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Fire Boss amphibious

single engine air tanker:

Final Report, November 2008

Fire and adaptive management report no. 81

This investigation was commissioned by the Department of
Sustainability and Environment and the Country Fire Authority
Victoria. It was undertaken by the State Aircraft Unit Victoria.

State Aircraft Unit, Victoria.

The State Aircraft Unit (SAU) was
established as an initiative of the Country
Fire Authority (CFA) and the Department
of Sustainability and Environment (DSE).
The aim of the SAU is to provide specialist
aviation resources to satisfy fire and land
management objectives in the state, to raise
the safety standards, increase the efficiency,
and promote the economical operation of
aircraft activities in Victoria.
For further information contact:
State Aircraft Unit Victoria
© State of Victoria
This publication is copyright. Apart from
any fair dealing for private study, research,
criticism or review as permitted under
the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, photocopying
or otherwise, without the prior permission
of the copyright owner.
The advice and information provided in this
publication is intended as a guide only. This
publication may be of assistance to you,
but the State of Victoria and its employees
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appropriate for your particular purposes,
and therefore disclaim all liability for any
error, loss or other consequence that may
arise from you relying on any information in
this publication.
ISBN 978-1-74242-521-4 (print)
ISBN 978-1-74242-524-5 (online)
Front cover: Bomber 718, Grafton Airport
NSW, November 2008.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Fire Boss amphibious
single engine air tanker:
Final Report, November 2008
Ulmarra New South Wales

Hayden Biggs

This report summarises information, data collected and observations

in relation to an investigation conducted into the operational capabilities
of the Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802F Single Engine Air Tanker (SEAT), in
the event the aircraft is engaged and positioned for use in Victoria.

Contents 3

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Executive summary........................................................... 4
Objectives......................................................................... 5
Introduction...................................................................... 6
Findings............................................................................. 7
Recommendations............................................................ 9
Background....................................................................... 10
Seaplanes and amphibian aircraft..................................... 12
Seaplanes................................................................... 12
> > >

Amphibious or amphibian aircraft.............................. 12

Scooping aircraft......................................................... 13
Summary Air Tractor AT-802 models................................. 14
Air Tractor AT-802F..................................................... 15
> >

AT-802 Fire Retardant Delivery System........................ 16

Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802F............................................. 17
Airframe modifications............................................... 18
> > > > > > > >

Amphibious floats...................................................... 19
Amphibian landing gear system................................. 19
Scooping system......................................................... 20
Foam system............................................................... 20
Overflow and venting................................................. 21
Fire Boss Fire Retardant Delivery System..................... 21
Ram air system........................................................... 22
Discussion......................................................................... 23
Fire Boss AT-802F (1600-shp.)..................................... 23
> > > > > > > > > > > > >

Additional capabilities................................................. 23
Operational base........................................................ 24
Ground based operations........................................... 24
Water based operations.............................................. 25
Take off and landing performance.............................. 25
Operational performance........................................... 25
Scooping operations................................................... 27
Scooping Zones.......................................................... 28
Limitations.................................................................. 28
Risk management....................................................... 29
Endorsement and evaluation zones............................ 29
Initial drop assessment................................................ 30
References........................................................................ 31
List of Appendices............................................................. 31
Executive Summary

Recently a Fire Boss1 Air Tractor AT-802F2 3 aircraft has been

purchased and imported into Australia with the prospect
of providing a scooper4 fire bombing service in Australia.
It is the first time a Fire Boss has been positioned for
operational use in Australia.

The Fire Boss is a highly modified Air Observations and information gathered
Tractor AT-802 which has after market indicates that operating as a single
amphibious floats fitted along with scooper the Fire Boss has a capability
other airframe modifications which which Victoria currently does not have
allows the aircraft to scoop water into access to, by providing high volumes of
the hopper while aquaplaning from suppressant from a SEAT in areas where
suitable water bodies. In addition it there are suitable water bodies in close
has been fitted with a more powerful proximity to wildfires.
engine which produces up to 250-shaft
Operating as a scooping fire bomber
horsepower (-shp) more than a
in Victoria the Fire Boss may be limited
standard AT-802.
by access to suitable water bodies and
It has the capability to scoop up to would require a management plan
3104 litres5 of water in less than for implementation and operation to
fourteen (14) seconds, ram loading effectively use the aircraft in scooping
water at the rate of 400 litres per configuration.
second at over
Uniquely, the Fire Boss still retains
100 kilometres per hour and return
the same capabilities of Air Tractor
within minutes to the wildfire from
AT-802 aircraft with a conventional
either lakes or rivers.
undercarriage6 but provides equal
The Fire Boss has the ability to work as if not better performance in some
a land-based aircraft or as a scooper. circumstances with the addition of a
It can drop an initial load of retardant more powerful engine and additional
and then remain close to the wildfire airframe modifications.
by scooping water from a nearby lake
or suitable water source, injecting foam
concentrate into the load of water.

1 Is a proprietary name of Fire Boss Limited Liability
Company (LLC) which is a business division of
Wipaire Incorporated USA, a manufacturer of aircraft
amphibious floats.
2 There are two “official” Air Tractor AT-802 models,
the AT-802 (two seat cockpit) and AT-802A (single
seat cockpit).
3 If a fire fighting model AT-802 is equipped with the
Air Tractor computerized fire gate it is called it an
AT-802F or AT-802AF.
4 Refers to a class of aircraft, which has the ability to
scoop up water while skimming across the surface of
a water body.
5 Maximum volume of the hopper.
6 There are two main wheels towards the front of the
aircraft and a single, much smaller, wheel or skid at
the rear, IE "taildragger”.
Objectives 5

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Several objectives were identified for consideration during the
investigation into the operation of the Fire Boss in the event it
was positioned or considered for operational use in Victoria.

1 Observe and asses the operational performance

and associated operations to determine the
suitability of the Fire Boss to operate in the
forested areas of Victoria.

2 Make an assessment in relation to the capability

of the Fire Boss and determine if it has the
potential to offer operational capabilities Victoria
currently does not possess.

3 Investigate and determine if there are any

regulatory limitations or operational factors
limiting the use of the Fire Boss may affect the
capabilities of the aircraft operating in Victoria.

Air Tractor AT-802 single engine air tankers (SEATs) have been utilised
in fire bombing operations in Australia, Canada and Europe for the
past 10 years. Initially AT-802 aircraft were equipped with wheels, and
delivered long term fire retardants7 and suppressants8 onto fires.

In a standard configuration, the aircraft In addition to the standard fuselage-

utilises a conventional undercarriage mounted suppressant reservoir tank,
with landing gear9 consisting of the Fire Boss has two additional
two main wheels and a tail wheel. supplementary tanks mounted in each
However, a number of aircraft in North of the floats. The additional volume
America, Canada and Europe have allows the Fire Boss to operate with a
been converted to the amphibious high number of turn around flights for a
configuration, which utilises Wipline one hour period over the duration of an
10000 amphibious floats manufactured operational cycle.
by Wipaire Inc. USA, so the AT-802 can
Fire bombing operations using the Fire
land and take off on either a traditional
Boss configured with the floats have
runway or on water.
been shown to produce a shorter and
The AT-802 on amphibious floats is narrower retardant drop pattern11 than
known as a Fire Boss. conventional undercarriage AT-802A
and AT-802F.
In 2003 the first AT-802AF equipped
with amphibious floats was introduced
into aerial fire fighting operations in
British Columbia.10 In the first year of
operation this aircraft was operated for
approximately 80 hours of operational
fire bombing.
Because the Fire Boss is an amphibious Notes
aircraft it can either take off or land
at land based fire bombing bases or 7 Any substance (except water or foam) that, by
chemical or physical action, reduces the flammability
on water. of fuels or slows their rate of combustion.
8 An agent directly applied to burning fuels to
Operating as a traditional SEAT, carrying extinguish the flaming, smouldering or glowing
stages of combustion.
retardant from a bombing base it can
9 Usually includes wheels equipped with shock
now provide the capability to remain absorbers for solid ground, but some aircraft are
onsite, scooping water from nearby equipped with skis for snow or floats for water.
water bodies until the other land based 10 Berry Jeff, Provincial Airtanker Operations, British
Columbia Forest Service, August 2006.
fire bombing aircraft return with more 11 Mc Cullouch Wally, Forest Engineering Research
retardant or suppressant. Institute of Canada, June 2008.
Findings 7

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
1) The Fire Boss offers a capability 8) A pilot endorsement for the 15) The current retardant reloading
which is not currently available operation of an aircraft with floats fittings on the Fire Boss are in an
with the Contract or Call When does not automatically qualify inappropriate location because of
Needed (CWN) resources available in the pilot for scooping operations the height of the refilling ports,
Victoria. however it is a prerequisite. The the positioning of the floats and
process of scooping is a separate additional airframe modifications.
2) The operation of the Fire Boss
would require the SAU to develop 16) Current procedures and guidelines
an implementation and operational 9) Because of the complexities for fixed wing fire bombing
management plan for the Fire associated with the take off operations limit the use of water
Boss including but not limited to; and landing procedures and the being dropped from SEATs.
a central Nominated Operational scooping process, landing gear Therefore the SAU would have to
Base (NOB), identify all suitable land down/up, scoops down/up there issue an general approval on behalf
based operating airstrips, identify would be a need for a specific of the Agencies to allow the Fire
optimum Scooping Sources12 and planned proficiency program built in Boss to exclusively use water in fire
classification of Scooping Zones.13 to the engagement period to ensure bombing operations where turn
currency for the pilot. around times do not exceed five
3) There appeared to be no difference
minutes, the operational use would
in the provision of logistical support 10) Gaining access to similar water
be subject to the authority of the
for either a Fire Boss or a wheeled bodies as compared to northern-
respective Incident Controller.
AT-802F. An initial assessment of the hemisphere countries would be
NOB indicated that it had all facilities limited within Victoria and this factor 17) It appears that the size and position
present to maintain a normal SEAT is recognised by both the Operator14 of the floats positively affect the
operation. and the SAU. airflow under the aircraft and as
a result the suppressant dropped
4) There appeared to be no significant 11) The will be a requirement to gain
from the Fire Boss appears to hold
difference in the flight preparation approvals from the relevant water
together better as it exits the drop
and operation of the Fire Boss authorities and management
doors, which would result in a
during take off and landing and bodies to gain access for scooping
polentially narrower pattern on the
circuit procedures. operations on fresh and salt water
ground with more even coverage
5) The Fire Boss has the ability to take within.
off and land on most grass and 12) There is a requirement to identify
surfaced runways with reasonable a minimum standard for Scooping
evenness; further investigation is Zones to enable the Agencies15 to
required to eliminate airstrips that determine suitable Scooping Sources
are not suitable. on bodies of water.
6) An initial review indicates that the 13) To ensure efficiency of the Fire
Fire Boss it has the ability to operate Boss it is engaged as a SEAT that
from most fire bombing bases will conduct normal fire bombing
specified in the Cockpit Handbook operations similar to wheeled based
SAU, several facilities have been SEATs and when required considered
excluded because unknown status and reassigned for scooping
of the evenness of the main runway operations when the circumstances
surface, IE Dartmoor. are suitable.
7) There is a difference in the maximum 14) Ideally, engagement provisions for
take off weight of the Fire Boss the Fire Boss should ensure that it is 12 A water body which can provide areas where the Fire
compared to the AT-802F because of located at a central NOB which fulfils Boss can scoop water.
the weight penalty conceded for the the requirement of a conventional 13 An area within a water body that provides a safe area
for the Fire Boss to scoop with out impediment.
fitment of the floats and additional undercarriage service but has the
14 R & M Aircraft, Ouse Tasmania.
modifications. capacity to utilise the scooping 15 Country Fire Authority and Department of
capability. Sustainability and Environment.
Findings (Continued)

18) One of the Contract Service 22) The Fire Boss has the capacity to 28) The practice of extending the
requirements for pilots undertaking operate in salt water continuously scooping probes prior to making
helicopter hover filling operations in with a maintenance wash down contact with surface of the water
Victoria is the that they must have at the conclusion of the daily flight body may result in the aircraft
undertaken a formal Helicopter operations. sustaining a loss of directional
Underwater Escape Training (HUET) control and result in the airframe
23) The Fire Boss does not have the
course and it is apparent that the receiving an unnecessary shock
capacity to operate in salt water
scooping operation is similar and impact, all though it may be
with a swell.
will require the same level of risk considered to be relatively minor
mitigation for scooping pilots. 24) Knowing whether the amphibious the cumulative effect may be
floats affect the drop (i.e., detrimental for the equipment and
19) More evident is the requirement to
immediately as the load exits the contribute to increased fatigue on
have undertaken an extensive fly the
tank or later as the load passes the pilot.
wire environment training course,
between the amphibious floats),
most courses are orientated towards 29) If the longitudinal length of a
may allow the AT 802s fitted with
helicopter hover filling operations Scooping Zone are shorter than
a conventional undercarriage to
which have a level of complexity for the minimum specifications and
be modified to improve their drop
approach and departure procedures. it offered generous entry and
patterns. A modification similar to
Similar complexities would apply exit azimuth paths the practice
a pair of inboard wheel spats may
with a fixed wing scooping of conducting a “top up scoop”
have the ability to improve the
operation but would become from the same site should not be
evacuation process of the drop from
extremely exaggerated with the high considered because of the increased
a standard AT-802.
speed traverse and distance that is weight from the previous scooping
covered on the surface of the water. 25) Using water injected with foam operation and the resultant
concentrate and referring to the reduction in performance of the Fire
20) It would be imperative that the
Table 2 and a rudimentary evaluation Boss which may expose the pilot to
intended Scooping Zone is free
indicates that the Fire Boss operating unnecessary risk.
of any potential floating and
as a scooper from a suitable water
submerged natural or man made
body will prove to be effective for a
objects. A higher level of vigilance
distance up to 32-kilometres from
would be required in vegetated
the fire area.
steep and narrow valleys within
scooping water bodies. 26) A basic analysis of airframe costing
between the Fire Boss AT-802F and
21) It is identified that extended and
a Bombardier CL-415 (CL-415) (See
continuous fixed wing scooping
Plate 6) indicates that the Fire Boss
operations conducted in remote
operates for about 1/30th of the
locations and on large water bodies
cost of the CL-415 and carries more
will require a safety monitoring
than half of the volume.
process to ensure an appropriate
response to emergency situations. 27) A preliminary investigation into the
The use of Top Cover16 17 using a availability of suitable water bodies
fixed wing reconnaissance aircraft within Victoria based on the current
would be suitable and the same seasonal weather conditions and
observation process should be water body capacities indicates Notes
applied to helicopter hover fill that there are in excess of 20
operations that are not directly suitable sites for scooping, the 16 A procedure where an aircraft with trained personnel
provides a communications and surveillance of
observed by ground or other aerial majority within the central and multiple hover filling and fire bombing operations
resources. eastern districts of Victoria. Refer to including the safety of ground based resources.
17 Operationally implemented using Firespotter 390, Mt
Appendix 4. Lubra Fire, Grampians 2007.
Recommendations 9

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
1) Register the Fire Boss on the 8) Prior to the Fire Boss being engaged 14) The undertaking of a scooping
Victorian CWN Register to allow for lengthy period of time it would operation with the scooping probes
the aircraft to be used in the event be subject to the modification, extended prior to making contact
the demand for SEATs exceeds the lowering and extension of the with the water surface is prohibited.
current State Fleet resource level. retardant loading facility, to allow
15) The requirement for a “top up
for ground filling with out the use
2) The SAU develops an scoop” is prohibited.
of steps or above shoulders loading
implementation and operational
processes for ground support crews. 16) The SAU and the Operator
management plan for the Fire
undertake an aerial reconnaissance
Boss including but not limited to; a 9) Approval on behalf of the Agencies
survey of proposed Scooping
central NOB, identify all suitable land is given by the SAU for the use
Sources to asses and determine the
based operating airstrips, identify of approved retardant and
availability for scooping operations.
optimum Scooping Sources and suppressants including water for
classification of Scooping Zones. use in fire bombing operations for 17) The SAU continues to monitor the
the Fire Boss. development of scooping aircraft
3) A survey is conducted by the
both nationally and internationally
Operator and the SAU to determine 10) The SAU issues an general approval
and the operational performance of
the status of runway surface on behalf of the Agencies to allow
the Fire Boss in Australia.
evenness for Agency owned and the Fire Boss to exclusively use water
managed fire bombing bases. in fire bombing operations where
turn around times do not exceed
4) If the Fire Boss operates in Victoria it
five minutes and the respective
is engaged as a fixed wing bombing
incident controller is satisfied with
service, which offers an additional
the objective.
capability, it is not engaged as an
exclusive Scooper aircraft. 11) If the opportunity arises The SAU
undertakes an evaluation program
5) If the Fire Boss is engaged it is
to determine any differences in
integrated into normal fixed
drop characteristics between the
wing bombing operations with
Fire Boss on amphibious floats and
consideration given to re-tasking/
the AT–802 with a conventional
swapping the resource with a
wheeled SEAT if an advantage can
be achieved with the scooping 12) In the event that the Fire Boss is
capability of the Fire Boss. engaged to provide a service and it
undertakes operations in a salt water
6) The Agencies are to obtain all
environment, there is an immediate
relevant approvals from the
provision for a wash down facility.
appropriate water management
authorities for the use of inland fresh 13) The SAU issues a directive that all
water bodies for scooping sources. fixed wing pilots engaged in over
water refilling operations, specifically
7) The Agencies are to obtain all
scooping, must have undertaken
relevant approvals from the
in the absence of a fixed wing
appropriate bay and coastal
underwater escape training module,
management authorities for the use
a formal Helicopter Underwater
of estuarine/coastal salt water bodies
Escape Training (HUET) course.
for scooping sources.

Often the SAU is invited to participate in a range of activities to

assist nationally and internationally, land management agencies,
fire authorities and the aviation industry: to initiate, develop and
evaluate aircraft related equipment and systems which assist in
aerial fire fighting land management activities.

The most recent program has been the For more than 10 years Victoria has It is capable of rapid turn around times
formal delivery system and drop pattern contracted a minimum of three (3) carrying up to 3104 litres21 and can
assessment of the Martin Mars (Refer to conventional undercarriage Air Tractor scoop a water load from either lakes or
Plate 5). AT-802AF/F fire bombing aircraft and rivers in less than fourteen (14) seconds,
has used them extensively, successfully ram loading water at the rate of 400
Activities include and are not limited to: litres per second at over 100 kilometres
delivering both suppressant and
a. assessment of rotary wing and fixed retardant in fire bombing operations. per hour and return within minutes to
wing aircraft and their suitability for The capabilities of the Air Tractor AT-802 the fire. An important feature of the
use in aerial fire fighting, SEAT are well known and documented Fire Boss is that has been fitted with a
by the SAU. more powerful engine which produces
b. consultation on the design and 1600-shp.
development and operational The Operator, R & M Aircraft, Ouse
assessment of delivery systems and Tasmania20 purchased and imported the The Fire Boss is similar to the AT-802
Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802F with the and is designed to operate and will
c. the evaluation and development of prospect of providing a scooping fire successfully operate at max take off
land management equipment for a bombing service in Australia. weight 7257 kilograms22 from 1.60
range of activities. kilometre water ways, from water
R & M Aircraft currently provides depths of less than 3.0 metres23 and
As a result of the recent National Aerial a Fixed Wing Fire Bombing Service
Fire fighting Centre’s (NAFC) Invitation with water chop up to depths of
(FWFB-Service) to Victoria, the contract 0.3–0.6 metre24.
to Tender (ITT) for Aerial Fire Fighting service is provided by a PZL Dromader
Services, the State of New South Wales M18A, BOM 365 based at Bendigo. It While the traditional Air Tractor AT-802F
(NSW) selected an Air Tractor AT-802. has been modified with the addition can be loaded with water and retardant
A component of the tender submission of a turbine engine, a larger hopper at an airport, scoops and foam tanks
from the successful bidder included and subsequent airframe and aircraft were added to the Fire Boss, allowing
subject to conditions a Fire Boss, which system modifications. R & M Aircraft are the plane to reload by skimming a
is a highly modified Air Tractor AT-802F no strangers to seeking and providing nearby lake or river.
fitted with amphibious floats. new and innovative equipment and
The SAU was given the opportunity
Wipaire Inc USA. has partnered with solutions.
at the invitation of the R & M Aircraft
Air Tractor Inc18, and a new company, The Fire Boss is a highly modified Air to attend aircrew training and
Fire Boss, LLC19, to create the Fire Boss Tractor AT-802F which has after market endorsement program as well as an
fire fighting system. A set of Wipline amphibious floats fitted along with operational evaluation of the capabilities
amphibious floats, originally designed other air frame modifications which of the Fire Boss. The operator of the
for a de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin allows the aircraft to scoop water into Fire Boss enlisted the services of Air
Otter float plane, (Refer to Plate 7) were the hopper while aquaplaning from Tractor Inc. and Wipaire USA to assist
re-designed to fit the Air Tractor 802. suitable water bodies. with the program.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
The SAU recognised that the
implementation program offered the
ability to inspect, collate and asses the
unique amphibious capabilities of the
Fire Boss first hand.
The SAU was aware that the ability of
the amphibious Fire Boss to operate
may be limited because of the minimal
access to expansive water sources in
Nationally the current perception in
respect to the operation of the Fire
Boss amphibious aircraft is based on a
collection of information and opinions
without critical practical and operational
The opportunity to participate in the
Operator’s program provided additional
information for consideration in future
procurement processes in particular the
forthcoming FWFB-Services in Victoria.

18 Air Tractor Inc. Onley Texas USA
19 Fire Boss LCC. a business division of Wipaire Inc.
20 Contract Service Provider, State of Victoria.
21 Volume specified is the capacity of the hopper not the
actual continuous uplift of retardant or suppressant
during operations.
22 Air Tractor Inc. Onley Texas USA.
23 Fire Boss, LLC.
24 Fire Boss, LLC.
Seaplanes and amphibian aircraft

Generally there is a level of confusion about the classification of fixed wing

aircraft which have the ability to take off and land on water. Fixed-wing aircraft
that are capable of taking off and landing on water are described as either a:
“seaplane” which, are generally divided into two categories: float planes and
floating hull aircraft or an “amphibious or amphibian aircraft”.

A floatplane has pontoons mounted
> Plate 1. de Havilland
Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter
under the fuselage. Two floats are the dedicated float plane.
most common configuration, only the
"floats" of a floatplane normally come
into contact with water. The fuselage
remains above water. Refer to Plate 1.
A floating hull aircraft utilise the
fuselage as the main source of
buoyancy which is similar to the hull of
a ship/boat in the water, most flying hull
aircraft have small floats mounted on
their wings to keep them stable. Refer >
Plate 2. Short S-25
to Plate 2.
Sunderland 5(AN)
floating hull aircraft.
Amphibious or amphibian
aircraft Fantasy of Flight USA

An amphibious or amphibian aircraft

is an aircraft that can take off and land
both on conventional runways and
water. Amphibious aircraft are normally
floating hull aircraft and floatplanes
with retractable wheels. Refer to Plate
3 and 4.


Plate 3. Amphibious float equipped Plate 4. Amphibious floating hull

Cessna U206G Turbine. aircraft, Beriev Be-200.
Coulson Flying Tankers Georgio Maridakis, Scorpion International Services

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Scooping aircraft
Scooping type fire-suppression aircraft
> Plate 5. Martin Mars
have been around for many years. scooping floating hull
The early 1960’s saw the development
Coulson Flying Tankers
of the Martin Mars, a floating hull
aircraft which still operates today. The
Martin Mars was the first large scooping
aircraft developed which skims across
the water surface to refill its’ tanks with
the ability to deliver 27,276 litres in a
single or multiple drops. Refer to Plate 5.
During the late 1960’s the Bombardier >
Canadair CL-215 was the first model Plate 6.
in a series of firefighting aircraft able to Bombardier CL-415,
land and take off from short, unpaved "Superscooper".
airstrips. It has an internal tank system
that can hold up to 6137 litres of
water/foam mixture and refills by
skimming. The latest variant is the
CL-415 ("Superscooper") which is
turbine powered. Refer to Plate 6.
In the 1960’s float equipped de
Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otters were
developed and used for fire fighting
operations. The aircraft were equipped
with amphibious Wipline 13000 floats
> Plate 7. Amphibious
scooping de Havilland
which were modified with water DHC-6-300, 1960’s.
holding tanks and probes. The probes
Ministry of Natural Resources
were located on the bottom of the Ontario Canada
floats and were extended to provide
the filling points for the water tanks.
The drop doors, two on the bottom of
each float, and the probes were electro-
hydraulically operated. Refer to Plate 7.

Summary Air Tractor AT-802 models

Air Tractor from Olney, Texas USA, has been building

agricultural aircraft since 1970. The AT-802 and the version
adapted for fire fighting, the AT-802F were introduced in 1993.

The AT-802 has a wingspan of Table 1. Air Tractor AT-802 models.

18 metres, an empty weight of 3197
kilograms and a gross weight of Horse- Hopper
Model Comment Engine
7257 kilograms it is the largest single power Volume
engine agricultural and fire bombing One place, conventional
airplane currently in service. It is AT-802A undercarriage, commercial PT6A-65AG 1295-shp. 3104-lt.
normally equipped with the PTA-67AG delivery system.
with 1350-shp. It has been purpose
Two places, conventional
built for fire bombing carrying a
AT-802 undercarriage, commercial PT6A-67AG 1350-shp. 3104-lt.
payload25 up to 4,300 kilograms26.
delivery system.
More than 20027 aircraft have been
delivered around the world. One place, conventional
AT-802AF undercarriage, Air Tractor PT6A-65AG 1295-shp. 3104-lt.
There are two certified AT-802 models, FRDS.
the AT-802 (two seat cockpit) and
AT-802A (single seat cockpit). Either Two places, conventional
of these aircraft can be used for AT-802F undercarriage, Air Tractor PT6A-67AG 1350-shp. 3104-lt.
agricultural work or for fire fighting. FRDS.
If a fire fighting model AT-802 Fire Boss One place, amphibious float
PT6A-67AG 1350-shp. 3104-lt.
is equipped with the Air Tractor AT-802AF equipped, Air Tractor FRDS.
computerized fire gate and Fire Fire Boss Two places, amphibious float
Retardant Delivery System (FRDS) PT6A-67AG 1350-shp. 3104-lt.
AT-802F equipped, Air Tractor, FRDS.
it is called an AT-802F or AT-802AF.
Two places, amphibious float
The AT-802F/AF model equipped Fire Boss
equipped, Air Tractor FRDS, PT6-67F 1600-shp. 3104-lt.
with amphibious floats is known as AT-802F #
high performance engine.
a Fire Boss. In Australia some AT-802
models have been fitted with other F Air Tractor Fire Retardant Delivery System (FRDS).
commercially available delivery systems. # New generation Fire Boss fitted with modified and enhanced 1600 –shp. turbine engine.

The equipment and engineering Refer to Appendix 1 for examples

dynamics of Air Tractor Inc allows of the aircraft listed in Table 1 and
a range of flexibility with engine, Appendix 2 for a general comparison
propeller and airframe combinations of the AT-802A/F and Fire Boss
for a range of operational tasks. The AT-802A/F.
table provided below gives a general
indication about the AT-802 model
designations for fire operations.

25 Includes aircrew, fuel, foam concentrate and
retardant (specific gravity 1.15-kilograms/litre).
26 Source Air Tractor Inc. USA.
27 Source Air Tractor Inc. USA.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Air Tractor AT-802 Standard Equipment AT-802
The AT-802 carries up to 3104 litres Pratt & Whitney PT6A-67AG 1350-
of fire retardant or suppressant. The shp turboprop engine
standard AT-802 is powered by a 1350- 5-blade constant speed reversing
shp Pratt & Whitney turbine engine. Hartzell propeller
The aircraft has a top cruise speed of
approximately 300 kilometres per hour 75-mm dual bottom loading valves
or 160 knots per hour. It has been fitted 3104 litre fibreglass hopper, with
with a specially designed computer 18-gallon foam tank
controlled fire bombing system known
as the Air Tractor FRDS. Hydraulically driven rotary actuator
to operate fire gate doors
Computer-controlled doors to
provide even flow rate
Interface to select gallons to drop,
coverage level, and ground speed
Accelerometer for automatic
adjustment for fire doors
1767 square millimetre vent door
Streamlined fibre glass fairings for
fire gate
812 millimetre low-pressure tires
with dual 4-piston brakes
961 litre fuel tanks
Strobe lights
Nose mounted taxi lights
Air conditioned cockpit
Windshield washer and wiper
7257 kilogram FAA certificated gross
The robustness and power of the
AT-802 enables them to work from
short, less sophisticated airstrips that

are numerous across the State.

Plate 8. Bomber 351, AT-802F (Stawell, VIC) delivering a full salvo of water
injected with foam concentrate.
Summary Air Tractor AT-802 models (Continued)

AT-802 Fire Retardant

Delivery System
The Air Tractor AT 802 fire retardant
delivery system contains a constant
flow tank made of stainless steel.
The 3104 lt. single tank is divided
into two upper hoppers with a
connecting lower section.
Equipped with a Pilot Interface System,
the patented AT-802F fire gate allows
the pilot to select the coverage level28,
amount to be dropped and ground
speed application. The computer makes
continuous adjustments to deliver
coverage levels in changing airspeeds
and turbulence conditions. The pilot
can select the mixing ratio of water and

suppressant to be applied as well.

Two opposing doors that hinge on the
Plate 9. The FRDS longitudinal doors in the closed position.
system’s longitudinal axis are used to
control the flow and allow the load
to exit the aircraft in less than two (2)
seconds. The control system specifies
the amount of retardant to be dropped;
this system can offer variations in drop
options. The drop system control panel
allows the pilot to select coverage level
settings of 0.5 to 4 producing minimum
of 291 to a regulated maximum of 1700
litres per second and includes the option
of a full salvo drop, which opens the
doors completely. A hydraulic system
actuates the door opening.

28 Coverage level is expressed as the volume of
retardant per unit area. This is an expression of

the volume in US gallons of retardant delivered per

100 square feet of horizontal surface.

Plate 10. Shows the FRDS longitudinal doors in the open position set
for a full salvo.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802F Key features of the Fire Boss include;
The Fire Boss is a design of Wipaire, Inc. amphibious floats with hydraulically bilge pumping system and water
of Saint Paul, Minnesota and is originally actuated water scoops. in floats warning system are
adapted from the Air Tractor AT-802 incorporated.
Air Tractor Fire Retardant Delivery
System. upgraded turbine engine 1600-shp
Wipaire Inc. has partnered with Air Tractor PT6-67F turboprop engine.
Air Tractor foam injection system
Inc, and a new company, Fire Boss, LLC,
and controls. A new Engine Ram Air Inlet.
to create the Fire Boss fire fighting aircraft.
Wipline 13000 amphibious floats were additional foam tanks in the floats
re-designed to fit the Air Tractor AT-802. supplement the standard firewall
While the traditional Air Tractor AT-802A/F tank.
can be loaded with water and retardant
changes to the hopper venting
at an airport, with the two scoops and
system are incorporated.
additional foam tanks added to the Fire
Boss, it allows the plane to reload by new upper instrument panel is
skimming a nearby lake or river. added to display the scoop related
and system controls and indicators.
The Australian Fire Boss retains the same
size hopper as the AT-802F but has been
fitted with a high performance PT6-67F
1600-shp turboprop engine.

Plate 11. Bomber 718 Fire Boss AT 802F, Grafton Airport, NSW.
Summary Air Tractor AT-802 models (Continued)

Airframe modifications
As a part of the float installation, the
following changes are made to the
conventional undercarriage aircraft:
Ventral fin added for improved
directional stability.
Four auxiliary finlets for improved
directional stability.
The vertical fin is sealed to the
fuselage/stabilizer top for improved
directional stability.
The open fuselage structure near
the landplane tail-wheel mount is
faired over for improved directional

Vortex generators added to the

wing leading edges for improved
longitudinal controllability.
Plate 12. View of ventral fin, the sealed fuselage/stabilizer, top vertical fin and the
Vortex generators added to fairing over the open fuselage structure near the landplane tail-wheel mount and the
the horizontal stabilizer leading retractable steering water rudders.
edges for improved longitudinal
controllability and stall speed
The elevator trim/servo tabs
incorporate a 25 millimetre chord
extension for improved longitudinal

Plate 13. View of the two auxiliary finlets added to each side of the
horizontal stabilizer.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Amphibious floats
The Wipline 10000 amphibious float
is an all aluminium construction with
twelve (12) watertight compartments
of approximately 4353 kilograms
buoyancy, featuring:
hydraulic landing gear retraction
system components and cockpit
cockpit landing gear controls and
emergency hand pump and system.
float water rudder retraction system
and cockpit controls (the water
rudders are locked centre when
retracted for improved directional

pump-out cups on float top deck

are placed between each float
watertight compartment to pump Plate 14. View of the Wipline amphibious floats and the Source Fire Boss LLC, USA

out any water in floats before flight. retractable wheeled landing gear. Left side of image shows,
the retractable nose mounted wheels and centre of image the
two water scoops, one in each float. retractable dual main wheels.

Amphibian landing gear system

The landing gear incorporated within
the amphibious floats on the aircraft is
retractable, quadricycle type with two
swivelling nose (or bow) wheels and
four (4) (two (2) sets of dual)
main wheels.
Landing gear extension and retraction
is accomplished by two (2) electrically-
driven hydraulic pumps and four
(4) hydraulic actuators one (1) for
each gear.
The brakes are hydraulic and have a
calliper on each main wheel for a total
of four brakes and the steering on land
is accomplished by differential braking.
The nose wheels are full castering.
Summary Air Tractor AT-802 models (Continued)

Scooping system
The Fire Boss has two water scoops, > Plate 15. Shows the
one in each float. The scoops are location of scoop which
75 millimetres in diameter and are is forward of the wheeled
hydraulically operated by the pilot. landing gear.

The hydraulic system has an

accumulator to enhance the speed of
scoop deployment and retraction and
the scoops can complete the down or
up cycle in approximately one second.
A trigger switch located on the front
of the control stick grip controls the
scoops. Pulling in the top of the trigger
Plate 16. Shows the
switch puts the scoops down.
transfer plumbing
Releasing the trigger switch puts the from the scoops to
scoops back up. the hopper of the
Fire Boss.
In an emergency or unplanned
occurrence the pilot can abort the scoop
operation by simply releasing the rocker
switch which will retract the scoops.

Foam system
The Fire Boss foam system consists of
two individual tanks. The original 68 litre
Air Tractor firewall tank is supplemented > Plate 17. Shows scoop in
by an additional 113 litre tank in each retracted position.
float. A total of approximately 290 litres
can be delivered to the hopper.
The float tanks are optional and one or
both can be removed depending on the
type of operation.

Plate 18. Shows
scoop in lowered
open position.

Source Wipaire Inc, USA


Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Overflow and venting
The standard 75 millimetre vent located > Plate 19. Shows the
on the aft right side of the fire gate is original 75 millimetre and
supplemented with the addition of a new 125 millimetre fire
new 125 millimetre vent that exits on gate venting.
the right side of the rear fire gate fairing.
The original hopper vent/door has been
modified to allow for a greater venting
volume during scooping operations.
In the event of an overflow during
scooping operations, a spring loaded
relief valve door is located at the rear
of the main drop vent door located on >
the top of the hopper. Water will exit Plate 20. Shows the
the hopper to the right and forward of upper relief valve
the cockpit windshield. The pilot can door.
see ahead out of the left side of the
windshield during an overflow condition.

Fire Boss Fire Retardant

Delivery System
See AT-802 Fire Retardant Delivery
System, Page 16 for further information.



Figure 1. Both images show the standard Air Tractor FRDS and the location of the fuselage supports
for the amphibious floats which appear to offer no interference to the drop evacuation process.
Summary Air Tractor AT-802 models (Continued)

Ram air system

An additional improvement to the Fire
Boss that enhances turbine engine
performance is the new Engine
Ram Air Inlet. The inlet is positioned
beneath the propeller spinner which
provides increased airflow to engine.
The increased airflow reduces inter-
turbine temperatures (ITT) or produces
a net horsepower increase at the
same ITT.
The Engine Ram Air Inlet is available as
a retrofit upgrade for existing AT-802
and AT-802A aircraft.
One of the features of the new inlet
system is an alternate induction air

door that can be opened in flight in

case of filter blockage.
Plate 21. Shows the new Engine Ram Air Inlet located under the front spinner.
Note also the Vortex generators added to the wing spar upper surface leading
edges, a series of small vertical finlets.
Discussion 23

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Fire Boss AT-802F (1600-shp.)
A Fire Boss is the result of years of design
and testing from AirTractor Inc. and is
now combined with the performance
of amphibious floats with an integrated
scooping system.
The Fire Boss imported into Australian is
fitted with a new military specification
Pratt & Whitney PT6-67F 1600-shp
turbine engine and is supplied with the
fully certified Wipaire Inc. float system
allowing the aircraft to be operated from
either suitable water bodies and airports.
The Fire Boss still retains the Air Tractor
advanced, patented computer-controlled
fire gate and RFDS to deliver optimum
coverage levels with reasonable accuracy.

The Fire Boss can be an initial attack

fire suppression aircraft with a scooping Plate 22. Additional upper instrument bank, to monitor landing gear, manage
option that has the ability to integrate scooping operations, including payload management.
into any aerial fire fighting fleet. The
amphibious floats can provide an
additional capability to an already
established fire fighting aircraft. Additional capabilities The installation of the 1600-shp PT6-
67F high performance turbine engine
One capability of the Fire Boss is provides added performance for the
In the cockpit of the Fire Boss there is
the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Fire Boss. (See also Take off and
a separate scooping control panel it
capacity which under the appropriate Landing Performance). The Operator
provides information for angle of attack,
management may allow the Fire Boss to reviewed the performance of the Fire
foam transfer system; auto-bilge and
be repositioned long distances overnight Boss AT-802 1350-shp aircraft and
water-warning system; torque gauges
IE: Inter-State deployment. realised that there was potential to
and overpower warning system, auto-
fill probe retraction system and probe The Operator has the availability to install a high performance military
position indicators. supply a conventional undercarriage if specified turbine engine.
required, which was supplied in the The installation of the 1600-shp PT6-
first instance with the purchase of 67F high performance turbine engine
the aircraft. requires a dispensation from the United
Discussions with the Operator have States (US) Department of State (DoS)
indicated that in the event there is and the US Department of Defence
a request to convert the Fire Boss (DoD) US, because it was designed for
from amphibious to conventional installation into various DoD aircraft.
undercarriage and vice versa they Currently only one other Fire Boss has
are confident it can be comfortably been fitted with the 1600-shp
achieved in 32 person hours. PT6-67F turboprop engine and it is
located in Canada.
Discussion (Continued)

Operational base
The current Nominated Operational
Base (NOB) is at Grafton Airport.
A review of overseas operations with
the Fire Boss shows all of the known
overseas bases are land based as well.
The infrastructure associated with
refuelling and reloading at Grafton
is not dissimilar to that required for a
conventional undercarriage AT-802.
Temporary mooring bases have been
established during fire bombing
operations overseas however they do
not offer refuelling or retardant or
suppressant reloading capacity.

Ground based operations


Initial observations reveal that the Fire

Boss has a much taller profile than a Plate 23. Mark Mathisen, Chief Pilot Fire Boss LCC, standing on the wing spar,
wheeled AT-802, the aircraft sits higher indicating the relative height and size perspective of the Fire Boss.
with the installation of the floats and
has a horizontal attitude. An average
height29 person has the ability to walk
around under the fuselage and wing
spar. The ground foot print is very
similar but has obvious obstructions
with the floats.
There are potentially two issues that
may develop with the logistical support
for the Fire Boss, the height of the
aircraft and easy walking access within
the footprint of the aircraft. Ground
crews may become complacent with
safety when working around the aircraft
and the over wing refuelling with height
of the wing spar from the ground,
which may require monitoring for
working at heights.

Note Plate 24. Refuelling operation for the Fire Boss, indicating the height perspective
and showing also the height of the reloading ports under the fuselage.
29 >/= 1.80 metres.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Water based operations In addition the soaking of brakes Poorly executed land based crosswind
and wheel bearings in water may landings are more likely with a
The right-of-way rules for operation floatplane, because the floats on an
not improve their reliability for use in
on water are similar, but not identical, airplane reduce its roll responsiveness,
land based operations. The moving
to the rules governing right-of-way making it more difficult to land in a
parts will need regular lubrication
between aircraft in flight. crosswind. It is possible that the gear
and maintenance, and are at risk
According to Civil Aviation Safety of malfunctioning. Extra vigilance is may be more likely to fail during these
Authority (CASA) regulations, the required because of the potential for scenarios.
definition of a vessel includes virtually foreign objects to jam moving parts.
Many amphibious designs do not
anything capable of being used for incorporate shock absorbers or springs
With land based aircraft, the wind tends
transportation on water, including into the system. If fitted they do not
to make the aircraft weathervane, or
float planes, floating hull aircraft and offer as much absorbing capability as
yaw, until the nose points into the wind.
amphibious aircraft on the water. conventional undercarriage landing
This tendency is minor on landplanes
Therefore, any time the Fire Boss is gear. See also Scooping Operations.
with tricycle landing gear, but does
operating on the water, whether
occur with tail wheel gear equipped
under power or not, it is required to Takeoffs on rough water can subject the
aircraft, and very evident in float planes.
comply with navigation rules applicable floats to hard pounding as they strike
to vessels. consecutive wave crests as experienced
Take off and landing in the sea ocean environment.
Taking off from and landing on water performance Operating on the surface in rough
has several added variables for the pilot conditions exposes the float equipped
to consider. Waves and swell not only The flight management of the Fire Boss
by the pilot has an added complexity of aircraft to forces that can potentially
create a rough or uneven surface, they cause damage.
also move, and their movement must ensuring that during land based take
be considered in addition to the wind off/landing and scooping procedures the
direction during all aspects of the water wheeled landing gear is retracted and Operational performance
based operation. extended at the respective times. The Fire Boss has been operating for the
The new PT6-67F turboprop engine of last six years on fire fighting contracts
A land based aircraft pilot can rely in Canada and Europe. There are
on windsocks and indicators within 1600-shp provides better performance
for take off distance and climb currently six30 Fire Boss aircraft operating
close proximity to the runway. A float in Canada and twenty-three31 aircraft
plane pilot needs to be able to read performance at 7257 kilograms simply
because it has an extra 250-shp or operating in Europe, including Spain,
wind direction and speed from the Portugal, France, and Italy.
water itself. approx 17% more power than a
conventional undercarriage AT-802 with As a land based operation the Fire
Some land based aircraft may be the 1350-shp engine. Boss has the capacity to delivery either
restricted to operating in a certain retardant or water injected with foam
direction because of the orientation The use of lower power settings allows
for a better and more economical fuel concentrate.
of the runway, but the float plane can
usually takeoff or land directly into consumption rate. The volume carried by the Fire Boss in
the wind. Retractable "amphibious" landing initial dispatch from a fire bombing base
gear may not be able to withstand will be dictated by the length and type
Many of the operational differences of runway surface and the weather
between land-planes and float planes as much side loading in crosswind
situations as conventional landing conditions as it is with conventional
relate to the fact that they have no undercarriage AT-802 aircraft.
brakes. The float equipped aircraft gear.
continues moving after the engine is
shut down.

30 Fire Boss LCC USA.
31 Fire Boss LCC USA.
Discussion (Continued)

It is acknowledged that the additional Scenario based evaluation

weight and drag of the floats will
decrease useful load and performance of Water
Distance Average Average Operational
the Fire Boss compared to a conventional delivered per
water to fire Turnaround volume uplift Fuel cycle
undercarriage AT-802. hour
1.60-km. 2-min. 2,100-lt. 2.7-hrs. 71,922-lt.
From a desktop working scenario for the
Fire Boss it appears that operationally on 8.0-km. 3-min. 2,100-lt. 2.7-hrs. 49,210-lt
an average the Fire Boss is initially load
16-km. 5-min. 2,100-lt. 2.7-hrs. 29526-lt
limited to 2100 litres.
24-km. 8-min. 2,500-lt. 2.7-hrs. 19,161-lt.
This basic assessment is inclusive of a
calculation of performance during a land 32-km. 10-min. 2,500-lt. 2.7-hrs. 15,330-lt.
based operation from a 1000 metre grass
Table 2. Scenario based table, Fire Boss operation.
surface strip located at 1800 feet above
mean sea level (AMSL).
As fuel and foam are consumed the load The following two tables, Table 3 and 4 have been produced after consultation and
can increase to 2900 litres. These loads discussion with a European operator of the Fire Boss aircraft, Avialsa, Valencia, Spain.
have been calculated on the maximum The tables are based on the operation of two Fire Boss AT-802AF aircraft.
weight of 7257 kilograms. Average loads
were calculated to be and can be based Total Loads
on ≥2500 litres. Aircraft Total Total Vol. Avg.
Type Missions Hours Retardant Foam Water 2200-lt.
The reduction in retardant/suppressant
capacity is due to the added weight of Fire Boss
the floats. As it burns off fuel, the Fire AirTractor
54 134 64 278 144 941600-lt.
Boss can increase its’ load. AT-802A
Table 2 provides an indication of the
expected performance of the Fire Boss Table 3. Availability summary for two contracted Fire Boss aircraft, season 2006.
during a scooping operation after dispatch
from a land based operational base.
The table is provisional and
does not incorporate all Total Loads Vol.
factors and aspects that can Aircraft Total delivered Decimal Actual
Type Hours Avg. TAT* TAT
be experienced in fire Retardant Foam Water 2200-lt.
bombing operations.
Fire Boss
4.31 0 10 19 63800-lt. 0.15 min 9.30 min.

Table 4. Single dispatch activation summary for two Fire Boss aircraft.

TAT* Turn around Time.

Source Avialsa Valencia, Spain.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
If a conventional undercarriage AT-802 Scooping operations The discharge is a gravity flow and this
and a Fire Boss were to continually is a result of the ram pressure being
operate from a fire bombing base The average speed of the Fire Boss
reduced and not having the energy
delivering retardant then it would during the scooping operation while on
force the water passed the inline return
appear that the conventional the surface of the water is maintained
valve. The return valve restricts the
undercarriage AT-802 may have the at approximately 85 knots. Prior to the
accidental discharge of any suppressant
ability to deliver a higher volume commencement of the operation the
residue into the water body.
because of the weight penalty for the pilot selects the load he requires and
the system automatically fills to that In a scenario where the Fire Boss is
float gear.
amount. delivering multiple drops in a short
It is possible if the Fire Boss has the period of time the workload on the
1600-shp engine fitted the additional Forces created when operating a hull
pilot will increase to a frequency that is
horsepower may allow it to carry a or float equipped aircraft on water can
similar for a helicopter pilot.
volume equal if not greater to the be more complex than those created
on land. Water friction forces are active In a normal conventional undercarriage
lighter but less powered conventional
along the entire length of a float or SEAT operation the pilot would ferry the
undercarriage AT-802 in some
hull. These drag forces vary constantly aircraft between the loading base and
depending on the pitch attitude, the the fire allowing him a period of time
The optional foam tanks in each float changing motion of the float or hull, to evaluate and plan the operation, the
give an additional foam product to and action of the waves. See also Take time would be reduced for the pilot of
the Fire Boss system. The total off and landing performance. the Fire Boss. This type of scenario may
capacity of the foam reservoirs has require the use of multiple aircrew for
the potential to allow up to 20-three Because floats are mounted rigidly
the Fire Boss during a campaign fire.
minute turn around cycles of for a one to the structure of the fuselage, they
provide no shock absorbing function, While amphibious aircraft appear to
hour period based on a two and a half
unlike the landing gear of conventional be heavier and slower, more complex
hour fuel cycle.
undercarriage aircraft. Potentially and more expensive to purchase and
In flight the Fire Boss appears to fly very damaging forces and shocks can be operate than comparable conventional
similar to conventional undercarriage transmitted directly through the floats undercarriage aircraft they have the
aircraft. and struts to the basic structure of the potential to be more versatile.
airplane. See also Take off and landing
Directional stability would be influenced They have the ability to compete
to some extent by the installation of favorably with helicopters in some
the floats this would be caused by the Observations indicated that small waves multiple drop scenarios in some
length of the floats and the location and a chop on the water’s surface either circumstances for the same types of
of their vertical surface area in relation fresh or salt water reduced the surface jobs. The have the capacity to offer
to the Centre of Gravity (CG). Because area and subsequent surface area drag longer endurance than the comparable
the floats consist of a large vertical area of the floats allowing for efficient take helicopters, and can achieve a similar
ahead of the CG, they may tend to off processes. The operation of the Fire range of conventional undercarriage
increase any yaw or sideslip. Boss on smooth water inhibited the float aircraft.
performance because of the greater
surface area contact of the floats.
At the completion of the scooping
process and after the floats break clear
of the water surface a flow of water
discharges from the extended scooping
probes. The discharge is what remains
within the loading system which has not
entered the hopper.
Discussion (Continued)

Scooping Zones As a result a reference table was Limitations

developed indicating the desirable
In recent years proponents for fire minimum specifications for Scooping Current SAU and Agency procedures
bombing aircraft with scooping Zones to assist fire agencies and and guidelines regulate the use of water
capability have not fully evaluated authorities to determine optimum being dropped during fixed wing fire
the suitability of water bodies in operating areas for the Fire Boss. bombing operations.
Victoria and including other states of
The Scooping Zones are rated by the Given the scooping performance of the
Australia. While a very small number
length, width and water depth for a Fire Boss with suitable water in close
of water bodies may be suitable a high
suitable surface area on a water body proximity there is a potential for the
proportion are excluded because of
intended for scooping. The Scooping aircraft to provide numerous drops of
the annual drying cycles, shallowness,
Zones do not identify the minimum water with in one hour. There would be
obstructions that may be present
heights and distances above water a requirement to authorise the dropping
and the potential effect of prevailing
and other obstacles for entry and exit of water from the Fire Boss subject to
weather conditions to name a few.
azimuths. the approval of the respective Incident
The majority of the proponents have Controller.
presented information developed from The ability to complete a scooping
operation in any of the Zones identified The most obvious limiting factors in
desk top assessments by marketing
is provisional on many factors and is operations are the same as for all
units within their own organisation
not limited to the following: fuel uplift, aircraft, visibility and turbulence.
without ground proofing the
information they present when lobbing suppressant reservoir capacity, prevailing
with their respective aircraft. weather conditions, height of water
chop, visibility and angles of deviation
In consideration of these factors a while scooping.
conscious effort was made to ensure
that the operation of the Fire Boss The table is to be used by fire
was assessed to determine the best agencies and authorities as a guide to
operating environment. identifying suitable water bodies for
scooping operations. The selection
of the scooping zone will always be
determined by the pilot of the Fire Boss.

Provisional Scooping Zone Reference Table

Min. Length Min. Width. Water Depth
Classification. Comment
Metres Metres Min. Metres
• Similar specifications to an established sealed general
Zone A. 2000-mt. 700-mt. 3.0-mt. aviation airport.
• Limited by fuel uplift and volume of suppressant.
• Similar specifications to DSE & PV owned and
Zone B. 1500-mt. 500-mt. 2.0-mt. managed serviced airstrips.
• Limited by fuel uplift and volume of suppressant.
• Partially reduced volume of water scooped.
Zone C. 1000-mt. 300-mt. 1.5-mt.
• Limited by fuel uplift and volume of suppressant.
Table 5. Provisional Scooping Zone reference table. Source Justin Mace & Hayden Biggs.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Risk management Endorsement and
A rudimentary literature search has evaluation zones
indicated that malfunctions or human The area of operation for the Fire Boss
errors related to retractable landing during the training and evaluation
gear have been the cause of program was the regional Northern
numerous accidents and incidents Rivers area of NSW. The Fire Boss is
with the operation of amphibious located at Grafton Airport and is co-
aircraft in general. located with the Contracted NAFC &
Distraction and preoccupation during RFS NSW conventional undercarriage
the landing sequence play a prominent AT-802A, Bomber 719.
role in gear-up landing incidents that Scooping zone 1, was located on the
occur each year in the United States32. Clarence River adjacent to the township
The gear-up landing incident may also of Ulmara and was used for the aircrew
result from a mechanical malfunction training and endorsement.
that does not allow the landing gear to At the completion of the aircrew
be lowered. program the evaluation program was
The most common accident during undertaken which included the primary
amphibious airplane operations is and two additional zones, scooping
landing in the water with the wheels zone 2 and 3. Scooping zone 4 was
extended. discounted because of the width and
length of the selected site. Refer to also
There is also a very high element of to Appendix 3.
risk associated with undertaking a
scooping operation having the scooping
probes extended prior to the floats
making contact with the water surface.
An observation during the operation
evaluation indicated that the aircraft
suffered a contact shock resulting in the
aircraft “bumping” off the water and
changing direction slightly.
Additionally if the longitudinal length of
a Scooping Zone was shorter than the
minimum specifications but, it offered
generous entry and exit azimuth paths
there is a potential for inexperienced
observers to suggest that with half a
load from the initial scoop the Fire Boss
could conduct a “top up scoop” from
the same site to get a the remaining
volume to fill the hopper.
The request for a “top up scoop” would
place an unacceptable exposure and
risk on the pilot and should not be
considered at all.

32 National Transport Safety Bureau, USA.
Discussion (Continued)

Initial drop assessment The volume dropped ranged from 1200 The physical design and size of the
up 2500 litres in accordance with Wipaire’s floats have a significant effect on the
Although no formal drop assessment standard training procedures. All drops flow of air in, around and over the
was conducted with the Fire Boss it was delivered consisted of water only. surface of the floats and fuselage of
obvious that there was some significant the aircraft. The angle and depth of the
differences in the evacuation process of A considered opinion of the investigation
inboard surface areas direct the airflow
the suppressant from the float equipped officer33 after the initial observations of
into the centre of the aircraft.
Fire Boss compared to the conventional the evacuation process is that the drops
undercarriage AT-802. from the Fire Boss would be narrower, The inboard concentration of air flow
shorter and potentially producing a more contains the load to a more stable
All the drops observed during the consistent and uniform distribution of mass and prevents erosion during the
training and endorsement program coverage on the ground than those evacuation process.
were delivered almost immediately from the AT-802 with a conventional
back into the water body after the Further investigation is required to
completion of the scooping process validate the initial observations and
and clearing water surface contact. Notes assessment.

33 Hayden Biggs, Coordinator, Aircraft Delivery System

Program SAU.


Figure 2. The above images show the full salvo drop. Source Fire Boss LCC, USA.
References List of Appendices 31

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Air Tractor, Inc. Olney, Texas USA. Appendix 1 Images of Air Tractor AT 802 aircraft.
Fire Boss LCC St. Paul, Minnesota U.S.A. Appendix 2 General comparison AT-802A/F and Fire Boss AT-802A/F.
Mace Justin, R & M Aircraft. Appendix 3 Endorsement and evaluation zones Ulmara
New South Wales November 2008.
Mathisen Mark, FireBoss LLC.
Appendix 4 Examples of proposed scooping services, Victoria 2008.
Wipaire Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota U.S.A.
Wiplinger Bob, Wipaire Inc. U.S.A.
Appendix 1

Images of Air Tractor AT 802 aircraft

Air Tractor AT-802AF (1295-shp.)

Plate 25. Bomber 354 (Delatite, VIC) a standard one seat Air Tractor AT-802AF fitted with a conventional Source Bryan Rees State
undercarriage, Air Tractor FRDS and a PT6A-65A fitted with a 1295-shp turboprop engine. Aircraft Unit, Vic.

Air Tractor AT-802F (1350-shp.)


Plate 26. Bomber 351 (Stawell, Vic) a standard two seat Air Tractor AT-802F fitted with a conventional undercarriage,
Air Tractor FRDS and a PT6A-67AG fitted with a 1350-shp turboprop engine.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802AF (1350-shp.)

Plate 27. Tanker 83 (Kamloops B.C. Canada) a one seat Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802AF fitted with the Wipline amphibious undercarriage
with subsequent airframe modifications, Air Tractor FRDS and fitted with a PT6A-67AG fitted with a 1350-shp turboprop engine.

Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802F (1600-shp.)


Plate 28. Bomber 718 ( Grafton, NSW) a two seat Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802F fitted with the Wipline amphibious undercarriage,
Air Tractor FRDS with subsequent airframe modifications and fitted with a PT6-67F 1600-shp turboprop engine.
Appendix 2

General comparison AT-802A/F and Fire Boss AT-802A/F

Air Tractor AT-802A/F (1350-shp.)

Engine type PT6A-67AG

Engine SHP & RPM 1350-shp. @ 1700 RPM
Propeller (Hartzell) HC-B5MA-3D/M11276NS
Propeller diameter 115.0-in. 292.1-cm.
FAA Cert. Gross Wt. 16,000-lb. 7257-kg.
FAA Cert. Land. Wt. 16,000-lb. 7257-kg.
Empty Wt. (1-seat) 7050-lb. 3197-kg.
Empty Wt. (2-seat) 7210-lb 3270-kg.
Useful Load (1-seat) 8950-lb. 4059-kg.
Useful Load (2-seat) 8790-lb 3987-kg.
Hopper capacity 820 U.S-gal. 3104-lt.
Foam tank capacity 18.0 U.S-gal. 68-lt.
Fuel capacity 254 U.S-gal. 961-lt.
Wingspan 59.25-ft. 18.05-mt.
Length 35.7-ft. 10.88-mt.
Height 11.0-ft. 3.35-mt.
Rate of Climb (feet per minute) 850/fpm. 259/mpm.
Wing area 401-sq. ft. 37.25-mt².
Never exceed speed <12,500-lbs. 227-mph/197-Kt CAS 365-kl/hr CAS
Never exceed speed >12,500-lbs. 167-mph/145-Kt CAS 268-kl/hr CAS
Table 6. General specifications AT-802F/AF Source Air Tractor LCC USA (2008).

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802A/F (1600-shp.)

Engine type PT6-67F

Engine SHP & RPM 1600 shp- @ 1700 RPM
Propeller (Hartzell) HC-B5MA-3D/M11691NS
Propeller diameter 118.7-in. 301.4-cm.
FAA Cert. Gross Wt. 16000-lb. 7257-kg.
FAA Cert. Land. Wt. 11500-lb. 5216-kg.
Empty Wt. (1-seat) 8300-lb. 3764- kg.
Empty Wt. (2-seat) 8600-lb. 3900-kg.
Useful Load (1-seat) 7700-lb. 3492-kg.
Useful Load (2-seat) 7400-lb. 3356-kg.
Hopper capacity 820 US-gal 3104-lt.
Foam tank capacity 74-US-gal 280-lt.
Fuel capacity 380-US-gal 1438-lt.
Wingspan 59.25-ft. 18.05-mt.
Length 35’7”-ft. 10.88-mt.
Height 16’2”-ft. 4.93-mt.
Wing area 401-sq ft². 37.25-m².
Rate of Climb (feet per minute) 670-f/pm 204 mt/pm
Never exceed speed <12,500 lbs. 184-mph/160-Kt CAS 296-k/hr. CAS
Never exceed speed >12,500 lbs. 166-mph/145-Kt CAS 267-k/hr. CAS
Table 7. General specifications Fire Boss AT-802F. Source Air Tractor LCC USA (2008) and
Fire Boss LCC USA.
Appendix 3

Endorsement and evaluations zones, Ulmara New South Wales, November 2008

Aborted Scooping Zone

Secondary Scooping Zone

Primary Scooping Zone


Figure 3. Shows the Operational Base, Grafton Airport and the Clarence River with the evaluation sites. Source Google Earth

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008
Scooping evaluation zones

Primary Scooping Zone

Approx. 2000 X 280 metres

Figure 4. Site 1 Clarence
River, Ulmarra, NSW.
Not to scale
Source Google Earth

Secondary Scooping Zone

Approx. 1500 X 200 metres

Secondary Scooping Zone

Approx. 1800 X 260 metres

Figure 5. Site 2 Clarence

River, Cooper and
Brushgrove, NSW.
Not to scale
Source Google Earth
Appendix 4

Examples of proposed Scooping Sources, Victoria.


Figure 6. Lake Belfield Halls Gap, Source Fire Information Systems Group,
DSE 2009.
Grampians Western Victoria.

Figure 7. Maroondah Reservoir Healesville, Source Fire Information Systems Group,

DSE 2009.
Outer Metropolitan Melbourne Victoria.

Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker: Final Report, November 2008

Figure 8. Barwon Reservoir Otway Region, Source Fire Information Systems Group,
DSE 2009.
Western Victoria

Figure 9. Happy Valley Reservoir Falls Creek, Source Fire Information Systems Group,
DSE 2009.
North East Victoria.
List of Reports in this Series

1. 1977. A Study of the distribution of aerially applied fire 28. 1990. Fire behaviour and Fuel Reduction Burning –
retardant in softwood plantations. R. Rawson. Bemm River. A. J. Buckley.
2. 1978. Low intensity prescribed burning in three Pinus radiata 29. 1991. Fire hazard and prescribed burning of thinning slash
stand types. D. S. Thomson. in eucalypt regrowth forest. A. J. Buckley and N. Corkish.
3. 1978. Fuel properties before and after thinning in young 30. 1987. Monitoring the ecological effects of fire. F. Hamilton
Radiata Pine plantations. D. F. Williams. (ed.)
4. 1979. Using fire to reduce fuel accumulations after first 31. 1992. Assessing fire hazard on public land in Victoria:
thinning in Radiata Pine plantations. P. R. Billing. fire management needs, and practical research objectives.
5. 1979. Some of the effects of low intensity burning on A.A.G. Wilson.
Radiata Pine. P. R. Billing. 32. 1992. Eucalypt bark hazard guide. A.A.G. Wilson.
6. 1980. A low intensity prescribed burning operation in a 33. 1992. Fuel reducing a stand of eucalypt regrowth in East
thinned Radiata Pine plantation. P. R. Billing. Gippsland – a case study. A. J. Buckley.
7. 1980. Some aspects of the behaviour of the Caroline Fire 34. 1992. Monitoring vegetation for fire effects. M.A. Wouters.
of February 1979. P. R. Billing. 35. 1993. Elevated fuel guide. A.A.G. Wilson.
8. 1981. Changes in understorey vegetation in Sherbrooke 36. 1993. Wildfire behaviour in heath and other elevated fuels:
Forest following burning or slashing. R. Rawson and B. Rees. a case study of the 1991 Heywood fire. M. A. Wouters.
9. 1981. Hazard reduction burning in the Big Desert. P. R. Billing. 37. 1993. The accumulation and structural development of the
10. 1981. The effectiveness of fuel-reduction burning: five case wiregrass (Tetrarrhena juncea) fuel type in East Gippsland.
histories. P. Billing. L.G. Fogarty.
11. 1982. A fire tornado in the Sunset Country January 1981. 38. 1993. A case study of wildfire management in the Byadbo
P. Billing and R. Rawson. and Tingaringy Wilderness Areas. A.G. Bartlett.
12. 1982. A summary of forest fire statistics, 1972-73 to 1980-81. 39. 1993. Developing Fire Management Planning in Victoria:
R. Rawson and B. Rees. a case study from the Grampians. M. A. Wouters.
13. 1982. Fuel moisture changes under Radiata Pine. 40. 1993. Fuel reducing regrowth forests with a wiregrass fuel
M. Woodman. type: fire behaviour guide and prescriptions. A.J. Buckley.
14. 1982. Fuel reduction burning in Radiata Pine plantations. 41. 1993. The effect of fuel reduction burning on the suppression
M. Woodman and R. Rawson. of four wildfires in western Victoria. S.R. Grant and
15. 1982. Project MAFFS/HERCULES: the Modular Airborne Fire M.A. Wouters.
Fighting System in Victoria. R. Rawson, B. Rees, E. Stuckey, 42. 1994. Fire behaviour and fire suppression in an elevated fuel
D. Turner, C. Wood, and M. Woodman. type in East Gippsland: Patrol Track wildfire, February 1991.
16. 1982. Using fire to reduce aerial fuels in first thinned Radiata A.J. Buckley.
Pine. P. R. Billing and J. V. Bywater. 43. 1996. Fuel hazard levels in relation to site characteristics and
17. 1982. Fuel properties before and after second thinning in fire history: Chiltern Regional Park case study. K. Chatto.
Radiata Pine. M. Woodman. 44. 2004. Surface fine fuel hazard rating – forest fuels in East
18. 1983. Retardant distributions from six agricultural aircraft. Gippsland. G. J. McCarthy.
B. Rees. 45. 1998. Effectiveness of firefighting first attack operations by
19. 1983. The Bright plantation fire: November, 1982. N. Watson, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment from
G. Morgan, and D. Rolland. 1991/92-1994/95. G. J McCarthy and K.G. Tolhurst.
20. 1983. Otways Fire No 22 – 1982/83: Aspects of fire behaviour. 46. 1997. The development and testing of the Wiltronics T-H
P. Billing. Fine Fuel Moisture meter. K. Chatto and K. Tolhurst.
21. 1983. Otways Fire No 22 – 1982/83: A case study of 47. 1998. Overall fuel hazard guide. G. J. McCarthy, K. Chatto
plantation protection. P. Billing. and K. Tolhurst.
22. 1984. Forest Fire Statistics, 1974-75 to 1983-84. B. Rees. 48. 1999. Development, behaviour, threat, and meteorological
aspects of a plume-driven bushfire in west-central Victoria:
23. 1985 The Avoca Fire, 14 January 1985. P. Billing.
Berringa Fire February 25-26, 1995. K. Chatto, K. Tolhurst,
24. 1985. Fuel management in Radiata Pine following heavy A. Leggett and A. Treloar.
first thinning. P. Norman.
49. 1997. Analysis of fire causes on or threatening public land
25. 1985. Effectiveness of Fuel Reduction Burning – 10 Case in Victoria 1976/77 – 1995/96. C. Davies.
Studies. R. Rawson, P. Billing and B. Rees.
50. 2000. Assessment of the effectiveness and environmental risk
26. 1986. Operational aspects of the Infra-Red Line Scanner. of the use of retardants to assist in wildfire control in Victoria.
P. Billing. CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products.
27. 1987. Heathcote fire: Bendigo Fire No.38 – 1986-87. P. Billing.
51. 2001. Effectiveness of broadscale fuel reduction burning in 68. 2003. Effects of fire retardant on vegetation in eastern
assisting with wildfire control in parks and forests in Victoria. Australian heathlands: a preliminary investigation. T. Bell.
G. J. McCarthy and K. Tolhurst. 69. 2003. Effects of fire retardant on heathland invertebrate
52. 2003. Effectiveness of aircraft operations by the Department communities in Victoria. N. Collett and C. Schoenborn.
of Natural Resources and Environment and Country Fire 70. 2003. Effects of fire retardant on soils of heathland in Victoria.
Authority 1997-1998. G. J. McCarthy. P. Hopmans and R. Bickford.
53. 2003. Modelling transport, dispersion and secondary pollutant 71. 2004. An evaluation of the performance of the Simplex
formation of emissions from burning vegetation using air 304 helicopter belly-tank. H. Biggs.
quality dispersion models. O. D. Valianatos, K. Tolhurst,
72. 2004. Operational performance of the S-64F Aircrane
S. Seims and N. Tapper.
Helitanker – 1997-98 fire season. H. Biggs.
54. 2003. Determination of sustainable fire regimes in the
73. 2008 Underpinnings of fire management for biodiversity
Victorian Alps using plant vital attributes. G. J. McCarthy,
conversation in reserves. M. Gill.
K. Tolhurst and K. Chatto.
74. 2008. Flora monitoring protocols for planned burning:
55. 2004. Analysis of wildfire threat: issues and options.
a user’s guide. J. Cawson and A. Muir.
A. A. G. Wilson.
75. 2008. Flora monitoring protocols for planned burning:
56. 2003. Prediction of firefighting resources for suppression
a rationale report. J. Cawson and A. Muir.
operations in Victoria’s parks and forests. G. J. McCarthy,
K. Tolhurst, M. Wouters. 76. 2010. Adaptive Management of Fire: The role of a learning
network. C. Campbell, S. Blair and A. A. G. Wilson.
57. 2003. Ecological effects of repeated low-intensity fire in a
mixed eucalypt foothill forest in south-eastern Australia. 77. 2010. Understanding, Developing and Sharing Knowledge
Summary report (1994-1999). Department of Sustainability about Fire in Victoria. S. Blair, C. Campbell, A. A. G. Wilson
and Environment. and M. Campbell.
58. 2003. Effects of repeated low-intensity fire on the 78. 2010. Developing a Fire Learning Network: A case study of
understorey of a mixed eucalypt foothill forest in south- the first year. C. Campbell, S. Blair and A. A. G. Wilson.
eastern Australia. K. Tolhurst. 79. 2010. A Case Study of a strategic conversation about fire in
59. 2003. Effects of a repeated low-intensity fire on fuel dynamics Victoria, Australia. S. Blair, C. Campbell and M. Campbell.
in a mixed eucalypt foothill forest in south-eastern Australia. 80. Forthcoming. Guidelines: Facilitating Strategic Conversations
K. Tolhurst and N. Kelly. as Part of Adaptive Management. C. Campbell, M. Campbell
60. 2003. Effects of repeated low-intensity fire on carbon, and S. Blair.
nitrogen and phosphorus in the soils of a mixed eucalypt 81. 2010. Fire Boss amphibious single engine air tanker:
foothill forest in south eastern Australia. P. Hopmans. Final Report, November 2008. H. Biggs.
61. 2003. Effects of repeated low-intensity fire on the
invertebrates of a mixed eucalypt foothill forest in south-
eastern Australia. N. Collett and F. Neumann. Supplementary report
62. 2003. Effects of repeated low-intensity fire on bird abundance 1992. Ecological effects of fuel reduction burning in a dry
in a mixed eucalypt foothill forest in south-eastern Australia. sclerophyll forest: A summary of principle research findings and
R. H. Loyn, R. B. Cunningham and C. Donnelly. their management implications. Department of Conservation
and Environment., Victoria. K Tolhurst, D.W. Flinn, R.H. Lyon,
63. 2003. Effects of repeated low-intensity fire on terrestrial
A.A.G.Wilson, and I. J. Foletta.
mammal populations of a mixed eucalypt foothill forest
in south-eastern Australia. M. Irvin, M. Westbrooke, and 1992. Ecological effects of fuel reduction burning in a dry
M. Gibson. sclerophyll forest: First Progress Report. Department of Conservation
and Environment. Victoria. K. Tolhurst and D. Flinn (eds)
64. 2003. Effects of repeated low-intensity fire on insectivorous
bat populations of a mixed eucalypt foothill forest in south-
eastern Australia. M. Irvin, P. Prevett, and M Gibson.
65. 2003. Effects of repeated low-intensity fire on reptile
populations of a mixed eucalypt foothill forest in south-
eastern Australia. M. Irvin, M. Westbrooke, and M. Gibson.
66. 2003. Effects of repeated low-intensity fire on tree growth
and bark in a mixed eucalypt foothill forest in south-eastern
Australia. K. Chatto, T. Bell and J. Kellas.
67. 2003. A review of the relationship between fireline intensity
and the ecological and economic effects of fire, and methods
currently used to collect fire data. K. Chatto and K. Tolhurst.

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