assigning
any reason whatsoever during its currency / execution / after
placement, if the firm is found to be involved in any dubious activity,
litigation, lacking to meet contractual obligations with the purchaser
or is blacklisted with any other Public procurement agency. No
claims / loss /damage of whatsoever nature shall be entertained and
NUTECH's decision in this regard will be final / binding on the Seller.
h. An appropriate amount may be paid for mobilization against Bank
Guarantee/CDR/Demand Draft/Pay Order.
i. Firms with previous pending/outstanding projects/business with
NUTECH may not be considered for award of this tender.

Deputy Director
Supply Chain Management Office
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Technical Specifications

NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-109

Ser Items Description Country of A/U Qty Bidder Tech Scrutiny to be

Origin Req Compliance done by user
Yes No Accepted Rejected
Reason of Rejection
 Base unit with safety dome
 Unit should be driven with DC motor
of approximate power of 30 W, 230V,
50 / 60 Hz, 1 phase, with minimum
RPM 300
 Unit should have a Proell governor
with minimum of sleeve mass: 3x
100g, and minimum of centrifugal
mass: 2x 150g
 Unit should have a Porter governor,
Governor with minimum of sleeve mass: 3x
1. Apparatus 100g, and minimum of centrifugal No 1
with DAQ mass: 2x 400g
 Unit should have a Hartnell governor,
with minimum of centrifugal mass:
2x 400g, and minimum of 2
compression springs, and an
adjustable spring preload
 Unit measuring range should be from
0 to 700 revolutions per minute
 Sensor for measuring position (lift) of
each governor
 RPM sensor should be mounted to
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measure the angular speed

 Should have at least two springs with
following approximate
 Spring 1
o Outside Diameter 32
o Length 102 mm
o Wire Diameter 2.64 mm
o Spring Rate 1.23 -
o Mass 70g
 Spring 2
o Outside Diameter 38
o Length 102 mm
o Wire Diameter 3.2 mm
o Spring Rate 2.07
o Mass 130g
 Required Weights of 100 and 200
gram (three each)
 Unit connected with data
acquisitions system with following
 Analogue Inputs
 Sample rate up to 25
kHz with 12 bit
 Bandwidth/Filter cut-off 3
kHz (nominal)
 Data should be exportable as
XLSX file and HTML file
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 LabVIEW software
Experimental Capabilities
 Analysis of the characteristic curves
of governor speed vs sleeve lift.
 Analysis on governor types with
respect to sensitivity, stability and
 Calculations and Predictions on
Porter and Porell governors of the
effects of varying center of sleeve
mass over speeds
 Analysis on the Hartnell governor of
the effect of varying: arm length,
spring rate, spring compression,
rotating mass
Predictions of the design and
adjustment of different governors
over different speeds and
structural changes in terms of
 Three-phase AC motor with variable
speed of, power output: 0,20kW,
speed: 0…2500 revolutions min-1
 Magnetic particle brake, rated
braking torque at exciting current
Determinati 0…0.2A: 0…8Nm
2. on of Gear  Two-stage spur gear, transmission No 1
Efficiency ratio should be minimum of 13,5
torque: min, 23.4Nm
 Worm gear with minimum of
transmission ratio: 15, torque: 10Nm,
worm: z=2, worm gear: z=40
 Measuring ranges, speed:
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0…3000min-1, force: 0…100N

 Unit should be compatible with the
following electric combinations
230V, 50Hz, 1 phase
230V, 60Hz, 1 phase; 120V, 60Hz, 1
 Efficiency of the unit should be
displayed in digital form
Experimental Capabilities
Determination of the mechanical
efficiency of gears by comparing the
mechanical driving and braking power
for a) Spur gears b) Worm gears c)
Helical gears
 Determine the speed ratios over
gears teeth ratios
 Determine the torque variations over
the applied loading conditions
 Determine of the backlash over a)
spur gears b) helical gears c) worm
 Predictions of transmission ratios
 Predictions of torque transmissions
 Leading (primary) and trailing
(secondary) shoe brakes with
minimum of 15 mm diameter,
 Primary and secondary disc
brakes with minimum of 15 mm Europe/
3. and Brakes No 1
diameter USA
 Pulleys for hanging the masses
with minimum of 15 mm diameter
 Handles connected with pulleys
to apply the load on brakes
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 Bench/wall mounted base unit

 Hanging weights of minimum of
10 grams
 Springs for Pressure Applying
on clutch plates
 Clutch plate with minimum of 5
mm diameter
 Clutch Rings
 Measuring ranges, speed:
Approximately 0…100 revolutions per
min, torque: ±15Nm

Experimental Capabilities

 Demonstration/Analysis of clutch
engagement and disengagement
 To investigate the relationship
between the normal pressure
applied to the friction surfaces, the
mean radius of the friction rings
and the torque at which slip occurs
 To investigate the relationship
between the forces involved in
vehicle braking system
 Determination of friction forces
over clutch plates
 Determination of applied pressures
to drive the plates
 Plotting of characteristics curves
over friction forces and applied
 Plotting of disc applied pressures
and friction forces
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 Bench-top unit with adjustable

 Min 3 sets of epicyclic gear train:
 Each gear train consists of a sun
gear in the center, three planet
gears, a planet linkage and an
internal or ring gear.
 Two graduated discs located at the
input and output shafts.
 Secondary Output Drive shaft
mounted with helical gears
 Primary helical gears minimum of
three mounted with input shaft
 Bearings should be mounted to
reduce the frictional losses
Epicyclic  Pin for applying the external load
4. Gear Train on outer shaft No 1
Apparatus  Outer shaft with inner helical gears
 Measuring ranges, speed:
Approximately 0…600 revolutions
per min
 Hooks for hanging the masses to
apply load on the shafts as in the
form of torque
 Three forward speeds and a one
reverse speed.
 Torque reaction kit to be used with
above system

Experimental Capabilities

 To demonstrate the operation and

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function of an epicyclic gears system

 To determine and verify the speed
and torque ratio between input and
output shafts.
 Calculate and experimentally
observe the angular velocity ratios of
gear trains
 Experimentally obtain the torque
ratios of gear trains, gear ratios,
efficiencies and velocity ratios
 Calculate the mechanical advantage
and efficiencies of gear trains and
draw efficiency curve
 To determine the minimum effort
required at the input to raise a load
at the output.
 Acceleration sensors for
measuring the acceleration of
 Optical sensors to record speed
 Channel amplifier with adjustable
Computeriz  Oscilloscope to measure the
5. ed Vibration amplitude of vibration No 1
Analyzer  Fast Fourier transform analyzer
 Displacement sensors for
measuring the angular/linear
displacements of vibrational
producing equipment
 Velocity measuring sensors
 Input unit for the generation of
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 SCADA should be there to

measure and adjust the vibrational
 Measuring amplifier with
adjustable gain
 Bearings should be mounted for
reducing the friction and smooth
flow of vibration producing unit
 RPM meter to measure the
revolutions in case of rotating parts
 Deflection measurement sensors
in case of measuring the vibrations
in beams/columns
 Unit should be compatible with at
least windows 10

Experimental Capabilities

 Demonstration of vibration signal

calibration and processing
 Analysis of Fast Fourier Transform
over vibrational apparatus
 Calculation of vibration amplitude,
speed, velocity and acceleration
and plotting of their characteristics
 Calculation/Prediction of vibration
state of vibrational producing
 Damage analysis of roller bearings
and gears by means of envelope
 Detection of cracks in shafts by
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means of run-up curves and order

 Measurement of imbalance
vibrations and field balancing of
rigid rotors in 1 and 2 planes
 Characteristics curves of vibration
displacement, velocity and
 Behavioral effects of damped,
critically damped and undamped
 Self-contained bench or desktop
mounting unit,
 Includes four removable rotating
masses (balance blocks) with
different inserts for a range of
 Protractor, horizontal scale and
sliding indicator
 Flexible mountings
Static and  Selection of discs with eccentric
Dynamic holes of different diameters Europe/US
6. No 1
Balancing  Nominal Moment Values of the A
Machine, blocks to be approximately 0.025
Nm to 0.040 Nm
 Extension shaft and pulley for
static balancing, using a weight
hanger and masses
 Includes minimum 20 x 10 g
masses and 10 x 1 g masses
 Electric motor and belt drive for
dynamic balancing
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Experimental Capabilities

 Demonstration of simple static

and dynamic balancing of two,
three and four rotating masses
 Dynamic balancing of rotating
mass systems by calculation and
vector diagrams (triangle and
 Demonstrates balancing of a
horizontal shaft with two, three or
four rotating masses
 Independent analysis of static and
dynamic balancing
 Bench-top unit with adjustable
 Vibrational Exciters
 Adjustable bars lengths to
generate the oscillations
 Bars can be supported
minimum of five different points to
make the visual loops
Torsional  Oscillation amplitude
7. Oscillations measuring sensors No 1
Apparatus  Velocity measuring sensors
 Optical sensors to visualize the
loops of oscillations
 SCADA to change and
measure the amplitude of oscillations
and to plot the oscillational
behaviours of testing unit over time
and length parameters
 Unit should be able to measure
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the oscillations under minimum of

five types of damping conditions
 Input drive unit to generate the
 At least 9 Test rods three each
of steel, brass and aluminium.
 Diameter 8 mm and 350 mm in
 A Dynamometer up to 10 Kg,
with a 50 g accuracy, to apply the
forces on the test rod

Experimental Capabilities

 Demonstration of damped,
undamped and critically damped
oscillations in a beam
 Verification of the elastic torsion
equation of circular rods
 Measurement of vibrational
oscillations amplitude, velocity
and accelerations
 Acquiring and plotting of free and
forced vibrational oscillations
 Demonstration and calculations
of viscous damping
 Demonstration of the behaviour
of vibration oscillation absorber
 Demonstration and calculations
of the resonance phenomenon
Demonstration of frictional
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 Bench top unit with adjustable

 Anodized aluminium frame and
panels made of painted steel.
 Main metal elements made of
stainless steel.
 Three-phase motor controlled
by a variable – frequency drive
to make the test shaft rotate to
different frequencies. Power of
the motor is 0.5 kW and speed
range 0 – 10000 r.p.m
 Three rotor shafts made of
steel of different diameters like
3 mm, 6 mm, 7 mm and
Whirling of approximate length as 950 mm Europe/US
8. Shafts  Rotor disc made of stainless No. 1
steel with clamping mandrel to
load the shaft in a
concentrated point. The
diameter should be
approximately 100 mm and its
weight should be
approximately 1 Kg.
 Speed sensors for measuring the
rotational velocity and
accelerations, inductive type
would be preferred.
 Elastic coupling for binding the
shafts with the drive motors,
 self-aligning bearings for
adjustment of shaft during
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 rotor shaft for conducting the
whirling made up of metals and
fiber based materials
 catch bearings for producing the
multiple loops within the shaft,
 optical sensors for measuring the
amplitude of loops produced as a
result of whirling of shaft
 rotor mass disc for applying the
load on rotor shaft,
 SCADA based system to
measure and plot the:
 angular velocity of rotor shaft
over different locations of catch
 to measure and plot the
amplitude of whirls produced as a
result of variational speed
 demonstrate the loops
produced in a rotor shaft in a
computer controlled environment

Experimental Capabilities

 Visualization of different
modes of oscillation in a shaft
 Demonstration of whirls in a shaft
and disk and study of speed of
the modes of vibration of a
rotor shaft in function of
different distances between
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 Speed of the modes of
vibration of a rotor shaft in
function of different diameters
of the shaft.
 Speed of the modes of
vibration of a rotor shaft in
function of different conditions
in the ends.
 Calculation and plotting of nodes
and anti-nodes in a shaft over
different pointing schemes along
with their amplitudes
 Influence of the rotating speed
of the shaft. Critical speed and
operation speed.
 Acquiring data and plotting of
whirls phenomenon over different
diameters of shaft and lengths
 Demonstration and plotting of
whirls over free-free, free-fixed,
fixed-fixed shafts end conditions
 Demonstration of whirling in a
disc and its effects on multipoint
location of shaft
Critical speed of the shaft with
concentrated load in function of
the position of the mass.
 Base unit with safety dome and a
gimbal frame Europe/US
9. with DAQ No 1
 The rotor of an electric motor A
shares a horizontally supported shaft
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with a flywheel, forming the

 One drive motor to run the gyro for
experimentation process,
 Second drive motor to run the
base of Gyro to produce the
instability for experimentation and
demonstration purpose,
 Both motors work in clockwise and
anticlockwise rotation and with
variable velocity.
 Sensors for measuring the
rotational velocity of the rotor and
 top flywheel mass for spinning
 sliding weight upon which
experiments can be conducted at
various locations and check the
stability of gyro,
 lever made up of metal to support
and provide the path of sliding
 fine weights to stabilize the
complete Gyro assembly,
 Software for real time data
acquisition, measuring and plotting
rotation, spinning and gyro effects
along with demonstrations of stability
effects in aviation and automobiles

Experimental Capabilities
Page 26 of 66

 Experimental verification of the

gyroscopic laws
 Familiarization with the three gyro
 Calculation of gyroscopic
 Study the effect of precession
 Direction of gyroscopic couple (in
relation to precession and rotor
spin directions)
 Magnitude of gyroscopic couple
(in relation to precession and
rotor spin velocities)
 Direction of gyroscopic couple (in
relation to precession and rotor
spin directions)
 Magnitude of gyroscopic couple (in
relation to precession and rotor
spin velocities)
 A 16-channel strain display
instrument that connects to industry-
standard strain gauges.
 Fully programmable display to
Multi- match the strain gauges and their
channel bridge connections
10. Measureme  Two dynamic outputs to No 1
nt Amplifier connect to suitable instruments, such
with DAQ as an oscilloscope or a chart
recorder for measurement of
transient strains
 Direct connections for half and
full strain bridge connections, with
Page 27 of 66

internal ‘make-up’ resistors

 Fully programmable to match
most types of strain gauges and
 Range ± 10,000 µε, dynamic
strain range ± 2000 µε.
 Dynamic strain output ranges
 200 µε/Volt with full bridge
 400 µε/Volt with half bridge
 800 µε/Volt with quarter bridge
 DAQ System
 Strain Gauge Kit should be
supplied along with following strain
 10x type PFL-20-11 polyester foil
strain gauges. Length 20 mm, rated
120 Ohms ± 0.3 Ohm, Gauge Factor
 10x type FLA-10-11 alloy foil strain
gauges. Length 10 mm,rated 120
Ohms ± 0.3 Ohm, Gauge Factor 2.10
 10x type FLA-6-11 alloy foil strain
gauges. Length 6 mm,rated 120
Ohms ± 0.3 Ohm, Gauge Factor 2.12
 Required solvents, cleaners,
neutralizing cleaners, adhesive
rubber strips, sufficient quantity of
coloured wires, terminal tags,
soldering iron and solders,
adhesives etc
Page 28 of 66

 Laboratory model of servo

system compound with different
modules to demonstrate: inertia,
backslash, damping, elasticity and
 Linear Damping Module
consists of a paramagnetic disc
which runs between the poles of the
permanent magnet
 Inertia Module contains a solid
metal roll
 Encoder Module is used to
measure the rotational angle. A steel
baseplate provides firm
 Input Motor that should be
Modular Analogue or PWM controlled. PWM
based would be preferred Europe/US
11. Servo No 1
 Methods use for controls A
should be from PID to LQ regulator
and time-optimal based controls
 Position sensor,
 Speed sensor,
 Incremental encoder,
 Techno-generator,
 Mounting rail for supporting the
complete unit made up of metals, i.e.
of steel would be preferred,
 Power supply of variable
ranges for driving the MSW
 Pre-Amplifier Unit
 Servo Amplifier
 Input & Output Potentiometers
 Loading Unit: Complete with
Page 29 of 66

Brake disc
 Reduction Gear Tacho Unit
 Digital Encoder
 Software: The software for the
Modular Servo Workshop should
operate under Windows preferably of
WIN10 and requires
MATLAB®/SIMULINK®, available
from The MathWorks Inc. The
software should consist of a Real-
Time Kernel (RTK), the RTK External
Interface and a Modular Servo
Workshop Toolbox.

Experimental Capabilities

 PID position control

 PID velocity control
 Multivariable control design
 Pole-placement method
 Deadbeat controller
 Optimal design method: LQ
 Demonstration of the continuous
 Demonstration of the discrete
 Steady state characteristics of the
DC servo
 Time domain identification
 Identification task by the surface
 Time domain identification
Page 30 of 66

 Demonstration of testing and
troubleshooting procedures for
servo motors based driven
 Adaptive control system
 Trolley (Aluminum Channel) with
frame & caster wheels with Brake
 A modular unit consisting of
variety of optional kits and
elements to configure the desired
Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic
 Hydraulic tank with minimum of
20 Litre capacity,
 Oil cleanliness: With suction filter
and return line filter
Hydraulics  Hydraulics kit containing
and components to understand the
Electrohydr fundamentals and advanced Europe/US
12. No 1
aulic Trainer concepts of the hydraulic circuits A
with DAQ
 Pressure control valves and
Pressure limiting valve for
Pressure regulation from 5 to 50
 Flow control valves:
 Shut-off valve.
 Adjustable flow control
 Knob to regulate the flow..
 Manual distribution valves:
 Hydraulic actuators:
 Double effect cylinder
Page 31 of 66

made of stainless steel.

Diameter: 40 mm and
Stroke of 200 mm.
 Connection parts and
 Set of 5 hoses with quick-
fit connectors:
 0.6 m hose (2 units).
 1 m hose (2 units).
 2 m hose.
 Cross-shaped manifold with
manometer with range from 0 to
100 bar with damping
 Tank to perform volumetric
measures with minimum Capacity
of 3 litres and overflow protection
 Electro-Hydraulics kit containing
components to understand the
fundamentals and advanced
concepts of the electro-hydraulic
 Pressure control valves and
Pressure limiting valve for
Pressure regulation from 5 to 50
 Flow control valves:
 Shut-off valve.
 Adjustable flow control
valve with pressure
 Check valve for flow control
with bypass.
 Hydraulic solenoid valves:
Page 32 of 66

 Bistable 4/2 solenoid

o Electric activation.
o Maximum flow: 60 l/min.
o Maximum pressure: 350
o LED indicator.
 4/3 solenoid valve with P-T
centre linked with Electric
activation, Tandem center, P-T
linked, Spring return, with
Maximum flow: 60 l/min
Maximum pressure: 350 bar
 4/2 solenoid valve with spring
return (2 units) with Electric
activation, Spring return,
Maximum flow: 60 l/min and
Maximum pressure: 350 bar.
 4/3 solenoid valve with closed
center (2 units) with Electric
activation, Closed centre, Spring
centred, Maximum flow: 60 l/min
and Maximum pressure: 350 bar.
 Hydraulic actuators like Double
effect cylinder with Diameter: 40 mm,
Stroke of 200 mm.
 Should have Sensors like
Pressure switch, Inductive proximity
sensor, two Reed effect proximity
sensor, Limit switch
 Hydraulic Actuators kit for
learning the concepts behind the
most common hydraulic actuators as
Page 33 of 66

hydraulic motors, hydraulic cylinders,

etc containg
 Pressure control valves, Flow
control valves, Manual distribution
valves, Double control valve with
joystick, Hydraulic actuators,
required sensors and connections
 Kit for Measurement and
Proportional Control, configured to
perform the analog signal and the
proportional control over the
hydraulic actuators to implement a
PID control from the computer.
 Control Interface box, PID
o P controller: Kc: -10 to
o I controller: Ti: 0 to 100
o D controller: Td: 0 to 100
s. Sample time: 0.1 to 100 ms.
 Electric comparator, 4 analog
inputs, and 4 analog outputs
 SCADA system with PCI
Express Data acquisition board
(National Instruments) with
 Analog input for Number of
channels= 16 single-ended or 8
differential. Resolution=16 bits, 1
in 65536
 Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s
(kilo samples per second)
 Analog output Number of
Page 34 of 66

channels=2. Resolution=16 bits,

1 in 65536. Maximum output rate
up to: 900 KS/s
 Digital Input / Output Number of
 Pressure control valves, Flow
control valves, Hydraulic
Solenoid Valves, Hydraulic
actuators, required sensors and

 Hydrostatic Steering System kit

designed to teach the most
common components of the
steering system with Distribution
valves containing, Maximum flow:
5 l/min, Maximum pressure: 350
 Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic
troubleshooting kit containing
Pressure control valves, Flow
control valves, Distribution
valves, Hydraulic actuators,
required sensors and

Experimental Capabilities
 Hydraulic Pump Troubleshooting
 Flow Measurements
 Hydraulic actuators
 Cylinder cushions and boosts
 Motor troubleshooting
Page 35 of 66

 Hydraulic directional control valve

 Hydraulic system troubleshooting
 System level troubleshooting
 Machine sequence
 Machine performance
 Hydraulic Filter Maintenance and
calibration unit
 Fitting and seals systems in a
hydraulic unit
 Flushing of fluid in a hydraulic
 Adding of hydraulic fluid in a
 Tubing and component installation
 The system should have I/O
interface and that can be
controlled with the PLC
 Chain conveyor
 Motor with gearbox and slipping
 Belt conveyor:
 Trainer must include the Sensors Europe/US
13. Control No 1
of type: Infrared, Inductive, A
Capacitive and Fibre Optic
 Trainer must include the
Solenoids of type: rotary, linear,
 Switched Faults,
 Start and Stop switch in
 Emergency Stop Switch
Page 36 of 66

 Connections must include the D

type connector for input and
output, power terminals, power
jack socket
 Power supply for deriving the unit

Experimental Capabilities

 Demonstration of the Principles of

industrial operation as:
 The sort area
 The assembly chute
 The sensing area
 The reject area
 Fault insertions switches
 Provide the diagnostics of
industrial issue
 PLC for accepted and rejected
assemblies over industrial flow
 Component queue handling
 Start/stop programming of
industrial flow process
 Operation time calculations
 The trainer should be equipped
with a minimum of 5 axis
laboratory based robotic arm with
360 degree rotations and
Robotics Europe/US
14. minimum of 500mm reach No 1
Trainer A
distance. The repeatability of
process should be made with the
acceptable error of 0.1mm.
 User interface should be attached
Page 37 of 66

of robotic arm
 Drilling and cutting tools
attachment for such purposes
 Encoder
 Electric Gripper for demonstration
at laboratory
 The mean time between two
failures should be of minimum
10,000 hours
 The standard cycle time for the
process should be of 2-3
Experimental Capabilities
 Performing of task using robotics
 Task performance without human
physical involvement
 Demonstration of tool changing
while performing a machining
based operation
 multi way valves of type pressure,
shut-off and flow control valves
 electric limit switch,
 proximity switches,
 solenoid valves,
Pneumatics Europe/US
15.  signal boards No 1
Trainer A
 PLC with programming software
 integrated power supply unit to
supply the electro pneumatics
and the PLC
 distributor block for simultaneous
Page 38 of 66

use of both panels

 hoses,
 cables,
 Air Compressor
 Air Cylinders with Adjustable
 Three-Position Pneu-Turn Rotary
 Micro-Line 3-Way Air Switches
 Original Line Three-Position
 Air Pilot Valve
 Solenoid Valve
 Dual Air Manifold
 Power Supply
 PIV-Pneumatic Isolation Valves
 Push Button valve
 Toggle Valve
 Connecting Pipe roll
 Elbow connector pack
 Straight connector pack
 Manifold connector pack
 Pipe Cutter
 Bracket for rod less cylinder
 T-connectors
Experimental Capabilities
 Pneumatics power systems
 Pneumatics circuits
 Pressure and flow of air using
pneumatics based units
 Speed control circuits
 Directional control valves
Page 39 of 66

 Demonstration of Air logic based

 Pneumatics maintenance
 Schematics
 Air flow and resistance
 Flow control valves
 Demonstration of cam valves for
pneumatics control systems

Firm Name: ____________

Signature: ____________
Name: ____________
Designation: __________
Page 40 of 66

Annex A-1

Special Instructions

Description Bidder Tech Scrutiny to be done by User

Yes No Alternate Accepted Rejected Reasons
Offer of
Environment Conditions
(a) Temperature range: 05oC to +40oC
(b) Relative humidity: 0-70% non-condensing
Warranty period Two years from the date of commissioning.
Training Notes Supplier will provide a set of handouts for training on operation
and maintenance of the equipment
Publications Supplier is to provide hard and soft copies (CD) of
following manuals.
(a) Operational / Maintenance manual: - Qty 01 with Equipment and
additional Qty 02 for record purposes and should consist of following sections:-
(1)Equipment Description /Operation:-
(a) Specifications
(b) Description
(c) Operation
(a) Maintenance Schedule
(b ) Adjustment / test
(c) Removal / Installation procedure
(d) Tools Required
(3) Trouble shooting guide
(4) Cleaning requirements
(b) Full parts description along with detailed diagrams (exploded view).
(c) Experimental manuals which must contain the list and procedure of
the experiments that equipment can perform.
Page 41 of 66

Spares / Technical Support

(a) Supplier to have in-country spares / technical support and ensure spares and
technical support / assistance for next 10 years
(b) Comprehensive list of spares required for scheduled maintenance of Equipment is
to be provided
(c) Any software provided must have its license
(d) Software upgrade support must be provided free of cost for 10 x years with
renewed license at every upgrade
(e) Supplier must also provide calibration service for at least 5 years after
Additional Spare / Replaceable parts.
(a) Replaceable spare / parts during scheduled inspections are to be
identified and provided as per requirement along with equipment sufficient to
cater five years consumption.
(b) All specialized / standard tools required for inspection / repair /
servicing must be supplied along with equipment.
Physical Inspection Criteria
 100% Physical inspection of store will be carried out before commissioning of
the equipment for following details
a. For physical damage, scratches and deformity.
b. Accessories/ Components as per contractual Specifications
c. Technical Manuals (Operation Manual, user guide)
d. Quality Certificate and calibration certificate by OEM
e. OEM certificate and verifiable documents by the supplier that store has
been procured from certified source and is factory new and from latest
f. Brand name and country origin.
(a) Commissioning of the equipment will be carried out by OEM rep at his
own cost and risk at designated place at NUTECH.
(b) Any special requirement for installation, operation and
commissioning must be specified in the offer by the supplier.

01 week OEM operational/ maintenance training at NUTECH
Improvement and Safety Measures
Any improvement and safety measures suggested by NUTECH during commissioning
Page 42 of 66

are to be resolved by the supplier / manufacturer at no extra cost.

Liability of Supplier
(a) Verifiable OEM certificate of authorized dealership Supplier is to
provide original OEM certificate of subject equipment bought directly from the
manufacturer and being an authorized dealer.
(b) In case the equipment supplied is not compatible with specifications,
the supplier will be obliged to call his representatives at his own cost for
consultation and corrective action

Special Notes
(a) Additional requirements for the maintenance of equipment (if any) must
be intimated by the supplier in technical offer.
(b) Supplier must provide the list of organizations using same equipment in
Pakistan (if any).
(c) Equipment must be a standard product of OEM available at web
address of OEM.
(d) In case of premature failure of the equipment, OEM has to replace /
rectify the item free of cost. Required transportation charges would be borne
by the supplier.

Firm Name: ____________

Signature: ____________
Name: ____________
Designation: __________
Page 43 of 66

NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-109
Fill in following essential parameters:-
1. Validity of Offer: __________Days (Should not be less than 90 days)
2. Delivery period: __________Days (After placement of order)
3. Country of Origin: __________
4. Warranty Period: __________
1. GST Number: __________ (Enclose Copy)
2. NTN / CNIC: __________ (if exempted, provide valid exemption certificate)
Payment Terms
Ser In FOB Cases In FOR Cases
a. 80 % through LC on sight. 50% advance payment against BG/CDR/Pay Order/DD
b. 20% after delivery, installation / commissioning, user 50% payment after delivery, installation / commissioning /
satisfaction certificate. user satisfaction certificate
Details of Foreign Principal Information with account details)
1. Name / Title: ____________________________
2. Address: _____________________________________________
OEM Name: Firm Name: Signature:
OEM Focal Person: Firm Focal Person: Official Seal:
OEM Phone Number: Firm Phone Number: Name:
OEM Email Id: Firm Email Id: Designation:
Page 44 of 66

Annex C
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-109
Ser Item Specification A/U Qty Price Per Total Price
Name/Size Req Unit FOB=USD
 Base unit with safety dome
 Unit should be driven with DC motor of approximate power of 30 W, 230V,
50 / 60 Hz, 1 phase, with minimum RPM 300
 Unit should have a Proell governor with minimum of sleeve mass: 3x 100g,
and minimum of centrifugal mass: 2x 150g
 Unit should have a Porter governor, with minimum of sleeve mass: 3x 100g,
and minimum of centrifugal mass: 2x 400g
 Unit should have a Hartnell governor, with minimum of centrifugal mass: 2x
400g, and minimum of 2 compression springs, and an adjustable spring
 Unit measuring range should be from 0 to 700 revolutions per minute
1. Apparatus  Sensor for measuring position (lift) of each governor No 1
with DAQ  RPM sensor should be mounted to measure the angular speed
 Should have at least two springs with following approximate characteristics:-
 Spring 1
o Outside Diameter 32 mm
o Length 102 mm
o Wire Diameter 2.64 mm
o Spring Rate 1.23 -1
o Mass 70g
 Spring 2
o Outside Diameter 38 mm
o Length 102 mm
o Wire Diameter 3.2 mm
Page 45 of 66

o Spring Rate 2.07

o Mass 130g
 Required Weights of 100 and 200 gram (three each)
 Unit connected with data acquisitions system with following
 Analogue Inputs
 Sample rate up to 25 kHz with 12 bit resolution
 Bandwidth/Filter cut-off 3 kHz (nominal)
 Data should be exportable as XLSX file and HTML file
 LabVIEW software
Experimental Capabilities
 Analysis of the characteristic curves of governor speed vs sleeve lift.
 Analysis on governor types with respect to sensitivity, stability and effort.
 Calculations and Predictions on Porter and Porell governors of the effects of
varying center of sleeve mass over speeds
 Analysis on the Hartnell governor of the effect of varying: arm length, spring
rate, spring compression, rotating mass
Predictions of the design and adjustment of different governors over
different speeds and structural changes in terms of masses
 Three-phase AC motor with variable speed of, power output: 0,20kW, speed:
0…2500 revolutions min-1
 Magnetic particle brake, rated braking torque at exciting current 0…0.2A:
 Two-stage spur gear, transmission ratio should be minimum of 13,5 torque:
Determinatio min, 23.4Nm
2. n of Gear  Worm gear with minimum of transmission ratio: 15, torque: 10Nm, worm: No 1
Efficiency z=2, worm gear: z=40
 Measuring ranges, speed: 0…3000min-1, force: 0…100N
 Unit should be compatible with the following electric combinations
230V, 50Hz, 1 phase
230V, 60Hz, 1 phase; 120V, 60Hz, 1 phase
 Efficiency of the unit should be displayed in digital form
Page 46 of 66

Experimental Capabilities
Determination of the mechanical efficiency of gears by comparing the
mechanical driving and braking power for a) Spur gears b) Worm gears c)
Helical gears
 Determine the speed ratios over gears teeth ratios
 Determine the torque variations over the applied loading conditions
 Determine of the backlash over a) spur gears b) helical gears c) worm gears
 Predictions of transmission ratios
 Predictions of torque transmissions
 Leading (primary) and trailing (secondary) shoe brakes with minimum
of 15 mm diameter,
 Primary and secondary disc brakes with minimum of 15 mm diameter
 Pulleys for hanging the masses with minimum of 15 mm diameter
 Handles connected with pulleys to apply the load on brakes
 Bench/wall mounted base unit
 Hanging weights of minimum of 10 grams
 Springs for Pressure Applying on clutch plates
 Clutch plate with minimum of 5 mm diameter
 Clutch Rings
Clutches  Measuring ranges, speed: Approximately 0…100 revolutions per min,
3. and Brakes torque: ±15Nm No 1
Experimental Capabilities

 Demonstration/Analysis of clutch engagement and disengagement

 To investigate the relationship between the normal pressure applied to the
friction surfaces, the mean radius of the friction rings and the torque at
which slip occurs
 To investigate the relationship between the forces involved in vehicle
braking system
 Determination of friction forces over clutch plates
 Determination of applied pressures to drive the plates
Page 47 of 66

 Plotting of characteristics curves over friction forces and applied torques

 Plotting of disc applied pressures and friction forces
 Bench-top unit with adjustable legs.
 Min 3 sets of epicyclic gear train:
 Each gear train consists of a sun gear in the center, three planet gears, a
planet linkage and an internal or ring gear.
 Two graduated discs located at the input and output shafts.
 Secondary Output Drive shaft mounted with helical gears
 Primary helical gears minimum of three mounted with input shaft
 Bearings should be mounted to reduce the frictional losses
 Pin for applying the external load on outer shaft
 Outer shaft with inner helical gears teeth’s
 Measuring ranges, speed: Approximately 0…600 revolutions per min
 Hooks for hanging the masses to apply load on the shafts as in the form of
Epicyclic  Three forward speeds and a one reverse speed.
4. Gear Train  Torque reaction kit to be used with above system No 1
Experimental Capabilities

 To demonstrate the operation and function of an epicyclic gears system

 To determine and verify the speed and torque ratio between input and
output shafts.
 Calculate and experimentally observe the angular velocity ratios of gear
 Experimentally obtain the torque ratios of gear trains, gear ratios,
efficiencies and velocity ratios
 Calculate the mechanical advantage and efficiencies of gear trains and
draw efficiency curve
 To determine the minimum effort required at the input to raise a load at the
Page 48 of 66

 Acceleration sensors for measuring the acceleration of

rotating/displaced/vibratory shafts/beams
 Optical sensors to record speed
 Channel amplifier with adjustable gains
 Oscilloscope to measure the amplitude of vibration
 Fast Fourier transform analyzer
 Displacement sensors for measuring the angular/linear displacements of
vibrational producing equipment
 Velocity measuring sensors
 Input unit for the generation of vibrations
 SCADA should be there to measure and adjust the vibrational amplitudes
 Measuring amplifier with adjustable gain
 Bearings should be mounted for reducing the friction and smooth flow of
vibration producing unit
 RPM meter to measure the revolutions in case of rotating parts
5. d Vibration  Deflection measurement sensors in case of measuring the vibrations in No 1
Analyzer beams/columns
 Unit should be compatible with at least windows 10

Experimental Capabilities

 Demonstration of vibration signal calibration and processing

 Analysis of Fast Fourier Transform over vibrational apparatus
 Calculation of vibration amplitude, speed, velocity and acceleration and
plotting of their characteristics curves
 Calculation/Prediction of vibration state of vibrational producing equipment
 Damage analysis of roller bearings and gears by means of envelope
 Detection of cracks in shafts by means of run-up curves and order analysis
 Measurement of imbalance vibrations and field balancing of rigid rotors in
1 and 2 planes
 Characteristics curves of vibration displacement, velocity and acceleration
Page 49 of 66

 Behavioral effects of damped, critically damped and undamped systems

 Self-contained bench or desktop mounting unit,

 Includes four removable rotating masses (balance blocks) with different
inserts for a range of moments
 Protractor, horizontal scale and sliding indicator
 Flexible mountings
 Selection of discs with eccentric holes of different diameters
 Nominal Moment Values of the blocks to be approximately 0.025 Nm to
0.040 Nm
 Extension shaft and pulley for static balancing, using a weight hanger
Static and and masses
Dynamic  Includes minimum 20 x 10 g masses and 10 x 1 g masses No 1
Balancing  Electric motor and belt drive for dynamic balancing
Experimental Capabilities

Demonstration of simple static and dynamic balancing of two, three and

four rotating masses
 Dynamic balancing of rotating mass systems by calculation and vector
diagrams (triangle and polygon)
 Demonstrates balancing of a horizontal shaft with two, three or four
rotating masses
 Independent analysis of static and dynamic balancing
 Bench-top unit with adjustable legs
 Vibrational Exciters
Torsional  Adjustable bars lengths to generate the oscillations
7. Oscillations  Bars can be supported minimum of five different points to make the No 1
Apparatus visual loops
 Oscillation amplitude measuring sensors
 Velocity measuring sensors
Page 50 of 66

 Optical sensors to visualize the loops of oscillations

 SCADA to change and measure the amplitude of oscillations and to
plot the oscillational behaviours of testing unit over time and length
 Unit should be able to measure the oscillations under minimum of five
types of damping conditions
 Input drive unit to generate the oscillations
 At least 9 Test rods three each of steel, brass and aluminum.
 Diameter 8 mm and 350 mm in length.
 A Dynamometer up to 10 Kg, with a 50 g accuracy, to apply the forces
on the test rod

Experimental Capabilities

 Demonstration of damped, undamped and critically damped oscillations

in a beam
 Verification of the elastic torsion equation of circular rods
 Measurement of vibrational oscillations amplitude, velocity and
 Acquiring and plotting of free and forced vibrational oscillations
 Demonstration and calculations of viscous damping
 Demonstration of the behaviour of vibration oscillation absorber
 Demonstration and calculations of the resonance phenomenon
Demonstration of frictional damping

 Bench top unit with adjustable legs

 Anodized aluminum frame and panels made of painted steel.
Whirling of  Main metal elements made of stainless steel.
No 1
8. Shafts  Three-phase motor controlled by a variable – frequency drive to
make the test shaft rotate to different frequencies. Power of the
motor is 0.5 kW and speed range 0 – 10000 r.p.m
Page 51 of 66

 Three rotor shafts made of steel of different diameters like 3 mm, 6

mm, 7 mm and approximate length as 950 mm
 Rotor disc made of stainless steel with clamping mandrel to load
the shaft in a concentrated point. The diameter should be
approximately 100 mm and its weight should be approximately 1
 Speed sensors for measuring the rotational velocity and accelerations,
inductive type would be preferred.
 Elastic coupling for binding the shafts with the drive motors,
 self-aligning bearings for adjustment of shaft during experimentation,
 rotor shaft for conducting the whirling made up of metals and fiber based
 catch bearings for producing the multiple loops within the shaft,
 optical sensors for measuring the amplitude of loops produced as a result
of whirling of shaft
 rotor mass disc for applying the load on rotor shaft,
 SCADA based system to measure and plot the:
 angular velocity of rotor shaft over different locations of catch bearings
 to measure and plot the amplitude of whirls produced as a result of
variational speed
 demonstrate the loops produced in a rotor shaft in a computer
controlled environment

Experimental Capabilities

 Visualization of different modes of oscillation in a shaft

 Demonstration of whirls in a shaft and disk and study of speed of the
modes of vibration of a rotor shaft in function of different distances
between supports
 Speed of the modes of vibration of a rotor shaft in function of
different diameters of the shaft.
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 Speed of the modes of vibration of a rotor shaft in function of

different conditions in the ends.
 Calculation and plotting of nodes and anti-nodes in a shaft over different
pointing schemes along with their amplitudes
 Influence of the rotating speed of the shaft. Critical speed and
operation speed.
 Acquiring data and plotting of whirls phenomenon over different
diameters of shaft and lengths
 Demonstration and plotting of whirls over free-free, free-fixed, fixed-fixed
shafts end conditions
 Demonstration of whirling in a disc and its effects on multipoint location of
Critical speed of the shaft with concentrated load in function of the
position of the mass.
 Base unit with safety dome and a gimbal frame
 The rotor of an electric motor shares a horizontally supported shaft with a
flywheel, forming the gyroscope.
 One drive motor to run the gyro for experimentation process,
 Second drive motor to run the base of Gyro to produce the instability for
experimentation and demonstration purpose,
 Both motors work in clockwise and anticlockwise rotation and with variable
Gyroscope velocity.
9. with DAQ  Sensors for measuring the rotational velocity of the rotor and precession No 1
system  top flywheel mass for spinning purpose,
 sliding weight upon which experiments can be conducted at various
locations and check the stability of gyro,
 lever made up of metal to support and provide the path of sliding weight,
 fine weights to stabilize the complete Gyro assembly,
 Software for real time data acquisition, measuring and plotting rotation,
spinning and gyro effects along with demonstrations of stability effects in
aviation and automobiles applications
Page 53 of 66

Experimental Capabilities

 Experimental verification of the gyroscopic laws

 Familiarization with the three gyro axes
 Calculation of gyroscopic moments
 Study the effect of precession
 Direction of gyroscopic couple (in relation to precession and rotor spin
 Magnitude of gyroscopic couple (in relation to precession and rotor spin
 Direction of gyroscopic couple (in relation to precession and rotor spin
 Magnitude of gyroscopic couple (in relation to precession and rotor spin
 A 16-channel strain display instrument that connects to industry-
standard strain gauges.
 Fully programmable display to match the strain gauges and their bridge
 Two dynamic outputs to connect to suitable instruments, such as an
oscilloscope or a chart recorder for measurement of transient strains
Multi-  Direct connections for half and full strain bridge connections, with
channel internal ‘make-up’ resistors
10. Measuremen  Fully programmable to match most types of strain gauges and No 1
t Amplifier connections
with DAQ  Range ± 10,000 µε, dynamic strain range ± 2000 µε.
 Dynamic strain output ranges
 200 µε/Volt with full bridge connection
 400 µε/Volt with half bridge connection
 800 µε/Volt with quarter bridge connection
 DAQ System
 Strain Gauge Kit should be supplied along with following strain gauges
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 10x type PFL-20-11 polyester foil strain gauges. Length 20 mm, rated 120
Ohms ± 0.3 Ohm, Gauge Factor 2.13
 10x type FLA-10-11 alloy foil strain gauges. Length 10 mm,rated 120 Ohms
± 0.3 Ohm, Gauge Factor 2.10
 10x type FLA-6-11 alloy foil strain gauges. Length 6 mm,rated 120 Ohms ±
0.3 Ohm, Gauge Factor 2.12
 Required solvents, cleaners, neutralizing cleaners, adhesive rubber strips,
sufficient quantity of coloured wires, terminal tags, soldering iron and
solders, adhesives etc
 Laboratory model of servo system compound with different modules to
demonstrate: inertia, backslash, damping, elasticity and friction
 Linear Damping Module consists of a paramagnetic disc which runs
between the poles of the permanent magnet
 Inertia Module contains a solid metal roll
 Encoder Module is used to measure the rotational angle. A steel
baseplate provides firm
 Input Motor that should be Analogue or PWM controlled. PWM based
would be preferred
 Methods use for controls should be from PID to LQ regulator and time-
Modular optimal based controls
11. Servo  Position sensor, No 1
Workshop  Speed sensor,
 Incremental encoder,
 Techno-generator,
 Mounting rail for supporting the complete unit made up of metals, i.e. of
steel would be preferred,
 Power supply of variable ranges for driving the MSW
 Pre-Amplifier Unit
 Servo Amplifier
 Input & Output Potentiometers
 Loading Unit: Complete with Brake disc
 Reduction Gear Tacho Unit
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 Digital Encoder
 Software: The software for the Modular Servo Workshop should
operate under Windows preferably of WIN10 and requires
MATLAB®/SIMULINK®, available from The MathWorks Inc. The software
should consist of a Real-Time Kernel (RTK), the RTK External Interface and
a Modular Servo Workshop Toolbox.

Experimental Capabilities

 PID position control

 PID velocity control
 Multivariable control design
 Pole-placement method
 Deadbeat controller
 Optimal design method: LQ controller
 Demonstration of the continuous case
 Demonstration of the discrete case
 Steady state characteristics of the DC servo
 Time domain identification
 Identification task by the surface method
 Time domain identification experiment
 Demonstration of testing and troubleshooting procedures for servo
motors based driven systems
 Adaptive control system
 Trolley (Aluminum Channel) with frame & caster wheels with Brake
Hydraulics  A modular unit consisting of variety of optional kits and elements to
and configure the desired Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic circuit
Electrohydra  Hydraulic tank with minimum of 20 Litre capacity,
12. No 1
ulic Trainer  Oil cleanliness: With suction filter and return line filter
with DAQ  Hydraulics kit containing components to understand the fundamentals
system and advanced concepts of the hydraulic circuits
 Pressure control valves and Pressure limiting valve for Pressure
Page 56 of 66

regulation from 5 to 50 bars

 Flow control valves:
 Shut-off valve.
 Adjustable flow control valve:
 Knob to regulate the flow..
 Manual distribution valves:
 Hydraulic actuators:
 Double effect cylinder made of stainless steel. Diameter: 40 mm
and Stroke of 200 mm.
 Connection parts and accessories:
 Set of 5 hoses with quick-fit connectors:
 0.6 m hose (2 units).
 1 m hose (2 units).
 2 m hose.
 Cross-shaped manifold with manometer with range from 0 to 100 bar
with damping
 Tank to perform volumetric measures with minimum Capacity of 3 litres
and overflow protection
 Electro-Hydraulics kit containing components to understand the
fundamentals and advanced concepts of the electro-hydraulic circuits.
 Pressure control valves and Pressure limiting valve for Pressure
regulation from 5 to 50 bars
 Flow control valves:
 Shut-off valve.
 Adjustable flow control valve with pressure compensation
 Check valve for flow control with bypass.
 Hydraulic solenoid valves:
 Bistable 4/2 solenoid valve:
o Electric activation.
o Maximum flow: 60 l/min.
o Maximum pressure: 350 bar.
o LED indicator.
Page 57 of 66

 4/3 solenoid valve with P-T centre linked with Electric activation,
Tandem center, P-T linked, Spring return, with Maximum flow: 60 l/min
Maximum pressure: 350 bar
 4/2 solenoid valve with spring return (2 units) with Electric activation,
Spring return, Maximum flow: 60 l/min and Maximum pressure: 350 bar.
 4/3 solenoid valve with closed center (2 units) with Electric activation,
Closed centre, Spring centred, Maximum flow: 60 l/min and Maximum
pressure: 350 bar.
 Hydraulic actuators like Double effect cylinder with Diameter: 40 mm,
Stroke of 200 mm.
 Should have Sensors like Pressure switch, Inductive proximity sensor,
two Reed effect proximity sensor, Limit switch
 Hydraulic Actuators kit for learning the concepts behind the most
common hydraulic actuators as hydraulic motors, hydraulic cylinders, etc
 Pressure control valves, Flow control valves, Manual distribution
valves, Double control valve with joystick, Hydraulic actuators, required
sensors and connections
 Kit for Measurement and Proportional Control, configured to perform
the analog signal and the proportional control over the hydraulic actuators to
implement a PID control from the computer.
 Control Interface box, PID controller,
o P controller: Kc: -10 to +10.
o I controller: Ti: 0 to 100 s.
o D controller: Td: 0 to 100 s. Sample time: 0.1 to 100 ms.
 Electric comparator, 4 analog inputs, and 4 analog outputs
 SCADA system with PCI Express Data acquisition board (National
Instruments) with
 Analog input for Number of channels= 16 single-ended or 8
differential. Resolution=16 bits, 1 in 65536
 Sampling rate up to: 250 KS/s (kilo samples per second)
 Analog output Number of channels=2. Resolution=16 bits, 1 in 65536.
Page 58 of 66

Maximum output rate up to: 900 KS/s

 Digital Input / Output Number of channels=24
 Pressure control valves, Flow control valves, Hydraulic Solenoid
Valves, Hydraulic actuators, required sensors and connections

 Hydrostatic Steering System kit designed to teach the most common

components of the steering system with Distribution valves containing,
Maximum flow: 5 l/min, Maximum pressure: 350 bar
 Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic troubleshooting kit containing Pressure
control valves, Flow control valves, Distribution valves, Hydraulic
actuators, required sensors and connections

Experimental Capabilities
 Hydraulic Pump Troubleshooting
 Flow Measurements
 Hydraulic actuators troubleshooting’s
 Cylinder cushions and boosts
 Motor troubleshooting
 Hydraulic directional control valve troubleshooting
 Hydraulic system troubleshooting
 System level troubleshooting
 Machine sequence troubleshooting
 Machine performance troubleshooting
 Hydraulic Filter Maintenance and calibration unit
 Fitting and seals systems in a hydraulic unit
 Flushing of fluid in a hydraulic systems
 Adding of hydraulic fluid in a system
 Tubing and component installation
 The system should have I/O interface and that can be controlled with the
13. Control No 1
 Chain conveyor
 Motor with gearbox and slipping clutch
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 Belt conveyor:
 Trainer must include the Sensors of type: Infrared, Inductive, Capacitive
and Fibre Optic
 Trainer must include the Solenoids of type: rotary, linear,
 Switched Faults,
 Start and Stop switch in enclosure,
 Emergency Stop Switch
 Connections must include the D type connector for input and output,
power terminals, power jack socket
 Power supply for deriving the unit

Experimental Capabilities

 Demonstration of the Principles of industrial operation as:

 The sort area
 The assembly chute
 The sensing area
 The reject area
 Fault insertions switches
 Provide the diagnostics of industrial issue
 PLC for accepted and rejected assemblies over industrial flow processes
 Component queue handling
 Start/stop programming of industrial flow process
 Operation time calculations
 The trainer should be equipped with a minimum of 5 axis laboratory
based robotic arm with 360 degree rotations and minimum of 500mm
reach distance. The repeatability of process should be made with the
14. acceptable error of 0.1mm. No 1
 User interface should be attached for programmability/reprogramming of
robotic arm
 Drilling and cutting tools attachment for such purposes
Page 60 of 66

 Encoder
 Electric Gripper for demonstration at laboratory
 The mean time between two failures should be of minimum 10,000 hours
 The standard cycle time for the process should be of 2-3 seconds.
Experimental Capabilities
 Performing of task using robotics arm
 Task performance without human physical involvement
 Demonstration of tool changing while performing a machining based
 multi way valves of type pressure, shut-off and flow control valves
 electric limit switch,
 proximity switches,
 solenoid valves,
 signal boards
 PLC with programming software
 integrated power supply unit to supply the electro pneumatics and the
 distributor block for simultaneous use of both panels
 hoses,
Pneumatics  cables,
15. No 1
Trainer  Air Compressor
 Air Cylinders with Adjustable Cushions
 Three-Position Pneu-Turn Rotary Actuators
 Micro-Line 3-Way Air Switches
 Original Line Three-Position Cylinder
 Air Pilot Valve
 Solenoid Valve
 Dual Air Manifold
 Power Supply
 PIV-Pneumatic Isolation Valves
 Push Button valve
Page 61 of 66

 Toggle Valve
 Connecting Pipe roll
 Elbow connector pack
 Straight connector pack
 Manifold connector pack
 Pipe Cutter
 Bracket for rod less cylinder
 T-connectors
Experimental Capabilities
 Pneumatics power systems
 Pneumatics circuits
 Pressure and flow of air using pneumatics based units
 Speed control circuits
 Directional control valves
 Demonstration of Air logic based system
 Pneumatics maintenance
 Schematics
 Air flow and resistance
 Flow control valves
 Demonstration of cam valves for pneumatics control systems

Firm Name: ____________

Signature: ____________

Name: ____________

Designation: _________
Page 62 of 66

Tender No__________________

Name of the Firm _____________________

Firm Address_________________________


Telephone No_________________________


DD SCM Office
NUTECH University
I-12, Main IJP Road,
Dear Sir
1. l / We hereby offer to supply to the NUTECH University the stores detailed in
schedule to the tender inquiry or such portion thereof as you may specify in the
acceptance of tender at the price offered against the said schedule and further agree
that this offer will remain valid up to 90 days after opening of Financial offer and will
not be withdrawn or altered in terms of rates quoted and the conditions already
stated therein or on before this date. I / we shall be bound by a communication of
acceptance to be dispatched within he prescribed time.

2. I / we have understood the instructions to Tenders and General Conditions

Governing Contract available at NUTECH website and have thoroughly examined
the specifications / drawing and / or patterns quoted in the schedule here to and
am/are fully aware of the nature of the stores required and my/ our offer is to supply
stores strictly in accordance with the requirements.

Yours Faithfully.

(Signature of Tenderer)

Individual signing tender and / or other documents connected with a contract must
be signed by principal authorized rep/ OEM rep/ Authorized partner firm rep.
Page 63 of 66


Which ever is applicable

Guarantee No
Date: ___________

Amount: __________

Valid upto: _________

In Favour of:
National University of Technology (NUTECH), IJP Road, I-12, Islamabad.
Subject: In compliance with terms of Advance/Performance/Warranty
Guarantee Bank Guarantee
Contract No: ______________________________________
Dear Sir,
1. Whereas your good-self have entered into Contract No:
____________ dated _______ with M/s [Firm Name] Located at [Firm
Address], Herein after referred to as our customer and that one of the
conditions of the Contract is submission of Bank Guarantee by our
customer to your good-self for a sum of [Amount].
2. Incompliance with this stipulation of subj contract, we hereby agree
and undertake as under:-
a. To pay to you unconditionally on demand and / or without any
reference to our Customer an amount not exceeding the sum of
[Amount] as would be mentioned in your written Demand Notice.
b. To keep this Guarantee in force till [Validity Date].
c. That the validity of this Bank guarantee shall be kept two clear
year ahead of the original / extended delivery period or the
warrantee of the stores which so ever is later in duration on
receipt of information from your office. Our liability under this
Bank Guarantee shall cease on the closing of banking hours on
the last date of validity of this Bank Guarantee. Claim received
there after shall not been entertained by us whether you suffer a
loss or not. On receipt of payment under this Guarantee, this
Page 64 of 66

documents i.e., Bank Guarantee must be clearly cancelled,

discharged and returned to us.
d. That we shall inform your office regarding termination of the
validity of this bank Guarantee on clear month before the actual
expiry date of this Bank Guarantee.
e. That with the consent of our customer you may amend / alter any
term / cause of the contractor add / delete any term / clause to /
from this contract without making any reference to us. We do not
reserve any right to receive any such amendment / alternation or
addition / deletion provided such like actions do not increase our
monetary liability under this Bank Guarantee which shall be
limited only [Amount…………………..].
f. That the bank guarantee herein before given shall not be affected
by any change in the constitution of the Bank or Customer /
Supplier or Vendor.
g. That this is an unconditional Bank guarantee, which shall been
cashed on sight on presentation without any reference to our
Customer / Supplier or Vendor.

Bank Stamp______
Note: No changes in the above given BG format shall be accepted.
Page 65 of 66


(To be provided on stamp paper)

Contract No: _____ Dated: _______

Validity 2 years from the date of final acceptance of the Stores.

1. We hereby guarantee that we are the genuine and original Source of

provisioning the Stores to our Buyer. We also undertake that nothing in the
manufacturing of these Stores has been obtained through unauthorized
2. We hereby warrant and undertake that the Stores and all the associated
spares/ accessories supplied under the terms and conditions of the above
Contract, are:
a. brand new, complete in all respects, possessing good quality and
standard workmanship; and
b. liable for replacement/rectification free of charge, if during the
Warranty period the same are found defective before or under normal
use or these do not remain within the limits and tolerances stated
under the specifications or in any way not in accordance with the
terms of this Contract. All expenses incurred in removal, re-
provisioning and reinstallation of such defective Stores or their parts
shall also be borne by us.
3. The Warranty shall remain valid for a period of 2 years from the date of
final acceptance of the Stores.

Page 66 of 66


(This checked list must be attached with your technical offer, duly filled and

Signed by authorized signatory)

Tender No__________ Date___________

1 Tender Processing a. Tender processing fee ref no___________________

Fee b. Bank_____________________________________
c. Amount____________________________________
2 EM/ Bid Bond a. EM/ Bid Bond ref no__________________________
b. Bank _____________________________________

3 Form Annex A, A-1, B and C signed by Authorized Yes No

4 Offering specification of items as per IT Yes No
5 Quoted Currency as per IT Yes No
6 Accounting unit/Qty as per IT Yes No
7 Delivery Schedule as per IT Yes No
8 Country of origin of store_______________________________
9 Name of OEM:-_____________________________________________
10 Original Performa invoice (Mandatory) Yes No
11 Certified that there is no Deviation from IT conditions/ Yes No
there is deviation from IT condition as per fol details
12 Blacklisting certificate. Yes No
13 Verifiable OEM Certificate Yes No
14 Warranty Period as per IT Yes No

15 ATPs provided Yes No

Note: Fill and/or mark Yes/No where required


Signature of Firm Auth Signatory

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